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Eje 1 Grammar Reference

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EJE TEMÁTICO I - Información personal: Aproximación al futuro ámbito laboral

Grammar - References
En esta sección usted encontrará ejercicios para practicar aspectos de la
gramática tratados en el eje. También aparecen explicaciones adicionales a
las ya provistas y por último, al finalizar la sección, usted encontrará
las claves de autocorrección para los ejercicios.


1. am, is, are: Present Simple tense 01 verb to be


Positive Negative
Long Short Long Short Question
I am I'm I am not I'm not Am l ... ?
You are You're You are not You aren't Are you ... ?
She is She's She is not She isn't Is she ... ?
He is He's He is not He isn't Is he ... ?
It is It's It is not It isn't Is it ... ?
We are We're We are not We aren't Are we ... ?
They are They're They are not They aren't Are they ... ?

We can always use the positive short form after pronouns
(I'm, you're, she's, he's, it's, we're, they're) but we cannot
always use it after nouns.

See Appendix 3 on short forms


1. a. Write the short form

1 It is a lovely day 6 It is not very warm.

It's a lovely day
2 We are not students. 7 He is American.
We aren't students.
3 I am sorry. 8 I am not very well.

4 She is not here today. 9 You are very cold.

5 They are in the garden. 10 We are late.

1. b. Complete the sentences with am, is or are.

1 She is in my class. 8 The book here.

2 They are not in my 9 The class very big.

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3 I from Spain. 10 The books on my desk

4 He a good teacher. 11 My sister and I leaving.
5 How you? 12 It not my pen.
6 she coming? 13 English very difficult?
7 they at home? 14 I right?

2. has, have got


Positive Negative
I have got (I've got) I have not got
You (You've got) You (haven't)
We (We've got) We
They (They've got) They
She has got (She's got) She has not got
He (He's got) He (hasn't)
It (It's got) It

Question short answers

Have I got …? Yes, I have.
you No, you haven’t.
we we
they they
Has she got …? Yes, she has.
he No, he hasn’t.
it it

• Possession:
She's got three cats.
Have you got a car?
We've got three children.
He hasn't got many friends.
• Illnesses:
I've got a bad cold.
Has he got a headache?
• Descriptions:
He's got brown hair, blue eyes and a long nose.
We can also use have for possession:
They have a big house.
Do you have a job?
I don't have enough money.
But in British English have got is more cornmon than
have for possession.

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2.a. Complete the sentences with has and have got. Use the short forms 've got and 's

1 She ’sgot a beautiful 7 Sarah a new car

2 You ’ve got a very nice 8 I a terrible headache.
3 He very long hair 9 The dog a broken leg.
4 They two houses. 10 Alison a very good job.
5 David a bad foot. 11 He a lot of friends.
6 We a lot of problems. 12 Julie beatiful hair.

2.b. Look at the two pictures.

The pictures are nearly the same but there are ten differences.
Write sentences about the differences, using 's got and hasn't got.

Picture A Picture B

Jill is in a restaurant. Her sister Jenny is in a restaurant.

1 Jill hasn’t got a glass of water Jenny’s got a glass of water

2 Jill’s got a fork. Jenny hasn’t got a fork.
3 a napkin. a napkin.

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4 a menu. a menu.
5 a bag. a bag.
6 a coat. a coat.
7 a lighter. a lighter.
8 a watch. a watch.
9 a newspaper. a newspaper.
10 a ring. a ring.

2.c. Peter is going on holiday to France. His friend is checking that he has got
everything. In your notebook, write questions about the following using
‘Have you got your ...?’

Swimming costume umbrella travel clock camera

French phrase book passport address book ticket
French francs sunglasses

Then look at Peter's suitcase and answer the questions with Yes, I have.
or No, I haven 't.

Example: 1 'Have you got your swimming costume?' 'Yes, I have. '
2 'Have you got your umbrella?' 'No, I haven't.'

2.d. Complete the questions and answers.

1. ‘ Has she got a sister?’ ‘No, she hasn’t .’

2. ‘ Have you got a telephone?’ ‘Yes, I have .’
3. ' we the tickets?' 'Yes, we .'
4. ' the town a theatre?' 'No, it ‘
5. ' he a job?' 'No, he .'
6. ' your friends some good music?' 'Yes, they ‘

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7. ' I time for a cup of coffee?' 'Yes, you .'

8. ' your son a cold?' 'Yes, he ‘
9. ' they a garden?' 'No, they ‘
10. ' you a good hotel room?' 'Yes, we .'

3. I walk to school: Present Simple tense: positive

I She
You He Works.
We It

She, he, it: add s to the verb.

I She
You He teaches.
We It

Verbs ending in sh, ch, ss, o or x, e.g. teach, wash, watch, go: add es to the verb after
she, he it.

I She
You He carries.
We It

Verbs ending in consonant + y, e.g. carry, study, cry: change y → I and add es
after she, he, it.

See appendix 2 on spelling rules.

 To give a general description of a person or thing. Not for an activity happening
 With think, know, understand, agree, want (verbs that are not activities).
 With sometimes, often, always, usually, never, occasionally (adverbs of
frequency). These adverbs usually go before the present simple verb:
She often goes there.
He doesb’t often go there.
Do you sometimes go there
 With repeated times, e.g. every Saturday, in the evening (= every evening), at 8
o’clock (= at 8 o’clock every day), in the summer (= every summer.

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3.a. Complete the sentences with the verb in the correct form.

1. children ask a lot of questions. (ask)

2. I love classical music. (love)
3. You always my birthday. (forget)
4. She never to me. (listen)
5. They usually coffee after their evening meal. (drink)
6. I to work when the weather’s cold. (drive)
7. My parents usually to our house on Sundays. (come)
8. They two languages at school. (learn)
9. The village shop at 8 o’clock in the morning. (open)
10. We her a diary every year. (give)
11. He often with his brother. (fight)
12. You never me with my homework. (help)
13. Big dogs a lot of exercise. (like)
14. He Arabic. (understand)
15. Lessons at 9 o’clock every morning. (start)

3.b. Complete the sentences with the verb in the correct form.

1. She goes to college on her bike. (go)

2. A lot of birds fly south in the winter. (fly)
3. She very hard at the weekends. (study)
4. My father television most evenings. (watch)
5. I often at the cinema. (cry)
6. She a lot of homework in the evenings. (do)
7. A mother cat her kittens. (wash)
8. You language very well. (teach)
9. He the shopping for his grandmother. (carry)
10. He’s very naughty - he other children. (push)

3. c. Write the sentences again, using she or he.

1. I always listen to the radio in the mornigs. (She)

She always listens to the radio in the mornings.
2. I take the dog for a walk every day. (He)

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He takes the dog for a walk every day.

3. I usually buy all the food. (she)

4. I teach history and Latin. (She)

5. I walk to the office every day. (he)

6. I never wash the car. (She)

7. I open the guilding every morning. (He)

8. I occasionally write letters to my old school friends. (He)

9. I drink a lot of tea eith my breakfast. (He)

10. I watch the football on television every Saturday. (She)

3.d. In your notebook, write sentences in the present simple about these people

Name: (Ms) Sarah Jones Name: (Ms) Deniz Ulgen

Nationality: British Nationality: Turkish
Address: 3, Clapham Terrace, Address: Buyuk Caddesi 15,
London, S. W. 2. Kizilay, Ankara,
Great Britain Turkey
Job: Bank cashier Job: Hotel receptionist
Hobbies: I play tennis and Hobbies: I play chess and go
work in the garden to concerts
Languages: French and a Languages: English
little Spanish German

Name: (Mr) Pierre Moulin Name: (Ms) Maria Protopapas

Nationality French Nationality Greek
Address: 15, rue du Nord. Address: Agios Pedros 9.
94250 Gentilly. Galatsi 11142
Paris, France Athens, Greece
Job: Shop manager Job: School teacher
Hobbies: I paint and listen Hobbies: I go for long walks
to music play volleyball
Languages: Some English and a Languages Fluent English and
little Italian some Arabic

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Example: Sarah Jones comes from Britain.

She lives in London.
She work in a bank.
She often plays tennis and works in the garden.
She speaks French an a little spanish.

Deniz Ulgen…
Pierre Moulin…
Maria Protopapas…

4. Present Simple tense: questions


Do live…? Does he live…?

 Question form: do, does + subject + infinitive.

 There is no s at the end of the verb in questions:
She lives… but Does she live…?
NOT Does she lives …?

Short answers

i i
you you do not
Yes, do. No,
we we (don’t)
they they

she she
does not
Yes, he does. No, he
it it


4. a. Add do or does to make questions and do, don’t, does or doesn’t to make short

‘ Does she live with her parents?’ ?Yes, she does ‘

‘ Do you like your job?’ ‘No , I don’t ‘
‘ I speak italian well?’ ‘Yes, you ‘

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‘ you drive to work?’ ‘No, I ‘ ‘

‘ they work hard at university?’ ‘Yes, they ‘
‘ Alan smoke?’ ‘No, he ‘
‘ your sister visit you very often?’ ‘Yes, she ‘
‘ we usually give her a birthday present?’ ‘No, we ‘
‘ you write to your parents very often?’ ‘No, I ‘
‘ he help you very much?’ ‘Yes, he ‘

4.b. Make these sentences into questions.

1. The shop closes at 5 o’clock.

Does the shop close at 5 o’clock?
2. They go swimming everyweekend.
Do they go swimming every weekend?
3. She speaks English well.

4. It rains a lot here in winter.

5. You drink a lot of tea.

6. I eat too much, doctor.

7. Tony often plays golf at the weekends.

8. His friends visit him most evenings.

4.c. Write the questions in the present simple.

1. Where / you / work?
Where do you work?
2. What / she / do?
What does she do?
3. Where / he / live?

4. What music / your husband / like?

5. When / she / do her homework?

6. Why / we / learn Latin?

7. Who / she / teach?

8. How / I / turn on the television?

5. Present Simple tense: negatives

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You do not does not
like… He like…
We (don’t) (doesn’t)

Negative form: Subject + do not, does not + infinitive.

 Note:
There is no s at the end of the verb in the negative:
She likes… but She doesn’t like…, NOT She doesn’t likes


5. a. Change these sentences from the positive to the negative.

1. She works very hard.

She doesn’t work very hard.
2. It usually sows here in the winter.

3. I like a big brekfast every morning.

4. The film stars very early.

5. He swims every morning.

6. They always open the windows at night.

7. We often see our neighbours in the garden.

8. Chris goes on holiday every year.

9. You drive very fast.

10. These young children learn very quickly.

6. Present Simple tense


6.a. Complete the boxes. Use the verb work.

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Positive Negative
You You
They They
She She
He He

Question Short answers

you Yes, you
Do ?
they they

he ? he

6.b. Complete the conversation, putting the verbs into the present simple.

A. Hello. Nice to see you. Do you work (work) here?

B. yes, I do. I’m the head waiter.
A. Oh good. And you (like) it?
B. Oh yes, I (love) it here. It’s an excellent restaurant.
The chef (cook) wonderful food and the waiters all (work) very hard.
The only problem is that I (not / go out) in the evenings any more because
I’m always busy here.
A. Ah, that’s why we (not / see) you now at the club.
B. That’s right. I only (have) one evening free and I usually
(stay) at home then. María (go) to the club now?
A. Oh yes, she does. She (talk) about you sometimes.
you (see) her?
B. No, I don’t. I’m always busy and she (not / know) about this new
job. I (telephone) her sometimes but she’s always out.
A. Well, she (go out) quite often. But I (know) she (want) to see
you again.
B. Look at the door! It’s Maria. She’s coming in here.

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Sentence structure
7. He always gets up early: frequency adverbs with the Present Simple tense

He always gets up early.

I don’t often go to the cinema.

 The adverb goes between the subject and the verb.

 In negative sentences the adverb goes between don’t / doesn’t and the verb.


7.a. Rewrite these sentences in the correct order.

1. to the mountains / never / we / go

We never go to the mountains.
2. often / she / write to me / doesn’t
3. play football on Saturday afternoons / the boys / always

4. usually / arrives late / the bus

5. go to bed before 11 / often / I

6. never / drinks coffee in the evening / she

7. it / rain in the summer / often / doesn’t

8. read books slowly / I / always

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9. usually / my father / goes to work by bus

10. always / go to the beach at the weekend / we

Nouns, adjectives and adverbs

8. the and a, an: definite and indefinite articles

She’s got a girl and a boy. The girl’s ten and the boy’s eight.

He gave me a book and a cassette. I liked the book but I didn’t like the
cassette very much.

 a + singular noun – the first time we say the noun.

 a = one. a is not particular.
 the + singular / plural noun – the second time we say the noun.
the is particular.


8.a. Complete the sentences using a, an or the.

1. I’ve got a lighter and a box of matches but the lighter doesn’t work very
2. There’s a doctor and a nurse in the village but the doctor’s getting
rather old now.
3. I bought sandwich and piece of cake
Sandwich was all right but cake was horrible.
4. woman and two men were here a few moments ago. I think woman
wanted to see you.
5. They’ve got dog and cat, rabbit and some goldfish but the
children like dog best.
6. He sent me two letters and postcard while he was on holiday
postcard didn’t say much but letters were very interesting.
7. you can have apple or orange apples are nice and sweet.
8. There’s plum tree and peach tree in our garden.
peach tree doesn’t produce many peaches but plum tree produces
lots of plums every year.
9. There’s theatre and two cinemas in town but one of cinemas is
closing down.
10. There’s train at 2.00 and one at 3.30 2.00 train takes two hours
and 3.30 train takes hour an half.

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9. The articles a and the

That’s a nice car.

(the car = our car, or this car)
Did you clean the car?

We’ve got a dog.

(the dog = our dog, or the dog that lives here)
Where’s the dog?

You’ve got a big garden. (the garden = our garden, or the garden at this
The dog’s in the garden. house)

Is there a station in this town?

(the station = the station in this town)
The station is in the town centre.

This is an interesting book.

The author has some very unusual (the author = the author of this book)

The café next to the station is open (We know which café. It is the café next to the
all night. station.)

 a, an + singular noun:
That’s a nice car.
There are other nice cars and we are talking about one of them.
 the + singular or plural noun:
the = one in particular. We are talking about a known object, person or animal.
The speaker and listener know which one it is. It is not one of many. It is one in
Did you clean the car?
We are talking about our car. There is only one of these.


9.a. Complete the sentences using a, an or the.

1. This is a beautiful painting. Does the artist live near here?

2. I bought a new toothbrush this morning and I can’t find it. I’m sure I put it in
the bathroom.
3. Can you get fresh cream cake when you’re out?
4. It’s very nice school and teachers are all really hard-working.
5. ‘Look! cat in garden.’
‘Yes, it’s cat from next door.’
6. There’s man at door. He wants to see you.’
7. We stayed in very nice hotel. Room was comfortable and
food was excellent.
8. I bought Elliot new jacket last week but yesterday two of buttons
came off. I’m talking it back to shop.

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9. I had bath this morning but water was a bit cold.

10. Hannah was at airport, waiting for friend to arrive.

10. the: definite article

The moon looks beautiful tonight.

The sky is very grey.

 We use the when there is only one: the moon, the sun, the sky, the sea, the
weather, the earth, the world. The President of France, the capital of Great
 We don’t use a or the before most names of places: France, London, Africa.


10.a. Write the sentences, adding the were necessary.

1. Moon moves slowly round earth.

The moon moves slowly round the earth.
2. Sun is very hot today.
Sun is very hot today.
3. Did you see Pope when you went to Rome?

4. Sky went very grey and it started to rain.

5. I hope I can go round world one day.

6. Prince of Wales is visiting our town next week.

7. What is capital of Sweden?

8. It was very cold in sea today.

9. How many countries are in European Community?

10. I once met Prime Minister of Spain.

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11. I can speak English. They can’t swim: modal verb can, can’t


Positive Negative

You You
She She
can’t swim.
He can swim. He
It It
We We
They They

 Subject + can + infinitive.  Subject + can’t, cannot + infinitive.

 We use can’t more often than cannot.

Question Short answers

You You
She She Can.
Can He swim? He can’t.
It No, It (cannot).
We We
They They
 can +subject + infinitive.  Yes, + Subject + can.
 No, + Subject + can’t,
(or cannot).

 To talk about what someone can or can’t do:
- in the present, when it is generally true:
I can drive now.
Can you play piano?
- in the present, at this moment::
I can help you now.
- in the future, with a time expression:
She can’t come to the party tomorrow.


11.a. Complete the sentences using can or can’t and one of the verbs in the box.

hear read open see come understand

swim speak drive meet

1. ‘You can use my car.’ ‘Thank you very much, but I can’t drive ‘

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2. I’m sorry but I can’t come to your party on Saturday because I’m going away
for the weekend.
3. Emily is only five but she very well. Her favourite books are adventure

12. at, on, in, to, from, onto, off, into, out of: prepositions of position and

Andrew’s waiting at the bus stop. My bags are in the car.

There’s a fly on the wall. We went to the cinema last night

I walked back from the office today A bee flew onto my arm.

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He jumped off the wall. He threw his books into the bin.

They carried her out of the ambulance.

See stage 1, exercise 25 on the difference between at, on, in.


12.a. Which prepositions do we use with these verbs? Copy the headings into your
notebook and put the verbs into the correct list.

drive stay arrive take move fall

stop run work carry meet park
walk be live ride come sleep

Verbs which go with Verbs which go with

prepositions of position: prepositions of movement::
at, on in. to, from, into, out of, onto, off
Stay Drive

to, at, from

She walked to Simon’s house.

She waited at Simon’s house.
She walked from Simon’s house to cinema.

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to, at or from a place:

to at from

→X ●X


12.b. Complete the sentences using to, at or from.

1. Linda works at the post office.

2. Can you come to our party?
3. We arrived the station half an hour late.
4. I often return my old home town.
5. They were tired when they arrived so they caught a taxi the airport
the hotel.
6. Kathy brought her daughter work with her yesterday.
7. We landed Athens airport at 5 o’clock in the morning.
8. ‘How did you get here?’ ‘ I caught the train and walked the station.’
9. I landed Istanbul airport and caught the train Istanbul Ankara.
10. He travelled all night Paris and arrived the office here in London
at 6.30 in the morning.

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KEY - Grammar reference and practice. Eje Temático 1

3. I´m sorry.
4. She´s not…
5. They´re…
6. It´s …
7. He´s …
8. I´m …
9. You´re…
10. We´re…

1. b
3. am
4. is
5. are
6. Is
7. Are
8. is
9. is
10. are
11. are
12 . is
13. Is
14. Am

3. ´s got
4. ´ve got

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5. ´s got
6. ´ve got
7. ´s got
8. ´ve got
9. ´s got
10. ´s got
11. ´s got
12. ´s got

2. b
3. Jill´s got a napkin. Jill hasn´t got a napkin.
4. Jill hasn´t got a menu. Jill´s got a menu.
5. Jill hasn´t got a bag. Jill´s got a bag.
6. Jill´s got a coat. Jill hasn´t got a coat.
7. Jill´s got a lighter. Jill hasn´t got a lighter.
8. Jill has got a watch. Jill hasn´t got a watch.
9. Jill hasn´t got a newspaper. Jill´s got a newspaper.
10. Jill hasn´t got a ring. Jill´s got a ring.

3. Have you got a travel clock? Yes, I have.
4. Have you got a camera? No, I haven´t.
5. Have you got a French phrase book? Yes, I have.
6. Have you got a passport? Yes, I have.
7. Have you got an address book? No I haven´t.
8. Have you got the ticket? Yes, I have.
9. Have you got French francs? Yes, I have.
10. Have you got sunglasses? No I haven´t.

2. d
3. Have we got the tickets? Yes, we have.
4. Has the town got a theatre? No it hasn´t.
5. Has he got a job? No, he hasn´t.
6. Have your friends got some good music? Yes, they have.
7. Have I got time for a cup of coffee? Yes, you have.
8. Has your son got cold? Yes, he has.
9. Have they got a garden? No, they haven´t.
10. Have you got a good hotel room? Yes, we have.

3. a
3. forget
4. listens
5. drink
6. drive
7. come
8. learn
9. opens
10. give
11. fights
12. help
13. like
14. understands
15. start

3. b

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3. studies
4. watches
5. cry
6. does
7. washes
8. teach
9. carries
10. pushes

3. c
3. She usually buys all the food.
4. She teaches History and Latin.
5. He walks to the office every day.
6. She never washes the car.
7. He opens the building every morning.
8. He occasionally writes letters to his old school friends.
9. He drinks a lot of tea with his breakfast.
10. She watches the football on television every Saturday.

3. d.
Deniz Ulgen comes from Turkey.
He lives in Ankara.
He works in a hotel.
He often plays chess and goes to concerts.
He speaks English and German.
Pierre Moulin comes from France.
He lives in Paris.
He works in a shop.
He often paints and listens to music.
He speaks some English and a little Italian.

Maria Protopapas comes from Greece.

She lives in Athens.
She works in a school.
She often goes for long walks and plays football.
She speaks fluent English and some Arabic.

4. a
3. Do / do
4. Do / don´t
5. Do / do
6. Does / doesn´t
7. Does / does
8. Do / don´t
9. Do / don´t
10. Does / does

4. b
3. Does she speak English well?
4. Does it rain a lot here in winter?
5. Do you drink a lot of tea?
6. Do I eat too much doctor?
7. Does Tony often play golf at the weekends?
8. Do his friends visit him most evenings?

Tasador y Martillero Público - Inglés Técnico 1

EJE TEMÁTICO I - Información personal: Aproximación al futuro ámbito laboral

4. c
3. Where does he live?
4. What music does her husband like?
5. When does she do her homework?
6. Why do we learn latin?
7. Who does she teach?
8. How do I turn on the television?

5. a
2. It doesn´t usually snow here in the winter.
3. I don´t like a big breakfast every morning.
4. The film doesn´t start very early.
5. He doesn´t swim every morning.
6. The don´t always open the windows at night.
7. We don´t often see our neighbours in the garden.
8. Chris doesn´t go on holiday every year.
9. You don´t drive very fast.
10. These young children don´t learn very quickly.

6. b
Do / like
cooks / work / don´t go out
don´t see
have / stay Does / go
talks do / see
doesn´t know / telephone
goes out know / wants

7. b

2. She doesn´t often write to me.

3. The boys always play football on Saturday afternoons.
4. The bus usually arrives late.
5. I often go to bed before 11.
6. She never drinks coffee on the evenings.
7. It doesn´t often rain in the summer.
8. I always read books slowly.
9. My father usually goes to work by bus.
10. We always go to the beach at the weekends.

8. a
3. a - a – the - the
4. a - the
5. a -a - a – the
6 a - the - the
7. an - an - the

Tasador y Martillero Público - Inglés Técnico 1

EJE TEMÁTICO I - Información personal: Aproximación al futuro ámbito laboral

8. a - a - the - the
9. a - the
10. a - the - the – an

9. a
3. a
4. a - the
5. a - the
6. a - the
7. a - the - the
8. a - the - the
9. a - the
10. the - a

10. a
3. Did you see the Pope when you went to Rome?
4. The sky went very grey and it started to rain.
5. I hope I can go round the world one day.
6. The Prince of Wales is visiting our town next week.
7. What is the capital of Sweden?
8. It was very cold in the sea today.
9. How many countries are in The European Community?
10. I once met the Prime Minister of Spain.

12. a
Verbs + prepositions of position : stay, arrive, stop , work , meet , park , be, live ,
Verbs + prepositions of movement : drive, take, move, fall, run , carry, walk , ride ,

12. b
3. at
4. to
5. from / to
6. from
7. at
8. to
9. at / from / to
10. to /at /at

Tasador y Martillero Público - Inglés Técnico 1

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