Inmotc NT
Inmotc NT
Inmotc NT
Rohan Goyal
January 2023
§1 Problems
Problem 1.1. We call natural number n crazy iff there exist natural numbers a, b > 1
such that n = ab + b. Whether there exist 2023 consecutive natural numbers among
which are 2021 crazy numbers?
Problem 1.2. Let p be an odd prime. How many non-empty subsets of
{1, 2 · · · p − 1}
Problem 1.6. Is there an infinite sequence of positive integers where no two terms are
relatively prime, no term divides any other term, and there is no integer larger than 1
that divides every term of the sequence?
Problem 1.7. Let m > 1 be a fixed positive integer. For a nonempty string of base-ten
digits S, let c(S) be the number of ways to split S into contiguous nonempty strings of
digits such that the base-ten number represented by each string is divisible by m. These
strings are allowed to have leading zeroes.
In terms of m, what are the possible values that c(S) can take?
For example, if m = 2, then c(1234) = 2 as the splits 1234 and 12|34 are valued, while
the other six splits are invalid.
Rohan Goyal (January 2023) INMOTC: Number Theory
Problem 1.8. The set of positive integers is partitioned into n disjoint infinite arithmetic
progressions S1 , S2 , . . . , Sn with common differences d1 , d2 , . . . , dn , respectively. Prove
that there exists exactly one index 1 ≤ i ≤ n such that
1 Y
dj ∈ Si .
Rohan Goyal (January 2023) INMOTC: Number Theory
Problem 1.19. Show that there are infinitely many pairs of positive integers (m, n)
such that
m+1 n+1
n m
is a positive integer.
Problem 1.21. Find all positive integers n such that for any integer k there exists an
integer a for which a3 + a − k is divisible by n.
Problem 1.22. Determine all the pairs (p, n) of a prime number p and a positive integer
p +1
n for which npn +1 is an integer.
Problem 1.24. For n ∈ N, let P (n) denote the product of distinct prime factors of n,
with P (1) = 1. Show that for any a0 ∈ N, if we define a sequence ak+1 = ak + P (ak ) for
k ≥ 0, there exists some k ∈ N with ak /P (ak ) = 2015.
Problem 1.25. A function f is defined on the positive integers by f (1) = 1 and, for
n > 1,
2n − 1 2n
f (n) = f +f
3 3
Problem 1.26. The real number x between 0 and 1 has decimal representation
0.a1 a2 · · ·
with the property that the number of distinct blocks of the form
ak ak+1 · · · ak+2022
as k ranges through all positive integers is at most 2023. Prove that x is rational.
Problem 1.27. Prove that for every positive integer n, there exists a 2n-digit number
a2n a2n−1 · · · a1 for which the following equality holds:
a2n · · · a1 = (an · · · a1 )2
Problem 1.28. Determine all positive integers k for which there exist a positive integer
m and a set S of positive integers such that any integer n > m can be written as a sum
of distinct elements of S in exactly k ways.
Problem 1.29. Find all positive integers n such that n3 − 5n2 + 9n − 6 is a perfect
Problem 1.31. Is there a natural number n > 101000 which is not divisible by 10 and
which satisfies: in its decimal representation one can exchange two distinct non-zero
digits such that the set of prime divisors does not change.
Rohan Goyal (January 2023) INMOTC: Number Theory
Problem 1.32. Let p and q be (not necessarily distinct) primes. Prove that at most
2 numbers n satisfy:
p! + n! + q = p(np )
Problem 1.33. Find all pairs of integers (a, b) so that each of the two cubic polynomials
x3 + ax + b and x3 + bx + a
Problem 1.34. The function f is defined on the set of positive integers by f (1) = 1,
f (2n) = 2f (n) and nf (2n + 1) = (2n + 1)(f (n) + n) for all n ≥ 1.
Problem 1.35. Let n and M be positive integers such that M > nn−1 . Prove that there
are n distinct primes p1 , p2 , p3 · · · , pn such that pj divides M + j for all 1 ≤ j ≤ n.
Problem 1.36. Alice has an integer N > 1 on the blackboard. Each minute, she deletes
the current number x on the blackboard and writes 2x + 1 if x is not the cube of an
integer, or the cube root of x otherwise. Prove that at some point of time, she writes a
number larger than 10100 .
Problem 1.37. Let m = 4 3−1 , where p is a prime number exceeding 3. Prove that 2m−1
has remainder 1 when divided by m.
Problem 1.38. Let a > 1 and c be natural numbers and let b ̸= 0 be an integer. Prove
that there exists a natural number n such that the number an + b has a divisor of the
form cx + 1, x ∈ N.
Problem 1.39. Find all permutations (a1 , a2 , ..., a2021 ) of (1, 2, ..., 2021), such that for
every two positive integers m and n with difference bigger than 2021 , the following
inequality holds: GCD(m + 1, n + a1 ) + GCD(m + 2, n + a2 ) + ... + GCD(m + 2021, n +
a2021 ) < 2|m − n|.
Problem 1.40. For his birthday, math prodigy Tom received a positive integer m and
increasing positive sequences {an } and {bn }. Tom claims that no element of the set
ai bj + m | (i, j) ∈ N has a prime divisor larger than 2023!. Prove that young Tom’s a
Problem 1.41. For each positive integer n, the Bank of Cape Town issues coins of
denomination n1 . Given a finite collection of such coins (of not necessarily different
denominations) with total value at most most 99 + 12 , prove that it is possible to split
this collection into 100 or fewer groups, such that each group has total value at most 1.
Problem 1.42. For a positive integer n define Sn = 1! + 2! + . . . + n!. Prove that there
exists an integer n such that Sn has a prime divisor greater than 102021 .