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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,689,982 B2

Karmeniemi et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 8, 2014
(54) PARTICLE SEPARATING DEVICE (56) References Cited
(75) Inventors: Timo Karmeniemi, Helsinki (FI);
Jukka Tuunanen, Helsinki (FI) 4,966,618 A * 10/1990 Letemps et al. ................ 65/106
4,988,618 A 1/1991 Li et al.
(73) Assignee: Thermo Fisher Scientific Oy, Vantaa 5,318.914 A 6/1994 Matte et al.
5,458,785 A * 10/1995 Howe et al. ................... 210,695
(FI) 5,567,326 A * 10/1996 Ekenberg et al. ............. 210,695
5,779,907 A T/1998 Yu
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,132,607 A * 10/2000 Chen et al. .................... 210,208
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,409,925 B1* 6/2002 Gombinsky et al. ... 210,695
6,514,415 B2 * 2/2003 Hatch et al. ........ ... 210,695
U.S.C. 154(b) by 827 days. 6,514,416 B1* 2/2003 Harradine et al. ............ 210,695
2002fOO70173 A1 6/2002 Otto et al.
2002fOO84225 A1 7/2002 Hatch et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 10/578,861
(22) PCT Fled: Nov. 9, 2004
EP O 136 126 4f1985
JP 2-133438 5, 1990
(86) PCT NO.: PCT/F2004/OOO658
JP T-25949 1, 1995
S371 (c)(1), WO WO92,05443 4f1992
Apr. 10, 2007 WO WO94, 18565 8, 1994
(2), (4) Date: WO WO96, 12958 5, 1996
WO WO 02/066165 A2 8, 2002
PCT Pub. Date: May 19, 2005 International Search Report mailed Jul 25, 2006 in PCT/FI2004/
(65) Prior Publication Data Translation of Corresponding JP Patent Application 2006-538874
Office Action dated Nov. 4, 2010.
US 2007/0221543 A1 Sep. 27, 2007
* cited by examiner
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data Primary Examiner — Joseph C Rodriguez
Nov. 11, 2003 (FI) ...................................... 2003.1635 Assistant Examiner — Kalyanavenkateshware Kumar
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Nixon & Vanderhye P.C.
(51) Int. C. (57) ABSTRACT
BO3C I/00 (2006.01) The invention relates to a device (2) for separating magnetic
(52) U.S. C. particles comprising several Substantially aligned magnets
USPC ......................... 209/215: 209/223.1; 210/695 (3). Some of the magnets (3) are inversely oriented. This array
(58) Field of Classification Search reduces any magnetic interference with the collection area of
USPC ................... 209/213 232; 210/222, 223, 695 an adjacent magnet.
See application file for complete search history. 13 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 2014 Sheet 1 of 3 US 8,689,982 B2

Fig. 1
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Fig. 3
U.S. Patent Apr. 8, 2014 Sheet 3 of 3 US 8,689,982 B2

<C I

Fig 4. Fig. 5

Fig. 6 Fig.


Fig. 9
US 8,689,982 B2
1. 2
PARTICLE SEPARATING DEVICE FIG. 2 shows the separating device of the separating appa
ratus and separately the comb of casings and sample plate
This application is the U.S. national phase of international used with the separating device
application PCT/F12004/000658 filed 9 Nov. 2004 which FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of the separating device,
designated the U.S. and claims benefit of F1 2003.1635, dated comb of casings and sample plate in nested arrangement
11 Nov. 2003, the entire content of which is hereby incorpo FIGS. 4-9 illustrate various manners of positioning the
rated by reference. magnets in opposite directions.
The invention relates to techniques for separating magnetic The separating device of the invention comprises a plural
particles and is directed to a device used in the separation. The ity of aligned magnets Substantially in parallel, a number of
invention is applicable to various chemical methods for sepa which are oriented in the opposite direction, in other words,
rating particles from liquid mixtures containing them. 15
with the north pole of at least one magnet directed upwardly
and the north pole of at least another directed downwardly.
BACKGROUND OF TECHNOLOGY Thus, for instance, about half of the magnets may be inversely
oriented, especially with every second magnetoriented in the
Magnetic particles are employed in various methods as a opposite direction. The magnets may particularly be placed in
Solid phase on whose Surface a reaction is allowed to occur. A a matrix array comprising a plurality of magnet rows. This
particle is typically coated with a Substance having a specific allows the magnets to be positioned e.g. with the magnets of
reaction with a given second Substance. This allows separa an entire row, especially a shorter row in the case of a matrix
tion of this second substance from a mixture in which it is not shaped as a square, all oriented in the same direction.
contained. Developments of various different combinations are also con
The particles usually need to be separated from the reaction 25 ceivable.
mixture after the reaction. This has been conventionally done The invention provides the benefit of the magnets interfer
by removing the reaction medium from the vessel and by ing less with particle collection from the collecting areas of
leaving the particles in the vessel. adjacent magnets. In particular, it reduces particle adhesion to
WO 94/18565 discloses a method and a device for sepa the side walls of the separating vessel. In fact, the inventors
rating particles by removing them from a vessel. This is done 30
have found that, because the fields formed of equally oriented
with the aid of an elongated remover comprising a magnet magnets reject each other, the fields of the magnets in the
located within a casing and movable in it in the longitudinal border Zone are slightly tilted towards the border areas of the
direction. As the remover is introduced into a mixture with the magnet matrix due to the rejecting effect of the magnets in the
magnet in lower position, the particles adhere to the Surface of central area. Inclined magnetic field beams tend to act also on
the remover and can thus be removed from the mixture. By the neighbouring vessel, thus binding part of the particles of
contrast, as the magnet is pulled into upper position, the the adjacent vessel to the vessel walls. These particles are at
particles are detached from the surface of the remover. The risk of not being collected by the magnet specific to this
device may comprise a plurality of removers operating in vessel, and there will thus remain uncollected particles in the
parallel so as to allow simultaneous treatment of a plurality of well. With the magnets positioned in the opposite direction in
samples. WO 96/12958 discloses a similar remover, whose accordance with the invention, the magnetic fields will be
magnet has a length Such that only the lower pole of the fixed between the magnets. With the magnetic fields locally
magnet collects particles. Such separating techniques have
also been commercially implemented in the KingFisher(R) fixed, the magnets will not generate a far-reaching rejecting
separating devices of Thermo Electron Oy, Finland. These effect, and the collection will be locally defined to the vessel
devices comprise a plurality of removers disposed in parallel, 45 located at the magnet.
with their magnets oriented in the same direction, i.e. with The invention also provides other, partly quite different
similar poles always oriented in the same direction. advantages. Firstly, the effect of external disturbing factors
will decrease. Magnetic materials outside the magnet matrix
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION (tracks, motors, box structures) tend to act on the inclination
50 of the field beams generated by the magnets. The field of
A separating device as defined in claim 1 has now been magnets oriented in the opposite direction will be fixed
invented. The other claims define some embodiments of the between the magnets, resulting in a decrease of such interfer
invention. ence. Secondly, a weaker magnetic field will now act outside
In accordance with the invention, the separating device the separating device. This reduces any interference with
comprises a plurality of Substantially aligned magnets in par 55
other apparatus. This also facilitates protection during trans
allel. Some of the magnets are oriented in the opposite direc port. Air transportation, for instance, is subject to specific
tion. This array reduces the effect of the magnets on the upper limits for the magnetic field generated by the freight.
separation areas of adjacent magnets. Magnetic fields might also cause interference with for
The greater the number of magnets included in the sepa instance therapeutic devices such as pacemakers. Thirdly,
rating device, the more useful the invention. 60
magnets will be bent to a lesser extent under the action of
DRAWINGS attractive forces of the free poles of adjacent magnets with
alternating pole directions than they are under the action of
The accompanying drawings pertainto the written descrip repulsive forces of like poles.
tion of the invention and relate to the detailed description of 65 Magnets are usually united into one single piece, called a
the invention given below. In the drawings, magnet head. The magnet head may be disposed vertically
FIG. 1 shows a separating apparatus of the invention movable in a separating device.
US 8,689,982 B2
3 4
Each magnet head may have a casing in which it is mov The magnets 3 of the magnet head 2 are positioned with
able. The casings are also usually joined to form one single some of the magnets turned in the opposite direction. FIGS.
piece disposed in the device so as to be vertically movable 4-9 illustrate such different arrays. The matrix of the magnet
under the magnet head. head comprises eight horizontal rows (A. . . H) and twelve
The magnets may especially be elongated so as to allow Vertical rows (1 ... 12) corresponding to the micro plate.
particle collection on the tip of the separator (cf. WO In FIG. 4, every second magnet is inversely oriented.
96/12959). The ratio of the length to the thickness of the In FIGS. 5 and 6, the magnets are disposed inversely row
magnet may be e.g. at least about 2:1. Such as at least 5:1. wise with the magnets of the shorter row oriented in same
During particle collection, the upper pole of the magnet is direction.
preferably kept above the mixture. However, conventional 10 In FIG. 7, the longer lateral rows comprise every second
short magnets are also applicable. The separator tip is pref magnet with alternating pole directions, and in the interme
erably pointed and convex (cf. WO94/18564, WO 94/18565 diate portion the magnets are positioned with alternating pole
and WO 96/12959). An agent for reducing surface tension directions row-wise, with the magnets of the shorter row
may be dosed into the mixture containing the particles, thus oriented in same direction.
enhancing particle adhesion to the separator (cf. WO 15 In FIG. 8, the magnets of the lateral rows are oriented in
00/42432). same direction and those of the remaining rows are oriented in
The magnet particles to be separated may be micro par the opposite direction.
ticles in particular. The maximum particle size is e.g. 50 um, The magnets in FIG. 9 are positioned with alternating pole
Such as 10 Jum. The minimum size may be e.g. 0.05um. The directions circumferentially.
typical particle size is in the range 0.5-10 Lum. The invention claimed is:
Particles are usually coated with a Substance having spe 1. A device for separating magnetic particles from a liquid
cific reaction with a component in the sample. mixture thereof, the device comprising:
Some embodiments of the invention are further disclosed a sample plate defining a plurality of wells for containing a
in detail below. liquid mixture comprised of a liquid and magnetic par
The separating apparatus 1 is used for treating samples in 25 ticles to be separated therefrom,
micro filtration plate format comprising 8* 12 wells with a 9 a magnet head which is movable between raised and low
mm distribution. ered positions relative to the wells of the sample plate,
The apparatus has a magnet head 2 comprising 96 elon and
gated permanent magnets 3 (length/thickness about 10:1) a plurality of Substantially parallel and individually sepa
with the same distribution as the plate, the upper ends of the 30 rated permanent magnets each having an upper end fixed
permanent magnets being joined by means of a Support plate. to the magnet head and a lower free end opposite to the
The magnets are preferably made of a material (e.g. NeFeB) upper end, the magnets being positioned relative to the
that has high remanence and coercivity. The magnet head is sample plate so that each of the magnets is aligned with
fixed to a lifting device 4, which is movable in the vertical a respective one of the wells of the sample plate such that
direction. At the same location under the magnet head a 35 movement of the magnet head between the raised and
casing Support 5 is provided, which has a hole at the location lowered positions causes the lower free end of each
of each magnet. The casing Support is fixed to a lifting device magnet to be removed from and disposed within the
6 so as to be movable in the vertical direction. A comb of respective one of the wells, respectively, wherein each of
casings 7 is disposed on the casing Support, this comb of the magnets is capable of being introduced into the liq
casings 7 comprising a plurality of individual casing wells 8 40 uid mixture contained in a respective one of the wells
for insertion of each magnet 3 of the magnet head 2. At their when the magnet head is in the lowered position thereof
lower ends, each of the casing wells 8 has a separating area to thereby separate the magnetic particles within each of
shaped as a cone with a concave surface, with a sharp lower the wells from the liquid and collect the separated mag
tip at the centre. netic particles at the lower free end of the magnet, and
The apparatus comprises a rotating tray 9 with locations for 45 wherein
sample plates 10. By rotating the tray 9, the desired plate 10, at least some of the magnets are inversely oriented Such that
whose wells have a liquid mixture containing magnetic par magnetic fields are fixed between adjacent ones of the
ticles to be separated therefrom, is placed in a treatment magnets to thereby locally define collection of the mag
position under the magnet head 2. When it is desirable to netic particles at each magnet introduced into the liquid
remove the particles from the liquid mixture in the wells of the 50 mixtures of the wells.
sample plate 10, the magnet head 2 is lowered into the comb 2. A separating device as defined in claim 1, in which about
of casings 7 and these two are inserted together into the wells half of the magnets are inversely oriented.
of the sample plate 10. The particles in the wells of the sample 3. A separating device as defined in claim 2, in which
plate 10 now adhere to the separating area of the casing wells Substantially every second magnet is inversely oriented.
8. After this, the comb of casings 7 and the magnet head 2 are 55 4. A separating device as defined in claim 1, in which
lifted together. When the magnetic particles are to be magnets are disposed in several rows of several magnets.
released, the comb of casings 7 and the magnet head 2 are 5. A separating device as defined in claim 1, in which the
lowered jointly into the wells of another sample plate 10, and magnets are permanent magnets whose length/diameter ratio
after this the magnet head 2 is lifted first, and then the comb is at least about 2:1.
of casings 7. Both in the steps of removing and of releasing 60 6. An apparatus for separating magnetic particles from a
the magnetic particles, the comb of casings 7 may perform a liquid mixture comprised of a liquid and the magnetic par
number of reciprocating movements (cf. WO 94/18565). In ticles, wherein the apparatus comprises:
FIG. 1, the treatment station comprises a plate 10 with rela a sample plate defining a plurality of wells for containing a
tively high wells, such a plate being usable especially for liquid mixture comprised of a liquid and magnetic par
performing a separating reaction. It is, of course, possible to 65 ticles to be separated therefrom, and
use also plates with lower wells, and then the casings can be a vertically movable separating device which comprises a
accordingly shorter. magnet head including several Substantially parallel and
US 8,689,982 B2
5 6
individually separated permanent magnets positioned end thereof, each magnet being positioned substantially
relative to the sample plate so that each of the magnets is parallel to one another so as to be reciprocally movable
aligned with a respective one of the sample wells of the with the magnet head into and out of a received relation
Sample plate, wherein each of the magnets has an upper ship with a respective one of the sample plate wells,
end fixed to the magnet head and a lower free end oppo wherein at least some of the magnets are inversely ori
site the upper end thereof, each magnet being moveable ented such that magnetic fields are fixed between adja
with the magnet head between a raised position wherein cent ones of the magnets to thereby locally define col
the lower free end of the magnet is removed from the lection of the magnetic particles at each magnet
respective one of the sample wells and a lowered posi introduced into the liquid mixtures of the sample plate
tion wherein the lower free end of the magnetis received 10 wells; wherein
within the respective one of the wells so that each of the the casing having the magnets received within respective
magnets is capable of being introduced into the liquid ones of the casing wells is capable of being reciprocally
mixture contained in a respective one of the wells, moved into contact with the liquid mixture contained in
wherein the magnetic particles within each of the wells the sample plate wells such that the magnet particles
are separated from the liquid and collected at the lower 15 adhere to the separating surface thereof, whereby the
free end of the magnet, and wherein magnetic particles are separated from the liquid mixture.
at least some of the magnets are inversely oriented such that and wherein
magnetic fields are fixed between adjacent ones of the the magnet head is capable of being reciprocally movable
magnets to thereby locally define collection of the mag relative to the casing such that the magnets are with
netic particles at each magnet introduced into the liquid drawn from the casing wells so as to cause the magnetic
mixtures of the wells. particles to be released from the separating surface
7. An apparatus as defined in claim 6, wherein the separat 11. An apparatus as in claim 10, wherein the magnet head
ing device further comprises: comprises a support plate, wherein each of the magnets are
a vertically movable casing which defines a plurality of joined to and extend outwardly from the support plate.
casing wells for receiving a respective one of the mag 25
12. A method of separating magnetic particles from a liquid
nets of the magnet head, wherein mixture thereof comprising:
the casing wells are positioned relative to the sample plate (i) positioning a sample plate defining a plurality of wells
wells of the sample plate such that each of the sample for containing a liquid mixture comprised of a liquid and
plate wells is capable of receiving a respective one of the magnetic particles to be separated therefrom relative to a
casing wells, and wherein 30
the magnetic particles of the liquid mixture in the sample separating device comprised of a reciprocally movable
wells adhere to a separating area of the casing wells in casing which defines a plurality of casing wells each
response to the casing wells and the magnets received having a respective separating surface and a reciprocally
therein being moved vertically as a unit into a receiving movable magnet head which comprises a plurality of
relationship within the sample wells. 35 elongate individually separated permanent magnets
8. An apparatus as defined in claim 7, in which the casings positioned substantially parallel to one another, each
are united to form one single piece. magnet being reciprocally movable into and out of a
9. An apparatus as defined in claim 1, wherein the magnets received relationship with a respective one of the casing
are elongated, and wherein the apparatus comprises a support wells, wherein at least some of the magnets are inversely
plate, and wherein the magnets are joined to and extend 40 oriented such that magnetic fields are fixed between
outwardly from the support plate. adjacent ones of the magnets to thereby locally define
10. An apparatus for separating magnetic particles from a collection of the magnetic particles at each magnet intro
liquid mixture thereof, the apparatus comprising: duced into the liquid mixtures of the wells, and
a sample plate defining a plurality of wells for containing a (ii) reciprocally moving the casing having the magnets
liquid mixture comprised of a liquid and magnetic par 45 received within respective ones of the casing wells into
ticles to be separated therefrom, and contact with the liquid mixture contained in the sample
a separating device comprising, plate wells such that the magnet particles adhere to the
(a) a reciprocally movable casing which defines a plurality separating surface thereof, and subsequently
of casing wells each having a respective separating sur (iii) withdrawing the casing wells from contact with the
face, wherein each of the casing wells is positioned so as 50 liquid mixture whereby the magnetic particles are sepa
to be reciprocally movable into and out of a received rated from the liquid mixture.
relationship with a respective one of the sample plate 13. The method of claim 12, further comprising:
wells; (iv) reciprocally moving the magnet head relative to the
(b) a reciprocally movable magnet head which comprises a casing such that the magnets are withdrawn from the
plurality of elongate individually separated permanent 55 casing wells so as to cause the magnetic particles to be
magnets, wherein each magnet has an upper end fixed to released from the separating surface thereof.
the magnet plate and a lower free end opposite the upper

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