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EAP Reading Worksheet Week 2 - Sleep Matters

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EAP Academic Reading

Student’s full name: …Lê Phương Thảo…………………………….. Class:…1M21………… Date:



PART 1: Vocabulary

Read the passage. Find 10 new words/collocations. Write the definition and
example of each word.

1. deprive (v) - to take sth away from someone

He claimed that he had been deprived of his freedom.

2. shut-eye (n) - sleep

You look exhausted! Try to get some shut-eye on the train.

3. ultimately (adv) - finally, in the end

My plans ultimately depend on the weather

4. perish = die (v) - to die or to be desttroyed

Three hundred people perished in the earthquake.

5. skimp (v) - to use less time or sth than usual

Older people should not skimp on food or heating

6. sleep deprivation (n) - the situation or condition of suffering from a lack of sleep
Thiếu ngủ
Sleep deprivation is caused by consistent lack of sleep or reduced quality of
7. fast-paced (a) - moving, changing or happening very quickly
Nhịp độ nhanh
She enjoys working in a fast-paced enviroment

8. detrimental (a) - causing harm or damage

= harmful=damaging These chemicals have a detrimental impact on the environment.

9. intoxicated (a) - feeling excited, happy and slightly out of control

EAP Academic Reading

Intoxicated by success, she wanted to go futher

10. investigation (n) - the act or process of examining a crime, problem, statement carefully to disc
the truth
An investigation has been under way for several days into the disappearance
13-year-old boy.

PART 2: Main ideas & Key words

The situation of Even if they recognize the value of sleep, some people do not have
No time to sleep enough time to sleep,for example: Americans
Following that, William Dement, a sleep expert at Stanford University,
Sleep, like eating
presented andsuggesting
evidence drinking, isindividuals
a basic human
todayrequirement, yetmore
are sleeping
than everof people
before are
as increasingly
a result of sacrificing it. addiction and the
their caffeine
Starbucks culture

The reasons for People increasingly expect information, entertainment, and

No time to sleep food to be available at all times due to modern expectations.

One result of this 24/7 culture is that it makes people stay

awake longer and later than in the past.

Furthermore, some workers are required to work nonstop

until the sun sets in order to deliver goods and services.

Due to the fast-paced and competition world of companies,

employees are required to leave early and depart late on a
regular basis.

As a result, many workers are willing to sacrifice sleep in

trying to impress their boss.

The effects of According to Charles Czeisler of Harvard University, staying awake

sleep deprivation all day or sleeping only 5 hours a night for a week is equivalent to
having a blood- alcohol level of 0.1 percent. Sleeping an average of 5
hours deprivation can can
a night, people cause some
work, dangerous
study, efects
drive and like
so on aspoor grades
if they are
or poor performance
intoxicated. at work.

In Feb 2009, a commuter plane crashed because of

sleepiness from the pilot.

Medical performance is a major issue. significant

ramifications on residents' handling of patients.

Sleep is essential for our health and function, and it may be time to wake up and change our
thoughts about it. 2
EAP Academic Reading

PART 3: Summary

Practice 1: Same or Different?

1. In spite of the considerable advances that medicine has Many communicable diseases have
Different made in the last sixty years, we still have not eliminated disappeared because of what has been
many communicable diseases. achieved in medicine in the last sixty years.
2. The World Health Organization has reduced the number By vaccinating enormous numbers of people
Same of cases of infectious diseases in developing countries in developing countries, the World Health
through mass immunizations. Organization has eliminated many infectious
3. One of the obstacles to developing an effective response to People are reluctant to be honest about their
Different the HIV/AIDS epidemic is people’s unwillingness to be sexual behavior; this is one factor that makes it
honest about their sexual behavior. difficult to develop successful programs to fight
4. Scientists are cautiously optimistic that the next decade Scientists are reluctant to predict that genetic
Different will see the development of effective genetic treatments for medicine will be able to treat any fatal diseases
a number of fatal diseases. within the next ten years.
5. In a number of countries, providing adequate sanitation In some countries, contaminated water and a
Same and clean water is the top priority for the health care lack of access to adequate sanitation are the
systems. two most urgent problems the health care
systems must solve.

Practice 2: Write the main ideas/ summary of the main reading passage.

Main ideas, key words from Your main ideas/ Your summary
the original text.

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