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Superposition and Standing Waves

1* True or false: (a ) The waves from two coherent sources that are radiating in phase interfere constructively everywhere in space. (b ) Two wave sources that are out of phase by 180o are incoherent. (c) Interference patterns are observed only for coherent sources. (a ) False (b ) False (c) True 2 Two violinists standing a few feet apart are playing the same notes. Are there places in the room where certain notes are not heard because of destructive interference? Explain. No; the two sources are incoherent and do not give rise to interference. Two rectangular wave pulses are traveling in opposite directions along a string. At t = 0, the two pulses are as shown in Figure 16-27. Sketch the wave functions for t = 1, 2, and 3 s

Chapter 16

Superposition and Standing Waves

Repeat Problem 3 for the case in which the pulse on the right is inverted.

5* Two waves traveling on a string in the same direction both have a frequency of 100 Hz, a wavelength of 2 cm, and an amplitude of 0.02 m. What is the amplitude of the resultant wave if the original waves differ in phase by (a ) /6, and (b ) /3? (a ) A = 2y0 cos 1/2 A = 4 cos /12 cm = 3.86 cm (b ) Repeat for = /3 A = 4 cos /6 cm = 3.46 cm

What is the phase difference between the two waves of Problem 5 if the amplitude of the resultant wave is 0.02 m, the same as the amplitude of each original wave? o Now cos /2 = 0.5 = 120 = 2 /3 rad

Two waves having the same frequency, wavelength, and amplitude are traveling in the same direction. If they differ in phase by /2 and each has an amplitude of 0.05 m, what is the amplitude of the resultant wave? A = 2y0 cos /4 A = 7.07 cm

Two sound sources oscillate in phase with the same amplitude A. They are separated in space by /3. What is the amplitude of the resultant wave from the two sources at a point that is on the line that passes through the sources but is not between the sources? Use Equs. 16-9 and 16-6 = 2 /3; Ares = 2A cos /3 = A

Chapter 16 Superposition and Standing Waves 9* Two sound sources oscillate in phase with a frequency of 100 Hz. At a point 5.00 m from one source and 5.85 m from the other, the amplitude of the sound from each source separately is A. (a ) What is the phase difference in the sound waves from the two sources at that point? (b ) What is the amplitude of the resultant wave at that point? o (a ) Find x/, then use Equ. 16-9 = 3.4 m; x/ = 0.25; = 90 (b ) Apply Equ. 16-6 Ares = 2A cos 45o = A 2

10 With a compass, draw circular arcs representing wave crests originating from each of two point sources a distance d = 6 cm apart for = 1 cm. Connect the intersections corresponding to points of constant path difference, and label the path difference for each line. (see Figure 16-8) The Figure is shown below. Lines of constructive interference are shown for path differences of 0, , 2, and 3.

11 Two loudspeakers are separated by a distance of 6 m. A listener sits directly in front of one speaker at a distance of 8 m so that the two speakers and the listener form a right triangle. (a ) Find the two lowest frequencies for which the path difference from the speakers to the listener is an odd number of half-wavelengths. (b ) Why can these frequencies be heard even if the speakers are driven in phase by the same amplifier? (a )1. Find 1 and 2; r1 = 8 m, r2 = 10 m s = 2 m; s/1 = 1/2; 1 = 4 m; 2 = 1/3 2. Determine f 1 and f 2; f = v/ f 1 = 85 Hz; f 2 = 255 Hz (b ) The sounds can be heard because of random reflections by the walls of the room. 12 Two speakers separated by some distance emit sound waves of the same frequency. At some point P, the intensity due to each speaker separately is I0. The path distance from P to one of the speakers is 1/2 greater than that

Chapter 16 Superposition and Standing Waves from P to the other speaker. What is the intensity at P if (a ) the speakers are coherent and in phase, (b ) the speakers are incoherent, and (c) the speakers are coherent but have a phase difference of rad? (a ) Since the path difference is /2, there is complete destructive interference; I = 0. (b ) The sources are incoherent and the intensities add; I = 2I0. (c) The phase difference is + 2 x/ = 2 . The waves interfere constructively. I = 4I0. 13* Answer the questions of Problem 12 for a point P for which the distance to the far speaker is 1 greater than the distance to the near speaker. Assume that the intensity at point P due to each speaker separately is again I0. (a ) The path difference is , so we have constructive interference. I = 4I0. (b ) As in Problem 12, I = 2I0. (c) Now the phase difference is ; I = 0. 14 Two speakers separated by some distance emit sound waves of the same frequency, but the speakers are out of phase by 90o. Let r1 be the distance from some point to speaker 1 and r2 be the distance from that point to speaker 2. Find the smallest value of r2 r1 such that the sound at that point will be (a ) maximum, and (b ) minimum. (Express your answers in terms of the wavelength.) (a ) A phase difference of 90o corresponds to a path difference of /4; to compensate r2 r1 = /4. (b ) In this case, the smallest difference in path is again /4, but now /4 = r1 r2. 15 Show that if the separation between two sound sources radiating coherently in phase is less than half a wavelength, complete destructive interference will not be observed in any direction. For destructive interference, = = 2 x/. x = d sin d , where d is the source separation. So if x < /2, < , and there is no complete destructive interference in any direction. 16 A transverse wave of frequency 40 Hz propagates down a string. Two points 5 cm apart are out of phase by /6. (a ) What is the wavelength of the wave? (b ) At a given point, what is the phase difference between two displacements for times 5 ms apart? (c) What is the wave velocity? (a ) = /6 corresponds to a distance of /12 = 5 12 cm = 60 cm (b ) T = 1/f = 25 ms 5 ms = T/5; = 2 /5 rad (c ) v = f v = 40 0.6 m/s = 24 m/s

17* It is thought that the brain determines the direction toward the source of a sound by sensing the phase difference between the sound waves striking the eardrums. A distant source emits sound of frequency 680 Hz. When you are facing directly toward a sound source there should be no phase difference. Estimate the change in phase difference between the sounds received by the ears as you turn from facing directly toward the source through 90o. The distance between the ears 20 cm. = 340/680 m = 50 cm. So 2 (20/50) = 0.8 rad.

Chapter 16 Superposition and Standing Waves 18 Sound source A is located at x = 0, y = 0, and sound source B is placed at x = 0, y = 2.4 m. The two sources radiate coherently in phase. An observer at x = 40 m, y = 0 notes that as she walks along in either the positive or negative y direction away from y = 0, the sound intensity diminishes. What is the lowest and the next higher frequency of the sources that can account for that observation?
2 The path difference between the two sources is x = ( 40 + (2.4 ) - 40) m = 0.072 m . 0 For constructive 2

interference at the point of observation, we must have 0.072 m = n . For n = 1, = 0.072 m and f 1 = 4722 Hz; for n = 2, f 2 = 2f 1 = 9444 Hz. 19 Suppose that the observer in Problem 18 finds herself at a point of minimum intensity at x = 40 m, y = 0. What is then the lowest and next higher frequency of the sources consistent with this observation? We now require that the path difference of 0.072 m be /2 or 3/2. If 1 = 0.144 m, f 1 = 2361 Hz; if = 2 = 31, f 2 = 7083 Hz. 20 Two point sources that are in phase are separated by a distance d . An interference pattern is detected along a line parallel to the line through the sources and a large distance D from the sources, as shown in Figure 16-28. (a ) Show that the path difference from the two sources to some point on the line at a small angle is given approximately by s = d sin . (Hint: Assume that the lines from the sources to P are approximately parallel.) (b ) Show that the distance ym from the central maximum point to the mth interference maximum is given approximately by ym = m(D/d ). (a ) See the diagram. As shown, s = d sin (b ) If << 1, then x = d sin d tan = dym/D. For constructive interference, = 2 m = 2 x/ = 2 dym/D. Solving for ym we obtain ym = mD/d .

21* Two sound sources radiating in phase at a frequency of 480 Hz interfere such that maxima are heard at angles of 0o and 23o from a line perpendicular to that joining the two sources. Find the separation between the two sources and any other angles at which a maximum intensity will be heard. (Use the result of Problem 20.) Since 23o = 0.401 rad is not a small angle, we cannot use the small angle approximation. o d = 0.708/sin 23o m = 1.81 m x = = 340/480 m = 0.708 m = d sin 23 If d sin = 2, there will be another intensity maximum sin = 1.416/1.81 = 0.782; = 51.5o

Chapter 16 Superposition and Standing Waves 22 Two loudspeakers are driven in phase by an audio amplifier at a frequency of 600 Hz. The speakers are on the y axis, one at y = +1.00 m and the other at y = -1.00 m. A listener begins at y = 0 a very large distance D away and walks along a line parallel to the y axis. (See Problem 20.) (a ) At what angle will she first hear a minimum in the sound intensity? (b ) At what angle will she first hear a maximum (after = 0)? (c) How many maxima can she possibly hear if she keeps walking in the same direction? Proceed as in Problem 21. However, for the first intensity minimum we must have x = /2. (a ) 1. Determine = 340/600 m = 0.567 m 2. d sin = /2; here d = 2.0 m sin = /2d = 0.567/4 = 0.142; = 8.14o (b ) For maximum, d sin = sin = 0.567/2; = 16.5o (c) sin = n /d 1; solve for n (integer) n=3

23 Two sound sources driven in phase by the same amplifier are 2 m apart on the y axis. At a point a very large distance from the y axis, constructive interference is first heard at an angle 1 = 0.140 rad with the x axis and is next heard at 2 = 0.283 rad (see Figure 16-28). (a ) What is the wavelength of the sound waves from the sources? (b ) What is the frequency of the sources? (c) At what other angles is constructive interference heard? (d ) What is the smallest angle for which the sound waves cancel? (a ) sin 1 = /d (see Problem 22) = d sin 1 = 0.279 m (b ) f = v/ f = 1219 Hz (c) sin n = n /d 3 = 0.432 rad; 4 = 0.592 rad; 5 = 0.772 rad; 6 = 0.992 rad; 7 = 1.354 rad (d ) sin dest = /2d dest = 0.0698 rad

24 Two identical sound sources have a frequency of 500 Hz. The coordinates of the sources are (0,1 m) and (0,1 m) A detector 80 m from the origin is free to revolve in the xy plane with a radius of 80 m. The first maximum in intensity is detected when the detector is at (80, 0) m. (a ) Find the coordinates of the detector for the first five maxima in order of decreasing positive values of x. (b ) Find the coordinates for the first four minima in order of decreasing positive values of x subject to the condition
2 x + y 2

= 80 m.
= 0.68 m; 0 = 0; 1 = 19.9 ; 2 = 42.8
o o

(a ) Find the angles m from sin m = m/d

Chapter 16 Superposition and Standing Waves The configuration of the sources and the detector is shown in the figure to the right. There are ten locations at which a maximum (constructive interference) can be observed. These are at = 0, 19.9o, 42.8o, 137.2o, 160.1o, and 180o. The coordinates corresponding to these angles are given by x = (80 cos m) m and y = (80 sin m) m. In order of decreasing x we have: (80, 0), (75.2, 27.2), (58.7, 54.4), (58.7, 54.4), (75.2, 27.2), and (-80, 0). The first five maxima are those for x > 0.

For destructive interference, sin n = (n - 1/2)/d

o o 1 = 9.79 , 2 = 30.7

Again, positive and negative angles are possible. Thus, the first four minima in diminishing order of x are at coordinates (78.8, 13.6), (68.8, 40.8). 25* A radio telescope consists of two antennas separated by a distance of 200 m. Both antennas are tuned to a particular frequency, such as 20 MHz. The signals from each antenna are fed into a common amplifier, but one signal first passes through a phase adjuster that delays its phase by a chosen amount so that the telescope can look in different directions. When the phase delay is zero, plane radio waves that are incident vertically on the antennas produce signals that add constructively at the amplifier. What should the phase delay be so that signals coming from an angle = 10o with the vertical (in the plane formed by the vertical and the line joining the antennas) will add constructively at the amplifier? 8 7 1. Determine and the path difference for = 10o = (3 10 /2 10 ) m = 15 m o Note that we can disregard the path of 2 s = (200 sin 10 ) m = 34.73 m = 2.315 = (2 + 0.315) o 2. Determine the phase difference for = 0.315 = 0.315 2 = 1.98 rad = 113.5

26 Beats are produced by the superposition of two harmonic waves only if (a ) their amplitudes and frequencies are equal. (b ) their amplitudes are the same but their frequencies differ slightly. (c) their frequencies differ slightly even if their amplitudes are not equal. (d ) their frequencies are equal but their amplitudes differ slightly. (c ) 27 True or false: The beat frequency between two sound waves of nearly equal frequencies equals the difference in the frequencies of the individual sound waves. True 28 About how accurately do you think you can tune a piano string to a tuning fork?

Chapter 16 Superposition and Standing Waves It is possible to tune to within 0.5 Hz by listening to beats. 29* Two tuning forks have frequencies of 256 and 260 Hz. If the forks are vibrating at the same time, what is the beat frequency? f beat = f = 4 Hz. 30 When a violin string is played (without fingering) simultaneously with a tuning fork of frequency 440 Hz, beats are heard at the rate of 3 per second. When the tension in the string is increased slightly, the beat frequency decreases. What was the initial frequency of the violin string? The initial frequency was low since an increase in tension reduces f beat . f i = (440 3) Hz = 437 Hz. 31 When two tuning forks are struck simultaneously, 4 beats per second are heard. The frequency of one fork is 500 Hz. (a ) What are the possible values for the frequency of the other fork? (b ) A piece of wax is placed on the 500-Hz fork to lower its frequency slightly. Explain how the measurement of the new beat frequency can be used to determine which of your answers to part (a ) is the correct frequency of the second fork. (a ) f 2 = f 1 f = (500 4) Hz; f 2 = 504 Hz or 496 Hz. (b ) If the beat frequency is increased, then f 2 = 504 Hz; if diminished, f 2 = 496 Hz. 32 True or false: (a ) The frequency of the third harmonic is three times that of the first harmonic. (b ) The frequency of the fifth harmonic is five times that of the fundamental. (c) In a pipe that is open at one end and closed at the other, the even harmonics are not excited. (a ) True (b ) True (c) True 33* Standing waves result from the superposition of two waves of (a ) the same amplitude, frequency, and direction of propagation. (b ) the same amplitude and frequency and opposite directions of propagation. (c) the same amplitude, slightly different frequency, and the same direction of propagation. (d ) the same amplitude, slightly different frequency, and opposite directions of propagation. (b ) 34 An organ pipe open at both ends has a fundamental frequency of 400 Hz. If one end of this pipe is now closed, the fundamental frequency will be (a ) 200 Hz. (b ) 400 Hz. (c) 546 Hz. (d ) 800 Hz. (a ) Initially, 1 = 2L. If one end is closed, 1 = 4L. 35 A string fixed at both ends resonates at a fundamental frequency of 180 Hz. Which of the following will reduce the fundamental frequency to 90 Hz? (a ) Double the tension and double the length. (b ) Halve the tension and keep the length fixed. (c) Keep the tension fixed and double the le ngth. (d ) Keep the tension fixed and halve the length. (c )

Chapter 16 36

Superposition and Standing Waves

How do the resonance frequencies of an organ pipe change when the air temperature increases?

Since f = v/ and v T , increasing the temperature will increase the resonance frequency. 37* A string fixed at both ends is 3 m long. It resonates in its second harmonic at a frequency of 60 Hz. What is the speed of transverse waves on the string? 1. Determine 2 2 = L = 3 m 2. v = f 22 v = 60 3 m/s = 180 m/s

38 A string 3 m long and fixed at both ends is vibrating in its third harmonic. The maximum displacement of any point on the string is 4 mm. The speed of transverse waves on this string is 50 m/s. (a ) What are the wavelength and frequency of this wave? (b ) Write the wave function for this wave. (a ) Determine 3 and f 3; 3 = 2L/3, f 3 = v/3 3 = 2 m; f 3 = 50/2 Hz = 25 Hz (b ) See Equ. 16-16 y(x, t) = 4 sin( x/ ) cos(50 t) mm

39 Calculate the fundamental frequency for a 10-m organ pipe that is (a ) open at both ends, and (b ) closed at one end. (a ) and (b ) Find o and c o = 2L = 20 m; c = 4L = 40 m f o = v/o; f c = v/c f o = 340/20 Hz = 17 Hz; f c = 8.5 Hz

40 A steel wire having a mass of 5 g and a length of 1.4 m is fixed at both ends and has a tension of 968 N. (a ) Find the speed of transverse waves on the wire. (b ) Find the wavelength and frequency of the fundamental. (c) Find the frequencies of the second and third harmonics. (a ) v = F / = FL / m (b ) 1 = 2L; f 1 = v/ (c) f n = nf 1

v = 968 1.4 / 5 103 m/s = 520.6 m/s

1 = 2.8 m; f 1 = 520.6/2.8 Hz = 186 Hz f 2 = 372 Hz; f 3 = 558 Hz

41* A rope 4 m long is fixed at one end; the other end is attached to a light string so that it is free to move. The speed of waves on the rope is 20 m/s. Find the frequency of (a ) the fundamental, (b ) the second harmonic, and (c) the third harmonic. (a ) Find 1 = 4L; f 1 = v/1 1 = 16 m; f 1 = 20/16 Hz = 1.25 Hz (b ) The system does not support a second harmonic f2 = 0 (c) f 3 = 3f 1 f 3 = 3.75 Hz

Chapter 16

Superposition and Standing Waves

42 A piano wire without windings has a fundamental frequency of 200 Hz. When it is wound with wire, its linear mass density is doubled. What is its new fundamental frequency, assuming that the tension is unchanged? Doubling the mass per unit length reduces v by a factor of 1 / 2 since the tension is constant. As the length remains fixed, the new frequency is f = 200/ 2 Hz = 141 Hz. 43 The normal range of hearing is about 20 to 20,000 Hz. What is the greatest length of an organ pipe that would have its fundamental note in this range if (a ) it is closed at one end, and (b ) it is open at both ends? max = 340/20 m = 17 m. (a ) 17 m = 4L, L = 4.25 m. (b ) 17 m = 2L, L = 8.5 m. 44 The length of the B string on a certain guitar is 60 cm. Its fundamental is at 247 Hz. (a ) What is the speed of transverse waves on the string? (b ) If the linear mass density of the guitar string is 0.01 g/cm, what should its tension be when it is in tune? (a ) = 2L; v = f = 1.2 m; v = 247 1.2 m/s = 296.4 m/s 2 (b ) F = v F = 296.42 10-3 N = 87.9 N

45* The wave function y(x, t) for a certain standing wave on a string fixed at both ends is given by y(x,t) = 4.2 sin 0.20x cos 300 t , where y and x are in centimeters and t is in seconds. (a ) What are the wavelength and frequency of this wave? (b ) What is the speed of transverse waves on this string? (c) If the string is vibrating in its fourth harmonic, how long is it? (a ) See Equ. 16-16 = 10 cm = 31.4 cm; f = 300/2 Hz = 47.7 Hz (b ) v = f v = 10 300/2 cm/s = 1500 cm/s = 15 m/s (c) 4 = 1/4 = 2L/4 = L/2 L = 20 cm = 62.8 cm

46 The wave function y(x, t) for a certain standing wave on a string fixed at both ends is given by y(x, t) = (0.05 m) sin 2.5 m1 x cos 500 s1 t. (a ) What are the speed and amplitude of the two traveling waves that result in this standing wave? (b ) What is the distance between successive nodes on the string? (c) What is the shortest possible length of the string? (a ) 1. From Equ. 16-16, find and f = 2 /2.5 m = 2.51 m; f = 500/2 Hz = 79.6 Hz 2. A = ASW /2; v = f = /k A = 0.025 m; v = 500/2.5 m/s = 200 m/s (b ) The distance between nodes = /2 Distance between nodes is /2.5 m = 1.26 m (c) Shortest L = /2 Lmin = 1.26 m

Chapter 16 Superposition and Standing Waves 47 A 2.51-m-long string has the wave function given in Problem 46. (a ) Sketch the position of the string at the times t = 0, t = T/4, t = T/2, and t = 3T/4, where T = 1/f is the period of the vibration. (b ) Find T in seconds. (c) At a time t when the string is horizontal, that is, y(x) = 0 for all x, what has become of the energy in the wave? (a ) The function y(x, t) for t = 0, T/4, T/2, and 3T/4 are shown below. Since the functions for t = T/4 and 3T/4 are identical, we show only one graph.

(b ) T = 1/f ; f = 79.6 Hz (see Problem 46) (c) The energy of the wave is entirely kinetic energy 48

T = 12.6 ms

A string fixed at one end only is vibrating in its fundamental mode. The wave function is

y(x,t) = 0.02 sin 2.36 x cos 377t , where x and y are in meters and t is in seconds. (a ) What is the wavelength
of the wave? (b ) What is the length of the string? (c) What is the speed of transverse waves on the string? (a ) = 2 /k ; k = 2.36 m-1 = 2.66 m (b ) In this case, = 4L L = 0.666 m (c) v = /k v = 377/2.36 m/s = 160 m/s

49* Three successive resonance frequencies for a certain string are 75, 125, and 175 Hz. (a ) Find the ratios of each pair of successive resonance frequencies. (b ) How can you tell that these frequencies are for a string fixed at one end only rather than for a string fixed at both ends? (c) What is the fundamental frequency? (d ) Which harmonics are these resonance frequencies? (e) If the speed of transverse waves on this string is 400 m/s, find the length of the string. (a ) The ratios are 3/5 and 5/7. (b ) There are no even harmonics, so the string must be fixed at one end only. (c) The fundamental frequency is 75/3 Hz = 25 Hz. (d ) They are the third, fifth, and seventh harmonics. (e) For the fundamental frequency, 1 = v/f 1 = 400/25 m = 16 m, and L = 1/4 = 4 m. 50 The space above the water in a tube like that shown in Example 16-8 is 120 cm long. Near the open end, there is a loudspeaker that is driven by an audio oscillator whose frequency can be varied from 10 to 5000 Hz. (a ) What is the lowest frequency of the oscillator that will produce resonance within the tube? (b ) What is the highest frequency that will produce resonance? (c) How many different frequencies of the oscillator will produce resonance? (Neglect the end correction.)

Chapter 16 Superposition and Standing Waves (a ) max = 4L; f min = v/max = v/4L f min = 340/4.8 Hz = 70.8 Hz (b ) 1. Find the highest harmonic below 5000 Hz f n = (2n + 1)(340/4.8) = 5000 2. Solve for the lowest integer n n = 34; f max = 69(340/4.8) = 4888 Hz (c) There are 35 resonance frequencies; n = 0 to 34

51 A 460-Hz tuning fork causes resonance in the tube in Example 16-8 when the top of the tube is 18.3 and 55.8 cm above the water surface. (a ) Find the speed of sound in air. (b ) What is the end correction to adjust for the fact that the antinode does not occur exactly at the end of the open tube? (a ) The distance between the antinodes is /2 = (55.8 - 18.3) cm. So = 75 cm, and v = f = 345 m/s. (b) Note that 55.8 3 18.3. So assume 18.3 cm = /4 since the tube is closed at one end. Then = 73.2 cm. Assuming that v = 345 m/s is correct, the end correction is (75 - 73.2)/4 cm = 0.45 cm.

52 At 16oC, the fundamental frequency of an organ pipe is 440.0 Hz. What will be the fundamental frequency of the pipe if the temperature increases to 32oC? Would it be better to construct the pipe with a material that expands substantially as the temperature increases or should the pipe be made of material that maintains the same length at all normal temperatures? v T and f = v/; if fixed then f T

f 305K = f 289K 305 / 289 = 440 1.0273Hz = 452Hz

It would be better to have the pipe expand so that v/L is independent of temperature. 53* A violin string of length 40 cm and mass 1.2 g has a frequency of 500 Hz when it is vibrating in its fundamental mode. (a ) What is the wavelength of the standing wave on the string? (b ) What is the tension in the string? (c) Where should you place your finger to increase the frequency to 650 Hz? (a ) = 2L = 80 cm 2 2 F = 480 N (b ) v = f = F L/m ; F = f m/L L650 = 30.77 cm; place finger 9.23 cm from scroll bridge (c) L = L (500/650)
650 500

54* The G string on a violin is 30 cm long. When played without fingering, it vibrates at a frequency of 196 Hz. The next higher notes on the C-major scale are A (220Hz), B (247 Hz), C (262 Hz), and D (294 Hz). How far from the end of the string must a finger be placed to play each of these notes? Determine the free length of the string from L(f ) = L(f G)(196/f ). Position of finger from scroll bridge is then x(f ) = L(f G) L(f ). 1. Determine L(A), L(B), L(C), and L(D) L(A) = 30 196/220 cm = 26.73 cm; L(B) = 23.81 cm; L(C) = 22.44 cm; L(D) = 20.0 cm 2. Determine xA, xB, xC, and xD xA = 3.27 cm; xB = 6.19 cm; xC = 7.56 cm; xD = 10 cm

Chapter 16

Superposition and Standing Waves

55 A string with a mass density of 4 10-3 kg/m is under a tension of 360 N and is fixed at both ends. One of its resonance frequencies is 375 Hz. The next higher resonance frequency is 450 Hz. (a ) What is the fundamental frequency of this string? (b ) Which harmonics are the ones given? (c) What is the length of the string? (a ) nf 1 = 375 Hz; (n + 1)f 1 = 450 Hz; solve for f 1 f 1 = 75 Hz (b ) Determine n n = 5, n + 1 = 6; fifth and sixth harmonics (c) Find v; = 2L = v/f 1; L = v/2f 1 v = 360/4 10 3 m/s = 300 m/s ; L = 2 m 56 A string fastened at both ends has successive resonances with wavelengths of 0.54 m for the n th harmonic and 0.48 m for the (n + 1)th harmonic. (a ) Which harmonics are these? (b ) What is the length of the string? (a ) nf 1 = v/0.54; (n + 1)f 1 = v/0.48; solve for n (n + 1)/n = 1.125; n = 8, n + 1 = 9 (b ) L = n n/2 L = 4 0.54 = 2.16 m

57* A rubber band with an unstretched length of 0.80 m and a mass of 6 10-3 kg stretches to 1.20 m when under a tension of 7.60 N. What is the fundamental frequency of oscillation of this band when stretched between two fixed posts 1.20 m apart? 1. Find v; v = F / ; = m/L 2. f 1 = v/ = v/2L

v = 7.6 1.2/6 10 3 m/s = 39 m/s

f 1 = 39/2.4 Hz = 16.2 Hz

58 The strings of a violin are tuned to the tones G, D, A, and E, which are separated by a fifth from one another. That is, f (D) = 1.5f (G), f (A) = 1.5f (D) = 440 Hz, and f (E) = 1.5f (A). The distance between the two fixed points, the bridges at the scroll and over the body of the instrument, is 30 cm. The tension on the E string is 90 N. (a ) What is the mass per meter of the E string? (b ) To prevent distortion of the instrument over time, it is important that the tension on all strings be the same. Find the masses per meter of the other strings. (a ) v = f E 2L; = F/v2 v = 660 0.6 m/s = 396 m/s; = 90/3962 kg/m = 0.574 g/m (b ) 1. Determine vA, vD, and vG vA = 440 0.6 m/s = 264 m/s; vD = 176 m/s; vG = 117 m/s 2 2. Find A, D, and G; = F/v A = 1.29 g/m; D = 2.91 g/m; G = 6.54 g/m

59 To tune a violin, the violinist first tunes the A string to the correct pitch of 440 Hz and then bows two adjoining strings simultaneously and listens for a beat pattern. While bowing the A and E strings, the violinist hears a beat frequency of 3 Hz and notes that the beat frequency increases as the tension on the E string is increased. (The E string is to be tuned to 660 Hz.) (a ) Why is a beat produced by these two strings bowed simultaneously? (b ) What is

Chapter 16 Superposition and Standing Waves the frequency of the E string vibration when the beat frequency is 3 Hz? (c) If the tension on the E string is 80.0 N when the beat frequency is 3 Hz, what tension corresponds to perfect tuning of that string? (a ) The two sounds produce a beat because the third harmonic of 440 Hz equals the second harmonic of 660 Hz, and the original frequency of the E string is slightly greater than 660 Hz. If f E = (660 + f ) Hz, a beat of 2f will be heard. (b ) Since f beat increases with increasing tension, the frequency of the E string is greater than 660 Hz. Thus the frequency of the E string is 661.5 Hz. (c ) f
F ; so F660 = 80(660/661.5) 2 N = 79.6 N.

60 (a ) For the wave function given in Problem 48, find the velocity of a string segment at some point x as a function of time. (b ) Which point has the greatest speed at any time? What is the maximum speed of this point? (c) Find the acceleration of a string segment at some point x as a function of time. (d ) Which point has the greatest acceleration? What is the maximum acceleration of this point? (a ) vy = dy/dt = (377 0.02 sin 2.36x sin 377t) m/s vy = -7.54 sin 2.36x sin 377t m/s (b ) vy is maximum when sin 2.36x = 1 x = 1/2 /2.36 m = 0.666 m; vy,max = 377 0.02 m/s = 7.54 m/s 2 2 (c) a y = (377 0.02 sin 2.36x cos 377t) m/s a y = -2843 sin 2.36x cos 377t m/s2 (d ) a y,max for sin 2.36x = 1, when cos 377t = 1 x = 0.666 m; a y,max = 2843 m/s2

61* A student carries a small oscillator and speaker as she walks very slowly down a long hall. The speaker emits a sound of frequency 680 Hz which is reflected from the walls at each end of the hall. The student notes that as she walks along, the sound intensity she hears passes through successive maxima and minima. What distance must she walk to pass from one maximum to the next? The distance between successive maxima corresponds to a path difference of for the two reflected waves. As she moves a distance d , the path to the nearer wall and back is reduced by 2d , that to the farther wall and back is increased by 2d . Thus for a distance d , the path difference is 4d . Therefore, she moves a distance d = /4 between sucessive maxima. Since = 340/680 m = 50 cm, she moves 12.5 cm.

62 Assume that the rubber band of Problem 57 behaves like an ideal spring. The band is attached to two posts whose separation D can be varied. (a ) Derive an expression for the frequency of the fundamental vibration of this system. (b ) What should be the separation between the fixed ends of the rubber band so that it will vibrate with a fundamental frequency of 21 Hz? (a ) 1. Determine the spring constant k k = F/x = F/(D 0.8 m) = 7.6/0.4 N/m = 19 N/m 2. Find v = F / = kxD / m ; f = v/2D (b ) Set f = 21 Hz and solve for D
f = 19 ( D 0.8) / 24 10 3 D Hz, where D is in


Chapter 16

Superposition and Standing Waves D = 1.806 m

63 A 2-m string is fixed at one end and is vibrating in its third harmonic with amplitude 3 cm and frequency 100 Hz. (a ) Write the wave function for this vibration. (b ) Write an expression for the kinetic energy of a segment of the string of length dx at a point x at some time t. At what time is this kinetic energy maximum? What is the shape of the string at this time? (c) Find the maximum kinetic energy of the string by integrating your expression for part (b ) over the total length of the string. (a ) See Equ. 16-61; use = 4/3 m y(x, t) = 0.03 sin 3 x/4 cos 200 t m 2 (b ) dm = dx; dK = 1/2vy dm dK = 1/2(6 sin 3 x/4 sin 200 t)2 dx dK is a maximum when 200 t = /2, 3 /2, ... t = 2.5 ms, 7.5 ms, ...; the string is then a straight line L (c) Integrate dK from x = 0 to x = L; 2 2 K = A sin 2 kx dx note that dKmax = 1/2 2A2 sin2 kx dx;

here k = 3 /L Insert numerical values for and A

K = A

sin 2 (3x / L)dx

K = m A /4, where m is the mass of the string K = (200 )2(0.03) 2m/4 J = 89m J

2 2

64 Information for use by computers is transmitted along a cable in the form of short electric pulses at the rate of 107 pulses per second. (a ) What is the maximum duration of each pulse if no two pulses overlap? (b ) What is the range of frequencies to whic h the receiving equipment must respond? (a ) The maximum duration is T = 1/f = 0.1 s. (b ) t 1. So = 107 rad/s and f = 107/2 Hz = 1.6 MHz. 65 A tuning fork of frequency f 0 begins vibrating at time t = 0 and is stopped after a time interval t. The waveform of the sound at some later time is shown as a function of x. Let N be the (approximate) number of cycles in this waveform. (a ) How are N, f 0, and t related? (b ) If x is the length in space of this wave packet, what is the wavelength in terms of x and N? (c) What is the wave number k in terms of N and x? (d ) The number N is uncertain by about 1 cycle. Use Figure 16-29 to explain why. (e) Show that the uncertainty in the wave number due to the uncertainty in N is 2 /x. (a ) The number of cycles in the interval t is N; hence t NT = N/f 0. (b ) There are about N complete wavelengths in x; hence x/N. (c) k = 2 / = 2 N/x. (d ) N is uncertain because the waveform dies out gradually rather than stopping abruptly at some time; hence, where the pulse starts and stops is not well defined. (e ) k = 2 N/x = 2 /x.

Chapter 16

Superposition and Standing Waves

66 When two waves moving in opposite directions superimpose as in Figure 16-1, does either impede the progress of the other? No; they move independently. 67 When a guitar string is plucked, is the wavelength of the wave it produces in air the same as the wavelength of the wave on the string? No; the velocities of propagation differ. 68 When two waves interfere constructively or destructively, is there any gain or loss in energy? Explain. No; when averaged over a region in space including one or more wavelengths, the energy is unchanged. 69* A musical instrument consists of drinking glasses partially filled with water that are struck with a small mallet. Explain how this works. When the edges of the glass vibrate, sound waves are produced in the air in the glass. The resonance frequency of the air columns depends on the length of the air column, which depends on how much water is in the glass.

70* During an organ recital, the air compressor that drives the organ pipes suddenly fails. An enterprising physics student in the audience comes to the rescue by connecting a tank of pure nitrogen gas under high pressure to the output of the compressor. What effect, if any, will this change have on the operation of the organ? What if the tank contained helium? From Equ. 15-5, v / M . Since M (N2) < M (air), and f = v/, f will increase for each organ pipe. If helium were used, the effect would be even more pronounced, since M (He) << M (air) and He > air. 71 When the tension on a piano wire is increased, which of the following occurs? (a ) Its wavelength decreases. (b ) Its wavelength remains the same while its frequency increases. (c) Its wavelength and frequency increase. (d ) None of the above. (b ) 72 The following instructions are given for connecting stereo speakers to an amplifier so that they are in phase: After both speakers are connected, play a monophonic record or program with the bass control turned up and the treble control turned down. While listening to the speakers, turn the balance control so that first one speaker is heard separately, then the two together, and then the other separately. If the bass is stronger when both speakers play together, they are connected properly. If the bass is weaker when both play together than when each plays separately, reverse the connections on one speaker. Explain why this method works. In particular, explain why a stereo source is not used and why only the bass is compared. If connected properly, they will oscillate in phase and interfere constructively. If connected incorrectly, they interfere

Chapter 16 Superposition and Standing Waves destructively. It would be difficult to detect the interference if the wavelength is short, less than the distance between the ears of the observer. Thus, one should use bass notes of low frequency and long wavelength. 73* The constant for helium (and all monatomic gases) is 1.67. If a man inhales helium and then commences to speak, he sounds like Alvin of the Chipmunks. Why? The pitch is determined in large part by the resonant cavity of the mouth. Since vHe > vair (see Problem 70), the resonance frequency is higher if helium is the gas in the cavity. 74 Middle C on the equal-temperament scale used by modern instrument makers has a frequency of 261.63 Hz. If a 7-g piano wire that is 80 cm long is to be tuned so that 261.63 is its fundamental frequency, what should the tension in the wire be? v = f = 2Lf ; F = v2m/L = 4Lf 2m F = 4 0.8 261.632 0.007 N = 1533 N

75 The ear canal, which is about 2.5 cm long, roughly approximates a pipe that is open at one end and closed at the other. (a ) What are the resonance frequencies of the ear canal? (b ) Describe the possible effect of the resonance modes of the ear canal on the threshold of hearing. (a ) = 4L/(2n + 1); f = v/ f 1 = 340/0.1 Hz = 3400 Hz; f 3 = 10200 Hz, f 5 = 17000 Hz (b ) Frequencies near 3400 Hz will be most readily perceived

76 A 4-m-long, 160-g rope is fixed at one end and is tied to a light string at the other end. Its tension is 400 N. (a ) What are the wavelengths of the fundamental and the next two harmonics? (b ) What are the frequencies of these standing waves? (a ) 1 = 4L; only odd harmonics are excited 1 = 16 m; 3 = 5.33 m; 5 = 3.2 m v = 100 m/s; f 1 = 6.25 Hz; f 3 = 18.75 Hz; f 5 = 31.25 Hz (b ) v = F L/m ; f = v/

77* The shortest pipes used in organs are about 7.5 cm long. (a ) What is the fundamental frequency of a pipe this long that is open at both ends? (b ) For such a pipe, what is the highest harmonic that is within the audible range (see Problem 43)? (a ) 1 = 2L; f 1 = v/1 = v/2L; f n = nf 1 f 1 = 340/0.15 Hz = 2267 Hz; f 9 = 20400 Hz is about at frequency threshold


Two waves from two coherent sources have the same wavelength , frequency , and amplitude A. What is the

Chapter 16 Superposition and Standing Waves path difference if the resultant wave at some point has amplitude A? 1 From Equ. 16-6, A = 2A cos 1/2 ; x = /2 = 2 cos 0.5 = 2 /3 rad; x = /3

79 A 35-m string has a linear mass density of 0.0085 kg/m and is under a tension of 18 N. Find the frequencies of the lowest four harmonics if (a ) the string is fixed at both ends, and (b ) the string is fixed at one end and attached to a long, thin, massless thread at the other end. f 1 = 0.657 Hz; f 2 = 1.31 Hz; f 3 = 1.97 Hz; f 4 = 2.63 Hz (a ) v = F / ; f n = nv/2L; v = 46.0 m/s f 1 = 0.329 Hz; f 3 = 0.986 Hz; f 5 = 1.64 Hz; f 7 = 2.30 Hz (b ) f n = (2n - 1)v/4L

80 You find an abandoned mine shaft and wish to measure its depth. Using an audio oscillator of variable frequency, you note that you can produce successive resonances at frequencies of 63.58 and 89.25 Hz. What is the depth of the shaft? 1. Shaft is pipe closed at one end; f n = (2n 1)f 1 f 1 = 1/2(89.25 63.58) Hz = 12.84 Hz 2. f 1 = v/4L; L = v/4f 1 L = 340/51.34 m = 6.62 m 81* A string 5 m long that is fixed at one end only is vibrating in its fifth harmonic with a frequency of 400 Hz. The maximum displacement of any segment of the string is 3 cm. (a ) What is the wavelength of this wave? (b ) What is the wave number k ? (c) What is the angular frequency? (d ) Write the wave function for this standing wave. (a ) 1 = 4L; 5 = 4L/5 5 = 4 m (b ) k = 2 / k = /2 m1 (c) = 2 f = 800 rad/s (d ) y(x, t) = A sin kx cos t y(x, t) = 0.03 sin( x/2) cos(800 t) 82 The wave function for a standing wave on a string is described by y(x,t) = 0.02 sin 4x cos 60t , where y and

x are in meters and t is in seconds. Determine the maximum displacement and maximum speed of a point on the string at (a ) x = 0.10 m, (b ) x = 0.25 m, (c) x = 0.30 m, and (d ) x = 0.50 m. ymax(x) = 0.02 sin 4 x. (a ) ymax = 0.02 sin (0.4 ) m = 0.019 m; (b ) ymax = 0; (c) ymax = 0.0118 m; (d ) ymax = 0. vy,max(x) = 1.2 sin 4 x = 60 ymax(x). (a ) vy,max = 3.58 m/s; (b ) vy,max = 0; (c) vy,max = 2.22 m/s; (d ) vy,max = 0. 83 A 2.5-m-long wire having a mass of 0.10 kg is fixed at both ends and is under tension of 30 N. When the n th harmonic is excited, there is a node 0.50 m from one end. (a ) What is n ? (b ) What are the frequencies of the first three allowed modes of vibration? (a ) 1 = 2L; n = 2L/n ; 1 = 5 m; n = 1 m; n = 5 distance between nodes = /2 (b ) Find v = FL/m 0; f n = nv/1
v = 30 2 .5 / 0.1 m/s = 27.4 m/s

f 1 = 5.48 Hz; f 2 = 10.95 Hz; f 3 = 16.43 Hz

Chapter 16 Superposition and Standing Waves 84 In an early method of determining the speed of sound in gases, powder was spread along the bottom of a horizontal, cylindrical glass tube. One end of the tube was closed by a piston that oscillated at a known frequency f . The other end was closed by a movable piston whose position was adjusted until resonance occurred. At resonance, the powder collected in equally spaced piles along the bottom of the tube. (a ) Explain why the powder collects in this way. (b ) Derive a formula that gives the speed of sound in the gas in terms of f and the distance between the piles of powder. (c) Give suitable values for the frequency f and the distance between the piles of powder. (d ) Give suitable values for the frequency f and the length L of the tube for which the speed of sound could be measured in either air or helium. (a ) At resonance, standing waves are set up in the tube. At a displacement antinode, the powder is moved about; at a node, the powder is stationary, and so the powder collects at the nodes. (b ) Let D = distance between nodes. Then = 2D and v = f = 2fD. (c) Let f = 2000 Hz, D = 10 cm; then v = 400 m/s. (c) If L = 1.2 m, then (neglecting end effects) a resonance will be observed for = 10 cm, corresponding to the third harmonic of the resonance frequency. If v = 400 m/s, the frequency should be 4000 Hz. (At the fundamental, the only antinode appears at the open end of the tube and end effects need to be considered; see Problem 51.) 85* In a lecture demonstration of standing waves, a string is attached to a tuning fork that vibrates at 60 Hz and sets up transverse waves of that frequency on the string. The other end of the string passes over a pulley, and the tension is varied by attaching weights to that end. The string has approximate nodes at the tuning fork and at the pulley. (a ) If the string has a linear mass density of 8 g/m and is 2.5 m long (from the tuning fork to the pulley), what must the tension be for the string to vibrate in its fundamental mode? (b ) Find the tension necessary for the string to vibrate in its second, third, and fourth harmonic. 2 2 2 2 2 F = 4 602 2.52 0.008 N = 720 N (a ) v 2 = F / = f 2 = 4 f L ; F = 4 f L F2 = 4 720 N = 2880 N; F3 = 6480 N; F4 = 11520 N (b ) f n = nf 1 and F f 2

Chapter 16 86

Superposition and Standing Waves

Three successive resonance frequencies in an organ pipe are 1310, 1834, and 2358 Hz. (a) Is the pipe closed at one

end or open at both ends? (b) What is the fundamental frequency? (c) What is the length of the pipe? (a) If the pipe is open at both ends then f = f 1 , and f n = nf 1 , where n is an integer. f = 524 Hz and 1310 Hz = 2.5f 1 . So the pipe is closed at one end. (b) For a pipe closed at one end, f = 2f 1 , f 1 = 262 Hz. (c) L = /4; = 340/262 m = 1.30 m. L = 32.4 cm. 87 A wire of mass 1 g and length 50 cm is stretched with a tension of 440 N. It is then placed near the open end of the

tube in Example 16-8 and stroked with a violin bow so that it oscillates at its fundamental frequency. The water level in the tube is then lowered until a resonance is obtained, which occurs at 18 cm below the top of the tube. Use the data given to determine the speed of sound in air. Why is this method not very accurate?

1. f 1 = v/ 2 L = 2. v s = f = 4fL

F/ 4 Lm

f 1 = 440 / 2 10 3 Hz = 469 Hz

v s = 338 m/s

The method is not very accurate because it neglects end effects. (see Problem 51) 88 On a windy day, a drain pipe will sometimes resonate. Estimate the resonance frequency of a drain pipe on a single-

story house. How much might this frequency change from winter to summer in your region? Pipe length 5 m. Pipe open at both ends, so 1 10 m, and f v / = 34 Hz. The frequency will be somewhat higher in the summer because v 89*

T .

A 50-cm-long wire fixed at both ends vibrates with a fundamental frequency f 0 when the tension is 50 N. If the

tension is increased to 60 N, the fundamental frequency increases by 5 Hz, and a further increase in tension to 70 N results in a fundamental frequency of (f 0 + 7) Hz. Determine the mass of the wire. 1. f


( f 0 + 5) / f 0 = 60 / 50 = 1 .0954 ; f 0 = 52.4 Hz
m = 50/(4 0.5 52.42 ) kg = 9.1 g

2. m = F /4Lf 0 (see Problem 87)


A standing wave on a rope is represented by the following wave function:

y( x, t ) = 0.02 sin

x cos 40t , 2

where x and y are in meters and t is in seconds. (a) Write wave functions for two traveling waves that when superimposed will produce the resultant standing-wave pattern. (b) What is the distance between the nodes of the standing wave? (c) What is the velocity of a segment of the rope at x = 1 m? (d) What is the acceleration of a segment of the rope at x = 1 m? (a) y1 (x, t) = 0.01 sin [(x/2) 40t] m; y2 (x, t) = 0.01 sin [(x/2) + 40t] m. (b) Distance between nodes = /2; = 2/k = 4 m; distance between nodes = 2 m.

Chapter 16

Superposition and Standing Waves

(c) x = 1 m is an antinode. v y(1, t) = 0.8 sin (40t) m/s = 2.51 sin (40t) m/s. (d) ay(1, t) = 316 cos(40t) m/s2 . 91 Two identical speakers emit sound waves of frequency 680 Hz uniformly in all directions. The total audio output of each speaker is 1 mW. A point P is 2.00 m from one speaker and 3.00 m from the other. (a) Find the intensities I1 and I2 from each speaker separately at point P . (b) If the speakers are driven coherently and are in phase, what is the intensity at point P ? (c) If they are driven coherently but are 180o out of phase, what is the intensity at point P ? (d) If the speakers are incoherent, what is the intensity at point P ? (a) I = P /4r2 (b) = 0.5 m; x = 2; constructive interference I1 = 1/16 mW/m2 = 19.9 W/m2 ; I2 = 1/36 mW/m2 = 8.84 W/m2 A 1 = C I 1 ; A 2 = C I 2 ; A 2 = C2 ( I 1 + constant (c) Now we have destructive interference (d) Incoherent sources; intensities add I = A 2 /C2 = ( I 1 + I = ( I1
2 2 I 2 ) = 55.3 W/m 2 I 2 ) ; C is a

2 2 I 2 ) = 2.21 W/m

I = I1 + I2 = 28.7 W/m2 92 Three waves with the same frequency, wavelength, and amplitude are traveling in the same direction. The three waves

are given by

y1( x,t) = 0.05 sin ( kx t / 3), y2 ( x,t) = 0.05 sin ( kxt), y3 ( x,t) = 0.05 sin ( kx t + /3) .
Find the resultant wave. In Chapter 14, Section 14.1, it was shown that a harmonic function could be represented by a vector rotating at the angular frequency . The simplest way to do this problem is to use that representation. The vector corresponding to y2 is the one along the horizontal axis. The ones for y1 and y3 are at angles of -60o and 60o , respectively. All vectors are of equal magnitude. It is evident that the y component of the sum of the vectors is zero, and that the x component has the magnitude 2A , where A is the magnitude of one vector. Consequently, yres = 0.1 sin (kx t).


(a) Show that if the temperature changes by a small amount T, the fundamental frequency of an organ pipe changes

by approximately f , where f /f = 1/2 T/T. (b) Suppose an organ pipe that is closed at one end has a fundamental frequency of 200 Hz when the temperature is 20o C. What will its fundamental frequency be when the temperature is 30o C? (Ignore any change in the length of the pipe due to thermal expansion.) (a) f = CT 1/2, where C is a constant; df /dT = 1/2CT -1/2 = 1/2f /T; so df /f = 1/2dT/T and f /f = 1/2 T/T if T << T. (b) f = (200 1/2 10/293) Hz = 3.41 Hz; f 30 = f 20 + f = 203.4 Hz.

Chapter 16 94

Superposition and Standing Waves

Two traveling wave pulses on a string are represented by the wave functions

y1(x, t) =

0.02 m3 0.02 m3 , and y ( x , t ) = 2 2 m2 + ( x 2 t )2 2 m2 + ( x + 2 t ) 2

where x is in meters and t is in seconds. (a) Sketch each wave function separately as a function of x at t = 0, and describe the behavior of each as time increases. (b) Find the resultant wave function at t = 0. (c) Find the resultant wave function at t = 1 s. (d) Sketch the resultant wave function at t = 1 s.

(a) The two wave functions at t = 0 are shown above. (b) The resultant wave at t = 0 is evidently a straight line; y1 + y2 = 0. (c) At t = 1 s, y1 + y2 = [0.16x/(x4 4x2 + 36)] m. (d) The resultant wave at t = 1 s is shown above. 95 The kinetic energy of a segment m of a vibrating string is given by K = 1/2 m(y/t)2 = 1/2(y/t)2 x. (a) Find the total kinetic energy of the nth mode of vibration of a string of length L fixed at both ends. (b) Give the maximum kinetic energy of the string. (c) What is the wave function when the kinetic energy has its maximum value? (d) Show that the maximum kinetic energy in the nth mode is proportional to n2 A n 2 . (a) (y/t)2 = n 2 A n 2 sin 2 n t sin 2 k n x. dK = 1/2n 2 A n 2 sin 2 n t sin 2 k n x, where k n = nx/L.
2 2 K = 1 / 2? A sin ? n t sin 2 (npx / L)dx = (1 / 4 )m? 2 n An sin ? n t 2 n 2 n 2 0 L

(b) Kmax = (1/4)mn A n ; note that this is exactly the same result as in Problem 63 with n , A n replacing and A .
2 2

(c) When K = Kmax, n t = /2, so cos n t = 0. The wave function is then a straight line, i.e., y(x, t) = 0. (d) Since n = n1 , Kmax is proportional to n2 A n 2 . 96 (a) Show that when the tension in a string fixed at both ends is changed by a small amount dF, the frequency of the

fundamental is changed by approximately df , where df/f = 1/2dF/F. Does this result apply to all harmonics? (b) Use this result to find the percentage change in the tension needed to increase the frequency of the fundamental of a piano wire

Chapter 16 from 260 to 262 Hz.

Superposition and Standing Waves

(a) Since f n = nv /2L and v = CF 1/2, where C is a constant, df n /dF = 1/2(Cn/2L)F -1/2 = 1/2f n /F ; df n /f n = 1/2dF/F . The result, as shown, is valid for all harmonics. (b) F /F = 2 f /f = 4/260 = 0.0154 = 1.54%. 97* Two sources have a phase difference 0 that is proportional to time: 0 = Ct, where C is a constant. The amplitude of the wave from each source at some point P is A 0 . (a) Write the wave functions for each of the two waves at point P , assuming this point to be a distance x1 from one source and x1 + x from the other. (b) Find the resultant wave function, and show that its amplitude is 2A 0 cos 1/2( + 0 ), where is the phase difference at P due to the path difference. (c) Sketch the intensity at point P versus time for a zero path difference. (Let I0 be the intensity due to each wave separately.) What is the time average of the intensity? (d) Make the same sketch for the intensity at a point for which the path difference is 1/2. (a) y1 = A 0 cos(kx1 t); y2 = A 0 cos(kx1 t + k x + 0 ) = A 0 cos[kx1 t + ( + 0 )], where = k x. (b) Use cos + cos = 2 cos 1/2( + ) cos 1/2( ); ytot = y1 + y2 = 2A 0 cos 1/2( + 0 ) cos 1/2[kx1 - t +
1/2( + 0 )]. The amplitude of the resultant wave is 2A 0 cos 1/2( + 0 ).

(c) Note that I A 2 . With = 0 and 0 = Ct, I 4A 0 2 cos 2 1/2Ct. The average of cos 2 over a complete period is 1/2. So the average intensity is 2I0 . See the figure to the left, below. (d) If x = 1/2, then at t = 0 the two waves interfere destructively. The plot of intensity versus time is shown below in the figure to the right.


The wave functions of two standing waves on a string of length L are y1 (x,t) = A 1 cos 1 t sin k 1 x and y2 (x, t) = A 2

cos 2 t sin k 2 x, where k n = n/L, and n = n1 . The wave function of the resultant wave is yr(x, t) = y1 (x, t) + y2 (x, t). (a) Find the velocity of a segment dx of the string. (b) Find the kinetic energy of this segment. (c) By integration, find the total kinetic energy of the resultant wave. Notice the disappearance of the cross terms so that the total kinetic energy is proportional to (n1 A 1 )2 + (n2 A 2 )2 . (a) v y = yr/t = 1 A 1 sin 1 t sin k 1 x + 2 A 2 sin 2 t sin k 2 x. (b) dK = 1/2v y2 dx = 1/2[1 2 A 1 2 sin 2 1 t sin 2 k 1 x + 2 2 A 2 2 sin 2 2 sin 2 k 2 x + 1 2 A 1 A 2 sin 1 t sin 2 t sin k 1 x sin k 2 x] dx.

Chapter 16

Superposition and Standing Waves

(c) The integral between 0 and L of sin 2 k 1 x and of sin 2 k 2 x is 1/2. The integral of sin(n1 x/L) sin(n2 x/L) = 0 for n1 n2 . Thus, K = (1/4)m(1 2 A 1 2 + 2 2 A 2 2 ) = K1 + K2 . (see Problem 95) 99 A 2-m wire fixed at both ends is vibrating in its fundamental mode. The tension in the wire is 40 N and the mass of

the wire is 0.1 kg. At the midpoint of the wire, the amplitude is 2 cm. (a) Find the maximum kinetic energy of the wire. At the instant the transverse displacement is given by (0.02 m) sin ( x / 2 ), what is the kinetic energy of the wire? (c) At what position on the wire does the kinetic energy per unit length have its largest value? (d) Where does the potential energy per unit length have its maximum value? (a) Find the frequency f 1 and 1 = 2f 1 (see Problem 95) (b) When y ( x ,t ) = y max ( x ,t ),t = 0 ; see Equ. 16-61 (c) See Problem 95 (d) dU max at y / x = (y / x ) max ; (Problem 15-123)

f1 = v / 2 L = F / 4 Lm = 7.07 Hz; 1 = 14 .1 rad/s K max = m 2 A2 / 4 = 0.0197 J

From Problem 95, K = 0 dK is maximum at the midpoint; x = 1 m

dU max at midpoint, x = 1 m


A string 3.2 m long and with a linear mass density of 0.008 kg/m is kept under tension so that traveling waves

propagate at 48 m/s along the string. The ends of the string are clamped and the string vibrates in its 3rd harmonic with an amplitude of 5.0 cm. How much energy is stored in this vibrating system at that time? If the amplitude of the standing wave diminishes to 3.0 cm in 1.0 s, what is the Q of this vibrating system? 1. E = K max = m 2 A 2 / 4; 2 = n 2 2 v 2 / L2 ; 2. Use Equ. 14-36 to find 3. Use Equ. 14-39 to determine Q

= 1 / [2 ln( 5 / 3) ] = 0.979 s
Q = n v / L = 138

E = n 2 A2 2v 2m / 4 L2 = 0.320 J

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