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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science For Grade III

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science for Grade III

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to;
1. define what opaque, translucent, and transparent is.
2. identify the materials as to opaque, translucent and transparent
3. appreciate the importance of light to our daily living.
4. classify the materials as to opaque, translucent and transparent


A. Topic: Classification of materials as to opaque, translucent and transparent
B. Reference. Smart Science 3 pp 166-172
C. Materials: flash lights, colored cellophane, clear cellophane, and book.

Teachers Activities

1. Prayer

____________ kindly lead the prayer.

2. Greetings
Good afternoon class!

3. Checking of attendance
Is everybody present

Today class?

4. Opening song.
Now, class I will teach
you a science song. I will
sing it first then
repeat it afterwards

Science is so (fascinating 3x) 2x
The wonder of life
We observe, we infer, we analyze, we
Science is so fascinating, the wonder
of life.

Pupils Activities

In the name of the and of the sonAmen

Good Afternoon teacher

Yes teacher, everybody is present today.

5. Review

Last time we discussed about
the three phases of matter. Now,
I want you to answer this exercise.

___________Read the direction.

1. What do you call a state matter which
has a definite shape and can occupy

a. air (gas) c. solid
b. liquid d .volume

2. Which of the following can measure
the volume of liquid?
a. bamboo stick c. meter
b. graduated cylinder d. ruler
3. What do you call the amount of space
that an object occupies?
a. air c. mass
b. area d. volume
4. Which is matter in liquid state?
a. air c. rock
b. ice d. water
5. Which of the following does not have
a definite shape?
a. book c. ruler
b. chair d. water

B. Developmental Lessons

1. Motivation

- Have you experience playing
outside at night?
- What do you usually play?
- How about playing if theres no
electricity at night?
- What do you usually play
- Are you enjoying playing shadow
during brownout?

2. Presentation

Now class I prepare an activity
playing shadow? But before that, what
are the standards to be followed while
having group activity.

The teacher will give an activity to

Pupils do as told.

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

c. solid

b. graduated cylinder

a. volume

d. water

c. water

pupil's answer may vary

hide and seek.

pupil's answer may vary
playing shadow


Cooperate with your group
Work quietly
Follow instruction correctly

pupil's do as told
be done by the pupils then, they will
answer the following questions. Write on

3. Discussion
(The leader of the group will
explain their work in the front.)

Now, class based from the
activity that you have done which
material casted a shadow?

Very good! Why do you think
that book casted a shadow?

Very good! If the light cannot
pass through on that object. Do
you have any idea about kind of
material is that?

Very good! And aside from that,
in opaque materials you cannot
the things behind of it.

Now class, based from those
materials, which material casted a
light shadow?

Very good! When you focused
the light on the clear cellophane
what have you notice on the light?

1. Focus the flashlight on the book then observe
if the shadow is formed. Do you see a
2. Focus the flashlight on cellophane. Do you
see a shadow?
3. Do the same on the piece of colored
cellophane. Do you see a shadow?
4. Fill out the following table. Check the
appropriate column.
5. Which materials cast a shadow?
Materials Casts a
Casts a
Does not
cast a
at all



6. Which did not cast a shadow?
7. Describe the shadow cast by the piece of
colored cellophane.


Because the light cannot pass through

Opaque materials

Colored Cellophane

Only small amount of light can pass through
the object

Very good! So since that only
small amount of light can pass
through on that materials, what do
you call that?

Very good!

Class, from those materials, Is
there any material that do not cast
a shadow?

What is that?

Very good! Why do you think
that clear cellophane did not cast
a shadow?

Very Good! So what do you that

The teacher will ask the pupils to
give examples of opaque,
translucent and transparent

4. Generalization

What are the three
groups of materials
according to their ability
to allow lights to pass
through them.

What is opaque materials?
How about translucent?

Translucent materials

Yes, teacher

Clear cellophane

Because most of the light pass through the

Transparent materials

opaque, translucent
and transparent

opaque materials
these are the materials
cast a shadow because light
cannot pass through then.

translucent materials
are materials that
allow some light to
pass through and they cast a lighter

transparent materials-
are materials that allow
must light to pass
through and they do
not cast a shadow.

5. Application
Now class, we will have
another group activity. I
will divide you into two groups
but before that let us set get again
the standard in doing group

Class, I have here envelopes
each envelope has an activity
card where the instructions are


Directions: Write true if the statement is
correct. If it is false, change the
underlined word to make the statement

______1. Light does not pass through
opaque materials.
______2. Translucent materials do not
cast a shadow.
______3. Opaque materials cast dark
______4. Transparent materials let some
light to pass through.
______5. You cannot see objects located
behind translucent materials.

Cooperate with your group.
Work quietly.
Follow instructions correctly.

Activity Card No. 1

Directions: Classify the objects as to opaque,
translucent, transparent by checking
the appropriate column.

Objects Translucent Transparent Opaque
1. Pencil
2. creep

3. notebook


True 1. Light does not pass through opaque
Transparent 2. Translucent materials do not cast a
True 3. Opaque materials cast dark shadows.
Translucent 4. Transparent materials let some light
to pass through.
Opaque 5. You cannot see objects located
behind translucent materials.

Answer Exercises B on page 170 in your Science Book (Smart Science

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