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Grade 11 Homework Simple Harmonic Motion

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3. • If you dribble a basketball with a frequency of 1.9 Hz, how much 14. •• A mass oscillates on a spring with a period of 0.63 s and an am-
time does it take for you to complete 12 dribbles? plitude of 4.4 cm. Write an equation giving x as a function of time,
assuming the mass starts at x = A at time t = 0.
4. • You take your pulse and observe 74 heartbeats in a minute. What
are the period and frequency of your heartbeat? 15. •• Predict/Calculate Molecular Oscillations An atom in a mol-
ecule oscillates about its equilibrium position with a frequency
5. • B I O Slow-Motion Dragonfly A frame-by-frame analysis of a slow- of 2.00 * 1014 Hz and a maximum displacement of 3.50 nm.
motion video shows that a hovering dragonfly takes 7 frames to (a) Write an expression giving x as a function of time for this atom,
complete one wing beat. If the video is shot at 240 frames per sec- assuming that x = A at t = 0. (b) If, instead, we assume that x = 0
ond, (a) what is the period of the wing beat, and (b) how many at t = 0, would your expression for position versus time use a sine
wing beats does the dragonfly perform per second? function or a cosine function? Explain.
6. •• Predict/Calculate (a) Your heart beats with a frequency of 16. •• A mass oscillates on a spring with a period T and an amplitude
1.45 Hz. How many beats occur in a minute? (b) If the frequency 0.48 cm. The mass is at the equilibrium position x = 0 at t = 0,
of your heartbeat increases, will the number of beats in a minute and is moving in the positive direction. Where is the mass at the
increase, decrease, or stay the same? (c) How many beats occur in times (a) t = T>8, (b) t = T>4, (c) t = T>2, and (d) t = 3T>4?
a minute if the frequency increases to 1.55 Hz? (e) Plot your results for parts (a) through (d) with the vertical axis
7. •• You rev your car’s engine to 3300 rpm 1rev>min2. (a) What are representing position and the horizontal axis representing time.
the period and frequency of the engine? (b) If you change the pe- 17. •• The position of a mass on a spring is given by
riod of the engine to 0.033 s, how many rpms is it doing? x = 13.8 cm2 cos 32pt>10.88 s24 . (a) What is the period, T, of this
motion? (b) Where is the mass at t = 0.55 s? (c) Show that the
SECTION 13-2 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION mass is at the same location at 0.55 s + T seconds as it is at 0.55 s.
8. • CE A mass moves back and forth in simple harmonic motion 18. •• Predict/Calculate A mass attached to a spring oscillates with
with amplitude A and period T. (a) In terms of A, through what a period of 3.35 s. (a) If the mass starts from rest at x = 0.0440 m
distance does the mass move in the time T? (b) Through what dis- and time t = 0, where is it at time t = 6.37 s? (b) Is the mass mov-
tance does it move in the time 5T>2? ing in the positive or negative x direction at t = 6.37 s? Explain.
9. • CE A mass moves back and forth in simple harmonic motion 19. ••• A lawn sprinkler oscillates with simple harmonic motion of
with amplitude A and period T. (a) In terms of T, how much time period T = 52.0 s, and sprays water with an angle to the vertical
does it take for the mass to move through a total distance of 2A? 1u = 02 that varies from u = -45° to u = 45°, as shown in FIGURE
(b) How much time does it take for the mass to move through a 13-31 . Water from the sprinkler lands in a nearby garden patch
total distance of 3A? when the angle the sprinkler makes with the vertical is greater
10. • The position of a mass oscillating on a spring is given by than u = 36°. For what amount of time is the sprinkler watering
x = 13.9 cm2 cos 32pt>10.38 s24. (a) What is the period of this mo- the garden during one complete cycle of its oscillation?
tion? (b) What is the first time the mass is at the position x = 0?
11. • The position of a mass oscillating on a spring is given by
x = 17.8 cm2 cos 32pt>10.68 s24. (a) What is the frequency of this
u = 0
motion? (b) When is the mass first at the position x = -7.8 cm?
12. •• CE A position-versus-time plot for an object undergoing simple
harmonic motion is given in FIGURE 13-30 . Rank the six points in- u = - 458
dicated in the figure in order of increasing (a) speed, (b) velocity, u = 458
and (c) acceleration. Indicate ties where necessary.

x C

B Garden patch

FIGURE 13-31 Problem 19

20. • A ball rolls on a circular track of radius 0.62 m with a constant
angular speed of 1.3 rad>s in the counterclockwise direction. If the
angular position of the ball at t = 0 is u = 0, find the x compo-
F nent of the ball’s position at the times 2.5 s, 5.0 s, and 7.5 s. Let
u = 0 correspond to the positive x direction.
FIGURE 13-30 Problem 12
21. • An object executing simple harmonic motion has a maximum
13. •• CE A mass on a spring oscillates with simple harmonic motion speed of 4.1 m>s and a maximum acceleration of 0.85 m > s2. Find
of amplitude A about the equilibrium position x = 0. Its maxi- (a) the amplitude and (b) the period of this motion.
mum speed is vmax and its maximum acceleration is amax. (a) What
is the speed of the mass at x = 0? (b) What is the acceleration of 22. • A child rocks back and forth on a porch swing with an amplitude
the mass at x = 0? (c) What is the speed of the mass at x = A? of 0.204 m and a period of 2.80 s. Assuming the motion is approxi-
(d) What is the acceleration of the mass at x = A? mately simple harmonic, find the child’s maximum speed.

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