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1. Fill in the blanks with the right words from the list .

There are 2 extra words : (3 marks)

In the process, brothers and sisters affect each other directly and indirectly. On
besides one hand, siblings………………………….and learn from one another. On the
influencing other, they compete for ……………………….. attention and can introduce one
support another to risky behaviours. “The sibling relationship has the
to shape ability………………………… a child’s behaviour and well-being, for better and
against worse,” Whiteman said.
however Well into adulthood, siblings keep…………………………….. one another’s
shaped mental health and well-being. Warm sibling relationships are a source of material and
parental emotional support, with the power to protect…………………………… loneliness
and depression. ……………………………., research shows that tense sibling
relations are associated with negative outcomes in adulthood.

2. Put the words in brackets in the right tense or form: (3 marks)

Pocket money can help children learn about money management and responsibility. Giving
pocket money to children as (younger) ……………………………. as four or five years helps them
start learning about the value of money and money management. For example, when children get
pocket money, they have (to make) …………………………….. choices about spending or saving.
And if they’re saving, they’ll learn about (to wait) ………………………………. for things they
want. Pocket money can also help (they) ……………………………….. learn about consequences,
including the consequences of losing money or spending it (unwise) ………………………. . Letting
your children (to make) …………………………….. a few mistakes is part of the learning process.

3. Match sentence parts from A with the right parts from B to get a coherent paragraph. There’s
an extra part in B . Write your answers in C : (2 marks)


1. A new study has revealed that A. few actually find a split that works.
husbands and fathers
B. this will help you even out your responsibilities
2. Marriages were happier when couples
worked together C. they can manage their house chores efficiently
and effectively: 3+…..
3. While many couples agree that
household chores should be shared, D. who helped out with household chores have 4+…..
happier marriages.
4. Couples should follow some tips on
how E. on their responsibilities.
Writing: 6 marks
Writing prompt:
Next week is the exam period. Many of your school mates are worried about the exams. Write a
post on your school Facebook page to give them at least three tips that they should follow to do well in
their exams.


Ad : …………………….. /1.5 Lg :…………………/ 3 marks Mec:

mark ……………………/1.5mark
Believe in the best version of you

Teacher: Hadhami Benhmida END OF TERM TEST N°1 Menzel B.Zelfa PREP.
Sassi (decEMBER 2022) School
Level: 9TH FORM

Name:................................................................................ CLASS: 9TH (….) N°:...........


THE TEXT reading comprehension questions: (6

1- During the fifth grade when Samantha was 10 marks)

years old, a male classmate bullied her. She 1. Read and complete: (1Mark)
remembers walking through the halls of her The text is mainly about:
elementary school and hearing the bully call out nasty a- Bullying in British schools.
words. The bullying followed her every day. “I didn’t b- Samantha’s sad experience with bullying.
want to go to school because I knew he would be c-The impact of physical bullying on
there. I was afraid,” says Samantha, now 15. Samantha.
After weeks, things got worse: “It was
usually mental, but at one point in fifth 2. Pick out one detail from the text showing
grade the bully punched me the back. that the following statement is false. (1 mark)
That was the breaking point. » Says Samantha was only a victim of verbal bullying.
Samantha. (paragraph1)
“I had enough,” says Samantha’s mother, Karen. ……………………………………………………
“The verbal and physical abuse needed to stop.” ……………………………………………………
2- Samantha and her mother reported the incident to …………………………….………………….….
the school and the police. Another student, who
witnessed the physical bullying, reported the incident 3. Read and pick out at least two effects of
to the school. bullying on Samantha? (2Marks)
The bully’s verbal aggression reappeared, and …………………………………………………
it started to impact Samantha’s schoolwork, self- ……………………………………………………
esteem and overall health. Karen says her daughter ………….…………………………...………
showed many of the warning signs of being bullied …………………………………………………
— depressed mood, physical ailments and school ……………………………………………………
avoidance. …………………………………………………

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