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Streetsboro Grant Application

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Connecting Communities Planning Grant

1. Applicant/Sponsor
Community/Agency Contact Person Phone Number Fax Number Email Address Mailing Address City of Streetsboro, Ohio Jeff Pritchard 330-626-4942 ext 128 330-626-4035 9184 State Route 43 - Streetsboro, Ohio 44241

2. Project - Co- Sponsor N/A 3. Connecting Communities Planning Study

Planning Study Title City of Streetsboro Municipal Services Complex Connection Study
The City is in the process of planning for the construction of a new Municipal Services Complex to centralize services for enhanced efficiencies. They have the availability to use one of three separate parcels for its location. The city recently contracted with a consultant to conduct a feasibility study which will assist Council in their decision making process. This recommendation will be submitted prior to the commencement of this study. Thus, the timing for a Connection Study is ideal. The decision facing the city is two-fold: where should this facility be located and what is the best way to connect citizens and other stakeholders to it by installing various forms of multi-modal transportation initiatives. The facility could combine city services such as administration, police and service at one location to enhance efficiency within city departments which will provide better services to residents. The city also desires to partner with other service providers of public transportation, recreation, social services and other related programs to create a "campus" for a centralized community services site. The city commissioned a Blue Ribbon Panel earlier this year to make recommendations to the Mayor and Council on a facility plan. One of their recommendations was to move forward with the development of a Municipal Services Complex expeditiously. Thus the timing of this Planning Study would assist the community in making the best possible decisions as to design and use multi-modal planning. Using multi-modal planning will enhance connections for not only the residents but also for those in the greater region accessing the services that will be provided by various stakeholders. 1. A planning document that will assist city officials in decision making of a municipal complex that will establish connections throughout the community to accommodate services such as transportation, recreation, social services and other related programs.

Brief Description

Summary of Expected Final Products

2. A bike and pedestrian plan to and from the selected site that using multi-modal best practices and strategies. 3. An access and circulation plan to accommodate emergency vehicles, vehicle traffic, cyclists, pedestrians, especially children. 4. A multi-purpose trail connections plan to connect neighborhoods with community amenities located at the municipal complex or other key destinations. 5. A gateway plan with way-finding signage that will be consistent through-out the community.

4. Project Map Please see attachment 1 for the Project Map

5. Describe the planning area boundaries and size. Describe the existing transportation and land use issues. Define the problems facing the area. The City of Streetsboro is located in a "cross-road" of five major thoroughfares: State Routes 43, 14, 303, Interstate 480 and the Ohio Turnpike. Because of the easy access from these five major roads, the city's development is splintered and not centered into one area. The city of Streetsboro is a somewhat of a bedroom community for the regions of Cleveland, Akron, Kent and Ravenna. The City of Streetsboro development is occurring at a rapid pace. Population has increased dramatically over the last 10 years from 12,300 in 2000 to 16,500 in 2011 or 26% increase. Residential developing is occurring at a rapid pace which increases the demand for city services. In fact, even in this challenging housing market, the city has issued 56 new housing permits for 2010. The current city facilities are not adequate for the demands of a growing community. Currently the city does not have a focal point of the community. Services are split throughout the community. The city desires to create a "sense of place" for residents to build pride in their community. The city currently has the opportunity to build a Municipal Services Complex on one of three separate parcels. The city contracted with a Consultant to study each of these sites and make a recommendation as to the best location for the creation of the Complex. This study and recommendation is expected to be completed by the commencement of this Planning Study. The city would like to be pro-active in its planning because they are moving forward with the Municipal Services Complex in 2012 and it is critical that the this type of project is coordinate with the internal and external transportation needs of the community. The three parcels that are under consideration are: 1. The existing location of City Hall located 9184 State Route 43 consisting of 0.089 acres. 2. The vacant Wal-Mart building and property location on State Route 14 in the northern quadrant of the city consisting of 18.227 acres. 3. An undeveloped parcel of approximately 108.796 acres that the city recently acquired. This Planning Study will help the city identify a transportation system that will connect citizens and other stakeholders to the Municipal Complex. Public transportation is available in the city but is very limited. Public transportation is challenging in a rural county; however it is a much needed service for our residents. The city would like to look at cost effective solutions to serve the community needs in such programs as a Park-N-Ride to serve the three metropolitan areas Northeastern Ohio. Streetsboro currently has very limited multi-purpose trails and is looking for ways to connect various routes in the community with the regional trails nearby. City Council has supported funding for city-wide trails and we are looking forward to beginning implementation during the next construction season. The regional trail connection run nearby Streetsboro and Metro Parks Bike and Hike Trail connecting just north of Kent; Freedom Trail connect Kent with Akron. The Municipal Services Complex can be developed as a hub for city services, regional social services and the neighborhoods and the larger extended community. Thus, developing efficient intra-connections and interconnections to and from the facility with neighborhoods, shopping areas, the business districts and schools is the desire of the community.

6. Define the purpose of the study and the expected outcomes (access management, streetscapes, and pedestrian facilities).

Purpose of the Study: 1. Develop a plan that creates a focal point for the community that will create a "sense of place" for all types of activities and community partners. 2. Improve the physical and social connections within the city and greater region of Portage County, various educational institutions, providers of medical services, and community organizations. 3. Identify and design ways to use various multi-modal forms of transportation to and from the Municipal Services Complex that will encourage use by residents and others.

Expected Outcomes: 1. A planning document that will assist city officials in decision making of a municipal complex that will establish connections throughout the community to accommodate services such as transportation, recreation, social services and other related programs. 2. A bike and pedestrian plan to and from the selected site that using multi-modal best practices and strategies. 3. An access and circulation plan to accommodate emergency vehicles, vehicle traffic, cyclists, pedestrians, especially children. 4. A multi-purpose trail connections plan to connect neighborhoods with community amenities located at the municipal complex or other key destinations. 5. A gateway plan with way-finding signage that will be consistent through-out the community.

7. Discuss how this study addresses the following three principles: a. Provide more transportation choices. The city would like to consider a multi-modal plan of transportation; one that considers walking, cycling, vehicles, various forms of public transit, including the possibility of a Park-N-Ride to assist residents in making connections to various services needed by residents. One of these services could encourage car pooling or the use of public transportation on residents' daily commutes to employment areas of Cleveland, Akron and other nearby cities. Another study area would be to provide alternate methods of accessing the Municipal Services Complex by cycling or walking through designated trails or bikeways. City officials believe that a multi-modal design will identify connections among modes so each can fill its optimal role in the overall transport system. Officials would like to design an efficient system that connects the various neighborhoods, schools, business centers and other sections of the community to the new Complex. The city will consider a variety of transportation improvement options, including improvements to various modes, and mobility management strategies used in smart growth land use policies. Significant impacts, including long-term, indirect and non-market impacts such as equity and land use changes, such as: congestion, traffic calming strategies roadway costs, high cost of fuel, traffic accidents, energy consumption, physical fitness and health, land use development impacts, community livability and other similar impacts.

b. Enhance economic competitiveness. Because the city embraces new business development and growth, Streetsboro has become a very desirable location to locate a business ranging from eating and drinking establishments, to retail stores to large manufacturing facilities. With the help of several large developers, Streetsboro has become the city of choice for many businesses looking to expand or re-locate in Northeastern Ohio. The city understands that it is necessary to study future growth patterns and transportation needs in order to be pro-active in planning for ways to enhance and improve the transportation system to encourage future development. Streetsboro is a strong employment and retail base. If prospective businesses begin to perceive traffic as a problem and connections that are difficult, it could be very likely to become a deterrent for future development.

c. Support and value existing communities and neighborhoods.

The majority of the housing stock in the city was build post World War II through the 1970s. Over the last 5 to 8 years, residential housing starts have increased dramatically due to the availability of large tracts of land that was once used for agricultural purposes and the availability of sanitary sewer and water lines. The city has seen a dramatic increase in housing starts over the last five years. With the development of large parcels of land by two of the largest home builders in the state, many people have realized what a great city and location Streetsboro is. The accessibility of the community to many of the large urban centers in Northeastern Ohio has helped Streetsboro's recent growth. The city desires to assimilate the new development into the community while not abandoning the older neighborhoods and business centers. The need to determine ways to enhance connections between older neighborhoods, new development with the Municipal Complex and other services is critical to the sustainability of the community.

8. Explain the public's involvement in the study. What residents or groups will be included and invited to provide input? The following plan would be used during the Planning Study. 1. The city will identify key members to work as a Steering Committee, approximately 6 to 8 people. 2. The Steering Committee will develop an outline for the planning study. 3. The Steering Committee will seek competitive bids from vendors who can assist in the planning process, design of a site and other related items. 4. The Steering Committee will work with AMATS to select a qualified consultant. 5. The vendor will be engaged to work with the Stakeholder Committee and the city on the process. 6. The Steering Committee will seek input from various stakeholders in the community and schedule several focus groups to engage various groups in the process. Some of the stakeholders that will be invited are:
AMATS; PARTA; Streetsboro Chamber of Commerce; Property owners that own large parcels or affected property owners; Portage County Officials; Streetsboro City School Officials; Portage County Engineer; ODOT representative; Community non-profit organizations that provide social services; Representative of Portage County Job and Family Services; Key industrial/commercial or residential developers; Metro Parks; City Council Representative; City Planning Commission representative; and City Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee representative.

7. The city will assist the vendor facilitate these focus groups. 8. The vendor may also conduct individual interviews to ensure input from critical partners. 9. The Steering Committee and vendor will determine the priorities of the city and make recommendations on a potential site for the municipal complex. 10. The Vendor will then develop concept plans for the selected site for a municipal complex. 11. The city will present the proposed plan to the Planning Commission for further input. 12. The city will present the plan to City Council for additional input. The city will provide the following services as in-kind contributions to the study. The city will coordinate meetings relative to this Planning Study and will treat the process as traditional public meetings; this means they will be advertised accordingly, documented by minutes and coordinated with other city functions. The city will dedicate a page on the city's website to the process of the study, results and meetings; Information on the project and dates of meetings and results will be included in the monthly newsletter that is mailed to residents; Regular updates on the Planning Study will be presented at City Council meetings; Presentation of incremental and final results of the Planning Study at Planning Commission and City Council meetings. If recommended by the Steering Committee, the city may develop a city-wide survey using an online tool such as Survey Monkey in order to solicit public comments on various aspects of this study.

9. How will your community plan to implement this planning study? Describe potential funding sources that could be used for implementation. Once the Planning Study is complete, the recommendations will be presented to the Mayor and City Council for implementation. It would be our recommendation that the implementation will be broken into three categories: 1. Securing Commitments from Partners, 2. Identifying Future Strategies and collaboration between city departments; and 3. Funding Strategy.

Securing Commitments from Partners The city will need to continue discussion and negotiations with the various community partners that were identified during the Planning Study. Once the city has identified the various stakeholders and potential partners, they will be able to discuss programs they want to make available and thus the type of facility that will be needed to meet their needs. The stakeholders who desire to be part of the Municipal Services Complex will need to make a commitment or sign a Letter of Intent as to the scope of services they will offer and any financial or in-kind commitment they might be able to make to the project.

Future Strategies After the Planning Study is complete, the city will need to: Work with the Engineering Department to implement design standards to ensure and new roads or redevelopment of roads allow for multi-modal uses; Request Council begin to budget for construction of multi-purpose trails; Apply for grants and other revenue sources for construction of the trails; Amend the Zoning Code and Land Use Plan, as needed, to promote multi-modal connections; Work with the Parks & Recreation Committee to integrate programs with the facilities; Discuss the various projects with the Finance Director and Finance Committee to identify the best way to fund the highest priority ventures. Develop a system of collaboration between city departments to coordinate service delivery.

Funding Strategy Once the scope of the project is determined and partners are identified as to any financial assistance with the project, a funding strategy will need to be prepared. There are various options for funding a municipal services complex, multi-purpose trails, signage and other amenities that will be identified in the Connections Study: General Obligation Notes, Revenue Bonds, Dedicate revenue from city income or property taxes, Dedicate revenue for roads and trails; Grants from public entities, such as ODNR for multi-purpose trails; Grants from private foundations; Loans from public entities, and other such sources; and Contributions from various partners that will be located at the Complex.

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