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Doomsayers III by Michael Bagen

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Doomsayer III – The Gift

Table of Contents
The Investigation........................................................................................................................................5
Searching the Crime Scene.....................................................................................................................5
Bhim Patel...............................................................................................................................................7
The Holy Man..........................................................................................................................................8
Dakhar Bharwani....................................................................................................................................9
Maharaja Hotel.....................................................................................................................................10
Sajani Nambissan..................................................................................................................................11
Research #1...........................................................................................................................................12
The Holy Man........................................................................................................................................13
Bhim Patel.............................................................................................................................................14
Sajani Nambissan..................................................................................................................................15
Twist #1.................................................................................................................................................16
Xi Shi......................................................................................................................................................18
Ignatius Krupp.......................................................................................................................................19
Taj Masion.............................................................................................................................................20
Shady Character....................................................................................................................................21
Adelaide Corprus..................................................................................................................................22
Xi Shi......................................................................................................................................................23
Adelaide Corprus..................................................................................................................................24
Bhim Patel.............................................................................................................................................25
Twist #2.................................................................................................................................................26
The Royal Peacock................................................................................................................................27
Post Office.............................................................................................................................................28
Kobayashi Kloths...................................................................................................................................29
The Romanov Mansion.........................................................................................................................30
The Holy Man........................................................................................................................................31
Twist #3.................................................................................................................................................32
Dakhar Bharwani..................................................................................................................................35
Twist #4.................................................................................................................................................36
Sajani Nambissan..................................................................................................................................37
Research #2...........................................................................................................................................38
Ignatius Krupp.......................................................................................................................................39
Shady Character....................................................................................................................................40
A Small Chapel......................................................................................................................................41
Neha Vashni..........................................................................................................................................42
Twist #5.................................................................................................................................................43
Ignatius Krupp.......................................................................................................................................44
Xi Shi......................................................................................................................................................45
Jordan Wilkes........................................................................................................................................46
The two assassins, Ignatius Krupp of the Dies Arcanum Brotherhood and Xi Shi of the
Mist Walkers, both traveled to Delhi. But neither would be my companion on the
trip. I assumed they both had their reasons so I didn't argue. In all honesty, I didn't
like the idea of traveling with a group of elite killers too much. But when I got off the
plane, sure as the sun would rise and it would be a scorcher, Ignatius was waiting for

"Ignatius," I said plainly, "Have you heard from Xi Shi yet?"

"No. I'm assuming that she's either abandoned us, has her own means of transit, or is
up to something. In any event, she has not made contact. Have you given any
thought to our quest, detective?"

"Yes. First, we need to discover what these Doomsayers really are. If we can do that,
we can see how the Circle is acquainted with them. They must either be promising
them something or holding something over their heads. Either way, we need to
know. Step two is finding Vashni. I can't help but feel that she's the lynch pin to all of
this. Step three, stop them all and make the arrests."

"When you say it like that," he said in his usual deadpan, "It almost sounds easy."
Ignatius looked at me, his face a blank. "Incidentally, I stopped in and checked on
Zorn before I left. The doctors say that he will recover."

"That's good. But for now, we need to find a hook. Any leads?"

"Yes, in fact. There is a local controversy over a young boy who has been kidnapped.
If I did not know better, I would suspect the Children of Thought. But the Circle has
its own history with kidnapping children, though their ends are somewhat more
mysterious. I recommend going to the home of the family and offering your services.
I will, for my part, go meet with a person who represents us locally. His name is
Matthias Krupp, the Grand Inquisitor. Meet me at his office at noon, if you would."

"Krupp? Any relation?"

Ignatius nodded. "He is my brother. Go on, detective. Our quarry awaits."

Amit Patel was a boy like any other. He liked friends, games, and all the things that a
normal 10 year old the world over enjoys. He was walking home one day and
disappeared. No one knew how. No one knew why. His parents, who I met with,
were thoroughly baffled. I did my best to check their backgrounds and found no
faction allegiance. The boy was no one special. It didn't make any sense.

His parents agreed immediately to let me take the case. They were clearly very
worried about their son becoming a statistic. But knowing what I did know about
people, I logged them as potential suspects anyway.

As I listened to the descriptions of the child, I couldn't help but hear my detective
instincts going off. Something was wrong here, far more insidiously wrong than
simply a boy being kidnapped. For you see, this boy could do something that no
other little boy could do...

This little boy could read minds.

The Investigation
Searching the Crime Scene
Victim: Amit Patel
Age: 10
Location: Streets of Delhi
Approximate time of capture: 3:00 p.m.

Amit Patel is ten years old. I looked down the long

streets of Delhi, letting the abduction story play
out in my head. Young Amit had been walking
home from school, walking like any child of his age. Someone walked by and grabbed
him. Sure. It probably happened all the time. It does in every other city on Earth,
right? Why not here?

But something about the story didn't sit right with me. It was too clean. There were
too many easy assumptions, the kind that usually point to a more insidious plan.
Amit had been walking home from school. Well, I was outside his school now. It was
a refurbished school only a few months old, but a nice place. The Roshni Academy, it
was called. I nodded to the teacher, an older woman with graying hair, and walked
off towards the Patel home.

Immediately I was struck by the wrongness of this. The roads were busy and the path
was long. The crowd was almost omnipresent. At this time of day there were, if
nothing else, children everywhere. If the kid got snatched, it certainly wasn't off the
street. More likely they...

My eyes drifted towards the school.

"Son of a-"

The teacher was still standing out front. "Is there something I can help you with,

"Yeah. I'm investigating the disappearance of...wait a minute, how did you know I
was a detec-" The teacher reached for something and I flinched. But the very
moment my hand grazed my gun, a shot rang out. The teacher fell and I turned. The
man behind me wore a turban and a policeman's uniform. The still warm gun was in
his hand, pointed at the ground.

"Detective Dakhar Bharwani, Delhi police department." So, he was a local cop, I
thought. I could tell what kind of cop easily, the admission in mind. Only good cops
got eyes like that, worn and tearful, angry and outraged eyes belonging only to those
who hate their jobs but can't bring themselves to leave the innocent undefended.

"I'm here investigating the disappearance of Amit Patel, officer Bharwani. And I'm
afraid that you just shot my only witness."

The Delhi detective shrugged. "It is of no consequence. She was reaching for her
weapon, a knife in fact." I looked down at the body and confirmed that there was a
short, kris blade in her hand.

"How was she going to kill me with that," I muttered.

Dakhar cleared his throat. "She wasn't. She intended to kill herself." This startled me.
This in fact scared me. I turned to the man. He smiled. "Welcome to Delhi. You may
call me Dakhar, by the way."

I sighed. Dakhar holstered his pistol. "Wonderful place you have here. So tell me,
what do I do now? I think the kid was taken from inside the school, but I can't even
get inside that school? Something about religious affiliations."

"Yes. The Circle of Light owns that school." My jaw dropped. Dakhar went on. "It is
not so much a school as an indoctrination center...which I suppose is simply a more
honest word for school, but Roshni is beyond the pale in that regard. Suffice it to say,
you'll need another means of getting information, anyway. They are very loyal to the
Circle in there, and you of all people should not be in their company if you can help


Dakhar smiled. "Meaning I know why you are in Delhi. Come to see me later. We
must talk."
Bhim Patel

Bhim Patel was an older man with a quiet, unassuming look. It was odd, though. He
seemed very calm for a man whose child had just been abducted.

Detective: "I've heard some odd rumors about your son, Bhim. Is it true that he can
read minds?"
Bhim Patel: Bhim shuddered.

"Yes, it is true. The power he possesses first showed itself two years ago. Since then,
my wife and I have lived in constant fear of our own son, of what he might discover.
The minds of men are not meant to be shared that openly. This much I now know.

"If you wish to know more, you may perhaps discuss this with Zail, the holy man. He
is a friend and he spoke often with my son."
The Holy Man

I was in need of some serious enlightenment, so I set off to see Zail, the Holy Man.

Detective: "I've heard that you spoke to the Patel boy about his gifts? I don't know
if you've heard, but he is missing. Have you any idea who would do such a thing?"
Zail (Holy Man): "It's already quite obvious who took him, detective; the Circle of
Light. Where they have taken him and why is another matter. All I can suggest is that
you look further into the relationship his father had with the Circle. Bhim will not
admit to it easily, but I know for a fact that they applied for their son to enter that
academy knowing full well who ran it. Come back here when you know more and
perhaps between the two of us, we can determine how to break Bhim's silence."
Dakhar Bharwani

Dakhar Bharwani was the Delhi police officer who saved my life. He greeted me
politely, although it was obvious the pressures of his job kept him from giving me his
undivided attention.

Detective: "Tell me more about the Roshni Academy?"

Dakhar Bharwani: "Hmmm...well, the Roshni Academy was closed down years ago.
Ironically, what opened it up again was a murder investigation. There was a little girl
brainwashed by the Circle of Light and turned into the killer. A private detective like
yourself was hired, and found the girl hiding the school. The detective blacked out
from a fall. When we got there the girl was dead, killed no doubt to prevent her from
talking. Very sad."

Detective: "Does the school have any connection to the Circle of Light?"
Dakhar Bharwani: "The word 'roshni' means light, detective. You figure it out. As to
any more detailed information on the academy, you will have to seek your answers
on the outside. They are a secretive group and not above killing trespassers.

"But I do have one lead that you can follow. Last I heard, the Green Hand had...a
difficult relationship with the Circle. It seems to have gotten worse, for some reason.
The word on the street is that there was some kind of deal going on and the Hand
has been cut out. Now, normally this would make me very happy, as they are all
certifiably insane. But it has led to some unsettling acts of violence in the hotel. Go
talk to Mr. Smith at the Maharaja Hotel. Perhaps he can help you."
Maharaja Hotel

I went to Maharaja Hotel. The lobby was almost empty, but I had the unpleasant
feeling that I was being watched. I glanced around the room nervously, but could not
locate the source of my unease.

Word around town was that a group known as the Green Hand had set up shop in
one of the top floor suites.

I wanted to talk to Gordon Smith, the Concierge.

Detective: "I've heard that the Green Hand has been a bit rowdy at your hotel,
lately. Anything you can tell me about them, or better yet, the Circle of Light?"
Gordon Sith (Concierge): "Yeah. There've been so many hit squads in and out of here
this month I'm thinking of charging a percentage. The Hand is on the defensive and
I'm guessing that they have good reason. You can probably talk to the leader of the
Green Hand, Sajani Nambissan. He's just angry enough lately that he'll talk to anyone
who hates the Circle of Light."
Sajani Nambissan

I went to see Sajani Nambissan, resident Guardian General of the Green Hand.

Detective: "So you heard about what happened to Adam Brecht?"

Sajani Nambissan: Sajani shrugged.

"The fate of the Green Hand Assassin is of no consequence. His duty was to the
natural order and he performed it unto his demise. What disturbs us is instead how
our group has been pushed out of the proceedings. There is a group called the
Doomsayers who have offered us all great power in exchange for our allegiance. The
Doomsayers took our support and then turned their back on us. This is inexcusable."

Detective: "I know about the Doomsayers and the events in London, more so than
perhaps you do. The Doomsayers sold out their own man to the Circle and the
Children, simply so that the Circle's assassin could return to Delhi. She killed him
with sharp wire and escaped as Darius Kosades, now deceased, tried to kill me and
my partners."
Sajani Nambissan: "Ah, so you were the one facing them in the English city. This
changes things. So long as you are the proven enemy of the Doomsayers, we will do
whatever we can to aid your efforts.

"If what you say is true, then, you are no doubt looking for Neha Vashni. The wires
she uses are...familiar to my group. If you wish to find her, and thus find the boy
whose abduction I have heard so much about, perhaps you should pursue their
connection to the Roshni Academy. I will give you what information I have about the
Circle and leave you to do the research yourself."
Research #1
Apparently the Roshni Academy had been shut down for years, up until about a year
ago. Oddly, it was in the wake of the school being the scene of a crime that brought
public attention back to it. Shortly hereafter, the school reopened.

But what was really surprising was the Patel family. There was a picture of young
Amit Patel in the local newspaper, dated about six months ago. The story was about
his mother's death in a "tragic accident in the street". Shortly thereafter there was
another story about young Patel, a story that listed him as a student at Roshni.
Somewhere in between those two events they must've approached him. I had some
of the details now, which was good. Now all I needed was for someone to fill in the
The Holy Man

I was in need of some serious enlightenment, so I set off to see Zail, the Holy Man.

Detective: "Between Sajani and the records hall, I think I've determined what it is
that Mr. Patel was up to. The Circle of Light approached him about his son about a
year ago and asked him if they would let him teach them their ways. They were
probably trying to twist the boy just like they did that little girl-"
Zail (Holy Man): "But it didn't work. The boy can read minds. He is resistant to their
tricks. But the Circle, though mad, is not stupid. They had to have known of this
likelihood. Therefore their ends could not have been that simple. Confront Bhim with
the manipulation of his son and perhaps he can enlighten us further."
Bhim Patel

I returned to the Patel home to speak to the victim's father, Bhim.

Detective: "Mr. Patel, I have determined that the Circle of Light has kidnapped
your son, and that it is part of a larger plan to make use of his gifts for their own
ends. Is there anything they said to you, or that your son said to you, that could
widen our investigation?"
Bhim Patel: "Only that the Final Reckoning was at hand, whatever that means. My
son said that to me. When I asked him where he'd heard it, he said that it was a
pretty lady with the puppet strings."
Sajani Nambissan

Despite the danger, I once again held court with the Green Hand's Guardian General,
Mr. Nambissan.

Detective: "When you were negotiating with the Doomsayers, did they ever
mention the term 'The Final Reckoning'?"
Sajani Nambissan: "Frequently. They were tight-lipped about the specifics, but I
believe that it was the fulcrum of their plot. They also made mention of an important
artifact that had been lost. This was where I first met Dr. Vashni, who you now tell
me that you have met. Apparently the Dies Arcanum Brotherhood managed to
protect a sample of ancient writings essential to their plans. But Vashni, under the
banner of her academic credentials, stole the translation from the British Museum."

Detective: "Do you know of any way I can get a hold of that translation? It might be
essential to finding the Doomsayers before they do whatever they're planning to
that boy?"
Sajani Nambissan: "Unfortunately, I do not. However, the Dies Arcanum
Brotherhood does still have the original. If you have some contacts within their
order, perhaps you can get it straight from the horse's mouth, as it were."
Twist #1
The clock struck noon in Delhi and the high heat was omnipresent. I wasn't used to it
and I could already feel it dragging the energy from my body. I entered the office of
the Grand Inquisitor without announcement. Normally this would be tantamount to
suicide, but I was tired, in a hurry, and expected. I could only hope that the third
excused the rudeness inherent to the first two.

An older man sat at a desk, hands folded in front of his face. He wore the garments
of a priest and his eyes were closed in a state of deep meditation. I found myself
amused at how much he looked like Ignatius. He was older, slightly broader, and far
less severe, but still he had the Kruppness. Kruppness, it would seem, was based
largely in ignoring everyone in the room until you felt like speaking.

"Grand Inquisitor?"

Matthias Krupp didn't move. A door off to the side opened and Ignatius walked in. He
ignored me completely until he was seated, after which he assumed a position of
meditation similar to his brother's. Oh yes, they were related.

"So it is hereditary," I quipped. Ignatius glared at me. "Sorry."

"What have you discovered?" Ignatius asked.

"Well, quite a bit. The boy they kidnapped is a psychic and the Circle tried
unsuccessfully to brainwash him. The Green Hand has added the Doomsayers to
their list of people they want dead."

"That's already a very long list."

"True, but they're currently topping it. What we need to know now is what they're
planning. And my evidence has lead me to-"

"The Tablet of Ordo," said the Grand Inquisitor, "You want a translation, yes?"

I nodded. "It will be necessary, if I am to stop them."

Matthias Krupp sighed and looked at his brother, then back at me. "The tablet says,
'They will break upon the land like the final wave, a wave not of fire, nor or earth,
nor water nor air. The sky shall open and become a hole to the land of the dead. The
minds of the wicked shall march within the bodies of the innocent. All will become
one, and Earth shall reign as a kingdom of Hell.' That is, effectively, what it states."


"Not nearly," said Ignatius, his voice grave, "If I am not mistaken, it means that they
intend to use some sort of amplification to overtake the minds of mankind, fusing
them into one group mind that they will control. The boy, if the stories are true,
could be the lynch pin to this plot. But they will still require some way to amplify his
powers and fuse them with the skills of a mindbender. Perhaps this is Vashni's role?"

"Unknown, but I will continue my investigation. This at least gives me something to

work with. We need to discover their amplifier."

Suddenly a knock on the door shattered the din. I opened it as Ignatius readied his

Xi Shi stood in the doorway, her cold, distant beauty unfazed by the Indian heat.
There was something in her eyes that I'd never seen before, something that I could
immediately recognize but had a lot of trouble accepting. I saw fear.

"There has been a development," she said, "Come with me."

Xi Shi

Xi Shi, the mysterious Mist Walker, nodded politely to me when she saw me.

"How goes the investigation, detective?"

Detective: "What did you find?"

Xi Shi: "Before I tell you, there is something you should know. I have attained
mastery of certain...abilities. You saw one such use of these abilities in the death of
Darius Kosades. In short, I can kill with an expression. What I wished to tell you
relates to this. I have some suspicions about Vashni's backing, and the Circle's overall
plan. It is founded mainly in my attempt to find Vashni in this city using my abilities. I
could not. And while this may mean very little to you, it carries a rather unsettling
portend to my eye."

Detective: "I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. Do you mean to say that
she's immune to your...powers?"
Xi Shi: "That is precisely what I am saying. And this is supposedly impossible. The
secrets of my order are very powerful, detective. For one to so easily defeat them
speaks of a mental protection that I find alarming.

"On a more positive note, the presence of this ability could help focus our efforts.
This block in Vashni's mind is no doubt the product of the Doomsayers' influence.
Now while I have certain mental abilities, I am no mind reader. If you can find for me
a name associated with whatever process they are going to use in their plans, I am
certain that I can...entice them to tell us the whole story. It is all a matter of finding
this person."
Ignatius Krupp

Ignatius looked concerned, but that was no surprise. Things were getting bad in

Detective: "Xi Shi seems to think she can properly interrogate a person into telling
us whatever we need to know. The only problem is finding someone. Any
Ignatius Krupp: "Well, we know that the Roshni Academy is connected to the Circle
of Light. I have to believe that there are others in this town less involved but equally
informed. That's...that's it. Go talk to the bartender. I think you know why."
Taj Masion

Despite the early hour, I headed over to the Taj Masion, a quiet bar housed in an old
colonial mansion. The place was crowded with chatting locals, as always.

Lurking near the back, I could make out the shape of one of the bar's regulars. He
was the local fixer, and it seemed like every city had one, if you knew where to look.
An unpleasant person to deal with, but one who was sometimes necessary.

I wanted to talk to Jasraj Bharwani, the Bartender.

Detective: “Care to introduce me to the local 'detective's-best-friend'?"

Jasraj Bharwani (Bartender): "Sure, detective. He's over in the corner."
Shady Character

After my experience with London's Shady Character, I was more than a little cautious
around this one. But he seemed very much like my familiar New York associate,
which was good.

Detective: "Shady...well, let's get down to it. I've already met two of your guys.
Both were either NSA or some other government security agency. Who do you
work for?"
Shady Character: "Oh, so you're the detective I've been hearing so much about.
Byron mentioned you. What can I help you with?"

Detective: "I need information about the Doomsayers and their potential allies. I
have reason to believe that the Circle of Light is helping them and together they
are planning to do something unspeakable to the people of this city, or even to the
world itself. There's also a boy, a psychic, and they've kidnapped him. I need a
lead, someone to talk to."
Shady Character: "Well, that's going to be difficult. They are not the most
forthcoming of groups. But perhaps I can put you in touch with Adelaide. She may be
helpful. She's a pariah to the Circle. They won't even speak her name, but no one I
know can understand why. If you can find her, then perhaps you can find out their
plans and save this boy."
Adelaide Corprus

Adelaide Corprus, the refugee from the Circle of Light, greeted me hesitantly. I did
my best to assure her that I was not a threat.

Detective: "Word is that you're on the lam. I need to know everything you know
about the Circle of Light and their relationship with the Doomsayers."
Adelaide Corprus: "I will not cooperate with the likes of you, detective. Now
Xi Shi

Though she was too distant to be a friend, I nonetheless had to consider Xi Shi an
ally. And that allegiance brought me back to speak with her again.

Detective: "I uncovered a potential connection to the Circle of Light, but she isn't
Xi Shi: "Take me to her."
Adelaide Corprus

I returned to the hideout of Adelaide Corprus, formerly a member of the Circle of


Detective: "My friend is with me now, and because she's here you'll answer my
question, right? Tell me everything you know about the Doomsayers."
Adelaide Corprus: Adelaide's eyes glazed over and she went into a trance.

"She is preparing for the end. They are her masters. They always were. She has
betrayed us."

Detective: "Who has betrayed you? What are they planning?"

Adelaide Corprus: "Vashni...Neha...she serves the killers of Earth. Slaves of the
mind...found out about her. Punished for warning...and betrayed. Betrayed by
betrayer of blood."
Bhim Patel

I returned to the Patel home to speak to the victim's father, Bhim.

Detective: "A woman named Adelaide Corprus spoke to me recently. She

mentioned that she was betrayed by one who betrayed their blood. I think she
meant you, Mr. Patel. You knew what the Circle was up to, didn't you?"
Bhim Patel: Bhim Patel nodded.

"The Circle is all. The Circle is Light. My boy will be the center of the storm that
cleanses the world. I am glad. Now get out!"
Twist #2
I returned to the home of the Patels, but found that he wasn't answering the door.
Given his last words to me were 'get out' this wasn't surprising. But I could sense that
there was something more. I forced the door open and found Bhim at his kitchen
table, dead. A bottle of poison was beside him, painting a scene of suicide. He'd shut
himself up as one final show of loyalty to the Circle of Light.

Seeing as the owner no longer has privacy as a consideration, Xi Shi and I took it
upon ourselves to search the premises. Hidden in the bed frame we found a small
note from a JW praising Bhim for his dedication to the Circle. Beside it was a small
symbol, some kind of bird with a long tail. I didn't recognize it, but I had a feeling
someone in town would.
The Royal Peacock

A famous restaurant with a very exclusive clientele, the Royal Peacock wasn't exactly
my kind of joint. In fact, I couldn't even get in the front door. Luckily, I wasn't
counting on getting dining room service.

I wanted to talk to Chander, the Waiter.

Detective: "Chander, do you recognize this symbol?"

Chander (Waiter): "More than the symbol, I recognize the page. It's stationary for
this restaurant. It does beg the question of who would have access to it, I grant you.
If I'm reading you correctly, you'd like to know who this JW is. I know no one on the
staff with those initials. Perhaps Devi at the post office can tell you more."
Post Office

The Delhi post office had been notorious for its lenient customs controls and was
often used by smugglers to send packages when they wished to avoid unwanted
attention. In recent years, however, the government had cracked down on

Ever resourceful, the local criminal community banded together and moved their
operations to the alley around back. Now, anyone making a long trip, who was
interested in making a little money on the side, could pick up a package headed out
of town.

I headed into the post office, but I wasn't looking for stamps.

I wanted to talk to Devi Nehru, the Postal Clerk.

Detective: "I need you to take a look at this note for me. I know that it's on The
Royal Peacock's official stationary. Can you tell me anything about the writer?"
Devi Nehru (Postal Clerk): "Not directly, no. But I can tell you that the pen he used
was a quill and that he did not use ink, but some sort of dye. You can tell by how
much it has bled into the paper. It was obviously a very thin solution."
Kobayashi Kloths

I had plenty of dealings with the Kobayashis from my days in New York: some good
some bad. One thing was certain though, they knew their threads. So it wasn't
surprising to find a member of the family going about her business on the far side of
the world, Naoko Kobayashi, the Tailor.

Detective: "I have reason to believe that this note was written in clothing dye. Is
there anything that you can tell me about it?"
Naoko Kobayashi (Tailor): "Oddly enough, yes. I recognize that dye because I no
longer carry it. As you can see it bleeds a bit too much. The last batch I made was for
the uniforms at Roshni Academy."

Detective: "What is your affiliation with the Circle of Light?"

Naoko Kobayashi (Tailor): "I don't have one, detective, not anymore. I used to be a
skeptic in the order, but after what happened to that little girl, I couldn't bear to be
one of them. There are others like me, too. Judith Romanov is a fellow refugee from
the Circle's mind control. Perhaps she can tell you more about them."
The Romanov Mansion

The Romanov family had been in Delhi for three generations. Starting out as street
performers, they turned their talents into a small fortune which allowed them to
pursue a more relaxed life as money lenders. All of them but one, that is...

An old matriarch of the family was not interested in wealth, and stubbornly clung to
the old ways, Judith Romanova, the Fortune Teller.

Detective: "Mrs. Romanov, I've heard that you were formerly a member of the
Circle of Light, but you had some kind of falling out. I'll be blunt with you: they're
up to something, something incredibly bad. Now, I need to discover what they're
planning and how they intend to do it. Can you help me?"
Judith Romanova (Fortune Teller): "Yes detective, I can. But first, I need you to pick
up something for me from Zail. It's incense, and it will be essential in the very near
future. Please go and fetch my order from him."
The Holy Man

I was in need of some serious enlightenment, so I set off to see Zail, the Holy Man.

Detectve: "I'm here to pick up a package of incense for Mrs. Romanov."

Zail (Holy Man): "Here we are, detective. This should be what she needs. And I'm
pleased to know that you have made such progress in your investigation. A word of
warning, though: be prepared to behold the surreal when you return to the
Romanov mansion. She will show you things that you may not be prepared to
Twist #3
It was getting dark when I returned to Romanov Manor. Much to my surprise, my
two allies were waiting for me. Xi Shi nodded while Ignatius, wary of the mysticism
practiced within the house, remained stone-faced. There was something odd about
him, about how tightly he was clenched. I've met a lot of killers in my time, but
Ignatius, in addition to being one of the best, was possibly one of the most reluctant.
He seemed to genuinely hate what he did. It was a curse twice over; he had to break
a commandment in service to his religion, but also sit with the praise and
acknowledgment that he was the best. It was a slap in the face to everything he
believed in, but it was his life.

The butler was at the doorway, prim and proper as I gathered he would be.
Everything was going like clockwork. But Zail's warning was still fresh in my mind.
Something bizarre would visit us tonight. As the three of us stepped into the hall, the
smell of incense entered my nostrils and I knew that something foul was coming.

"What is this," I asked, handing Lady Romanov the incense, "A seance?"

"No," she said, "They are for communing with the dead. Our quarry is very much
alive, at least for now." Romanov sat in the center of the room. Beneath her was a
pillow stained violet. The smoke drifted up around her, making her look as a
phantom, half-painted by the flickering candlelight. Between us there was a symbol
painted in salt on the floor. I did not recognize it, but it held a significance that I
could not deny.

Her eyes fell on my two companions and a small smile appeared.

"A priest who knows only sin and an heiress without a kingdom. And so it has been
forged, an alliance as it was meant to be. Be seated."

I went to my knees. Ignatius and Xi reluctantly followed suit.

"We call now a spirit still bound in the flesh, a lost soul amongst the minds of the
living." The candlelight flickered. "Come to us now, spirit of the lost one, wandering
ghost in the body of man." Outside, there was the scream of wind. "Come to us now
in this room, letting all drain but the purest of essence, bound by no will but thy
own." The light over the symbol coalesced. "Come to us!"
The light became one with the air, and before us stood a phantom image, hovering
over the floor. He was small, a boy's image. I did not have to ask who he was, and
when his eyes opened, I feared that I could ask nothing. This was Amit Patel, the boy
I sought.

"Speak," said the image.

"Where are you," I whispered, "What have they done with you?"

"Bound," whimpered the image, "Bound in a dark place, hidden from the light."

"Why?" It was Ignatius that asked.

"They prepare me, they say. They prepare to make me one with them. She-"

"Vashni," hissed Xi Shi, "She will make you their fulcrum and spread their power-"

"Everywhere." The boy's phantom eyes shuddered. "The speakers of damnation

guide her, guide the Circle. They always have."

I had a very bleak suspicion about what that meant. If what he was saying was true,
the Doomsayers were the holy ones that the Circle worshipped. It was all a farce.
And Neha knew. Beside me, I could feel Xi Shi bristle.

"They'll use the Gift on to the world."

"At the place where it all began."

"We'll find you," I said, finally.

The boy's head lowered. "Please hurry." And then, like that, he was gone.

I looked over at Xi Shi, who rose. "What was he talking about? What Gift?"

The mystic assassin sighed. "The gifts of the ancient orders. It was a discovery shared
amongst few in a time best forgotten. There were only two groups who knew at that
time, its discoverers. The first was a Middle Eastern group that you now know as the
Doomsayers. The second was the Mist people."
"So you knew this entire time?"

Xi Shi shook her head. "No. I suspected. Now I know. They intend to use the boy and
spread these gifts all throughout the world, enslaving the minds of the planet with
the power of the Gift."

Ignatius rose at last and we made to leave. "Why are you helping us, Xi Shi?"

"Because there are some things, believe it or not, that even I disapprove of. This use
of the gift is the reason that there are two orders that use it today and not a single
one." Xi Shi looked down at her hands, the hands that had killed her order. "I am the
last of the Mist Walkers. This is my duty, to see the balance maintained."

"I see," I said with a nod, "So all we have to do is find out where it all began,
whatever that means."

Ignatius grunted. "Actually, that was probably the most self-explanatory part of this.
We need to know where they first created the Circle of Light. They will perform this
action there. Do you know, Xi Shi?"

"I have no idea. But we must find out, all the same. The Tablet they discovered gave
them more than a simple prophecy. It was the pattern they needed to perform this
action. If they have waited this long, they no doubt were relying on the boy to
complete their plans. It will be soon, most likely tonight."

I nodded. "We need a local to tell us what he knows about the Circle's origins...and I
think I have just the guy. Let's get moving. We have a site to find."
Dakhar Bharwani

I went back to have another chat with Detective Bharwani of the Delhi police.

Detective: "I have an odd request for you, Detective Bharwani. I need to know
what you know about the history of the Circle of Light. Is there a place in the city
that they call their birthplace?"
Dakhar Bharwani: "Odd though it seems, I do know that there is such a place. I'm
not privy to the details, though. Most members of the order are, but it's considered
one of their greatest secrets. Perhaps someone who knows of the order intimately,
but does not like them very much will divulge the information."
Twist #4
Not again! I swear, leads in this case were dying off faster than my payment
prospects, which weren't very good to begin with.

Corprus was dead, slashed across the throat, no doubt by Vashni. I had to find that
woman. What I'd do to her when I found her was another matter, but for now, I just
wanted her head. Who else knew about the order and would spill their guts?
Sajani Nambissan

Despite the danger, I once again held court with the Green Hand's Guardian General,
Mr. Nambissan.

Detective: "I need your help. Do you know where in this city the Circle was first
Sajani Nambissan: "Well, that certainly is an involved question, detective. I've heard
some stories, but nothing concrete. What I have heard though is that the Circle was
first founded by a prince. Now, this has led some to hypothesize that the origin point
must be his palace. This is unlikely, as the palace was converted into a hotel, the
Oasis to be precise. Trust me, I live here. I'd know if the Circle of Light considered it

"The most likely site, given what I've read on the prince, places him in the site that is
now Lodhi Gardens. It was a village once, and likely was one at the time when the
creation of the Circle took place. The only problem is that we also control the
gardens and I have heard nothing. This story must also be fallacious. The only other
thing I can think of is, in general, the prince was known for his love of nature.
Perhaps the site is another garden."
Research #2
Well, it wasn't difficult to find the location of the Circle's flashpoint. All I had to do
was measure the major activity in the city; kidnappings, murders, mass 'conversions'
via drugs...these people left a trail. I marked them all out on a map and looked for
the blank spot. The Circle weren't the type to pull their normal crimes near their
most sacred center. They kept the horror outside the walls.

There was only one site that arose from this theory, but it was a good one. Once
upon a time it'd been a large outdoor garden, a huge one in fact. But there was a
problem, a really, really big problem. The gardens had been demolished around the
turn of the century and what stood there now were not one, not two, but three
office buildings. This would be hell to search, but at least I'd narrowed it down.
Better to search three buildings than three hundred.
Ignatius Krupp

I went back to speak with Ignatius Krupp, assassin for the Dies Arcanum

Detective: "I have good news. I think I've discovered the site of the order's
inception. There's only one problem: it's a huge plot of land now covered by three
office buildings. Even if we could find out which one it was, the security will be
Ignatius Krupp: "Yes, this is true. However, I have an idea. If we find Vashni and rile
her up, perhaps accusing her of the kidnapping, she will likely rush back to the
building in order to protect the process. What we need is a way to find her. Perhaps
someone with an ear to the ground may help us find her."
Shady Character

I returned to my new friend, the Shady Character of Delhi.

Detective: "I'm looking for Neha Vashni. Have you any idea where she's hiding?"
Shady Character: "No, but I heard that she paid the missionary a visit recently."
A Small Chapel

A small chapel stood at the edge of Chandni Chowk, a bustling square. The transition
into the quiet sanctuary was unnerving.

I was there to find Adri Santhanam, the Missionary.

Detective: "I heard you got a visit from a woman named Neha recently. Did she
give you any idea where she was?"
Adri Santhanam (Missionary): "Yes. I heard her say that she was heading back to the
slums, where her people usually recruit. I managed to get an idea of where she was
headed. By all means, go after her. She's insane."
Neha Vashni

Neha Vashni glared at me when our eyes met, but she did not run. Part of me was
wishing she would. The memory of her little piano wire trick was still fresh in my

Detective: "Ms. Vashni, we meet again. Now, are you going to cooperate or am I
going to have to kill you right here and now?"
Neha Vashni: "I might ask you the same question, detective. I don't know how you
found me, but rest assured that you survive only because I find your questions

Detective: "Enough of this. I know you have the boy and you're going to use him
for some kind of ritual. So why don't you let me into your little ceremony and let
me get the boy back. Then we'll call it even?"
Neha Vashni: "No deal. Now get lost."
Twist #5
I returned to the place where I last saw Neha but found her absent. She must've
gone back to the Circle of Light's headquarters. I was running out of time.
Ignatius Krupp

I went back to speak with Ignatius Krupp, assassin for the Dies Arcanum

Detective: "Vashni's gone. Without her, I don't know if we can stop the ceremony."
Ignatius Krupp: "Inform Xi Shi of this and find out if she'd discovered anything about
Vashni's accomplices. She may have discovered something that we've missed."
Xi Shi

Though she was too distant to be a friend, I nonetheless had to consider Xi Shi an
ally. And that allegiance brought me back to speak with her again.

Detective: "We need to find an accomplice of Vashni's. Otherwise, I don't know

how we'll get in to stop this damned ceremony of theirs. Have you found anything
Xi Shi: "I tailed Vashni back to the building they are using, so I now know that much.
As to contacts, the local Doomsayer, a man named Jordan Wilkes may facilitate
entrance. Furthermore, Mr. Wilkes will need to provide us with an additional secret:
how to stop whatever they're planning. We could always kill the boy, but I will not
give the Circle the satisfaction of causing another death."
Jordan Wilkes

Jordan Wilkes was a tall, thin man with a friendly countenance that I couldn't bring
myself to trust. I had to remind myself what he really was.

Detective: "Mr. Wilkes, I know that you're a member of the Doomsayers cult. Now
are you going to help us, or am I going to have to drag you down to the police
Jordan Wilkes: "Oh, I don't think that'll be necessary. What is it you need,

Detective: "Tell me how to get into the Circle's stronghold and stop the Final
Reckoning. What are they going to do?"
Jordan Wilkes: "I'm surprised you don't already know. Vashni is going to fuse her
mind with that of the Patel boy, thus overcoming his substantial mental resistances
with her own. She will use the boy as a transmitter and distribute her message, that
is to say our message, all over the globe. It will of course kill the boy, but he is the
egg and this is the proverbial omelet."

Detective: "You still didn't tell me how to get into the building. Be quick about it.
We're running out of time."
Jordan Wilkes: "Indeed I didn't. My mistake. Well, there's always using me as a
hostage. That might work. I'm a Doomsayer, as you've said. To the Circle, who are
running the security of this event, I'm a sacred person. They'd sooner swallow a
bullet than see me harmed. So you could always do it like that. Sound good?"

When the bad guys get this helpful, I get nervous.

With Wilkes at gun point, Ignatius and I entered the Circle of Light headquarters. Xi
Shi was nowhere in sight but we couldn't wait any longer. The guard at the door took
one look at the Doomsayer and bowed. Before he could look up, Ignatius hit him
with the pommel of his blade. Down the hallway I could hear chanting.

"They've already begun the ceremony."

The Doomsayer nodded. "Indeed. You'd better hurry."

"Why are you helping us," I asked. He laughed.

"Because you were invited. Come on." And with that, the Doomsayer walked on,
hands in the air. At the end of the hall was a door which he unlocked and led us
through. "I hope you're ready for the new world," he said with a smile, "It won't be
long now."

The door opened to a vast chamber filled with people. They sat concentric circles
around an altar, prostrating and lost in the mantra of the Circle Neha stood at the
center, the boy in front of her. Her eyes were closed and she was chanting along with
the crowd.

"What are they waiting for," muttered Ignatius. Suddenly a group of men appeared
behind us. Before I knew it, my gun was gone and three men were binding me. I
looked over and found Ignatius in a similar state.

The Doomsayer straightened his tie. "We were waiting for you," he said to Ignatius.
Wilkes looked around. "Now, where is that lovely lady you were working with, the
Mist Walker?"

Down below I saw movement, a familiar, fluid movement that made me smile. Xi Shi
was standing amidst the followers, looking at Vashni. Only then did I realize that
there was something very wrong about this setup. They did really want us there...or
at least a certain one of us.

"Neha," she called. The call broke the Circle's spell and for the first time, Neha's eyes
fell on us. "We have guests. Excellent."
Xi Shi's eyes glimmered. I suspected that she was trying to use her trick on Vashni,
but to no avail. Neha laughed. "It doesn't work on me," she said, then turned to her
supplicants, "Kill her."

The Circle of Light rose. There had to be over a hundred of them and all their eyes
fell on Xi Shi. They snarled and with one unified scream surged forward. Even at that
distance, I could see Xi Shi smile. She raised a hand, gestured, and I watched all of
them, all one-hundred worshippers fall down dead, like a great wave of bodies
surging forward then subsiding into the ground. Xi Shi cracked a smile and looked at

Much to my surprise, Neha was smiling as well. "Thank you," she said, "We needed
that." There was a crack of thunder and the chanting returned, carried somehow on
the lips of the dead supplicants. The air shuddered and a blue mist swirled around
the altar. Neha's mad laugh was omnipresent, chiding us for our unwilling assistance.

Xi Shi rushed the altar, but was thrown back by a bolt of blue light.

"Neha," Ignatius screamed. With one surge of energy the Dies Arcanum assassin
threw off his handlers, made quick work of mine, and helped me to my feet. "Let's
go." We ran to our ally's side and found her barely moving, nearly dead.

"So powerful," she gasped, "They needed me to power the transfer...the Gift...and a

Before us lay an altar of blue light, writhing like a living wind. Vashni held out her
hands. Her wires swirled around in the wind. The boy's face was a blank.

"What do we do," I asked.

Ignatius looked down at Xi Shi. "Can you still use your mind-altering abilities," he
asked. She nodded. "Then I ask you make pain unknown to me. It won't take long,
but can you make me immune to agony?"

"Yes," she said softy, grazing his forehead, "For the next few minutes, you will feel no

Ignatius rose and bared his blades. Vashni's eyes opened and I could hear her
thoughts carried on the air.

Ignatius approached the platform. I saw Vashni's cutting wires lash around his arms.
His blade fell from his hands.


"It's never too late," he yelled, "To punish the wicked." The wires tightened around
his arms but he felt no pain, just as Xi Shi had promised. Ignatius grabbed the wires
and stepped onto the altar. The tempest consumed them and I could hear them both
in my mind.



Ignatius reached out with the wires around his arms, twisting them in the air. There
within the tempest I could see him wrap the wires around Vashni's throat and pull.


I awoke an hour later in a dark place that smelled of animals. The boy sat beside me.

"Hey kid," I muttered.

He grinned. "You helped me. Thank you."

"No problem. It's all in a day's work." I rose, delicately to my feet. I was in a stable
somewhere. "What happened?"

"We won," he said softly, "The evil woman was killed. The others fled."

"What about Wilkes? What about Ignatius and Xi Shi?"

"I don't know." The boy looked at the ground. He'd been through a lot, and now with
his father dead he was all alone in the world. I resigned myself to take him to the
mission and get out of Delhi. There was no point looking for any of them. The
Doomsayers were beaten and with that done my allies had returned to whatever
shadow they called home. Part of me wanted to thank them, but another, smarter
part remembered that if I ever saw them again, it would not be on pleasant terms.
But then again, in my line of work, was it ever?

As my mind was on the topic of allies, a familiar shape overshadowed me. "Byron," I
said, not looking up. New York's illustrious Shady Character and NSA spook nodded

"You're out of your territory over here. What's up?"

"I thought I'd congratulate you in person...and offer you the US government's

I cocked my eye. "What do you mean 'the US government's thanks'?"

Shady laughed. "You did just save the world, you know? The government has made it
my business to disburse on their behalf gratis as reward for your services. Meet me
at any of the normal spots and we'll discuss it further."

He wasn't in the mood to vanish like a wisp of smoke, being jet-lagged and all, so I
nodded, made a mental note to get paid at one of the Shady spots, and stepped off
into the Delhi night.

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