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Quantum Computational Intelligence For Traveltime Seismic Inversion

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Quantum computational intelligence for traveltime seismic inversion

E. Nascimento (SENAI CIMATEC)

Copyright 2022, SBGf - Sociedade Brasileira de Geofı́sica. in an unusual tomographic challenge, implementing a high-
Este texto foi preparado para a apresentação no IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Geofı́sica, resolution algorithm adequate for quantum computing.
Curitiba, 4 a 6 de outubro de 2022. Seu conteúdo foi revisado pelo Comitê Técnico
do IX SimBGf, mas não necessariamente representa a opinião da SBGf ou de seus
Zhao & Zhang (2016) introduced a new stochastic
associados. É proibida a reprodução total ou parcial deste material para propósitos inversion method based on the Quantum Metropolis-
comerciais sem prévia autorização da SBGf.
Hastings method to deal with pre-stack seismic inversion
problems. Zhu et al. (2020) propose a finite difference
Abstract (FD) method solution based on enhanced quantum particle
swarm optimization (QPSO). Their numerical dispersion
Quantum computation is in its early stage of
analysis shows that the optimized FD scheme based on the
implementation. Its capacity has been growing in the
improved QPSO algorithm has a wider spectral coverage
last years but its application in several fields of sciences
and the accuracy error is controlled within a valid range,
is still restricted to oversimplified problems. In this stage,
which means that the improved QPSO algorithm has better
it is important to identify the situations where quantum
capability to find precise global solutions.
computing presents the most promising results to be
prepared when the technology is ready to be deployed. Quantum computing was first proposed by Feynman
The geophysics field has several areas which are limited (1982) as an alternative to solve problems, intractable to
by the current computation capability, among them the classical computing, by performing computational tasks
so-called seismic inversion is one of the most important using quantum phenomena. Algorithms that exploit these
ones, which are strong candidates to benefit from quantum properties have been developed in the last decades,
computing. In this work, we implement an approach for as well as the construction of quantum devices to
traveltime seismic inversion through a near-term quantum perform such tasks, as summarized in Preskill (2021).
algorithm based on gradient-free quantum circuit learning. Current quantum devices still have a considerable noise
We demonstrate that a quantum computer with thousands rate. These devices are called Noisy Intermediate
of qubits, even if noisy, can solve geophysical problems. Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers and handle a relatively
In addition, we compared the convergence of the method small amount of successive operations on an initial
with the variational quantum algorithms. state before the state decoherence processes take place.
However, given these limitations, with the effort of the
scientific community, new noise mitigation techniques and
Introduction algorithms capable of dealing with NISQ computers called
Retrieving the subsurface parameters through seismic Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) have emerged,
inversion is essential for understanding earthquake as can be seen in Cerezo et al. (2021); Zhou et al.
dynamics, dam monitoring, mapping ore deposits, and oil (2020); Peruzzo et al. (2014); Egger et al. (2021). In
reservoirs exploration. However, the application of seismic the works developed by Havlı́ček et al. (2019); Liu et al.
inversion in all these contexts has required an advance in (2021), it was proved mathematically, and demonstrated
computational geoscience, especially when involving 3D through experiments, that NISQ computers can provide an
seismic wave propagation in complex earth environments. exponential advantage in supervised learning problems. In
For these reasons, any new computational techniques with Deshpande et al. (2022), an experiment was performed
possibilities to speed up calculations must be explored to demonstrate a quantum advantage in a mathematically
by the community. Since commercial quantum computing well-defined problem, using a photonic quantum device.
has becoming reality, the geophysical community already More recently, the experiment carried out by Huang
started to prospect its possible uses, for instance . Moradi et al. (2022), demonstrated an exponential advantage in
et al. (2018) provide a perspective of the most suitable a practical problem of learning properties of quantum
method to solve the wave equation, highlighting that systems.
wave equation solution can be performed through linear Many of the problems in geophysics can be modeled and
system equations so that such systems are appropriate for solved through solutions of systems of linear equations.
quantum algorithms being able to solve with exponential Therefore, investigating quantum algorithms capable of
speedup. Greer & O’Malley (2020) introduced an performing such tasks is an important step towards the
iterative algorithm to solve PDE-constrained optimization application of quantum computing in geophysics. The
problems on a quantum annealer. They then used this work proposed by Harrow et al. (2009), addresses a way
method to invert the velocity parameters of the subsurface to use quantum computers to solve linear systems with
using a hybrid approach of classical and quantum exponential advantage over the best classical method.
computing considering some simple models in their The method is known as Harrow Hassidim Lloyd (HHL)
seismic experiments. Sarkar & Levin (2018) addressed Algorithm and takes advantage of Quantum Phase
how to explore the potential power of quantum computing Estimation (QPE) to achieve quantum advantage, which

IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Geofı́sica


requires error-corrected quantum computers. A different target Hamiltonian H as

approach to solving linear systems can be seen in Bravo-
Prieto et al. (2019), where variational circuits are used, f (U) = ⟨ψ0 |U † HU|ψ0 ⟩, (1)
in conjunction with the Hadamard Test, to approximate
systems solutions. This algorithm is known as the
whose variable U is a quantum circuit that evolves at each
Variational Quantum Linear Solver (VQLS) and, like
generation. The optimal quantum circuit is given by Uopt =
most variational algorithms, has potential for near-term
U0U1 ...Un if the optimization is carried out over a number of
applications. In the solution of a linear system, A⃗x = ⃗b, n generations. The expected value of H can also be written
both algorithms mentioned above have as requirements in numerical form as
the decomposition of the matrix A as a linear combination
of the set of Pauli Operators and the efficient preparation of
the quantum state, which is the normalization of the vector ⟨ψ0 |U † HU|ψ0 ⟩ = ∑ px Ex (2)
⃗b. As these algorithms perform amplitude embedding to x=0

represent vector b as a quantum state, the number n of

where px is the measurement probability of an eigenstate
qubits needed to implement them scales logarithmically,
of the computational base |x⟩ being measured and Ex its
n = O(log(B)), where B is the number of elements of ⃗b. associated cost. Therefore, the computational cost of the
Such requirements are challenging problems in the current algorithm will be related to the amount of measurements
state of quantum computing. In Franken et al. (2020), made on the state |ψ⟩, being generally O(poly). Since
an evolutionary strategy was adopted in NISQ devices in eigenstates are represented in the computational basis,
order to solve optimization problems. The results showed the cost hamiltonian H should be written as a Quadratic
that the convergence of the evolutionary algorithm is faster Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) or as an Ising
compared to the VQAs. In addition, tests were performed Model.
on real quantum devices to demonstrate that the algorithm
is a strong candidate for near-term applications because it During each generation, an amount of λ circuits are
generates low-depth quantum circuits. created from a parent circuit through a process of
mutation. The offspring candidates have their loss
In this work, we aim to solve the problem of seismic functions evaluated and then undergo a selection process,
traveltime inversion using quantum computational in which the best individual becomes the parent of the next
intelligence. For this, we model the seismic inversion generation. By the end of the algorithm, the best individual
problem as an unconstrained discrete optimization of the last generation is returned as the final answer.
problem and solve it using an evolutionary algorithm
based on gradient-free quantum circuit learning, proposed The mutation strategy is described by four operations that
by Franken et al. (2020), suitable for use in near-term are performed randomly to the circuit. The operations are:
computers and which has been shown to mitigate the
barren plateau phenomena. From the results and the
• insert - insertion of single or two-qubit rotation gates.
mathematical formulation of the problem, it is possible
The set of single qubit gates which can be applied is
to demonstrate that NISQ devices with thousands of
{Rx(θ ), Ry(θ ), Rz(θ )}, while the set of two-qubit gates
qubits can be used to solve systems of linear equations.
is {cRx(θ ), cRy(θ ), cRz(θ )}. The rotation angles, θ , are
Also, the method could be used to solve differential
hyperparameters and should be initialized randomly;
equations, since they can be discretized using the finite
difference method. Although the limitations of the quantum
computing applications in real geosciences problems are • delete - delete one of the already applied gates. The
still enormous, the idea here is to show that it is possible effect of this operation, in addition to improving the
to advance in seismic inversion using quantum computing, search space and finding better solutions, is also to
even applying these techniques in easy experiments. reduce the depth of the quantum circuit, an important
task in the case of noisy quantum computers.;

Methodology • modify - modify the rotation angle, θ , of an

Theoretical Foundations already applied single-qubit or two-qubit gate. This
modification is done with random values of θ ;
Evolutionary computing is a set of algorithms inspired
by biological behaviors which optimize a given problem • swap - Flip the control and target of a two-qubit gate
by iteratively working with a population of solutions and in a given position. It has the same effect of a deletion
selecting the best ones over a number of generations. followed by an insertion.
The work developed by Franken et al. (2020) shows
an evolutionary quantum optimization strategy analogous
to the Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT). Each operation has a probability of happening tied to the
In this quantum evolutionary scheme, candidates are problem being optimized. This procedure is suitable for
quantum circuits and the cost function is the expected value near-term applications, since the number of operations
of the cost hamiltonian evaluated from the measurements of the final circuit is relatively small. In addition, as it
in the quantum circuits. is a gradient-free optimization method that does not use
ansatz, it has been shown to mitigate the undesired effect
The objective function can be written with respect to some of barren plateau.

IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Geofı́sica


Seismic inversion as a discrete optimization problem Results and Discussion

The problem of determining the subsurface wave We simulated our circuits using the Qiskit statevector
propagation velocities ⃗v from observed travel time data, ⃗t, simulation in a Intel Core i7-8550U CPU. We calculated the
can be written using the system of linear equations seismic inversion for 3, 4 and 6 layers. For each number
of layers we repeated the evolutionary circuit learning 10
D⃗s =⃗t (3) times and we returned the mean of the best result of all
runs as the final result. Each run had 300 generations, the
whose matrix D is the upper diagonal and represents number of parents µ = 1 and the number of offspring λ = 4.
the distances, di j (see Fig. 1), of wave propagation in In all instances, synthetic slowness models were created
each subsurface layer and ⃗s is the slowness vector, whose with 3-bit approximation to integer numbers. Since the
elements are given by si = 1/vi . number of qubits scales as n = O(RM), for 3, 4 and 6 speed
models, the simulations were performed using 9, 12 and 18
qubits, respectively.
To compare the synthetic velocity model and the one
calculated by the quantum algorithm, a statistical treatment
was performed so that, for each instance, the algorithm
was run 10 times and the probability distributions for
different generations were stored. An average was
obtained over the results of the 10 runs, which can be seen
in Fig. 2
The convergence of the method (See Fig. 3) was
faster when compared to the variational algorithms,
which in general use static ansatz and gradient-based
optimizers. The convergence metric was the objective
function itself, the expected value of H, which gives a
better idea of the algorithm scalability. As the number
n of qubits increases, the number of possible solutions
in superposition tends to grow exponentially, but as the
Figure 1 – Subsurface model with n parallel layers. The number of measurements performed was polynomial, the
layers are separated by a distance hi . The direction of number of solutions measured is polynomial or quasilinear.
propagation of the wave is from the sources Si to the Therefore, for larger instances, the expected value tends to
detectors Di , passing through the subsurface with different be consequently much larger, even with good solutions in
propagation distances di j in each of them. The different the final distribution.
colors represent wave velocities in each subsurface layer,
which must be determined.
In order to use the Evolutionary Circuit Learning method
Quantum computing offers potential computational
described above, the linear systems problem must be
advantage due to the possibility of creating and
written as the unconstrained optimization problem.
manipulating states in a higher-order space, the Hilbert
space. Demonstrations of quantum advantage have been
f (⃗s) = ∥D⃗s −⃗t∥2 . (4) demonstrated in recent years, and advances in this area
have grown rapidly in light of the impact that technology
consolidation can have. Due to the computational cost
The value of f (⃗s) is the square of the norm of the difference of the geosciences problems addressed and the impact
between D⃗s and ⃗t, and the null result in case of an if there are more efficient ways to solve them, quantum
exact solution. However, since si is a real number, and computing emerges as a strong candidate to accelerate
measurements performed on a quantum state, |ψ⟩, give us these processes, even with noisy quantum computers.
results on the computational basis, {0.1}, we must write Eq.
4 as an objective function of binary variables, xi , through In this work, we implemented a quantum evolutionary
the approximation algorithm to tackle the traveltime seismic inversion problem
R modeled as a QUBO for three, four and six parallel
si = ∑ xi 2r . (5) layers. Our simulation experiments showed great rate
r=−R of convergence and the method compared to variational
quantum algorithms, finding results close to the exact
In this way, we can write the resulting objective function, solution. The investigated algorithm demonstrated that
H = f (⃗x). As H is a QUBO, it can also be solved using it generates low-depth quantum circuits even in the final
Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs), as in the seismic generations, which makes it a good candidate to solve
inversion model proposed by Albino et al. (2022). In near-term optimization problems.
these approaches, the mandatory number of qubits for the
solution of a linear system of order M × M is n = O(RM), The main findings and contributions of this work were
where R is the number of bits of the approximation. the use of a quantum computational intelligence method

IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Geofı́sica


Figure 3 – Convergence graphs for observing the cost

(expected value) as a function of the number of generations
(we analyzed for generations 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250
Figure 2 – Comparison histogram between the reference
and 300). We observed that all instances followed a similar
values (synthetic 3-bit slowness model) and the average
pattern of approximation to the optimal value (zero). The
values of the results obtained in 10 rounds of the algorithm.
shaded values represent the standard deviation and the
The figure shows three histograms, the results being for
lines are average values of the cost function for the 10 runs
the models with 3, 4 and 6 layers, in this order (from top to
of the algorithm.

IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Geofı́sica


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support provided by Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos later, doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2106.10522, URL
(FINEP) - grant number 0113032700 and Ministério da
Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações (MCTI).
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IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Geofı́sica

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