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DCC - Day - 2023 - Adventure - Pack Pag 6

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area 1-11, they will be able to jump into the vortex and ride borne in this way, it will

t will attempt to swallow their victim’s

it all the way upward to area 2-6. head. On a failed DC 7 Reflex save, the target’s head be-
comes swallowed by the glurb murker and its acidic mu-
Area 1-11—Baltothume’s Quarters: Stepping through the
cus deals 1d4 acid damage to the victim per round. A DC 5
mirror leads further downward to a small private living quarters. Strength check is required to escape.
Against each wall there is a bed, a small wash basin, and a ward-
robe. In the center of the room is another huge statue nearly identi- Submerge: A murker can sink to stay hidden in the pools of
cal to the three pointing statues save for two differences. For one, primordial fluid. While submerged, it cannot be attacked.
in the cavity of this statue’s chest there is a circular disk depicting After 1d6 rounds, it is forced to resurface for air for the same
what looks like a half moon; black on one side, white on the other. amount of rounds before being able to submerge again. Each
The other difference is that this statue is pointing upwards. In the time a glurb murker submerges, they regain +1 hp.
ceiling directly above the statue is a huge circular glass skylight
which appears to double as the glass bottom of an illuminated and AREA 2: THE NIGHT CAVERNS
intensely swirling pool of crystal clear water. OF GLUUMMOGGAX
The disk in the statue has two positions and controls the direc- Area 2-1—The Crooked Cliffs: Through the double
tion of flow of the columnar vortex in area 1-10. If the white of iron doors lies area 2-1, an elevated, narrow, winding track
the half moon is on the right, the vortex above flows clockwise through pitch darkness. Forging ahead without a light
and downwards. If the white half of the half moon is on the source risks plummeting over cliff edges to their death. If
left, the vortex flows counter-clockwise and upward. By de- characters have a way of seeing in the dark, then read the
fault, the white is on the right and the vortex is flowing down- following:
wards. Depending on the direction of water flow, PCs can use
vortex as an elevator upwards to area 2-6 from area 1-10 and The path ahead is an upward sloping, narrow track of about 4 feet
back down again. Lastly, the shaft of water can also be jumped wide, zig-zagging along its way like a crooked stone bridge being
into from the edge of the plateau in area 2-3 and depending supported by nothing but the utter darkness of the cavern. The
on which way the water is flowing, will take PCs either up to edges on either side of the path fall straight away down sheer cliffs
area 2-6 or down to area 1-10. Use handout B-1 as a marker to into a seemingly bottomless pit.
indicate which direction the vortex is flowing.
This area is occupied by 2 kliingrappii. These are dog-sized,
If PCs feel inclined to examine the wardrobe they will find furless, flying squirrel-like creatures that cling to shadowy
its only contents to be an orange and gold robe which gives areas and shriek as they drop down onto their victims from
the wearer +5 Initiative against firefang fish, kliinggrappii, above. The kliingrappii are a mutation of the squirrels that
skullcap sentinels, and Gluummoggax. There is also a small once lived within the great tree that grows high atop Bal-
chest on the floor of the wardrobe, that can be opened with tothume’s peak and whose roots grow down deep into the
Baltothume’s key from area 1-7, containing 100 gp. rock making up the Wooden Cavern of area 2-5. The seeping
Night has been infecting the great tree and its acorns for cen-
Area 1-12—The Fetid Pool: In this area, the man-made con-
turies and the squirrels who feed upon them are corrupted
struction of the hall gives way to a crude corridor bored through into the kliingrappii.
damp solid rock. At the end of this corridor is a cave containing a
fetid pool bubbling with murky green sludge. A bucket bobs about Kliingrappii (2): Init +3; Atk bite +2 melee (1d4) or wing
in the ooze attached to a long chain rising up toward the unseen +4 melee (1+wing-wrap); Crit M/1d6; AC 13; HD 2d6; hp 9
ceiling. each; MV fly 40’; Act 1d20; SP wing-wrap (DC 10 Ref save or
be blinded for 1d6 rounds); SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will -1; AL C.
As soon as PCs arrive at the Fetid Pool, three pairs of globu-
lar eyes rise up from its depths. These glurb murkers look Wing-wrap: Kliingrappii possesses a special attack in which
like overly fat frogs with four useless-looking limbs, tiny in they wrap their membranous “wings” around their victim’s
comparison to the rest of their balloon-like bodies. They at- head blinding them in an attempt to drag them off of the
tack if the pool is disturbed. cliffs to their doom. Characters can attempt to dodge the
wing-wrap with a DC 10 Reflex save. If the save fails, the
The PCs may attempt a DC 8 Strength check to climb the PC will become wing-wrapped and unable to see for 1d6
bucket’s chain 100’ up the shaft, and exit out the top of the rounds. During these rounds, the character may attempt DC
well onto area 2-3. 10 Strength checks to pry the creature from their face. At
Glurb Murkers (3): Init +3; Atk poisonous sneeze +2 mis- the end of the these rounds, and if the attempts fail, the PC
sile fire (1d3+poison, 15’ range) or mouth +2 melee (1+head will find themselves teetering on the edge of the cliff. At this
swallow); Crit M/1d6; AC 11; HD 2d6; hp 8 each; MV 5’ or point, the PC can attempt one final DC 10 Reflex save, or one
15’ fly; Act 1d20; SP poisonous sneeze (DC 7 Fort save or be of their comrades can come to their aid to prevent the char-
paralyzed for 1d6 rounds), head swallow (DC 7 Ref save acter from plunging off the cliffs, 200’ down to their death.
to dodge or suffer 1d4 acid burn damage), submerge (1d6 Area 2-2—The Brittle Bridge: Before you a long, slightly
rounds); SV Fort +1, Ref -1, Will +1; AL C. upward arcing natural stone bridge of about 2 feet wide and only 6
Head Swallow: A murker can quickly puff out their bellies inches thick, stretches out over a vast chasm and off into the dark-
causing them to pop up and fly across the muck. When air- ness. There seems to be a faint flicker of light ahead.

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JM GO (Order #42488814)

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