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Forensic 2 FT Module 2022 2

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Final Term Coverage




A. What is the course all about?

The course deals with the study of fingerprint, knowing the origin/history of
fingerprints, knowing the personalities behind fingerprint and dactyloscopy and their
contribution. It also include to determine fingerprint pattern, learn the fingerprint
classification and fingerprint comparison. This also includes fingerprints as a means of
personal identification that could be used as an evidence in a criminal investigation. And
this study also includes AFIS.

It is also included in this study the new topics and lessons covered by the Licensure
Examination for Criminologists.

B. What knowledge the learner acquires at the end of the course?

At the end of the topic the learner shall be able to;

1. Learn and apply the responsibilities of a fingerprint examiner;
2. Understand and apply the procedures in the collection fingerprint
evidence performed in the crime scene operation;
3. Understand and apply the importance of fingerprint
interpretation/examination in criminal detection, apprehension and
4. Understand and apply AFIS in criminal investigation;
5. Discuss and apply the proper procedure in fingerprint examination for
the preparation in court presentation.

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Final Term Coverage




Pattern Area

• It is the only part of the fingerprint impression which we are concerned with
regards to interpretation and classification.
• A part of fingerprint which is surrounded by type lines, and where delta, core and
ridge counts are located.
• It will be found in loop and whorl patterns.

Type Lines

• These are two innermost ridges starts/runs parallel, diverge, and surrounds or
tends to surround the pattern area.

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Final Term Coverage

Two Focal Points within the pattern area of loops and whorls are enclosed

It is the point/outer terminus of pattern area that is located at or in front of and
nearest the center of the divergence of the type lines.

Types of Deltas:
• A bifurcation
• An abrupt ending ridge
• A dot
• A short ridge
• A meeting of two ridges

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Final Term Coverage

Rules in Selecting the Delta:

1. The delta may not be located at a bifurcation that does not open towards the core.

2. When there is a choice between a bifurcation and another type of delta, the
bifurcation is selected.

3. When there are two or more possible deltas that conform to the definition, the one
nearest the core is chosen.

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Final Term Coverage

4. Delta may not be located in the middle of a ridge running between the type lines
towards the core, but at the nearest end only.

It is the inner terminus located at the approximate center of the pattern area.

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Final Term Coverage

Rules in Selecting the Core:

1. Located upon the innermost sufficient recurve.

2. If the innermost sufficient recurve contains no ending ridge or rod rising as high as
the shoulder of a loop, core is at the farther shoulder from the delta.

3. If even number of rods rising as high as the shoulders, core is located at the end of
the farthest of the two center rods from the delta.

4. If odd number of rods rising as high as the shoulders, core is located at end of the
center rod.

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Final Term Coverage

Ridge Count
It is to draw an imaginary line between the delta and the core, the ridges that lies or
touched by the imaginary line will considered as the ridge count/s. This process is
applicable in loop patterns only.

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Final Term Coverage

Ridge Tracing

It is to trace the ridges of the whorl patterns that starts from the left delta towards
the adjacent side of the right delta.

Rules in Ridge Tracing:

1. If the tracing ridge goes above/over the adjacent side of the right delta and has
three or more intervening ridges, that is INNER.
2. If the tracing ridge goes below/down the adjacent side of the right delta and has
three or more intervening ridges, that is OUTER.
3. If the tracing ridge goes either above/below the adjacent side of the right delta,
and has less than three intervening ridges (2,1,0), that is MEETING.

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Final Term Coverage

UNIT 1 Activity # 1 – Draw 5 examples of Pattern Area which has different ridge counts.
(2pts each)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

UNIT 1 Activity # 2 – Draw 5 examples of loop patterns emphasizing the type lines. To
determine type lines, use blue ballpen and make it in a BOLD font. (2pts each)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

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Final Term Coverage

UNIT 1 Activity # 3 – Locate the deltas of the following examples of fingerprint patterns by
using blue ballpen and make it in a BOLD font. (2pts each)

1 2. 3.

4. 5.

UNIT 1 Activity # 4 – Locate the core of the following examples of fingerprint patterns by
using blue ballpen and make it in a BOLD font. (2pts each)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

10 | P a g e FORENSIC 2 MODULE (2ND Semester A.Y. 2022)

Final Term Coverage

UNIT 1 Activity # 5 – Perform and determine ridge counting in the following loop patterns.
Write your answer to the space beside the number. (2pts each)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

UNIT 1 Activity # 6 – Perform ridge tracing in the following whorl patterns and determine
whether it is Inner, Meeting or Outer. Write your answer to the space beside the number.
(2pts each)
1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

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Final Term Coverage


Fingerprint may be determined into three general group of patterns or the three
basic pattern of fingerprints which has the same general characteristics. These general
patterns will be further divided into sub-groups by means of the smaller differences
existing between the patterns the same general group. These divisions are as follows:


Plain Whorl Radial Loop Plain Arch

Central Pocket Ulnar Loop Tented Arch
Double Loop (Converging)
Accidental Whorl (Nutant)
(Lateral Pockets)

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Final Term Coverage


The ridges in plain arch originates from one side of the pattern area then flows
towards the opposite side. This type of pattern does not contain any backward turn,
recurves and deltas.


The ridges near the center of the print have an upward thrust arranging themselves
as it were on both sides of a spine or axis. This pattern thus formed is reminiscent of a tent.

13 | P a g e FORENSIC 2 MODULE (2ND Semester A.Y. 2022)

Final Term Coverage


The ridges in the core of the loop pattern make a backward turn arranging
themselves in the form of a hairpin or staple. A loop pattern always requires only one pair
of type lines, one delta, one core and has atleast one ridge count.


This type of patterns still conforms the definition of the plain loop, but depends on
the two bones of the forearm “radius bone and ulna bone” to be determined.

The radius bone is on the thumb side of the hand and the ulna bone is on the little
finger side.

To determine the difference between the RADIAL and ULNAR Loops, you must
identify first which hand contains the loop patterns.

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Final Term Coverage


If the loop pattern slopes down to the LEFT SIDE (radius bone) of the RIGHT
HAND, or it slopes to the RIGHT SIDE (radius bone) of the LEFT HAND.

Right Hand

Left Hand

If the loop pattern slopes down to the RIGHT SIDE (ulna bone) of the LEFT HAND,
or it slopes to the LEFT SIDE (ulna bone) of the RIGHT HAND.

Right Hand

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Final Term Coverage

Left Hand


This type of pattern conform the definition of the plain loop, but the ridges in the
core of this pattern converge sharply to give the pattern a possible whorl like appearance.


This type of pattern still conforms the definition of the plain loop, but in this pattern
the loop here bents over and drops towards the delta, or it bents down and faces the delta.

16 | P a g e FORENSIC 2 MODULE (2ND Semester A.Y. 2022)

Final Term Coverage


In a plain whorl pattern there is atleast one ridge making a complete circuit of 360
degrees, giving an overall circular appearance. There are always two deltas which are
located below to either side of the core and if an imaginary line will be drawn between the
deltas, it will touch or cross the circuiting ridges.


17 | P a g e FORENSIC 2 MODULE (2ND Semester A.Y. 2022)

Final Term Coverage

This type of whorl pattern conforms the definition of the plain whorl, but when an
imaginary line is drawn between the right delta and left delta, it will not touch or cross the
circuiting ridges.


The ridges in this pattern possess two well defined loops which more or less
embraces each other. The deltas which are located below the loop formation and are offset
on either side.


This term is given to a comparatively small groups of nondescript patterns, which

do not belongs to the traditional type of patterns “arch, loop & whorl” yet possess
characteristics common to all three major patterns.

18 | P a g e FORENSIC 2 MODULE (2ND Semester A.Y. 2022)

Final Term Coverage


On this type of pattern there is a major overlying loop, which is nutant in nature, and
in the pocket beneath/inside the nutant loop is either a second loop or a tented arch . There
are always two deltas and both are located at the same side of the pattern area.


These are relatively uncommon pattern being the more complicated of the whorl
type. In a single composite is found two or more basic pattern types, usually with loop
pattern in the form of a nutant loop, e.g. spiral whorl and loop, twinned loop and loop.
There are always at least three deltas but there may be as many as five or six.

19 | P a g e FORENSIC 2 MODULE (2ND Semester A.Y. 2022)

Final Term Coverage

UNIT 2 Activity #1 – By using ink or any coloring substances that are available in your
area, fingerprint five (5) of your family members or friends, and determine each fingerprint
patterns. (Use rolled fingerprinting method). (1 point for each fingerprint x 10 fingers x 5
persons = 50pts.)

Note: Upper boxes are for the right hand fingers and lower boxes are for the left hand
fingers. (Sequence of fingers by boxes from left to right: Thumb, Index Finger, Middle
Finger, Ring Finger and Little Finger).
Subject # 1

Subject # 2

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Final Term Coverage

Subject # 3

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Final Term Coverage

Subject # 4

Subject # 5


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Final Term Coverage



Almost all English speaking countries in the world adopt the Henry, Galton, FBI
System with Modification and Extension. The Philippines is using this system in its locally
modified form. This system is derived through a succession of steps: first blocking out the
set of fingerprints. Blocking out is the process of writing below each pattern the
corresponding symbol of the fingerprint pattern in the spaces provided in the card
conspicuously or in capital letters purposely to facilitate the attainment of the Primary

Fingerprint Patterns with corresponding symbols

Plain Arch ------------------------- A

Tented Arch ----------------------- T
Radial Loop ------------------------ / Right Hand
------------------------ \ Left Hand
Ulnar Loop -------------------------\ Right Hand
------------------------- / Left Hand
Plain Whorl ------------------------ W
Central Pocket Loop Whorl ----- C
Double Loop Whorl --------------- D
Accidental Whorl ------------------ X

Blockings of Fingerprints

Right Right Right Right Right

Thumb Index Finger Middle Finger Ring Finger Little Finger

Left Left Left Left Left

Thumb Index Finger Middle Finger Ring Finger Little Finger

Division of the Classification Formula

23 | P a g e FORENSIC 2 MODULE (2ND Semester A.Y. 2022)

Final Term Coverage

1. Primary Classification
2. Secondary Classification
a. Capital Letter Group
b. Small Letter Group
3. Sub-Secondary Classification
4. Major Division
5. Final Classification
6. Key Division

The Fingerprint Classification Formula

Key Major Primary Secondary Sub Final

Division Classification Classification Classification Secondary Classification
Major Primary Secondary Sub
Classification Classification Classification Secondary

Classification Line - Refers to a line placed on the right upper corner of the fingerprint
chart where the classifications formula is exhibited.

: K M P S Ss F
M P S Ss


Primary Classification

• Block Numbers – 1-5 right hand & 6-10 left hand.

• Pairing of fingers – 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8, 9&10.
• Adding of the numerical values of all whorl patterns that appears in the set of
• Denominator – odd numbers of fingers 1,3,5,7&9.
• Numerator – even numbers of fingers 2,4,6,8&10.
• Pre-established fraction 1/1.
• 1/1 lowest and 32/32 highest fraction.

Secondary Classification

• Capital letter group: all pattern types in a capital letter symbol. A, T, R, U, W, C, D &
• Small letter group: a-plain arch, t-tented arch, and r-radial loop; a, r & t.
• In small letter group, if not a, r, or t it will be represented
by (-).
Sub-Secondary Classification

24 | P a g e FORENSIC 2 MODULE (2ND Semester A.Y. 2022)

Final Term Coverage

• Focused on index, middle and ring fingers only.

• Ridge Tracing for whorl patterns and Ridge Counting for loop patterns.
• If arch patterns will appear in these fingers it will be represented by (-).
• In ridge tracing the result will be represented by letter symbols I, M, O (inner,
meeting & outer).
• In ridge counting the result will be represented by letter symbols I & O (inner &
1. Index finger – 1-9 ridge count inner, 10 and more is outer.
2. Middle finger – 1-10 ridge count inner, 11 and more is outer.
3. Ring finger – 1-13 ridge count inner, 14 and more is outer.

Major Division

• Similar to sub secondary classification but it applies only in the thumbs.

• In ridge tracing the result will be represented by letter symbols I, M, O (inner,
meeting & outer).
• In ridge counting the result will be represented by letter symbols S, M, L(small,
medium & large).
• In case arch patterns appear it will be represented by (-).
• In ridge counting the loop, there are three rules governing it:
• Rule 1:
1. Ridge-count of 1-11 is small – S.
2. Ridge-count of 12-16 is medium – M.
3. Ridge-count of 17 or more is large - L.
• Rule 2: In case loop patterns are appearing in both thumbs, the left will govern the
right thumb.
• Rule 3: When the denominator reaches 17 or more, resulting it as large – L.
1. Ridge-count of 1-17 is small – S.
2. Ridge-count of 18-22 is medium – M.
3. Ridge-count of 23 or more is large - L.

Key Division

• It is getting the numerical values of the ridge count of loops that first appears in the
set of fingerprints except the little fingers, prioritizing the right before the left
• In case there will be no loops, whorls will be ridge counted treating it as an ulnar
• In case there is no loops and whorls; arch will be represented by (-).

Final Classification

25 | P a g e FORENSIC 2 MODULE (2ND Semester A.Y. 2022)

Final Term Coverage

• It is getting the numerical values of the ridge count of loops and/or whorls that first
appeared in the little fingers, prioritizing the right before the left little finger. Arch
will be represented by (-).
• Rules in whorl counting:
• Plain whorl & central pocket loop whorl will be treated as an ulnar loop.
• Double loop is ridge counted to an upright loop.
• Accidental whorls will be also treated as ulnar loop.

Classification of Scarred, Amputated and Missing Fingers at birth

• In case of scarred fingers that patterns are unrecognizable and amputated and
missing fingers it will be classified, ridge counted and ridge traced corresponding
the fingers from the other hand.
• And in cases all fingers are missing it will be classified as whorls.

UNIT 2 Activity # 1 – Classify the following sets of fingerprints. Write your answers on the
classification line provided beside each number. (10pts each classification formula)

1. ________________________________________

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Final Term Coverage

2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

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Final Term Coverage

4. _____________________________________

UNIT 2 Activity # 2 - By using ink or any coloring substances that are available in your
area, fingerprint your own ten fingers in the classification card provided, and classify your
own set of fingerprints. (Use rolled fingerprinting method) Write your answers on the
classification line provided beside each number. (20pts)

1. ________________________________________

------End of Final Term Coverage--------

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