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Low-Stress Trommel Frames and Screen Media - Brochure

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and Screen Media

Lower costs, easy and
safe to maintain
Market-leading design Reduce operational
backed by superior support stress with LOW-STRESS
Our new range of LOW-STRESS trommel frames and screen
media will get you the most out of your SAG mills, ball mills Join some of the most productive mines around the globe by
and scrubbers. We are your partner in productivity. letting our LOW-STRESS Trommel and media designs improve
your process. We bring our in-depth equipment knowledge to
your unique application to exceed your expectations.

Advanced trommel design

Our LOW-STRESS trommel frames give you the most safety

and the lowest fatigue stress, which translates into lower
stress for you. Rest assured that your high-quality equipment
is designed to increase your uptime and provide safe
handling because of its strong yet lightweight engineering.

We manufacture our trommel frames and screen media in

FLS fabrication centres around the globe. We use
internationally accepted. engineering standards and
procedures to get you shorter lead times for your orders.

Unparalleled designs

Our combination of process and structural experts offer custom We stress relieve your trommel frame after fabrication and
solutions for each site to improve performance. An improved before machining. We also apply protective lining on each
factor of safety in the trommel frame design allows us to frame in the areas that are likely to be exposed to erosive and
decrease the structural mass. Having a lower structural mass abrasive wear.
gives you lower structural and fatigue stresses and improved
mill throughput. Performance enhancement leads to an
improved screening return on investment. Lower operating costs

Moreover, our new LOW-STRESS trommel design is safer, holds Trommels are chosen for their ability to provide efficient,
up better in the field and is quicker to manufacture. Between vibration-free screening. Our LOW-STRESS Trommel range
our smarter design and the global FLS supply chain, we have adds a third expectation—exceptional wear life. Under normal
shortened lead times to get trommels to you faster. cycles and with a stable plant and minimal surge cycles,
the LOW-STRESS Trommel has a longer life with minimal
Key benefits Strong and durable
With our customised adaptors and wear liner designs, the
To extend and maximise your asset life, we verify the structural entire system is easy to install for both brownfield and
design of our trommel frames through finite element analysis greenfield projects.
■ Designed to increase structural life (FEA). This guarantees the engineering behind all components.
■ Improved screening efficiency and availability Complete design verification by FEA includes static and fatigue/ No two operations are exactly the same. We have screening
strength assessment, as well as strength assessment on experts who assist customers like you in finding a customised
■ One partner for trommel, media and mill the bolts. solution for the screen media that will have the longest wear
life and be most efficient for their circumstances.
■ Easy and safe to install and maintan
■ Lowest total cost of operation

FLS —Trommel frames and screen media 3

Trommel advantage
Exceptional features and accessories

Optional systems and customisations

Polyurethane trommel screeen panel shown above, also
Our optional washing system is custom-designed and available in rubber.
manufactured to deliver efficient washing and recovery
of fines that adhere to oversize material. If the fines are
left with oversize material, they can interfere with and
affect downstream processes, such as pebble crushing.
Easy and safe handling installation
Material dispersion, pulp depth and retention time is We designed our trommel frame with friction-grip clip rails to Screen panel features
optimised with accessories including scrolls, impact make maintenance easy and safe. Our modular screen media
■ Full range of panel thicknesses in polyurethane or
pads / blanks and discharge lips. panels clip into position without any bolts or pins so you can rubber formulations, built to suit high-top-size-impact,
quickly get back into operation. If desired, different fastening high-abrasion situations and pulp depth, and tailored
Trommel frame protection is available in polyurethane systems are available upon request. to any ore type
and rubber. ■ Customised material dispersion and retention time
Handling the screen media panels is easy, too. Our standard ■ Optional riders bars for greater wear resistance
size modular panels weigh less than 25 kg (55 lbs) each. ■ Optional modular spirals manufactured in a
customisable helix angle for your application, and
configured for your specific flow-advance or flow-

retard requirements
Screen media securing system ■ Optional lifters and deflectors to aid in material
dispersion and consistency of the trommel flow

screen media
■ Clip-on/clip-out design securely fixes screen media ■ Blanks and discharge spout for maximum wear life
panels to structure rails and impact resistance
■ No special tools or installation components required ■ Circumferential dams to ensure better breakdown of
for installation or maintenance damining material
System reduces downtime for panel removal and
Improve performance and drive down cost with

■ Custom designed using discrete element modeling
replacement (DEM)
market-leading features

Modular screening media Improved screening efficiency and availability

Our modular screen media gives you industry-leading wear A customised LOW-STRESS Trommel configuration improves
life and more open area than comparable media. Available screening efficiency and runs longer between maintenance
in rubber and polyurethane material, our modular screening shutdowns. Add to that screen media that has been optimised
media is suitable for all mineral-sizing applications. It is for your specific needs, and you will be surprised at how well
designed to optimise operational life and is easy to maintain. and how long your equipment runs.
To get even longer out of the already-extended wear life of our
panels, they can be conveniently rotated.
Longer wear life
To ensure rapid delivery and streamline inventory
management, our screening media is available in two standard Our media optimisation services match you with the liners that
sizes and in a number of thickness combinations. Non-standard will best handle your feed conditions and other operating
sizes are available upon request. Our standard dimensions parameters. The simple and inexpensive step of ensuring you
allow us to supply your media from any FLSmanufacturing have the right liners for the job increases productivity and
centre and guarantee your media will conform to our lowers maintenance expenses.
unparalleled quality requirements and material specifications,
while providing equal fabrication reproducibility.

4 FLS —Trommel frames and screen media FLS —Trommel frames and screen media 5
Advanced analysis
Our experienced engineers are committed to finding the best solutions.
We examine every aspect of your screening process to help ensure
efficient pulp flow characteristics, proper separation, and maximum
equipment uptime.

Pulp flow Screening media configuration

We use our state of the art discrete element modelling (DEM) Using DEM software, we analyse your trommel’s material
software to simulate your trommel performance. We then distribution in order to optimise your screening media
model, predict, optimise and enhance your assets for the configuration.
highest recoveries and efficiencies possible.

Optional deflectors
As your partner in productivity, we combine our in-depth
Installed between the mill discharge trunnion and the
trommel, deflectors provide a homogenous and controlled knowledge of equipment and applications, providing a
feed of the mill discharge pulp onto the trommel screening
surface. This allows maximum use of the available surface comprehensive approach to improve your processes. We have
area. The deflectors assist in improving pulp distribution to
improve screening efficiency. Deflectors also contribute to engineered a new range of trommel frames and screen media for
SAG Mills, ball mills and scrubbers. Learn more
improved screening media life.

6 FLS —Trommel frames and screen media FLS —Trommel frames and screen media 7
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Contact us

FLSmidth A/S
2500 Valby
Tel. +45 3618 1000

FLSmidth Inc.
Salt Lake City Operations
Midvale, UT 84047-5559
Tel. +1 801 871 7000

FLSmidth, Pty Limited

Pinkenba QLD 4008
Tel: +61 7 3121 2900

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information and data contained in this
brochure are for general reference
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FLSmidth does not guarantee or make
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