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Pre Test I Science-10

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Calauag, Quezon


SY. 2021-2022

Name of Student


Cristito Q. Inoval
Subject Teacher
CP #: 09463157655

Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer. 50. The rate of reaction increases as the temperature increases. Which of the
1. When two tectonic plates collide, the oceanic crust usually subducts beneath following statements provides the best explanation for this?
the continental crust because it is a. At lower temperatures the particles do not collide with each other.
a. denser than continental crust c. thicker than continental crust b. At higher temperatures the particles have more energy, move faster, and
b. less dense than continental crust d. thinner than continental crust collide more often.
2. If you visit a place in the Pacific known to be along converging plates, which of c. Higher temperature has higher activation energy.
these should you NOT expect to see? d. Increasing the temperature increases the number of particles, so they collide
a. active volcanoes c. rift valleys b. mountain ranges d. volcanic islands more often.
3. You are an oceanographer and want to map the ocean floor on the east coast
of the Philippines. As you do your study, you notice that there is a portion in the ________________________ o O o __________________________
ocean floor which is relatively much deeper than the rest. What most likely is that
deeper part?
a. linear sea b. oceanic ridge c. rift valley d. trench
4. What do you expect to find at a mid-ocean ridge?
a. relatively young rocks c. thick accumulation of sediments Prepared by:
b. reverse fault d. very ancient rocks
5. Crustal plate A is moving away from crustal plate B. What is the expected
average rate of change in position between A and B? Cristito Q. Inoval
a. a few centimeters per year c. a few millimeters per century Subject Teacher
b. a few meters per month d. a few millimeters per day
6. Which plate boundary is formed between the Philippine plate and the Eurasian
a. convergent b. divergent c. reverse fault d. transform fault
7. Which of these is false about lithosperic plates: Noted/Approved by:
a. have the same thickness everywhere b. include the crust and upper mantle
c. thickest in the mountain regions d. vary in thickness
8.Which of these is NOT true about the Philippine islands? Reynaldo I. Zamora I
a. most are part of the Philippine Mobile Belt, except for Palawan, Mindoro, and Principal I
b. formed because of the convergence of the Philippine plate and the Pacific
c. originated geologically in an oceanic-oceanic convergence
d. some are products of subduction process.
9.According to the plate tectonic model, the entire lithosphere of the Earth is
broken into numerous segments called:
a. continent b. plate c. Pangea d. region
10. As a result of the motion of the plates, ____ types of plate boundaries were
formed. a. one b. two c. three d. four
40. How does the temperature affect the average kinetic energy of gas 11. In which case or cases is electric field present?
molecules? I. A spark jumping between two nearby rods. II. A charge that is momentarily at
a. as the temperature decreases the average kinetic energy of gas molecules rest. III. A rotating bar magnet.
decreases a. I only b. I and II only c. II and III only d. I, II and III
b. as the temperature decreases the average kinetic energy of gas molecules 12. In which case can a magnetic field be produced?
increases a. A charged comb. b. A falling glass rod. c. A welder’s arc flash. d. A rolling
c. as the temperature decreases the average kinetic energy of gas molecules plastic cylinder.
remains the same 13. Which device can be used to determine the polarity of an unmarked magnet?
d. as the temperature decreases the average kinetic energy of gas molecules a. a charged glass stirring rod b. a gold-leaf electroscope
fluctuates c. a sprinkle of iron filings d. an improvised compass
41. What will happen to the gas pressure as the temperature increases, if the 14. How will you describe the magnetic field around a straight current-carrying
amount and volume of the gas are kept constant? wire?
a. the gas pressure remains the same b. the gas pressure decreases a. The magnetic field is strongest near and around the wire.
c. the gas pressure increases d. there is no significant effect b. The magnetic field consists of straight lines parallel to the wire.
42.During a chemical reaction, c. The magnetic field does not vary with the distance from the wire.
a. atoms are destroyed b. atoms are rearranged d. The magnetic field gets stronger with increasing distance from the wire.
c. elements are destroyed d. new elements are produced 15. Which statement about an electromagnet is TRUE?
43. A chemical reaction is a process in which a. The electric field surrounding a battery-powered electromagnet alternates
a. all reactants change state b. products change into reactants constantly. b. The current in the electromagnet coil temporarily magnetizes the
c. the law of conservation of mass applies d. all of these iron core.
44. What determines an atom’s ability to undergo chemical reactions? c. The electric field strength is inversely proportional to the current.
a. protons b. neutrons d. The magnetic field lines produced are all straight
c. innermost electrons d. outermost electrons 16. As part of a traffic light system, large loops of wire are buried beneath road
45. How is a chemical equation is balanced? intersections. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE about the operation of this
a. changing subscripts b. erasing elements as necessary traffic light system?
c. adding coefficients d. adding elements as necessary a. Vehicles driven over the buried coils activate a traffic light sensor.
46. What are the products in the equation below? Zn + CuSO4 -----> ZnSO4 + Cu b. The conducting loops activate a color–dependent field.
a. Zn and Cu b. Zn and CuSO4 c. ZnSO4 and Cu d. Zn only c. The alternating current sent through the buried coils produce an
47. Which of the following is the correct balanced reaction? electromagnetic field in each coil.
a. 2 C3 H8 + 10O2 → 6CO2 + 8H2 O b. C3 H8 + O2 → CO2 + H2 O d. A minimum number of vehicles over the coils can trigger the traffic light to
c. C3 H8 + O2 → 3CO2 + 2H2 O d. C3 H8 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2 O change green.
48. Quicklime ( CaO ) is used as a drying agent. When water is added to this, 17. Complete the following statement: Moving a metallic detector past a 5 peso
slaked lime Ca(OH)2 is formed. What type of reaction is this? coin creates a secondary magnetic field that is most similar to that of __.
a.combination b. single displacement c. decomposition d. double displacement a. a horse shoe magnet b. a flat refrigerator magnet
49. Fresh fish and meat that are not stored in a refrigerator show signs of spoilage c. a current-carrying, circular loop d. a V-shaped straight wire that carries a
in less than a day. What has caused this spoilage? current
a. temperature changes b. presence of microorganisms 18. What basic principle enables ALL electric motors to operate?
c. oxygen in air d. all of the above a. Iron is the only element that is magnetic.
b. Opposite electric charges attract and like charges repel. a. Evolution is continuous. b. Evolution refers to change.
c. A moving conductor within a magnetic field will experience an electromotive c. The world is stable and unchanging. d. If there is mutation, there is evolution.
force. 30. In what Era can the oldest fossils be found?
d. A current-carrying conductor placed within a magnetic field will experience a a. Cenozoic b. Mesozoic c. Paleozoic d. Pre-Cambrian
magnetic force. 31. Which example has particles that can be drawn closer to occupy smaller
19. What transformation can take place in an improvised generator? volume?
a. mechanical energy into electrical energy b. electrical energy into mechanical a. fruit juice b. block of wood c. air inside the syringe d. ice cube
energy 32. Which of the following phenomena does NOT involve the application of gas
c. alternating current into direct current d. direct current into alternating pressure? a. burning fuels b. falling leaves c. vulcanizing tire d. rising
current hot air balloons
20. A loop of conductor lies flat on a horizontal table. A toy magnet is hanging still 33. Last summer vacation, the Cruz family decided to go to Pagudpod, Ilocos
over it with the magnet’s north-seeking pole pointing down. What happens next? Norte to have a beach party. On their way to Ilocos, all of them were surprised
a. The magnet produces a clockwise current in the coil. when the tire suddenly exploded. What is the probable explanation for the blown
b. The magnet does not produce any current in the coil. out tire during a long summer drive?
c. The magnet produces an upward electromagnetic current. a. High temperature causes a decrease in volume.
d. The magnet produces a counterclockwise current in the coil. b. The amount of the gases inside the tire is increased.
21. Stimulates growth, and controls the functions of other glands c. The mass of the gases inside the tire increases causing a blown up tire.
a. Thymus b. Pancreas c.Thyroid d. Adrenal d. The volume of gases increases as the temperature increases, causing a blown
22. Controls the calcium levels in your body, and normalizes bone growth. up tire.
a. Thymus b. Pancreas c.Thyroid d. Adrenal 34. How can you possibly prove that gases have negligible mass?
23. Regulates body metabolism, and causes storage of calcium in bones a. put a balloon in a digital balance before and after you fill it with air
a. Thymus b. Pancreas c.Thyroid d. Adrenal b. feel the weight of the samples on both hands
24. Enables the body to produce certain antibodies c. ask two persons to hold a box filled with air
a. Thymus b. Pancreas c.Thyroid d. Adrenal d. support your claim of through equation
The following is the base sequence on one strand of a DNA molecule: 35.What happens to the density of a gas as its volume decreases at constant
AATGCCAGTGGT pressure and temperature?
25. If this strand is replicated, which of the following is the complementary a. decreases b. increases c. stays the same d. unpredictable
strand that is produced? a. T C G T C C G T C T A G c. T T A C G G T C A C C A For numbers 36 to38, the choices are: a. Boyle’s Law b. Charles’ Law c.
b. A G C A G G C A G G G T d. U C G U C C U C U A G A Combined Gas Law d. Ideal Gas Law
26. If transcribed into an mRNA, what would be the resulting strand? 36. What law explains the mechanism of gas compressor?
a. U U A C G G U C A C C A c. A G C A G G C A G A U C 37. What gas law best explains the explosion of the heated aerosol container?
b. A G C A G G A G A T C d. T C G T C C G T C T A G 38. What gas law explains the relationship among the volume, pressure,
27. During translation, the tRNA sequence of nucleotides arranged linearly is temperature, and the number of moles of gases?
_______. a. T C G T C C G T C T A G c. A G C A G G C A G A U C 39. What kind of movement is exhibited by gas molecules?
b. A A U G C C A G U G G U d. U C G U C C G U C U A G a. vibrational movement b. rotational movement
28. Where can most of the fossils be found? c. translational movement d. combination of a, b and c
a. Sedimentary rock b. Granite rock c. Lava flows d. Black soil
29. Which of the following statements DOES NOT describe evolution?
Calauag, Quezon


SY. 2021-2022

Name of Student

Cristito Q. Inoval
Subject Teacher
CP #: 09463157655
Multiple Choice: Read each question carefully and choose the correct answer a. systematic review c. localized review
from the set of choices in every item. b. mathematical review d. analytical review
1. It is a reading material that provides information which include concepts and 44. Selected studies are compared and summarized on the basis of the author’s
theories. experience, existing theories and models. Results are based on a qualitative
a. Slide deck b. Academic text c. Poem d. Comics rather than a quantitative level.
2. It is a written record on the main points of a text or lecture, for a learner’s a. localized review c. narrative review
personal use. a. Notes b. Report c. Project d. Essay b. qualitative review d. quantitative review
3. The most common type of written work, with the title given by the teacher,
45. It is the stage in preparing review article that prepares an outline, finds
normally 1000 - 5000 words. a. Notes b. Report c. Project d. Essay
4. It sets the purpose of the text including the thesis statement. headings for the sections in the text body.
a. Abstract b. Introduction c. Method d. Body a. develop structure b. write draft c. revise d. conclude
5. It presents the findings and arguments which supports the thesis statement or 46. It is a plan for summary of a writing project. It usually comes in list
questions. a. Abstract b. Introduction c. Body d. Method divided into headings and subheadings that distinguish main points from
6. The results of something are explained.
a. Comparison and contrast b. Cause and effect supporting details.
c. Problem and solution d. Chronological order a. reading text b. essay c. outline d. academic writing
7. Information is organized in order of time. 47. It usually begins with a few phrases and some descriptive details or
a. Comparison and contrast b. Cause and effect
examples. In this form of outline, the writer keeps adding, subtracting, and
c. Problem and solution d. Chronological order
shifting ideas until he has key points that make sense to him.
8. Two or more things are described; their similarities and differences are
discussed/analyzed. a. supporting details b. topic outline c. sentence outline d. scratch outline
a. Comparison and contrast b. Cause and effect 48. It is a process of listing all the ideas that you have in mind. This activity
c. Problem and solution d. Chronological order aims to generate as many topics as we can in 10-15 minutes so that these
9. A problem is described and a response or solution is proposed or explained. random topics can be made into a focused topic later on.
a. Comparison and contrast b. Cause and effect
c. Problem and solution d. Chronological order a. brainstorming b. outlining c. summarizing d. evaluating
10.Information is organized in steps; a process is explained. 49. A claim or stand that will be developed in a paper or text. It is the
a. Sequence / process b. Cause and effect controlling idea of an essay. It gives the readers an idea of what the paper is
c. Problem and solution d. Chronological order all about. a. main points b. thesis statement c. topic sentence d.
11. Which is not a characteristic of paraphrase? headings
a. Paraphrasing involves getting information from a source and make judgment
50. It is the most important sentence in a paragraph. It is the focus sentence
on the main point.
b. Paraphrasing is restating the idea of the text using words but preserving the that helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information and it
original idea or message of the text usually appears at the beginning of a paragraph.
c. A paraphrase could be shorter, longer, or the same length as the original text a. main idea b. topic sentence c. supporting details d. thesis statement
d. None of the above Prepared by: Noted & Approved by:
12. The following are reasons why paraphrasing is a valuable skill, except for
Cristito Q. Inoval Reynaldo I. Zamora
one. Which does not belong to the group?
Subject Teacher Principal I 43. These are findings from various individual studies that analyzed statistically
35. It answers the question how does the product compare with its by strict procedures. Meta-Analyses are used to pool the results of individual
counterpart or other brands in making critique. studies.
a. review b. argument c. critique d. result 13. The difference of a paraphrase to a summary is____
36. It is a school of literary criticism that suggests that language is not a a. Paraphrase includes citation of the original text and author.
stable entity, and that we can never exactly say what we mean. b. Repeat the information of the text in the same number of words or even
longer than the original text.
a. deconstruction b. feminist criticism c. formalist criticism d. new
c. Paraphrase gets only the main point or idea of the text.
d. None of the above
37.It removes the focus from the text and places it on the reader instead, by 14. APA citation style is an international standard for citation or reference
attempting to describe what goes on in the reader’s mind during the reading of a format. APA stand for _______
a. American Psychological Association
a. reader-response criticism c. deconstruction
b. Australian Psychology Association
b. sociological criticism d. psychological criticism
c. American Psychology Association
38. The basis of this approach is the idea of the existence of a human d. None of the above
consciousness – those impulses, desires, and feelings about which a person 15. Kraizer, S. (2011). Preventing bullying. Retrieved from
is unaware but which influence emotions or behavior. ttp:// This demonstrates
a. psychological criticism c. feminist criticism reference format for a source material from _____
b. formalist criticism d. deconstruction a. In-text citation of web page in text with unknown author
b. Reference entry of a web page source
39. It emphasizes the form of a literary elements and how they work to
c. in-text citation of web page with author
create meaning.
d. None of the above
a. new historicism c. sociological criticism 16. Taking and passing off someone else's work whether intentional or
b. formalist criticism d. feminist criticism unintentional.
40. It is concerned with the role, position, and influence of women in the A. Internal Citation 
literary text. B. Plagiarism
a. sociological criticism c. feminist criticism C. Paraphrase
b. deconstruction d. psychological criticism D. Direct Quote
41. It is a critical, constructive analysis of the literature in a specific field through 17.All of the following are part of a source citation except: 
summary, classification, analysis, comparison. A. author 
a. review article b. critique c. essay d. analysis B. URL address 
42. It focus on selected studies is combined with systematic methods of study- C. Date
selection and result exploration. D. address of publisher 
18.N.D. in a source citation means: 
a. preparation review b. best evidence review c. local evidence d. list
A. No Date
B. No Direction 
C. Not Duplicated D. The information is prohibited by law
D. Nerd Domain 26.What is a thesis statement?
19. One good place to look for source information on a website is:  A. A general idea of what the essay is about
A. their Home page. ` B. A summary of the main idea
B. at the very bottom of the page. C. A statement that explains the main idea of an essay
C. in the "About Us" section D. A suggestion that you should read the essay
D. all of the above 27.What is the purpose of the thesis?
20.Why is citing your research important? A. To remind your reader what your paper is about
A. To improve the credibility of what you wrote B. To state your opinion or claim and prove it
B. To know where you got the information from C. To hook the reader's attention
C. To know where your information came from D. To use vocabulary
D. All of the above 28.A writer who uses persuasion attempts to:
21. Every citation has two parts.  What are they? E. teach you how to make or do something
A. artwork and music F. influence you to do or believe something
B. exact words and quotations G. inform you about historic or current events
C. an author's exact words and the title of the book where they are found H. tell a story
D. an in-text citation or reference and an MLA full citation on the Works 29.What are the components of persuasive writing?
Cited page. I. Argument, Details, Thesis
22. An MLA in-text or parenthetical citation should be located J. Introduction, Thesis Statement, Body Paragraphs
A. just after the information being cited Conclusion
B. just before the information cited K. Topic sentence, Details, Concluding Sentence
C. at the bottom of the page L. Who cares? 
D. on the last page of the paper 30.Evidence to back up your claim should come from
23.One purpose of a Works Cited page is to a. your brain
A. Show readers where your information came. b. Google
B. To add length to a paper. c. the prompt
C. To stress out students d. the text you are analyzing (text: reading, video, graphs, images, etc
D. To prove the information in the paper is true. 31. It is an important rhetorical pattern in academic writing as they present a
24.How many sources are required in a Works Cited page? balance view of things.
A. A minimum of 2 a. critique b. argument c. introduction d. narration
B. At least 3 32. It is the endorsement made by the author whether to purchase the item or
C. As many as are used in the paper. not.
D. A minimum of 4
a. counter-argument b. recommendation c. review d. critique
25.The publisher's name and copyright date of a website are often found where
33. It is the part of the critique that answers what is about and what are the
on the website page?
A. The bottom of the page features of certain product.
B. Page 17 a. review b. introduction c. recommendation d. indorsement
C. Hidden in the very middle 34. It helps ensure thorough logic as it explore multiple angles of issues and
consider their possible refutations.
a. introduction b. review c. counter-argument d. recommendation


Calauag, Quezon


SY. 2021-2022

Name of Student

Cristito Q. Inoval
Subject Teacher
CP #: 09463157655
12. One of the weaknesses of quantitative research is
a. related secondary data is always available
b. easy to understand the context of a phenomenon
Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer: 43. Which of the following could be described like the steps you will undergo to
1. Which of the following best defines quantitative research? collect data of your study?
a. It is an explanation associated with libraries, books, and journals. a. research locale c. research design
b. It is a systematic process obtaining numerical information about the world. b. research instrument d. collection procedure
c. It is an activity concerned with finding new truth in education 44. Which section outlines the instruments you will use in the study such as
d. It is an activity of producing or proving a theorem interview questions, interview protocols, observation, guide, survey form,
2. It uses numbers in stating a generalization about a given problem or inquiry. focus group discussion questions, and others?
a. Quantitative research b. Applied research a. research locale c. research design
c. Qualitative research d. Basic research b. research instrument d. data
3. People inclined to do quantitative research wants to discover the truth in____ 45. Which type of validity concerned with the font size, spacing, the size of the
a. an exact manner b. a careful way paper used, and other necessary details that will not distract respondents
c. an indirect way d. a personal way from answering the questionnaire?
4. One of these is NOT a strength of quantitative research. a. face validity c. construct validity
a. Real and unbiased b. Analyzed in a quick and easy way b. content validity d. criterion-related validity
c. Requires a large number of respondents d. Replicability 46. Which refers to the consistency of the results of an instrument in repeated
5. It describes the characteristics of research where data are in the form of trials?
statistics. a. Replication b. Large sample size a. validity b. reliability c. stability d. specificity
c. Objective d. Numerical data 47. This research is used for improving practice. It involves action evaluation,
6. Which of the following variables is most likely to be used as a categorical and critical reflection and – based on the evidence gathered – changes in
variable? practice are then implemented.
a. Length of a garden hose b. Flower color a. action research c. developmental research
c. Recorded rainfall for a day d. Weight of books on a shelf b. experimental research d. case study
7. In the acronym SMART, what does R stands for? 48. Which of the following pertains to ethical consideration?
a. Reliability b. Reasonability c. Realistic d. Rigor a. making sure you research does not cause harm or offense
8. Which of the following variables is most likely to be used as quantitative data? b. when people are of different colors
a. Zipcode b. Country of birth c. making sure your research causes harm or offense
c. Google Drive capacity d. Car manufacturer d. when you are polite to people
9. This characteristic of quantitative research refers to its necessity to arrive at 49. What is informed consent?
more reliable data analysis. a. when people involved in research are told of the details of the study
a. Large sample size b. objective c. numerical data d. replication b. when people involved in your research are not told of the details of the study
10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Quantitative research? c. when people involved in your research are paid for their participation
a. systematic b. subjective c. objective d. structured d. when people involved in your research are not paid for their participation
11.What are the two variables in experimental research? 50. What is confidentiality in research?
a. Independent and dependent b. Descriptive and observation a. not putting someone’s name on their research
c. Quantitative and qualitative d. Predatory and pricing b. need for researchers to tell people that they are being studied
c. need for researchers not to publish personal details of respondents
d. to only research people that you know

34. What is the meaning of APA? 13.Which presents the findings of Quantitative research?
a) American Psychological Accreditation b) American Print Accreditation a. Many prefer to study with textbooks.
c) American Psychological Association d) American Periodic Association b. Perhaps, 30% consider textbook unnecessary in their studies
35. What do we call the labels that are inserted next to each piece of information c. Students find textbook indispensable or necessary
that comes from another source? d. Out of 100 Senior High School students, 90 find textbook beneficial to
a) Paraphrasing b) Quotations their studies
c) In-text citations d) Reference list 14. What is the independent variable (cause) in this question?
36. What do we call the writing of information and ideas from a source in your “Which type of soil is best for plant growth?”.
own words? a. type of soil b. amount of medium
a) Paraphrasing b) Quotation c) In-text citation d) Referencing c. height of plant d. types of plant
37. Which research design is exemplified by the research entitled, Attitudes of 15. What is the dependent variable (effect) in this experiment?
SHS Learners towards General Community Quarantine (GCQ)? “Does eating breakfast improve test scores?
a. correlational research c. descriptive research a. eating breakfast b. what time you get up in the morning
b. causal- comparative research d. experimental research c. the grade you got in the test d. taste of the breakfast
38. Which among the given quantitative research design attempts to establish 16. Which of the following concepts should NOT be included in a research title?
cause and effect relationships among the variables? a. Research Topic c. Research Instrument
a. correlational research c. descriptive research b. Major Research Process d. Research Participants or Subject
b. causal- comparative research d. experimental research 17. Which of the following is true about a good research objective?
39. What do you call the process of measuring a small portion of something a. Measurable c. Researchable
and then making a general statement about the whole thing? b. Attainable d. All of the above
a. Sampling c. Probability sampling 18. Which of the following is a good example of a research title?
b. Sample d. Non- probability sampling a. Assessment of Lesson Mastery under Self-Paced Learning and Face-toFace
40. Which type of non-probability sampling uses no system of selection but only instruction among Senior High School Students
Includes those samples that the researcher or interviewer meet by chance? b. Comparing Quezon Senior High School Students’ Core Subjects Lesson
a. Accidental sampling c. Pure random sampling Mastery under Self-Paced Learning and Face-to-Face Instruction
b. Systematic samplng d. Quota sampling c. Knowledge of Core Subjects’ Lesson under Self-Paced and Face-to-Face
41. What do you call those data that are gathered from primary sources? Instruction
a. variables c. primary data d. Comparing the Mastery of Core Subject’s Competency delivered under Self-
b. numerical data d. secondary data Paced
42. What do you call the data that are gathered from books, magazines, and and Face-to-Face Instruction among the Quezon Senior High School Students
newspapers? 19. Which of the following is NOT a mandatory element in a research title?
a. variables c. primary data a. Catch Phrase c. Research Instrument
b. numerical data d. secondary data b. Major Research Process d. Research Participants or Subject
c. accessing available data is easy and possible 20. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of the statement of the problem?
d. data may not be robust enough to explain a complex issue. a. orients and introduces the significance of the study to the readers
b. reveals the overall methodology of your investigation d. None of the above.
c. sets the context and parameters of what you are investigating 25. Which is true about the research hypothesis?
d. serves as the anchor from which research questions will be framed a. All research study needs hypothesis testing.
21. Which of the following is an example of a descriptive research question? b. Only those quantitative study needs hypothesis testing.
a. What is the level of awareness of male and female students on their town’s c. Not all research study needs hypothesis testing.
cultural heritage? d. Only those qualitative study needs hypothesis testing.
b. Is there a significant difference between the students’ level of awareness 26. Which does NOT define what a literature review is?
town’s cultural heritage when grouped according to gender? a) The process of reading and analysing published research for the purpose of
c. Is there a significant relationship between home-school distance and completing manuscript for publication.
tardiness of the students? b) The process of scrutinizing published research.
d. Based on the result of the study, what program could be developed to c) The activity of doing an internet search on a topic and looking through the
enhance the cultural awareness of the respondents? results.
22. Which of the following is an example of a comparative research question? d) The written component of a research project that discusses concepts from
a. What is the level of awareness of male and female students on their town’s other references and research.
cultural heritage? 27. Why does a researcher conduct a literature review?
b. Is there a significant difference between the students’ level of awareness a) To familiarize themselves with the strand or the field they are in.
town’s cultural heritage when grouped according to gender? b) They are paid to review it.
c. Is there a significant relationship between home-school distance and c) The students are required to by their teachers.
tardiness of the students? d) To reproduce existing research, and create a similar result from it.
d. Based on the result of the study, what program could be developed to 28. To start your literature review, what should you do first?
enhance the cultural awareness of the respondents? a) Formulate your hypothesis b) Ask your teacher
23. Which of the following is an example of a relationship-based research c) Write about the articles on your topic d) Identify the research questions
question? 29. Where should you LEAST go to find the literature on your topic?
a. What is the level of awareness of male and female students on their town’s a) Wikipedia b) Library
cultural heritage? c) Government Database d) Periodicals
b. Is there a significant difference between the students’ level of awareness 30. Which is NOT a way to organize a review?
town’s cultural heritage when grouped according to gender? a) By theme or concept b) By research questions
c. Is there a significant relationship between home-school distance and c) By methodology d) By type of source
tardiness of the students? 31. The following entry written in APA format is taken from what?
d. Based on the result of the study, what program could be developed to Dino, C. M. & Gustilo, L. E. (2015). Literature and Linguistics. Digitalk: An
enhance the cultural awareness of the respondents? exploration of the linguistic features of CMC. International Journal of
24. Which of the following is an example of a null hypothesis? Languages, 1(1). doi: 10.7763/IJLLL.2015.V1.11
a. There is no significant relationship between households’ monthly a) Book b) Dictionary c) Journal d) Magazine
electricity bills and the sleeping schedule of the family members. 32. The following entry written in APA format is taken from what?
b. There is a significant difference between the gas consumption of the three Coulmas, F. (2005). Sociolinguistics: The study of speakers’ choices. NY:
motorcycle brands having the same horsepower. Cambridge University Press.
c. Brand X has significantly greater gas consumption among the three a) Book b) Dictionary c) Journal d) Magazine
motorcycle brands having the same horsepower. 33. In order for Andrew, a grade 12 student-researcher, to submit a review of
related literature he patched together different sources as if it was his own work.
What Ethical Standard in writing review of related literature is violated?
a) Objectivity b) Integrity c) Honesty d) Intellectual Property
47. Which of the following is the correct balanced reaction?
a. 2 C3 H8 + 10O2 → 6CO2 + 8H2 O b. C3 H8 + O2 → CO2 + H2 O
c. C3 H8 + O2 → 3CO2 + 2H2 O d. C3 H8 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2 O
48. Quicklime ( CaO ) is used as a drying agent. When water is added to this,
slaked lime Ca(OH)2 is formed. What type of reaction is this?
a. combination b. single displacement
c. decomposition d. double displacement
49. Fresh fish and meat that are not stored in a refrigerator show signs of spoilage
in less than a day. What has caused this spoilage?
a. temperature changes b. presence of microorganisms
c. oxygen in air d. all of the above
50. The rate of reaction increases as the temperature increases. Which of the
following statements provides the best explanation for this?
a. At lower temperatures the particles do not collide with each other.
b. At higher temperatures the particles have more energy, move faster, and
collide more often.
c. Higher temperature has higher activation energy.
d. Increasing the temperature increases the number of particles, so they collide
more often.

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