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Industrial Rotary Screw Compressors

SX - HSD Series
3 - 700 hp
Capacities from: 8.8 to 3133 cfm
Pressures from: 50 to 217 psig
A Philosophy Built-for-a-Lifetime™
Tradition and Innovation
Our compressed air heritage is built on a century of manufacturing experience. Generations of quality
craftsmanship guide our engineering principles of efficiency, reliability, and serviceability.

This tradition of excellence also drives new technology development. Advances in airend design,
controls, and system design ensure our customers can meet the daily challenges of their manufacturing

Each KAESER product is designed with the future in mind, but we never lose sight of our roots.
Technology may change, but the need for quality and reliability will always remain.

Innovation you can trust Service-friendly

With a cutting edge research and development team committed From the ground up, these compressors have been designed
to building industry-leading products, KAESER continues to with the user in mind. Fewer wearing parts and using premium
deliver better solutions to meet our customers’ compressed quality materials ensure reduced maintenance requirements,
air needs. KAESER’s expertise and world-wide reputation for longer service intervals, and extended service life. Smart
superior reliability and efficiency offer excellent performance component layouts with generously sized maintenance doors
and peace of mind. simplify service and reduce downtime.

Rugged reliability Guaranteed efficiency

KAESER’s screw compressors meet our rigorous “built for In our comprehensive design approach, KAESER chooses the
a lifetime” standard. Designed and built with KAESER’s components that work together in the most energy efficient
generations of manufacturing experience, you can rest assured way possible. Each and every component—from inlet filter to
that these compressors will continue to deliver the air you discharge flange—has been carefully selected with performance
need with the exceptional reliability you expect from a KAESER in mind. In fact, our compressors are up to 30% more efficient
compressor. than the competition. With KAESER’s superior integrated
controls, we guarantee an efficient system with lower operating
costs, however small or large your demand may be.

Potential energy cost savings

through heat recovery

Compressed air system investment

Maintenance costs
Energy costs
Potential energy cost savings

Energy cost savings through

system optimization
Today, KAESER employs nearly 7000 people and our growing
distribution network provides reliable and sustainable
compressed air system solutions in over 100 nations throughout
the world.

State-of-the-Art Manufacturing
KAESER’s extensive manufacturing facilities in Coburg, Germany, cover over 25 acres. State-of-the-
art Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machining equipment and highly accurate lathe, milling,
and grinding machines produce our proprietary airends, housings, and other components to precise
tolerances. The assembly facilities are carefully planned to produce large numbers of compressors in the
most efficient and expedient manner.

Continuous quality control

SIGMA PROFILE rotors are precision-
machined and finished to an accuracy
of 1/1000 mm. The airend’s finished
dimensions are measured and verified
using the latest in 3D computer

Meticulous airend assembly

Highly trained specialists assemble
each airend according to our strict ISO
9001:2015 standards.

Advanced machining centers Environmentally friendly Comprehensive unit testing
State-of-the-art machining centers in powder coating system Once the manufacturing and assembly
climate-controlled rooms produce the All KAESER rotary screw compressors process is complete, each and every
SIGMA PROFILE rotors and casings. feature powder-coated enclosures. Our screw compressor undergoes a
These machining centers operate unique powder coating technique applies comprehensive testing procedure to
24 hours a day to keep up with the a super fine glaze to each individual verify its mechanical and electrical
demand for KAESER premium quality enclosure panel. The panels are baked at operation prior to shipment. These strict
compressors. 350°F for a corrosion-proof and scratch- testing standards ensure the highest
resistant finish. product quality available.

Research and Development Center

Research and development
KAESER’s research and development team continues to produce industry leading air system technology. All of our products are
designed individually for efficiency, reliability, and minimal maintenance, and are built to work together for an unparalleled systems
and solutions approach to each application.

SIGMA Product Line
Premium quality comes standard
While others offer premium features as an option, at KAESER, we believe quality should never be just an option.
Our approach to design is rooted in the German traditions of quality craftsmanship, exceptional reliability, and
superior energy efficiency. From using fewer wearing parts, to smarter component layouts, to easy maintenance
access, our complete line of rotary screw compressors is built for a lifetime™ of energy efficient operation.

SIGMA PROFILE® airends Premium efficiency TEFC Efficient separator system

Our single-stage, flooded rotary screw motors Our 3-stage separation system ensures
airend delivers pressures up to 217 KAESER uses only premium efficiency very low fluid carry-over (1-3 ppm), and
psig and features our power saving Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) extended filter service life. Our no-leak
SIGMA PROFILE design. Our airends are motors with class F insulation for extra design features rigid steel piping, flexible
optimized in size and profile to match protection from heat and contaminants. connections, and vibration isolators. Each
the airend speeds with their best specific Magnetic wye-delta reduced voltage pressure vessel is ASME coded (CRN in
performance. Unlike the competition, starting or SIGMA Frequency Control is Canada) and includes wet side/dry side
KAESER makes many different airends so standard. These energy saving features fittings to check differential pressure, an
that we can apply them at their optimal ensure low starting current and smooth easy to read fluid level indicator, and our
speed and performance (see Graph 1). acceleration (see Graph 2). unique quick fluid drain system.
Specific Performance (kW/100 cfm)

Optimum Speed

Airend Speed

Graph 1 Graph 2

Package Design
Extremely low sound and
All models come standard with KAESER’s cooler running motor. This also results
superior cabinet that features complete in much lower approach temperatures,
metal enclosures with sound proofing improving moisture separation and air
liners and heavy-duty vibration isolation. quality.
As a result, our compressors are about
10 dB(A) quieter than conventional To increase reliability and reduce

compressors of equal performance. maintenance costs, the coolers are

conveniently located on the outside of
the unit, where dust and dirt build-up
Parallel cooling design are easily seen and can be removed
Separate air inlet zones for the without dismantling the cooler. A powerful
compressor coolers and drive fan pulls air through the coolers and
motor ensure optimum cooling and creates a vacuum within the cabinet that
performance. Drawing ambient air directly effectively cools the motor even under
across the coolers and motor through severe operating conditions. Top exhaust
separate zones eliminates preheating allows for easy heat recovery and
and results in longer lubricant life and a reduces the system footprint.

Service-friendly Design
Easy maintenance access
Our rotary screw compressors feature
an open package layout. All of the major
components are easily accessible,
reducing preventive maintenance time by
as much as 50% when compared to other
similarly sized units.

Service doors open wide and like the

panels, are easily removed. Our unique
fluid separator design even allows
pressurized oil changes, saving valuable
time. BSD units and larger have remote
grease fittings for the fan and drive

When you consider the energy efficiency

savings and the maintenance costs
savings, it’s clear that owning a built for a
lifetime™ KAESER compressor will save
you money, year after year.

SX - AS and SFC Belt Drive Compressors
On our 3 - 25 hp compressors, we use a space saving v-belt drive design. KAESER models include a unique
automatic v-belt tensioner that maintains optimal efficiency and prolongs belt life. These models offer simple
maintenance and the flexibility of changing working pressure with an easy field modification.

SX Series SK Series
3 - 7.5 hp 15 - 20 hp
SM Series AS Series
7.5 - 15 hp 20 - 30 hp

Certified Performance
Our compressors’ energy efficiency has been tested and confirmed by an
independent laboratory as part of the Compressed Air and Gas Institute’s Rotary
Screw Compressor Performance Verification Program. CAGI data sheets are available
for screw compressors from 5 to 200 hp at

ASD - HSD and SFC Direct Drive Compressors
On larger units from 25 to 700 hp, we use only true direct drive, providing maximum power transfer and
efficiency from motor to airend. Because we make more sizes of airends, we can run them at lower speeds than
smaller, gear-driven units. This design has fewer components, eliminates heat and drive losses, and reduces
maintenance and related downtime.

ASD Series DSD Series

25 - 40 hp 125 - 250 hp

BSD Series ESD Series

40 - 60 hp 250 - 350 hp

CSD Series FSD Series

60 - 125 hp 350 - 450 hp

HSD Series
500 - 700 hp

SIGMA Frequency Control
Unmatched performance
KAESER SIGMA Frequency Control combines the latest in Siemens drive technology with our SIGMA PROFILE
airend and SIGMA CONTROL system. Our engineers have optimized the airend design to accommodate a wide
flow range with unmatched efficiency. The drive motor and airend operate at low speeds, resulting in exceptional
reliability and long life. KAESER’s SFC units range from 8 to 515 kW and are incredibly quiet, with noise levels as
low as 67 dB(A). SFC models from 8 to 132 kW are also available with integrated dryers. SFC models 18 to 110S
feature synchronous reluctance drive motors to further improve part-load efficiency.

Integrated System Design

Even though variable frequency drive compressors can have an
effective flow range of 20% to 100%, the efficiency (kW/cfm) is
not constant over the whole speed range. The best efficiency
is normally between 40% and 85%. As the graph illustrates, the
SIGMA PROFILE airend has a clear efficiency advantage over a
wider flow range than the competition.

Integrated Systems
Premium compressed air quality
KAESER rotary screw compressors are also available in a variety of
T Series
configurations. These package systems can be customized to suit your
Models from 3 to 175 hp are also
specific compressed air and air treatment needs.
available with air treatment equipment
built in.

The T series compressors feature

integrated refrigerated dryers to remove
moisture and other contaminants from
your air system to improve product
quality and help reduce wear on
production equipment.

The T models reduces overall footprint,

provides easy access to service points,
and prevents exposure to preheated air
50 hp compressor with
integrated refrigerated air and contaminants from the compressor
dryer. package. They also feature single point
hook up to simplify your installation.

To further reduce your installation time
and space requirements, KAESER offers
the AIRCENTER. These complete air
systems include not only the dryer, but
also the air receiver tank. Available with
either one (simplex) or two (duplex)
SIGMA rotary screw compressors, they
come pre-assembled with a refrigerated
air dryer mounted on a horizontal
receiver tank.

Available in a wide range of models from

3 to 40 hp, these units are perfect for
Climate friendly design small shops or plants. All systems are
In addition to energy saving controls, our completely piped and wired, and ready
integrated dryers feature the new R-513A for installation. Air treatment packages
refrigerant with 56% lower global warming with coalescing filters and condensate
potential than common dryer refrigerants. drains are available options.
Combined with our advanced heat
AIRCENTERS come with an integrated exchanger design, we need only half the
refrigerated dryer and ASME coded receiver refrigerant — resulting in the most climate
friendly dryer possible.

Energy Efficient Operation
Intelligent control and protection
To protect your investment and ensure the most efficient operation possible, we control our compressors with
our SIGMA CONTROL 2. This intelligent controller comes standard with multiple pre-programmed control
profiles so you can select the one that best fits your application.

Monitoring and Maintenance: • Ethernet port and built-in web-server

facilitate integration into the IIoT
• Monitors more than 20 critical ® ®
• ModBus, Profinet , Profibus ,
operating parameters
DeviceNet™, EtherNet/IP, and other
• Shuts unit down to prevent industrial communications interfaces
damage are also available as plug in options
• Signals if immediate service is for seamless integration into plant
required control/monitoring systems (optional
for belt drive, standard for direct
Data Storage and Analysis: • Tracks preventive maintenance
drive units)
• SD card slot with included SD card intervals and provides notice when
PMs are due • Sends e-mail alerts for maintenance
for fast, easy software updates,
notifications, alarms, warnings, and
storing key operational parameters • RFID sensor for secure access and
optional messages
• Long-term data storage for managing maintenance intervals
analyzing energy consumption and
compressor operation Communications Capabilities:

Superior system control

SIGMA AIR MANAGER (SAM) 4.0 is a master control system for all compressed air production and treatment
components. The unique 3Dadvanced Control continuously analyzes the various parameters (e.g. switching and
control efficiency) and calculates the ideal combination of compressors to achieve optimum efficiency.

SAM 4.0 enables predictive maintenance with its built-in

maintenance reminders and messaging capabilities. These
features not only boost operational reliability and efficiency, but
also significantly reduce energy costs.

SAM 4.0 features KAESER Connect which displays your

compressed air system information in real-time on your desktop
or laptop computer via a standard internet browser. Simple
HTML pages show the compressors’ operational state, SAM’s
operating and system pressure data, as well as service and alarm

Much More Than Just Equipment
Engineering Expertise
Our factory-trained representatives work closely with our application engineers to design a complete,
custom system tailored to your requirements. Whether it’s a system enhancement for a small collision center
or a complete turnkey installation for a chemical processing plant, KAESER can recommend the right solution
based on operating conditions, air quality needs, capacity and pressure requirements, and application-specific

Accurate system drawings and schematics

ensure proper pipe sizing and storage as
well as adequate ventilation and space

System Optimization
To ensure our equipment solutions meet every expectation, KAESER offers a wide variety of pre-sale and after-
sale support services, including: system baselining with Air Demand Analysis (energy audits), flow metering, air
quality analysis, leak detection, and compressor fluid analysis. We also offer customer seminars on system design
for reducing maintenance and energy costs.

• Eliminate air system inefficiencies System (KESS) software simulates

related to leaks, inadequate piping, power requirements of different system
storage, or controls. scenarios. This helps identify solutions
that will achieve the greatest efficiency
• Reduce waste and scrap caused by
without compromising pressure/flow
inconsistent pressure in production
requirements or system reliability.

• Cut maintenance costs by optimizing Leak detection

run time and reducing excess
KAESER uses the latest ultrasonic leak
detectors with onboard data logging. In
ADA documentation will also help you addition to tagging your leaks, you will
Air Demand Analysis (ADA) apply for electric utility rebates. receive a detailed report with the location
KAESER’s compressed air energy and approximate leak rate of each leak
audits stand out in the industry for their
KAESER Energy Savings found. With this information, you can
completeness and accuracy. An ADA can System (KESS) determine the best leak repair plan.
help: Our unique KAESER Energy Savings

Custom Engineered Solutions
KAESER’s custom air systems are designed for even the most demanding installations and harshest of
environments. Our broad range of engineering solutions include outdoor modifications, skid mounting,
customized enclosures, and modified containers. The SIGMA AIR UTILITY (SAU) option lets you pay for your
compressed air as a utility with the amount, pressure, and quality of the air guaranteed at all times.

SIGMA AIR UTILITY can be delivered in pre-assembled modules or installed in your plant compressor room.

KAESER Credentials
• Our System Design and
SmartPipe is ideal for installations
Engineering Department includes
requiring the highest quality air. Sizes
DOE-certified Air Master Plus
range from 3/4 to 10 inch diameter.
specialists, AEE Certified Energy
The aluminum and stainless steel
Managers, and CAGI certified
materials will not rust or corrode. Leak-
Systems Specialists.
free connectors prevent air loss and
wasted energy. Further, it has low • W
 e support the Compressed Air
pressure drop and no rough surfaces Challenge initiative to train industrial
or interior restrictions that accumulate users in air system “best practices”.
contaminants. The smooth interior with • We were early advocates of the
full bore design allows them to flow Compressed Air & Gas Institute’s
to your dryers and filters for efficient initiative to develop a standardized
removal. compressor performance data
sheet and to encourage other
KAESER’s complete SmartPipe™ line is manufacturers to accurately assess
a modular compressed air distribution the specific power consumption of
system that offers both lower installation their equipment.
costs and lower long term operating
• We are ISO 9001:2015 and ISO
14001:2015 certified and are
Fast to install and easy to modify, committed to continually improving
SmartPipe is the most versatile our efficiency without compromising
compressed air distribution system our quality.
available. Our combination of lightweight
materials and connectors dramatically
reduce labor and installation time,
especially in overhead installations.

Technical Specifications
Rotary Screw Compressors
SX Series Capacity at Operating Pressure (cfm)
125 psig 160 psig 217 psig
SX 3 12.0 9.2 —
SX 4 15.9 12.7 8.8
SX 5 21.2 17.0 12.7
SX 7.5 28.3 23.7 18.7
SM Series Capacity at Operating Pressure (cfm)
125 psig 160 psig 217 psig
SM 7.5 32.5 26.5 19.4
SM 10 45.9 37.1 27.5
SM 15 55.4 45.9 35.7

SK Series Capacity at Operating Pressure (cfm)

125 psig 160 psig 217 psig
SK 15 70.6 59.0 45.9
SK 20 88.3 76.6 62.5

Capacity at Operating Pressure (cfm)

AS Series 125 psig 160 psig 217 psig
AS 20 98.9 84.8 64.3
AS 25 120.1 102.4 84.8
AS 30 141.3 121.8 99.9

Capacity at Operating Pressure (cfm)

ASD Series 125 psig 175 psig 217 psig
ASD 25 112 — —
ASD 30 132 110 —
ASD 40S 162 127 106
ASD 40 191 159 123

Capacity at Operating Pressure (cfm)

BSD Series Model
125 psig 175 psig 217 psig
BSD 40 193 161 —
BSD 50 236 190 157
BSD 60 288 231 185

Capacity at Operating Pressure (cfm)

CSD Series Model
125 psig 175 psig 217 psig
CSD 60 290 232 186
CSD 75 345 283 226
CSD 100S 417 340 275
CSD 100 494 410 332
CSD 125 565 480 399

DSD Series Capacity at Operating Pressure (cfm)

125 psig 175 psig 217 psig
DSD 125 595 — —
DSD 150 717 568 —
DSD 175 882 695 544
DSD 200 882 695 544
DSD 250 1052 854 678

ESD Series Capacity at Operating Pressure (cfm)

125 psig 175 psig 217 psig
ESD 250 1278 1041 820
ESD 300 1571 1260 1007

18 NOTE: SX 3 through DSD 175 are also available with integral dryer
FSD Series Model
Capacity at Operating Pressure (cfm)
125 psig 175 psig 217 psig
FSD 350 1596 1264 —
FSD 450 2030 1567 1243

Capacity at Operating Pressure (cfm)

HSD Series Model
125 psig 175 psig 217 psig
HSD 500 2311 1885 —
HSD 550 2520 2062 1654
HSD 600 2760 2266 1830
HSD 650 3000 2471 2007

Capacity at 460V(1) at Operating Pressure (cfm)

Min / Max 110 psig 125 psig 145 psig(2)
Variable Frequency Drive SFC 8
MIN 21.9 21.5 22.3
SFC 11 MAX 75.6 71.7 65.3
MIN 28.6 28.3 29.7
SFC 15 MAX 97.8 95.0 86.2
MIN 33.2 33.2 27.6
SFC 18S MAX 126.8 119.4 110.5
MIN 31 31 —
SFC 18
MAX 141 134 —
MIN 33.2 33.2 27.6
SFC 22S MAX 148.7 140.9 131.4
MIN 37 37 —
SFC 22 MAX 163 154 —
MIN 38 37 35
SFC 30S MAX 185 174 162
MIN 46 48 51
SFC 30 MAX 217 206 191
MIN 54 54 43
SFC 37 MAX 262 248 218
MIN 70 69 53
SFC 45S MAX 290 275 251
MIN 70 70 53
SFC 45 MAX 316 300 267
MIN 82 80 68
SFC 55 MAX 379 360 325
MIN 102 101 78
SFC 75S MAX 467 440 400
MIN 122 121 100
SFC 90S MAX 516 492 444
MIN 137 135 118
SFC 110S MAX 617 587 533
MIN 129 127 —
SFC 75 MAX 593 553 —
MIN 129 127 124
SFC 90 MAX 698 655 597
MIN 157 153 148
SFC 110 MAX 799 752 689
MIN 196 194 188
SFC 132S MAX 917 859 790
MIN 196 194 197
SFC 132 MAX 980 918 846
MIN 242 240 189
SFC 160 MAX 1161 1090 1005
MIN 303 300 290
SFC 200 MAX 1322 1257 1148
(1) Performancedata values are only valid for 460V/3 ph/ 60 Hz. MIN 374 370 294
SFC 250
Please consult KAESER for 575V data. MAX 1519 1439 1338
SFC 315S MIN 374 370 351
(2) Higher pressures are available.
MAX 1825 1742 1625
(3) Not available for 460V/3ph/60Hz power.
MIN 470 465 456
For more information see our SFC brochures - USSFC-BELT, USSFC30S110S, and SFC 315 MAX 2164 2057 1814
USSFC75-515 MIN 368 363 299
SFC 410(3) MAX 2615 2538 2292
NOTE: SFC 8 TO SFC 132S are available with integrated dryer.
SFC 515 MIN 420 412 355
Specifications are subject to change without notice. MAX 3134 3118 2722

The world is our home
As one of the world’s largest compressed air
systems providers and compressor manufacturers,
KAESER COMPRESSORS is represented throughout
the world by a comprehensive network of branches,
subsidiary companies and factory trained partners.

With innovative products and services, KAESER

COMPRESSORS’ experienced consultants and
engineers help customers to enhance their
competitive edge by working in close partnership
to develop progressive system concepts that
continuously push the boundaries of performance
and compressed air efficiency. Every KAESER
customer benefits from the decades of knowledge
and experience gained from hundreds of thousands
of installations worldwide and over ten thousand
formal compressed air system audits.

These advantages, coupled with KAESER’s

worldwide service organization, ensure that our
compressed air products and systems deliver
superior performance with maximum uptime.

Kaeser Compressors, Inc. Kaeser Compressors Canada Inc. Kaeser Compresores de México Kaeser Compresores de
511 Sigma Drive 3760 La Vérendrye Street S de RL de CV Guatemala y Cia. Ltda.
Fredericksburg, VA 22408 USA Boisbriand, QC J7H 1R5 CANADA Calle 2 #123 3a calle 6-51, zona 13
Telephone: 540-898-5500 Telephone: (450) 971-1414 Parque Industrial Juríca Colonia Pomplona
Toll Free: 800-777-7873 Toll free: (800) 477-1416 76100 Querétaro, Qro. 01013–Guatemala City Telephone: 01 (442) 218 64 48 Telephone: +502 2412-6000

© 2022 Kaeser Compressors, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/22


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