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Physics : Paper 3
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1.2 The speed of a transverse wave on a stretched string can be changed by adjusting the tension of
the string. A stationary wave pattern is set up on a stretched string using an oscillator set at a
frequency of 650 Hz.

How must the wave be changed to maintain the same stationary wave pattern if the applied
frequency is increased to 750 Hz?

A Decrease the speed of the wave on the string.

B Decrease the wavelength of the wave on the string.
C Increase the speed of the wave on the string.
D Increase the wavelength of the wave on the string.

2.7 A loudspeaker emitting sound of frequency f is placed at the open end of a pipe of length l which
is closed at the other end. A standing wave is set up in the pipe.

A series of pipes are then set up with either one or two loudspeakers of frequency f. The pairs of
loudspeakers vibrate in phase with each other.

Which pipe contains a standing wave?

3.9 A transmitter of electromagnetic waves is placed 45 cm from a reflective surface

The emitted waves have a frequency of 1.00 GHz. A stationary wave is produced with a node at
the transmitter and a node at the surface.
How many antinodes are in the space between the transmitter and the surface?

4.16 The sound from a loudspeaker placed above a tube causes resonance of the air in the tube.
A stationary wave is formed with two nodes and two antinodes as shown.

The speed of sound in air is 330ms–1.

What is the frequency of the sound?
A 413Hz B 550Hz C 830Hz D 1650Hz

5.23 A musical instrument called a bugle is a long tube with a mouthpiece at one end. The other end is
open and flared, as shown.

A musician maintains stationary sound waves with a node at the mouthpiece and an antinode at
the other end. The lowest frequency of sound that the bugle can produce is 92 Hz.

Which different frequencies of sound can be produced by the bugle?

A 92 Hz, 138 Hz, 184 Hz, 230 Hz, 276 Hz

B 92 Hz, 184 Hz, 276 Hz, 368 Hz, 460 Hz
C 92 Hz, 276 Hz, 460 Hz, 644 Hz, 828 Hz
D 92 Hz, 276 Hz, 828 Hz, 2484 Hz, 7452 Hz
6.26 The diagram shows a long rope fixed at one end. The other end is moved up and down, setting up
a stationary wave.

What is the phase difference between the oscillations at X and at Y?

A0 B 45° C 90° D 135°

7.32 Two signals approach each other, as shown.

At one instant, the signals completely overlap.

According to the principle of superposition, what is the shape of the resulting signal at this

8.34 A tube of length L is open at both ends. A stationary wave is set up in this tube when a tuning
fork vibrating with frequency fx is held at one end. This is the lowest frequency of stationary
wave that can be formed in this tube.

Another tube of length 2L is closed at one end. A stationary wave is set up in this tube when a
tuning fork vibrating with frequency fy is held at the open end. This is the lowest frequency of
stationary wave that can be formed in this tube.

Assume the end correction for each tube is negligible.

Which equation is correct?

9.38 A vibrating tuning fork is held over a measuring cylinder, as shown.

Water is then gradually poured into the measuring cylinder. A much louder sound is first heard
when the water level is 2.9 cm above the base of the measuring cylinder. A second much louder
sound is heard when the water level reaches a height of 67.3 cm above the base.
The speed of sound in air is 330 ms–1.
What is the frequency of the tuning fork?
A 128 Hz B 256 Hz C 512 Hz D 1024 Hz

10.47 A long tube, filled with water, has a tap fitted at its base, as shown.
A tuning fork is sounded above the tube and the water is allowed to run gradually out of the tube.

A louder sound is heard at intervals as the water runs out of the tube. The change in water level
between louder sounds is 32 cm.
What is the wavelength of the sound in the tube?
A 16 cm B 32 cm C 64 cm D 128 cm

11.53 Two wave pulses are travelling towards each other on a long rope. The pulses have the same
amplitude and wavelength and are travelling at a speed of 0.50 ms–1. The diagram shows the rope
at time t ꞊ 0.

Which diagram shows the rope at time t ꞊ 3.0 s?

12.61 The diagram shows a string stretched between fixed points X and Y. There is a stationary wave
on the string.

The solid curve shows the string at a position of maximum displacement. The dashed curve
shows the other position of maximum displacement. The straight central dashed line shows the
mean position of the string. Point S on the string is directly above point P. Point T on the string is
directly below Q.

Which statement is correct?

A A short time later, point R on the string will be displaced.
B Points S and T on the string move in opposite directions.
C The distance between P and Q is one wavelength.
D Two points on the string that are equal distances from point R vibrate in phase.

13.70 A string is fixed between point P and an oscillator M. Another string is fixed between M and
point Q. M is midway between P and Q.

The frequency of the oscillator is adjusted until a stationary wave is formed on both strings. The
speed of the wave between P and M is twice the speed of the wave between M and Q.
Which diagram could represent the stationary wave pattern?

14.75 A loudspeaker emitting a sound wave of a single frequency is placed a distance L from a
reflecting surface, as shown.
A stationary wave is formed with an antinode at the loudspeaker. A microphone is moved from
the loudspeaker to the reflector.
Before the microphone reaches the reflector, it detects four points where the sound intensity is a
What is the wavelength of the sound wave?

15.3 A monochromatic plane wave of speed c and wavelength λ is diffracted at a small aperture.
The diagram illustrates successive wavefronts.

After what time will some portion of the wavefront XY reach point P?

16.7 Monochromatic light of wavelength 690 nm passes through a diffraction grating with 300 lines
per mm, producing a series of maxima on a screen.

What is the greatest number of maxima that can be observed?

A4 B5 C8 D9

17.8 Light of wavelength λ passes through a diffraction grating with slit spacing d. A series of lines is
observed on a screen.
`What is the angle α between the two first order lines?

18.10 White light consists of many wavelengths. The wavelength of red light R is approximately twice
the wavelength of violet light V. When white light is incident normally on a diffraction grating,
several spectra can be formed.

Which diagram shows the possible distributions of light in the first order and the second order

19.18 A hill separates a television (TV) transmitter from a house. The transmitter cannot be seen from
the house. However, the house has good TV reception.

By which wave effect at the hill could the TV signal reach the house?

A coherence B diffraction C interference D reflection

20.27 A bar vibrates with frequency f to produce water waves in a ripple tank.

The waves pass through a gap of width x in a barrier so that diffraction occurs.
Which combination of vibration frequency and gap width will produce the smallest angle of

21.35 A beam of light consists of two wavelengths of 436 nm and 654 nm. A diffraction grating of 5.00
× 105 lines m–1 produces a diffraction pattern in which the second order of one of these
wavelengths occurs at the same angle θ as the third order of the other wavelength.

What is the angle θ ?

A 19.1° B 25.8° C 40.8° D 78.8°

22.43 Monochromatic light is directed at a diffraction grating, as shown.

Which diagram could show all the possible directions of the light, after passing through the
grating, that give maximum intensity?
23.46 Water waves of wavelength  are incident normally on an obstacle with a narrow gap. The width
of the gap is equal to . The waves from the gap emerge over an angle  as shown.

The gap is slowly widened.

Which changes, if any, occur to  and to the wavelength of the emerging waves?

24.51 Light of wavelength  is incident normally on a diffraction grating, as shown.

The angle between the two second-order maxima is .

Which expression gives the spacing of the lines on the diffraction grating?
25.57 Which wave behaviour is shown in the diagram?

A diffraction B Doppler shift C interference D superposition

26.65 A beam of laser light is directed towards a narrow slit.

After emerging from the other side of the slit, the diffracted light then falls on a screen.
What is the pattern of light seen on the screen?

27.71 A beam of red laser light of wavelength 633 nm is incident normally on a diffraction grating with
600 lines per mm.

The beam of red light is now replaced by a beam of blue laser light of wavelength 445 nm. A
replacement diffraction grating is used so that the first-order maximum of the blue light appears
at the same position on the screen as the first-order maximum of the red light from the original
How many lines per mm are there in the replacement diffraction grating?

A 420 mm–1 B 470 mm–1 C 600 mm–1 D 850 mm–1

28.72 Water waves of wavelength are formed in a ripple tank. The waves are diffracted as they pass
through a narrow gap of width d (d is greater than ).

Which gap width and which wavelength will cause the largest decrease in the amount of

29.4 The diagram shows an experiment which has been set up to demonstrate two-source interference.
Microwaves of wavelength λ pass through two slits S1and S2.

The detector is moved from point O in the direction of the arrow. The signal detected decreases
until the detector reaches point X, and then starts to increase again as the detector moves beyond
Which equation correctly determines the position of X?

30.7 Wave generators at points X and Y produce water waves of the same wavelength. At point Z, the
waves from X have the same amplitude as the waves from Y. Distances XZ and YZ are as shown.

When the wave generators operate in phase, the amplitude of oscillation at Z is zero.
What could be the wavelength of the waves?
31.12 A student sets up an experiment to investigate double-slit interference of light but finds that the
interference fringes observed on the screen are too close to each other to be distinguished.

Which change would help the student to distinguish the fringes?

A decrease the distance s between the two slits

B increase the width of each slit
C move the screen closer to the light source
D use a blue filter instead of a red filter

32.19 A pattern of interference fringes is produced using a red laser, a double slit and a screen. The
screen is 3.5 m from the double slit. The light from the laser has a wavelength of 640 nm.
The pattern of fringes is shown.

What is the separation of the slits?

A 1.2 × 10–4 m B 1.6 × 10–4 m C 3.1 × 10–5 m D 3.3 × 10–9 m

33.21 Coherent waves are produced at P and at Q and travel outwards in all directions. The line RS is
half-way between P and Q and perpendicular to the line joining P and Q. The distance RS is
much greater than the distance PQ.

Along which of the lines shown is an interference pattern observed?

A both RS and XY B RS only C XY only D neither RS nor XY

34.23 In an experiment to demonstrate double-slit interference using light, the distance from the slits to
the screen is doubled and the slit separation is halved. The wavelength of the light is kept
By which factor does the separation of adjacent bright fringes change?

35.28 The diagram shows two sources of waves S1 and S2. The sources oscillate with a phase
difference of 180°.

The sources each generate a wave of wavelength 2.0 cm. Each source produces a wave that has
amplitude x0 when it reaches point P.
What is the amplitude of the oscillation at P? 9702/11/M/J/18

36.36 Two identical loudspeakers are connected in series to an a.c. supply, as shown.

A microphone is moved along the line PQ.

Which graph best shows the variation with distance from P of the intensity of the sound detected
by the microphone?
37.42 An outdoor concert has two large speakers beside the stage for broadcasting music.
In order to test the speakers, they are made to emit sound of the same wavelength and the same
The curved lines in the diagram represent wavefronts.
Where is the loudest sound heard?

38.50 A double-slit interference pattern using red light of wavelength 7.0 10–7 m has a fringe spacing
of 3.5 mm.
Which fringe spacing would be observed for the same arrangement of apparatus but using blue
light of wavelength 4.5 10–7 m?
A 2.3 mm B 3.5 mm C 5.4 mm D 9.0 mm

39.57 Two loudspeakers X and Y emit sound waves that are in phase and of wavelength 0.75 m.

An observer O is able to stand anywhere on a straight line that passes through X and Y, as shown.
The observer stands at a point where the sound waves from X and Y meet in phase.

What could be the distances OY and XY?

40.3 A teacher sets up the apparatus shown to demonstrate a two-slit interference pattern on the screen

Which change to the apparatus will increase the fringe spacing?

A decreasing the distance p

B decreasing the distance q
C decreasing the distance r
D decreasing the wavelength of the light
MCQ Answer Sheet
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1.7 A hollow tube is used to investigate stationary waves. The tube is closed at one end and open at
the other end. A loudspeaker connected to a signal generator is placed near the open end of the
tube, as shown in Fig. 6.1.

Fig. 6.1
The tube has length L. The frequency of the signal generator is adjusted so that the loudspeaker
produces a progressive wave of frequency 440 Hz. A stationary wave is formed in the tube. A
representation of this stationary wave is shown in Fig. 6.1.Two points P and Q on the stationary
wave are labelled.

(a) (i) Describe, in terms of energy transfer, the difference between a progressive wave and a
stationary wave.



(ii) Explain how the stationary wave is formed in the tube.





(iii) State the direction of the oscillations of an air particle at point P.


....................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) On Fig. 6.1 label, with the letter N, the nodes of the stationary wave . [1]
(c) State the phase difference between points P and Q on the stationary wave.

phase difference = .......................................................... [1]

(d) The speed of sound in the tube is 330 m s–1
(i) the wavelength of the sound wave,

wavelength = ...................................................... m [2]

(ii) the length L of the tube.

length = ...................................................... m [2]

[Total: 11]
2.11 (a) Describe the diffraction of monochromatic light as it passes through a diffraction grating.



.................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) White light is incident on a diffraction grating, as shown in Fig. 4.1.

The diffraction pattern formed on the screen has white light, called zero order, and coloured
spectra in other orders.

(i) Describe how the principle of superposition is used to explain

1. white light at the zero order,


............................................................................................................................. [2]

2. the difference in position of red and blue light in the first-order spectrum.




(i) Light of wavelength 625 nm produces a second-order maximum at an angle of 61.0°

to the incident direction. Determine the number of lines per meter of the diffraction

number of lines = ......................................... m –1 [2]

(iii) Calculate the wavelength of another part of the visible spectrum that gives a maximum for a
different order at the same angle as in (ii).

wavelength = ……………………..…….. nm[2]

[Total: 10]

3.23 (a) Interference fringes may be observed using a light-emitting laser to illuminate a double slit.
The double slit acts as two sources of light.
(i) the part played by diffraction in the production of the fringes,



(ii) the reason why a double slit is used rather than two separate sources of light.




(b) A laser emitting light of a single wavelength is used to illuminate slits S1 and S2, as shown in
Fig. 6.1.

An interference pattern is observed on the screen AB. The separation of the slits is 0.48mm.
The slits are 2.4m from AB. The distance on the screen across 16 fringes is 36mm, as illustrated
in Fig. 6.2.

Calculate the wavelength of the light emitted by the laser.

wavelength = .......................................................m [3]

(c) Two dippers D1 and D2 are used to produce identical waves on the surface of water, as
illustrated in Fig. 6.3.

Point P is 7.2cm from D1 and 11.2cm from D2.

The wavelength of the waves is 1.6cm. The phase difference between the waves produced at D1
and D2 is zero.
(i) State and explain what is observed at P.




(ii) State and explain the effect on the answer to (c)(i) if the apparatus is changed so that,
1. the phase difference between the waves at D1 and at D2 is 180°,




2. the intensity of the wave from D1 is less than the intensity of that from D2.





[Total: 10]
4.27 (a) State the conditions required for the formation of a stationary wave.



.......................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) The sound from a loudspeaker is detected by a microphone that is connected to a

cathode-ray oscilloscope (c.r.o.). Fig. 4.1 shows the trace on the screen of the c.r.o.

Fig. 4.1

In air, the sound wave has a speed of 330 m s–1 and a wavelength of 0.18 m.
(i) Calculate the frequency of the sound wave.

frequency = .................................................... Hz [2]

(ii) Determine the time-base setting, in s cm–1, of the c.r.o.

time-base setting = ............................................... s cm–1 [2]

(iii) The intensity of the sound from the loudspeaker is now halved. The wavelength of the
sound is unchanged. Assume that the amplitude of the trace is proportional to the
amplitude of the sound wave.
On Fig. 4.1, sketch the new trace shown on the screen of the c.r.o. [2]
(c) The loudspeaker in (b) is held above a vertical tube of liquid, as shown in Fig. 4.2.

A tap at the bottom of the tube is opened so that liquid drains out at a constant rate. The
wavelength of the sound from the loudspeaker is 0.18 m. The sound that is heard first becomes
much louder when the liquid surface reaches level A. The next time that the sound becomes much
louder is when the liquid surface reaches level B, as shown in Fig. 4.3.

(i) Calculate the vertical distance between level A and level B.

distance = ...................................................... m [1]

(ii) On Fig. 4.3, label with the letter N the positions of the nodes of the stationary wave that
is formed in the air column when the liquid surface is at level B. [1]

(iii) The mass of liquid leaving the tube per unit time is 6.7 g s–1. The tube has an internal
cross-sectional area of 13 cm2. The density of the liquid is 0.79 g cm –3.

Calculate the time taken for the liquid to move from level A to level B.

time = ....................................................... s [2]

[Total: 12]
5.36 A ripple tank is used to demonstrate the interference of water waves.
Two dippers D1 and D2 produce coherent waves that have circular wavefronts, as illustrated in
Fig. 5.1.

The lines in the diagram represent crests. The waves have a wavelength of 6.0cm.
(a) One condition that is required for an observable interference pattern is that the waves must be
(i) Describe how the apparatus is arranged to ensure that the waves from the dippers are coherent.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State one other condition that must be satisfied by the waves in order for the interference
pattern to be observable.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Light from a lamp above the ripple tank shines through the water onto a screen below the
tank. Describe one way of seeing the illuminated pattern more clearly.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(c) The speed of the waves is 0.40ms–1. Calculate the period of the waves.

period = ...................................................... s [2]

(d) Fig. 5.1 shows a point X that lies on a crest of the wave from D1 and midway between two
adjacent crests of the wave from D2.
For the waves at point X, state:

(i) the path difference, in cm

path difference = ................................................... cm [1]

(ii) the phase difference.

phase difference = ....................................................... ° [1]

(e) On Fig. 5.1, draw one line, at least 4cm long, which joins points where only maxima of the
interference pattern are observed.
[Total: 8]

6.37 (a) State what is meant by the wavelength of a progressive wave.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) A cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) is used to analyse a sound wave. The screen of the CRO is
shown in Fig. 5.1.

The time-base setting of the CRO is 2.5mscm–1.

Determine the frequency of the sound wave.

frequency = .................................................... Hz [2]

(c) The source emitting the sound in (b) is at point A. Waves travel from the source to point C
along two different paths, AC and ABC, as shown in Fig. 5.2.
Distance AB is 8.0m and distance AC is 20.8m. Angle ABC is 90°. Assume that there is no phase
change of the sound wave due to the reflection at point B. The wavelength of the waves is 1.6m.
(i) Show that the waves meeting at C have a path difference of 6.4m.

(ii) Explain why an intensity maximum is detected at point C.



..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(iii) Determine the difference between the times taken for the sound to travel from the source to
point C along the two different paths.

time difference = ....................................................... s [2]

(iv) The wavelength of the sound is gradually increased. Calculate the wavelength of the sound
when an intensity maximum is next detected at point C.

wavelength = ......................................................m [1]

[Total: 9]

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