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Assignment 3 - Individual Final Marketing Project (40%) - Week 12

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Assignment 3 - Individual Final Marketing Project

(40%) - Week 12
Start Assignment

 Due Wednesday by 10:00

 Points 40

 Submitting a file upload

 File Types doc and docx

 Available Apr 27 at 10:00 - May 23 at 10:00 26 days

Course code and name: MKTG1205 Marketing Principles

Assessment name: Assignment 3 - Individual Final Marketing Project (40% of final mark)

Topics covered: All topics (from Topic 1 to Topic 8.2), excluding Topic 7 "Consumer Behaviour"  

Due: 10:00 AM, 18 May 2022 (Wednesday, Week 12). The Marketing Context will be released at
10:00 AM, 27 April 2022 (Wednesday, Week 9)

Type: Word document (Font: Arial, Font Size: 11, and  Line Spacing: 1), submitted via Turnitin on

Word Limit: 1,800 - 2,000 words, excluding the Cover Page, Table of Contents, Appendices, and List
of References (not excluding in-text citations). Reports exceeding the word limit will be penalised at a
rate of 5% of the total marks available per 200 words. This will be deducted from the assessed mark.
You need to show the word count on the Cover Page of the submission.

Late work: All assignments will be marked as if submitted on time. Late submissions of assignments
without special consideration or extension will be automatically penalised at a rate of 10% of the total
marks available per day (or part of a day) late. For example, if an assignment is worth 40 marks and it
is submitted 1 day late, a penalty of 10% or 4 marks will apply. This will be deducted from the
assessed mark. Assignments will not be accepted if more than five days late unless special
consideration or an extension of time has been approved.

Course Learning Outcomes Assessed

 CLO1: Examine the underlying philosophy of the marketing concept, its role as a business
function and its relationship with other business functions.
 CLO2: Identify and analyse the impact of key trends in the external and internal environments on
marketing-related activities of organisations.
 CLO3: Analyse the marketing process and determine how various elements of the marketing mix
work together to put the right product in the right place in a professional context.
 CLO4: Develop effective marketing strategies to achieve organisational objectives.

Ready for Life and Work

 Develop critical thinking and reasoning skills

 Develop RMIT's generic graduate attributes


In this individual assessment, students will be given a marketing context. Students will apply the
concepts learnt in the course to identify and analyse a brand/company's current marketing
performance such as SWOT analysis, customer-driven marketing strategy, and marketing mix
strategies. Based on these evaluations, students will recommend marketing strategies and tactics for
the brand/company in response to the given marketing context.

MARKETING CONTEXT - Released at 10:00 AM, 27 April 2022 (Wednesday, Week 9).

 Marketing Context: Summertime in Vietnam (May 2022 – August 2022).

 Assignment Task: You are working for the chosen company as a marketing manager, and you
are responsible for building a Marketing Plan for the summertime in Vietnam (May 2022-
August 2022). Your Marketing Plan MUST be tailored for the given Marketing Context and your
chosen brand and product in Vietnam.
 Notes:

o For non-Vietnamese students, you can work on the same Marketing Context but in another
country. Make sure you ask for the approval of your lecturer before working on this.
o This assignment is considered as part of an Annual Marketing Plan, which normally lasts for
12 months. However, in this assignment, you are NOT required to build a complete Annual
Marketing Plan. You only need to focus on the summer period. 

BRAND AND PRODUCT CHOICE - Released at 10:00 AM, 27 April 2022 (Wednesday, Week 9).

 Brand: You need to choose a brand of your interest. You CANNOT choose the following brands:
o The blacklisted brands of Assignment 2
o The brand that you used in your Assignment 2
o Brands that other teams in your class used in Assignment 2. E.g., In Assignment 2, one team
in your class used KIA, then, you cannot use KIA brand.

If you choose the above brands, your Assignment 3 will be penalised at a rate of 50% of the total
marks available. This will be deducted from the assessed marks. E.g. your marks = 30, after 50%
mark deduction (-20% marks), your marks = 10 marks.

 Product: You need to choose 1 physical product/product line. You cannot choose a service

Students can be flexible about the word count for each part. However, the total word count must NOT
exceed the word limit.

1. Introduction (150 words)

 Briefly introduce the company and the chosen product.

2. SWOT analysis (from relevant Marketing Environment scanning) and TOWS matrix (300

 Identify and analyse impacts of the given Marketing Context and any related Marketing
Environment factors on the company's marketing activities. You should choose 4 – 6 Micro and
Macro factors to analyse. Include a wide variety of reliable, relevant, and up-to-date research
 Summarise your Micro & Macro analyses into your SWOT analysis. Make sure that your SWOT
analysis is relevant to the given Marketing Context and integrated with your Marketing
Environment analyses. Because this is a small marketing plan, you don’t need to provide all
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. You need to provide at least 1
Strength/Weakness AND 1 Opportunity/Threat.
 Then, choose 1 strategy (SO/ST/WO/WT) which is linked to your Marketing Objective and
Recommendations in the following part. Note: SO/ST/WO/WT are the strategies of the TOWS
matrix which is closely related to SWOT analysis. 
o SO strategy: How to use Strengths to take advantage of Opportunities?
o ST strategy: How to use Strengths to overcome Threats?
o WO strategy: How to take advantage of Opportunities to overcome Weaknesses?
o WT strategy: What to do to minimise Weaknesses and overcome Threats? 

3. Target Consumer (200 words)

 Identify the Target Consumer being targeted by the brand with strong justifications and research
 Make sure that your Target Consumer part is strongly connected with your entire Marketing Plan.

4. Differentiation and Positioning (250 words)

 Identify and analyse the current Differentiation and Positioning strategies of your company,

supported by strong research materials.
o Differentiation: 1 - 2 strongest differentiation strategies
o Positioning: 1 positioning map, value proposition
 Compare with your competitors where applicable.

5. Current Marketing Mix performance (550 words)

 You need to choose 2Ps of your interest to analyse in this part and the Marketing
Recommendations part.
o Product – You can consider these strategies (if relevant): 3 Levels of Product, Product Life Cycle,
Brand Development Strategy, etc.
o Price – You can consider these strategies (if relevant): New Product Pricing, Product Mix
Pricing, Price Adjustment Strategies, etc.
o Place – You can consider these strategies (if relevant): Channel Organisation, Distribution
Strategy, etc.
o Promotion – You can consider these strategies (if relevant): Promotion Mix strategies,
Promotion Mix tools, campaign analysis, etc.
 Identify the current 2P strategies of your company with strong justification from research
materials. Include a wide variety of reliable, relevant, and up-to-date research materials. 
 Evaluate the current 2P performance of your company. The evaluation needs to be related to the
given Marketing Context (where applicable).
 Use visuals/screenshots to support your identification and evaluation (where applicable).
 Compare with your competitors (where applicable).
 Explain how the various elements of the marketing mix work together and how the marketing mix
integrates with other stages of the marketing process.

6. Marketing Objective (100 words)

 Set 1 SMART marketing objective based on the TOWS matrix and the current 2P evaluation.
 This marketing objective must be related to the given Marketing Context.

7. Marketing Recommendations (2Ps) (450 words)

 Provide effective recommendations to achieve the marketing objective. Use 2Ps to achieve the
Marketing Objective.
 Recommendations must be relevant to the given Marketing Context, your Target Consumer and
 Use visuals and case studies to support your recommendations (where applicable).

8. References

 Research materials should be obtained from reliable and up-to-date sources such as RMIT

library. Use sources in English. The only Vietnamese references that can be used are
government sources of information about statistics, laws and legislation, and company’s websites
or local news/articles. Please refer to this online tutorial if you are not sure how to use RMIT
 MUST include all in-text citations and a reference list for your research materials. Follow RMIT
Harvard citing and referencing guide.  
o Read these 2 guides carefully before submitting your assignment:
 Quick Guide for In-text Citation and Reference List
 Plagiarism and Consequences
o Similarity Report: Turnitin can take from 2 hours - 24 hours to send you the Similarity Report,
hence, make sure that you submit the assessment on Turnitin at least 2 days before the due
date. Please refer to the instructions below:
 How to submit Turnitin assignment (Links to an external site.)
 How to interpret the Similarity Report (Links to an external site.): The colour of the report
icon indicates the similarity score of the paper, based on the amount of matching or
similar text that was uncovered. Normally the Green colour is a good sign. However, you
MUST make sure that all research materials are cited and paraphrased properly to avoid
 Turnitin Full Guide

9. Appendices

 Supporting information (e.g. analysis, diagrams, pictures, etc.) that add value to the main part of
your assignment should be included in this section.
 Important information should be placed in the main body of your assignment.


 Check your references carefully before the final submission! Please refer to
the "REFERENCES" part above.
 Times of submissions: You may submit your assessment as many times as you wish before the
deadline, in order to check the similarity of your assignment. The statement of authorship should
be submitted too.
 File naming: The file name need to follow this guidance: "Campus_Student's name_Student ID".
For example "SGS_Nguyen Khiet An_S3890386".


 This assessment requires that you meet RMIT's expectations for academic integrity. More
information and advice on how to avoid plagiarism are available in the Getting Started module.
Open the academic integrity page.
 Additional library and learning resources are available to help with the assessment in this course.
Link to Assignment Support.
 Special Consideration, an adjustment to assessment/s which takes into account unexpected
circumstances outside your control that have a significant impact on your performance in
assessment or which prevented you from attempting or submitting the assessment. Link
to Special Consideration. (Links to an external site.)

Assignment 3_Rubric_Sem3.21

Assignment 3_Rubric_Sem3.21

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion 2 to >1.59 pts 1.59 to >1.39 pts 1.39 to 1.19 to

is linked to a >1.19 pts >0.99 pts
Learning HD DI
OutcomeIntro CR PA
- Introduction is concise, and - Introduction is
duction (5%) excellently set the good, covers all - Introduction - Introduction
background for the key information covers most of lacks some
presentation. - Referencing and somewhat set the required required
consistently follows RMIT the background information. - information. -
Harvard style, with no for the RMIT Harvard Attempts2 pt
to use
errors; quotes are presentation. - style used, with s
RMIT Harvard
integrated/paraphrased to Referencing occasional style, though
support the argument. mostly follows errors. Minimal with frequent
RMIT Harvard use of direct errors and some
style with some quotes. use of direct
minor errors, quotes. Some
direct quotes references
integrated with missing or
the argument. incorrect.

This criterion 6 pt

6 to >4.79 pts 4.79 to 4.19 to >3.59 pts 3.59 to >2.99
is linked to a s
>4.19 pts
Learning HD CR PA
OutcomeSWO DI
- Excellently identifies - Identifies and - Identifies and
T Analysis & and analyses the analyses impacts of analyses impacts of
Assignment 3_Rubric_Sem3.21

Criteria Ratings Pts

TOWS Matrix impacts of the given - Correctly the given Marketing the given Marketing
(15%) Marketing Context and identifies and Context and some of Context and a few of
all related Marketing analyses the related the related
Environment factors impacts of the Marketing Marketing
on your company's given Environment factors. Environment factors.
marketing activities. Marketing The report analysis is The report analysis is
Majority of research Context and mostly all
materials are drawn most of the descriptive/irrelevant descriptive/irrelevant
from a wide variety of related . Some research is . Lacks a variety of
reliable, relevant, and Marketing drawn from a wide reliable and relevant
up-to-date sources. - Environment variety of reliable, sources (1 or 2). -
There is an excellent factors. Most relevant, and up-to- There is limited
integration of these research is date sources. - There integration of these
Marketing drawn from a is some integration Marketing
Environment analyses wide variety of of these Marketing Environment
and SWOT analysis. reliable, Environment analyses and SWOT
The SWOT analysis can relevant, and analyses and SWOT analysis. Limited key
clearly outline key up-to-date analysis. The SWOT findings are
findings and what sources. - can outline some key identified. -
needs immediate There is a good findings. - SO/ST/WO/WT
attention. - integration of SO/ST/WO/WT strategy is poorly
SO/ST/WO/WT these strategy is established with
strategy is clearly and Marketing established with weak justification. -
excellently established Environment some justification. - Attempts to use
with strong analyses and RMIT Harvard style RMIT Harvard style,
justification. - SWOT analysis. used, with occasional though with frequent
Referencing The SWOT errors. Minimal use errors and some use
consistently follows analysis can of direct quotes. of direct quotes.
RMIT Harvard style, somewhat Some references
with no errors; quotes outline key missing or incorrect.
are findings and
integrated/paraphrase what needs
d to support the immediate
argument. attention. -
strategy is
with strong
justification. -
mostly follows
RMIT Harvard
style with
some minor
errors, direct
Assignment 3_Rubric_Sem3.21

Criteria Ratings Pts

with the
Assignment 3_Rubric_Sem3.21

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion
is linked to a
Learning 8 to >6.39 pts 6.39 to >5.59 pts 5.59 to >4.79 pts 4.79 to >
OutcomeTarg HD DI CR PA
et Customer,
- Target Customer is - Target - Target - Target
precisely described and Customer is well Customer is Customer is
n and
strongly connected with described and somewhat well poorly described
Positioning your entire marketing connected with described and and has limited
(20%) plan. - Differentiation and most part of connected with connection with
Positioning strategies are your marketing some parts of your marketing
identified precisely with plan. - your marketing plan. - A few
excellent rationale and Differentiation plan. - Some Differentiation
excellent comparison with and Positioning Differentiation and Positioning
your competitors. - strategies are and Positioning strategies are
Referencing consistently identified strategies are identified
follows RMIT Harvard correctly with identified correctly with
style, with no errors; convincing correctly poor rationale.
quotes are rationale and although your Have a limited
integrated/paraphrased to strong rationale needs comparison with
support the argument. comparison with to be more your 8 pt
your convincing. Has competitors.s -
competitors. - basic comparison Attempts to use
Referencing with your RMIT Harvard
mostly follows competitors. - style, though
RMIT Harvard RMIT Harvard with frequent
style with some style used, with errors and some
minor errors, occasional use of direct
direct quotes errors. Minimal quotes. Some
integrated with use of direct references
the argument. quotes. missing or

This criterion 10 to >7.99 pts 7.99 to >6.99 pts 6.99 to >5.99 pts 5.99 to > 10 
is linked to a pts
Assignment 3_Rubric_Sem3.21

Criteria Ratings Pts

OutcomeCurr HD DI CR PA
ent Marketing
Mix - Has excellent - Has good - Has somewhat - Has limited
Performance identification, analysis, and identification, good identification,
evaluation of the majority analysis, and identification, analysis, and
of the 2P strategies used evaluation of analysis, and evaluation of
by your company with most of the 2P evaluation of most of the 2P
strong evidence from strategies used by most of the 2P strategies used
various, reliable, relevant, your company but strategies used by your
and up-to-date research has some by your company and
materials. Has excellent inconsistencies company and does not
comparisons with your with the research attempt to link correctly link
competitors. The majority materials. Has them with them with
of the evaluation is related good comparisons research research
to the given Marketing with your materials. Has materials. The
Context (where competitors. few comparisons analysis is
applicable). - Has excellent Most of the with your mostly
explanations of how the evaluation is competitors. descriptive and
various elements of the related to the Some of the irrelevant. Have
marketing mix work given Marketing evaluation is very few
together and how the Context (where related to the comparisons
marketing mix integrates applicable). - given Marketing with your
with other stages of the Have good Context (where competitors.
marketing process. - explanations of applicable). - Few of the
Referencing consistently how the various Attempts to evaluation is
follows RMIT Harvard elements of the provide related to the
style, with no errors; marketing mix explanations of given Marketing
quotes are work together how the various Context (where
integrated/paraphrased to and how the elements of the applicable). - Has
support the argument. marketing mix marketing mix limited
integrates with work together explanations of
other stages of and how the how the various
the marketing marketing mix elements of the
process. - integrates with marketing mix
Referencing other stages of work together
mostly follows the marketing and how the
RMIT Harvard process. - RMIT marketing mix
style with some Harvard style integrates with
minor errors, used, with other stages of
direct quotes occasional the marketing
integrated with errors. Minimal process. -
the argument. use of direct Attempts to use
quotes. RMIT Harvard
style, though
with frequent
errors and some
Assignment 3_Rubric_Sem3.21

Criteria Ratings Pts

use of direct
quotes. Some
missing or

This criterion 12 to >9.59 pts 9.59 to >8.39 pts 8.39 to >7.19 pts 7.19 to >5.9912 
is linked to a pts
Learning HD DI CR PA
OutcomeSMA - Develops a SMART - Develops a - Demonstrates - Develops a basic
RT Marketing Marketing Objective SMART Marketing your effort to SMART objective
Objective and with strong Objective with develop a SMART with limited
Marketing justification from good justification objective with justification from
Recommenda SWOT analysis and from SWOT some SWOT analysis
tions (2Ps) current 2P analysis and justifications from and current 2P
(30%) performance. The current 2P SWOT analysis performance. The
objective is strongly performance. The and current 2P objective is poorly
relevant to your given objective is very performance, connected to your
Marketing Context. - relevant to your although the given Marketing
Clearly and given Marketing justifications are Context. - The 2P
persuasively shows Context. - Clearly not very recommendations
how your 2P shows how your persuasive. The are very basic and
recommendations can 2P objective is general with little
help your company recommendations somewhat justification. A few
achieve the SMART can help your relevant to your recommendations
objective. company achieve given Marketing can help your
Recommendations are the SMART Context. - The 2P company achieve
excellent, effective, objective with recommendation its marketing
creative, specific, and good s are not very objectives.
well-illustrated with justifications. persuasive but Recommendation
visuals (if applicable). Recommendation can somehow s are not
Recommendations are s are effective, help your specifically
justified and supported specific, and company achieve developed for
by strong evidence pretty creative, part of the your Target
(e.g. successful case and have some objectives. Shows customers and
studies of similar visual illustrations an effort to Positioning. -
products/competitors). (if applicable). illustrate the Attempts to use
Recommendations are Recommendation recommendation RMIT Harvard
strongly relevant to s are relevant to s with simple style, though with
your Target customers your Target visuals (if frequent errors
and Positioning. - customers and applicable). Some and some use of
Referencing Positioning. - recommendation direct quotes.
consistently follows Referencing s are suitable for Some references
RMIT Harvard style, mostly follows your Target missing or
Assignment 3_Rubric_Sem3.21

Criteria Ratings Pts

with no errors; quotes RMIT Harvard customers and incorrect.

are style with some Positioning. -
integrated/paraphrase minor errors, RMIT Harvard
d to support the direct quotes style used, with
argument. integrated with occasional errors.
the argument. Minimal use of
direct quotes.

This criterion
is linked to a 2 to >1.59 pts 1.59 to 1.39 to >1.19 pts 1.19 to >0.99 pts
Learning >1.39 pts
OutcomeFor DI
mat (5%) - The report is - The report is well - The report is 2 pt
professionally and - The report is presented, poorly presented,s
- Have excellently very well however, some most parts of the
professional presented. presented and parts of the report report are hard to
report easy to read. are hard to read. read.

This criterion
is linked to a
lty (if 0 pts 0 pts 0 pt
applicable): Full Marks No Marks s
word limit,

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