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Essential Vitamin Guide: Find It in

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Essential Vitamin Guide

A FIND IT IN Meat: organ meats

Seafood: king mackerel, salmon,
bluefin tuna
Adults: 700–900 mcg - Essential for vision and eye health Dairy: goat cheese, cheddar cheese
RAE - Strengthens the immune system Vegetables (provitamin A): green,
Pregnancy: 750–770 - Supports reproductive health and orange, and yellow vegetables like
mcg RAE fertility broccoli, leafy greens, carrots,
Breastfeeding - As a strong antioxidant, helps and squash
1,200–1,300 mcg RAE organs like the heart, lungs, and Fruit (provitamin A): cantaloupe,
Intake should not kidneys work as they should grapefruit, mango
exceed 3,000 mcg

B1 (thiamine)
FIND IT IN Meat: pork, poultry, beef liver
Seafood: salmon, mussels
Vegetables: asparagus
Adult men: 1.2 mg - Helps maintain muscle tension and Nuts, beans, and legumes: flax
Adult women: 1.1 mg reflexes seeds, navy beans, macadamia nuts,
Pregnancy and - Vital for turning food into energy edamame, black beans, lentils
breastfeeding: 1.5 mg in the body Grains: enriched bread, noodles,
- Important for growth, cereal
development, and function of cells

B2 (riboflavin)
FIND IT IN Meat: organ meats, beef
Seafood: salmon, trout, oysters,
clams, mussels
Adult men: 1.3 mg - Vital for energy production Dairy: milk, yogurt, swiss cheese
Adult women: 1.1 mg - Ensures proper growth, Eggs
Pregnancy: 1.4 mg development, and function of cells Vegetables: mushrooms, asparagus,
Breastfeeding: 1.6 mg - Helps metabolize fats, drugs, and broccoli, spinach
steroids Grains: fortified cereal
Other: nutritional and brewer’s yeast

Medically reviewed by: Adda Bjarnadottir — MS, LN

B3 (niacin)
FIND IT IN Meat: organ meats, pork, beef
Seafood: tuna, salmon, trout,
oysters, clams, mussels
Adult men: 16 mg - Combats oxidative stress and Poultry: chicken and turkey breasts
Adult women: 14 mg boosts the body’s immune system Nuts and legumes: peanuts, lentils
Pregnancy: 18 mg - Aids development and function of Grains: fortified cereal
Breastfeeding: 17 mg cells Other: nutritional and brewer’s yeast
Tolerable upper limit: - May help lower cholesterol and
35 mg blood fat levels

B6 (pyridoxine)
FIND IT IN Meat: beef, pork, organ meats
Seafood: salmon, tuna
Poultry: turkey and chicken breasts
Adult men: 1.7 mg - Helps promote and maintain healthy Eggs
Adult women: 1.5 mg brain function Dairy: milk, ricotta cheese
Pregnancy: 1.9 mg - Important for red blood cell creation Vegetables: spinach, potatoes
Breastfeeding: 2.0 mg - Vital for nutrient metabolism Fruit: bananas, avocados
Tolerable upper limit: - Lowers levels of homocysteine, high Grains: fortified cereal
100 mg levels of which are a risk for several Nuts and legumes: pistachios,
health conditions chickpeas, peas
Other: nutritional and brewer’s yeast

B7 (biotin)
FIND IT IN Meat: organ meats
Seafood: salmon
Dairy: milk, cheese, yogurt
Adults: 30 mcg - Helps keep cells and tissues Egg yolks
Breastfeeding: 35 mcg healthy Fruit: avocados
- May promote hair growth Vegetables: sweet potatoes, broccoli
- May promote lower blood sugar mushrooms, spinach, cauliflower
levels Nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts,
pecans, sunflower seeds, nut butters
Other: nutritional and brewer’s yeast


Medically reviewed by: Adda Bjarnadottir — MS, LN
B9 (folate)
FIND IT IN Meat: organ meats
Vegetables: asparagus, Brussels
Adults: 400 mcg - Helps lower the risk of neural tube sprouts, dark leafy greens, beets
Pregnancy: 600 mcg defects Fruit: oranges and orange juice,
Breastfeeding: - Important for gene expression and grapefruit, lemons, limes
500 mcg DNA repair Grains: fortified grain products
- Helps combat inflammation Legumes: edamame, black beans,
chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils,
pinto beans, peanuts
Nuts and seeds: walnuts, flax seeds
Other: nutritional and brewer’s yeast

B12 (cobalamin)
FIND IT IN Meat: organ meats, beef
Seafood: trout, salmon, oysters,
clams, mussels, tuna, sardines
Pregnancy: 2.6 mcg - Helps make DNA Dairy: milk, yogurt, Swiss cheese
Breastfeeding: - Keeps nerve and blood cells healthy Eggs
2.8 mcg - Helps prevent anemia Other: nutritional yeast, fortified
- Lowers risk of birth defects nondairy milk, supplements
- Promotes bone density
- May improve symptoms of mild
depression in those with B12 deficiency
- Helps lower inflammation

C FIND IT IN Fruit: citrus fruits and juice, Kakadu

plums, kiwis, acerola cherries,
strawberries, cantaloupe, tomatoes,
Adult men: 90 mcg - Improves iron absorption guavas
Adult women: 75 mcg - Is a potent antioxidant Vegetables: red, green, and yellow
Pregnancy: 85 mg - May help lower blood pressure peppers; kale; Brussels sprouts;
Breastfeeding: 120 mg - May reduce gout symptoms broccoli
- Helps produce collagen, the
building block of body tissue
- Boosts the immune system


Medically reviewed by: Adda Bjarnadottir — MS, LN
D FIND IT IN Seafood: fatty fish like salmon,
tuna, herring, and sardines
Adults 19–70: 600 IU - Strengthens bones and reduces the Other: cod liver oil, mushrooms
Adults 71+: 800 IU risk of osteoporosis treated with UV light, sunshine,
Pregnancy and - Boosts the immune system fortified nondairy milk and other
breastfeeding: 600 IU - May help fight depression fortified foods
- Linked to a lower risk of multiple
sclerosis (MS) and heart disease

E FIND IT IN Seafood: salmon, trout

Fruit: avocado, kiwi
Vegetables: red peppers, butternut
Adults: 15 mg - Helps protect cells from damage squash, asparagus, broccoli
Pregnancy: 15 mg and aids their regeneration Nuts and seeds: sunflower seeds,
Breastfeeding: 19 mg - Boosts the immune system hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts, nut
- Is a potent antioxidant butters
- Helps prevent blood clots Legumes: peanuts
- May offer benefits for your skin and Vegetable oils: wheat germ oil,
face when consumed or applied sunflower oil, safflower oil

K FIND IT IN Meat: organ meats, pork, chicken

Dairy: cheese, butter
Vegetables: dark leafy greens,
Adult men: 120 mcg - May lower heart disease risk by parsley, kale, broccoli, Brussels
Adult women: 90 mcg reducing the risk of artery sprouts, edamame, green beans
Pregnancy and calcification Fruit: blueberries, grapes, figs,
breastfeeding: 90 mcg - Plays a critical role in blood clotting avocado
- Keeps bones healthy Fermented soy products: natto
Legumes: soybeans
Vegetable oils: canola oil, soybean
oil, olive oil


Medically reviewed by: Adda Bjarnadottir — MS, LN

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