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Science: 【Physics, Chemistry, Biology】

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Question Booklet

2016 Examination for Japanese University Admission

for International Students

Science(80 min.)
【Physics, Chemistry, Biology】
※ Choose and answer two subjects
j .
※ Answer the questions using the front side of the answer sheet for one
j and the reverse side for the other subject
j .

Ⅰ Rules of Examination
1.Do not leave the room without the proctor s permission.
2.Do not take this question booklet out of the room.

Ⅱ Rules and Information Concerning the Question Booklet

1.Do not open this question booklet until instructed.
2.After instruction, write your name and examination registration number
in the space provided below, as printed on your examination voucher.
3. The pages of each subject are as in the following table.

Subject Pages
Physics 1−21
Chemistry 23−35
Biology 37−50
4.If your question booklet is missing any pages, raise your hand.
 5.You may write notes and calculations in the question booklet.

Ⅲ Rules and Information Concerning the Answer Sheet

 1.You must mark your answers on the answer sheet with an HB pencil.
 2.Each question is identified by one of the row numbers , , , ….
Follow the instruction in the question and completely black out your answer
in the corresponding row of the answer sheet(mark‒sheet).
 3.Make sure also to read the instructions on the answer sheet.

※ Once you are instructed to start the examination, fill in your examination
registration number and name.

Examination registration number * *


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ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

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ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

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ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization


Marking Your Choice of Subject on the Answer Sheet

Choose and answer two subjects from Physics, Chemistry, and

Biology. Use the front side of the answer sheet for one subject,
and the reverse side for the other subject.
ゎ⟅⛉┠ Subject
As shown in the example on the right, if you answer the
≀ ⌮ ໬ Ꮫ ⏕ ≀
Chemistry questions, circle “Chemistry” and completely fill in the Physics Chemistry Biology

oval under the subject name.

If you do not correctly fill in the appropriate oval, your
answers will not be graded.

Use the following values for calculation. The unit of volume “liter” is represented by “L”.

Standard state: 0 Υ㸪1.01™10 5 Pa (= 1.00 atm)

  The molar volume of an ideal gas at the standard state: 22.4 L/mol

Gas constant: 5 = 8.31™10 3 Pa㺃L/(K㺃mol)

Avogadro constant: 1 A = 6.02™10 23 /mol

Faraday constant: ) = 9.65™10 4 C/mol

Atomic weight: H : 1.0 C : 12 O : 16 S : 32

The relation between the group and the period used in this examination is indicated in the

following periodic table. Atomic symbols other than H are omitted.




ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q1 From the following molecules ձյ choose the one whose total number of electrons

is different from the others. ᴾ ᵏᴾ ᴾ

ձ ammonia (NH3 )   ղ hydrogen chloride (HCl)   ճ methane (CH4 )  

մ neon (Ne)     յ water (H2 O)  

Q2 From the following combinations of the shape and the polarity of molecules ձյ in

the following table choose the correct one. ᴾ ᵐᴾ ᴾ

 Molecule Shape of molecule Polarity

ձ hydrogen chloride (HCl) linear nonpolar

ղ hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) linear polar

ճ carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) bent polar

մ ammonia (NH3 ) trigonal pyramidal nonpolar

յ carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ) tetrahedral nonpolar

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q3 From 1.0 g of the oxide MO of a metal M, a maximum of 2.0 g of the sulfate MSO4 can

be obtained. From the following ձյ choose the closest value for the atomic weight

of the metal M. ᴾ ᵑᴾ ᴾ

ձ 48   ղ 64   ճ 80   մ 96   յ 112

Q4 A given metal has atomic weight 0, and the density of the metal crystal is G. From the

following expressions ձյ choose the one which correctly expresses the number of

atoms in a cube of this crystal with sides of 2 cm. 1 A is the Avogadro constant. ᴾ ᵒᴾ ᴾ

8G1 A  G1 A  G 8G0
  ձ       ղ       ճ 8G01A    մ       յ 
0 80 801A  1A

Q5 From the following ձյ choose the closest value for the molar concentration (mol/L)

of dilute sulfuric acid (dil. H 2 SO4 ), the mass percent concentration of which is 38 %.

Assume that the density of this dilute sulfuric acid is 1.29 g/cm 3 .      ᴾ ᵓᴾ ᴾ mol/L

ձ 0.49   ղ 2.9   ճ 3.8   մ 5.0   յ 6.8

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q6 Among the following chemical reactions (a)-(d) there are two in which water acts as

an acid by the definition of the Brønsted-Lowry theory. From ձն below choose the

correct combination of them. ᴾ ᾅᴾ ᴾ

(a) CH3 COOH 㸩 H2 O    CH3 COO  㸩 H3 O +

(b) 2Na 㸩 2H2 O    2Na + 㸩 2OH 㸩 H2

(c) NH3 㸩 H2 O    NH4 + 㸩 OH

(d) CO3 2  㸩 H2 O    HCO3  㸩 OH 

ձ a㸪b   ղ a㸪c   ճ a㸪d   մ b㸪c   յ b㸪d   ն c㸪d

Q7 The volume of a gas at 27 Υ and 1.0™10 5 Pa is 2.0 L. Calculate the volume of the gas

in L after the temperature and pressure are raised to 127 Υ and 2.0™105 Pa, respectively.

From the following ձն choose the closest value.            ᴾ ᾆᴾ


ձ 0.21   ղ 0.38   ճ 0.75   մ 1.3   յ 2.7   ն 4.7

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q8 Calculate the freezing point (Υ) of the aqueous solution prepared by dissolving 14.4 g

of glucose (C6 H12 O6 ) in 100 g of water. From ձյ below choose the closest value.

Assume that the molar depression of the freezing point of water is 1.85 K㺃kg/mol. ᴾᾇᴾΥ

ձ 㸫1.48   ղ 㸫1.29   ճ 㸫0.148   մ 㸫0.0169   յ 㸫0.0148

Q9 How much heat in kJ is generated when hydrogen chloride gas (HCl) is formed by the

reaction between 1.00 mol of hydrogen gas (H 2 ) and 1.00 mol of chlorine gas (Cl2 )?

From ձն below choose the closest value. Assume that the bond energies of H2 , Cl 2

and HCl are 436 kJ/mol, 243 kJ/mol and 432 kJ/mol, respectively.     ᴾ ᾈᴾ
 ᴾ kJ

ձ 56   ղ 94   ճ 136   մ 185   յ 226   ն 380

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q10 An aqueous solution was electrolyzed using the graphite electrodes C as shown in the

following figure. Oxygen (O2 ) was generated from the anode, and hydrogen (H2 ) from

the cathode. From ձմ below choose the most appropriate aqueous solution. ᴾ ᵏᵎ ᴾ ᴾ

㸩 ‫ۑ‬


ձ dilute hydrochloric acid (dil. HCl)

  ղ dilute sulfuric acid (dil. H 2 SO4 )

  ճ aqueous potassium iodide (KI)

  մ aqueous sodium chloride (NaCl)

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q11 White precipitates were formed when 0.050 mol/L dilute sulfuric acid (dil. H2 SO 4 )

was added to 5.0 mL of 0.10 mol/L aqueous lead(II) acetate (Pb(CH 3 COO) 2 ). From the

following graphs ձն choose the one which represents the relation between the

volume of the dilute sulfuric acid added (9; mL) and the amount of white precipitates

formed (Q; mol). ᴾ ᵏᵏ ᴾ ᴾ

  ձ                   ղ   
8 8
Q(™10 -4 mol)

Q(™10 -4 mol)
6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
5 10 15 5 10 15
9(mL) 9(mL)
  ճ                   մ  
8 8
Q(™10 -4 mol)

Q(™10 -4 mol)

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
5 10 15 5 10 15
9(mL) 9(mL)
  յ                  ն  
8 8
Q(™10 -4 mol)
Q(™10 -4 mol)

6 6

 4 4

 2 2

0 0
5 10 15 5 10 15
9(mL) 9(mL)

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q12 The following experiments (a)-(c) were carried out to identify the elements contained

in substances A, B and C. From ձն in the table below choose the most appropriate

combination of elements contained in A, B and C. ᴾ ᵏᵐ ᴾ ᴾ

(a) When a platinum wire was dipped in the aqueous solution of substance A, and the

wire was placed in a flame, the flame turned reddish purple.

(b) White precipitates were formed when aqueous silver nitrate (AgNO3 ) was added to

the aqueous solution of substance B.

(c) Aqueous calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH) 2 ) became cloudy white when the gas

generated by the complete combustion of substance C was introduced into the


Substance A Substance B Substance C

ձ K Cl C

ղ K I C

ճ K Cl H

մ Na I H

յ Na Cl H

ն Na I C

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q13 Two out of the following compounds (a)-( f ) are acidic oxides. From ձն below

choose the correct combination of them. ᴾ ᵏᵑ ᴾ ᴾ

(a) Al 2 O3    (b) CaO   (c) CO2    (d) K2 O   (e) MgO   ( f ) P4 O10

ձ a㸪b   ղ a㸪c   ճ b㸪d   մ c㸪f   յ d㸪e   ն e㸪f

Q14  From ձ  ն in the table below choose the correct combination of a term and

chemical formulas which fit into the blanks   a  -   d in the following statement on

calcium (Ca). ᴾ ᵏᵒ ᴾ ᴾ

Calcium is an   a   and reacts with water at room temperature to generate   b  .

Calcium is found as   c   , which is a component of limestone in the earth’s crust.

When   c  comes into contact with water containing carbon dioxide (CO2 ), it changes

into   d and dissolves in water.

㻌㻌 a b c d

ձ alkali metal H2 CaCO3 Ca(OH)2

ղ alkali metal O2 CaO Ca(OH)2

ճ alkali metal O2  CaCO3 Ca(HCO3)2

մ alkaline earth metal O2  CaO Ca(HCO3)2

յ alkaline earth metal H2  CaCO3 Ca(HCO3)2

ն alkaline earth metal H2  CaO Ca(OH)2

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q15 Hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) is passed through an acidic aqueous solution containing two

kinds of metal ions. From the following ձյ choose the most appropriate combination

of metal ions only one of which forms a sulfide precipitate. ᴾ ᵏᵓ ᴾ ᴾ

ձ Ag 㸩 㸪Pb 2 㸩    ղ Al 3 㸩 㸪Ba 2 㸩    ճ Ca 2 㸩 㸪Cu 2 㸩

մ Fe 2 㸩 㸪Na 㸩    յ K 㸩 㸪Zn2 㸩

Q16 Two out of the following compounds (a)-(e) have both one or more double bonds and

one or more oxygen atoms. From ձն below choose the correct combination of them.

ᴾ ᵏᵔ ᴾ ᴾ

(a) acetic acid

(b) acetone

(c) dimethyl ether

(d) ethene (ethylene)

(e) vinyl chloride

ձ a㸪b   ղ a㸪d   ճ b㸪c   մ b㸪d   յ c㸪e   ն d㸪e


ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q17 From the following ձն choose the correct one as the number of structural isomers

of the compound whose molecular formula is C6 H14 . ᴾ ᵏᵕ ᴾ ᴾ

ձ 1   ղ 2   ճ 3   մ 4   յ 5   ն 6

Q18 Stearic acid (C 17 H35 COOH) was synthesized by hydrogenation of 1.0 g of linoleic

acid (C17 H31 COOH; molecular weight 280). Calculate the volume (mL) of hydrogen (H2 )

at the standard state necessary for this reaction. From the following ձյ choose the

closest value.                         ᴾᵏᵖᴾ ᴾ mL

ձ 50   ղ 80   ճ 100   մ 160   յ 200

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q19 Phenyl acetate was synthesized from benzenesulfonic acid as shown in the following

scheme. From ձյ in the table below choose the most appropriate combination of

reagents A and B used in this scheme. ᴾ ᵏᵗ ᴾ ᴾ

NaOH(V) reagent A㸪H2 O reagent B


  ReagentA ReagentB 

ձ CO2 (CH3 ) 2 CO

ղ CO2 (CH3 CO) 2 O

ճ HCl (CH3 ) 2 CO 

մ HCl CH3 OH 

յ NaOH (CH3 CO) 2 O 

34 ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q20 From the following statements ձն choose the one in which the underlined part

is correct. ᴾ ᵐᵎ ᴾ ᴾ

ձ Polyethylene is a polymer obtained by condensation polymerization of ethene


ղ Poly(ethylene terephthalate) contains amide bonds.

ճ Nylon 6,6 contains ether bonds.

մ Starch is a polymer obtained by dehydration condensation of fructose.

յ A protein is a polymer obtained by addition polymerization of amino acids.

ն When a small amount of sulfur is added to raw rubber (natural rubber) and the

mixture is heated, a cross-linked structure is formed.

End of Chemistry questions. Leave the answer spaces ᾁᾀ 㹼 ᾆᾄᴾ blank.

Please check once more that you have properly marked the name of your

subject as “Chemistry” on your answer sheet.


ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization


Marking Your Choice of Subject on the Answer Sheet

 Choose and answer two subjects from Physics, Chemistry, and

Biology. Use the front side of the answer sheet for one subject, and 㸺Example㸼
the reverse side for the other subject. ゎ⟅⛉┠ Subject
As shown in the example on the right, if you answer the Biology ≀ ⌮ ໬ Ꮫ ⏕ ≀
Physics Chemistry Biology
questions, circle “Biology” and completely fill in the oval under the
subject name.

Q1 The following figure shows the order of involvement of cellular organelles/structures in the process

whereby a protein is synthesized following the expression of a gene encoding a certain digestive enzyme,

and is then secreted outside the cell. From ձ– ն below choose the combination that best identifies

the organelles/structures represented by A – C in the figure. 

Nucleus A B C Outside cell


ձ endoplasmic reticulum Golgi body ribosome

ղ endoplasmic reticulum ribosome Golgi body

ճ Golgi body ribosome endoplasmic reticulum

մ Golgi body endoplasmic reticulum ribosome

յ ribosome endoplasmic reticulum Golgi body

ն ribosome Golgi body endoplasmic reticulum


ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q2 The following paragraph describes a certain protein, X. From ձ– յ below choose the answer that

correctly identifies the name of the protein X. 

X is a globular protein that forms a type of cytoskeleton where many of them are joined together in

the structure shown in the figure below. Cytoplasmic streaming occurs when motor proteins travel along

the surface of this structure. Also, X plays a very important role in muscle contraction.

ձ myosin ղ actin ճ dynein մ kinesin յ collagen


ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q3 The following figure schematically represents a mitochondrion. From ձ – ն below choose the

combination that correctly indicates which statements in a – c below apply to the matrix, inner

membrane, and intermembrane space depicted in the figure. 

Inner membrane
Intermembrane space
Outer membrane

a Pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide, and ATP, NADH and FADH2 are formed.
b The hydrogen in the synthesized NADH, FADH2, etc. splits into H and electrons, and these
electrons transfer from one protein to another.
+ +
c H from NADH and FADH2 are transported here, resulting in a high H concentration.

Matrix Inner membrane Intermembrane space

ձ a b c

ղ a c b

ճ b a c

մ b c a

յ c a b

ն c b a

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q4 In photosynthesis in green plants, starch and other organic compounds are synthesized through the

Calvin-Benson cycle, following the processes involving photosystems ϩ and Ϩ. In which process

do photosynthetic reactions a and b below take place? From ձ – ն below choose the correct


a Fixation of carbon dioxide

b Breakdown of water

a b

ձ photosystem ϩ Calvin-Benson cycle

ղ Calvin-Benson cycle photosystem ϩ

ճ photosystem Ϩ Calvin-Benson cycle

մ Calvin-Benson cycle photosystem Ϩ

յ photosystem Ϩ photosystem ϩ

ն photosystem ϩ photosystem Ϩ

Q5 Let us consider a certain protein, X, which is a chain of 400 amino acids. When one base in the gene

encoding X is substituted, a new stop codon is created, and as a result, the only proteins formed are

composed of 300 amino acids. In this case, at which base in the mRNA would the substitution be

observed, counting from the first base translated in the mRNA for X? From ձ– ն below choose the

correct answer. 

ձ One of the 331st to 333rd bases

ղ One of the 351st to 353rd bases

ճ One of the 601st to 603rd bases

մ One of the 651st to 653rd bases

յ One of the 901st to 903rd bases

ն One of the 951st to 953rd bases

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q6 The following paragraph describes a technique used in biotechnology. From ձ – ո below choose the

combination of terms that best fills blanks a – c in the paragraph. 

One technique for artificially amplifying DNA on a large scale is a , which uses a DNA

polymerase. This method requires b corresponding to the target DNA to initiate amplification.

The DNA polymerase used is an enzyme that does not become inactivated at c temperatures.

a b c

ձ PCR (polymerase chain reaction) vectors low

ղ PCR primers low

ճ PCR vectors high

մ PCR primers high

յ electrophoresis vectors low

ն electrophoresis primers low

շ electrophoresis vectors high

ո electrophoresis primers high

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q7 The following experiments were performed using early gastrulas and early neurulas of newts.

A As shown in the figure below, a portion of the presumptive epidermis is removed from an early

gastrula and transplanted to the presumptive neural region of another early gastrula.

Presumptive epidermis
neural region

Early gastrula

B As shown in the figure below, a portion of the presumptive neural region (neural plate) is removed

from an early neurula and transplanted to the presumptive epidermis of another early neurula.


Early neurula neural region
(Neural plate)

From ձ – մ below choose the statement that correctly describes how the transplanted tissue

differentiated after transplantation in each experiment. 

ձ The transplant differentiated into nerves in A, and into epidermis in B.

ղ The transplant differentiated into epidermis in A, and into nerves in B.

ճ The transplant differentiated into nerves in both A and B.

մ The transplant differentiated into epidermis in both A and B. 

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q8 In a certain angiosperm, pollens from an individual with the genotype AA pollinated the stigma of a

pistil of an individual with the genotype aa, resulting in double fertilization. In this case, what would be

the genotypes of the fertilized egg and the cell containing the endosperm nucleus, respectively? From

ձ– ո below choose the correct combination. 

Fertilized egg Cell containing endosperm nucleus


ղ AAa AA

ճ Aaa Aa

մ AAA Aa


ն AA AAa

շ Aa Aaa

ո Aa AAA

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q9 The following paragraph describes blood coagulation in humans. From ձ – ն below choose the

combination of terms that best fills blanks a – c in the paragraph. 

When bleeding occurs, the blood coagulation process begins with aggregation of a at the

wound. Blood coagulation factors are released by the a at the wound, resulting in the formation

of filament-like b . The b entrap(s) c , creating a blood clot that stops bleeding from

the wound.

a b c

ձ blood cells fibrin platelets

ղ blood cells platelets fibrin

ճ fibrin platelets blood cells

մ fibrin blood cells platelets

յ platelets blood cells fibrin

ն platelets fibrin blood cells

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q10 The following statements below describe immunoreactions or applications of them. From ձ – յ

below choose the statement that best describes vaccines. 

ձ They trigger immunoreactions when they perceive the body’s own tissues or constituents as


ղ Venomous snake bites are sometimes treated in emergencies with injections of antibodies prepared

in advance from animals such as rabbits and horses.

ճ They are killed or attenuated pathogens, or pathogen products, and can be injected into the body to

artificially trigger an immunoresponse.

մ Certain viruses weaken the immune system by infecting helper T cells; as a result, the body

becomes susceptible to diseases that normally do not affect healthy people.

յ A hypersensitive immunoreaction occurs when the immune system perceives substances such as

peanuts and bee venom as antigens and initiates a severe inflammatory response across the body.

Q11 Insulin is a hormone that regulates the blood glucose level. From ձ – ն below choose the

combination correctly indicating the two functions in a – d below that are directly performed by insulin.

a It acts on the sympathetic nervous system to promote sweating.

b It acts on liver cells to promote the synthesis of glycogen.

c It acts on the adrenal medulla to promote the secretion of adrenaline.

d It acts on many types of cells to promote the uptake of glucose.

ձ a, b ղ a, c ճ a, d մ b, c յ b, d ն c, d

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q12 Various substances secreted by neuron terminals or by endocrine glands play very important roles in

homeostasis. From ձ– ն below choose the combination correctly indicating the two items in a – e

below that are substances secreted by neuron terminals. 

a noradrenaline b thyroxine

c acetylcholine d glucagon

e glucocorticoid

ձ a, c ղ a, e ճ b, c մ b, d յ c, e ն d, e

Q13 The following table lists several human receptors and their adequate stimuli. From ձ – ն below

choose the combination of terms that correctly fills blanks a – c in the table. 

Receptor Adequate stimulus Sense

Eye a Light (visible light) Vision

Nose Olfactory epithelium Chemical substances in b Smell

Tongue Taste buds Chemical substances in c Taste

a b c

ձ cornea gases liquids

ղ cornea liquids gases

ճ retina gases liquids

մ retina liquids gases

յ crystalline lens gases liquids

ն crystalline lens liquids gases

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q14 From ձ– ն below choose the combination of terms that correctly fills blanks a – c in

the following paragraph. 

The direct source of energy for muscle contraction is a . The consumed a is replenished

through respiration and glycolysis, but repeated muscle contraction often leads to a shortage of it.

Muscles also store energy in the form of b . When a is needed, b is broken down,

and the energy released is used to synthesize a from c .

 a b c

ձ ADP ATP phosphocreatine

ղ ADP phosphocreatine ATP

ճ ATP ADP phosphocreatine

մ ATP phosphocreatine ADP

յ phosphocreatine ATP ADP

ն phosphocreatine ADP ATP

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q15 Following statements a – d describe the steps involved in seed germination of plants such as barley and

rice. Answer questions (1) and (2) below concerning this process.

a The amount of substance X in the embryo increases.

b Starch in the endosperm is broken down into sugar.

c Sugar is supplied to the embryo.

d Protein Y is synthesized in the aleurone layer.

(1) From ձ – ն below choose the combination that best identifies the names of X and Y. 


ձ catalase auxin

ղ gibberellin catalase

ճ auxin gibberellin

մ amylase abscisic acid

յ gibberellin amylase

ն abscisic acid gibberellin

(2) From ձ– ն below choose the answer that correctly arranges steps a – d in the order of occurrence.

ձ a Ѝ c Ѝd Ѝ b

ղ a Ѝ d Ѝ b Ѝ c

ճ c Ѝ a Ѝ d Ѝ b

մ c Ѝ d Ѝ b Ѝ a

յ d Ѝ b Ѝa Ѝ c

ն d Ѝ b Ѝ c Ѝ a

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q16 A survival curve is a graph that shows how the number of surviving eggs or offsprings produced

decreases as they progress in life. The following figure shows three types of survival curves, A – C.

From ձ– յ below choose the answer that best indicates the relationship among the types A – C in

terms of the average number of eggs/offsprings produced per individual of representative species of

each type. 

No. of surviving individuals

102 B


0 20 40 60 80 100
Age (relative value)

ձ A 㸼 B 㸼 C

ղ A 㸼 B 㸻 C

ճ A 㸺 B 㸺 C

մ A 㸻 B 㸺 C

յ A 㸻 B 㸻 C

ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

Q17 The following figure shows the food chain for sea otters, sea urchins, and giant kelp. If the sea otter

population were to significantly decline due to overexploitation, what effect would this have on sea

urchins and giant kelp? Assuming that there are no other organisms that are involved in this food chain,

from ձ– չ below choose the combination indicating the two statements in a – f below that correctly

answer this question. Note that giant kelp is a type of seaweed related to sea tangle. 

Sea otters

Sea urchins

Giant kelp

a The sea urchin population would significantly increase.

b No change would be seen in the sea urchin population.

c The sea urchin population would significantly decrease.

d The giant kelp population would significantly increase.

e No change would be seen in the giant kelp population.

f The giant kelp population would significantly decrease.

ձ a, d ղ a, e ճ a, f մ b, d յ b, e ն b, f

շ c, d ո c, e չ c, f

End of Biology questions. Leave the answer spaces ᾀᾈ 㹼 ᾆᾄᴾ blank.

Please check once more that you have properly marked the name of your subject as

“Biology” on your answer sheet.


ⓒ 2016 Japan Student Services Organization

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