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Digital Workflow For Immediate Implant Placement A

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Case Reports in Dentistry

Volume 2022, Article ID 5114332, 9 pages

Case Report
Digital Workflow for Immediate Implant Placement and
Chairside Provisionalization in the Esthetic Zone

Vincent J. J. Donker ,1 Gerry M. Raghoebar ,1 Arjan Vissink ,1

and Henny J. A. Meijer 1,2
University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Groningen, Netherlands
University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Implant Dentistry, Groningen, Netherlands

Correspondence should be addressed to Vincent J. J. Donker;

Received 16 December 2021; Revised 6 March 2022; Accepted 8 March 2022; Published 1 April 2022

Academic Editor: Konstantinos Michalakis

Copyright © 2022 Vincent J. J. Donker et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Introduction. Immediate implant placement and immediate chairside provisionalization in the esthetic zone require meticulous
treatment planning. A digital workflow that combines intraoral scans and a cone beam computed tomography scan can be
used to visualize the surgical and restorative aspects of the treatment and to plan a prosthetically driven implant position. A
digital workflow in implant dentistry enables the prefabrication of an individualized CAD/CAM temporary restoration, based
on the planned implant position. This could be a predictable method to deliver a screw-retained temporary restoration, directly
after static computer-assisted immediate implant surgery. Interventions. Three patients with a failing tooth in the maxillary
esthetic zone were treated with immediate implant placement and chairside provisionalization using this digital workflow.
After 3 months, a final restoration was placed. Clinical, radiographic, and patient-reported outcome measures were collected
prior to implant treatment, 6 weeks after placing the temporary restoration and then 1 month and 1 year after placing the final
restoration. Outcomes. At the 1-year follow-up, healthy soft tissues were observed, and peri-implant bone levels were stable.
Patient satisfaction after the treatment was high. Conclusion. The three reported cases demonstrate the potential for predictable
immediate implant placement and chairside provisionalization using a digital workflow.

1. Introduction requires customization of the emergence profile by con-

touring it with a temporary restoration [4, 5]. Good clini-
When a failing tooth in the esthetic zone needs to be cal outcomes can be achieved with immediate implant
removed, it can be replaced with an implant-supported placement and immediate provisionalization, resulting in
restoration. There is a growing tendency towards immedi- high patient satisfaction [6, 7].
ate implant placement after tooth extraction. This reduces However, immediate implant placement and immediate
treatment time because implant osseointegration and provisionalization require meticulous treatment planning.
extraction socket healing occur simultaneously, while also To assist the clinician with this, a digital workflow can be
preserving the hard and soft peri-implant tissues [1]. used [8]. Such a digital workflow combines the information
When immediate implant placement is combined with of the patients’ hard and soft tissues by integrating intraoral
buccal socket grafting, a stable bone layer can be main- scans and a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan.
tained buccally of the implant, regardless of the presence This allows the clinician to visualize the surgical and restor-
of a preoperative buccal bone defect [2, 3]. To achieve ative aspects of the treatment and to plan a prosthetically
an optimal esthetic outcome, the peri-implant soft tissues driven implant position. Consequently, an individualized
must be conditioned during the socket healing. This temporary restoration can be designed and prefabricated.
2 Case Reports in Dentistry

Using static computer-assisted implant surgery with a surgi- 5. Diagnostic and Planning Procedures
cal template, the implant can then be placed in the correct
three-dimensional position and the individualized screw- Prior to the implant treatment, intraoral scans (TRIOS 3,
retained temporary restoration can be delivered. The whole 3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark) of the upper jaw, lower
digital workflow could be a predictable method for immedi- jaw, and occlusion were made, as well as intraoral photo-
ate implant placement and chairside provisionalization. graphs (Figure 1) and a CBCT scan (ProMax 3D Max Pro-
The objective of this case report is to describe a treat- Face, Planmeca, Helsinki, Finland). The voxel size of the
ment with this digital workflow for immediate implant CBCT scan was 0.2 mm, and the field of view was 130 × 55
placement and chairside provisionalization in the esthetic mm. The intraoral scans and CBCT Digital Imaging and
zone and to report the clinical, radiographic, and patient- Communications in Medicine (DICOM) file were superim-
reported outcome measures of three cases with a 1-year posed with an implant planning software (DTX Studio
follow-up after placing the final restoration. Implant, Version 3.5, Medicim, Mechelen, Belgium) to cre-
ate an individualized digital set-up of the failing tooth
(Figure 2). The prosthetically driven implant position was
2. Study Design planned in a palatal position with ≥2 mm distance between
the implant and the buccal crest [10] and at a depth of 3-
Recruitment of patients, treatment, and follow-up took place 4 mm apical of the prospective restorative zenith point
in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the [11]. The implant length was chosen based on the available
University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), the Nether- bone height apicopalatal of the extraction socket (Figure 3).
lands, between August 2020 and December 2021. The A pilot-drill surgical template to facilitate static
research protocol was approved by the Medical Ethics computer-assisted implant surgery was designed with the
Review Board of the UMCG (METc 2020/014). This manu- implant planning software (Figure 4) and manufactured by
script was written following the CARE guidelines for case a dental laboratory (Dental LT Clear Resin, Formlabs, Som-
reports [9]. erville, MA, United States) (Figure 5). Furthermore, the den-
tal laboratory milled a multilayered polymethyl methacrylate
(PMMA) (Vipi Block Trilux, Vipi Odonto Products, Piras-
3. Patient Information and Clinical Findings sununga, Brazil) temporary shell restoration based on the
individualized digital set-up (Figure 6) using a dental
Patients were eligible for inclusion if they met the following computer-aided design (CAD) software (DTX Studio Lab,
criteria: at least 18 years of age when being treated, in need Version 1.10, Medicim).
of a single tooth implant-supported restoration in a postex-
traction site in the anterior region of the maxilla, the bone 6. Surgical Procedures
height of the planned implant site apicopalatal of the extrac-
tion socket was sufficient (≥4 mm, measured on a CBCT The patient was instructed to start oral disinfection with a
scan) to allow immediate implant placement, suitable ana- 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwash twice daily on the day
tomical conditions (mesial-distal, buccal-palatal, and inter- before surgery and to continue for seven days. One hour
occlusal space) to place an anatomically designed screw- prior to surgery, the patient took a prophylactic antibiotic
retained restoration, and complies with good oral hygiene (amoxicillin 2 g or clindamycin 600 mg in case of penicillin
practices. Patients with medical and general contraindica- allergy). The surgical procedure was performed using local
tions for the surgical procedure, smoking habits exceeding anesthesia (Ultracain D-S forte, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland
10 units a day, severe bruxism with dysfunctional tendencies, GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, Germany).
the presence of acute untreated periodontitis in the implant The periodontal ligament was detached by careful intra-
site or adjacent tissue, acute infections in the planned sulcular incision. A periotome and forceps (rotational move-
implant site or adjacent tissue, and a history of local radio- ment only) were used to remove the failing tooth as
therapy to the head and neck region were excluded. minimally traumatic as possible (Figure 7). Any periodontal
Three consecutively recruited patients agreed to partici- ligament remnants and granulation tissue were cleaned away
pate in the study (Table 1). An explanation of the costs, ben- with a bone curette and sterile gauze pads. The implant site
efits, and risks of an implant-supported restoration, and was prepared flapless using the surgical template. With the
possible alternative treatment options was given. Written last drill placed in the prepared implant site to prevent con-
informed consent was obtained from all the patients before gestion, the jumping gap between the buccal crest and the
being enrolled for implant treatment. implant site was grafted with a 1 : 1 mixture of bovine bone
(Geistlich Bio-Oss, Geistlich Pharma AG, Wolhusen, Swit-
zerland) and autogenous bone (Figure 8). After removing
4. Timeline the drill from the grafted alveolar socket, a tapered implant
with a conical connection (NobelActive TiUltra, Nobel Bio-
The patients underwent immediate implant placement and care AB, Gothenburg, Sweden) was inserted according to the
chairside provisionalization according to the treatment pro- manufacturer’s instructions (Figure 9). Primary implant sta-
cedures described in Table 2. One case is presented for illus- bility was attained with an insertion torque of ≥45 Ncm, ver-
trative purposes. ified with a manual torque controller (NobelActive Manual
Case Reports in Dentistry 3

Table 1: Patient information.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Sex Male Male Male
Age in years 22 63 29
Reason for treatment Root fracture Endodontic failure Root fracture
Implant position Upper left central incisor Upper right central incisor Upper left central incisor
Implant diameter 4.3 mm 4.3 mm 4.3 mm
Implant length 15 mm 15 mm 18 mm

Table 2: Timeline of the immediate implant placement, provisionalization, and final restoration treatment.

Treatment phase Procedures

Intraoral scans
Cone beam computed tomography scan
Digital set-up
Digital prosthetically driven implant planning
Computer-aided design and milling of the temporary shell restoration
Manufacturing of the surgical template
Tooth extraction
Surgical Buccal socket grafting
Flapless static computer-assisted immediate implant surgery
Restorative Chairside provisionalization
Intraoral scans with a scanbody
Computer-aided design and milling of the final abutment
Porcelain veneering of the final restoration
Placement of the final restoration

Torque Wrench Surgical, Nobel Biocare AB). The surgical

procedures were performed by one oral and maxillofacial
surgeon (GMR).

7. Restorative Procedures
The implant was restored chairside with a temporary resto-
ration, immediately after implant placement. A temporary
abutment (Temporary Snap Abutment Engaging CC, Nobel
Biocare AB) trimmed to the correct length was snapped onto
Figure 1: Clinical view of the patient with a root fracture of the the implant (Figure 10). The temporary shell restoration was
upper left central incisor. The root is still in situ. placed in position with the lateral wings seated on the adja-
cent teeth (Figure 11) and was connected to the temporary
abutment with a dentine shaded composite resin (Filtek
Supreme XTE, 3 M, Saint Paul, MN, United States). After
light curing, the temporary restoration was removed with
the abutment from the implant. The lateral wings were
trimmed, and a screw-access hole was prepared in the resto-
ration (Apical Drill, Nobel Biocare AB). The cervical part of
the restoration was contoured with composite resin to create
an emergence profile to support the adjacent papillae [12]
(Figure 12). The restoration was polished using polishing
rubbers (Diacomp Plus Twist, EVE Ernst Vetter GmbH,
Keltern, Germany) and tightened on the implant with a tor-
Figure 2: Digital set-up of the upper left central incisor, based on a que value of 35 Ncm using a manual torque controller (Man-
superimposed intraoral scan and CBCT scan. ual Torque Wrench Prosthetic, Nobel Biocare AB). The
screw access hole was sealed with polytetrafluoroethylene
(PTFE) tape and composite resin (Figure 13). The temporary
4 Case Reports in Dentistry

3.0 mm

Figure 3: Sagittal view of the CBCT scan showing the Figure 7: Minimally traumatic removal of the failing tooth using
prosthetically and biologically driven implant planning. forceps with rotational movement.

After 3 months, an intraoral scan was made directly after

removing the temporary restoration to capture the emer-
gence profile. Furthermore, an intraoral scan was made with
a scanbody (Elos Accurate Scan Body, Elos Medtech, Goth-
enburg, Sweden) after screwing it onto the implant
(Figure 14). The dental laboratory designed a final restora-
tion using a dental CAD software (DTX Studio Lab). The
restoration was screw-retained with a CAD/CAM angulated
screw-channel zirconia abutment, mechanically attached to
a titanium base (NobelProcera ASC Abutment, Nobel Bio-
care AB), and buccally veneered with porcelain. The final
Figure 4: CAD surgical template based on the intraoral scan and restoration was tightened onto the implant with a torque
the implant planning. value of 35 Ncm (Figure 15). The screw access hole was
sealed with PTFE tape and composite resin. After placing
the final restoration, oral hygiene instructions were given.
All the laboratory procedures were carried out by one dental
laboratory. The restorative procedures were performed by
two dentists (HJAM, VJJD).

8. Follow-Up and Case Outcomes

Clinical, radiographic, and patient-reported outcome mea-
sures were collected prior to the treatment (Tpre), 6 weeks
after placing the temporary restoration (Ttemp), and then
1 month (T1) and 1 year (T12) after placing the final resto-
Figure 5: Printed surgical template. ration. No implants or restorations had been lost, and no
technical or biologic complications had occurred at T12
resulting in a survival rate and success rate of 100% for the
implants and the restorations according to the modified
United States Public Health Service criteria for evaluating
implant-supported restorations [13].
The soft tissue outcomes were assessed at T12 with
the modified Plaque Index [14], the modified Sulcus
Bleeding Index [14], the Gingival Index [15], keratinized
mucosa width (KMW) measured to the nearest 1 mm
with a periodontal probe [16], the Papilla Index [17],
and the pocket probing depth at four sites (mesial, distal,
buccal, and palatal) measured to the nearest mm (the
Figure 6: CAD temporary shell restoration with two lateral wings highest value is reported). Midbuccal mucosal level
to aid seating. (MBML) changes were assessed at Tpre and T12 on
intraoral photographs (Nikon D750, Nikon Corporation,
Tokyo, Japan) taken with a periodontal probe held close
restoration was free from centric and eccentric movements to and parallel to the tooth for calibration purposes
and the patient was instructed to avoid excess force during (Figure 16). MBML changes were measured with a raster
the healing period. Oral hygiene instructions were given. graphics editing software (Adobe Photoshop, Version
Case Reports in Dentistry 5

Figure 8: Buccal socket grafting with the last used drill placed in Figure 12: Emergence profile of the finished and polished
the implant site. temporary restoration.

The esthetic outcome at Tpre, Ttemp, and T12 was

assessed with the modified Pink Esthetic and White
Esthetic Score (PES/WES) [18] from intraoral photographs
with a contrastor (Flexipalette, Smile Line SA, Saint-Imier,
Switzerland). The WES at Tpre was not assessed for one
case due to the absence of a clinical crown.
Marginal bone level (MBL) changes from T1 to T12 were
assessed on calibrated intraoral radiographs with a long cone
paralleling technique. The MBL change was measured by a
dedicated software (DicomWorks, Biomedical Engineering,
Figure 9: Insertion of the implant in the grafted alveolar socket. UMCG, The Netherlands), and was defined as a change in
the vertical distance in mm measured from the implant
shoulder to the first bone to implant contact on the mesial
and distal site of the implant [6] (Figure 17). Buccal bone
thickness (BBT) at T12 was assessed on a CBCT scan. The
exact implant position in the CBCT DICOM file was deter-
mined with multimodality image registration using informa-
tion theory (MIRIT) in a medical imaging software
(Maxilim, Version 2.3, Medicim). The BBT was measured
by an implant planning software with a dedicated research
add-on for the measurements (NobelClinician, version 2.1,
Nobel Biocare Belgium NV, Mechelen, Belgium) and was
defined as the horizontal distance in mm measured from
Figure 10: Temporary abutment snapped onto the implant. the implant outline to the buccal bone outline. The area of
interest was the upper 5 mm of the implant, starting at the
implant neck (Figure 18). This validated BBT measurement
method was described in detail by Slagter et al. [19].
The patient-reported outcome at Tpre, Ttemp, and T12
was assessed with a questionnaire on overall satisfaction
based on a 10-point rating scale. All the data were collected
by one observer (VJJD). The mean values and standard devi-
ations were calculated using statistical software (IBM SPSS
Statistics, Version 23.0. Armonk, NY, United States). The
outcome measures of all cases are shown in Table 3.

9. Discussion
Figure 11: Temporary shell restoration with the lateral wings
seated on the adjacent teeth. This case report described a treatment with a digital work-
flow for immediate implant placement and chairside provi-
sionalization in three patients with a failing tooth in the
23.0, Adobe Inc. San Jose, CA, Unites States), and were maxillary esthetic zone. The clinical, radiographic, and
defined as a change in the vertical distance in mm mea- patient-reported outcome measures up to 1 year after plac-
sured from the zenith point to a reference line drawn ing the final restoration were favorable, which is similar to
between the incisal edges of the two adjacent teeth [7]. the 1-year results of immediate implant placement and
6 Case Reports in Dentistry

Figure 13: Clinical view after immediate implant placement and

immediate provisionalization.
T0 T1 T12

Figure 17: MBL measurement on calibrated intraoral radiographs

at T0, T1, and T12.

Figure 14: Intraoral scan with a scanbody screwed onto the


Figure 18: BBT measurement at the upper 5 mm of the implant on

a CBCT scan at T12.

provisionalization studies with a conventional workflow,

conducted in the same center [6, 7]. However, the digital
workflow used in this case report offered several advantages
over a conventional treatment.
In the diagnostic and planning phase, the superimposed
intraoral scans and CBCT scan yielded simultaneous visual-
ization of the hard and soft tissues with a digital set-up of the
Figure 15: Final upper left central incisor restoration after 1 year in failing tooth. This facilitated the planning of a prosthetically
function. driven implant position and, at the same time, a priori
assessment of the available bone height at the implant site,
apicopalatal of the extraction socket. It is suggested that at
least 4 mm of bone is needed to attain primary implant sta-
bility during immediate implant placement [20]. Hence the
inclusion criterion for the present case report. Primary sta-
bility of the implant was indeed reached in all three cases,
which allowed immediate provisionalization. The digital
planning also aided in selecting an implant diameter and
length that fit within the biologic boundaries. The planned
distance of ≥2 mm between the implant and the buccal crest
and the subsequent buccal socket grafting resulted in a mean
BBT ranging from 2:35 ± 1:02 mm to 2:88 ± 0:66 mm at the
Figure 16: MBML measurement on a calibrated intraoral 1-year follow-up. These findings differ from another study
photograph with reference lines. that evaluated the BBT 1 year after immediate implant place-
ment and provisionalization combined with buccal socket
grafting [2]. The mean BBT in the present cases was
0.62 mm to 0.92 mm thicker in the upper 5 mm along the
axis of the implant. In the previously mentioned study, the
Case Reports in Dentistry 7

Table 3: Modified Plaque Index, modified Sulcus Bleeding Index, and Gingival Index (scores 0-3), keratinized mucosa width, Papilla Index
(scores 0-4), and pocket probing depth at T12. Midbuccal mucosal level changes from Tpre to T12. Modified Pink Esthetic Score and White
Esthetic Score (scores 0-10). Marginal bone level changes from T1 to T12. Buccal bone thickness at T12. Patient-reported satisfaction (scores

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Mean (SD)

Modified Plaque Index Score 0 Score 0 Score 0 0:0 ± 0:0
Modified Sulcus Bleeding Index Score 0 Score 1 Score 0 0:3 ± 0:6
Gingival Index Score 0 Score 0 Score 0 0:0 ± 0:0
Keratinized mucosa width (mm) ≥2 ≥2 ≥2 ≥2
Papilla Index
Tpre mesial Score 3 Score 1 Score 3 2:3 ± 1:2
Tpre distal Score 3 Score 0 Score 2 1:7 ± 1:5
T12 mesial Score 3 Score 1 Score 3 2:3 ± 1:2
T12 distal Score 3 Score 0 Score 2 1:7 ± 1:5
Pocket probing depth (mm) 5 3 5 4:3 ± 1:2
Mid-buccal mucosal level changes (mm)∗ -0.51 -0.56 1.45 0:13 ± 1:5
Pink Esthetic Score
Tpre 8 6 8 7:3 ± 1:2
Ttemp 8 6 8 7:3 ± 1:2
T12 9 7 9 8:3 ± 1:2
White Esthetic Score
Tpre 4 7 N/A 5:5 ± 2:1
Ttemp 6 7 6 6:3 ± 0:6
T12 8 9 9 8:7 ± 0:6
Marginal bone level changes (mm)∗ 0.06 0.02 0.11 0:06 ± 0:05
Buccal bone thickness (mm)
M0 (at neck) 2.34 1.84 3.14 2:44 ± 0:66
M1 2.46 1.86 3.36 2:56 ± 0:76
M2 2.98 2.18 3.48 2:88 ± 0:66
M3 2.95 1.85 3.35 2:71 ± 0:78
M4 2.75 1.65 3.25 2:55 ± 0:82
M5 2.55 1.25 3.25 2:35 ± 1:02
Patient-reported satisfaction
Tpre 5 5 5 5:0 ± 0:0
Ttemp 8 9 8 8:3 ± 0:6
T12 8 10 9 9:0 ± 1:0
Tpre: prior to the treatment; Ttemp: 6 weeks after temporary restoration placement; T1: 1 month after final restoration placement; T12: 1 year after final
restoration placement; N/A: not applicable. ∗ A positive value indicates tissue/bone level gain, and a negative value indicates loss.

implant planning and ensuing pilot-drill surgical template tion from the digital planning should be taken into consider-
fabrication was based on a stone cast with a conventional ation when using a pilot-drill surgical template [21, 22]. In
wax set-up. Possibly, the combined visualization of the hard the present case report, the temporary shell restorations
and soft tissues in the digital workflow used in this case were connected to the temporary abutment after immediate
report enabled to plan the implant in a more palatal posi- implant placement. This compensated for any deviations
tion, resulting in a thicker BBT. while still resulting in temporary restorations with screw-
In the surgical phase, static computer-assisted immediate access holes on the palatal side in all cases, indicating that
implant surgery with the pilot-drill surgical template this method for immediate single-implant provisionalization
resulted in correct three-dimensional implant placement. It can be used when a fully guided technique is not feasible.
must be acknowledged that a fully guided surgical technique In the restorative phase, the temporary restorations
can offer more accuracy and that a certain degree of devia- could be delivered in the same appointment as the implant
8 Case Reports in Dentistry

placement. Whereas in the studies with a conventional ject administration, and writing—original draft. G.M.
workflow mentioned earlier [6, 7], impression taking after Raghoebar contributed to the conceptualization, investiga-
the surgery was necessary to design and manufacture a cus- tion, methodology, supervision, project administration, and
tomized temporary restoration afterwards in the dental lab- writing—review and editing. A. Vissink contributed to the
oratory, as well as an extra appointment for the temporary conceptualization, methodology, supervision, project
restoration placement. Thus, chair time was reduced by administration, and writing—review and editing. H.J.A.
using the digital workflow. Other advantages of a digital Meijer contributed to the conceptualization, data curation,
workflow for implant restoration procedures are that investigation, methodology, supervision, project administra-
intraoral scanning lowers the procedure time and patient tion, and writing—review and editing.
discomfort compared to conventional impression taking
[23] and that CAD and computer-aided manufacturing
(CAM) can lower the production time and fabrication costs Acknowledgments
of the restorations [24]. These are all possible arguments for
Implant materials for the clinical study were provided by
choosing a digital workflow over a conventional workflow.
Nobel Biocare Services AG, Zürich, Switzerland (study code:
A downside of the temporary shell restorations used in
these cases is the grayish discoloration of the metal tempo-
rary abutment through the composite and the PMMA. Due
to this discoloration, the mean WES for the temporary resto- References
rations was just above the threshold of clinical acceptance
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The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of G. M. Raghoebar, “Feasibility of immediate placement of
this study are available within the article. single-tooth implants in the aesthetic zone: A 1-year random-
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vol. 42, no. 8, pp. 773–782, 2015.
Consent [7] E. G. Zuiderveld, H. J. A. Meijer, L. den Hartog, A. Vissink, and
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curation, formal analysis, investigation, methodology, pro- spective cone beam computed tomography study,”
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