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ფინალური B 2.2

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Ticket 1

1. Essence of war
The word “war” means a state of open and usually declared armed conflict between political entities
such as sovereign states or between rival political or social factions within the same state. War is
waged (conducted) by political entities, nations or, earlier, city states in order to resolve political or
territorial disputes.
War grows naturally out of the tribe mentality.
War has been an important factor in creating states and empires throughout history and, equally so, in
destroying them. Major advances in science, technology, and engineering have been brought about
through necessity during times of war.
There is no doubt that war is an evil one. It is the greatest catastrophe that can be fall human beings. It
brings death and destruction, merciless slaughter and butchery , disease and starvation , poverty and
Poet and prophets (forecasters, fortunetellers) have dreamt of a millennium - an utopia, in which war
will not exist and eternal peace will reign on earth, but these dreams have not been fulfilled.

2. essence of world problem

With continuous economic crisis on one hand, the world has also been bashed by terrorism like never
before. Several people are losing their life everyday due to terrorist attacks. However, that is not
everything at all. Our world does have many more problems coming on the scene everyday:
 Refugee problems- a person’s racial background, political opinion, religious views and many
other reasons forces them to seek livelihood in other nations making it a huge issue faces by the
world today.
 War and terrorism- over the years, different types of wars like civil wars, cold wars and identity
wars have been ruining human civilization.
 Population growth- with growing population the world has to suffer from other bigger issues like
unemployment, poverty and shortage of natural resources.
 Poverty, hunger and water crisis- poverty, hunger and lack of pure drinking water represent the
biggest threat facing the world today. Millions of people in the world are living in absolute
 High unemployment or underemployment- unemployment is one of the biggest crises the world
is facing today.
Our planet is poised at the brink of a severe environmental crisis. Current environmental problems make
us vulnerable to disasters and tragedies, now and in the future. We are in a state of planetary
emergency, with environmental problems piling up high around us. Manu different factors come into
play. These factors are pollution, climate change, overpopulation, water pollution, public health issues
and so on.

3. essence man and society

The problem of man cannot be solved scientifically without a clear statement of the relationship
between man and society.
The individual is a link in the chain of the generations. His affairs are regulated not only by himself, but
also by the social standards, by the collective reason or mind.
The key to the mysteries of human nature is to be found in society. Society is the human being in his
social relations, and every human being is an individual embodiment of social relations.
The age of the Renaissance was a hymn to the free individual and to the ideal of the strong fully
developed human being blazing trails of discovery into foreign lands.
The individual is free where he not only serves as a means of achieving the goals of the ruling class and
its party but is himself the chief goal of society, the object of all its plans and provisions.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად:
1. to dramatic increase in quantity and velocity of information-ინფორმაციის რაოდენობისა და
სიჩქარის ძალიან მკვეთრი ზრდა
2. We are faced with the problem of global terrorism- ჩვენ ვართ გლობალური ტერორიზმის
პრობლემის წინაშე
3. To lower the cost of transmitting information -ინფორმაციის გადაცემის ხარჯების შემცირება
4. To throw the individual into the moral dilemma of adherence to duty- ინდივიდის მოვალეობის
შესრულების მორალურ დილემაში ჩაგდება
5.comperative adverting has always been a valuable weapon- კონკურენტული რეკლამა
ყოველთვის ღირებული იარაღი იყო

გადათარგმეთ ინგლისურად:
1. იმისათვის რომ იყო წარმატებული მოქალაქე უნდა გაიაზრო საზოგადოებაში არსებული
ღირებულებები. -To be a successfull citizen you must be realize existing values in society
2. სამოქალაო ომი საშიშია ქვეყნის განვითარებისთვის- Civil war is dangerous for the
development of the country
3. ომი ხალხში წარმოშობს სახლის დაკარგვისა და სიკვდილის შიშს . ეს შიში რეალურია
რადგან ომს შეუძლია გაანადგუროს ჩვენი საცხოვრებელი კულტურა ტრადიციები და
ამავდროულად მოკლას ბევრი უდანაშაულო ადამიანი. ეს ხოცვა ჟლეტვა გამოწვეულია იმ
მეომრებით რომლებსაც თანხას უხდიან ომის გამოწყებისთვის.თუ გვინდა ვიცხოვროთ
მშვიდობიან სამყაროში, უნდა შევეცადოთ ავირიდოთ ომი და მისი დამანგრეველი
War emerge in people the fear of losing their home and death. these fear is real, because war can
destroy our housing, cultural traditions, and kill many innocent people in same time. this massacre is
caused by those warriors who are paid to wage war. If we want to live in a peaceful world, we must try
to avoid war and its devastating consequences.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად:
1. TO PROCESS INFORMATION - ინფორმაციის გადამუშავება
2. TO ACCLERATE LEARNING POTENTIAL - რომ დააჩქარო სასწავლო პოტენციალი
3. TO AVOKE THE POWER- ძალაუფლების აღძვრა
4. TO ALLOW LOCAL CULTURE TO THRIVE- რომ ნება დართო ადგილობრივ კულტურას აყვავდეს
5. TO IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY- რომ გააუმჯობესო პროდუქტიულობა
Ticket 2
1. essence of advertising
There was a time when humans lived without being blasted by advertising everywhere they turned. In
fact, before brands started cramming messages into every communication channel on earth,
"advertising" was simply a helpful suggestion for something you might need. Advertising became
universal, appearing everywhere you looked, listened, moved, called, read, drove, flew, worked, and
played. It can be a powerful way of selling your products or services, but you must tread carefully when
venturing into the world of comparative advertising. Comparative advertising has always been a
valuable weapon in the arsenal of a skilled marketer. When you publish a comparative advertisement,
you can always be sure that at least one business will carefully study the advertisement.
Now I will talk about some tips and traps for businesses considering using comparisons in their
 Be accurate on price, but don't sell yourself short!
Any advertisement, which contains a price comparison, must accurately state the difference in price. An
advertisement should avoid overstating the difference in price between the advertised product and the
competitor's product.
 Releasing the same advertisement across different media!
Many advertisers run broad advertising campaigns across different media. However, what might be fine
in one medium might be misleading or deceptive in another. For example, television commercials and
radio advertisements are transient in nature and therefore have a very different impact on consumers
than print advertisements, which are more permanent and can be studied and examined by the
Some specific examples of comparative advertising are:
 A Pepsi ad portrayed young people in the distant future finding a relic (a Coke bottle) so ancient
they could not identify it.
 Wendy's, a fast-food restaurant, insulted McDonald's hamburgers by asking, "Where's the
 Subway claimed its sandwiches were healthier than McDonald’s.

2. essence of society and individual

Ever since man first created societies there has been a dilemma between the social order of the state
and the liberty of the individual. In nature man is completely free, acting without fear of legal or moral
consequence in acquiring whatever he desires. In societies such behavior would lead to chaos as
individuals warred against one another.
The Ancient Greeks experimented with various forms of social order. Aristotle’s view of liberty was a
concept that encompassed both the ability to rule and the willingness to be ruled. American people
struggle to synthesize autonomy of the individual with fitting into society.
Greater public order lowers crime but limits individual rights. Laws concentrating on individual rights
tend to create public disorder and high fear of crime.
3. essence of human rights
There is no precise definition of Human Rights. The Oxford Power Dictionary defines human rights as the
“basic freedom that all people should have”. In a simple language, human rights are meant for human
beings to satisfy their basic needs.
Human rights are held by all human beings and human rights exist as long as human beings exist
Human rights in general, may be of two types:
a. Rights which are essential for the dignified and decent human existence;
b. Rights which are essential for adequate development of human personality
The second category of human rights comprises of right to freedom of speech and expression, cultural
and educational rights.
Human rights possess the following characteristics:
1. Inalienability - Both human beings and human rights are inalienable and inseparable. One
cannot stay without the other.
2. Comprehensiveness - Human rights are comprehensive. They include socio-economic, civil,
political and cultural rights which are relevant for a decent human living.
3. Universality - Human rights are universally applicable to one and all.
4. Justice ability - These rights are also justiciable.
5. Non-absoluteness - These rights are not absolute and there can be restriction imposed on these.
Human rights are inherent to all human beings, whatever nationality, place of residence, sex, national
or ethnic origin, color, language, or any other status.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად:
1. the higher unemployment rates are evident from the studies - კვლლევებიდან ცანს
უმუშევრობის უფრო მაღალი მაჩვენებელი
2. over the past fifty years, world population has increased a lot quicker than ever- უკანასკნელი 50
წელის განმავლობაში, მსოფლიო მოსახლეობა გაიზარდა, იმაზე ბევრად უფრო სწრაფად
ვიდრე ოდესმე.
3. aristotle’s view of liberty was concept that encompassed both the ability to rule and willingness to be
ruled- არისტოტელეს შეხედულება თავისუფლების შესახებ იყო კონცეფცია, რომელიც
მოიცავდა როგორც მმართველობის უნარს, ისე მმართველობას.
4. greater public order lowers crime but limits individual rights- უფრო მეტი საზოგადოებრივი
წესრიგი ამცირებს დანაშაულს, მაგრამ ზღუდავს ინდივიდუალურ უფლებებს
5. involvement in international politics- საერთაშორისო პოლიტიკაში მონაწილეობა /ჩართვა

გადათარგმნეთ ინგლისურად:
1. სოციალური გარემოს შესწავლა მნიშვნელოვანია სოციალური მდგომარეობის
გასაუმჯობესებლად.-the study of social environment is important to improve social situation
2. მიზნის დასახვა და შემდგომ მისი მიღწევა რთულია - to set a goal and then reach its is hard
3. ადამიანის არსებობის საყრდენს წარმოადგენს საკუთარი ,ადამიანის უფლებების დაცვა ,
ნებისმიერ ადამიანს უნდა შეეძლოს საკუთარი უფლებების გამოყენება კანონით
განსაზღვრულ ჩარჩოებში. ფართო გაგებით,ადამიანს მინიჭებული აქვს ხელშეუვალი
უფლებ ები დაბადებიდან. თითოეული ინდივიდი,როგორც საზოგადოების წევრი იზიარებს
კონკრეტულ უფლებებს რომელიც განსაზღვრულია საერთაშორისო ადამიანის
უფლებათა დეკლარაციით.
the pillar of human existence is the protection of human right, everyone should be able to protect own
rights within the framework of law. In a broad sense, person has been granted inviolable from birth.
Each individual, as member of society share specific rights, which is defined by international declaration
of human rights.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად:
1. to wipe out the mankind- კაცობრიობის განადგურება
2. to reach unsustainable levels-არამდგრადი დონის მიღწევა
3. to release advertisement - რეკლამის გამოქვეყნება
4. to determine the causing reason -გამომწვევი მიზეზის განსაზღვრა
5. to bridge cultural barriers- კულტურული ბარიერი გადალახვა

Ticket 3
1. essence economic growth and development
Economic development is the increase in the standard of living of a population. Economic development
includes economic growth among the main criteria. The study of economic development includes
theories of the causes, the process, and the policies by which a nation improves the economic, political,
and social well-being of its people.
The processes of economic development should not only generate increased or enhanced means of
production but it should also make room for equitable distribution of such resources.
There are some of important economic factors determining the pace of economic development in a
1. Population and Manpower Resources
2. Natural Resources and its Utilization
3. Capital Formation and Capital Accumulation
4. Technological Advancement and so on.
Thus there are some of the important non-economic factors determining the pace of economic
development in a country:
1. Urge for Development
2. Spread of Education
3. Changes in Social and Institutional Factors and so on.
The existence of a weak, corrupt and inefficient administrative machinery leads the country into chaos
and disorder.

2. essence of environmental problems

Our environment is constantly changing. However, as our environment changes, so does the need to
become increasingly aware of the problems that surround it. With a massive influx of natural disasters,
warming and cooling periods, different types of weather patterns and much more, people need to be
aware of what types of environmental problems our planet is facing.
Global warming has become an undisputed fact about our current livelihoods; our planet is warming up
and we are definitely part of the problem. However, this isn’t the only environmental problem that we
should be concerned about. All across the world, people are facing a wealth of new and challenging
environmental problems every day. Some of them are small and only affect a few ecosystems, but
others are drastically changing the landscape.
Our planet is poised at the brink of a severe environmental crisis. Current environmental problems make
us vulnerable to disasters and tragedies, now and in the future. We are in a state of planetary
emergency, with environmental problems piling up high around us. Unless we address the various issues
prudently and seriously we are surely doomed for disaster.

3. essence of human rights

There is no precise definition of Human Rights. The Oxford Power Dictionary defines human rights as the
“basic freedom that all people should have”. In a simple language, human rights are meant for human
beings to satisfy their basic needs.
Human rights are held by all human beings and human rights exist as long as human beings exist
Human rights in general, may be of two types:
 Rights which are essential for the dignified and decent human existence;
 Rights which are essential for adequate development of human personality
The second category of human rights comprises of right to freedom of speech and expression, cultural
and educational rights.
Human rights possess the following characteristics:
1. Inalienability - Both human beings and human rights are inalienable and inseparable. One
cannot stay without the other.
2. Comprehensiveness - Human rights are comprehensive. They include socio-economic, civil,
political and cultural rights which are relevant for a decent human living.
3. Universality - Human rights are universally applicable to one and all.
4. Justice ability - These rights are also justiciable.
5. Non-absoluteness - These rights are not absolute and there can be restriction imposed on
Human rights are inherent to all human beings, whatever nationality, place of residence, sex, national
or ethnic origin, color, language, or any other status.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად:
1. several nations are having major problems of trust and shared responsibilities - რამდენიმე ერს
აქვს ნდობისა და პასუხისმგებლობის ძირითადი პრობლემები
2. merciles slaughter and butchery- უმოწყალო ცოხვა-ჟლეტვა
3. inequality has been jeopardizing economic growth and poverty reduction- უთანასწორობა
საფრთზეს უქმნის ეკონომიკურ ზრდას და სიღარიბის შემცირებას.
4. efforts to economiсe, either by reducing the cost of any product or by rasing the yield from any given
input or other resources- ეკონომიკური ძალისმხმევა, ნებისმიერი პროდუქტის
თვითღირებულების შემცირებით ან მოცემული შენატანიდან ან სხვა რესურსებიდან
მოსავლიანობის გაზრდით
5. necessary precondition for the life and development of the system- ცხოვრებისა და სისტემის
განვითარებისთვის საჭირო წინაპირობები
გადათარგმნეთ ინგლისურად:
1. ბუნებრივი რესურსების დაცვა მნიშვნელოვანია გლობალური დათბობის თავიდან
ასაცილებლად - protection of natural resources is important to prevent global warming
2. ერები ცდილობენ შეინარჩუნონ საკუთარი კულტურა -nations try to maintain their own
3. ინფორმაციის გავრცელების სისწრაფე იზრდება. საზოგადოებისთვის ხელმისაწვდომი
ინფორმაცია შესაძლოა ასახავდეს საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების დრამატული
ცვლილებების შედეგებს“ჩვენ ვართ მესამე ეკონომიკური რევოლუციის
დასაწყისში“აცხადებს მანუელ კასტელი მეტად ტრადიციული ქვეყებიც კი ,როგორებიც
არიან ჩინეთი,სინგაპური აღიარებენ ამ რევოლუციის არსებობას და ხაზს უსვამენ მის
დამანგრეველ ეფექტს.-
The speed of spread information is increasing . avaliable information for society may reflact the
consequences of dramatic changes of international relations. We are at the beginning of third economic
revolution said Manuel Castel, even more traditional countries like China, Singapore recognize the
existence of this revolution and emphasize its devastating effect.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად: gain political influence - პოლიტიკური გავლენის მოპოვება be property exploited with- საკუთრების ექსპლუატაცია emerge out of - გარეთ გამოსვლა
4.diplomatic corps-დიმლომატიური კორპუსის წარმომადგენელი solve the problem - პრობლემის მოგვარება

Ticket 4
1. essence of the world of marketing
There was a time when humans lived without being blasted by advertising everywhere they turned. In
fact, before brands started cramming messages into every communication channel on earth,
"advertising" was simply a helpful suggestion for something you might need. Advertising became
universal, appearing everywhere you looked, listened, moved, called, read, drove, flew, worked, and
played. It can be a powerful way of selling your products or services, but you must tread carefully when
venturing into the world of comparative advertising. Comparative advertising has always been a
valuable weapon in the arsenal of a skilled marketer. When you publish a comparative advertisement,
you can always be sure that at least one business will carefully study the advertisement.
Now I will talk about some tips and traps for businesses considering using comparisons in their
 Be accurate on price, but don't sell yourself short!
Any advertisement, which contains a price comparison, must accurately state the difference in price. An
advertisement should avoid overstating the difference in price between the advertised product and the
competitor's product.
 Releasing the same advertisement across different media!
Many advertisers run broad advertising campaigns across different media. However, what might be fine
in one medium might be misleading or deceptive in another. For example, television commercials and
radio advertisements are transient in nature and therefore have a very different impact on consumers
than print advertisements, which are more permanent and can be studied and examined by the
Some specific examples of comparative advertising are:
 A Pepsi ad portrayed young people in the distant future finding a relic (a Coke bottle) so ancient
they could not identify it.
 Wendy's, a fast-food restaurant, insulted McDonald's hamburgers by asking, "Where's the
 Subway claimed its sandwiches were healthier than McDonald’s.
Comparative advertising can be a great way to make your company stand out in the marketplace and
can help consumers decide which product or service is best for them. Comparisons can help consumers
judge the relative merits of competing products and choose the one which best suits their needs and
We've all come across advertisements when brands take on one another, and openly mock the rival
brand through print, digital or broadcast media. When there’s a clash between two titans of industry,
the line between healthy competition and all-out war is a very fine one.
When Apple and Samsung decided to lock horns in a legal battle over patent infringements pertaining to
cell and tablet technology, many assumed it would not only be a prolonged fight. Focused heavily on the
glaring similarities between Apple’s iPhone and Samsung’s Galaxy, Samsung and their executives denied
any theft, but Apple steamed forward by claiming that 22 more Samsung products ripped off Apple. Two
juries have found that Samsung did indeed plot to steal the iPhone’s appearance and technology.
Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1929 as Ferrari, the Italian industrialist thrived during the War despite having
his factory bombed in 1944. Twenty years later and Ferruccio Lamborghini would have something idling
to challenge Ferrari’s supercar supremacy.
Lamborghini was an Italian tractor magnate whose dissatisfaction with his own Ferrari birthed the
brand. As legend has it, Lamborghini approached Enzo regarding a noisy clutch to which Ferrari
proclaimed, “if you don’t like it, go build your own!”

2. essence of war
The word “war” means a state of open and usually declared armed conflict between political entities
such as sovereign states or between rival political or social factions within the same state. War is
waged (conducted) by political entities, nations or, earlier, city states in order to resolve political or
territorial disputes.
War grows naturally out of the tribe mentality.
War has been an important factor in creating states and empires throughout history and, equally so, in
destroying them. Major advances in science, technology, and engineering have been brought about
through necessity during times of war.
There is no doubt that war is an evil one. It is the greatest catastrophe that can be fall human beings. It
brings death and destruction, merciless slaughter and butchery , disease and starvation , poverty and
Poet and prophets (forecasters, fortunetellers) have dreamt of a millennium - an utopia, in which war
will not exist and eternal peace will reign on earth, but these dreams have not been fulfilled.

3. essence CNN and internet

The rise of CNN and the Internet has greatly shortened the time horizons of diplomatic decision making.
News from distant lands can become public knowledge more quickly than ever before. “All these large
numbers of information systems make diplomacy much harder to carry on,” said Madeleine Albright,
“because the information comes in very fast and you have to make decisions much faster than you
might under previous circumstances. Everybody wants an answer right away.”

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად:
1. the global terrorism is called the shadow of the process of globalization- გლობალური
ტერორიზმი მოიხსენიბეა როგორც გლობალიზაციის პროცესის ჩრდილი
2. to replace violence with justice and peace-ძალადობის სამართლიანობითა და მშვიდობით
3. weapons of mass destruction -მასობრივი განადგურების იარაღი
4. the world has also been bashed by terrorism like never before -მსოფლიომ ისეთი დარტყმა
მიიღო ტერორიზმისგან როგორიც არასოდეს
5. human rights are held by all human beings and human rights exist as lons ad human being exist.-
ადამიანის უფლებები მართულია ადამინების მიერ და ის იარსებებს მანამდ სანამ თავად
ადამიანი არსებობს.

გადათარგმნეთ ინგლისურად:
1.შეუწყნარებლობის დისკრიმინაციისა და ძალადობის აღმოფხვრა - eliminate
discrimination, intolerance and violence
2.არსებული სიტუაცია ისტორიულად განპირობებულია- the current situation is historically
3.ადამიანი თავისუფალია როდესაც შეუძლია იბრძოლოს იმ მიზნებისათვის , რაც მას
გააჩნია. ადამიანის ღირსება და თავისუფლება ურთიერთდაკავშირებული ცნებებია .
რენესანსის პერიოდში საზოგადოება ორ ნაწილად იყო გაყოფილი. პირველი-
პრივილიგირებული საზოგადოება, რომელსაც ყველაფრის უფლება ჰქონდათ და
მეორე,არაპრივილიგირებული საზოგადოება,რომელსაც შეზღუდული წვდომა ჰქონდათ
პროდუქტზე,მომსახურებაზე და მედიკამენტებზე. ასეთი მიდგომა ანადგურებს ქვეყანას და
სრულიად საზოგადოებას.-
Human is free, when he chan fight that goals he has. Human’s dignity and freedom are connected
concepts. The age of renaissance society was divided into two parts, the first - a privileged society that
had the right to everything and the second, a non-privileged society that had limited access to products,
services and medicines. Such an attitude destroy country and whole society.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად:
1. to be faced with-გამოწვევის წინაშე დგომა
2. to study social environment-სოციალური გარემოს შესწავლა
3. To be filled up with- შევსება
4. To face serious threat- სერიოზული საფრთხის წინაშე დგომა
5. To contribute to economic growth- ეკონომიკურ ზრდაში წვრილის შეტანა

Ticket 5
1. essence of world problem
With continuous economic crisis on one hand, the world has also been bashed by terrorism like never
before. Several people are losing their life everyday due to terrorist attacks. However, that is not
everything at all. Our world does have many more problems coming on the scene everyday:
 Refugee problems- a person’s racial background, political opinion, religious views and many
other reasons forces them to seek livelihood in other nations making it a huge issue faces by the
world today.
 War and terrorism- over the years, different types of wars like civil wars, cold wars and identity
wars have been ruining human civilization.
 Population growth- with growing population the world has to suffer from other bigger issues like
unemployment, poverty and shortage of natural resources.
 Poverty, hunger and water crisis- poverty, hunger and lack of pure drinking water represent the
biggest threat facing the world today. Millions of people in the world are living in absolute
 High unemployment or underemployment- unemployment is one of the biggest crises the world
is facing today.
Our planet is poised at the brink of a severe environmental crisis. Current environmental problems make
us vulnerable to disasters and tragedies, now and in the future. We are in a state of planetary
emergency, with environmental problems piling up high around us. Manu different factors come into
play. These factors are pollution, climate change, overpopulation, water pollution, public health issues
and so on.

2. disadvantages of war
Wars bring untold miseries as well as political and economic instability. People lives and daily
existence come under threat. It would be difficult to find jobs or live our normal day-to-day
existence. Populations are displaced and have to constantly move about for security.
Thus, humans must avoid wars at all cost. The only way we can protect our lives and ensure
stability in our country is to practice tolerance and respect for each otter. Or we too would
become extinct like the dinosaurs! However, wars are very harmful for science and technology because
they destroy them at the same time.

3. essence net politic

Individuals from some of the most isolated corners of the world can now interact with the richest
centers of civilization in an everyday fashion. The Internet has greatly lowered the costs of transmitting
information. As a result, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), academic experts, diasporic ethnic
communities, and individuals are using the Internet to create their own global platforms and political
influence. These new phenomena deserve a name—the word Netpolitik has been suggested—to
describe a new type of diplomacy that succeeds Realpolitik. Netpolitik is a new style of diplomacy that
seeks to exploit the powerful capabilities of the Internet to shape politics, culture, values, and personal

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად
1. flipping through the channels on tv, we are most likely to run over the news of a war going
somewhere in the world- გადახედეთ არხებს ტელევიზიაში, ჩვენ, სავარაუდოდ,
გადავაწყდებით ახალამბებს ომის შესახებ რომელიც მსოფლიოში სადღაც
2. equitable distribution of resources-რესურსების თანაბარი გადანაწილება
3. a nation can be affected different types of political instability- ერი შეიძლება დაზარალდეს
სხვადასხვა სახის პოლიტიკური არასტაბილურობით
4. american people struggle to synthesize autonomy of the individual with fitting into society-
ამერიკელი ხალხი იბრძვის ინდივიდუალური ავტონომიის საზოგადოებასთან მორგება -
5. the problem of man cannot be solved scientifically without a clear statement of the relationship
between man and society- ადამიანის პრობლემა მეცნიერულად ვერ გადაწყდება, ადამიანისა
და საზოგადოების ურთიერთობის მკაფიო განცხადების გარეშე.

გადათარგმნეთ ინგლისურად:
1.პოლიტიკური სტაბილურობა მნიშვნელოვანი გამოწვევაა- political stability is important
2.იმედის დაბრუნება დანაწევრებული მსოფლიოსთვის -restore the hope for a divided world
3.ომი და მშვიდობა ურთიერთდაკავშრებული ცნებებია.ზოგ ადამიანს მიაჩნია რომ არ
არსებობს მშვიდობა ომის გარეშე ,მნისვნელოვანია აღინიშნოს რომ ადამიანები იწყებენ
ომს როდესაც არ მოსწონთ ის მონოტონურობა რაც მათ ცხოვრებასთანაა
დაკავშირებული. სიახლის ძიება,ცვლილებების სურვილი და გაძლიერება ის
მნიშვნელოვანი საკითხებია რაც ომის წამოწყების საფუძველს ქმნის -
war and peace are interrelated concepts. Some people believe that there is no peace without war, it is
important to note that people start a war when they do not like the monotony that is associated with
their lives. The search for innovation, the desire for change and the strengthening of these are
important issues that form the basis for starting a war.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად:
1. to wage the war- ომის წარმართვა
2. to rebel against- წინააღმდეგ აჯანყება
3. to sharpen and polish the mind- ?
4. public disorder -საზოგადოებრივი არეულობა
5. to relate to -რომ იყოს დაკავშირებული

Ticket 6
1. essence of brand wars
The world of marketing is fiercely competitive. While creative advertisement might be entertaining,
comparative advertisement, one of the aggressive forms of marketing, is a whole new ball game
altogether. Comparative advertising can be a great way to make your company stand out in the
marketplace and can help consumers decide which product or service is best for them. Comparisons can
help consumers judge the relative merits of competing products and choose the one which best suits
their needs and budgets.
We've all come across advertisements when brands take on one another, and openly mock the rival
brand through print, digital or broadcast media. When there’s a clash between two titans of industry,
the line between healthy competition and all-out war is a very fine one.
When Apple and Samsung decided to lock horns in a legal battle over patent infringements pertaining
to cell and tablet technology, many assumed it would not only be a prolonged fight. Focused heavily on
the glaring similarities between Apple’s iPhone and Samsung’s Galaxy, Samsung and their executives
denied any theft, but Apple steamed forward by claiming that 22 more Samsung products ripped off
Apple. Two juries have found that Samsung did indeed plot to steal the iPhone’s appearance and
Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1929 as Ferrari, the Italian industrialist thrived during the War despite
having his factory bombed in 1944. Twenty years later and Ferruccio Lamborghini would have something
idling to challenge Ferrari’s supercar supremacy.
Lamborghini was an Italian tractor magnate whose dissatisfaction with his own Ferrari birthed the
brand. As legend has it, Lamborghini approached Enzo regarding a noisy clutch to which Ferrari
proclaimed, “if you don’t like it, go build your own!”
Coffee shops have boomed in the early 21st century as Americans have become more motivated to
drink coffee as both a morning beverage and a social drink. Dunkin’ Donuts, a retail chain known for
fresh donuts and related food products, aggressively pursued coffee customers beginning in 2008. Part
of its foray was a campaign targeting coffee shop giant Starbucks. Dunkin' Donuts tried to appeal to
more budget-conscious blue-collar workers by suggesting that Starbucks, with higher price points, was
for more aristocratic and "high class" people.

2. essence of challenges of our century

In today’s globalized world, life is often driven by economic and financial engines . It is easy to lose
sight of the common good and the needs of the human family in such a world.
There are many clear signs that the current situation cannot be sustained much longer. Historically,
evolution has been in nature’s hands.
What can humanity become? Our future wealth will increasingly relate to knowledge in the broadest
sense of the term. Here are the great challenges:
• Saving the Earth – A change in humans' capability to manage the Earth well is coming in
micro-instruments that feed voluminous data to computer networks.
• Reversing Poverty – While rich nations become richer, billions of people live in extreme
poverty with short, brutal lives.
• Protecting the Biosphere – We are losing species of plants and animals. Many endangered
species can be protected by identifying and preserving "hot spots" – those places with a high
density of endangered species.
• Confronting Existential Risk – This type of risk is one that could terminate Homo sapiens,
including such possibilities as the release of a dangerous genetically modified pathogen.

3. essence human rights

There is no precise definition of Human Rights. The Oxford Power Dictionary defines human rights as the
“basic freedom that all people should have”. In a simple language, human rights are meant for human
beings to satisfy their basic needs.
Human rights are held by all human beings and human rights exist as long as human beings exist
Human rights in general, may be of two types:
• Rights which are essential for the dignified and decent human existence;
• Rights which are essential for adequate development of human personality
The second category of human rights comprises of right to freedom of speech and expression, cultural
and educational rights.
Human rights possess the following characteristics:
1. Inalienability - Both human beings and human rights are inalienable and inseparable. One
cannot stay without the other.
2. Comprehensiveness - Human rights are comprehensive. They include socio-economic, civil,
political and cultural rights which are relevant for a decent human living.
3. Universality - Human rights are universally applicable to one and all.
4. Justice ability - These rights are also justiciable.
5. Non-absoluteness - These rights are not absolute and there can be restriction imposed on
Human rights are inherent to all human beings, whatever nationality, place of residence, sex, national
or ethnic origin, color, language, or any other status.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად
1. human rights are held by all human beings and human rights exist as lons as human beings exist.-
ადამიანის უფლებები მართულია ადამინების მიერ და ის იარსებებს მანამდ სანამ თავად
ადამიანი არსებობს.
2. we all know more details on how drugs influence our brain - ჩვენ ყველამ ვიცით უფრო მეტი
დეტალი თუ როგორ ეუფლება ნარკოტიკი ჩვენს გონებას
3. provide necessary climate for increased investment -საჭირო კლიმატის შემუშავება
ინვესტიციების გასაზრდელად
4. several nations are having major problems of trust and shared responsibilities - რამდენიმე ერს
აქვს ნდობისა და პასუხისმგებლობის ძირითადი პრობლემები.
5.there are two kind of humanitarian intervention involving the military: unilateral interventions by a
single state, and collective interventions by group of states- არსებობს ორი სახის ჰუმანიტარული
ჩარევა, რომელშიც მონაწილეობენ სამხედროები: ცალმხრივი ჩარევები ერთი
სახელმწიფოს მიერ და კოლექტიური ჩარევები სახელმწიფოთა ჯგუფების მიერ -

გადათარგმნეთ ინგლისურად
1. შრომის დანაწილება მნიშვნელოვანია კარგი შედეგის მისაღწევად - division of labor is
important to achive a good result
2. თანამშრომლობის მორალური სტანდარტები- moral standards of cooperation
3. ალბრაითის თეორია ასახავს სიტუაციას,თუ როგორ სიღრმისეულად იცვლება
გლობალური კულტურა და საერთაშორისო პოლიტიკა. ხალხს მეტად იზოლირებული
მსოფლიოს კუთხეებიდან,შეუძლიათ ჰქონდეთ ეფექტური კომუნიკაცია მსოფლიოს
უმდიდრეს ცენტრებთან,შესაბამისად შეუძლიათ ივაჭრონ საერთაშორისო
დონეზე ,გააღრმაონ ურთიერთობები პოლიტიკურ და კულტურულ
სფეროებში.წარუდგნინონ საკუთარი ღირებულებები საერთაშორისო საზოგადოებას .
Albright’s theory reflects the situation of how profoundly global culture and international politics are
changing. People from the most isolated parts of the world can communicate effectively with the
world's richest centers, so they can trade internationally, deepen political and cultural ties, and present
their values to the international community.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად
1. to wage the war-ომის წარმართვა
2. to deal with-რომ თავი გაართვა
3. to be satisfied with- რომ დაკმაყოფილდე რაღაცით
4. to be brought into -რომ შემოიტანო რაღაც
5. to be engaged in - იყო დანიშნული

Ticket 7
1. essence of war
The word “war” means a state of open and usually declared armed conflict between political entities
such as sovereign states or between rival political or social factions within the same state. War is
waged (conducted) by political entities, nations or, earlier, city states in order to resolve political or
territorial disputes.
War grows naturally out of the tribe mentality.
War has been an important factor in creating states and empires throughout history and, equally so,
in destroying them. Major advances in science, technology, and engineering have been brought about
through necessity during times of war.
There is no doubt that war is an evil one. It is the greatest catastrophe that can be fall human beings.
It brings death and destruction, merciless slaughter and butchery , disease and starvation , poverty and
Poet and prophets (forecasters, fortunetellers) have dreamt of a millennium - an utopia, in which
war will not exist and eternal peace will reign on earth, but these dreams have not been fulfilled.

2. man and society

The problem of man cannot be solved scientifically without a clear statement of the relationship
between man and society.
The individual is a link in the chain of the generations. His affairs are regulated not only by himself,
but also by the social standards, by the collective reason or mind.
The key to the mysteries of human nature is to be found in society. Society is the human being in his
social relations, and every human being is an individual embodiment of social relations.
The age of the Renaissance was a hymn to the free individual and to the ideal of the strong fully
developed human being blazing trails of discovery into foreign lands.
The individual is free where he not only serves as a means of achieving the goals of the ruling class
and its party but is himself the chief goal of society, the object of all its plans and provisions.

3. essence environmental problems

Our environment is constantly changing. However, as our environment changes, so does the need to
become increasingly aware of the problems that surround it. With a massive influx of natural disasters,
warming and cooling periods, different types of weather patterns and much more, people need to be
aware of what types of environmental problems our planet is facing.
Global warming has become an undisputed fact about our current livelihoods; our planet is warming
up and we are definitely part of the problem. However, this isn’t the only environmental problem that
we should be concerned about. All across the world, people are facing a wealth of new and challenging
environmental problems every day. Some of them are small and only affect a few ecosystems, but
others are drastically changing the landscape.
Our planet is poised at the brink of a severe environmental crisis. Current environmental problems
make us vulnerable to disasters and tragedies, now and in the future. We are in a state of planetary
emergency, with environmental problems piling up high around us. Unless we address the various issues
prudently and seriously we are surely doomed for disaster.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად
1. the process of economic development should not only generate increased or enhanced means
of production but it should also make room for equitable distribution of such resources-
ეკონომიკური განვითარების პროცესმა არა მხოლოდ წარმოების გაზრდილი ან
გაუმჯობესებული საშუალებები უნდა შექმნას, არამედ ამან უნდა უზრუნველყოს ამგვარი
რესურსების სამართლიანი განაწილების შესაძლებლობა -
2. war has been an important factor in creating states and empires throughout history and equally so in
destroying them.- ისტორიის განმავლობაში ომი მნიშვნელოვანი ფაქტორი იყო როგორც
სახელმწიფოებისა და იმპერიების შექმნაში ასევე მათ განადგურებაში
3. global warming has become an undisputed fact about our current livehoods- გლობალური
დათბობა გახდა უდავო ფაქტი ჩვენი ამჟამინდელი საარსებო წყაროს შესახებ
4. within the framework of negotiations- მოლაპარაკებების ფარგლებში
5. the key to the mysteries of human nature is to be found in society-ადამიანის ბუნების
საიდუმლოებები საზოგადოებაში უნდა ვეძებოთ

გადათარგმნეთ ინგლისურად:
1. თითოეული ადამიანისთვის თავისუფლება უმნიშვნელოვანესი ცნებაა -freedom is
significant concept for all human
2. კონფლიქტი იწვევს საზოგადოებრივ არეულობას- conflict causes social disorder
3. ომი და ტერორიზმი- ჩვენ ბევრი სახის ომი გვინახავს,ომის საფუძველს კი შესაძლოა
რევოლუცია,უთანხმოება უწესრიგობა და სიღარიბე წარმოადგედეს. სამოქალაქო ომებმა
გაანადგურა კაცობრიობის უმნიშვნელოვანესი ნაწილი.ფინანსური რესურსების
არათანაბარ გადანაწილებას მივყავართ დაუსაქმებლობის ზრდამდე . დაუსაქმებლობამ
ადამიანი შესაძლოა მიიყვანოს სუიციდამდე.- .War and Terrorism- We have seen many kinds of
war, and the basis of war may be revolution, dissension, disorder and poverty. Civil wars have destroyed
an essential part of humanity. Unequal redistribution of financial resources leads to rising
unemployment. Unemployment can lead human to suicide.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად
1. to process information -ინფორმაციის გადამუშავება
2. to accelerate learning potential-რომ დააჩქარო სასწავლო პოტენციალი
3. to evoke the power-ძალაუფლების აღძვრა
4. to allow local cultured to thrive-რომ ნება დართო ადგილობრივ კულტურას აყვავდეს
5. to improve productivity -რომ გააუმჯობესო პროდუქტიულობა

Ticket 8
1. essence of brand wars
The world of marketing is fiercely competitive. While creative advertisement might be entertaining,
comparative advertisement, one of the aggressive forms of marketing, is a whole new ball game
altogether. Comparative advertising can be a great way to make your company stand out in the
marketplace and can help consumers decide which product or service is best for them. Comparisons can
help consumers judge the relative merits of competing products and choose the one which best suits
their needs and budgets.
We've all come across advertisements when brands take on one another, and openly mock the rival
brand through print, digital or broadcast media. When there’s a clash between two titans of industry,
the line between healthy competition and all-out war is a very fine one.
When Apple and Samsung decided to lock horns in a legal battle over patent infringements pertaining
to cell and tablet technology, many assumed it would not only be a prolonged fight. Focused heavily on
the glaring similarities between Apple’s iPhone and Samsung’s Galaxy, Samsung and their executives
denied any theft, but Apple steamed forward by claiming that 22 more Samsung products ripped off
Apple. Two juries have found that Samsung did indeed plot to steal the iPhone’s appearance and
Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1929 as Ferrari, the Italian industrialist thrived during the War despite
having his factory bombed in 1944. Twenty years later and Ferruccio Lamborghini would have something
idling to challenge Ferrari’s supercar supremacy.
Lamborghini was an Italian tractor magnate whose dissatisfaction with his own Ferrari birthed the
brand. As legend has it, Lamborghini approached Enzo regarding a noisy clutch to which Ferrari
proclaimed, “if you don’t like it, go build your own!”
Coffee shops have boomed in the early 21st century as Americans have become more motivated to
drink coffee as both a morning beverage and a social drink. Dunkin’ Donuts, a retail chain known for
fresh donuts and related food products, aggressively pursued coffee customers beginning in 2008. Part
of its foray was a campaign targeting coffee shop giant Starbucks. Dunkin' Donuts tried to appeal to
more budget-conscious blue-collar workers by suggesting that Starbucks, with higher price points, was
for more aristocratic and "high class" people.

2. society and individual

The problem of man cannot be solved scientifically without a clear statement of the relationship
between man and society.
The individual is a link in the chain of the generations. His affairs are regulated not only by himself,
but also by the social standards, by the collective reason or mind.
The key to the mysteries of human nature is to be found in society. Society is the human being in his
social relations, and every human being is an individual embodiment of social relations.
The age of the Renaissance was a hymn to the free individual and to the ideal of the strong fully
developed human being blazing trails of discovery into foreign lands.
The individual is free where he not only serves as a means of achieving the goals of the ruling class
and its party but is himself the chief goal of society, the object of all its plans and provisions.

3. essence human rights

There is no precise definition of Human Rights. The Oxford Power Dictionary defines human rights as
the “basic freedom that all people should have”. In a simple language, human rights are meant for
human beings to satisfy their basic needs.
Human rights are held by all human beings and human rights exist as long as human beings exist
Human rights in general, may be of two types:
• Rights which are essential for the dignified and decent human existence;
• Rights which are essential for adequate development of human personality
The second category of human rights comprises of right to freedom of speech and expression,
cultural and educational rights.
Human rights possess the following characteristics:
1. Inalienability - Both human beings and human rights are inalienable and inseparable.
One cannot stay without the other.
2. Comprehensiveness - Human rights are comprehensive. They include socio-economic,
civil, political and cultural rights which are relevant for a decent human living.
3. Universality - Human rights are universally applicable to one and all.
4. Justice ability - These rights are also justiciable.
5. Non-absoluteness - These rights are not absolute and there can be restriction imposed
on these.
Human rights are inherent to all human beings, whatever nationality, place of residence, sex,
national or ethnic origin, color, language, or any other status.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად
1. the process of economic development should not only generate increased or enhanced means of -
production but it should also make room for equitable distribution of such resources-
ეკონომიკური განვითარების პროცესმა არა მხოლოდ უნდა შექმნას გაზრდილი ან
გაძლიერებული საშუალებები - წარმოება, არამედ ამან უნდა უზრუნველყოს ასეთი
რესურსების სამართლიანი განაწილების შესაძლებლობა.
2. recognition of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the -foundation
of freedom, justice and peace all over the world - ადამიანის ოჯახის ყველა წევრის თანასწორი
და განუყოფელი უფლებების აღიარება თავისუფლების, სამართლიანობისა და
მშვიდობის საფუძველია მთელ მსოფლიოში -
3. to lower cost of transmitting information -ინფორმაციის გადაცემის ხარჯების შემცირება
4. freedom from slavery and servitude- მონობისგან და მსახურებისგან განთავისუფლება
5. a climate change like global warming is the result of human practices- კლიმატის ცვლილება
როგორიცაა გლობალური დათბობა ადამიანების საქმიანობის შედეგია

გადათარგმნეთ ინგლისურად:
1. ეკონომიკური განვითარება მნიშვნელოვანი გამოწვევაა-Economic development is significant
2. იმედის დაბრუნება დანაწევრებული მსოფლიოსთვის- restore the hope for a divided world
3. ადამიანის უფლებათა ცნება გააძლიერა magna carta და bill of rights
შექმნამ,ამავდროულად, 1688 წლის რევოლუციამ.locke-ის თეორიის ძირითადი ცნება
გულისხმობდა შემდეგს:ადამიანს აქვს სამართლებრივი უფლება გადააყენოს ის
მთავრობა რომელიც ვერ დააკმაყოფილებს მათ ძირითად საჭიროებებს. ამ ყველაფერს
ფრანგულმა რევოლუციამ მისცა შემდეგი სახე: ადამიანის უფლებები გულიხმობს
თავისუფლების საკუთრებისა და უსაფრთხოების უფლებას და უფლებას რომლიც
საფუძველზეც მოქალაქეებს შეუძლიათ გაუწიონ წინააღმდეგობა მთავრობას, თუ ის არ
ითვალისწინებს ხალხის ინტერესებს.
The notion of human rights was strengthened by the creation of the magna carta and the bill of rights, at
the same time, by the revolution of 1688. The basic concept of the locke theory was that a person has
the legal right to throwaway a government that fails to satisfy their basic needs. The French Revolution
gave all this the following form: Human rights imply the right to property and security of liberty and the
right on the basis of which citizens can resist the government if it does not take into account the
interests of the people.

გადათარგმნეთ ქართულად:
1. to wipe out the mankind - კაცობრიობის განადგურება
2. to reach unsustainable levels--არამდგრადი დონის მიღწევა
3. to release advertisement- გამოუშვა რეკლამა
4. to determine the causing reason- დაადგინო გამომწვევი მიზეზი
5. to bridge cultural barriers-გადალახო კულტურული ბარიერები

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