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Walmart Global Marketing Strategy

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Walmart Global Marketing Strategy

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction............................................................................................................... 1
2. Walmart’s International outlook image and profile....................................................1
3. Marketing Environment of Walmart in the UK and Canada......................................3
3.1.1 Macroenvironment of Walmart in the United Kingdom........................................3
3.1.2 Macroenvironment of Walmart in Canada...........................................................5
3.2.1 Microenvironment of Walmart in the United Kingdom.........................................6
3.2.1 Microenvironment of Walmart in Canada............................................................8
4. Marketing Entry Strategy.......................................................................................... 9
4.2 Entry Strategy in the UK.......................................................................................10
4.2 Entry Strategy in Canada..................................................................................... 10
5. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning..............................................................11
5.1 Segmentation of Walmart in the UK and Canada.................................................11
5.2 Targeting of Walmart in the UK and Canada........................................................11
5.3 Positioning of Walmart in the UK and Canada.....................................................12
6. Marketing Mix Decisions for the UK and Canada...................................................13
6.1 Marketing Mix Decisions of Walmart in the UK.....................................................13
6.1.1 Product...........................................................................................................13
6.1.2 Price...............................................................................................................14
6.1.3 Place.............................................................................................................. 15
6.1.4 promotion.......................................................................................................16
6.2 Marketing Mix Decisions of Walmart in Canada...................................................17
6.2.1 Product...........................................................................................................17
6.2.2 Price...............................................................................................................18
6.2.3 Place.............................................................................................................. 19
6.2.4 promotion.......................................................................................................20

1. Introduction

In today’s fast-paced globalised economy, it has become crucial for franchises like

Walmart to expand their vision with an effective marketing strategy to the targeted

customers globally. According to Kozlenkova et al. (2021), global marketing refers to the

strategies and procedures used to promote goods and services in various foreign

nations worldwide. As a result, global marketing strategies have been immensely vital to

address within the organisational context. This paper will critically examine Walmart’s

global marketing initiatives in Canada and the United Kingdom, two nations with diverse

retail industries. With the aid of situational analysis tools like the PESTLE and Porter’s 5

forces frameworks, the macro-environment and microenvironment of Walmart will be

examined in the two countries used as a case study. Furthermore, the market entry

strategy based on segmentation strategies used by Walmart in the UK and Canada will

be examined. The strategies and techniques can be digital shopping, licencing,

franchising, and export/import. This paper will examine and analyse a quick overview of

Walmart’s global brand, marketing environment, and international marketing strategies

regarding the United Kingdom and Canada market environments. In addition, a general

illustration of the vital marketing mix for Walmart’s products and offerings will be

provided, which includes product, price, place, and Promotion.

2. Walmart’s International outlook image and profile

Operating in 24 countries with 10,623 discount shops, superstores, retail locations and

warehouse membership clubs, Walmart has developed into the biggest supermarket

chain and one of the most recognisable and profitable brands worldwide (Statista,

2023a; Walmart, 2023). The retail chain has an advantage over its rivals thanks to its

low prices and large product assortment. Walmart had net sales of about 568 billion

dollars in the United States worldwide in 2022 (Statista, 2023b). Sam’s Club, Walmart

International, and Walmart US make up the bulk of Walmart, and the latter division is

where a large percentage of the company’s sales are recorded. Sam’s Club, which has

operations both domestically and internationally and competes with Costco in the US,

has the reputation of being a members-only warehouse retailer. In contrast, Walmart US

exclusively operates in the US, and the global segment is represented in 24 countries

worldwide. Even though the company shut down operations in the UK and Japan in the

first quarter of 2022, these numbers increased by 2.3 percent from the previous fiscal

year, reflecting the company’s recent rapid growth (Statista, 2022a). Figure 1 illustrates

the worldwide net sales of the company from 2006 to 2023. The company’s financial

stability and competitive strategy are responsible for the brand’s ongoing success

(Singh, 2022). The brand’s distribution network effectively handles inventory and

storage issues thanks to current technologies. Many household items are among the

many products that Walmart stores offer. Among the other industries are those for

groceries, electronics, furniture, appliances, wellness and health products, and

recreation. Walmart is the primary retailer of food, accessories, clothing, and other

goods for millions of customers worldwide. In 2022, Walmart had about 230 million visits

from customers weekly, and its warehouse business, Sam’s Club, made 2.2 billion

dollars in revenue from membership fees (Statista, 2023c). In 2022, a Statista study

found that 96 percent of customers were acquainted with the Walmart trademark, and

71 percent appeared to utilise it for grocery shopping (Statista, 2023d). In addition,

Walmart has an effective online store that sees a spike in traffic right before the holiday

shopping season. Its internet sales have increased dramatically over the past few years,

with an estimated 73 million dollars in revenue in 2022 (Statista, 2022b). Walmart’s core

competencies are founded on its business tenets, which include a greater focus on the

consumer’s needs, a rejection of conventional methods of innovation, and a demand for

a diverse range of products.

Figure 1. Walmart’s global net sales from 2006 to 2023 (Source: Statista)

3. Marketing Environment of Walmart in the UK and Canada

3.1.1 Macroenvironment of Walmart in the United Kingdom

With the PESTLE analysis, which will be covered in-depth below, the macro

environment analysis of Walmart UK’s marketing environment can be better


Factors Overview Impact on Organisation

Political Stable political climate. High

Change in tax policies due to Brexit (Whitler, 2021).
Due to Brexit, new rules have impacted supply chains,
which have raised costs and lengthened shipping
times for goods from the EU to the UK (Walker and
Mugudubi, 2021).

Economy The projected economic output for 2022 and 2023 is Moderate
forecast to increase by 3.9 percent and 1.8 percent,
respectively, indicating that the UK economy is
expanding (Statista, 2023e).
The rate of unemployment is 4.1% (Statista, 2023g)
Corporate tax rate of 19% (PWC, 2023a)
Lowered consumer spending

Social A PWC survey shows 65% of UK consumers are Moderate

devoted buyers (PWC, 2023b). Walmart must exploit
this opportunity by fostering tight relationships and
personal connections with customers.
Increasing demand for certain ethnic foods and organic,
vegetarian, and gluten-free foods is becoming
increasingly popular. (Nguyen et al., 2020).
Consumers’ growing attention to their health and well-
being significantly impacts the supermarket sector.

Technological The increasing popularity of AI in the sector. High

The growing IT sector with the global market for digital
technology reaching $170 billion in 2023. (Whitler,

Storage and preservation of foodstuffs consumables

Legal Since it is crucial to guarantee that clients are treated High

properly, consumer protection is a significant legal
concern in the sector (Finotto and Mauracher, 2020).
Due to the importance of ensuring that consumers
receive safe and nutritious food, food safety is one of
the most significant in the legal macroenvironment of
the UK.

Environmental The significant amount of waste grocery shops produce Very High
is a significant environmental problem, especially
concerning packaging and food waste.
Environmental, water, and air safety

3.1.2 Macroenvironment of Walmart in Canada

With the PESTLE analysis, which will be covered in-depth below, the macroenvironment

analysis of Walmart Canada’s marketing environment can be better understood.

Factors Overview Impact on Organisation

Political Has a superior relationship with the rest of the world (Shin High
and Jin, 2022).
Stable Government
One of the safest countries to do business.
Walmart’s operations in Canada haven’t ever been stopped
since the government has always ensured they are
secure (Prakash et al., 2022).

Economy Well-evolved mixed economy Moderate

The government and the citizens of Canada jointly decide

on economic matters.
High rate of GDP

Social Culturally diverse country (Santistevan, 2022). High

Increasing demand for certain ethnic foods and organic,
vegetarian, and gluten-free foods is becoming
increasingly popular (Nguyen et al., 2020).
High literacy rate, with 50% of the population being middle

Technological The increasing popularity of AI in the sector. Very High

One of the most developed countries in terms of technology
and science. Hence, the Canadian market offers a tech-
savvy population acclimated to the idea of online
Regular engagement in R&D, which grows the digital

Legal A comprehensive legal structure that protects investors’ High

interests and a strong legal foundation for conducting
business in the country.

Environment Environmentally fragile country due to high annual tourists Very High
One of the countries with the largest landscapes attracting
many tourists.

3.2.1 Microenvironment of Walmart in the United Kingdom

Competitor Analysis: The estimated valuation of retail chains in the UK for 2021 was

£211.9 billion. From the five primary retail stores, supermarkets saw the largest

valuation percentage with £91 billion. The top five retailers in the food industry are

Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Walmart-owned Asda, Morrisons, and Aldi (ESM, 2023).

Consumer Analysis: The UK food and grocery retail market is being impacted by

several factors, including consumer expectations of price changes, supply chain

disruption, holiday savings and their ripple effects, and the expansion of rapid delivery

channels. Customers sensitive to price increases typically make fewer purchases or pay

less. This will benefit private-label product offerings, and retailers focusing on innovative

products and range improvement will surpass brand rivals in market share.

Table 1: Market share of Walmart’s direct competitors in the UK (Source: Statista, 2023)

Company Market Cap (Billion £) Revenue in 2022 (Billion No. of Shops


Tesco £54.8 billion £61.34 billion 4,074

Sainsbury’s £29.9 billion £39.27 billion 1,400

Asda (Walmart) £20.4 billion £22.9 billion 633

Morrisons £18.48 billion £17.54 billion 497

Aldi £13.65 billion £13.5bn 990

Figure 2: Most popular supermarket chains in the UK in 2022 (Source: Statista)

3.2.1 Microenvironment of Walmart in Canada

Competitor Analysis: The Canadian retail sector is expanding, with a more than

$117.3 billion market value in 2022 (IBISWorld, 2023). Costco, Amazon, Target, and

Empire Company Ltd. are among the most prominent retailers that compete with

Walmart in Canada (CMC, 2023). The table below shows the main supermarket chains

in Canada by market Cap.

Consumer Behaviour: Consumers’ levels of mass spending in the country also vary.

Canadians are known for consuming a lot of goods and services, which gives Walmart

the highest chance of getting good customer reviews because they are more likely to

make purchases. If businesses fall short of customers’ expectations, they risk losing

them (Casson and Li, 2022)

Table 2: Market share of Walmart’s direct competitors in Canada (Source: CMC, 2023)

Market Cap Revenue No. of Shops

Walmart $403.45 Billion $611 billion 402

Costco $220.77 Billion $198.6 billion 108

Target $76.07 Billion $73.5 billion 0








Walmart Costco Target

Market Cap(Billion $) Revenue (Billion $)

Figure 3: Chart showing the market share of Walmart’s major competitors in Canada

4. Marketing Entry Strategy

Kärkkäinen (2005) defines the entry strategy as a technique enterprises use to launch

businesses in other nations through an institutional commitment that enables the

permeation of goods, innovation, organisational skills, management, and other


4.2 Entry Strategy in the UK

Walmart paid £6.7 billion to acquire ASDA in June 1999. Because of the brand’s

familiarity with British consumers, Walmart kept ASDA. Wal-Mart acquired this because

it saw that the British company possessed essential characteristics that would assure its

survival, such as its larger-than-average stores, corporate culture, and a potent clothing

brand similar to those in the United States (Burt, 2001). Also, the consumer was

influenced by selling them a choice of goods at discounts, which drew in customers of

every age and sex.

4.2 Entry Strategy in Canada

Walmart used the acquisition mode strategy to penetrate the Canadian markets.

Walmart announced its arrival in Canada in 1994 when it acquired 120 of the 142

Woolco Discount Shops just north of the border from the Woolworth Corporation

(Walmart, 2023b). According to Woolco Acquisition Yields Entrance Into Canada

(2012), Woolco Shops had total sales of $1.14 billion in 1993. Other American retailers

who attempted to penetrate the Canadian market encountered the time-consuming

issue of constructing stores, but Walmart managed to bypass it. Walmart gained entry

into Canada faster by purchasing established Woolco Shops, most of which had floors

measuring 100,000 square feet or more, along with lucrative and strategic leases

(Woolco Acquisition Yields Access Into Canada, 2012).

5. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

In marketing, segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) are tools employed as a

strategic approach. The following is a thorough review of Walmart’s segmentation,

targeting, and positioning (STP).

5.1 Segmentation of Walmart in the UK and Canada

A market is divided into segments based on needs, behaviours that call for certain items

or traits, or the marketing mix (Brochado and Martins, 2008). Walmart uses market

segmentation to choose the locations of its retail locations and the kinds of products it

will sell there.

Walmart, through Asda, utilises a demographic and psychographic segmentation in the

United Kingdom. The products have been segmented depending on the demographics

of the customer base, including their age, gender, and preferred tastes. Consumer

attitudes, lifestyles, and beliefs make up the psychographic factors used to categorise

clients who buy clothing.

In Canada, Walmart uses demographic and psychographic segmentation strategies. It

respects the consumer’s mentality and recognises that they want necessities at the

lowest prices feasible. In reaction, Walmart has also implemented Canada’s EDLP -

Every Day Low Pricing - strategy (Stern, 2018).

5.2 Targeting of Walmart in the UK and Canada

Market targeting involves choosing the core demographic among all potential customers

(Jaideep, 2015).

In the UK market, Walmart primarily employs a differentiating strategy through Asda.

Due to the competition in the marketplaces, Asda had to create a differentiated strategy.

Asda tries to maintain a distinctive campaign for every occasion and holiday for the

target audience. Hence, Asda targets mostly urban dwellers in the UK due to this.

Overall, Asda is a business that employs a differentiated strategy to get a competitive

edge (Gilbert, 2003).

The retail conglomerate uses an undifferentiated targeting strategy to attract Canadian

consumers to the brand (Bu and Wu, 2022). Because everyone is a potential customer,

Walmart does not rely on differentiation to succeed. The pricing of Walmart’s products is

by far the most distinguishing feature.

5.3 Positioning of Walmart in the UK and Canada

Positioning refers to choices about the features a company employs to position a

product and how it informs potential customers about that offering (Boatswain, 2015).

The success of the company depends on its positioning strategy. Walmart has

established a reputation for selling affordable goods. It uses pricing advantages to

preserve the long-term viability of its business approach.

In the United Kingdom, Walmart, through ASDA, models the omnichannel positioning

strategy. This strategy allows consumers to choose various integrated alternatives for

their purchasing experience. By linking people via in-store social, digital checkouts,

Click & Collect services, and a smartphone app to assist with meal planning and

budgeting, ASDA enables consumers to move between actual and virtual locations

(ContactPigeon, 2023). Therefore, this positions the brand as a company with an

omnipresent footprint connecting seamlessly with consumers.

In Canada, Better Homes & Gardens licence is the foundation of Walmart Canada’s

current home branding initiative, encompassing both hard and soft home categories

(Mammarella, 2007). Every product stands out from the competition glaringly, giving

shoppers the impression that it came from Walmart’s fashion and value chain

(Mammarella,” 2007). The successful positioning of Walmart in Canada is also

demonstrated by its accomplishment in establishing a sizable grocery insert in its cheap

Canadian stores. This insert, dubbed “Grocery Shelf,” offers a substantial return on

investment at low risk (Orgel, 2011).

6. Marketing Mix Decisions for the UK and Canada

The marketing mix (MM) is the collection of marketing variables under the company’s

control that it employs to try to achieve the targeted amount of sales in the target market

(MASB, 2021). Walmart’s marketing strategy in the UK and Canada is discussed using

the marketing-mix concept.

6.1 Marketing Mix Decisions of Walmart in the UK

6.1.1 Product
Implementing the most effective marketing strategy is a crucial element that encourages

a major grasp of the value being added within the firm and its functioning within the new

marketplace. Ivanyshyn et al. (2018) emphasise that the company can attempt to

restore its current product or use the best strategies to support adaptation through time

to obtain a stronger foothold in the market. Hence, since the acquisition of Asda by

Walmart, it has provided a wide range of products in the United Kingdom through

standardised branding. Asda offers a distinctive and wide variety of services. For

example, the retail company has specialised branded consumable goods like baked

beans, chips, and fish pies sold exclusively in its stores (Asda, 2023a). Moreover, its

primary supermarket retail business offers banking services, a mobile phone provider

using the EE network, and other services (Sensi, 2022). Every one of these fits into

Asda’s overall product strategy. Asda is also active in online and brick-and-mortar retail,

selling anything from groceries to gadgets, clothing, and other goods. In addition, it

provides home delivery for goods, and its largest store features a choice of 30,000

products (Asda, 2023a).

Figure 5.1: Branded products offered by Asda (Walmart) in the UK

6.1.2 Price
Through Asda, Walmart believes in the price above perception, using a low pricing

strategy as the key to selling enormous numbers of goods. Walmart uses several

standardised year-end, summer windows, Yuletide, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and other

occasional discounts and promotions to accomplish significant growth (Asda, 2023b).

Even its promotions primarily highlight Asda’s incredible value-for-money products.

Since it understood its target market and refused to forgo quality to cut costs, Asda has

become a hugely successful and well-liked brand. As a result, expenses have been
further decreased, and profit margins have been greatly increased. In addition, the

business is renowned for keeping steadfast, moral connections with its international

suppliers, allowing for the best possible start to delivering raw materials and cost-cutting

initiatives. As a result, customers in the UK gain advantages through low prices.

Figure 5.2: Low-pricing strategy being used by Asda (Walmart) in the UK

6.1.3 Place
Asda’s (Walmart’s) main goal regarding place mix is to guarantee that consumers can

easily find the products they require when they require them. For this reason, it has

established numerous locations across the UK and has a significant internet following.

Asda modified its business style from “Simple and Fresh” to “Walmart Style” after being

acquired by Walmart, with three zones of uncomplicated retail stores distributed across

the country. Its website’s URL is, and there are more than 630 of its

stores throughout the UK. It offers a variety of retail formats, including supermarkets,

Asda Living, superstores and petrol filling stations (Asda, 2023c). With a large

assortment of food, George clothing, and non-food items, Asda’s supercentres are the

biggest supermarkets in the franchise. These stores are typically supported by

cooperation proposals from companies like photo printing specialists, banks,

hairdressers, and dry cleaners (Asda, 2023a).

Figure 5.3: One of Asda’s physical stores

6.1.4 Promotion
Asda, a subsidiary of Walmart, interacts with its consumers via television, newspapers,

and other channels. Additionally, it employs several sales advertising techniques. Price

discounts, buy one get one free offer, and other special promotions are quite popular in

the UK (Asda, 2023b). ASDA uses sponsorships as a promotional strategy as well. Its

partnership with the renowned sports charity SportsAid strives to support talented

British athletes in various ways, including financially. Moreover, The Asda Foundation,

its corporate charitable arm, supports philanthropic causes.

Figure 5.2: Advertising sign showing the sales promotion strategy by Asda (Walmart)

6.2 Marketing Mix Decisions of Walmart in Canada

6.2.1 Product
Walmart has always focused on a specific range of goods since its inception. Similarly,

it has always prioritised maintaining the best service offerings possible to draw clients to

the brand from its inception in Canada. Because it follows a consistent strategy, its

service offerings haven’t seen many adjustments. With a large selection of products, it

serves almost every category. Examples include food, tools, furniture, medical supplies,

wellness, and entertainment. It has stayed in touch with its suppliers and ensured the

products are supplied on schedule. Only Walmart stores in Canada have access to

Walmart white-label goods, and this is applicable globally.

Figure 5.1: List of Walmart product offerings

6.2.2 Price
To grow its business in Canada, it has created customer-friendly pricing strategies that

strongly emphasise selling to boost sales rather than price excesses (Copeland &

Labuski, 2014). The company has formed agreements to keep costs down with the

most reachable partners in the supply chain. While operating in Canada, it has

employed excellent procurement practices. Walmart has enjoyed success in the

Canadian market by using the standardisation strategy, which involves using equivalent

marketing mix decisions without differentiating. The organisation continues to benefit

from the standardised value-based pricing and the available product options. Walmart

prices the goods about 15% less expensively than its rivals. Depending on how their

clients buy, they employ various pricing tactics. Every product has a changing price

every hour, dependent on demand and time, as shown by using special words like

“Always cheap prices”. The phrase “Live better” alone demonstrates the high priority the

corporation places on the cost of its goods (Walmart, 2023b). Consequently, the crux of

Walmart’s strategy is its “Everyday Low Price” (EDLP) philosophy. The strategy draws

more clients, improving sales volume (Strauss, 2015).

Figure 6.2 Product Prices displayed at a Walmart store in Ontario, Canada

6.2.3 Place
Wal-Mart developed no specific place strategy for conducting business in Canada. This

has been the case since it began operating there after buying the Woolco division of

Woolworth Canada. This indicates that the store uses most of the Woolworth Canada-

identified locations. Nonetheless, the company has been opening additional locations in

areas with many potential customers. Additionally, it has been locating particular areas

that can help it achieve its long-term commercial objectives. This technique, however,

“faces several hurdles, including shifting demographics, shifting economic conditions,

and shifting cultural elements” (Roberts & Berg, 2014, p. 121). Also, Walmart offers an

effective e-commerce platform enabling users to purchase without visiting a physical

store. This is an adaptation strategy by Walmart due to the growing popularity of

internet shopping. Because the company has a strong e-commerce operation that

enables clients to buy everything with one click, this has drawn more target customers

to the business. Walmart has significantly invested in its omnichannel network to grow

in Canada (Singh, 2022). The business is intensifying its commitment to consumer

experiences by launching store upgrades that harness the firm’s omnichannel offering.

These programmes collectively show that Walmart has strongly emphasised the

Canadian adaptation process, which calls for changes to the company’s global business

practices. In contrast to other markets, Walmart Canada has made significant

improvements to provide customers with a consistent in-store and online experience

(Valderrey, 2016).

Figure 6.3: Some of Walmart’s physical stores in Canada

6.2.4 Promotion
The employment of successful promotional methods by Wal-Mart Canada is another

significant marketing strategy the company employs in the country. The business

advertises its items on a wide range of platforms. Celebrities are frequently employed to

make captivating advertisements to attract more clients. Sales promotions also support

the objectives of the business. Seasonal price cuts are another feature of promotions

(Copeland & Labuski, 2014). Every time the shop wants to offer different commodities to

targeted audiences, personal selling is encouraged. These techniques have

successfully supported the retailer’s commercial goals.

Figure 6.4: Sales promotional strategy employed by Walmart

7. Conclusion

Walmart’s decision to go global was a great success for the company, as seen by its

dominance in the markets analysed in this report. Walmart’s achievement has been

hailed as a triumph in business for its ability to maintain domestic and international

operations. Despite their difficulties in the various markets they have successfully

entered, Walmart continues to outperform its retail sector competitors. In addition,

Walmart has excellent strategic management abilities with its adaptation strategy due to

its meticulous selection of target markets and locations, both of which pave the way for

Walmart’s success. Walmart’s profitability may be further attributed to its attempts to

please customers from all socioeconomic groups. Walmart provides a large selection of

goods, covering all product types from the most expensive to the most affordable, which

remains the lowest retail price in the retail sector. Hence, Walmart will have brand-loyal

customers who frequent its stores and repeatedly make purchases.

Walmart’s firm globalisation drive in Canada, and the UK has been successful due to

important international decisions. The report’s analysis demonstrates that Walmart has

applied superb global marketing strategies for distributing its products to foreign

customers. It has generally used a standardised marketing strategy rather than an

adaptation process in the case studies analysed. However, its location strategy in both

countries has adopted the adaptation strategy in creating click-and-collect, door

delivery, and internet-based shopping. Given the results of the entire report, it is likely

that Walmart will adopt globalisation ideas like the Hofstede cultural dimension theory

and the Globe model to accelerate its globalisation efforts.

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