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Lab 8 Experiment Report

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Lab 8: Basic Filters

Lab Report
Name: Caleb Swisher Date: 10/28/23

Part 1: Low Pass Filter

Question: What is the theoretically calculated cutoff frequency for this filter (show

1/(2piRC) = Cutoff Frequency

1/(2pi * 10,000 * .000000001) = 15915.49 Hz or 15.915 kHz

Table 1 – Input and output amplitudes of the RC low pass filter at different frequencies
along with the calculated gain in decibels.

Frequency vin Peak-to-Peak Amplitude vout Peak-to-Peak Amplitude Gain (dB)

10 Hz 1V 1V 0dB
100Hz 1V 1V 0dB
500Hz 1V 1V 0dB
1kHz 1V 1V 0dB
5kHz 1V 1V 0dB
10kHz 985mV 782mV -2dB
15kHz 979mV 650mV -3.5dB
17kHz 980mV 600mV -4.2dB
20kHz 941mV 501mV -5.5dB
50kHz 995mV 258mV -11.7dB
100kHz 998mV 132mV -17.57dB
200kHz 942mV 65mV -23.2dB

Question: What is the measured cutoff frequency of this filter? How does it compare to
the theoretically calculated value? Please explain any variations.

The measured cutoff-frequency would be around 14kHz since that's where a 3dB rolloff would
most likely occur. This is lower than the cutoff-frequency we calculated due to the fact that
we're using a non-ideal voltage source that provides less voltage than we expected, altering the
Vin to Vout ratio and ultimately altering our final measurement.

Paste the measured Bode plot for the circuit below.

Paste the screenshot of the oscilloscope output recording the noisy input and filtered

Sorry for the poor quality here!

Question: How does the noise at the output compare to the noise on the input signal?
Why are they the same/different?

The output signal has much less noise compared to the input signal. They are different due to
our circuit filtering frequencies around 14 kHz, improving the "quality" of the signal.

Question: Paste the screenshot of the 10kHz waveforms, and show your calculations for
gain/phase delay at 10kHz. Be sure to include the oscilloscope cursors in the figure.

Gain Reduction:

20Log(782mV/985mV) = -3.5dB

Delay Difference:

-35.456nS - (-23.810nS) = -11.646 nano Seconds

Part 2: High Pass Filter

Question: What is the theoretically calculated cutoff frequency for this filter (show

Cutoff Frequency = R/(2piL)

1000/(2pi*3.3mH) = 48.228 kHz

Part 2b: Network analyzer

⦁ Include a screenshot of the measured AC response of your filter.

⦁ Note the f3dB frequency and phase

Cutoff Frequency = 51.12 kHz

Phase = -316.45 Degrees

Question: How do the measured values compare to the theoretical and simulated values?
Why are they the same/different? Please explain the cause of any variations.

Our measured values are slightly above our calculated values, which is most likely due to our
non-ideal resistor having a slightly higher impedence, resulting in a greater measured cutoff
frequency. This difference is within an acceptable range.

Part 3: Design of a Band Pass Filter

Question: What are your two cutoff frequencies?

fL = 34kHz fH = 280Hz

Question: What are your high pass R and C values?

RHP = 568.41 Ω CHP = .000001 F or 1 micro F

Question: What are your low pass R and C values?

RHP = 4681.02 Ω CHP = .000000001F or 1 nano F

Question: Show the calculation of the resistor values from the cutoff frequencies.

1/(2piRC) = Cutoff Frequency (Fc)

1/(2piCFc) = R

1/(2pi*.00001*280) = 568.41 Ohms

1/(2pi*.000000001*34000) = 4681.02 Ohms

⦁ Include a screenshot of the measured AC response of your filter.

⦁ Note the f3dB frequencies and phases

Cutoff Frequency L = 33.52 kHz

Cutoff Frequency R = 316.85 kHz

Phase = -320.36 Degrees

Question: How do the measured values compare to the theoretical and simulated values?
Why are they the same/different? Please explain any variations. (Hint: Think about the
discharge paths that the two capacitors have and the assumptions made during the
resistance calculations.)

Our measured cutoff frequencies are relatively close to the values given, but they may be
slightly different due to non-ideal resistors as was the case before, or the fact that the second
capacitor in the circuit is discharging into the first capacitor, essentially going through the first
filter again, possibly effecting our measurements

Question: We characterize filters by their 3dB cutoff frequency which is where the power
is halved. This occurs when the voltage is decreased to a factor of 0.707 times the input
voltage. This comes from the fact that voltage and power gain have two different decibel

Why do you think there is this factor of 2 difference between the 2 formulae? (hint: Think
about the relationship between voltage and power and how exponents are handled in the
argument of a logarithm.)

P = V^2/R

Log(x^2) = 2Log(x)

Ap = 10Log((V^2/Rout)(R/V^2in))

The factor of 2 is due to the V^2 in the logorithm that then gets pushed out to the front due to
log rules

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