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(123doc) Bai Tap Bo Tro Family and Friends 4 Special Edition 2

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1.Look and write
read comics take photos play chess fish

play basketball play volleyball do gymnastics play guitar

shop cook play the piano visit my family

take photos ……………………… ……………………… …………………………

… …

……………………… ……………………… ……………………… …………………………

… … …

pg. 1
……………………… ……………………… ……………………… …………………………

… … …

2. Look and answer the questions.

What does he like doing ? What does she like doing ?

He likes playing the piano. ……………………………………..

What does she like doing ? What does he like doing ?

…………………………………….. ……………………………………..

What does she like doing ? What does he like doing ?

pg. 2
…………………………………….. ……………………………………..

What do they like doing ? What does he like doing ?

…………………………………….. ……………………………………..

3. Look and write

Yes, I do. Yes, she does. Yes, he does. Yes, they do
No, I don’t. No, she doesn’t. No, he doesn’t. No, they don’t.

 
Does he like painting ? Do they like playing basketball?

Yes, he does. …………………………………………

Does he like fishing ? Does she like shopping ?

………………………………………… …………………………………………

pg. 3

Do you like taking photos ? Does he like doing gymnastics ?

………………………………………… …………………………………………

4.Look and write.

likes doesn’t like

play basketball shop

fish cook

play the piano take photos

cook fish

play volleyball cook

play chess read comics
shop play the guitar
doing gymnastics play volleyball

pg. 4
1.Ben likes fishing. 1………………………… 1………………………… 1………………………
………….……………...... ……………………. ……………………….
2.Ben doesn’t like

shopping. 2.………………………… 2. 2.
…………………………. ………………………… ………………………
…………………….. …………………
……………………………… 3.
4.…………………………… 3. 3.
………………………… ………………………
……………………. ……………………
4. 4.
………………….…… ………………………

5. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

Anna/singing./likes Anna likes singing.

volleyball./playing/Lisa/likes ______________________________

playing/chess./Ben/and/ ______________________________
Tim/like /

riding/ a /bike . /She/likes/ ______________________________

pg. 5



6. Read and answer.

Lucy John Sophia

I like cooking and I love playing football. I I like riding a bike but I
playing chess but I don’t like writing but I don’t like dancing.
don’t like watching TV . like playing chess too. I love swimming.

a. What does Lucy like doing ? ……………………………………………………

pg. 6
b. Does Lucy like watching TV ? …………………………………………………

c. Does Lucy like playing chess ? ………………………………………………..

d. Does John like writing ? ………………………………………………………..

e. What does John like doing ? …………………………………………………

f. Does John like playing football ? …………………………………………..

g. What does Sophia like doing ? ………………………………………………

h. Does Sophia love swimming ? ………………………………………………

i. Does Sophia like dancing ? …………………………………………………

7. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogs below.

A: I can't wait for the weekend.

B: Me, neither. What do you like __________do/doing on weekends?

A: I like ________ play/playing in a band. I _______ play/playing in

a band every Saturday night.

B: Huh. What else do you do?

A: Well, when I'm at home, I ________ do /doing yoga.

B: _______ Do/Doing yoga is really relaxing!!

8. One of the two sentences is right. Decide which one

a) I like go to the cinema. b)Do you like play videogames?

pg. 7
I like going to the cinema. Do you like playing videogames?

c) He likes singing. d) Do Tom like dancing?

He like singing. Does Tom like dancing?

e) Why do you like learning f) She likes playing volleyball.

in the library?
She like playing volleyball.
Why you like learning
in the library?

g) Do Sarah and Peter like h. She like playing chess.

She likes playing chess.
Does Sarah and Peter like

9. Complete the sentences with "like" or a verb in gerund.

They really ________ going to the gym. I don't like ___________ football.

Do you like __________________? He doesn’t like ________________.

pg. 8
Does he ____________ running ?
Do they like __________________?

He ______________ watching cartoons. Tony likes _________ tennis .

10. Make sentences using the words bellow, adding -ing to the verb
and the auxiliary do/does when necessary. In negative sentences
use the short negative form don't/doesn't.
a) I / not like / go / to the cinema.
I don’t like going to the cinema.
b) You / like / cook?

c) He / like / play / with his friends.


d) She / like / shop?


e) My parents / not / like / watch TV.


pg. 9
f) Peter / not / like / go / to the beach.

g) You / like / play chess?


h) Ana and Josh / really / like / run / in the park.


g. Why / you / like / do gymnastics?


h. She / like / play /the piano ?/


i. My sister / not / like / cook./


j. Why / she/ like /play /the guitar?


11. Ride , climb or play ? Write the words.

12.Read and circle the correct words.

pg. 10
1.She like/likes cooking. 7.My sister like/likes doing gymnastics

2.My brother like/likes watching TV. 8.He likes/like riding a bike.

3.They doesn’t like / don’t like 9.Lucy doesn’t like /don’t like
playing football. swimming.

4.Lily and Anna like/likes shopping. 10.I don’t like/doesn’t like fishing.

5.Do/Does she like listening to music ? 11.My mother likes/like cooking.

6.She likes/like playing basketball . 12.Does /Do Lucy and Anna like
playing the piano ?

12.Complete the sentences using like + ing

read swim play (x2)

Here is some pictures of my friends doing their favorite

activities .Anna likes swimming. She’s very good at it! Tony and
Peter _____________ computer games. They play their computer
games for hours and hours ! Tom _____________ tennis. He loves
sport ! Lucy ___________ books. She is always reading ! What do you
like doing at the weekend !
pg. 11
13.Read and number

pg. 12

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