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Microsoft Office 365 and Office 2016 1st
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Illustrated Computer Concepts and Microsoft Office 365 and Office 2016 1st Edition Parsons S

Southeast Asia and Oceania

Current Conservation Experiences
Following is a list of the conservation experiences offered in 2017.

Experience Start Location Days

Coastal Marine Conservation Phang Nga, Thailand 14
Bali Sea Turtle Rescue Bali, Indonesia 7
Orangutan Conservation Sumatra, Indonesia 14
Sea Turtle Conservation Suva, Fiji 7
Koala Habitat Conservation Cairns, Australia 7
Elephant Rehabilitation Chiang Mai, Thailand 7
Kangaroo Rehabilitation Perth, Australia 7
Animal Care Internship Singapore, Malaysia 14
Sun Bear Conservation Borneo, Malaysia 7
Tiger Conservation Taman Negara, Malaysia 14
Orangutan Rehabilitation Borneo, Malaysia 7
Coral Reef Habitat Protection Cairns, Australia 7
Whale Shark Project Donsol, Philippines 7

Conservation Experience Leaders

The Southeast Asia and Oceania regions employs the five experience leaders listed
below to run the 2017 conservation volunteer experiences.

Last Name First Name Home Country E-mail

Chan Jane Australia
Andaya Tala Philippines
Darmadi Hendra Indonesia
Suttikul Solada Thailand
Naruma Maki Malaysia

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Conservation Volunteer Experiences
Southeast Asia and Oceania Region

Leaders for the conservation volunteer experiences are based in Australia, the
Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. In 2017, R2G’s Southeast Asia and
Oceania region offered thirteen conservation experiences. The two most popular
experiences were the Animal Care Internship in Malaysia and the Orangutan
Conservation experiences in Indonesia. Here’s a list of the conservation experiences:
Experience Price Volunteers Start Location Days Revenue
Coastal Marine Conservation $ 5,500.00 12 Phang Nga, Thailand 14 $ 66,000.00
Bali Sea Turtle Rescue $ 4,000.00 10 Bali, Indonesia 7 $ 40,000.00
Orangutan Conservation $ 6,000.00 14 Sumatra, Indonesia 14 $ 84,000.00
Sea Turtle Conservation $ 4,000.00 12 Suva, Fiji 7 $ 48,000.00
Koala Habitat Conservation $ 4,500.00 10 Cairns, Australia 7 $ 45,000.00
Elephant Rehabilitation $ 5,000.00 12 Chiang Mai, Thailand 7 $ 60,000.00
Kangaroo Rehabilitation $ 4,000.00 13 Perth, Australia 7 $ 52,000.00
Animal Care Internship $ 6,500.00 15 Singapore, Malaysia 14 $ 97,500.00
Sun Bear Conservation $ 4,000.00 8 Borneo, Malaysia 7 $ 32,000.00
Tiger Conservation $ 7,500.00 10 Taman Negara, Malaysia 14 $ 75,000.00
Orangutan Rehabilitation $ 3,500.00 12 Borneo, Malaysia 7 $ 42,000.00
Coral Reef Habitat Protection $ 6,000.00 8 Cairns, Australia 7 $ 48,000.00
Whale Shark Project $ 4,000.00 12 Donsol, Philippines 7 $ 48,000.00

Experience Leaders
The overwhelming success of the conservation experiences operated in the Southeast
Asia and Oceania region is a direct result of the outstanding efforts of our team of
dedicated, personable, and skilled experience leaders. Shown below is the list of
leaders who led our 2017 conservation experiences.

Leader ID Last Name First Name Home Country E-mail

1 Chow Jane Australia
2 Andaya Tala Philippines
3 Darmadi Hendra Indonesia
4 Suttikul Solada Thailand
5 Naruma Maki Malaysia

In every survey of every conservation experience operated in 2017, the Experience

Leaders category received the highest ranking. In addition, the head office of
Reason2Go has confirmed that these rankings exceed the rankings from all other
surveys generated by all other regional headquarters company-wide.

Your Name
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Price List
Product Category Price
Whole Foods for Life Nutrition $7.00
Job Talk Career $4.00
Star Turns Personal $1.50
Feng Shui for Beginners Personal $6.00
Brain Nutrition Puzzles $2.00
Crossword Challenge Puzzles $3.00
Meditation Mandates Spiritual $3.50
Fitness Buddy Fitness $5.50
Walk With Me Fitness $4.50
Guilt-Free Vegan Nutrition $3.00
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Should the second method employed in the work of muscular
imbalance not prove effective, the third method requiring the use of
prisms would be next in routine.
Chapter XI

When and How Employed

A s stated in the preceding chapter, on ascertaining the failure of

the second muscular treatment or method, prisms are employed
for constant wear. When prism lenses are used, whether the
case is exophoria or esophoria, or right or left hyperphoria, it is
always safe to prescribe one-quarter degree prism for each degree
of prism imbalance for each eye. For example, in a case of 6
degrees of esophoria, a prism of 1½ degree base out should be
prescribed for each eye; or in 6 degrees of exophoria, employ the
same amount of prism, but base in. In right hyperphoria, place the
prism base down before the right eye and up before the left, and vice
versa for left hyperphoria.
It is not always advisable, however, to allow the patient to wear
the same degree of prism for any length of time. Many authorities
suggest a constant change with the idea that a prism is nothing more
than a crutch. Should the same degree be constantly worn, even
though it afforded temporary relief, the eye would become
accustomed to it and the purpose of the prism entirely lost. Prisms
should be prescribed with extreme care, their use being identical
with that of dumb-bells, where weight is first increased to maximum
and subsequently reduced, viz.:

Prism Reduction Method

Where prisms are prescribed, it is considered good practice to
make a binocular muscle test and the duction test (Fig. 24) at the
end of each three months’ period, employing the phorometer,
Maddox rod, and rotary prisms, as already explained.
If the condition shows any decrease, the prism degree should be
proportionately decreased. For example, in the case originally
showing 6 degrees of exophoria, one-quarter degree prism for each
degree of imbalance was prescribed, or 1½ degree for each eye. If
the same case subsequently indicated 4 degrees, only one degree
for each eye should be prescribed—and so on, a gradual reduction
of prism value being constantly sought.
Except in rare cases, prisms should not be prescribed with the
base or apex at oblique angles, as the eye is rarely at rest with such
a correction. An imbalance may be caused by a false condition in
one rectus and a true imbalance in the other, giving one the
impression that cyclophoria exists, as explained in a following
Having now employed the three methods, the refractionist can
readily understand that a marked percentage of muscular imbalance
cases may be directly benefited through the aid of the Ski-optometer.
If these three methods of procedure fail, there is nothing left but the
fourth and last method—that of operative procedure.
Chapter XII

T he present chapter, intended for those desiring a synopsis or

condensed summary of muscular imbalance work, should prove
of the utmost assistance to the busy refractionist. Muscular
imbalance work can be successfully conducted if the following
routine is studied and memorized, with the Ski-optometer constantly
before the reader. The chapters containing the corresponding figures
and diagrams or illustrations will then be readily comprehended. It is
also important to carefully note the captions under each diagram.
1. Without any testing lenses before patient’s eyes, direct
attention to a 20-foot distant muscle testing spot of light (Fig. 9).
2. Place phorometer handle vertically (Fig. 16).
Place red Maddox rod vertically (Fig. 15). Patient should see a
white spot of light, and a red horizontal streak (Fig. 17).
Simply turn phorometer handle until horizontal streak bisects
white spot of light. Pointer then indicates amount of deviation on red
scale. Ignore cases less than 1° hyperphoria, whether right or left
designated by (R. H.—L. H.).
3. Place phorometer handle horizontally (Fig. 19).
Place red Maddox rod horizontally (Fig. 18). Patient should see a
white spot of light and a vertical red streak (Fig. 20).
Simply turn phorometer handle until red streak bisects spot of
light. Pointer indicates amount of deviation on white scale, whether
esophoria or exophoria designated by (Es—Ex).
4. Ignore all exophoria cases, less than 3°.
Ignore all esophoria cases, less than 5°—except in children,
ignore less than 3° of esophoria.
5. Always make the above or binocular muscle test—with
phorometer and red Maddox before optical correction or (test for
spheres and cylinders) and again after optical correction where case
shows more than 1-3-5 rule, to determine whether muscles are
aggravated or benefited.
6. In cases showing more than the 1-3-5 rule, shown in above
No. 4, make monocular duction test first with rotary prism before
patient’s right eye,—then with rotary prism before left eye to find
faulty muscle and determine which eye is affected.
7. To test adduction, prism base out is required. Rotary prism’s
red line or indicator should be rotated from zero outwardly. To test
abduction, base in is required. Indicator should be rotated inwardly
from zero (Fig. 22). Power of adduction as compared with abduction,
is normally 3 to 1—usually rated 24 to 8.
8. To test superduction, base down is required. Rotary prism’s
line or indicator should be rotated downward from zero. To test
subduction, base up is required. Indicator should be rotated upward
from zero. Power of superduction as compared with subduction, is
normally equal—usually rated 2 for each (Fig. 23).
9. Direct patient’s attention to largest letter on distant chart,
usually letter “E,” rotating red line indicator of rotary prism outlined in
above No. 7 and No. 8, until diplopia is first procured.
10. The use of a duction chart on a record card, quickly
designates pull for each of four muscles (Fig. 24), illustrating an
assumed case of—

1st—6D of Exophoria.
2nd—18° adduction (which must be developed to 24°).
3rd—Patient has a left weak internus.
11. Employ First Method—Optical Correction—to effect
12. Assuming a case of a child with 6° of esophoria—8° of right
abduction and 2° left abduction indicating a left weak externus,
prescribe a quarter diopter increased plus spherical power for each
degree of imbalance, thus adding +1.50D spherical to optical
correction. This is the first method of treatment. This requires a
thorough reading of Chapter IX on Treatment for Correcting
Esophoria in Children and a careful study of the formula. For
synopsis see Page 74.

Four Methods of Treating an Imbalance Case

When the Preceding One Fails
1st—Optical correction;
2nd—Muscular exercise or treatment;
75% are Curable with First and Second Methods.
5% are Curable with Third Method.
20% are Curable with Fourth Method.
13. When first method of treatment fails, Employ Second
Method—Muscular Exercise—to effect treatment.
1st—Find degree of prism patient will accept to produce single
binocular vision with optical correction on, placing both rotary prisms
in position, handles horizontal, red line on 30° of temporal scale of
each, giving total value to 60° (Fig. 26a and b).
2nd—Also place red Maddox rod before patient’s eye (rods
horizontal) (Fig. 18), calling patient’s attention to usual muscle
testing spot of light.
3rd—Reduce prism before good eye until red streak appears,
noting degree (which we assume shows 42° the combined total
value of both prisms) slowly continue to decrease prism until streak
bisects spot. Assume this shows total of 38°. Either side of 38° in
excess of 4° (38 to 42) produces diplopia. Prisms must only be
rotated from 38° to 42° back to 38° over to 34°—back to 38° over to
42°—back again to 38° and so on—exercise to be continued daily
ten times for five minutes (Fig. 28).
4th—At end of each week, duction test should again be made.
Duction chart should show a tendency to reduce exophoria by a
gradual building up of adduction, approximately one week is usually
sufficient to teach patient to hold streak within the spot (between 38°
and 42°). Exercise to be continued until both prisms are worked
down to zero. Exercise tends to teach patient how to establish same
image on each fovea or retina at same time.
5th—If patient is unable to call daily for treatment, employ home
treatment. (Read “Home Treatment for Muscular Exercising,” Page
Employ Third Method—Use of Prisms for Constant Wear to
effect treatment.

1st. Where a case cannot be reduced through use of first two
methods, as for example in a case of 6° of exophoria, prescribe ¼ of
amount of imbalance (¼ × 6 = 1½°) for each eye—base in—or
esophoria base out, hyperphoria base up on eye affected.
2nd. Advise patient to call every three months and make duction
test (Fig. 24). If no improvement in condition, after wearing prisms
six months, operative means is suggested.
Assume a case is benefited, reduce prism power according to
rule; ¼D prism for each degree of imbalance.

This work being of a technical nature, it is deemed best for the
reader to study Chapter XIII and XIV.
Chapter XIII

Made with Maddox Rods

and Rotary Prisms

C yclophoria, a condition affecting the oblique muscles of the

eye, is caused by its rotation. It is detected in the following
manner by the combined use of the red and white Maddox rods
and the rotary prism.
Fig. 29—Position of rotary prism for
producing diplopia in testing cyclophoria
with prism placed at 8° base up.
Darken the room and direct the patient’s attention to the usual
muscle-testing spot of light, located approximately twenty feet away
and on a direct plane with the patient’s eye. The optical correction, if
one is required, should always be left in place—just as in making
other previously described muscle tests.
The rotary prism should then be brought before the patient’s right
eye with the handle-pointing upward and with zero graduations
horizontal. The indicator or red line should then be rotated upward
from zero to eight upon the prism scale, creating the equivalent of a
prism of 8 diopters with base up (Fig. 29). This normally caused
diplopia, although in some cases it may be necessary to place the
prism at 10 or 12 degrees before diplopia is produced.

Fig. 30—(A. and B.)—First position of both

Maddox rods used in conjunction with Fig.
29 for determining cyclophoria.
The red Maddox rod should then be brought into operative
position before the patient’s left eye (Fig. 30a) and the white Maddox
rod before the patient’s right eye, (Fig. 30b) setting each one so that
the rods lie in a vertical position with their white line on the large red
zero (0).
The patient should now see two separate and distinct streaks of
light, one appearing below the other.

Fig. 31

Fig. 34
Fig. 32

Fig. 35
Fig. 33

Fig. 36

Figs. 31-36—Diagram showing how

streaks appear to patient, as produced by
the Maddox rods in testing for cyclophoria.

Should there be no cyclophoria of the right eye, the streaks will

appear in a horizontal plane parallel to each other (Fig. 31).
Should the red streak appear horizontally to the left eye, and the
white streak seen by the right eye appear at an angle therewith,
cyclophoria of the right eye would be indicated (Fig. 32).
In brief, should the white streak dip towards the patient’s left side,
the case would be one of right plus cyclophoria (Fig. 32); whereas
right minus cyclophoria would be indicated should the white streak
dip to the patient’s right side (Fig. 33).
Next, setting the rotary prism of 8 degrees, placed base up
before the patient’s left eye, the red streak should appear below the
white one. Should the two streaks appear horizontally, parallel with
each other, there would be no cyclophoria of the left eye (Fig. 34).
If, however, the upper or white streak should appear horizontal,
and the lower or red streak at an angle therewith dipping toward the
patient’s right side, the left eye would be cyclophoric and the case
would be one of left plus cyclophoria, as the chart indicates (Fig. 35).
Should the red streak dip in toward the patient’s left side, left
minus cyclophoria would be designated (Fig. 36).
The patient would instinctively describe, with pointed finger and
hand motion, the position of the “dipping” line just as one would
describe a spiral staircase. Should this test determine that no
cyclophoria exists in either eye, there would be no necessity for
further tests.
Some authorities claim that both Maddox rods should be of the
same color, so as to more readily assist the patient to fuse the two
objects. If the reader so desires, he can readily place a red lens from
the trial-case in the forward cell of the instrument.
The characters plus and minus in cyclophoria merely refer to plus
as signifying a tendency toward the temporal side; minus indicating a
tendency toward the nasal side. This has no bearing on “convex”
and “concave,” which are frequently designated as “plus” and
The test for cyclophoria is particularly essential, proving of utmost
importance where the patient requires an astigmatic correction with
the cylinder axis in oblique meridian. The case should then be
investigated in every instance by making a thorough and separate
test of each eye for cyclophoria.
In a case where cyclophoria is determined, the trouble may be
caused by the functioning of other muscles, through the drain of
nerve force, thus disturbing the harmony of every muscle action.
Cyclophoria is frequently caused by an imbalance of two recti,
giving an oblique pull. In most cases, it is merely necessary to
release the torsion, as described in the following chapter.
Chapter XIV

Made With the Combined Use of

the Two Maddox Rods

H aving determined that cyclophoria exists, as previously outlined,

the next step would be to make a cycloduction test, or a test of
the oblique muscles individually. Maddox rods, both red and
white, should be placed in position with the rods horizontal—the plus
and minus sign at 90 degrees on the scale (Fig. 37). The patient’s
attention should be directed to the usual muscle-testing spot of light,
when a vertical band of light will appear to the patient, as shown in
Fig. 38.
Fig. 37—(A. and B.)—Primary position of
combined use of both Maddox rods for
determining cycloduction test.
Fig. 38 Fig. 39

Fig. 40

Figs. 38-40—Diagram showing position of

streaks produced by Maddox rods as they
appear to patients in making cycloduction
To measure the duction range of the inferior oblique of the right
eye, it is merely necessary to slowly rotate the Maddox rod before
the right eye upward at its nasal end to the point where the band of
light breaks so as to resemble a letter “X”. This gives in degrees the
amount of right plus cycloduction, as indicated on the temporal
scale, when it will appear to the patient, as shown in Fig. 39.
The Maddox rod should then be restored to its original position,
with the plus and minus on the 90 degree line of the scale (Fig. 37),
and rotated upward at the temporal end until it again takes the form
of the letter “X”. (Fig. 40.) The position of the indicator will now
denote the amount of right minus cycloduction, or duction range of
the right superior oblique muscles. Having determined the duction
range of the oblique muscles of the patient’s right eye, both Maddox
rods should be placed in original position with rods horizontal and
plus and minus sign on 90° of scale, as shown in Fig. 37.
The Maddox rod before the left eye is then employed exactly in
the same manner as before when the test for the right eye was
made. A plus cycloduction of the left eye would be indicated, as
shown in Fig. 40, while a minus cycloduction of the left eye would
appear to the patient, as shown in Fig. 39.
By recording a comparison of each eye, as explained, it will be
found that the range of duction usually averages five to twenty
degrees on either side of the 90 degree line, as indicated on the
scale surrounding the Maddox rods.
It will be recalled that cyclophoria was only to be looked for in
oblique astigmatic cases. It is frequently possible to correct the
patient’s trouble, by changing the axis of the cylinder, before one or
both eyes, a minus cycloduction signifying a change of axis towards
180° while a plus toward 90°, according to the amount lacking in full
duction power. It is also well to exercise the oblique muscles through
a rotation of the Maddox rod before the affected eye, whether it be
one or both that is lacking in full duction power, until the required
amount is reached to equal its fellow member.
For a more exhaustive treatise the author suggests a reading of
Dr. Savage’s work on the subject.
Treatment for Cyclophoria
As previously stated, it often proves of great benefit to employ a
muscular exercise where a patient has an existing cyclophoria of
either one or both eyes, results derivable through the exercise of the
recti muscles having been previously detailed.
To exercise the oblique muscles of the right eye, both Maddox
rods should be placed in the original position employed for making
cycloduction test, as previously explained (Fig. 37). This causes the
patient to see but one band or vertical streak (Fig. 38).
The Maddox rod, placed before the right eye, should be slowly
rotated inward from ninety degrees to a point on the scale where the
single streak of light breaks, when it should again be returned to
ninety degrees. This causes a contraction and relaxation of the
muscles in the form of an exercise and should be repeated ten times
—about five minutes each day. By employing the Maddox rod before
the left eye in precisely the same manner, its oblique muscles will be
To determine whether or not this form of exercise is beneficial to
the patient, the weekly cycloduction test, as previously described,
should be made and compared with the original findings.
Ski-optometer Model 235
A Compact Phorometer and Trial-Frame.

For Testing and Correcting Muscular

Providing a Comfortable Form of Trial-
Chapter XV

A fter a careful study of the foregoing chapters, the refractionist

may desire further knowledge concerning muscular imbalance—
a matter in which the Ski-optometer plays an exceptionally
important part.
It should be remembered that it is only the general utility of the
instrument, plus one’s knowledge of refraction and individual
diagnosis that enables the refractionist to attain maximum efficiency
in every examination, a fact which largely accounts for the following

Monocular Fixation
When we view an object directly, so that it appears to be more
distinct than surrounding objects, we are said to “fix” or “fixate” it.
As the fovea is normally the most sensitive part of the retina,
affording by far the most distinct vision, “fixation,” in the great
majority of cases, is so performed that the image of the object that is
“fixated” falls upon the fovea of the eye that is “fixing.” This is known
as central or muscular “fixation.”
When central vision is absent, however, the patient is compelled
to see with a portion of the retina outside of the fovea. The eye must
then be so directed as to cause the image of the object to fall on this
outlying portion of the retina. This is termed “eccentric fixation,” and
usually denotes that vision is exceptionally poor.
The ability to “fix” is apparently acquired in early infancy by
constant practice in looking at objects. Any marked interference with
vision, particularly with central vision—present at birth or soon
thereafter—will tend to prevent the acquisition of this ability, and in
extreme cases the eye does not learn to “fix” at all, but aimlessly
wanders in all directions.

Binocular Fixation
We habitually use the eyes together, fixating with both at once;
that is, we direct the eyes in such a way that the image of the object
to which the attention is directed falls on the fovea of each eye.
Where both eyes are accurately directed to an object at which
one or both are looking, the condition is known as “binocular
fixation,” which is commonly understood to mean that both eyes are
The ability to produce and maintain binocular fixation—to keep
both eyes directly straight—is acquired early in life. The impulse to
maintain it grows with exercise, and soon becomes so strong that
after the age of infancy binocular fixation is present in the great
majority of persons, and in most of them is present all the time.
Binocular fixation must be distinguished through three conditions
—orthophoria, heterophoria and squint.

This is the condition in which both eyes look straight at the same
object, whether both see it or not. There is not the slightest tendency
of deviation.

This is the condition in which both eyes keep looking straight at
the same object so long as both see it; but as soon as one eye is
excluded from vision (as by a screen) that eye deviates. This is then
a tendency of deviation which is strong enough to become manifest
when either eye is covered, but which is abolished or overcome by
the compelling impulse of binocular fixation as soon as both eyes are
used for seeing. A heterophoria thus produces a maximum deviation.
The deviation is also said to be latent, since it is absent under
ordinary conditions and is brought to light only under special
conditions. A common though improper term for heterophoria is

Squint is the condition in which there is so great a tendency to
deviation that even when both eyes are uncovered, one deviates and
only one “fixes.” It differs, therefore, from heterophoria in that the
deviation it produces is obvious under ordinary conditions.
Squint is also called strabismus, or heterotropia. In other words,
in orthophoria there is binocular fixation all the time and under all
conditions; in heterophoria it is present only when the two eyes are
uncovered, so that both see the object looked at; while in squint it is
not present at all.
Or, in still plainer terms, in orthophoria both eyes are straight all
the time; in heterophoria both are straight, but only so long as both
are uncovered; and in squint only one eye is straight, no matter
whether both eyes are uncovered or not.
In squint, while binocular fixation is altogether absent, the ability
to perform monocular fixation is almost always preserved; i.e., the
squinting eye will “fix” at once if the other eye is covered. It is only
when there is marked amblyopia, particularly as the result of a
central scotoma (or spot on the cornea in the line of vision) that the
squinting eye loses its power to fix at all, and wanders uncertainly
about, receiving impressions now on one, now on another portion of
the retina.
The term imbalance is often used to denote the two conditions
opposed to orthophoria; i.e., to denote collectively heterophoria and
Varieties of Heterophoria and Squint
1. Classification According to Direction of Deviating Eye:
Heterophoria and squint may be classified according to the direction
assumed by the deviating eye. Thus we have the following varieties
of heterophoria:

Lateral Deviations
Either eye deviates
In, or toward the nose Esophoria
Out, or toward the temple Exophoria

Vertical Deviations
The right eye goes up and the left down Right Hyperphoria
The left eye goes up and the right down Left Hyperphoria

In rare cases of vertical heterophoria, each eye has either an

upward tendency (anophoria) or a downward tendency (cataphoria).
These cases must not be confused with anatropia and catatropia. In
anaphoria and cataphoria, there is binocular fixation when both eyes
are uncovered, while in anatropia and catatropia one of the eyes
squints. This shows the following squint condition:

Lateral Squint
The deviating eye turns in, or toward the nose:
Esotropia (Strabismus convergens—Convergent Squint)
The deviating eye turns out or toward the temple:
Exotropia (Strabismus divergens—Divergent Squint)

Vertical Squint
The deviating eye turns up:
Hypertropia (Strabismus sursumvergens) (Right or left)
The deviating eye turns down:
Hypotropia (Strabismus deorsumvergens) (Right or left)

In addition to these lateral and vertical deviations, conditions exist

in which the vertical meridian of one eye, instead of maintaining its
parallelism with the vertical meridian of the other, either forms (or
tends to form) an angle with it (cyclotropia), but is kept in position
through muscular effort (cyclophoria.)
Cyclotropia is usually due to paralysis of one of the ocular
muscles, causing the vertical meridian of the affected eye to be tilted
out or toward the temple (extorsion) or in toward the nose (intorsion).
A tilting of the vertical meridian toward the right is also called
dextrotorsion (or positive declination); and to the left, levotorsion or
negative declination.
2. Constant, Intermittent and Periodic Deviations: A deviation,
whether squint or heterophoria, may be present at all times
(constant), or occasionally present and occasionally absent
(intermittent). In this case we may have heterophoria alternating with
orthophoria, or heterophoria alternating with squint; or squint
alternating with orthophoria. We also find variations such as a squint
for near and a heterophoria or orthophoria for distance; or a
heterophoria for near and orthophoria for distance; or a constant
squint for near and an intermittent squint for distance, etc. Again, a
deviation may be periodic, in that its amount for distance may greatly
exceed that for near, or vice versa.
Opposed to a periodic deviation is one which is present, and in
about equal amount, both for distance and near. Such a deviation,
whether squint or heterophoria, is called “continuous.”
3. Alternating and Uniocular Squint: An alternating squint is one
in which when both eyes are uncovered, so that both have a chance
to “fix”; sometimes the right eye will deviate, sometimes the left. In
uniocular (less properly monocular) squint, under the same
conditions, one eye, either the right or the left, always “fixes” and the
other always deviates. A uniocular squint is denoted as right or left,
according to whether it is the right or left eye which deviates.

A Typical Refraction Room—

The Woolf Sanitary All-Metal
Installation comprising: Ophthalmic Chair, complete
with Ski-optometer, Test Letter Cabinet, Asceptic Trial-
Case Cabinet, Muscle Testing and Skioscopic Lamp,
Ophthalmometer, Perimeter, Adjustable Tables,
Adjustable Stool.

4. Comitant and Non-Comitant Deviations: In some varieties of

heterophoria and squint, the amount of deviation is the same in all
directions of the gaze, so that the angle between the visual line of
one eye and that of the other remains the same, no matter which
way the eyes are turned. Such deviations are called comitant or non-
comitant, because one eye accompanies and keeps pace with the
other in all its movements. In other cases, the deviation changes as
the eyes are moved in different directions, so that the angle between
the two visual lines constantly varies. Such deviations are termed
concomitant. Usually in a non-comitant squint the angle of deviation
increases in a regular way as the eyes are moved in one direction
and decreases as they move in the direction opposite.
In cases of long standing, however, the squinting eye, particularly
when very amblyopic, wanders in an uncertain way and apparently
quite without reference to the movements of the other eye.
Chapter XVI

T he movements of the eye are designed primarily to effect fixation—that is, to bring upon the macula
the image of the object that we wish to look at. When this has been accomplished, we know as a
result of long experience, the direction of the object looked at and also direction of other neighboring
objects. This knowledge is doubtless afforded us, in part, by our muscle sense. Thus we know that an
object, A, is straight in front of us because we can see it sharply without moving either the head or the
eyes from the position of rest or equilibrium; and we know that an object, B, is on the right of us because
to see it sharply we have to move either the head or the eyes to the right, thus altering the muscular
condition from one of rest to one of tension. But without moving either head or eye, we also know, while
still looking at A, that B is to the right, for the image of B is then formed on a portion of the retina situated
to the left of the macula. From long experience we also know that an image so situated means an object
placed on our right. Moreover, the farther to the left of the macula the image B is, the farther to the right
do we judge B itself to be.
Similarly, if B is so placed that its image falls below the macula, we then know B itself is really above
A, which forms its image on the macula; and if the image of B is above the macula, we know that B itself
is below A.
The table on page 116 is suggested as a guide in cases of muscular imbalance:

Suppression of Image
All deviations should be and probably are primarily associated with diplopia. Yet in the great majority
of cases of established squint, especially convergent squint, there is no double vision. This is due to the
mental suppression of the image by the squinting eye. In such cases all attempts to evoke diplopia by
our tests may be futile, the patient not appreciating the presence of double images even when they are
widely separated by prisms. Moreover, this suppression usually persists after the squint is cured, so that
even though there are two retinal images of the same object, the mind perceives but one and ignores
the other, just as though it were not present. In this case there is no true stereoscopic, or solid, vision.

Monocular Diplopia
Binocular diplopia, due to deviation of the eyes or to prisms, must be distinguished from monocular
diplopia, or the condition in which the patient sees double with one eye alone. This occurs as the result
of astigmatism, plus spherical aberration and other conditions found occasionally in squint. It can readily
be differentiated by the fact that binocular diplopia disappears when the patient shuts either eye; while
monocular diplopia, of course, does not.

right eye as
Name of (2) Artificially
compared (1) By a natural (2) Prism placed
diplopia by a prism (1) Turning
with that of deviation of with base
the left is placed, base

Lateral Homonymous On the Either eye inward In before either Both eyes outward Out before either
right (esophoria, eye. (divergence.) eye.

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