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Nutri Finalsrev

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Water Soluble Vitamins - Work with enzymes to breakdown fats,

Vitamins carbs, and proteins to yield energy for

- “vita” means life function and synthesis of DNA
- Must be applied daily absorbed into Sources: legumes, mushrooms, cauliflower,
blood, not in portal veins peanuts, cheese, liver, whole grains, sardines
- Minimal storage of excesses Deficiency: hair loss (alopecia), depression
- Toxic only at megadose
Vitamin B9 (Folic)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) - Prevent anemia
- Anti-beriberi: metabolize carbs and fats: - For healthy skin and muscle tone
produce energy - Enhance immune and nervous system
- Essential for normal growth and function
development and helps to maintain - Reduce risk of pancreatic cancer
proper functioning of the heart and the Sources: broccoli, mushrooms, liver, beans, peas,
nervous and digestive systems grains
Sources: Green peas, spinach, beef, pork, beans, Defeciency: megaloblastic anemia, and
nuts, banana
Deficiency: Wernicke-korsakoff syndrome; Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
beriberi; neurodegeneration - Keeps CNS health
- Works with folic acid to produce RBC
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Sources: meat, milk, eggs, fish
- For metabolism of fats, CHO, and proteins Deficiency: pernicious anemia
meats, grain, beans, spinach, mushrooms, poultry
Deficiency: ariboflavinosis Choline
- Maintain membrane integrity
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - Support of nervous system activity
- Energy production, metabolism of fats Sources: liver, egg, beef, cauliflower, beans, tofu,
Sources: liver, chicken, beef, fish, milk, broccoli, almonds, peanut butter
tomatoes, carrots, dates, sweet, potatoes, Deficiency: development of liver carcinoma
asparagus, avocados, nuts, whole grain without any known carcinogen
products, legumes, mushrooms
Deficiencies: pellagra Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
- Wound healing, prevent cell damage,
Vitamin B3 (Pantothenic Acid) promote healthy gums and teeth
- Anti-stress vitamin - Strengthen immune system, helps absorb
- For cell metabolism. Synthesis of iron
cholesterol metabolism, hormone Sources: citrus juices and fruits, tomatoes, berries,
production and hemoglobin potatoes with skins, peppers, broccoli, spinach
Sources: peas, beans, organ meat, poultry, fish, Deficiency: scurvy
cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, lobsters, Toxicity: (more than 1500mg/day) may decrease
avocado, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, whole- the absorption of copper in the intestine,
grain, sunflower seeds aggravate gout symptoms, excessive urination,
Deficiency: paresthesia, depression kidney stones

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
- Help the nervous and immune system
function efficiently
- Converts tryptophan to niacin
- Enabling the breakdown of glycogen and
Toxicity: muscle incoordination, numbness of
hands and feet
Deficiency: confusion, depression, nervousness,
cheilosis, anemia (microcytic type)
Vitamin B7 (Biotin, Vit H) Calcium
- Helps build strong bones and teeth
- Regulate muscle contractions and Sources: meat, shellfish, dairy foods, cereal
heartbeat product (wheatgerm)
- For normal blood clots
- Deficiency leads to rickets in children and Fluoride
osteomalacia or osteoporosis in later life - To strengthen enamel
Sources: dairy foods, green leady vegetables, - Helps to prevent cavities
soya beans, nuts, sardines Sources: water, plants, rocks
RDA: 19-64 y/o need 700mg of calcium per day
Phosphorus - Produce red and white blood cells
- Helps build strong bones and teeth - Trigger the release of iron to form
- Helps release energy from food hemoglobin
Sources: red meat, bread, brown oats, dairy Sources: nuts, shellfish
foods, fish, poultry
Magnesium - Regulate body temperature, metabolic
- Keep bones strong, for normal blood rate, reproduction, growth, blood cell
pressure reproduction, nerve and muscle function
- Maintain normal muscle and nerve and more
function Deficiency: goiter, cretinism: during pregnancy,
- Supports a healthy immune system deficiency will lead to irreversible mental and
- Helps regulate blood sugar levels physical retardation of the child
Sources: green vegetables, legumes (beans and
peas), nuts and seeds, whole grain wheat flour

- Has a role in bone mineralization
- Vital to the creation of the hormone insulin
- Essential protein found in nails, skin and
Sources: animal protein, dairy products, seafood,
nuts and seeds, durian, garlic, onions, asparagus,
broccoli, kale, turnips

- Making new cells and enzymes
- Wound healing

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