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Nstp2 Module 2 Premidterm

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Module :2
Week : 4-7
School Year : 2021 – 2022
Term / Semester : Second
Prerequisite : NSTP01
Subject Teacher : LEONIDES C. NIALA JR.

Course Description

This course is an offshoot of the workshop of the program which has been
identified as major concern for community improvement in Civic Welfare Training
Service (CWTS). This course involves the students the various opportunities for
community enlistment.

Learning Outcome

After a thorough discussions the students will be able to:

1.explain the definition of drugs;

2.point out the importance of drugs as medicine;

3.classify drugs according to their uses; and

4.differentiate drug use, drug misuse and drug abuse.

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A. Definition of Drugs
 substance or chemicals used in medicine either externally or
internally for curing, alleviating (relieving), or preventing a disease or
 any nutritional substance that is deliberately introduced into the
body to produce a physiological and psychological effect
 any chemical substance that changes either the mind or the body

B. Classification of Drugs According to Use and Effect

1. Alcohol is a drug that can change the way a person thinks, feels and acts.
This drug can also change the way the body works. Drinks such as beer,
liquor and wine have alcohol in them. The extent to which alcohol affects
an individual depends upon how much it builds up in the bloodstream.
Blood carries the alcohol to the brain. Twenty percent (20%) immediately
passes into the bloodstream through the walls of the stomach. The rest is
absorbed when it passes to the small intestine. Alcohol slows down the
work of the brain. It can also keep a person from thinking or speaking
clearly than usual. It might make a person less skillful in using the muscles.
 Alcoholism is a disease or disorder of behavior characterized by
repeated drinking of alcoholic beverages.
 Alcoholic is person who indulges in heavy uncontrolled drinking
to the detriment of the person’s health and personality.
2. Marijuana is an herbaceous annual plant that grows wild in temperate
climate in many parts of the world. It makes heart beat faster, feel dizzy or
sick, can cause throat irritations, increase heart rate, reddening of the eyes
and increased appetite.
3. Depressants are drugs that act on the nervous system, promoting
relaxation and sleep. It can slightly decrease in breathing, relief anxiety and
excitement and have the tendency to reduce mental and physical activity.

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4. Hallucinogens are drugs that is capable of producing mood changes
frequently of a bizarre character, disturbance of sensation, thought,
emotion and self-awareness, alteration of time and space perception both
illusions and delusions. It can also increase heart rate, blood pressure, body
temperature, dilated pupils, flushed face, paranoid delusions, hallucinations,
profound depressions, complete loss of emotional control and tension and
5. Inhalants is commonly referred to as glue-sniffing substance such as fast
drying glue or cement, paints, lacquers, thinners, gasoline, kerosene, lighter
fluid and more. It can create initial excitement resulting from release of
inhibitions, irritations of the respiratory passages, unsteadiness and
drunkenness with growing depression that deepens even to

6. Narcotics are analgesic or pain-killing drugs producing a relaxed dreamlike

state and may induce sleep. Regular use of any narcotics may cause
withdrawal syndrome.
Types of Narcotics
a. Opium is made from unripe pods of poppies. It brings on
dreamy stupor or unconsciousness that lasts for several hours.
b. Morphine is widely used as a pain-killer and is often used after
surgery or for cancer cases.
c. Heroin is made from morphine. Its medical use is illegal in the
country. As the senses become dull, the user’s tensions, fears,
and worries are eased.
Narcotics use results to drowsiness, vomiting, nausea and difficult
concentration. It also lowers body temperature, dilate blood vessels in the
skin and lower the blood pressure. It can also largely affect emotional and
social health. Psychic distress arising from anxiety, hostility and feeling of
inadequacy and users sometimes become alienated and hostile towards
friends and family members who were previously important.

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7. Stimulants are used to increase mental activity and to offset drowsiness
and fatigue. The most commonly abused stimulants are amphetamine and
cocaine. Long term abuse or overdose physical effects can include tremor,
restlessness, change to sleep patterns, anxiety and increase in pre-existing
anxiety, poor skin condition, gastrointestinal narrowing and weakened
immune system. Fatigue and depression can follow the excitement stage.
8. Tranquilizers are a drug that acts on the central nervous system and is
used to calm, decrease anxiety, or help a person to sleep. Often called
depressants because they suppress the central nervous system and slow
the body down, they are used to treat mental illness as well as common
anxiety and sleeplessness. Available only by prescription, they can cause
dependence and certain ones can easily be abused.

C. Drug Use, Misuse and Abuse

 Drug use could be as simple as someone taking an aspirin to relieve the
pain of a headache.
-using a drug for medically recognized purposes, ie. taking morphine after
a major surgery is using it, even though it is a hard drug, there is a
legitimate use for it.
 Drug misuse might be someone who takes a drug, or more of a drug than
is necessary, in order to alter their perception or thought process.
 Drug abuse is using a substance habitually, even when it may damage the
body or mind.
D. Prescriptive and Non-prescriptive Drugs

Over the counter or OTC as it is referred to in an abbreviated form are legal to

purchase without seeing a doctor before making a purchase and obtaining a
prescription. Over the counter medicines are wide ranging in nature and cover a
variety of things such as cough syrup or sleep aids or muscle relaxants or aspirin.
The dosages per use are in a safe parameter of tests made on subjects and any
single dose of the medicine will more than likely be lower in its dosage than
something that is prescribed.

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Prescribed medicine's require the person to get a prescription from a licensed
physician. Whether it be for a physical ailment or a mental issue. These
prescriptions drugs usually have a higher dosing level per use or per pill.
Furthermore prescriptions might allow patients to receive drugs that are mixed
with other the counter type of medicines such as Tylenol #3 which contains
codeine. Or the physician may prescribe something that is only available with a
prescription such as some controlled anxiety medications or pain medications.

E. Some Abuse Drugs

 Cocaine and Crack
 Date Rape Drugs
 Ecstasy
 Heroin
 Methamphetamine
 OxyContin
 Steroids
 Prescription Medications

F. Why People Abuse Drugs?

There are as many situations in which people abuse drugs as there are drugs. The
reason that someone will start to use drugs is not necessarily the reason they
continue to abuse them. Drug abuse is a never-ending cycle that is extremely
difficult to break. Some people will continue with drug abuse to avoid the extreme
withdrawal symptoms from the drug. Others may be born predisposed to this

Peer Pressure

Some people, especially teenagers, abuse drugs due to peer pressure. They
might use the drug simply to fit in. Once they get started down this road, it can
become harder and harder to stop.

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One of the reasons people abuse drugs is because they are self-medicating
a condition such as depression and anxiety. Many people who suffer from these
disorders will turn to drugs to make themselves feel better. Even when drugs are
obtained the correct way--through a legitimate doctor--they can still be abused.


Some people abuse drugs in an attempt to forget about problems, worries

and other things that cause stress. When under the influence of a drug, especially
an opiate, worries will go away. Some drugs, such as Valium, will offer a
tranquilizing effect and this is a state of mind that some people will seek out


Many abuse drugs for the euphoric feeling that comes along with ingesting
the drug. This feeling is one that is seldom experienced at such heights naturally.
Once they experience the pleasure that some drugs provide, people will continue
to seek that experience by abusing the drugs. Unfortunately, it takes more and
more of the drugs as time goes on to achieve these feelings; this adds to the
probability of abuse and addiction.

Avoid Withdrawal Symptoms

One of the most common reasons why people abuse drugs is that once
they have started, it becomes almost impossible to stop. Withdrawal from abusing
drugs, even if you were abusing them for only a short time, can be extremely
uncomfortable. Chills, vomiting and tingling all over are just a few of the early
symptoms. A feeling of overwhelming depression and doom can also be a
withdrawal symptom.

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Learned Behavior

Drug abuse can be a learned behavior. When children grow up in a home

where this behavior is prevalent, they might learn this behavior. Medication
handed out freely for any aches and pains can plant the seeds for drug abuse in
later years.


Scientists believe there is a gene that makes some people prone to drug
abuse and addiction. This gene has been isolated and is found in other members
of the family when drug abuse and addiction are present.

G. Alternatives for Drug Abuse

A significant number of people use drugs to deal with some kind of problem.
Problems include things like: 
1.) wanting to "fit in" with people around you - feeling left out 
2.) needing something that makes it easier to be in social situations (to be able to
talk more freely - "loosen up") - feeling somewhat afraid of social situations 
3.) to help in managing some kind of pain that could include physical pain,
emotional pain, or psychological pain - feeling like you are the only one in this
situation (whatever it is), feeling like there is no way out, feeling like no one
understands, feeling like you will never feel better 
4.) to avoid feelings - feeling like you just do not want to deal with anything 
5.) or to relax - feeling like you need a time out or some rest. 
One thing that most of the reasons for drug abuse have in common is that drugs
are used to deal with, avoid, or manage some kind of feeling. It may sound
cliche` to say "talk it out" but this is one of the least expensive and most
productive alternatives to using drugs. Statistically, people who have an adult
person with whom they can communicate with 'honestly', and who readily accepts
them unconditionally for who they are, use drugs less. The reason? It is a positive
outlet for dealing with feelings. Find someone, a clergy, a friend, a doctor, a
neighbor, a self-help group in the phone book or local hospital, your grandmother,
or even a friend's grandmother and "talk it out." Twelve step programs are
statistically very beneficial because they are made up of people just like you.

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Directions: Search in the internet different kinds of drugs, its usage, and its

effects . Write below 10 different prescribed drugs and 10 abused drugs.

Prescribed Drugs

Name of drug Use Effect

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Abused Drugs

Name of drug Use Effect


Directions: Answer the activity in the portal.





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