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Review article 229

Rapporteur summaries of plenary, symposia, and oral

sessions from the XXIIIrd World Congress of Psychiatric
Genetics Meeting in Toronto, Canada, 16–20 October 2015
Gwyneth Zaia,b,e,f,h,*, Bonnie Alberryl, Janine Arlothn,p, Zsófia Bánlakis,
Cristina Barest, Erik Bootc,e,i,j,†, Caroline Camilo‡, Kartikay Chadhab,f, Qi Chen∥,
Christopher B. Coleb,f,m, Katherine T. Costa,g, Megan Crowv, Ibene Ekpor#,
Sascha B. Fischer**, Laura Flatauo, Sarah Gaglianob,u, Umut Kirli††,
Prachi Kukshal‡‡, Viviane Labried,e, Maren Langq, Tristram A. Lettr,
Elisabetta Maffioletti¶¶, Robert Maier∥∥, Marina Mihaljevic##, Kirti Mittala,b,
Eric T. Monsonw, Niamh L. O’Brien***, Søren D. Østergaard†††,‡‡‡,
Ellen Ovenden§§§, Sejal Patelb,f, Roseann E. Petersonx, Jennie G. Pougetb,e,f,
Diego L. Rovaris§,¶, Lauren Seamany,z, Bhagya Shankarappa§§,
Fotis Tsetsos∥∥∥, Andrea Vereczkeis, Chenyao Wang###, Khethelo Xulu¶¶¶,
Ryan K.C. Yuenk, Jingjing Zhao****,††††, Clement C. Zaia,b,e and
James L. Kennedya,b,e,f,*

Budapest, Hungary, tSchool of Social Work, uDepartment of Biostatistics and

The XXIIIrd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics Center for Statistical Genetics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
meeting, sponsored by the International Society of v
Stanley Institute for Cognitive Genomics, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,
Psychiatric Genetics, was held in Toronto, ON, Canada, on Woodbury, New York, wDepartment of Psychiatry, University of Iowa, Iowa City,
Iowa, xVirginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, Virginia
16–20 October 2015. Approximately 700 participants Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, yDepartment of Chemistry and
attended to discuss the latest state-of-the-art findings in Biochemistry, zDepartment of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, Semel
Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, University of California, Los
this rapidly advancing and evolving field. The following Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA, †Department of Nuclear Medicine,
report was written by trainee travel awardees. Each was Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ‡Institute and
Department of Psychiatry, University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo,
assigned one session as a rapporteur. This manuscript §
Department of Genetics, Instituto de Biociências, ¶ADHD Outpatient Clinic,
represents the highlights and topics that were covered in Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul,
Porto Alegre, Brazil, ∥Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
the plenary sessions, symposia, and oral sessions during Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, #Department of Psychiatry, University of
the conference, and contains major notable and new Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria, **Human Genomics Research
Group, Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland,
findings. Psychiatr Genet 26:229–257 Copyright © 2016 ††
Department of Psychiatry, Hakkari State Hospital, Turkey, ‡‡Department of
Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. Genetics, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi, §§Molecular Genetics
Lab, Department of Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health and
Psychiatric Genetics 2016, 26:229–257 Neurosciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, ¶¶Genetics Unit, IRCCS Centro S.
Giovanni di Dio, Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy, ∥∥Queensland Brain Institute,
Keywords: DNA, genome-wide association study, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland, Australia, ##Clinic for Psychiatry,
International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, mood disorders, Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, ***Molecular Psychiatric Laboratory,
psychiatric genetics, schizophrenia, World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, UK, †††Department of
Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, ‡‡‡Psychosis Research Unit, Aarhus
Neurogenetics Section, bCampbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, University Hospital, Risskov, Denmark, §§§Human Genetics Lab, Department of
Clinical Genetics Research Program, dKrembil Family Epigenetics Laboratory, Genetics, ¶¶¶Department of Psychiatry, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch,
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, eDepartment of Psychiatry, fInstitute of South Africa, ∥∥∥Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Democritus
Medical Science, gDepartment of Psychology, University of Toronto, hFrederick W. University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece, ###Nagoya University, Nagoya,
Thompson Anxiety Disorders Centre, Department of Psychiatry, Sunnybrook Japan, ****School of Psychology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China and
Health Sciences Centre, iThe Dalglish Family 22q Clinic, jUniversity Health School of Psychology, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Network, kThe Centre for Applied Genomics, Genetics and Genome Biology, The
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, lMolecular Genetics Unit, mBiomedical Correspondence to James L. Kennedy, MD, FRCPC, Neurogenetics Section,
Sciences Division, Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 250 College Street, Toronto, ON,
Canada, nMax Planck Institute of Psychiatry, oInstitute of Psychiatric Phenomics Canada M5T 1R8
and Genomics, University of Munich, Munich, pDepartment of Translational Tel: + 1 416 979 4987; fax: + 1 416 979 4666; e-mail:
Research in Psychiatry, Institute of Computational Biology, Helmholtz Zentrum
München, qDepartment of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of *Gwyneth Zai and James L. Kennedy are both co-senior authors of this article.
Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg,
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, sDepartment of Medical Received 29 March 2016 Accepted 4 August 2016
Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Pathobiochemistry, Semmelweis University,

0955-8829 Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1097/YPG.0000000000000148

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

230 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

Introduction been extracted from discarded blood collected during

The International Society of Psychiatric Genetics (ISPG) routine clinical testing and are linked to deidentified
was founded in 1992 with a mission to facilitate research medical records. The aim of the study was to carry out a
in the genetics of psychiatric disorders and related traits phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) in which
and to promote education in psychiatric genetics. It associations between disorders and predictors of gene
sponsors an annual meeting, which is held in alternating expression are identified. The BioVU repository consists
cities between North American and European countries. of electronic medical records for more than two million
The XXIIIrd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics individuals, 20 000 of which have been genotyped to
(WCPG) took place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, from 16 date. Results from the gene–disease association tests on
to 20 October 2015. Over 650 attendees in psychiatry, the basis of ∼ 5000 BioVU patients with heart tissue
psychology, genetics, and other related fields had the expression predictors of ∼ 500 genes were then pre-
opportunity to attend 65 scientific sessions. This meeting sented. One of the most interesting examples was a sig-
provided early investigator travel awards to 34 interna- nificant association between reduced predicted
tional and 11 local trainees to present their work at this expression of the glutamate receptor, ionotropic kainate 5
meeting. One of the goals of this conference is to expand (GRIK5) gene, and various eye-related disorders. A
our reach to and involve other developing countries. Of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
the 32 international awardees who attended the meeting, (CRISPR) zebrafish knockout model subsequently vali-
nine (28%) presented work from their developing coun- dated the role of GRIK5 in eye development. Examples
tries including Brazil, Cuba, India, Nigeria, Serbia, and of genes associated with neurological and psychiatric
South Africa. The 2015 congress was chaired by Dr James phenotypes (which Professor Cox termed the ‘quintes-
L. Kennedy and the WCPG Rapporteur Program was sential human phenotypes’) include the β-1,4-N-acetyl-
chaired and organized by both Dr Gwyneth Zai and galactosaminyl transferase 4 (B4GALNT4) gene with
Dr Kennedy. Rapporteurs for the 65 conference sessions mood disorders, the direct inhibitor-of-apoptosis-binding
were early investigator awardees, each with a task to protein with low pI (DIABLO) gene with psychosis, and
summarize individual sessions in addition to relevant the cytohesin 2 (CYTH2), synaptic vesicle glycoprotein
discussions. It has been a tradition to summarize the 2A (SV2A), chymotrypsin-like elastase family, member
conference sessions into a publication since 2007 in 2A (CELA2A), and prostate and testis expressed 2
New York. (PATE2) genes with addiction, alcohol disorders, and
‘failure to thrive’, respectively. Future plans include
The following sections are organized on the basis of the
extension of the analysis to a larger sample and additional
date of the sessions, followed by subsection of plenary
genes, with a particular focus on the following: (a) genes
sessions, symposia, and oral sessions.
related to Mendelian diseases and drug targets; (b)
experimental validation of current significant associa-
Friday 16 October 2015 tions; (c) prediction and association of upregulated (as
Keynote lecture opposed to downregulated) gene expression; and (d)
Data integration for disease gene identifications: comparisons of PrediXcan predictions and polygenic risk
genome × transcriptome × electronic medical record score (PRS) predictions.
(reported by Robert Maier)
The first question in the Q&A session was on the lack of
Professor Nancy Cox (Vanderbilt University, USA) pre-
significant associations of genes that have previously
sented trait mapping results using PrediXcan (Gamazon
been associated with psychiatric disorders. Dr Cox
et al., 2015), a gene-based association method that utilizes
explained that she presented preliminary results on the
genetic and transcriptome data to understand the mole-
basis of only 500 genes, which have been analyzed to
cular mechanisms of disease phenotypes. In the first step,
date. Dr Mark Daley (Broad Institute, USA) inquired
the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTeX) database was
about statistical significance after multiple testing with
used to train tissue-specific genetic predictors of gene
many gene–phenotype combinations. Dr Cox pointed
expression levels for those 20–40% of genes whose
out that the complex correlation structure in the elec-
transcript levels are at least moderately heritable. The
tronic medical record complicates corrections for multiple
least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO)
testing and that the use of eigenphenotypes could be
regression analysis resulted in predictors of transcript
levels that are based on ∼ 60–80 cis expression quantita-
tive trait loci (eQTLs) per gene. Half of those predictors
have a prediction R2 greater than 0.2. Using predictors Saturday 17 October 2015
that are based only on the genetically determined part of Plenary sessions
expression has the advantage of bypassing reverse cau- International initiatives in cancer genomics and big
sation of phenotype on transcript levels. These predictors data (reported by Chris Cole)
of transcript levels were then applied to the large BioVU As the efficiency and accuracy of human genome
dataset, the Vanderbilt’s biorepository of DNA, that has sequencing increases, a new field of care has emerged.

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

XXIIIrd WCPG Meeting Summary Report Zai et al. 231

Precision medicine (formerly known as personalized observed, and the breast cancer (BRCA) challenge,
medicine), tailoring therapies to the individuals on the where physicians can obtain a standardized answer to
basis of their genetics, has gone from science fiction to whether their patient’s mutation is clinically significant.
scientific reality. Cancer medicine especially has become With emerging and growing new and exciting data,
the vanguard of this rapidly advancing field, says Dr Hudson reminds us that individuals are keys to
Dr Thomas Hudson, the president and scientific director creating tools, and organizations are the best ways to
of the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Canada. gather and incorporate experiences from around the
Genetic information, only readily attainable after the globe. The recent advances in sequencing technologies,
recent 100 000-fold decrease in sequencing costs, is used cancer genomics, and targeted therapies have created the
to predict individual risk, optimize screening programs, perfect platform for personalized medicine. It is up to us
and identify disease at earlier stages. Diagnostic genetics to capture and transform this potential into clinical
can lead to a more precise diagnosis and more accurate practice.
prognostic interventions. The potential benefits of indi-
vidualized therapy are large, as can be attested by the The regulome in psychiatric therapy: integrating
successes of several early interventions such as Gleevec chromosomal architecture, genetic variation, epistasis,
and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) and evolution (reported by Eric T. Monson)
therapies, and the rate of discovery and clinical approval Dr Wolfgang Sadee (The Ohio State University, USA)
has been accelerating. Such discoveries, however, require began his talk on the point that we are nearing the post-
global collaboration of a large scale, which is not often genome-wide association study (post-GWAS) era. GWAS
achievable. Dr Hudson has been at the heart of several findings have yielded a wealth of information, but many
efforts to centralize and standardize the collection and results remain with unclear clinical significance, particu-
utilization of genomic data for healthcare. With 85 stan- larly because greater than 90% of these results reside
dardized projects deployed across the world, some of the within intergenic and intronic genomic regions (Welter
pre-existing mysteries of cancer are becoming clearer. et al., 2014). If further explored, these variants may offer
From discovering 24 unique carcinogenic patterns of critical insight into disease etiology, risk, and therapies.
mutations to identifying aristolochic acid in traditional Dr Sadee explained that the clinical significance of var-
medicine as carcinogenic, the approximately $20 million iants may depend on evolution, the three-dimensional
investment per center is starting to pay dividends. With architecture of human DNA, and/or epistatic interactions.
the tremendous amount of data being gathered, Ontario Variants may be deleterious (typically rare variants) or
Institute for Cancer Research has become the hub to deal provide fitness benefits, except when combined with
with data privacy and availability. On the clinical side, certain environmental stressors and/or epistatic effects
Dr Hudson has started a feasibility study with five sites in (typically common variants). Such risk factors may remain
Ontario. The study, testing protocols as well as outcomes, hidden in GWAS analyses (Sadee et al., 2014). Variants
examines the effect of personalized therapy on actionable may affect well-conserved but undescribed regulatory
genes in a population of patients beyond the standard of networks, leading to broad effects not readily detectable
care. Although certain genes may be involved in disease in single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) GWAS asso-
pathways, the individual variants are often novel. The ciations (Stergachis et al., 2014). Dr Sadee cautioned that,
fact that many patients may have a unique mutation because of these complexities, the focus of analysis must
encourages the sharing of crucial data between physicians be balanced to capture only the information needed to
and researchers. To this end, Dr Hudson and other describe causative variant effects and to avoid noise from
international colleagues have established the Global surrogate markers and overlapping/competing regulatory
Alliance for Genomics and Health, an international col- systems in broad examinations (Sadee et al., 2014). This
laboration to accelerate progress in human health noise may explain the recent lack of detected epistasis in
research and standardize procedures. Similar to the World GWAS assessments (Schizophrenia Working Group of
Wide Web Consortium assigning a standardized IP the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 2014). Dr Sadee
address, the Global Alliance allows researchers from then described methods that are useful for the explora-
around the world to speak the same language and quickly tion of functional regulatory variant effects. Allelic
integrate their data. With 350 members in 35 countries expression imbalance (Johnson et al., 2008) can identify
and four separate working groups, the Global Alliance has variants that perturb the transcription, splicing, and
tackled some of the most pressing issues of the genomic translation of proteins. Broadening the scope of an initi-
era. From a novel application program interface for ally narrow investigation can also help identify epistatic
interacting with genomic data to a framework for the interactions. For example, Dr Sadee’s team examined the
responsible sharing of genomic and health-related data, cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) variant rs16947 (the
the consortium has utilized expertise from clinical med- CYP2D6*2 allele), described to have no effect on
icine, genetics, and computer science. Their current expression levels, but shown to have inconsistent beha-
projects include the Beacon project, which allows phy- vior. They identified that rs16947 reduces CYP2D6
sicians to light a ‘beacon’ when a particular mutation is expression if present alone; however, if the high linkage

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

232 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

disequilibrium (LD) variant, rs5758550, which is located different ethnicities to unravel the genetic basis of both
100 kb away from CYP2D6, interacts with its promoter by complex as well as monogenic disorders in humans using
DNA looping, increased expression is observed. The net the contemporary genome-wide SNP arrays and whole-
result is normalized expression of CYP2D6, indicating the exome sequencing tools. Drawing examples from com-
need to include both variants in clinical metabolism plex traits in the genetically distinct Indian population
panels (Wang et al., 2014). Dr Wang in Dr Sadee’s that her group has been working on, she reported the
research group has also detected previously unknown following: (a) the differences in the genome architecture
regulatory networks between SNPs within/near the of the Indian populations in comparison with the White
CYP3A family of genes by the circularized chromosome and other HapMap populations; (b) consequent limited
conformation capture (4C) analysis (Wang et al., unpub- replication of White meta-analysis findings in Indian
lished data), which can identify potentially distant DNA case–control cohort studies in rheumatoid arthritis and
regions that interact with a known site through chromo- ulcerative colitis; (c) discovery of novel susceptibility loci
some conformation changes. Finally, Dr Sadee’s team from GWASs of Indian rheumatoid arthritis and ulcera-
found that the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) gene SNP tive colitis cohorts; and (d) the contribution of such a
rs2514218 is associated with schizophrenia and resides population toward the international consortium on celiac
largely in the opposite haplotype to two SNPs (rs1076560 disease for example. She further shared her team’s
and rs2283265) that were found to disrupt splicing exciting findings of novel disease causal variants in
(Zhang et al., 2007). It was further found that the DRD2 Mendelian forms of X-linked intellectual disability,
SNP rs1076560 interacts with several dopamine trans- Parkinson’s disease, and schizophrenia. She elaborated
porter gene (SLC6A3) variants and environmental stress, her work on schizophrenia using the exome sequencing
which markedly increases the risk of death associated technique. This study sample included 17 families of
with heavy cocaine abuse (Sullivan et al., 2013). These Indian origin with at least two or more members with a
findings indicated that future efforts to identify the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Novel variants including
function of disease-associated variants should thought- compound heterozygotes in a few biologically/pharma-
fully utilize tools and evolutionary understanding to cologically relevant genes have been found to segregate
unravel potentially complex regulatory systems. with disease in some of the families. Her team’s recent
Successes can offer important insights into the under- discovery of a mutation in the trace amine-associated
lying basis of disease and offer appropriate targets for receptor 1 (TAAR1) gene in a family with autosomal
clinical applications. dominant form of schizophrenia has provided a strong
genetic evidence for the role of this gene of potential
pharmacological relevance in disease etiology.
Worldwide opportunities in psychiatric genetics
research (reported by Zoe R. Jimenez) Dr Homero Vallada (University of São Paulo Medical
Dr Lin He (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) School, Brazil) spoke about the Brazilian population
reported the current developments in China, the value of admixture, which is generally more diverse than the
special populations, and opportunities for international White population. The observed diversity in the
collaborations. He showed the significant progress made Brazilians is in part because of the large geographical
in the identification of candidate genes for schizophrenia landscape and the migration of several different ancestral
and other mental disorders by analyzing the genetic origins in Brazil throughout history. The population dis-
structure, GWAS, and copy number variant (CNV) in the tribution within the large country gives rise to isolated or
Han Chinese population, as well as results of his team’s semi-isolated groups, which offer good platforms for
investigations in a Chinese schizophrenia sample using genetic investigation in general and psychiatric genetic
various genetic approaches including GWAS, epigen- research. Differences in genetic profile and exposure to
etics, pharmacogenetics study, and knockout mouse specific environments may result in different phenotypes
model study. Dr Jingjing Zhao (Shaanxi Normal including potential psychopathologies. Dr Vallada pre-
University, China, and National University of Ireland, sented his work on the molecular genetics investigations
Ireland) commented that Dr He’s work represented a of crack cocaine addiction and a significant association
good example for worldwide opportunities in psychiatric was detected for genetic variations in the butyryl-
genetic research and to foster international collaborations. cholinesterase (BChE) gene and the risk of crack cocaine
Dr Zhao also agreed with Dr He’s opinion that the ISPG addiction. He also reported that crack cocaine appeared
board of directors should include representatives from to be more addictive than the powder form of cocaine.
China and other developing countries and that one of the
Dr Chunyu Liu (University of Chicago, USA) discussed
future WCPG annual meetings should be held in China
the ISPG Global Diversity Task Force with the goals to
to promote worldwide opportunities in psychiatric
increase global efforts in psychiatric genetics research and
to reduce barriers for global research and education.
Dr Thelma B.K. (University of Delhi South Campus, Therefore, a workshop in South Africa (2015) and two
India) highlighted the utility of studying populations of annual meetings in China, the first and second ‘Summit

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XXIIIrd WCPG Meeting Summary Report Zai et al. 233

on Chinese Psychiatric Genetics’ (2014 and 2015), were importance of providing further education to clinicians
organized to address these aims. During the Chinese and patients, and the need for additional research.
summits, investigators were provided the opportunity to
Dr Jehannine Austin (University of British Columbia,
present their latest research and discuss the current state
Canada) led a case discussion on practical and psycho-
and future directions of psychiatric genetics. In line with
social issues that can emerge from genetic testing for
the Task Force’s mission, the participation of early career
psychiatric disorders. Subjects of discussion included
investigators was strongly encouraged. This informal
appreciation of the importance of exploring and
research organization is growing steadily, with more than
explaining in lay language the etiology of mental illness
30 participants representing researchers from various
to patients and their family members, in addition to
countries. It will be spearheading initiatives to promote
reviewing how to address psychosocial issues associated
collaborations and data sharing in China. This project will
with genetic counseling and genetic testing for mental
serve as a blueprint for similar activities to be held in
illness. Dr Austin presented a simplified version of the
Eastern Europe, Latin America, India, and Africa in the
addictive model of risk of developing a psychiatric dis-
order using the ‘mental illness jar’ analogy. Psychiatric
disorders are likely caused by a combination of genetic
and environmental factors [i.e. if the jar becomes full with
Challenges in genetic testing and counseling (reported
factors depicted as shapes in the jar (crosses the threshold
by Erik Boot)
of normal behavior), the individual experiences an epi-
In this plenary panel session, Dr Francis McMahon
sode of mental illness]. Finally, she emphasized that
[Johns Hopkins University, USA, and National Institute
genetic tests will not be able to 100% predict whether an
of Mental Health (NIMH), USA] started by presenting a
individual will or will not develop a mental illness;
general overview on ‘genetic testing and precision med-
however, these tests may provide important contributions
icine in psychiatry’. He first discussed the potential uses
toward clinical practice in psychiatry.
of genetic testing, including the formulation of differ-
ential diagnosis, the prediction of treatment outcomes in
Oral sessions
terms of response and adverse events, and the identifi-
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/child behavior
cation of high-risk individuals. He continued speaking on
(reported by Qi Chen)
several key questions related to genetic testing in clinical
Dr Andrea Johansson Capusan (Linkoping University,
psychiatric practice. The first question that he raised was
Sweden) described findings from a population-based
whether a certain genetic marker can be genotyped
twin study of 18 000 adult twins. The study aimed to
reliably. Another question was how valid the association
investigate the extent to which the association between
is between the genetic marker and psychiatric disease.
childhood maltreatment and symptoms of attention def-
Finally, he raised the question of whether the test result
icit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults can be
has any clinical utility. Dr McMahon noted that genetic
explained by familial confounding (i.e. familial factors
testing has already been utilized in psychiatry in terms of
that are shared by siblings within the same family, but
commercial panels marketed to psychiatrists and psy-
different between families) and whether or not it is
chologists and direct-to-customer tests for patients, their
consistent with a causal interpretation. The results
relatives, and other individuals. He provided several
showed that childhood maltreatment was associated sig-
examples of promising genetic and pharmacogenetic
nificantly with higher self-rated DSM-IV ADHD symp-
testing in addition to the tests currently in use. He noted
tom scores in adults. Within-twin pair analysis showed
that the best-studied predictive factors to date are not
decreasing but significant estimates for dizygotic (DZ)
from genetics, but are based on diagnosis, clinical fea-
twins and monozygotic (MZ) twins, indicating that the
tures, family history, treatment adherence, comorbidity,
association is in part explained by familial confounding,
and other biomarkers. Dr McMahon raised the issue of
but is likely to be causal.
incidental and secondary findings that can arise from any
GWASs. He stated that there is currently no consensus Dr Qi Chen (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden) shared
protocol in place to deal with this concern of identifying, findings from a population-based family study on the
reporting, and counseling on the basis of unanticipated familial aggregation of ADHD in over eight million
findings. He mentioned that the American College of relative pairs consisting of twins, full siblings, maternal
Medical Genetics published recommendations for and paternal half siblings, full cousins, and half cousins.
reporting incidental findings in clinical whole-exome Significant associations measured by hazard ratios were
sequencing findings that should be reported back to observed in all subgroups of relative pairs. The magni-
the patients; however, guidelines are not yet in place to tude of hazard ratios was reduced with decreasing genetic
interpret these. Dr McMahon discussed that individuals relatedness. The study found no obvious etiological dif-
considering genetic testing should receive genetic ference in ADHD between men and women. If family
counseling before testing to discuss the impact of members were affected by ADHD persistent into
anticipated and incidental results. Finally, he stressed the adulthood, the familial aggregation appeared to be even

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234 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

stronger, indicating that such families could be con- Bipolar and mood disorders (reported by Sascha
sidered a high-risk group and may require diagnostic Fischer)
screening. Dr Melvin McInnis (University of Michigan, USA) pre-
sented results from a gene expression study in induced
Dr Ditte Demontis (Aarhus University, Denmark) pre- pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) reprogrammed to neurons
sented findings from a meta-analysis of GWASs of and glial cells from individuals affected with bipolar
ADHD on the basis of the largest ADHD data freeze to disorder (BD) and controls. They found a total of 82
date, consisting of 18 000 ADHD cases and 34 000 con- differentially expressed microRNAs (miRNAs).
trols. The study showed 10 genome-wide significantly Differences in neuronal lineage allocation were also
associated loci with ADHD and served as an important observed: whereas BD neurons prefer ventral medial
step leading toward future research in dissecting the ganglionic eminence derivatives, control neurons prefer
genetic architecture of ADHD. dorsal cortical precursors. In addition to these results,
differences in calcium signaling were detected in BD
Dr Beate St Pourcain (University of Bristol, UK) pre- neurons. BD neurons were more active than control
sented a study in which social-communication difficulties neurons, but showed reduced calcium signaling with
were found to be genetically correlated with ADHD traits lithium pretreatment.
and clinical ADHD. The genetic correlations (rG) varied Dr Niamh O’Brien (University College London, UK)
with age, with stronger correlation being observed before reported study results from a high-resolution melting
age 10 and after age 12 for ADHD traits. The findings analysis of four calcium channel genes in 1098 patients
supported that there are shared genetic influences affected with BD. Two nonsynonymous CACNG4 var-
between social-communication difficulties and ADHD iants were associated with mental illness [rs371128228,
traits in the general population, as well as clinically P = 1.05 × 10 − 4, odds ratio (OR) = 4.39, and 17:65026851
diagnosed ADHD, which may depend on developmental (C/T), P = 0.0005, OR = 9.52]. The rs371128228 marker
stage. was associated with reduced glutamate receptor AMPA 1
level at the cell surface. On the basis of a replicated
Dr Evie Stergiakouli (University of Bristol, UK) pre- GWAS finding in the calcium channel, voltage-
sented a study investigating the association between dependent, L type, α1C subunit (CACNA1C) gene, data
ADHD and smoking status and alcohol consumption from 99 whole-genome sequenced BD individuals were
during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Polygenetic risk analyzed. Two variants associated with BD (P = 0.015,
score analysis was used to disentangle the genetic effects OR = 1.15) were detected in the third intron of
from prenatal environmental risks. A higher polygenic CACNA1C. These variants were associated with sig-
score of ADHD was associated with higher odds of nificantly decreased gene expression.
smoking, but not for alcohol before pregnancy and in Ms Niamh Mullins (King’s College London, UK) repor-
nonbreastfeeding mothers. The findings confirmed that ted on her GWAS and PRS results of suicide attempts in
shared genetic effects may play a role in the association mood disorders, mainly BD and major depressive dis-
between ADHD and smoking during pregnancy and order (MDD) from Psychiatric Genomic Consortium
breastfeeding. (PGC) data. They analyzed 1075 suicide attempters and
7081 nonattempters with MDD, 1852 suicide attempters
Dr Christie Burton (University of Toronto, Canada) and 3285 nonattempters with BD, as well as 18 771
presented a hypothesis-driven GWAS (GWAS-HD) of a controls in two ways: within-cases analysis (attempters
quantitative obsessive–compulsive (OC) trait in youth vs. nonattempters) and attempters versus controls, sepa-
from the community. Two SNPs in an intron of the rately for each cohort and between cohorts. In suicide
protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type D (PTPRD) attempters with MDD versus controls, one genome-wide
gene reached genome-wide significance for the OC traits. significant finding was identified on chromosome 14
SNPs in neuronal PAS domain protein 2 (NPAS2) and the (rs8013144, P = 8.60 × 10 − 11, OR = 2.2).
central nervous system developmental gene set and the
Dr Andreas J. Forstner (University of Bonn, Germany)
central nervous system development gene set as a whole
reported on his findings of shared risk loci and pathways
were also associated with OC traits, supporting the
between schizophrenia and BD. Association testing was
hypothesis that genetic variants with functional implica- performed for the 128 schizophrenia-associated SNPs
tion in brain development may be involved in (Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric
obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). This session Genomics Consortium, 2014) in a large GWAS dataset of
emphasized the power of using the GWAS-HD approach BD comprising 9747 patients and 14 278 controls
and the importance of using quantitative trait in the (Mühleisen et al., 2014). After reimputation and correc-
general population to boost statistical power for future tion for control overlap, 22 schizophrenia-SNPs showed
psychiatric genetic research. nominally significant P-values in the BD GWAS. The

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

XXIIIrd WCPG Meeting Summary Report Zai et al. 235

strongest associated SNP was located near the tetra- and miR-137 are regulators of common variant schizo-
tricopeptide repeat and ankyrin repeat containing 1 phrenia risk genes and are themselves also risk genes.
(TRANK1) gene (P = 8.8 × 10 − 8). Pathway analysis using
Ms Jeannie Pouget (Centre for Addiction and Mental
INRICH and ingenuity pathway analysis showed 25
Health, Canada) presented the first comprehensive eva-
nominally significant canonical pathways including cal-
luation of genetic overlap between schizophrenia and 18
cium and glutamate signaling.
autoimmune diseases according to their epidemiological
Dr Fernando Goes (Johns Hopkins University, USA) associations (Benros et al., 2014). She systematically
presented findings of a whole-exome sequencing study analyzed genome-wide significant autoimmune SNPs
on a BD family sample. Four to five affected individuals with the PGC genotype data. Results showed no evi-
from each of eight multiplex families were exome dence of genetic overlap between schizophrenia and any
sequenced and analyzed for rare variants [minor allele of the 18 autoimmune diseases and no support for
frequency (MAF) < 1%]. Eighty-four rare damaging, autoimmune-driven subsets of schizophrenia. Further
segregating variants in 82 genes were detected and research will include SNPs with more liberal thresholds
association testing was performed in independent sam- for association with autoimmune diseases.
ples with a total of 3541 BD cases and 4774 controls. No
Dr Peter Holmans (Cardiff University, UK) investigated
significant association for genes or variants remained after
extensive pathway analysis of the largest PGC-
correction for multiple testing. The detected risk genes
schizophrenia dataset. He combined results from seven
in BD families showed an overlap with recently identi-
pathway analysis methods that had been applied to 9016
fied genes for autism and schizophrenia.
pathways from large generic pathway sets and 183 candi-
Ms Monika Budde (Medical Center of the University of date pathways in terms of particular biological hypotheses.
Munich, Germany) presented a study on the genetic This multiple analysis confirmed significant enrichment of
basis of functional outcome in BD. A total of 2957 LD- pathways related to dopaminergic synapse, postsynaptic
based regions were tested for their association with the density, seizures, calcium channels, and Fragile X Protein
Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) score, a mea- (FMRP) targets, with considerable genes overlapping
sure of social, occupational, and psychological function- among the aforementioned pathways, and suggested fur-
ing. In a joint analysis of LD blocks with putative ther study of their biological mechanisms.
functional pertinence across 511 German and 1081 US
Dr Daniel Howrigan (Massachusetts General Hospital,
BD patients, one LD block on chromosome 15 was
USA) presented novel methods for the analysis of rare
associated significantly with GAF (kernel score test:
CNVs in schizophrenia, applied to a cohort from the PGC
P = 1.29 × 10 − 5 metric GAF; P = 5.64 × 10 − 6 GAF-
study of schizophrenia. CNV association testing was
controlled for genotyping platforms, ancestry, and CNV
calling metrics. Results confirmed increased CNV bur-
Schizophrenia: pathways, RNA, and copy number den in schizophrenia. Deletions were significantly enri-
variants (reported by Marina Mihaljevic) ched among gene sets related to synaptic function and
Mr Aswin Sekar (Harvard Medical School, USA) reported activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein com-
on complex structural variation in the major histo- plex. Duplications showed enrichment in the N-methyl-
compatibility complex (MHC) locus as underlying the D-aspartate receptor complex. He presented evidence for
association of schizophrenia with the MHC region Xq28 to emerge as a schizophrenia CNV ‘hotspot’.
(Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric
Dr Jacob Vorstman (Rudolf Magnus Institute, The
Genomics Consortium, 2014). Using novel methods, he
Netherlands) discussed new data on the cumulative
characterized various structural forms of the complement
burden of genetic double hits in schizophrenia.
component 4 (C4) gene and showed that these structural
He combined concurrent CNV and SNP data in a
forms affect the expression of C4 in human brain tissue
large Dutch cohort recruited from the Genetic Risk
and are associated with the risk of schizophrenia in pro-
and Outcome in Psychosis (GROUP) Consortium.
portion to their effect on C4 expression. He also pre-
Preliminary results showed increased burden of deleter-
sented data suggesting a role for C4 in synaptic pruning in
ious impact inferred by double hits in deleted sequence
mice and concluded that these findings could potentially
in schizophrenia and the difference between cases and
help explain the pathological finding of synapse loss in
controls driven by a higher number of and a higher
schizophrenia brains.
degree of deleteriousness of the disease-associated SNPs
Mr Mads Engel Hauberg (Aarhus University, Denmark) (functional SNPs in genes affected by CNVs). These
further explored the potential role of miRNAs in the disease-associated SNPs effects were not detected in
etiology of schizophrenia. He presented a statistical ‘gene duplicated sequence. He concluded that deletions co-
set association’ approach to find miRNAs that are reg- occurring with a functional SNP on the remaining allele
ulators of schizophrenia genes and functional genetic could be an additional mechanism involved in the etiol-
variants relating to miRNA. He highlighted that miR-9-5p ogy of schizophrenia.

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

236 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

Symposia sessions The discussion, which was led by Dr Vincenzo de Luca

Genetic aspects of behavioral addictions: new insights (University of Toronto, Canada), focused on the validity
from human and preclinical methods (reported by of what is measured in the animal models and how the
Cristina Bares and Fotis Tsetsos) measurements in rats map to human behavior. Other
Dr Daniela Lobo (Centre for Addiction and Mental topics of discussion included the following: the variability
Health, Canada) spoke about pathological gambling and of the animals in terms of age and strain and the validity
described a study in which addiction-related genes were of the time-out negative reinforcer. It was mentioned that
selected from previous studies and their own research in the negative reinforcer used in the rGT and negative
the Knowledgebase for Addiction Related Genes reinforcers used by other groups cannot fully capitulate
(KARG) database. In their study in humans, Dr Lobo the losses experienced by problem gamblers. However,
observed an association between pathological gambling the use of time-out periods detracted from the main
and the rs167771 SNP in the dopamine D3 receptor reward in the rGT. Therefore, the negative reinforce-
(DRD3) gene after correction for age. When they ment is somewhat similar to what human gamblers
corrected for sex, they found an association with the experience. It was acknowledged that the way by which
calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 2δ loss is modeled is a limitation of the paradigm.
(CAMK2D) rs3815072 marker (Lobo et al., 2014). The
DRD3 functional marker Ser9Gly has been associated Polygenic score methodology in psychiatric genetics
previously with addiction (Kreek et al., 2005), but (reported by Janine Arloth and Lauren Seaman)
Dr Lobo did not find an association in her study (Mulert Dr Frank Dudbridge (London School of Hygiene and
et al., 2006). Tropical Medicine, UK) presented an enlightening
overview of the theory and applications of PRSs. He
Dr Fiona Zeeb (Center for Addiction and Mental Health, described the technique as a vital component to examine
Canada) focused on the environmental factor of gambling the missing heritability of a multitude of complex psy-
disorder. As dopamine sensitization is present in patho- chiatric disorders as risk prediction for these phenotypes
logical gamblers, Dr Zeeb examined whether repeated is typically challenging. He provided information on
exposure to gambling opportunities caused dopamine previously reported study design parameters to help
sensitization and possibly contribute toward problem researchers who are interested in using this informative
gambling. Using the rat gambling task (rGT), developed analysis (Dudbridge, 2013). In brief, he ended with a
by Zeeb and colleagues, she found that rats exposed to discussion of novel software, AVENGEME, which can
repeated sessions of uncertainty (akin to chronic gam- investigate ‘chip heritability’ (i.e. the heritability
bling scenarios in human patients) showed dopamine explained by SNPs on a specific genotyping array), rG,
sensitization. This uncertainty exposure also increased and the effect size of SNPs to the risk of developing the
risky decision-making on the rGT. Furthermore, examined trait or disorder. Overall, the field aims to move
increased risky decision-making also enhanced from gene discovery to optimizing phenotypic prediction
sensitization. as well as to address the entire genetic risk of these
Dr Jose Nobrega (Centre for Addiction and Mental enigmatic diseases.
Health, Canada) used the rGT to examine possible brain Mr Jack Euesden (King’s College London, UK) intro-
changes by in-situ hybridization (ISH) in the genes duced a single command line tool to measure PRSs called
identified by Dr Lobo. The ratio of high-risk versus low- ‘PRSice’ (Euesden et al., 2015). It provides the best-fit
risk choices was analyzed for correlations with the ISH. A PRS for all calculated and tested PRSs of different SNP
significant correlation was observed between the levels of sets at different P-value thresholds. He discussed the
DRD3 in the islands of Calleja and high-risk options. He importance of controlling for variants in LD when per-
also investigated the link between impulsivity and deep forming PRSs. PRSice handles this problem by using the
brain stimulation (DBS) in rats, with inconclusive results. PLINK software command ‘clump’ (Chang et al., 2015).
Finally, using the rGT in a depression model, he repor- Furthermore, he discussed the issue of causal variants,
ted that escapable stress might have beneficial effects on which are more likely to reside in functional regions. He
impulsivity, but inescapable stress may worsen the compared the performance of PRSice with penalized
condition. regression models (LASSO and elastic-net models) and
found that PRSice outperforms these latter models.
Mr Michael Barrus (University of British Columbia,
Finally, he showed a new PRS method, called ‘PRSlice’,
Canada) talked about the gambling models that they
to identify biomarkers/PRSs for a phenotype without
have developed, the cued version of the rGT, the rodent
having GWAS data for this phenotype available.
slot machine task, the rodent betting task, and the loss
chasing, and their applicability in their research. He Mr Robert Maier (University of Queensland, Australia)
reports that the use of all models provides insight into presented his work on multivariate PRSs, which is based
different biological aspects of gambling, such as the on genotype summary statistics. Standard PRS methods
dopamine D4 receptor in the anterior cingulate cortex. do not account for LD structure and thereby losing

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XXIIIrd WCPG Meeting Summary Report Zai et al. 237

information by simply excluding SNPs on the basis of a information on environmental risk factors for both cases
certain LD measure and P-value threshold. He showed and control participants. This allowed for the modeling of
two methods to measure PRS without excluding any genome-wide gene–environment interactions.
SNP and without having the full genotype data available.
Researchers from the CONVERGE study presented
At first, he showed how to use approximate best linear
results across a variety of completed or in-progress ana-
unbiased prediction (BLUP) to estimate effects from
GWAS. Such SNP-BLUP models intrinsically account for lyses. Dr Tim Bernard Bigdeli (Virginia Commonwealth
LD between SNPs. The second method that he showed University, USA) started by reporting on the progress
was the multitrait BLUP that evaluates risk across mul- made in understanding the genetic architecture of MDD
tiple disorders by combining single-trait BLUP into of Chinese Han women. The project has identified two
multitrait BLUP of random effects. Finally, he showed genome-wide significant variants contributing toward the
an application of both methods using the PGC data for risk of MDD development (CONVERGE Consortium,
schizophrenia and BD (Maier et al., 2015). He identified a 2015). These two loci are located on chromosome 10: one
small decrease in prediction accuracy when using sum- in the 5′ region of the sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) gene
mary statistics (single-trait BLUP) in comparison with (P = 2.53 × 10 − 10) and another in an intron of the phos-
using samples with full genotype data. Furthermore, by pholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate
combining SNP effects from different traits (multitrait phosphatase (LHPP) gene (P = 6.45 × 10 − 12). When the
BLUP for two traits: schizophrenia and BD), the pre- analysis of 4509 cases was restricted to a severe subtype
diction accuracy was further improved. of MDD, melancholia, there was an increase in the effect
size and significance of the signal at the SIRT1 locus. The
Ms Hilary Finucane (Massachusetts Institute of CONVERGE project attributed their success to the
Technology, USA) discussed how to use GWAS sum- recruitment of a homogeneous cohort with severe illness.
mary statistics to partition heritability by functional Results were replicated in a sample of Chinese Han men
categories. This approach can shed new light on statis- and women, but were not replicated in the PGC MDD
tical models for quantitative phenotypes or endopheno- samples of European descent, which is perhaps because
types, especially in large psychiatry samples, as some of of differences in allele and haplotype frequencies.
these categories can disproportionately contribute toward
the observed heritability. She spoke about the concern Dr Roseann E. Peterson (Virginia Commonwealth
that, although there is much information to be extracted University, USA) talked about gene–environmental inter-
from large meta-analyses, variance components methods actions in the CONVERGE project. Significant main
are intractable with the increased sizes as well as effects of childhood sexual abuse and stressful life events
requiring complete genotypic data. Her group’s proposed on MDD were found and accounted for upwards of
method is to utilize summary statistics [i.e. LD and 11% of the variance in MDD, as well as interesting
stratified LD score regressions (LDSCs)] to calculate gene–environmental interactions between variants in the
partitioned heritability (Finucane et al., 2015). SIRT1 gene and childhood sexual abuse (P = 0.008), and
variants in the LHPP gene and stressful life event
(P = 0.0002). Dr Peterson also showed that environmental
Insights into the genetic architecture and molecular risk factors can alter GWAS results: when individuals of
markers of major depression from the CONVERGE high environmental exposure were excluded from genetic
project (reported by Diego L. Rovaris and Khethelo analyses, additional genetic variants were implicated in
Xulu) MDD risk including variants in the mitochondrial iron
Dr Kenneth S. Kendler (Virginia Commonwealth transporter (SLC25A37), lysophosphatidylglycerol acyl-
University, USA) opened the symposium by introducing transferase 1 (LPGAT1), and the putative uncharacterized
the CONVERGE (China Oxford and VCU Experimental protein Clorfl95/inositol trisphosphate 3-kinase B (Clorfl95/
Research on Genetic Epidemiology) project. Dr Kendler ITPKB) genes.
explained the main purpose of the CONVERGE study,
emphasizing a large sample size (N = 12 000). The Ms Na Cai (Oxford University, UK) presented results
CONVERGE project aims to identify molecular markers showing molecular changes and potential molecular
conferring susceptibility to the development of MDD. markers of MDD from the CONVERGE study (Cai et al.,
To reduce genetic heterogeneity, it was designed to 2015). Here, they followed up on the findings from the
include only Chinese Han women and exclude cases human studies by using animal models to investigate any
with depression related to substance abuse. To date, it is changes in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and telomere
the largest single study consisting of one single consistent length using stressed mice versus controls. Stressed mice
phenotype. The CONVERGE project consists of 59 have been found to have more mtDNA in comparison
participating hospitals from 45 cities of 21 provinces in with controls. Furthermore, telomere length in stressed
China. To reduce the likelihood of misclassification of mice was shortened compared with the controls, corro-
controls, all control participants were personally inter- borating the results found in humans. In addition, to test
viewed. In addition, the CONVERGE project has whether the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis plays a

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

238 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

role, mice were injected with corticosterone. Mice that Until the latter 20th century, psychiatry was not scienti-
were injected with corticosterone were found to have fically driven and had largely been unable to accurately
decreased telomere length in comparison with the con- explain the bases of mental disorders, and had produced
trols. The series of findings suggested that the molecular minimal effective treatments to alleviate the symptoms
changes might be a consequence of MDD. and ease the suffering of patients. Although psychiatric
Dr Bradley Todd Webb (Virginia Commonwealth illnesses have been documented for centuries, it was not
University, USA) spoke about associations between oral until relatively recently that more accurate diagnoses and
microbiome and MDD in the CONVERGE study. He effective treatments became available.
showed that the oral microbiome is robustly associated
with MDD and these differences between cases and Dr Lieberman described several notable milestones in
controls can be shown quantitatively and qualitatively. the history of psychiatry. In 1844, psychiatrists formed
Moreover, this association may be partly influenced by the first medical specialty professional association called
the use of medication. Dr Bradley pointed out that these the Association of Medical Superintendents of American
results come from an exploratory study, which does not Institutions for the Insane, which was a precursor to the
enable a clear distinction between correlation and American Psychiatric Association. At the time, the pre-
causation. vailing scientific approach to understanding human dis-
ease was to examine anatomical pathology, and this was
Finally, Dr Douglas F. Levinson (Stanford University,
USA) briefly discussed the findings obtained in the more difficult and less fruitful in psychiatry. Therefore,
CONVERGE study. He recognized the effort to collect a mental illness was often ascribed to metaphysical causes,
large and homogeneous sample and also spoke on the which often resulted in ineffective, silly, inhumane, and
SNP-heritability results found in the CONVERGE often harmful ‘cures’.
GWAS, which was one of the greatest successes in MDD
genetic research to date. Philippe Pinel (1745–1826) was heralded for releasing
asylum patients from their chains and creating humane
Sunday 18 October 2015 environments where ‘moral therapy’ was practiced, but
Plenary sessions still, from the late 18th century to the mid-20th century,
The notorious past and bright future of psychiatry over millions of patients were held in institutions under
(reported by Katherine T. Cost) deplorable conditions. During this time, the theories of
Dr Jeffrey Lieberman (New York State Psychiatric Francis Galton on eugenics, Sigmund Freud on psycho-
Institute and Columbia University, USA) presented a analysis, and Walter Freeman on lobotomies flourished.
plenary session on the mystery of mental illness and In the 1970s, the American Psychiatric Association com-
psychiatry’s notorious efforts to solve it. Dr Lieberman’s missioned Robert Spitzer to revamp the nosology of
comments were largely based on his recently published psychiatry in an attempt to make diagnoses more
book ‘SHRINKS: the untold story of psychiatry’ (Lieberman, empirically based and less arbitrary. Spitzer worked with
2015) ( many groups and professionals to develop a consensus on
He began by noting that psychiatry was the only specialty the conditions listed in the DSM-III, famously declassi-
in all of medicine to have a specific movement opposed fying homosexuality as a mental illness and, in colla-
to it. The ‘antipsychiatry’ initiative was started about boration with Dr Nancy Andreason, to formally classify
50 years ago, by Thomas Szasz, a psychiatrist at State post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At this same time,
University of New York in collaboration with L. Ron effective psychopharmacology (including antipsychotic,
Hubbard, a science fiction author and founder of the antidepressant, mood-stabilizing, and anxiolytic drugs)
Church of Scientology. Dr Szasz’s motivation stemmed and psychosocial treatments (such as Dr Aaron Beck’s
from a desire to be an academic provocateur, whereas Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and Gerald Klerman
Mr Hubbard’s desire to discredit psychiatry derived from and Myrna Weissman’s Interpersonal Therapy) were
an economic and competitive market share interests to developed and experimentally verified to reduce
convince potential converts of the value of his dianetics suffering.
philosophy and the scientology approach over psychiatric
medicine. Psychiatry has finally become a scientifically based and
The antipsychiatry movement gained steam in the cul- clinically competent medical specialty that is able to
tural turmoil of the 1960s and evolved into an aggressive, benefit from progress through research. Consequently,
pernicious, and persistent effort to deny the existence of the previous ‘stepchild of medicine’ is now able to meet
mental illness and the ability of psychiatry to understand the challenges of mental illness and mental healthcare
and treat it. According to Dr Lieberman, this disaffection including reducing stigma, dysfunctional and inequitable
with psychiatry was not entirely unfounded, and con- healthcare policy and financing, inadequate infra-
tributed to by the historical missteps of the profession. structure, services, and workforce needs.

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XXIIIrd WCPG Meeting Summary Report Zai et al. 239

Epigenetics of psychiatric disease: progress, problems, As time passes, DNA modifications accumulate at schizo-
and perspectives (reported by Bonnie Alberry) phrenia risk SNPs, leading to symptom peaks. In the dis-
Dr Art Petronis (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, cussion, Dr Petronis addressed histone modifications as
Canada) discussed epigenetics in psychiatric disease. He also playing an important, epigenetic role. However, he
introduced epigenetics as instructions – how DNA suggested that although relevant, less is known about dis-
should be read. He highlighted that a perfect genome ease context, and DNA modifications are more stable to
could be ruined with erroneous epigenetics. Dr Petronis investigate than histone modifications. Dr Petronis added
outlined epigenetic relevance to disease using three that although DNA methylation changes with age, there
postulates. First, epigenetic factors contribute toward are also fluctuations that may contribute toward the epi-
phenotype, evidenced by the agouti mouse phenotype sodic nature of psychiatric illnesses.
(Morgan et al., 1999). Second, there is partial stability,
whereby marks are modified by developmental programs Identifying illness and treatment biological markers
through environmental or stochastic events. Partial sta- through transcranial magnetic stimulation (reported by
bility is exemplified through the ten–eleven translocation Viviane Labrie)
(TET) enzymes, which actively demethylate cytosines. Dr Zafiris Jeffrey Daskalakis (Centre for Addiction and
Third, epigenetics are a secondary mechanism of herit- Mental Health, Canada) presented a plenary lecture on
ability. Epigenetics were initially considered only heri- the benefits of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
table in somatic cells. Because of two large epigenetic in treating major depression and as a method to probe
reprogramming events – in primordial germ cells and in neurophysiological function in psychiatric disorders. He
zygotes – transgenerational inheritance was considered to first presented data showing that GABA neurotransmis-
be impossible. Many exceptions have since been found, sion deficits in psychiatric disorders can be detected
including the agouti mouse model (Morgan et al., 1999). using a TMS-based motor inhibition paradigm.
As the zygotic reprogramming event is less harsh, epi- Inhibitory neurotransmission mediated by the GABA
genetic recombination occurs at fertilization, underlying system can be activated by TMS, resulting in a cortical
the uniqueness of zygotes. silent period – a suppression of motor response. Several
psychiatric disorders have deficits in the cortical silent
Dr Petronis explained epigenetics as being responsible period, although patterns of deficits differ between dis-
for disease etiology (Petronis, 2010). MZ twins have ease types (Radhu et al., 2013). The atypical anti-
DNA modification differences because of environmental psychotic clozapine was found to reverse the impaired
or stochastic factors. Meanwhile, DZ twins have greater cortical silent period in schizophrenia, suggesting that
differences (Kaminsky et al., 2009). Dr Petronis sug- clozapine may mediate symptomatic relief through the
gested that epigenetic differences in DZ twins are GABA pathway. Dr Daskalakis also reported that TMS
because of zygote epigenetic diversity. The question of can be used to assess GABA-mediated cortical inhibition
how to identify DNA-independent zygotic epigenetic in the prefrontal cortex, a brain area of considerable
heritability was then explored. Dr Petronis and his team importance to psychiatric illness. Interestingly, prefrontal
used a model with inbred mice to generate artificial MZ cortical inhibition was shown to have some degree of
twins, gestating genetically identical offspring and a MZ heritability, where deficits in cortical inhibition were
twin pair (Gartner and Baunack, 1981). In mice, Gartner significantly higher among healthy relatives of patients
and Baunack (1981) found that MZ twins had greater with schizophrenia than in unrelated controls. This pro-
similarity than polyzygotic littermates, and intangible vided evidence that cortical inhibition could be a useful
variation was not explained by genetics or environment. biomarker to help identify psychiatric diseases such as
Dr Petronis suggested DNA modifications as a candidate schizophrenia. Dr Daskalakis completed his talk by
to explain heritability through zygotic epigenomes. showing the applicability of TMS for medication-
Dr Petronis introduced work investigating SNPs showing resistant depression. Induction of therapeutic seizures
allele-specific DNA modification (ASM-SNPs). Brain by magnetic stimulation was found to be a useful alter-
ASM-SNPs were significantly enriched in schizophrenic native to electroconvulsive therapy for depression as the
patients in GWAS. The distribution of ASP-SNPs was seizures could be better localized to the affected
skewed toward the most significant GWAS SNP neural tissues, which minimized side effects while sig-
P-values. ASM-SNPs were most common in functional nificantly improving symptoms in treatment-resistant
sites, stressing the importance of DNA modifications in depression.
regulatory regions.
Symposia sessions
Finally, Dr Petronis used epigenetic studies of lactose Sequencing, direct-to-consumer testing, biobanking:
intolerance to model the development of schizophrenia, the explosion of ethical challenges in psychiatric
emphasizing temporal dimension. Dr Petronis suggested genetics (reported by Laura Flatau and Prachi Kukshal)
that psychiatric disease behaves like multiple, age- Dr Jehannine Austin (University of British Columbia,
dependent, ‘lactose-intolerance’-like epigenetic situations. Canada) gave a talk on how to apply genetic counseling

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

240 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

to problems that arise in adolescent psychiatry. The Mr Fuji Nagami (Tohoku University, Japan) presented
major concerns in this area include counseling families data from the Tohoku Medical Megabank project
with an affected child or parent and the impact of psy- (ToMMo). It is an ongoing project to reconstruct and
chiatric disorders on the child or adolescent, family establish the public health systems in a community of
dynamics, and social stigma. Dr Austin reported that the 150 000 participants who have been affected by the 2011
process of counseling with family members is more Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The aim of
important than disclosing the exact risk of developing an the project was to use research findings of common dis-
illness. She recalled times during her genetic counseling eases (i.e. cancers, cardiovascular diseases, strokes, dia-
practice when it was crucial for her to handle the prob- betes, and mental diseases) with gene–environment
lems mentioned above empathetically. She presented interaction for the constructive regeneration of such dis-
several case examples and illustrated the need for astrous events. By addressing the various ethical issues
thoughtful and tailored counseling to help patients to related to psychiatric problems arising from such stressful
deal with their family dynamics and to discuss a well- situations, the project aimed to construct an integrated
rounded approach in explaining the genetics and envir- biobank. This biobank contains biospecimens, ques-
onmental risk of psychiatric illnesses. tionnaire data, and physiological survey data from cohort
studies and analytical datasets, including genomic and
Ms Rosa Spencer Tansley (Bournemouth University, other omics data from a subset of the total sample. The
UK) presented a study on the quantitative and qualita- examination of various aspects of psychological well-
tive methods focusing on the responses of patients and being including the occurrence of mental health pro-
their families to psychiatric genetic counseling. She blems (i.e. post-traumatic stress reaction, anxious state,
reported that the perception and expectations toward and depressive state) showed a negative impact of natural
genetic counseling influence the patient’s engagement disasters on mental health. Individuals who were affected
with the service and patient outcome. The data (57 by the earthquake had almost double the national aver-
patients and 29 family members) that she presented age rate of mental health problems including post-
suggested that although many perceived psychiatric traumatic stress reaction, anxious, and depressive state.
Mr Nagami identified several ethical issues (i.e. biobank
genetic counseling as beneficial, misconceptions about
by genome cohort studies, return of results, mental
the service and ethical considerations in terms of its
health research in areas affected by disaster, and data
delivery were noted, indicating an urgent need to edu-
sharing) related to the setup of the ToMMo, including
cate the public on genetics, gene–environment interac-
the collection of large amounts of data while protecting
tion, genetic counseling as a discipline, and its
the privacy of individuals.
application in psychiatry. Her study showed that there is
a strong demand for psychiatric genetic counseling, but Dr Marcella Rietschel (Clinical Institute of Mental
public awareness is relatively low and, therefore, there is Health, Germany) was the moderator and Dr Thomas G.
a need to resolve misconceptions by educating the Schulze (University of Munich, Germany) was the chair
public. for the session. Dr Austin and others stressed the need to
improve the education of medical trainees and psychia-
Ms Laura Flatau (Ludwig Maximilians University trists in patient counseling besides prescribing drugs.
Munich, Germany) talked about the ‘Right Not To Counseling should be tailored to each individual on a
Know’, especially in the context of incidental findings. case-by-case basis using clinical judgment and at the
She presented the results of a quantitative survey study same time, respecting the individual’s autonomy if one
with 536 participants including the general population, chooses the ‘Right Not To Know’. Furthermore, dis-
patients, and medical healthcare professionals. Her cussion was focused on the extent of psychiatric genetic
findings suggested that although the majority of indivi- counseling and the differences between general and
duals (∼80%) would like to receive information about an psychiatric genetic counseling, given that such a dis-
incidental finding, there are specific cases (i.e. hereditary tinction may lead to further stigmatization of psychiatric
cancer) in which 25% of the participants would choose illnesses.
their ‘Right Not To Know’. Comparing the attitudes
between different groups, individuals with a higher Dissecting the genetic contribution to depression:
education level tended to be more critical toward genetic progress at last (reported by Elisabetta Maffioletti and
testing and they were more likely to choose their ‘Right Roseann E. Peterson)
Not To Know’. Attitude toward wanting information Dr Douglas F. Levinson (Stanford University, USA)
versus the ‘Right Not To Know’ was found to be affected opened the symposium with a discussion of the difficulty
by the way the question was asked (i.e. concrete sce- faced in the identification of specific genetic variants
narios vs. simple questions) and the individual to whom it predisposing to MDD. Despite considerable heritability,
was asked (i.e. general population or healthcare as shown by twin and family studies (Sullivan et al., 2000),
professionals). earlier efforts by the PGC showed no genome-wide

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XXIIIrd WCPG Meeting Summary Report Zai et al. 241

significant results, even with sample sizes of over 9000 which was previously significant in men of the PGC-
MDD cases and 9000 controls (Ripke et al., 2013a). MDD29 sample, was also associated with MDD in the
Dr Levinson suggested that the lack of findings may be combined analysis (P = 4.5 × 10 − 8).
because of the need for even larger sample sizes to reach
the ‘inflection point’ at which sample size and sig- Dr Kenneth S. Kendler (Virginia Commonwealth
nificance of variants increase proportionately (Ripke University, USA) presented results from the
et al., 2013a). The heterogeneity of MDD may require CONVERGE study, a whole-genome sequencing study
the identification of homogeneous subgroups in which of 5303 Han Chinese women with recurrent MDD and
statistical power to detect the modest effect sizes 5337 screened controls. The data were collected from 59
expected is maximized. He concluded by emphasizing hospitals across China and represented one of the largest
that screening of controls (to reduce the probability of and most homogeneous MDD cohorts with the following
MDD in the control sample), stricter definition of case inclusion criteria: (a) recruiting women only, (b) cases
status, as well as limiting analyses to more severe forms of with a severe form of recurrent major depressive episodes
MDD (i.e. recurrent depression subtype) will likely aid through clinical interview, and (c) screened controls past
gene-finding efforts. the age of typical MDD onset. Dr Kendler reported that
Dr Naomi R. Wray (University of Queensland, Australia) they successfully detected and replicated two common
examined potential sources of heterogeneity across stu- variants contributing toward MDD risk on chromosome
dies leading to differences in SNP-based heritability 10q: upstream of SIRT1 and in an intron of LHPP
estimates for MDD between PGC-MDD1 (18%) and (Converge Consortium, 2015). He also commented on
PGC-MDD2 (9%). First, she examined the rG between the genetic architecture of MDD, reporting that (a)
men and women, finding estimates near unity, indicating genome-wide SNP-based heritability was estimated as
that it was premature to conclude that there was lower rG 21–28%, (b) the heritability in MDD explained by each
between the sexes for MDD compared with other psy- chromosome was proportional to its length (r = 0.680),
chiatric disorders. Dr Wray then highlighted that there thus supporting a highly polygenic etiology, (c) the var-
were significant differences in SNP-based heritability by iance explained was distributed across the allelic fre-
cohort, indicating unknown sources of heterogeneity quency spectrum, (d) partitioning by genic annotation
across samples, and also reported lower rG among indi-
indicated a greater contribution of SNPs in coding
vidual MDD cohorts compared with schizophrenic and
regions and within the 3′-UTR regions, and (e) that
BD samples. She suggested that this heterogeneity may
DNase hypersensitive sites in many cell types including
be because of potential different environmental factors
across studies, loose definitions between cases and con- brain-related cells were enriched for associations with
trols, and broad ascertainment biases. MDD.

Dr Cathryn M. Lewis (King’s College London, UK) Dr Patrick F. Sullivan (University of North Carolina at
presented recent genome-wide association meta-analyses Chapel Hill, USA, and Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)
of MDD conducted by the PGC using an expanded presented evidence for shared genetic contributions
sample size of over 16 000 cases. In the current PGC- between MDD and both psychiatric traits and physical
MDD ‘data freeze’ of 29 cohorts, no genome-wide sig- characteristics using a GWAS summary statistics
nificant findings were detected. However, when exam- approach (Bulik-Sullivan et al., 2015a). Dr Sullivan
ining results by sex, significant associations were reported significant rG between MDD and schizophrenia
identified for women only in nitric oxide synthase 1 (rG = 0.396), BD (rG = 0.407), ADHD (rG = 0.505),
(NOS1) (rs76821249, P = 2.2 × 10 − 8) and for men only in depression symptoms (rG = 1.0), neuroticism (rG = 0.831),
the leucine-rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain smoking status (rG = 0.286), early-onset stroke
containing 5 (LRFN5) (rs8016327, P = 5.5 × 10 − 8).
(rG = 0.312), migraine without aura (rG = 0.169), and car-
Adding to PGC-MDD29, the Kaiser Permanente
diovascular disease (rG = 0.188). He also noted several
Genetic Epidemiology Research on Adult Health and
limitations of the study including (a) limited power of the
Aging (GERA) cohort (7162 cases, 38 307 controls), and
23andMe (14 906 cases, 41 465 controls), which com- studied samples included, (b) the use of summary sta-
prised a total sample size of 38 991 cases and 105 404 tistics as opposed to use of full raw information, (c) the rG
controls, yielded a significant hit on chromosome 5 (hg19 approach (Bulik-Sullivan et al., 2015b) applied has not
position: 103 903 810, P = 3.8 × 10 − 8). On stratifying the been designed for analysis across multiple ancestry
sample by sex, significant associations of a marker in the groups, (d) inability to rule out confounding genetic
MHC, class I, and human leukocyte antigen B (HLA-B) effects, and (e) potential sampling bias. Dr Sullivan
region (P = 2.9 × 10 − 8) in women and a locus in the concluded by stating that this approach may be useful for
huntingtin (HTT) gene (P = 1.1 × 10 − 8) in men were interconnections of psychiatric disorders and to highlight
found. When further meta-analyzed with the the common genetic architecture across complex
CONVERGE sample, a variant in the LRFN5 gene, disorders.

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

242 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

Mitochondria genetics and function in psychosis diseases including schizophrenia (Sequeira et al., 2012;
(reported by Zsófia Bánlaki) Hudson et al., 2014). Dr Vawter presented preliminary
The chairs of the symposium, Dr Vanessa Goncalves and analysis of some large recent GWAS results showing a
Dr James L. Kennedy (Centre for Addiction and Mental modest over-representation of nuclear encoded mito-
Health, Canada), introduced the session highlighting that chondria genes in schizophrenia. Preliminary data
the investigation of mtDNA variants is a promising, but showed an increase in the rate of nonsynonymous
technically challenging, and still underexplored field in mtDNA mutations. The exact localization and copy
psychiatric genetics. One reason for this could be the number of mitochondria within dendrites and axons
variable mtDNA copy number, which can reach 1000 per using a case–control study design is currently in progress.
cell and the presence of heteroplasmy. Wild-type and A question was raised on the issue of clonal expansion
mutant mtDNA proportions are highly variable. Thus, as and Dr Vawter discussed that although heteroplasmic
Dr Goncalves described, although deficit in the oxidative mutations are generally not tissue specific, certain types
phosphorylation (OXPHOS) of mitochondria has been of mutation can accumulate at specific sites, such as large
implicated in schizophrenia, the recent PGC GWAS did deletions in dopamine innervated regions. This may be
not support a role of mitochondrial function in schizo- related to mtDNA dynamics, stability, and non-
phrenia (Ripke et al., 2013b; Schizophrenia Working homologous recombination. Thus, it was recommended
Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 2014); that large GWAS studies should incorporate mtDNA
however, this GWAS did not investigate genes within the variants along with nuclear SNPs for epistatic interactions
circular mtDNA genome. Very few studies focusing on between both genomes.
mtDNA variants showed that somatic mutation rates vary
with tissue types and are higher in certain brain regions of Dr Dost Ongur (McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical
schizophrenic patients compared with healthy individuals School, USA) presented the results on his magnetic
(Rollins et al., 2009; Sequeira et al., 2012, 2015). The resonance spectroscopy studies of bioenergetic abnorm-
present study analyzed 42 common and 167 rare SNPs in alities in psychosis. As γ oscillation-producing cells such
4778 cases and 5819 controls. A rare and six common as inhibitory GABAergic interneurons consume high
variants reached nominal significance, but they did not levels of energy as shown by their enrichment with
survive testing for multiple comparisons. Haplogroup mitochondria, these cells are believed to be critical in the
analysis detected a higher rate of schizophrenia in the J-T development of cognitive disorders when energy supply
group characteristic to the European White population. is depleted (Kann et al., 2014). Magnetic resonance
The mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b (MT-CYB) spectroscopy has previously been shown to be a useful
rs3088309 marker was the top hit for association with tool for assessing the levels of the rapidly mobilizable
schizophrenia. The fact that rs3088309 is a missense energy reserve phosphocreatine (PCr) and the immediate
variant with potential functional relevance further sup- energy source ATP in vivo (Du et al., 2012). In both
ports its role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. As it chronic and first-episode schizophrenia patients, a
was remarked during the discussion period, maternal marked reduction was observed in the PCr peak, pro-
inheritance in schizophrenia could provide additional viding evidence for a reduced enzymatic reaction rate for
evidence for the relevance of mtDNA variants, but this creatine kinase (Du et al., 2014). The pH scale also
has not been analyzed in the present study and literature became more acidic in chronic patients compared with
data are controversial. first-episode patients, suggesting enhanced anaerobic
Dr Marquis Vawter (University of California, USA) glycolysis. Correlation analysis between ATP/PCr levels
reported on the findings of mitochondrial hypofunction and pH is currently underway. In contrast to patients
in schizophrenia and the genetic background of schizo- with schizophrenia, BD-I patients detected normal PCr/
phrenia. Previous literature data have consistently ATP level and pH. However, upon photic stimulation,
implicated mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathophy- ATP but not PCr level was reduced in the visual cortex of
siology of schizophrenia; however, it is difficult to dif- patients with BD-I, whereas the pattern was reversed in
ferentiate between the cause and effect of this healthy individuals, indicating an inability to decrease
dysfunction. Dendritic spine loss, reduction in mito- the PCr level in BD-I patients at high energy demand
chondria copy number, and decreased expression of (Yuksel et al., 2015). Investigation of creatine kinase
mitochondria encoded transcripts are all characteristics of function is in progress. These findings implicated that
schizophrenia. Evidence suggests that epistasis between schizophrenia may be characterized by a severe and
genes from the nuclear DNA (nDNA) and mtDNA may pervasive bioenergetic failure and BD-I may require
play an important role in the etiology of schizophrenia. brain activation to unmask abnormality in a compensated
eQTL analysis showed a strong enrichment of ∼ 1000 bioenergetics system at rest. This further suggested
autosomal mitochondrial genes in the cortex (Kim et al., bioenergetic dysfunction in response to environmental
2014) and common mtDNA variants were found to con- factors in BD-I. Compromised bioenergetics may thus
tribute toward the risk of several common complex lead to abnormal brain function in psychotic disorders.

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XXIIIrd WCPG Meeting Summary Report Zai et al. 243

This may potentially reveal novel drug targets related to research, it was important to determine which genetic
the mitochondria. variants are common among this population. GWAS was
carried out on GAD symptoms and an SNP, rs78602344
Dr Dorit Ben-Shachar (Rambam Health Care Campus
in the thrombospondin 2 (THBS2) gene, reached
and Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
genome-wide significance. However, efforts to replicate
provided evidence for a multifaceted mitochondrial dys-
this finding in three independent Hispanic samples did
function in peripheral cells and postmortem brains.
not confirm this result. As the disease prevalence in
Dr Ben-Shachar reported that the enzymatic activity of
Hispanic population is approximately half of the
complex I of the OXPHOS system, nicotinamide ade-
European population, larger replication sample sizes are
nine dinucleotide (NADH) dehydrogenase, was found to
needed for future studies in anxiety disorders of
be higher in both medicated and nonmedicated schizo-
phrenic patients at the acute state, while reduced at the
residual state, compared with major depression and BD-I Dr Sandra Meier (Center for Register-based Research,
patients and healthy controls. This activity was accom- Denmark) presented the associations of anxiety disorders
panied by altered expression of three nuclear encoded and depression with increased mortality. Clinical anxiety
genes, NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) flavoprotein represents a core symptom of several different anxiety
1, 51 kDa (NDUFV1), NADH dehydrogenase (ubiqui- disorders, which is highly heterogeneous because
none) flavoprotein 2, 24 kDa (NDUFV2), and NADH patients with an anxiety disorder often present with
dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) Fe–S protein 1, 75 kDa comorbid psychiatric conditions. The aim of the study
(NDUFS1), encoding different subunits of complex I. was to compare the mortality rate between different
These abnormalities were accompanied by reduced anxiety disorders including GAD, social anxiety disorder,
synthesis rate of complex I, pathological interaction agoraphobia, specific phobia, panic disorder, OCD, acute
between dopamine and the complex, and impaired cell stress reaction, and PTSD in 50 000 patients with an
respiration. Dr Ben-Shachar also reported that neuronal anxiety disorder followed between 2002 and 2011. The
differentiation of iPSCs reprogrammed from schizo- results showed no familial confounding factors. Patients
phrenia hair follicle keratinocytes showed that differ- with anxiety disorders had a higher rate of natural and
entiation into dopaminergic neurons was severely unnatural causes of death. Individuals with comorbid
impaired, whereas glutamatergic neurons failed to depression were particularly more likely to die by unna-
mature. These impairments were associated with various tural causes.
deficits in mitochondria, similar to those observed pre-
viously in schizophrenia (Robicsek et al., 2013). Transfer Mr Monson (University of Iowa, USA) discussed the
of isolated active normal mitochondria into schizophrenia results of a whole-exome sequencing study of BD
cells restored respiratory function and reduced dopamine patients who attempted suicide. Suicidal behavior is the
toxicity, while only partially restoring mitochondrial most severe outcome of psychiatric disorders and has a
network dynamics. These significant positive effects heritability of 30–50%. Primarily candidate gene studies
lasted for about 3 weeks, and then gradually faded. In and GWASs have been used to examine common varia-
addition, transfer of healthy mitochondria improved dif- tion in suicidal behavior to date. This study examined
ferentiation of schizophrenia-derived iPSC into gluta- rare functional variations within suicidal behavior. A total
matergic neurons. The presented data pinpoint of 387 BD patients with a history of suicide attempts and
mitochondria as an additional pathological factor in schi- 631 BD patients with no past suicide attempts were
zophrenia and suggest a role for mitochondria in neuronal enrolled in the study. Mr Monson analyzed over 800 k
differentiation. Mitochondria transfer may lead to new genetic variations and no genome-wide significance was
treatment approaches for brain diseases with develop- identified. Top hit genes with P-value less than 0.01
mental connectivity and bioenergetics abnormalities such were chosen for further analyses. Within these analyses, a
as schizophrenia. During the discussion, a comment was significant enrichment score of synapse associated genes
provided on mitochondria haplogroup effects, which was detected.
could also be considered at transfer, and that the impact
Dr Chia-Yen Chen (Massachusetts General Hospital,
of complex I inhibitors in animal models would be
USA) presented findings from a GWAS on army soldiers
intriguing to investigate.
with a history of trauma exposure in the USA. Trauma
exposure is an essential diagnostic criterion for PTSD
Oral sessions and also poses an increased risk for depression, substance
Genome-wide approaches in other disorders (reported use disorders, and anxiety. Twin studies also showed a
by Andrea Vereczkei) 47–60% heritability for trauma exposure. In the Army
Dr Erin Dunn (Harvard Medical School, USA) reported Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Service members
on a GWAS conducted on a Hispanic sample with gen- (Army STARRS) sample, lifetime cumulated trauma
eralized anxiety disorder (GAD). As the Hispanic popu- exposure was analyzed in GWAS. Two cohorts were
lation is highly under-represented in psychiatric genetic included in the study: new soldiers and soldiers deployed

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

244 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

to Afghanistan, with a total of ∼ 18 000 samples with were compared. They identified a region at an immune-
genotype data. An association study was carried out on related noncoding gene, psoriasis susceptibility 1 candi-
the basis of different ethnic groups. In the European date 3 (PSORSIC3) gene, which was significantly hypo-
American samples, a locus in the low-density lipoprotein methylated in cases compared with controls. Dr Murphy
receptor class A domain containing protein 4 (LDLRAD4) further identified a comethylated module, which was
gene on chromosome 18 was implicated in suggestive significantly correlated with both MDD and a suicide
association with trauma. This gene was previously found attempt PRS.
to be associated with BD and schizophrenia. In the
Dr Eilis Hannon (University of Exeter, UK) investigated
African-American population, a locus in the leucine-rich
the correlation of DNA methylation between blood and
repeat containing 4C (LRRC4C) gene, which was pre-
brain to determine whether a blood sample can be used
viously found to be associated with BD, was significantly
as a surrogate for DNA methylation studies of the brain.
associated with trauma. Both findings were not replicated
Comparing the interindividual variation in DNA methy-
in other populations.
lation in blood, prefrontal cortex, entorhinal cortex,
Dr Laura Bierut (Washington University School of superior temporal gyrus, and cerebellum from 75 indivi-
Medicine, USA) discussed the role of the cholinergic duals, she found that the predictive power of blood for
receptor, nicotinic, α 5 (CHRNA5) gene in nicotine the brain was low; only less than 20% of the variance can
dependence, smoking status, and lung cancer. Smoking be explained. Sites with a positive correlation were
behavior and lung cancer have been linked to markers on found, but much of the correlation was because of genetic
chromosome 15. The present study shows evidence for a influence on DNA methylation.
complex relation among rs16969968 SNP, also known as
Dr Carolin Purmann (Stanford University, USA) pre-
Mr Big of CHRNA5 and smoking quantity, smoking
sented a novel approach called Combined Long-Insert
cessation, as well as lung cancer risk. However, the allele
Paired-End and Capture (CLIP-Cap) sequencing to
frequency of this marker varies across different popula-
resolve complex genomic rearrangements. With the use
tions (35% in Central European, 6% in African-American,
of average ∼ 9 kb insert size paired-end sequencing tar-
3% in Asian), although the ORs remain similar. This
geting on chromosome 22q, she showed that CLIP-Cap
study also showed that exhaled carbon monoxide is a
was capable of determining the heterozygous terminal
stronger predictor of lung cancer than self-reported
22q13.3 deletion and the isodicentric breakpoints. She
smoking status. Dr Bierut concluded that the
further showed that the assay could detect other balanced
rs16969968’s low-risk and high-risk genotypes may be
structural variations, such as the Philadelphia transloca-
associated with a 4-year delay in smoking cessation. This
tion. She suggested that this approach can potentially
may in turn lead to earlier detection of lung cancer in
detect all the structural variants in the captured reads as
these patients.
long as the target region is known.
Dr Laramie Duncan (Harvard Medical School, USA)
Dr Gail Davies (University of Edinburgh, UK) reported a
reported GWAS results on anorexia nervosa. Female
large-scale GWAS on verbal–numerical reasoning
adolescents are at the highest risk of developing anorexia
(n = 36 035), memory (n = 112 067), and reaction time
nervosa. It is characterized by preoccupation with weight,
(n = 111 483). Using a customized Affymetrix array tar-
body image, and food. It also has the highest mortality
geting on common SNPs, she reported genome-wide
rate of all psychiatric disorders. Approximately 4000 cases
significant regions on chromosomes 7, 14, and 22 for
were analyzed in the present GWAS and one SNP
verbal–numerical reasoning, and chromosomes 2 and 12
reached the genome-wide significance level: rs11174203
for reaction time, but no significant region was found for
in the family with sequence similarity 19 [chemokine
(C–C motif)-like], member A2 (FAM19A2) gene on
chromosome 12. Heritability for anorexia was calculated Mr Tarjinder Singh (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute,
using LDSC and the point estimate of 0.23 is comparable UK) presented a meta-analysis of whole-exome sequen-
with other psychiatric disorders. rG were positive and cing studies in schizophrenia including data from the
significant with schizophrenia and BD, but negative (and UK10K Consortium. By analyzing the de-novo and rare
yet significant) with BMI. (MAF < 0.1%) loss-of-function (LoF) variants in a total of
4264 cases and 9343 controls, they found that the LoF
Epigenetics and other approaches (reported by Ryan variants in the SET domain containing 1A (KMT2F) gene
K.C. Yuen) coding for SET domain containing 1A were significantly
Dr Therese Murphy (University of Exeter, UK) pre- associated with schizophrenia (P = 3.3 × 10 − 9). There
sented a study of DNA methylation profiling in the were three de-novo LoF variants from trio families and
brains of MDD suicide completers. The DNA methyla- seven LoF variants identified from case–control samples.
tion profiles between 20 depressed suicide completer KMT2F is a member of a family of genes where dis-
cases and 20 nonpsychiatric, sudden-death controls in ruptive variants result in dominant Mendelian disorders
two brain regions [Brodmann area (BA) 11 and BA25] of histone machinery.

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XXIIIrd WCPG Meeting Summary Report Zai et al. 245

Substance abuse (reported by Ibene Ekpor) impairment and persistent changes in the brain gene
Dr Andrew Bergen (SRI International, USA) introduced expression into adulthood in a mouse model of FASD.
the ‘SmokeScreen Genotyping Array’ as a genome-wide Seventy-day-old mouse pups injected with saline or
array designed for addiction studies. He presented his ethanol at postnatal days 4 and 7 had their hippocampus
work on Modeling Tobacco Exposures including the role isolated and used for gene and miRNA expression
of nicotine metabolic enzymes. He explained that avail- microarray, methylated DNA immunoprecipitation
able data from the Total Exposure Study (TES) were microarray, and histone H33 lysine 41 trimethylation and
analyzed including evaluation of nucleic acid quality, H33 lysine 27 trimethylation ChIP-chip. The results
biospecimens, and clinical chemistries. The results were were dozens of gene and miRNA expression changes in
correlated with existing data. The findings were that the hippocampus of adult mice exposed to ethanol during
multivariate analysis participants with banked biospeci- development and hundreds of epigenetic methylation
mens were significantly more likely to self-identify as changes. These genes were predominantly oxidative
white, to be older, to have increased total nicotine stress related. One of the ways in which alcohol induces
equivalents per cigarette, and decreased serum cotinine. oxidative stress of the developing brain is to reduce
In an analysis of three existing nicotine metabolism stu- antioxidant levels and increase reactive oxygen species.
dies with participants of three continental ancestries The observed oxidative stress footprint may persist into
using the smokescreen array, Dr Bergen and collaborators adulthood; hence, identification of this mechanism may
identified a genome-wide significant association of com- provide potential diagnostic targets or therapeutic
mon variants at CYP2A6. They estimated that the top approaches to help those affected by FASD.
ranked SNP accounts for 12–27% of nicotine metabolite
Dr Jennifer Ware (University of Bristol, UK) explained
ratio variation. Dr Bergen reported that they could
the relevance of using biomarkers to carry out an objec-
identify individual SNPs at nicotine metabolic enzymes
tive assessment of the various behavioral phenotypes of
in nicotine metabolism that can be used to model nico-
tobacco users. She discussed the results of a GWAS meta-
tine metabolism and increase the power of models.
analysis of levels of cotinine, the primary metabolite of
Dr Ian Gizer (University of Missouri, USA) presented the nicotine based on 4548 daily smokers of European
result of their research work on the whole-genome ancestry, and identified variants in two genomic regions,
sequence analysis of cannabis dependence across two 15q25.1 and 4q13.2, to be associated with cotinine levels.
independent cohorts. He explained that qualitative Furthermore, she discussed the limitation and benefits of
genetic studies have established a genetic etiology of GWAS using alternative tobacco use biomarkers such as
cannabis use disorder. He reported that their study was exhaled carbon monoxide levels. Dr Jack Euesden
focused on gene-based and pathway-based analysis of (King’s College London, UK) commented on the
both common and rare variants obtained by whole- importance of looking at smoking behavior as a relevant
genome sequencing from two cohorts of predominantly phenotype in further studies.
European ancestry and predominantly Native American
Ms Bonnie Alberry (University of Western Ontario,
ancestry. The participants (n = 2529) were those who
Canada) discussed the result of the effect of continuous
fulfilled the criteria for DSM-IV cannabis dependence on
prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and postnatal maternal
the basis of the Semi-Structured Assessment for the
separation in mouse behavior as well as gene expression
Genetic of Alcoholism (SSAGA). All the participants’
in the hippocampus. Behavioral tests showed learning
whole-genome sequence data were analyzed, and gene-
deficit because of PAE and postnatal maternal separation.
based analysis of rare variants was carried out using the
The expression of a large number of genes was also
optimized sequence Kernel association test. The result
altered as a result of PAE with or without postnatal
showed that gene-based analysis of rare coding variants
maternal separation. Ms Alberry drew the following
(MAF < 0.02) yielded significant evidence of association
conclusions: the experimental model that they used
for a single gene with cannabis dependence (C1ORF110)
represents a realistic model; independent and compre-
and a suggestive evidence of an association with a second
hensive assessment of array gene expression as well as
gene [microfibrillar-associated protein 3 (MFAP3)]. In
RNA sequencing will yield a highly reliable list of altered
addition, pathway analyses showed significant evidence
genes than relying on qPCR for confirmation of a few
for the enrichment of genes related to potassium ion
select genes.
transport. He suggested that the results require replica-
tion with large samples.
Monday 19 October 2015
Mr Eric Diehl (University of Western Ontario, Canada) Plenary session
described changes in the hippocampus in a mouse model Mitochondria and their potential role in
of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Diehl neuropsychiatric disorders (reported by Maren Lang)
explained that epigenetic dysregulation of genetic pro- A pressing question in biomedical science today,
grams in the brain is involved in FASD. Diehl’s labora- according to (Wallace, 2015) (Center for Mitochondrial
tory’s model of FASD shows learning and memory and Epigenomic Medicine at the Children’s Hospital of

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

246 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

Philadelphia, USA), is why is it that we cannot under- groups of descendent haplotypes known as haplogroups.
stand and cure the common ‘complex’ disorders? He The physiological differences between regional hap-
postulates that our lack of success in addressing these logroups have been found to predispose to a wide range
crucial clinical concerns is the inadequacy of the under- of neurologic and psychologic disorders including
lying assumptions upon which we have based our Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, stroke, macular
investigations. degeneration, deafness, and depression.
The prevailing conceptual frameworks (paradigms) of Mutations in nDNA-coded mitochondrial genes also
western medicine are that diseases are anatomically cause disease. The severity of the nDNA mutation
based and that all genes are located on chromosomes and phenotypes can be further modulated by the mtDNA
thus inherited according to the laws of Mendel. Indeed, variation.
all anatomical genes are chromosomal and Mendelian.
To establish the causal role of mitochondrial variation in
However, to be alive requires not only anatomy but also
neuropsychological disease, Dr Wallace reported the
the energy, which animates us, and this energy is gen-
generation of a series of mouse lines with genetic
erated primarily by the mitochondrial oxidation of our
alterations in nDNA and/or mtDNA mutations. Creation
food with the oxygen that we breathe by mitochondrial
of the analogous mouse nDNA and mtDNA mutation
OXPHOS. The most important OXPHOS energetic
combinations found in humans resulted in the same
genes are coded by a DNA located within the mito-
phenotypic manifestations. Mixing two normal mouse
chondrion, the mtDNA, whereas all of the anatomical
mtDNAs within the female mouse germline resulted in
genes for the mitochondrion are located in the nDNA.
mice with a bipolar-like phenotype associated with a
The mtDNA is maternally inherited and present in severe memory defect. Mice harboring various nDNA or
hundreds to thousands of copies per cell. The high mtDNA mutations were found to show strikingly differ-
mtDNA copy number means that cells can contain mix- ent responses to stress. Mild mitochondrial defects were
tures of mutant and normal mtDNAs (heteroplasmy) that also found to impair embryonic migration of inter-
randomly segregate during mitosis and meiosis to yield neurons, which Dr Wallace hypothesized was the cause
variable energetic defects. Different organs rely on of the excitation–inhibition imbalance associated with
mitochondrial energy to different extents. The brain has attention deficient hyperactivity syndrome, compulsive
the highest mitochondrial energy demand, representing behavior, autism, and schizophrenia.
2% of our body weight, and yet using 20% of our oxygen;
Dr Wallace concluded that mitochondrial energetics and
thus, mild, systemic, mitochondrial, energy defects pre-
associated high-energy mitochondrial intermediates are
ferentially affect the brain. Hence, Dr Wallace proposes
the mediators between environmental energy availability
that mild mitochondrial defects are the primary cause of
and demands and the genome. If energetics is in balance
neuropsychiatric disease.
with the cellular and environmental demands, then this is
Mitochondrial energy defects can result from alterations health. However, if there is a chronic energy deficit, this
in mtDNA-coded or nDNA-coded mitochondrial genes leads to disease and ultimately death.
or from aberrant interactions between the two sets of
mitochondrial genes. Mitochondria also communicate the Symposia sessions
cellular energetic status to the nucleus through mito- Genetic architecture insights from joint investigators of
chondrially generated high-energy intermediates that rare copy number variants and common single-
modulate the cellular signal transduction pathways and nucleotide polymorphisms (reported by Sarah
the epigenome. For example, the mtDNA tRNALeu(UUR) Gagliano and Kirti Mittal)
mutation at nucleotide 3243A > G is associated with All of the speakers in this symposium were women,
autism and diabetes at 10–30% 3243G mutant, neuro- which is inspirational.
muscular disease at 50–90% mutant, and lethal perinatal
Dr Lea Davis (University of Chicago, USA) presented
disease at 100% mutant. The phase-like changes in
her work testing the hypothesis that an individual may
phenotype in response to continuous changes in 3243G
develop disease by surpassing either a polygenic or a
heteroplasmy are a result of abrupt changes in the nDNA
variant liability threshold. Given this hypothesis, one
transcriptional profile, presumably reflecting epigenomic
would expect there to be a negative correlation between
the polygenic burden (genomic risk scores) and rare
The mtDNA also accumulated mutations along the variant burden (genic CNVs > 500 kb in < 1% of samples)
maternal lineages as women populated Africa. After only among cases. For proof of principle, type 1 diabetes,
two mtDNA successfully left Africa, the mtDNA accu- which has a known risk locus in the HLA region with
mulated additional mutations as women migrate to large effects, was examined. She then presented results
Eurasia and the Americas. A subset of these mutations from three psychiatric disorders: Tourette syndrome,
caused functional changes in OXPHOS that enabled OCD, and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Results
regional adaption to local environments, giving rise to showed a modest but significant negative association

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XXIIIrd WCPG Meeting Summary Report Zai et al. 247

among cases between scores and rare CNVs in analyses rare CNVs, then there is a lower threshold of polygenic
for the childhood-onset disorders (Tourette syndrome risk disease burden, and it also seems that such CNVs
and ASD), but not for OCD. decrease fecundity.
Ms Lingxue Zhu (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
noted that although each common variation tends to have
The genetic dissection of bipolar disorder: from
smaller effects than rare variation, the former accounts for
common to rare risk variation (reported by Niamh
a large proportion of liability (50%). She presented two
models for predicting ASD risk from common SNPs:
Dr John Kelsoe (University College San Diego, USA)
genomic-BLUP (G-BLUP) and a linear mixed model
reported the findings from the Psychiatric Genomic
(LMM). G-BLUP is a random-effects model assuming all
Consortium Bipolar Disorder (PGC2-BIP32) genome-
small effects. LMM measures fixed effects. To select
wide association analysis. The case–control sample for
SNPs that have large fixed effects, weighted LASSO was
this study consists of 20 352 BD cases and 31 358 con-
applied, resulting in 50, 250, or 1100 SNPs to include into
trols. The analysis identified 19 BD-associated loci, 12 of
the LMM. The G-BLUP model (LMM with no SNPs
which are novel, and provides refinement of known BD-
having fixed effects) performed best (area under the
associated loci such as TRANK1 (P = 5.54 × 10 − 14) (Chen
curve = 0.74). When additional fixed effects were inclu-
et al., 2013). Subphenotype analysis identified six new
ded, accuracy decreased. Ms Zhu presented her work on
genes associated with BD-I and three new genes for a
a related trait: head circumference deviation. Those
combined analysis of BD-II and schizoaffective disorder.
predictions were more accurate when parental head size
A z-score mixture model suggested that BD is more
was included, but common variants did not add much.
polygenic than schizophrenia. Data-driven Expression-
Ms Niamh Mullins (King’s College London, UK) pre- Prioritized Integration for Complex Traits (DEPICT)
sented her work carried out at deCODE Genetics pathway analysis implicated brain-related pathways
(Iceland), investigating selection pressures on genetic including the calcium and potassium ion transporters and
variants for psychiatric disorders in the general Icelandic glutamatergic signaling in the pathophysiology of BD
population. PRS for five psychiatric disorders were used (Pers et al., 2015).
to predict fecundity (number of children) using linear
Dr Tadafumi Kato (Riken Brain Science Institute, Japan)
mixed-effects models. PRS for autism was associated
reported on sequencing analysis looking at de-novo point
with reduced fecundity in the population, excluding
mutations in BD. The study focused on 79 probands with
patients. This effect was specific to men. PRS for the
BD. Seventy de-novo point mutations were found, 64
other disorders were not significantly associated with
single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) and six insertion/dele-
fecundity. Neuropsychiatric CNVs implicated in autism
tions. Global enrichment analysis showed an enrichment
and schizophrenia were associated with reduced
of de-novo LoF and protein-altering mutations in indi-
fecundity, with larger effects in men. The results from
viduals with BD-I and schizoaffective disorder. BD pro-
this population suggest that, with the exception of aut-
bands with protein-altering de-novo changes showed
ism, selection pressures may operate on some, but not all
significantly earlier age of onset. Genes hit by de-novo or
components of the genetic architecture of psychiatric
protein-altering variants are significantly enriched for
intolerant genes. Intolerant genes are depleted for
Dr Sarah Bergen (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden) dis- protein-altering mutations as determined by a Residual
cussed the contribution of CNVs and SNPs toward the Variation Intolerance Score (Petrovski et al., 2013). A
risk of schizophrenia in the Psychiatric Genomics gene encoding microtubule–actin cross-linking factor 1
Consortium samples. Polygenic scores were compared for (MACF1) is the most intolerant gene reported in this
carriers and noncarriers of implicated CNV risk loci analysis and is hit by a frameshift variant.
(individually and in aggregate), large CNV deletions, and
Dr Peter Zandi (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
in terms of total genomic CNV burden. Cases with
Public Health, USA) reported on data from the Bipolar
implicated CNVs and large deletions had lower polygenic
Sequencing Consortium (BSC). The aim of this study is
scores than other cases, and an inverse relationship with
to identify rare genetic variants that influence the risk of
total CNV burden was also significant. These relation-
BD. The founding cohorts consist of 4733 BD cases and
ships were not observed in controls. These results con-
9246 controls. The preliminary analysis consists of 3633
verged to broadly support a liability threshold model of
BD cases and 4992 controls. Dr Zandi reports that the
genetic risk for schizophrenia.
MAF did not differ across study groups despite the dif-
The session finished with a discussion led by Dr Naomi ferent platforms used for exome sequencing. A gene-wise
R. Wray (University of Queensland, Australia), who burden test showed 10 043 genes with disruptive var-
concluded that despite limited power, the results from iants; 5050 of these genes harbor less than one variant.
the speakers suggested that PRS do tend to be lower for Neither the gene-wise burden test nor single variant
individuals who carry rare CNVs of large effect. If one has analysis showed significant results.

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

248 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

Dr Seth Ament (Institute for Systems Biology, USA) stated that gene networks support disease–gene associa-
reported on family data from the BSC. The study con- tions and show system-wide perturbations related to
sisted of a uniform analysis pipeline with ANNOtate alcohol dependence. Dr Farris concluded by stating that
VARiation (ANNOVAR) (Wang et al., 2010), focused on there is converging evidence for multiple candidate
protein-altering variants that are present in two or more genes and epigenetics involvement implicated in alcohol
affected individuals and have a MAF of less than 0.01 in dependence.
the 1000 Genomes Project. Dr Ament reported 143
pedigrees from 652 pedigrees that contained 526 LoF Dr Subhash Pandey (University of Illinois at Chicago,
SNVs and 11 856 rare coding SNVs. The top ontology- USA) spoke about adolescent alcohol exposure and epi-
enriched pathways for rare coding variants in the BSC genetic mechanisms, explaining the interaction between
pedigrees highlighted pathways different from those neurobiological and behavioral changes in addition to
reported previously such as DNA binding and DNA epigenetic factors (i.e. histone and DNA modifications)
strand elongation. There was an excess of genes in which in adolescence with alcohol consumption. Evidence
a rare SNV segregates with BD in multiple pedigrees, suggests that these changes can alter gene expression. He
such as two LoF variants in the γ-aminobutyric acid A presented his study on adolescent intermittent ethanol
receptor, α6 gene (GABRA6). Currently, there are no (AIE)-exposure paradigm in an alcohol binge-drinking
genome-wide significant hits, but aggregation of model in rats. Particularly, Dr Pandey and his colleagues
individual-level data and case–control cohorts will help investigated brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
elucidate the effects of rare variants in a family gene expression and also examined histone acetylation
study of BD. (H3K9 and H3K14) of BDNF exons I and IV promoter
regions in the amygdala of adolescent intermittent saline
Current approaches to genetic/genomic studies on and AIE rats in adulthood. They found a decrease in
alcoholism (reported by Caroline Camilo and Bhagya BDNF gene expression in the amygdala after AIE in
Shankarappa) adulthood. This appears to be because of an AIE-
Dr Dayne Mayfield (University of Texas at Austin, USA) induced decrease in histone acetylation of BDNF in the
was the chair of this session and introduced the current amygdala in adulthood. He also discussed the effect of
approaches to genetic studies on alcoholism. AIE on changes in the expression of the lysine-specific
demethylase 1 (LSD1) and neuron-specific LSD1 + 8a
Dr Howard Edenberg (Indiana University School of
enzymes. The expressions of LSD1 and LSD1 + 8a were
Medicine, USA) began the session by describing the
decreased in the amygdala of AIE compared with ado-
complex trait of alcoholism, which is likely caused by a
lescent intermittent saline in adulthood, which in turn
combination of multiple genes and environmental fac-
increases the methylation of histone H3K9 dimethylation
tors. He stated that alcoholism runs in families and has a
(me2) without producing any change in the levels of
high rate of psychiatric comorbidity. He reported the
H3K4me2, leading to increased anxiety and alcohol
importance of identifying genetic and epigenetic mod-
ifications that may contribute toward the risk of alcohol- consumption in adulthood.
ism. Dr Edenberg showed that common and rare variants Dr Shizhong Han (University of Iowa, USA) discussed
require different strategies to investigate the risk of dis- the importance of GWAS in AUD, describing the poly-
ease, given that common variants tend to have small genic nature of AUD. He presented his data on the
effects on risk, whereas rare variants have larger effects. integrated GWAS and protein–protein interaction net-
He cited several approaches such as family-based GWAS, work analysis in AUD. He utilized the GWAS of AUD
exome sequencing of rare variants, genomic studies of and tissue-specific gene expression data to examine the
lymphoblastoid cell lines, iPSCs, and brain tissue in relationship of AUD risk genes in brain and nonbrain
addition to epigenetics and prospective studies of ado- tissues. The results showed that AUD risk genes are
lescents to identify genes that may contribute toward the highly connected in brain regions, but not in other non-
risk of developing alcoholism and the important interac- brain tissues. Furthermore, he spoke about his approa-
tions between phenotype, environment, and genetics in ches of constructing a brain-specific network for gene
alcoholism. prioritization. He summarized his presentation by dis-
Dr Sean Farris (University of Texas at Austin, USA) cussing that the nominally significant findings of genes
reported his study on the neurogenomic networks that are functionally related in human brain tissues and form
are involved in alcohol use disorder (AUD). He showed a networks that underline relevant biological mechanism.
variant-driven gene network with a strong interaction One example is the suppressor of cytokine signaling 6
between the genes in the human prefrontal cortex. He (SOCS6) gene, which plays an important role in AUD.
presented his data on the gene network for lifetime Altered gene expression and increased cytokines have
alcohol consumption and dysregulation of gene expres- been reported in human postmortem AUD brain tissues.
sion including epigenomics networks. He discussed that He concluded that brain-specific gene networks may
datasets continue to grow in size and complexity. He also help to prioritize AUD risk genes for future studies.

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XXIIIrd WCPG Meeting Summary Report Zai et al. 249

Dr Abbas Parsian (National Institute of Health/NIAA, psychiatric interview and MRI scanning at baseline and
USA) closed the session by summarizing the results and follow-up. The results indicated that increased activation
discussing the interactions between the genetics and of the insula cortex at study baseline was associated with
environmental factors in alcoholism. an increased risk of developing major depression during
follow-up (Whalley et al., 2015).
Tracking the descent to mental illness – insights into
Dr Philip Mitchell (University of New South Wales,
the trajectory to illness from studies of youth at high
Australia) raised the issue of the potential lack of power
risk of bipolar disorder (reported by Søren D.
in the individual studies described above, and suggested
forming a consortium, which can utilize a meta-analytical
Improving the possibilities for early identification of
approach with the gathered data to predict the risk of BD
mental disorder has been a priority in psychiatry for many
in high-risk individuals.
years (Akiskal et al., 1983; Goldberg et al., 2001;
Ostergaard et al., 2014). However, early detection of
mental disorders remains challenging because of the
Genetics of Research Domain Criteria (reported by
absence of strong biological and psychopathological pre-
Tristram A. Lett)
dictors. This symposium focused on initiatives aiming at
Dr Paul Arnold (University of Calgary, Canada) and
identifying such predictors on the basis of studies of
Stephen Glatt (SUNY Upstate Medical University, USA)
high-risk individuals.
introduced the session and key issues on the next steps
Dr Uher (Dalhousie University, Canada) showed pre- in genetic research on Research Domain Criteria (RDoC)
liminary results from the Families Overcoming Risks and domains and constructs.
Building Opportunities for Well-being (FORBOW) study
Dr Sarah Morris (NIMH, USA) presented a brief over-
(Uher et al., 2014) in which children of parents with
view of RDoC including the following: (a) the RDoC
severe mental illness are recruited and followed over
initiative as a NIMH-led effort to change how patients
time. In the FORBOW study, the cohort members and
(and nonpatients) are characterized for research purposes
their parents undergo detailed structured interviews. The
and (b) the RDoC framework for classifying patients into
preliminary results indicated that there is a same sex-
neurobehavioral constructs on the basis of our under-
specific parent of origin effect in anxiety (i.e. mood dis-
standing of the brain and behavior. She stated that these
orders in mothers predict anxiety in daughters), whereas
homogenous subgroups potentially capture more sub-
there is an opposite sex-specific parent of origin effect in
threshold (subclinical) individuals on the basis of DSM-5
psychosis (i.e. severe mental illness in mothers predicts
or ICD-10 diagnostic categories alone. Furthermore, that
psychosis in sons). Furthermore, the results indicate that
RDoC is a dynamic framework that will evolve with new
early psychopathological antecedents are associated with
later development of severe mental illness.
Dr Joan Kaufman (Kennedy Krieger Institute/Johns
Dr John I. Nurnberger (Indiana University School of
Hopkins University, USA) described the genetics of
Medicine, USA) showed results from the Bipolar High
childhood trauma related to psychiatric disorders. In an
Risk Study Group and the Bipolar Disorder Genome
ongoing study of 400 maltreated children, of whom 125
Study (BiGS) (Nurnberger et al., 2011; Monahan et al.,
had undergone functional MRI, dimensional measures of
2015). From the prediction perspective, the key findings
child maltreatment predicted hippocampal activation and
were that anxiety and externalizing disorders predicted
functional connectivity to regions involved in fear
the development of major affective disorder (BD or
response. Moreover, the effect of trauma on hippocampal
recurrent major depression) in individuals at high risk.
sensitivity decreased with social support. These studies
Dr Janice M. Fullerton (Neuroscience Research showed the advantages of the RDoC framework by
Australia, Australia) described results from analyses of identifying an interacting stress by social support
neuroimaging and genetic data from the Bipolar Kids & mechanism on clinical intermediate phenotypes in a
Sibs Study. This initiative recruited young individuals high-risk group with diverse psychiatric outcome.
with BD or with a first-degree relative with BD. On the
Dr Paul Arnold (University of Calgary, Canada) discussed
basis of the MRI data, it was shown that individuals with
dimensionality and heritability of OCD in a community-
high familial risk for BD have reduced interhemispheric
based study of 16 718 children (6–18 years) collected at
connectivity. Furthermore, these individuals also have a
the Ontario Science Centre in Canada. The children
higher genetic load for BD (as quantified by PRS) com-
were administered the Toronto Obsessive Compulsive
pared with controls (Fullerton et al., 2015).
Scale. In a subset of 220 twin pairs, a consecutive herit-
Dr Andrew M. McIntosh (University of Edinburgh, UK) ability analysis was carried out. He reported a high her-
presented outcomes from the Scottish Bipolar Family itability of OC dimensions varying between 30 and 77%.
Study. Individuals with a first-degree family history of The results of this study applying a dimensional
BD and healthy controls were recruited for a structured approach supported the use of RDoC in OCD patients.

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

250 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

Dr Yanli Zhang-James (SUNY Upstate Medical Dr Sarah Hartz (Washington University in Saint Louis,
University, USA) reviewed four types of genetics studies USA) presented genetic data evaluating the comorbidity
of aggression including human twin and GWAS studies, between nicotine dependence and schizophrenia.
rodent knockout models and candidate genes, rare Dr Hartz identified 16 genetic variants associated pre-
genetic disorders with antisocial/aggressive behavior from viously with schizophrenia that were also associated with
the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database nicotine dependence (P < 0.05) in a recent GWAS of
(OMIM), and transcriptomics of rodent models. Among 17 074 ever smokers (Hancock et al., 2015). Most notable
OMIM genes with antisocial behavior, nominal GWAS was rs8042374, an intronic variant of the gene encoding
findings, rodent knockout models, and aggresso-type the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, nicotinic,
candidate genes, several common pathways regulating α3 subunit (CHRNA3), which is the first variant to reach
synaptic transmission emerged including serotonergic, genome-wide significance in two psychiatric disorders.
dopaminergic, and GABAergic signaling. There was fur-
Dr Kerry Ressler (Emory University, USA) presented a
ther evidence implicating mitochondrial dysfunction and
thought-provoking overview of insights obtained from a
mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) (originally
sample of highly traumatized patients ascertained in the
called ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinases)
inner city of Atlanta (Khoury et al., 2010). In this cohort,
the level of substance use strongly correlated with
Dr Kristin Nicodemus (University of Edinburgh, UK) childhood abuse and current PTSD symptoms.
focused on the RDoC language construct. She used Accumulating evidence suggests that the neurocircuitry
latent semantic analysis to derive variables in free speech of addiction and PTSD may be shared, with commu-
data in individuals at high risk for psychosis. Semantic nication between the amygdala and the cortex playing an
coherence, phrase length, and use of determiners were important role in both of these disorders. One salient
100% accurate at predicting transition to psychosis. In a example is the variant rs1433375 in the gene encoding
subsequent candidate language gene study of schizo- sodium channel and clathrin linker 1 (SCLT1), which was
phrenic patients, healthy siblings, and controls, the dis- associated with comorbid alcohol use (measured by the
rupted in schizophrenia (DISC1) rs12133766 variant was Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) in this highly
associated with vector length; however, this association traumatized cohort. SLCT1 is highly expressed in the
was not observed using standard measures of verbal flu- cerebellum, and carriers of the A risk allele for rs1433375
ency. She concluded that using this RDoC framework for showed less dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)
a broader definition of language can provide novel connectivity to the cerebellum than patients with the G
understanding of the genetic and neurobiological allele in a follow-up imaging study.
mechanisms of language dysfunction.
As a discussant, Dr Patrick Sullivan (University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA) emphasized that the dis-
section of psychiatric comorbidity – including substance
Genetics of comorbidity between substance use
use disorders – may be the most important emerging
disorders and other severe mental illness (reported by
problem in psychiatric research because it has been lar-
Jennie Pouget)
gely neglected up until this point. He challenged the
Many patients with mental illness have more than one
field to focus on this issue, with a particular emphasis on
disease, and substance use disorders are particularly
the utility of prospective longitudinal studies.
prevalent comorbidities. The underlying reasons for
substance use comorbidities are not clear. In the genomic
Oral sessions
era, we are reaching a point where we can articulate
Schizophrenia (reported by Chenyao Wang)
hypotheses on comorbidity across psychiatric disorders
Mr Jonathan Hess (SUNY Upstate Medical University,
and test them with reasonable statistical power.
USA) reported that they have succeeded in providing a
Dr Nelson Freimer (University of California, Los framework by which to integrate SNPs emerging from
Angeles, USA) presented an overview of a large study of GWAS with multi-omic datasets. There is a critical gap in
pedigrees ascertained for severe BD from founder our understanding of the functional consequences of
populations of Colombia and Costa Rica. These pedi- psychiatric disorder-associated variants in the context of
grees have provided insights into the genetic relation- gene expression regulation. Particular splicing-factor
ships between BD and cognitive and neuroimaging motifs were altered by schizophrenia-associated or BD-
endophenotypes, identifying 53 heritable endopheno- associated variants more often than expected by chance,
types associated with BD including cortical thickness in in genes such as CUG triplet repeat, RNA-binding pro-
prefrontal and temporal regions (Fears et al., 2014). tein (CUGBP), elav-like family members 1 and 4 (CELF1
Currently, these families are being revisited for detailed and CELF4) for schizophrenia, and epithelial splicing
phenotyping of substance use disorders, which will help regulatory protein 1 (ERSP1), and serine/arginine-rich
uncover genetic factors underlying substance use splicing factor 5 (SRSF5) for BD. Their research team
comorbidities in BD. implicated several risk variants in abnormal splice site

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XXIIIrd WCPG Meeting Summary Report Zai et al. 251

binding with predictive methods, and linked these case–control status in first-episode psychosis and to pre-
observations to gene expression levels in brain tissue. dict the development of schizophrenia as opposed to
other psychoses. PRS was a powerful predictor of
Dr Pippa Thomson (Institute of Genetics and Molecular
case–control status in Europeans, even though half of the
Medicine, UK) presented results from their clinical and
cases did not have an established diagnosis of schizo-
genetic re-evaluation of the Scottish t(1;11) family in
phrenia at the time of assessment. The PRS also showed
which a translocation disrupts DISC1 and the DISC1
some ability to distinguish between those first-episode
fusion partner 1 (DISC1FP1) gene. The t(1;11) family psychosis cases who developed schizophrenia from those
presented with a broad spectrum of psychiatric diagnoses who did not.
including schizophrenia, BD, and recurrent MDD.
Genome-wide significant linkage to major psychiatric Advances in autism (reported by Megan Crow)
illness was identified between broad peaks across both Dr Jakob Grove (Aarhus University, Denmark) presented
translocation breakpoints, with a logarithm (base 10) of results from the Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for
odds (LOD) score of 6.1 for translocation status. Integrative Psychiatric Research (iPSYCH) ASD GWAS,
Additional linkage peaks with LOD scores greater than 3 focusing only on the strict European cluster (11 661 ASD
were identified on chromosomes 3q and 5q. PRS derived and 21 427 controls) combined with data from the PGC-
from the PGC schizophrenia and BD GWASs also pre- ASD GWAS. Six loci with genome-wide significance
dicted illness within the family. These results confirm were found and LDSC against the PGC-ASD GWAS
the linkage of the translocation with major mental illness showed a significant rG (∼76%, P = 2.9 × 10 − 13). An
in this family and identify additional loci that may explain analysis of the ASD results at the PGC-schizophrenia loci
the variable presentation of illness. showed that 96/128 indices had the same direction of
Dr George Kirov (Cardiff University, UK) clarified the effect in ASD as in schizophrenia (P < 5 × 10 − 8). LDSC
role of maternal and paternal duplications at 15q11-q13 in provided evidence for widespread overlap between ASD
neuropsychiatric disorders. Maternal duplications are and schizophrenia (∼23%, P = 2.8 × 10 − 6), and a positive
highly pathogenic, resulting in neurodevelopmental dis- rG with educational attainment (∼20%) and childhood
orders in around 75% of carriers. Individuals with pater- intelligence (∼30%).
nal duplications have an increased risk of developing Mr Jack Kosmicki (Harvard University, USA) presented
ASD, developmental delay, or multiple congenital his work studying ASD-related de-novo variants using
anomalies, but not schizophrenia. About 60% of dupli- the ExAC database. Mr Kosmicki found that approxi-
cations are de novo. Despite their lower pathogenicity, mately one-third of previously identified ASD-related
paternal duplications are less frequent in the general de-novo SNVs were present in other individuals in
population, possibly because of the reduced fecundity of ExAC. De-novo protein truncating variants (PTVs)
carriers and survival of embryos. absent from ExAC (non-ExAC) and those in likely hap-
Dr Douglas Ruderfer (Icahn School of Medicine at loinsufficient genes were enriched in cases (OR = 1.98 for
Mount Sinai, USA) clarified that CNVs in intolerant all non-ExAC de-novo PTVs, OR = 3.4 for non-ExAC
genes would be more likely to have deleterious effects likely haploinsufficient de-novo PTVs), and the non-
using a large sample and an empirical approach; they ExAC de-novo PTV rate predicted the intelligence
calculated the frequency and tolerability of CNV at the quotient (P = 5 × 10 − 4). Similar trends were observed for
gene level. Although directly using the Exome inherited PTVs (OR = 1.4 for likely haploinsufficient
Aggregation Consortium (ExAC) CNV data as a con- non-ExAC variants). In ASD cases, a reduced 3 : 1
venience control sample runs a high risk of bias, they male : female bias in de-novo rate was observed with
showed improved power to detect schizophrenia loci non-ExAC likely haploinsufficient de-novo variants,
when considered along with an appropriate matched whereas a 6 : 1 male : female bias was observed with all
control sample. other de-novo PTVs, indicating that women are more
likely to have rare de-novo PTVs in putative
Dr Menachem Fromer (Icahn School of Medicine at haploinsufficient genes.
Mount Sinai, USA) presented RNA-Seq data of the
DLPFC and anterior cingulate cortex from the post- Dr Elise Robinson (Massachusetts General Hospital,
mortem brain of schizophrenic patients and controls. USA) presented an analysis of the heritability of con-
They overlaid the resulting expression quantitative trait tinuous social and communication traits using data from
iPSYCH-ASD, PGC-ASD, the Avon Longitudinal Study
loci with the 108 common variant loci associated with
of Parents and Children, the Simons Simplex Collection,
schizophrenia (Schizophrenia Working Group of the
and ExAC. Using LDSC, Dr Robinson found that ∼ 25%
Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 2014) and found sig-
of ASD common variation (with PGC-ASD and iPSYCH-
nificant overlaps in the genes between the two datasets.
ASD being considered separately) is shared with com-
Dr Evangelos Vassos (King’s College London, UK) mon variation that influences the social and commu-
estimated the predictive power of PRS in discriminating nication disorders checklist in the Avon Longitudinal

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

252 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

Study of Parents and Children cohort. This was also the variants and an increase in nucleus accumbens and
case for de-novo variants in that the rate of non-ExAC de- putamen volumes in addition to an increased risk
novo LoF and predicted damaging missense variants in for OCD.
the Simons Simplex Collection cohort linearly predicted
Dr Ida Sønderby (Norwegian Centre for Mental
impairment measured by the Vineland Scales of Adaptive
Disorders Research, Norway) presented the ENIGMA-
Behavior (P < 0.01 for both cases and controls).
CNV project, which aims to associate CNVs with brain
Dr Janita Bralten (Radboud University, The imaging phenotypes. Approximately 12 000 individuals
Netherlands) presented the results of a GWAS of autistic from 16 cohorts worldwide with both genetics and neu-
traits in the general population. Dr Bralten validated a roimaging data have been included for analysis.
self-report questionnaire, and then tested the association Preliminary analysis on a specific CNV supports previous
between genotypes in an ASD candidate gene set (146 findings. More cohorts were encouraged to join.
genes) and trait scores across five subcategories in a
population sample (n = 1981). An association was Dr Arash Nazeri (Centre for Addiction and Mental
observed between ‘rigidity’ and ASD candidates in a Health, Canada) presented a genome-wide interaction
competitive gene-set analysis test (P = 0.005), which was study, investigating interaction effects between genetic
primarily driven by genes associated with ‘neurite out- variants and serum urate on striatal dopamine transporter
growth’ (P = 0.003); an SNP in the MET proto-oncogene, density binding ratio (as indexed by DaTscan striatal
receptor tyrosine kinase (MET) gene was statistically binding ratio) in patients with Parkinson’s disease. The
significant after controlling for the family-wise error rate interactions of gene variant and serum urate on MRI-
(P = 1.4 × 10 − 4). derived regional brain volumes (voxel-based morpho-
metry) and clinical status were also investigated. The
Dr Ryan K.C. Yuen (The Hospital for Sick Children, inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase K (INPP5K)
Canada) presented his work studying de-novo variation rs1109303 (T > G) variant showed a significant interac-
in 200 ASD simplex families and 258 control families. tion effect on striatal dopamine transporter density, with
Dr Yuen found that ∼ 70% of SNVs and insertion/dele- the association between serum-urate level and striatal
tions were paternally derived, and that the number of de- dopamine transporter being positive in G-allele carriers
novo variants correlated with paternal age. The somatic and negative in TT genotype carriers. A similar interac-
mutation rate was 3.6 per genome in ASD, and the tion effect was observed on prefrontal cortex volume and
sequence context of these mutations differed from clinical severity of Parkinson’s disease. In conclusion, the
germline mutations. Damaging variants were enriched in INPP5K rs1109303 genotype could inform pharmaco-
cases, and ASD de-novo variants were enriched for therapeutic approaches targeting the urate pathway in
functions related to synaptic transmission, chromatin Parkinson’s disease.
modification, and translation.
Dr Daniel Felsky (Centre for Addiction and Mental
Dr Katri Kantojärvi (National Institute for Health and Health, Canada) reported on the interaction between the
Welfare, Finland) presented an association study on nine sortilin-like receptor (SORL1) gene and BDNF.
previously identified psychiatric-related CACNA1C SNPs Postmortem brains were used to quantify 13 SORL1
in infant sleep regulation using a cohort of 1017 Finnish transcripts isoforms. The T allele of the rs12364988 on
8-month-old babies. Four SNPs were associated with the transcript isoform SORL1-005 reduced the expression
parent-reported sleep latency overall (P < 0.05), and some of SORL1 in the BDNF Val/Val homozygotes and
sex differences were observed. In a subset of 60 babies, increased the expression of SORL1 in BDNF Met car-
an association was found between one SNP and three riers. This result showed a novel interaction between
polysomnographically measured sleep traits (P < 0.05). SORL1 and BDNF, which may play a role in SORL1
alternative splicing.
Neuroimaging and alternate phenotypes (reported by
Dr Danielle Posthuma (Vrije Universiteit University,
Sejal Patel)
The Netherlands) discussed the importance of gene and
Dr Derrek Hibar (University of Southern California, environment interaction in psychiatric traits. A meta-
USA) discussed the use of brain imaging data from the analysis was carried out on 3 306 594 twin pairs investi-
Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta- gating the genetic and environmental factors in 47 dis-
Analysis (ENIGMA) Consortium and investigated tinct psychiatric traits. The heritability of all psychiatric
potential intermediate phenotypes for psychiatric dis-
traits was 0.462, with a higher heritability (0.518) in
orders such as OCD. Genetic variations from genome-
young age group (0–11 years) compared with other age
wide association studies under the international colla-
groups. Results showed that most psychiatric traits are
boration, ENIGMA-OCD working group, was examined
influenced by additive genetic variance.
in eight substructure brain volumes. There was no evi-
dence of pleiotropy; however, in the test for concordance, Dr Margaret Maciukiewicz (Centre for Addiction and
there was a significant association between genetics Mental Health, Canada) presented her study on MDD in

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

XXIIIrd WCPG Meeting Summary Report Zai et al. 253

relation to response to a serotonin–norepinephrine Carlsson answered a question from Dr Chunyu Liu

reuptake inhibitor, duloxetine. Nine gene variants (University of Illinois, USA) about new types of neuro-
(imputed and genotyped) were selected for LASSO transmitters other than dopamine and agreed that com-
regression. In support vector machine models, the accu- pounds with signaling properties may all have important
racy was 61.75%. When nongenetic predictors were functions in diseases. Professor Carlsson also commented
added to the model, the accuracy increased to 80.29% in on the release of dopamine, a question asked by
support vector machine, but further refinement is needed Professor Robin Murray (King’s College London, UK).
for clinical settings. He believes that both presynaptic and postsynaptic
components of dopaminergic transmission play a role in
Tuesday 20 October 2015 schizophrenia. In the Skype meeting, Professor Carlsson
Plenary session emphasized again the importance of balanced functions
Dopamine, schizophrenia, and the process of discovery of a new drug and highlighted that it would be a mistake
in the brain sciences (reported by Jingjing Zhao) to not take side effects into account when inventing new
Professor Arvid Carlsson’s discovery of dopamine as an drugs, given how vulnerable the brain is and how plas-
important neurotransmitter has contributed considerably ticity of the brain would play an important role at an early
toward the genetics and neurobiology of various diseases stage of life and for the entire life. Finally, Professor
as well as drug discovery and treatments to clinical Carlsson completed his Skype call by answering a ques-
patients. This plenary session started with watching a tion about the opportunity of female scientists raised by a
recorded video interview of Professor Carlsson, followed female postdoctoral researcher from the University of
by a live Skype call with Professor Carlsson. Cambridge. Professor Carlsson acknowledged the tre-
In the video interview, Professor Carlsson first described mendous role of women in his academic career. He
his scientific career development in the 1950s and his admitted that although considerable development and
early experiments that led to his discovery of dopamine progress for providing equal opportunity to female sci-
as an important neurotransmitter. He commented on the entists have been achieved as decades have passed, the
challenges for himself to choose a direction that was final goal has still not been achieved and women still did
different from his supervisor and appreciated that his not have the same opportunities to reach the top posi-
supervisor did not oppose him to proceed in his own tions as men.
direction, even though it challenged the scientific opi-
nions of the time. He spoke about his experience when
he was notified that he won the Nobel Prize in 2000. Oral sessions
Surprisingly, the first question that he asked when he Dissecting the schizophrenia phenotype (reported by
received the phone call from the Nobel notifier was: Umut Kirli)
‘How do you formulate the reason to give me the prize?’ Dr Daniel Howrigan (Massachusetts General Hospital,
Professor Carlsson especially pointed out the importance USA) discussed the contribution of de-novo coding
of considering the negative and side effects of long-term mutations toward the risk of schizophrenia. He presented
treatment in drug development and suggested that new findings from analysis of exome sequencing data on 1697
medications should be careful in stabilization, balancing schizophrenia trios. Although an emerging pattern of de-
the ‘brake’ and ‘accelerator’, and should maintain the novo risk is evident among well-characterized gene sets
plasticity of brain at an optimum level. In terms of the and an excess of genes with recurrent damaging muta-
recent financial cut-back in Europe for neuroimaging tions, the increased liability toward schizophrenia
studies, Professor Carlsson was in favor of studying the because of de-novo mutations comprises only a modest
brain as a promising direction and believed that a lack of fraction of the overall genetic liability and to date no
harmony of the brain was coupled with many diseases. single gene has been established as a putative de-novo
Finally, Professor Carlsson summarized the challenges schizophrenia risk factor.
for research without hypothesis such as the GWAS of Dr Tristram A. Lett (Charité University Hospital,
schizophrenia and commented on the disadvantages of Germany) presented a study investigating the influence
the current classification of disorders.
of the functional rs3749034 variant in the glutamic acid
In the Skype call, Professor Carlsson answered questions decarboxylase 1 (GAD1) gene on brain structure and
from the audience with various backgrounds. Professor working memory performance in schizophrenic patients
Carlsson provided advice to both young researchers and and healthy controls. The effect of this variant on long-
old scientists as to how to proceed in the field, respec- interval cortical inhibition in the DLPFC was subse-
tively. He suggested that young researchers start with a quently examined using TMS with electro-
simple project to gain better motivation to carry out encephalogram. He discussed the findings indicating that
research. He encouraged senior scientists to fulfill their genetic variation in GAD1 may affect white matter frac-
early scientific dreams that they did not have the chance tional anisotropy, GABAergic inhibitory neurotransmis-
to achieve in their early academic career. Professor sion in the DLPFC, and working memory performance.

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

254 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

Dr Alexander Richards (Cardiff University, UK) pre- interneuron networks, with further investigation indi-
sented preliminary data from EU-GEI (EUropean net- cating that this is primarily driven by high expression of
work of national schizophrenia networks studying these genes.
Gene–Environment Interactions), a cohort of ultra-high-
risk and frank psychosis cases in UK, Netherlands, Italy, Dr Raymond Walters (Massachusetts General Hospital/
France, Turkey, Spain, Serbia, Ireland, and Brazil. The Broad Institute, USA) suggested a hypothesis that
research is focusing on nonaffective psychosis (not only ‘GWAS of continuous traits in population samples can be
schizophrenia); cognitive scales, social, and environ- used to improve power to detect the loci for psychiatric
mental risk variables are available to examine interactions phenotypes’. Dr Walters and his team reported efficient
with genetic risk. power enrichment of transforming dichotomous pheno-
types to continuous latent liability variables, and the
Mr Ahmed Al Amri (University of Leeds, UK) presented effect of genetic covariance on the relationship between
an autozygosity mapping in combination with whole- the latent liability variables and the continuous pheno-
exome sequencing study carried out in a first-cousin types by varying genetic architectures through simulation
consanguineous family, in which two out of eight siblings studies before applying the proposed approach to studies
were affected with psychosis. He reported a missense of ADHD with the EArly Genetics & Lifecourse
mutation, c.C1348T:p.R450C, in the deafness, autosomal Epidemiology (EAGLE) Consortium and the PGC.
recessive 31 (DFNB31) gene at 9q32, which was pre-
dicted by all mutation prediction packages to be patho- Mr Christaan de Leeuw (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
genic and cosegregated with psychosis in the family in a The Netherlands) presented his work to investigate the
manner consistent with recessive inheritance. This var- self-contained and competitive gene-set analysis meth-
iant was suggested to impair the interaction of DFNB31 ods of the GWAS data. The simulation studies showed a
with ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component N-recognin 4 high false-reporting rate for the self-contained approach
(UBR4), which is known to play roles in neurogenesis, for the analysis of a polygenic phenotype, particularly in
neuronal migration, and neuronal signaling. large gene sets and increasing sample sizes. Mr de Leeuw
concluded that self-contained analysis does not provide
Dr Giulio Genovese (Broad Institute, USA) presented a
reliable results, and the alternative competitive methods
schizophrenia case–control cohort investigating rare dis-
may have biases as well. He added, ‘obtaining higher
ruptive mutations in constrained genes (which harbor the
statistical power is difficult for strongly heritable traits,
expected amount of synonymous variations, but sig-
and that power doesn’t improve significantly with
nificantly under-represented missense variations). He
increasing sample size’.
reported that overall 24% of schizophrenia cases (and just
17% of controls) harbored private disruptive mutations in Dr Verneri Anttila (Massachusetts General Hospital/
the most constrained genes. Broad Institute, USA) spoke about his research on a joint
Dr Emma Dempster (University of Exeter, UK) pre- analysis of 23 brain diseases to reveal novel patterns in
sented a study examining the role of epigenetic variation the genetic background of psychiatric and neurological
in schizophrenia, focusing on DNA methylation differ- diseases by a cross-disorder heritability analysis using the
ences in disease-discordant MZ twins. She reported that LDSC approach for all GWAS data. His research showed
the most significant differentially methylated position a general trend in psychiatric diseases to have consider-
was located in the histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) gene, able risk, increasing comorbidity with a variety of other
encoding a histone deacetylase implicated in synaptic psychiatric diseases, notably with schizophrenia and
plasticity and memory formation, and a differentially major depression, showing considerable comorbidity with
methylated region was identified in the HLA region that most of the studied psychiatric phenotypes.
had been implicated in previous GWASs of Dr Sarah Gagliano (Centre for Addiction and Mental
schizophrenia. Health, Canada) presented her research of prioritizing
genetic risk variants for psychiatric disorders on the basis
Biostatistics and bioinformatics (reported by Kartikay of functional genomic information using a machine
Chadha) learning approach. She trained an elastic-net model using
Dr Megan Crow (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA) 14 different functional annotations including splice sites,
presented her research exploring cell-type specific nonsynonymous SNPs, and DNase I hypersensitive sites.
coexpression of genes with recurrent LoF de-novo The data were divided into training and test sets, and the
mutations in ASD. Dr Crow constructed coexpression resulting model had reasonable accuracy (with area under
networks for six genetically targeted adult mouse inhi- the receiver operating characteristic curve of around 0.7).
bitory interneuron types and analyzed their functional She then presented a comparison of statistical learning
connectivity using a neighbor voting algorithm in cross- methods using different combinations of three previously
validation. This enabled her to conclude that ASD can- published annotation sets with three algorithms
didate genes are strongly coexpressed in inhibitory (Gagliano et al., 2015).

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

XXIIIrd WCPG Meeting Summary Report Zai et al. 255

Dr Wim Verleyen (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA) Ms Sophie Legge (Cardiff University, UK) reported on
introduced the audience to a tool for customized network her exploration of genetic factors associated with
analysis called SAPLING ( clozapine-induced neutropenia. The patient sample
SAPLING is a web application that utilizes hetero- included patients with clozapine-induced neutropenia
geneous data resources for in-depth analysis; existing from the CLOZUK and CardiffCOGS cohorts (defined
tools, for example, GENEMANIA (Warde-Farley et al., by Rees et al., 2013) and clozapine-treated controls
2010) and DAPPLE (Rossin et al., 2011), lack these (without clozapine-induced neutropenia). For the GWAS
properties. He reported examples of using SAPLING in findings, two intergenic variants reached genome-wide
the context of psychiatric genetics (autism, synaptic significance. After replication, one variant affecting both
interactions, and ADHD), where the downstream analy- solute carrier organic anion transporter family members
sis was customized with data and algorithms using the 1B3 (SLCO1B3) and 1B7 (SLCO1B7) transcripts was sig-
tool to produce results, showing that aggregation across nificant. This is a novel finding for clozapine research,
more network data and brain-related data improves per- although the SLCO genes have been associated pre-
formance, whereas condition specificity within the viously with adverse drug reactions (Link et al., 2008).
underlying data appeared to be difficult. He concluded
Dr Joanna Biernacka (Mayo Clinic, USA) reported on her
that customized network analysis might be needed to
results of a pharmacogenomic GWAS on antidepressant-
handle functional interpretation of gene lists related to
induced weight gain. The aim was to identify genetic
psychiatric disorders.
variants that predict weight gain or loss during the course
of treatment with citalopram or escitalopram. Although
Pharmacogenetics of response and side effects
baseline weight was available, weight was not measured
(reported by Ellen Ovenden)
at follow-up visits, and therefore, retrospective recall data
Dr Douglas Ruderfer (Mount Sinai School of Medicine,
derived from the Quick Inventory of Depressive
USA) opened the session by discussing his research on
Symptomatology were used to define weight change after
the genetic overlap between schizophrenia susceptibility
initiation of treatment. At week 4, one variant close to the
and antipsychotic treatment response. Known and pre-
complexin 1 gene reached genome-wide significance for
dicted drug target genes were investigated for enrich-
weight loss, and at week 8, a different variant within
ment for schizophrenia susceptibility loci. The majority
the aldo–keto reductase family 1 member C2 (AKR1C2)
of significantly enriched loci fell within novel predicted
gene was significantly associated with weight loss.
antipsychotic target genes (277 of 347 total genes,
Dr Biernacka pointed out that both genes are candidates
P = 0.019). In addition, Dr Ruderfer found that there is
for antidepressant-induced weight gain/loss on the basis
an enrichment for rare mutations within drug targets
of previous evidence of their impact on insulin exocytosis
when assessing treatment-resistant patients.
and adipogenesis, respectively.
Dr Raquel Iniesta (King’s College London, UK) pre-
Dr Todd Lencz (Zucker Hillside Hospital, USA) dis-
sented a machine learning approach to antidepressant
cussed the pharmacogenetics of antipsychotic-naive
treatment response. Her hypothesis was that utilizing a
patients. His study made use of a subset of the
combination of clinical and genetic variables could more
Malhotra et al. (2012) cohort to investigate risperidone-
accurately predict treatment outcome. Dr Iniesta col-
induced hyperprolactinemia and/or weight gain. Both of
lected various clinical and genetic information from
the top hits occurred within the CDK5 regulatory
patients (N = 430). The machine learning approach used
subunit-associated protein 1-like 1 (CDKAL1) gene, with
a training (N = 280) and testing (N = 150) dataset to pre-
the first SNP associated with increased prolactin and the
dict future outcomes using the collected information.
second with increased weight gain. The mechanism
Dr Iniesta observed that accuracy was improved by
involved leads to aberrant proinsulin accumulation (Wei
combining genetic and clinical variables for both
et al., 2011). Dr Lencz announced that the phase II data
nortriptyline (R2 = 16%) and citalopram (R2 = 15%)
from 1000 first-episode psychosis patients will be pre-
sented during the next meeting in 2016.
Dr Arun Tiwari (Centre for Addiction and Mental
Health, Canada) discussed his study on the orexin Acknowledgements
receptors and antipsychotic-induced weight gain The authors acknowledge the funding source for the
(AIWG). Several polymorphisms in the human copper Early Career Investigator Program (ECIP) (NIAAA
transporter 2 (HCTR2) gene were nominally associated 5R13AA017055-08, John I. Nurnberger), Conference
(P ∼ 5 × 10 − 3) with AIWG. Dr Tiwari pointed out that Support for World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics, and
these variants fall in a region that has been predicted to the University of Toronto McLaughlin Centre. Each
have weak enhancer activity (The ENCODE Project summary is the subjective understanding of the rappor-
Consortium, 2012). Dr Tiwari and his colleagues also teur for each session. The data reported are as heard
constructed a preliminary risk model for AIWG that during the presentation, and where possible, all state-
predicted 67% of the variance. ments have been sent to the speakers for approval for

Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

256 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, Vol 26 No 6

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