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Updated Summerpack

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The Lahore Lyceum

WAPDA City Campus

Name ________________________

Class: IX Section: _______

Session 2022-2023
Respected Parents!

Holidays are time when you can connect with your child in many ways. As parents, you
can engage your child in many activities at home and promote his/her quest to learn. Working
together will not only help your child to build, learn and develop his/her skills but also
strengthen your bond with your child.

General Instructions

Instructions for Students:

 Try to complete your vacation work independently

 Writing should be very good and neat.
 Don’t use marker or water colors for any activity on your summer packs. Use only pencil
colours, it will not make your work messy.
 Complete all work under the guidance of your parents and guardians.
 Complete all work with date and day.
 Do not let the corners of your pages fold while writing.
 Avoid placing edibles around your summer packs to avoid oil stains on pages.
 Try to do your written work regularly to enhance your writing power.
 Avoid playing outside. For your entertainment, activities are added and links/names of
the movies are also mentioned which you will enjoy with your family at home.
 Use fountain pen to solve your summer pack.
Instructions for Parents:

 Summer vacation homework has to be done under the parental guidance.

 Kindly complete and send the summer pack in a paper bag on the first day after the
summer break.
 Make your child learn/remember his/her address, landline or mobile number.
 Do not miss to enjoy fun activities from the summer packs with your child.
 While doing some creative activities in summer holidays, make a video and share it with
us to show us how you’re enjoying these fun activities with your kids.
 Fix up a time table for your child to organize his/her daily routine, like watching
television, having fun time with family etc.
 Make your child responsible by assigning some household responsibilities like watering
plants, arranging the dining table, organizing his/her room and cupboards, fill the empty
water bottles etc.
 Help your child to download the mentioned movies according to their grades to improve
their listening and speaking skills in a fun way.
Above-mentioned guidelines will help your child to become a smart and active learner. Do
not forget to share your feedback with us.

Note: Links of the recommended movies are shared for primary classes.
Students of grade 6-9 are advised to download these movies through Netflix
or u torrent.
Grade 1

1. Movie: Inside Out

2. Movie: Pet 2

Grade 2

1. Movie: Frozen II
2. Movie: Pets United

Grade 3

1. Movie: Moana
2. Movie: The Stolen Princes

Grade 4

1. Movie: Tangled
2. Movie: Puss in Boots

Grade 5

1. Movie: Happy Family
2. Movie: Raya and the last Dragon

Grade 6

1. Movie: Sonic the Hedgehog 2020

2. Smurfs
Grade 7

1. Movie: Tom & Jerry 2020

2. Movie: Sky dust
Grade 9

1. Movie: Matilda
2. Movie: Home Alone 4
I. Choose the correct option.

Unit 1: The Saviour of Mankind

1. “ Extremely bright” is called:

(A) enlightening (B) dazzling (C) dreary (D) starry
2. “ Sandy hills” are called:
(A) dunes (B) domes (C) plateaus (D) bays
3. “ The state of being alone” is called:
(A) silence (B) stillness (C) immobility (D) solitude
4. “Theology” means:
(A) theory (B) hypothesis (C) religious beliefs (D) a branch of science
5. “Chaos” means:
(A) confusion (B) order (C) category (D) arrangement
6. “A strong feelings of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help
them” is suggested by the word:
(A) eloquence (B) ignorance (C) compassion (D) pity
7. “Spreading of message” is suggested by the word:
(A) fluency (B) dispensation (C) conversation (D) whisper
8. “Proselytizing” means:
(A) argument (B) discussion (C) dialogue (D) preaching

Unit 2: Patriotism

1. “ Anyone from one’s motherland” is called:

a) brother b) citizen c) native d) civilian
2. “The authority of a state to govern itself or another state” is called:
a) submission b) sovereignty c) surrender d) yield
3. “Galvanize” means:
a) stimulate b) slow down c) inactivate d) discourage
4. “Devotion” means:
a) disloyalty b) treachery c) loyalty d) revolution
5. “Supreme” means:
a) Top b) bottom c) foundation d) powerful
6. “Value” means:
a) hollow b) worthless c) disadvantage d) worth
7. “Commendable” is suggested by the word:
a) honest b) admirable c) unworthy d) contemptible

Unit 3: Media and its Impact

1. “Oppressed” is also called:
b) wealthy b) disabled c) down trodden d) well off
2. “Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties” is called:
b) Careless b) vigilant c) ignorant d) brave
3. “Eagerly” means:
b) keenly b) heartlessly c) inactivate d) unwillingly
4. “Absolutely” means:
b) partially b) uncertain c) doubtfully d) completely
5. “Coverage” means:
b) to cover things b) reporting c) total age d) advantage
6. “Constructive” means:
b) fruitless b) worthless c) productive d) related to
7. “Accountable” is suggested by the word:
b) honest b) responsible c) unworthy d) untrustworthy


Unit 4: HazratAsma

1. “rugged” means:
a) Stony b)green c)dull d)near
2. He began to knock at the door violently.
a) Forceful b)slowly c)tightly d) softly
3. The journey was perilous:
a) Good b) long c) enjoyable d) dangerous
4. She instantly ran to the corner of the house:
a) Slowly b) immediately c)hardly d) lonely
5. Choose the correct spellings:
a) Delicat b) delicate c) delicate d) delecate
6. Choose the correct spellings:
a) Disbeliver b) disbeliever c) disbelever d) disbelever
7. Choose the correct spellings:
a) Allaviate b)alleviate c) ellivate d) illeviate

Unit 8: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.

Write summary of the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”


Unit 10: Drug Addiction

Choose the correct option:

1. I know the woman ______ child was hurt.
a) Who b) whom c) whose d) that
2. This the girl _______ stood first in the class.
a) Which b) whom c)who d) whose
3. Peer neams:
a) Enemy b) friend c) neighbor d) officer
4. They feel embarrassed.
a) Good b) bad c) dangerous d) shy
5. The people who are dissatisfied with their lives may resort to drug addiction. The
underline word a/an:
a) Interrogative pronoun b) demonstrative pronoun
c) relative pronoun d) indefinite pronoun
6. Meaning of discontented :
a) Happy b) dissatisfied c) sad d) enjoyed
7. Tick the correct spelling:
a) Domestic b) domistic c) domistec d) deomostic


Translate the following paragraphs into Urdu.

1. In the fifth and sixth countries mankind stood on the verge of chaos .it seemed that
civilization with had taken four thousand years to grow had stated crumbling. At this
point in time, Allah almighty raised a Rasool from among themselves who was to lift the
humanity from their ignorance into the light of faith.
2. The revelation of the divine message which continued for the next twenty three
years had begun, and the Rasool had arisen to proclaim the oneness of Allah (tauheed)
and the unity of mankind. His mission was to destroy the nexus of superstitions,
ignorance and disbelief and set up the noble conception of life and lead mankind to the
light of faith and divine bliss.
3. Patriotism gives people the strength and courage to safeguard the interest of the
country and nation. For a patriot the sovereignty, integrity and honour of the country are
supreme values on which no compromise can be made. Patriot renders sacrifice for yhe
preservation and protection of these values.
4. It would not be wrong to say that the media is the most vigilant institution that
keeps an eye on every segment of the society. Through debates, reports and talk shows it
makes everyone answerable and accountable. That is why media has become the integral
part of our lives.
5. During the perilous journey, it was difficult for anyone to supply food to Hazrat
Muhammad (PBUH). The situation was so delicate that slightest mistake could have
endangered the life of the Rasool. This grand task was nicely undertaken by HazratAsma
(R.A) the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique(R.A). Every night, with the pack of
food, she would quietly venture towards the rugged mountain in which lay the cave of
Thawr. She took care of minute details in accomplishing the task.
6. The other factor that contributes to the rehabilitation of the drug victim is proper
counseling. The sooner it is done the better it is for the victim. The counseling process
must continue even after the drug abuser is rehabilitated because of the danger of relapse.
Doctors, family and mut continue to watch critically and counsel the victim for better
motivation and adjustment.


II. Write answers of all the questions given in exercises of the following units .
Unit 1: The Saviour of Mankind, Unit 2: Patriotism, Unit 3: Media and its Impact,
Unit4: Hazrat Asma (R.A), unit10: Drug Addiction.

I. Change the following sentences into passive voice.
1. She likes apples.
2. The boy is climbing the wall.
3. We did not hear a sound.
4. They have bought a horse.
5. The Board has given me a gold medal.
6. He praised the boy for his courage.
7. The teacher was helping the students.
8. Why were they beating the boy?
9. They have not done their job.
10. A car ran over an old man.
11. He will give you a box of chocolates.
12. He had told me to do it.
13. They had not done their home task.
14. We shall have finished our work by March next.
15. He took away my books.

1. Write a letter to your mother who is worried about your health.
2. Write a letter to your father asking him about the health of your mother.
3. Write a letter to your sister congratulating her on her success in the examination.

Make sentences of the following idioms and phrases.

Words Sentences



Take into account




Supreme values

A click away

Keep an eye

Gave away


Fit of furry

Reveal the secret

Mad with anger


Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.

1. Early rising is a good habit as it gives us an early start of our day’s w work. We
gain time while the late risers are asleep. The early risers have another advantage and that
is they enjoy a good and sound health. Those whom are out of the bed early have plenty
of time to do their work carefully, steadily and completely. They do not have to put off
anything to the next day. The early riser is always happy, fresh and smart. He enjoys his
work while those who get up late find their duty dull and dry and do it unwillingly. Early
rising is therefore, a key to success in life.
i. What kind if habit is early rising?
ii. Why can an early riser do more work than a late riser?
iii. Why does an early riser enjoy good health?
iv. Why does a late riser find his work dull and dry?
v. What is the key to success in life?

2. In December 1930, Muhammad Iqbal was invited to preside over the annual
meeting of All India Muslim League at Allahabad. In his address he openly opposed the
idea of wielding together Hindus and Muslims into one nation. He declared that the move
to apply one constitution to both the Hindus and Muslims would result in a civil war. He
wanted to see the Punjab, Sindh, Bluchistan and N.W.F.P a single state for the Muslims,
so that they should live according to the teachings of Islam. We can say that Iqbal was the
first thinker to give us the separate homeland for the Muslims of India i.e partition of
Sub-continent into two sovereign states. The Muslims soon realized the importance of the
demand of two separate states. It was when the Pakistan resolution was adopted in 1940.
i. Where was the annual meeting of All India Muslim League held in 1940?


ii. Who was invited to preside over the session?


iii. What idea did Allama Iqbal oppose?


iv. Which provinces did he want to be included in the Muslim state?


v. On which grounds did he demand a separate state for the Muslims of India?


vi. When was the Pakistan resolution moved?

3. Indian National Congress was founded in 1885 by a liberal English man Mr. A.O Hume.
He had joined Indian Civil Services in 1849 and retired from the service after shouldering
different responsibilities. He had been watching the ugly law and order situation in the country
quite frequently. He was if the opinion that the highhanded rule of the Britishers was paving way
for any unexpected outburst of violence. His plan was to put a safety valve to minimize the
mounting sentiments against the British rule. It was meant to provide an outlet which could
ventilate the revolutionary spirit. Mr. Hume put his plan before Lord Duffrin.

i. Who founded Indian National Congress?


ii. Who was Mr. A.O Hume?


iii. When was the Indian National Congress founded?


iv. Why did Hume think of founding this political organization?


v. With whom did he discuss his plan?

Class: 9th Subject: Mathematics


Q.1: Choose the most appropriate answer.

_____ The order of matrix [ 2 1 ] is

a)2−by−1 b)1−by−2 c)1−by−1 d)2−by−2

.is called _______ matrix [√0

2 0
√2 ]
a)zero b)unit c)Scaler d)singular

_____Which is order of a square matrix

a)2−by−2 b)1−by−2 c)2−by−1 d)3−by−2

[ ]
2 1
_____ Order of transpose of 0 1 is
3 2

a)3−by−2 b)2−by−3 c)1−by−3 d)3−by−1

_______ Adjoint of [ 10 −12 ] is

a)[ b)[ [−10 −12 ] [−12 01 ]
1 ] 0 −1 ]
−1 −2 1 −2
c) d)

______ Product of [ x y ] [ ] is

a)[ 2 x + y ] b)[ x−2 y ] c)[ 2 x − y ] d)[ x+ 2 y ]

______ If |23 6x|=0, then x is equal to

a)9 b)–6 c)6 d)–9

____ If X + [−10 −2
−1 ] [0 1 ]
1 0
, then X is equal to

a)[ ] b)[ ] c)[ [ 20 22]

0 2]
2 2 0 2 2 0
2 0 2 2

is called [
0 0]
0 0

a)unit matrix b)zero matrix c)non-singular d)all

BA AB In general

a)= b)≠ c)> d)<

__ Matrix A+ B can be found if order of A and B are

a)= b)≠ c)> d)<

( A t ) =¿
a) At b) A c)both a and b d)not possible

( AB )t=¿

a) At Bt b) AB c) Bt At d) BA

Inverse of identity matrix

a)zero matrix b)identity matrix c)both d)not possible

( DA )−1 =¿

a) D−1 A −1 b) A−1 c) D−1 d) A−1 D−1

________( 27 x−1 ) 3

a) √ b) √ c) √ d) √
3 3
x2 x3 x2 x3
9 9 8 8

_______ Write √7 x in exponential form

a) x b) x 7 c) x 7
d) x 2

______ Write 4 3 with radical sign

a)√3 4 2 b)√ 4 3 c)√2 4 3 d)√ 4 6

_______ In √3 35 the radicand is

a)3 1 c)35 d)none of these


( )
_______ 2

5 4 −5 −4
a) b) c) d)
4 5 4 5
a =¿

a)2 b)1 c)both d)not possible


a) z b) z c)both d) not possible

_______ If a x =n , then

a)a=log x n b) x=log n a c) x=log a n d)a=log n x

______ The relation y=log z x implies

a) x y =z b) z y =x c) x z = y d) y z=x

_______ The logarithm of unity to any base is

a)1 b)10 c)e d)0

____ The logarithm of any number of itself as base is

a)1 b)0 c)–1 d)10

e ≈2.718 where ________log e=¿

a)0 b)0.4373 c)∞ d)1

_______ The value of log ( qp ) is

a)log p−log q log p c)log p+ log q d)log q−log p
log q

________ is same as log p−log q

a)log ( qp ) b)log ( p−q )

log p
log q d)log ( qp )
______ can be written as log (mn)

a)( log m )n b)m log n c)n log m d)log ( mn )

1) log a a=¿

a)0 b)1 c)not possible d)a


Short Question
1. Define identity Matrix and zero Matrix.

If A= [−22 41 ] , then find Additive inverse of A .

3. Define transpose of a Matrix.

4. Define singular and Non-Singular Matrix.

[ ][
5. 1 1
Find the product −3 0
6 −1
4 5
0 4
if possible ]
6. Define Symmetric and skew-symmetric Matrix.

Find BA when: A= [−12 30] , B=[−31 −52 ]
8. Define square and rectangular matrix with Examples.

Find Additive inverse of Matrix A= [√
√2 ]
10. Define Matrix.

Find the value of X , if [ 23 −31 ]+ X =[−14 −2
−2 ]

[ ]
12. 1 3
Find Multiplicative Inverse of D= 2 4
1 2

13. Simplify the radical Expression √


14. Define Complex Number.

15. Define additive Identity.

( )
16. 3 4 5 1
x y z 5
Simplify −2 −1 −5
x y z
17. Define Rational Number

18. 3
Simplify 52 ÷ ( 52 ) .

19. Simplify ( 2 x 5 y −4 ) (−8 x−3 y 2) .

20. Evaluate (−i )8.

21. 15
Represent the number on the number line.

22. 3 5
Give a rational number between and .
4 9

23. Write the Real and imaginary part of 2+0 i .

√ √ √
24. al 3 a m 3 an
Simplify m
× n × l.
a a a

25. Write in scientific notation 0.0074.

26. Find the value of x : log 2 x=5

27. x
Find the value of x if log 64 8= .

28. Calculate log 3 2 ×log 2 81.

29. Find the value of x : log x =0.1821.

30. Write in the form of single logarithmlog 5+ log 6−log 2.

31. Evaluate log 512 to the base 2 √ 2.

32. If log x 64=2 , then find value of x .

33. Find value of “ x ”:log 81 9=x

34. 1
Evaluate log 128 .
35. 1
Write into sum OR differencelog ( 22 ) .

36. Write in the form of single logarithmlog 25−2 log 3 .

Long Question
If A= [−12 30] , B=[−31 −52 ], then
(a) Verify that ( AB )t=Bt A t AND

(b) Verify that ( AB )−1=B−1 A−1

2. 2 x−2 y=4
Solve by Cramer’s Rule
3 x +2 y=6

2 x−2 y=4
And By matrix inversion Method
3 x +2 y=6

3. 2 1
(216 ) 3 × ( 25 ) 2
( 0.04 )

( ) ( )
4. p p+q q q +r
a a p−r
÷ 5( a . a )
p r
Simplify q r
, a≠ 0
a a

( ) ( ) ( )
5. a a+ b b b +c c c+a
x x x
Show that b × c × a =1
x x x

6. −2 −1
3 5
Simplify ( 243 ) ( 32 )
√( 196 ) −1

7. 1 1 1
3 2
2 × ( 27 ) × ( 60 )
Simplify 1 −1 1
( 180 ) 2 × ( 4 ) 3 × ( 9 ) 4
8. Using log table find the value of

a) log

3 0.7214 ×20.37
( 438 ) √3 0.056
( 388 ) 4

Q.1: Choose the most appropriate answer.

_______ is an algebraic 4 x+3 y −2

a)expression b)sentence c)equation d)in equation

_____ The degree of polynomial 4 x 4 +2 x 2 y is

a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4

_______ is equal to a 3+ b3

a)( a−b ) ( a2+ ab+b 2 ) b)( a+ b ) ( a2 −ab+b 2 ) c) d)( a−b ) ( a2+ ab+b 2 )
( a−b ) ( a2−ab+ b2 )

________ is equal to ( 3+ √ 2 ) ( 3− √ 2 )

a)7 b)–7 c)–1 d)1

______ Conjugate of surd a+ √b is

a) – a+ √ b b)a−√ b c)√ a+ √ b d)√ a−√ b

1 1
_______ is equal to −
a−b a+b
2a 2b −2 a −2b
a) 2 2 b) 2 2 c) 2 2 d) 2 2
a −b a −b a −b a −b
2 2
a −b
_______ is equal to

a)( a−b )2 b)( a+ b )2 c)a+ b d)a−b

_______The factors of x 2−5 x+ 6 are

a) x +1 , x−6 b) x−2 , x−3 c) x +6 , x−1 d) x +2 , x +3

_______ Factors of 8 x 3+ 27 y 3 are

a) b)( 2 x−3 y ) , ( 4 x 2−9 y 2 ) c) d)

( 2 x+3 y ) , ( 4 x2 −6 xy+ 9 y 2 ) ( 2 x+3 y ) , ( 4 x −6 xy+(92 yx−3
2 2
) y ) , ( 4 x 2+ xy+ 9 y 2 )
_______ Factors of 3 x 2−x−2 are

a)( x +1 ) , ( 3 x−2 ) b)( x +1 ) , ( 3 x +2 ) c)( x−1 ) , ( 3 x −2 ) d)( x−1 ) , ( 3 x +2 )

______ Factors of a 4−4 b 4 are

a) b)( a 2−2 b2 ) , ( a2 +2 b2 ) c) d)( a−2 b ) , ( a2 +2 b2 )

( a−b ) , ( a+ b ) ( a2 + 4 b2 ) ( a−b ) , ( a+ b ) , ( a2−4 b 2)

?9 a 2−12 ab What will be added to complete the square of

a)−16 b 2 b)16 b 2 c)4 b2 d)−4 b2

__ Find m so that x 2+ 4 x +m is a complete square

a)8 b)–8 c)4 d)16

_____ Factors of 5 x 2−17 xy−12 y 2 are

a)( x +4 y ) , ( 5 x+ 3 y ) b)( x−4 y ) , (5 x−3 y ) c) d)( 5 x−4 y ) , ( x +3 y )

( x−4 y ) , (5 x +3 y )

______ H.C.F. of p3 q−p q3 and p5 q2− p 2 q 5 is

a) pq ( p2−q 2 ) b) pq ( p−q ) c) p2 q2 ( p−q ) d) pq ( p3−q3 )

________ H.C.F. of 5 x 2 y 2 and 20 x 3 y 3 is

a)5 x 2 y 2 b)20 x 3 y 3 c)100 x 5 y 3

_______ H.C.F. of x−2 and x 2+ x−6 is

a) x 2+ x−6 b) x +3 c) x−2 d) x +2

_______ H.C.F. a 3+ b3and a 2−ab+ b2 is

a)a+ b b)a 2−ab+ b2 c)( a−b )2 d)( a 2+ b2 )

________ H.C.F of x 2−5 x+ 6 and x 2−x−6 is

a) x−3 b) x +2 c) x 2−4 d) x−2

______ H.C.F. of a 2−b2 and a 3−b3 is

a)a−b b)a+ b c)a 2+ ab+b 2 d)a 2−ab+ b2

_____ H.C.F. of x 2+ 3 x +2 , x 2+ 4 x +3, and x 2+ 5 x + 4 is

a) x +1 b)( x +1 ) ( x +2 ) c)( x +3 ) d)( x +4 ) ( x +1 )

_______ L.C.M. of 15 x 2 , 45 xy and 30 xyz is

a)90 xyz b)90 x 2 yz c)15 xyz d)15 x 2 yz

______ L.C.M. of a 2+ b2 and a 4−b4 is

a)a 2+ b2 b)a 2−b2 c)a 4−b4 d)a−b


Short Question

1. Simplify √ 21× √ 7× √ 3.

2. 1
Rationalize the denominator: .
3+2 √ 5

3. 8 a ( x+ 1 )
Reduce the rational expression to the lowest form .
2 ( x 2−1 )

4. If x + y=7 and xy=12 then find x 3 + y 3.

5. lm+mx−l y−my
Reduce to lowest form: 2 2 .
3 x −3 y

6. 64 x −64 x
Simplify that
( 8 x 2+ 8 ) ( 2 x +2 )

7. Simplify by combining similar terms

4 √ 3−3 √ 27+2 √ 75 .

8. Define surd.

9. Find the product ( x 3− y 3 ) ( x 6 + x 3 y 3 + y 6 )

10. 1 3 1
If x− =7 , then find the value of x − 3 .
x x

11. If x 2+ y 2+ z 2=78 and xy + yz + zx=59 find the value of x + y + z

12. Factorize 125 x 3−1331 y 3.

13. Factorize 144 a2+ 24 a+1

2 2
14. a b
Factorize 2
−2+ 2 .
b a

15. Factorize x 2+ x−132.

16. Factorize x ( x −1 )− y ( y−1 )

17. Factorize1+2 ab−a2−b2.

18. Define Factorization.

19. Factorize x 2−a 2+2 a−1.

20. Factorize 4 x 4 +81.

( ) ( )
21. 1 1
Factorize 5 x− + 4 5 x− + 4 , x ≠ 0.
x x

22. Factorize 4 x 2−17 xy+ 4 y 2

23. Define Zero of a polynomial.

24. If ( x +2 ) is a factor of 3 x 2−4 kx−4 k 2, then find value of k.

25. Find the L.C.M 39 x 7 y 3 z, 91 x 5 y 6 z 7.

26. 4 1
Find square root of x + 4
+ 2.
27. a+b a −ab
Simplify 2 2
÷ 2 2
a −b a −2 ab+ b

28. Find square root of 4 x 2−12 xy +9 y 2 by factorization.

29. Find the H.C.F ( x 2 +5 x+6 ), ( x 2−4 x−12 ).

30. If ( x +3 ) ( x−2 ) is the H.C.F. of

P ( x )=( x+ 3 ) ( 2 x 2−3 x +k ) and

q ( x )= ( x −2 ) ( 3 x 2 +7 x−l ), find “k ” and “l ”.

Simplify [ x +1 x−1

− 2
+ 4 .
x−1 x +1 x +1 x −1 ]
32. 1 a+1
Simplify A− , where A= .
A a−1

[ x 2 + y 2 x2 − y 2
x −y 2
− 2 2 ÷
x +y ][
x+ y x− y

x− y x+ y
. ]
34. Use factorization find the square root of

( ) ( )
2 2
2 1 1
x + 2
−4 x+ +12.
x x

35. Find H.C.F. of 8 x 4−128and 12 x3 −96. By factorization

36. Define square root of Algebraic Expression.

Long Question

2 2
1. x x y y
Find square root of 2
−10 + 27−10 + 2 by Division Method.
y y x x

2. For what value of “l ” and “m ” for which the following expressions will
become perfect square. x 4 + 4 x 3+ 16 x 2 +l x+ m.

3. The expression a x 3−9 x 2 +bx +3 a is exactely divisible by x 2−5 x+ 6. Find

the value of “a ” and “b ”.

4. Factorize ( x +4 ) ( x −5 ) ( x +6 )( x−7 )−504 .

5. Determine the Rational numbers “a ” and “b ” if

√3−1 + √3+1 =a+b √ 3.

√ 3+1 √ 3−1
6. 1
If q=√ 5+2, then find the values of q− and

2 1 2 1
q+ 2
,q − 2
q q
Activity # 1
Chapter # 1: Introduction to Biology
Short Questions:
1. Define science.
2. What is an organism?
3. How would you define biology?
4. What are protists?
5. Define zoology.
6. What is anatomy?
7. What does the taxonomy refer to?
8. How is environmental biology different from socio-biology?
9. What is the study of drugs and their effects called?
10. Define bio-economics.
11. What is bio-chemistry?
12. Define palaeontology.
13. What is meant by parasitology?
14. What is the study of development of new organisms from fertilized egg called?
15. Define bio-geography.
16. What is meant by biotechnology?
17. Define fisheries.
18. Give a Quranic verse about the creation of life from water
19. How did Jabir Bin Hayan contribute to the field of biology?
20. Name the books written by Abdul Malik Asmai.
21. Which subatomic particles are the most stable?
22. What are bio elements?
23. Name the six elements that make 99% of the total mass of living organism.
24. Define molecule.
25. What are micro molecules? Give examples.
26. Define macromolecules. Also give examples.
27. What are conjugated molecules?
28. What are organelles?
29. What is the function of ribosomes in the cell?
30. Define tissue.
31. What are the types of permanent tissues?
32. Name the major types of animal tissue.
33. Define organ.
34. What is an organ system?
35. Define population.
36. What is a community?
37. What is nictitating membrane?
38. What are the parts of central nervous system of frog?

Activity # 2
Chapter 2 Solving a biological problem
Short Questions:
1. What is biological method?
2. What steps are included in solving a biological problem?
3. Why quantitative observations are more accurate than qualitative ones?
4. What is a hypothesis? What are deductions?
5. What is meant by malaria?
6. What hypothesis was formulated about malaria?
7. What is inductive reasoning?
8. Define deductive reasoning?
9. What is a theory?
10. Define a law or principle.
11. Give some examples of scientific laws.
12. What is meant by data?
13. Define ‘extremes’ in a proportion.
14. What is meant by ‘means’ in a proportion?
15. Define bioinformatics.
16. What is computational biology?

Activity # 3
Chapter # 3 Biodiversity
Short Questions:
1. Define systematics.
2. Write down the aims of taxonomy and systematics.
3. Illustrate the meaning of the word “taxa”.
4. How would you define ‘taxonomic hierarchy’?
5. Define species.
6. What is a genus?
7. How would you define order?
8. Write down the scientific name of fruit fly.
9. Write down the classification of human.
10. To which class does the fruit fly belong?
11. Name the order of E. Coli.
12. To which kingdom does the ‘Amanita’ belong?
13. Name the basic unit of classification.
14. Who translated Aristotle’s book “de anima” into Arabic?
15. Who proposed the first methodical arrangement of plants?
16. Write at least two properties of fungi.
17. Name five kingdoms of classification.
18. Write at least two characteristics of the animals belonging to kingdom protista.
19. What is binomial nomenclature?
20. Write down the scientific name of orchid tree.
21. Explain the term “extinct species”.
22. Why are some species called threatened species?
23. Write down the scientific name of tomato.
24. Give some examples of extinct animal species.
25. Narrate the causes of species extinction.
26. State the term ‘Deforestation’.
27. How does deforestation cause floods?
28. Name the largest chilghoza forest in the world.
29. What is the habitat of Indus dolphin?
30. State the causes of extinction of Indus dolphin.
31. Why Indus dolphin is called blind dolphin?
32. How does the Indus dolphin catch its prey?
33. What is the habitat of Marco polo sheep?
Activity # 4
Chapter#4 Cells and tissues
Multiple choices:
1.The first compound microscope was developed by Zacharias Janssen, in Holland in:
a. 1580 b.1585 c.1590d.1595
2.Human naked eye can differentiate between two points, which are at least apart.
a. 0.1mm b.0.01mm c.0.05 d.0.04
3.The light microscope uses:
a. one glass lens b. two glass lens c.three glass lens d.four glass lens
4.Photo micrograph taken through a light microscope, magnified 108 times will be
represented by:
a. L108 b.LM108X c.M108 d.LM108
5.The magnification of light microscope is:
a. 1000 b.1500 c.2000 d.2500
6. LM cannot resolve objects smaller than:
a. 0.1mm b.0.2mm c.0.3mm d.0.4mm
7. EM can magnify objects about times.
a. 200 b.2,000 c.25,000 d.250,000
8.___________ is used to study the internal cell structure.
a. Light microscope b.Transmission electron microscope c.Scanning electron
microscope d.Allofthese
9.Who presented the idea that all animals and plants are related?
a. Aristotle b.Robert Hooke c.Leeuwenhoek d.Robert Brown
10.Which of the following scientists observed iny organisms from pond water for the
first time?
a. Aristotle b.Robert Hooke c.Leeuwenhoek d.Robert Brown
11.Cells were first described by:
a. Aristotle b.Robert Hooke c.Leeuwenhoek d.Robert Brown
12._________discovered nucleus in the cell.
a. Aristotle b.Robert Hooke c.Leeuwenhoek d.Robert Brown
13.In________, a German botanist Matthias Schleiden studied plant tissues and made
the first statement of cell theory.
a. 1830 b.1834 c.1838 d.1842
14.Who proposed cell theory in its initial form
a.Matthias Schleiden b.Theodor Schwann c.Schleiden and Schwann
d.Rudolf Virchow
15.______________ proposed “Omnis cellula e cellula”.
a.Matthias Schleiden b.Theodor Schwann c.Schleiden and Schwann
d.Rudolf Virchow
16.Which of the following are sub-cellular or acellular particles?a.Bacteria
b.Fungi c.Protozoans d.Viruses
17.Which of the following is not an organelle?
a. Cellwall b.Ribosome c.Mitochondrion d.Vacuole
18.The cell walls of fungi are composed of:
a.cellulose b.chitin c.peptidoglycan d.starch
19.The cell walls of prokaryotes are made up of:
a.cellulose b.chitin c.peptidoglycan d.starch
20.Cell membrane is mainly composed of:
a. proteins b.lipids c.proteins and lipidsd.glucose
21.Which of the following organelles are bounded by cell membranes?
a. Chloroplast b.Mitochondria c.Golgi apparatus d.All of these
22.___________ provides space for proper functioning of organelles and also act as the
site for various biochemical reactions.
a. Cellwall b.Cellmembrane c.Cytoplasm d.Mitochondria
23.Glycolysis occurs in:
a. mitochondria b.ribosome c.cytoplasm d.cellmembrane
24.__________ are a major component of cilia and flagella.
a. Microbtubules b.Microfilament c.Cellulose d.Ribosomes
25._________ is a dark spot and it is the site where Ribosomal RNA are formed.
a. Ribosome b.Vacuole c.Nucleolus d.Mitochondria
26._________ help cells to change their shape.
a. Plasmodesmata b.Microtubules c.Microfilaments d.Ribosomes
27.__________ are visible only during cell division.
a. Nucleus b.nuclear envelope c.Nucleolus d.chromosomes
28.Chromosomes are present in ___________ in a prokaryotic cell.
a. cytoplasm b.nucleus c.mitochondria d.ribosomes
29.Chromosomes are composed of _________ and proteins.
a. DNA b.RNA c.lipids d.carbohydrates
30.Ribosomes are found floating freely in cytoplasm or are bound to:
a. mitochondria b.microtubules c.nucleus d.endoplasmic reticulum
31.Ribosomes are the sites of _________ synthesis.
a. carbohydrate b.protein c.lipid d.glucose
32.Which of the following organelle(s) are found in prokaryotes?
a. Nucleus b.Mitochondria c.Ribosomes d.Plastids
33.__________ are the sites of aerobic respiration.
a. Nucleus b.Mitochondria c.Ribosomes d.Plastids
34.Which of the following is a double membrane bound organelle?
a. Nucleus b.Mitochondria c.Ribosomes d.Plastids
35.The two centrioles are collectively called
a. nucleosome b.lysosome c.centrosomed.golgi vesicle
36.In folding of the inner membrane of mitochondria are called:
a. thylakoid membrane b.stroma c.cristae d.cisternae
37.Who discovered lysosomes?
a. Camillo Golgi b.deDuve c.Aristotle d.Louis Pasteur
38.In 1906, Golgi was awarded Nobel Prize for physiology and.
a. taxonomy b.biochemistry c.Medicine d.Microscopy
39.Each centriole is made of _____________ of microtubules.
a. nine triplets b.eight triplets c.four triplets triplet
40.Centrioles are involved in the formation of:
a. lysosomes b.mitochondria c.cilia and flagella d.vacuoles
Short question:
1.What do you know about microscopy?
2.What is the difference between microscopy and resolution?
3.What is the resolution of human eye?
4.Write down the names of two types of microscopes used in microscopy.
5.What is a micrograph?
6.Why electron microscope cannot be used to study life processes?
7.Name the two types of electron microscopes.
8.Describe the use of transmission electron microscope.
9.What is the difference between working principles of TEM and SEM?
10.Write down the principles of modern cell theory.
11.What is the primary function of cell wall?
12.What are plasmodesmata?
13.Cell membrane is a semi-permeable barrier. Explain.
14.State the fluid-mosaic model.
15.What is the difference between cell membrane and plasma membrane?
16.What is cytoskeleton?
17.What are microtubules made of?
18.What are microfilaments?
19.Write down the functions of nuclear envelope.
20.Write down the importance of ribosomes in the cytoplasm.
21.What is nucleolus? Write down their function.
22.What are the different types of plastids? What is their function in plants?
23.Differentiate between chloroplasts and chromoplasts.
24.What is meant by nucleoplasm?
25.What do you know about chromatin?
26.What are ribosomes?
27.How formation of cristae facilitates chemical eactions?
28.Why rough endoplasmic reticulum is named so?
29.Differentiate between chromoplast and leucoplast.
30.What do you know about endoplasmic reticulum?
31.What do you understand by Golgi complex?
32.What are centrioles?
33.Write down the function of centrosome.
34.Describe similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
35.Why cell membrane is called semi-permeable membrane?
36. Why simple diffusion is called passive transport? Name other types of passive
37.Differentiate between diffusion and facilitated diffusion.
38. What does tonicity refers to?
39. Define osmosis.
40. Differentiate between hypertonic and hypotonic solution.
41. What happens if the plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution?
42. What is meant by turgor pressure?
43. What is palsmolysis?
44. What is the importance of turgor for plants?
45. What is reverse osmosis?
46. Define filtration.
47. What is active transport?
48. Differentiate between exocytosis and endocytosis.
49. Name the four major categories of animal tissues.
50. What is the structure and location of squamous epithelium?
51. What is the difference between columnar and ciliated columnar epithelium?
52. Describe the distinguishing features of stratified squamous epithelium.
53. What is the function of connective tissue? Give examples of different types of
connective tissues.
54. Write down the distinguishing features of muscle tissues.
55. What are epical meristems? Which function they perform?
56. Define secondary growth.
57. Which different types of cambium are present in roots and shoots?
58. What is intercalary meristem?
59. How are permanent tissues formed?
60. Write down the distinguishing features of epidermal tissues.
61. Which different specialized structures are found in epidermal tissues?
62. What are mesophyll cells?
63. What are collenchyma tissues? Where are they found?
64. Write down the salient features of sclerenchyma tissues.
65. What are the components of phloem tissue?
Choose the correct option.
i) Which solutions are not reached through proper algorithm or work planning?
a) Prepared solutionb) candid solution c) strategized solution d) best
ii)_____ is a graphical representation of an algorithm.
a) Matrix b) graph c) flowchart d) solution
iii) Which symbol in the flowchart is used to either start or end the flowchart?
(a)Terminal (b) Connector (c) Process (d) Decision
iv)_______ means to test if the required solution is there.
a) Verification b) algorithm c) validation d) flowchart
v) In a_____error, the solution is working but not giving required results
a)random b)logical c)syntax error d)runtime
vi)The Ipv4 address is made up to _________ binary bits.
a)31 b)29 c)32 d)40
vii)The expression (A+B).(A+C) is equal to_______.
a)A+(B.C) b) A.B+A.C c) A.(B.C) d) A+(B+C)
viii) The order of application of two separate terms is not important
a) Associative Law b) Commutative Law c) Distributive Law d) Identity
ix)”Is it cold outside “is_______.
a) Boolean proposition b) Categorical proposition c) Moral Propositiond)
x) Number “17” is equal to _______ in binary system.
a) 10000 b) 10110 c) 10001 d) 10100
Write down the short answer.
i) Define Problem.
ii) Define the Candid solution.
iii) Define the 5ws to understand the problem.
iv) Draw a flowchart to convert temperature from Fahrenheit.
v) Write an algorithm to find the plain interest on an amount.
vi) Differentiate between an algorithm and a flowchart.
vii)Define Valid data and invalid data.
viii)What is number system? List important types of number system.
ix) Convert 8810 to binary.
x)6961010 To Hexadecimal.
xi) Convert 1 D7 F 16 to decimal number.
xii) Differentiate between memory and storage.
xiii) What is the use of storage devices? List any five storage device.
xiv) Prove that Commutative Law A.B=B.A.
xv)Define Application Sharing.
xvi)What are server and client?
xvii)Define point to point connection.
xviii)Define advantages and disadvantages of star topology.
xix)What is data communication?
xx)What is a router?

i) How is problem defined? Discuss different strategies to define the problem.
ii) Draw a flowchart to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
iii) Draw a flow chart to find out the plain interest on an amount.
iv) Describe the formulation of an algorithm.
v) What are logical operator and logical expression.
vi) Describe computer memory and its different types.
vii) What is ring topology and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
viii) Prove that Associative Law (A.B).C=A.(B.C)
ix) What is data communication? Describe different component of a communication
x) Why is a computer network needed?
Activity 1

Encircle the correct answer from the given choices.

1) The number of base units in SI is:

a) 3 b) 6 c) 7 d) 9

2) Which one of the following unit is not a derived unit?

a) pascal b) kilogram c) newton d) watt

3) Amount of substance in terms of numbers is measured in:

a) gram b) kilograms c) newton d) mole

4) An interval of 200µs is equivalent to

a) 0.2s b) 0.02s c) 2×10−4s d) 2×10−6s

5) Which one of the following is the smallest quantity?

a) 0.01g b) 2 mg c) 100µg d) 5000ng

6) A body has translator motion if it moves along a

a) straight line b) circle c) line without rotation d) curved path

7) The motion of a body about an axis is called

a) circular motion b) rotator motion c) vibratory motion d) random motion

8) Which of the following is a vector quantity?

a) speed b) displacement c) distance sd) power

9) A ball is thrown vertically upward. Its velocity at the highest point is:

a) -10ms−1 b) 10ms−2 c) zero d) none of these

10) A change in position is called:

a) speed b) velocity c) displacement d) distance

11) Newton’s first law of motion is valid only in the absence of:

a) force b) net force c) friction d) momentum

12) Inertia depend upon

a) force b) net force c) mass d) velocity

13) A string is stretched by two equal and opposites forces 10N each. The tension in the
string is

a) zero b) 5N c) 10N d) 20N

14) Which of the following is the unit of momentum?

a) Nm b) kgms−2 c) Ns d) Ns−1

15) When horse pulls a cart the action is on the:

a) cart b) earth c) horse d) earth and cart

16) Two equal but unlike parallel forces having different line of action produce

a) a torque b) a couple c) equilibrium d) neutral equilibrium

17) The number of forces that can be added by head to tail rule are:

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) any number

18) The number of perpendicular components of forces are:

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

19) A force of 10N is making an angle of 300 with the horizontal. Its horizontal
component will be:

a) 4N b) 5N c) 7N d) 8.7N

20) A couple is formed by

a) two forces perpendicular to each other

b) two like parallel forces

c) two equal and opposite forces in the same line

d) two equal and opposite forces not in the same line

21) Earth’s gravitational forces of attraction vanishes at

a) 6400km b) infinity c) 42300km d) 1000km

22) The orbital speed of a low orbit satellite is:

a) zero b) 8 ms−1 c) 800 ms−1 d) 8000 ms−1

23) The value of g on moon surface is 1.6 ms−2 . What will be the weight of a100kg body
on the surface moon?

a) 100N b) 160N c) 1000N d) 1600N

24) Value of g increase with the

a) increase in altitude

b) increase in mass of the body

c) decrease in altitude

d) none of the above

Activity # 2

Give short answers of the following questions:-

1) Define Science?

2) What is Natural Philosophy?

3) What is the difference between Biological sciences and Physical science?

4) Define SI (system international units)?

5) What is difference between scientific notation and prefixes?

6) What is difference between least count of vernier caliper and screw gague?

7) What is the difference between in rest and motion?

8) What is difference between speed and velocity?

9) What is the difference between distance and displacement?

10) Define Position?

11) What is difference between Linear, Circular and Random motion?

12) Define Gravitational Acceleration?

13) Define Dynamics?

14) Define Force?

15) What is Inertia?

16) What is Momentum?

17) Describe Newton’s first law of motion?

18) Describe Newton’s second law of motion?

19) Describe Newton’s third law of motion?

20) Define friction?

21) Define Force of limiting friction?

22) Define coefficient friction?

23) Define circular motion?

24) Define parallel Forces?

25) What is difference between like and unlike parallel forces?

26) Define Addition of Forces?

27) Define Resolution Of forces?

28) Define Rigid Body?

29) What is axis of Rotation?

30) Define Torque?

31) What is difference between clockwise and anti clockwise moments?

32) Define Plumb line?

33) What is difference between stable, unstable and Neutral equilibrium?

34) Define Law/Force Of Gravitation?

35) Define Field Force?

36) Define Gravitation Field?

37) Define Gravitation Field Strength?

38) What is difference between Natural and Artificial Satellites?

Activity # 3

Give detailed answers:-

1) Describe Vernier Caliper and Draw its diagram?

2) Describe Screw Gauge and Draw its diagram?
3) Describe First, Second and Third Equation of motion with the help of speed time
4) Your hair grows at the rate of 1mm per day. Find their growth rate in nms−1.
5) Estimate your age in second?
6) A train move with a uniform velocity of 36 kmh−1 for 10s.Find the distance
travelled by it.
7) Describe Law Of Gravitation?
8) Describe Mass of Earth?
9) A car has a velocity of10 ms−1. It accelerates at 0.2 ms−2 for half minute. Find the
distance travelled during this time and the final velocity travelled by car.
10) a) A force of 20N moves the body with an acceleration of 2 ms−2.What is its mass.
b) How much force is needed to prevent a body of mass 10kg from falling?
Chapter # 1Fundamentals of Chemistry
Multiple choices:

1. Tick () the appropriate option.

1. The removal of electron from an atom give rise to:
a. Cation b. anion c. molecule d. molecular ion
2. The empirical formula of glucose is:
a. CH b.CH2O c. OH d. H2O2
3. Industrial chemistry deals with the manufacturing of compounds:
a. in laboratory b. on micro scale
c. on commercial scale d. on economic scale
4. The molar mass of H2SO4is
a. 9.8 gm b. 98 amu c. 98 gm d. 9.8 amu
5. The mass of one mole of water is:
a. 18 amu b. 18 g c. 18 mg d. 18 kg
6. All of the following are tri-atomic molecules except:
a. O3 b. H2O c. CO d. CO2
7. Which of the following is a molecular mass of O2 in amu:

a. 32 amu b. 53.12 x 10-24 amu c. 1.92 x10-25amu d. none of these

8. The mass of electron is:
a. 9.106 x10-28g b. 1.674 x 10-24 g c. 1.672 x 10-24 g d. 1.66 x

9. Which of the following is/are heterogeneous mixture(s)?

a. Soil b. Rock c. Wood d. All of these
10. The chemical formula of washing soda is:
a. Na2CO3.10H2O b. NaOH c. CaCO3 d. SiO2
11. Which of the following is found in milk?
a. Sugar b. Mineral salts c.Vitamins d. All of these
12. The atomic mass of potassium is:
a. 24 b. 39 c. 19 d. 40

13. Chemistry deals with the study of all elements and their compounds except
a. Organic b. Inorganic c. Analytical d. Physical
14. Analytical chemistry deals with the of elements and compounds.
a. Detection b. separation c. analysis d. separation and analysis
15. Elements are known till now.
a. 110 b. 116 c. 118 d. 122
16. Which one of the following element exists in liquid state?
a. Sodium b. Mercury c. Gold d. Nitrogen
17. Brass is a mixture of:
a. zinc & copper b. copper& iron c. iron & zinc d. silver & zinc
18. Brass is a mixture of:
a. zinc & copper b. copper& iron c. iron & zinc d. silver & zinc
19. Wood is an example of:

a. mixture b. element c. compound d. substance

20. The number of protons in the nucleus is called:
a. atomic number b. mass number c. nucleon number d.
atomic mass
21. The difference between the mass number and atomic number of an element is
equal to the:
a. number of protons b. number of electrons
c. number of positrons d. number of neutrons
22. The formula mass of potassium sulphate` is:
a. 98 amu b. 174 amu c. 198 amu d. none of the above
23. The empirical formula of benzene is:
a. CH2 b. CH c. C2H2 d. C6H6

24. The molecular formula of glucose is:

a.CH2O b. C2H6O2 c. C6H12O6 d. CHO

25. Molecular formula of hydrogen peroxide is:

a. H2O b. H3O c. H2O2 d. HO2
26. have same empirical and molecular formula.
a. Water b. Sodium carbonate c. Benzene d. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
27. The unit of molar mass is:
a. kilogram per mole b. kilogram
c. gram per mole d. both ‘a’ and ‘c’
28. One mole of magnesium is equal to _______.
a. 12 g b. 20 g c. 24 g d. 36 g
29. The unit ‘Mole’ is represented by a symbol .
a. Mole b. mol c. m d. M
30. What is the molar mass of sodium chloride?
a. 55.8 g / mol b. 58.8 g / mol c. 58.5 g/ mol d. none of the above
31. The atomic mass of an element expressed in grams is called:
a. gram mass b. molar mass c. gram molecular mass d. gram atomic mass
Short Questions
1. Define organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry.
2. Define tri-atomic and homo-atomic molecule and give one example to each.
3. Differentiate between homo atomic and hetero atomic molecules.
4. Write the chemical formulae of aluminum sulphate and calcium phosphate.
5. Define Avogadro’s number.
6. Differentiate between ions and free radicals.
7. For an element z = 92 and A = 238. Calculate the number of electron and proton in it.
8. Define the term anion. Give one example.
9. Differentiate between molecule and molecular ion.
10. Calculate the gram molecules in 40 g of H3PO4.
11. Name the elements represented by the following symbols: W, Ba, Hg,Na.
12. State reason, soft drink is a mixture and water is a compound.
13. What is the significance of the symbol of an element?
14. Define chemistry.
15. Define physical chemistry and nuclear chemistry?
16. What do we study in Industrial Chemistry?
17. Define bio-chemistry. Also give its scope?
18. What does the environmental chemistry refer to?
19. Define a) matter b) element c) substance
20. Define atomic mass unit.
21. What is relative atomic mass?
22. How would you define empirical formula? Give an example.
23. Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture?
24. Differentiate between formula mass and molecular mass.
25. Define mole.

Chapter 2 Structure of Atom

Multiple choices:
Tick (√) the appropriate option.
1. How many electrons can be
accommodated in M-shell:
a) 8 b) 18 c) 32 d) 40
2. The nucleus of an atom is composed of:
a) Electrons b) protons and neutrons c) electrons and neutrons
d) Electrons and protons
3. The concept of orbit was introduced by:
a) J. J. Thomson b) Rutherford c) Neil Bohr d) Planks
4. Rutherford bombarded alpha particles on a gold foil having thickness:
a) 0.00004 cm b) 0.00005 cm c) 0.00006 cm d)
0.00007 cm
5. The formula used for the distribution of electrons in shells.
a) 2n b) 2n c) 2n2 d) 3n2
6. In Rutherford’s experiment, he used α- particles which are helium nuclei with
______ charge.
a) Negative b) double positive c) neutral d) positive
7. Electrons revolve around the nucleus in circles called:
a) Pith b) orbits c) levels d) field
8. An atom is ________ particle.
a) Neutral b) positive charged c) negatively charged
d) Double negative charged
9. If revolving electron emits energy continuously, it forms a spectrum which should
a) Line spectrum b) right spectrum c) continuous spectrum d) all
10. _____________ was the first scientist who proposed first atomic model of an
a) Dalton b) Rutherford c) Neil Bohr d) Berzelius
11. Light is __________ when an atom jumps to a higher energy orbit while light is
_________ when an electron falls into lower energy orbit.
a) absorbed, emitted b) reflected, refracted
c) Emitted, absorbed d) refracted, reflected
12. Chlorine has two isotopes, both of which have:
a) Same mass number. b) Different number of protons.
c) Same number of neutrons. d) Same number of electrons.
13. Hydrogen has _______ isotopes.
a) One b) two c) three d) four
14. . M shell has sub shells:
a) 1s, 2s b) 2s, 2p c) 3s, 3p, 3d d) 1s, 2s, 3s
15. A sub shell that accommodate 6 electrons is:
a) s b) d c) p d) f
16. A shell is also called:
a) Energy level b) Orbit c) Both A& B d) None of these
17. Na11 has electronic configuration:
a) 1s2, 2s2, 3s1 b) 1s2, 2s2, 2p5, 3s2
c) 1s2, 2s2, 2p7 d) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1
18. Which isotope is commonly used to image the brain?
a) Iodine-123 b) Cobalt-60 c) Radioactive iodine-131 d) Carbon-14
19. The lowest energy sub-shell is:
a) 2s b) 1s c) 3s d) 2p
20. Which isotope is used in nuclear reactor?
a) U-234 b) U-238 c) U-235 d) All of these
21. Which scientist proposed nicely explained structure of an atom?
a) Bohr b) Rutherford c) Both A & B d) None of these
Short Question
1. When does an electron emit or absorb energy?
2. Magnesium has electronic configuration 2, 8, 2. Why does magnesium tend to
lose electrons?
3. Write down the observations made by Rutherford.
4. Differentiate between Rutherford’s and Bohr’s atomic model theories. (any two
5. Write down the electronic configuration of Be and Ne.
6. Write down the electronic configuration of Na.
7. State any two uses of isotopes.
8. Write down the electronic configuration of chloride ion.
9. Write the electronic configuration of Phosphorus ion (P3-). How many electrons
are present in it?
10. Write down the defects of Rutherford’s atomic model.
11. What is plank’s constant? Write down its value.
12. Write down the comparison between ordinary and heavy water with respect to
physical properties.
13. How many isotopes hydrogen has? Write their names.
14. What are the physical properties of chlorine?
15. Define electronic configuration.
16. How do electrons fill the energy level according to Auf Bau Principle?
17. Write down the electronic configuration of 12 Mg.
18. Which Hydrogen isotope is not found naturally?
19. How does C-14 help in the process of dating?
20. Differentiate between shell and valence shell.
Chapter 3 Periodic Table and Periodicity of Properties
Multiple choices:
Tick (√) the appropriate option.
1. The electro negativity of carbon is:
a.2.0 b.1.0 c.2.5 d.4.0
2. The distance between the nuclei of two carbon atoms is:
a.154pm b.140pm c.110pm d. 115pm
3. Which one of the following halogens has highest electro negativity?
a. Iodine b. Bromine c. Chlorine d. Fluorine
4. How many blocks are there in the modern periodic table?
a.3 b.4 c.5 d. 6
5. Number of elements in second period are:
a.18 b.10 c.8 d. 32
6. The atomic radii of elements in Periodic table:
a. Increase from left to right in a period.
b. Remains same in a period.
c. Increase from top to bottom in a group.
d. Decrease from top to bottom in a group.
7. Bytheendof18thcentury, elements were known.
a) 23 b)65 c)88 d)109
8. Periodic table is very useful for
a) Understanding and predicting the properties of element
b) Atomic masses of elements
c) To relate trends in activity of elements with their atomic structure
d) All of the above
9. Atomic number of elements was discovered by Moseley in
a) 1931 b) 1913 c)1930 d)1933
10. In periodic table elements are listed in order of
a) Increasing atomic energy
b) Increasing atomic number
c) Decreasing atomic masses
d) Decreasing atomic size
11.Be is the symbol of:
a) Barium b) Boron c) Berkelium d) Beryllium
12. The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called .
a) Periods b) Table c) Groups d)Blocks
13.A Russian chemist developed a classification scheme of
a) John Newland b)Moseley c)Mendeleev d)None of these
14. In periodic table, Family is .
a) Vertical column of elements c)both A&B
b) Horizontal rows of elements d) none of these
15. Group IIA elements are also called
a) Alkali metals c)Halogens
b) Alkaline earth metals d)Transition elements
16. Number of periods in the periodic table are
a)8 b)7 c)16 d) 5
17. Atomic radii of the elements is measured in
a) Millimeter b) centimeter c) picometer d) pedometer
18. Halogens are the elements of group
a) 8 b) 7 c) 16 d) 5
19. The electron affinity decreases from top to bottom in a group due to:
a) Decrease in shielding effect c)decrease in atomic radii
b) Increase in shielding effect d) none of these
20. The symbol for sodium is:
a) So b) S c) Na d) Ne
21. Symbolic representation of potassium is:
a) P b) Pt c) S d) K
22. Today, there are elements which are known:
a) 109 b) 106 c) 190 d) 196
23. Group A elements are called
a) Representative elements c)Main group elements
b) Normal elements d) All of these
24. Main group elements are arranged in groups.

a) 6 b) 7 c)8 d) 9
25. Which of the following element belongs to VIIIA?
a)Na b)Mg c)Br d) Xe

26. The elements whose atoms have similar valence electronic configuration belong to
the same
a) group b)atomic radii c)period d) atomic mass
27. The value of the valence shell indicates atom’s _
a) neutron b)group c)electrons d)period
Short Questions:
1. Define shielding effect.
2. Define electro negativity.
3. Write electro negativity of nitrogen and oxygen.
4. Give the trend of ionization energy in a period.
5. Why is the ionization energy of Na less than Mg?

6. Why does the size of atoms increase from top to bottom in a periodic table?
7. Why are noble gases not reactive?

8. Define atomic radius.

9. Define periods and groups in the periodic table.

10. Write down general electronic configuration of carbon family.

12. Define shielding effect. Describe its trend along the period.

13. Define periodic law.

14. Differentiate between Mendeleev’s law and periodic law.
15. How shielding effect make cation formation easy in Cs.
16. What are the s-block and p-block elements?
17. Define atomic size.
18. Define shielding effect. In which case shielding effect will be constant?
19. Define ionization energy. Write its unit of measurement.
20. Which force helps atom to attract electrons in bond formation.
21. Alkali metals belong to S-block in the periodic table, why?
22. Which atom has higher ionization energy, Li or Be?
23. What is the difference between normal and transition elements?
24. What are the f-block elements?
Chapter 4 Structure of Molecules
Multiple choices:
Tick (√) the appropriate option.
1. A bond pair in covalent molecules usually has:
a. one electron b. two electrons c. three electrons d. four electrons
2. Which one is a non-polar molecule?
a. HCl b. HNO3 c. H2 d. H2O
3. A covalent bond which is formed between two similar atoms is called:
a. metallic bond b. non-polar covalent bond
c.polar covalent bond d. dative covalent bond
4. The melting point of sodium chloride is:
a. 600 °C b. 750 °C c. 801 °C d. 1000 °C
5. How many covalent bonds does C2H2 molecule have?
a. 5 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2
6. How many electrons are involved in triple covalent bond?
a. Six b. Three c. Four d. Eight
7. Which type of force is present in hydrogen bonding?
a. Inter molecular force b. Ionic force c. covalent force d. Metallic force
8. Which type of covalent bond is present in nitrogen (N2) molecule?
a. Single covalent bond b. Triple covalent bond c. Double covalent bond d.
Metallic bond
9. Each period on the periodic table ends at a:
a) alkali metal b) noble gas c) halogen d) none of these
10. The tendency of atoms to acquire eight electron configuration in their valence shell
when bonding, is called:
a) octet rule b) duplet rule c) periodic rule d) shell rule
11. All noble gases contain 8 electrons in the valence shell except
a) He b) Ne c) Xe d) Ar
12. Octet rule was proposed by a chemist:
a) Moseley b) Mendeleev c) J. Newland d) G. N. Lewis
13. The group number of main group elements indicates the:
a) total number of electrons
b) number of protons in an atom
c) number of valence electrons in an atom
d) all of these
14. Electronic structure of an atom helps to understand:
a) how atoms are held together to form substances
b) what type of bonding force is present
c) physical properties of the substance
d) check the group number of elements in periodic table
15. Phosphorus is present in VA, so it has __________ electrons in the valence shell.
a) 6 b) 5 c) 7 d) 1
16. Elements are reactive because:
a) They do not have valence shell
b) They are not found in natural condition
c) They tend to gain stability by losing or gaining electrons.
d) All of the above
17. Sodium (Na) is a/an:
a) Metal b) non-metal c) acid d) salt
18. Which of the following atoms obey duplet rule
a) O2 b) F2 c) H2 d) N2
19. Mg belongs to IIA group in the periodic table. Its atoms ________ its electron to
achieve noble gas configuration.
a) Gain b) lose c) charge d) attain
20. Oxygen has six electrons in its valence shell. It needs _______ electrons to attain
noble gas configuration.
a) Three b) four c) one d) two

Short Questions
1. Explain double covalent bond with the help of an example.
2. How do atoms follow octet rule?
3. Explain polar covalent bond with an example.
4. Define polar covalent bond and give an example.
5. Which type of covalent bond is formed in N2 gas?
6. Define chemical bond.
7. State octet rule.
8. Differentiate between octet rule & duplet rule.
9. Define chemical bonding. Write its types.
10. Differentiate between ionic bond and covalent bond.
11. What is lone pair of electron?
12. How many types of covalent bond? Define.
13. In CH4 which atom is central atom? Draw the structure.
14. Which compound is used as a dry cleansing agent?
15. Differentiate between the non-polar and polar covalent bond.
16. What is dipole-dipole interaction?
17. Why resins are adhesive in nature?
18. Define hydrogen bond.
19. How ironic compounds conduct electricity?
Four possible options are given for each statement. Mark (✓)
on the correct option.
1.Who presented the Pakistan Resolution?
AK Fazl-ul-Haque
Allama Iqbal (Rahmatullah)
Moulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
Sir Agha Khan

2.When did Sindh Muslim League pass a resolution in favor of partition?


3. A mission of the British Government came to India in 1942 under the

headship of
Sir Pathetic Lawrence
A.V. Alexander
Sir Stafford Cripps
Lord Wavell

1. When Quaid-e-Azam (Rahmatullah) did present his famous fourteen points?


2. Who presided over the session of provincial as well as Central Legislature

selected on the ticket of Muslim League at Delhi on April 1946?
Liaquat Ali khan
Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar
Allama Muhammad Iqbal (Rahmatullah)
Quaid-e-Azam (Rahmatullah)
7.When was the Lucknow Pact made between Muslim League and Congress?

8.How many ministers from the Muslim League were included in the Interim
Government 1946?

9.When was the Indian Independence Act approved?

14th August, 1947
18th July, 1947
24th October, 1948
3rd June, 1948

10.In which Annual Session of All India Muslim League was the Pakistan
Resolution passed?

11.The year of Delhi-Muslim proposals is:


12. World War II broke out in:


13.When was the Battle of Palasi fought?


14.When did the Quaid-e-Azam (Rahmatullah) join the Muslim League?

15. How many Princely States were there in the Sub-Continent when the partition
of India took place?
Write short answers of the following questions.
Q1:Name the newspaper brought out by Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar?





Q2.When did Muslims observe the” Day of Deliverance”?





Q3.In which language did Shah Wali-Ullah translate the Holy Quran?





Q4.When did Quaid e Azam join Muslim League and when did he left Congress?




Q5.When and by whom Indian National Congress was formed?





Q6.Name any two ministers of cabinet mission?





Q7.Who was the chief of boundary commission?





Q8:Which Muslim area route to Kashmir was handed over to India?




Q9.When did Quit India Movement started?





Q10.Who composed the verses of National anthem?






Q1.Narrate proposals of Cripps mission?









































Q2.Evaluate the main points of 3rd June ,1947 Plan?









































Q3.What were the achievements of Quaid e Azam as First Governor General ?










































Q4: What were the early problems faced by Pakistan after independence?








































‫خ‬ ‫ےف ‪ :‬ن‬ ‫عم‬
‫سب سے ُبرا ل ہن‬ ‫ں‬‫ق‬ ‫ی‬‫م ی دا ن ج نشگ م‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫د ) د من کی ج ا‬ ‫الف) د من کو ح ی ر ج ا ن ن ا ب) ا می ر کی ا ر ما ی ج) آ پس کا ا ت ال ف‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫"ِر ِی ُحُکم" سے مراد ہ‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫د)‬ ‫ےہ ی ں‬ ‫ج) رو ک‬ ‫ب) مھا ری ہ وا‬ ‫ے‬‫وے کے یل‬ ‫الف) د کھائ‬
‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫فصفُا آ را و ش ت‬
‫ش‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ک ا ر کو کسا کر فاور ا عا ل د ال کر م ی دا ن ج گ می ں ال ی ا ھا ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫د) ی طا ن‬ ‫ج) ہللا عا لٰی‬ ‫ب) ا ب و ج ہل‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ب س‬
‫الف) ا و ی ام ن‬ ‫َز‬
‫ے؟‬ ‫ن‬
‫ف‬ ‫"َت ا ُعوا" کا ک ی ا ع ی ہ‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫د) ی ا د کرو‬ ‫ج) ال ح پ ا ٔو‬ ‫ب) صب ر کرو‬ ‫الف) ج ھگڑا کرو‬
‫ئ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ے؟‬ ‫ِھم" کا ک ی ا نم طلب ہ‬ ‫"ِد َیا ِر ت‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ج) ا کڑ ج ا ے گی‬ ‫گ‬
‫ب) مھا رے ھر‬ ‫الف) ت مت ئ‬
‫کرو‬ ‫ا‬ ‫سا‬ ‫م‬
‫ئ‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ؐل د) قا را ے ہنو ے‬
‫ف‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫ن‬ ‫ے کض ا ر کہا ں مع ہ و ے ؟‬ ‫رسو کے ل کا م صو ب ہ ی ا ر کر ے کے یل‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ج)مسج د ب و یؐ می ں‬ ‫ب) مسج د را ر می ں‬ ‫ہللا می ں‬ ‫ت ر لن‬ ‫الف) ب ی‬
‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ں‬
‫ظ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م‬ ‫دوہ‬ ‫دا‬ ‫د)‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫ئ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫ے ا ہ ر کر ا اور ب را ی کو چ ھ پ ا ا ‪،‬کہال ا ہ‬ ‫اچ ھا ی کو د ی ا کے سا م‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫د) ِر ی ح‬ ‫ج) ۃ‬ ‫ب‬
‫ب) طر ا‬ ‫الف) ری امءن‬ ‫ئ ًہ‬
‫ت ئ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ے؟‬ ‫"ِف " کا ک ی ا ع ہ‬
‫ی‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫د) گروہ‬ ‫ج) د کھا ے ہ و ے‬ ‫ب) مھا ری ہ وا‬ ‫الف) گھر‬
‫ے۔‬ ‫ک‬
‫کے ج وا بتل ھی‬
‫ح‬ ‫بن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫س‬ ‫م‬ ‫ق‬ ‫سوا ال ت ف‬
‫ے کا کم دی ا گ ی ا‬ ‫چ‬ ‫سے‬ ‫وں‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ب‬ ‫کن‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ے‬ ‫کر‬ ‫کام‬ ‫سے‬ ‫کون‬ ‫کو‬ ‫وں‬ ‫ما‬‫ل‬ ‫ں‬ ‫ی‬‫م‬ ‫صورت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫ے‬
‫ل‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ ‫ھ‬ ‫سا‬ ‫کے‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ا‬ ‫‪ .1‬ک‬
‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫خ ف‬ ‫؟‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ہ‬
‫ے؟‬ ‫کے اک ت ال ا ت سےت مما عت می ں ہللا عا لٰی کی ک ی ا حکمت ہ‬ ‫‪ .2‬شم ی دا ن ج ن گ می ں آ پس ش‬
‫ت‬ ‫عم‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ف شت‬ ‫‪ .3‬غ ی طا ن م ی دا ن ب ندر می ں نکس ل می ں مونج ود ھا ؟ن‬
‫ے ازل ہ وے والے ر و ں کو دی کھ کر ی طا ن کا رد ل ک ی ا ھا ؟‬ ‫صرت کے یل‬ ‫زوہ ب در می ں مسلما وں کی‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫ف‬ ‫ف‬ ‫فت‬ ‫َو‬
‫م‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ش ت‬ ‫تن‬
‫ے؟‬ ‫‪ " .5‬ا طی عو ہللا و رسو لہ و ال ا ز عو ا و او ذھب ری کم "کا ہوم ک ی ا ہ‬
‫ے؟‬‫‪َ .6‬و اَل َتُك وُنوا َك اَّلِذ يَن َخ َر ُجوا ِم ْن ِدَياِر ِهْم َبَطًرا َو ِر َئاَء الَّناِس َو َيُص ُّد وَن َع ْن َس ِبيِل ِهَّللا سے ک ی ا مراد ہ‬

‫ت‬ ‫نف‬
‫سو رۃا ال ا ل ) آ ی ا ت‪ 45 :‬ا ‪)48‬‬
‫ئ‬ ‫نش‬
‫چ ار ممکن ہ ج واب ات می ں سے درست ج تواب پر (✓) کا ان لگا ی‬
‫ے۔‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ق‬ ‫ن ف‬
‫ف‬ ‫ن‬ ‫مو م و ! ک ا ر کی کسی ج ما عت سے ثم ا ب لہ ہ قو و ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫د) ک ا ر‬ ‫ج) ہللا سے مدد ما گو‬ ‫ب) ا ب ت د م ر ہ و‬ ‫الف) مت ڈرو‬
‫سے پ ی ٹھ مت پ ھی رو‬
‫ت‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ث‬ ‫ت‬ ‫یت‬ ‫ئ‬‫‪:‬‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫مراد‬
‫ت‬ ‫سے‬‫ت‬ ‫"‬ ‫ا‬ ‫"َبَط‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ے ال ق‬‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ہ‬
‫ج) و ا ب ت د م ر و د) ب‬ ‫ت و ے ب) معاون و حما ی‬ ‫الف) ا را ے‬
‫نن‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫اعما ل کر ے ہ ی ں ہللا ان کا ‪:‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ک ارج و‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ے‬‫ے وا ال ہ‬ ‫ج) ج ا‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ےہ وےہ‬ ‫ب) احا طہ یک‬ ‫ے‬ ‫الف) گہ ب ا ن ہ‬
‫ے‬ ‫ف د) ج وا ب دنہ ہ‬
‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫خ ش‬ ‫کے مع نی ہ ی ں ‪:‬‬
‫ئ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫"َفَت َشُلوا "‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ج) پس م مت ہ ا ر ج ا ٔو گے‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ہ‬
‫ب) و ما ب ا دی‬ ‫نے‬ ‫ے و‬ ‫ے سا م‬ ‫الف) آ م‬
‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ال‬ ‫وا‬ ‫ے‬ ‫کر‬ ‫طہ‬ ‫احا‬ ‫د)‬
‫ست‬ ‫غ‬
‫فت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫م ی دا ن ثج ن گ مقی ں کس ا مر کے ب ی ر ھی حفحا ل ہی ں و ک ی ؟‬
‫ہ‬ ‫ص‬ ‫ب‬‫ک‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ج) ا حا د و ا ا ق‬ ‫ب) ر ما بن ردا ری‬ ‫ل‬‫ص‬ ‫الف) ا ب ت د می‬
‫ست حو گی‬ ‫پ‬
‫ُّد َند) م ن‬
‫خ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫"ُیَص و " کا ع ی ہ‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫د) اس کی ا یڑ ی ا‬ ‫ج) س ت سزا‬ ‫ےہ ی ں‬ ‫ب) رو ک‬ ‫الف) دو گروہ‬
‫من‬ ‫ں ث‬
‫ث‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‘‘ َفا ب ُتوا ’’ کے ع ی ہ ی ں ‪:‬‬
‫ھ‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ت‬ ‫م‬
‫د) ا‬ ‫ج) گڑ ا کر ے‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ک‬
‫ب) وہ ھی ں د ھا ر ا ھا‬ ‫الف) پ ھر گ ی ا‬ ‫ق‬
‫ثب ت دقم ر ہ و‬
‫غ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫ا ب ت د می کانم طلب ہ‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ے زا ری ہ دکھا ا د) ب ی ر ا لحہ‬ ‫ج) ب‬ ‫ب) ڈ ے ر ہ ا‬ ‫الف) ج ی لگا ا‬ ‫ن‬
‫من‬ ‫ا‬ ‫کے ُرلڑ‬
‫ت‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ت ت ئ‬ ‫‘‘ َجا ’’ کے ع ی ہ یتں‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ہ‬ ‫پ‬
‫ے پ ا ؤ ں ھر گ ی ا د) ڈر ا و ں‬ ‫ج)وہ ال‬ ‫الف) معا وننو حما ی ی ب) ا را ے و ے‬
‫ن‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ع‬ ‫"َتَر ٓاَء ت" کاتم‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫غ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫د) پ س پ ا‬ ‫ے ہ و ے ج) ا لب آ ے وا ال‬ ‫ے سا م‬ ‫الف) پس م ہ مت ہ ا ر ج ا ٔو گے ب) آ م‬
‫تہ و کر چ ل د ی ا‬
‫تق‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ے‪ :‬ق‬ ‫ما م اسال می ؐلاعما ل کی رو ح روا ں ہ‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ب) وق ا للہ کی ادا گی ج) و و پر ی ز گا ری‬ ‫ح‬ ‫الف) رسوخ کی ناطا عت‬
‫ٰی‬ ‫ف ئ د) لو ص ی ت‬
‫ت ف‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫" ا ٰتن "سے مراد‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫د) م ال ح پ ا ٔو‬ ‫ج) م سا م ن ا کر و‬ ‫ب) ال علق‬ ‫الف) دو گروہ‬

‫"الَّر ۡک ُب " سے کیا مراد ہے؟‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫منزل‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ بہت جماعت‬ ‫ب۔ قافلہ‬ ‫الف۔ سوار‬

‫لیکن ہللا تعالٰی کو منظور تھا کہ جو کام ہو کر رہنے واال تھا اس کو کر ڈالے تا کہ جو‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مرے ‪:‬‬
‫بصیرت پر‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ ایمان پر مرے‬ ‫اسالم پر مرے‬ ‫ب۔‬ ‫الف۔ یہودی‬
‫مرے‬ ‫مرے‬
‫ما لَ غنیمت میں ہللا اور اس کے رسو ل کا حصہ ہے ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫دسوا ں‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ آ ٹھوا ں‬ ‫ب۔ پا نچوا ں‬ ‫الف۔ دوسرا‬

‫" َم َض ت "کا معنی ہیں ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫جھگڑا کر‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ گز ر چکی‬ ‫آ نکھیں‬ ‫ا ہل قر ابت ب۔‬ ‫الف۔‬
‫"لَفِش ْلُتْم "کا معنی ہے‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫عاجزی‬ ‫د۔ تم‬ ‫ج۔ تم ضرور ہمت‬ ‫ب۔ تم برا مناتے‬ ‫الف۔ تم حوصلہ‬
‫کرتے‬ ‫ہا رجا تے‬ ‫کرتے‬
‫ا گر کفا ر رو گردا نی کر یں تو جا ن لو کہ خدا حما یتی ہے ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫انبیا ء کا‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ مو منو ں کا‬ ‫ب۔ منا فقین کا‬ ‫الف۔ کفار کا‬

‫کے ج وا ب د ی جت ی‬
‫ے۔‬ ‫سوا ال ت غ‬
‫ح‬ ‫ے ہغ ی ں ؟‬ ‫ے قکہ‬
‫ما لغ ن فن ی مت کست‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫ے؟‬ ‫ا‬ ‫گ‬ ‫ا‬ ‫د‬
‫ی ح یلک ی ی ہ‬‫کم‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ں‬ ‫م‬ ‫ارے‬ ‫ب‬ ‫کے‬ ‫م‬ ‫سی‬ ‫کی‬ ‫مت‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ن‬ ‫مال‬ ‫سورٔہ ا ال می ں‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫ے۔‬ ‫ارے می ں پ ہال اور دوسرا کم ھی‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ب‬ ‫کے‬ ‫م‬ ‫سی‬ ‫غماِل ن ی مت ف ق‬
‫کی‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫ے؟ ت ن ف ئ‬ ‫نج ا اف ہ‬ ‫ز وہ ب درن فکو یو م ر ا ن ت یک و ں کہا‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫ن‬ ‫ے؟‬ ‫ے ک ا ر کو ک ی ا ب ی ہ ر ما ی ہ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫سور تۃ اال انل میغ ں ہللا عا لٰی‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫یہ‬‫ا‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ذکر‬ ‫کا‬ ‫عامات‬ ‫ا‬ ‫کن‬ ‫سے‬ ‫ت‬‫لے‬ ‫ا‬‫حو‬ ‫کے‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ ‫کا‬ ‫کی‬ ‫وں‬ ‫ما‬‫ل‬ ‫س‬ ‫م‬ ‫ں‬ ‫ہللا عالٰی ے زؤہ ب در می‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫ت‬ ‫یب‬
‫ے۔‬ ‫َو َقاِتُلوُهْم َح َّتى اَل َتُك وَن ِفْتَنٌة َو َيُك وَن الِّديُن ُك ُّلُه کا رج مہ حریر یکج ی‬
‫ت‬ ‫نف‬
‫سو رۃا ال ا ل (آ ی ا ت‪ 38 :‬ا ‪) 44‬‬
‫‪ ‬ہر سوا ل کے آ خر میں ممکنہ جوا با ت د یے گئے ہیں ۔ ا ن میں سے ایک جوا ب درست ہے ۔‬
‫درست جوا ب پر (✓) کانشا ن لگا ئیے۔‬
‫اے پیغمبرؐ ! کفا ر سے کہہ دو ا گر وہ ا پنے افعا ل سے با ز آ جا ئیں تو ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫د۔ ا ن کی مدد کی‬ ‫ج۔ دوزخ میں ہا نک‬ ‫ب۔ ا نہیں معا ف کردیا‬ ‫الف۔ سخت عذا ب‬
‫جا ئے گی‬ ‫دیا جا ئے گا‬ ‫جا ئے گا‬ ‫دیا جا ئے گا‬
‫َاْلُع ْد َو ۃ الدنیا کے لفظی معنی ہیں ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫وادی کے ُاس‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ نا مر دی دکھا تے‬ ‫ب۔ کم کر کے دکھا تا‬ ‫الف۔ وادی کے ِاس‬
‫جانب‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫جانب‬
‫ہللا تعا لٰی مو منین کو حکم دیتے ہیں کہ کفا ر کے ساتھ جنگ لڑتے ر ہیں یہا ں تک کہ با قی نہ‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫رہے ‪:‬‬
‫جرم و سزا‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ برا ئیو ں کی جڑ‬ ‫ب۔ فتنہ وفساد‬ ‫الف۔ جنگ وجد ل‬

‫سورۃ االنفال میں یوم الفرقان سے کون سا دن مراد ہے‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫جمعۃ الوداع کا‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ غزوہ بدر کا دن‬ ‫ب۔ فتح مکہ کا دن‬ ‫الف۔ ہجرت کا دن‬
‫یوم الفرقان کا مطلب ہے ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫عرفہ کا دن‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ عید کا دن‬ ‫ب۔ جنگ کا دن‬ ‫الف۔ فیصلے کا د‬
‫‪ :‬م صر سواالت‬
‫ے؟‬ ‫ُحِب اٰلہی سے ک ی ا ُمراد ضہ‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫ئ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫؟‬ ‫ے‬‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫رور‬ ‫قا طا عت رسو لؐ یک و ں‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫ے؟‬ ‫ی‬
‫ل ی ی گ ہ‬ ‫ض‬
‫کی‬ ‫د‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ے‬‫ی‬ ‫کے‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ؐ ‬ ‫ل‬
‫ق‬ ‫رسو‬ ‫عت‬ ‫خ تر آ نن جم ی د می ں ا طا‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫۔‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ے ؟ق رآ ی آی ت سے وا ح تیجک‬ ‫تخ تم ن ب و ت سے ک ی ا ہ‬
‫د‬ ‫ُمرا‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫ےک ۔‬ ‫ک‬‫ل‬ ‫ج‬
‫سے ر آ ن جم ی د کی آ ی ت کا ر تمہ ھی‬ ‫کمم ب و ت کے حواسلے ق‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫ے۔‬ ‫ں ر آ نک جم ی د کی کسی آ ی ت کا ر ج مہ ل ھی‬ ‫کے لسل‬
‫ے می ت‬ ‫ی ل د ی نن َا َّد‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫ل‬ ‫ج‬
‫ت‬ ‫ے۔ ت ق‬ ‫ِلللہ کا ر مہ ھی‬ ‫نو الذی ن ٰا م وا َش ُحَّبا ن‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫ے ؟نم عل ہ آی ت کا رضج مہ لکھی‬
‫ے۔‬ ‫ن ب ی کری م ﷺ کا مو فم وں پر ک ی ا ہحق ہ ق‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫ے۔‬ ‫ے کی ا می ت رآ ی آی ت سے وا ح یکج ی‬ ‫ب ی کری م ﷺ کے ی صل‬ ‫‪.9‬‬

‫ض ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫مو وعا ی م طالعہ‪ :‬ہللا عا لٰی اور اس کے رسو ن شلؐ کی حم ئب ت اور اطا عت‬
‫چ ار ممکن ہ ج واب ات می ں سے درست ج واب پر (✓) کا ان لگا ی‬
‫ہللا تعا لٰی اس وسیع کا ئنا ت کو چال ر ہے ہیں ‪:‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫جبر سے‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ حکمت سے‬ ‫ب۔ انبیا ء کرا م سے‬ ‫الف۔ فرشتو ں سے‬

‫‘‘ اے لو گو ! ا پنے ر ب کی عبا دت کرو جس نے ‪:‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫د۔ رسو لؐ کو تم میں مبعوث‬ ‫ج۔ تم کو بلند در جا ت عطا فر‬ ‫ب۔ تم کو علم سکھا یا ۔‬ ‫تم کو پیدا کیا ۔‬ ‫الف۔‬
‫فر مایا‬ ‫ما ئے‬

‫وہ عمل کھو کھال اور بے تو فیق ہو تا ہے جس میں ‪:‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫محبت نہ ہو ۔‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ قلبی میال ن نہ ہو ۔‬ ‫حِب رسو لؐ نہ ہو ۔‬ ‫ب۔‬ ‫حب الہی نہ ہو ۔‬ ‫الف۔‬

‫ہللا تعا لٰی کی رحمت ہے کہ اس نے ہردو ر میں انسا ن کی رہنما ئی کے لیے مبعو ث فر ما ئے ‪:‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫جنا ت‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ فر شتے‬ ‫ب۔ انبیا ء کرام‬ ‫الف۔ بز رگا ِن دین‬

‫رسو ل ہللا ﷺ مو منو ں کے لیے زیا دہ محبو ب ہیں‪:‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫ان کی اوال د سے‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ ا ن کے وا لد ین سے‬ ‫ب۔ ا ن کے ما لو ں سے‬ ‫الف۔ ا ن کی جا نو ں‬


‫‘‘ تم میں سے کو ئی اس وقت تک ایما ن وا ال نہیں ہو سکتا جب تک ا ن کی خوا ہشا ت ان احکا م کے تا بع نہ ہو جا ئیں ’’‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫د۔ جو حضر ت محمد‬ ‫ج۔ جو حضر ت ا برا ہیم‬ ‫جو حضر ت آد مؑ ال‬ ‫ب۔‬ ‫الف۔ جو حضر ت عیسٰی‬
‫ﷺ ال ئے‬ ‫ال ئے‬ ‫ئے‬ ‫ؑ الئے‬
‫‘‘ ہللا تعا لٰی اور اس کے رسو ل ﷺ کی اطا عت کرو اور ضا ئع نہ کرو ‪:‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫ا پنی قیمتی وقت‬ ‫د۔‬ ‫ج۔ ا پنی آ خر ت‬ ‫ب۔ اپنے اعما ل‬ ‫الف۔ ا پنی ز ند گی‬
‫جب انسا ن کے د لی قوٰی کی تحر یک ُسست ہو جا تی ہے اور کا م میں نہیں ال ئی جا تی تو وہ اپنی‬ ‫‪.9‬‬
‫___________________ میں پڑ جا تا ہے ۔‬
‫ج) حیو ا نی جبلت‬ ‫ب) حیوا نی خصلت‬ ‫ا لف ) ا نسا ن خصلت‬
‫د) ا نسا ن کمزوری‬
‫سبق ‘‘ کا ہلی ’’ کس کتا ب سے لیا گیا ہے ؟‬ ‫‪.10‬‬

‫ا‬ ‫ج) مضا مین سر سید سے د)‬ ‫ب) حا ال ت سر سید سے‬ ‫ا لف ) مقا ال ت سر سید سے‬
‫غ‬ ‫مید کی خو شی سے‬
‫زل ‪:‬می ر ی می ر‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫نش‬
‫‪ ‬درست ج وا ب پر (‪ )Ö‬کا ا ن لگا ی‬
‫ئ‬ ‫تق‬
‫ن‬ ‫‪ .1‬می ر ی می ر کہا ں پ ی دا ہ و ے ؟‬
‫د) علی گڑ ھ‬ ‫ج)لکھ و‬ ‫ب) دہ لی‬ ‫ا لفہ)تآ گر پہن‬
‫خ‬ ‫ش‬ ‫۔‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫سی‬ ‫کی‬ ‫_______________‬ ‫ی‬ ‫س یا‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫د) را ب‬ ‫ج) را ب‬ ‫ب) ک ب ا ب‬ ‫ا لف ن) ح ب ا ب‬
‫‪ .3‬پ‬
‫ن‬ ‫ی‬
‫ے۔‬ ‫کھڑی ا ک ___________________ سی ہ‬
‫د) ع ا ب‬ ‫ج) لی‬‫ب‬ ‫ب) گال ب‬ ‫س خ‬ ‫) ک پ ائ‬ ‫ا لف‬
‫قت‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ش‬ ‫س‬ ‫خ‬
‫غ‬ ‫ے؟‬ ‫دا ے ق ن کس اعر کو ہا گ ی ا ہ‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫د) می ر درد کو‬ ‫ج) ائلب کو‬ ‫ب) می ر ی می ر کو‬‫تق‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ا لف ) عال مہ ا ب ا ل کو‬
‫خ ش‬ ‫‪ .5‬غب ا ر ب ا ر حمب و ب کے درپر ج ا ے سے می ر شی می ر پر ___________ حا لت طا ری ہ وض ی ۔‬
‫د) و ی کی‬ ‫ج) ا طرا ب کی‬ ‫ب) را ب کی‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ا لف ) م ت ق‬
‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .6‬می ر ی می ر کا سنِ پ ی دا ش ہ‬
‫د) ‪۱۷۲۶‬ء‬ ‫ج) ‪۱۷۲۵‬ء‬ ‫ب) ‪۱۷۲۴‬ء‬
‫‪۱۷۲۳‬ء‬ ‫ا لف ) ت ق‬
‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .7‬می ر ی می ر کا سن و ا ت ہ‬
‫د) ‪ ۱۸۲۵‬ء‬ ‫ج) ‪ ۱۸۲۰‬ء‬ ‫ب) ‪ ۱۸۱۵‬ء‬ ‫ت‬
‫ن‬ ‫ا لف )ق‪ ۱۸۱۰‬ء ش‬
‫ق‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ے؟‬ ‫‪ .8‬میغر ی می ر کی ہر ت کی وج ہ ک ی ا ہ‬
‫د) ص ی د ہ‬ ‫ج) عت‬ ‫ب) ظ م‬ ‫ا لف ) ت زق ل‬
‫ے ن؟‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ش‬
‫ن‬ ‫‪ .9‬می ر ی می ر کی ا عری سی ہ‬
‫د) حمد ی ہ‬ ‫ج) عت ی ہ‬ ‫لف ) مزاحی ہ ت ش ئ ب) قس ج ی د ہ‬ ‫ا تق‬
‫ن‬ ‫ض‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ے‪ :‬ن ظ ف‬‫نا ردو ’’ را ر دی ا ہ‬ ‫‘‘ سر ا ِج عرا ے‬ ‫‪.10‬می ر ی می ر کو ن‬
‫د) مو لو‬ ‫ج) مو لو ی ل الحق ے‬ ‫ب) مو ال ا ر علی خ ا ں ے‬ ‫ا لف ) مو الن ا دمحم حسی ن آزادؔ ے‬
‫ی ع ب دالحق ے‬
‫اسباق‪ /‬نظم ‪/‬غزل کا خالصہ ‪ ،‬مرکزی خیال ‪ ،‬اشعار کی تشریح ‪،‬مشقی سواالت کے جواب یاد‬
‫کیجیے اور سیاق و اسبا ق کے حوالے سے اقتباسات کی تشریح کرنے کی مشق کیجیے۔‬
‫قواعدوانشا‪ :‬خط نویسی‪ ،‬کہا نی نویسی ‪ ،‬درخواست نویسی اور مکالمہ نویسی کی مشق کیجیے ۔(کم از‬
‫کم دودو عنوانات )‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫کت‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫غ‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ش‬ ‫غ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ف‬
‫ےہی ں‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .5‬وہ ل ظ ی ا قال اف ظ ج و کسی ظ م ی ا ز ل کے عر و ں کے آ ر می ں ی ر سی ب د ی لی کے آ ی ں‪ ،‬ا ھطی ں ہ‬
‫ک‬ ‫ب‬
‫د)‬ ‫ج) م لع‬ ‫ب) ردیف‬ ‫امقلف ) ا ی ہ‬
‫ئ‬ ‫خ طع‬
‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ش‬ ‫دا‬ ‫پی‬ ‫سن‬ ‫کا‬ ‫لی‬ ‫حا‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫س‬ ‫ح‬ ‫اف‬ ‫ط‬ ‫‪ .6‬وا ج ہ ال‬
‫د)‬ ‫ج) ‪ ۱۸۳۶‬ء‬ ‫ب) ‪ ۱۸۳۲‬ء‬ ‫ا لف ) ‪ ۱۸۳۱‬ء‬
‫‪ ۱۸۳۷‬ء‬ ‫خ‬
‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫وا ج ہ ال طاف حسی ن حا لی کا سن و ا ت ہ‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫د) ‪۱۹۱۷‬ء‬ ‫ج) ‪۱۹۱۶‬ء‬ ‫ب) ‪۱۹۱۵‬ء‬ ‫ا لف ) ‪۱۹۱۴‬ء‬
‫ے؟‬ ‫ن‬
‫ؔی‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪ .8‬کو ن ساضب د ہ حمد سرا ہ‬
‫د) صحا بی‬ ‫ج) مو ال ا ال طا ف حسی ن حا ل‬ ‫ب) ولی ہللا‬ ‫ا لف )ح و ر ﷺ ن‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫سن‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫ں‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫’’کے معا‬ ‫‪ ‘‘ .9‬حمد سراک ن‬
‫د) حمد ب ت ا ے وا ال‬ ‫ج) حمد لکھوا ے وا ال‬ ‫ے وا ال‬ ‫ن‬ ‫حمد‬ ‫ب)‬ ‫ال‬ ‫وا‬ ‫ا لف ) ف حمد ہ ج‬
‫ف‬ ‫شف‬ ‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫‪ ‘‘ .10‬آ اُا فق’’ ہ‬
‫د) عطف کی‬ ‫ج) ع ق کی‬ ‫ب ) ق کی‬ ‫ا لف ) ق کی‬

‫سبق ‪:‬کا ہلی‬

‫درست جوا ب پر (‪ )‬کا نشا ن لگا ئیے۔‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫سبق ‘‘ کا ہلی’’ کے مصنف ہیں ‪:‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫ج) سید سلیما ن ند وی‬ ‫ب) سید ا حمد د ہلو ی‬ ‫سر سید ا حمد خا ن‬ ‫ا لف )‬
‫د) سید احمد ر ضا‬
‫سر سید احمد کا سن پیدا ئش کیا ہے ؟‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫ج) ‪ ۱۸۱۸‬ء‬ ‫ب) ‪ ۱۸۱۷‬ء‬ ‫ا لف ) ‪ ۱۸۱۶‬ء‬
‫د) ‪ ۱۸۱۹‬ء‬
‫سر سید احمد کا سن وفا ت کیا ہے ؟‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫ج) ‪۱۸۹۸‬ء‬ ‫ب) ‪۱۸۹۷‬ء‬ ‫‪۱۸۹۵‬ء‬ ‫ا لف )‬
‫د) ‪۱۸۹۹‬ء‬
‫سر سید نے ا ردو میں کس صنف کو روا ج دیا ؟‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫د) نظم‬ ‫ج) مضمو ن‬ ‫ب) ا فسانہ‬ ‫ا لف ) نا ول‬
‫ُاٹھنے ‪ ،‬بیٹھنے ‪ ،‬چلنے پھر نے میں سستی کر نا ہے‪:‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫ج) کا ہلی‬ ‫ب) بے کا ری‬ ‫ا لف ) نیند‬
‫د) بے عملی‬
‫سر سید احمد کا ا سلوب نگا ر ش ہے ‪:‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫سا دہ ‪،‬بلیغ اور جا مع‬ ‫ا لف ) سا دہ ‪ ،‬سہل اور تصنع سے پا ک ب) مشکل ‪ ،‬دقیق اور ُپر تصنع ج)‬
‫د) مقفٰی ‪ ،‬مسجع اور دقیق‬
‫د لی قو ٰی کو بے کا ر چھوڑ د ینے کا کیا مطلب ہے ؟‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫د)‬ ‫ج) کا ہلی‬ ‫ب) ما یو سی‬ ‫ا لف ) خو شا مد‬
‫قو م کی بہتر ی کی توقع کی جا سکتی ہے ‪:‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫ج) خوش و خر م رہ کر‬ ‫ب) فکر مند ہ چھوڑ کر‬ ‫ا لف ) کا ہلی چھوڑ کر‬
‫د) پر یشا ن رہ کر‬
‫خ ئ‬ ‫غ‬
‫سب ق ‪:‬مرزا ا لب کے عا دا ت و صا ل‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫نش‬
‫خ‬ ‫۔‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ی‬ ‫گا‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ا‬ ‫‪ ‬درست ج وا ب پر (‪ )Ö‬کا‬
‫ن‬ ‫‪ .1‬حا لی ش ف‬
‫ش‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ب ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫و‬ ‫ں‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬‫م‬
‫ن ی‬ ‫سے‬ ‫سب‬ ‫کی‬ ‫ن‬ ‫کے ا سلو ب ب ی ا‬
‫د) طن ر و مزا ح‬ ‫ج) م کل پ س ن د ی‬ ‫ری‬ ‫گا‬ ‫عا‬ ‫مد‬ ‫ب)‬ ‫گی‬ ‫ا لف ) گ ت‬
‫ق‬ ‫نث‬ ‫ن‬
‫ٹ‬ ‫ق ش ن‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ے ‪:‬ن‬‫نکو ‪ ،‬اردو ر کا مع ی ا ری ا سلو ب را رب دی ا ہ‬ ‫حا لیؔ کے ث ر ی ا قسلو ب‬
‫ش‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫د) ڈا ک ر‬ ‫ج) ڈا ک ر و ح ی د ر ی ی ے‬ ‫ب) پ طر س خ ا ری ے‬ ‫ن دا حمد صدی ی ے‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ر‬ ‫)‬ ‫لف‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ا‬
‫ت نق ن ق غ‬
‫و ا ر عظ ی م ے‬
‫ش‬ ‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫ج د ی د ا ردو ی د کا طہ آ از ہ‬
‫ق‬ ‫غ‬
‫د) م د مہ عرو ش ا‬
‫ج) مسد سِ حا لی‬ ‫ب) ی ا د گا ر ا لب‬ ‫ا لف ) ح ی ا تِ سعد ی‬
‫ت‬ ‫چش‬ ‫عر ی‬
‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫لب‬ ‫ط‬ ‫م‬ ‫ا‬‫ک‬ ‫ست‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ں درو نِ ا ر ی‬ ‫ن‬
‫وا‬ ‫ی‬ ‫مہ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫آ‬
‫ن‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ے کا اح ی نٹ ھ ن‬ ‫چش‬
‫’’‬ ‫‘‘‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫ے۔‬ ‫ن‬‫ں‬ ‫م‬ ‫ے‬
‫یچ ی‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ھ‬ ‫د‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ب‬ ‫آ‬ ‫ب)‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ڈا‬ ‫م‬ ‫)‬ ‫لف‬ ‫ا‬
‫ہ ی وا ن کے ی ت‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ہی ش‬ ‫پ‬
‫ے۔‬ ‫ےب ہ رہ‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ے کا پ ا ی ح‬ ‫د) اس م‬ ‫ے۔‬ ‫ے ہ می ہ کی ز د گی ہ‬ ‫ج) آ ب خح ی انت ج اف و ر کے ل‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫‘‘ ا ی ں ا ہ ہ مہ آ ت ا ب است ’’ کا م طلب ہ‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫ب) چ ا د ناور سو ر ج می ر ے آ گن می ں ہ ی ں ۔‬ ‫ے۔‬ ‫ا لف ) گ تسو ر ج د ن می ں چ مکت ا ہ‬
‫غ دکھا ا‬ ‫م ن د) سور ج کو چ را ت‬ ‫سا را سو ر ج ے ۔‬ ‫رے کا‬ ‫ج) ی ہ خ ھر و سا ف‬
‫ہسے ہ ش‬ ‫م‬ ‫غ‬
‫نت‬ ‫۔‬ ‫ھا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ت‬ ‫۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔رہ‬ ‫ا‬‫ک‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ل‬ ‫سے‬ ‫پ‬ ‫آ‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ف ی‬
‫م‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‪،‬‬ ‫ت‬‫ل‬ ‫کو‬ ‫لب‬ ‫ا‬ ‫مرزا‬ ‫عہ‬ ‫د‬ ‫ک‬ ‫جو ش ی‬
‫ا‬ ‫ص‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫د) ا ظ ا ر‬ ‫ج) د کھ‬ ‫ت ن ب) ا سوس‬ ‫ا لف ) ا ت غی ا ق‬
‫نش ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ے؟‬ ‫‘‘ ی ا د گا ر ن ا لب ’’ کس کی صا ی ف ہ‬
‫ج) سر س ی د احمد خ ا ن‬
‫د) مو ال ا ب لی عما‬ ‫ب) مو ال ا ال طا ف حسی ن حا لیؔ ‬ ‫نا لف ) مو ال ا دمحم حسی ن آزا دؔ ‬
‫ن‬ ‫خ ئ‬ ‫غ‬
‫ن‬ ‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ف نکا ا م‬ ‫ن‬ ‫کے شم نص‬ ‫ن‬ ‫مرزا ا لب کی عا دا ت و صا ل ’’‬ ‫ن‬ ‫سب ق ‘‘‬
‫ن‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫د) مو ال ا ال طا ف‬ ‫ج) س ی د سلی ما ن د وی‬ ‫ب) مو ال ا ب لی عما ی‬ ‫ا لف ) مو ال ا دمحم حسی ن آزا دؔ ‬
‫ئ‬ ‫حسی ن حا ل نیؔ ‬

‫د) ‪ ۱۸۴۰‬ء‬ ‫ج) ‪ ۱۸۳۹‬ء‬

‫ن‬ ‫مو ال ا ال طا ف حسی ن حا لیؔ کا سن پ ی دا ش ک ی ا ہ‬
‫ب) ‪ ۱۸۳۸‬ء‬ ‫ا لف ) ‪ ۱۸۳۷‬ء‬

‫ظ م ‪:‬حمد‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫نش‬ ‫ن‬

‫ے۔‬ ‫ن لگا ی‬‫‪ ‬درست ج وا ب پر (‪)Ö‬شکا ن‬
‫ف‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫ظ م ‘‘لکحمدن ’’ کے ا عر کا ا م ہ‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫د) س ی د‬ ‫ح ی ظ ج ا ل ن د ھر ی‬ ‫ب) وا ج ہ ال طاف حسی ن حا لی ج)‬ ‫ہزا د ھ و ی‬ ‫ب‬
‫ن جف‬ ‫)‬‫ض‬‫لف‬ ‫ا‬
‫ئ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ی‬‫م‬
‫ق‬ ‫ے ہ ی ں‪:‬‬‫سے ہ‬ ‫‪2.‬جس ظ م می ں ہللا عا لٰی کی عر یف کی ج ا ے ‪ ،‬ا ن‬
‫د)‬ ‫ج) ص ی د ہ‬ ‫ب) عت‬ ‫ا ن قلف ) حمد‬
‫م بت‬
‫ے ی سا کہ ‪:‬‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ب‬
‫ن‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ھی ا ی سا ی ہ‬ ‫‪ .3‬محر م‬
‫د) ا محر م‬ ‫ر ت ہ دار‬ ‫ج)‬ ‫ق ب)محرم‬ ‫ا لف ) اج ن ب ی‬
‫ے‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .4‬کس کا حق سب سے م دم ہ‬
‫د) ب ن د ے کا‬ ‫ج) است ا د کا‬ ‫ب)ب ا پ کا‬ ‫ا لف ) ہللا کا‬

‫یا ت‪ :‬برا ئے طلبہ ‪ /‬وا لد ین‬

‫تعطیال ت میں د یا گیا تحر یر ی کا م خوش خط لکھیے۔‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫س ب ق ‪:‬ہ ج ر ت ب و ی ﷺ‬
‫طلبہ کا م خو د کر یں گے جہا ں مدد اور رہنما ئی کی ضرورت ہو وہا ں وا لد ین یا بہن بھا ئیو ں سے مدد لی جا سکتی ہے ۔‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫ئ‬ ‫نش‬
‫ت‬ ‫ے۔‬ ‫‪ ‬درست ج وا ب پر (‪ )Ö‬کا ق ا ن لگا ی‬
‫ن‬ ‫ج‬
‫_______________ مع ھی ں ت۔‬ ‫ﷺ کے پ ا س ب ہت سی ک‬‫‪ .1‬ہ ت ج ر ت مد ی ن ہ کے و ت آ پ ن ت‬
‫د) ی ں‬ ‫ج) جھو ری ں‬ ‫ئ ب) ا ما ی ں‬ ‫ا لف ) ن شلوا ری نں ن‬
‫ے؟‬ ‫مو ال ا ب لی عما ی کا سن پ ی دا ش ک ی ا ہ‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫د) ‪ ۱۸۵۷‬ء‬ ‫ج) ‪ ۱۸۵۶‬ء‬ ‫ف ب) ‪ ۱۸۵۵‬ء‬ ‫‪ ۱۸۵۴‬ءن‬ ‫ا لف ) ن ش ن‬
‫ے؟‬ ‫مو ال ا ب لی عما ی کا سن و ا ت ک ی ا ہ‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫د) ‪۱۹۱۷‬ء‬ ‫ج) ‪۱۹۱۶‬ء‬ ‫ب) ‪۱۹۱۵‬ء‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ء‬
‫نش ن ن‬
‫‪۱۹۱۴‬‬ ‫)‬ ‫لف‬ ‫ا‬
‫ش‬ ‫‪ .‬مو ال ا ب لی عما ی کہا ں پ ی دا ہ وے ؟‬
‫د) علی گڑ ھ‬ ‫ب) ا قعظ م گڑ ھ‬
‫ق ج) کر گڑ ھ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ھ‬ ‫گڑ‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ی‬ ‫وز‬ ‫)‬ ‫لف‬ ‫ا‬
‫ث‬ ‫ےہی ں۔‬ ‫___________ کو معلو م ہ و چ کا ھا کہ ر یش آ پ ﷺ کے ت ل کا ارا دہ کر چ ک‬
‫د) ج ن ا ب ع ما نؓ ‬ ‫ج) ج ن ا ب ا می رؓ ‬ ‫ب) ج ن ا ب عمرؓ ‬ ‫ا لف ) ن‬
‫ت‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ؓ ‬‫ر‬ ‫بک‬ ‫و‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ج‬
‫ث‬ ‫ے را ر دا د ہ و چ کی ھی ۔‬ ‫___________ سے پہل‬
‫د) ج ن ا ب ع ما نؓ ‬ ‫س ت ت ج) ج ن ا ب ا می رؓ ‬ ‫ب) ج ن ا ب عمرؓ ‬ ‫ا لف ) ج ن ا ب ا ب و بکرؓ ‬
‫جم‬ ‫گ ن‬
‫شق‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ے۔‬ ‫ے ھ‬ ‫اہ ل عر ب _________________ مکا ن می فں ھس ا م یع و ب ھ‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫د) عا ا ہ‬ ‫ن‬
‫ج) ز ا ہ‬ ‫ت غ ب) کا را ن ہ‬ ‫ا لف ) مردا ن ہ‬
‫ن‬ ‫اسی تطر ح ____________ را ی ں ار می ں گزاری ں ۔‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫د)سات‬ ‫ج) پ ا چ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ا‬ ‫چ‬ ‫ب)‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫)‬ ‫لف‬
‫ت‬ ‫ا‬
‫ف‬ ‫حجش‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ے کہ ہی ں ؟‬ ‫ر کش سے ا ل کے ی ر کس ے کا لے کہ حملہ کر ا چ ا ہ ی‬
‫ب) ا ب و ج ہ‬
‫د)عا مر ب ن ہی رہ‬ ‫ج) سرا ہ ب ن م‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ل‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ہب‬ ‫ل‬ ‫و‬ ‫ب‬‫ا‬ ‫)‬ ‫لف‬ ‫ا‬
‫غ‬ ‫ش‬
‫ض‬ ‫غ‬ ‫اب ِن ہ ا ضم کے م طا بق رو زان ہ ش ا م کو ک ضھا ا ا ر می ں کو ن پ ہ چ ا ا ھا ؟‬
‫ؓء‬ ‫‪.10‬‬
‫د)ح ر‬ ‫ج) ال م‬ ‫ب) ح ر ت ع ب دہللا‬ ‫ا لف ) ح ر ت اسما‬
‫ت علیؓ ‬
‫ف‬ ‫ن‬
‫مو ال ا ال طا ف حسی ن حا لیؔ کا سن و ا ت ک ی ا ہ‬
‫ے؟‬ ‫‪.10‬‬
‫د)‬ ‫ج) ‪۱۹۱۵‬ء‬ ‫ب) ‪۱۹۱۴‬ء‬ ‫ا لف ) ‪۱۹۱ ۳‬ء‬

‫م‬ ‫ی‬‫ک‬ ‫ٹ‬
‫دی الہ ور ال سی م ( واپ ڈا س ی پس)‬
‫سمر پیک ‪2022‬‬
‫جماعت‪ :‬نہم‬

‫________________________________________________________________________‬ ‫نام طالب‬

‫ن‬ ‫‪:‬علم‬
‫سیکشن‪:‬‬ ‫ہم‬ ‫ج ماعت‪:‬‬

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