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Prof. N.S.Srinivasan, Chairman, Transport Advisory Forum, Chennai


Problems of cities have existed from times immemorial. Solutions to problems have
been based on current perceptions. Every generation works with the tools developed by
it. Planners in the past had to make a good deal of use of their intuition. Our generation
makes a greater use of mathematical and statistical techniques. With the help of these
techniques, the real situation is perceived as closely and minutely as possible. In the
context of transportation, this is all the more relevant. Transportation however is the
base not the bias. The transportation should be integrated in the planning process and it
is one of the many aspects of total planning in which all aspects interact, influence and


2.1 Present planning

In India, it is only now that integrated planning is really making headway in our
metropolitan cities. By and large, in most of the metropolitan cities and in all the non-
metropolitan cities where plans have been, or are in the process of preparation, the need-
based approach is followed. The land use or the Master Plan for the horizon year
considers short-falls and anticipates need on the basis of simple trends of extrapolation
which are programmed usually for quinquennial period of implementation. Unit
standards still form the basis of infrastructure and community facilities requirements.
Integration of activities is attempted in a hierarchical settlement pattern self-sufficient
within the scale of functions. Review of plans is however absent in most cases as also is
updating. Horizon years come and go but the once prepared Master Plan goes on for
ever or so it seems. Sanctioning and statutory enforcement take so long as to invalidate
many of the assumptions. New plans are started ab initio. A fundamental constraint to
leave the “existing area alone” negates the fundamental philosophy of planning, in fact
makes a mockery of the “integrated approach”. Plans by and large emerge as successive
cataloguing of shortfalls.

Planning effort in transportation has been the rudimentary arterial circulation proposals in
the land use plans. Even the widths of the right-of-way and carriageway are never
realized. No strip acquisition is done on the existing roads. Lower categories of roads
are not considered in planning and development. Efforts are made in a few cities to
optimize the road-based mass transportation and also introduce high capacity rapid mass
transport system.

2.2 Constraints

There are a number of criticisms of the present approach, some of them valid. There is
for example no clear cut enunciation of precisely „who‟ is the client for the innovation.
However, the procedure involves set of alternate plans and economic criteria can be
modified to consider „social goals‟ also with the itemization of client groups, the range of
conflicts and the socially „best‟ solution. There is also certainly a good deal of truth in
the criticism that the predictive procedure ignores pedestrian traffic, intra-zonal traffic
and frustrated travel demand. The early transportation plans did indeed idealise existing
travel patterns to assess future requirements and above all a significant bias was seen in
favour of individual (personalized) transport to the neglect of mass transportation.
Criticisms of the reliability of the collected data and the effectiveness of the predictive
techniques to simulate reality are more fundamental. Certainly planners have for long
been pressing for a centralized agency for collection and storage of data.


3.1 Decentralisation of activities

The raison d‟etre of a city is the fact that the multifarious activities are clustered together
and people do not have to go large distances in pursuance of these activities. The fact of
minimal transport is implicit in the functioning of a city. Increasing distances, increased
problems of travel, congestion, delays and accidents and increasing cost of travel are a
pointer that strategies are required to be evolved so that the primary function is fulfilled.
Out of all the types of trips according to purpose, the most inelastic are the work and back
home trips from work which have to be performed in any case. Much of the exercise so
far has been to bring people to jobs. It is time now that jobs are taken to the people.
More generally activity areas have to be made proximal to residential areas. Activity
land use location has acquired a new dimension and the neighbourhood concept deserves
attention. Compartmentalised land use zones must give way to integrated sectors with
facilities like hospitals, schools, post offices and shops in residential areas near job

Scientific decentralization of all activities must be the order of the day and judicious
mixture of land uses is required. Within a metropolis, small cities or sectors have to be
created and made self sufficient in the hierarchy of all functions. The metropolitan core
consists of city level functions only. The focus of activities must be removed from the
main centre to the sub-centres. This technique of non-transportation means to solve
transportation problems should be encouraged.

3.2 Halting further densification of city core

The central part of the city occupies a very important position in the land use map of a
city and is characterized by dense land use development and very high land values. Due
to its central location and dense development, it attracts huge volumes of traffic. Studies
have shown that about 40 percent of all the passenger trips of a city have origin or

destination at the core area. With the increasing concentration of activities in the core
areas of the cities, the volume of traffic to and from the city core is bound to increase and
immobilize traffic conditions. From the point of view of traffic circulation, the city
centre should have ease of access and the internal movement should be safe and
convenient. At present, the roads do not satisfy either of the functions properly. Under
the existing conditions, the accessibility is seriously hampered. Most of the main arterial
roads in the metropolitan cities have volume capacity ratio in the range of 2 to 3, and
hence it is difficult and also costly to augment the capacity of arterial road corridors.
The remedy is to provide high capacity mass transport system on selected corridors with
a network concept, but this is very cost intensive. So the experience has shown that the
cities have become liabilities rather than assets. Any attempt to further intensify the
land use of these corridors will be suicidal, as there will not be any reserve capacity in the
system to meet even the normal growth of traffic taking place in the cities. In view of
the above, there is an urgent need for halting further densification of the core areas of the
city and evolve planning solutions at the city and regional levels. Only this can save the
city core from the chaotic traffic conditions of the type witnessed today.

3.3 Restrictions on metropolitan growth

The burgeoning growth of our metropolitan areas is due to large scale migration. The
growth rates of metropolitan cities over and above urban and national growth rates testify
to this. It is well nigh impossible to restrict the natural growth of population within our
metropolitan areas. Short of draconian measures it is equally impossible to turn back
migrants. We must use non-metropolitan means to solve the metropolitan problem.

There have been attempts at restricting metropolitan growth. All our States have certain
disincentive schemes to prevent further industrial growth in larger cities or belts along
with incentive schemes for backward districts. However, improper implementation has
nullified the effects. Markets and skills have not been developed commensurate with
requirements. This is because all the inputs have not been provided for sustained

3.4 Economic factor

The problem of augmentation of supply of transport and all other facilities becomes
increasingly difficult because of continual increase in demand. At one stage, cost of
addition and maintenance of services is far in excess of any tangible and intangible
returns expected from it. Introduction of services in small and medium sized towns costs
far less but has greater returns. Inputs of growth must be provided in such towns,
together with shifting some of the activities from metropolitan cities. These towns will
be able to attract migrants away from metropolitan cities. It is true that counter magnets
have so far been unsuccessful. However, I doubt if we can honestly say that counter
magnets have really been given a chance to develop. Simultaneous decentralization and
growth inputs could provide socio-economic stability to both metropolises and small

3.5 Prevention of migration

The integrated approach also calls for non-metropolitan methods to solve metropolitan
problems. The source of migration is our villages and for various reasons village people
migrate to the largest city in the region in the expectation of livelihood. Natural increase
in rural population, farm labour redundancy and lack of gainful employment in the
villages force people to leave. We have spectre of village problems causing people to
leave thereby denuding the villages and migrating to cities, which results in urban
problems. Hence economic inputs must be introduced in villages so that people move
only by choice and not by compulsion. To provide these inputs, transport links to these
villages is the prerequisite.

3.6 Urban policy

Whenever a facility is provided, activities reorient to take advantage of the facility. Just
as one facet of the problems cannot be tackled without creating or intensifying other
problems within the metropolitan cities, so also the problems of metropolitan cities
cannot be tackled in isolation. They have to be dovetailed with an overall human
settlement or urbanization policy. If conditions are improved in our cities, it will attract
yet more people. That is what is in fact happening. For the deprived villager with no
work, cities at least offer some hope of job opportunities. A simplistic corollary would
be to suggest that the cities be left as they are and villages be tackled. But to argue in
this fashion would be to negate centralized markets, education and technology. The
whole spectrum of human settlements must be tackled to produce a viable rural-urban
continuum. Transportation can help to a great extent in the development of hierarchical
human settlements.


Transport has contributed largely to the growth of metropolitan cities. The lack of it has
contributed largely to the problems. A balanced approach is needed to solve these
problems. High capacity rapid transit within and in peripheral areas of metropolitan
cities have the capacity to attempt solutions. Spatial reorganization using the modern
techniques has to be to be tried out.

Ultimately we have got to learn to live within our means, especially in metropolitan
cities. More and more, cities and conglomeration of cities have to plan on the basis of
resources they can generate with marginal assistance from the State. Salvage
programmes tend to perpetuate.

At the government level, it must be clear that viable metropolitan areas are inextricably
linked with viable hinterlands. Use of transportation to achieve an interlinked scale of a
hierarchy of human settlements is important to achieve a viable rural-urban continuum.
Economic inputs along with transportation links must form a part of the urbanization
policy. In fact, there can be no planning of metropolitan areas without planning of
medium and small towns and rural areas.

Urban Transportation Infrastructure:
Challenges and Opportunities
Case Study: Comprehensive Transportation Study for Mumbai
Metropolitan Region (MMR)
P.R.K. Murthy, Chief, Transport & Communication Divisions, MMRDA

1. Background
In 2001, about 286 million persons (27.8% of total population) were living in urban areas and it
was the second largest urban population in the world. The urban population is expected to rise to
about 38% by 2026 (534.8 million). Urban India will continue to concentrate in 1 million and
above cities, as number of these cities will increase from 35 to 61 during 2001-2026. As per UN-
Habitat (2008), eleven cities, namely, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Kolkatta, Chennai, Hyderabad,
Mumbai, Pune, Surat, Jaipur and Kanpur will have population over 4.0 million by 2025 and these
Mega cities will have total population of 127 million (over 24% of total urban population). India
has to improve its urban areas to achieve objectives of economic development and creating
sustainable humane habitat. Huge investments, institutional reforms and efforts from political,
bureaucratic, technocratic and private systems are required in India‟s urban sector.

Most of the cities in India have been facing urban transport and other infrastructure problems for
last many years, affecting the mobility of people and economic growth of urban areas. The
Government of India approved the National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP) in April, 2006 to
address the issues of transportation problems of urban areas. The policy primarily focuses on the
mobility of people not the mobility of vehicles. This requires the public transportation system to
be more attractive to use. The challenge for improved public transport is to provide good quality
service at an affordable price. All the million plus cities needs one or the other forms of public
transport systems or combination depending on the size of the city/ region to contain the traffic
congestion, reduce the pollution levels, providing affordable, safe and secure transport facilities.

Mumbai, the financial capital of India has witnessed phenomenal growth of population and
employment during the last few decades. Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) is one of the fast
growing metropolitan regions in India which extends to 4,355 Population and employment
(formal and informal) of MMR assessed for the year 2005 is 12.9 and 7.9 million respectively.
The region comprises 8 municipal corporations, 11 municipal councils (Vasai and Virar
municipal councils and other few villages together has been made as municipal corporation
recently) and 996 villages. The dominant feature of the passenger movements in Mumbai is
overwhelming dependence of the traveling by foot and public transport modes. In MMR, public
transport systems are overcrowded and the road network is congested as there is a large gap
between the demand and supply.

The Government of Maharashtra through MMRDA with technical assistance from World Bank
under MUTP has has carried out Comprehensive Transportation Study (CTS) for MMR known as
TRANSFORM (TRANSportation Study FOR the region of Mumbai) with prime objective of
identifying travel pattern of residents in MMR and recommend long term comprehensive
transportation strategy for MMR up to 2031. Further Business Plan has been carried out
addressing the other infrastructures needs of MMR (Water Supply, Housing, Solid Waste
Management, Power, etc.) for the horizon period upto 2021. These studies have been concluded
in 2008 and 2009 respectively.

Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has carried out Comprehensive
Transportation Study (CTS) for MMR also called as (Transportation Study for the
Region of Mumbai) during 2005-2008 to assess the long-term (2031), medium-term (2021) and
short-term (2016) transport infrastructure needs of MMR, institutional framework and resource
mobilisation for transport infrastructure delivery.

In this paper, the Challenges MMR facing and brief details on Comprehensive Transportation
Study carried out during 2005-08 towards evolving transportation plans for the horizon period
upto 2031 and other recommendations of the study have been presented.

2. Challenges facing MMR

The major challenges to achieve the prime objective “Transforming MMR into a world class
metropolis with a vibrant economy and a globally comparable quality of life for all its citizens”
are presented in the following sections.

2.1. Physical Challenges

Difficult Landform and


The MMR is geographically

very diverse with relatively
narrow valleys and shoulder
plains sandwiched between the
ocean, estuaries, rivers, creeks
and hill ranges. As various
generations built bridges,
particularly the railways, the
urban structure took the initial
form of linear communities,
along the railways, acting
almost as umbilical cords. Then

50 km
road bridges replaced ferries, but the linear urban form prevailed. The core of the city is an island
connected to mainland through limited number of linkages. The immediate suburban areas are
divided by the Sanjay Gandhi National Park as well as several rivers, lakes and creeks. Other
municipalities in the region are spread over a very large area. While some, such as Thane and
Mira-Bhayandar are contiguous with the urban structure of Greater Mumbai, others, such as
Bhiwandi and Vasai depend on single or very few transport linkages with Greater Mumbai.

There are a number of other municipalities, whose connectivity with rest of the region ranges
between these two extreme examples. Also, there are many hilly areas as well as large creeks
which cut across the region. The initial impression is a region full of almost insurmountable
constraints. On the other hand, as compared to other similar regions, this diversity makes MMR
unique and interesting. Many other large metropolitan regions, which have grown from a port
base, have had to contend with a difficult typography and were forced to build major civil
engineering structures to more fully integrate physically separated land masses. In many respects
MMR has not faced up to this stark reality and this has resulted in extreme crowding and
congestion. addresses these issues that will become even more pronounced as
the region rapidly reaches the forecasted population of 34 million by 2031.

Scarcity of Developable Land

While the gross land area of MMR is large, encompassing some 4,355 sq. km, only about 12.5%
of this land can be categorized as being potentially developable. Some 1,134 are under the
jurisdiction of various municipalities and their respective development plans, spread over various
geographically diverse areas ranging from wetlands to mountains. The existing built-up area is
about 418, leaving a balance of the 718 However, since this also includes water
bodies and green zones, the actual developable land within municipal boundaries is about 168
sq,km. Further potential urbanisable zones, identified in Regional Plan for 1996-2011, under two
categories i.e., U1 and U21, contribute another 182 and 180 respectively. In total, this
means that there is about 530 of land, which is currently deemed suitable for future
development, or a mere 12.5% of the total MMR land area. Within Greater Mumbai 41% of 438 land area is considered as “No Development Zones” for a number of reasons largely
related to environmental constraints or for park/open space preservation. There is less than 10 of designated land yet to be developed in Greater Mumbai.

State of Good Repair and Functional Efficiency

A high priority needs to be given to maintaining existing transportation systems in a state of good
repair and functional efficiency. Funding to achieve this objective is rarely adequately budgeted
as the same agencies have responsibility for both maintaining and expanding the systems. In this
competition for funding, good repair typically loses out to system expansion. In MMR, the state

U1 zone covers areas where more intensive urban development and economic activity is expected in future. U2 zone has areas which
have potential for urbanization. It includes lands within 1 km on either side of important roads and within 1.5 km radius from railway

of good repair and functional efficiency of the transportation systems have reached crisis levels.
Regional infrastructure is unsafe and of low quality, and is very counterproductive to the
aspiration of being world class. But perhaps more important, the inadequacies impose severe
stress on the travelling public, undermining the health and well-being of MMR‟s greatest
strength, its people. The poor state of infrastructure is already leading to the worst signs of
demand suppression. Crowding on suburban rail coaches is worse than standards specified for
transporting animals in the same system. As for safety, on an average day, 15 persons are killed
on the road and rail systems, predominantly on the suburban rail network. This loss of life is
deplorable and can be largely attributed to overcrowding. Some investments are now being made
to improve service levels on the rail network but these will not significantly redress the present
deficiencies. Perhaps the most impressive characteristic of the suburban rail network is its
reliability, its speed and very low fares.

Road transportation is no better with traffic snarls and all day congestions. Despite this, between
1991 and 2005, there has been an increase of 140% in the number of cars and 300% in the
number of two wheelers on the road. And there are no indications that the desire by the public to
own vehicles is diminishing.


Functioning transportation networks are crucial in times of natural and other calamities including
floods, earthquakes and terrorist attacks. There is no element of redundancy in the existing
systems and it is only with the heroic efforts of operating staff that disasters are so well mitigated.
Existing public transport and road network in MMR is composed of long uni-dimensional
corridors without adequate alternatives to fall back upon in case these arterial communication
lines are severed.
A level of redundancy in the network can go a long way in ensuring a quick recovery in case of
disaster by ensuring that supply lines are not completely cut-off. This aspect has been taken into
account while framing the future transportation network for the region under .
2.2. Social Challenges


With more than 50% of population living in slums and working in the informal sector, the region
presents formidable social challenges as well. In many respects, MMR consists of many different
social and economic strata each having distinct transportation needs and aspirations. It is now
recognized that in large urban areas, governments have to attempt to provide transport choices
with a “public transport first” agenda. However the maintenance and management of an efficient
road network is also critical for the social and economic functioning of the city. Achieving the
right modal balance is a key investment issue that has been addressed in .

In terms of governance, while Greater Mumbai is under a unified and strong municipality
(MCGM), the rest of the region comprises many heterogeneous urban, semi-urban and rural areas
governed by a range of urban local bodies. To tie together transportation needs of such diverse
groups along with keeping up with the aspiration of the region present challenges of its own
including the need to maintain social inclusion. The regional transport needs are large and fiscally
demanding, which may call for institutional restructuring to deliver the . This is
not to suggest that the present governance arrangements in the MMR should be radically
changed, but that a different overarching mechanism needs to be put in place to plan, finance,
build and operate regional scale and regional level functioning transport systems.


There is no other metropolitan area in the world that has such a large and diverse socio-economic
milieu as MMR, particularly the number of poor residents. This is a manifestation of the
historical magnetism of MMR in attracting rural populace from across India. This, coupled with
unaffordable and restricted supply of housing, has resulted in large increase in slum population
over last 20 to 30 years. household surveys (2005) indicate that, about 41.3% of
the population of MMR lives in slums. This slum population of about 8.6 million people in about
2.0 million households represents an enormous housing deficiency in the Region.

Slum dwellers are an integral part of the economic and social fabric of MMR. Rising education
standards and income levels of slum dwellers over the next 25 years will inevitably materialize
into a generational shift in housing from slums to regular, more permanent accommodation. This
shift will be accompanied by increased demands for motorized travel with more people working
in formal sectors. Predicting these generational socioeconomic changes, is a key factor in travel
demand forecasting for the Region.

2.3. Economic Challenges and Opportunities


Greater Mumbai, a major part of MMR, is the largest city of India and sixth largest in the world.
It is also the densest city of the world due to many people living in slums or slum like conditions.
In spite of this, MMR has a unique role to play in the economy of the nation as country‟s most
important financial centre and one of its most important service and logistical hubs. It contributes
a disproportionate share to the national GDP, thus benefiting the whole country. Income of
MMR2 was estimated to be about INR 1295 billion in 2004-05 which comprised 40% of the state
of Maharashtra. Per capita income, at about Rs 45,000 was three times that of an average Indian
in the same year.

The economic data (national accounts) are available for administrative districts. MMR comprises the districts of Greater Mumbai and parts
of Thane and Raigad. Data for precisely defined MMR are therefore not available. Hence, the income of Greater Mumbai, Thane and
Raigad districts have been considered for calculation of MMR income.

It is estimated that the region has a population of 20.8 million (2005) and employment of 7.6
million. By 2031, this population is expected to grow by 1.5 to 1.7 times and employment by 1.9
to 2 times, making MMR world‟s second largest metropolitan area. By estimates of M/s
PriceWaterhouseCoopers made earlier this year, Greater Mumbai ranks 37th richest city of the
world with a total income of US$ 126 billion (in PPP terms) (Figure 1). Further, the same study
observes that by the year 2020, Greater Mumbai will improve its position to 24th richest city of
the world with an estimated income of US$ 300 billion 3.

9 Philadelphia USA

28 Minneapolis
12 Dallas/Fort

19 Sao Paulo Brazil

23 Madrid Spain

30 Rio de Janeiro
8 Mexico City

31 Barcelona Spain

37 Mumbai India
10 Washington DC

32 Shanghai China
33 Melbourne
5 Paris France

36 Singapore
20 Seoul South

38 Rome Italy
34 Istanbul Turkey
35 Denver USA
3 Los Angeles USA

16 Atlanta USA

24 Seattle USA
13 Buenos Aires

25 Moscow Russia
15 San
7 Osaka/Kobe

26 Sydney
14 Hong Kong
6 London UK

11 Boston USA

17 Houston USA

21 Toronto Canada
18 Miami USA

22 Detroit USA

29 San Diego USA

4 Chicago USA

27 Phoenix USA
1 Tokyo Japan
2 New York USA

Source: UK Economic Outlook, March 2007, PriceWaterhouseCoopers

Figure 1: Estimated Total income in Year 2005 of top 38 cities (Billion US$ in PPP terms)

Even in per capita terms, it was estimated that Greater Mumbai had a per capita income of about
US$ 6000 in the year 2005, highest in India or any other country in the SAARC region.

Competitiveness Issues

Status of the region as a financial centre and

economic engine is fast eroding due to 60
expensive housing and poor quality of transport 50
and other infrastructure. If the region is not 40

able to keep pace with the rest of the cities of 30

country, it will fast lose the status it has
enjoyed, making it go through the vicious circle 0
Mexico City

Sao Paulo

Buenos Aires


of economic decline and lowered quality of life.


New York



Catching up with world cities is still a far cry.

Even with this scenario, no organisation is
responsible for planning for economic growth Source: UK Economic Outlook, March 2007,
of the metropolis at an appropriate metropolitan PriceWaterhouseCoopers
scale. Constitutionally, all ULBs are Figure 2: Estimated income Per Capita in 2005 in
Selected Major Cities (000’ US$ in PPP terms)
responsible for social and economic growth in
their areas. But with backlog of infrastructure deficiency and limited capacity, they are generally

UK Economic Outlook, March 2007, PriceWaterhouseCoopers

busy catching up on the shortfall. As of now, even basic statistics on economic parameters,
which are important for measuring competitiveness, are not available for MMR. This is because
these parameters are reported at district level, and the boundary of MMR does not match with the
boundary of any of its constituent districts.

Many of the challenges associated with maintaining competitiveness are closely related to the
physical challenges. Chronic shortage of affordable housing as well as a state of bad repair of
metro‟s infrastructure remains the main stumbling blocks for MMR to continue as the preferred
choice for doing business. Already, existing leading cities of the world have started taking note of
the growth and impending competition. Thus, competing with world cities will continue to be a
challenge for MMR.

2.4. Institutional Challenges

The recently completed Business Plan for the MMR observed that there is no strong metropolitan
agency in MMR. For a metropolis aspiring to be world class in a short time frame, this presents
the most formidable challenge. It becomes all the more challenging when the absence of a strong
metropolitan level organisation is coupled with presence of too many not-so-strong ones.
The MMR comprises various habitations of varying sizes. It is governed by a multitude of Urban
Local Bodies (ULBs) responsible for these different areas, posing enormous coordination issues.
About twenty municipal corporations and councils govern major urbanised parts of MMR. Rural
areas are governed by village level bodies that are coordinated by district level coordinating
authorities. While most of the urban habitations are contiguous, there are few small ones that are
interspersed in the region. Contiguous parts are recognised by the Census of India as Greater
Mumbai Urban Agglomeration for reporting demographic statistics.

Physical development plans are prepared independently by each of the ULBs. At the
metropolitan level, till recently, planning is being done by MMRDA, an authority created in early
1970. As of now, metropolitan planning is to be done by a “Metropolitan Planning Committee
(MPC)” assisted by MMRDA although no working MPC has come into existence as yet. It is be
noted that there are also “District Planning Committees” (DPC) to plan for the entire districts. In
MMR there are some full and part of districts. DPC relationship with MPC or MMRDA is not so
far clear.

About ten different departments of the provincial government and eight ministries of the federal
government are directly responsible for providing various social and physical infrastructures in
the MMR. Many of these have either exclusive or overlapping functions with ULBs and
MMRDA. Till recently (upto 2003), MMRDA was restrained from doing any development work
in area under Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai. Thereafter, although it did act
proactively in the area of transportation, many hurdles still exist to let it function as a true
coordinating authority at a metropolitan level.

2.5. Financial Challenges

In spite of Greater Mumbai being the 37th richest city of the world, it lacks resources for creation
and upkeep of matching transport infrastructure. MMR may need in the range of US$ 25 to 30
billion by the year 2016 to have a world class transport infrastructure, necessitating expenditure
in excess of INR 3 billion every year till 2016. (This has to be seen with the approximate size of
MMR economy with income of INR 20 billion).

Compared to this, overall capital expenditure of all the ULBs in MMR in the year 2006 was about
US$ 420 million. MMRDA contributes about US$ 5 million every year. World Bank funding
under the project, Mumbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP), amounts to US$500 million (out of
total project cost about US$ 945 million) over a six year period from 2002 to 2008 (averaging
about US$ 160 million per annum).

It can be quickly seen that the sums are small in comparison to the requirement. The recently
concluded Business Plan for MMR identifies problems related to sources, collection as well as
utilisation of funds. Sources are limited to octroi (dependent on buoyancy of economy) and
property tax (tagged to the rate and base revision because of restrictive laws such as Rent Control
Act). In addition, there are inefficiencies in collection. Even the capacity to borrow gets
restricted due to laws restricting base revision. ULBs are not allowed to borrow on the strength
of their balance sheets.

The Business Plan Study also mentions problems related to utilisation of funds and highlights
issues such as weak internal processes for project identification, preparation and tender approvals.
MMRDA‟s own balance sheet is about US$2 billion with more than half of it in bank deposits.
Borrowings are insignificant. Funds are not leveraged to secure resources from the capital market
at competitive rates, a necessity to increase the rate of investment in infrastructure.

Funds created by MMRDA to lend to ULBs remain unutilised to the extent of 50% due to lack of
bankable projects, limited debt servicing capacity of ULBs and unwillingness to levy and collect
user fees. Further, funds of MMRDA are mainly from leased land that is not a very buoyant
resource. Development Charge, which can form a sustainable source of revenue, cannot be
collected by MMRDA, since it is not vested with the power to do so. Only special planning
authorities are allowed to collect development charges.

A good development in recent years is that MMRDA has acquired expertise in putting together
public transport projects in PPP format. This is a potent method of attracting private equity on
the basis of its own participation. But, overall, financial scarcity as well as structuring is likely to
remain one of the major challenges in implementation of the proposed transportation plan.

2.6. Transportation Challenges

To support the anticipated scale of economic development there are many inter-related transport
challenges. The first challenge is to improve MMR‟s public transport system to accommodate the
growth of population and employment and consequent travel demand4. This can be achieved by
capacity enhancements to the existing suburban railway system; creating new metro corridors;
connecting major existing and planned activity centres of the region; providing exclusive bus
lanes to reinforce rail based transit with a higher order road based public transport system. Transit
First is therefore considered as the guiding principle in preparation of transportation plan for

The second challenge is to create a hierarchical system of roads and freeways to meet a wide
spectrum of travel desires, including goods vehicles and the projected large increases in traffic
entering and leaving the MMR.

The third challenge is to structure the most effective institutional arrangements to efficiently
implement the proposed regional transport plan in a timely and prioritized manner. An integral
part of process is the mobilization of resources from traditional as well as new funding
opportunities. International experiences in resource mobilization did provide useful insights into
successful financing mechanisms.

3. Comprehensive Transportation Study for MMR

The Comprehensive Transportation Study (CTS) for the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) or
(Transportation Study for the region of Mumbai) articulates a vision for MMR's
future transportation as a seamless, integrated system, in which commuters can make their
journeys throughout the region safely and conveniently by various modes of transport with strong
emphasis towards public transit. outlines long term (2031), medium term (2021)
and short term (2016) transportation strategies and guidance necessary to attain this vision.
is an initiation from World Bank and MMRDA to formulate comprehensive
transportation strategy for the metropolitan region. MMRDA with technical assistance from
World Bank under MUTP embarked on . It has been over 25 years since the last
comprehensive regional transport study is undertaken for the region. This study has provided
insight to the current challenges of commuting in MMR, addressed the issues and prepared an
infrastructure and investment plan for the next few decades.

stresses the need for MMRDA‟s continuing efforts and expanding on its
commitment recognizing the varying needs and priorities of different transportation users, in
developing MMR‟s major transportation infrastructure. by recognising the
significance of transport for the economic growth and social well-being of MMR, proposes
developing integrated multi-modal transportation system. It advocates focusing on the,
development of metro corridors throughout the region, optimising and expanding the suburban

Total travel during morning peak period (6:00 to 11:00 AM) is expected to increase from 4.75 million motorized trips to 10.00 million trips by 2031.
Most of these trips need to be supported by public transport modes.

rail network and reducing sub-human crowding conditions and providing an integrated network
of access controlled highways. strongly supports increased cooperation and
coordination by all the transportation providers in the MMR and emphasizes the need to be
sensitive to the people and environment. Suggestions are made for more immediate solutions to
current mobility problems to improve the existing transportation network's efficiency, reliability,
and cost effectiveness that are currently impairing the region's prosperity and well-being of its
citizens. It advocates increased participation in transportation decision making by regional and
local authorities and public. It encourages Public Private Partnerships (PPP) that can help to meet
the travel investment needs of the future.

Addressing the above, the plan formulation work is undertaken and salient
features of the study is presented in the following sections.

3.1. Travel Demand Modelling and Analysis

Forecasted population and employment figures for the year 2031 are 34 and 15.5 million
respectively. If account is taken of the need to provide new housing for slum dwellers and the
expected growth in population, this shall be equal to almost the existing population of MMR,
existing population of Mexico city, existing population of Greater Seoul, 1.5 times population of
London. As part of the study, the major surveys carried out are Home Interview Survey (66,000
sample size), Road Network Inventory Surveys (2,300 kms), Outer Cordon/ Sub Regional
Cordon/ Inner Cordon/ Mid-block count surveys (93 locations), Rail Passenger surveys, Speed-
Flow surveys (for developing Volume-Delay functions for 16 carriageway types), Terminal
surveys, Journey Speed Surveys (550 kms), IPT surveys (50 locations), Pedestrian count surveys
(50 locations), Workplace Surveys (5000 sample size), etc. and collected secondary information
on transport systems operating in MMR. Based on these surveys, a database on household socio-
economic and travel characteristics of the region has been prepared for detailed travel demand
modelling to study the future transport network requirements of the MMR.

Population and employment figures for the horizon years 2021 and 2016 have been estimated
based on the likely growth of different clusters of the region during the planning period 2005 to
2031. Travel demand for these years has been estimated similar to the procedure adopted for the
horizon year 2031. The travel demand of the year were assigned on to the resilient transport
network proposed for 2031 and network was pruned wherever the flows are well below the
established capacity criteria and proposed transport network for 2021 has been arrived. In the
process, some of the metro corridors which were proposed for 2031 were proposed to be
Exclusive Bus Lanes on the nearest parallel highway corridors for the year 2021. Similar
procedure was followed for identification of the required transport network for the horizon year

3.2. Proposed Transport Network and Broad Cost Estimates

The proposed metro, sub-urban and highway network for the horizon year 2031 is 450, 241 and
1740 kms respectively. The proposed transit and highway network for the horizon year 2031 is
presented in Error! Reference source not found.. The total cost of transport infrastructure for
the horizon year 2016, 2021 and 2031 is approximately INR 1.33, 1.63 and 2.08 lakh crores
respectively estimated @ 2005-06 prices. The details are presented in the following table.

2008- 2031 2008- 2021 2008- 2016

Component Length Cost Length Cost Length Cost
km Rs Crores km Rs Crores km Rs Crores
Metro System 450 1,10,095 316 82,707 204 59,623
241 30,978 231 28,670 231 27,920
Railway System
Highway System 1660 57,412 1114 44,844 836 31,173
Corridors with 77 1,670 111 2,000 147 11,079
Bus System 4,280 2,150 1,104
Passenger Water
480 480 480
Truck Terminals,
Inter-Bus and 3,040 2,038 1,126
Rail Terminals
2,07,956 1,62,890 1,32,504
Total 2,429 US $ 50.72 1,772 US $ 39.73 1,418 US $ 32.32
Billion Billion Billion

Capacity & Safety Enhancement Measures
The proposed capacity and safety improvements under short and medium term transportation
strategy are addressed through the following measures:

Maintain high priority for implementation of suburban rail improvements including station modernization;
Widening of roads to meet traffic requirements;
Strengthening of roads and removal of right-of-way encroachments to fully utilize the traffic carrying capacity of
regionally significant roads and provide safe and unrestricted public footpaths;
Improve overall network continuity by removing bottlenecks or constructing a missing system links;
Intersection improvements and traffic signal installations including modern corridor traffic control systems;
Grade separation of major intersections where at-grade improvements would be inadequate;
At-grade and grade separated pedestrian facilities particularly in the vicinity of rail stations and transport
Provision of protected raised footpath facilities on either side existing major road corridors;
Full grade separated railway crossings for vehicular traffic (ROBs/ RUBs); and
Grade separated crossings for pedestrian traffic (FOBs/ Subways) to minimize pedestrian trespassing across rail
corridors or at high intensity pedestrian corridors and major roads.

Traffic Management Measures

Public transport (bus) priority, optimisation of traffic signals (i.e. coordination of traffic signals), installation of
traffic actuated signals, etc. to improve traffic system capacity, quality and safety;
Demand management measures (parking controls) to secure maximum social value from network use; and
Improving the enforcement efficiency and incident management capability.

Station Area Traffic Improvement Measures

Improving the access to the sub-urban railway stations;
Enhancing the parking facilities;
Providing pedestrian walkways; and
Improving the pedestrian circulation and free-flow within the station area by providing additional FOBs.


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