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Legends Legacy Player's Guide

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This entire publication is trademark/copyright Mutante Entertainment, LLC. © 2014.

No material within may be reproduced in any form or way without express written permission from
Mutante Entertainment, LLC. The system, characters, world or races explained herein may not be
used for any purpose other than sanctioned Legends Events.
Charles Holloway, Steven Patten, Marcus Higuchi, Steve Manuel, Susan Alexander,
Domingo Silva, Robert Dorn, Carrie O’Brien, and Mark Holloway
Carrie O'Brien and Justin Lemist
Please contact Legends Roleplaying by visiting or emailing us at

Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3
Safety ................................................................................................................................. 4
Character Creation ............................................................................................................ 5
Character Race .................................................................................................................. 7
Aknorian, Al Hadim ............................................................................................. 8
Galenese ............................................................................................................... 9
Bear Tribe, Raven Tribe .......................................................................................10
Leopard Tribe, White Snake Tribe .......................................................................11
Tor Arbreth, Tor Aquillon, Tor Lanencrest ..........................................................12
Tor Loch Maben, Tor Morbihan, Tor Iberica ......................................................13
Okian, Dwarf .......................................................................................................14
Half Elf, Kia .........................................................................................................15
Skills ...................................................................................................................................17
Core Skills ..........................................................................................................................19
Advanced Skills ..................................................................................................................27
Playing the Game ...............................................................................................................33
Legends Laws .....................................................................................................................34
Appendix ............................................................................................................................43
Things you need to know ......................................................................................43
Weapon Building ..................................................................................................44
Shield Construction ..............................................................................................45
Camp Mat Sword Construction ............................................................................47
An Introduction to Live Action Role-Playing

*6&:!& Live role-playing is a cross between tabletop role-playing
!#$& games and improvisational acting. The central idea is
interactive role play, where you take on the persona of a
%-!..& character you create. You become your character acting as
0!& they do. Your character and those of other players become
part of a story in our world. Remember our story is
improvisational. It is like being in a play where most of the
)&$0*$& actors don't have scripts, and the few that do, know only a
*/3& few lines. We do this so that players have free will.
Those characters who have no script are player characters (PCs.) PCs are the people who pay to

come and play our game. People who know only a few lines are the non-player characters (NPCs)
played by the game cast members. They are under the guidance of the Event Director (ED).
All characters have defined personalities
which guide their actions. They also have skills and
abilities, which are governed by our rule
0*$&6'5&.,;!1&K"&$0*$&)!*(%&6'5M/!&*&$/*3,$,'(*.& system. Our rules are designed to allow everyone to
compete and enjoy our game equally. This helps augment the abilities of people who are not
proficient in the skills in our game. For instance, it doesn't matter that Sue Smith, the player, is not
talented with swords. As long as she can swing a foam weapon, her character can become as skilled
as Conan. All skills are quantified into rules that represent the character's improving abilities.
Remember we expect everyone from player to cast to actually play their characters. Keep this in
mind when you create the character you wish to bring to the Frontier. Staying in character and in
game is one of the paramount rules of Legends.

The Legends Difference


Legends is a fantasy live action role
(3&$7'&)'/!&45),$#6&>T@1 playing game (LARP). However Legends is different from other
LARPs because our rules are specifically designed and tested to be simple and easy to learn. Legends
is an immersive game where the rules do not get in the way of your play experience. Most of our
first time players quickly learn the essential rules. Our method of game play happens organically
allowing the players to guide the course of events. Choice is at the core of all of our gaming. The
open system and player driven plot allows players to choose any path or skill for their character. Our
goal is for all our players, new and veteran, to immerse themselves in our world quickly and easily.

“If you want to see LARP at its best, then Legends is the place to be.”
~~metagame magazine
Preparing for the event weekend
1. Read the character creation section of the rulebook. Then create and log into an account at Now build your character.
2. Become familiar with the rules. Make sure you have a working understanding of the Things You
Need To Know. Occasionally take time after an event to review the rules.
3. Though Legends Legacy takes
!"%3),7!'*!()3$*7.-&&!"%3),7?@!'*!(-0"'*/!0',&"*%0"$1 ! place in ancient times, we still have modern amenities: such as hot
showers and plumbing. Below
is a list of things you might want to bring to make your LARP
experience more pleasant: 1&!
-*3',! * Toiletries * Towels * Bug spray * Sunscreen * Extra weapons
#*'5,! * First Aid kit * Medications * Extra money * Writing materials
>! * Weapon repair materials * Bedding or sleeping bag * A Rulebook
#"@! * Clean Clothing, additional socks and undergarments.
1$*! * Extra costuming in case of inclement weather
%."!),! * Food and Drink: Tavern has beverages and some food available
* Game props, decor, and battery powered lighting for your cabin

! ! >'"-.!6$,7"#
! ! LMN=OON!
• Safety
9-0$@!$"0E?! ! is our first priority.
! • No
! fires unless in approved fire rings. Do not leave any fire unattended.
! ! LPN=PQN!
! • Alcohol
! or illegal drugs are NOT allowed at any event. Violators will be expelled.
! • No
! one under 18 years of age may play without a waiver and accompanying guardian.
! ! PQN=OON!
?! ! • All
! weapon
!!ON=TPN! hits must be light taps.
• Any physical contact between two players is limited to what the other player will allow.
• It is against game-play to grab weapon or shield during combat and move it aside to deliver a strike.
• For safety reasons the closest you may get to an opponent is weapon striking distance.
• It is never permitted to hold a door shut in any way.
• Carrying
"0#!'*!3),1!'"#$*! someone should always be simulated
• Persons wearing a 1!('*!0'93-"!
!5$-+',*/!9%&"!3$!),1)H)1%-../!0.$-*$ white or yellow armband are non-combatants. To attack a person wearing such
an armband, walk within striking distance, point your weapon, and say “Attacking you 1, attacking
you 2, attacking
$,!',$=#-,1$1!-,1!"5'=#- you 3.” This renders them unconscious.
• Legends
-,1!"-+$!',./E! strongly encourages all players to carry a small flashlight for emergency use.

Caution & Emergency
These terms are used to alert those around you of a danger that impacts game play.
Caution is use to warn players of a potential hazzard. i.e. “Caution, you are about to fall off a cliff.”
Emergence is used when someone is injured and needs attention. All game activity stops until the
Emergency is cleared. i.e.“Emergency! Tim just fell off a cliff!”



Character Creation
There are many different approaches to creating a character. Some
&# people prefer to start with an exemplary character from literature or
film adapting it into the medieval renaissance fantasy world of Legends.
If you start this way, you can choose how you want your character to be
&/9(# similar to, and different from the inspirational character. We want you
to emulate the character and not imitate the character.
With this idea in mind Legends discourages players from taking character names directly from
outside sources. Meeting a wizard named Gandalf or Elminster, or a barbarian named Conan or
Kull at Legends diminishes the realism of our game. You may safely assume the people involved in
Legends are knowledgeable regarding classical and fantasy literature, and cult television and movies.
On the other hand, some people prefer to start with a broad image of their character and allow
the game to develop the character’s personality. Perhaps you wish to choose a broad character
concept, then take your time to paint in the details which make your character unique. Consider













the questions below if you choose to take this direction with your character.

What do you enjoy doing? How do you make a living?

What is your basic outlook on life? Where are you from?
By what sort of values do you live? What is your family background like?

What traits describe you? What are your goals?

How honest are you? What is your name?
How selfish are you? What sort of clothing and/or armor do you wear?

How loyal are you? What sort of weapons, if any, do you carry?
How important is wealth to you? Why are you going to the Frontier?
How do you feel about magic? With whom are you going to the Frontier? Why?
How do you feel about violence? How do you really feel about your companions?
How do you feel about helping others? What is the flight velocity of a laden swallow?
Keep in mind that you will be spending your weekend in the skin of ?!"%'%&?*$(1*G+",,*G/'",1%-*'4*670*/$<"*&/"*+37&"#&'7(*74*

this new person, living life as they do. Some players prefer to create a %+",,*&/$&*/'&%*6709*:70*;0%&*1"#'1"*5/"&/"3*&7*17*%7*
general picture of their character, and add details after playing the game &/"*%+",,2*#,"$3,6*%$62*?3"%'%&?*$(1*#$336*7(9*L73;$,,6*
once or twice and learning how to integrate more fully into the game &';"9*
world. For this reason, Legends permits players to completely rebuild the #7;+7("(&%*&/$&*#$(*8"*,"$3("1*74*$(1*470(1*'(*&/"*
character they are playing at any time up until, but not including, their #7;+7("(&%*473*6709*:70*#$(*,"$3(*;73"*$870&*&/"%"*
fourth event of playing the character. This can include the character’s I7,73"1*1'%=%-*K(*&/"*)$;"*&/"3"*$3"*#7,73"1*1'%=%*5'&/*
race, history, name, and the skills you've chosen. The only exception to ;$)'#9*K4*670*$3"*$(*"'17,7(*$(1*670*$3"*+3"%"(&"1*
this rule is being Aknorian. 0-&%%'01"&%/'$#&'<"*7(*6703%",42*670*;$6*0%"*'&*&7*3"%'%&*
Creation Process
There are several steps to creating a new character at Legends but you do not have to follow them
in any particular order. For example, it is perfectly acceptable to write a character history first
before choosing your skills or race. The order outlined is just one suggested method to creating a
character. To begin creating a character at Legends there are several things you must consider.

What race will you select?

Legends offers a variety of races and sociologies to either
fit a character concept you have in mind or help spark one.
Some of the races and sociologies may be familiar.
What path will you tread?
As your character attends Legends events you will be
able to shape their capabilities by who you interact with
while playing and how you spend earned points.
The choices you make determine the costs of the skills available to your character. We are an open
skill system and all skills are available to everyone, but not all costs are equal. It may be helpful to
choose some goals for your character to help guide your decisions.
Choose your Archetype: Adept or Hero
This is a major decision for your character that is locked
Types of Points once chosen. The choice affects the cost of your characters
Character points (CP)
skills. Adepts are proficient with magic, and find pursuing
Earned by writing PELS & attending events
Work Points (WP) such knowledge easy in comparison to physical training.
Earned by donations & working logistics. Whereas the opposite is true for a Hero. Skills are divided
Events Attended (EA)
Only Earned by Attending Events into Abilities, Talents, and Spells. For definitions,
examples, and costs of each see the skill charts.

Skill Types
Core Skills are available to all characters provided they have the required character points for
their purchase. Every starting character begins with 100 character points and 1 vitality.
True Skills characters may select and purchase from a limited core list and mark that purchased
skill with the tag of True. The True Skill purchased refreshes five minutes after it is used. All other
skills on the list are now unavailable for purchase for that character.
Advanced Skills represent a significant investment in the game of Legends, in the form of time
and effort. These skills are a more powerful set than the core list and require not only character
points, but work points and events attended to purchase.
Special and Vocation Skills Legends offers opportunities to earn unique skills not listed on the
core and advanced lists. Such skills are discovered through in game research, training, and plot.
These skills become available once a player purchases the vocation skill and trains in a vocation.
Character Race
Legends takes a unique approach to this part of the character creation
process. Areth is a world with a vast array of amazing cultures. We believe
the only true determining factor for choosing a race should be the culture
which speaks to the individual player. As you read the racial and social
descriptions consider which culture inspires you to immerse yourself into the
game to improve your experience. By choosing and playing a culture to its
fullest extent, you are not only increasing your enjoyment of the game, but
the enjoyment of the other players. They will have more fun interacting with
your character if you are true to the culture.
Your decision will determine your place of birth, perhaps your ancestry, and a flavorful jumping
off point to help you write your character history, but not necessarily how you act, or think.
Only you can decide that. There are no prerequisites to playing any starting player races in
Areth. Below are some guidelines to assist you in determining which race is a good fit.
1) what costuming appeals to you.
2) geographical lures
3) a favorite book or movie scene, world or character you want to emulate.
4) what accent your character may have (though an accent is never required at Legends)
5) play style might be a consideration; like if you are a group or solo orientated person.

Note: While mixed-race characters exist, every mixed-race character has a dominant
side. The only exception being half elves as they are considered a distinct race.

Races of Areth
Aknorian Barbarian Half Elf
Galenese The Six Tors Dwarf
Alhadim Okian Kia
Character Race Descriptions
The following are brief descriptions of the character races and societies available to starting
players. Legends permits more experienced players the ability to purchase the exotic race skill,
which allows the playing of one of the many other races in Areth. For more detailed
information on all races see the Legends Guide to Areth.

The Aknorians are descended from an ancient race of seers from the rocky
island of Aknor. The most well-known fact about Aknorians is that they seldom
return from the Realm of Death, that is, they die only once. Perhaps this is
reason most Aknorians generally pursue the gentler vocations, and tend to
distance themselves from people of other races. Although there are exceptions.
Aknorians are an ancient and knowledgeable race which start the game with 250 CP. All points
must be spent on character creation to reflect this more advanced knowledge. Any ‘remade’
characters must spend all CP when remaking to an Aknorian. Additionally Aknorians are born
with one Boon from Death. Traditions tell of Aknorians using their Boon to request a return to the
land of the living, while others speak of more creative desires.
Racial Restrictions: Aknorians may not take advantage of the ‘grace period’ to remake their
The Alhadim are from the desert lands of the south and southern continent.
Their culture places great value on family and trade. Alhadim merchants travel
throughout Areth with caravans, doing business with any and all comers. The
Alhadim people garb themselves in flowing robes. The color of their clothing
ranges from a simple white to garments dyed with elaborate colors or patterns.
The Alhadim have negotiated a unique contract with Death. Upon dying, the eidolon of an
Alhadim does not travel to death on its own. Instead, their corpse lies in place until someone carries
it to Death to bargain for their life. If no one carries them to Death, the corpse remains there until
the end of game day, or until the player decides to “give up the ghost” and start a new character.
Should the player give up the ghost, they must report to logistics and the ED will place an Alhadim
skull token in game. If your token is found, it can be brought to death by someone and the
bargaining can commence. Those who carry an Alhadim to Death should keep in mind that
crossing the portal of Death even with permission, means forfeiting your life in addition to waiting
Death’s judgment of your bargaining. It is known that Death often demands a quest of the
Alhadim as payment for restoring them to life. Performing this task may curry favor with Death,
failure to complete it may have dire results.
Racial Restrictions: A player choosing and playing this race, cannot make the journey to Death on
his own, he or she must be carried to Death and their life bargained for.
The Galenese culture derived from a penal colony created by the six Tors on
the rocky island of Aknor. In time the Galen brothers forged a country, giving
that country their patronymic. Galenese are an assertive goal oriented people.
Dividing themselves into houses, the Galenese are ruled by a High Council of representatives from
the five Great Houses of Galen. House Galen sits as head of the council effectively controlling it,
thus ruling all of Galen. The other four Great Houses are Jonas, Erin, Barlow and James.
Racial Restrictions: None

House Galen
Named for the founder of the nation, who, with his brother helped the society flourish. Many
mysteries and stories surround House Galen, such as the tale of Lord Wynter, if you believe in
such things. The current ruler of the House and all of Galen is Rafnein Galen.

House Erin
Conner Erin rules House Erin with a velvet fist. His deft administration keeps his house a close
second to House Galen. Some believe it is just the way Conner intends it. Many secrets are kept
by House Erin, but the reason for Connor’s success is no secret. Well known for his vast network
of spies, it is said that no gull sets down on the Isle of Aknor without his knowledge... or say so.

House Barlow
House Barlow has the strongest ties to the indigenous people, the Aknorians. Though each house
is advised by an Aknorian Seer, Barlow takes great interest in the southern sides of Hinden with
its rocky caverns and now dormant volcanoes. Vartan Barlow rules the House.

House Jonas
Keepers of the Law of Galen, House Jonas is charged with the policing of its peoples, streets and
docks. The Legendary “Headsman’s Axe” is an heirloom of this house. Guarding the heirloom
and ruling the house is Alicia Jonas, daughter of the invalid Wilhelm Jonas.

House James
How this house has remained a Great House in the Galenese government has mystified many for
years. Ruled by a vain and incompetent woman who is commonly referred to as Matron Liz.
Though calling her that to her face may get you imprisoned or worse. The last and best hope of
House James lies with its heirs, the twin adolescent sons of Elizabeth James.
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o 81%,'3$*2'-1%'!"#$%&'&+*!!'/"('/(%%7' Barbarians
' are Four main tribesK$(:$(*$2&' of Barbarians: the Bear, Leopard, Raven, and Whitesnake. Each are
found 81%(%'$(%'-1(%%')$;"('-(*:%&'"/'K$(:$(*$2&L'-1%'K%$(4'@$5%24'$2<'C1*-%'M2$+%7'A!!'-1(%%'#")%'/(")'-1%'
in different areas of Areth. '
They are ancient peoples with a culture steeped in traditions
2"(-1%(2' /!$2+&' "/' -1%' .%&-%(2' A23%(*2%' T"02-$*2&7' 81%*(' #0!-0(%&' $(%' $-' "2#%' $2#*%2-' $2<' -($<*-*"2U:$&%<7'
which hail
N$#1' -(*:%' back
*&' 02*I0%' to$&' the
-"' *-&%!/4' dawn
$(%' 6%"6!%' /(")' -1%'of time.
<*//%(%2-' Tribal
8"(&7' 81%' and-(*:%&'
K%$(' $2<' @$5%2' familial
$(%' 3%2%($!!,'ties are highly valued, and most are
unfamiliar with or reject “technology.”
Racial Restrictions: None
"/' -1%' 8(*:%&' 1$5%' $2,-1*23' -(0!,' (%&%):!*23' $' #%2-($!*X%<' 3"5%(2)%2-J' %$#1' #!$24' &%#-4' "(' 2$-*"2' !""+&' $/-%('
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The Bear Tribe culture resembles that of the Native North Americans. They
''81%' K%$(' 8(*:%' #0!-0(%' (%&%):!%&' -1"&%' "/' -1%' W$-*5%' W"(-1' A)%(*#$2&7' 81%,' $(%'
/"02<' *2' found
-1%' 6!$*2&' in"/'the
$2<' 1*!!&' plains$2<'and
-1%' 2"(-1%$&-4' hills
$(%' +2".2' of <%%6'
/"(' -1%*(' the&6*(*-0$!'
northeast, and are known for their deep
spiritual connections to the land. The people of the Bear believe the land is a
-($<*-*"2&' "/' #"))02*23' .*-1' -1%' &6*(*-&' "/' -1%' $2*)$!&4' !$2<4' .*2<4' $2<' &%$' $("02<'

partner in survival, rather than a force to be conquered. Shamen of the Bear

Tribe are renowned for their ability to commune with creation. They often
5$(*"0&' 2$-*"2&' "/' -1%' K%$(' 8(*:%' $(%' 2")$<*#4' -($5%!*23' .*-1' -1%' 3(%$-' :%$&-&' -1$-'
embark on vision quests, traveling off alone to fast and await the vision.
The Bear are a sturdy people who live by the hunt. As nomads they travel their range following the

beasts which sustain them. The 13 Bear Tribe nations are organized by familial ties and are lead by
an elder with great wisdom with the assistance of a council of great warriors and shaman.
5**#$!"#$3*"'$3'!#.8$6(!5.$ !"#$/'!%&').$ 5*)"$ !.$%)*+&-'.$!"#$ .-9".$*/$.%!%,.$ 5-%&-"$'!6&$"!%-*"=.$)!"<.0$>.$
Bear Tribesmen dress in the cured hides of the beasts they hunt. This varies from season to season
and location to location. The leather @!4'.$and furs are adorned with wood and bone beads,
5-%&-"$%&'$1'!)$2)-3'$.*,"#$*##(7$#'.6)-+%-:'$%*$*,%.-#').A$5-%&$"!4'.$ or claws.
Additionally, feathers and other trophies are worn status symbols. As trade with the west has

broadened, cotton and wool fabrics are now seen among their garb. People of the Bear are given
x G!6-!($1'"'/-%.H$
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descriptive names like ‘Laughing oFox’ and1*"'.$
O!.%-"9$ ‘Dancing Hawk‘
JP"'$ ,"#-)'6%'#$ Having
-.$/0#$ +')$ Q:'"%0$no
2&'$written language,
+(!7')$ .&*,(#$ they 3*"'.$
)*('R+(!7$ %&)*5-"9$ pass*"%*$ !$
on their history through oral traditions, and images painted on cave walls and in their dwellings.
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Raven G!:'"$2)-3'$
$$G!:'"$ 2)-3'$ 6,(%,)'$ 3'!).$ !$ )'.'43(!"6'$ %*$ %&!%$ */$ %&'$ I*,%&$ >4')-6!"$ !"#$
Raven Tribe culture resembles5!.$%&'$G!:'"$5&*$*)-9-"!((7$#'.-9"'#$%&'$6!('"#!)$%&!%$5'$"*5$%&-"<$*/$!.$
that of South and Central American natives. It
*)-9-"!%-"9$ /)*4$ %&'$ ><"*)-!".8$ %&!%$ /-).%$ #':'(*+'#$ 5)-%-"98$ !"#$ %&!%$ %&'7$
is believed the Raven were the5')'$%&'$/-).%$%*$*+'"$+,3(-6$.6&**(.$!:!-(!3('$%*$!(($*/$%&'-)$+'*+('.0$U"$/!6%8$-%$
original designers of the calendar we think of as
6*,(#$ 5'(($ 3'$ %&!%$ 4,6&$ */$ 5&!%$ -.$ 6*".-#')'#$ B6-:-(-V!%-*"=$ 3'9!"$ 5-%&$ %&'$
the Aknorian calendar. It is also believed
G!:'"$ 2)-3'8$ 3,%$the
%&'7$Raven first
&!:'$ .-"6'$ developed
.%!9"!%'#8$ writing,
!((*5-"9$ %&'$ and
2*).$ !"#$ *%&')$
were the first to open public6*4+('%'(7$
"!%-*".$ %*$ It ,+$
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is #':*%''.$
!"#$ quite %*$possible
'6(-+.'$ %&'-)$ '!)(7$ that
I*4'$ .'6%.$ !)'$
!$ +)-"6-+('$ *)$ ('!#')$ !"#$ .&!)'$ (-%%('$
began with the Raven Tribe, but has since stagnated allowing the other nations
to surpass their early achievements.
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The Raven are the most territorial of the barbarian tribes. They are found in the south central
lands of Areth. While their lands are ill defined to others, the Raven are quite aware of the
boundaries, and they tolerate no trespassing. Some sects among the Raven have descended into the
worst forms of brutality and barbarism. The Raven Tribe sects have built stone cities across their
lands in the shadow of the Darkened Mountains. High walls protect inhabitants from other sects,
x G!6-!($1'"'/-%.H$
and lakes are farmed for food. Within each city is a grand pyramid, where seasonal ceremonies are
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observed. The Raven trade precious9!-"$!"$!##-%-*"!($X$1()$0()2$/*)$%&'$Q:'"%0$QD!4+('H$U/$7*,$"*)4!((7$&!:'$X8$7*,$"*5$&!:'$SY$J/*)$%&'$
metals and cocoa for goods and cotton.
o 2&'7$4!7$+')/*)4$!$G-%,!($E!"6'$*"6'$+')$':'"%$%&!%$&'!(.$%&'4$%*$/,((0$
Leopard Tribe culture resembles that of African and Australasian natives.
These tribes are found in the unexplored jungles adjacent to the Alhadim lands.
While the Leopard is one large nation, they group themselves into villages.
Each village has a chieftain who leads the village. Occasionally one village wars
upon another. Over the years the villages have developed their own traditions.
The Leopard do not trade with the Alhadim, sharing a fractious relationship with those people. To
endure the heat, they wear little clothing, and that is limited to furs. They adorn themselves with
wooden carvings and piercings. Many have elaborate tattoos to identify family, clan, or village.
They are experts with spears and short bows.

!!+#&! ./0%/,&! 12! %#&! "#$%&! '()*&! %,$-&! -&),3! )! ,&3&4-0)(.&! %1! %#)%! 12! %#&!
The culture of the Whitesnake tribe resembles that of the Germanic tribes of
&)3%&,(! -),-),$)(! %,$-&3! 12! 5),%#! #$3%1,6! 7+#&! 8/(39! %#&! :$3$;1%#39! %#&!
<3%,1;1%#39! %#&! :)(=)039! 1,! %#&! >/,;/(=$)(3! 7! $(! 3#1,%9! )(6! ?-),-),$)(3@!
Europe. The Whitesnake are often at war. Be it with a different race or with a
%#)%! %#&! 41,&! .$E$0$F&=! 12! %#&! "#$%&! '()*&! .0)(3! 1G&3! %#$3! 2).%! %1! %#&$,!
#)E$(;! .1(H/&,&=! 314&! 10=&,9! 41,&! )=E)(.&=! .$E$0$F)%$1(! $(! %#&! B)3%! 7! 12!
different clan. The battle loving people are quick to fight, due to the diverse
+#&! "#$%&! '()*&! ),&! 12%&(! )%! G),! G$%#! 1(&! ,).&! 1,! )(1%#&,9! &$%#&,!
%#&43&0E&3! 1,! G$%#! 1%#&,3! $(! %#&! 1/%3$=&! G1,0=C! +#$3! $3! 0$*&06! =/&! %1! %#&!
nature of the clans and the self serving desires of their Jarls.
=$E&,3&! ()%/,&! 12! %#&! E),$1/3! .0)(3! G$%#$(! %#&! %,$-&I! %#&! )331,%&=! .#$&2%)$(3!
Whitesnake mingle with peoples outside their borders more than any other barbarian and consider
'()*&! #)E&! 4$(;0&=! G$%#! B&1B0&3! 1/%3$=&! %#&$,! -1,=&,3! 41,&! 31! %#)(! %#&! >&),! )(=! A)E&(! #)E&9! )(=! ),&! 41,&!
0$*&06! %1! .1(3$=&,! %#&$,! #14&! )! ?.1/(%,6@! 21,! %#$3! ,&)31(C! "#$0&! %#&6! ),&! *(1G(! ,).$)006! 21,! %#&$,! #),=6!
their home a ‘country’. The Whitesnake as people are known best for their wide diversity. Some
.1(3%$%/%$1(9!%#&!"#$%&! '()*&!)3!.0)(3! ),&!*(1G(! -&3%!21,!%#&$,! G$=&!=$E&,3$%6I!314&!.0)(3! ),&!=&E1%&=!%1!%#&!

clans are devoted to the healing arts, others are primarily mercenaries, while others are great
J13%! B,&E)0&(%9! %#1/;#9! ),&! %#&! 41,&! .14-)%$E&! .0)(3! %#)%! ),&! (1%1,$1/3! 21,! %#&$,! -,/%)0! 310=$&,3! G#1!
,)(3).*! 1%#&,3! 21,! %#&$,! ;11=3! )(=! 4)%&,$)0! G&)0%#9! )(=! &K%1,%! %#&$,! E$.%$43! 21,! %#&$,! .0)(3! ;)$(C! +#&3&! .0)(3!
adepts. Most prevalent are those clans which are notorious for their brutal Hus who ransack other
peoples for goods and material wealth, often extorting their victims for monetary gain. These clans

x A).$)0!>&(&2$%3N!
o known to live by raiding, even among their own. There are tales of Whitesnake raiding as far
south as Alhadim.
o ()*+,-.//!21,!P,&&!

+#$3! 3%/--1,(! )(=! 3%/,=6! ,).&! 2,14! %#&! #&),%! 12! %#&! 41/(%)$(3! #)3! )! ()%/,)0!
;$2%! 21,! .,)2%34)(3#$B9! &3B&.$)006! G$%#! %#$(;3! 12! 4&%)0! 1,! 12! 3%1(&C! "#$0&! =G),E&3!

The Six Tors

31,%9! )(=! $%! $3! )(! $4B1,%)(%! 31/,.&! 12! B,$=&! %1! %#&4C! VG),E&(! .$%$&3! ),&! &).#!
The Six Tors are a feudal society resembling medieval
;1E&,(&=! -6! )! 3$(;0&! ,/0&,9! G#1! #)3! (1! ,&)0! %$%0&C! 5).#! .$%6! $3! )! 0)(=! /(%1! $%3&029!
J13%! =G),E&3! E)0/&! 3/B&,$1,! .,)2%34)(3#$B9! G#&%#&,! )(! $%&4! $3! )! B1,%./00$3! 12! 3%1(&9! 1,! )! (&.*0).&! 12!
Europe. The Tors, or “People of the West” consider
4$%#,$0! 7! $%! $3! %#&! ),%$3%,6! $(! %#&! 4)*$(;! 12! %#&! %#$(;! %#)%! .14B&03! %#&4C! ! +#&! ;,&)%&3%! 4&%)0! G1,*&,3! $(! %#&!
G1,0=! ),&! =G),E&(! 34$%#3I! %#&$,! ),41,! $3! .0&),06! 3/B&,$1,! %1! 1%#&,39! -/%! %#&6! =1! (1%! 3&00! $%! 1,! ;$E&! $%! %1! (1(7
themselves the highest form of civilization. They hold
law and freedom in high regard. Additionally social

xstanding is considered extremely important.

o W1$(%3!21,!),41,!),&!=1/-0&=!!7!<(06!)!VG),2!G$%#!%#&!123)245.6$"2!3*$00!.)(!2$K!%#$3!),41,!!
o X)(!-/6!76.%%47,".%8!G$%#1/%!-/6$(;!%#&!"$F),=!8&)=&,!Q4)6!1(06!.)3%!1(!3&02U!!
Racial Restrictions: None
o J)6!9)-:.$%!)!3$(;0&!34)00!$%&4!$(!%#&$,!-&),=C!D%!%)*&3!%#&4!Y!4$(/%&3!%1!,&%,$&E&!%#&!$%&4C!+#$3!$%&4!$3!
x A).$)0!A&3%,$.%$1(3N!
Each of the Six Tors is ruled by a High Lord. Though their titles differ, they are given equal
o !W0)6&,Z3!#&$;#%!4/3%!-&!YZ[\!1,!0&33!%1!B0)6!)!=G),2C!+#&6!4/3%!#)E&!1,!G&),!314&!-&),=!)%!)00!%$4&3C!!
o J);$.)0!$(&B%$%/=&!7!L00!4);$.)0!#&)=&,3!)(=!1,!3B&003!.13%!=1/-0&!21,!%#&4C!

standing within the entire kingdom. At times frictions break out between the Tors and civil war
ensues. Ruling the Tors is the Convocation of Lords and a High King of the Rathmoure line. The
current High King is Edrick the Stout. Each Tor appoints Lords to the Convocation which
legislates for the country.
Tor Arbreth
Arbrethians continue to have strong ties to their barbarous roots, due mostly to
how successful that lifestyle has been. The only true difference between the
nation of Arbreth and the barbarian tribes, is the fact that all of the country is
united into an Earldom ruled by Wulfgar Bearsbane, Earl of Tor Arbreth.
The wolf and cave bear provide many of the furs which provide warmth to the inhabitants of this
Tor. Most hold the wolf, bear and other natural predators in high esteem. Some offer a child a
chance to prove their coming of age as a warrior by killing one of these beasts in single combat.

Tor Aquillon
Tor Aquillon is an agrarian country, known as much for its skilled healers as for
its many vineyards and fine wines. It is the source of the majority of foodstuffs
on Areth. The country is dotted with farms, its only great city being the capital
Warwick. Sitting atop a high cliff on the west coast, it looks down on other
nations. The inhabitants see themselves the highest existing evolution of culture.
People of Warwick tend to speak with a french accent.
Proud of their more pacifistic ways, Tor Aquillon has no standing army other than a small garrison
within Warwick proper. In time of need, the populace of Aquillon is summoned to fight by way of
a series of watchtowers that stand within bonfire visible distance of each other. These constantly
manned towers are used to alert the Count and royal family to trouble at the border.
Julienne d’ Arbineaux rules as Countess of Tor Aquillon

Tor Lanencrest
The smallest but wealthiest and the most cosmopolitan of the Tors, Tor
Lanencrest boasts knights and castles famed throughout Areth. Enjoying only
slightly more fame are their endless mines containing precious metals and gems.
The interlinked noble lines, long standing castles that dot the landscape of
Lanencrest are reminiscent of those in England. Some of the natives speak
with British accents and their family names and titles are similar to that culture.
Arms, armor, and nobility are a staple in Tor Lanencrest. Everyone is trained in combat to protect
this small Principality ruled by Emrys Wynne. A great tournament is held each year, where family
champions meet in a contest of arms and magic. The winners of the the contests are awarded
lands and riches.
Tor Loch Maben
Tor Loch Maben is filled with rural communities and fortified villages. The
people of this Kingdom divide themselves into highlanders and lowlanders.
Highland Loch Mabens are clannish and standoffish. They speak with a deep
brogue. Lowland Loch Mabens tend to live in larger towns and interact with
other societies easily. All the people of Loch Maben are fierce fighters.
A complete devotion to the family and clan is ingrained in these people. Men and women alike
wear kilts, and their tartans identify their counties as well as their clans. Lowland accents are softer
to the ear than the harsh highland brogue. Blue painted berserkers and warrior bards are ruled by
Duncan O’Meadreah, King of Loch Maben.

Tor Morbihan
The cities and towns of Tor Morbihan are nestled in vast forests. Renowned for
their bows, and archers, children Tor Morbihan begin training at the age of
four. In addition to their marksmanship,Tor Morbihan engineers are valued for
their skill and ability. Countries throughout Areth seek to employ Morbihan
Engineers to build cities, bridges, and even engines of war.
Anyone who has visited this Tor speaks of encountering one of the many rangers who roam her
forests. Employed by countries around Areth, Rangers are often found in forests throughout the
world. Though considered the fourth largest Tor, Morbihan is considered a Barony. The Pitcarin
family has ruled Tor Morbihan for eight generations. Malcolm Pitcarin is the current Baron.

Tor Iberica
Zlotvor’s binding hid this Tor which is located on the eastern coast. Now that the
binding is broken, Tor Iberica has regained its rightful place within the kingdom.
The people are relaxed and pursue scholarly arts. Painting, poetry, sculpture,
music, and other artistic activity figure prominently in this culture. Ibericans
pride themselves on courtesy and style. Men and women dress in light colorful
brocades and silks, and everyone pays close attention to style and fashion.
Countess Isabeaux married Duke Raphael uniting Arville and Derigon. Isabeaux provided wealth
while Raphael provided armies, and together they subdued the rest of the country. Today the
ArchDuke and Dutchess rule the Tor jointly with a firm hand. In contrast to the serene
countryside, courtly politics and intrigue is a deadly game in this Dutchy. Seldom does a day pass
which does not find a noble with a black tongue or slit throat after overplaying a political gambit.
Okima is an island society which developed independently from the other
countries of Areth. It is a feudal society, bound together by vassalage and
familial ties. Okians place the highest value on family, however honor
demands they meet their feudal obligations. Strict adherence to cultural
requirements is causing today’s generation of Okians to reject tradition.
Families have a head; and swear allegiance to a clan. Clans have leaders,
and are involved in political parties. Aiwasa, Jentung, Mikawa, Shinon and
Tsuja are the five Clans in Okima, although the Emperor’s House is
sometimes called the sixth clan. Many believe there exists a ‘Shadow Clan’.
Each of the families in the legitimate Clans is ranked in power by virtue of
their standing armies, banked wealth, land, vassalages, party affiliations,
possessions, pedigree, and political capital.
Racial Restrictions: None

A stubborn and sturdy race Dwarves have a natural gift
for craftsmanship, especially when working with metal or
stone. While dwarves pursue a variety of vocations, their
roots remain in the might of the mountains. They build
subterranean cities, and carve fortresses from the sides of
mountains. Dwarves are fiercely loyal when it is earned.
However, they are slow to forgive a slight. Male and
female dwarves are proud of their beards often braiding
and decorating them with precious gems and metals.
Over time the dwarves evolved to better exist within their environment. The great craftsman and
miners are short to better maneuver within the many twists and turns of the mountain tunnels.
Stoneguards have longer legs to traverse the mountain passes swiftly while keeping watch over their
mountain lands. Valiant fighters, dwarven warriors prefer weapons which utilize their strength, and
are familiar to their hands. Axes, hammers, and maces, are crafted, carried, and employed with
deadly efficiency. Adepts, though rare, are found among the dwarven people, as their quality magic
weapons can attest.
Racial Restrictions: Choosing and playing this race requires you to wear a beard at all times
Half Elves
Half elves are descended from human and elven parents. Life for a Half elf is
difficult for they have a foot in two different worlds. Elves are more accepting of
half elves, as they view these people as being blessed with elven blood. The
opinions of other races are another matter entirely. Some half elves feel a
closeness to their human half, and try to emulate that behavior. However, in
time they learn that as a half elf they are indeed a separate race.
There are no half elven cities or governments, however there is a group of half elves who have
embraced their descent and forged a community. History tells us the Fain, as they are called, were
founded by a half elf named Bearshadow. The Bear tribe shaman insisted all half elves were
members of his family, thus one distinct people. He built a home and forged a society. To this day
any and all half elves are welcome to become children of the Fian.
Racial Restrictions: Pointed elf ears must be worn at all times if you play this race.

A most unusual race, information is limited
about the Kia (KEE-uh) for they have not
appeared in Areth until recently. Kia
originate from a mist shrouded island located
somewhere between Aknor and Okima.
Their island has long been veiled from
mortals, and is considered a bridge of sorts
between the realm of Fey and our world.
The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke. by Richard Dadd, Ca. 1850

Many people speculate that the Kia themselves possess Fey blood, but there is no proof and the Kia
do not say. Others believe that the Kia are humans who were changed by their close proximity to
the Fey. While the truth may never be known, it is certain is they are indeed a separate race.
Female Kia were the first to venture off their island, but male Kia have now joined them in the
outside world. As part of their Fey heritage, Kia enjoy a personal connection to some aspect of the
nature. This aspect manifests itself as a physical feature possessed by the Kia.
Racial Restrictions: Playing this race requires the incorporation of a natural element into your
costuming. It can be reflected in your garb, features, or both. The markings must be slight to
moderate and never heavily done. Inspiration for the markings should be taken from the natural
world. For example, animal Kia should have fur or animal patterned skin. Plant Kia should have
leaves, Mineral kia should have interesting make up and pigments. However the inspiration is a
trademark, or accent to your costuming, and should not dominate the look.
Choose Archetype
After determining what race and general type of character
you want to play, you must decide if you wish your character
to have a natural affinity toward mystical or mundane
pursuits. The vocation of your character depends on this
choice. Remember at legends, your character can be anything
YOU desire. Additionally you are not limited to the
traditional roles either. We encourage people to consider
playing a Merchant, Sage, Scribe, Red Cap, Ratcatcher, or
Grave Digger. Whatever you decide is possible in the Legacy
campaign. However you need not decide which vocation you
wish at the creation of your character. They only decision
needed is whether your character will pursue a scholarly or
physical vocation. Once that choice is made, you can decide
if your character is a Hero Archetype or an Adept Archetype.

Heroes are those who traffic in physical pursuits. They earn their living with physical prowess.
The Hero adventures through direct combat, clandestine, or even economic pursuits. Fighters, Red
Caps, Cat Burglars, Assassins, and the like are considered the Hero Archetype. The Hero finds it
easier to achieve a goal or complete a task without the aid of Magic. However, this does not mean
they never learn magic, it is just a more difficult for them.
Talents cost base.
Spells cost double.
Abilities cost base.
Adepts choose to follow the scholarly pursuit of magic. Most become, mages, seers, shaman, or like
vocations. Others are extremely successful mercenaries, merchants, or thieves. The difference is
they advance in these vocations through spell use instead of talent or ability. As a scholarly pursuit,
the Adept must remember research is a significant part of discovery in Areth.
Spells cost base.
Talents cost double.
Abilities cost base.

We have designed the archetype concept so you can decide how you wish to build your character.
A rapid rise to singular power, or a slow ascent to diverse power. The choice is YOURS!
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Character History
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Legends recommends you write a character history so we can tailor plot ")!#40!*8+//
specifically for that character. Give your character a name, at the very
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least, tell us what your character’s birth place, age, likes, dislikes, worst 970/:()0!%
fears, and goals. We encourage you to be creative with your history and %!-/0%#!#,10
with how you convey that history. Write a series of letters between your !
character and another person, or send us a journal chronicling the
exploits of your character on the way to the frontier. Do not be E+330)8:.!*
concerned if you feel you are unfamiliar with our world. It does not 3/0&&.!&#0>>
10%:+*#24#$(02..$7##8-"1#(%0"","*#%(02$$#&-"#&%/."#%,*#2,&2# !
matter, because we encourage you to add to the diversity of Areth with
244#&-":7##8-"#9+/0%0+%,#.22)"*#2E"0#%&#'$#%3%+,#%,*# @)0!(*!#401
37# your creativity and ideas. So committed are we to this idea, we give /0%88:!,)!#,1
you 10 additional character points for your character history. I)(#40/!$%
#@J%-Q@##I,""D"7# *(+/D4(/)!J
You will find writing a history allows you to understand the character better, and take on the role much
easier. Once you become your character, we guarantee you will find more
20"$&#S0"%&'0"$#24#&-"#A+3-&K#S.%5$#%,*#R%,3$6#"*+&+2,#FG>7## enjoyment in playing the
game. You may submit a character history at any time. However it is best to get it to us prior to playing
the character, allowing us to create the plot which will be given just to you.! The more time our writers
have to work, the more in depth your plot will be. 640!$%88!$40/0!#40!3((/!,&)<#!$%70/&!%)3
2<1#&-%&#*25,6#;'+()#,256#%,*#:""&#:"#'<#%&#&-"#&%E"0,7## %!'%)380!+>!#(!#40!(#40/!&,305!!"#!108#03!%$

Powering Your Character 640!$(1%)!%#!#40!#%280!&1,80&!%#!10!%)3
-+,)# !
50+&"#+&# There are four skill levels, Core,640!'/0%#+/0!8((;&!(70/!#40!/((15!!L"#!,&!%
Advanced, Special, and
Vocation. Within these levels there are three groups. Abilities,
5%$# are the skills at which all characters excel. Spells are the skills
where Adepts exceed, while Heros! are masters of Talents. All
skills are available to everyone regardless of archetype.
Once you begin our game, you are the protagonist in an adventure. The choices or desires of your
character dictate their plot. Those choices may lead to a more traditional-,/8!%#!1:!#%280!&%:&5!
vocation like mage, seer, or
shaman. Or those choices may lead to something more exotic like dream 640!#4,)-!&4%;0&!40/.!%)3!301%)3&!%-%,)
weaver. Your character may
choose to seek the guidance of a teacher, or join a guild as an apprentice. Perhaps neither is to your
character’s liking and they will seek knowledge in the library, teaching themselves the vocation they
desire. Creative freedom and choices are what we strive for at Legends.

Skill Types
Purchasing skills requires thought beyond the effects of the power. Some skills require prerequisites
before they can be purchased. There are three types of Skills in Legends Single purchase, multiple
purchase, and true. Single purchase skills are those you buy once and are not expended after use. Skills
which are expended after a single use are multiple purchase skills. A True skill refreshes during game
play. All skills refresh at the beginning of each event, and may be refreshed by Death.
True Skills
A True Skill is a special one-time purchase of a skill
that regenerates every 5 minutes of game play.
Choosing one of the six available True Skills from
the True Skill list is OPTIONAL. Should you
choose to purchase one, it must be done at character
creation. You may only ever choose one True Skill.
Choosing a True Skill like Disarm, still allows
additional purchases of the disarm skill which will
work normally. However; you may NEVER
purchase any of the other five skills that are on the
True Skills list for the life of your character.
Example: Krogar the barbarian chooses to purchase the True Skill – Disarm, at character creation.
Doing so, locks Krogar out from ever purchasing Parry, Avoid Trap, Sleep, Elemental Dart, or Heal for
the life of his character. Krogar may purchase additional Disarm skills which will function normally.
REMINDER: You are never forced to choose a True skill, it is always optional.

True Skill list

* Avoid Trap * Disarm * Parry * Elemental Dart * Heal * Sleep

All starting characters, except Aknorian, begin with 100 Character Points (or CP) and 1 Vitality for free.
Aknorians begin with 250 points and 1 free vitality. Starting characters purchase their skills from the
Core Skill list. Core Skills are purchased with character points, while Advanced and other Skills are
purchased with Character Points, Work Points (WP) and event attended points(EA).
CP are used to buy skills for character use, and are acquired by:
Attending an event = 10 CP
Writing a PEL (post event letter) = 10 CP
Writing a character history = 5 CP (at new character creation only).
WP are points awarded for helping the game through donations, set-up, break down and between event
projects. Work Points may be spent on purchasing advanced skills, in game items, or resources.
Event Set-up (4 hours) = 10 WP
Event Break down (4 hours) = 15 WP
Making 100 spell packets: 5 WP
EA points are earned for the Events Attended. Legends holds a number of in and out of game events
throughout the year. The majority are in game, however all events you attend earn you 1 EA point per
event. The threshold of EA remains after it is reached and may be applied to skill purchases without
being used.
Core Skill Charts
Abilities All skills are multi purchase
unless otherwise indicated.
† True Skill
Ability Cost
§ Single Purchase
Vitality 2-5 10 ⁂ Prerequisite Requirement
Harvest 25
Income 20
Tend § 30 Spell Hero Adept
Sage 20 Light § 10 5
Staff § 10 Benediction 10 5
Dagger § 10
Dream 10 5
Spy 25
Elemental Dart † 10 5
Talents Fumble 20 10
Heal † 10 5
Talent Hero Adept
Armor Repair 20 40 Silence 10 5

Wear Armor 5 10 Sleep † 10 5

Shield § 15 30 Speak with Dead 10 5

Florentine § 10 20 Circle of Protection 30 15

Two Weapons §⁂ 15 30 Cleanse 30 15

Weapon: Blunt § 10 20 Elemental Bolt 30 15
Weapon: Edged § 10 20 Purify 20 20
Weapon: Pole Arm § 10 20 Root 20 10
Weapon: Bow § 20 40 Spell Shield 30 15
Crushing Blow 5 10
Disarm † 5 10
Parry † 5 10
Maim 10 20
Slay 25 50
Avoid Trap † 5 10
Escape Bonds 5 10
Lock Picking § 20 40
Reveal/Conceal 5 10
Subdue 10 20
Core Skill Descriptions
Core skills are available for beginning player characters. Since this is an open skill list, we recommend
you read the all the skill descriptions before committing to a purchase. In general talents are delivered
with weapons, and spells are delivered with packets. When when required, you must declare skill calls
clearly prior to delivering the skill.
Core Abilities
The income ability represents the income earned from a job or craft your character undertakes between
events (examples are carpentry, rat catcher, noble holdings, investment earnings, etc.). Characters with this
skill receive 2 Hecta at check-in of each event. These jobs or crafts may earn you income in game as well.
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:20cp)

Harvest allows a player to harvest a specific item from a target body. It
requires 5 seconds of role play after which you must state "I harvest your
(Item Name)". Knowledge of what is harvestable is learned in game.
Cost: (H:25cp) (A:25cp)

Allows the character to do research in the Mystic Library. Multiple uses of the skill on one topic will
improve the results of your research. It can be used in game or as a Between Game Skill (BGS). All In
game sage must be submitted to the Library, and will be answered as soon as possible in game. BGS Sage is
submitted on the website. An orange disk represents one sage and must be used at the library.
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:20cp)

Once purchased the player has unlimited use of the Tend talent. Each use of tend requires a full minute of
roleplay and the player must restart if interrupted. Tend cannot be done in combat.
Effects of Tend:
-awaken, and raise an unconscious person’s vitality from 0 to 1
-restore use to a Maimed limb,
-remove the Fear effect from a comrade.
-Stop Bleed Out
Cost: (H:30cp) (A:30cp)

Vitality 2-5
Vitality represents your body's overall health, and ability to sustain damage. Your first vitality is free, and for
each additional purchase you receive 1 added vitality. Your purchases are limited to 4 vitality in the core
skill section, for a total of 5. When you reach 0 vitality, you are unconscious (see "death and dying").
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:10cp)

Once purchased, Staff allows the proficient use of any melee type staff weapon. Staves must be between
50"-66" in length. A staff requires two hands to use properly.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:10cp)
Dagger allows the proficient melee use of a dagger. The
weapon must be 18"- 24" in length. Daggers may also be
considered Thrown Weapons if they are made entirely of
foam, with no inner core — see ‘thrown weapon’ skill.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:20cp)

This powerful talent allows a player to spy on a specific character to learn information concerning upcoming
plot, or may be used to protect you from being spied upon. This is a between-game skill. The boundaries of
this skill are quite broad. Legends must be contacted with the spy request no later than 5 days after the
event (except first event).
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:20cp)

Core Talents
Armor Repair
Allows the unlimited use of this Talent. It allows the player to
repair armor and shields. it takes five minutes of role play per
suit of armor and five minutes to repair a shattered shield. Repair
must be done at a Forge and it is necessary to take the armor off.
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:35cp)

Avoid Trap
Avoid trap allows you to evade one trap after it is triggered. You may choose which trap to avoid, and
must clearly state, "resist" immediately when using the skill. The skill works on all basic traps- magical,
falling debris, swinging blades, explosive and contact poison, etc. Note: This skill does not allow you to
avoid Blade Poison which is NOT a trap.
Cost: (H:5cp) (A:10cp)

Crushing Blow
Crushing Blow can only be used with blunt weapons, polearms, and
staves. To be effective the blow may land on any legal area of the victim's
body. A successful attack causes the victim to fall to their knees, and
count to five before rising. They may defend themselves while on the
ground. You must state "Crushing Blow" immediately prior to your attack.
NOTE: The Parry skill blocks a crushing blow, expending both skills.
Cost: (H:5cp) (A:10cp)

Allows a player to dislodge a weapon from the hand of another player, knocking it five feet away. The
player using this skill must state "Disarm" immediately prior to striking the opponent's weapon. You
cannot Disarm a shield(as it is not a weapon). You need a melee weapon in hand to use this skill.
NOTE: The parry skill can block a Disarm, expending both skills. Please try NOT to hit others when
tossing your "disarmed" equipment.
Cost: (H:5cp) (A:10cp)
Escape Bonds
Allows a player to free themselves from ropes, shackles or manacles, without picking the lock on them.
The user of this ability should roleplay their escape attempt for at least 5 seconds to `escape'. The ability
may not be used to release another person or object from bonds (unless they are bound with rope because
you have a sharp knife and thumbs), nor may it be used to open locks, or escape cages.
Cost: (H:5cp) (A:10cp)

Allows the use of a dagger and a one-handed weapon at the same time. If you do not have the florentine
skill you cannot use other fighting skills while fighting florentine. Additionally, you must be proficient in
BOTH weapons in order to use any skills.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:20cp)

Lockpicking 2(

We use re-programmable combination locks to represent in game locks at Legends.


Anyone in game may attempt to open a lock, however when you purchase this skill
you will receive one number that will be in all combinations for that weekend. The
number will be printed on your character card. You may not keep any locks you pick.
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:40cp)

Allows a player to strike the limb of an opponent rendering that limb useless. If the target is a leg, then the
leg becomes useless (they may not hop on one foot). If an arm is struck, the victim cannot hold anything
in that hand. You must state, "Maim" immediately prior to striking your opponent. If no successful blow
is struck then the skill is not expended.
NOTE: The Parry skill can block a Maim, The maim and the parry are expended.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:20cp)

Melee weapon use only. Allows a player to counter the skills Disarm, Maim or Crushing Blow. You may
save it until you choose to use it. When another player announces and then strikes you with the use of one
of these skills, you may loudly state, "Parry." This negates their skill expending both skills. Parry can only
be done if you are holding a weapon you are proficient in.
Cost: (H:5cp) (A:10cp)

The Conceal talent allows you to hide ONE small object (ring, potion, etc.) on YOUR person which is not
found by a normal search. The concealed item cannot be in plain sight. You may conceal more than one
item on your person, but each item requires a separate Conceal.
Reveal locates all unconcealed items and one Concealed item. When searching the person state “Reveal”.
The target must quickly place all in game items on their person, including ONE Concealed item (of the
target’s choice if any), on the ground before them. The skill is expended when either revealing or
concealing regardless of what is found. Multiple Reveals may be used if you think the target is
Concealing more than one item.
Cost: (H:5cp) (A:10cp)
Allows the use of a shield in combat. Refer to the weapon and shield construction section for shield size
Cost: (H:15cp) (A:30cp)

Melee weapon use only. Slay allows you to deliver a mortal wound to your foe. You must state "Slay" as
you strike your opponent in the torso (area covered by a tank top tee shirt, front or back). The victim of a
Slay loses all Vitality and Armor and falls unconscious. If no successful blow is struck then the skill is not
lost to the player. NOTE: The Parry skill CANNOT block a Slay.
Cost: (H:25cp) (A:50cp)

Allows a player to render an opponent unconscious. A successful Subdue can only be done by surprise.
To use this skill you must strike (softly) with the butt of a weapon, the center upper back of an opponent,
and state “Subdue”. The victim must fall unconscious for 5 minutes. The player must state "Subdue" as
the strike is made. The victim cannot be engaged in combat, and a full metal helmet will protect a person
from a Subdue.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:20cp)

Two Weapons
Allows the use of two one-handed weapons at the same time. If you do not have the Two Weapons skill
you cannot use other fighting skills while fighting with two weapons. Additionally, you must be
proficient in BOTH weapons in order to use any skills.
Prerequisite: Florentine
Cost: (H:15cp) (A:30cp)

Weapon Talents
While ANYONE can pick up and use a melee weapon at Legends, you are not proficient. Proficiency in a
weapon means you have purchased the appropriate weapon talent. Only then will you be able to use
combat talents with that weapon.
Weapons fall into three categories:
Melee - a melee weapon is one used in close combat melee.
Missile - Encompass projectile weapons such as crossbows, bows, ballista, and catapults.
Thrown - Weapons which are thrown by hand such as dagges, darts, and shuriken.

The Blunt allows the proficient use of any blunt melee type weapon such as a Mace, Hammer or Club.
The weapon must be 18"- 50" in length and have a “head” at the end of the weapon thicker than the shaft.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:20cp)

Bow is NOT a melee weapon. Allows the proficient use of bow or crossbow in combat. NOTE: Missile
type weapons that strike another WEAPON (not shields) will disarm them. No need to call the skill
disarm, this is automatic. Bows must fire a projectile that is completely made of foam.
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:40cp)
Edged allows the proficient use of any melee type weapon with an
edge, such as an axe or sword. The weapon must be 25"- 50" in length.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:20cp)

Pole Weapon
This talent allows the proficient use of any melee type pole weapon.
The weapon must be 50"-66" in length. Pole weapons require two hands
to use properly. Note: Spears are considered a pole weapon.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:20cp)

Thrown Weapon
Thrown Weapon allows the user proficiency in small thrown weapons. The entire projectile must be made
only of foam and 1 layer of tape. No hard objects may be inside of the projectile. Throwing weapons must
be compressible and remain 'squishy' to be legal. Throwing weapons must be 3"-72" in length. Spears are
only considered thrown weapons IF they are entirely made of foam with no inner core.
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:40cp)

Wear Armor
Allows the wearing of armor. There are three basic types of armor:
Leather, Chain and Plate. Your torso must be covered to receive armor
points. Leather armor will give you one point of armor protection;
Chain will give you two and plate three. You will receive an additional
point for bracers or greaves. However, you will not receive two points
for bracers and greaves. Once the points are used you must have your
armor repaired to regain the protection. NOTE: wearing a full metal
helm will also grant you unlimited protection from subdue as long as it
is worn. Extra armor may earn you additional armor points.
Cost: (H:5cp) (A:10cp)

Core Spells
Allows the caster to use Benediction Discs (a small white disk)
to grant a favorable aura to a character travelling to Death.
This can only be cast on a dead body, not on a living being or
an eidolon. After casting, place the White Disc in the hand of
the corpse. Each time this spell is purchased, the character
gains an additional Benediction Disc for the event. Discs are
out of game items and may not be transferred, stolen, etc. The
magic on these Discs decays over time, rendering them useless
by the end of the event (Please turn in all disks at check-out).
Clearly state “Benediction” when casting the spell.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:5cp)
Circle of Protection
Allows a caster to place a circle on the ground and clearly state "Circle of Protection". You must have a 3
feet diameter physical representation of this circle clearly visible. Simply spinning in place and stating
"Circle of Protection" will not suffice. For the five-minute duration of this spell, you cannot be affected by
any means. While you may cast spells out from inside the Circle you may not use weaponry. Only the
caster can fit inside the protected area. If anyone attempts to affect you, you should state, "resist." Leaving
the circle at anytime, or using any weaponry from within it breaks the Circle, and you are no loger
afforded any protection. NOTE: If you are interrupted while placing your Circle, the spell is lost.
Cost: (H:30cp) (A:15cp)

The Cleanse Spell allows a caster to cure most diseases found in game. One Cleanse will cure a character
afflicted with multiple Diseases. Use of this skill does not cause the diseased individual to regain
consciousness, skills, or vitality.
Cost: (H:30cp) (A:15cp)

Casting this spell grants the caster a dream which foretells general future in game events. The caster must
learn to interpret these dreams, nor can they control the direction of the dream. This is a between game
skill received at check-in. Dreams must be requested two weeks prior to an event.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:5cp)

Elemental Dart
Allows the caster to hit a target with a specific elemental bolt that causes 1 point of
Torso damage. The type of dart must be chosen the first time the spell is purchased.
Choose wisely, for once you make a choice, that is the only type of elemental bolt
you may purchase and cast in the near future. Clearly state “(Element Name) Dart”
when casting this spell. Initial element choices are: Fire, Ice, Lighting, and Earth.
Purchase of the Vocation ability will allow you to gain additional element types.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:5cp)

Elemental Bolt
Allows the caster to hit a target with a specific elemental bolt that causes 3 points of Torso damage. The
type of bolt must be chosen the first time the spell is purchased. Choose wisely, for once you make a
choice, that is the only type of elemental bolt you may purchase and cast in the near future. Clearly state
“(Element Name) Bolt” when casting this spell. Initial element choices are: Fire, Ice, Lighting, and Earth.
Purchase of the Vocation ability will allow you to gain additional element types.
Cost: (H:30cp) (A:15cp)

Casting the Heal Spell restores one point of vitality to the target. Once cast, the restoration is
instantaneous. Healing does not cure Maimed limbs, It will NOT return someone to consciousness. Heal
may not be cast in combat, i.e. you or your target being hit. Clearly state "I Heal you 1 vitality" when
casting this spell. Healing must be done 1 vitality at a time with this spell.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:5cp)
Allows a player unlimited use of an approved GREEN chemical or electrical light source (6" or less). This
light may be handed off to others and should not be thrown.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:5cp)

Allows a caster to cure the effects of poison. The spell is effective for weapon poisons, contact poison and
most alchemical poison elixirs. One Purify cures multiple poisonings, however poisoned individuals do
not regain consciousness or Vitality.
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:10cp)

Allows a caster to immobilize a character by rooting part of them in place. This means any portion of the
body touching the ground is rooted to the ground. For example, if the target were lying down when the
spell was cast, they are well and truly stuck. This spell lasts for 5 minutes. Clearly state “Root” when
casting this spell.
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:10cp)

Allows a caster to cause a target to be completely unable to speak (including spell casting) or make verbal
sounds for 5 minutes. Note that this does not prevent victims from stating other game terms such as
"Slay". State clearly “Silence” when casting this spell.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:5cp)

Striking a target with this spell causes a target to fall asleep for 5 minutes; they will awaken before that
time if anything so much as touches them. Clearly state “Sleep” when casting this spell.
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:5cp)

Speak with Dead

This spell allows the caster to speak with the dead for 5
minutes. The dead character is compelled to respond in
some fashion. This can only be used on a dead body or an
eidolon. Clearly state “Speak with Dead” when casting this
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:5cp)

Spell Shield
Once cast on a character, this allows the recipient to resist
one magic effect of their choosing. "Resist" must be clearly
and immediately stated after being struck with the effect.
You may keep your spell shield until you decide to use it.
This spell may not be stacked with itself or any other spell
or effect that grants magical protection. Clearly state “Spell
Shield” when casting this spell.
Cost: (H:30cp) (A:15cp)
Advanced Skill Charts
Advanced Skills represent significant investment in the game of Legends, in the form of time and effort.
This set of skills are more advanced and require a combination of Character Points (CP), Work Points (WP)
and/or Events Attended (EA) to purchase.
Ability Hero Adept WP EA
All skills are multi purchase
Vocation § 5 5 100 1 unless otherwise indicated.
† True Skill
Exotic Race § 0 0 30 10
§ Single Purchase
Quest Special Special 30 4 ⁂ Prerequisite Requirement
Salary § 20 20 0 2

Talent Hero Adept WP EA
Advanced Lock Picking ⁂§ 40 60 40 3
Exotic Weapon § 15 30 10 2
Armor Mastery § 20 40 20 2
Release Bonds ⁂§ 10 20 25 3
Set/Disarm Explosive Trap § 20 40 20 2
Shatter 15 30 10 1
Slay with Bow 20 40 20 4
Tower Shield ⁂§ 15 30 20 4
Vitality 6-10 20 40 10 1

Spell Hero Adept WP EA
Diagnose 10 5 10 1
Dominate 40 20 30 6
Greater Circle of Protection ⁂ 60 30 40 6
Restore 50 25 35 6
Send Dream ⁂ 20 10 20 2
Ward 50 25 35 6

Special and Vocation Skill Examples

We have added a few Special and Vocational Skills, the affects of which you must know.
These skills are found in game through various means.

Assassinate Death Disease Drain Dispel Fear

Final Death I Curse Your Spirit Poison Restore Spirit There is No Escape
Advanced Skill Descriptions
Advanced Skills represent significant investment in the game of Legends, in the form of time and effort.
This set of skills are more advanced and require a combination of Character Points (CP), Work Points
(WP) and/or Events Attended (EA) to purchase.
! "#$%&&!'()!*+),-!'().!&'$%-)/!01'
Advanced Abilities 2,+3'+32!%**!'()!&')),!%*!'()+$!1$5%$!13-!
Vocation %*!",
Vocation allows your character to pursue a career in a fashion you choose. '+2(',
Once Vocation is bought, you need not buy it again to pursue a different -$17
Vocation. Pursuing a vocation will give your character access to unique skill &7%$-
sets. Advancing in vocations requires training. Training can be gotten via a
teacher, through research, or via alternative methods found in game. 100$%
Examples of vocations include, Alchemist,, Sage, Blacksmith, Merchant. $);)1
Cost: (H:5cp) (A:5cp) (wp:100) (ea: 1) %*!E%
Exotic Race ;+&+%3
Restricted Ability. Entry into this ability allows the player to petition &'13-
Legends to play a race outside the those found in the rule book. Many
wonderful and terrible races exist in the world of Areth. We feel if players %6$!*$
are capable of remaining true to the requirements of an exotic race, they !
should be allowed to play that race. Be aware, this will be a subjective ;)3%5
decision. Skills and Spells still need to be purchased separately, this only 13-!+
allows entry into the race for costuming purposes. If your petition isn't !
granted, your WP may be applied elsewhere. -)#+-
Cost: (H:0cp) (A:0cp) (wp:30) (ea:10) %3!.%
Quest ! A+5)!01&&)-!&,%7,.!+3!'()!))$+,.
The Quest Ability behaves differently than most skills. Only after meeting the%*!7+,-!#$)1'6$)&!&'$132),.!14&)3'8!B1+,+
requirements may you begin
your quest. At this time you must submit to Legends a detailed overview of what you hope to gain from your
Quest. Legends will approve the Quest based on its feasibility, and soundness! in relation
to game integrity.
A CP and WP cost is then assigned. There may still be steps to take In-game. Players use Quest to bring to
! ",,!*+;)!&063!'%!*1#)!'()!+3'$6-)
life an idea they may have and that they see no clear path to in the game.*%2/!'()!$)-!'$+5!&'13-+32!%6'!121+3&'!*,1
The cost is relatively high
compared to other advance skills for two reasons. First is the potential to customize and personalize your
skill. The Second is because we require a significant understanding of the game
! by the "Questor", so he or
she doesn't spend their time pursuing a skill which may exist elsewhere. NOTE: While questing for your
new skill, you will gain CP in the normal manner, but cannot spend them. Upon ! completion of your Quest,
all CP stored will be applied to the cost of the Questing Skill. You may cancel your Quest at any time and
spend your CP normally, but that will end your Quest. ! I<%!*6$'()$!3))-NJI!<).,1!4,6$'
Cost: (H:Special) (A:Special) (wp:30) (ea:4) 41$21+38!K()$)O&!'()!&7%$-NJI!
! "!&1$#1&'+#!#(6#@,)!71&!'()!1,,!'
Salary 4)'$1.+32!3%'(+32!%*!(+&!+3')3'8!IP%3&+-
The Salary Talent replaces Income and represents a more lucrative level of your profession. You will receive
5 Hecta per event. ! IK(1'JI!0$%3%63#)-!"$+#!&')00
Income is a prerequisite to purchase this skill. 4$)1'(/!&)1$+32!01+3!,1#)-!(+&!,)28!E1,,+32
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:20cp) (wp:0) (ea:2) ! :3!'()!4,+3@!%*!13!).)!'()!&'$132
Advanced Talents
Advanced Lock Picking
Programmable combination locks represent in game locks at Legends. Anyone may attempt to open a lock
at Legends, even without this skill. When you purchase this skill you receive additional combination
number on your character card. You may sacrifice a use of this skill, requiring you to purchase it again,
to keep a lock you pick. Taken locks must be brought to logistics and exchanged for player locks.
Prerequisite: Lock Picking
Cost: (H:40cp) (A:60cp) (wp:40) (ea:3)

Exotic Weapon
Restricted Skill. Allows the crafting for personal use, weapons outside
the normal bounds and restrictions of the game. Name of wielder and fully
constructed weapon must be approved by The Legends Game Manager
Cost: (H:15cp) (A:30cp) (wp:10) (ea:2)

Armor Mastery
Armor Mastery represents the knowledge and ability to use armor more
proficiently. It grants the character 1 additional armor point to their armor.
The additional point can be reused after armor is fully repaired.
Prerequisite: Wear Armor
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:40cp) (wp:20) (ea:2)

Release Bonds
Allows a player to use their Escape Bonds talent on others. This a single purchase talent, limited to the
amount of Escape Bonds talents the character possesses. All Escape Bonds rules apply.
Prerequisite: Escape Bonds
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:40cp) (wp: 40) (ea:3)

Set/Disarm Explosive Trap

Allows the character to place or remove explosive traps. All traps must be acquired in-game. Traps which
discharge while the character is using this skill have their normal effects. Explosive (popper) Traps may
NOT be "swept-away" with your sword or arm. Small tweezers or another similar device may be used to
pick them up or move them.
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:40cp) (wp:20) (ea:2)

Shatter can be used only with a Blunt weapon or Polearm. To be effective the blow must land on the
Shield of the target. A successful attack renders the victim’s shield unuseable until repaired. You must
clearly state "Shatter" when you attack. Unusable shields must be dropped.
Cost: (H:15cp) (A:30cp) (wp:10) (ea:1)

Slay with Bow

This Talent enables you to deliver the Slay skill with a "missile" weapon. You must clearly state "Slay"
prior to firing. The victim of a Slay loses all Vitality and Armor and must fall unconscious. For a Slay to
take effect it must strike the torso (the area covered by a tank top tee shirt, front or back).
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:40cp) (wp:20) (ea:4)
$ <1*9$&'*-$0!/$'/#/%0"+$)"9/$"$.+(-0$*8$+(.!0=$"$0(-4$1/8+/)0(*-$0!"0$;$:"%$%&1/$)*&+#$
Tower Shield
Allows for the use of a larger shield in combat. Shield is a prerequisite to
)*&+#$-*0$%0*'2$;$)*-0(-&/#$0*$1&-$(-0*$0!/$-(.!0$0*:"1#$94$!*9/2$D"%$0!/$+(8/+/%%$9"-$%0(++$ purchase
this skill. See Weapon and Shield entry for dimensions on Tower Shields.
Cost: (H:15cp) (A:30cp) (wp:20) (ea:4)
$ Vitality 6-10
$ This Ability represents the ability to sustain damage. For each purchase you
receive 1 vitality. You may purchase no more than 5 vitality for a total of 10 in this
advanced skill section.
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:40cp) (wp:10) (ea:1)
$ ?!/$)+"9*1$%&6%(#/#$H&(),+4$:!/-$0!/$0:*$:(@"1#%$0**,$'*%(0(*-$(-$0!/$0*1)!+(.!0$
Advanced Spells
Allows you to diagnose the state of a Character’s condition, be it bleeding out, unconscious, poisoned,
diseased, sleeping or dead. Clearly state "Diagnose" when casting this spell.
$ FO/0$0!/$01("+$6/.(-$0!/-=F$0!/$/+#/1$%0"0/#$.1(9+42$F?!/$01&0!$:(++$)*9/$*&0$0!1*&.!$
Cost: (H:10cp) (A:5cp) (wp:10) (ea:1)
Dominate will cause the victim to become completely obedient
the will of the caster for 5 minutes. It cannot however, be used
compel the victim to tell something secret. NOTE: The victim
will never do something against their out-of-game moral
practices. If requested, the spell will be broken immediately. The
victim cannot take any offensive action against the caster. The
spell does not impact any of the victim’s skills, nor do they move
$ as an automaton. Victims remember all that happened
while dominated, including who cast the spell.
Cost: (H:40cp) (A:20cp) (wp:30) (ea:6)

Greater Circle of Protection

Allows a caster to place a circle on the ground and clearly state "Circle of Protection". You must have a 6
feet diameter physical representation of this circle clearly visible. Simply spinning in place and stating
"Circle of Protection" will not suffice. For the five-minute duration of the spell, anyone within cannot be
affected by any means. While you may cast spells out from inside the Circle you may not use weaponry.
Only the caster can fit inside the protected area. If anyone attempts to affect you, you should state,
"resist." Anyone leaving the circle at anytime, or using any weaponry from within it breaks the Circle
ending its protection. NOTE: If you are interrupted while placing your Circle, the spell is lost.
Cost: (H:60cp) (A:30cp) (wp:40) (ea:6)

A caster may use this spell to either Restore all the vitality of another character, Restore all Maimed limbs,
or Restore someone to consciousness. The caster must choose which effect is used. You must state in a
clear voice, “I Restore your (target)”
Cost: (H:50cp) (A:25cp) (wp: 35) (ea:6)
Send Dream
Casting this spell allows the caster to send dream to another character. Sent dreams must be written
properly and submitted to Legends 2 weeks prior to the event for approval. Send Dream between game
skill which Legends will deliver at check-in.
Prerequisite: Dream
Cost: (H:20cp) (A:10cp) (wp:20) (ea:2)

Ward allows the caster to become invulnerable from a chosen spell for 5 minutes. The spell chosen must
be one the caster has purchased or obtained. To use the ward, you must state in a clear voice, “Ward” then
cast your chosen spell into the Ward. Both the Ward spell and chosen spell are expended.
Cost: (H:50cp) (A:25cp) (wp: 35) (ea:6)

Special and Vocation Skill Descriptions

These skills are found though in game means, however they are not available at character creation.
Characters will encounter these skills as they progress in experience, and through plot. Though they are
not available to beginning players, you need to be aware of the effects of these skills.

Assassinate allows a character to strike the opponent causing them to lose all vitality and armor, and
rendering them instantly dead. No Deathstrike is needed. The character must state "Assassinate" as the
strike is made. The victim must be surprised and not engaged in combat. Remember, head, hands, and feet
are illegal targets.

The Disease Ability may be delivered via spell packet, weapon, or touch. The character must state,
“Disease!” when making this attack. It cannot be resisted. A victim affected by the Disease, is unable to
heal vitality in any way...although there may be other, more insidious, diseases lurking out there. Disease
may be removed via the Cleanse spell.

The Death Spell sunders the spirit from a character rendering them instantly dead. No Deathstrike is
needed. It does not affect Vitality.

Dispel allows the caster to drain or eradicate the mana which powers a spell effect. When using the spell
you must declare in a clear voice, “Dispel (power)”

Drain effects are delayed. The spell may be resisted normally, but if a Drain affects you, play on as if
nothing happened. You must inform logistics about the Drain as soon as you can. You will be informed of
effects, if any, at a later time.
Fear %+(4"11&("()3"--($-$4%124(-28*%(
This Talent represents amazing weapon prowess, a terrible
visage, or sheer fury striking fear into the "--(%23$)6(!+(-+58(")(%*$)$("1$(H$0%(
heart of a target
for five minutes. The character must 25("(0+,4*(+1("1$(+%*$192)$(
strike a victim
anywhere on the body and state “Fear”. The victim is
struck with a sense of impending doom and must retreat
from the combat until they are out of sight of their
attacker. If the victim cannot retreat from their attacker,
then they must cower in an out of the way/"%%-$6(Q$%*$1)(ST!Q(/$("%(-$")%(U(
area and cannot
attack. Fear cannot be Parried, but can be S?I(7VQ(-2%$1"--&(%2$("()9+1.(
Tended away.

Final Death
This effect has no categorization. It may be delivered via spell packet, weapon, touch, or verbally (such as
by Death himself). The character must state, “FINAL DEATH!” when delivering this attack. You are
struck immediately and irrevocably dead. It CANNOT be resisted in any way, shape, or form, EVER. It
means your spirit has been obliterated and you cannot not return from Death’s Realm.

I Curse Your Spirit

This effect that has no categorization. It may be delivered by spell packet, weapon, touch, or even
verbally. The character must state “I curse your spirit!” when delivering a weapon blow or spell packet
attack. Alternatively, the character might state “[Character Name]! I curse your spirit!” (This can be your
true name, a pseudonym or even a nickname, hidden or otherwise.) If you are hit with this effect, play on
as if nothing happened, and inform logistics as soon as possible. You will be informed of any effects later.

Poison represents a toxin applied to a blade or a venom oozing from the stinger or claws of a horrible
beast. When using this poison, a character must state “Poison”. The attack can hit any part of the body. It
cannot be parried or resisted by a spell shield. Anyone affected by poison has 5 full seconds of
consciousness left to apply a salve, cast a purify spell, or just shout out for help. After those 5 seconds the
victim will fall unconscious for a period of 5 minutes. During this time they may be purified, but if a
pulse is checked for, the victim may only state “yes”. Only an expert can tell if someone has been
poisoned. If they are not purified by the end of those 5 minutes, the victim will die and wait 5 minutes
before reverting to an Eidolon and traveling to Death as normal. Anyone may apply a vial of poison to a
blade or other sharp weapon. Any poison applied to a weapon will wear off at the end of the event.

Restore Spirit
Restore Spirit may only be cast on corpses. It does not affect the living or an Eidolon. It may be resisted
as any spell. This spell immediately restores life to a dead character and 1 Vitality. This does not heal any
other Vitality, nor awake the recipient to consciousness.

There Is No Escape
This effect has no categorization. It may be delivered by spell packet, weapon, touch, but most often
verbally. The character must state “[Character Name]! There is no escape!” (This can be your true name,
a hidden name or even a nickname, hidden or otherwise.) If you are affected by this ability, you are now
effectively Rooted in place (see spell of the same name). This effect lasts for 5 minutes, or until the caster
leaves the area. This may not be resisted, nor time reduced in any way.
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Playing the Game
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Honesty - If we all keep in mind that we're here to play together, we'll all have a

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better time. Having a mature attitude about honesty and cheating is critical to live
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roleplaying. It's this simple: be mature, don't cheat yourself and don't cheat others.
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Staying in-game - Once the game begins, please stay in character as much as possible. Avoid out-
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of-game conversation as it pulls players out of!"#$%&$'()*%+,%,-.%/+$)%0+1.$(2%%3#,-'(4%4#'(4%#(%-.$.%5#$,-%*,'6)'(4%+$#7(&%8#$9!%

the Legends world. Whenever possible, ask questions
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+!" &,(,(70 ,(


(6 $&-"


3"(" $&0


)("&N+ #3(

or give information while remaining in character. For example, if you're wondering how hard it is to
;*" -",(- (-+(


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kill a certain monster, it's better to ask, "how ?$#**$#+&*9%%@7*,%+%>',,>.%5+A*%&#5(%,-.%$#+&:%,-.A%*,#BB.&9%%C.*,'(%&$.5%-'*%*-#$,%=>+6)%

many blows does it take to kill it?" than to ask, “How



many vitality does it have?" %
- Legends takes a“there4$.+*A%>'G7'&%,#%-'*%=>+&.9%%!H..,%+,%,-.%/+$)%0+1.$(%'(%-+>8%-#7$E*%,'<.9%%DE>>%6#>>.6,%<A%
is no out of game”approach on meta-gaming.
(The use of in-game knowledge learned % out-of-game) If you learn something out-of-
game about something which happened,-.%$'4-,:%*,.BB'(4%*#8,>A:%=7,%G7'6)>A9%
in-game, your character has learned it as well.
So, if you hear someone out-of-game say, %
“I robbed Majestic Bob last event,”you and
your character have just learned who actually robbed Majestic Bob even if you or your
character did not know beforehand. Our+(&%,$A'(4%,#%*..%'(,#%,-.%&+$)(.**9%
cast is more restricted in regard to this rule.
Costumes - Good costuming enhances the game play experience for everyone. With a little effort,
anyone can make a decent costume. Take time/#5(%,-.%$#+&%6+<.%+%4$#7B%#8%,#5(*B.#B>.9%%0-.A%6+$$'.&%>'4-,%*B.>>*:%-.>&%-'4-:%+(&%<#1.&%
to think of how your character is garbed, and of the
things you can use to create the look without*,+<B.&%#(%,-.%-+$&LB+6).&%$#+&9%%;,.$(%,##)%+&1+(,+4.%#8%,-.%&'*,$+6,'#(9%%H#1'(4%+*%
spending hundreds of dollars. (q.v. costuming) Some
clothing is just not acceptable at Legends. Such as clothes with modem names or writing on them ,
baseball caps, modern footwear etc. Remember, %
cast and players alike, have come with an
expectation of being entertained. The quality of our game rests as much on your shoulders as it
does on the cast and other players. you are a character in our drama. Coming to the game as a
character with a pronounced accent, or who wears fantastic clothing is entertaining. Archaic idioms,
affectations, or using your time and skills to add to our game is fun and rewarding.
The Honor System
Our game operates on the Honor System. It is crucial that everyone act
according to the rules, and we of legends have a good faith that all our players will
act properly during game play. Sometimes it is difficult, as it may mean a player
must take an averse affect from a spell or talent. Choosing NOT to take this effect,
will impact the opinions others hold for you and our game. Remember that it can
be fun to overcome such a setback, but you must first accept that effect.

The point of a LARP is not to win, but to interact, role-play, and have fun during an event. This IS
just a game, and power or prestige gained here does not translate to the real world. We are all
expected to keep our worlds separate enough that you can have a friendly meal at the end of game
with someone you robbed or killed during the event. Pleased do not take it personally when you are
on the receiving end of the same thing. This is a game, so please take it as such, and enjoy yourself.
Legends Laws
Legends' rules have been created to allow the best balance of realism and
playability. Certain guiding principles or ‘Legends Laws’ help the game
run smoothly. Knowing these laws help you act and react quickly,
eliminating any need to stop the game and ask for clarifications.
Law One: Five for Time - Almost everything that has to do with time at Legends is based on the
+' 4
& ':$ number five. Spells generally have five minute durations (e.g., Sleep, Root, Silence, etc). Effects last
'41 either five minutes (e.g., laying unconscious, laying dead before turning eidolon) or five seconds
'8 -' /
:$ '!$:
,'- 5) /)% " '
%#8 #+'"
4 -'+ +".
4.1 1 (Crushing
:# &'# * ' 4' Blow
:')/<%)%,'"')>,/),#?')9''.)2/&.1)>,#%)8/<)2/)5/")5#"):/.1'"A)&%)&-)&.) knocks
#2 1 2
) +" 4!! ' you down for five seconds, Poison takes five seconds to take effect). (Note:
&': 2'5) $/
' )/6 '+#
'2) Tend ) +/ is an exception.! to%& this rule, as it takes one minute to perform per maimed limb.)
/- 2 '? '"
1 /#! '8 .<)'
" #
'!) '+"
)':)/ +") 41 :+. )':
%& '+" 1'#4%*''2$
#+" #1 /#
"# . # .& )/ '#* !!M
' ): + ) ' '+" 2$
+# % .
Law One, corollary: Fifteen minutes maximum - Legends feels
4!' .!' ! 1) )'8 4/&
! ' " 'C 6 )4 '#
/6'? ' 3# *'4'
") 1'
)DH<&04'.%*) no one should be kept from playing the game for an unreasonable
amount of time. It is unfair for a character to continually subdue a
vanquished foe to keep them prisoner, or a vengeful adept to keep a
foe asleep for hours with sleep spells. If in a situation arises where
a player is unconscious for more than fifteen minutes (such as three
/& 4'
/)- successive sleep spells, or subdues), it is the prerogative of a player
&4 1,' .+)' )'
+41 /'./# '8" 240
'*# & 1M ' to simply die and travel to Death as normal.
3) ),'41 #8'. F= C!'
'+ 43 '!" PC )6'
1 !'+# -6 0
1/ ' 24
#%# )43# 1'+")
' 8
% 4(%
) ' .
Law Two: Resist - This term is used to communicate two things: a spell or skill has been used,
and it was partially or fully negated. When you hear someone call Resist it means they heard you
and your skill has been used. This is not to say that it was used up even if they don't say, "resist."
Packet-based spells, for instance, are used up if the packet was thrown, regardless of outcome.
Law Two, corollary: Parry - This term is used in
combat to show the skill of the same name was used to
! C#$'!0)!&(%'$0,!0)!'#$'!2+%(!$,*!2+%(!<(+<.(!$%(!&.0250,1!
negate a Disarm, Maim, or Crushing Blow talent.
Similar to resist, it tells the attacker the intended victim
heard the attack and was able to negate it. Both the
special attack talent and the Parry talent are used up.

Law Three: One Hit, One Point - Every weapon hit (excluding the head, neck, hands, feet and
groin), does 1 point of damage, even if the weapon is delivering an additional effect. Thus all hits
cause the victim to lose either an Armor or Vitality point, in addition to other effects.

Law Four: Spell/Skill Responsibility - Everyone has a responsibility to

communicate game terms clearly, and to be aware of what talents and
spells are being used. Remember using skills can be tricky during combat.
The intended target might not hear, see or feel the skill. This is not to
excuse anyone from their responsibility to know what skills hit them, but it
does have implications for when it is wise to use a skill and when it is not.
!') !#*,$ !#3+ !() !9#28*,7# !6/5 !4#*,$ !#3+ !%) !#$&#21/%0 !#*,$-(/-+./ !$%)'. !', !$%)*,$-,+#* !'#%)(#& !'&%#$#"
Combat Basics
!#3+ !*CB !'1/%0 !#%/ !/A !@,?> !9&%#)6( !')3 !/+ !$%)$$,6< !') !/31 !</= !;< !02,1 !./; !&%, !9&%#0##1 !#3+ !6/( !6#:/
!./; !>9+3$)%E !&#D !#3+ !&#22)0 !/31 !#%/
!#*,$-%) !%#:)$ !%##< !+'.F !#:,3
Foam covered weapons are used for combat !4;,1!#*at ,$-(Legends.
/-+./!%,!%)!#$&Latex #21/%0
!/+ !&6,3 !'C+) !&%, !9#2<,6)'#& !+/% !') !')3G
weapons are allowed on a case by !case ./; !#:,basis.
#2 !&2./H !+)A!- !'#character's'
*)+#*/' !&)/:,
!/+ !$%):,3 !(/ !%/)+)'/8 !&6,101, !#3+ !%)
ability to withstand damage is measured
!4$%)3+#* in/' Vitality.
!1/%0 !+C%/& Every!./; !&%#+#hit 68
with a weapon takes away one point of Vitality. Hits to the
!$%)+H, !'C%/'6#8 !, !+'#+ !;22,#6 !%,H !')3G
!#6, !#1 !+.< !- !;+)6$#+%) !&%, !'22)0'
head, neck, groin, feet, and hands are illegal
!/ + ! 8 . !#6, !'and
6#;,28 !do
6./ !not
+,3+ !+%count.
Legends sometimes uses foam boulders, -+./ !logs,
&#%6,#2 or !%/)+giant
,*6/(%) blades
!;%, !$%)0,as

traps or even thrown weapons by certain

!;< !&#6#monsters.
&)'%/H !') !9#*,$-%The ) !%/)+,effect
!9+.8 !;28*)J ! !4$%)+,#3H !#< !/+ !'&%#$#"

of being hit with these anywhere on!#<your!&%, !%.body,( !#:,3 !/+that

!#28/#8is!+%not,1 !#1a
!#*,$-%) !#6,3' !;2##6( !/+ !#2<,
glancing blow, is as a Slay. The rationale
!+./3+)1 !- for !'&%# !this
#*,$ !6is #+(, that
!;#3+ !+,31 !#0,+ !22)1 !#%/#*/' !+,3+ !6,#(
giant blade or boulder hit you on the !arm, !!!4#*,$-%it)!+)could
!/+ !#%/;6#:# !%/ !%#&6.< !#3+ !'+.8 !')3G
right through, to affect your torso. !#+,:)68 !8##0 !/+ !+'#< !6#3 !6/ !')3 !/&
!#3+ !;,28 !&%, !9#+,:)68 !%/)+,*6/(%)
!;< !&%./< !#6, !((,+J !6.M !L#+/AK !&#&.2H%) !((,+J !&%, !'6#;,28 !9#%/;6#:# !6/( !%.( !'%),*#6 !+,3+ !;,1 !%) !#*,$
Armor prevents the loss of vitality. There are three basic types: leather, chain, and plate. Each
Armor point prevents the loss of one Vitality. Armor can only absorb ! its value in magical or
physical damage before it must be repaired (e.g., chain armor can only !
take two points of damage
before it becomes useless until repaired) by use of the Armor Repair skill
! or magic.
When you are wounded, please make an effort to role-play it. At the very least give a wince or
shout of pain, so your opponent knows you're being hurt.

Stealth Attacks
There are two stealth attacks in Legends: Subdue and Assassinate. Both are explained in the skills
section. With both skills, the blow that produces the effect must 04be done without the victim's
awareness that it is coming. It should be a normal, gentle blow to the top center of the back in the
case of Subdue and anywhere in the case of Assassinate. Stealth attacks cannot be made while
either the deliverer or victim is in combat.

Final Blow & Unconsciousness

When your character has one vitality remaining, a single point of damage to your torso will knock
you unconscious (This includes damage from traps or magic regardless of where they hit you). This
last hit is known as the Final Blow. Unless you receive this last damaging strike, you may retain that
last vitality and consciousness, even if struck further on your limbs. However, it should be noted
that if you are being hit by dozens of blows that miraculously fail to hit your torso, it might be
sporting to take your Final Blow anyway. After all, in reality no one will survive being cut to
ribbons. When reduced to zero Vitality, you will be rendered unconscious. Tend will awaken you in
one minute healing you one vitality in the process. Healing spells will heal you, but leave you
Zero Vitality

In most cases, unconsciousness only lasts for 5 minutes. If you have not been tended or healed by
this time, you will awake still at 0 vitality. At this point you are in a severely weakened state. You
can barely walk, cannot carry weapons or wear armor. You may not fight or even cast spells. You
can only pitifully crawl to rescue, and feebly call out for help.

Death Strike, Bleeding Out and Dying

If you are unconscious, or otherwise incapacitated (regardless of current health), anyone may 'finish
you off' by striking your torso and stating clearly and unhurriedly, "Death Strike one, Death Strike
two, Death Strike three." At this point, your character dies. For most, your body will lie still for 5
minutes and then you become an Eidolon (A spirit form. See below).
Striking the weapon or combatant making a Death Strike is sufficient to disrupt it. Death striking
will also fail if the count is rushed, or the weapon used does not continuously touch the torso
throughout the count.
Reaching different stages of the Death Strike will bring
! you that much closer to death. If your foe
has called Death Strike One upon you, you are 'Bleeding
x Out'. Bleed Out will cause you to die
o ./01%2#)!0($(%3(!+2(!#1%&%+4!+/!5/06!+2(7,(&3(,!#)8!/+2(0,!/9+!/*!+2(!(**($+,!/*!#!!""#!,:(&&!#*+(0!/)&4

from blood loss and shock in just 10 minutes. If your*/0$(,!#+!5/06<!

foe has reached Death Strike Two you are
/)(! 7%)9+(! /*! +()8%);! +/! +2(! (**($+(8<! =2%,! %,! #$$/7:&%,2(8! 14! +2(%0! ,9:(0%/0! 9)8(0,+#)8%);! /*! +2(

o '/5!*/0!>0((<!!
Bleeding Out, and will die in 5 minutes
@*! 4/9! 5/9&8! &%6(! +/! 8/! ,/7(+2%);! ,:($%#&! :&(#,(! $/)+#$+! A(;()8,! /5)(0,2%:B! #)8! 5(! 5%&&! +04! +/! 5/06
There are some creatures and characters which have special skills allowing them to bypass the
)(5! :&#4(0B! #,! :&#4(0,! 5%+2! (C:(0%()$(! 5%&&! 2#3(! #! 1(++(0! 9)8(0,+#)8%);! /*! +2(! ;#7(! 7($2#)%$,! #)8! /3(0#&&
normal ways and means of Death Striking (such as the incapacitated/unconscious requirement). As

a player, pay attention to the calls and react accordingly.

Note: Any calls of Death Strike upon you reduce your vitality to 0.

Pulse Check

When a character is unconscious, it is not

uncommon for others to try to ‘triage’ him or
her by checking for a pulse. The only answer
you may normally give is 'yes' (if alive) or no (if
dead). However, if a Diagnose spell is cast
upon you, you must reveal your full condition
including Diseased, Bleeding Out, or Poisoned.
Moving a Body
When a dead or unconscious person is in an inconvenient location, you should move that body
somewhere more or less conspicuous (In accordance with your motives). To do this, take light hold
of the body by the upper arm and announce to them, “I drag you.” The body should then get up
and, with head down and arms limp, allow you to lead them to their new resting place. No one
should ever physically pick someone up. When moving a body, you may not run or fight, and you
must move slowly (unless safety takes precedent).

Looting the Dead

Bodies of the fallen have traditionally been an excellent source of income. One must know how to
reap this bounty. No one shall ever be forced to physically search someone in game. Therefore, if
someone starts to describe a search upon your unconscious or immobile person, you must produce
items that they would have found if they physically searched that area. Tip: A cursory search may
easily miss items a more carefully conducted search would uncover. Thorough searches take time.
When you become an Eidolon you may not communicate, or interact at
all with anyone save the entity known as Death (exception: Colored Disks,
Bar Eidolon, and Speak with Dead spells). This includes talking, fighting,
exchanging items, etc. Your clothes and things attached to you stay with
you. Once an eidolon, you will feel the inexorable draw of Death's Door;
Go directly there.
Death’s Door
When you arrive at Death's Door, you must knock. Wait patiently for
Death to give you further instructions. Once admitted to the Realm of
Death, you must do His bidding. You cannot affect anyone or take
anything you find there. Death's word is Law in his Realm. Note: NO
ONE living, dead, or unconscious can pass through Death's Door without
permission from Death or his minion. In addition, the exact boundaries
of his Realm are blurry even to the most learned scholars of our time.

Final Death
If your character is dealt a Final Death, either by spell packet, weapon, or by interaction with
Death, that character is truly dead. You will be given the option of finishing the weekend as a new
character, (For this reason, all players are encouraged to have a second ‘back up’ character ready on
the online database), or to ‘go staff ’ for the remainder of the weekend. The personnel at Logistics
will go over your options with you, should the need arise.
Magic is the ability to manipulate mystic energy (mana) in order to cast spells. In a live role-playing
game, magic is always a challenge to implement. Legends is committed to making it work smoothly
without sacrificing the richness it adds.D'00%4#)0%EF%>21%&->2%2-%4#*<0$'G9%%H40..'%*#'$%8&$"%4#*<0$'%='0%'6#..%@&1;'00;%4#*<0$'7%8"&*"%
At Legends, magic is big, powerful, mysterious, dangerous,
and exciting. There are many paths of /&*$&6%8&$"%$"0%80#42-7%#-;%'$#$&-)%$"0%'40..%-#60%D'00%@0.28%>21%6210%;0$#&.G9%B"0%62'$%
magic which manipulate mana in different ways. Spells cast

with packets use small bird seed packets, which are thrown at the target. Spells delivered by way of
weapon-strike are cast by striking the victim with the weapon, and stating the spell name.
Types of Magic
Common magic spells are listed on the Spell list, but there are other forms of magic on Areth.
Characters might study to become Alchemists or carve runic symbols into a sword as a Rune Mage.
Rituals cast by a cabal of Mages, Necromancers using the power of undeath, and even using the
mana inherent in precious gems are only a small selection of arcane powers, but these powers are
only found through seeking. 4#*<0$%"&$'%$"0%$#1)0$%21%#-5$"&-)%$"05S10%80#1&-)%21%*#115&-)7%$"0%'40..%$#<0'%0>>0*$%3%
Casting Spells
Packets Most spells are cast by clearly&$06'%#-;%*#-S$%@0%$#<0-%>126%
stating the name of
the spell then throwing a small bird seed packet. If the
packet hits the target, or anything *#--2$%@0%>#<0;M%$"&'%&'%*"0#$&-)9%
they're wearing or
carrying, the spell takes effect, unless the target can
somehow resist it (see below). When you cast any spell, it is
used up whether you hit the target or *#-%@0%='0;%$2%;0.&/01%'40..'9%H260%
not. To cast a spell,
you cannot be moving faster than a slow walk; you may not
run, or crawl and cast. $0A$%8&$"%$"069%B2%#>>0*$%#-2$"01%401'2-%8&$"%$"0'07%0&$"01%"2.;%$"0%=-12..0;%'*12..%@0>210%
Spell packets are out-of-game items and$#)%$2%10#;9%B2%*#'$%$"0%'40..'%8&$"&-%#%80#42-7%$"0%#$$#*<01S'%80#42-%6='$%6#<0%*2-$#*$%
cannot be taken from others, although they can be fumbled
(as per the spell, representing a momentary clumsiness of your hands). Spell incantations (saying the
spell name as you cast it) are in game. ;0.&/010;%8&$"%#%'6#..%428;01%4#*<0$%$"#$%&'%'&6&.#1%$27%@=$%;&'$&-*$%>126%#%'40..%4#*<0$9%

Other Means: Elixirs, scrolls, and some magic weapons can be used to deliver spells. Some scrolls
and elixirs only affect the character that reads the associated text with them. To affect another
person with these, either hold the unrolled scroll before their eyes, or role-play pouring the arcane
concoction on (or in) them, then hand them the tag to read. To cast the spells through a weapon,
the attacker's weapon must make contact with the victim's person (including clothes, but NOT their
shield or weapon). There are also alchemical powders that may deliver spell or "skill" effects (e.g.,
Maim, Crushing Blow). These are delivered with a small powder packet that is similar to, but
distinct from a spell packet. Spells delivered in these ways are still magic, and may be resisted as per
usual means.
Note: spell casting cannot be faked.
The word resist is used as a simple universal term to show that something is not affecting the
speaker. For example if someone is within a Circle of Protection, and someone strikes them with a
poisoned weapon, the victim will state "Resist" to show that they know they've been attacked but
that it is not affecting them. Some creatures will use ‘Resist’ to indicate a natural resistance to spells,
poisons, or even regular attacks.
"Resist" and Spell Shields: If you have the protection of a Spell Shield on you, you may choose to
negate one spell or magic effect (even from a magic elixir) that affects you. You must decide whether
to resist immediately as you are struck. If you choose to nullify the spell, clearly say, "resist" and
carry on. Normally only one Spell Shield can be active on a character at a time.
Regaining Spells
Once the spell is used up, you do not regain that spell until the next event, unless it is marked True.
However, there are a few ways a few ways in game which allow yo to regain spells. For example, you
may find spell components and have a trained alchemist convert them so you can cast them.
There are many physical components that can be found
in game. A skilled alchemist can allow you to regain a
used spell by converting certain components for you.
Many have other uses to be discovered. Any component
found on the ground (such as plants, mice or gems) may
be ‘picked’, ‘captured’ or taken by anyone. However,
some components are found on, or in, the bodies of
characters or monsters only a character with the proper
knowledge and the Harvest skill can take.
Colored Disks
Legends sometimes uses colored disks (usually black) for various effects. These are in-game items,
and are magic in nature. If you are presented with one of these, you must accept it. If you have a
Spell Shield active on yourself, you may use it to resist the magic of the disk. In either case, you
must take the disk with you to Death and present it to him upon arrival.
Magic Items
Certain items possess magical powers. The more powerful of these generally have game labels
somewhere on their surfaces; anyone who reads the label can use the item. To use others you must
be taught by someone who knows how to use it, or research the item yourself. Magic items will only
function if worn, held or otherwise used properly (e.g., a ring will only work if it's being worn on a
finger). Some may have other requirements. If a magic item confers the effect of any of the
Between Game Skills, that item MUST be turned in to Legends at checkout in order for it to
function for the next event. A character may learn and use only five magic items at a time.
Hiding Things
Items must be hidden in such a way to be fairly found. In-game items should NEVER be hidden in
out-of-game areas such as out-of-game cabins, under beds, cars, etc. In short, anything in game
must always stay in game.
Legends uses various materials to create walls in the game, such as black plastic sheeting, cardboard
or wooden wall sections. You cannot pass through, peek or climb over a wall, and nothing can be
thrown over them. Likewise, you cannot crawl or peek under a wall, nor pass anything under it.
Walls cannot be moved. The one exception is the ‘secret door.’ A clearly recognizable yellow or
glowing arrow will point toward a hidden opening which may be passed through
Gates are magical doorways that can lead almost anywhere. These Gates are represented by ropes
of lights of various shapes and colors. While only the wisest of mages understand the true natures
of gates, most adventurers know that solidly lit lights mean that a gate is stable, while blinking lights
indicate the Gate may close at any moment. If a gate is unlit it is impassable (please look carefully
around unfamiliar doorways before walking in). Adventurers beware, as being inside a Gate when
the lights go out may seal you in another realm forever.
The shape of a gate can vary. Few understand the significance, but as long as the Gate is large
enough anyone may pass through. A small, round Gate too small or too high for someone to
reasonably walk through indicates a communication portal. Physical contact, spells, or passing an
object (or even Eidolon) through such a communication Gate is impossible.
Colors are more telling. Violet Gates or Rifts may reveal some connection to necromancy. Red lights
can be an indication that Death's Realm is near. The Realm of Fae is often connected to the
physical realm by green or blue lights. White or multicolored lights may vary in aspect and nature.

Laminated Cards
Laminated Cards are occasionally used to communicate certain out-of-game information. If you see
such a card you must read it, if possible. Legends staff may carry these; others will be found
attached to certain items in the game.
Props and Stickered Items
Props at Legends are categorized into three types. Standard treasure type items, such as coins,
gems, elixirs, and scrolls, may be taken and used as you see fit. The second category uses a red
sticker to designate and item you cannot touch, move, or affect (including items inside). Glass props
are almost always decorative and should be always considered red stickered. The third type uses a
yellow sticker to designate an item which can be touched and taken, but must be returned to
Legends at Check Out.
Players and staff can let others know that certain items are decorative by using the simple term
‘Prop’. For instance if someone was searching you and they wanted your real wedding ring, you
could say, "prop", to let them know they cannot take it. Weapons and costume items almost always
fall into this category.
Light is important for both safety and atmosphere. ‘Light spells’ are common in this respect. Players
may only use green chemical ‘glow sticks’, or 'Krill' style battery powered lamps for Light spells.
Players may pass light sticks to others, set them down, or slide them across a room, but they should
never be thrown. Candles or candle lanterns are permitted but no flame of any sort may be left
unattended at any time. Flashlights or other electrical lights should not be used except for safety
reasons. Players are encouraged to carry small flashlights for safety.

Red Hands
Legends uses flat red ‘hand’ symbols to represent a magical ward on doors
that are impassable. These hands should be displayed prominently and
players entering buildings should always check for such hands before entering
There are five types of traps at Legends: Explosive, Magical, Physical, Flash, and Contact Poison.
Players may not place traps without the appropriate skill.
Explosive traps are represented by a small ‘snappers’ or ‘poppers’ which produces a bang similar
to a cap gun sound. These traps will do one point of damage and Maims a leg (as the talent)
whoever sets them off. Explosive traps may NOT be parried, nor resisted with a spell shield.
Magic traps vary in form, but all have an electronic buzzer. Anyone who sets one off receives
three points of damage and is knocked unconscious for five minutes (Similar to a Subdue attack).
Effects from Magical traps can be resisted using a Spell Shield.
Physical traps vary in form, but are simply a swinging weapon of some kind, a falling boulder, or
other large foam object. If a physical trap so much as touches you, something on your person , or
weapons or shields, you are hit with a Slay (as the Talent). Rationale is that the sheer mechanical
force behind the trap will easily push aside a weapon or even limb to hit your torso with a mighty
Contact poison is represented by petroleum jelly. If this touches your skin, you are poisoned (as
the special Poison talent).
Flash traps are a high powered flash (NOT a strobe light) which represents a deadly explosion.
Anyone within the same room when the flash goes off (or within five feet in the unlikely event a
flash trap detonates outside) you are reduced to zero vitality and rendered instantly dead. You may
not parry nor resist this trap with a spell shield.
Locks and Lock Picking
Programmable combination locks represent in game locks at Legends.
Anyone in game may attempt to open a lock by guessing a
combination, or by picking (even without the Lockpicking Talent).
Players cannot bring locks into the game, but they can be obtained
from the proper sources. Locks may not normally be taken in game.
Doors may NOT be locked or barred in such a way that they cannot be broken into (using a lock on
the inside of a door, for instance). Locks on the outside are acceptable. Such as locks on shops to
prevent theft. Doors are sometimes locked in-game using screw eyes and locks. You may NEVER
use a lock in such a way as to actually lock someone within a building.
Occasionally you may find yourself locked in handcuffs, manacles, or some other restraint. Every
time this occurs, you will be able to easily slide out of these restraints for safety reasons, but your
character must find some in-game manner of removal. The Escape Bonds skill is one such way.

Because our staff use rubber masks to represent different creatures and effects, players cannot to use
them without special permission. The only disguise players may are ones that simply hide one's
appearance rather than alter it. Similarly false beards, mustaches and wigs can only be worn if they
are part of a character's permanent looks. Face paint can only be used for tattoos, scars, or ‘war
paint’. Players need special permission to wear fangs. In short, players may cover their identity, but
not alter it with any methods above, however there may be times when this rule is ignored

“In” and “Not In” Combat

Several skills, such as Stealth skills, require that neither the user nor victim are engaged in combat.
If your character is immersed or actively participating in combat, they are engaged in combat. if
fighting surrounds them, they have a reasonable expectation of being attacked. Therefore they are
engaged in combat. For example. Being surrounded on all sides by monsters fighting each other
regardless of your active participation in the combat, you are immersed in combat and have a
reasonable expectation of being attacked. You are in combat. Or. You are standing in front of the
same combat, without being surrounded. You are not in combat, you are distracted by combat.
Things You Need to Know
Elemental Dart Elemental Bolt Fumble
Root Sleep Silence
Death Dominate Spell Shield
Resist Disarm Crushing Blow
Maim Slay Parry
Shatter Subdue Assassinate
Poison Fear Final Blow
Death Strike Eidolon Vitality
There is No Escape I Curse Your Spirit Traps
Walls and Gates Red Hands Colored Stickers
Reveal Final Death Disease
Scrolls and Tags Laminated Cards Disguise

Shield and Weapon Construction

The following appendices involve weapon and shield creation. Weapon building has come a long
way over the years. We will discuss how to build two types of weapons. Camp Mat and Pipe
Insulation weapons. Latex weapons are allowed in our game, however only for use by experienced
larpers. All weapons must be approved at check in. Legends reserves the right to refuse to allow the
use of any weapon we deem unsafe. In the event an unsafe weapon is brought to game, legends has
weapons which are approved and available for loan during the event.
Basic Weapon Construction
Core - Usable materials: Fiberglass Driveway Markers, Carbon Fiber Kite Rods, or CPVC piping.
Caps – Small coins, Leather, or Vinyl Caps
Body Foam - 1/2” diameter Pipe Insulation is the standard. Blue Camp Foam may be used, but
follows a different building method. See Camp Foam Appendix
Tip Foam - Throw Pillow Core or other 'open cell' foam.
Duct Tape
Hacksaw – For cutting core
Utility Knife – For cutting foam and tape

Building steps:
1. Cut the core to about 5" shorter than the desired total length of the weapon. Use a strip of tape
over the place you are cutting to prevent burrs and dust. Tape a vinyl cap or a piece of heavy
leather on each end to prevent it from damaging the insulation.
2. Hold the core in your hand to get an idea where you want the grip. Cut a piece of pipe
insulation measuring the length from your hand to the tip of the weapon core plus 3/4” more. This
will be the main body and striking part of your weapon.
3. Test fit the foam over the core. A proper weapon body should be snug but not tight. If the
insulation is too loose, you will need to bulk up your core, or preferably slice a long section from the
tube of insulation to get a snug fit.
4. Place the foam insulation over the core letting it overhang about 3/4”. For safety reasons, the
core tip should NEVER peek out of the end of the foam. Fill the hole with scrap foam, and place a
small piece of duct tape over the hole to keep the core from pushing through.
5. Cover the edge of the weapon with 3-4 long strips of duct tape, running from the tip to the hilt
with enough excess to attach it directly to the core. Do NOT spiral the tape and minimize overlap.
If done correctly, most of the weapon will have only one layer of tape.
6. Cut a 2-3” piece of pipe insulation and tape it to the butt end of the hilt as the pommel. It should
extend about ¾" past the end of the core. Stuff some soft foam inside the hole and cover it well
with tape. As with the body, core should never peek out past the insulation.
7. Cut a 2" cube of soft open-cell foam for the thrusting tip. Tape this to the end of the weapon
using as little tape as possible. Compression should be minimal, and a completed tip should be soft
but not bend over. Use a needle or tack to poke many small holes in the thrusting tip. Poke your
eye with the tip to be certain there are no hard parts that could hurt someone.
This simple weapon can be used as a simple fighting stick or club. This basic
tutorial can be modified to create other weapons:
To create a sword, add the following step just after step 5: Cut a 5-6” length of pipe insulation, cut
a hole through the center, and place it over the core and against the main body to serve as a sword's
crossguard. Cover with duct tape.
To create an axe, cut an axe head out of open cell foam and attach it to the end of the basic
weapon with a few strips of strapping tape followed by a layer of duct tape. Poke some small holes
in the surface as if you were building a thrusting tip. You could even add a head on the opposite
side for a battle axe.
Mace or Club
To create a mace or club, wrap a thin layer of open cell foam over the last few inches of the
weapon, and tape over it.
Weapons may be decorated with other duct tape colors, as well as other accoutrements such as
feathers, and ribbons, but no hard object should ever be attached to an area made to strike another
Legends Legacy maintains the right to refuse the use of any weapon, so please
contact the game manager before building anything unconventional.

Other Weapons:
Weapons over 3 feet long should only be made with carbon fiber or fiberglass to prevent a whippy or
dangerously overweight weapon.
Bow's can be created by slowly heating CPVC pipe into a recurve shape, and then covering with
foam as normal. “Finger” nerf arrows are used in conjunction, instead of using an actual string.
Nerf style crossbows can be purchased and painted or covered to look appropriate.
Thrown and projectile weapons should be only foam and duct tape.

Weapon Lengths
18” to 24”
50” to 66”
25” to 50”
18” to 50”
Pole Weapon
50” to 66”
Basic Shield Construction
A round plastic sled
1/2” rope
1/2” diameter pipe insulation
Duct tape
Large sheet of cloth
Drill with a 1/2” bit
Utility knife

Building steps:
1. With your forearm in the center of the sled as a guide, mark two dots just above and below your
hand with the sharpie. Then mark just above and below your forearm near the elbow.
2. Drill 1/2” holes at each mark.
3. Thread a length rope through the two holes on one side and tie it off to make a large loop. Do
the same to the other side. These two ropes will make the sleeves with which you shall slip your arm
through to hold your shield.
4. Add a continuous length of pipe insulation around all edges of the sled and duct tape it down.
5. Drape the cloth over the front of your shield and fold it over to the back. Trim off the excess and
tape the cloth down to the shield.

Materials other than a plastic sled can be used, but they must be lightweight for safety reasons.
Circular shields may be no more than 30 inches in diameter. Rectangular shields may be no more
than 24 inches wide and 30 inches tall.
Any protruding pieces such as nuts or bolts must be properly padded to prevent injury..
Tower shields may be no larger than 30 inches wide and 36 inches tall and require an Advanced
skill to use them.

Legends Legacy maintains the right to refuse the use of any shield, so please contact
the game manager before building anything unconventional.

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