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Ulcerative colitis

Article in Nature Reviews Disease Primers · September 2020

DOI: 10.1038/s41572-020-0205-x


121 3,291

10 authors, including:

Taku Kobayashi Shu-Chen Wei

Kitasato University National Taiwan University


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Ulcerative colitis
Taku Kobayashi1 ✉, Britta Siegmund2, Catherine Le Berre3, Shu Chen Wei4, Marc Ferrante5,
Bo Shen6, Charles N. Bernstein7, Silvio Danese8, Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet3 and
Toshifumi Hibi1 ✉
Abstract | Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease of unknown aetiology
affecting the colon and rectum. Multiple factors, such as genetic background, environmental
and luminal factors, and mucosal immune dysregulation, have been suggested to contribute
to UC pathogenesis. UC has evolved into a global burden given its high incidence in developed
countries and the substantial increase in incidence in developing countries. An improved
understanding of the mechanisms underlying UC has led to the emergence of new treatments.
Since the early 2000s, anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) treatment has significantly improved
treatment outcomes. Advances in medical treatments have enabled a paradigm shift in treatment
goals from symptomatic relief to endoscopic and histological healing to achieve better long-term
outcomes and, consequently, diagnostic modalities have also been improved to monitor disease
activity more tightly. Despite these improvements in patient care, a substantial proportion of
patients, for example, those who are refractory to medical treatment or those who develop
colitis-associated colorectal dysplasia or cancer, still require restorative proctocolectomy.
The development of novel drugs and improvement of the treatment strategy by implementing
personalized medicine are warranted to achieve optimal disease control. However, delineating
the aetiology of UC is necessary to ultimately achieve disease cure.

Ulcerative colitis (UC), first described in 1859, is one patients (that is, corticosteroid dependent or corti-
An abnormal narrowing of the of two major forms of inflammatory bowel disease costeroid resistant) remains a challenge. However, the
digestive tract. (IBD)1. UC is characterized by mucosal inflamma- introduction of biologics targeting cytokines and adhe-
tion initiating in the rectum and extending proximally sion molecules have enabled a dramatic improvement
An abnormal connection
in the colon in a continuous fashion2–6. By contrast, in long-term outcomes, including the achievement of
between two organs or spaces. inflammation in Crohn’s disease (CD), the other type corticosteroid-free remission6,7. However, many patients
of IBD, demonstrates patchy lesions that are potentially still require surgery because of therapy failure or owing
Moon face scattered anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract2. The to the development of dysplasia8.
A medical sign of facial swelling
inflammation in UC is typically limited to the mucosal The incidence and prevalence of UC is increasing
with deposition of fat.
layer, causing superficial damage of the bowel wall, worldwide. Similar to CD, UC is now considered a pro-
whereas CD is characterized by transmural inflamma- gressive disease owing to the risks of proximal exten-
tion (involving all layers of the bowel wall) that leads sion, strictures, gut dysmotility, anorectal dysfunction,
to fibrosis, stricture and fistula. The exact pathogenesis need for colectomy, hospitalization, colorectal cancer,
of UC is still unknown but several factors, including a disability and impaired quality of life. Given its poten-
dysregulated immune response, altered gut microbiota, tially progressive and debilitating disease course, the
genetic susceptibility and environmental factors, have therapeutic goals for UC have changed over the past
been implicated2. A bloody diarrhoea is the most com- decade, from treating symptoms to mucosal healing,
mon symptom of UC, although diagnosis is made from with the aim of modifying the natural history of the
a combination of symptoms, endoscopy and histology. disease and improving long-term outcomes9,10. Indeed,
Until the use of corticosteroids was introduced histological remission is associated with lower risks of
in 1955, the natural disease course in patients with hospitalizations, colectomy and colorectal cancer than
moderate-to-severe UC was devastating, with mortal- endoscopic healing11–13.
✉e-mail: kobataku@
ity of >50%5. However, increased use of corticosteroids, This Primer provides a comprehensive overview of; in turn, can result in several adverse effects, including the current knowledge of the epidemiology, pathogen- osteoporosis, depression, moon face, type 2 diabetes mel- esis, diagnosis and therapeutic options of UC. In addi-
s41572-020-0205-x litus and cataracts5. To date, treating steroid-refractory tion, we discuss outstanding questions in the field that

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Author addresses to adulthood27. Although more research is warranted,

ethnicity might not play an important part in the epi-
Center for Advanced IBD Research and Treatment, Kitasato University Kitasato Institute demiology of IBD. For example, children of people who
Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. migrated from low-incidence areas to high-incidence
Division of Gastroenterology, Infectiology and Rheumatology, Charite–Universitatsmedizin, areas have been reported to have the same incidence as
Berlin, Germany.
in the new migrated area28. Furthermore, the increas-
Department of Gastroenterology, Nancy University Hospital, Inserm U1256 NGERE,
Lorraine University, Lorraine, France. ing incidence in the developing world and the similar
Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. pheno­type among Asians and Westerners with IBD21
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospitals Leuven, suggest that ethnicity may not be an important driver of
KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. UC29. As the phenotype of UC is largely homogeneous
Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Columbia University Irving Medical worldwide, environmental changes are likely to underlie
Center-New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, USA. the observed epidemiological trends30.
University of Manitoba IBD Clinical and Research Centre and Department of Internal The rising incidence in selected populations can facil-
Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. itate hypothesis generation to understand the disease
Humanitas Clinical and Research Center - IRCCS - and Humanitas University, aetiology (Fig. 1). By tracking the worldwide epidemiol-
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Milan, Italy.
ogy of IBD, health-care providers and policy-makers will
be informed of the management and economic burden
will direct future research and the numerous potential of this disease, especially as evidence seems to point to
emerging therapeutic options for the management of UC. expensive biologics being the optimal care in moderate
and severe disease.
The burden of IBD is rising substantially worldwide. Risk factors
Although the incidence of UC and CD is high in Western Although cigarette smoking is an important environ-
countries, it might be plateauing. For example, in the mental risk factor in CD, quitting smoking has been a
2000s, the incidence of both UC and CD was reported risk factor in UC30. The pathogenesis as to how smok-
to be ~15 cases per 100,000 persons in Canada14, yet new ing either triggers UC or protects an individual against
population-based data on incidence from three prov- developing UC is unknown. Whether the rising inci-
inces in Canada have shown a decrease in the incidence dence of UC reflects any trends in smoking cessation
of UC and CD in adults15–17. Nonetheless, the prevalence is unknown. However, studies from India show neither
continues to rise in Western jurisdictions, for example, an association between ex-smoking status and the inci­
with 1% of the Canadian population estimated to be dence of UC nor between active smoking and the
affected by IBD by 2030 (ref.18). The incidence of UC is incidence of CD31,32. Furthermore, a vegetarian diet has
much lower in developing jurisdictions than in devel- been shown to be protective against the development of
oped jurisdictions, but emerging data reveal an increase UC in India32, suggesting that a shift from plant-based
in the incidence in developing jurisdictions19. Among diets towards processed foods might be a risk factor
the developing regions of the world, India has the high- for UC in the developing world33. Urbanization is
est reported incidence of 9.31 cases per 100,000 persons no longer considered a risk factor based on studies
for IBD and an incidence of 5.41 cases per 100,000 per- from both Western and developing jurisdictions32,34,35.
sons for UC20. Interestingly, a predominance of CD is Other crucial risk factors of UC that are relevant glob-
observed in southern India whereas a predominance of ally include factors that affect the gut microbiota and,
UC is observed in northern India21. Considering its vast in turn, the gut immune response, such as antibiotic
population, within a few years, India might likely have use36, dietary changes, including the widespread use
the highest burden of IBD in terms of overall numbers22. of food additives33,37, and psychiatric comorbidity38.
As mortality is generally low, the burden of disease will The gut–brain axis is complex and some of the effects
continue to grow worldwide. of psychiatric comorbidity in the disease course of UC
UC has been reported to occur across all ages. might possibly be mediated through the gut micro­
Globally, Scandinavia and Canada have the highest inci- biota, although more research is required in this area39.
dence of paediatric IBD (occurring in children <16 years Appendectomy is a protective factor in UC for unclear
of age); the incidence of paediatric IBD is 10.6 cases per reasons40, yet appendectomy after a UC diagnosis has
100,000 persons in Norway, 12.8 cases per 100,000 per- been shown to actually worsen the disease course41.
sons in Sweden and 9.68 cases per 100,000 persons in
Canada23,24. A Canadian study reported no significant Colorectal cancer risk. Patients with longstanding
rise in the incidence of paediatric IBD overall. However, and/or extensive UC have an increased risk of colorectal
the study reported that the incidence of very-early-onset cancer (CRC) compared with the general population.
IBD (occurring in children 0–5 years of age) signifi- A meta-analysis demonstrated that the cumulative pro­
cantly increased by 7.2% per year25. Ongoing studies on babilities of developing CRC among all persons with
very-early-onset IBD suggest that the pathophysiology UC were 2% by 10 years of disease, 8% by 20 years of
might be different to that of older onset IBD despite hav- disease and 18% by 30 years of disease42. The relative risk
ing the same phenotype26. CD is predominantly observed of CRC was reported to be twofold higher in individuals
in male sex in childhood but becomes predominant in with UC than in the general population in Scandinavia
women in adulthood, whereas the incidence of UC is and North America43,44, and this increased risk has also
reported to be equal between the sexes from childhood been observed in China and India45,46. In addition to the

2 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:74


UC incidence 1990–2016

Fig. 1 | Global incidence of ulcerative colitis. Incidence of ulcerative colitis (UC) from 1990 to 2016 in different jurisdictions
is shown. The authors acknowledge G. Kaplan for providing the data for this figure230.

duration and extent of disease, several factors, such as with different functions, including the innate and adap-
concomitant primary sclerosing cholangitis, younger age tive immune systems, cytokine signalling, lymphocyte
of onset, and personal and family history of CRC, have activation and responses to bacterial molecules52, which
also been reported to increase the risk of UC-associated are discussed in detail in the sections below. In another
CRC47. In addition, treatment with 5-aminosalicylic subsequent analysis, the Montreal classification (which
acid (5-ASA, which is routinely used to treat patients includes the age at onset of disease, extent of disease and
with UC) might be protective against the development phenotype) was applied to determine the IBD class in
of CRC48,49. However, patients with UC-associated CRC 34,819 patients with either CD or UC. The ImmunoChip
are reported to have worse outcomes than patients with array was used for genotyping the patient cohorts and
sporadic CRC47,50, resulting in an increased mortality. a genotype–phenotype association was tested across
156,154 genetic variants, generating a risk score that
Genetic factors classified individuals into three IBD disease groups:
Although environmental factors are hypothesized to play ileal CD, colonic CD and UC58. This new classification
a vital part in determining the risk of developing UC, is now being further supported by more immunologi-
genetic factors have also been identified to be associ- cal data that are in line with the genetic classification.
ated with UC. The risk of UC is increased in first-degree In fact, several studies have reported similar morphol­
relatives but this risk might be due either to genetically ogical findings and T cell infiltrates in the lamina pro-
or to environmentally driven associations or reflective pria and underscore the similarities between UC and
of both51. Crohn’s colitis in comparison to ileal CD59. In addition,
A genome-wide association study analysis from 2012 genetic risk factors seem to be different between Western
revealed that several disease-associated loci are shared regions and Asian regions in both CD and UC60,61. Thus,
between CD and UC52. The associated risk with most these data fully support the concept suggested by the
susceptibility loci is small, emphasizing that numerous genetic consortium, namely that the disease location,
loci, along with additional factors, such as smoking sta- which is partly genetically determined, drives disease
tus, contribute to the disease53. This finding was also behaviour over time58. However, this requires more
illustrated by twin studies that compared the concord- detailed future analysis.
ance rates between monozygotic and dizygotic twins.
The concordance was higher in monozygotic twins (up Mechanisms/pathophysiology
to 17% in UC and up to 55% in CD) than in dizygotic The pathophysiology of UC is multifaceted and is not
twins (6% in UC and 4% in CD)54–57, implying that completely understood. However, the currently available
the genetic trait is more important in CD than in UC. data allow for establishing a current working model con-
In addition, the disease-associated loci involve genes sisting of different factors and structures that contribute

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Colonic lumen Gut microbiota

Impaired mucus
layer and barrier
Mucus layer function


Intestinal epithelial cell

Lamina propria APC
IL-36 Neutrophils

IL-36γ IL-9 TNF
IFNγ NK T cell
TH9 cell TH1 cell IL-6 Endothelial
Lymphocyte MAdCAM1
Treg cell TNF
Fibroblasts IL-12
IL-23 Blood
Macrophage IL-6 vessel

Fig. 2 | Pathophysiology of ulcerative colitis. Multiple factors contribute to the pathophysiology of ulcerative colitis
(UC). The gut microbiota shows decreased diversity and a change in metabolic profile, which is indicated by a decrease
in short-chain fatty acids. The mucus layer in UC is characterized by a decreased synthesis of the colon mucin, mucin 2.
The changes in the microbiota as well as the decreased mucus layer result in a barrier breach, facilitating the approach
of the microbiota to the epithelial barrier. The intestinal epithelium is disrupted owing to apoptotic foci and an altered
expression of tight junction proteins, thereby permitting more microbiota to cross the barrier, activating macrophages
and antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and resulting in the expression of chemokines that ultimately attract neutrophils.
Neutrophils build the first line of cellular response by forming neutrophil extracellular traps, and immune cells infiltrate
by binding to the adhesion molecule expressed by the blood vessel endothelium. Infiltrating monocytes that mature to
macrophages produce tumour necrosis factor (TNF), IL-12, IL-23 and IL-6, resulting in a polarization of type 1 T helper
(TH1) cells. In addition, IL-36γ derived from the epithelium inhibits regulatory T (Treg) cells and induces the polarization of
IL-9-producing T helper (TH9) cells, and IL-36 has been shown to induce fibrogenesis genes. Furthermore, IL-13 released
by natural killer (NK) T cells has been shown to contribute to barrier dysfunction.

to the pathophysiology of the disease (Fig. 2). UC is an homeostasis can be disrupted at several levels: a primary
intestinal barrier disease driven initially by either an epi- dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota, a defect in the
thelial cell or structural intestinal epithelial dysfunction. mucus layer, a primary defect of the epithelium, or an
Alternatively, the barrier might be disrupted by strong inflamed state of the lamina propria. The contribution of
inflammatory mediators and cells in the lamina propria, these factors to the pathogenesis of UC will be discussed
which then consecutively result in barrier disruption; in the following sections.
this inflammatory cascade then leads to the chronicity
of the disease. Impaired barrier function
The maintenance of barrier function should be Early on in the pathogenesis of UC, an epithelial bar-
the primary therapeutic aim, which can probably rier defect is observed. For example, the thickness of the
be achieved using different strategies. Thus, therapeu- mucin-containing mucosal layer of the colon has been
tic strategies can either target the epithelial cell layer or shown to be decreased in patients with UC with active
the inflammatory cells in the lamina propria and intes- disease, predominantly mediated through decreased
tinal barrier function can be restored by both means, synthesis of mucin 2 (ref.63) (Fig. 2). In addition, in the
resulting in clinical remission. early stages of UC, although the epithelium looks normal
endoscopically, apoptotic foci can already be observed64.
Intestinal homeostasis Indeed, a study indicated a decrease in intestinal barrier
Intestinal homeostasis is based on a delicate equilibrium function in patients with UC, which was evaluated using
maintained by a number of components62. Beginning at an oral sugar test (using sucrose for gastroduodenal per-
the luminal surface, the key contributor is the intesti- meability, lactulose/mannitol for intestinal permeability
nal microbiota, which provides nutritional factors and and sucralose for colon permeability). In addition, unaf-
dietary components that serve to enhance barrier func- fected relatives revealed a higher intestinal permeability
tion. The intestinal lumen is followed by the mucus than the general population. This impaired barrier func-
layer and the underlying epithelium, which together tion can be because of a primary genetic defect but can
form the first line of defence. The innermost layer is the also be due to environmental factors, including changes
lamina propria, which is responsible for preserving in the microbiota. Remarkably, a study evaluating
the non-inflamed state in a healthy individual. Intestinal the barrier defect in UC during remission found that the

4 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:74


barrier defect was an issue in the small intestine and not, propria, a central function in the pathogenesis of UC has
as expected, in the colon65. The intestinal epithelium has been proposed; the key cytokines are discussed below.
a key role in the innate immune system, as it acts as the
interface between the host immune response repertoire IL-13. IL-13 has been reported to be upregulated in
and the intestinal microbiota. Thus, the intestinal epithe- the lamina propria of patients with UC68,74. Indeed,
lium is particularly sensitive to changes that impair the strategies targeting IL-13 have been investigated in a
resolution of endoplasmic reticulum stress, which can be mouse model of oxazolone-mediated colitis, in which
driven by genetic as well as environmental and microbial colitis was induced by hapten sensitization, and IL-13
factors66. Unresolved endoplasmic reticulum stress is a blockade demonstrated an amelioration of disease
mechanism that contributes to the pathophysiology of severity68,74. A study identified natural killer T cells as the
both UC and CD. However, a discussion of these mecha­ IL-13-producing cell population, suggesting a significant
nisms is beyond the scope of this review; an excellent role for this cell population in the pathogenesis of UC75.
overview on this topic is presented in ref.67. However, a phase II clinical trial of an anti-IL-13 anti-
In addition, altered expression of tight junction pro- body reported no therapeutic benefit or amelioration
teins that results in impaired barrier function has been of disease severity in patients with moderate-to-severe
implicated in the development of UC62. For example, tri- UC76. Although no further anti-IL-13 strategies are being
cellulin, a protein that contributes to the maintenance developed, the specific function of this cytokine in the
of barrier function against macromolecules and lumi- pathogenesis of UC remains to be understood.
nal antigens, has been shown to be specifically down-
regulated in patients with UC68. A study demonstrated TNF. TNF, a key cytokine that is elevated in CD and is
that IL-13 (a cytokine important in regulating barrier responsible for granuloma development in this disease77,
function) and signalling via its receptor, IL-13Rα2, is also elevated in patients with UC78. In addition, TNF
mediated the downregulation of tricellulin, whereas has been shown to induce a substantial decrease in intes-
IL-13 signalling upregulated the pore-forming protein tinal barrier resistance and, therefore, TNF produced
claudin 2, which was specifically found in patients with in the lamina propria results in a barrier defect that
UC68 (Fig. 2). is characteristic for UC78. Indeed, studies have shown
Why is the intestinal barrier of such importance for that anti-TNF treatment is efficacious in a subgroup of
intestinal homeostasis? In the presence of a function- patients with CD as well as in those with UC79,80.
ing intestinal barrier, consisting of intestinal epithelial
cells and the mucus layer on top, only few luminal anti- IL-23. The role of IL-23 (a heterodimeric cytokine that
gens find their way into the lamina propria. The existing shares the p40 subunit with IL-12 and is mainly pro-
tolerance mechanisms prevent the immune cells within duced by macrophages) and its receptor have been
the lamina propria from developing a pro-inflammatory genetically and functionally linked to intestinal inflam-
immune response. However, when the barrier breach mation in various mouse models and in patients with
increases and more luminal antigens cross this barrier, UC81,82. Evidence from experimental animal models and
these tolerance mechanisms fail, resulting in the stimu- phase II clinical trials indicates that the blockade of IL-23
lation of local immune cells, the production of chemo­ rather than IL-12 is important for the anti-inflammatory
kines and the subsequent infiltration of immune cells effects observed with anti-p40 antibodies81,83. Originally,
that further exacerbates this inflammatory process69. IL-23 blockade was believed to be effective only in CD.
However, a phase III trial of ustekinumab (an anti-
Neutrophilic immune response body targeting the shared subunit IL-12/IL-23p40) in
Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs, extracellular patients with UC has demonstrated efficacy and an
meshes composed of chromatin and neutrophil gran- anti-inflammatory effect in UC84.
ular proteins) have been implicated in inflamma-
tion in addition to their function in host defence70. IL-9. In mouse models of oxazolone-induced colitis and
Proteins, including protein-arginine deiminase type 4, in mucosal T cells of patients with UC, increased expres-
neutrophil elastase and myeloperoxidase, which are sion levels of IL-9 as well as of its transcription factor
all associated with neutrophils and NETs, are upregu- PU.1 were observed. The stimulation of T cells by TGFβ
lated in the colonic mucosa of patients with UC, even induces the expression of PU.1, which binds directly to
in remission71,72. The implication of this finding is not the IL9 promoter, forming a complex with the histone
clear at this point but might be an indicator for a qui- acetyltransferase, GCN5, resulting in an induction of the
escent disease state. Thus, future work might need to IL9 promoter. In line with these findings, IL-9 knockout,
consider these upregulated NET-associated proteins as PU.1-deficient T cells or antibody-mediated neutraliza-
therapeutic targets (Fig. 2) to reduce inflammation in UC. tion of IL-9 was sufficient to ameliorate inflammation
in experimental colitis85. These data strongly point to a
Immune response in the lamina propria possible role of IL-9-producing T helper (TH9) cells in
Although UC was thought to be a type 2 T helper the pathophysiology of UC, although a clinical study is
(TH2) cell-driven disease and CD was postulated to be required to confirm the functional relevance in humans.
TH1-driven disease73, studies demonstrate that many key
cytokines, including TNF, are shared between the two IL-36. Expression levels of IL-36 (a cytokine of the IL-1
conditions. For several cytokines that originate from the family) and its receptor, IL-36R, are also increased in
pro-inflammatory immune cell infiltrate in the lamina patients with UC86,87. Additional studies showed that the

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increased expression of IL-36γ was localized to fibrotic niche that allows the microbiota to maintain its natural
intestinal tissue of patients with UC as well as of those diversity (Fig. 2).
with CD. IL-36 has been known to induce fibrogenesis
in fibroblasts, for example, by upregulation of α-smooth Intestinal T cell homing
muscle actin expression (Fig. 2). Blockade of IL-36 sig- Gut homing of T cells has a key role in the pathophys-
nalling in experimental colitis was associated with less iology of UC100. Vedolizumab, an antibody to α4β7
severe colitis and intestinal fibrosis than in controls88. integrin, has shown beneficial effects in the treatment
These findings are of importance in UC, as a consider- of UC101. However, the detailed effects of adhesion mol-
able degree of fibrosis and muscularis mucosae thick- ecules on single immune cell subpopulations have not
ening was described in chronic UC89. Furthermore, been entirely deciphered. A study investigating the func-
IL-36γ has been shown to inhibit regulatory T (Treg) tional effect of α4β7 integrin and the G protein-coupled
cell development. Treg cells form a key subpopulation receptor GPR15 for intestinal homing of either effector
of T cells that maintain intestinal homeostasis and, T (Teff ) cells or Treg cells indicated that α4β7 is crucial for
therefore, a decrease of Treg cell abundance indirectly the homing of Treg cells, whereas both α4β7 and GPR15
promotes inflammation. In addition, IL-36γ enhances mediate the homing of Teff cells. Indeed, patients treated
the differentiation of TH9 cells, a pro-inflammatory with vedolizumab showed a decrease in homing of Treg
TH cell subpopulation that drives inflammation. In line cells as well as Teff cells100. This result implies that, in
with these observations, mice deficient in IL-36γ were particular, fewer inflammatory cells enter the lamina
protected from colitis90. Future studies and clinical trials propria when gut homing is blocked, ultimately result-
are warranted to understand the clinical effect of these ing in decreased inflammation. Further studies on other
pathways (Fig. 2). immune cell subpopulations are required to completely
understand the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic
Luminal factors efficacy observed for vedolizumab (Fig. 2).
The intestinal microbiota, which can be closely linked
to environmental changes91, has been implicated to Diagnosis, screening and prevention
have a regulatory function in UC. A lower abundance Diagnosis
of some gut bacteria, such as Roseburia hominis and An accurate and timely diagnosis of UC is important
Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (the most abundant com- to start the appropriate treatment. The current diag-
mensals in the healthy human gut), has been reported nostic criteria for UC have not altered much over the
in patients with UC92. Although microbial dysbio- past few decades and are based on the combination of
sis (decreased microbial diversity) could be linked to clinical symptoms, endoscopic appearance, histological
active UC, the individual contribution of single bacte- analysis and the exclusion of potential differential diag-
rial species is less well defined93. In addition, the pro- noses, such as infection and other forms of colitis5,6,102
duction of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) was reported (Table 1). Nonetheless, various biomarkers, such as faecal
to be reduced in patients with UC. Studies have shown calprotectin or faecal lactoferrin, as well as bowel ultra-
that SCFAs exert barrier-protective actions and have sonography are being increasingly used for non-invasive
anti-inflammatory properties94. Remarkably, in con- diagnosis and monitoring. In addition, artificial intelli-
trast to Clostridioides difficile-induced colitis, the simple gence might be a helpful tool to increase diagnostic accu-
substitution of a ‘diseased’ microbiota with a ‘healthy’ racy in the near future. No single gold-standard modality
microb­iota by a single faecal microbiota transplantation for diagnosing UC exists; therefore, a UC diagnosis has
does not induce cure in patients with UC. However, stud- to be made by integrating patient history, endoscopy,
ies have demonstrated that remission can be achieved in histopathology, laboratory testing and imaging studies
a limited number of patients with UC by repeated faecal when necessary and appropriate5,6,102.
transplantation95–97. Interestingly, patients who achieved
remission were characterized by a significant increase Patient history. A careful documentation of a patient’s
in microbial diversity96,97 and some donors seemed to medical history is the first step towards establishing a
be more suitable than others to help achieve remission; correct diagnosis of IBD, including UC. The chronicity
however, the markers that would enable identification of symptoms is an important factor that needs to be con-
of these subsets of individuals are currently lacking95,96. sidered. A diagnosis of UC in patients with acute-onset
Increasing evidence suggests that various bacterial symptoms and a definite time frame should raise concern,
metabolites, such as SCFAs (for example, butyrate), as infection and bowel ischaemia would be more likely
rather than the microbiota itself, are important to main- diagnoses than IBD, especially if the symptoms have man-
tain the intestinal barrier and, thus, mucosal homeo- ifested only over a short period of time. Typical symptoms
stasis92. For example, butyrate, a histone deacetylase in UC include blood and/or mucus in the stool, increased
inhibitor, has been shown to maintain intestinal barrier bowel movement frequency, tenesmus or urgency present-
function by an IL-10-mediated downregulation of the ing for months in patients between 20 and 50 years of age.
pore-forming protein claudin 2 (ref.98), which increases Despite technological progress, patient medical history
the permeability of the tight junctions. In experimental continues to be the foundation of diagnosis and cannot
models of colitis, butyrate substitution by pharmacologi­ be replaced. Occasionally, patients present with profound
cally designed histone deacetylase inhibitors resulted in bloody diarrhoea associated with anaemia, tachycardia
An abnormal feeling of an amelioration of colitis99. Thus, prospectively, a ‘smart and fever; in these cases, acute severe colitis should be
incomplete defecation. metabolite cocktail’ might be sufficient to provide the considered and prompt therapy indicated accordingly.

6 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:74


Table 1 | Differential diagnosis of ulcerative colitis

Differential diagnosisa Diagnostic tool Distinguishing features
Bacteria (Salmonella spp. or Shigella spp., Escherichia History plus stool culture Acute onset, positive stool
coli, Clostridioides difficile, Campylobacter spp., culture
Mycobacteriaceae, Yersinia spp.)
Protozoa (amoebic colitis and strongyloidiasis) Stool ova and protozoa study Positive stool test
Virus (cytomegalovirus) Colonic histopathology Positive IHC
with IHC
Immune related
Crohn’s disease Endoscopic picture Skipped lesions, longitudinal
Graft versus host disease History plus endoscopic History of transplantation
Immune therapy-related colitis History plus endoscopic History of immune-checkpoint
picture inhibitor use
Eosinophilic colitis Colonic histopathology Eosinophilic infiltration
Ischaemic colitis History plus endoscopic Acute onset, ischaemic change
picture in the watershed area
Vasculitis History plus other lab data Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic
Radiation colitis History plus endoscopic Localized in the exposed area
Bowel preparation-related colitis History plus endoscopic Acute onset after bowel
picture preparation
Lymphoma Colonic histopathology Lymphoma cells
Primary adenocarcinoma Colonic histopathology Adenocarcinoma
Metastatic cancer Colonic histopathology Tumour cells depending on the
primary site
Diverticulum-associated colitis Endoscopy Presence of inflammation within
a diverticulum involved segment
Diversion colitis History plus endoscopic History of colonic diversion
picture surgery
IHC, immunohistochemistry. aAll differential diagnoses are diagnosed by colonic histopathology.

Endoscopy. In patients presenting with the above- leading to erythema, vascular congestion and oedema,
mentioned cardinal symptoms, initial endoscopic evalu- which can appear as ‘wet sandpaper’ during visuali­
ation is an indispensable tool for establishing an accurate zation105. Hallmark endoscopic features of UC include
disease diagnosis and to evaluate the extent and severity the presence of continuous inflammation extending
of disease103. The evaluation of disease extent affects the proximally from the anal verge, often characterized
treatment choices (local versus systemic treatment) and by erythema, oedema and ulceration. The degree of
prognosis (possibility for proximal extension). Several inflammation classically, but not invariably, increases
guidelines recommend a full colonoscopy (Fig. 3) with in a proximal to distal pattern. There is often a line of
ileal intubation in all patients with a clinical presenta- demarcation at the proximal extent of disease, with an
tion suggestive of IBD. However, it is contraindicated abrupt transition to normal mucosa104.
by the presence of severe colitis or toxic megacolon, in
which the risk of bowel perforation should be weighed Histopathology. At the time of diagnosis, system-
against the diagnostic value of endoscopy5,102,104. When atic biopsies from each segment of the large bowel are
perforation risk is a concern, cross-sectional imaging highly recommended to make a correct and thorough
studies, such as computed tomography, MRI or bowel diagnosis because the macroscopic appearance often
ultrasonography, are reasonable alternatives102. underestimates the histological extent of UC6,102,103.
Dilation of the colon without In UC, the earliest response to tissue injury is an The histopathological features of UC mostly include
any mechanical obstruction. increased blood flow in the colonic mucosal surface, changes in the mucosal architecture (including changes

NATURE REvIEWS | DIsEAsE PrIMErs | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:74 7


Normal Ulcerative colitis

Mild Moderate Severe
a b c d


Crypt distortion Basal plasmacytosis Epithelial metaplasia

e f g h


Fig. 3 | Endoscopic and histological features of ulcerative colitis. of inflammation. Normal histology of the colon (part e). Histological findings
Endoscopic and histological findings are essential for the differential in UC can be non-specific, however, crypt distortion (part f), basal
diagnosis of ulcerative colitis (UC). Endoscopic image of a normal colon plasmacytosis (part g), and epithelial metaplasia and goblet cell depletion
(part a). Endoscopic images of colons with increasing severity of UC (part h) are the histological characteristics of UC. Haematoxylin and eosin
(parts b–d); obliterated vascular patterns, mucosal friability, erythema, staining was performed in parts e–h, magnification ×200. Histology images
bleeding, erosions or ulcerations can be observed according to the severity courtesy of T.-A. Chang.

in colonic crypt morphology and decreased crypt densi- a day), blood in stool percentage (score 0–3; no blood,
ties), alterations in the lamina propria cellularity, immune streaks of blood with stools appearing in <50% of the
cell infiltration (crypt abscess and basal plasmacytosis) and bowel movements, bloody stools in >50% of the bowel
epithelial abnormality (including epithelial metaplasia movements or frank blood mostly), physicians’ global
and loss of goblet cells)106 (Fig. 3). In addition to pro- assessments (score 0–3) and endoscopic findings
viding a confirmation of diagnosis, another important (score 0–3; normal, inflammation, erosion or ulcer). The
role of histopathology is that it can be useful to rule total Mayo score ranges from 0 to 12, with remission
out other aetiologies, such as infection, ischaemia and having a score of 0–2 (no sub-scores >1), mild disease
malignancies102 (Table 1). activity having a score of 3–5, moderate to severe dis-
ease acti­vity having a score of 6–10, and severe disease
Laboratory testing. Biochemical test results, including activity having a score of 11–12 (ref.110).
elevated CRP, anaemia and hypoalbuminaemia, might
be useful additional parameters of disease severity102,107. Diagnostic workflow in current clinical practice. The
However, these parameters cannot be used to establish a confirmation of a UC diagnosis is usually made after
diagnosis, as most patients with UC have a normal bio- the patient achieves clinical, endoscopic and, in some
chemistry with only mild or no anaemia at presentation, cases, even histological improvement. Thus, after induc-
Colonic crypt
A repetitive invagination of unless the disease severity is high. tion therapy, follow-up to assess the improvement would
colonic surface epithelium. provide diagnostic confirmation. If a patient does not
Severity stratification improve or improves only slightly, re-evaluation of the
Crypt abscess Various scoring instruments integrating clinical symp- diagnosis and treatment modifications are essential to
A collection of neutrophils
in an intestinal crypt.
toms, physical findings and endoscopic analysis have confirm the diagnosis and apply the ‘treat-to-target’
been used to assess the disease severity of UC. These approach (Box 1) to achieve better outcomes.
Basal plasmocytosis scores are used as objective indices to guide therapy
The presence of plasma cells and monitor the disease condition108. The most com- Emerging diagnostic modalities
beneath the base of the crypts.
monly used scoring instrument in clinical practice or Faecal biomarkers. Faecal biomarkers, such as fae-
Metaplasia in clinical trials is the Mayo Score (also known as the cal calprotectin and lactoferrin, have emerged as a
A transformation of one Mayo Clinic Score or the Disease Activity Index), first new diagnostic tool to detect and monitor intestinal
differentiated cell type described in 1987 (ref.109). The instrument measures dis- inflammation111,112. These two faecal biomarkers are now
to another. ease severity by integrating clinical symptoms, such as being used in clinical practice to differentiate irritable
Goblet cells
bowel movement (score 0–3; symptoms ranging from bowel syndrome from IBD, to monitor disease activ-
A type of colonic epithelial normal, 1–2 more bowel movements a day, 3–4 more ity and the response to treatments, and even to predict
cell that secrete mucus. bowel movements a day or ≥5 more bowel movements symptomatic flares, allowing an earlier intervention6,11,113.

8 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:74


Faecal calprotectin is a neutrophil cytosolic pro- shown to have a very high negative predictive value for
tein that is released into the bowel lumen during active IBD in differentiating from irritable bowel syndrome,
intestinal inflammation114. Faecal calprotectin is a reli- justifying its use as a screening test to reduce the num-
able biomarker owing to its homogeneous distribution ber of endoscopies and thereby the costs of health-care
in the stool, its stability at room temperature for up to management. This strategy has been shown to delay the
7 days and the consistent correlation of its levels with diagnosis in only a small proportion (7%) of patients120.
endoscopic index115. According to previous studies and Faecal calprotectin levels of >250 μg/g identify patients
meta-analyses, the sensitivity of faecal calprotectin for who are most likely to have intestinal inflammation and
detecting IBD is 80–98% and the specificity is 68–96%, might need further endoscopic examination121. Faecal
with the cut-offs ranging from 30 μg/g to 100 μg/g lactoferrin cut-off values of <7.25 μg/g are considered
(refs113,116). Faecal lactoferrin is an iron-binding glyco­ normal, but lactoferrin remains minimally investigated
protein and a major component of the secondary to date122.
granules of intestinal mucosal neutrophils. During the Of note, both faecal calprotectin and faecal lactofer-
inflammatory process, neutrophil degranulation occurs rin are also elevated in other inflammatory intestinal
and the faecal concentration of lactoferrin increases disorders, such as gastrointestinal malignancies, NSAID
proportionally117. Although lactoferrin is a stable mole- enteropathy, infectious gastroenteritis and diverticulitis.
cule and resistant to proteolysis in the faeces, lactoferrin Hence, the implication of increased levels should be
is less stable than faecal calprotectin, with a stability of correlated with the appropriate clinical condition after
up to 2–5 days at room temperature118. careful consideration123.
Faecal calprotectin and faecal lactoferrin levels can be
quantitatively assessed using ELISA, and a point-of-care MicroRNA expression profiling. In addition to faecal bio-
test (POCT) has been developed to measure both bio- markers, serum biomarkers may also be used for an early
markers. In paediatric patients, the sensitivity of both diagnosis of UC. A study evaluated the combination of
the calprotectin and the lactoferrin POCTs has been machine learning techniques and systemic microRNA
shown to be 0.94 (95% CI 0.72–0.99), with specificities (miRNA) expression profiling as a non-invasive test for
of 0.93 (95% CI 0.84–0.97) and 0.99 (95% CI 0.92–1.00), the diagnosis of IBD91. Based on microarray technol-
respectively. The study showed that the calprotectin and ogy, expression levels of 863 miRNAs were determined
lactoferrin POCTs reduced the referral rate by 76% in whole blood samples from 40 patients with CD,
and 81%, respectively, although the biomarkers missed 36 patients with UC and 38 healthy individuals124. The
one child with IBD (6%). Nonetheless, these biomarkers study further discriminated between disease-specific
have the potential to reduce the need for referral for fur- inflammation and general inflammation by analysing
ther diagnostic workup in a specialist care centre, with a miRNA expression levels from 130 patients with other
very low risk of missing a child with IBD119. Similarly, in inflammatory diseases as well as 70 healthy individuals.
adults, faecal calprotectin levels of <100 μg/g have been According to the findings, levels of the miRNAs miR-
103–2*, miR362-3p and miR-532-3p were elevated in
patients with UC compared with healthy individuals.
Box 1 | Treat-to-target strategy
Furthermore, a combination of expression levels of
‘Treat-to-target’ is a principle or an approach that has been successful in treating eight miRNAs (miR-28-5p, miR-103–2*, miR-149*,
certain chronic diseases by determining a target and continuing to treat patients miR-151-5p, miR-340*, miR-505*, miR-532-3p and
until the target is achieved. Initially, this approach was used to treat hypertension, miR-plus-E1153) was useful in discriminating between
diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidaemia to avoid progression and the development active CD and active UC125. However, the diagnostic value
of complications. Recently, this scope has been broadened to include other chronic
of serum miRNA levels should be further evaluated in
disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease.
A discrepancy between clinical symptoms and endoscopic severity has been
large, independent, clinically well-characterized cohorts.
observed, and endoscopic severity is more closely associated with the clinical course
of ulcerative colitis. Thus, the current gold standard definition of the treatment target Bowel ultrasonography. Transabdominal bowel ultra-
is endoscopic resolution of inflammation, referred to as mucosal healing. The diverse sonography (BUS) is a well-tolerated, non-invasive,
ways to measure mucosal healing include resolution of symptoms and a Mayo radiation-free, cheap, easy-to-use tool in clinical prac-
endoscopic sub-score of 0–1 (absence of ulcers, erosions, friability and spontaneous tice. Two prospective studies126,127 showed that the find-
bleeding). As faecal calprotectin has been shown to correlate well with endoscopic ings from BUS correlated well with the colonoscopic
disease activity, this faecal biomarker could be used as an adjunctive measure in findings of UC disease activity and severity. One of these
monitoring the disease status. studies proposed the Humanitas Ultrasound Criteria for
In contrast to Crohn’s disease, high-quality randomized trials for ulcerative colitis
assessing disease activity and severity, grading colonic
employing the treat-to-target approach are lacking. Several important questions
remain to be answered to determine whether the treat-to-target strategy can be
wall thickening (>3 mm), colonic wall flow at power
pursued in clinical practice. For example, which patients would benefit from this Doppler and colonic wall pattern (normal (0 points),
strategy and how can treatment be optimized? Should one always step-up to multilayered (1 point), prevalently hypoechogenic
more robust treatment to treat endoscopic lesions, even in asymptomatic patients? (2 points), prevalently hyperechogenic (2 points),
Furthermore, whether treatment escalation enables a patient to reach the target and loss of the multilayers and presence of lymph
is also unclear. nodes (3 points))126. Transperineal ultrasonography is
Several studies suggest that achievement of mucosal healing results in sustained reported to be a useful tool to visualize rectal inflamma-
remission but the long-term outcomes over the years are still unknown. One should tion to compensate for the limitations of transabdom-
be aware that the ultimate goal of the treat-to-target approach is to allow patients inal BUS; operator dependency is the major limitation
to experience a normal daily life whilst minimizing costs and invasiveness.
of BUS128.

NATURE REvIEWS | DIsEAsE PrIMErs | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:74 9


Colon capsule endoscopy. Colon capsule endoscopy in detecting acid-fast bacilli, granulomas or giant cells
(CCE) has been used recently to detect colonic polyps with inclusion bodies.
or cancer. Increasing data suggest that CCE can also be
used to monitor mucosal inflammation in patients with Screening
active IBD129,130. Preliminary studies demonstrate good Chronic inflammation in UC has been shown to pro-
correlation between CCE and optical colonoscopy for the mote the development of colon cancer, and chronic
assessment of colonic disease activity in IBD. Despite inflammation is the main pathogenetic factor of IBD-
the advantages of its non-invasive nature, patient com- induced CRC, although the mechanisms involved are
fort and safety, CCE has limitations, including the lack not yet clear133. According to a Cochrane review, colo-
of ability to obtain biopsies and no control over its move- noscopic screening or surveillance in patients with IBD
ment inside the body131. Hence, the use of CCE in the might reduce the development of CRC and the rate of
diagnosis of UC requires further investigation. CRC-associated death through early detection50. All
guidelines recommend screening or surveillance colonos-
Artificial intelligence. With the advancements in infor- copies 8 years after the onset of pancolitis or 12–15 years
mation technology and the application of artificial after the onset of left-sided colitis to assess disease
intelligence in medicine, a fully automated diagnostic extent and other endoscopic risk factors47. This rec-
system employing artificial intelligence that uses endo- ommendation is especially highlighted in patients with
cytoscopy to determine the histological remission of a family history, younger age of onset and/or other
UC has been reported132. With the further progress in comorbidities, such as primary sclerosing cholangitis.
research and training, one can assert that the combi- However, discrepancy exists among guidelines in terms
nation of artificial intelligence, CCE and/or endocyto- of the interval duration and the recommended method
scopy will be implemented in the future for diagnosing used for screening (random biopsy versus targeted
UC (Fig. 4). Another possible integrated use of artifi- biopsy134 with the use of chromoendoscopy or narrow
cial intelligence in IBD diagnosis could be in assisting band imaging). In the real world, another factor that
histol­ogical reading to exclude mimics of IBD, such as influences the effectiveness of CRC screening is the

• Blood in stool Clinical history

• Mucoid stool and/or symptoms
• Tenesmus or urgency Diagnostic method
• Chronicity Treatment
Strategy when
Stool cultures and ova and/or parasite for excluding infectious colitis to treatment

• Faecal calprotectin >50–100 μg/g

• Faecal lactoferrin >7.5 μg/g
• MicroRNA profiling

Failure to induce
Bowel Colon capsule endoscopy with
clinical remission
ultrasonography artificial intelligence interpretation
leads to
and adjustment
of treatment as Colonoscopy with biopsy (artificial intelligence helps
necessary in histological reading to exclude other diseases)

Maintain remission with 5-ASA and/or

Induce remission with 5-ASA and/or
immunomodulators and/or
steroid and/or advanced therapy
advanced therapy

1–2 3–6 6–12 12–24

months months months months
• Decreased faecal Remission with non-invasive Colonoscopy with biopsy
Clinical biomarkers mucosal evaluation (faecal for evaluating histological
remission • Ultrasonography biomarkers, ultrasonography, activity (read by artificial
(symptom free) improvement colon capsule endoscopy) intelligence)

Fig. 4 | Proposed diagnostic flow for ulcerative colitis in the future. Current standard diagnosis of ulcerative colitis
(UC) is made from a combination of patient history and endoscopy with biopsy. Less-invasive techniques, such as faecal
biomarkers, microRNA profiling and abdominal ultrasonography, should be incorporated in future in clinical practice.
The diagnostic assessment should also be repeated for frequent monitoring so that treatment can be optimized to achieve
better long-term outcomes via the treat-to-target strategy. Advanced therapy includes anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF)
therapy, vedolizumab, ustekinumab and tofacitinib. 5-ASA, 5-aminosalicylate.

10 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:74


Ulcerative colitis

Mild to moderate Moderate to severe Acute severe

5-ASAa Multidisciplinary approach

Toxic megacolon
Continue 5-ASA a
Add topical 5-ASA and
Severe bleeding
(taper steroids) steroids systemic steriods
IV steroids Surgery

Steroid dependent Re-evaluation

Add thiopurines refractory
Taper steroids;
add 5-ASA and/or Rescue therapy
Add advanced therapy Multidisciplinary thiopurines and/or with cyclosporine
(± thiopurines) approach advanced therapy or infliximabb

Taper steroids; Taper steroids; continue

continue thiopurines; advanced therapy;
consider stopping consider stopping Switch
5-ASAa 5-ASAa advanced therapy Surgery Taper steroids Surgery

Response to treatment No response to treatment Next steps

Fig. 5 | Management of ulcerative colitis according to disease severity. The conventional treatment approach is to
step-up from 5-aminosalicylate (5-ASA) with or without topical therapy followed by thiopurines, steroids and advanced
therapy according to disease severity and patient response to systemic steroids. Advanced therapy includes anti-tumour
necrosis factor (TNF) therapy, vedolizumab, ustekinumab, tofacitinib, tacrolimus and cyclosporine. The multidisciplinary
team approach involves physicians, surgeons, nurses, pharmacists and dieticians, and such an approach has an important
role in making critical decisions. IV, intravenous. a5-ASA could probably be discontinued once endoscopic response
(that is, Mayo subscore 0 or 1) has been achieved. bConsider other advanced therapies.

compliance of doctors and patients to the surveillance aggressive medical therapy, starting with intravenous
programme. corticosteroids7 (Fig. 5). As patients with active UC have
an increased risk of thromboembolism (that is, obstruc-
Management tion of a blood vessel by a blood clot)137, anticoagulants,
The therapeutic approach in patients with UC mainly such as low-molecular-weight heparin, and calcium and
depends on the severity of the disease, the extent of vitamin D supplements should be initiated in addition to
inflammation and its evolution over time5,135. However, adequate fluid and electrolyte replacement. Hospitalized
the treatment goal should be rather similar for all patients should be re-evaluated regularly in a multi­
patients, namely, achieving resolution of rectal bleed- disciplinary way involving physicians, surgeons, radiol­
ing and diarrhoea as well as of mucosal friability and ogists, specialist nurses, pharmacists and dieticians.
ulceration at lower endoscopy, all within 3 months after Failure of intravenous corticosteroids at day 3–5 should
starting therapy11. prompt rescue therapy with cyclosporine, infliximab or
In patients with acute severe colitis, prompt hospital surgery7,135,136,138.
admission is required136. A multidisciplinary approach The principles of management are basically the same
is fundamental, and contacting a colorectal surgeon at among older and younger adults and paediatric patients.
the moment of admission is recommended. Sometimes, However, in paediatric patients, the nutritional and psy-
emergency surgery might be required early on in case chological aspects require greater attention, whereas
of toxic megacolon, perforation or massive bleeding. comorbidities should be considered when treating
Although treatment initiation should not be post- older adult patients5,139. In addition, some advanced
poned in severe cases, excluding differential diagnoses, therapies, such as tofacitinib and ustekinumab, have not
including C. difficile infection, is crucial. A limited flex- been approved for use in paediatric patients, although
ible sigmoidoscopy without bowel preparation should the majority of paediatric-onset UC presents as extensive
be performed to assess disease severity as well as to colitis, affecting the entire colon, with a more aggressive
acquire mucosal biopsies to rule out cytomegalovirus. course140. By contrast, although the severity of late-onset
In most cases, screening for latent tuberculosis and hep- disease in adult patients is comparable with that in
Mucosal friability
An abnormally fragile
atitis B virus at the moment of admission is indicated early-onset patients139, the influence of comorbidities,
surface of the intestine due to prevent delaying eventual rescue therapy with an which might lead to a more critical disease course and
to inflammation. anti-TNF agent. Most patients should be managed with disease-related complications, needs to be considered141.

NATURE REvIEWS | DIsEAsE PrIMErs | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:74 11


Pharmacological management Anti-adhesion therapy. The GEMINI 1 study clearly

Most patients with UC can be managed at the outpatient showed the efficacy of intravenous vedolizumab, an
clinic and treated successfully with a symptom-focused anti-α4β7-integrin antibody, in inducing and maintain-
step-up approach comprising 5-ASA, cortico­steroids and ing clinical remission and mucosal healing in patients
thiopurines, such as azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine135 with moderate-to-severe UC101. However, patients pre-
(Fig. 5). Indeed, patients with mild-to-moderate, left- viously failing anti-TNF therapy showed lower efficacy
sided or extensive colitis will benefit most from a com- rates with vedolizumab. Although significant differ-
bination therapy consisting of oral 5-ASA and rectal ences compared with placebo were already observed at
5-ASA or steroids142. In patients failing this first-line week 6, the onset of action of vedolizumab is generally
therapy, oral corticosteroids are recommended. Topical regarded as slower than anti-TNF agents. In the entire
agents, such as beclomethasone dipropionate and budes- phase III programme, vedolizumab treatment up to
onide MMX, are preferred over systemic steroids owing 5 years (n = 2,830, of whom 1,107 with UC) demon-
to their superior safety profile143. However, corticoster- strated a favourable safety profile150. Vedolizumab
oids should be tapered after achieving clinical remis- was not associated with an increased risk of serious
sion (defined as a lack of bleeding and increased bowel or opportunistic infections but enteric infections did
movements) to prevent adverse effects, whereas 5-ASA occur more frequently than with placebo. In addition,
therapy is continued for maintenance of remission. infusion reactions (hypersensitivity that develops fol-
Patients with corticosteroid-refractory or corticosteroid- lowing drug administration) were rare, highlighting
dependent UC should be reassessed to initiate additional the low immuno­genicity risk of this molecule. In a new
medical therapy5,135. Although thiopurines are effective head-to-head trial, vedolizumab was shown to be supe-
in maintaining remission in corticosteroid-dependent rior to adalimumab in achieving remission at week 54151.
UC, methotrexate is not as effective as induction or A subcutaneous formulation of vedolizumab has been
maintenance therapy144,145. However, the use of thiopu- developed and was confirmed to be as efficacious as
rines is increasingly questioned owing to their slow onset intravenous vedolizumab as a maintenance treatment
of action as well as the increasing evidence of potentially throughout week 52 (ref.152).
serious adverse effects, such as bone marrow and liver
toxicity, pancreatitis, increased risk of non-melanoma Anti-IL-12/IL-23p40 therapy. Ustekinumab is an
skin cancer and lymphoma135. anti-IL-12/IL-23p40 antibody that is generally used in
the treatment of psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and CD.
Advanced therapies A phase III clinical trial (UNIFI) involving patients
Anti-TNF therapies. Since the early 2000s, several with moderate-to-severe active UC showed that usteki-
biological therapies and small molecules have shown numab was effective in inducing clinical remission
efficacy in patients with moderate-to-severe UC. at 8 weeks84. Subcutaneous ustekinumab every 8 or
However, in most jurisdictions, these efficacious drugs 12 weeks was also effective as maintenance therapy in
are only available for patients who previously failed patients who responded to the intravenous induction
to improve with corticosteroids and/or thiopurines. dosing. Patients who previously failed anti-TNF treat-
Anti-TNF therapies, including infliximab, adalimumab ment demonstrated lower response and remission rates,
and golimumab, have become indispensable in the as consistently observed with other biologics. The safety
management of UC. In a pivotal placebo-controlled, and immunogenicity of ustekinumab have been shown
active-controlled trial, a significant proportion of to be comparable with those of vedolizumab81.
patients with moderate-to-severe UC receiving intra-
venous infliximab achieved clinical response, clinical JAK inhibitors. Tofacitinib, an orally administered
remission and mucosal healing at 8, 30 and 54 weeks small molecule preferentially targeting JAK1 and
following treatment, respectively80. Of note, patients who JAK3, showed efficacy in patients with moderate-to-
achieved short-term mucosal healing (defined as a Mayo severe UC. In the OCTAVE trials, clinical remission
endoscopic sub-score of 0 or 1 at week 8) had a better and mucosal healing rates were significantly higher
long-term outcome, including longer relapse-free and in the tofacitinib group than in the placebo group153.
colectomy-free survival146. Furthermore, a combination Furthermore, anti-TNF-naive patients demonstrated
therapy of infliximab and azathioprine was superior to the best remission and healing rates but tofacitinib was
infliximab monotherapy in achieving corticosteroid- also significantly efficacious in anti-TNF-experienced
free clinical remission at week 16 (ref. 147) . In the patients. Although the safety profile of JAK inhibitors
ULTRA 2 trial, significantly more patients treated with is generally acceptable, long-term safety studies have
subcutaneous adalimumab achieved clinical response reported a high risk for the reactivation of herpes zoster.
with clinical remission at 8 weeks and mucosal heal- A trial involving patients with rheumatoid arthri-
ing at 52 weeks compared with placebo, especially, in tis showed a fivefold increase in pulmonary embo-
anti-TNF-naive patients148. In addition, adalimumab lisms in patients treated with high-dose tofacitinib
treatment was associated with lower UC or drug-related (10 mg twice daily) compared with patients treated
hospitalization rates than placebo. Finally, in the with inflix­imab154. Of note, all patients included in this
PURSUIT trial, subcutaneous golimumab was asso- trial needed to have substantial cardiovascular comor-
ciated with significantly higher clinical response and bidities and an absolute risk of thrombosis was not
mucosal healing remission rates at 6 weeks than with shown. Therefore, the risk specifically in UC are currently
placebo149. unknown155.

12 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:74


Surgical management disease and pelvic anatomy on surgical outcomes.

Despite advances in medical therapy, ~20–25% of A variety of configurations of the ileal pouch have been
patients with UC eventually require surgical interven- designed (Fig. 6), with J-pouch, S-pouch and K-pouch
tion. In an epidemiology study conducted between 1970 being the most common. The J-pouch procedure is
and 2004 from Olmsted County, Minnesota, USA, the commonly performed in patients with refractory UC or
cumulative probability of colectomy from time of diag- UC-associated neoplasia. Mucosectomy of the rectal cuff
nosis was 13.1%, 18.9% and 25.4% at 5, 10 and 20 years, is often performed in patients with UC with dysplasia
respectively156. A population-based study conducted of the rectum or sigmoid colon during the pouch con-
between 1987 and 2008 from Manitoba, Canada, showed struction. A laparoscopic approach for RPC and for the
the cumulative incidence of colectomy in patients with construction of ileal pouch-anal anastomoses (IPAAs)
UC to be 7.5%, 10.4% and 14.8% at 5, 10 and 20 years, has gained momentum169. Although the laparoscopic
respectively157. However, the 10-year colectomy rates approach offers a shorter incision and quicker recovery
have significantly decreased over time (12.2% between time than open surgery, no significant differences in
1987 and 1991, 11.2% between 1992 and 1996, and 9.3% mortality or complications were reported in a pooled
between 1997 and 2001)158. Interestingly, this down- analysis170. In addition, during RPC and IPAA, intrame-
ward trend antedated the use of biological therapy. sorectal proctectomy and total mesorectal excision have
A population-based study from the Calgary Health been performed; however, their long-term outcomes
Zone, Canada, conducted between 1997 and 2009, also need to be explored.
showed a significant drop in elective colectomies for UC, Restorative proctocolectomy with IPAA has become
with an average annual change of −7.4% (95% CI −10.8% the surgical treatment of choice for patients with UC or
to −3.9%)159. A Swedish population study conducted in familial adenomatous polyposis who require colectomy.
the current biologics era observed a similar trend, with IPAA surgery has been shown to substantially improve
reduced colectomy rates160. However, the rate of emer- patients’ quality of life as it preserves the natural route of
gency colectomies have remained stable, with an aver- defecation. However, surgery-associated adverse seque-
age annual change of −1.4% (95% CI −4.8% to 2.0%)159. lae can occur and are classified into five main categories:
The extensive use of immunomodulators and biological structural complications, such as stricture, anastomotic
agents is speculated to contribute further to the decline leak, abscess, presacral sinus and vaginal fistula; inflam-
in current colectomy rates, although this speculation matory conditions, such as pouchitis, de novo CD of the
needs to be verified. pouch and cuffitis (inflammation of the cuff, created
The main indications for colectomy in patients during an IPAA); functional disorders, such as irritable
are medically refractory UC, poor drug tolerance and pouch syndrome and dyssynergic defecation; neoplastic
UC-associated neoplasia. Surgical treatment modalities conditions, such as adenocarcinoma of the rectal cuff or
include colectomy or proctocolectomy with permanent anal transition zone; and metabolic abnormalities, such
Brooke end ileostomy and restorative proctocolectomy as iron or vitamin D deficiency and nephrolithiasis171. The
(RPC) with the construction of a pelvic or an abdom- frequent occurrence of such adverse sequelae of RPC
inal pouch. RPC has become the surgical treatment of and IPAA should be considered when exploring the sur-
choice for UC and staged RPC has become conven- gical options in patients with medically refractory UC or
tional in the treatment of UC requiring colectomy. The UC-associated neoplasia.
two-stage surgery normally consists of a total procto-
colectomy with the construction of an ileal pouch and Quality of life
diverting ileostomy, followed by ileostomy closure. By Patients with UC experience disabling digestive symp-
contrast, the three-stage surgery consists of colectomy toms (diarrhoea, rectal bleeding and abdominal pain)
and the Hartmann procedure with diverting ileostomy in everyday life and >30% of patients also experience
as stage 1, completion proctectomy, construction of an extraintestinal manifestations. UC can also affect
ileal pouch and diverting loop ileostomy as stage 2, and the psychological, familial, social and professional
closure of loop ileostomy as stage 3. The three-stage RPC dimensions of a patient’s life. These effects can be
and pouch surgery are reserved for patients with a risk of symptom-related or owing to bowel damage, even in the
postoperative complications. Commonly reported risk absence of disease activity, or because of postoperative
factors for postoperative complications include fulmi- complications, adverse events and constraints associated
nant colitis157, severe hypoalbuminaemia and anaemia161, with specific therapies or monitoring.
and immunosuppression from hypoproteinaemia, pre-
operative blood transfusion, and the use of corticoster- Health-related quality of life
oids or biological agents161–163. However, the findings on The health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is a multi­
Ileostomy the influence of preoperative use of anti-TNF agents164–166 dimensional concept of disease-related patient per-
A surgically created opening
or anti-integrin agents167 on the postoperative complica- ceptions involving physical, psychological and social
of the small intestine in the
abdominal wall. tions are inconsistent. The three-stage RPC is believed components172. The earliest assessment of HRQOL
to reduce the risk of postoperative adverse outcomes in IBD dates back to 1971 (ref.173). In 1989, the IBD
Sinus related to previous use of anti-TNF therapy or systemic Questionnaire (IBDQ) was developed174,175 and, sub-
A space or a cavity in a bone. corticosteroids168. sequently, its short version (SIBDQ)176 was a major
Since the early 1990s, surgical doctrines and tech- breakthrough. Ever since, the assessment of HRQOL
The process of formation niques have evolved alongside a better understanding has been a frequently measured secondary end point in
of a kidney stone. of disease processes and the effect of the underlying clinical trials in both CD and UC. Many studies have

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a J-pouch b S-pouch

c Proctocolectomy with d First Second

anal sphincter preserved stage stage

Colon and

Temporary Prior
ileostomy ileostomy
Ileum J-pouch Ileal reservoir

Anal sphincter Anal sphincter

preserved preserved

Fig. 6 | Ileal pouch-anal anastomoses. The choice among pelvic pouches mucosectomy and hand-sewn anastomosis are commonly performed in
(J-pouch or S-pouch) versus abdominal pouches (K-pouch) is determined patients with ulcerative colitis with dysplasia in the rectum or sigmoid
by the patient’s anatomy (for example, BMI, length of mesentery colon (right). b | S-pouch (left) with a stapled anastomosis and without
and functioning of anal sphincter) and the available surgical expertise. mucosectomy (middle) reserved for those with a short mesentery.
Various forms of construction of ileal pouch-anal anastomosis pattern S-pouch with mucosectomy and hand-sewn anastomosis can also
include hand-sewn versus stapled and with mucosectomy versus be performed (right). c | Total proctocolectomy with preservation of
without mucosectomy. a | J-pouch (left) with a stapled anastomosis the anal sphincter. d | Two-stage restorative proctocolectomy with
and without mucosectomy (middle) is the preferred surgical modality, total proctocolectomy, construction of the J-pouch, and diverting
which is easier to perform and provides better functional outcome loop ileostomy as stage 1 (left) and closure of the loop ileostomy as
than hand-sewn anastomosis with mucosectomy. J-pouch with stage 2 (right).

highlighted the substantial impact of UC on HRQOL, Disability

notably because of the bowel-related symptoms (most In contrast to HRQOL, disability refers to the objective
patients experienced symptoms weekly, even when problems that a patient might have in different domains.
in remission) and systemic symptoms (fatigue, feel- According to the WHO, disability is an umbrella term
ing unwell and having trouble sleeping) that affected for impairments, activity limitations and participation
patients’ social (for example, avoiding events without restrictions180. Disability denotes the negative aspects of
toilet access) and emotional life177,178. However, HRQOL the interaction between an individual with an illness and
remains subjective, describing a patient’s experience that individual’s contextual factors (environmental
about disease-related limitations. Furthermore, none of and personal factors)181,182. Although both UC and CD are
the existing tools measuring quality of life in IBD was known to be chronic diseases leading to reduced func-
developed according to FDA guidelines that enable the tion, disability was not measured in patients with IBD
development of patient-reported outcome measures179. before 2012, with work disability being an exception183.
These limitations make the use of HRQOL difficult in Thus, until now, disability was poorly explored in IBD
clinical trials in the absence of a regulatory framework. compared with HRQOL. Conversely, disability has been

14 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:74


well investigated in other inflammatory disorders, such interactions, education and work, sleep, energy, emo-
as in rheumatoid arthritis, using the Health Assessment tions, body image, sexual functions, and joint pain.
Questionnaire184,185, and in multiple sclerosis, using the This tool could be used to follow disability over time,
expanded disability status scale, assessing, among other which enables the monitoring of treatment efficacy in
things, aids or devices that patients must use or their routine practice.
need for assistance from another person to perform
activities186,187. These tools have been used in numer- Psychological stress. Increasing evidence suggests
ous disease-modification trials and in randomized, a link between psychological stress and IBD 197–200.
controlled trials as primary or secondary end points. Furthermore, the psychological component is not only
According to the WHO’s International Classification an important part of HRQOL but impaired HRQOL can
of Functioning, Disability and Health181, the first IBD also trigger or worsen psychological disorders, such as
Disability Index (IBD-DI) was developed in 2012, depression and anxiety198, which may then lead to clin-
specifically devoted to evaluating disability in patients ical flares of UC199,200. As a result, this multidimensional
with IBD188. This index comprises 14 questions assess- complexity mutually affects the quality of life as well as
ing, amongst others, body image and difficulties in disease outcomes.
regulating defecation, in maintaining a balanced diet,
in performing household activities, and in main- Outlook
taining personal relationships or those at work. This Outstanding mechanistic questions
score ranges from 0 to 100 and has been validated for Despite the advances in understanding the pathophys-
use in clinical trials and epidemiological studies189. iology of the disease, critical questions remain to be
Subsequently, the IBD-DI has been used in several stud- answered. The most pressing problem in the field is to
ies. A French cohort involving >1,000 patients with IBD identify the most critical cause and the triggers that lead
showed that 50% of patients reported poor quality of life, to the development of UC. Understanding the aetiology
severe fatigue and/or depression as measured by SIBDQ, of UC can help in the development of treatments that
Functional Assessment Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue, can cure or prevent disease development and flare-up.
and Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale–Depression, Another potential step forwards that the field might
respectively. In the same study, approximately one-third benefit from would be re-classifying IBD based on the
of patients reported anxiety and/or moderate-to-severe aetiol­ogy, which includes genetics, microbiota or cyto­
disability, measured by Hospital Anxiety Depression kine imbalances. A combination of omics and bioinfor-
Scale–Anxiety and the IBD-DI, respectively190. In these matics might contribute to a further understanding of
studies, the level of disability was generally similar in the disease aetiology. Furthermore, ongoing epidemio-
patients with CD and UC. Another study conducted logical studies will hopefully point researchers towards
in patients after RPC with IPAA demonstrated a good understanding and identifying the key environmental
correlation between the IBDQ and the IBD-DI and causal factors of the diseases. Thus, narrowing the gaps
that the level of disability was lower in the RPC with between basic, clinical and translational research is
IPAA group than in pharmacologically treated patients. further warranted.
Although this could be an argument in favour of surgery
in UC, notably, only five patients on biological therapy New concepts in treatment goals
were compared in this study190. Earlier studies have also Until the late 1990s, the management of UC aimed at
demonstrated a substantial improvement of HRQOL in resolving symptoms and achieving short-term improve-
patients with severe UC after IPAA191. However, early ment of patients’ quality of life. However, advances in
and late complications, such as faecal incontinence, medical treatment since the 2000s have enabled physi-
pouchitis or sexual dysfunction, occur in approximately cians and patients to aim for better long-term outcomes.
one-third of patients undergoing colectomy192 and will In this regard, a treat-to-target approach (Box 1) has been
therefore require a permanent ileostomy191,192. Although proposed and, so far, the target is to achieve endoscopic
surgery can be a good alternative in some patients, it mucosal healing, which might reduce future relapse of
does not always normalize all aspects of disability and, disease and the need for treatment escalation, hospitali-
therefore, quantifying disability is essential. zation and surgery11,146. In addition, histological healing
Despite its robustness and being developed according has received attention as a deeper remission as well as a
to FDA guidelines, the responsiveness to change of the better treatment target to achieve further improvement
IBD-DI is unknown. The IBD-DI questionnaire needs of clinical course12,13,201. Whether a reduction in bio-
the attendance of a health-care professional for docu- marker levels can be an alternative treatment target is
mentation and therefore seems to be difficult to apply being investigated. In this regard, a study showed that
in clinical practice. A self-report version of the IBD-DI faecal calprotectin-targeted treatment optimization
has been validated in a population-based cohort of improved the clinical outcomes in CD202.
patients with IBD193. In addition, based on the PSODisk In various clinical trials, higher serum concentra-
(used in psoriasis)194,195, the IBD Disk, a shortened and tions of biologics have been reported to be associated
self-administered questionnaire, has been developed. with better clinical status and future outcome203–205.
The IBD Disk was adapted from the validated IBD-DI Thus, therapeutic drug monitoring has been utilized to
to give the gastroenterologist an immediate and visual tailor the dose or interval of administration to optimize
representation of a patient’s disability196, exploring drug levels206–208. This monitoring might be expanded to
abdominal pain, regulating defecation, interpersonal other treatment options in the future, but the impact on

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Anti-adhesion JAK Anti-IL-12 and/or S1P receptor Anti-cytokines

Anti-TNF molecules inhibitors anti-IL-23 Immunosuppressants modulators (others)

• AJM347 • Peficitinib • Apremilast • Amiselimod • Spesolimab

Phase I and/or II • TD-1473 • GSK2831781 • PF-06480605
• Deucravacitinib • Ravagalimab

• AJM300 • Filgotinib • Brazikumab • Etrasimod • Spesolimab

• Ontalizumab • Upadacitinib • Risankizumab • Ozanimod
Phase III
• Etrolizumab • Guselkumab
• Mirikizumab

• Adalimumab • Vedolizumab • Tofacitinib • Ustekinumab • Tacrolimus

Launched • Golimumab • Cyclosporine
• Infliximab

• Oral administration • Intravenous or subcutaneous

Fig. 7 | Main ulcerative colitis drugs in the pipeline and their targets. (JAK1 inhibitor) are in phase III trials, and tofacitinib (JAK1–3 inhibitor)
Ulcerative colitis (UC) drugs under development are listed according to the has been approved. Anti-IL-12/IL-23 antibodies that are being studied
development phase and their mechanisms of action. Anti-tumour necrosis include ustekinumab (IL-12/IL-23p40) and brazikumab, risankizumab,
factor (TNF) agents that are approved include infliximab, adalimumab and guselkumab and mirikizumab (anti-IL-23p19 antibody). Other drugs
golimumab; anti-adhesion molecules that are in various trials include include immunosuppressants, such as apremilast (phosphodiesterase 4
AJM347 (α4β7-integrin inhibitor), etrolizumab (anti-β7-integrin antibody), inhibitor), GSK2831781 (anti-LAG3 antibody), ravagalimab (anti-CD40
AJM300 (anti-α4-integrin antibody) and ontalizumab (anti-MadCAM1 antibody), tacrolimus and cyclosporine, sphingosine 1 phosphate
antibody), and vedolizumab (anti-α4β7-integrin antibody) has been (S1P) receptor modulators, such as amiselimod, etrasimod and ozanimod,
launched. JAK inhibitors, such as peficitinib (JAK3 inhibitor), deucravacitinib and molecules targeting cytokines, such as spesolimab (anti-IL-36R
(TYK2 inhibitor) and TD-1473 (gut-selective pan-JAK inhibitor), are antibody) and PF-06480605 (anti-TNFSF15 antibody). Data retrieved
in phase I/phase II trials; filgotinib (JAK1 inhibitor) and upadacitinib from ref.231.

clinical outcomes as well as cost-effectiveness should be Another molecule that is frequently targeted to
further confirmed for each treatment. reduce the recruitment of inflammatory cells is sphin-
gosine 1 phosphate receptor 1 (S1PR1), which facili-
Emerging therapeutics tates the migration of T cells from the lymph nodes to
Since the early 2000s, many novel therapies have been areas of inflammation and therefore its inhibition ‘traps’
introduced for the management of IBD. By applying the lymphocytes in the lymph nodes. In the phase II
oral small molecules and/or gut selectivity, the new TOUCHSTONE trial, ozanimod has been shown to
treatments have potential advantages, including higher be effective for moderately to severely active UC218 and
efficacy as well as safety and patient acceptability. phase III trials are ongoing. The long-term safety of
Nevertheless, even the newest drugs have a remission ozanimod is still unknown and is yet to be determined.
rate of <50% and many drugs also develop secondary loss The novel JAK1-selective inhibitors upadacitinib
of response in patients who initially responded80,209,210; and filgotinib are being tested in both UC and CD219,220.
therefore, a substantial unmet need persists for more Although the pan-JAK inhibitor tofacitinib was the first
advanced therapies. marketed drug of this class for UC, information on which
Treatments targeting cytokines, including anti-TNF combination of JAK inhibition is the most efficient for
agents, have been the mainstream of biologics over the UC is missing, alongside maintaining safety (Fig. 7).
past two decades. Several clinical trials targeting IL-23 Progress in understanding the role of the gut micro­
using antibodies to the IL-23p19 subunit (for example, biota in IBD have led to trials investigating the efficacy
guselkumab, tildrakizumab, brazikumab, risankizumab of faecal microbiota transplantation; however, the results
and mirikizumab) have demonstrated clinical benefits so far have been controversial and the findings less
in both UC and CD211–213. Understanding the physiolog- impressive than for C. difficile-associated diarrhoea95.
ical role of IL-36 signalling in tissue remodelling and Nevertheless, these findings have augmented our knowl-
inflammation has led to the development of an anti-IL- edge and might enable the development of pills enriched
36R antibody (B655130) as a possible treatment for UC with beneficial bacteria96,97. Manipulating the gut micro­
(Fig. 7). Next generation anti-adhesion therapies, includ- biota might not only help treat UC but might also be
ing an anti-MadCAM1 antibody (PF-00547659) and useful in disease prevention in the future221.
an anti-β7-integrin antibody (etrolizumab), are under
development214,215. In a phase II clinical trial, the oral Personalized medicine
α4-integrin inhibitor AJM300 was shown to be effica- Another important area of research in UC involves
cious in treating patients with UC216, although this strat- personalized medicine. Several drugs with a different
egy might not be used for maintenance therapy owing to mechanism of action exist for the treatment of UC,
the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, many of which have been discussed in the sections
which was previously described in patients treated with above. However, to date, which drugs to use and in
natalizumab (an anti-α4-integrin antibody)217 (Fig. 7). which order is not entirely apparent. Therefore, one

16 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:74


cannot take full advantage of the broad range of treat- Tools to stratify patients based on their personal
ment options unless the right treatment is chosen for the disease course and prognosis to appropriately plan
right patient. A deeper understanding of the immuno- the long-term treatment strategy are desired171,172. The
pathogenesis of UC and treatment could inform such need for personalized medicine is becoming increas-
decision-making. Hence, more research is needed to ingly important with the rapidly expanding range of
determine which gene signatures, biomarkers or, even, treatment options.
microbiota might be able to predict whether a par-
Published online xx xx xxxx
ticular patient will respond to a particular drug222–229.

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197. Levenstein, S. et al. Psychological stress and disease 215. Vermeire, S. et al. Anti-MAdCAM antibody Competing interests
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cross-sectional study. Am. J. Gastroenterol. 89, a phase 2, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled Pharma, EA Pharma, Kyorin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd,
1219–1225 (1994). trial. Lancet 390, 135–144 (2017). Mochida Pharmaceutical, Nippon Kayaku, Otsuka Holdings,
198. Nahon, S. et al. Risk factors of anxiety and depression 216. Yoshimura, N. et al. Safety and efficacy of AJM300, an Thermo Fisher Scientific and ZERIA; receives advisory fees
in inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm. Bowel Dis. oral antagonist of α4 integrin, in induction therapy for from AbbVie GK, Activaid, Alfresa Pharma, Bristol-
18, 2086–2091 (2012). patients with active ulcerative colitis. Gastroenterology Myers Squibb, Celltrion, CovidienÐ, Eli Lilly, Ferring
199. Mikocka-Walus, A. et al. Symptoms of depression 149, 1775–1783.e2 (2015). Pharmaceuticals, Gilead Sciences, Janssen, Kissei, Kyorin
and anxiety are independently associated with 217. Langer-Gould, A., Atlas, S. W., Green, A. J., Pharmaceutical, Mochida Pharmaceutical, Nippon Kayaku,
clinical recurrence of inflammatory bowel disease. Bollen, A. W. & Pelletier, D. Progressive multifocal Pfizer, Takeda Pharmaceutical and Thermo Scientific and
Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 14, 829–835.e1 (2016). leukoencephalopathy in a patient treated with receives lecture fees from AbbVie GK, Astellas, Alfresa
200. Bitton, A. et al. Psychosocial determinants natalizumab. N. Engl. J. Med. 353, 375–381 (2005). Pharma, Celltrion, EA Pharma, Gilead Sciences, Janssen,
of relapse in ulcerative colitis: a longitudinal study. 218. Sandborn, W. J. et al. Ozanimod induction and JIMRO, Kyorin Pharmaceutical, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma,
Am. J. Gastroenterol. 98, 2203–2208 (2003). maintenance treatment for ulcerative colitis. Mochida Pharmaceutical, Nippon Kayaku, Takeda
201. Christensen, B. et al. Histologic normalization occurs N. Engl. J. Med. 374, 1754–1762 (2016). Pharmaceutical and ZERIA. B. Siegmund received speaker’s
in ulcerative colitis and is associated with improved 219. Vermeire, S. et al. Clinical remission in patients fees from Abbvie, CED Service GmbH, Falk, Ferring, Janssen,
clinical outcomes. Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 15, with moderate-to-severe Crohn’s disease treated with Novartis, and Takeda (B. Siegmund served as representative
1557–1564.e1 (2017). filgotinib (the FITZROY study): results from a phase 2, of the Charité) and has served as consultant for AbbVie,
202. Colombel, J.-F. et al. Effect of tight control management double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Boehringer, Celgene, Falk, Janssen, Lilly, Pfizer, Prometheus
on Crohn’s disease (CALM): a multicentre, randomised, Lancet 389, 266–275 (2017). and Takeda. C.L.B. receives honoraria from AbbVie and
controlled phase 3 trial. Lancet 390, 2779–2789 220. D’Amico, F., Fiorino, G., Furfaro, F., Allocca, M. & Ferring. S.C.W. reports consultancy fees from AbbVie,
(2018). Danese, S. Janus kinase inhibitors for the treatment AbGenomics, Celltrion, Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc., Gilead,
203. Adedokun, O. J. Association between serum of inflammatory bowel diseases: developments Janssen, Pfizer, Takeda, and Tanabe and receives lecture fees
concentration of infliximab and efficacy in adult from phase I and phase II clinical trials. Expert Opin. from AbbVie, Celltrion, Eisai, Excelsior Biopharma Inc.,
patients with ulcerative colitis. Gastroenterology 147, Investig. Drugs 27, 595–599 (2018). Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc., Janssen, Takeda, Tanabe,
1296–1307.e5 (2014). 221. Hansen, J. J. & Sartor, R. B. Therapeutic manipulation Tillotts Pharma, and TSPC (Taiwan Specialty Pharma Corp.).
204. Kobayashi, T. et al. First trough level of infliximab of the microbiome in IBD: current results and future M.F. receives research grants from Amgen, Biogen, Janssen,
at week 2 predicts future outcomes of induction approaches. Curr. Treat. Options Gastroenterol. 13, Pfizer, and Takeda and receives consultancy fees from AbbVie,
therapy in ulcerative colitis-results from a multicenter 105–120 (2015). Boehringer-Ingelheim, Janssen, MSD, Pfizer, Sandoz, and
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selective interleukin-23 inhibitor risankizumab in 918–932 (2012). Pfizer, Takeda Pharmaceutical, and Zeria Pharmaceuticals.
patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn’s disease:
a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled Acknowledgements Peer review information
phase 2 study. Lancet 389, 1699–1709 (2017). B.S. acknowledges the DFG (German Research foundation) for Nature Reviews Disease Primers thanks O. H. Nielsen,
213. Ma, C., Jairath, V., Khanna, R. & Feagan, B. G. funding her research (CRC-TRR 241 and CRC1340). D. Rubin, J. Schölmerich and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s)
Investigational drugs in phase I and phase II clinical for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
trials targeting interleukin 23 (IL23) for the treatment Author contributions
of Crohn’s disease. Expert Opin. Investig. Drugs 27, Introduction (T.H., T.K. and S.D.); Epidemiology (C.N.B.); Publisher’s note
649–660 (2018). Mechanisms/pathophysiology (B. Siegmund); Diagnosis, Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional
214. Vermeire, S. et al. Etrolizumab as induction therapy screening and prevention (S.C.W.); Management (M.F. and claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
for ulcerative colitis: a randomised, controlled, B. Shen); Quality of life (C.L.B. and L.P.-B.); Outlook (T.K.);
phase 2 trial. Lancet 384, 309–318 (2014). Overview of Primer (T.K. L.P.-B and T.H.). © Springer Nature Limited 2020

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