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Phy SCIENCE - 2nd Rating

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Department of Education

Negros Island Region

School division of the City of Kabankalan
District IV


I. Multiple Choices.
1. Both substances A and B are made up of nonpolar molecules, but A has a greater size and mass than B.
Which of the following statements is true about both substances?
a. Both molecules are London dispersion forces
b. Substance B is most likely solid than substance A
c. Substance A is mostly like gas than substance B
d. All of these
2. Which of the following is not the factor describes the polarity?
a. electronegativity
b. molecular geometry
c. properties of a substance
d. atomic weight of a molecule
3. Where can we found in the periodic table that has higher value of electronegativity?
a. upper left corner b. upper right corner c. lower right corner d. None of these
4. How can we identify polar covalent bonds given the electronegativities?
a. If the total electronegativiies of a compound is equal to zero
b. If the total electronegativities of a compound is not less than 0.5
c. If the total electronegativities of a compound is not more than 0.5
d. None of these
5. It refers to two poles meaning there is a positive and negative pole within a molecule
a. magnetic pole b. dipole c. instantaneous dipole d. None of these
6. It occurs when electron pairs are shared equally or the difference in electronegativity between atoms is less
than 0.5.
a. polar molecule b. non-polar molecule c. instantaneous dipole d. none of these
7. It is a structural representation of a molecule where dots are used to show electron positions around
the atoms and lines or dot pairs represent covalent bonds between atoms.
a. Lewis Structure b. Element Structure c. Compound Structure d. None of these
8. A theory that helps predict the spatial arrangement of atoms in a polyatomic molecule. The shapes are
designed to minimize the repulsion within a molecule.
a. VSEPR b. Collision Reaction theory c. Transition State Theory d. None of these
9. A type of IMFA that cause by electron fluctuations within atoms or molecules
a. Dipole-dipole b. London Dspersion force c. Hydrogen bonding d. None of these
10. A type of IMFA that result of the electrical interactions among dipoles on neighbouring molecules.
a. Dipole-dipole b. London Dspersion force c. Hydrogen bonding d. None of these
11. Which compound has London dispersion forces only?
a. CCl4 b. H20 c. HF d. H2S
12. To have a perfect collision, it must have the following, except
a. particles collide b. proper position c. sufficient energy d. proper orientation
13. According to this theory, the reactants must pass through a high-energy, short-lived intermediate state.
a. Stages of reaction theory b. transition state theory c. Collision theory d. None of these
14. It is the kinetic energy needed by reactants to allow them to reach the transition state.
a. Activation energy b. potential energy c. initial energy d. High energy
15. When the initial reactant is in low energy, it will result to ___________.
a. positive value of heat of reaction c. negative value of heat of reaction
b. bond forming d. None of these
16. If the energy of the reactant is greater than the energy of the product, will energy by the reaction?
a. yes b. no c. maybe
17. Stronger intermolecular forces mean _____________.
a. greater amount of energy is needed to break the attractive forces between molecules
b. low melting point is needed
c. low boiling is needed
d. higher vapour pressure is needed
18. It is the tendency of a fluid to acquire the least possible surface area.
a. Viscosity b. Surface tension c. Vapor pressure d. None of these
19. Which of the substance has higher viscosity level?
a. water b. oil c. honey d. gasoline
20. A type of safety glass processed by controlled thermal or chemical treatments to increase its strength
compared with normal glass.
a. annealed glass b. ordinary glass c. Tempered glass d. fiber glass
21. In what type of reaction in which the initial state is in low energy and final product is in high energy?
a. Endothermic Reaction b. Exothermic Reaction c. None of these
22. In exothermic reaction, the bonds will __________.
a. break b. form c. remain the same d. None of these
23. Which of the following example represents exothermic reaction?
a. Baking bread b. power production c. Cooking rice d. None of these
24. Decreasing particle size or increasing surface area results to __________.
a. faster reaction rate b. lower reaction rate c. no changes in reaction d. None of these
25. Substances that can be added to a chemical reaction to increase its reaction rate.
a. Catalyst b. CO2 c. H20 d. CO
26. It is about the relationship of the different reactants and products in a chemical reaction.
a. Reaction Stoichiometry b. Collision Reaction theory c. Transition State theory d. VSEPR
27. Which of the following sources of energy is considered renewable energy?
a. Solar cell b. Coal c. electrochemical batteries d. natural gas
28. Which is the correct sequence in converting energy to electricity?
i. Energy from bond breaking and formation in fuels is converted to heat energy.
ii. Steam’s kinetic energy becomes mechanical energy that makes turbines turn
iii. Heat energy is used to convert water to steam which has kinetic energy
iv. Mechanical energy from the turbines create electricity via electromagnetism
a. i, ii, iii, iv b. i, iii, ii, iv c. iv, iii, ii, i d. ii, i, iii, iv
29. A surface active agent, capable of reducing the surface tension of liquids.
a. surfactant b. emulsifier c. emollient d. buffer
30. It encourages the suspension of one liquid in another and extends storage life and prevents separation of
a. Buffer b. emollient c. emulsifier d. Oxidizer
31. Which of these describes natural motion?
a. When a rock thrown upward and will definitely go back to ground
b. Plants will sway with strong wind
c. Animals use their hands to hunt
d. None of these
32. Which type of terrestrial motion describes the innate characteristic of humans and animals?
a. involuntary motion b. natural motion c. voluntary motion d. Diurnal motion
33. It refers to the surface where stars appear to be attached.
a. celestial sphere b. diurnal circle c. ecliptic d. equinox
34. The sun revolves 360 degrees a year around a path on the celestial sphere called the __________.
a. diurnal circle b. equinox c. ecliptic d. celestial sphere
35. During which time is the sun’s altitude at its maximum?
a. winter solstice b. winter sunrise c. summer sunrise d. summer solstice
36. The ancient Greek philosopher who computed for the circumference of the Earth?
a. Eratosthenes b. Alexandria c. Syene d. None of these
37. What is the position of the North Star if you go farther away from the equator?
a. closer to the horizon b. far from the horizon c. cannot be determine d. None of these
38. It assumed that the planets must move ‘perfectly’ in a circular motion.
a. theory of planetary motion c. apparent motion of the planets
b. The Heliocentric Theory d. The Aristotelian System
39. He explained that the stars, given that they are unchanging bodies, appear to move around the earth in a
perfect path.
a. Aristotle b. Aristarchus c. Apollonius d. None of these
40. Who is the modern philosopher who was able to answer Plato’s question?
a. Ptolemy b. Aristarchus c. Apollonius d. Hipparchus

36. The ancient Greek philosopher who computed for the circumference of the Earth?
a. Eratosthenes b. Alexandria c. Syene d. None of these
37. What is the position of the North Star if you go farther away from the equator?
a. closer to the horizon b. far from the horizon c. cannot be determine d. None of these
38. It assumed that the planets must move ‘perfectly’ in a circular motion.
a. theory of planetary motion c. apparent motion of the planets
b. The Heliocentric Theory d. The Aristotelian System
39. He explained that the stars, given that they are unchanging bodies, appear to move around the earth in a
perfect path.
a. Aristotle b. Aristarchus c. Apollonius d. None of these
40. Who is the modern philosopher who was able to answer Plato’s question?
a. Ptolemy b. Aristarchus c. Apollonius d. Hipparchus

p36. The ancient Greek philosopher who computed for the circumference of the Earth?
a. Eratosthenes b. Alexandria c. Syene d. None of these
37. What is the position of the North Star if you go farther away from the equator?
a. closer to the horizon b. far from the horizon c. cannot be determine d. None of these
38. It assumed that the planets must move ‘perfectly’ in a circular motion.
a. theory of planetary motion c. apparent motion of the planets
b. The Heliocentric Theory d. The Aristotelian System
39. He explained that the stars, given that they are unchanging bodies, appear to move around the earth in a
perfect path.
a. Aristotle b. Aristarchus c. Apollonius d. None of these
40. Who is the modern philosopher who was able to answer Plato’s question?
a. Ptolemy b. Aristarchus c. Apollonius d. Hipparchus

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