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Fundamentals of Property Ownership

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1. Percent of Filipino ownership in a foreign corporation or partnership that are allowed to acquire land in the Philippines.
a. 60%.
b. 50%
c. 75%
2. The surface of the earth which was unimproved.
a. Land
b. Building
c. Estate
3. The land with all improvement and the rights on it.
a. Real property
b. Real estate
c. Land
4. Also known as personalty, or anything portable and movable.
a. Personal property
b. Movable property
c. Private property
5. Personal property that will become real estate.
a. Fixture
b. Real property
c. Real estate
6. A fixture use for trade or business.
a. Trade fixture
b. Business fixture
c. Furniture
7. Form of ownership with complete rights.
a. Fee simple
b. Life estate
c. Leasehold
8. The land with natural and artificial improvement on it.
a. Real estate
b. Land
c. Real property
9. Fee simple where title won’t pass from one person to another until a condition is met.
a. Condition precedent
b. Conditional
c. Condition subsequent
10. Title remains with new owner while the condition is met.
a. Determinable
b. Conditional
c. Subsequent
11. Ownership on the property for the duration of the life of the possessor or another.
a. Life estate
b. State for life
c. State in perpetuity
12. Husband’s right on the property of wife.
b. Capital
c. Paraphernal
13. The wife right on the property of the husband.
a. Dower (note: Dower - rights; Paraphernal - wife's property)
b. Capital
c. Paraphernal
14. Protection of a family home against creditor on being .
a. Foreclose
b. Collateral
c. Homestead
15. Landlord interest on the real property.
a. Lease fee
b. Leasehold
c. Lease rent
16. Only this classification of land can be subject to alienation.
a. Agricultural
b. Special
c. Commercial
17. Right granted to owner of property bordering a bay, lake or sea.
b. Riparian
c. Public
18. Right granted to owner of property abutting river and streams.
a. Riparian
b. River right
c. Water right
19. Right granted by special agreement with owner and government.
a. Water right
b. Riparian right
c. Littoral
20. Right to build on the piece of land.
a. Development right
b. Building right
c. Improvement right
21. Right to take mineral out of the ground
a. Mineral right
b. Mining right
c. Golden right
22. Having interest on the piece of real estate.
a. Tenancy
b. Ownership
c. Possession
23. Person who administer property in behalf of the beneficiary.
a. Trustee
b. Agent
c. Owner
24. Two or more people or companies join together to do a single
a. Joint venture
b. Partnership
c. Corporation
25. Two or more people or companies join together to do business.
a. Partnership
b. Joint venture
c. Corporation
26. Right to use a property for a limited period of time each year.
a. Timeshare
b. Rent
c. Lease
27. Financial claims against someone property.
a. Lien
b. Adverse claim
c. Collateral
28. Lien on property with unpaid taxes.
a. Tax lien
b. Mortgage lien
c. Mechanic lien
29. Lien on property for nonpayment of work done on property.
a. Mechanic
b. Debt
c. Mortgage
30. Right to use someone else property for his benefit.
a. Easement
b. Lease
c. Borrow
31. Easement that benefit another person than the property.
a. Gross
b. Net
c. Personal
32. Temporary right to do something on someone’s property.
a. License
b. Leasehold
c. Tenant
33. Power of the state to take private property with just compensation.
a. Eminent Domain
b. Police Power
c. Foreclosure
34. Restriction or regulation on the uses of a particular area.
a. Zoning
b. Traffic
c. Ordinance
35. A code that refers to specification of heights and setbacks.
a. Building Code
b. Height Code
c. Fire Code
36. Evidence of ownership such as tax declaration, tax receipts, deed of sale and others.
a. Title
b. Torrens
c. Paper
37. Population of the following that can be considered urban areas of a central district.
a. 500
b. 1000
c. 800
38. Dual allegiance is to the national interest.
a. Inimical
b. Beneficial
c. Dangerous
39. Former Filipino born citizen can acquire their citizenship by .
a. Oath of allegiance to the republic
b. Act of allegiance to Philippines
c. Allegiance to Philippines
40. Dual citizen Filipinos can be allowed to be candidate in a national election upon.
a. Renunciation of foreign citizenship
b. Filing of candidacy
c. Order of the court
41. Grant of agricultural land to tenant farmer through land reform.
a. Emancipation patent
b. Homestead patent
c. Free patent
42. A will written and signed by the testator himself.
a. Holographic will
b. Oral will
c. Notarial will
43. Property where easement is created.
a. Servient
b. Dominant
c. Gross
44. Prescription of easement take almost how many years.
a. 10 to 21 years
b. 5 to 10 years
c. 3 to 5 years
45. Easement that allow electrical wires or pipelines to pass across.
a. Utility easement
b. Road right of way
c. Easement
46. Extension of property physical structure over property line of other owner.
a. Encroachment
b. Illegal entry
c. Over reaching
47. Deed that conveys title from trustor to trustee.
a. Deed of trust
b. Trustees deed
c. Reconveyance deed
48. Voluntary conveyance of title.
a. Voluntary alienation
b. Foreclosure
c. Voluntary transfer
49. Clause that limits ownership rights such as prohibiting act of gambling and drinking.
a. Habendum clause
b. Limitation clause
c. Prohibiting clause
50. Formal declaration in the presence of a notary public or official designated by law.
a. Acknowledgement
b. Complaint
c. Filing
51. Property is sold to satisfy debt.
a. Foreclosure
b. Payment
c. Redeem
52. Grant of land by person through will of owner.
a. Devise
b. Decedent
c. Devisee
53. Element present for adverse possession except.
a. Perpetual
b. Open
c. Notorious
54. Claim when land titled in the name of owner but another claims ownership of the same.
a. Adverse claim
b. Valid claim
c. Invalid claim
55. Foreigners are allowed to acquire real estate in the Philippines under the following condition, except.
a. Acquisition after 1935 constitution
b. By hereditary succession
c. Acquisition before 1935 constitution
56. Former natural born Filipino citizen are allowed to acquire urban land for residential purpose for a maximum area of .
a. 1000 sqm
b. 5000 sqm
c. 1 hectare or 3 hectares
57. Former Filipino citizen can acquire land for purposes, except .
a. Buy and Sell
b. Business
c. Agriculture
58. The right to own real property in the Philippines is governed by .
a. 1987 Philippine Constitution.
b. 1935 Philippine Constitution.
c. 1988 Philippine Constitution.
59. Acquiring land adjoining the banks of rivers due to the gradual deposit of soil as a result of the river current.
a. Accretion
b. Avulsion
c. Reclamation
60. Acquisition of alienable lands of the public domain by homestead patent, free patent or other government awards.
a. Public grant
b. Private grant
c. Government grant
61. System of real estate ownership applied in the Philippines.
a. Torrens system
b. Open system
c. Closed system
62. The right to recover is .
a. Jus vindicandi.
b. Jus abutendi.
c. Jus disponendi.
63. Property goes to the government because of no heir and no will.
a. Escheat
b. Eminent domain
c. Foreclosure
64. A principle in ownership wherein the state owns all such as the forest, timber, mineral lands and etc.
a. Regalian
b. Democratic
c. Communal
65. A concept where a person property is not just for his own exclusive used or benefit but for the good and general welfare of all
a. Steward concept
b. Sharing concept
c. Ownership concept
66. A kind of ownership that includes all rights.
a. Full
b. Naked
c. Sole
67. Belong the ownership of the hidden treasure.
a. Owner
b. Government
c. Finder
68. Land of public domain are the following, except.
a. Commercial
b. Agricultural
c. National park
69. Filipino citizens may lease not more than .
a. 500 hectares
b. 1000 hectares
c. 800 hectares
70. Maximum area allowed for purchases, homestead or grant.
a. 12 hectares
b. 3 hectares
c. 5 hectares
71. Foreigner may lease land in the Philippines for an allowable initial period of .
a. 50 years
b. 25 years
c. 30 years
72. Right given so that an owner of the adjoining land can pass through.
a. Road right of way
b. Road allowance
c. Access road
73. Property relation of married couple is absolute community of property effectivity.
a. August 3, 1988
b. September 1, 1972
c. August 8, 1988
74. Property regime of couple without being married.
a. Co-ownership
b. Single ownership
c. Shared ownership
75. Decision on the administration of conjugal properties if couple has disagreement.
a. Husband
b. Wife
c. Son or daughter
76. If a husband is incapacitated who has the power of administration of their properties.
a. Wife
b. Son or Daughter
c. Court
77. Recourse to the court by wife on the decision of husband on conjugal property can be availed within .
a. 5 years
b. 3 years
c. 4 years
78. Properties of a wife is known as
a. Paraphernal
b. Capital
c. Exclusive
79. All of the following can be part of absolute community property except.
a. Property from previous marriage
b. Donated property
c. Brought exclusively by any spouse
80. Separation of properties of couple married after 1988 can be done through.
a. Judicial separation of property
b. Will of the spouses
c. Will of siblings
81. Properties that belonging to no one.
a. Res Nullius
b. Res Communies
c. Res Alicujus
82. The right to consume is.
a. Jus abutendi
b. Jus vindicandi
c. Jus utendi
83. Supreme law of the land.
a. The welfare of the people
b. The welfare of the nation
c. The welfare state
84. Limitation imposed by the state are the following, except.
a. Right of way
b. Police power
c. Eminent domain
85. Fruits through cultivation or labor.
a. Industrial
b. Commercial
c. Agricultural
86. A process where a soil is deposited.
a. Accretion
b. Reclamation
c. Alluvium
87. Soil added or deposited to the land adjoining the rivers.
a. Alluvium
b. Erosion
c. Land deposit
88. Rights of the lessee of property.
a. Leasehold
b. Lease fee
c. Lease
89. Action to remove cloud on the title.
a. Quieting of title
b. File in the ROD
c. Redeem title
90. Ownership on an undivided thing by different person
a. Co-ownership
b. Common ownership
c. Shared ownership
91. Co-ownership are presume to be.
a. Equal
b. Unequal
c. Maybe equal or not
92. Unities satisfied to create joint tenancy, except.
a. Ownership
b. Possession
c. Interest
93. Donor can prohibit partition of given property for a period not exceeding.
a. 20 years
b. 10 years
c. 25 years
94. Party wall or fence use commonly by parties are expense by.
a. All party
b. Party who build
c. All or one party
95. Years does prescription to claim title in bad faith take place.
a. 30 years
b. 10 years
c. 5 years
96. Tenancy which has no right of survivorship.
a. Tenancy in Common
b. Tenancy in severalty
c. Tenancy by Entirety
97. Tenancy where interest cannot unilaterally transfer be transferred.
a. Tenancy by Entirety
b. Tenancy in severalty
c. Tenancy in Common
98. Tenancy available to married couple.
a. Tenancy by Entirety
b. Tenancy in severalty
c. Tenancy in Common
99. Any act, omission, establishment, business, condition of property, or anything else which endangers the health or safety of others.
a. Nuisance
b. Negligence
c. Denial
100. Owner of fruits that fall on the adjacent land.
a. Owner of land where the fruit fell
b. Owner of the tree
c. The finder
101. Right of the owner of lot where branches of trees of adjacent lot extended.
a. Demand the owner to cut off the branches
b. Cut off the branches
c. Cut off the trees
102. Right of the owner land where roots of trees of adjacent trees extended.
a. Cut off the roots
b. Demand to the owner to cut off the roots
c. Cut off the tress
103. Who provide right of way whenever a piece of land acquired by sale, exchange or partition, is surrounded by other estates of the vendor,
exchanger, or co-owner.
a. Owner
b. Buyer
c. Seller
104. gives a right to enjoy the property of another with the obligation of preserving its form and substance, unless the title constituting it or the law
otherwise provides
a. Usufruct
b. Loan
c. Foreclosure
105. The holding of a thing or the enjoyment of a right.
a. Possession
b. Ownership
c. Bundle of right
106. Owner of a spring or brook that arises.
a. Owner of the land
b. Public
c. Government
107. All of the following are special properties, except.
a. Trees
b. Water
c. Minerals
108. Shoulder expenses on demolition ordered by government on building in danger of falling.
a. Owner
b. Government
c. None
109. Belong the lakes, navigable and floatable rivers.
a. State
b. Owner of adjacent land
c. Government
110. The spontaneous products of the soil, and the young and other products of animals.
a. Natural
b. Artificial
c. industrial
111. The following are immovable property, except.
a. Shares of Stock
b. Trees
c. Statues
112. Not considered citizen of the Philippines
a. Whose parents are Alien
b. Father is a Filipino citizen
c. Nonresident Filipino parents
113. Its goals are more equitable distribution of opportunities, income, and wealth.
a. National economy
b. Government
c. State
114. Foreign corporation may lease not more than .
a. 1000 hectare
b. 500 hectare
c. 200 hectare
115. Citizen of the Philippines may not own more than .
a. 12 hectare
b. 5 hectare
c. 3 hectare
116. Share of the wife on property of couple whose husband died with one son left.
a. ½ plus ½ of the remaining property
b. ½ of the property
c. 1/3 of the property
117. Share of the son on the property if the mother died and father is alive.
a. ¼ of the property
b. 1/3 of the property
c. ½ of the property
118. Share of an illegitimate child
a. ½ of the share legitimate siblings
b. ½ of share of mother
c. 1/3 of the share
119. Marital consent on sale of properties is needed in all of the following, except.
a. Absolute separation of property
b. Absolute community property
c. Co-ownership
120. Filing of submerge land.
a. Reclamation
b. Construction
c. seashore
121. In a 50 door unit subdivision an alien are allowed to buy and own a unit up to
a. 40%
b. 50%
c. 60%
122. Right to enjoy the property of another with the obligation of preserving its form and substance.
a. Usufruct
b. Lease
c. Rent
123. Owner of a hidden treasure which is of science or art interest.
a. Can be acquired by the state at their price
b. Can be sold by finder at heir price
c. Can be acquired by buyer at their price
124. Property which was segregated and transfer to other property is still own by the original owner up to .
a. 2 years
b. 5 years
c. 10 years

125. Trees which was been uprooted and carried belong to the owner up to .
a. 6 months
b. 12 months
c. 1 year
126. Donation that take effect after death of the donor.
a. Donation mortis causa
b. Donation inter vivos
c. Onerous donation
127. Holding of a thing or enjoyment of the right.
a. Possession
b. Ownership
c. Bundle of right
128. Failure or neglect for an unreasonable and unexplained length of time, to do that which, by exercising due diligence, could or should have been
done earlier.
a. Laches
b. Lapses
c. prescription
129. Private corporation shall lease for an initial period not exceeding .
a. 25 years
b. 50 years
c. 10 years
130. Lands acquired through free patent or homestead cannot be sold for a period.
a. 5 years
b. 10 years
c. 15 years
131. Foreshore land can be lease up to .
a. 144 hectare
b. 50 hectare
c. 20 hectare
132. Fruits on the exclusive property of wife shall be .
a. Conjugal property
b. Property of wife
c. Paraphernal
133. Termination of conjugal partnership of gains, except.
a. Separation
b. Death of spouse
c. Annulled married
134. Administrator of a conjugal property.
a. Husband
b. Wife
c. Appointed by court
135. In case of annulment of marriage, whose share in conjugal properties are forfeited.
a. Spouse acted in bad faith
b. Couple
c. Spouse acted in good faith
136. Is the dwelling house where a person and his family reside, and the land on which it is situated.
a. Family home
b. Residence
c. Dwelling
137. Family home can be setup also by .
a. An unmarried head of the family
b. Only by the married couple
c. Only by the husband
138. Share of stock are considered.
a. Movable property
b. Commercial property
c. Business property
139. Use of public water is acquired by all, except.
a. By prescription of 5 years
b. Administrative concession
c. By prescription of 10 years
140. Object of possession.
a. Only things that are susceptible to being appropriated
b. All real estate
c. All things and property
141. Prohibits the owner of the servient estate from doing something which he could lawfully do if the easement did not exist.
a. Negative easement
b. Positive easement
c. Netraul easement
142. Imposes upon the owner of the servient estate the obligation of allowing something to be done or of doing it himself.
a. Positive easement
b. Negative easement
c. Netraul easement
143. Easement that are established by law.
a. Legal easement
b. Involuntary easement
c. Voluntary easement
144. Easement that is established by will of the owners.
a. Voluntary easement
b. Legal easement
c. Involuntary easement
145. Ownership can be acquire by all, except.
a. Force
b. Law
c. Donation
146. The scientist or technologist has the ownership of his discovery or invention.
a. Even before patented
b. After patented
c. During patenting
147. Acknowledgement of will before a notary public.
a. Does not require copy
b. Require copy of notarized will
c. It depends
148. Is an act by virtue of which a testator designates in his will the person or persons who are to succeed him in his property and transmissible
rights and obligations
a. Institution of heir
b. Institution of beneficiary
c. Institution devisee
149. Is the appointment of another heir so that he may enter into the inheritance in default of the heir originally instituted
a. Substitution
b. Proxy
c. Legitime
150. Substitution by virtue of which the fiduciary or first heir instituted is entrusted with the obligation to preserve and to transmit to a second heir the
whole or part of the inheritance, shall be valid and shall take effect.
a. Fideicommisary
b. Substitution
c. Fiduciary
151. Part of the testator's property which he cannot dispose of because the law has reserved it for certain heirs who are, therefore, called compulsory
a. Legitime
b. Inheritance
c. Devise
152. Existing between persons who have the same father and the same mother.
a. Full blood relation
b. Brother
c. Half blood relation
153. Right created by fiction of law, by virtue of which the representative is raised to the place and the degree of the person represented
a. Representation
b. Proxy
c. Replacement
154. Order of intestate succession
a. Descending line
b. Ascending line
c. Sideward line
155. In the absent of descendant and ascendant, the property goes to .
a. Spouse
b. Government
c. Charity
156. Right by virtue of which, when two or more persons are called to the same inheritance, devise or legacy,
a. Accretion
b. Common
c. Sharing
157. Act of liberality whereby a person disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in favor of another, who accepts it.
a. Donation
b. Gift
c. Giveaways
158. Existing between persons who have the same father, but not the same mother, or the same mother, but not the same father.
a. Half blood Relation
b. No blood relation
c. Full blood relation
159. Right of possession that returns to the grantor after the expiration of a limited or contingent estate.
a. Reversion
b. Escheat
c. Conversion
160. Right of possession that goes to a third party upon the expiration of a limited or contingent estate.
a. Remainder
b. Excess
c. Beneficiary

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