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LOTR RPG - The Fellowship of The Ring - Bilbo

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of the Misty Mountains, Arwen ‘qutious about her travels. Hee ers accompany her on many of trips, and when they are not with ‘or their father, they spend their ss hunting Ores, exacting their snge for the injury done their cher. ‘The Arwen of the films is a much ‘more likely ally of any heroes. While she travels frequently between Lérien and Rivendell, she often does so on her own or with only a few close friends. Moreover, she regularly joins her brothers in their patrols around “either of the two great Elvish realms, and in this she deports herself well. If Arwen were to encounter the heroes in the Wild, she would be "instantly suspicious of them. While she loves a Man, she has the typical Elvish distruse of outsiders, although pethaps a bit less so than is normally found. Once the heroes win her approval, however, she is open and warm with them, in a way tha few Ef-ladies could also manage. She is truly unique among Elf-women. In Lérien and especially Rivendell, Arwen plays the role of the gracious host. She is always polite, although pethaps a bit more distant than nor- mal. She knows well chat there are those who like to play diplomatic ‘games in such places, and she does what she can to solidly avoid such entanglements. She has little interest in politics. At the age of 2,777, she | has seen enough of such things. Cary. ee THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING SOURCEBOOK BILBO BAGGINS “What fen! What fu tobe off again, off on the Road with Dwarves! This is what T have really ben longing for, for years! — Bilbo Baggins, The Fellowship of the Ring Ract: Hobbit (Fallohice) RACIAL ABILITIES: Six Meals a Day, ‘Small Folk, Soft-foored, Sure at the Mark, Tough as Old Tree- ATTRIBUTES: Bearing 9 (+1)*, Nimbleness 11 (+2)*, Perception 10 (+2), Strength 5 (+0), Vitality 7 (40), Wits 9 41) ‘CoRRUPTION: 6 REACTIONS: — Stamina +0, Swiftness +2, Willpower +1", Wisdom +2 ‘OnvERs: Noble, rogue OnoeR —AniuiTiEs:— Courtier, Deference, Lurking in the Shadows, Scoundeel’s Fortune ‘ADVANCEMENTS: LI SKILLS: Acrobatics (Balance) +1, Appraise (Gold) +3, Armed Combat: Blades +3, Climb +3, Craft: Cooking +4, Debate (Negotiate) +2, Games (Riddles) +3, Inquire (Converse) +2, Inspire +2, Jump +1, Language: Quenya +2, Language: Sindarin +2, Language: Westron (Common, Hobbie-dialect) +3, Legerdemain (Pick Pocket) +1, Lore: History (Elves, Men, Hobbits) +2, Lore: Realm (Eriador, The Shire) +3, Observe (Spor) +3, Persuade (Fast Talk) +4, Ranged Combar: Thrown Weapons +3, Ride (Pony) +2, Search +3, Survival (Forests) +2, Seealth (Sneak) +5 EDGES: Ally 3 (Aragorn, Elrond, Gandalf), Charmed Life, Dodge, EIF- friend, Hoard 3, Incorruptible FLAWS: Enemies (Gollum), Oaeh (contract to burgle for Thorin, now 26 fulfilled) Heat Courace: 4 RENOWN: 2 GEAR: Cloching, personal journal, travel gear, pipe, and pipeweed *: Favoured attribute or reaction IN THE NOVEL Before the War of the Ring, Bilbo Baggins is far and away the most adventurous, cosmopolitan, and well- travelled Hobbit in the Shire. The son. of Bungo Baggins and Belladonna ‘Took—and grandson of the Old ‘Took himself—had the adventure of lifetime a generation or more ago. As the fourteenth member of Thorin Oakenshield’s quest to take back the Lonely Mountain from the dragon ‘Smaug, Bilbo travelled farther and wider than any other hobbit of the Shire to thar date. In the course of his adventure (as detailed in The Hobbit), Bilbo became lost in che caverns beneath the Misty Mountains. There, he seumbled upon a plain, golden ring thar magically turned him invisible. After he escaped from Gollum, the Ring's former owner, Bilbo made good use of the Ring to help the dwarves achieve their goals. Once Bilbo returned to the Shire, he gave up advencures for what he thought was permanent. He lived peaceably for many years in his family home: Bag End, The Hill, Hobbiton, On his one hundred and eleventh birthday, Bilbo held a fancastic parey for himself and his chosen heir, Frodo Baggins, a young Hobbit who was exactly 78 years younger than Bilbo, to the day. That same night, Bilbo left Hobbiton forever, leaving behind nearly everything he owned and bequeathing it co Frodo—including his old ring. After Bilbo left the Shire, he head~ cd for Rivendell and stayed there for a while. Soon after, he mounted up a trip to Dale, retracing the general peg ee eee Pe eee ee this time around. While there, he vis ee Se a oe ees Cr a eee bee ene who had survived o nor run off to try oan eee Bilbo returned co Rivendell after his visic was complete, and it was there eee Paaretra ted thae he planned to live out the rest of his days. To say chat he was surprised when Gandalf showed up there in TA 3018 and announced thas Bilbo's ring eee ee ea eg eee Lord Sauron would be tunderstarement. Bilbo offered to take Cee oes eae eens Pete re oe eros ats eee ae eT eae Pa ere task. While Bilbo owned the Ring, i [eer ere sees CeCe ae reserved Hobbit aged rapidly £ Before Frodo left on the Quest of ene ens his most prized possessions: Sting a Tre | Pater ar eet re ean he would see his young ward, the per ere eta Ta While cry cranes strange, he w wealthiest and most popular eS Sea ae Te His party’ was the most extrava: aa See he ese eee ny eee ee Foreeene te Co eens Cioran seers eee eee ee Sites re Jong years of wearing the One oa Parra eae has absolutely no knowledge of its true power, allowing the foul device to work its ways upon him withouc much fear of being discovered. Ce ee ae Penge ee strating that its hold on him is not rea begins to age at such a rate thar he Pree es of mere weeks enters Sn ee ee aid with Frodo, the elder Hobbit asks to When Frodo refuses, Bilbo actually transforms momentarily into some kind of evil beast lusting after Pee en ret eet Ring touches are forever stained by Breer oe At IN THE GAME Bilbo lives exclusively in the Shire eee ene UNECE eae ' Boers ere visits friends and relatives throughout the Shire, especially in Tookland and Buckland. Most Hobbits consider ee See et eee ae eres oe ee They enjoy his tales of adventure and Seer enn a a eee ace ees he cares to admit and is at least par tially why he has begun to write an account of his travels for the benefit of the Shire’s history Perera aero! chance of being dirceted to Bag End if they are in need of help. Bilbo is wide eee other people whom most honest OCC eee era home, as docs Gandalf from time Crean nag ee Cee omy Pe eee Fy fepaaie orree: | aH Lg Nemeri paremia, (Ae aie meen |, Sat, alee emis ( i eran ets just andi cause hear ee eran eae Co) ee Whllahhe only speaks of one i: | fie he armen © have fhad a few small adven Deena ee ee ene por | epee Sota an ean tetas ants So eed aaa SS eng is Sees likely, since Bilbo goes directly m Hobbiton co Rivendell, but there's no reason he couldn't have an unter or two along the way. While Bilbo has the Ring, he ps its existence a secret from all his closest friends. He would cer- inly not reveal anything about ic to rangers or even acquaintances. He's all too aware that hes nor eerribly powerful, and if pressed he is ready to ‘use the Ring to escape. If Bilbo gets into trouble, he does hhave a number of powerful friends that are looking out for him and are “willing t0 help him out. Gandalf and Aragorn are but the two most likely to come to his aid, but others—like " Elrond—surely seand ready as well. Once Bilbo forsakes the Ring, he is much more tired. He likes to speak of the old days often, and he spends a great deal of time working on his memoirs. Still, despite any appear- ances to the contrary, he has a keen mind and a courageous heart. While hhe may be 129 years old when the War of the Ring begins (or just 111 in the film), he is still the wisest and most + accomplished Hobbie of the rime. THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING SOURCEBOOK FRODO BAGGINS ‘Twill take the Ring... though I do not now the way.” — Frodo Baggins, The Fllowship of the Ring Race: Hobbit (Fallohide) RACIAL ABILITIES: Six Meals a Day, ‘Small Folk, Soft-footed, Sure at the Mark, Tough as Old Tree-roots ATTRIBUTES: Bearing 8 (+1)*, Nimbleness 6 (+0), Perception 9 (41), Strength 4 (+0), Vitality 8 (41), Wits 9 (+1)" CORRUPTION: 2. This slowly rises ‘over the course of his quest until ic reaches 9 at Sammach Naur. REACTIONS: Stamina +3, Swifness +2, Willpower +4", Wisdom +4 ‘OnoeR: Noble ‘Onver AstuiTies: Deference ADVANCEMENTS: 6 SKILLS: Armed Combat: Blades +3, Cralt: Cooking +3, Insight +5, Language: Quenya +2, Language: Sindarin +2, Language: Westron (Common, Hobbit-dialect) +6, Lore: History (Hobbits) +6, Lore: Realm (The Shire) +7, Lore: Rings of Power 41, Observe (Spot) +6, Perform: Compose Verse +3, Stealth (Hide) +6, Survival (Forest) +5 Epes: Allies 6 (Gandalf, Elrond, and others among the Wise), Ele friend, Faithfal (the Wise), Favour of Fortune, Hoard 3 (Bilbos treasure), Incorruprible, Resolute FLAWS: Duty (to safeguard and eventually destroy the One Ring), Enemies (servants of Sauron) Heatth: 8 COURAGE: 4 RENOWN: GEAR: The One Ring (see The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game, page 199), Sting (see The Lord of the 28 Rings Roleplaying Game, page 196), coat of —mithril-mail (Damage Absorbed 17), clothing, travel gear, pipe, and pipeweed. *: Favoured attribute or reaction IN THE NOVEL Frodo was born in TA 2968 in Buckland, to the east of the Shire proper, across the Brandywine River. His father was Drogo Bas ‘ond cousin of Bilbo Baggins, mean- ing that Frodo was Bilbo’ second cousin, once removed, on that side of the family. Frodo's mother was Primula Brandybuck, Bilbo's firse cousin on his mother's side, making him Frodo's first once removed there. After Primula mar- ried Drogo, they lived with her ‘extended family in Brandy Hall, and that's where Frodo was born. Frodo was orphaned in TA 2980, at the tender age of 12, when his par- ents drowned after their boat cap- sized on the Brandywine. After that horrible loss, the Brandybuck family raised him in his parents place. Bilbo Baggins took a special liking to his young cousin, and when Frodo was 21 years old, Bilbo asked Frodo to come share Bag End with him. Bilbo had lived there alone since his ther had died 55 years before. Just like Bilbo, Frodo was most comiort- able in the company of his younger cousins. Merry Brandybuck was 14 years younger than Frodo, and Pippin was a full 22 years younger. Sam was 12 years younger than Frodo, making Frodo the eldest of the Hobbits who were part of the Fellowship of the Ring. ‘When Bilbo left the Shire after his clevency-first birthday party, he made Frodo his heir, and the younger Hobbit lived comfortably and alone in Bag End until he was forced to flee the Shire 17 years later. Among the many things left to Frodo was Bilbos magic ring—which Frodo later learned from Gandalf was the One Ring, To pre-

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