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Option 1: Valentine's Day 2024: 1.1. Company Description

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Due: 12:00 AM, Sunday 21 January 2024

Type: Word document (Font: Calibri, Font Size: 11, and Line Spacing: 1.5).

Word Limit: 1,500 words, excluding the Cover Page, Table of Contents, and List of References.

Late work: All assignments will be marked as if submitted on time. Late submissions of assignments
without special consideration will be penalised at a rate of 30% of the total marks available per day (or
part of a day) late.

Assignment Task: You are working for the chosen company as a marketing manager and are responsible
for building a Marketing Plan for your chosen Marketing Context. Your Marketing Plan MUST be tailored
for the Marketing Context and your chosen brand and product in Vietnam.

Marketing Context: You will have 3 options. You only need to choose 1 option and build a Marketing
Plan for that.

- Option 1: Valentine's Day 2024

- Option 2: Tet 2024

- Option 3: Choose one relevant technological trend in Vietnam

- Duration of the marketing plan: 2 – 4 months

Brand and Product Choice: You need to choose a brand of your interest and 1 physical product or
product line.


Students can be flexible about the word count for each part. However, the total word count must NOT
exceed the word limit.

1. Introduction (150 words)

- Briefly introduce the company and the chosen product.

1.1. Company description

2. SWOT analysis (from relevant Marketing Environment scanning) (300 words)

- Identify and analyse impacts of the given Marketing Context and any related Marketing Environment
factors on the company's marketing activities. You should choose 4 – 6 Micro and Macro factors to
analyse. Include a wide variety of reliable, relevant, and up-to-date research materials.

- Summarise your Micro & Macro analyses into your SWOT analysis. Make sure that your SWOT analysis
is relevant to the given Marketing Context and integrated with your Marketing Environment analyses.
Because this is a small marketing plan, you don’t need to provide all Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats. You need to provide at least 1 Strength/Weakness AND 1

- Then, choose 1 strategy (SO/ST/WO/WT) which you will link to your Marketing Objective and
Recommendations in the following part. Note: SO/ST/WO/WT are the strategies of the TOWS matrix
(link), which is closely related to SWOT analysis.

o SO strategy: How to use Strengths to take advantage of Opportunities?

o ST strategy: How to use Strengths to overcome Threats?

o WO strategy: How to take advantage of Opportunities to overcome Weaknesses?

o WT strategy: What to do to minimise Weaknesses and overcome Threats?

3. Target Customer (200 words)

- Identify the Target Customer being targeted by the brand with strong justificaPon and evidence from
research materials.

- Make sure that your Target Customer part is strongly connected with your entire Marketing Plan.

4. Differentiation and Positioning (250 words)

- Identify and analyse the current Differentation and Positioning strategies of your company, supported
by evidence from your research.

- Differentation: 1 - 2 strongest differentation strategies

- Positioning: 1 positioning map, value proposition

- Compare with your competitors where applicable.

5. Current Marketing Mix performance (550 words)

- You need to choose 2Ps to analyse in this part and the Marketing Recommendations part.

o Product – consider (if relevant): 3 Levels of Product, Product Life Cycle, Brand Development Strategy,

o Price – consider (if relevant): New Product Pricing, Product Mix Pricing, Price Adjustment Strategies,

o Place – consider (if relevant): Channel Organisation, Distribution Strategy, etc.

o Promotion – consider (if relevant): Promotion Mix strategies, Promotion Mix tools, campaign analysis,

- Identify the current 2P strategies of your company with strong justification from research evidence.
Include a wide variety of reliable, relevant, and up-to-date research sources.

- Evaluate the current 2P performance of your company. The evaluation needs to be related to the given
Marketing Context (where applicable).

- Use visuals/screenshots to support your identificaPon and evaluation (where applicable).

- Compare with your competitors (where applicable).

- Explain how the various elements of the marketing mix work together and how the marketing mix
integrates with other stages of the marketing process.

7. Marketing Recommendations (2Ps) (450 words)

- Provide effective recommendaPons to achieve the marketing objective.

- Recommendations must be relevant to the given Marketing Context, your Target Customer and

- Use visuals and case studies to support your recommendations (where applicable).

8. References

- MUST include all in-text citations and a reference list for your research materials.

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