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IMO Shortlist 1994: Algebra

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IMO Shortlist 1994


1 Let a0 = 1994 and an+1 = ana+1 n
for each nonnegative integer n. Prove that 1994 − n is the
greatest integer less than or equal to an , 0 ≤ n ≤ 998

2 Let m and n be two positive integers. Let a1 , a2 , . . ., am be m different numbers from the
set {1, 2, . . . , n} such that for any two indices i and j with 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ m and ai + aj ≤ n,
there exists an index k such that ai + aj = ak . Show that

a1 + a2 + ... + am n+1
≥ .
m 2

3 Let S be the set of all real numbers strictly greater than 1. Find all functions f : S → S
satisfying the two conditions:
(a) f (x + f (y) + xf (y)) = y + f (x) + yf (x) for all x, y in S;
f (x)
(b) x is strictly increasing on each of the two intervals −1 < x < 0 and 0 < x.

4 Let R denote the set of all real numbers and R+ the subset of all positive ones. Let α and β
be given elements in R, not necessarily distinct. Find all functions f : R+ 7→ R such that
x y 
f (x)f (y) = y α f + xβ f ∀x, y ∈ R+ .
2 2
5 Let f (x) = x 2x+1 for x 6= 0. Define f (0) (x) = x and f (n) (x) = f (f (n−1) (x)) for all positive
integers n and x 6= 0. Prove that for all non-negative integers n and x 6= {−1, 0, 1}

f (n) (x) 1
=1+  2n  .
f (n+1) (x) x+1
f x−1

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IMO Shortlist 1994


1 Two players play alternately on a 5 × 5 board. The first player always enters a 1 into an
empty square and the second player always enters a 0 into an empty square. When the board
is full, the sum of the numbers in each of the nine 3 × 3 squares is calculated and the first
player’s score is the largest such sum. What is the largest score the first player can make,
regardless of the responses of the second player?

2 In a certain city, age is reckoned in terms of real numbers rather than integers. Every two
citizens x and x0 either know each other or do not know each other. Moreover, if they do not,
then there exists a chain of citizens x = x0 , x1 , . . . , xn = x0 for some integer n ≥ 2 such that
xi−1 and xi know each other. In a census, all male citizens declare their ages, and there is
at least one male citizen. Each female citizen provides only the information that her age is
the average of the ages of all the citizens she knows. Prove that this is enough to determine
uniquely the ages of all the female citizens.

3 Peter has three accounts in a bank, each with an integral number of dollars. He is only
allowed to transfer money from one account to another so that the amount of money in the
latter is doubled. Prove that Peter can always transfer all his money into two accounts. Can
Peter always transfer all his money into one account?

4 There are n + 1 cells in a row labeled from 0 to n and n + 1 cards labeled from 0 to n. The
cards are arbitrarily placed in the cells, one per cell. The objective is to get card i into cell
i for each i. The allowed move is to find the smallest h such that cell h has a card with a
label k > h, pick up that card, slide the cards in cells h + 1, h + 2, ... , k one cell to the left
and to place card k in cell k. Show that at most 2n − 1 moves are required to get every card
into the correct cell and that there is a unique starting position which requires 2n − 1 moves.
[For example, if n = 2 and the initial position is 210, then we get 102, then 012, a total of 2

5 1994 girls are seated at a round table. Initially one girl holds n tokens. Each turn a girl who
is holding more than one token passes one token to each of her neighbours.
a.) Show that if n < 1994, the game must terminate. b.) Show that if n = 1994 it cannot

6 Two players play alternatively on an infinite square grid. The first player puts a X in an
empty cell and the second player puts a O in an empty cell. The first player wins if he gets
11 adjacent Xs in a line, horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Show that the second player
can always prevent the first player from winning.

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IMO Shortlist 1994

7 Let n > 2. Show that there is a set of 2n − 1 points in the plane, no three collinear such that
no 2n form a convex 2n-gon.

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IMO Shortlist 1994


1 C and D are points on a semicircle. The tangent at C meets the extended diameter of the
semicircle at B, and the tangent at D meets it at A, so that A and B are on opposite sides
of the center. The lines AC and BD meet at E. F is the foot of the perpendicular from E
to AB. Show that EF bisects angle CF D

2 ABCD is a quadrilateral with BC parallel to AD. M is the midpoint of CD, P is the

midpoint of M A and Q is the midpoint of M B. The lines DP and CQ meet at N . Prove
that N is inside the quadrilateral ABCD.

3 A circle C has two parallel tangents L0 andL”. A circle C 0 touches L0 at A and C at X. A

circle C” touches L” at B, C at Y and C 0 at Z. The lines AY and BX meet at Q. Show
that Q is the circumcenter of XY Z

4 Let ABC be an isosceles triangle with AB = AC. M is the midpoint of BC and O is the
point on the line AM such that OB is perpendicular to AB. Q is an arbitrary point on BC
different from B and C. E lies on the line AB and F lies on the line AC such that E, Q, F
are distinct and collinear. Prove that OQ is perpendicular to EF if and only if QE = QF .

5 A circle C with center O. and a line L which does not touch circle C. OQ is perpendicular to
L, Q is on L. P is on L, draw two tangents L1 , L2 to circle C. QA, QB are perpendicular to
L1 , L2 respectively. (A on L1 , B on L2 ). Prove that, line AB intersect QO at a fixed point.
Original formulation:
A line l does not meet a circle ω with center O. E is the point on l such that OE is perpen-
dicular to l. M is any point on l other than E. The tangents from M to ω touch it at A and
B. C is the point on M A such that EC is perpendicular to M A. D is the point on M B such
that ED is perpendicular to M B. The line CD cuts OE at F. Prove that the location of F
is independent of that of M.

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IMO Shortlist 1994

Number Theory

1 M is a subset of {1, 2, 3, . . . , 15} such that the product of any three distinct elements of M is
not a square. Determine the maximum number of elements in M.
n3 +1
2 Find all ordered pairs (m, n) where m and n are positive integers such that mn−1 is an integer.

3 Show that there exists a set A of positive integers with the following property: for any infinite
set S of primes, there exist two positive integers m in A and n not in A, each of which is a
product of k distinct elements of S for some k ≥ 2.

4 Define the sequences an , bn , cn as follows. a0 = k, b0 = 4, c0 = 1. If an is even then an+1 = a2n ,

bn+1 = 2bn , cn+1 = cn . If an is odd, then an+1 = an − b2n − cn , bn+1 = bn , cn+1 = bn + cn .
Find the number of positive integers k < 1995 such that some an = 0.

5 For any positive integer k, let fk be the number of elements in the set {k + 1, k + 2, . . . , 2k}
whose base 2 representation contains exactly three 1s.
(a) Prove that for any positive integer m, there exists at least one positive integer k such that
f (k) = m.
(b) Determine all positive integers m for which there exists exactly one k with f (k) = m.

6 Define the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , ... as follows. a1 and a2 are coprime positive integers and
an+2 = an+1 an + 1. Show that for every m > 1 there is an n > m such that am n
m divides an .
Is it true that a1 must divide an for some n > 1?

7 A wobbly number is a positive integer whose digits are alternately zero and non-zero with
the last digit non-zero (for example, 201). Find all positive integers which do not divide any
wobbly number.

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