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Using A Clinical Protocol For Orthognathic Surgery and Assessing A 3-Dimensional Virtual Approach

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J Oral Maxillofac Surg

69:623-637, 2011

Using a Clinical Protocol for Orthognathic

Surgery and Assessing a 3-Dimensional
Virtual Approach: Current Therapy
Luis A. Quevedo, DDS,* Jessica V. Ruiz, DDS,†
and Cristobal A. Quevedo, DDS‡

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons who perform orthognathic surgery face major changes in their practices, and
these challenges will increase in the near future, because the extraordinary advances in technology applied
to our profession are not only amazing but are becoming the standard of care as they promote improved
outcomes for our patients. Orthognathic surgery is one of the favorite areas of practicing within the scope of
practice of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Our own practice in orthognathic surgery has completed over
1,000 surgeries of this type. Success is directly related to the consistency and capability of the surgical-
orthodontic team to achieve predictable, stable results, and our hypothesis is that a successful result is directly
related to the way we take our records and perform diagnosis and treatment planning following basic general
principles. Now that we have the opportunity to plan and treat 3-dimensional (3D) problems with 3D
technology, we should enter into this new era with appropriate standards to ensure better results, instead of
simply enjoying these new tools, which will clearly show not only us but everyone what we do when we
perform orthognathic surgery. Appropriate principles need to be taken into account when implementing this
new technology. In other words, new technology is welcome, but we do not have to reinvent the wheel. The
purpose of this article is to review the current protocol that we use for orthognathic surgery and compare it
with published protocols that incorporate new 3D and virtual technology. This report also describes our
approach to this new technology.
© 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 69:623-637, 2011

In the scientific literature, we have found many the article by De Vos et al,35 which systematically
articles that describe the latest developments and reviews CBCT in the oral and maxillofacial region,
applications of computed tomography imaging in and part I of the special series of articles that
general,1-5 as well as the multiple applications and appeared in the October 2009 issue of the Journal,
advantages of cone beam computed tomography including the editorial by Assael.36-39 With these
(CBCT) in particular.6-15 This imaging technology articles in mind and being proactive users of most
facilitates many other related applications, such as of this technology in our orthognathic practice, we
the generation of 3-dimensional (3D) models, have found that, in many instances, new technol-
growth and craniofacial morphology studies, virtual ogy can prevent people from having the right atti-
orthodontic planning, and virtual surgical planning, tude regarding trying to use or obtain the “new
among others (Fig 1).16-34 We strongly recommend thing” without proving of its effectiveness or vali-
dation. The most important goal must be to always
*Full Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Chile, achieve the highest possible standards in patient
Director of Surgical-Orthodontics Institute (ICOR), Santiago, Chile. care through validated treatment protocols.
†Orthodontist, Private Practice, and partner of Surgical-Ortho- Our hypothesis is that is directly related to the
dontics Institute (ICOR), Santiago, Chile. way we take our records and perform diagnosis and
‡Intern, Boston University Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Depart- treatment planning following general basic princi-
ment, Boston, MA. ples.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Quevedo: A strict protocol to take presurgical records in our
ICOR Associated, Av Kennedy 5735, Torre Poniente Oficina 407 patients will give us consistent and predictable results,
Las Condes, Santiago, Region Metropolitana, Chile; e-mail: especially when a virtual approach will be used. These records are based on oriented natural head position
© 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (ONHP), the use of a true horizontal line as the only
0278-2391/11/6903-0006$36.00/0 reference throughout the entire diagnostic and planning
doi:10.1016/j.joms.2010.11.009 process, the achievement of a temporomandibular joint

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FIGURE 1. Current imaging study of an orthognathic case, using CBCT and 3D software technology. A, B, Preoperative 3D reconstruction.
C, D, E, Preoperative soft/hard tissue composite. F, Postoperative soft/hard tissue composite. G, Postoperative 3D reconstruction. H, I, J,
Preoperative and postoperative superimposed 3D reconstructive imaging.
Quevedo, Ruiz, and Quevedo. Clinical Protocol for Orthognathic Surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011.

(TMJ)-centric relation, and the record of the true hinge cases, and, usually, every surgical-orthodontic team
axis when the maxilla needs to be repositioned. applies its own modifications to the published proto-
cols.40-43 In summary, these involve 3 steps. Step 1 is
Materials and Methods to establish the diagnosis. Doing so involves clinical
and imaging data gathering. In our practice we use
It is a common practice in orthognathic surgery to lateral and frontal cephalometric radiographs and a
develop a clinical protocol to study and plan patient full-face cone beam scanner, based on which we per-

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form computerized frontal and lateral Ricketts and lateral and frontal head radiographs by use of a
Bjork-Jarabak analysis, along with other isolated ceph- plumed chain. The patient is placed in ONHP with no
alometric measurements.44,45 Another important diag- ear support, with soft tissues at rest, and in first tooth
nostic tool for us is the use of semiadjustable articu- contact. Since 2007, we started routinely working
lator-mounted models, for which the proper use of a with a cone beam scanner (CBCT) i-CAT apparatus
face bow is very critical. Step 2 is treatment planning, (Imaging Sciences International, Hatfield, PA). We
which includes cephalometric prediction tracings quickly found that our usual, standardized way of
(both computerized and manual) and model surgery. generating images with a horizontal/vertical refer-
Step 3 is transferring the final plan to the operating
ence was no longer possible because, among other
field, which we do through the final model surgery
reasons, this new technology needed a very still pa-
and the fabrication of the intermediate and final sur-
gical splints (surgical guides). This regular clinical tient in non-NHP.35,38 This limitation is still true for the
protocol incorporates several critical steps, which are majority of CBCT equipment, although the latest gener-
as follows. ations are working to improve this problem. Therefore
we decided to extrapolate our method of transferring a
STEP 1: DIAGNOSIS OF DENTOFACIAL DEFORMITY true horizontal line to the panoramic radiograph44,70 to
A comprehensive diagnosis of a dentofacial defor- our protocol for orthognathic cases. We have been able
mity is the result of 2 main assessments. The first to obtain a reliable true horizontal reference in our
assessment is a static routine evaluation of several imaging studies by placing fiducial markers on the pa-
diagnostic tools by use of routine techniques. In our tient’s skin to represent the true horizontal line, re-
protocol, these so-called static studies include facial corded with the assistance of a horizontal line transfer-
and occlusal clinical photos, radiographs, and other ring appliance (HOLTA) method.44,45 The accuracy of
imaging studies; cephalometrics; and dental model this method with a CBCT i-CAT machine was tested in
studies. The second assessment is a dynamic evalua- an undergraduate thesis, currently in the process of
tion of the patient, which includes an assessment of being published.71 This method consists of using a face
the capacity of the mandible to move in all directions, bow to establish the true horizontal reference on the
as well as an assessment of the TMJs, which move patient’s skin with a set of 3 HOLTA devices, through
synchronically depending on their functional and which we make a mark on each side of the patient’s
structural health and depending on the organic (func- head, close to the tragus, and on the patient’s cheek
tional) relation of the patient’s teeth. We will review (Fig 3A,B).
both methods. We appreciate the work by Xia et al38 and Gateno
et al72,73 in this regard because they give an important
Static Diagnosis of Dentofacial Deformity role to acquiring imaging data in NHP. They also
It is critically important that all of these studies be describe 2 different ways to obtain their virtual com-
consistent in terms of methods to be reliable. Unfor- posite model in a true NHP, using a 3D laser surface
tunately, inconsistency is a common error, and it has scanner or a digital gyroscope.38 However, we found
been identified as the main cause of error in treatment their method to be expensive and complicated com-
planning and/or the implementation of the desired pared with ours, which is reliable, easy to use, inex-
plan to the operating room.46-58 We agree with the pensive, and consequently, much more viable (Fig
cited literature, and we strive for consistency in our 3C,D). After this portion of the assessment, we could
patient records. Standardization and reproducibility use standard oriented imaging to perform cephalom-
of the applied methods are key to achieving consis- etry. Whether we use manual or computer-generated
tency, and to fulfill these 2 goals, we found sufficient cephalometry, and whichever analysis or software is
evidence for use of the natural head position used, it is important to obtain the structural diagnosis
(NHP)59-67 and what has been called assisted natural and related characteristics using a standardized and
head position, or ONHP,68,69 as positions to record reliable imaging protocol.
our clinical photos. To identify the extension of the In the diagnosis of a dentofacial deformity, conven-
orientation of the assistance of the patient’s own tional cephalometrics with its related advantages,
NHP, especially when we have a difficult case (a such as the growth and visual treatment objectives of
severely asymmetric face or a patient reluctant to Ricketts et al,74 has been in practice for many years
repeat a given position), we use a spirit-level guide and has been validated in numerous scientific publica-
placed on the face bow44,45 (Fig 2A,B). This position- tions.75-82 At the point when we can conduct a true 3D
ing allows us to assess our patients with respect to a cephalometric study, we should expect to have a much
true horizontal/vertical reference, which is a perma- better understanding of dentofacial deformities, espe-
nent common requirement for all of our records. For cially the asymmetric or syndrome cases. In the litera-
the imaging records, this assessment is achieved by ture the term “3D cephalometric analysis” is confusing
use of a true vertical reference, which appears on the because it has been used in many different ways.83-86

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FIGURE 2. ONHP with the guide of spirit levels placed on a face bow. A, Asymmetric patient in his own NHP. B, Patient being assisted into
his NHP (ONHP). C, The assistance is being guided with spirit leveling. D, Frontal view of same assistance. It should be noted that the face
bow nasion support or the maxillary fork with an inferior incisor stop (or both) could be used for easy self-support of the face bow/spirit
leveling approach.
Quevedo, Ruiz, and Quevedo. Clinical Protocol for Orthognathic Surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011.

We have been exploring these new tools, and we using the tool of projecting these angles on the corre-
are confident in the enormous benefits these methods sponding plane, as suggested by Swennen et al.85 How-
will have for our patients. However, we do not think ever, in our case those planes are not anatomically related
that we need to create a new cephalometric analysis but virtually (by mathematic algorithms) constructed auto-
to use this method. We are accustomed to using the matically by the software at the time of imaging orientation
Bjork method, modified by Jarabak, and Ricketts’ fron- through the HOLTA references.
tal and lateral analyses. We aim to have the same Then, we strive to have clinical photos, imaging
angles and measurements in our 3D cephalogram studies, and cephalometrics taken with an equal and

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FIGURE 3. HOLTA system. A, Panoramic view of HOLTA device mounted on face bow. B, Lateral view of patient with HOLTA system in place.
C, Lateral view of patient’s horizontal reference painted on her skin. D, Lateral plain facial radiograph obtained with HOLTA marking. E-G,
Lateral, frontal, and axial views of CBCT scan with HOLTA of same patient. H, I, Proper 3-dimensional orientation using HOLTA system.
Quevedo, Ruiz, and Quevedo. Clinical Protocol for Orthognathic Surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011.

consistent true horizontal reference, which allows us proper use of a face bow. As established by several
to study the “same patient” from both clinical and authors,54,57,58 this step is another source of multiple
imaging records. We accomplish this by using ONHP potential errors. We have to agree that, in a multi-step
and clinical recording of the true horizontal with the procedure, there are more opportunities to introduce
HOLTA method to consistently have it in the clinical mistakes, and the sum of these errors could eventually
photos and in the imaging we use. produce a poor treatment plan or a suboptimal final
The last of these diagnostic steps is to obtain a set outcome. In performing the face bow transferring
of articulated dental models, which is based on the procedure to the articulator and the resulting artic-

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ulated models, we recognize that these instruments 3A-E). With this method, we achieve consistency be-
are semiadjustable and limited in the replication of tween clinical and imaging records as well as cepha-
our patients. We should not expect these instru- lometrics and articulated dental models because these
ments to provide information other than what they record and models are related to 1 true horizontal/
are designed to provide. With proper use, this is a vertical reference, which is used throughout our en-
very useful tool, and at present, it is essential to tire diagnostic study. For example, when we decide
perform the treatment planning for orthognathic to perform superior and anterior repositioning of the
surgery. We use model surgery and surgical wafers, maxilla by 5 or 6 mm, we are able to accomplish this
which are fabricated in the laboratory via these positioning correctly at surgery because the diagnosis
articulated models,46,48-58 to transfer our plans to the and the treatment planning are consistent with the
patient in the operating theater. Most of the new ap- patient’s vertical and sagittal deformity (Fig 1A,B).
proaches and the applications of new computer/virtual
technology have been directed to creating a virtual wafer, Dynamic Diagnosis of Dentofacial Deformity
which serves as a surgical splint generated by computer- Dynamic in this case refers to function (ie, TMJ
ized treatment planning.4,5,16,24,29,34,36-38 We believe that participation in the studied dentofacial deformity).
this technology represents the near future, and its We believe that there are 2 different aspects in which
potential should depend more on us than the re- the TMJ plays a key role in the diagnosis of a dento-
searchers or software companies developing a virtual facial deformity. One is in the case of a structural
surgical wafer. We, the clinicians using this software problem that relates to the deformity (vs malforma-
daily, are the real judges of the capabilities of the new tion, condylar hyperplasia, or progressive condylar
achievements. From this perspective, what we ask resorption), and the other is in the case of a structur-
from both of these procedures, the conventional and ally healthy joint that has a condyle improperly seated
virtual type, is consistency, not only with respect to in its fossa. With the availability of CBCT and its
the procedure itself but also with respect to the rest associated software, the diagnosis of TMJ structural
of the records being used for diagnosis and treatment problems is much easier, and CBCT has become the
planning of the orthognathic patient. In other words, standard of care.35 The condyle/fossa relation is a
we require 1 permanent common reference for all of conceptual matter, the discussion of which is beyond
our records. To this end, we use a true horizontal/ the scope of this article. However, to validate our
vertical reference. Our clinical photos, radiographs, protocol we did an extensive review of the literature,
and cephalometrics, as well as the articulated dental which will be presented in the “Discussion” section
models for an ONHP patient, all use the same hori- of this article.
zontal/vertical reference. Most of the semiadjustable Our protocol for orthognathic surgery uses a full-
articulators, such as Panadent, Sam’s, Denar, Hanau, coverage arch splint for the time the patient needs to
Whip Mix, and others,87-90 use what they claim to be achieve condylar seated position/centric relation
an axio-orbitale plane, which is 2-dimensional (2D) (CSP/CR), to reveal the real malocclusion and its re-
and anatomically arbitrary, to place their face bows. lated skeletal deformity (usually between 2 and 3
Most of these articulators use a pointer to place the months). Records are taken to obtain the real skeletal
face bow related to the orbitale cephalometric point maxillomandibular relation with no tooth contact, as
of the patient while the earring support is bilaterally well as 2 wax techniques with an anterior hard stop,
inserted. Others, like Panadent,89 assume that this which has been proven to be a reliable technique.91-93
anterior vertical reference is 22 mm from the nasion Then, this maxillomandibular relation wax recording
support of the face bow. When the face bow is se- is used to obtain the dental cast in the articulator,
cured on the patient’s head and the transfer fork is where the face bow has placed the maxilla in its
properly locked to the patient’s maxillary arch, the correct position and, according to the HOLTA level-
face bow–fork unit is brought to the articulator for ing system, to have the true horizontal as a reference.
the mounting procedure. Therefore these articulators This procedure, as shown in Figure 4, allows us to be
use a reference that is quite different from a true consistent with what we have done in all of our
horizontal one, which we use to diagnose and plan previous static and dynamic records.
our patient cases. Whatever information we derive Once we have our patient in CSP/CR, we use this
from this procedure will not necessarily fully corre- opportunity to go one step forward in our protocol,
spond to our patient’s dentoskeletal deformity. For and we perform a true hinge axis clinical recording in
this reason, we have begun using the same HOLTA all of our orthognathic surgery patients. The need for
method to assist our patient’s NHP, and anytime the using a true mandibular hinge axis, specifically when
patient’s deformities mandate it, we fix the transfer we need to perform a vertical maxillary impaction or
fork related to the position obtained in the face bow, any skeletal maxillary movement resulting in a man-
following the frontal and lateral spirit levels44,45 (Fig dibular autorotation, has been studied in the past,

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FIGURE 4. Face bow transfer protocol using spirit levels to fix maxillary fork record. A, Lateral view of patient at ONHP using spirit levels.
B, Frontal view. C, Maxillary fork fixation to face bow being aligned with bilateral and frontal spirit levels. D, Posterior view of face bow
recording of maxilla with real canting of occlusal plane. E-G, Articulated dental model with proper 3D alignment and mounted according to
the true horizontal reference.
Quevedo, Ruiz, and Quevedo. Clinical Protocol for Orthognathic Surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011.

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particularly in the orthodontics and prosthodontics Both manual/mechanical and digital/computer meth-
literature.91,94-97 Using the Whip Mix face bow and ods have the same major problem of being 2D, and for
articulator, Teteruck and Lundeen95 found that 75.5% that reason, both systems have the same room for error.
of the approximate hinge axes would fall within a In our practice, we have used both methods and found
6-mm radius of the true hinge axis. The results of a the same results because we always adhered to princi-
study by Wood and Korne96 led them to conclude ples discussed in this article. These principles include
that, given its practicality and reliability, the use of the the following: using the ONHP; using 1 true horizontal/
estimated hinge axis is recommended in orthodon- vertical reference in all records; properly studying den-
tics. However, only the true hinge axis is recom- tal malocclusion and skeletal deformities using a CSP/CR
mended for the study of mandibular movements, for maxilla-mandible relation and using the true hinge axis;
diagnostic and definitive equilibration of casts, for taking images with the soft tissue at rest and with first
extensive restorative reconstruction, and for maxil- tooth contact; and calibrating the lateral radiograph with
lary surgical movements resulting in autorotation of a computer, as well as matching it with the lateral soft
the mandible.96,97 In our protocol we clinically record tissues taken from the facial photo.
the true hinge axis using a Hinge Axis Locator (code Now, imaging techniques along with the scanner and
85301; Almore International, Portland, OR). This pro- associated software technology are widely used, and the
cedure takes approximately 25 minutes to perform 3D era started first with cephalometry.9,83,104,111,112 In
and is incorporated as part of a whole presurgical this regard, we appreciate the atlas book of Swennen et
records session appointment, which includes clinical al,85 which is a great piece of work. Subsequently, 3D
photos, determination of the HOLTA fiducial marking treatment planning was researched, and 3D virtual plan-
for clinical photos and radiography/CBCT imaging. ning is now a reality.16,17,20,37-39,113-116 In this evolution
The CSP/CR wax recording and face bow recording of treatment planning for orthognathic surgery, we can
are necessary for the dental model montage in the recognize one major advantage, which represents a
articulator. The whole session takes approximately 1 great paradigm shift. We shift from a 2D tools reality
hour. Using the 3D scenario in our patients, we are toward the use of a proper 3D scenario to plan 3D
exploring the idea of mathematically calculating the deformities. Now, when we are expecting a full 3D
true hinge axis, using an extra scan of 2 silicone bites imaging tool, we should ask for the same principles we
with proper radiopaque markers taken from the semi- have followed in the 2D scenario, because despite its
adjustable articulator, where the dental models are inherent restrictions, they have been the base of predict-
articulated via the wax recording of CSP/CR and via ability and consistency. Thus, whatever skeletal prob-
the horizontal/vertical reference. With this proce- lem our patient has, we will be able not only to see it but
dure, we strive to develop a skull-dental composite also to understand the differences between both sides of
3D model (virtual articulator), allowing us to study the patient’s face and plan the appropriate way to treat
dental and skeletal relations more precisely. his or her deformity. Unfortunately, most of the soft-
ware we have seen in this 3D scenario reproduces the
same problems as 2D analysis or 2D imaging techniques.
The presence of these problems is particularly true
The second aspect to include in the protocol for when 3D cephalometry is presented, such as the work
orthognathic surgery is treatment planning. This plan- by Olszewski et al,117,118 in which there are right- and
ning includes cephalometric prediction tracings (both left-side cephalometric landmarks. An average point is
computerized and manual) and model surgery. The con- used to do the actual analysis, which is exactly what we
ventional 2D prediction tracing techniques have been do when using the 2D techniques. Therefore we will
broadly included in all of the main surgical textbooks have to wait until we have a real full 3D scenario to
dedicated to orthognathic surgery40-43 and in the ortho- work up our patients.
dontics literature.74,98,99 Each surgeon uses his or her The next step in treatment planning for the orthog-
own modifications of the original techniques and meth- nathic surgery protocol is the model surgery. The first
ods.100-102 Like other methods, our own method has item for us to establish is that, in pursuing predictability,
been published.45,103 Furthermore, these 2D manual we use the Erickson platform46 to continue having a
methods were the basis for the digital scenario provided horizontal/vertical true reference. In addition, we al-
by computed tomography.1,2,20,21,104-106 In addition, dif- ways perform the maxillary surgery first, which can be
ferent companies have launched their own software, planned more precisely than the mandible from the
such as Quickceph, Dolphin, or Nemoceph.107-109 This usual 2D prediction tracings, and we let the model
software, among several other software programs, al- surgery tell us what we should do in the mandible. As
lows the clinicians to study and plan their cases on their with the chin, we take what we had decided in the
own computer screen. Our method was adopted by one prediction tracing and correlate the movement we ex-
of these companies.110 pected to have with how much the same point moved

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in the anatomic model surgery. We adjust the final chin We maintain the direction of the horizontal/vertical ref-
surgery according to these findings. erence in every step of this protocol, and the amount of
Many authors have shown that, in this step, there is movement we want to occur in our patient is also better
much room for error.73,119-122 The main reasons for this approximated with the described anatomic models.
error are the restricted anatomic and functional replica- Thus we take model surgery very seriously. For us, it is
tions of the semiadjusted articulator, which causes a a matter of trust. We allow up to 0.25 mm of adjusted
difficult and arbitrary transfer of the maxilla with a face range of error.
bow that uses an axio-orbital plane as a reference. The As with the model surgery, in the 3D scenario, we
other cause for errors is the unrealistic replication of the have been working on the segmentation of the osteot-
skeletal anatomy with a plaster dental model, which omies to create a more realistic scenario when we
means that the surgeon cannot duplicate or identify the move the osteotomized segments. We believe that, if
direction or the amount of movement (in millimeters) we are not able to reproduce the exact relations of
that the different parts of the involved bony structures the distal and proximal segments, we will end up with
will undergo at the time of surgery. Although this is true, a different result at the time of surgery. Although this
in our practice, we use the spirit level in the face bow to bony segment relation has major implications with
transfer the maxilla using the true horizontal/vertical regard to bilateral split ramus osteotomy, it is also
reference, as in all of our records. This method is con- very important for the Le Fort I osteotomy, especially
sistent with the use of the Erickson platform,46,50 which when we perform segmental mobilizations.
maintains the horizontal/vertical plane as the standard Efforts to exactly replicate the human masticatory
reference. In doing this, we are able to be aware of the system with a mechanical apparatus were long ago
directional changes we are planning with our surgical abandoned by us. Even the most adjustable articulator
procedures. The other way for us to achieve more pre- possible will never replicate our patient. We explored
cision with our model surgery is to work with what we a virtual articulator with its mechanical version using
call anatomic sets of models. To make these models, we stereolithography of parts of the skull, which fully
replicate in the plaster the exact vertical and horizontal replicates the maxilla, mandible, and TMJ anatomy
position of what we call key skeletal structures in our 3-dimensionally. This approach can be used in a me-
treatment planning. These key structures are the ante- tallic frame to better study the malocclusion and the
rior nasal spine (ANS), as it correlates to the upper lip ideal occlusal relations we need to reproduce as a
support, and the nasolabial angle. The next key struc- final outcome in our patient. Of course, it is a matter
ture is the so-called chin point, because we should know of time for the technology to give us the pending
what needs to be done with the patient’s chin. Then, solutions. Then, we will not use any mechanical de-
laterally, we measure and mark on our anatomic model vices or plaster models because everything will be
a point that represents the inferior border of the man- done virtually in some central office as a service of an
dible at the site of sagittal split osteotomies bilaterally; imaging technology laboratory.
thus we should be more aware of the movement of both Precise replication of the masticatory system is one
the proximal and distal segments and the type of gap or of the expected outcomes of the 3D era; however, we
overlapping that will be present during surgery at these are looking for simulation, not only replication or
points. The method we use to replicate all these skeletal prediction, and that can only be achieved through a
key structures uses the Erickson platform to measure the computer-generated full anatomic model and a virtual
anterior-posterior and vertical position of the upper in- articulator. Given the technical problems that still
cisor related to the ANS, as measured on the lateral exist in replicating teeth and functional occlusion,38
cephalometric radiograph and its tracing, and then, we currently, we still need to continue using plaster mod-
cut or remodel the plaster to place the ANS reference. els and a mechanical articulator to fabricate the sur-
We use the same procedure we used to anatomically gical splints to transfer our treatment planning to our
mark the chin point, using the lower incisor and the patient at the time of surgery.
anterior end of the chin osteotomy line as the reference
point, and for the bilateral body references, we used the STEP 3: TRANSFERRING FINAL PLAN TO
first molars and the inferior border of the related man- OPERATING FIELD
dible. As in surgery, we use a modified version of the Le Finally, the surgical splints— both intermediate and
Fort I step osteotomy, previously described by Epker final—will need to be made. Those splints should be
and Fish,43 and we use a reference point 35 mm above the end result of the whole process, and they should
the canines and 25 mm above the first upper molars. We come easily. The same results should occur in the 3D
try to avoid measuring any other markings or reference virtual scenario. With the segmentation and definition
points (Fig 5). With this anatomic marking of the key of tooth anatomy that we see in the near future with
structures, we gain better knowledge of the skeletal the right technology, we could simulate much better
movements that we will observe at the time of surgery. how we will operate on patients with much more

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FIGURE 5. Anatomizing plaster dental model to better reproduce skeletal key structure movement at model surgery. A, Measurements are
taken from the lateral radiograph using horizontal/vertical reference. B, Upper and lower anatomized model. C, D, Comparison between
plaster model and stereo lithography model.
Quevedo, Ruiz, and Quevedo. Clinical Protocol for Orthognathic Surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011.

precision. The surgical splints should be predictable available, which is hopefully based on evidence-based
and consistent with the desired result. The actual medical-dental practice. We just need to remember that
result of our type of model surgery has good predict- what is in the scientific literature and has not been
ability, but because this method is just an improved proven is not necessarily good or bad. Although evi-
2D method, this approach will never be exact. dence-based practices are recommended when avail-
A computer-generated surgical splint has not yet able, practices that are not evidence based are not nec-
been proven to be fully reliable in complex double- essarily bad or wrong, like some authors claim.125 Most
jaw surgical cases.35-39,73,123,124 In our opinion, the of the time, these practices just lack relevant properly
mistakes among the different groups of researchers designed scientific literature.
mainly replicate the same problem we found with the We have always thought that diagnosis is essential for
conventional 2D protocols. everything that clinicians do. In 3D virtual technology,
we have an enormous tool that allows us to more closely
replicate the actual patient. Incorporating 3D cephalom-
etry is essential, but we think we still have much to do
Technology, research or researchers, and dissemina- before achieving the right perspective in using this new
tion of new knowledge (scientific publications) are not tool. The 3D cephalometric analyses we have seen in
to be blamed but are to be congratulated for this rapid the most recent literature duplicate some of the prob-
race for the latest application of various inventions. The lems that we experienced for a long time with conven-
clinician is responsible for finding the best possible care tional 2D analysis. In the 3D cephalometric analysis of

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Swennen et al,85 measurements were calculated be- mandibular position will often be mistaken by the clini-
tween landmarks on 2D cephalograms.9 Treil et al126 cian for the seated condylar position. Therefore clinical
developed a 3D cephalometric analysis based on a com- mandibular manipulation, which many surgeons use to
plicated reference frame constructed on 8 landmarks examine their patients, is unreliable in determining the
belonging to the trigeminal system. In addition, this seated condylar position because of the effects of the
analysis does not propose the use of any sagittal plane. neuromusculature. Neuromuscular deprogramming is
Bettega et al, cited by Olszewski et al,117 proposed an the key to reproducibility.94,127,130,131,139,150-156,158-166
automatic 3D CT cephalometric analysis based on a Therefore we were obligated to perform neuromus-
simplified version of Jean Delaire’s architectural and cular deprogramming in all of our orthognathic surgery
structural 2D cephalometric analysis.100 The analysis patients, and the time involved in this presurgical prep-
and software presented by Olszewski et al,117,118 who aration depends on the type of skeletal deformity, as
also presented an original 3D cephalometric analysis shown in our studies.149 Splint therapy has been pro-
based on a transformation of Delaire’s classical 2D ceph- ven effective in deprogramming the neuromuscula-
alometric analysis, surprised us the most. Their conclu- ture.94,130,139,151-155,157,159,160,162,163
sions were as follows: “We demonstrated that the three- Technology promises to improve our treatment
dimensional analysis gives the same results as two- outcomes. Technology is developed to serve the cli-
dimensional analysis using the same skull.” This nicians who are using it and applying it. However,
conclusion is surprising because we would expect many one should be cautious of turning to the latest tech-
differences between a 2D and a 3D cephalometric study nologic development too quickly, without first obtain-
and to gain a much better understanding of the skull ing a base of knowledge and understanding of what
structures with 3D analysis. If our understanding is not has been proven. We should not serve technology, or
improved with 3D analysis, we wonder why this use our patients to do so, because that is not what
method should be used. Perhaps the data necessary to medicine is about.
create 3D cephalometry based on 2D cephalograms is Our group is working to create a total virtual working
still lacking. Swennen et al85 have suggested gathering environment in orthognathic surgery. We call this envi-
these data through the Internet, because all of the data ronment SAIEMSE, from its name in Spanish (Sistema de
could be easily collected, and multicenter studies should Apoyo Integral para el Estudio y Manejo de las alteracio-
give us extensive access to valid information. nes esqueletales y dentarias, estéticas y funcionales del
As per the functional records and the appropriate Sistema Estomatognático). In English, this translates to
way to establish the skeletal and dental deformity, we “Comprehensive Aids System for the Study and Manage-
believe in the diagnosis and the treatment planning ment of the Skeletal, Dental, Aesthetic or Functional
from TMJ centric relation, which has proved to be the Abnormalities of the Gnathic System.” This environment
most reliable maxillomandibular relation functionally. represents a combination of software applications,
We have done an extensive review of the literature, which work as a total assistant within a virtual environ-
and there are numerous authors who believe that a ment in which the surgeon or any other person follows
centric relation is the best relation in the TMJ for the software instructions to introduce the patient’s data,
functional stability.91,127-147 In addition, it is critical to just like any of the current 2D computed cephalograms.
have a well-seated condyle for the diagnosis of the The system includes a virtual articulator, which in fact
malocclusion because this position is considered to should not be a mechanical device trying to replicate
be the most reliable and reproducible reference point our patients’ functions but is our actual patient’s skull,
for accurately recording the relation of the mandible joints, and teeth moving as we command. We are sure
to the maxilla.92,127,129,131,137 Therefore a determina- this is just the beginning of what we will have available
tion of the seated condylar position (SCP/CR) is a to work with until software capable of assembling
prerequisite for the analysis of dental and skeletal DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medi-
relations. Furthermore, for the correct diagnosis of cine) files, coming from CBCT, magnetic resonance im-
the dentofacial deformity and treatment,44,45,148 we aging, single photon emission computed tomography,
bring our orthognathic patients into their TMJ centric ultrasound, and other sources, is developed. We are
relation; this treatment has been part of our protocol for confident in the technologies that will be available in the
at least a decade.149 Our method of achieving this near future, such as a full virtual patient to study and on
SCP/CR relation in our patients is also a matter of con- which to do our workup to simulate our treatments. It is
tinuously reviewing the relevant literature. Many studies also true that, whatever we will have available and de-
have shown that the neuromusculature positions the cide to use, it must be based on principles that should
mandible to achieve maximal intercuspation, regardless never change. In the SAIEMSE project the software per-
of the position of the condyles.94,150-157 Therefore the forms the analysis and makes a problem list at every step
occlusion dictates condylar position. The resultant mus- of the study (facial analysis, model analyses, imaging,
cle function can be too dominant so that the acquired cephalometrics, and so on). The software will produce

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a chart and checklist whenever necessary and obtain a the model surgery tell us what to do with the mandible.
working diagnosis to enter for the next step, which is The need to plan a 3D problem with a true 3D tool is
treatment planning. This includes treatment simulations one of the major motivations for developing 3D virtual
that can be printed or displayed. This training scenario planning. Whatever we decide to do, we need to per-
depends on the user’s wishes to perform everything by form this in the laboratory with the model surgery. We
herself or himself or in a centralized office, where some- are in a good position because we have specifically
one else will perform these tasks. anatomized sets of articulated models that have main-
Orthognathic surgery, in conjunction with surgical tained the same horizontal reference we use in clinical/
orthodontics, has been shown to be the best way to radiographic records. Furthermore, the maxilla/mandi-
treat dentofacial deformities. When appropriately per- ble relation has been captured by use of CSP/CR
formed, it is predictable and provides consistently good considerations and by use of the true hinge axis to rotate
results. To achieve these results, surgeons have exam- the maxillary-mandible complex. In other words, all of
ined and practiced protocols for diagnosis and treatment the patient’s records are consistent among themselves
planning and consider those at least as important as the and with each patient’s real dentofacial deformity. Fi-
surgery itself. Predictability comes from consistent out- nally, the fabrication and use of surgical splints— both
comes and makes these protocols reliable. Whether we intermediate and final—just require practice. Those
are using the conventional manual and mechanical way splints should be the end result of the whole process,
to study and plan our cases or we are using a digital and they should come easily. The only requirement for
method, such as virtual 3D technology, we must per- this result to happen is that all of the previous steps are
form these methods correctly. For us, these protocols taken following the same principles already mentioned.
mean that, for the static diagnosis part, we should have The principles are the same for both the conven-
our patient in ONHP to take our clinical set of photos in tional manual/mechanical method and the new 3D
a repeatable standardized manner and to know up to virtual method. The goal is still to achieve the best
what angle to orient our patient’s NHP, whenever it outcome possible for optimal patient care.
should be needed, using the spirit level. To achieve
consistency in all of our records, we should have a References
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