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ALR Brochure 2011-1

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Resources Available in Missouri

Mid-Missouri Crisis Hotline


The Trevor Lifeline

866-4-U-TREVOR (866-488-7386)

Veterans Suicide Prevention Lifeline

800-273-8255 ext. 1

Suicide Prevention Resources Website

Want to learn more about how to help a friend?

Visit the Ask Listen Refer website at
How to Help a Friend
and click on your campus! Who May be Suicidal.
Written by the University of Missouri Counseling Center.
119 Parker Hall, Columbia, MO 65211. (573) 882-6601

For more information,

This publication is brought to you by Partners in Prevention,
a coalition of twenty universities in Missouri. visit
Partners in Prevention is funded by the Missouri Department of Mental Health. and click on your campus!
What to Do
Experiencing a suicidal crisis Ask and listen. Talking about the person’s thoughts
can feel unsettling, painful, and openly and frankly can help prevent a person from acting on
them. This may include asking if the person has a particular
overwhelming. Many students plan or method in mind.
have never directly dealt with a
You might think mentioning suicide may give the person
suicidal person, and when such the idea but this is highly unlikely; if someone is showing
a situation presents itself, they warning signs of being suicidal, he or she has, in all
are likely to feel helpless and likelihood, already thought about it.
overwhelmed. The following Give hope. Sometimes people can’t think of any other
guidelines are presented to help solutions to what is causing the distress. You can acknowledge
provide a sense of direction and that the person currently feels hopeless but also convey that
facilitate the helping process. things can get better and there are other options. You may
even be able to offer some alternative actions.
Do not attempt to argue anyone out of suicide. Rather,
let the person know you care and understand, that he or
Know the Warning Signs she is not alone, that suicidal feelings are temporary, that
Although most depressed people are not suicidal, most suicidal depression can be treated, and that problems can be solved.
people are depressed – know the warning signs of depression: Avoid the temptation to say things such as, “You have so much
to live for,” or “Your suicide will hurt your family or friends.”
• Feelings of worthlessness or guilt Be genuine. If professional help is indicated, a person
• Pessimism is more apt to follow such a recommendation if you have
• Hopelessness genuinely listened to him or her.
• Loss of interest/pleasure in formerly enjoyable activities
• Change in appetite or weight Refer Person to Seek Profession Help
• Sleep problems Be actively involved in encouraging the person to see a
physician or mental health professional immediately.
• Helplessness
Individuals contemplating suicide don’t believe they can be
• Anxiety helped, so you may have to do more such as offering to go
• Social withdrawal with the person to his/her appointment.
• Decrease in sexual drive
• Fatigue or loss of energy In an Acute Crisis
• Diminished ability to think or concentrate, slowed (If you are still worried the person may harm him/herself)
thinking or indecisiveness
• Thoughts of death, suicide, or wishes to be dead
• Dial 911 if immediate assistance is needed,
particularly if you feel the person has already taken
• Unrelenting low mood action (e.g., swallowed pills) or may do so without
quick intervention.

There are other signs that someone may • Find your local resources for help by visiting
be considering suicide suicide. and navigate to the
‘Looking for help?’ section.
• Increased use of alcohol and/or other drugs
• Recent impulsiveness and taking unnecessary risks • You or the person about whom you are concerned may
• Current talk of suicide, expressing strong wish to die, or call the Mid-MO 24-hour crisis hotline at (800)
talking about wanting “pain” to end 395-2132, or the National Suicide Prevention
Life-line at (800) 273-8255.
• Making a suicide plan
• Giving away prized possessions Remember to stay with the person (or on the phone) until
• Saying goodbye to friends/family help is available.
• Purchasing a firearm
• Obtaining other means of killing oneself

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