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Chapter 15 - Oscillations - Solutions PDF

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The key takeaways are that changing the mass of a pendulum does not affect its period of oscillation, doubling the length doubles the period, and changing the amplitude does not affect the period as long as it remains small.

Doubling the mass does not change the period, doubling the length doubles the period, and changing the amplitude does not affect the period as long as it remains small.

The position vs. time graphs illustrate that the amplitude, frequency, phase, and shape of simple harmonic motion can be determined from the graph.

Physics 4A

Chapter 15: Oscillations

Questions and Example Problems from Chapter 15

Conceptual Question 15.2

A pendulum on Planet X, where the value of g is unknown, oscillates with a period T = 2 s. What
is the period of this pendulum if: (a) Its mass is doubled? (b) Its length is doubled? (c) Its
oscillation amplitude is doubled?

15.2. The period of a simple pendulum

= is T 2π L / g . We are told that T1 =2 . 0 s.
(a) In this case the mass is doubled: m =
2 2m1. However, the mass does not appear in the formula for the period of a
pendulum; that is, the period does not depend on the mass. Therefore the period is still 2.0 s.
(b) In this case the length is doubled: L=
2 2 L1.

T2 2π L2 / g L2 2 L1
= = = = 2
T1 2π L1 / g L1 L1

So T2 = 2T1 = 2 (2 . 0 s) =2 . 8 s.
(c) The formula for the period of a simple small-angle pendulum does not contain the amplitude; that is, the period is
independent of the amplitude. Changing (in particular, doubling) the amplitude, as long as it is still small, does not affect
the period, so the new period is still 2.0 s.

It is equally important to understand what doesn’t appear in a formula. It is quite startling, really, the first time you realize
it, that the amplitude (θ max ) doesn’t affect the period. But this is crucial to the idea of simple harmonic motion. Of course,
if the pendulum is swung too far, out of its linear region, then the amplitude would matter. The amplitude does appear in
the formula for a pendulum not restricted to small angles because the small-angle approximation is not valid; but then the
motion is not simple harmonic motion.

Conceptual Question 15.4

The figure shows a position-versus-time graph for
a particle in SHM. (a) What is the phase constant?
Explain. (b) What is the phase of the particle at
each of the three numbered points on the graph?

15.4. (a) A position-vs-time graph plots =
x(t ) A cos( wt + φ 0 ). The graph of x(t) starts at A and is increasing. So at
1 π π
t = 0, A =A cos φ0 ⇒ φ0 =± . We choose φ0 = − since the particle is moving to the right, indicating that it is in
2 3 3
the bottom half of the circular-motion diagram.
(b) The phase at each point can be determined in the same manner as for part (a). For points 1 and 3, the amplitude is
1 π π
again A. At point 1, the particle is moving to the right so φ 1 =− . At point 3, the particle is moving left, so φ 3 = + .
2 3 3
At point 2, the amplitude is A, so cos φ2 =⇒
1 φ 2 =. 0

Conceptual Question 15.A

Which of the following describe φ for the SHM of the figure below (a) -π < φ < -π/2,
(b) π < φ < 3π/2, (c) -3π/2 < φ < -π?
Conceptual Question 15.B
The figure below shows the x(t) curves for three experiments involving a particular spring-mass
system oscillating in SHM. Rank the curves according to (a) the system’s angular frequency;
(b) the spring’s potential energy at time t = 0, (c) the box’s kinetic energy at t = 0, (d) the masses
speed at t = 0, and (e) the masses maximum kinetic energy, greatest first.

Conceptual Question 15.C

The acceleration a(t) of a particle undergoing SHM is graphed in the figure below. (a) Which of the
labeled points corresponds to the particle at -xm? (b) At point 4, is the velocity of the particle
positive, negative, or zero? (c) At point 5, is the particle at -xm, at +xm, at 0, between -xm and 0, or
between 0 and +xm?

Problem 15.6
What are the (a) amplitude, (b) frequency, and (c) phase
constant of the oscillation shown in the figure to the right?
Problem 15.9
An object in simple harmonic motion has an amplitude of 4.0 cm, a frequency of 2.0 Hz, and a
phase constant of 2π/3 rad. Draw a position graph showing two cycles of motion.

15.9. Visualize: The phase constant 2

π has a plus sign, which implies that the object undergoing simple harmonic
motion is in the second quadrant of the circular motion diagram. That is, the object is moving to the left.
Solve: The position of the object is
x(t ) =A cos(ωt + φ 0 ) =A cos(2π ft + φ 0 ) =(4 . 0 cm)cos[(4π rad/s)t + 23 π rad]

The amplitude is A = 4 cm and the period is T = 1/ f =.0 50 s. A phase constant φ=

0 = 120 ° (second quadrant)
2π /3 rad
means that x starts at − 12 A and is moving to the left (getting more negative).

Assess: We can see from the graph that the object starts out moving to the left.

Problem 15.11
An object in simple harmonic motion has amplitude 4.0 cm and frequency 4.0 Hz, and at t = 0 s
it passes through the equilibrium point moving to the right. Write the function x(t) that describes
the object’s position.

15.11. Solve: The position of the object is given by the equation

(t ) A cos(ωt + φ=
x= 0) A cos(2π ft + φ 0 )
We can find the phase constant φ 0 from the initial condition:

(4 0 cm)cos φ 0 ⇒ cos φ 0 =⇒
0 cm =. cos −1 (0) =
0 φ0 = ± 12 π rad

Since the object is moving to the right, the object is in the lower half of the circular motion diagram. Hence,
φ0 = − 12 π rad. The final result, with f = 4 . 0 Hz, is

x(t ) = (4 . 0 cm)cos[(8 . 0π rad/s)t − 12 π rad]

Problem 15.16
A 200 g mass attached to a horizontal spring oscillates at a frequency of 2.0 Hz. At t = 0 s, the
mass is at x = 5.0 cm and has vx = -30 cm/s. Determine: (a) The period. (b) The angular
frequency. (c) The amplitude. (d) The phase constant. (e) The maximum speed. (f) The
maximum acceleration. (g) The total energy. (h) The position at t = 0.40 s.

15.16. Model: The mass attached to the spring oscillates in simple harmonic motion.
Solve: (a) The period T =
1/ f =
1/2 . 0 Hz =.
0 50 s.
(b) The angular frequency ω= 2π f= 2π ( 2 . 0 Hz=
) 4π rad/s.
(c) Using energy conservation
=kA2 1
kx 2
2 0
+ 12 mv02x

Using x0 = 5 . 0 cm, v0 x = −30 cm/s and k= mω 2= (0 . 200 kg)(4π rad/s) 2 , we get A =

5 . 54 cm.
(d) To calculate the phase constant φ 0,
A cos φ 0 = 5 . 0 cm
x0 =
 5 . 0 cm 
⇒ φ 0 =cos −1  0 45 rad
 =.
 5 . 54 cm 
(e) The maximum speed is vmax =ω A =(4π rad/s)(5 . 54 cm) =70 cm/s.
(f) The maximum acceleration is
amax = ω 2 A = ω (ω A) = (4π rad/s)(70 cm/s) = 8 . 8 m/s 2
(g) The total energy is E =
mvmax 1
(0 . 200 kg)(0 . 70 m/s) 2 =
0 . 049 J.
(h) The position at t = 0 . 40 s is
x0.4 s =(5 . 54 cm)cos[(4π rad/s)(0 . 40 s) + 0 . 45 rad] =+ 3 . 8 cm

Problem 15.18
A 1.0 kg block is attached to a spring with spring constant 16 N/m. While the block is sitting at
rest, a student hits it with a hammer and almost instantaneously gives it a speed of 40 cm/s. What
are (a) The amplitude of the subsequent oscillations? (b) The block’s speed at the point where
x = ½ A.
15.18. Model: The block attached to the spring is in simple harmonic motion.

Solve: (a) The conservation of mechanical energy equation K f + U sf =Ki + U si is

mv12 + 12 k (∆x) 2= 1
mv02 + 0 J ⇒ 0 J + 12 kA2= 1
mv02 +0 J
m 1 . 0 kg
⇒ A= v0 = (0 . 40 m/s) =0 . 10 m =10 cm
k 16 N/m
(b) We have to find the velocity at a point where =
x A/2 . The conservation of mechanical energy equation
K 2 + U s2 =Ki + U si is
1 2 1  A 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2
mv2 + k  = mv0 + 0 J ⇒ mv2= mv0 −  kA =
 2 mv0 − 4  2 mv0 =
 4  2 mv0 
2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2     
3 3
⇒ v2 = v0 = (0 . 40 m/s) =0 . 346 m/s
4 4
The velocity is 35 cm/s.
Problem 15.26
A mass on a string of unknown length oscillates as a pendulum with a period of 4.0 s. What is
the period if: (a) The mass is doubled? (b) The string length is doubled? (c) The string length is
halved? (d) The amplitude is doubled? (Parts a to d are independent questions, each referring to
the initial situation.)

15.26. Model: Assume a small angle of oscillation so there is simple harmonic motion.
Solve: The period of the pendulum is
T0 = 2π = 4.0 s
(a) The period is independent of the mass and depends only on the length. Thus T =T0 =4 . 0 s.
(b) For a new length L = 2 L0 ,

2 L0
T = 2π = 2T0 = 5 . 7 s
(c) For a new length L = L0 /2,

L0 /2 1
T = 2π = T0 = 2 . 8 s
g 2
(d) The period is independent of the amplitude as long as there is simple harmonic motion. Thus T =4 . 0 s.

Problem 15.29
Astronauts on the first trip to Mars take along a pendulum that has a period on earth of 1.50 s.
The period on Mars turns out to be 2.45 s. What is the free-fall acceleration on Mars?

15.29. Model: Assume a small angle of oscillation so that the pendulum has simple harmonic motion.
Solve: The time periods of the pendulums on the earth and on Mars are
= π
Tearth 2= and TMars 2π
gearth g Mars
Dividing these two equations,
2 2
Tearth g T   1 . 50 s 
= Mars ⇒ g Mars = gearth  earth  =(9 . 8 m/s 2 )   =3 . 67 m/s 2
TMars gearth T
 Mars   2 . 45 s 

Problem 15.46
A 200 g block hangs from a spring with spring constant 10 N/m. At t = 0 s the block is 20 cm
below the equilibrium point and moving upward with a speed of 100 cm/s. What are the block’s
(a) Oscillation frequency? (b) Distance from equilibrium when the speed is 50 cm/s?
(c) Distance from equilibrium at t = 1.0 s?

15.46. Model: The block undergoes simple harmonic motion.


Solve: (a) The frequency of oscillation is

1 k 1 10 N/m
f= = = 1 . 125 Hz
2π m 2π 0 . 20 kg
The frequency is 1.1 Hz.
(b) Using conservation of energy, 1
mv12 + 12 kx12 = 1
mv02 + 12 kx02 , we find

m 2 0 . 20 kg
x1= x02 + (v0 − v12 )= (−0 . 20 m) 2 + ((1 . 00 m/s) 2 − ( 0 . 50 m/s )2 )
k 10 N/m
= 0 . 2345 m or 23 cm
(c) At time t, the displacement =
is x A cos(ωt + φ 0 ). The angular frequency is ω = 7 . 071 rad/s. The amplitude is
2π f =
2 2
v   1 . 00 m/s 
A= x02 +  0  = (−0 . 20 m) 2 +   = 0 . 245 m
ω  7 . 071 rad/s 
The phase constant is
 x0  −1  − 0 . 200 m 
φ 0 =cos −1   =cos  0 . 245 m  =±2 . 526 rad or ± 145 °
 A   
A negative displacement (below the equilibrium point) and positive velocity (upward motion) indicate that the
corresponding circular motion is in the third quadrant, so φ 0 =−2 . 526 rad. Thus at t = 1 . 0 s,
x =(0 . 245 m)cos((7 . 071 rad/s)(1 . 0 s) − 2 . 526 rad) =− 0 . 0409 m =− 4 . 09 cm
The block is 4.1 cm below the equilibrium point.

Problem 15.52
The two blocks in the figure oscillate on a frictionless surface with a period of 1.5 s. The upper
block just begins to slip when the amplitude is increased to 40 cm. What is the coefficient of
static friction between the two blocks?

15.52. Model: Assume simple harmonic motion for the two-block system without the upper block slipping. We will also
use the model of static friction between the two blocks.

Solve: The net force on the upper block m1 is the force of static friction due to the lower block m2 . The two blocks ride
together as long as the static friction doesn’t exceed its maximum possible value. The model of static friction gives the
maximum force of static friction as
( fs ) max =µs n =µs (m1 g ) =m1amax ⇒ amax =µs g
2 2
a ω2 A  2π   Amax   2π   0 . 40 m 
⇒ µs = max = max = T   g =    2 
0 72
g g      1 . 5 s   9 . 8 m/s 
Assess: Because the period is given, we did not need to use the block masses or the spring constant in our calculation.

Problem 15.60
A 500 g air-track glider attached to a spring with spring constant 10 N/m is sitting at rest on a
frictionless air track. A 250 g glider is pushed toward it from the far end of the track at a speed of
120 cm/s. It collides with and sticks to the 500 g glider. What are the amplitude and period of the
subsequent oscillations?
15.60. Model: A completely inelastic collision between the two gliders resulting in simple harmonic motion.

Let us denote the 250 g and 500 g masses as m1 and m2 , which have initial velocities vi1 and vi2 . After m1 collides with
and sticks to m2 , the two masses move together with velocity vf .
Solve: The momentum conservation equation pf = pi for the completely inelastic collision is (m1 + m2 )vf =m1vi1 + m2 vi2 .
Substituting the given values,
(0 . 750 kg)vf =(0 . 250 kg)(1 . 20 m/s) + (0 . 500 kg)(0 m/s) ⇒ vf =0 . 400 m/s
We now use the conservation of mechanical energy equation:
( K + U s )compressed =( K + U s )equilibrium ⇒ 0 J + 12 kA2 =12 (m1 + m2 )vf2 + 0 J
m1 + m2 0 . 750 kg
⇒ A= vf = (0 . 400 m/s) =0 . 11 m
k 10 N/m
The period is
m1 + m2 0 . 750 kg
T = 2π = 2π = 1.7 s
k 10 N/m

Problem 15.A
An oscillator consists of a block of mass 0.500 kg connected to a spring. When set into
oscillation with amplitude 35.0 cm, the oscillator repeats its motion every 0.500 s. Find (a) the
period, (b) the frequency, (c) the angular frequency, (d) the spring constant, (e) the maximum
speed, and (f) the magnitude of the maximum force on the block from the spring.
Problem 15.B
A body oscillates with simple harmonic motion according to the equation:
x (6.0 m) cos[(3π rad/s) t + π / 3rad] . At t = 2.0 s, what are (a) the displacement, (b) the
velocity, (c) the acceleration, and (d) the phase of the motion? Also, what are (e) the frequency
and (f) the period of the motion?

Problem 15.C
A simple harmonic oscillator consists of a block of mass 2.00 kg attached to a spring of spring
constant 100 N/m. When t = 1.00 s, the position and velocity of the block are x = 0.129 m and
v = 3.415 m/s. (a) What is the amplitude of the oscillations? What were the (b) position and
(c) velocity of the block at t = 0 s?

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