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World Health Organization - Guide

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Background Guide
Greetings Delegates!

We as the EB are honored to officially welcome all one and all to

SANMUN ‘23! Over the course of the mun, we look forward to
hearing each and every one of you speak and express your ideas.

During committee we expect each delegate to bring something

new, and more importantly something innovative to the table.
Don’t be scared to step out of the box and get a little weird with
it. Most importantly, we want the delegates to learn and to enjoy
the conference. 2023

Familiarize yourself with the WHO mandate, working of the

committee and ensure to stick to foreign policy. We would like to
remind you that this is only a preliminary document for your
surface-level research. We hope that this is sufficient for all the
delegates to start to wrap their head around the agenda and to
obtain a foothold on where your research should begin. All of the
EB members are always only a text away in case of any

At the end of the day, if you’ve learnt something and enjoyed
doing so, the committee can be considered a victory, so have fun
while researching and broadening your horizons. :)

Abhiraaj Datta
Akshayaa Thangarj
Shreyas R Iyengar
Akshitha Ashok



Drug addiction, also referred to as Substance Use Disorder (SUD),
is a chronic and relapsing brain disease characterized by the
compulsive seeking/use of drugs despite the harmful
consequences they may bring. It is crucial to recognize that
addiction is not merely a matter
SANMUN of weak willpower or moral
failure; rather, it has a neurobiological basis that profoundly
affects an individual's brain and behavior.

Key Points about Drug Addiction:

Neurobiological Changes: Repeated drug use can lead to
significant alterations in the brain's structure and functioning,
particularly in these areas: motivation, reward processing,
memory, and behavior control.
Genetic/Environmental Factors: Factors like early drug
exposure or traumatic experiences can contribute to the
vulnerability to addiction.
Tolerance and Withdrawal: With continued drug use,
individuals may develop tolerance, meaning they need higher
doses of the substance to achieve the same effects. When
drug use is reduced or stopped, withdrawal symptoms may

Compulsive Behaviors: Addiction can lead to compulsive drug-
seeking behaviors, where the individual becomes preoccupied
with obtaining and using the substance, often neglecting other
responsibilities and engaging in risky activities to maintain
their drug habit.

Mental health encompasses an individual's emotional,

psychological, and social well-being, influencing their thoughts,
feelings, actions, and ability to cope with stress and interact with
others. Mental health disorders vary widely, ranging from
common mood disorders like depression and anxiety to more
severe conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The
development of mental health issues is influenced by a complex
interplay of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological
factors. Unfortunately, societal stigma remains a significant
barrier to seeking help and support for mental health challenges.
However, appropriate treatment
2023and support, such as therapy,

medication, or a combination of both, can effectively address

these issues.

The connection between Drug Addiction and Mental Health is

profound, often coexisting and exacerbating each other in a
phenomenon known as "dual diagnosis" or "comorbidity." In cases
of dual diagnosis, individuals with mental health disorders may
turn to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism to temporarily
alleviate emotional pain or distress, which can, in turn, worsen
their mental health problems. Shared risk factors, such as genetic
predisposition, exposure to trauma, or environmental stressors,
contribute to the occurrence of both addiction and mental health

issues. Furthermore, drugs can alter brain chemistry, worsening
pre-existing mental health conditions or triggering new ones in
susceptible individuals.

The increasing trend of overdose cases is a pressing concern.

Overdoses often result from the misuse or abuse of drugs, either
intentionally or accidentally. Individuals with dual diagnosis face
a higher risk of overdose due to increased tolerance, impaired
judgment, and the use of substances as a coping mechanism for
mental health symptoms.

Addressing Drug Addiction and Mental Health simultaneously is

vital for effective recovery and reducing the risk of relapse.
Integrated treatment approaches that consider both aspects
have demonstrated better outcomes. Such treatment may
involve medically supervised
2023detoxification for substance
dependence, behavioral therapies like cognitive-behavioral
therapy (CBT) and contingency management to modify behaviors
and develop coping strategies, medication to manage withdrawal
symptoms or treat underlying mental health conditions, and
participation in peer support groups like Narcotics Anonymous
(NA) and Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA) for ongoing support
and relapse prevention.

In conclusion, recognizing the intricate relationship between Drug

Addiction and Mental Health, along with the concerning rise in
overdose cases, highlights the importance of a comprehensive
approach to address both aspects. By combining empathy,
evidence-based strategies, and holistic support, effective
treatment can be provided, leading to a healthier society where
individuals can achieve fulfilling lives.



For quite a long time now, numerous studies have shown that
mental health and drug addiction are, more often than not, highly
interrelated. Mentioned below are a few topics we as the EB
expect the delegates to be thorough in prior to committee

Effects of Drug Usage on the SANMUN

On an immediate basis, the usage of these substances lead to
alteration in mood, and perception. Contrary to popular belief,
intoxication doesn’t always lead to euphoria, and may cause
negative side effects such as anxiety,
2023 agitation, paranoia, etc. On
an emotional level, it often leads to irritability, mood swings, and

On the flip side, the “feel good” sensation, while yet to be entirely
understood, is believed to come from a surge in chemical
signaling compounds, primarily being influenced by the surge in
endorphin production, among other neurotransmitters being
stimulated. These surges are usually quite a bit greater than
normal bursts of naturally produced endorphins.

One of the most important consequences to keep in mind when

discussing addiction is the production of Dopamine, the
biochemical referred to as the “reward neurotransmitter”. To
oversimplify its function, it can be said that it re-enforces certain
behaviors by producing a feeling of pleasure . Whenever the
reward circuit is activated by a pleasurable experience, a burst of
dopamine signals that something important is happening that
needs to be remembered. This dopamine signal causes changes in
neural connectivity that make it easier to repeat the activity
again and again without thinking about it, leading to the
formation of habits.

When a person who uses drugs regularly keeps experiencing these

surges of dopamine production, they train their brian to
essentially forgo healthy activities in order to be able to
experience that feeling of euphoria again. This dependance on
drugs for dopamine production is what eventually snowballs into

Negative Impacts:
Research has shown Addiction (referred to as Substance Use
Disorders - SUD as well) and mental disorders occur together
quite frequently, but why?

Overlapping risk factors:

One mutual cause behind SANMUNboth addiction and mental health
disorders are hidden in the genes that are passed down. But what
most tend to forget is that Environmental factors, such as stress,
trauma, or other societal factors are what causes genetic
changes to cause these. 2023

Addiction due to mental health:

Often, those with disorders such as anxiety, PTSD, depression, etc
use drugs recreationally as a coping mechanism and as an escape
from reality, thereby sowing a certain dependency on these drugs
for normal daily function.

Mental Health disorders due to addiction:

The constant and recurring usage of drugs may lead to
physiological and physical changes in the structure of the brain,
thereby leading to mental disorders.

Socio-Environmental Factors
Many environmental factors are associated with an increased
risk for both substance use disorders and mental illness including
chronic stress, trauma, and adverse childhood experiences,
among others. Many of these factors are modifiable and; thus,
prevention interventions will often result in reductions in both
substance use disorders and mental illness.

The relation between the two has been established but we urge
the delegates to remember that addiction often makes these
mental health disorders worse. Constant high doses of
cannabinoids for example can lead to anxiety, paranoia, and in
extreme cases drug-induced psychosis. Amphetamine and
Methamphetamines can and often do lead to anxiety and
depression as well as insomnia.

Positive Impacts: 2023

Due to several external factors such as societal influence and

pressure, villainization in the media, as well as frequently forced
polarization of opinions, the general public tends to forget that
these substances have an entire universe of untapped potential.
We expect all the delegates to discuss the negative impacts of
drug usage but to also keep in mind the high pertinence of the
beneficial side of this agenda.

Clinical Studies on Hallucinogens:

A revamped interest in the study of hallucinogens has recently
emerged, especially with regard to their potential application in
the treatment of psychiatric disorders.

Ketamine for example, has been confirmed to be able to help in
the treatment of depression through a great number of clinical
Other substances such as LSD (Lysergic Acid Di-Ethyl Amide) and
Psilocybin (The psychedelic compound in magic mushrooms) has
been gaining traction in the international medical community due
to their potentially therapeutic properties, as well as being able
to modulate functional brain connectivity.
MDMA as well has been able to prove itself helpful in treating
disorders such as PTSD.

Opioids and Cannabinoids:

Opioids, while presenting a high risk of addiction, have been used
for pain management, as anesthetics, in palliative care, etc. We
urge the delegates not to shy away from substances that present
risk, but to further encourage research into them.
Cannabinoids some with a slew
2023of advantages, with research

suggesting it could be useful for cancer patients, helpful in acting

as an anti-inflammatory, aiding in the reduction of sleep
disorders, presenting anxiolytic (anxiety reducing) properties, as
well as research being conducted into its neuroprotective effects
against diseases such as Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer’s

Challenges of
Overdose Cases and
Their Contributing
Overdose - It can be defined as a lethal dose, or one above the
generally considered “safe” level of a drug.

Causes of Overdose:
Substance Abuse and Addiction:
Overdoses often occur when 2023
individuals misuse or abuse drugs,
whether prescription medications or illegal substances. Addiction
can lead to tolerance, wherein higher doses are needed to achieve
the same high, increasing the risk of overdose. Additionally, users
may mix and use two or more substances (polydrug use) thus
increasing the risk of overdose.

Accidental Overdose due to Prescription Errors or

Accidental overdoses can happen when healthcare providers
miscalculate or misprescribed medication dosages, leading to
patients inadvertently taking too much of a drug.

3. Overdose Related to Mental Health Conditions:
Individuals with mental health disorders, such as depression,
anxiety, or substance use disorders, can be at a higher risk of
overdose. These individuals use substances as a coping
mechanism. In cases of depression, individuals may intentionally
overdose in suicide attempts. Moreover, co-occurring mental
health and substance use disorders can lead to a complex and
dangerous interplay, making overdose more likely.

Most Common Substances When Considering Overdose:

1. Opioids
2. Benzodiazepines
3. Antidepressants
4. Stimulants (Amphetamines, CNS)
5. Alcohol

Opioid Misuse and Overprescribing:
The overprescribing of opioid pain medications has led to a
surplus of these drugs in communities. People who are prescribed
opioids for legitimate medical reasons may inadvertently develop
dependence or misuse the medication, increasing the risk of

Illicit Drug Supply and Contamination:

The rise in illicit drug use, particularly substances like fentanyl
and its analogs, has led to a higher incidence of fatal overdoses.
Illicit drugs are often mixed or contaminated with potent
synthetic opioids, significantly increasing the risk of overdose, as

users may not know the exact strength or composition of the
drugs they are consuming.
Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders:
Individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use
disorders are at a higher risk of overdose. Mental health
conditions can lead to self-medication with drugs, increasing the
likelihood of harmful drug interactions or overdose.

Lack of Access to Treatment and Support Services:

Insufficient access to addiction treatment and mental health
services can prevent individuals from receiving the help they
need. Delayed or inadequate treatment may lead to continued
drug use and an increased risk of overdose.

Stigma and Fear of Legal Consequences:

Stigma surrounding drug use and addiction may discourage
individuals from seeking help, leading them to use drugs in
isolation or avoid medical assistance in case of overdose. Fear of
legal repercussions can also prevent individuals from contacting
emergency services during an overdose event.

When presenting solutions in committee, the delegates are

advised to keep the above in mind.

WHO's Initiatives in
Addressing Drug
Addiction and Mental
Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP): The WHO's
Mental Health Gap Action Programme
SANMUN (mhGAP) was established
to address the treatment gap in mental health care, particularly
in low- and middle-income countries. It offers evidence-based
instructions and instruments to help front-line healthcare
professionals recognise and treat
mental health and substance
use disorders. To promote accessibility and early intervention, the
programme places a strong emphasis on integrating mental
health services within primary healthcare settings.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Integration (SAMI):

SAMI is a key component of WHO's initiatives to address the
interconnected problems of mental health and drug misuse.
Individuals with co-occurring illnesses can receive thorough and
coordinated care by combining these services, improving
treatment outcomes and lowering relapse rates.

Global Mental Health Action Plan: In order to address mental
health issues completely, countries are given priorities and
strategies by the Global Mental Health Action Plan. It focuses on
defending the rights of people with mental health concerns as
well as on promoting mental health, preventing mental disorders,
offering accessible and effective treatment, and fostering mental
well-being. In accordance with global best practises, this strategy
encourages member states to create and implement national
mental health initiatives.

QualityRights Initiative: By advancing their rights and dignity,

QualityRights seeks to emancipate those with mental health
issues, including those impacted by drug addiction. The initiative
promotes community-based services, improved protection
against stigma and prejudice, and higher quality care in mental
health facilities.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC): The UNODC
plays a crucial role in global drug control efforts. It collaborates
with member states to design and implement evidence-based
drug prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation programs. By
providing technical assistance and supporting capacity building,
UNODC assists countries in formulating effective drug policies
and strategies. SANMUN

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Goal 3 of the SDGs

focuses on ensuring good health and well-being for all, including
addressing mental health and2023
substance abuse issues. Member
states work towards this goal by developing policies and
initiatives to prevent drug addiction, improve mental health
services, and reduce the impact of substance abuse on societies.

World Drug Report: The World Drug Report, published annually by

the UNODC, provides an overview of the global drug situation,
including trends in drug production, trafficking, and consumption.
It serves as a valuable resource for member states in
understanding drug-related challenges and shaping evidence-
based policies.

Role of Member States
in Combating Drug
Addiction and
Overdose Cases
Policy and Legislation: Member states are responsible for
formulating and implementing drug policies and legislation that
prioritize public health and well-being.
SANMUN Effective policies focus on
prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and rehabilitation rather
than punitive measures. Evidence-based policies can reduce drug-
related harm and improve outcomes for affected individuals.
Prevention and Education: Member states should invest in drug
prevention programs that target vulnerable populations, such as
youth, and raise awareness about the risks of drug use. Education
and public campaigns can help promote healthy behaviors and
discourage substance abuse.

Treatment and Rehabilitation Services: It is essential for member

states to ensure the availability and accessibility of high-quality
treatment and rehabilitation services for individuals struggling
with drug addiction. A comprehensive and integrated approach
that addresses the underlying causes of addiction can lead to
better recovery outcomes.

Harm Reduction: Member states can adopt harm reduction
strategies, such as needle exchange programs, supervised
injection sites, and opioid substitution therapy, to reduce the
negative consequences of drug use. These strategies protect
public health, prevent overdose deaths, and provide support to
individuals in their journey to recovery.



Success Stories and
Best Practices
Portugal's Drug Policy:
Portugal decriminalized the possession and use of small
quantities of drugs in 2001, focusing on treating drug addiction as
a public health issue rather than a criminal one. As a result, there
has been a significant decline in drug-related deaths, HIV
transmission, and drug-related crimes. Treatment and
rehabilitation services have improved, and more individuals with
addiction issues are seeking help.

Australia's Medically Supervised Injecting Centres (MSIC):

Australia's MSICs provide a safe and controlled environment for
people to use illicit drugs under
2023 medical supervision. These

centers have significantly reduced overdose deaths and public

drug use, as well as increased access to health and social services
for drug users. They have also fostered positive community
engagement and reduced the burden on emergency services.

Iran's Harm Reduction Strategies:

Iran has been dealing with significant drug addiction and
overdose cases due to its location on major drug trafficking
routes. In response, the country has implemented harm reduction
strategies, including needle exchange programs and methadone
maintenance therapy. These initiatives have led to a reduction in
HIV transmission and drug-related harm, showcasing the
importance of harm reduction in combating drug overdose.
Understanding the Stigma:
Stigma Defined: Stigma refers to the negative attitudes, beliefs,
and stereotypes associated with drug addiction and mental
health conditions. It leads to social discrimination and can hinder
affected individuals from seeking help and support.
Root Causes: Stigma is often fueled by lack of awareness and
understanding of mental health and addiction issues.
Misconceptions, fear, and cultural norms contribute to the
perpetuation of stigmatizing attitudes.
Impact of Stigma on Affected Individuals:
Barriers to Seeking Help: Stigma creates barriers for individuals to
seek help for their drug addiction or mental health issues. Fear of
judgment and discrimination may
2023 prevent them from accessing
treatment and support services.
Social Isolation: Stigmatization can lead to social isolation and
exclusion, as individuals may face rejection from family, friends,
and the community due to their condition.
Self-Stigma: Internalized stigma can adversely affect self-esteem
and self-worth, leading to feelings of shame and guilt among
affected individuals.

Strategies to Reduce Stigma and Promote Mental Health

Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about drug
addiction and mental health through targeted campaigns,

educational programs, and community workshops can help dispel
myths and increase understanding.
Contact-Based Interventions: Encouraging interaction between
individuals with lived experiences of drug addiction and mental
health conditions and the general public can challenge
stereotypes and humanize those affected, fostering empathy and
Media Representation: Advocating for accurate and responsible
media portrayals of drug addiction and mental health issues can
counter stigmatizing narratives and promote more balanced
Training forHealthcare SANMUN
Providers: Providing training for
healthcare professionals on cultural competence, empathy, and
stigma reduction can improve the quality of care for individuals
with mental health and addiction issues.
Legal and Policy Reforms: Encouraging
2023 legal and policy reforms
that protect the rights and dignity of individuals with drug
addiction and mental health conditions is essential to combat
stigma and discrimination.
Support Services: Establishing support groups and helplines that
offer assistance and a safe space for individuals affected by drug
addiction and mental health issues can provide them with the
necessary support and encouragement to seek help and recovery.

This section advocates for international cooperation to address
the global drug issue comprehensively. It examines the
significance of sharing knowledge, best practices, and resources
among countries to improve drug control measures, harm
reduction strategies, and treatment approaches.

There are several international stakeholders who play an

important role in fostering the development of appropriate
mental health policies and SANMUN
practice in low- and middle-income

One key player is the WHO, which is a global, technical and

normative agency that sets 2023
standards and provides general
encouragement. It has an active Mental Health Division, which
has encouraged research and developed a wide range of advisory
documents for governments and other stakeholders.

Cooperation among countries and horizontal partnerships

optimize existing health capacities and encourage the sharing of
knowledge and know-how between partners. Such cooperation
can strengthen and accelerate health development at all levels
and across all regions. At the national level, cooperation among
countries can create momentum for change and contribute to
national health policy dialogue. These results can be multiplied

through intercountry exchanges, which then have the potential to
impact subregional and regional integration processes as well as
global health policy debates. All these processes create
important spaces for dialogue and diplomacy among countries.
All levels of health development can benefit from the innovations
and important lessons that emerge. Health can bring countries
and partners together around shared values and common
problems to reach much-needed public health solutions.




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