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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2004

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Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council

National Water Quality Management Strategy


Endorsed by NHMRC 10 – 11 April 2003

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ii Australian Drinking Water Guidelines



Chapter 1
Introduction 1–1

1.1 Guiding principles 1–1

1.2 About the ADWG 1–3

1.2.1 Scope of the ADWG 1–3
1.2.2 Purpose of the ADWG 1–4
1.2.3 Structure of the ADWG 1–4

1.3 Water quality characteristics 1–5

1.3.1 Introduction 1–5
1.3.2 Guideline values 1–5

1.4 Community consultation 1–6

1.5 Development of the Guidelines 1–7

1.5.1 Acknowledgments 1–8
1.5.2 Public Consultation on the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 1–10
1.5.3 Workshop on Guidelines for Water Quality Management Systems 1–13
1.5.4 Pilot Studies on the Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality 1–14

1.6 Future revisions of the ADWG 1–15

Chapter 2
Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: overview 2–1

2.1 A preventive strategy from catchment to consumer 2–1

2.2 Structure of the Framework 2–2

2.3 Benefits of the Framework 2–4

2.4 The need for multiagency involvement 2–4

2.5 Applying the Framework 2–5

2.6 Correlations of the Framework with other systems 2–6

Chapter 3
Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: the twelve elements 3–1

3.1 Commitment to drinking water quality management (element 1) 3–1

3.1.1 Drinking water quality policy 3–1
3.1.2 Regulatory and formal requirements 3–3
3.1.3 Engaging stakeholders 3–3

iii Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

3.2 Assessment of the drinking water supply system (element 2) 3–4
3.2.1 Water supply system analysis 3–4
3.2.2 Assessment of water quality data 3–5
3.2.3 Hazard identification and risk assessment 3–5

3.3 Preventive measures for drinking water quality management (element 3) 3–8
3.3.1 Preventive measures and multiple barriers 3–9
3.3.2 Critical control points 3–12

3.4 Operational procedures and process control (element 4) 3–13

3.4.1 Operational procedures 3–15
3.4.2 Operational monitoring 3–15
3.4.3 Corrective action 3–17
3.4.4 Equipment capability and maintenance 3–18
3.4.5 Materials and chemicals 3–18

3.5 Verification of drinking water quality (element 5) 3–19

3.5.1 Drinking water quality monitoring 3–19
3.5.2 Consumer satisfaction 3–21
3.5.3 Short–term evaluation of results 3–22
3.5.4 Corrective action 3–22

3.6 Management of incidents and emergencies (element 6) 3–23

3.6.1 Communication 3–23
3.6.2 Incident and emergency response protocols 3–24

3.7 Employee awareness and training (element 7) 3–25

3.7.1 Employee awareness and involvement 3–25
3.7.2 Employee training 3–26

3.8 Community involvement and awareness (element 8) 3–27

3.8.1 Community consultation 3–27
3.8.2 Communication 3–29

3.9 Research and development (element 9) 3–30

3.9.1 Investigative studies and research monitoring 3–31
3.9.2 Validation of processes 3–32
3.9.3 Design of equipment 3–32

3.10 Documentation and reporting (element 10) 3–33

3.10.1 Management of documentation and records 3–33
3.10.2 Reporting 3–34

3.11 Evaluation and audit (element 11) 3–35

3.11.1 Long-term evaluation of results 3–35
3.11.2 Audit of drinking water quality management 3–36

iv Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

3.12 Review and continual improvement (element 12) 3–37
3.12.1 Review by senior executive 3–37
3.12.2 Drinking water quality management improvement plan 3–37

3.13 References 3–38


4.1 Introduction 4–1

4.2 Applying the Framework 4–1

4.2.1 Assessment of the drinking water supply 4–1
4.2.2 Preventive measures for drinking water quality management 4–2
4.2.3 Implementation of operational procedures and process control 4–3
4.2.4 Verification of drinking water quality 4–4

4.3 Individual household supplies 4–5

4.4 References 4–5



5.1 Introduction 5–1

5.2 Microorganisms in drinking water 5–1

5.3 Controlling waterborne infection: a historical overview 5–2

5.4 Waterborne pathogens 5–3

5.4.1 Bacterial pathogens 5–3
5.4.2 Protozoa 5–3
5.4.3 Viruses 5–5
5.4.4 Helminths 5–5
5.4.5 Cyanobacteria 5–6

5.5 Risk of disease from waterborne pathogens 5–6

5.6 Nuisance organisms 5–7

5.6.1 Organisms causing taste and odour problems 5–7
5.6.2 Organisms causing colour problems 5–8
5.6.3 Deposits due to iron and manganese bacteria 5–8
5.6.4 Corrosion problems due to iron and sulfur bacteria 5–9
5.6.5 Problems caused by large numbers of microorganisms 5–9
5.6.6 Nuisance invertebrates 5–9

5.7 References 5–10

v Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


6.1 Introduction 6–1

6.2 Physical quality of drinking water 6–1

6.2.1 An overview of physical characteristics 6–1
6.2.2 Approach used in derivation of guidelines values for physical characteristics 6–2

6.3 Chemical quality of drinking water 6–2

6.3.1 Inorganic chemicals 6–2
6.3.2 Organic compounds 6–3
6.3.3 Pesticides 6–4
6.3.4 Approach used in derivation of guideline values for chemicals 6–5

6.4 Differences between Australian and WHO guideline values 6–9

6.5 References 6–9


7.1 Introduction 7–1

7.2 Sources of radiation in the environment and in drinking water 7–1

7.3 Health effects of radiation 7–1

7.4 Exposure to radiation 7–1

7.5 Units of radioactivity and radiation dose measurement 7–2

7.5.1 Units of radioactivity and radiation dose 7–2
7.5.2 Dose conversion factors 7–2
7.5.3 Average human dose of radiation 7–3

7.6 Approach for derivation of guideline values for radionuclides 7–3

7.6.1 Practices and interventions 7–4
7.6.2 Estimation of the dose from radionuclides in water 7–4
7.6.3 Estimation of risk from low-level radiation 7–4
7.6.4 Guideline value for drinking water 7–5
7.6.5 Application of guideline values 7–5

7.7 References 7–6


8.1 Introduction 8–1

8.2 Scope and limit of application of this chapter 8–1

8.3 Overview of chemical treatment processes 8–2

8.3.1 Control of algae 8–2
8.3.2 Coagulation and flocculation 8–2
8.3.3 Adsorption 8–2

vi Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

8.3.4 Softening 8–3
8.3.5 Oxidation 8–3
8.3.6 Disinfection 8–3
8.3.7 Adjustment of pH 8–3
8.3.8 Addition of buffering capacity 8–3
8.3.9 Corrosion inhibition 8–4

8.4 Public Health Measures 8–4

8.4.1. Fluoridation 8–4

8.5 Assessment of chemicals acceptable for use in drinking water treatment 8–5
8.5.1 Chemicals Previously Assessed 8–5
8.5.2 Assessment of new water treatment chemicals 8–7

8.6 Quality assurance for drinking water treatment chemicals 8–7

8.6.1 Risks associated with drinking water chemicals 8–7
8.6.2 Managing risks 8–7
8.6.3 Specifications for the Supply of Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals 8–9

8.7 Monitoring and analytical requirements 8–11

8.8 Contaminants in drinking water treatment chemicals 8–13

8.9 Useful contacts 8–16

8.10 Acknowledgments 8–19

8.11 References 8–19

8.12 Further reading 8–20







9.1 Introduction 9–1

9.2 Developing a monitoring program 9–2

9.3 Surrogates and indicators 9–2

vii Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

9.4 Collection and analysis of samples 9–3

9.5 Operational monitoring 9–4

9.5.1 Characteristics to monitor and location 9–4
9.5.2 Frequency of monitoring 9–5

9.6 Drinking water quality monitoring 9–6

9.6.1 Monitoring of key characteristics 9–6
9.6.2 Monitoring zones 9–6
9.6.3 What and where to monitor 9–6
9.6.4 When and how often to sample 9–9

9.7 Monitoring of consumer satisfaction 9–9

9.8 Investigative and research monitoring 9–10

9.8.1 Baseline monitoring 9–10
9.8.2 Emergency response monitoring 9–11

9.9 References 9–12


10.1 Introduction 10–1

10.2 Microbial monitoring 10–1

10.2.1 Microbial indicator organisms 10–3
10.2.2 Indicators of faecal contamination 10–3
10.2.3 Indicators used in operational monitoring 10–4
10.2.4 Sampling frequency 10–5

10.3 Physical and chemical monitoring 10–6

10.3.1 Methods of analysis for physical and chemical characteristics 10–6
10.3.2 Limit of determination 10–6
10.3.3 Monitoring of physical and chemical characteristics 10–7

10.4 Radiological monitoring and assessment of compliance 10–10

10.4.1 Screening of water supplies 10–10
10.4.2 Dose assessment 10–11
10.4.3 Operational response 10–11
10.4.4 Methods of analysis 10–13

10.5 Small water supplies monitoring 10–14

10.6 Guide to monitoring and sampling frequency 10–15

10.7 Guide to evaluating results 10–20

10.7.1 Assessing long-term performance: physical, chemical and
radiological characteristics 10–20
10.7.2 Assessing long-term performance: microbiological characteristics 10–21

10.8 Summary of guideline values 10–22

viii Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

10.9 References 10–30


Microorganisms – Bacteria
Microorganisms – Protozoa
Microorganisms – Toxic algae
Microorganisms – Viruses
Physical and Chemical Characteristics
Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

A1 Introduction A-1
A2 Water supply system analysis A-3
A3 Assessment of water quality data A-6
A4 Hazard identification A-7
A5 Risk assessment A-10
A6 Preventive measures and barriers A-11
A7 Critical control points A-17
A8 Chlorination as an example of a critical control point A-22
A8.1 Process control A-24
A8.2 Verification A-25
A9 Further reading A-26
A9.1 Drinking water quality management – general A-26
A9.2 Catchment management and source water protection A-27
A9.3 Groundwater protection A-27
A9.4 Risk assessment and management A-27
A9.5 System analysis and management/process control and optimisation A-28
A9.6 Monitoring and verification A-29
A9.7 Materials and chemicals A-30
A9.8 Incident and emergency monitoring A-30
A9.9 Employee training and awareness A-30
A9.10 Research and development A-30
A9.11 Documentation and reporting A-30

ix Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

A9.12 Community consultation and communication A-30
A9.13 Hazard analysis and critical control points A-31
A9.14 Quality management/continuous improvement A-32
A9.15 Reference web sites A-32
A10 National Water Quality Management Strategy A-33




Chapter 2 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality

2.1 Framework for management of drinking water quality 2–2

Chapter 9 Overview of Monitoring

9.1 Example of a water distribution system for 5000 people 9–8

Chapter 10 Monitoring for specific characteristics in drinking water

10.1 Flowchart showing how to determine whether the radiological quality
of drinking water complies with the Guidelines 10–12

Information Sheets
IS2.1 Level of confidence that 98% of water in a sample is free of faecal
contamination for different numbers of samples when all samples
tested are free of faecal contamination
IS2.2 Level of confidence that 98% of the water in a supply is free of
faecal contamination for different numbers of samples
IS3.1 Example of a control chart

A1 Application of Framework elements 2 and 3 A–2
A2 Critical control point decision tree A–18


Chapter 2 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality

2.1 Framework for management of drinking water quality 2–3
2.2 Correlations between HACCP and the Framework 2–7
2.3 Correlations between ISO 9001 and the Framework 2–7
2.4 Comparison of features from various management frameworks 2–9

Chapter 3 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality – the twelve elements
3.1 Qualitative measures of likelihood 3–7
3.2 Qualitative measures of consequence or impact 3–7
3.3 Qualitative risk analysis matrix: level of risk 3–8

Chapter 7 Radiological Quality of Drinking Water

7.1 Dose per unit intake by ingestion for adult members of the public 7–3

x Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 8 Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals
8.1 State and Territory fluoride legislation and regulations 8–4
8.2 Chemicals recommended for use in the treatment of drinking water 8–5
8.3 Acceptance criteria for some water treatment chemicals 8–11
8.4 Example – some recommended maximum impurity concentrations 8–15
for some drinking water treatment chemicals

Chapter 9 Overview of Monitoring

9.1 Examples of water quality indicators 9–3
9.2 Examples of operational parameters 9–5
9.3 Monitoring required for different types of physical 9–7
and chemical characteristics

Chapter 10 Monitoring for specific characteristics in drinking water

10.1 Specific pathogens 10–1
10.2 Guidelines for microbial quality – frequency 10–5
10.3 A guide to the monitoring frequency for inorganic compounds 10–9
in a distribution system when water is drawn from a large storage
reservoir or ground supply
10.4 A guide to the monitoring frequency for physical characteristics 10–10
in a distribution system when water is drawn from a large storage reservoir
or ground supply
10.5 Summary of operational responses 10–12
10.6 Recommended methods for the analysis of gross alpha and beta 10–13
activities in potable water
10.7 Drinking water quality and operational monitoring by location 10–16
10.8 Guidelines for microbial quality – assessing system performance 10–21
10.9 Guidelines for microbial quality – monitoring of E. coli 10–22
(or thermotolerant coliforms)
10.10 Guideline values for physical and chemical characteristics 10–22
10.11 Guideline values for pesticides 10–27
10.12 Guideline values for radiological quality of drinking water 10–29

Information Sheets
IS1.1 Summary of C.t value ranges for 99% inactivation of various microorganisms
by disinfectants at 5ºC
IS1.2 Applicability of disinfection techniques to different situations
IS2.1 Special handling requirements for sampling for chemical, physical
and radiological characteristics
IS3.1 Relationship between control limits and multiples of the standard deviation

A1 Key characteristics of the drinking water supply system A-4
A2 Examples of sources and potential hazards A-8
A3 Examples of hazardous events and their potential sources A-8
A4 Qualitative measures of likelihood A-10
A5 Qualitative measures of consequence or impact A-12
A6 Qualitative risk analysis matrix – level of risk A-12

xi Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

A7 Examples of preventive measures from catchment to consumer A-14
A8 Estimated removals of enteric pathogens using multiple barriers A-16
A9 Example preventive measures and potential critical control A-20
points for Giardia – river system
A10 Example – potential critical points and operational criteria A-21
A11 Chlorination as a critical control point A-23
A12 C.t values for inactivation by free chlorine (mg.min/L) A-25


Chapter 2 Framework for the Management of Drinking Water Quality

2.1 Application of the Framework in Western Australia 2–5

Chapter 3 Framework for the Management of Drinking Water Quality –

the twelve elements
3.1 Example of a drinking water quality policy 3–2
3.2 Examples of multiple barriers 3–10
3.3 Examples of outbreaks resulting from sub-optimal performance 3–14
3.4 Reliability of data 3–21
3.5 Water incident communication and notification protocol 3–25
3.6 Contractors 3–27
3.7 The Melbourne water quality study 3–30
3.8 Cyanotoxin investigation in South Australia 3–32

Chapter 8 Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

8.1 Desirable components of a quality assurance system 8–8

8.2 Example specification for the supply and delivery of liquid alum to
a water authority 8–9
8.3 Sample calculation for determining the lead recommended maximum
impurity concentration in Alum 8–13

Information Sheets
IS3.1 Assessment of turbidity data
IS3.2 Assessment of trihalomethane data
IS3.3 Samples required to meet guidelines based on a 95th percentile
IS3.4 Samples required to meet guidelines based on a 95th percentile, with a
different mean
IS3.5 Number of samples based on meeting a mean

A1 Catchment management and source water protection A-13

xii Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction
Safe drinking water is essential to sustain life. Therefore, every effort needs to be taken to ensure that
drinking water suppliers provide consumers with water that is safe to use.

The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (the ADWG) are intended to provide a framework for good
management of drinking water supplies that, if implemented, will assure safety at point of use. The
ADWG have been developed after consideration of the best available scientific evidence. They are
designed to provide an authoritative reference on what defines safe, good quality water, how it can be
achieved and how it can be assured. They are concerned both with safety from a health point of view
and with aesthetic quality.

The ADWG are not mandatory standards, however, they provide a basis for determining the quality of
water to be supplied to consumers in all parts of Australia. These determinations need to consider the
diverse array of regional or local factors, and take into account economic, political and cultural issues,
including customer expectations and willingness and ability to pay.

The ADWG are intended for use by the Australian community and all agencies with responsibilities
associated with the supply of drinking water, including catchment and water resource managers, drinking
water suppliers, water regulators and health authorities.

1.1 Guiding principles

The ADWG contain a great deal of information about management of drinking water systems, monitoring
and the vast array of contaminants that may be present in drinking water. An ever-increasing knowledge
base means that the document has continued to grow both in detail and complexity. Although the
increased information needs to be included, a danger is that the fundamental principles vital to ensuring
safe drinking water quality become obscured in the detail. These fundamental principles, described
below, should always be remembered.

The greatest risks to consumers of drinking water are pathogenic microorganisms.

Protection of water sources and treatment are of paramount importance and must never
be compromised.
Waterborne pathogens can cause outbreaks of illness affecting a high proportion of the community and
in extreme cases causing death. How much treatment is needed will depend on the level of protection of
water supplies. Completely protected groundwater may not require treatment, but all other supplies will
require continuous disinfection. If water supplies are not completely protected from human and livestock
waste, filtration is likely to be required.

Disinfection is the single process that has had the greatest impact on drinking water safety. There is
clear evidence that the common adoption of chlorination of drinking water supplies in the 20th century
was responsible for a substantial decrease in infectious diseases. Disinfection will kill all bacterial
pathogens and greatly reduce numbers of viral and most protozoan pathogens. Combined with protection
of water sources from human and livestock waste, disinfection can ensure safe drinking water. In the
absence of complete protection of source water, filtration is likely to be required to improve the removal
of viruses and protozoa.

All waterborne disease outbreaks are avoidable. Pathogens can only cause disease and death in humans
if water source protection, pathogen removal by disinfection or filtration, or integrity of distribution
systems fail.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 1–1

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chemical byproducts of disinfection have been suggested as potential health risks. However, the
possibility of such health risks remains highly uncertain in comparison to the well-established risks
from inadequate disinfection and contamination of water supplies with pathogens. Therefore, although
concentrations of byproducts should be kept as low as possible, efforts to achieve this should never
jeopardise effective disinfection.

The drinking water system must have, and continuously maintain, robust multiple barriers
appropriate to the level of potential contamination facing the raw water supply.
The multiple barrier approach is universally recognised as the foundation for ensuring safe drinking water.
No single barrier is effective against all conceivable sources of contamination, is effective 100 per cent of the
time or constantly functions at maximum efficiency. Robust barriers are those that can handle a relatively
wide range of challenges with close to maximum performance and without suffering major failure.

Although it is important to maintain effective operation of all barriers, the advantage of multiple barriers
is that short-term reductions in performance of one barrier may be compensated for by performance
of other barriers. Prevention of contamination provides greater surety than removal of contaminants by
treatment, so the most effective barrier is protection of source waters to the maximum degree practical.
Knowing how many barriers are required to address the level of potential contamination in individual
systems is important. This requires a thorough understanding of the nature of the challenges and the
vulnerabilities of the barriers in place. In terms of reliability, there is no substitute for understanding
a water supply system from catchment to consumer, how it works and its vulnerabilities to failure.

Finally, a robust system must include mechanisms or failsafes to accommodate inevitable human errors
without allowing major failures to occur.

Any sudden or extreme change in water quality, flow or environmental conditions

(e.g. extreme rainfall or flooding) should arouse suspicion that drinking water
might become contaminated.
Disease outbreaks from drinking water are almost invariably linked to changes in measurable water
quality parameters or to the failure of treatment processes to cope with extreme weather events such
as high rainfall and flooding. Water treatment processes generally function best under steady state
conditions, and performance can seriously deteriorate when there are major fluctuations in quality or
flow. It is vitally important that water quality after treatment should remain as constant as possible, no
matter how much the quality of the source water varies. Operators and managers need to be aware of
normal operating requirements, the measurement criteria that define normal operation and the enormous
risks that can be associated with operating outside normal limits.

System operators must be able to respond quickly and effectively to adverse

monitoring signals.
Sudden changes in water quality or flow are likely to be a sign of imminent problems; such variations
should always trigger appropriate responses. Wherever possible, key processes should be monitored
continuously. Operators and managers must have the knowledge and appropriate responsibility to
implement the necessary responses, which could range from modifying treatment processes to, in
extreme cases, advising health regulators to consider issuing public advice such as ‘boil water’ notices or
shutting down water supplies.

Previous water quality failures or ‘close calls’ should be studied so that operators are aware of the
relationship between operational indicators and subsequent water quality failures. Even seemingly
small faults should be addressed because these can accumulate and lead to a serious incident. Many
waterborne disease outbreaks are caused by a combination of faults.

1–2 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 1 Introduction

System operators must maintain a personal sense of responsibility and dedication to

providing consumers with safe water, and should never ignore a consumer complaint
about water quality.
Consumers are the ultimate assessors of water quality. Consumers may not be able to detect trace
concentrations of individual contaminants, but their ability to recognise change should not be discounted.
In some cases, consumer complaints may provide valuable information on potential problems not
detected by testing water quality or monitoring treatment processes. Water quality testing has limitations
and there are many possibilities for contamination of water in reticulation systems after treatment. All
consumer complaints should be investigated to ensure that otherwise undetected problems that might
compromise drinking water safety have not occurred. Meeting reasonable consumer expectations and
maintaining confidence in the water supply is vitally important.

Ensuring drinking water safety and quality requires the application of a considered
risk management approach.
The process of keeping drinking water safe is one of risk management. This requires steering a sensible
course between the extremes of failing to act when action is required and taking action when none
is necessary. Lack of action can seriously compromise public health, whereas excessive caution can
have significant social and economic consequences. Corrective action or system upgrades should be
undertaken in a considered, measured and consultative manner. Failure to act when required (e.g.
failing to shut down a system when disinfection is not working effectively) may lead to an outbreak
of waterborne disease. Acting when not required (e.g. issuing a ‘boil water’ notice when that is not
necessary) is usually less severe in the short term, but repeated occurrences waste resources and are
likely to cause complacency in the long term, leading to failure to respond when it is truly necessary.
Similarly, failing to install a treatment process when required could lead to waterborne disease; however,
installing treatment processes that are not required could have a high financial cost and divert funds
needed elsewhere.

Risk management is about taking a carefully considered course of action. As the obligation is to
ensure safe water and protect public health, the balancing process must be tipped in favour of taking
a precautionary approach.

1.2 About the ADWG


Drinking water is defined as water intended primarily for human consumption, either directly, as supplied
from the tap, or indirectly, in beverages, ice or foods prepared with water. Drinking water is also used for
other domestic purposes such as bathing and showering.

With the exception of bottled or packaged water, the ADWG apply to any water intended for drinking
irrespective of the source (municipal supplies, rainwater tanks, bores etc) or where it is consumed (the
home, restaurants, camping areas, shops etc). Bottled water and packaged water are subject to the Food
Standards Code (ANZFA 2001). The ADWG do not address water used for specialised purposes such as
renal dialysis and some industrial purposes where water of a higher quality than that specified in the
Guidelines may be required.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 1–3

Chapter 1 Introduction


The ADWG provide the authoritative Australian reference for use within Australia’s administrative and
legislative framework to ensure the accountability of drinking water suppliers (as managers) and of state/
territory health authorities (as auditors of the safety of water supplies). The ADWG are not, however,
mandatory legally enforceable standards.

With appropriate consultation with the community, the ADWG may be used directly as agreed levels of
service or they may form the basis for developing local levels of service. In the case of health-related
water quality characteristics there is less latitude for variation because the safety of drinking water
is paramount. However, with regard to aesthetic characteristics, what is acceptable or unacceptable
depends on public expectations and can therefore be determined by water authorities in consultation
with consumers, taking into account the costs and benefits of further treatment of the water. The ADWG
provide a starting point for that process. The ADWG may also be used by a standards body for defining
quality processes suitable for third party accreditation of a quality management system.


The remainder of this document is divided into five parts.

Part I deals with the management of drinking water quality.

• Chapter 2 summarises a preventive strategy for the management of drinking water quality. It
outlines a Framework for developing the approach; explains the need for water suppliers to work in
partnership with other agencies in implementing the Framework; describes the purpose, structure,
benefits and application of the Framework; and illustrates how the Framework is related to other
management approaches such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and ISO 9001.
• Chapter 3 details the 12 elements of the Framework.
• Chapter 4 considers how the Framework can be applied to small water supplies.

Part II considers the characteristics of water.

• Chapters 5–7 present overviews of the microbial, physical and chemical, and radiological
characteristics, respectively, that determine water quality.
• Chapter 8 provides information on chemicals commonly used in treatment of drinking water and
how they affect water quality.

Part III considers the monitoring of drinking water quality.

• Chapter 9 provides an overview of characteristics to monitor and considers factors such as the
location and frequency of sampling.
• Chapter 10 details monitoring procedures for specific characteristics – microbial, physical, chemical
and radiological – and for small water supplies.

Part IV presents information sheets for disinfection of drinking water, sampling and statistics.

Part V presents fact sheets on a wide range of individual water quality characteristics, arranged by
category and alphabetically within each category. Each fact sheet contains, where appropriate, the
guideline values (aesthetic or health-related, or both) and their derivation, a general description of the
characteristic, typical values in Australian drinking water, methods for removing the characteristic from
drinking water, measurement techniques and health considerations.

An appendix gives additional guidance on certain elements of the Framework for Management of
Drinking Water Quality. The appendix is located at the end of the ADWG, together with a glossary.

1–4 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.3 Water quality characteristics


The ADWG are concerned with the safety and aesthetic quality of drinking water for consumers. Drinking
water does not need to be absolutely pure to be safe. Because water is such a good solvent, pure water
containing nothing else is almost impossible to attain. What is required is that drinking water should be
safe to drink for people in most stages of normal life, including children over six months of age and the
very old. It should contain no harmful concentrations of chemicals or pathogenic microorganisms, and
ideally it should be aesthetically pleasing in regard to appearance, taste and odour.

The Guidelines are derived so as to take account of the needs of an individual through a normal lifetime,
including changes in sensitivity that may occur between life stages. Those at greatest risk of waterborne
disease are infants and young children, people who are debilitated or living under insanitary conditions
and the elderly. Sensitive sub-populations, (including the severely immuno-compromised), should seek
further medical advice.

A wide range of measurable characteristics, compounds or constituents can be found in water

and may affect its quality. They fall into several categories:
• physical
• microbial
• chemical, including
– inorganic chemicals
– organic compounds
– pesticides
• radiological.

Appearance, taste and odour are useful indicators of quality because they are generally the characteristics
by which the public judges water quality. However, water that is turbid or coloured, or has an objectionable
taste or odour, may not be unsafe to drink. Conversely, the absence of any unpleasant qualities does not
guarantee that water is safe.

The safety of water in public health terms is determined by its microbial, physical, chemical and
radiological quality; of these, microbial quality is usually the most important.


The ADWG include two different types of guideline value:

• A health-related guideline value, which is the concentration or measure of a water quality
characteristic that, based on present knowledge, does not result in any significant risk to the health
of the consumer over a lifetime of consumption.
• An aesthetic guideline value, which is the concentration or measure of a water quality
characteristic that is associated with acceptability of water to the consumer, e.g. appearance, taste
and odour.

The guideline values should be used in two separate but complementary ways: as action levels for the
short-term verification of drinking water quality and as a means to assess performance over the longer
term (e.g. over a 12-month period). Using a guideline value for short-term verification entails assessing
whether individual results conform to the requirements of good quality water. If a value is exceeded,
some form of immediate corrective action will generally be initiated. For example, if a guideline value for
a health-related characteristic is exceeded, the response should be to take immediate action to reduce the
risk to consumers, and, if necessary, to advise the health authority and consumers of the problem and the
action taken. If the characteristic affects only aesthetic quality, the action may be to advise the community
of deterioration in water quality.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 1–5

Chapter 1 Introduction

When guideline values are used in assessing overall performance (e.g. as presented in an annual report)
the aim is to assess whether management strategies are effective. The assessment is used to identify
emerging problems and to determine priorities for improvement. Resulting actions will generally be
applied in the longer term.

The guideline values relate to the quality of water at the point of use (e.g. kitchen or bathroom tap).
They apply to reticulated water at the consumer’s tap, rainwater for drinking, and source water if it
is to be used without prior treatment. This does not, however, imply that the drinking water supplier
is responsible for water quality problems caused by plumbing or other factors within a consumer’s
property. However, although it is not possible to control consumers’ actions, suppliers should consider
how drinking water quality may be affected in private plumbing systems and provide appropriate
information to consumers.

The drinking water supplier should ensure that the quality of water in the reticulation mains meets the
guideline values or agreed levels of service. The drinking water supplier would normally monitor quality
in a service pipeline directly off a water main selected to represent the quality of water in the system.
This is not usually within a private consumer’s property. However, it may sometimes be necessary to
check at the consumer’s tap, either to confirm that chosen distribution sampling points are representative
for microbial monitoring, to investigate specific problems such as leaching of metals into water, or as a
consumer service.

The guideline values define water that, based on current knowledge, is safe to drink over a lifetime;
that is, it constitutes no significant risk to health. For most of the water quality characteristics discussed,
there is a grey area between what is clearly safe and what is clearly unsafe. Often the latter has not been
reliably demonstrated and the guideline values always err on the side of safety. Therefore, for most
characteristics, occasional excursions beyond the guideline value are not necessarily an immediate threat
to health. The amount by which and the duration for which any health-related guideline value can be
exceeded without raising concerns for public health depends on the particular circumstances. Exceeding
a guideline value should be a signal to investigate the cause and, if appropriate, to take remedial action.
If the characteristic is health related, the relevant health authority should be consulted.

Nevertheless, the ADWG provide the minimum requirements for drinking water of good quality,
both aesthetically and from a public health viewpoint. Water suppliers should adopt a preventive risk
management approach, as stipulated in the ADWG, to maintain the supply of water at the highest
practicable quality. The guideline values should never be seen as a licence to degrade the quality of
a drinking water supply to that level.

1.4 Community consultation

The ADWG are intended to provide consumers with safe and aesthetically pleasing water and ultimately
it is consumers who will be the final judges of water quality. It is vitally important that consumers are
viewed as active partners in making decisions about drinking water quality and the levels of service to
be adopted. Community expectations and willingness to pay must be considered. It is the responsibility
of drinking water suppliers to keep the community fully informed about water quality, existing problems
and needs for improvement.

Consumers also need to be informed about their responsibilities in relation to domestic plumbing and
of any possible issues associated with the interaction of mains water with this plumbing.

1–6 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.5 Development of the Guidelines

National guidance for drinking water were first published by the National Health and Medical Research
Council (NHMRC) in 1972 as Desirable Standards for Public Water Supplies in Australian Capital Cities
adopting the Biennial Conference of Engineers Criteria and Objectives for Water Quality for Capital Cities
(1969). The NHMRC standards were updated in 1975 as Recommended Quality Criteria for Drinking
Water and in 1977 as Desirable Quality for Drinking Water. In 1980, Desirable Quality for Drinking
Water was revised and jointly published with the Australian Water Resources Council (AWRC). This
was considered a significant advance in water quality management because, for the first time, water
supply and health authorities in Australia combined to produce a single guideline document. The 1980
guidelines were based on published criteria and standards recommended by overseas and international
agencies, in particular the 1971 International Standards for Drinking Water of the World Health
Organization (WHO).

Following a review of the 1980 Guidelines, and taking into consideration the 1984 WHO Guidelines for
Drinking-Water Quality, the NHMRC and the AWRC published the Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality
in Australia in 1987.

In 1996, the NHMRC and the Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New
Zealand (ARMCANZ, formerly AWRC) published the ADWG. The Guidelines were based on working
papers and assessments prepared by the WHO expert panels, and reflected recent improvements in
understanding problems of water quality. Referenced material included scientific papers, Guidelines
published by overseas agencies, issues papers prepared by Australian water authorities and assessments
made by the NHMRC. Only key references were cited, particularly those that were used as a basis for
determining guideline values.

The guideline values in the 1996 ADWG were based primarily on the latest WHO recommendations,
and any departures from these were detailed in the text. It should be noted, however, that the WHO
Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality seek to define drinking water which, as well as being safe, is
aesthetically acceptable, whereas the emphasis in the Australian Guidelines is on producing drinking
water that is safe and of good aesthetic quality.

During the development of the ADWG, it became evident that undertaking a major review
of the ADWG in the future would be time consuming and resource intensive. To improve development
and ensure that the Guidelines continued to represent the latest scientific evidence, the NHMRC and
ARMCANZ agreed to initiate a ‘rolling revision’ process for the ADWG. Through this process, the
Guidelines would remain under constant revision, with specific issues identified for review as required.

In 1998, NHMRC and ARMCANZ established a joint committee, the Drinking Water Review Coordinating
Group, to oversee and manage the review process. In 2001–2002, ARMCANZ and the Australia and
New Zealand Environment Conservation Council were replaced with the Natural Resource Management
Ministerial Council (NRMMC) and the Environment Protection and Heritage Council. The ADWG continue
to be developed under the auspices of the NHMRC and NRMMC.

The current revised ADWG supersede the 1996 Guidelines. Specialist panels prepared the Framework
outlined in Chapters 2 and 3 and the sections on microorganisms, physical quality, inorganic chemicals,
organic chemicals, radiological quality and pesticides. The specialist panels and the joint committee
included representatives from the NHMRC, water authorities, private industry, universities, departments
of health, departments of water resources and others.

There are two main differences between the current ADWG and those of 1996: the section on
radiological contaminants has been rewritten, and the Guidelines now include the Framework for
Management of Drinking Water Quality. In addition, fact sheets on a number of contaminants have been

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 1–7

Chapter 1 Introduction

The ADWG are part of the National Water Quality Management Strategy. The strategy aims to ‘achieve
sustainable use of the nation’s water resources by protecting and enhancing their quality while
maintaining economic and social development’. It provides information and tools to help communities
manage their water resources to meet current and future needs.

A regulatory impact statement (RIS) including a cost-benefit evaluation of regulatory alternatives, was
not undertaken as part of this review. The Productivity Commission’s Office of Regulation Review has
previously determined that the NHMRC is not required to undertake an RIS as the Guidelines do not have
a regulatory status. Implementation of the Guidelines by the States and Territories is at the discretion
of the State and Territory Health Department, usually in consultation with water suppliers and should
include an appropriate economic analysis prior to implementation.


The NHMRC and NRMMC expresses gratitude to the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and
Treatment for its continued support in the development of the ADWG, and in particular the Framework
for Management of Drinking Water Quality. NHMRC and NRMMC are grateful to the following people
for the excellent work they do on its behalf. The work is usually performed on an honorary basis and
in addition to their usual work commitments, and has been crucial in the continued development of the

NHMRC Drinking Water Review Coordinating Group

Prof Don Bursill (Chair) Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment
Dr David Cunliffe Department of Human Services, South Australia
Peter Scott Melbourne Water
Dr Anne Neller University of the Sunshine Coast
Alec Percival Consumers’ Health Forum
Dr John Langford Water Services Association of Australia
Brian McRae Australian Water Association
Phil Callan (Technical Secretary) National Health and Medical Research Council

Drinking Water Quality Management Working Party

Dr David Cunliffe (Chair) Department of Human Services, South Australia
Dr Martha Sinclair Monash University
Samantha Rizak Monash University
Roslyn Vulcano Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment, NT
Dr John Howard South Australian Water Corporation
Prof Steve Hrudey University of Alberta, Canada

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Working Party

Prof Michael Moore (Chair) National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology
Dr Peter Di Marco Health Department of Western Australia
Mary Drikas South Australian Water Corporation
Dr Jim Fitzgerald Department of Human Services, South Australia
Dr Peter Mosse Gippsland Water
Colin Nicholson Sydney Water Corporation

1–8 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 1 Introduction

Microbial Working Party

Mike Burch (Chair) South Australian Water Corporation
Dr David Cunliffe Department of Human Services, South Australia
Glen Shaw National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology
Dr Brenton Nicholson South Australian Water Corporation
Dr Ian Falconer Australian National University

Pesticides Working Party

Dr Les Davies (Chair) Therapeutic Goods Administration
Dr Jim Fitzgerald Department of Human Services, South Australia
Dr Brenton Nicholson South Australian Water Corporation

Protozoa Working Party

Dr David Cunliffe (Chair) Department of Human Services, South Australia
Assoc Prof Christopher Fairley Monash University
Prof Nick Ashbolt University of New South Wales
Peter Scott Melbourne Water
Dr Dennis Steffensen South Australian Water Corporation

Radiological Working Party

Dr Malcolm Cooper (Chair) Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
Philip Crouch Department of Human Services, South Australia
Richard Walker Water Corporation Western Australia

Priority Setting Group (28 January 1998)

Dr Charles Guest National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
Barry Sanders Agriculture and Resource Management Council
of Australia and New Zealand
Prof Don Bursill Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment
Annette Coburn Australian Consumers Association
Christine Cowie New South Wales Health
David Lambert National Water Quality Management Strategy Secretariat
Dr John Langford Water Services Association of Australia
Dr Peter Liehne Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services
Dr Udomsri Low National Health and Medical Research Council
Sharon Tuffin National Health and Medical Research Council

Others involved in the development of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines include:
Dr Jenny Stauber Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation
Sam Mangas Department of Human Services, South Australia
Barry Sanders Water Corporation, Western Australia
Chris Davis Australian Water Association
Dr Melita Stevens Melbourne Water

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 1–9

Chapter 1 Introduction


Consultation on the guidelines has included calls for submissions from stakeholders on issues to be
addressed through the rolling review process (first stage consultation) and call for submission on the draft
guidelines as they have been developed. The call for submissions were publicised in the Commonwealth
Notices Gazette, The Weekend Australian, and invitations forwarded to known interested parties through
the enHealth Council, the Australian Water Association, Water Services Association of Australia.

All submissions received during the consultation were taken into consideration in finalising these
Guidelines. Comments were considered by the relevant working party and the NHMRC/NRMMC
Drinking Water Review Coordinating Group. Submissions were received from the following individuals/

First Stage consultation (February 1999)

Dr John Langford, Bob Dorrat Water Services Association of Australia
Alan Shea Hobart Water
New South Wales Cabinet Office
David Cox Water Services Association of Australia
Barry Sanders WA Water Corporation
Bill Stanford Citiwater, Townsville
Peter Scott Melbourne Water
Dr Annette Davison AWT, Sydney
Dr Daniel Deere South East Water
David Murdoch Halpern Click Maunsell
Cynthia Joll Curtin University
Paul Grover ProMinent Fluid Control

Public consultation – 28 July to 27 August 1999 (Cryptosporidium and Giardia)

Dr Robert Thurman Ballarat Victoria
Jean Williams Nambour, New South Wales
Tony Garner Ultraviolet Technology of Australia, South Australia
Scott Webber Queensland Health
Dr Martha Sinclair Monash University
Geoff Davis Department of Health and Aged Care
Bob Gray Brisbane Water
Dr Melita Stevens Melbourne Water
Prof Paul Greenfield University of Queensland
Pierre Mazounie Australian Water Services
Harold Wright Trojan Technologies, Ontario, Canada
Jennie Ludlow Environment Australia
Paul Prendergast Ministry of Health, New Zealand
Dr Andrew Langely Department of Human Services, South Australia
Greg Dorricott Queensland Health
Martyn Kirk Department of Human Services, Victoria
Anthony MacCormick USF Filtration

1–10 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 1 Introduction

Public consultation 13 September to 10 November 2000

(Arsenic, aluminium, coliforms, copper, Pseudomallei Burkholderia, taste and odour,
Turbidity, Water Quality Management)
Philip Broad Sydney Water
John Cugley SA Water
Prof Michael Moore National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology
Dr Daniel Deere South East Water
Anne Wooley Department of Natural Resources, Queensland
Dr Brad Cassels Territory Health Services, Northern Territory
David Sheehan AWT Environment Laboratory, Queensland
Dr Peter Harty Department of Human Services, Victoria
Alan Maus WA Water Corporation
Paul Prendergast Ministry of Health, New Zealand
Dr Sue Phillips Department of Human Services, Victoria
Dr Jan Bowman Department of Human Services, Victoria
B Dowling Cold Coast Water
Emma Campbell Environment Australia
Dr D Leece NSW Government Radiation Advisory Council
GSR Walker Freedom from Fluoridation Federation of Australia
Dr Jonathon Streeton Consulting Respiratory Physician

Public consultation 9 May 2001 to 6 July 2001

(Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality)
Peter McCleery AQWEST Water
Sophie Dwyer Queensland Health
Laurie Gleeson Goulburn Valley Water
Richard Birrell Sydney Water
Robert Butler Australian Dental Association
David Roberts Gippsland Water
Victor Fazakerley Power and Water Authority (Northern Territory)
Richard Theobald Health Department of Western Australia
Sylvertre Fink Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Greg Ryan South East Water Limited
Michael Leak North East Region Water Authority
Chloe Munro Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria
Adrian Langdon Department of Land and Water Conservation, New South Wales
Sam Austin Yarra Valley Water
Jeff Wright Sydney Catchment Authority
Brian Labza Melbourne, Victoria

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 1–11

Chapter 1 Introduction

Public consultation 29 September 2001 to 9 November 2001

(Review of Coliforms as Microbial Indicators of Drinking Water Quality)
Dr Paul Van Buynder Department of Human Services, Victoria
Christine Cowie NSW Health Department
Jim Martin North East Water
Dr Martha Sinclair, Samantha Rizak Monash University
Greg Ryan South East Water Limited
David Heeps City West Water
Mark Harvey Victorian Water Industry Association Inc.
Jacqui Goonrey ActewAGL
Les Mathiesons East Gippsland Water
Dr Christ Saint, Phil Adcock Australian Water Quality Centre
Keith Neaves Lower Murray Water
Ian Tanner Sydney Catchment Authority
Brian Bayley Melbourne Water
Philip Berger US Environmental Protection Agency
Harry Ferguson Brisbane Water
Sam Austin Yarra Valley Water
Alan Thornton Hunter Water Corporation
Clare Bailey Queensland Health
Darryl Day Power and Water Authority (Northern Territory)
David Sheehan AWT Environment Laboratory, Queensland

Public consultation 2 November 2002 – 24 January 2003

(Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, 2003, incorporating the Framework for
Management of Drinking Water Quality)
Phillip Bingley Derwent Valley Council, Tasmania
Jennifer Higgins Gold Coast Water
Robert JF Butler Australian Dental Association
Dennis Brockenshire Barwon Water
Georges Rutta City West Water
Laurie Gleeson Goulburn Valley Water
Sam Austin Yarra Valley Water
Richard Walker WA Water Corporation
David Sheehan Environlabs, Gippsland
Peter Mosse, Steven Healy Gippsland Water
Dr John Harries Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Dr G Stewart International Association of Hydrogeologists
Dr Jonathon Streeton Consulting Respiratory Physician, Melbourne
David Smith Gold Coast Water
Andrew Gibbes Shoalhaven City Council
Ashley Fletcher Tyco Water

1–12 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 1 Introduction

Alison Smith Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission

Adrian Ray Australian Inland, Broken Hill
Dr Martha Sinclair, Samantha Rizak Monash University
Mark Harvey Victorian Water Industry Association, Inc
Dennis Cavagna South East Water
Adrian Spall Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria
Dr John Langford Water Services Association of Australia
Mark Stone Parks Victoria
Dr Paul Van Buynder Department of Human Services, Victoria
Dr Paul Byleveld NSW Health Department
Alan Humphries Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources, Tasmania
Richard Birrell Sydney Water
Colin Nicholson Sydney Water
Charles Lewis Environment Australia
Michael Leak North East Region Water Authority
Anne Howe SA Water
Peter Scott Melbourne Water


A workshop involving representatives from health, water, and resource management agencies and
academia, was convened in 8 October 1999 to discuss preventive management of water quality and the
development of the Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality. Participants at the Workshop
Prof Don Bursill Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment
Dr Richard Lugg Health Department of Western Australia
Christine Cowie New South Wales Health Department
Greg Dorricott Queensland Health
Dr David Cunliffe South Australian Department of Human Services
Martyn Kirk Department of Human Services, Victoria
Mark Lobban Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmania
Richard Walker WA Water Corporation
Dr Daniel Deere South East Water
Alan Dodds Sydney Catchment Authority
Mark Pacsoe Brisbane City Council
Paul Freeman Sydney Water Corporation
Darryl Day Power and Water Authority, Northern Territory
Howard Lacy South Australia Water Corporation
Alan Shea Hobart Water
Carl Magyar ECOwise Environmental
Peter Scott Melbourne Water
Dr Anne Neller University of the Sunshine Coast
Dr John Langford Water Services Association of Australia
Chris Davis Australian Water Association

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 1–13

Chapter 1 Introduction

Ross Dalton Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Australia

Steve Clark Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Australia
Dr Roscoe Taylor Queensland Health
Dr Steve Hrudey University of Alberta, Canada
Dr Martha Sinclair Monash University
Samantha Rizak Monash University
Alec Percival Consumer’s Health Forum
Gary Mitchell NSW Local Government Water Directorate
Phil Callan National Health and Medical Research Council
Karina Desarmia National Health and Medical Research Council


Prior to the finalisation of the Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality, and subsequent
inclusion into the ADWG, Sydney Water, Melbourne Water, NT Power and Water Authority and Western
Australia Water Corporation agreed to participate in the desktop pilot study on the draft Framework.
The pilot studies were conducted from January to March 2000. Participants in the pilot trials were:

Sydney, NSW
Dr Annette Davison Australian Water Technologies
Greg Helm Sydney Water Corporation
Steve Horton Sydney Catchment Authority

Perth, WA
Peter Engler WA Water Corporation
Ross Sheridan WA Water and Rivers Commission
Richard Theobald Health Department of WA

Katherine, NT
Victor Fazakerley NT Power and Water
Roslyn Vulcano NT Power and Water

Kevin Hellier Melbourne Water
John Hearn South East Water
Dr Peter Nadebaum Egis Consulting
Peter Guttman Department of Natural Resources, Victoria
Sue Phillips Vic Department of Human Services

Prior to approval by the NHMRC, the ADWG was technically edited by Biotext Pty Ltd, and subjected
to an independent review against the NHMRC key criteria for assessing Guidelines.

1–14 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.6 Future revisions of the ADWG

The ADWG will continue to be subject to regular review by the joint committee, with representatives
from national health, water, environmental and community organisations, supported by specialist panels.

Submissions for updating the ADWG should be forwarded to:

Technical Secretary

NHMRC Drinking Water Review Coordinating Group (MDP 24)

National Health and Medical Research Council
GPO Box 9848
Canberra ACT 2601

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 1–15

Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Framework for Management of Drinking
Water Quality – Overview
Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Overview Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Framework for Management of Drinking Water

Quality: overview
This chapter introduces the Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality (the Framework) and
describes its purpose, benefits and structure. It outlines how the Framework can be applied and explains
the importance of various agencies working in partnership with drinking water suppliers to apply the
Framework successfully.

2.1 A preventive strategy from catchment to consumer

The most effective means of assuring drinking water quality and the protection of public health is
through adoption of a preventive management approach that encompasses all steps in water production
from catchment to consumer.

In the Australian water industry, risk management and quality management are increasingly being
used as a means of assuring drinking water quality by strengthening the focus on more preventive
approaches. Some water authorities have implemented management systems based on ISO 9001
(Quality Management), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management), AS/NZS 4360 (Risk Management) or
more recently the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system that has been adopted
internationally by the food industry.

These available frameworks provide generic requirements for organisations undertaking a diverse
range of activities. As such, they are not intuitively translated to management of drinking water quality,
and therefore result in a range of interpretations and various applications within the water industry.
Furthermore, management of drinking water quality from catchment to consumer poses several
challenges that are unique to the water industry and that may not be sufficiently addressed in these

The Framework was developed to guide the design of a structured and systematic approach for the
management of drinking water quality from catchment to consumer, to assure its safety and reliability.

The Framework incorporates a preventive risk management approach; it includes elements of HACCP,
ISO 9001 and AS/NZS 4360, but applies them in a drinking water supply context to support consistent
and comprehensive implementation by suppliers.

The Framework addresses four general areas, which are described below and illustrated in Figure 2.1:
• Commitment to drinking water quality management. This involves developing a commitment
to drinking water quality management within the organisation. Adoption of the philosophy of
the Framework is not sufficient in itself to ensure its effectiveness and continual improvement.
Successful implementation requires the active participation of senior executive and a supportive
organisational philosophy.
• System analysis and management. This involves understanding the entire water supply system,
the hazards and events that can compromise drinking water quality, and the preventive measures
and operational control necessary for assuring safe and reliable drinking water.
• Supporting requirements. These requirements include basic elements of good practice such
as employee training, community involvement, research and development, validation of process
efficacy, and systems for documentation and reporting.
• Review. This includes evaluation and audit processes and their review by senior executive to
ensure that management system is functioning satisfactorily. These components provide a basis for
review and continual improvement.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2–1

Chapter 2 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Overview

2.2 Structure of the Framework

The Framework includes 12 elements considered good practice for system management of drinking water
supplies, outlined in figure 2.1 and detailed in table 2.1.

Figure 2.1 Framework for management of drinking water quality

Commitment to Drinking Water Quality Management

System Analysis and Management Supporting Requirements

Assessment of the drinking Employee awarness and training

water supply system
Community involvement and awarness
Preventive measures for drinking water Review
Research and development
quality management
Evaluation and audit
Documentation and reporting
Operational procedures and
Review and continual improvement
process control

Verification of drinking water quality

Management of incidents
and emergencies

2–2 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Overview Chapter 2

Table 2.1 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality

Element 1 Commitment to drinking water quality management
Drinking water quality policy
Regulatory and formal requirements
Engaging stakeholders
Element 2 Assessment of the drinking water supply system
Water supply system analysis
Assessment of water quality data
Hazard identification and risk assessment
Element 3 Preventive measures for drinking water quality management
Preventive measures and multiple barriers
Critical control points
Element 4 Operational procedures and process control
Operational procedures
Operational monitoring
Corrective action
Equipment capability and maintenance
Materials and chemicals
Element 5 Verification of drinking water quality
Drinking water quality monitoring
Consumer satisfaction
Short-term evaluation of results
Corrective action
Element 6 Management of incidents and emergencies
Incident and emergency response protocols
Element 7 Employee awareness and training
Employee awareness and involvement
Employee training
Element 8 Community involvement and awareness
Community consultation
Element 9 Research and development
Investigative studies and research monitoring
Validation of processes
Design of equipment
Element 10 Documentation and reporting
Management of documentation and records
Element 11 Evaluation and audit
Long-term evaluation of results
Audit of drinking water quality management
Element 12 Review and continual improvement
Review by senior executive
Drinking water quality management improvement plan

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2–3

Chapter 2 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Overview

Although listed as discrete components, the 12 elements are interrelated and each supports the
effectiveness of the others. To assure a safe and reliable drinking water supply, these elements need to
be addressed together because most water quality problems are attributable to a combination of factors.

The Framework outlines principles of management applicable to all water supply systems regardless
of size and system complexity (i.e. both small and large supplies, ranging from those with minimal
treatment to those with full treatment). To reflect the diversity of individual water supplies and the
varying institutional arrangements (e.g. corporations, local authorities, wholesale, retail and contractors),
the Framework is flexible. It provides generic guidance and the content should not be regarded as being
prescriptive or exhaustive.

2.3 Benefits of the Framework

Management of drinking water quality through a comprehensive preventive strategy benefits the water
industry by providing an overall framework that:
• promotes public health by assuring safer drinking water for consumers
• enables an in-depth systematic evaluation of water systems, the identification of hazards and the
assessment of risks
• fosters a holistic approach to, and understanding of, management of drinking water quality
• emphasises prevention and places drinking water quality monitoring in an appropriate verification
• introduces a common and standard approach throughout the industry, which establishes due
diligence and credibility
• provides the opportunity for various agencies and stakeholders to identify their areas of
responsibility and become involved, and offers the outcome of a cooperative and coordinated
approach with improved understanding of the responsibilities of all parties
• provides a framework for communication with the public and with employees
• addresses the uncertainties in setting accurate guideline values when insufficient scientific data are
• identifies future research needs for individual systems and throughout the water industry, and assists
the development of improved risk assessment for specific hazards.

2.4 The need for multiagency involvement

Restructuring of the water industry in Australia over recent years has increasingly transferred catchment
and water resource management to agencies other than drinking water suppliers. These agencies
may include water resource departments, natural resource and environment departments, agriculture
departments, local governments, planning authorities, catchment water management boards, and
community-based interest groups and organisations.

In some cases, restructuring has extended to dividing the traditional functions associated with the supply
of drinking water, so that separate agencies are responsible for bulk water supply, water treatment
and water reticulation. In addition, regulation of drinking water quality can take various forms. Health
departments generally take a leading role in regulation; however, in some areas, specific water regulators
may be established.

The Framework is intended to apply from catchment to consumer; as such, it addresses the necessity
of inter-agency involvement. Drinking water suppliers are responsible for the quality of drinking water
delivered to consumers and accordingly must show leadership in application of the Framework; however,
implementation will generally require coordination and consultation with other agencies.

2–4 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Overview Chapter 2

The range of agencies involved in individual water supply systems will need to be determined. Relevant
agencies need to be encouraged to recognise their roles and responsibilities within the Framework,
and to support drinking water suppliers through partnership agreements. The breadth and depth of
partnership arrangements between agencies and the mechanisms by which they operate will vary
between different jurisdictions, depending on the division of responsibilities and legislative authorities.
If possible, a state- or territory-wide commitment to drinking water quality management and a formal
coordination of responsible agencies should be developed (see Box 2.1).

Even where commitments and partnership agreements with other agencies are difficult to establish, the
Framework should still be implemented. Gradually, as partnerships with other agencies are established,
the Framework can be further improved and a more integrated approach developed.

Box 2.1 Application of the Framework in Western Australia

In Western Australia, drinking water quality management is a shared responsibility between the Water and Rivers Commission (WRC)
and the Water Corporation of Western Australia (WCWA). The WRC is responsible for administration of catchment
and source protection legislation; the WCWA is the major licensed drinking water supplier responsible for the collection, treatment and
distribution of drinking water to consumers. Other key agencies in the supply of drinking water are the regulators, including the health
authority, which provides interpretation and guidance on potential health impacts of drinking water quality.
A variation to application of the Framework that is proposed by Western Australia is to apply the Framework at the state
level using a whole-of-government approach, with each agency responsible for implementing the Framework within its areas
of control and consulting with relevant partnership agencies. This approach requires a high level of commitment by all agencies, clear
definition of accountabilities and responsibilities within the Framework, and increased communication and coordination
of planning and management activities.
Under these circumstances, the WRC would be the lead agency to implement the catchment aspects of the Framework, with
the WCWA a significant stakeholder. Downstream of the catchment, WCWA would be responsible for implementing the Framework
in its areas of control. It is proposed that the Health Department, as the agency with responsibility for protecting public health, will have
a key coordinating role in ensuring effective implementation and operation of the Framework.

2.5 Applying the framework

Although the guidelines are not intended to be applied as standards, it is recognised that some
jurisdictions may choose to regulate the guidelines through legislation or operating licences. In
determining how the guidelines are translated into standards, operators and regulators should consider
costs and benefits of these actions as well as developing an appropriate implementation timetable.
The timetable should allow for endorsement of tools and processes used by water suppliers, and
the establishment of mechanisms to ensure continual improvement. Just as important is an early
determination and agreement on how the Framework will be monitored, audited and reported against.
These aspects need clarification to ensure effective, unambiguous implementation.

Application of the Framework will vary depending on the arrangements for water supply within each
jurisdiction, eg in some states water supply is managed by the one agency, whereas in other states water
supply is managed locally by numerous water suppliers. This is likely to affect the manner and degree to
which the Framework is implemented. However, all water suppliers and relevant Government agencies
should still be encouraged to use the Framework as a model for best practice.

How the Framework is applied will depend on the needs of the organisation, the separation of
responsibilities and the institutional arrangements. Each organisation should develop an internal plan for
implementing the Framework in a manner that suits its particular circumstances. The Framework can be
applied as a stand-alone drinking water quality management system or can be integrated with an existing
management system.

The time and resources required to develop a drinking water quality management system will depend
on how many features of the Framework are already being practised and on how advanced existing

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2–5

Chapter 2 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Overview

management systems are. Current management applied by most drinking water suppliers and associated
agencies will already incorporate many of the elements specified in the Framework. However, existing
practices may not be sufficiently comprehensive to fully address the range of drinking water quality
issues that can arise, and may not be systematically structured or sufficiently visible to ensure that all
employees know and understand the system. In many instances, all that may be needed is to review,
document and formalise these practices and address any areas where improvements are required.

The first step in initiating a drinking water quality management system based on the Framework is
to identify appropriate personnel with defined roles and responsibilities. Establishing a core group
with the necessary skills will help to ensure consistency throughout the implementation. This group
can be supplemented by other expertise as necessary when dealing with specific issues. One option
is to establish a water quality committee or water quality department with responsibility for the
implementation and ongoing management of the overall system.

Some elements of the Framework will require more effort than others, and improvements may need to
be prioritised and implemented sequentially. Additional guidance on two elements of the Framework
– Assessment of the drinking water supply system (element 2) and Preventive measures for drinking water
quality management (element 3) – is provided in the Appendix Additional guidance on elements 2 and
3 of the Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality (located at the end of the Guidelines). To
assist with implementation of the Framework, users are encouraged to draw on the numerous sources
providing detailed technical guidance (see Section A9 of the Appendix).

The most important step is getting started. Documenting current practice is often the most effective
way to begin. However, in doing this it is important not to get involved in so much detail that making
progress on implementing the Framework is inhibited. Documentation of the drinking water quality
management system should make maximum use of existing documentation where that is adequate.
A manual should be developed to provide an overview of the system and a summary of all relevant

Training personnel, including senior executives, in quality and risk management methods such as
ISO 9001 and HACCP may assist in the development and implementation of a drinking water quality
management system. Where necessary, help from outside experts should be sought to facilitate
implementation of the Framework.

Effective management systems are not static and must be capable of accommodating change such as
catchment developments, emerging issues, advances in technology or new institutional arrangements.
Development should be an ongoing and iterative process whereby performance is continually evaluated
and reviewed.

2.6 Correlations of the Framework with other systems

The Framework is not intended to duplicate or replace adequately working management systems; rather,
it is intended to be compatible and complementary. The Framework includes principles of established
systems such as HACCP, ISO 9001 and AS/NZS 4360, and is sufficiently flexible to allow implementation
to be built on programs and systems already present in an organisation. However, the relationships
between the Framework and these systems should be understood.

The HACCP system was developed for the food industry and has become an internationally recognised
risk management system to prevent or reduce the health risks from hazards associated with food
processing. It is designed primarily as a preventive system of control to assure product safety while
reducing reliance on end-product testing.

The application of the HACCP system to drinking water supplies has received increasing recognition
due to the many parallel issues in food and drinking water supply. The HACCP system comprises seven
principles. These principles and the equivalent Framework elements are shown in Table 2.2.
2–6 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Overview Chapter 2

The HACCP system offers a systematic approach to the identification of hazards and their prevention,
with a particular focus on process control to ensure that preventive measures are operating effectively.
HACCP was not designed to be a fully comprehensive management system but was intended to be
added on to existing good management practices. Thus, its scope and application are limited in several
important areas of the Framework such as commitment, stakeholder involvement, emergency response,
employee training, community consultation and research and development. Furthermore, while HACCP
is aligned quite readily to the treatment component of drinking water supply, its application may not
transfer as easily to the important areas of catchment and distribution systems.

Table 2.2 Correlations between HACCP and the Framework

HACCP Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality
1. Hazard identification and preventive measures Water supply system analysis, hazard identification and risk assessment
(element 2)
Preventive measures and multiple barriers (element 3)
2. Critical control points Critical control points (element 3)
3. Critical limits Operational monitoring (element 4)
4. Monitoring system for each critical control point Operational monitoring (element 4)
5. Corrective actions Corrective action (elements 4 and 5)
6.Verification / validation Equipment capability and maintenance (element 4)
Drinking water quality monitoring, consumer satisfaction (element 5)
Validation of processes, design of equipment (element 9)
Audit of drinking water quality management (element 11)
7. Documentation and record keeping Management of documentation and records (element 10)

ISO 9001 provides a generic framework that specifies requirements for quality management systems
to address customer satisfaction by assuring a consistent end product. The standard puts emphasis on
continuous improvement; it adopts a process model approach that sets out the responsibilities, processes
and resources needed to achieve specified objectives with respect to quality.

Table 2.3 lists the detailed ISO 9001 requirements and identifies links and correlations with the
Framework. While the Framework and ISO 9001 are compatible, the structures of the two are somewhat
different and correlations between them are not as close as those with HACCP. Table 2.3 shows
correlations of general themes and areas.

Table 2.3 Correlations between ISO 9001 and the Framework

ISO 9001 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality
Quality management system
General requirements See Section 2.5 Applying the Framework
Documentation requirements Management of documentation and records (element 10)

Management responsibility
Management commitment Drinking water quality policy, regulatory and formal
requirements (element 1)
Review by senior executive, drinking water quality management
improvement plan (element 12)
Customer focus Regulatory and formal requirements (element 1)
Community consultation (element 8)
Quality policy Drinking water quality policy (element 1)

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Chapter 2 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Overview

Table 2.3 Correlations between ISO 9001 and the Framework (continued)
Planning Regulatory and formal requirements (element 1)
Operational monitoring (element 4)
Drinking water quality monitoring (element 5)
Responsibility, authority and communication See Section 2.5 Applying the Framework
Management review Long-term evaluation of results, audit of drinking water quality
management (element 11)
Review by senior executive, drinking water quality management
improvement plan (element 12)
ISO 9001 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality
Resource management
Provision of resources Drinking water quality management improvement plan (element 12)
Human resources Employee awareness and involvement, employee training (element 7)
Infrastructure Equipment capability and maintenance (element 4)
Design of equipment (element 9)
Work environment

Product realisation
Planning of realisation processes Preventive measures and multiple barriers, critical control points (element 3)
Customer-related processes Community consultation, communication (element 8)
Regulatory and formal requirements (element 1)
Design and development Investigative studies and research monitoring, validation of processes,
design of equipment (element 9)
Purchasing Materials and chemicals (element 4)
Production and service provision Operational procedures, operational monitoring, corrective action,
equipment capability and maintenance (element 4)
Validation of processes (element 9)
Control of measuring and monitoring devices Equipment capability and maintenance (element 4)

Measurement, analysis and improvement

Monitoring and measurement Operational monitoring (element 4)
Drinking water quality monitoring, consumer satisfaction (element 5)
Audit of drinking water quality management (element 11)
Control of nonconforming product Corrective action (elements 4 and 5)
Incident and emergency response protocols (element 6)
Reporting (element 10)
Analysis of data Operational monitoring (element 4)
Short-term evaluation of results (element 5)
Long-term evaluation of results (element 11)
Improvement Review by senior executive, drinking water quality management
improvement plan (element 12)

ISO 9001 includes several aspects of the Framework, but in a general sense, and it does not always
provide a good fit to the specific requirements of drinking water quality management. The most important
limitation of ISO 9001 is that it fails to address the preventive requirements of system analysis, hazard
identification and control, and risk assessment, which are all critical for effective management of drinking
water quality. There are other limitations in the areas of stakeholder involvement (for stakeholders other
than consumers), research and development, management of large-scale emergencies, communication and
2–8 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Overview Chapter 2

There is scope to implement the Framework within the structure of these established systems by
expanding them to encompass all the necessary elements for drinking water quality management. For
example, when integrated, HACCP and ISO 9001 can satisfy many of the key elements for drinking water
quality management. However, if established management systems are applied to meet the requirements
for management of drinking water quality as outlined in the Framework, then it should be ensured that
all the necessary elements of drinking quality management are addressed.

Table 2.4 provides a general comparison indicating the applicability of established quality and risk
management systems to the Framework.

Table 2.4 Comparison of features from various management frameworks

Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality HACCP ISO 9001 AS/NZS 4360
(2000) (1999)

Commitment to drinking water quality management

Drinking water quality policy +++ +++
Regulatory and formal requirements +++ +++
Engaging stakeholders

Assessment of the drinking water supply system

Water supply system analysis +++
Assessment of water quality data
Hazard identification and risk assessment +++ +++

Preventive measures for drinking water quality management

Preventive measures and multiple barriers +++ + +++
Critical control points +++

Operational procedures and process control

Operational procedures + +++
Operational monitoring +++ +++
Corrective action +++ +++
Equipment capability and maintenance + +++
Materials and chemicals + +++

Verification of drinking water quality

Drinking water quality monitoring +++ +++ +++
Consumer satisfaction +++
Short-term evaluation of results +++ +
Corrective action +++ +++

Management of incidents and emergencies

Incident and emergency response protocols

Employee awareness and training

Employee awareness and involvement +++
Employee training +++ +++

Community involvement and awareness

Community consultation +++ +++
Communication + + +++

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Chapter 2 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Overview

Table 2.4 Comparison of features from various management frameworks (Continued)

Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality HACCP ISO 9001 AS/NZS 4360
(2000) (1999)

Research and development

Investigative studies and research monitoring
Validation of processes +++ +++
Design of equipment +++

Documentation and reporting

Management of documentation and records +++ +++ +++
Reporting +++

Evaluation and audit

Long-term evaluation of results +
Audit of drinking water quality management +++ +++ +++

Review and continual improvement

Review by senior executive +++ +++ +
Drinking water quality management improvement plan +++

+++ Aspect explicitly stated
+ Aspect not explicitly stated but interpreted to include

2–10 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 3 Framework for Management of Drinking
Water Quality – the twelve elements

Chapter 3
Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Framework for Management of Drinking Water

Quality: the twelve elements
This chapter details the 12 elements that make up the Framework for Management of Drinking Water
Quality (the Framework). Each element includes an introduction and lists the components that make up
the element. The components of each element are then described in further detail. A ‘summary of actions’
box heads each component and provides an overview of the steps involved in implementation.

Some elements of the Framework are more complex than others, and therefore require further
explanation. The Appendix (located at the end of the Guidelines) provides additional information and
guidance for two elements – Assessment of the drinking water supply system (element 2) and Preventive
measures for drinking water quality management (element 3).

3.1 Commitment to drinking water quality management (element 1)

Components: Drinking water quality policy

Regulatory and formal requirements
Engaging stakeholders

Organisational support and long-term commitment by senior executive is the foundation to

implementation of an effective system for drinking water quality management.

Successful implementation requires:

• an awareness and understanding of the importance of drinking water quality management and how
decisions affect the protection of public health
• the development of an organisational philosophy that fosters commitment to continual improvement
and cultivates employee responsibility and motivation
• the ongoing and active involvement of senior executive to maintain and reinforce the importance of
drinking water quality management to all employees as well as those outside the organisation.

Senior executive should ensure that its actions and policies support the effective management of drinking
water quality (e.g. appropriate staffing, training of employees, provision of adequate financial resources,
active participation and reporting to the board or chief executive).


Summary of actions
• Formulate a drinking water quality policy, endorsed by senior executive, to be implemented
throughout the organisation.
• Ensure that the policy is visible and is communicated, understood and implemented by employees.

Development of a drinking water quality policy is an important step in formalising the level of service
to which the drinking water supplier is committed and in increasing focus on water quality management
throughout the organisation. The policy provides the basis on which all subsequent actions can be
judged. It should define the organisation’s commitments and priorities relating to drinking water quality.

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Chapter 3 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements

The drinking water quality policy should provide a basis from which more detailed policies and
implementation strategies can be developed. As such, it should be clear and succinct, and should address
broad issues and requirements of the organisation’s commitment and approach to drinking water quality
management. The policy may cover issues such as:
• commitment to drinking water quality management
• the level of service provided
• the involvement of employees
• compliance with relevant regulations and other requirements
• liaison and cooperation with relevant agencies including health departments and other regulators
• communication with employees and the public
• intention to adopt best practice management and multiple barriers
• continual improvement in the management of drinking water quality.

Box 3.1 provides an example of a generic drinking water quality policy.

In developing the drinking water quality policy, the opinions and requirements of employees, consumers
and other stakeholders should be considered.

Management should ensure that the policy is highly visible, continually communicated, understood and
implemented by all employees of the organisation. It is the responsibility of all employees to support
this commitment.

Box 3.1 Example of a drinking water quality policy

The organisation is committed to managing its water supply effectively to provide a safe, high-quality drinking water that
consistently meets the NHMRC/NRMMC Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, and consumer and other regulatory requirements.
To achieve this, in partnerships with stakeholders and relevant agencies, the organisation will:
• manage water quality at all points along the delivery chain from source water to the consumer
• use a risk-based approach in which potential threats to water quality are identified and balanced
• integrate the needs and expectations of our consumers, stakeholders, regulators and employees into our planning
• establish regular monitoring of the quality of drinking water and effective reporting mechanisms to provide relevant
and timely information, and promote confidence in the water supply and its management
• develop appropriate contingency planning and incident response capability
• participate in appropriate research and development activities to ensure continued understanding of drinking water
quality issues and performance
• contribute to the debate on setting industry regulations and guidelines, and other standards relevant to public health
and the water cycle
• continually improve our practices by assessing performance against corporate commitments and stakeholder expectations.
The organisation will implement and maintain a drinking water quality management system consistent with the Australian
Drinking Water Guidelines to effectively manage the risks to drinking water quality.
All managers and employees involved in the supply of drinking water are responsible for understanding, implementing,
maintaining and continuously improving the drinking water quality management system.
Dated Signed by Responsible Officer

3–2 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements Chapter 3


Summary of actions
• Identify and document all relevant regulatory and formal requirements.
• Ensure responsibilities are understood and communicated to employees.
• Review requirements periodically to reflect any changes.

Drinking water quality management may be subject to a range of regulatory and other formal
requirements such as:
• Federal, state or territory legislation and regulation
• operating licences and agreements
• contracts and agreed levels of service
• memoranda of understanding
• industry standards and codes of practice.

All regulatory and formal requirements should be identified and documented. Individual drinking water
suppliers need to understand their responsibilities in supplying water for their particular jurisdictions.
Relevant information should be communicated to employees and a registry of relevant regulations and
other requirements should be readily accessible for reference. This registry should be regularly reviewed
and updated as necessary to reflect any changes.


Summary of actions
• Identify all stakeholders who could affect, or be affected by, decisions or activities of the drinking
water supplier.
• Develop appropriate mechanisms and documentation for stakeholder commitment and
• Regularly update the list of relevant agencies.

Several aspects of drinking water quality management require involvement with other agencies. For
example, collaboration with the appropriate agency is necessary where catchments and source waters are
beyond the drinking water supplier’s jurisdiction. Similarly, consultation with relevant health and other
regulatory authorities is necessary for establishing many elements of drinking water quality management,
such as monitoring and reporting requirements, emergency response plans and communication strategies.

The range of agencies involved in individual water supply systems will vary depending on local
organisational and institutional arrangements. Agencies may include:
• health and environment protection authorities
• catchment and water resource management agencies
• local government and planning authorities
• non-government organisations
• community-based groups
• industry associations.

An integrated management approach with collaboration from all relevant agencies is essential for
effective drinking water quality management. All major stakeholders that could affect (e.g. regulators,
catchment boards) or be affected by (e.g. consumers, industry, plumbers) decisions or activities of the
drinking water supplier should be identified. The list of stakeholders should be regularly updated.

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Chapter 3 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements

The various agencies involved should be encouraged to define their accountabilities and responsibilities
to support the drinking water supplier, and where appropriate, to coordinate their planning and
management activities. Appropriate mechanisms and documentation should be established for
stakeholder commitment and involvement. This may include establishing working groups, committees
or task forces, with appropriate representatives, and development of partnership agreements, including
signed memoranda of understanding.

3.2 Assessment of the drinking water supply system (element 2)

Components: Water supply system analysis

Assessment of water quality data
Hazard identification and risk assessment

Assessment of the drinking water supply system is an essential prerequisite for subsequent steps in which
effective strategies for prevention and control of hazards are planned and implemented. This includes
understanding the characteristics of the drinking water system, what hazards may arise, how these
hazards create risks, and the processes and practices that affect drinking water quality.

The drinking water supply system is defined as everything from the point of collection of water to the
consumer and can include:
• catchments, including groundwater systems
• source waters
• storage reservoirs and intakes
• treatment systems
• service reservoirs and distribution systems
• consumers.

Water quality can be affected at each of these points and because they are all interrelated integrated
management is essential. Generally, a drinking water supplier is only responsible for delivery of water
to the consumer’s meter. However, although it is not possible to control consumers’ actions, suppliers
should consider how drinking water quality may be affected in private plumbing systems and provide
appropriate information to consumers.

Additional guidance on this element is provided in the Appendix.


Summary of actions
• Assemble a team with appropriate knowledge and expertise.
• Construct a flow diagram of the water supply system from catchment to consumer.
• Assemble pertinent information and document key characteristics of the water supply system
to be considered.
• Periodically review the water supply system analysis.

Effective system management needs, first and foremost, an understanding of the water supply system
from catchment to consumer. Each element of the water supply system should be characterised
with respect to drinking water quality and the factors that affect it. This characterisation promotes
understanding of the water supply system, and assists with identification of hazards and assessment of
risks to water quality.

3–4 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements Chapter 3

A team with appropriate knowledge and expertise should be assembled to carry out the analysis.
The team should include management and operations staff from the drinking water supplier as well as
representatives from relevant agencies. In most cases, consultation with other agencies will be required
for the analysis of catchments, which should include the potential impacts of land uses on water quality
and stream and river flows. Health and other regulatory agencies should also be involved.

A generalised flow diagram should be constructed describing the water supply system from catchment
to consumer. The diagram should:
• outline all steps and processes, whether or not they are under control of the drinking water supplier
• summarise the basic characteristics of each component
• make explicit any characteristics that are unique to the system
• be verified by field audits and checked by those with specific knowledge of the system.

The water supply system analysis should be reviewed periodically to incorporate any changes that
occur, for example in land use, treatment processes or consumer distribution.


Summary of actions
• Assemble historical data from source waters, treatment plants and finished water supplied
to consumers (over time and following specific events).
• List and examine exceedances.
• Assess data using tools such as control charts and trends analysis to identify trends
and potential problems.

A review of historical water quality data can assist in understanding source water characteristics and
system performance both over time and following specific events such as heavy rainfall. This can aid the
identification of hazards and aspects of the drinking water system that require improvement.

Where available, water quality data should be assessed from monitoring of source waters, the operation
of treatment processes and drinking water as supplied to consumers. Trends analysis and control charts
can be valuable tools for recognising potential problems or hazards and the accumulation of any gradual
changes or cumulative effects.

Further information is provided in Section 10.7 and Information Sheet 3.


Summary of actions
• Define the approach and methodology to be used for hazard identification and risk assessment.
• Identify and document hazards, sources and hazardous events for each component
of the water supply system.
• Estimate the level of risk for each identified hazard or hazardous event.
• Evaluate the major sources of uncertainty associated with each hazard and hazardous event
and consider actions to reduce uncertainty.
• Determine significant risks and document priorities for risk management.
• Periodically review and update the hazard identification and risk assessment to incorporate
any changes.

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Chapter 3 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements

Effective risk management requires identification of all potential hazards, their sources and hazardous
events, and an assessment of the level of risk presented by each. A structured approach is important
to ensure that significant issues are not overlooked and that areas of greatest risk are identified.

In this context:
• A hazard is a biological, chemical, physical or radiological agent that has the potential to cause
• A hazardous event is an incident or situation that can lead to the presence of a hazard
(what can happen and how).
• Risk is the likelihood of identified hazards causing harm in exposed populations in a specified
timeframe, including the severity of the consequences.

The distinction between hazard and risk needs to be understood so that attention and resources can
be directed to actions based primarily on the level of risk rather than just the existence of a hazard.

To give an example, the protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium parvum is a hazard; failure at a water
treatment plant leading to C. parvum passing into the distribution system is a hazardous event; and the
likelihood of the organism being present in source water and passing through the treatment plant in
sufficient numbers to cause illness is a risk.

Realistic expectations for hazard identification and risk assessment are important. Rarely will enough
knowledge be available to complete a detailed quantitative risk assessment. Hazard identification and
risk assessment are predictive activities that will often include subjective judgments. They will inevitably
contain uncertainty, and these inherent limitations must be recognised to maintain flexibility and ensure
that effective responses are provided when events differ from predictions. A realistic perspective on the
limitations of these predictions should be understood by staff and conveyed to the public.

A consistent methodology should be established for both hazard identification and risk assessment.
The methodology needs to be transparent and fully understood by everyone involved in the process.
Staff should be included and need to be aware of the outcomes of the risk assessment.

Hazard identification

A comprehensive list of potential hazardous agents in drinking water is provided in Part V. Hazardous
agents include, microbial, chemical, physical and radiological agents. All potential hazards, sources and
events that can lead to the presence of these hazards (what can happen and how) should be identified
and documented for each component of the water supply system, regardless of whether or not the
component is under the direct control of the drinking water supplier. This includes point sources of
pollution (e.g. human and industrial waste discharge) as well as diffuse sources (e.g. those arising from
agricultural and animal husbandry activities). Continuous, intermittent or seasonal pollution patterns
should also be considered, as well as extreme and infrequent events such as droughts or floods.

The hazard identification and risk assessment should be reviewed and updated periodically
because changing conditions may introduce important new hazards or modify risks associated
with identified hazards.

Risk assessment

Once potential hazards and their sources have been identified, the level of risk associated with each
hazard or hazardous event should be estimated so that priorities for risk management can be established
and documented. Although there are numerous contaminants that can compromise drinking water
quality, not every potential hazard will require the same degree of attention.

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Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements Chapter 3

The level of risk for each hazard or hazardous event can be estimated by identifying the likelihood
of occurrence (e.g. certain, possible, rare) and evaluating the severity of consequences if the hazard
were to occur (e.g. insignificant, major, catastrophic). The aim should be to distinguish between very
high and low risks.

An example of an approach to estimating the level of risk is provided in Tables 3.1-3.3. These tables
have been adapted from AS/NZS 4360:1999 Risk Management, and can be modified to meet the needs
of an organisation.

A likely outcome of risk assessment is the identification of specific areas where further information
and research is required (see Box 3.7 in Section 3.9).

Risk prioritisation

Based on the assessment of risks, priorities for risk management and application of preventive measures
can be established. Risk should be assessed at two levels:
• maximum risk in the absence of preventive measures
• residual risk after consideration of existing preventive measures.

Assessing maximum risk is useful for identifying high priority risks, determining where attention should
be focused and preparing for emergencies. Residual risk provides an indication of the need for additional
preventive measures.

Unforeseen and rare events

In well-managed systems problems should be rare, making them more challenging to anticipate and
possibly to counter. This highlights the need to learn constructive lessons from the experiences of other
Australian and international drinking water suppliers and water agencies. Many problems are triggered
by short periods of sudden change, such as heavy rainfall or equipment failure. There are catalogues of
waterborne disease outbreaks and the events that caused them. Some of these events should have been
foreseeable while others have been attributable to more unusual or rare events. Maintaining awareness
of such incidents can enable preventive measures to be implemented to safeguard against similar
occurrences (see Box 3.3 in Section 3.4).

Table 3.1 Qualitative measures of likelihood

Level Descriptor Example description
A Almost certain Is expected to occur in most circumstances
B Likely Will probably occur in most circumstances
C Possible Might occur or should occur at some time
D Unlikely Could occur at some time
E Rare May occur only in exceptional circumstances

Table 3.2 Qualitative measures of consequence or impact

Level Descriptor Example description
1 Insignificant Insignificant impact, little disruption to normal operation, low increase in normal operation costs
2 Minor Minor impact for small population, some manageable operation disruption, some increase in operating costs
3 Moderate Minor impact for large population, significant modification to normal operation but manageable, operation
costs increased, increased monitoring
4 Major Major impact for small population, systems significantly compromised and abnormal operation if at all, high
level of monitoring required
5 Catastrophic Major impact for large population, complete failure of systems

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Chapter 3 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements

Table 3.3 Qualitative risk analysis matrix: level of risk

Likelihood Consequences
1 Insignificant 2 Minor 3 Moderate 4 Major 5 Catastrophic
A (almost certain) Moderate High Very high Very high Very high
B (likely) Moderate High High Very high Very high
C (possible) Low Moderate High Very high Very high
D (unlikely) Low Low Moderate High Very high
E (rare) Low Low Moderate High High


There will always be uncertainty associated with hazard identification and risk assessment. Uncertainty
can be caused by a lack of knowledge or by variability in parameters. Whereas variability can only be
better understood (e.g. by improved characterisation of a hazard), knowledge uncertainty can be reduced
through better measurement and research. For example, uncertainty in our ability to identify the source,
human infectivity or infectious dose of Cryptosporidium oocysts can be addressed through increased

Characterising the major sources and types of uncertainty can provide a better understanding of the
limitations of the hazard identification and risk assessment and how these limitations can be reduced.
Investigative studies and research monitoring can often be used to provide further information to input
into the risk assessment process and reduce uncertainty (see Section 3.9).

3.3 Preventive measures for drinking water quality management

(element 3)

Components: Preventive measures and multiple barriers

Critical control points

Prevention is an essential feature of effective drinking water quality management. Preventive measures
are those actions, activities and processes used to prevent hazards from occurring or reduce them
to acceptable levels.

Hazards may occur or be introduced throughout the water system and preventive measures should be
comprehensive from catchment to consumer. Many preventive measures may control more than one
hazard, while, as prescribed by the multiple barrier approach, some hazards may require more than
one preventive measure for effective control. Preventive measures by their nature should be applied
as close to the source as possible, with a focus on prevention in catchments rather than sole reliance
on downstream control.

The identification and planning of preventive measures should always be based on system-specific
hazard identification and risk assessment. The level of protection to control a hazard should be
proportional to the associated risk. Assessment of preventive measures involves:
• identifying existing preventive measures from catchment to consumer for each significant
hazard or hazardous event
• evaluating whether the preventive measures, when considered together, are effective in reducing
to acceptable levels (i.e. residual risk – Section 3.2.3)
• if improvement is required, evaluating alternative and additional preventive measures that
could be applied.

3–8 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements Chapter 3

If additional measures are required, factors such as level of risk, benefits, effectiveness, cost, community
expectations and willingness to pay should be considered. Preventive measures often require
considerable expenditure, and decisions about water quality improvements cannot be taken in isolation
from other aspects of water supply that compete for limited financial resources. Priorities will need to be
established and many improvements may need to be phased in over time.

All preventive measures are important and should be given ongoing attention. However, some can
significantly prevent or reduce hazards and are amenable to greater operational control than others.
These measures could be considered as critical control points (see Section 3.3.2).

Additional guidance on this element is provided in the Appendix.


Summary of actions
• Identify existing preventive measures from catchment to consumer for each significant hazard
or hazardous event and estimate the residual risk.
• Evaluate alternative or additional preventive measures where improvement is required.
• Document the preventive measures and strategies into a plan addressing each significant risk.

Identification and implementation of preventive measures requires consideration of the important

principle of the multiple barrier approach. The strength of this approach is that a failure of one barrier
may be compensated by effective operation of the remaining barriers, minimising the likelihood of
contaminants passing through the entire treatment system and being present in sufficient amounts
to cause harm to consumers.

Traditional preventive measures are incorporated as or within a number of barriers, including:

• catchment management and source water protection
• detention in protected reservoirs or storages
• extraction management
• coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration
• disinfection
• protection and maintenance of the distribution system.

The types of barriers required and the range of preventive measures employed will be different for each
water supply and will generally be influenced by characteristics of the source water and surrounding
catchment (see Box 3.2). Selection of appropriate barriers and preventive measures will be informed
by hazard identification and risk assessment.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 3–9

Chapter 3 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements

Box 3.2 Examples of multiple barriers

Large parts of Melbourne are supplied with high-quality source water from a highly protected catchment. Melbourne Water focuses
much of its attention and resources on maintaining prevention of contamination at the source. The series of barriers
for the majority of the water supply system include:
• protected forested catchments for harvesting of water with no human or livestock access
• large catchment reservoirs with long detention times
• additional detention time in seasonal storage systems
• disinfection of water before it enters the distribution system
• closed distribution systems.
In contrast, Adelaide is supplied with surface water derived from multi-use catchments and the Murray River where there
is limited control over activities with potential impacts on water quality. As a result, the barriers applied are heavily weighted
towards water treatment and downstream control to remove turbidity and microorganisms. Barriers include the use of multiple storage
reservoirs, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection with long contact times before supply.
Provision of residual disinfectant through large parts of the distribution system is also an important barrier for both systems.

Catchment management and source water protection

Catchment management and source water protection provide the first barrier for the protection of
water quality. Where catchment management is beyond the jurisdiction of drinking water suppliers, the
planning and implementation of preventive measures will require a coordinated approach with relevant
agencies such as planning authorities, catchment boards, environmental and water resources regulators,
road authorities and emergency services.

Effective catchment management and source water protection include the following elements:
• developing and implementing a catchment management plan, which includes preventive measures
to protect surface water and groundwater
• ensuring that planning regulations include the protection of water resources from potentially
polluting activities and are enforced
• promoting awareness in the community of the impact of human activity on water quality.

Whether water is drawn from surface catchments or underground sources, it is important that the
characteristics of the local catchment or aquifer are understood, and the scenarios that could lead to
water pollution are identified and managed. The extent to which catchment pollution can be controlled
is often limited in practical terms by competition for water and pressure for increased development in the

Effective catchment management has additional benefits. By decreasing contamination of source water,
the amount of treatment and quantity of chemicals needed is reduced. This may lead to health benefits
through reducing the production of treatment byproducts, and economic benefits through minimising
operational costs.

In surface water catchments, preventive measures can include:

• selection of an appropriate source water (where alternatives exist)
• exclusion or limitations of uses (e.g. restrictions on human access and agriculture)
• protection of waterways (e.g. fencing out livestock, management of riparian zones)
• use of planning and environmental regulations to regulate potential water polluting developments
(e.g. urban, agricultural, industrial, mining and forestry)
• use of industry codes of practice and best practice management
• regulation of community and on site wastewater treatment and disposal systems
• stormwater interception.

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Groundwater from depth is generally microbiologically safe and chemically stable; however, shallow
or unconfined aquifers can be subject to contamination from discharges or seepages associated with
agricultural practices (pathogens, nitrates and pesticides), septic tank discharges (pathogens and nitrates)
and industrial wastes. Preventive measures for groundwater supplies should include protecting the
aquifer and the local area around the borehead from contamination and ensuring the physical integrity of
the bore (surface sealed, casing intact etc).

Further information on integrated catchment management is provided in Appendix A6 Preventive

measures and multiple barriers (Box A1) and the National Water Quality Management Strategy –
Implementation Guidelines (NWQMS 1998).

Detention in reservoirs or storages

Detention of water in reservoirs can reduce the number of faecal microorganisms through settling and
inactivation, including solar (ultraviolet) disinfection. Most pathogenic microorganisms of faecal origin
(enteric pathogens) do not survive indefinitely in the environment. Substantial die-off of enteric bacteria
will occur over three to four weeks. Enteric viruses and protozoa will survive for longer periods (weeks
to months).

Detention also allows suspended material to settle, which makes subsequent disinfection more effective
and reduces the formation of disinfection byproducts.

Other preventive measures in reservoirs and storages include:

• reservoir mixing or destratification to reduce growths of cyanobacteria (taste, odour and toxin
• excluding or restricting human, domestic animal and livestock access
• diversion of local stormwater flows.

Extraction management

Where a number of water sources are available, there may be flexibility in the selection of water for
treatment and supply. In such a situation it may be possible to avoid taking water from rivers and streams
when water quality is poor (e.g. following heavy rainfall) in order to reduce risk and prevent problems in
subsequent treatment processes.

Within a single water body, selective use of multiple extraction points can provide protection against
localised contamination either horizontally or vertically through the water column (e.g. cyanobacterial

Coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration

Coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation (or flotation) and filtration remove particles, including
microorganisms (bacteria, viruses and protozoa). It is important that operations are optimised and
controlled to achieve consistent and reliable performance.

As an alternative to conventional media-based processes, membrane filtration provides a direct physical

barrier and generally achieves a greater removal of microorganisms.

Care should be taken in the selection and use of water treatment chemicals as they may contain
undesirable contaminants. In addition, there can be variation in performance between different sources
of the same chemical.

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The most commonly used disinfection processes are chlorination and chloramination, but ozone,
ultraviolet irradiation and chlorine dioxide are also used. These methods are very effective in killing
bacteria and can be reasonably effective in inactivating viruses (depending on type) and many protozoa,
including Giardia. Cryptosporidium is not inactivated by the concentrations of chlorine and chloramines
that can be safely used in drinking water, and the effectiveness of ozone and chlorine dioxide is limited.
However, there is some evidence that ultraviolet light might be effective in inactivating Cryptosporidium,
and that combinations of disinfectants can enhance inactivation.

Storage of water after disinfection and before supply to consumers can improve disinfection by increasing
contact times. This can be particularly important for microorganisms, such as Giardia and viruses.

Providing a disinfectant residual throughout the distribution system can provide protection against
contamination and limit regrowth problems; however, the issue of disinfection byproducts needs to be
considered. Chloramination has proved successful in controlling Naegleria fowleri in water and sediments
in long pipelines.

Protection and maintenance of the distribution system

Water distribution systems should be fully enclosed and storages should be securely roofed with external
drainage to prevent contamination. Backflow prevention policies should be applied and monitored.
Also, there should be effective maintenance procedures to repair faults and burst mains in a manner that
will prevent contamination. Positive pressure should be maintained throughout the distribution system.
Appropriate security needs to be put in place to prevent unauthorised access to, or interference with,
water storages.

Corrosion of pipes, including those on customer premises, can result in leaching of metals with
implications for public health (e.g. copper, cadmium and lead) or aesthetic quality (e.g. copper, iron and
zinc) and should be monitored.

Growth or persistence of biofilms should be minimised to reduce aesthetic problems, including off-tastes,
odours and staining.

Adequate training of maintenance workers, including contractors, responsible for the distribution system
is essential because of the potential for contamination during repairs and recommissioning.


Summary of actions
• Assess preventive measures from catchment to consumer to identify critical control points.
• Establish mechanisms for operational control (see Section 3.4).
• Document the critical control points, critical limits and target criteria.

From among the preventive measures, critical control points should be identified for those hazards that
represent a significant risk and require elimination or reduction to assure supply of safe drinking water.

A critical control point is defined as an activity, procedure or process at which control can be applied
and which is essential to prevent a hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level.

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Not all preventive measures are amenable to selection as critical control points. A critical control point
has several operational requirements, including:
• operational parameters that can be measured and for which critical limits can be set to define the
operational effectiveness of the activity (e.g. chlorine residuals for disinfection)
• operational parameters that can be monitored frequently enough to reveal any failures in a timely
manner (online and continuous monitoring is preferable)
• procedures for corrective action that can be implemented in response to deviation from critical

Critical limits are performance criteria which separate acceptability from unacceptability in terms
of hazard control and water safety. As such they should be chosen carefully and not be confused with
target criteria (see Section 3.4.2). Critical limits may incorporate both a numerical value as well as a
consideration of time (e.g. failure to provide a minimum chlorine residual for a specified time; see
Appendix Section A8).

Deviation from critical limits indicates loss of control of the process or activity and should be regarded
as representing a potentially unacceptable health risk. Such events should result in immediate notification
of the appropriate health regulator. Discussion of target criteria and critical limits is included in Section
3.4.2, and more detailed explanation of critical control points and their requirements is provided in
Appendix A7.

3.4 Operational procedures and process control (element 4)

Components: Operational procedures

Operational monitoring
Corrective action
Equipment capability and maintenance
Materials and chemicals

The effectiveness of preventive measures is highly dependent upon the design and implementation
of associated process control programs. To consistently achieve a high-quality water supply it is essential
to have effective control over the processes and activities that govern drinking water quality.

Periods of sudden change and sub-optimal performance in the drinking water supply system can represent
a serious risk to public health, as illustrated by the examples given in Box 3.3. Therefore, it is vital to
ensure that all operations are optimised and are continuously controlled, and that barriers are functional at
all times.

Process control programs support preventive measures by detailing the specific operational factors
that ensure that all processes and activities are carried out effectively and efficiently. This includes a
description of all preventive measures and their functions, together with:
• documentation of effective operational procedures, including identification of responsibilities
and authorities
• establishment of a monitoring protocol for operational performance, including selection of
operational parameters and criteria, and the routine review of data
• establishment of corrective actions to control excursions in operational parameters
• use and maintenance of suitable equipment
• use of approved materials and chemicals in contact with drinking water.

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Effective implementation of these programs relies on the skills and training of operations staff.
Operators should be proficient, have the ability to interpret the significance of changes in water
quality and treatment and be able to respond appropriately in accordance with established procedures
(see Section 3.7).

Process control programs should be documented in operations manuals, with controlled copies readily
accessible to all appropriate personnel. One option is to organise each manual into sections dealing with
the individual components of the water supply system.

Documentation should include a description of:

• preventive measures and their purpose
• operational procedures for relevant activities
• operational monitoring protocols, including parameters and criteria
• schedules and timelines
• data and records management requirements
• corrective actions to be implemented
• maintenance procedures
• responsibilities and authorities
• internal and external communication and reporting requirements.

Box 3.3 Examples of outbreaks resulting from sub-optimal performance

Walkerton outbreak (Canada, 2000)
Over 2000 cases of illness were reported, including 26 cases of haemolytic uraemic syndrome and seven deaths. Public health
investigations confirmed that the most severe illnesses were caused by Escherichia coli 0157 and Campylobacter. The shallow
groundwater supply appears to have been contaminated by cattle waste following heavy rains and localised flooding. A large
number of faults have been proposed as potential contributing factors to the outbreak, including:
• reliance on bores subject to the direct influence of surface runoff, with only chlorination for treatment
• operation and monitoring on the assumption that the bores were secure, deep groundwater sources
• inadequate protection of surface catchments near the water supply bores
• deficient chlorination practice
• inadequate regulatory oversight
• unreliable chlorine residual monitoring
• failure to respond to the detection of contamination
• failure to communicate the results to regulatory authorities
• inadequate operator training and corporate commitment.
A public inquiry into the outbreak and its implications for the safety of drinking water elsewhere in Ontario resulted
(O’Connor, 2002a, b).

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Box 3.3 Examples of outbreaks resulting from sub-optimal performance (Continued)

Milwaukee outbreak (United States, 1993)
Assessments indicate that over 400,000 illnesses were caused, including 4400 hospitalised. Premature deaths of at least
69 immunocompromised persons (most HIV positive) were recorded. The source of the contamination was not identified
but it is considered that increased flows in rivers supplying Lake Michigan could have carried Cryptosporidium oocysts from livestock
wastes or human sewage. Turbidity of the water taken from the lake deteriorated in the weeks preceding the outbreak.
Operation of one of the treatment plants supplying Milwaukee was not under optimal control. Although coagulant doses were
adjusted, this did not prevent turbidity fluctuations in filtered water produced at one filtration plant (0.1-2.7 nephelometric turbidity
units). Inexperience with the use of polyaluminium chloride, which had been a recent introduction, could have been
a contributing factor. In addition, monitors intended to optimise coagulant doses during changes in water quality were not
being used due to improper installation, and filtered water turbidimeters were not being used. Turbidity measurements were being
taken every eight hours.
Recycling of backwash water through the filtration process could also have had an impact on the numbers of oocysts passing through
the plant.
Other water treatment deficiencies associated with outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis have included:
• failure to respond to deterioration in source water quality
• poor coagulation
• poor monitoring of chemical dosing
• inadequate flocculation
• ilters brought on line without backwashing (McKenzie et al, 1994).


Summary of actions
• Identify procedures required for processes and activities from catchment to consumer.
• Document all procedures and compile into an operations manual.

Operational procedures formalise the activities that are essential to ensure the provision of consistently
good quality water. Detailed procedures are required for the operation of all processes and activities
(both ongoing and periodic) from catchment to consumer, including preventive measures, operational
monitoring and verification procedures, and maintenance requirements.

Procedures are most effective when operations staff are involved in their development, documentation
and verification. This participation will help to ensure that all relevant activities are included, enhance
operator training and awareness, and create commitment to operational and process control.


Summary of actions
• Develop monitoring protocols for operational performance of the water supply system, including
the selection of operational parameters and criteria, and the routine analysis of results.
• Document monitoring protocols into an operational monitoring plan.

Operational monitoring includes the planned sequence of measurements and observations to assess and
confirm the performance of preventive measures. Observations could include activities such as regular
inspections of the catchment (e.g. for integrity of fences), plant equipment, wellhead protection areas and
bore construction. Measurements are of operational parameters that will indicate whether processes are
functioning effectively.

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The general intent of operational monitoring is different from that of drinking water quality monitoring
(see Section 3.5.1). Operational monitoring is used to confirm that preventive measures implemented to
control hazards are functioning properly and effectively. Data from operational monitoring can be used
as triggers for immediate short-term corrective actions to improve drinking water quality.

Key elements of operational monitoring include:

• development of operational monitoring plans from catchment to consumer, detailing strategies
and procedures
• identification of the parameters and criteria to be used to measure operational effectiveness and,
where necessary, trigger immediate short-term corrective actions
• ongoing review and interpretation of results to confirm operational performance.

Further guidance on operational monitoring is provided in Chapter 9.

Operational parameters

Operational parameters should be selected that reflect the effectiveness of each process or activity,
and provide an immediate indication of performance. Typically, operational monitoring should focus
on parameters that can be readily measured and enable a rapid response. To fulfil these requirements,
surrogates are often used as operational parameters rather than direct measurement of the hazards
themselves. For example, turbidity may be used as a surrogate for Cryptosporidium and Giardia. More
detail on surrogates is provided in Chapter 9.

Operational parameters should be monitored with sufficient frequency to reveal any failures in good
time. Online and continuous monitoring should be used wherever possible, particularly at critical control
points (see below). Examples of parameters that can be used for operational monitoring are listed in
Chapter 9.

Target criteria and critical limits

Once operational parameters are identified, target criteria (performance goals) should be established for
each preventive measure. These criteria can be quantitative (numerical) or qualitative (descriptive). Any
deviation of performance from established targets should be regarded as a trend towards loss of control
of the process and should result in appropriate actions being taken to resolve potential problems.

For preventive measures identified as critical control points for the water supply system, critical limits
must also be defined and validated. A critical limit is a prescribed tolerance that distinguishes acceptable
from unacceptable performance at a critical control point. When a critical control point is operating
within the prescribed limits, performance in terms of hazard removal is regarded as being acceptable.
However, exceedance of or deviation from a critical limit represents loss of control of a process and
indicates the existence of an unacceptable health risk. Corrective actions should immediately be
instituted to resume control of the process and the health regulator should be notified.

Setting target criteria that are more stringent than critical limits at critical control points will enable
corrective actions to be instituted before an unacceptable health risk occurs. Exceedance of a target
criterion at a critical control point would generally not require notification of the health regulator
providing corrective action successfully prevented deviation from a critical limit.

Chapter 9 provides more explanation of target criteria, critical limits and monitoring at critical
control points.

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Analysis of results

Results must be reviewed frequently to confirm that records are complete and accurate, and that there
are no deviations from critical limits or target criteria. Where results indicate that control has been lost,
appropriate corrective actions and process adjustments should be instituted to maintain quality. Those
responsible for interpreting and recording operational results should clearly understand how the results
should be assessed.

A system should be established for regular reporting of operational monitoring results to relevant staff
and departments. Methods such as graphs or trend charts can be used to facilitate the interpretation
of operational monitoring results.


Summary of actions
• Establish and document procedures for corrective action to control excursions
in operational parameters.
• Establish rapid communication systems to deal with unexpected events.

Appropriate procedures should be developed for immediate corrective action required to re-establish
process control following failure to meet target criteria or critical limits. The procedures should include
instructions on required adjustments, process control changes and additional monitoring. Responsibilities
and authorities, including communication and notification requirements, should be clearly defined.

Following implementation of a corrective action, effectiveness of the action will need to be verified.
This will usually require additional monitoring. Secondary impacts of the corrective action, and whether
adjustments or action may be needed further along in the supply system, should also be considered.

Examples of possible corrective actions include:

• selection of an alternative raw water source if available
• altering the plant flow rate (e.g. reducing loading)
• altering the mixing intensity
• changing treatment chemicals
• using auxiliary chemicals such as coagulant aids, flocculant aids, filtration aids
• adjusting pH
• varying chemical feed rates and feed points
• adjusting filtration loading rate or operation
• increasing disinfectant dose
• secondary or booster disinfection
• mains flushing, cleaning and localised disinfection.

Where possible, the underlying cause of the problem should be determined and measures implemented
to prevent future occurrences. Analysis of the causes may identify possible solutions, such as modifying
an operating procedure or improving training. Details of all incidents should be recorded and reported.

While advance planning is important, it will not always be possible to anticipate every type of event.
Rapid communication systems should be established to deal with these events.

Incident and emergency responses should be prepared for times when normal corrective actions cannot
re-establish operational performance quickly enough to prevent drinking water of unacceptable quality
from reaching consumers.

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Summary of actions
• Ensure that equipment performs adequately and provides sufficient flexibility and process control.
• Establish a program for regular inspection and maintenance of all equipment, including
monitoring equipment.

The capability of equipment is an important consideration in maintaining process control. Equipment

and infrastructure in a drinking water supply system need to be adequately designed and of sufficient
capacity (size, volume, detention times) to handle all flow rates (peak and otherwise) without limiting
performance. Processes should not be hydraulically overloaded or subjected to rapid changes in
hydraulic loading, as these conditions may compromise performance.

Design features that can improve performance and process control include:
• online measuring devices that monitor operational parameters continuously
• automated responses to changes in water quality
• 24-hour monitored alarm systems that indicate operational failure
• backup equipment, including power generators
• variable control of flow rates and chemical dosing
• effective mixing facilities.

Design of new equipment and processes should undergo validation through appropriate research and
development (see Section 3.9.3).

Equipment used to monitor process performance should also be selected carefully. Monitoring equipment
needs to be sufficiently accurate and sensitive to perform at the levels required. Wherever possible,
monitoring should be online and continuous, with alarm systems to indicate when operational criteria
have been exceeded. Monitoring failures should not compromise the system and in some cases,
particularly at critical control points, backup equipment should be considered.

Staff should understand the operation of monitoring equipment so that causes of spurious results can
be recognised and rectified.

Regular inspection and maintenance of all equipment from catchment to consumer is required to ensure
continuing process capability. A maintenance program should be established and documented, detailing:
• operational procedures and records for the maintenance of equipment, including the calibration
of monitoring equipment
• schedules and timelines
• responsibilities
• resource requirements.


Summary of actions
• Ensure that only approved materials and chemicals are used.
• Establish documented procedures for evaluating chemicals, materials and suppliers.

The selection of materials and chemicals used in water systems is an important consideration as
they have the potential to adversely affect drinking water quality. Chemicals added to water include
disinfectants, oxidants, coagulants, flocculants, algicides, antioxidants and chemicals for softening, pH
adjustment, fluoridation and scale prevention.

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All chemicals used should be evaluated for potential contamination. General considerations include data
on impurities, chemical and physical properties, maximum dosages, behaviour in water, migration and
concentration build-up. In addition, the potential impact of water treatment chemicals on materials used
in treatment plants needs to be considered. For example, ferric chloride used as a coagulant is extremely
corrosive and can have severe effects on commonly used grades of stainless steel.

Chemical suppliers should be evaluated and selected on their ability to supply product in accordance
with required specifications. Documented procedures for the control of chemicals, including purchasing,
verification, handling, storage and maintenance should be established to assure the quality of the
chemicals at the point of application. Responsibilities for testing and quality assurance of chemicals
(supplier, purchaser or both) should be clearly defined in purchase contracts.

Contaminants may also be introduced when water comes into contact with materials such as filter media,
protective coatings, linings and liners, joining and sealing products, pipes and fittings, valves, meters and
other components. Materials used should comply with Australian Standard AS/NZ 4020 Products for use
in contact with drinking water.

The products used in water systems should be subjected to an audited system of quality control.

3.5 Verification of drinking water quality (element 5)

Components: Drinking water quality monitoring

Consumer satisfaction
Short-term evaluation of results
Corrective action

Verification of drinking water quality provides an assessment of the overall performance of the system
and the ultimate quality of drinking water being supplied to consumers. This incorporates monitoring
drinking water quality as well as assessment of consumer satisfaction.

Verification provides:
• a useful indication of problems within the water supply system (particularly the distribution system)
and the necessity for any immediate short-term corrective actions or incident and emergency
• confidence for consumers and regulators regarding the quality of the water supplied.

Chapter 9 provides more information on verification of drinking water quality.


Summary of actions
• Determine the characteristics to be monitored in the distribution system and in water as supplied
to the consumer.
• Establish and document a sampling plan for each characteristic, including the location
and frequency of sampling.
• Ensure monitoring data is representative and reliable.

Drinking water quality monitoring is a wide-ranging assessment of the quality of water in the distribution
system and, importantly, as supplied to the consumer. It includes regular sampling and testing to assess
whether water quality is meeting guideline values and any regulatory requirements or agreed levels of

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Monitoring of drinking water quality should be regarded as the final check that, overall, the barriers
and preventive measures implemented to protect public health are working effectively. The purpose
of drinking water quality monitoring is different from that of operational monitoring and the two types
of monitoring also differ in what, where and how often water quality characteristics are measured.
As it is neither physically nor economically feasible to test for all drinking water quality parameters
equally, monitoring effort and resources should be carefully planned and directed at significant
or key characteristics.

Key characteristics related to health include:

• microbial indicator organisms
• disinfectant residuals and any disinfection byproducts
• any health-related characteristic that can be reasonably expected to exceed the guideline value,
even if occasionally
• potential contaminants identified in analysis of the water supply system (Section 3.2.1) and hazard
identification (Section 3.2.3).

Some characteristics not related to health, such as those with significant aesthetic impacts, should also
be monitored. Where there is frequent occurrence of unacceptable aesthetic characteristics (e.g. taste
and odour), further investigation may be required to determine whether there are problems with
significance for health.

Sampling locations will depend on the water quality characteristic being examined. Sampling at the
treatment plant or at the head of the distribution system may be sufficient for characteristics where
concentrations do not change during delivery; however, for those that can change during distribution,
sampling should be undertaken throughout the distribution system, including the point of supply
to the consumer.

Frequency of testing for individual characteristics will depend on variability, and whether the
characteristics are of aesthetic or health significance. Sampling should be frequent enough to enable
the monitoring to provide meaningful information and statistical validity. Sampling and analysis are
required most frequently for microbial constituents, and less often for organic and inorganic compounds.
This is because even brief episodes of microbial contamination can lead to immediate illness in
consumers, whereas, in the absence of a specific event (e.g. chemical overdosing at a treatment plant),
episodes of chemical contamination that would constitute an acute health concern are rare. Guideline
values for most chemical parameters are based on impacts of chronic exposure.

Once parameters and sampling locations have been identified, these should be documented in a
consolidated monitoring plan. Monitoring data should be representative, reliable and fully validated
(see Box 3.4). Procedures for sampling and testing should also be documented.

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Box 3.4 Reliability of data

Monitoring is only as good as the data collected, so every effort should be made to ensure that the data are representative, reliable
and fully validated. Appropriate procedures should be in place and the following need to be considered.
Sampling plan:
• parameters measured, sampling locations, sampling frequency
• qualifications and training of personnel
• approved sampling methods and techniques
• quality assurance and validation procedures for sampling
• statistical validity.

Analytical testing:
• qualifications and training of personnel
• suitability of equipment
• approved test methods and laboratories
• quality assurance and validation procedures (e.g. positive and negative control samples, inter-laboratory comparisons)
• accreditation with an external agency such as the National Association of Testing Authorities.

Monitoring equipment:
• calibration and inspection procedures to ensure control of monitoring equipment.


Summary of actions
• Establish a consumer complaint and response program, including appropriate training of

Monitoring of consumer comments and complaints can provide valuable information on potential
problems that may not have been identified by performance monitoring of the water supply system.
Consumer satisfaction with drinking water quality is largely based on a judgment that the aesthetic quality
of tap water is ‘good’, which usually means that it is colourless, free from suspended solids and has no
unpleasant taste or odour.

Changes from the norm are particularly noticeable to consumers, who may interpret aesthetic problems
as indicating health risks. A consumer complaint and response program operated by appropriately trained
personnel should be established. Response targets should be set and regularly reviewed. Complaints and
responses should be recorded and in the longer term there should be evaluation of types, patterns and
changes in the number of complaints received.

One proactive approach to gauge perception of drinking water quality is to establish a consumer-based
taste panel. Participants, who should be sensitive to off-flavours, can be trained with common flavour
profile descriptors so that their feedback to the drinking water supplier is more useful for identifying
and solving aesthetic water quality problems. This approach can be particularly helpful in identifying
recurring seasonal episodes of poor aesthetic quality. The Fact Sheet on Taste and Odour, in Part V,
discusses consumer panels.

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Summary of actions
• Establish procedures for the daily review of drinking water quality monitoring data and
consumer satisfaction.
• Develop reporting mechanisms internally, and externally, where required.

Short-term performance evaluation entails the daily reviewing of drinking water quality monitoring
data and consumer satisfaction to verify that the quality of water supplied to consumers conforms with
guideline values. If the quality does not conform, then immediate corrective actions and/or incident and
emergency response should be implemented.

Those responsible for interpreting and recording results should clearly understand how results should
be assessed and, if required, how and where they should be communicated. Monitoring results
should be reviewed within appropriate timeframes, and compared with previous results, established
guideline values, and any regulatory requirements or agreed levels of service. Procedures for
performance evaluation and recording of results should be established and documented. Mechanisms
and responsibilities should be identified for the reporting of results internally to operators and senior
executives as well as externally, where required, to stakeholders such as regulators and consumers (see
Section 3.10.2).


Summary of actions
• Establish and document procedures for corrective action in response to nonconformance or
consumer feedback.
• Establish rapid communication systems to deal with unexpected events.

If the short-term evaluation of drinking water quality monitoring data indicates nonconformance with
guideline values or other requirements, an investigation should be initiated and, if necessary, a corrective
action implemented as quickly as possible. Failure to take immediate or effective action may lead to the
development of a more serious situation, which could require incident and emergency response protocols
to be instituted. Implementation of corrective action could also be required in response to consumer

Corrective actions should be developed in consultation with relevant regulatory authorities and other
stakeholders. Examples include:
• disinfection of tanks
• flushing and maintenance of the distribution system
• temporary shutdown of a treatment plant if adequate storage is available
• increased booster or secondary disinfection
• enhanced filtration
• investigative or sanitary surveys of distribution systems.

Significant system failures that could pose a health risk or adversely affect water quality for
an extended period should immediately be responded to and reported to the relevant health authority
(see Section 3.6).

Corrective actions should be documented, responsibilities and authorities clearly defined, and staff trained
in appropriate procedures.

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Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements Chapter 3

3.6 Management of incidents and emergencies (element 6)

Components: Communication
Incident and emergency response protocols

Considered and controlled responses to incidents or emergencies that can compromise the safety of
water quality are essential for protecting public health, as well as maintaining consumer confidence
and the organisation’s reputation. Although preventive strategies are intended to prevent incidents and
emergency situations from occurring, some events cannot be anticipated or controlled, or have such a
low probability of occurring that providing preventive measures would be too costly. For such incidents,
there must be an adaptive capability to respond constructively and efficiently.

Wherever possible, emergency scenarios should be identified, and incident and emergency protocols,
including communication procedures, should be planned and documented. Establishing procedures ‘on
the run’ is a recipe for inefficiency, lack of coordination, poor response times and potential loss of public

The development of appropriate protocols involves a review of the hazards and events that can lead
to emergency situations, such as:
• nonconformance with guideline values and other requirements
• accidents that increase levels of contaminants (e.g. spills in catchments, incorrect dosing of
• equipment breakdown and mechanical failure
• prolonged power outages
• extreme weather events (e.g. flash flooding, cyclones)
• natural disasters (e.g. fire, earthquakes, lightning damage to electrical equipment)
• human actions (e.g. serious error, sabotage, strikes).


Summary of actions
• Define communication protocols with the involvement of relevant agencies and prepare a contact
list of key people, agencies and businesses.
• Develop a public and media communications strategy.

Effective communication is vital in managing incidents and emergencies. Clearly defined protocols for
both internal and external communications should be established in advance, with the involvement of
relevant agencies, including health and other regulatory agencies. These protocols should include a
contact list of key people, agencies and businesses, detailed notification forms, procedures for internal
and external notification, and definitions of responsibilities and authorities. Contact lists should be
regularly updated (e.g. six-monthly) to ensure they are accurate.

Maintaining consumer confidence and trust during and after an incident or emergency is essential and
is largely affected by how incidents and emergencies are handled. A public and media communication
strategy should be developed before any incident or emergency situation occurs. Draft public and media
notifications should be prepared in advance and formatted for the target audience. An appropriately
trained and authoritative contact should be designated to handle all communications in the event of
an incident or emergency. All employees should be kept informed during any incident, because they
provide informal points of contact for the community.

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Chapter 3 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements

Consumers should be told when an incident has ended and be provided with information on the cause
and actions taken to minimise future occurrences. This type of communication will help allay community
concerns and restore confidence in the water supply. Interviews and surveys of a representative portion
of the community are valuable for establishing consumer perceptions of events and how they were


Summary of actions
• Define potential incidents and emergencies and document procedures and response plans
with the involvement of relevant agencies.
• Train employees and regularly test emergency response plans.
• Investigate any incidents or emergencies and revise protocols as necessary.

Incident and emergency response protocols should be regarded as a priority. Potential incidents and
emergencies should be defined and response plans should be developed and documented in advance
to respond to these events.

Plans should be developed in consultation with relevant regulatory authorities and other key agencies,
and should be consistent with existing government emergency response arrangements. In an emergency
situation there will not be time to establish confidence and goodwill if these have not been established
during normal operation. An investment in advance for building trust and understanding with parties
who will be partners in responding to an emergency will pay important dividends in the form of more
effective action when an emergency arises.

Key areas to be addressed in incident and emergency response plans include clearly specified:
• response actions, including increased monitoring
• responsibilities and authorities internal and external to the organisation
• plans for emergency water supplies
• communication protocols and strategies, including notification procedures (internal, regulatory
body, media and public)
• mechanisms for increased health surveillance.

Employees should be trained in emergency response to ensure that they can manage any potential
incidents or emergencies effectively. Incident and emergency response plans should be regularly
reviewed and practised. This improves preparedness and provides opportunities to improve the
effectiveness of plans before an emergency occurs.

Following any incident or emergency situation, an investigation of the incident or emergency should
be undertaken and all involved staff should be debriefed to discuss performance and address any issues
or concerns. The investigation should consider factors such as:
• What was the initiating cause of the problem?
• How was the problem first identified or recognised?
• What were the most critical actions required?
• What communication problems arose and how were they addressed?
• What were the immediate and longer-term consequences?
• How well did the protocol function?

Appropriate documentation and reporting of the incident or emergency should also be established. The
organisation should learn as much as possible from the incident to improve preparedness and planning
for future incidents. Review of the incident may indicate necessary amendments to existing protocols.

Box 3.5 provides a summary of an emergency response protocol.

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Box 3.5 Water incident communication and notification protocol

In South Australia, a protocol has been established between the Department of Health, South Australia Water, the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Water Resources to ensure effective communication between government agencies
in the event of incidents associated with reticulated water supplies. The protocol includes notification to other relevant bodies such as
catchment water management boards and local authorities.
Incidents are classified as:
• Type 1 – potentially serious with either human health or environmental risks, or
• Type 2 – lesser incidents representing a low risk to human health or possible low impact and localised environmental harm.
The protocol includes agreed criteria for both raw water (e.g. cyanobacterial blooms, high numbers of Cryptosporidium, unacceptable
concentrations of health-related chemicals and detection of pesticides) and treated drinking water
(e.g. high turbidity in filtered water, chlorinator failure, detection of high concentrations of health-related chemicals,
pesticides, Cryptosporidium, Naegleria fowleri and persistent E.coli/coliform bacteria).
The protocol defines the role of a water incident coordinator placed in the Department of Human Services and specifies which
minister and agency will take the lead in dealing with and communicating incidents (incidents with health concerns are led
by Department of Health, those with environmental concerns by the EPA and those with operational concerns by South Australia
Reporting requirements for individual agencies are defined, as well as communication requirements and protocols for the agencies, the
water incident coordinator, offices of the ministers and the lead minister.
The testing agency is required to report all Type 1 incidents immediately to the water incident coordinator and provide
written confirmation within 24 hours by email or fax. The water incident coordinator ensures that all appropriate agencies have been
notified and that relevant ministers are notified by their agencies as soon as possible and in any event within 24 hours.
Type 2 incidents are normally only notified to relevant agencies and generally do not require ministerial advice.
The protocol includes a list of 24-hour contacts for all agencies. Copies of the protocol are provided to all emergency contacts and
relevant officers. The protocol is updated and reissued every six months.

3.7 Employee awareness and training (element 7)

Components: Employee awareness and involvement

Employee training

The knowledge, skills, motivation and commitment of employees and contractors ultimately determine
a drinking water supplier’s ability to successfully operate a water supply system. It is vital that awareness,
understanding and commitment to performance optimisation and continuous improvement are developed
and maintained within the organisation.


Summary of actions
• Develop mechanisms and communication procedures to increase employees’ awareness of and
participation in drinking water quality management.

An understanding of drinking water quality management is essential for empowering and motivating
employees to make effective decisions. All employees of the drinking water supplier should be aware of:
• the organisation’s drinking water quality policy
• characteristics of the water supply system and preventive strategies in place throughout the system
• regulatory and legislative requirements
• roles and responsibilities of employees and departments
• how their actions can impact on water quality and public health.
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Chapter 3 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements

Mechanisms and communication procedures should be developed to ensure awareness of, and
commitment to, drinking water quality management throughout the organisation. Methods to increase
employee awareness can include employee education and induction programs, newsletters, guidelines,
manuals, notice boards, seminars, briefings and meetings.

Employee participation and involvement in decision making is an important part of establishing

the commitment necessary for the continuous improvement of drinking water quality management.
Employees should be encouraged to participate in decisions that affect their jobs and areas of
responsibility. Such participation provides a sense of ownership for decisions made and their
implications. Open and positive communication is a foundation to creating a participatory culture, and
employees should be encouraged to discuss issues and actions with management.


Summary of actions
• Ensure that employees, including contractors, maintain the appropriate experience
and qualifications.
• Identify training needs and ensure resources are available to support training programs.
• Document training and maintain records of all employee training.

Employees and contractors must be appropriately skilled and trained in the management and operation
of water supply systems, as their actions can have a major impact on drinking water quality and public
health (see Box 3.6).

Employees should have a sound knowledge base from which to make effective operational decisions.
This requires training in the methods and skills required to perform their tasks efficiently and
competently, as well as knowledge and understanding of the impact their activities can have on water
quality. For example, treatment plant operators should understand water treatment concepts and be able
to apply these concepts and adjust processes appropriately to respond to variations in water quality.

Training needs should be identified and adequate resources made available to support appropriate
programs. Examples of relevant areas to address are:
• general water quality
• water biology and water chemistry
• specific training to optimise system performance such as
– coagulant control testing
– proper filtration operation
– disinfection system operation
– reticulation management
– sampling, monitoring and analysis
– interpretation and recording of results
– maintenance of equipment.

Employees should also be trained in other aspects of drinking water quality management, including
incident and emergency response, documentation, record keeping, reporting, and research and

Commonly used training techniques and methods include formal training courses accredited by a national
training body, in-house training, on-the-job experience, mentor programs, workshops, demonstrations,
seminars, courses and conferences. Training programs should encourage employees to communicate
and think critically about the operational aspects of their work.

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Training should be documented, and records of all employees who have participated in training
maintained. Mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness of training should also be established and
documented. Training is an ongoing process and requirements should be regularly reviewed to ensure
that employees maintain the appropriate experience and qualifications. For those activities that have a
significant impact on drinking water quality, periodic verification of the capability of operations staff is

Where possible, accredited training programs and certification of operators should be employed.

Box 3.6 Contractors

Given the considerable restructuring of the water industry in recent years, there is now a heavy reliance on contractors
to undertake work for drinking water suppliers. These include contractors for construction, operations and maintenance
of bulk water, treatment and distribution systems, and sampling and analytical work.
Contractors need to have the same awareness, training and culture as the organisation’s employees. Requirements for contract
or acceptability should be established, and contractors should be evaluated and selected on the basis of their ability to meet
the specified requirements.
A drinking water supplier should ensure that contractors are qualified and have undergone appropriate training related
directly to their task or role. When contracting labour, provisions should be made within the organisation to conduct the necessary
education and training of contractors on the requirements for adherence to the organisation’s policy and protocols.
Conditions under which the contractor operates should be clear, accurate and achievable, with scope for ongoing review
and improvement. Partnerships will be more successful where the drinking water supplier retains sufficient knowledge and technical
expertise to manage the contract efficiently.

3.8 Community involvement and awareness (element 8)

Components: Community consultation


Community consultation, involvement and awareness can have a major impact on public confidence
in the water supply and the organisation’s reputation. A communication program is a long-term
commitment, including both consultation and education, and should be designed to provide an active,
two-way exchange of information. This will help to ensure that consumers’ needs and expectations
are understood and are being satisfied.


Summary of actions
• Assess requirements for effective community involvement.
• Develop a comprehensive strategy for community consultation.

Decisions on drinking water quality made by a drinking water supplier and the relevant regulatory
authorities must be aligned with the needs and expectations of consumers. Therefore, the community
and appropriate industry sectors should be consulted and involved during decision-making processes.

Discussions should include the establishment of levels of service, costs, existing water quality problems
and the options for protection and improvement of drinking water quality, including constraints on
land use and changes in treatment or infrastructure. Consumers should also be consulted on monitoring
requirements and mechanisms for public reporting of system performance.

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Decisions and agreed levels of service should be based primarily on estimates of risk and cost, together
with local knowledge of the source water (including the degree of catchment protection), treatment
processes employed, history of the distribution system and the management of water quality. Consumer
needs and expectations will influence the extent to which each community will adopt guideline values.
For example, one community may choose to tolerate aesthetic problems, while another may choose
to pay for treatment to bring water quality within commonly accepted limits.

Decisions about drinking water quality cannot be taken in isolation from other aspects of water supply
that compete for limited financial resources. Two major decisions to be made are the levels of service to
be provided, and the timeframe within which those levels can be achieved. Priorities will depend on the
impact of water quality improvements on public health and on aesthetic considerations (taste, colour
and odour). Public health should take a higher priority than aesthetics.

Assessing what is required for effective community involvement can be a complex task, depending on
the issues and the community involved. The development of community consultation strategies requires:
• Definition of the scope of the issue and the potential links with wider issues or problems. This will
provide an indication of the extent of consultation or education required.
• Identification of specific interest and stakeholder groups that may be affected, and their needs,
existing level of knowledge and attitudes on the issues. All groups should be able to participate
in the consultation process irrespective of barriers of language, distance, technical knowledge
or lack of resources.
• Presentation of factual information to the community, consumers and groups in a form that
is accessible, understandable and suitable as a basis for informed discussion.
• Provision of adequate time for consultation. The community should understand and agree
to the process proposed for the consultation.
• Inclusion of measures to evaluate the effectiveness of the community consultation process.

Community consultation might include:

• briefings targeted to specific groups with interests or responsibilities
• workshops or seminars on key issues or for special groups
• focus groups and market research or surveys to determine community views, knowledge and
• customer councils or customer panels
• informative media programs targeting print media, radio and television
• community education or information exchange programs
• school programs
• preparation of technical issues papers
• media advertising of activities and available papers
• public hearings for major and controversial initiatives.

Communications and community involvement should be considered when setting up a community

consultation process or when working with, or seeking advice from, professionals in the areas of survey
research. Records should be kept of all community consultation.

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Summary of actions
• Develop an active two-way communication program to inform consumers and promote
awareness of drinking water quality issues.

Effective communication to increase community awareness and knowledge of drinking water quality
issues and the various areas of responsibility is essential. Communication helps consumers to understand
and contribute to decisions about the service provided by a drinking water supplier or land-use
constraints imposed in catchment areas. A thorough understanding of the diversity of views held
by individuals in the community is necessary to satisfy community expectations.

Management of communication is particularly important in the event of an incident or emergency

(see Section 3.6).

A coordinated consumer information program should include:

• discussion of issues on drinking water quality, public health and risk assessment, cost of treatment
and levels of service
• details of the water supply system and the drinking water quality management system
• incident and emergency response plans, including procedures for notification when drinking
water quality poses a health risk
• consumer responsibilities beyond the meter and how drinking water quality may be affected
in household distribution and use (e.g. use of suitable plumbing materials, point-of-use treatment
devices, prevention of backflow)
• the need for further treatment of water for special purposes (e.g. renal dialysis, some industrial uses)
• the role and responsibility of the community in protecting water supply catchments
and water conservation
• commercial and industrial consumer responsibilities beyond the meter (e.g. the responsibility
for design, maintenance, education of managers, and development of codes of practice that include
reporting procedures in the event of contamination in large buildings).

Although a drinking water supplier is generally only responsible for delivery of water to the consumer’s
meter, consumers should be informed about how drinking water quality may be affected in household
distribution and use.

Procedures for disseminating information to promote awareness of drinking water quality issues to the
community should be established. Possible methods include annual or other periodic water quality
reports, newsletters, notices in bills, workshops, seminars or briefings, media programs targeting radio
and television, websites, treatment plant tours, catchment signage and school education programs.

Additionally, mechanisms such as a service line or complaint handling system should be established
to provide opportunities for consumers to communicate their needs and expectations.

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Chapter 3 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements

3.9 Research and development (element 9)

Components: Investigative studies and research monitoring

Validation of processes
Design of equipment

A corporate commitment to conduct and participate in research and development activities on drinking
water quality issues is important. Such a commitment helps to ensure continual improvement and the
ongoing capability to meet drinking water quality requirements.

Applied research and development may be directed towards:

• increasing the understanding of a water supply system and potential hazards
• investigating improvements, new processes, emerging water quality issues and new analytical
• validation of operational effectiveness of new products and processes
• increasing the understanding of the relationship between public health outcomes and water quality.

Research at a local level increases understanding of the specific characteristics of individual water supply
systems. Local research could include, for example, detailed analysis of temporal and spatial variations in
source water quality parameters. Research and development activities should also investigate mechanisms
to improve and optimise plant performance, evaluate treatment processes (including the validation
of critical limits and target criteria) and design new equipment. These activities should be carried out
under controlled conditions by qualified staff, and all protocols and results should be documented and

Additionally, participation in research and development activities through partnerships and industry-wide
cooperation can be a cost-effective way to address broader issues associated with water quality and
treatment, including the development and evaluation of new technologies. Box 3.7 describes an example
of a research activity. Opportunities for collaboration and initiation of joint research and development
projects should be identified. Partnership organisations may include health and environment agencies,
industry associations, other drinking water suppliers, university departments, cooperative research
centres and community groups.

Box 3.7 The Melbourne water quality study

The Melbourne water quality study is an example of a large-scale, high-quality research study made possible through the collaboration
of several organisations. The study was carried out by university researchers with the involvement of four water utilities, and was
funded jointly by the water industry and the health regulator.
The study investigated the effect of microbial water quality on rates of community gastroenteritis in Melbourne by measuring the
difference in the levels of illness among two population groups, each comprising approximately 300 households. One group consumed
normal tap water and the other consumed water that was filtered and disinfected with ultraviolet radiation.
The principal aim of the study was to determine whether additional treatment of drinking water was necessary for an area served by
a disinfected but unfiltered water supply drawn from protected catchments. The study used stringent epidemiological methodology and
found no measurable difference in illness rates between the normal tap water group and the filtered water group, thus demonstrating
that Melbourne’s unfiltered drinking water does not make a significant contribution to gastroenteritis rates.
This groundbreaking project successfully addressed a water quality issue of international importance by shifting the focus from testing
the microbial quality of drinking water to studying the health effects of drinking water. The study was a major undertaking but was
completed for less than 1 per cent of the cost of building a water treatment plant.
Information from this research will enable better informed decisions about the management of Melbourne’s water. Furthermore,
the study has established a new methodology to assess the health effects of drinking water quality that is being employed in other
cities to answer similar questions for different types of water supplies.
Source: Hellard et al (2001)

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Summary of actions
• Establish programs to increase understanding of the water supply system.
• Use information to improve management of the water supply system.

Investigative studies and research monitoring include strategic programs designed to increase
understanding of a water supply system, to identify and characterise potential hazards, and to fill gaps in
knowledge. Improved understanding of the factors affecting water quality characteristics allows suppliers
to anticipate periods of poor water quality and respond to them in an effective way.

Examples could include:

• baseline monitoring of parameters or contaminants or testing of potential new water sources to
identify water quality problems
• source water monitoring to understand the temporal and spatial variability of water quality
• developing early warning systems to improve the management of poor water quality
• event-based monitoring to determine the magnitude of impacts (duration and maximum
• examining mixing effects within a water storage
• evaluating characteristics of an aquifer through pumping tests and analyses
• studying the movement of water within reservoirs to determine short-circuiting effects
• examining backwash return water and its effect in increasing microorganism load.

In addition, monitoring could provide input into predictive modelling of source water quality or assist
in the selection of management and treatment approaches.

Careful consideration should be given to the selection of water quality characteristics to be analysed,
use of statistical techniques, collection of samples (frequency and location), use of appropriate sampling
and testing procedures, evaluation and management of results.

Tracing the cause of taste and odour problems often initiates investigations. Box 3.8 illustrates one
such investigation and highlights the importance of investigative studies in assisting with evaluating
risk to public health.

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Box 3.8 Cyanotoxin investigation in South Australia

In April 2000, water quality problems were experienced at the Upper Paskeville Reservoir, a key water supply facility to the Yorke
Peninsula in South Australia. Complaints of poor tastes and odours in the drinking water supplied to consumers were investigated. The
problem was traced to the presence of high concentrations of 2-methyl isoborneol produced by the blue-green benthic cyanobacterium
Phormidium, which was found in the reservoir entangled in strands of a submerged aquatic plant, water milfoil.
In view of the taste and odour complaints, Paskeville Reservoir was taken out of service. At the time, existing knowledge of Phormidium
toxicity suggested that there would be no health concerns to the consumers of the Yorke Peninsula, but scientists
at the Australian Water Quality Centre recommended that toxicity tests of cyanobacterial material be carried out as a precaution. The
material was found to be toxic.
Following these results, the South Australian Department of Human Services issued advice that, due to the potential health risk, people
should not use the mains water for drinking or cooking. Temporary supplies of bottled water were distributed to Yorke Peninsula
communities by South Australia Water. Hospitals, nursing homes, caravan parks, food businesses etc were notified individually and in
some cases provided with carted water. The state primary industries department advised that the mains
supply should not be used for stock water.
Subsequent testing confirmed that chlorination and boiling inactivated the toxin. On this basis the public was advised that the water
could be used after boiling, and the strategy for cleaning the supply was changed from flushing to a mixture of chlorination and flushing.
Chloramination, which is normally used to disinfect the supply, did not inactivate the toxin.
In addition to extending monitoring in similar storages in South Australia to determine the presence of Phormidium in benthic
cyanobacterial growths, research is being undertaken to further characterise the toxin. Results so far have shown that the toxic effect is
associated with cell-bound material and that the toxin is only sparingly soluble, thereby reducing its potential risk to human health.
Source: Baker et al (2001)


Summary of actions
• Validate processes and procedures to ensure that they are effective at controlling hazards.
• Revalidate processes periodically or when variations in conditions occur.

Validation involves evaluating scientific and technical information available on processes and then
undertaking investigations, where necessary, to validate system-specific operational procedures, critical
limits and target criteria. The aim of process validation is to ensure effective operation and control.
Historical data and operational experience can also be useful sources of information.

Processes should be revalidated on a regular basis or when variations occur (e.g. seasonally). Any new
processes should be tested using benchtop, pilot-scale or full-scale experimental studies to confirm that
the process and operational criteria produce the required results under the conditions specific to the
individual water supply system.


Summary of actions
• Validate the selection and design of new equipment and infrastructure to ensure
continuing reliability.

Research and development should be undertaken to validate the selection and design of new equipment
and infrastructure, or to confirm design changes necessary to improve plant performance and control
systems. New technologies require pilot-scale research and evaluation before full-scale implementation.
Design specifications should be established to ensure that new equipment will be able to meet the
intended requirements and provide necessary process flexibility and controllability (see Section 3.4.4).

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Other considerations for ensuring the reliability of water treatment systems include designing equipment
and facilities to withstand natural disasters (e.g. earthquakes and flooding) and providing backup systems
for emergency use (e.g. alternative power generation). Appropriate consideration of these factors during
the design phase will reduce the risk that equipment failures will cause major disruptions in service.

3.10 Documentation and reporting (element 10)

Components: Management of documentation and records


Appropriate documentation provides the foundation for the establishment and maintenance of effective
drinking water quality management systems. Documentation should:
• demonstrate that a systematic approach is established and is implemented effectively
• develop and protect the organisation’s knowledge base
• provide an accountability mechanism and tool
• facilitate review and audits by providing written evidence of the system
• establish due diligence and credibility.

Documentation provides a basis for effective communication within the organisation as well as with
the community and various stakeholders. A system of regular reporting, both internal and external,
is important to ensure that the relevant people receive the information needed to make informed
decisions about the management or regulation of drinking water quality.


Summary of actions
• Document information pertinent to all aspects of drinking water quality management.
• Develop a document control system to ensure current versions are in use.
• Establish a records management system and ensure that employees are trained to fill out records.
• Periodically review documentation and revise as necessary.

Documentation pertinent to all aspects of drinking water quality management is required. Documents
should describe activities that are undertaken and how procedures are performed. They should also
include detailed information on:
• preventive measures
• critical control points, including specific operational procedures and criteria, monitoring
and corrective actions
• incident and emergency response plans
• training programs
• procedures for evaluating results and reporting
• communication protocols.

Documentation should be visible and readily available to employees. Mechanisms should be established
to ensure that employees read, understand and adhere to the documents.

Operation of systems and processes leads to the generation of large amounts of data that need to
be recorded. Efficient record keeping is an essential tool for indicating and forewarning of potential
problems, and providing evidence that the system is operating effectively.

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Activities that generate records include:

• operational and drinking water quality monitoring
• corrective actions
• incident and emergency responses
• training
• research and development
• assessment of the water supply system (flow diagrams, potential hazards etc)
• community consultation
• performance evaluations, audits and reviews.

Documentation and records systems should be kept as simple and focused as possible. The level
of detail in the documentation of procedures should be sufficient to provide assurance of operational
control when coupled with a suitably qualified and competent operator. Retention of corporate
memory should also be considered in documentation of procedures.

Mechanisms should be established to periodically review and, where necessary, revise documents
to reflect changing circumstances. Documents should be assembled in a manner that will enable any
necessary modifications to be made easily. A document control system should be developed to ensure
that current versions are in use and obsolete documents are discarded.

Records of all activities pertaining to the performance of drinking water quality management should
be stored so that they can be easily accessed and reviewed. Storage should provide protection against
damage, deterioration or loss. A system should be in place to ensure that employees are properly trained
to fill out records, and that records are regularly reviewed by a supervisor, signed and dated.

Documents and records can be stored in a variety of forms, such as written documents, electronic files
and databases, video and audiotapes, and visual specifications (flow charts, posters etc). Computer-based
documentation should be considered to allow for faster and easier access as well as to facilitate updating.


Summary of actions
• Establish procedures for effective internal and external reporting.
• Produce an annual report to be made available to consumers, regulatory authorities and

Reporting includes the internal and external reporting of activities pertinent to the implementation and
performance of drinking water quality management.

Internal reporting supports effective decision making at the various levels of the organisation, including
operations staff and management, senior executive and the board of directors. It also provides a way
to communicate information on decisions to employees throughout the organisation.

Internal reporting requirements should be defined and a system developed for communication between
the various levels and functions of the organisation. Documented procedures (including definition of
responsibilities and authorities) should be established for regular reporting (daily, weekly, monthly etc).
These reports should include summaries of monitoring data, performance evaluation and significant
operational problems that occurred during the reporting period. Results from audit and management
reviews should also be communicated to those within the organisation responsible for performance.

External reporting ensures that drinking water quality management is open and transparent. It includes
reporting to regulatory bodies, consumers and other stakeholders in accordance with requirements.
External reporting requirements should be established in consultation with consumers and the relevant
regulatory authorities; procedures for information dissemination should also be developed.
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Agreement should be reached with health and other relevant regulators on requirements for:
• regular reports summarising performance and water quality data
• event reports on significant system failures that may pose a health risk or adversely affect water
quality for an extended period (see Section 3.6.2).

Reports should be provided to regulatory authorities on incidents defined in agreed incident and
emergency response protocols. If necessary, the health authority can then ensure that public health
concerns are reported to the community.

An annual report should be produced and made available to consumers, regulatory authorities and
stakeholders. The annual report should:
• summarise drinking water quality performance over the preceding year against numerical guideline
values, regulatory requirements or agreed levels of service, and identify water quality trends and
• summarise any system failures and the action taken to resolve them
• specify to whom the drinking water supplier is accountable, statutory or legislative requirements,
and minimum reporting requirements
• indicate whether monitoring was carried out in accordance with the principles of risk management
set out in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, standards set by the regulator and any
requirements contained in agreed levels of service.

Annual reports should contain sufficient information to enable individuals or groups to make informed
judgments about the quality of drinking water and provide a basis for discussions about the priorities
that will be given to improving drinking water quality. The annual report represents an opportunity to
canvass feedback, and it should therefore encourage consumers and stakeholders to provide comment.

3.11 Evaluation and audit (element 11)

Components: Long-term evaluation of results

Audit of drinking water quality management

Long-term evaluation of drinking water quality results and audit of drinking water quality management
are required to determine whether preventive strategies are effective and whether they are being
implemented appropriately. These reviews enable performance to be measured against objectives
and help to identify opportunities for improvement.


Summary of actions
• Collect and evaluate long-term data to assess performance and identify problems.
• Document and report results.

The systematic review of monitoring results over an extended period (typically the preceding
12 months or longer) is needed to:
• assess overall performance against numerical guideline values, regulatory requirements
or agreed levels of service
• identify emerging problems and trends
• assist in determining priorities for improving drinking water quality.

There will inevitably be occasions of nonconformance with operational criteria or numerical

guideline values. Each event will need to be assessed and responses determined.
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Mechanisms for evaluation of results should be documented, with responsibilities, accountabilities and
reporting requirements defined. Useful tools to enhance the interpretation of data sets include statistical
evaluation of results and graphs or trend charts using a ‘control chart’ format.

Evaluation of results should be reported internally to senior executive, and externally to consumers,
stakeholders and regulatory authorities in accordance with established requirements (see Section 3.10.2).
Providing assurance that data are reviewed regularly and that improvements are made in response to
identified problems will contribute to consumer confidence.


Summary of actions
• Establish processes for internal and external audits.
• Document and communicate audit results.

Auditing is the systematic evaluation of activities and processes to confirm that objectives are being met.
It includes assessment of the implementation and capability of management systems. Auditing provides
valuable information on those aspects of the system that are effective, as well as identifying opportunities
for improvement of poor operational practices.

Periodic auditing of all aspects of the drinking water quality management system is needed to confirm
that activities are being carried out in accordance with defined requirements and are producing the
required outcomes.

Effective internal audits are important for maintaining a functional drinking water quality management
system and for identifying areas for improvement. Internal audits will involve trained staff and should
include a review of the management system and associated operational procedures, monitoring
programs, and the records generated in order to ensure that the system is being implemented
correctly and is effective.

The frequency and schedule of audits as well as the responsibilities, requirements, procedures and
reporting mechanisms should be defined. The audit process can take place over time but it should
be comprehensive.

Drinking water agencies should consider mechanisms for establishing external auditing. Such auditing
can be useful in establishing credibility and maintaining consumer confidence. External auditing could
be achieved by peer review or be undertaken by an independent third party. External audits should
focus on confirming implementation and results of internal audits.

External audits could be conducted on:

• the management system
• operational activities
• drinking water quality performance
• the effectiveness of incident and emergency response or other specific aspects of drinking water
quality management.

Audit results should be appropriately documented and communicated to management and personnel
responsible for the department or function being audited. Results of audits should also be considered
as part of the review by senior executive.

3–36 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements Chapter 3

3.12 Review and continual improvement (element 12)

Components: Review by senior executive

Drinking water quality management improvement plan

Senior executive support, commitment and ongoing involvement are essential to the continual
improvement of the organisation’s activities relating to drinking water quality. Senior executive should
regularly review its approach to drinking water quality management, develop action plans and commit
the resources necessary to improve operational processes and overall drinking water quality performance.


Summary of actions
• Senior executive review of the effectiveness of the management system.
• Evaluate the need for change.

In order to ensure continual improvement, the highest levels of the organisation should maintain
oversight of the effectiveness of the drinking water quality management system and evaluate needs for

Senior executive should review reports from audits, drinking water quality performance and previous
management reviews. The review should also consider concerns of consumers, regulators and other
stakeholders, and evaluate the suitability of the drinking water quality policy, objectives and preventive
strategies in relation to changing internal and external conditions such as:
• changes to legislation, expectations and requirements
• changes in the activities of the organisation
• advances in science and technology
• outcomes of drinking water quality incidents and emergencies
• reporting and communication.

The review by senior executive should be documented.


Summary of actions
• Develop a drinking water quality management improvement plan.
• Ensure that the plan is communicated and implemented, and that improvements are monitored
for effectiveness.

An improvement plan should be developed to address identified needs for full implementation of the
drinking water quality management system. The improvement plan should be endorsed by senior
executive. Improvement plans may encompass a wide range of issues such as:
• capital works
• training
• enhanced operational procedures
• consultation programs
• research and development
• incident protocols
• communication and reporting.
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 3–37
Chapter 3 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: The Twelve Elements

Improvement plans can include short-term (e.g. one year) or long-term programs. Short-term
improvements might include actions such as enhanced mains flushing programs, increased staffing and
the development of community awareness programs. Long-term capital works projects could include
covering of water storages or enhanced coagulation and filtration.

Improvement plans should include objectives, actions to be taken, accountability, timelines and reporting.
They should be communicated throughout the organisation and to the community, regulators and
other agencies.

Implementation of improvement plans will often have significant budgetary implications and therefore
may require detailed cost-benefit analysis and careful prioritisation in accord with the outcomes of
risk assessment (see Section 3.2.3). Implementation of plans should be monitored to confirm that
improvements have been made and are effective.

3.13 References
Baker, PD, Steffensen, DA, Humpage AR et al (2001). Preliminary evidence of toxicity associated
with the benthic cyanobacterium Phormidium in South Australia. Environmental Toxicology, 16
(6 Special Issue SI): 506–11.

Hellard ME, Sinclair MI, Forbes AB and Fairley CK (2001). A randomized, blinded, controlled trial
investigating the gastrointestinal health effects of drinking water quality. Environmental Health
Perspectives, 109(8): 773–8.

Mac Kenzie, WR., Hoxie, NJ., Proctor, ME., Gradus, MS., Blair, KA., Peterson, DE., Kazmierczak, JJ.,
Addiss, DG., Fox, KR., Rose, JB., David, JP. (1994) A massive outbreak in Milwaukee of cryptosporidium
infection transmitted through the public water supply. The New England Journal of Medicine, 331 (3):

O’Connor DR (2002a), Report of the Walkerton Inquiry, Part 1. The events of May 2000 and related
issues. The Attorney General of Ontario, Toronto, The Walkerton Inquiry.

O’Connor DR (2002b). Report of the Walkerton Inquiry, Part 2. A strategy for safe drinking water.
The Attorney General of Ontario, Toronto, The Walkerton Inquiry.

3–38 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 4 Framework for Management of Drinking Water
Quality – application to small water supplies

Chapter 4
Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Application to Small Water Supplies Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Framework for the Management of Drinking Water

Quality: application to small water supplies

4.1 Introduction
For the purposes of this document, small water supplies are those serving fewer than 1000 people;
they include supplies to facilities such as caravan parks, school camps, tourist attractions, roadhouses,
and individual household supplies. The sources of these supplies can include groundwater, surface
water and rainwater.

For small supplies, it may not be economically feasible or practical to carry out all the recommendations
of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG); however, there is a range of basic measures
that can be implemented to provide reasonable assurance of safety. This chapter provides guidance on
methods that are suited to small communities and should give an adequate degree of confidence that
safe water is being supplied.

4.2 Applying the Framework

The ADWG provide a Framework for management of drinking water quality based on a preventive, risk
management approach; Chapter 2 gives an overview and Chapter 3 details the 12 elements that make
up the Framework. Those responsible for small water supplies should adhere to this approach as far as
possible; however, it may not be practical or necessary to implement all aspects of the Framework. One
of the major difficulties for small communities, particularly those in remote areas, is the implementation
of regular monitoring programs (both in terms of cost and the practicalities of transporting samples
to testing laboratories). The advantage of the Framework is that it places increased emphasis on a
preventive approach to managing water quality, with decreased reliance on water testing.

The principal risk to human health from drinking water is the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.
Thus, to ensure safe water, the focus in small supplies should be on regular inspection of the system
to check for any direct or potential sources of contamination, and on the use of a clean and unpolluted
water source. The following sections explain how these requirements for small water supplies can
be achieved in the context of the Framework.


Analysis of the water supply system, identification of potential hazards and risk assessment (described
in detail in Section 3.2) are essential for good management of all supplies.

In the case of small supplies, initial steps would be to develop a simple flow diagram of the main
features of the system (water sources, treatment or disinfection, service tanks and major piping)
and to determine basic water quality characteristics. If groundwater is the source of supply, then
chemical quality should be assessed as a priority. In some parts of Australia, concentrations of naturally
occurring elements such as arsenic, fluoride and uranium, or nitrates from agricultural land uses, may
exceed safe levels.

The water system should be inspected to identify likely sources of hazards. The greatest sources of
microbial hazards are human and livestock wastes, and water systems should be inspected to determine
the likelihood that this type of contamination will affect water quality. The discharge of septic waste
and access of livestock to watercourses, or the proximity of either to supply bores, are likely sources
of contamination.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 4–1

Chapter 4 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Application to Small Water Supplies

Potential sources of hazards for water supplies can include:

• septic waste from on site or communal wastewater systems
• human wastes from tourists, campers and others having access to water catchments
• animal faeces or dumped animal carcases
• effluent from factories, milking sheds and urban stormwater drains (which may contain partially
treated sullage and toilet wastes)
• leakage or seepage from rubbish tips and landfill sites
• agricultural pesticides and fertilisers
• naturally occurring elements
• mining industry wastes.

Risk assessment, described in detail in Section 3.2.3, involves estimating the likelihood that a hazard
will occur and the consequences if it does. The aim is to distinguish between high and low risks so
that attention and resources can be directed towards those hazards that are most threatening. The
risks associated with all hazards identified for a small water supply system should be assessed.


Where there are hazards that represent high risks, preventive measures (described in detail in
Section 3.3) will be required to remove the hazard or to reduce it to an acceptable level.
The effectiveness of existing measures should be assessed, but if these are not sufficient, alternative
measures will need to be identified. As with all systems, assessment of preventive measures should
include consideration of the important principle of the multiple barrier approach. The types of barriers and
the preventive measures required will depend on the characteristics of the source water and the associated


In most cases, contamination of groundwater supplies can be prevented by a combination of simple

measures. Groundwater in confined or deep aquifers will generally be free of pathogenic microorganisms
and, providing the water is protected during transport from the aquifer to consumers, microbial quality
should be assured. The local vicinity of the borehead should be protected from livestock access, and
buffer zones should be established between the bore and disposal or discharge of septic wastes. Bores
should be encased to a reasonable depth and boreheads should be sealed to prevent ingress of surface
water or shallow groundwater.

Once the groundwater is pumped out of the aquifer, protection can be achieved by delivering the water
through enclosed water systems. Storage tanks should be roofed, pipelines should be intact and cross-
connections should be protected by the installation of backflow prevention devices.


Rainwater systems, particularly those involving storage in above-ground tanks, generally provide a safe
supply of water. The principal sources of contamination are birds, small animals and debris collected
on roofs. The impact of these sources can be minimised by a few simple measures: guttering should
be cleared regularly; overhanging branches should be kept to a minimum, because they can be a source
of debris and can increase access to roof catchment areas by birds and small animals; and inlet pipes
to tanks should include leaf litter strainers. First flush diverters, which prevent the initial roof-cleaning
wash of water (20-25 L) from entering tanks, are recommended. If first flush diverters are not available,
a detachable downpipe can be used to provide the same result.

Further information on rainwater tanks is provided in Guidance on the use of rainwater tanks
(enHealth, 2004).

4–2 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Application to Small Water Supplies Chapter 4

Surface water

Assurance of quality from surface water sources is more difficult than from most groundwater or rainwater
systems. In general, surface waters will require at least disinfection, and in some cases filtration, to assure
microbial safety. However, as for groundwater systems, the first barrier is to prevent contamination
at source by minimising contamination from human waste, livestock and other hazards as discussed
above. The greater the degree of protection of the water source, the less the reliance on treatment and
disinfection. After treatment or disinfection, water should be protected during delivery to consumers
in the same manner as groundwater, by ensuring that distribution systems are enclosed.


Section 3.4 provides a detailed description of the implementation of operational

processes and process control.

Operational procedures

Operational procedures should be developed and clearly documented. The procedures should provide
clear protocols for activities and processes such as:
• regular inspections of raw water sources and storages for sources of contamination
(animals, birds, drainage inflows)
• checking the integrity of groundwater bores and protection of bores from surface contamination
• inspection and cleaning of rainwater catchments and tanks
• inspection and maintenance of all equipment and plant.

Operational monitoring

Operational monitoring includes both regular inspections and testing. In small and remote systems,
greater attention should be given to inspections of systems, to check that the preventive measures used
to protect water supplies (e.g. denying livestock access and keeping out human waste) are functioning.

The frequency of sanitary inspections of a catchment will depend on the characteristics of each site,
the source of raw water, the time the water remains in storage (allowing natural die-off of pathogens to
occur), and the subsequent treatment that is provided. As well as regular inspections in the immediate
vicinity of the off-take site, every catchment where there is habitation or free public access should be
comprehensively inspected at least once a year for potential sources of pollution. Wherever possible,
measurements should be undertaken at the site. Test kits are available for a range of parameters,
including disinfectant residuals and pH. In some cases, online monitoring might be used; for example,
the operation of pumps and disinfection equipment can be monitored using 24-hour telemetry systems
that include remote alarms.

Where catchments and supplies are beyond the water supplier’s jurisdiction, exchange of information
and collaborative assessment of the quality of source waters is advocated.

Corrective action

Where problems occur, corrective action should be taken as quickly as possible. Potential impacts on
water quality will need to be assessed and, where necessary, discussed with the local health authority.

If health risks are considered unacceptable, responses could include using an alternative source of water
(if available), or issuing advice to the public to either to boil water before consumption (in the case of
microbial contamination) or avoid use (in the case of chemical contamination). In the latter case, an
alternative water supply will be needed.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 4–3

Chapter 4 Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Application to Small Water Supplies

Equipment capability and maintenance

The equipment and plant incorporated in the water supply system should be maintained in good
condition. In particular, equipment used in water treatment (e.g. for disinfection or microfiltration)
should be inspected regularly and should be adequately maintained.

Materials and chemicals

Materials and chemicals used in water systems should be suitable for use with drinking water. Chemicals
such as disinfectants and coagulants should be evaluated for suitability. Where expertise is limited, small
communities are encouraged to seek advice from larger suppliers, or State/Territory or local governments.
All materials should comply with Australian Standard AS/NZ 4020 Products for use in contact with
drinking water.


Verification of drinking water quality is described in detail in Section 3.5. Testing of water in small and
remote supplies can present both economic and logistic difficulties, particularly for microbial samples
that need to be transported to testing laboratories within 12-24 hours of collection. Application of the
Framework decreases reliance on drinking water quality testing; however, testing is still important as
a means of verifying that, overall, the barriers and preventive measures implemented to protect public
health are working effectively.

Small systems should be monitored on the basis that it is more effective to test for a narrow range
of characteristics as frequently as possible than to analyse comprehensively less often.

Microbial quality is the most important factor in determining the ongoing safety of water supplies for
human consumption. Therefore, wherever possible, a regular testing program should be instituted for
the indicator E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms). As stated in Chapter 9, a minimum of one microbial
sample per week is generally recommended; however, in small systems this is not always practical.
Where sampling is less frequent than recommended, sanitary inspections should be more frequent,
to provide assurance on the integrity and normal operation of the system.

In systems where disinfection is used, evidence of continuous operation is very important in providing
assurance of microbial quality. Disinfection is very effective against bacterial pathogens but less so against
viruses and enteric protozoa (e.g. Giardia and Cryptosporidium). The presence of viruses and protozoa
can be minimised by protecting water supplies from human and livestock waste.

If chlorination is used, the presence of a free chlorine residual in the distribution system provides
evidence of initial disinfection and protection against recontamination from backflow, pipeline breaks
or other causes. The amount of chlorine required varies with the flow rate, the quality of the raw water
and other factors. Generally, a free chlorine residual of between 0.2 and 0.5 mg/L is adequate.

At least daily testing of chlorine residuals should be carried out to check the effectiveness of the
disinfection system. This can be done using a simple diethyl-phenylenediamine (DPD) colour comparator.

4–4 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality: Application to Small Water Supplies Chapter 4

4.3 Individual household supplies

For an individual household supply, the emphasis should be on selecting the best quality source water
available, and on protecting its quality by the use of barrier systems and maintenance programs. Whatever
the source (ground, surface or rainwater tanks), householders should assure themselves that the water is
safe to drink. Generally, surface water or shallow groundwater should not be used as a source of drinking
water without treatment. Information on the quality of surface and groundwater may be available from
state or local governments, which may monitor the particular source water as part of a water monitoring
program. Alternatively, an individual household should consider having the water tested for any key health
characteristics identified as being of local concern. Where the raw water quality does not meet the ADWG,
a point-of-use device may be useful.

The quality of water from rainwater tanks can be affected by roofing and tank materials, paints,
atmospheric contaminants, leaves, dust, and animal and bird droppings. However, providing that the
system is reasonably well maintained, rainwater can generally provide a safe supply of drinking water.
Further information on rainwater tanks is provided in Guidance on the use of rainwater tanks (enHealth,
2004), and brochures and other material are provided by state and local government authorities.

4.4 Reference

enHealth Council (2004) Guidance on use of rainwater tanks, National Public Health Partnership, Canberra.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 4–5

Chapter 5 Microbial quality of drinking water

Chapter 5
Microbial Quality of Drinking Water Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Microbial quality of drinking water

5.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses the microbial characteristics of water quality. It describes the microorganisms found
in drinking water that can be harmful to health, gives a historical overview of the control of waterborne
infection and discusses the risk of disease from waterborne pathogens. It also discusses the ‘nuisance
organisms’ that may affect the taste, odour or appearance of water but do not cause disease. Advice on
when and how to measure the characteristics and how to interpret the results is provided in Part III.

5.2 Microorganisms in drinking water

The microbial guidelines seek to ensure that drinking water is free of microorganisms that can cause
disease. The provision of such a supply is of paramount importance to the health of a community.

The most common and widespread health risk associated with drinking water is contamination, either
directly or indirectly, by human or animal excreta and the microorganisms contained in faeces. If the
contamination is recent, and those contributing to the contamination include carriers of communicable
enteric diseases (diseases of the gut), some of the microorganisms that cause these diseases may be
present in the water. Drinking such contaminated water or using it in food preparation may cause
new cases of infection. Those at greatest risk of infection are infants and young children, people whose
immune system is suppressed, the sick, and the elderly.

Pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms of concern include bacteria, viruses and protozoa; the diseases
they cause vary in severity from mild gastroenteritis to severe and sometimes fatal diarrhoea, dysentery,
hepatitis, cholera or typhoid fever.

The classic waterborne diseases are caused by organisms originating in the gut of humans or other
animals. However, many organisms of environmental origin that are not normally associated with
the gastrointestinal system are found in water, and some of these organisms may, under certain
circumstances, cause disease in humans. Such organisms include the protozoan Naegleria fowleri,
a number of bacteria, including Pseudomonas, Klebsiella and Legionella spp, and some species of
environmental mycobacteria.

Infection is the main, but not the only, problem associated with microorganisms in drinking water. For
instance, certain algae and bacteria can produce toxins that affect humans; the toxins may remain in the
water even when the organisms responsible have been removed. Other ‘nuisance organisms’ can cause
problems of taste, odour or colour, or promote deposition and corrosion.

The supply of safe drinking water involves the use of multiple barriers to prevent the entry and
transmission of pathogens. The effectiveness of these barriers should be monitored by a program based
on operational characteristics and testing for microbial indicators (see Sections 3.4 and 3.5).

This chapter presents a brief historical overview of waterborne infection, demonstrating the dramatic
effectiveness of simple control measures and the use of indicator organisms to detect faecal pollution.
It then discusses the characteristics and behaviour of the various groups of microorganisms and factors
influencing the risk of disease. The chapter ends with a summary of nuisance organisms.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 5–1

Chapter 5 Microbial Quality of Drinking Water

5.3 Controlling waterborne infection: a historical overview

The value of pure water supplies has been recognised, at least in some quarters, for millennia.
Hippocrates described an association between water supplies and disease¹ and Roman engineers went to
great lengths to provide water suitable in both quantity and quality for major cities.

Urbanisation and industrialisation increased the pressure on water supplies and systems of waste
disposal, and by the middle of the 19th century, Britain was affected by major epidemics of cholera
and endemic typhoid. John Snow and William Budd provided incontrovertible evidence of the role of
water in transmission of these two diseases. Snow’s case rested very simply on a comparison of cholera
incidence among the customers of three London water companies (Snow 1855): one supplied filtered
water; the second moved the source of its supply to a cleaner area of the Thames; the third persisted in
supplying polluted Thames water. Budd appreciated that the sewer was merely the continuation of the
diseased gut (Budd 1856), and applied what are now classic epidemiological concepts to the investigation
of water as a vehicle for spreading typhoid. As a result, filtration of river-derived water became a legal
requirement in London in 1859, and the practice gradually spread through Europe. By 1917, Sir Alexander
Houston could draw attention to the effectiveness of London’s systems of water treatment and delivery in
stopping the waterborne transmission of typhoid. He pointed out that in America an annual mortality rate
from typhoid of 20 or more per 100 000 people was considered normal (e.g. the rate in Minneapolis was
58.7); however, in London the annual mortality from typhoid was 3.3 per 100 000 (Houston 1917).

Budd’s relatively simple precautions against typhoid were remarkably successful (Budd 1856). A century
later, Hornick’s experiments on volunteers helped to explain this success by showing typhoid to be
relatively difficult to catch (Hornick et al 1966): around 107 Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi caused
disease in only 50 per cent of his volunteer subjects. Kehr and Butterfield (1943), however, showed that
a small minority of the population (about 1.5 per cent) need to ingest only a single typhoid organism
to contract typhoid; to protect such individuals, more elaborate precautions are needed.

When the need to protect drinking water from faecal material was first recognised, the techniques
available for the isolation of organisms such as Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi and Vibrio cholerae
were quite inadequate for practical purposes. Surrogates were needed, and the obvious candidates were
the coliforms, common flora from the gut. Thus, the use of indicator organisms became established.
A consensus rapidly developed about the use of coliform organisms, and the work of Alexander Houston
(1917), Doris Bardsley (1934) and many others helped to establish the validity of Escherichia coli as an
indicator of faecal contamination.

Kehr and Butterfield (1943) showed the coliform test to be a useful indicator of S. enterica serovar
Typhi. The authors concluded that the presence of even moderate numbers of coliforms presented
a high risk, citing an outbreak in Detroit, Michigan, where mean coliform counts in the water supply
of only 3 and 10 colony forming units (CFU) in every 100 mL of water on two successive days were
the indicator for an outbreak of waterborne typhoid. Kehr and Butterfield also noted the much greater
risk of gastroenteritis associated with this low coliform count: for the eight cases of typhoid recorded
in this outbreak, there were 45 000 cases of gastroenteritis.

Endemic and epidemic cholera and typhoid both still occur, transmitted through contaminated
drinking water. For example, this has been demonstrated in recent years in Priština (Yugoslav Typhoid
Commission 1964), South Africa (Küstner et al 1981) and Peru (Anderson 1991). In Australia, fortunately
cholera and typhoid are rare.

1. On Airs, Waters and Places, available online at

5–2 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Microbial Quality of Drinking Water Chapter 5

5.4 Waterborne pathogens


Excreted pathogens

The human bacterial pathogens that can be transmitted by consuming contaminated drinking water, and
that present a serious risk of disease, include Salmonella spp, Shigella spp, enterovirulent E. coli, Vibrio
cholera, Yersinia enterocolitica, Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli.

After being excreted in faeces from the body of their host, bacterial pathogens gradually lose viability
and the ability to cause infection. The rate of decay varies with different bacteria; it is usually exponential,
and after a certain period a pathogen will become undetectable. The most common waterborne
pathogens are those that are highly infectious or highly resistant to decay outside the body. Pathogens
with a low persistence (i.e. those that do not survive long outside the host) must rapidly find a new
host and are more likely to be spread by person-to-person contact or by poor personal or food hygiene
than by drinking water.

If drinking water is faecally contaminated, bacterial pathogens are likely to be widely and rapidly
dispersed. Outbreaks of waterborne disease are therefore frequently characterised by infection across
a whole community.

Pathogens growing in water supplies

Various bacteria that occur naturally in the environment may cause disease opportunistically in humans.
Those most at risk are people with impaired local or general defence mechanisms, such as the elderly,
the very young, people with burns, people who have undergone recent surgery or who have suffered
serious injury, and people with severely compromised immune systems. In such individuals, if water used
for drinking or bathing contains large numbers of opportunistic pathogens it can occasionally produce
infections of the skin, and of the mucous membranes of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Examples of such
opportunistic agents are Pseudomonas aeruginosa, species of Klebsiella and Aeromonas, and certain
slow-growing mycobacteria.

Legionellosis, commonly caused by the free-living bacterium Legionella pneumophila, is a serious illness
resulting from inhalation of water in which the causative organisms have been able to multiply because
of warm conditions and the presence of nutrients.

Part V contains fact sheets on the bacterial pathogens that may contaminate the water supply.


The great majority of protozoa in freshwater are natural aquatic organisms of no significance to
health. They generally feed on other microorganisms such as bacteria, cyanobacteria or algae. The
greatest diversity of protozoa is found in open surface waters, including water supply sources, but
some species can colonise piped water supplies; the extent to which this occurs depends on bacterial
activity in these supplies.

The protozoa that may occur in drinking water and cause adverse health effects fall into
two functional groups:
• enteric protozoa that occur widely as parasites in the gut of humans and other mammals
• free-living organisms that are opportunistic pathogens in humans and are responsible for serious
cerebral and eye diseases (there are very few such organisms).

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 5–3

Chapter 5 Microbial Quality of Drinking Water

Since pathogenic protozoa are of both enteric and environmental origin, and since different species vary
in their responses to water treatment, control strategies need to be specifically tailored to the biology
of individual species.

Enteric protozoa

Enteric protozoa, like enteric bacteria and viruses, may be found in water following direct or indirect
contamination with human or animal faeces. Transmission by drinking water is one of several
mechanisms for completing the faecal-oral cycle for these organisms. Enteric protozoa occur in water
as dormant infectious cysts; the cysts have natural mortality rates that are probably determined by
temperature and incident ultraviolet light.

In principle, removal or disinfection at the water source should be sufficient to prevent contamination
of drinking water by enteric protozoa, provided adequate measures are in place to prevent later
recontamination. In practice, this may be difficult because protozoan cysts are generally more resistant
to water disinfectants than most bacteria and viruses.

Cryptosporidium and Giardia species are likely to be the most important enteric protozoa in water
in Australia, although infection by Entamoeba histolytica is also endemic in some communities. All
these organisms cause moderate to severe enteritis in susceptible people; in Australia, they seem to
be transmitted mostly by direct contact with a carrier. Outbreaks of Cryptosporidium in humans are
associated with contamination from by human or livestock (particularly cattle), and faulty or inadequate
treatment. There is evidence that Giardia infections in Australia may result from contact with septic-tank
waste or from recent faecal contamination of drinking water.

Free-living protozoa

Two groups of free-living amoebae, Naegleria and Acanthamoeba, have been responsible for human
infections in Australia. Infection is opportunistic, and generally results from contact during recreational
bathing, or domestic uses of water other than drinking. Public water supplies can contaminate swimming
pools. The occurrence of these organisms is unrelated to faecal contamination, and their ecology in aquatic
environments is more complex than that of enteric protozoa.

Cerebral infection by Naegleria fowleri is strictly waterborne and, although rare, is usually fatal. Since
these amoebae are able to colonise piped water supplies, disinfection at the water source may not
adequately control them unless the disinfectant pervades the whole distribution system.

Acanthamoeba species cause both cerebral and corneal disease. An environmental source of infection
has rarely been identified with certainty. Since Acanthamoeba species are among the most common
protozoa in soil, as well as occurring in freshwater and seawater, the source of infection may often
be soil or airborne dust.

Both Acanthamoeba and Naegleria species are known to support symbiotic growth of Legionella
species within the cell, and the presence of these amoebae in cooling-tower water can indicate
conditions that favour Legionella.

Part V contains fact sheets on the protozoan pathogens that may contaminate the water supply.

5–4 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Microbial Quality of Drinking Water Chapter 5


Viruses are among the smallest of all infectious agents. In essence they are molecules of nucleic acid
that can enter cells and replicate in them. The virus particle consists of a genome, either ribonucleic acid
(RNA) or deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), surrounded by a protective protein shell, the capsid. Frequently
this shell is itself enclosed within an envelope that contains both protein and lipid. Viruses replicate only
inside specific host cells, and they are absolutely dependent on the host cell’s synthetic and energy-
yielding apparatus for producing new viral particles.

The viruses of most significance for drinking water are those that multiply in the human intestine and are
excreted in large numbers in the faeces of infected individuals. Although they cannot multiply outside
the tissues of infected hosts, some enteric viruses can survive in the environment and remain infective
for long periods. Human enteric viruses occur in water largely as a result of contamination with sewage
and human excreta. The numbers of viruses present and their species distribution will reflect the extent
to which they are being carried by the population; however, the use of different analytical methods
can also lead to wide variations in calculations of the numbers of viruses found in sewage. Sewage
treatment may reduce numbers by a factor of 10 to 10 000, depending upon the nature and degree of
treatment; however, even tertiary treatment of sewage will not eliminate all viruses. As sewage mixes with
receiving water, viruses are carried downstream; the length of time they remain detectable depends on
temperature, their degree of adsorption to particulate matter, penetration of sunlight into the water and
other factors. Consequently, enteric viruses can be found at the intakes to water treatment plants if the
water is polluted by sewage. However, proper treatment and disinfection should produce drinking water
that is essentially virus free.

Recent methodological advances have revolutionised the diagnosis of viral diarrhoeal diseases, and
waterborne outbreaks due to viruses have now been identified in both developed and developing
countries all over the world, with many different strains of viruses isolated from raw and treated drinking
water. Isolation of viruses from water indicates that a hazard exists, but it does not prove beyond doubt
that water is a vehicle for transmission of disease.

Epidemiological proof of waterborne transmission of viral diseases is very difficult to establish, for a
variety of reasons. Symptoms may not resemble those of typical waterborne diseases, and many of those
infected will show no symptoms. Some infections, for example the hepatitis A virus, are difficult to trace
to a source because of long incubation periods. Water is often only one of various routes of transmission,
it is not always the major route, and adequately sensitive methods for detecting the infectious agent in
water are often not available.

Part V contains fact sheets on the viral pathogens that may contaminate the water supply.


The major helminth (worm) parasites of humans listed by the World Health Organization as being
transmitted by water do not occur in Australia, apart from their rare incidence in recent immigrants
or Australians returning from areas where the organisms are endemic. The eggs of enteric nematodes
such as Trichurus may enter water, but waterborne transmission is generally regarded as unimportant.
Nematodes seen as adult worms or larvae in microscopic examination of material from water supplies
are likely to belong to free-living groups such as Turbatrix or Rhabditis, which, like free-living protozoa,
colonise systems that support other microorganisms.

Infective enteric helminths should not be present in drinking water; however, it is impracticable to set
guidelines due to the low prevalence of these agents in Australia.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 5–5

Chapter 5 Microbial Quality of Drinking Water


Cyanobacteria are true bacteria, although they are often called ‘blue-green algae’ because they resemble
green algae in morphology, habitat and photosynthetic ability. They occur as single cells, filaments or
colonies, and their buoyancy enables them to migrate towards the surface of water in response to light.
Cyanobacteria inhabit all natural waters, and become a problem only when present in excessive numbers
(blooms). This is more likely to occur when temperatures are high, with long sunny days, high levels of
plant nutrients in the water, low stream flows, and calm conditions that permit the cells to migrate to the
surface. These conditions occur sporadically in late spring through to autumn in many parts of Australia.
In addition, eutrophication (nutrient enrichment) associated with increased agriculture and urbanisation
has increased the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms.

They are of concern in drinking water primarily because of the intracellular toxins they produce,
which are of three main types:
• hepatotoxins, which damage liver cells
• neurotoxins, which damage nerve cells
• cylindrospermopsin which can damage the liver, kidney, gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels.

No human deaths have been recorded from ingesting the toxins of cyanobacteria but gastroenteritis may
result from drinking water containing toxic species and extended exposure may lead to more serious
impacts. Deaths have been attributed to the presence of microcystin in water used for renal dialysis in
Caruara, Brazil (Jochimsen et al 1998).

Direct contact with toxic or non-toxic species of cyanobacteria may cause skin rashes or eye irritation
due to adverse reactions to components in the cell walls of the organisms. This could occur through
showering or bathing in water containing blooms or scums.

Part V contains fact sheets on cyanobacteria.

5.5 Risk of disease from waterborne pathogens

Drinking water is only one of several means by which many infectious agents can be transmitted. It can,
however, be of considerable importance, and many pathogens that are excreted in faeces have caused
epidemics through contaminated water. The significance of a particular organism in water can vary
considerably; for example, a potentially pathogenic organism will not always cause symptomatic disease
in a particular individual. The chances of waterborne infections occurring in a community depend on:
• the concentration of pathogenic organisms in the water
• the virulence of the strain
• the per capita intake of contaminated water
• the infectious dose of the particular pathogen
• the susceptibility of individuals
• the incidence of the infection in the community (which will determine the numbers
of pathogens being excreted).

The occurrence of disease is also related to the relative level of immunity in the community. If, for
example, the water supply has been repeatedly contaminated, the community may have become immune
to some waterborne pathogens. Such a situation can be seen in some developing countries where the
prevalence of pathogens is high and the standard of tap water is less than optimal. Visitors who drink
the water frequently become ill, while the local community, especially adults, appear to suffer minimal
morbidity. The immunity of the local population may, however, be acquired at the expense of the health
of more susceptible individuals in that community, including children, the aged and people already
in poor health.

5–6 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Microbial Quality of Drinking Water Chapter 5

Thus, a community consuming water with indicators of faecal pollution may show no discernible
disease. Such a situation, however, is unstable. Apart from the risk to visitors, faecal pathogens affecting
the locals may be introduced from, for instance, an immigrant or a seasonal outbreak of a disease such
as cryptosporidiosis resulting from cattle in the catchment.

When illness occurs in a community, the route of infection needs to be confirmed by epidemiological
investigation, even when the disease-causing organism is found in a suspect water supply.

5.6 Nuisance organisms

Nuisance organisms comprise a morphologically and physiologically diverse collection of organisms.
They include:
• procaryotic bacteria such as planktonic and benthic cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
• iron, manganese and sulfur bacteria
• actinomycetes and fungi
• eucaryotic organisms such as algae, crustacea and protozoa.

Problems occur when the conditions in source waters, reservoirs or distribution systems support the
growth of a particular nuisance organism or group of nuisance organisms. Excessive quantities of organic
matter, for instance, will support the growth of bacteria and fungi, and these will maintain populations
of protozoa and crustacea. Many invertebrate animals can feed on bacteria, fungi and protozoa.

In addition, a particular nuisance organism may show morphological characteristics or produce some
extracellular product that gives the organism a competitive advantage over other aquatic inhabitants.
This may include a ‘holdfast’ (i.e. a mechanism for anchoring the organism) or sheath (in the case
of some iron bacteria) or the ability to produce antibiotic substances (as in some fungal species).

Raw water does not usually contain sufficient numbers of nuisance organisms to create problems;
however, the water treatment process may assist their growth. Nuisance organisms concentrate on the
surface of filters and inside the filter bed, and on mains and water reservoir surfaces, where they lyse
and release cellular compounds responsible for colour, turbidity, taste and odour. Activated carbon filters
will, after a period, contain high amounts of organic matter; this may affect taste and odour, and increase
turbidity, providing an excellent substrate for bacteria. Poorly operated filter systems, including activated
carbon-based domestic filter systems, can be the source of tastes and odours.

It is not practicable to specify a quantitative limit for nuisance microorganisms.


Objectionable tastes and odours can result from compounds produced by certain types of algae,
cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), bacteria and sometimes protozoa. Actinomycetes and cyanobacteria,
for instance, produce geosmin and methylisoborneol (MIB), which have an earthy taint, and a taste
and odour threshold of approximately 0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L).

Several groups of protozoa produce odorous compounds in culture. Certain species of the amoeba
genera Vannella, Saccamoeba and Ripidomyxa that carry rather dense bacterial symbionts also produce
either geosmin or MIB. Most previously described sources of these compounds have been cyanobacteria
or actinomycetes, so it seems likely that the symbionts are the immediate source. While the mechanism
of symbiont contribution to odours in waters is unknown, they should be considered as the likely source
of a problem if no other biological source of these strongly smelling compounds can be identified.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 5–7

Chapter 5 Microbial Quality of Drinking Water

Free-swimming ciliates, such as Climacostomum and certain Stentor species that bear the algal symbionts
zoochlorelle, can contribute to odours in water if they reach high densities, although such incidents are
not often reported.

Consumers often detect taste and odour problems before analytical methods have detected the
compounds responsible. It is therefore advisable to use trained panels to detect taste and odour, and
undertake remedial measures before a problem becomes significant. Section 3.5.2 and
Fact Sheet on Taste and odour in Part V discuss such panels.

Another method to pre-empt taste and odour problems is to use microscopy to examine regularly the
type and number of organisms present in the water. When a group of organisms known to cause taste
or odour problems is dominant, measures should be taken to overcome the problem.


Excessive growths of some algae, cyanobacteria and other bacteria can produce undesirable ‘blooms’
in source waters, and this may affect colour in the distribution system.

Blooms of algae and cyanobacteria may be controlled by judicious application of copper sulfate
or other algicides to the source water, provided that the cyanobacterial genus is not toxic.

When pigmented organisms such as cyanobacteria and algae are crushed on filters, colour problems
can result. This type of problem can be exacerbated by the passage of microalgae through the filters
causing an increase in turbidity.


Nuisance iron oxidising organisms may cause problems in groundwater sources by encrusting bore
screens, causing loss of yield and impairing the aesthetic quality of the supply. The presence of these
organisms may also indicate organic pollution of the aquifer.

Manganese-oxidising organisms (bacteria, fungi and, very rarely, protozoa) may be responsible for
deposits in aquifers, wells and water conduits. The deposits can reduce yield, clog slots in the bore
pipes, slow the flow in pipes by increasing turbulence, damage equipment for measuring water flows,
and produce black water that stains laundry and disrupts food-handling establishments. Bacteria can
attach to the deposits; if disturbed, these will increase the heterotrophic colony count of the water. These
problems will generally not occur if the concentration of manganese is below 0.1 mg/L. (See Fact Sheet
on Manganese)

In water containing ferrous or manganous salts, iron or manganese bacteria can oxidise these compounds
to form rust-coloured or black deposits in tanks and on the walls of pipes in slow-flowing parts of the
distribution system. Changes in water flow can then release the deposits into the supply system, staining
laundry and plumbing fittings, and adversely affecting the appearance of drinking water. The slurry may
also contain organic deposits that can break down to cause odour problems. (See Fact Sheets on Colour,
Iron, and Manganese.)

Although these nuisance organisms can impair water quality, it is not practicable to monitor for them
routinely because of their diverse nature and unpredictable occurrence. Consumer complaints, together
with local knowledge of the water supply system and water sources, should be a trigger for action.

5–8 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Microbial Quality of Drinking Water Chapter 5


Iron and sulfur bacteria contribute to the corrosion of iron and steel well pipes and drinking-water
mains, with corrosion starting from either inside or outside. Microorganisms may cause corrosion by:
• depleting dissolved oxygen
• preventing corrosive metabolites
• producing sulfuric acid from sulfides or elemental sulfur
• participating in the cathodic process.

The presence of these organisms in water may indicate a potential for corrosion of cast iron mains and
storage tanks. It can also indicate biodeterioration of certain construction materials, including nonmetallic
materials such as plastics, rubber jointing compounds and pipe lining materials, which provide organic
nutrients and thus encourage the growth of microorganisms such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


Large numbers of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria in treated water can interfere with the interpretation of tests
for the coliform group by masking their presence, thus yielding false-negative results. Strains of Aeromonas
species that produce acid and gas with coliform media, even at 44˚C, present a particular problem.

Most of these organisms can be controlled relatively easily by water treatment processes, including
disinfection. Nutrient-rich raw water should be avoided if water treatment cannot be applied.


Invertebrate animals often infest shallow open wells, warm shallow storage tanks and small supplies, but
problems are uncommon in large public supplies. These invertebrates derive their food from bacteria,
algae and protozoa that are present in the water or on slimes. They include freshwater sponges of the
phylum Porifera (Spongilla spp and Ephydatia spp), a coelenterate (Cordylophora spp), bryozoans
(Plumatella spp and Fredericella spp) and molluscan bivalves and snails (e.g. Corbiculina spp).

For control purposes, the types of animal can be divided into two groups:
• free-swimming organisms, such as the crustacea Gammarus pulex (freshwater shrimp), Crangonyx
pseudogracilis, Cyclops species and Chydorus sphaericus
• animals that either move along surfaces or are anchored to them, such as Asellus aquaticus (water
louse), snails, Dreissena polymorpha (the zebra mussel) and other bivalve molluscs, the bryozoan
Plumatella species, or animals that inhabit slimes, such as Nais species, nematodes, and larvae of

In warm weather, slow sand filters can sometimes discharge larvae of midges and mosquitoes into the
water. This occurs if the top layer of the bed collapses, causing unfiltered water to be drawn down.

Nuisance invertebrates are more likely to penetrate water filtration plant and mains when low-quality
raw waters and high-rate filtration processes are used. Prechlorination destroys the invertebrates and
thereby assists their removal by filtration; however, the use of high concentrations of chlorine may
produce high levels of chlorination byproducts. Infestation can usually be prevented by maintaining
chlorine residuals in the distribution system, producing high-quality water and cleaning water mains
regularly by flushing or swabbing.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 5–9

Chapter 5 Microbial Quality of Drinking Water

5.7 References
Anderson C (1991). Cholera epidemic traced to risk miscalculation. Nature, 354:255.

Bardsley DA (1934). The distribution and sanitary significance of B. coli, B. lactis aerogenes and
intermediate types of coliform bacilli in water, soil, faeces and ice-cream. Journal of Hygiene
(Cambridge), 34: 38–68.

Budd W (1856). On the fever at the Clergy Orphan Asylum. Lancet, ii: 617–619.

Ellis JC (1989). Handbook on the design and interpretation of monitoring programmes.

Water Research Centre, Medmenham, United Kingdom, Report NS 29.

Hornick RB, Woodward TE, McCrumb FR, Snyder MJ, Dawkins AT, Bulkeley JT, De la Macorra F and
Corozza FA (1966). Study of typhoid fever in man: 1. Evaluation of vaccine effectiveness.
Transactions of the Association of American Physicians 79: 361–367.

Houston AC (1917). Rivers as sources of water supply. London: John Bale and Danielsson.

Kehr RW and Butterfield CT (1943). Notes on the relation between coliforms and enteric pathogens.
Public Health Report, Washington, 58: 589-607.

Küstner HGV, Gibson IHN, Carmichael TR, Van Zyl L, Chouler CA, Hyde JP and du Plessis JN (1981).
The spread of cholera in South Africa. South African Medical Journal, 60: 87–90.

Snow J (1855) On the mode of communication of cholera. 2nd Edition, London, J Churchill.
Reprinted in ‘Snow on cholera’, New York, Hafner, 1965 (1936).

Yugoslav Typhoid Commission (1964) A controlled field trial of the effectiveness of acetone-dried and
inactivated and heat-phenol-inactivated typhoid vaccines in Yugoslavia. Bulletin of the World Health
Organization, 30: 623–630.

5–10 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 6 Physical and chemical quality of drinking water

Chapter 6
Physical and Chemical Quality of Drinking Water Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Physical and chemical quality of drinking water

6.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses both the physical characteristics of water quality and the chemical characteristics,
including organic and inorganic chemicals and pesticides. It explains the rationale for deriving guideline
values. The principles used in both cases are very similar and a number of common assumptions have
been made.

6.2 Physical quality of drinking water


The appearance, taste, odour, and ‘feel’ of water determine what people experience when they drink
or use water and how they rate its quality; other physical characteristics can suggest whether corrosion
and encrustation are likely to be significant problems in pipes or fittings. The measurable characteristics
that determine these largely subjective qualities are:
• true colour (i.e. the colour that remains after any suspended particles have been removed)
• turbidity (the cloudiness caused by fine suspended matter in the water)
• hardness (the reduced ability to get a lather using soap)
• total dissolved solids (TDS)
• pH
• temperature
• taste and odour
• dissolved oxygen.

Colour and turbidity influence the appearance of water. Taste can be influenced by temperature, TDS,
and pH. The ‘feel’ of water can be affected by pH, temperature, and hardness. Rates of corrosion and
encrustation (scale build-up) of pipes and fittings are affected by pH, temperature, hardness, TDS and
dissolved oxygen.

Each of the physical characteristics is discussed separately in the fact sheets in Part V. However, there
is some overlap with organic compounds, microorganisms and, most notably, the inorganic constituents
of water; when this occurs, it is noted and cross-referenced.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 6–1

Chapter 6 Physical and Chemical Quality of Drinking Water


In general, the physical characteristics of water are not of direct public health concern, but they do affect
the aesthetic quality of the water, which largely determines whether or not people are prepared to drink
it. If water is unpalatable or appears to be of poor quality, even though it may be quite safe to drink, the
consumer may seek other water sources that may not be as safe.

Each guideline value is set at a level that ensures good quality water – that is, water that is aesthetically
pleasing and safe, and that can be used without detriment to fixtures and fittings. The values are
determined by considering water quality guidelines used by other countries and international bodies,
assessing any health implications and then deciding on a point beyond which the quality of the water
might no longer be regarded as good. Factors taken into account include:
• taste and odour thresholds (i.e. the smallest concentration or amount that would be just detected
by a trained group of people)
• the concentration or amount that would produce noticeable stains on laundry or corrosion and
encrustation of pipes or fittings
• the concentration or amount that would be just noticeable in a glass of water and lead to
a perception that the water was not of good quality.

The physical guideline values are not absolute; they are value judgments determined from an often
wide range of values that may be broadly classed as acceptable – that is, there is no one right answer.
Consequently, small, short-term excursions beyond a physical guideline value do not necessarily mean
that the water will be unacceptable. What is aesthetically acceptable or unacceptable depends on public
expectations, and must ultimately be determined by water authorities in consultation with consumers,
taking into account the costs and benefits of further treatment. The Australian Drinking Water
Guidelines (ADWG) provide a starting point for this process.

6.3 Chemical quality of drinking water

A number of chemicals, both organic and inorganic, including some pesticides, are of concern in drinking
water from the health perspective because they are toxic to humans or are suspected of causing cancer;
some can also affect the aesthetic quality of water.


Inorganic chemicals in drinking water usually occur as dissolved salts such as carbonates and chlorides,
attached to suspended material such as clay particles, or as complexes with naturally occurring organic
compounds. Their presence may result from:
• natural leaching from mineral deposits into source waters
• land-use activities in catchments leading to exacerbation of natural processes such as mobilisation of
• carryover of small amounts of treatment chemicals
• addition of chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride
• corrosion and leaching of pipes and fittings.

Unless otherwise stated, the guideline value refers to the total amount of the substance present,
regardless of its form (e.g. in solution or attached to suspended matter).

6–2 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemical Quality of Drinking Water Chapter 6


Organic compounds are usually present in drinking water in very low concentrations; they may occur
either naturally or as a result of human activities. Byproducts of disinfection are the most commonly
found organic contaminants in Australian drinking water supplies, and the guideline values for organic
compounds have therefore been divided into two sections:
• disinfection byproducts
• other organic compounds.

Disinfection byproducts

The byproducts of disinfection are the products of reactions between disinfectants, particularly chlorine,
and naturally occurring organic material such as humic and fulvic acids, which result from the decay of
vegetable and animal matter. Of these disinfection byproducts, the trihalomethanes (THMs) are produced
in the highest concentrations.

Most disinfectants used to render drinking water safe from pathogenic microorganisms will produce
byproducts in the disinfection process. Factors affecting the formation of disinfection byproducts include:
• the amount of natural organic matter present
• the disinfectant used
• the disinfectant dose
• pH
• temperature
• the time available for reaction (C.t or contact time).

Chlorine is the most common disinfectant; in the chlorination process it reacts with naturally occurring
organic matter to produce a complex mixture of byproducts, including a wide variety of halogenated
compounds (i.e. organic byproducts of chlorination). The main byproducts are the THMs and chlorinated
acetic acids. Many other byproducts can be produced, but concentrations are generally very low
(usually < 0.01 mg/L and often < 0.001 mg/L).

Other disinfectants can produce different types of byproducts: for example, ozone is known to produce
formaldehyde and other aldehydes.

Known disinfection byproducts are considered individually in the fact sheets in Part V. It is possible,
however, that other disinfection byproducts for which no health data are available are present at
extremely low concentrations. It is also possible that when these compounds (both known and
unknown) are ingested together, their combined effects on health may be different from their individual
effects. Epidemiological studies examine disinfection byproducts as a generic group, and can be useful in
determining overall effects.

A number of epidemiological studies have suggested an association between water chlorination

byproducts and various cancers. This association has been most consistent in relation to cancer of the
bladder and rectum, but there are insufficient data to determine concentrations at which chlorination
byproducts might cause an increased risk to human health.

In experiments with laboratory mice, when concentrates derived from chlorinated drinking water were
applied to the skin, there was no increase in the incidence of skin tumours compared with concentrates
derived from unchlorinated supplies. Similarly, oral administration of chlorinated humic acids in drinking
water did not increase the incidence of tumours compared with animals receiving unchlorinated humic
acids, or with saline-treated controls.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 6–3

Chapter 6 Physical and Chemical Quality of Drinking Water

Studies have shown that concentrates of some chlorinated drinking water supplies are mutagenic to
some strains of test bacteria. These effects were consistently found with samples of surface water that
had a high content of natural organic compounds at the time of chlorination. A significant proportion
of the increased mutagenicity has been attributed to a chlorinated furanone known as MX.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has reviewed the available data and concluded
that there is inadequate evidence to determine the carcinogenicity of chlorinated drinking water
to humans (IARC 1991).

Action to reduce the concentration of disinfection byproducts is encouraged, but disinfection itself
must not be compromised: the risk posed by disinfection byproducts is considerably smaller than the
risk posed by the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in water that has not been disinfected.

Further information on disinfection of drinking water is contained in the Procedures Sheets (Part IV)
and Fact Sheets (Part V).

Other organic compounds

Naturally occurring organic compounds are not generally of human health concern, except for
certain specific toxins (see Fact Sheet on algal toxins). Other than disinfection byproducts, organic
contaminants resulting from human activity are not normally detected in Australian drinking water. They
have, however, been detected at times in supplies in North America and Europe, usually following an
accidental spill or discharge into a water source or, on rare occasions, from airborne contamination of
rain. Fact sheets and guideline values are provided in case similar incidents should occur in Australia.


For the purpose of the ADWG the term ‘pesticides’ includes agricultural chemicals such as insecticides,
herbicides, nematicides, rodenticides and miticides.

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority is responsible for assessing all pesticides
prior to registration to allow sale and use in Australia. For registration, data required on the pesticide
include information on the proposed use, the toxicity and the residues that might result from proper
use. When the pesticide is registered, a safe level of exposure, conditions of use and maximum
levels of residues for water are determined. This mechanism allows the formulation of appropriate
guideline values for pesticides in drinking water and a process for their revision, which includes public

Pesticides should be authorised for use in water or water catchment areas only where necessary.
Pesticides not authorised for such use should not be present in drinking water. Where pesticides
are registered for use in water catchment areas, levels are set that take into account safety and good
water management practice.

Contamination of drinking water by pesticides may occur occasionally as a result of accidental spills,
misadventure, or emergency use of pesticides. In such cases, prompt action may be required by public
health officials. There may also be times when persistent or widespread contamination occurs.

Values for pesticides have been divided into two categories – guideline values and health values.

6–4 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemical Quality of Drinking Water Chapter 6

Guideline values

These values are intended for use by regulatory authorities for surveillance and enforcement purposes;
they provide a mechanism to measure compliance with approved label directions.

For pesticides that are not approved for use in water or water catchment areas, the guideline value is set
at or about the limit of determination (LOD). This value is the level at which the pesticide can be reliably
detected using practicable, readily available, validated analytical methods.

Where a pesticide is approved for use in water or water catchment areas, the guideline value is set at a
level that is consistent with good water management practice and that would not result in any significant
risk to the health of the consumer over a lifetime of consumption.

If a pesticide is detected at or above the guideline value, steps should be taken to determine the
source and to stop further contamination. Exceeding the guideline value indicates that undesirable
contamination of drinking water has occurred; it does not necessarily indicate a hazard to public health.
If contamination occurs, the advice of the relevant health authority should be sought.

Health values

These values are intended for use by health authorities in managing the health risks associated with
inadvertent exposure, such as a spill or misuse of a pesticide.

The values are derived from the acceptable daily intake (ADI) and set at about 10 per cent of the
ADI for an adult weight of 70 kg for a daily water consumption of 2 litres. The health values are very
conservative, include a range of safety factors and always err on the side of safety.


The guideline value for each organic and inorganic chemical is the concentration that, based on
present knowledge, does not result in any significant risk to the health of the consumer over a lifetime
of consumption and is consistent with water of good quality.

The health-related guideline values are very conservative, and are calculated using a range of safety
factors. They always err on the side of safety, particularly where scientific data are inconclusive or where
the only data available are from animal studies.

Where aesthetic considerations, including taste and odour, corrosion, and stains on sanitary ware and
laundry, dictate a more stringent guideline than that required to protect health, both values are quoted.
Health considerations may be of less concern in such cases (although they must still be considered),
because water that is aesthetically unacceptable is less likely to be consumed.

For most chemicals, it has not been possible to estimate the higher concentrations that would affect
health over shorter periods, so short-term guideline values have generally not been set. However, given
the very conservative nature of the guidelines, deviations from the guideline values over a short period
do not necessarily mean that the water is unsuitable for consumption. The amount by which and the
period for which any guideline value could be exceeded without causing concern will depend on the
chemical involved and other factors, such as the risks and benefits to public health.

Each excursion beyond a guideline value should, however, be a trigger for further action.

Chemicals fall into two categories based on health effects:

• those where the effects are observed only above a certain threshold dose, with no effects
observed at doses below this threshold
• those that do not appear to have a threshold.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 6–5

Chapter 6 Physical and Chemical Quality of Drinking Water

Sources of data used

Human data

There is little information on the effects of human exposure to organic and inorganic compounds,
including pesticides, at the concentrations likely to occur in water. Occasionally, there are useful
epidemiological data, and where available, these have been the primary consideration in setting the
guideline value.

Animal data

In the absence of human data, experiments on laboratory animals provide toxicological data on the
effects of exposure to chemical agents. Ideally, these are long-term studies involving ingestion of the
compound dissolved in water or present in food, rather than inhalation or dermal exposure studies. It
should be understood that for expediency such studies are conducted at concentrations that are relatively
high in comparison to the concentrations likely to be found in drinking water. Furthermore, the most
sensitive animal species, and the most sensitive group within that species, are used in order to increase
the likelihood of observing a toxicological effect.

Effects of exposure to chemicals in experimental animals are generally classified in the following broad
• organ-specific
• neurological/behavioural
• reproductive/developmental
• carcinogenic/mutagenic.

Effects may be prolonged or short term, reversible or irreversible, immediate or delayed, single
or multiple. The nature, number, severity, incidence and prevalence of specific effects generally increase
with increasing dose. Adequately designed and conducted experimental studies in animals can usually
provide an exposure level below which adverse effects are not seen.

Interpreting these data and extrapolating from them to human populations can be difficult, as health
effects vary with dose, route of exposure (e.g. ingestion, inhalation or skin absorption), frequency
or duration of exposure, and the species, sex and age of the exposed population. This can require
appropriate expertise and prudent judgment (e.g. see IPCS 1978).

Derivation of guideline values for substances for which a threshold exists

Where appropriate human data are available, these have been used in the derivation of the guideline

In the absence of human data, the guideline value is generally based on the highest dose that
causes no adverse effects in long-term experiments on laboratory animals. It is calculated using
the following formula:

Guideline value = animal dose x human weight x proportion of intake from water
volume of water consumed x safety factor

In using this equation, it is necessary to make assumptions about the amount of water consumed per day,
the average body weight and the proportion of total intake that can be attributed to water consumption,
and to decide on an appropriate safety factor. Clearly the figures selected will all affect the guideline
value, and varying one or more of them could raise or lower the resultant value by a factor of 10 or

6–6 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemical Quality of Drinking Water Chapter 6

more. Any guideline value will thus have a degree of ‘fuzziness’ surrounding it; however, the assumptions
made in calculating these guideline values are generally very conservative, and always err on the side of

Animal dose

The animal dose is usually the ‘no observed adverse effect level’ (NOAEL); that is, the highest amount
of the compound that does not cause observable adverse effects in repeat dose studies on experimental
animals. If this is not available, then the dose often used is the ‘lowest observed adverse effect level’
(LOAEL); that is, the lowest amount of the compound that does cause observable effects in studies on
experimental animals. If the latter type of study is used, an additional safety factor is usually applied.

The dose data can come from drinking water studies or feeding or force-feeding studies. Dose is
expressed as milligrams of compound per kilogram of animal body weight per day.

Human weight

It has been assumed that the average weight of an Australian adult is 70 kg. This is the figure used
in Canada and other developed countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) uses a value of 60 kg,
which reflects the lower adult weights in developing countries. The heavier weight assumed here will
slightly increase the magnitude of the guideline value.

Where there is a specific need to protect young children, the average weight of a child at 2 years
of age is assumed to be 13 kg. The same figure is used in other developed countries, such as Canada.
The WHO uses 10 kg.

Proportion of intake from water

The animal dose data are assumed to encompass all sources of exposure. It is thus necessary to estimate
the proportion of total human intake of a compound that is derived from water. Intake from air is
generally negligible compared with other sources, but intake from food, pharmaceuticals and other
products can be significant.

For chemicals that are used commercially or industrially, it is assumed, in the absence of other
information, that water contributes 10 per cent of intake. For compounds that are not used commercially
or industrially, a higher proportion of intake (usually 20 per cent but sometimes 80 per cent or 100 per
cent) is assumed to come from drinking water. These figures are regarded as conservative (assuming
a higher proportion deriving from drinking water would result in raising the guideline value), and the
approach is consistent with that adopted by the WHO and by other countries.

Although exposure to chemical agents in water is predominantly through drinking the water, skin
absorption during bathing or inhalation in a shower can also occur. Such exposures may increase
the proportion of the chemical derived from drinking water, but the lower proportion (10 per cent
or 20 per cent) is used for calculating the guideline value because it provides a higher margin of safety.

Volume of water consumed

The amount of water consumed by an adult each day is assumed to be 2 L. If the guideline value is
based on the weight of a child, 1 L per day is assumed. Consumption can vary with season and climate;
however, both figures, which are the same as those used by the WHO, are believed to be appropriate, on
average, for Australian conditions. Some colder countries use different values: Canada, for example, uses
1.5 and 0.75 L per day.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 6–7

Chapter 6 Physical and Chemical Quality of Drinking Water

Safety factor

Safety factors are used because of the uncertainty inherent in extrapolating from animal studies to human
populations, or from a small human group to the general population. Safety factors generally applied are:
• a factor of 10 for variations between animals of the same species (because some animals within
a species may be more sensitive to the effects of a chemical than the group tested)
• a factor of 10 for variations between species (because the animal species tested may be less
sensitive than humans, and in many cases human sensitivity is unknown)
• a factor of 10 if data from a subchronic study are used in the absence of reliable data from chronic
studies (this factor can be less if chronic studies are available and indicate that no other effects
occur, or that other effects are mild)
• a factor of up to 10 if adverse effects have been observed at the lowest doses (usually the data used
are based on the highest dose at which no adverse effects are seen).

The individual factors for each of the points listed above are multiplied together to give an overall safety
factor. A safety factor of 100 to 1000 is common; higher values may be used on occasions.

Occasionally, individual safety factors lower than 10 are used where there is additional information to
justify a reduction. This can occur, for instance, where information is available to clarify the mechanism
of the effects on humans, where human epidemiological data are available, where the adverse effects
observed are regarded as being relatively minor, or where large amounts of animal and human data are

Guideline values for carcinogenic compounds that act only above a threshold dose are determined in
the same way as for non-carcinogenic compounds, but with an additional safety factor for carcinogenic

Derivation of guideline values for substances where no threshold has been demonstrated

With compounds for which no threshold can be demonstrated, it can be expected that, as the level
of exposure decreases, the resultant hazard similarly decreases. The risk associated with exposure to
very low concentrations may be extrapolated using a risk assessment model, often over many orders of
magnitude, from the dose-response relationship observed at higher doses. A number of uncertainties
are involved, but the calculations used tend to overestimate rather than underestimate the risk, and so
provide a greater margin of safety: it is possible that the actual risk from exposure to low concentrations
may, in fact, be lower than the estimated values by more than an order of magnitude.

This approach can be applied for genotoxic carcinogenic compounds, and has been used by the WHO
for this purpose.

Interaction between chemicals

Guideline values are calculated for individual chemicals without specific consideration of the potential
for each to interact with others in the water. Normally, the majority of chemicals will not be present
in concentrations at or near the guideline value, and the large margin of safety incorporated in the
majority of the guideline values is considered to be sufficient to account for potential interactions
with other substances.

6–8 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemical Quality of Drinking Water Chapter 6

6.4 Differences between Australian and WHO guideline values

The guideline values in the ADWG take as their point of reference the WHO Guidelines for Drinking-
water Quality, Volume 1 of which was published in 1993. When the guideline values derived for
chemicals in the ADWG differ from those recommended by the WHO, the difference usually arises
in one of two ways:
• The ADWG use an average adult weight of 70 kg, consistent with developed countries such as
Canada, whereas the WHO figure is 60 kg to cater for lighter body weights in developing countries.
The use of a higher average weight can sometimes yield slightly higher guideline values, but the
difference is not significant given the large safety factors used.
• For genotoxic carcinogenic compounds, WHO uses a risk assessment calculation, with the guideline
value set at the concentration that would give rise to a risk of one additional cancer per 100 000
people. The Australian guideline values for these types of compounds are based on a consideration
– the limit of determination based on the most common analytical method
– the concentration, calculated by the WHO using a risk assessment model, that could
give rise to a risk of one additional cancer per million people, if water containing the
compound at that concentration were consumed over a lifetime
– a value based on a threshold effect calculation, with an additional safety factor for
potential carcinogenicity.

Frequently the values determined from these two types of calculations are very similar. The balance
between these considerations is assessed as follows:
• If the limit of determination gives an adequate degree of protection (i.e. is within a factor of 10
of values determined from health considerations), it has been used as the guideline value. If the
limit of determination is much lower than values determined from health considerations, then the
lower of the two calculated values has been used. If, conversely, the calculated value is much lower
than the limit of determination, then the calculated value is used, but with a note that it is lower
than the practical limit of determination. Improved limits of determination are required for such
• The approach used for carcinogenic compounds in the ADWG is believed to lead to a more
balanced assessment of the health risks, and is similar to that adopted in other countries (e.g.
Canada). Whether the assumed risk should be one in 100 000 or one in a million is a value
judgment. However, the greater degree of protection afforded by a risk of one in a million is
generally consistent with calculations based on a threshold approach, and is in line with the high
expectations of Australian consumers.

6.5 References
IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) (1991). IARC monographs on the evaluation
of carcinogenic risks to humans: chlorinated drinking water; chlorination byproducts; some other
halogenated compounds; cobalt and cobalt compounds. WHO, IARC, 52, Lyons.

IPCS (1978). Principles and methods for evaluating the toxicity of chemicals – Part I.
Environmental health criteria, 6, WHO, International Programme on Chemical Safety.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 6–9

Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Radiological quality of drinking water
Radiological Quality of Drinking Water Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Radiological quality of drinking water

7.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the sources of radiation in the environment and in drinking water, the health
effects of radiation, how people are exposed to radiation and how radiation exposure is measured.
It also explains how the guideline values provided in Chapter 10 are derived.

7.2 Sources of radiation in the environment and in drinking water

Radioactive materials occur naturally in the environment (e.g. uranium, thorium and potassium). Some
radioactive compounds arise from human activities (e.g. from medical or industrial uses of radioactivity)
and some natural sources of radiation are concentrated by mining and other industrial activities.

By far the largest proportion of human exposure to radiation comes from natural sources – from external
sources of radiation, including cosmic radiation, or from ingestion or inhalation of radioactive materials.
A very low proportion of the total human exposure comes from drinking water. Radiological
contamination of drinking water can result from:
• naturally occurring concentrations of radioactive species
(e.g. radionuclides of the thorium and uranium series in drinking water sources)
• technological processes involving naturally radioactive materials
(e.g. the mining and processing of mineral sands or phosphate fertiliser production)
• manufactured radionuclides, which might enter drinking water supplies from the medical and
industrial use of radioactive materials.

7.3 Health effects of radiation

There is evidence from both human and animal studies that radiation exposure at low to moderate doses
may increase the long-term incidence of cancer. There is also evidence from animal studies that the rate
of genetic disorders may be increased by radiation exposure.

Acute health effects of radiation, ranging from skin burns to nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, reduced blood
cell counts and death, occur at much higher doses and therefore are not a concern for water supplies
except in extreme accident situations.

7.4 Exposure to radiation

Several different forms of radiation can be emitted by radioactive species (alpha particles, beta particles
and positrons, gamma rays and x-rays). Each form has different biological effects. Alpha particles have
very low penetration of tissue but cause considerable cell damage over a short range. Radionuclides that
emit alpha particles are therefore only a hazard if they are taken into the body (internal irradiation). Beta
particles are more penetrating than alpha particles but on external exposure do not penetrate to internal
organs. Gamma radiation and x-rays, on the other hand, are highly penetrating and radioactive sources
of these types of radiation are an external radiation hazard.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 7–1

Chapter 7 Radiological Quality of Drinking Water

Humans are irradiated internally if they ingest radioactive substances in food and water or inhale
radioactive components in air. Radionuclides that enter the body in this way can remain in a particular
organ or tissue for a long time, resulting in exposure over many months or, in some cases, years.
Exposure to radiation from contaminated water comes from internal radiation by ingested radionuclides.

7.5 Units of radioactivity and radiation dose measurement


The International System of Units (SI) unit of radioactivity is the becquerel, where 1 Bq = 1 disintegration
per second.

The radiation dose resulting from ingestion of a radionuclide depends on a number of chemical and
biological factors. These include the fraction of the intake that is absorbed from the gut, the organs or
tissues to which the radionuclide may be transported and deposited, and the time that the radionuclide
might remain in the organ or tissue before excretion. The nature of the radiation emitted on decay and
the sensitivity of the irradiated organs or tissues to radiation must also be considered.

The absorbed dose refers to how much energy is deposited in material by the radiation. The SI unit
for absorbed dose is the gray (Gy). The equivalent dose is the product of the absorbed dose and
a factor related to a particular type of radiation. The equivalent dose of radiation received by a person
can be further quantified as the effective dose, which, in simple terms, is the sum of the equivalent
doses received by all tissues or organs, weighted to account for the different sensitivities to radiation
of different organs and tissues in the human body. The SI unit for effective dose is the sievert (Sv).

To reflect the persistence of radionuclides in the body, once ingested, the ‘committed effective dose’
is a measure of the total effective dose received over a lifetime (50 years) following intake of
a radionuclide (internal exposure).

The term ‘dose’ is used as a general term to mean either absorbed dose (Gy) or effective dose (Sv),
depending on the situation. For monitoring purposes, however, ‘doses’ are determined from the
concentration of the radionuclide, which in the case of water is described in terms of Bq/L. This
value is converted to an effective human dose per year using a dose conversion factor and the
average annual consumption of water.


The dose arising from the intake of 1 Bq (by ingestion) of radioisotope in a particular chemical form can
be estimated using a dose conversion factor. Data for age-related dose conversion factors for ingestion
of radionuclides has been published by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP
1996). Table 7.1 shows the conversion factors or dose per unit intake (mSv/Bq), for naturally occurring
radionuclides or those arising from human activities, that could be found in water supplies.

7–2 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Radiological Quality of Drinking Water Chapter 7

Table 7.1 Dose per unit intake by ingestion for adult members of the public (ICRP 1996)
Category Radionuclide Dose per unit intake

Natural uranium series Uranium-238 4.5 x 10-5

Uranium-234 4.9 x 10-5
Thorium-230 2.1 x 10-4
Radium-226 2.8 x 10-4
Lead-210 6.9 x 10-4
Polonium-210 1.2 x 10-3

Natural thorium series Thorium-232 2.3 x 10-4

Radium-228 6.9 x 10-4
Thorium-228 7.2 x 10-5

Fission products Caesium-134 1.9 x 10-5

Caesium-137 1.3 x 10-5
Strontium-90 2.8 x 10-5
Iodine-131 2.2 x 10-5

Other radionuclides Tritium 1.8 x 10-8

Carbon-14 5.8 x 10-7
Plutonium-239 2.5 x 10-4
Americium-241 2.0 x 10-4
Potassium-40 6.2 x 10-6


The dose of radiation received varies significantly between individuals and communities, and depends
on locality, lifestyle, diet and type of dwelling. The global average for the individual dose of radiation
from natural sources has been estimated to be 2.4 mSv per year (UNSCEAR 2000). Of this annual dose,
less than 10 per cent comes from ingestion of food and drinking water containing radium and other
radionuclides of the natural uranium and thorium series. Australian data suggest that the average annual
dose in this country may be slightly lower at approximately 2 mSv per year (Webb et al 1999).

7.6 Approach for derivation of guideline values for radionuclides

The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) provide:
• a single guideline value for the annual exposure to radioactivity in drinking water
• a method to assess the radiological quality of water
• a simple screening method to assure compliance with the Guideline
• a method for assessing water if screening levels for gross radioactivity are exceeded.

This approach reduces the need for routine costly and time-consuming analyses to identify
individual radionuclides present in the water.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 7–3

Chapter 7 Radiological Quality of Drinking Water


The ADWG are based on the recommendations of the ICRP (ICRP 1991, 2000) and the NHMRC (NHMRC
1995). Both organisations distinguish between ‘practices’ and ‘interventions’ as follows:
• A ‘practice’ is a situation where the dose of radiation received is increased by the activities under
consideration; for example, the development of a uranium mine or nuclear power station. Radiation
dose limits can be imposed on the operation so that compliance with these limits reduces risks from
the ‘practice’ to levels considered ‘acceptable’. If the facility cannot be designed or operated to
comply with the radiological protection standards, then the facility can be forced to close.
• An ‘intervention’ may be required when the public are exposed to a radiation source that is already
present and incidental to the situation under consideration. Such situations include exposure to
natural sources of radiation, or exposure from abandoned radioactive waste from past operations.
Frequently, these situations result in prolonged radiation exposures. Action to reduce the radiation
dose to the exposed population may therefore be warranted and is called an ‘intervention’.

Reducing the radiation exposure from radionuclides in drinking water requires an intervention. For
example, the supply may be treated to reduce the levels of radioactive contaminants, an alternative
supply may be substituted, or, in the extreme case, the population may be relocated to an area where
better quality water is available.

The levels considered acceptable in practice provide a basis for setting levels that require an intervention.


To estimate the equivalent dose to members of the public from the ingestion of radionuclides in drinking
water, the parameters required are the concentration of the radionuclides in water (measured in Bq/L),
the daily consumption rate of water (L/day), and the dose conversion factor for the particular

WHO has estimated that adults consume an average of 2 L of water per day, and this figure is believed
to be an appropriate average figure for Australia, giving an annual consumption of 730 L for each adult
Australian. Therefore, the amount of each radionuclide ingested per year from the water supply is the
concentration of that radionuclide in the water (Bq/L) multiplied by 730.

The annual dose from an individual radionuclide consumed in water is calculated using the
following equation:

Annual dose = dose per unit intake x annual water consumption x radionuclide concentration
(mSv/year) (mSv/Bq) (litre/year) (Bq/L)

Usually, a water supply contains more than one radionuclide; therefore, the doses arising from each
individual radionuclide must be summed to give the total dose.



Because of the very low level of exposure resulting from consumption of drinking water containing
radionuclides, and the radionuclides involved, it is not possible to distinguish a radiation-induced cancer
incidence from the baseline level of cancers in the general population. Therefore, the health risks must
be estimated by extrapolation from the effects at higher doses.

The ICRP (1991) estimates the lifetime risk of a fatal cancer resulting from exposure to radiation to be
5 x 10-2 per Sv of radiation dose, that is, five additional fatal cancers for every 100 people exposed per

7–4 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Radiological Quality of Drinking Water Chapter 7

year. On the basis of this estimate, a dose of 1 mSv per year gives an annual risk of 5 x 10-5, that is, about
five additional fatal cancers per 100 000 people exposed per year. (Additional fatal cancers are those that
occur in addition to those that result from all other causes.)

Any increase in genetic disorders (including birth defects) is expected to be very much less than any
increase in the cancer rate and therefore an acceptable dose level for cancer risk will also be protective
for genetic risk.

Acceptable dose from drinking water

Both the ICRP (1991) and the NHMRC (1995) recommend that the need for, and the extent of,
intervention to reduce radiation exposure should be determined on the basis of a generalised cost-
benefit analysis, where the resulting public health benefit should be balanced against the overall costs
of achieving a reduction in radiation exposure. The outcome of this type of analysis will almost always
be specific to a particular situation because the costs of reducing exposure vary widely depending on
the situation. It is thus not possible to set a completely generic level at which intervention must be
undertaken to reduce the radiation dose from radionuclides in water supplies.

Guidance can, however, be gained from the recommendations of Lokan (1998) and the ICRP (2000)
on the protection of the public in situations of prolonged exposure. The ICRP noted that, on radiological
grounds alone, intervention may not be necessary for doses below 10 mSv per year. However, this
applies to the total dose from all sources of exposure. The ICRP also recommended that, for commodities
that are essential for normal living and are amenable to intervention, an individual dose of approximately
1 mSv per year is an acceptable intervention exemption level (ICRP 2000). This is consistent with the
recommendation of the NHMRC (1995) of a public exposure limit for practices of 1 mSv per year from
all sources.

Furthermore, Lokan (1998) concluded that a value of 1 mSv per year might be appropriate as a default
action level above which some corrective action will be necessary.


Based on the above, it is recommended that a guideline dose of 1 mSv per year should be applied
for radioactivity in drinking water. When the existing or potential dose from the radionuclide content
exceeds this guideline dose, a decision on the need for and the degree of remedial action (intervention)
should be based on advice from the relevant state health authorities, and should include a cost-benefit

There may be some circumstances where there is no practical alternative but to accept a dose that
exceeds the guideline dose of 1 mSv, together with a potential slight increase in the risk to health as a
consequence. However, if doses from the use of a particular water supply will exceed 10 mSv per year,
immediate action must be taken to reduce the existing or potential exposures.


This Guideline deals only with situations where the radionuclide concentrations arise either from
natural sources, or, more rarely, as the result of past practices (such as abandoned mining operations).
It specifically does not apply to situations where the radionuclides arise from current practices under
regulatory control, such as an operating uranium mine.

Therefore, the guideline should not be used to support an increase in the radionuclide concentrations
of drinking water as a result of an operation, on the grounds that the overall dose levels remain below
1 mSv per year.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 7–5

Chapter 7 Radiological Quality of Drinking Water

7.7 References
APHA/AWWA/WEF (American Public Health Association/American Water Works Association/Water
Environment Federation) (1998). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater.
20th edition, Washington DC.

AS 2531 (1982). Australian Standard for Waters – Determination of gross alpha and gross beta activities.
Standards Association of Australia, Sydney.

AS/NZS (1998a). Australia and New Zealand Standards. AS/NZS 5667.1:1998 Water quality – Sampling
– Guidance on the design of sampling programs, sampling techniques and the preservation and handling
of samples.

AS/NZS (1998b). Australia and New Zealand Standards AS/NZS 5667.5:1998 Water quality – Sampling
– Guidance on sampling of drinking water and water used for food and beverage processing.

ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) (1991). Recommendations of the ICRP.

Annuals of the ICRP 21(1.3). ICRP Publication 60, Pergamon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom.

ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) (1996). Age-dependent doses to members of

the public from intake of radionuclides: Part 5 Compilation of ingestion and inhalation dose coefficients.
ICRP Publication 72, Pergamon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom.

ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) (2000). Protection of the public in situations
of prolonged radiation exposure. ICRP Publication 82, Pergamon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom.

ISO 9695 (International Organization for Standardization) (1991). Water quality – measurement of gross
beta activity in non-saline water – thick source method. International Standard 9695. International
Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.

ISO 9696 (International Organization for Standardization) (1991). Water quality – measurement of gross
alpha activity in non-saline water – thick source method. International Standard 9696. International
Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.

Lokan KH (1998). Drinking water quality in areas dependent on groundwater. Radiation Protection
in Australasia (1998) 15 (1), 11–14.

NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council) (1995). Recommendations for limiting exposure
to ionising radiation (1995). Radiation Health Series No. 39, Government Publishing Service, Canberra.

UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation) (2000). Sources,
effects and risks of ionising radiation. Report to the General Assembly. ISBN 92-1-142238-8, New York.

Webb DV, Solomon SB and Thompson JEM (1999). Background radiation levels and medical exposure
levels in Australia. Radiation Protection in Australasia, 16 (2) 25.

7–6 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 8
Chapter 8 Drinking water treatment chemicals
Drinking water treatment chemicals Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Drinking water treatment chemicals

Endorsed NHMRC – September 2005, NRMMC - September 2006.

8.1 Introduction
The production of safe reticulated drinking water is vital for society. In recent decades, there have been
numerous examples throughout the world of poor water quality impacting adversely on human health.
Such episodes are rare in Australia, but the dire consequences of compromised disinfection and blooms
of cyanobacteria serve to remind us of the need for drinking water treatment.

Addition of chemicals to make water safe for consumption is widely practiced by the water industry and
has generally been accepted by the community. However, safeguards must be sufficient to ensure that
any residual amount of these chemicals, byproducts of their reactivity or minor contaminants in their
formulations do not pose an unacceptable health risk.

Treatment chemicals are added to drinking water mainly to reduce or eliminate the incidence of
waterborne disease, for other public health measures, and to improve the aesthetic quality of the water.
Any chemical used in, on, or near drinking water sources, or used during the treatment of drinking
water should:
• be effective for the desired outcome
• not present a public health concern
• not result in the chemical, its byproducts or any contaminants exceeding drinking water guideline

This chapter provides guidance on chemicals used during the storage, treatment, and distribution of
drinking water, quality assurance procedures, and the requirements for gaining approval for these

8.2 Scope and limit of application of this chapter

Chemicals used near water for purposes other than direct improvement of water quality are not
considered as drinking water treatment chemicals. Such chemicals include fertilisers and other agricultural
chemicals used in properties adjacent to water storages, herbicides used to reduce vegetation along
waterways, and pesticides used to control mosquitoes and other disease vectors in water storages. Use
of these chemicals near raw water sources should be carefully considered, and the risks associated
with their use should be minimised to ensure that water quality and public health are not jeopardised.
Further information on these chemicals is given in Section 6.3.3 and in the Australian and New Zealand
Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (NWQMS 2000).

This chapter does not cover the specialised chemicals used in water treatment for non-potable uses
(e.g. chemicals used in industrial boilers and air conditioning cooling towers), nor does it cover the
impact on water quality of materials in direct contact with water. Information on these chemicals and
impacts is given in Australian Standards AS3666.1:2002 — Air handling and water systems of buildings
Microbial control – design, installation and commissioning; AS5667.7:1998 — Water quality – Guidance
on sampling of water and steam in boiler plants; and AS4020:2002 — Testing of products for use in
contact with drinking water respectively.

Information on occupational exposure to drinking water treatment chemicals resulting from their
manufacture, transportation or use should be obtained from the manufacturer and Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDS), or from the appropriate State or Territory Occupational Health and Safety Authority
(see Section 8.9).

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 8–1

Chapter 8 Drinking water treatment chemicals

8.3 Overview of chemical treatment processes

In the production of drinking water, a number of different chemicals may be added to the water. The
types and quantities of chemicals can vary widely and will depend on a range of factors including raw
water quality, treatment processes employed and treated water quality objectives. Chemical treatment
processes are used to:
• control algae
• remove turbidity and colour
• remove microorganisms
• remove algal metabolites and synthetic pollutants
• reduce organic matter
• reduce the concentration of iron, manganese and other elements
• reduce pesticides and herbicides
• control taste and odour
• soften
• buffer or modify the pH
• disinfect
• control corrosion in distribution systems.

Chemical treatments may also be used for other public health measures, including:
• fluoridation (to prevent dental caries)

The following sections outline common processes employed in water treatment to achieve these


Algicides are used to reduce toxic or odorous algal blooms in water reservoirs. The chemical commonly
used in the management of algal growth is copper sulfate. Before an algicide is used, the possible
effects on aquatic biota, the accumulation of copper in sediments, the potential impacts on downstream
treatment processes and final treated water quality should be considered.

The use of copper as an algicide is controlled in some States. Information on the use of these chemicals
should be obtained from the appropriate State or Territory authority (see Section 8.9).


The primary use of coagulant and flocculant chemicals is in the removal of suspended and colloidal
solids such as clays. Coagulation is particularly important in the treatment of surface waters. Removal
of the solids is achieved by aggregating fine suspended matter into larger flocs. Coagulant and flocculant
chemicals will also remove some natural organic matter, colour and microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, viruses
and algae). The size and strength of the floc can be controlled and modified, depending on the treatment
process in use, and the floc can be removed by sedimentation and filtration.


Adsorption is primarily used to improve water quality through the accumulation of substances at
the interface between two phases, such as a liquid and a solid, due to chemical and physicochemical
interactions. The solid on which adsorption occurs is called the adsorbent. Activated carbon is an
excellent adsorbent.

Adsorption is commonly used to remove organic contaminants such as herbicides, pesticides, algal
toxins and metabolites; it is also used to remove compounds which may impact on the taste and
odour of water.

8–2 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking water treatment chemicals Chapter 8


Softening is undertaken as part of water treatment to remove calcium and magnesium salts, particularly
carbonates and bicarbonates, which cause water hardness. Hard water can cause scale build-up on water
heating elements and can cause problems with the use of soaps and detergents. Softening very hard
waters can also lead to high concentrations of sodium in water. While this may possibly give the water a
salty taste, it is unlikely to present a health concern. Water that is too soft can be corrosive, which may
occur when reverse osmosis is being used for water treatment, in which case it may be necessary to
restore some hardness to prevent corrosion.


Various oxidants may be added to water to oxidise problem compounds. For example, chlorine or
potassium permanganate may be added to control iron and manganese. The oxidised forms of iron
and manganese are readily removed by coagulation, flocculation and filtration. Oxidants may also be
used to oxidise compounds which impact on the taste and odour of water, and organic contaminants
such as pesticides.

Ozone, and possibly hydrogen peroxide, may be added to oxidise organic compounds, and thus reduce
the amount of coagulant required. Adding these chemicals also helps to reduce the length of long-chain
organic molecules, which are then more effectively removed by granular activated carbon.


Disinfection of water is generally used either alone or as the final step in water treatment, after
clarification or filtration. Disinfection is widely used to prevent the passage of bacteria, viruses and
some protozoa into the distribution system. Typical chemicals used for disinfection of drinking water
supplies are strong oxidants, such as chlorine (and its derivatives, chlorine dioxide and chloramine),
ozone and hydrogen peroxide.

The efficiency of disinfection depends greatly on the quality of the source or treated water, and can also
be strongly affected by conditions such as chemical contact time, the pH and turbidity of the water, and
organic content of the water.

The aim of treatment processes used before disinfection should be to produce water with the lowest
possible turbidity and organic content. Excessive particulate matter in the water can protect microorganisms
from the action of disinfection chemicals. Also, excess organic matter and other oxidisable compounds
in water can react with disinfection chemicals intended to inactivate microorganisms and can result in
an increase in the formation of disinfection byproducts (see Section 6.3.2 for general information on
disinfection byproducts, and the fact sheets in Section V for information on specific byproducts). Best
practice operation of a conventional water treatment plant should be able to produce treated water with
a turbidity of less than 0.1 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU).


Adjustment of pH is important in drinking water treatment processes such as coagulation (particularly

for the removal of natural organic matter), corrosion control and softening.

Control of pH is also important for effective disinfection and for minimising the formation of disinfection
byproducts. The efficiency of certain disinfectants is strongly dependent on pH.


Soft waters can be subject to pH change as they travel through the distribution system. The rate of
change depends on a number of factors including the water hardness, pipe materials used (e.g. cement
lined pipe), the contact time, temperature. Increasing the buffering capacity of the water can help
control the rate of change of pH through the distribution system.
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 8–3
Chapter 8 Drinking water treatment chemicals


The mechanisms of corrosion in a water distribution system are complex, and involve an interrelated
combination of physical, chemical and biological processes. These depend greatly on the materials used
within the distribution system and the chemical properties of the water, particularly its buffering capacity.
Water corrosivity can be minimised by adjustment of pH and increasing calcium carbonate hardness
(resulting in a positive Langelier index). Corrosion can also be reduced by maintaining disinfection
residual throughout the distribution system.

Corrosion inhibition chemicals (such as sequestering agents) are used to reduce corrosion of pipes and
household services. They also control the build-up of scale deposits from the dissolved mineral content
of drinking water. This is achieved through the addition of chemicals that form a protective film on the
surface of pipes. While corrosion inhibitors reduce corrosion, limit metal solubility or convert one form
of corrosion to another (e.g. alleviating tuberculation and replacing it with more uniform corrosion),
they do not totally prevent corrosion.

8.4 Public Health Measures


Fluoridation of drinking water is not a water treatment process, but has been and continues to be
effective in reducing the incidence of dental caries. It has many advantages over alternative methods
for fluoridation, due to its cost effectiveness, consistency of exposure, equal distribution to all
socioeconomic groups, and safety. In some areas, fluoride can occur naturally in drinking water.

In areas where the drinking water supply is artificially fluoridated (at the instigation of the relevant State
or Territory health authorities), the process is generally undertaken after clarification and chlorination
of the water, because fluoride ions may adsorb onto the surface of suspended matter in the water and
be subsequently removed through these processes. Fluoridation is generally achieved by adding either
a slurry of sodium fluorosilicate, a solution of hydrofluorosilicic acid or (less commonly) a saturated
solution of sodium fluoride, added as a metered dose for a given rate of water flow. Correction of pH
may need to be carried out after fluoride addition. Use of fluoride is controlled by State and Territory
legislation and regulations, and local regulations. Some of these are outlined in Table 8.1 (see also
Section 8.9).

Table 8.1 State and Territory fluoride legislation and regulations

Australian Capital Territory • Electricity and Water (amendment) Act (no 2) 1989. No 13 of 1989—Section 13
New South Wales • Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Regulation 2002. <>
• Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act 1957
Northern Territory • Dental Act Schedule 3 1999
Queensland • Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Regulation 1998. Reprinted as in force on 4 January
• Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act 1963. Reprinted as in force on 21 December 1998
South Australia • There is no fluoride legislation in South Australia
Tasmania • Fluoridation Act 1968
Victoria • Health (Fluoridation) Act 1973
Western Australia • Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act 1966

8–4 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking water treatment chemicals Chapter 8

8.5 Assessment of chemicals acceptable for use in drinking water



The NHMRC has examined a wide range of chemicals for treating water in Australia. To be acceptable,
the chemical must have a practical application (e.g. clarify dirty water, or destroy or inactivate harmful
microorganisms). The chemical must achieve its purpose and must not be toxic when ingested at
concentrations present in treated water.

A drinking water treatment chemical is considered suitable for use when used in accordance with
standard operating procedures.

This does not relieve a water authority from having risk control measures in place to ensure the
effectiveness of a particular chemical in a water treatment process. For example controls need to be in
place to prevent over- or under-dosing. Water treatment systems also need to be designed to ensure
that residuals and contaminants from multiple treatment chemicals added will not exceed recommended
guideline values at the consumer’s tap.

The potential for a chemical to interact with any other added chemical or other compounds present in
the water also needs to be considered.

The chemicals listed in Table 8.2 are considered by the NHMRC to be suitable for use in the treatment of
drinking water.

If a chemical not listed in this chapter is to be used in the treatment of drinking water, it is the
responsibility of the water authority to seek advice from the appropriate state/territory health regulatory
agency, and take into consideration health, environmental, and occupational health and safety issues.

The fact sheets in Section V provide detailed information on chemicals used in the treatment of drinking

Table 8.2 Chemicals recommended for use in the treatment of drinking water

Treatment chemical Formula Original date of approval Uses

Aluminium chlorohydrates AlCl(OH)5 2005 Coagulation
Aluminium sulfate (alum) Al2(SO4)3 1983 Coagulation
Ammonia NH3 aq 1983 Generation of chloramines
for disinfection
Ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 1983 Generation of chloramines
for disinfection
Calcium hydroxide (hydrated lime) Ca(OH)2 1983 pH correction
Corrosion control
Calcium hypochlorite Ca(OCl)2 1983 Disinfection/oxidation
Calcium oxide (quick lime) CaO 1983 Coagulation aid
pH correction
Corrosion control
Carbon, powdered activated/ C 1983 Adsorption
granulated activated (PAC/GAC)
Chlorine Cl2 1983 Disinfection/oxidation
Chlorine dioxide ClO2 2005 Disinfection/oxidation
Copper sulfate CuSO4 1983 Algicide

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 8–5

Chapter 8 Drinking water treatment chemicals

Table 8.2 Chemicals recommended for use in the treatment of drinking water (continued)

Treatment chemical Formula Original date of approval Uses

Ferric chloride FeCl3 1983 Coagulation
Ferric sulfates Fe2(SO4)3 1983 Coagulation
Hydrochloric acid HCl 2005 pH correction
Hydrofluorosilicic acid H2SiF6 1983 Fluoridation
(fluorosilicic acid)
Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 1983 Disinfection
Hydroxylated ferric sulfate 2005 Coagulation
Ozone O3 2005 Disinfection/oxidation
Polyacrylamides (C3H5NO)n 1977 Coagulation aid
Flocculation aid
Filter aid
Polyaluminium chlorides Aln(OH)mCL(3n-m) 1979 Coagulation
Poly aluminium silica sulfates Na12(AlO2) 2005 Coagulation

Polydiallyldimethylammonium 1982 Coagulation and coagulation

chlorides (polyDADMACs) aid
Potassium permanganate KMnO4 1983 Disinfection/oxidation
Sodium aluminates NaAlO2 1983 Coagulation
Sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 1983 pH correction
Corrosion control
Sodium carbonate (soda ash) Na2CO3 1983 pH correction
Corrosion control
Sodium fluoride NaF 1983 Fluoridation
Sodium fluorosilicate Na2SiF6 1983 Fluoridation
Sodium hexametaphosphate (NaPO3)x 1983 Corrosion control
Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) NaOH 1983 pH correction
Corrosion control
Sodium hypochlorite NaClO 1983 Disinfection/oxidation
Sodium silicate Na2SiO3 1983 Coagulation aid
Flocculation aid
pH correction
Corrosion control
Sodium tripolyphosphate Na5P3O10 2005 Corrosion control
Sulfuric acid H2SO4 1983 pH correction

Zinc orthophosphate Zn3(PO4)2 1987 Corrosion control

8–6 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking water treatment chemicals Chapter 8


The procedure to gain approval by NHMRC for new drinking water treatment chemicals for use in
Australia is undertaken on a case-by-case basis. Sponsors of a new water treatment chemical seeking
inclusion of the chemical into the NHMRC Australian Drinking Water Guidelines should, in the first
instance, contact the NHMRC. A comprehensive assessment of toxicological information will be required
as part of the approval process.

National procedures established by the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment
Scheme (NICNAS)1 are followed when assessing existing chemicals, assessing a new use for an existing
chemical or assessing new drinking water treatment chemicals for use in Australia. NICNAS reviews of
toxicological data, undertaken through a cost-recovery arrangement with the sponsor of the chemical,
are required prior to final consideration by the NHMRC.

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) are responsible for safety and
efficacy assessment and registration of pesticides and veterinary medicines (including algicides).

8.6 Quality assurance for drinking water treatment chemicals


A cornerstone of the management of drinking water quality (see chapters 2 and 3) is the analysis of
hazards and the management of risk.

The intentional addition of chemicals to water intended for drinking purposes carries with it a potential
risk. This may result from any of the following:
• the toxicological properties of the chemical itself
• underdosing or overdosing of the chemical
• contaminants in the chemical arising from the manufacturing process or the raw materials used
• contaminants in the chemical arising during transport, storage and use on site
• byproducts formed through the use of the chemical.

Contamination of chemicals can be minimised by the use of good manufacturing practice, which uses
quality control and quality assurance programs to maximise product purity. The purity of chemicals
used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water supplies will vary depending on the manufacturing
process. Contaminants that may occur in specific treatment chemicals are outlined in the fact sheets
(see Section V). The information in the fact sheets is based on the best available data at the time of
publication. However, research and industry experience may lead to changes in manufacturing processes
or better understanding of the properties of the chemicals, which in turn may lead to changes in
procedures for how water treatment chemicals should be handled, stored and used.


A complete water quality management program needs to recognise any potential risks from use of
drinking water treatment chemicals and include strategies to manage them appropriately. These risks
should be minimised by the implementation of a quality assurance system for the management of
production, supply, delivery and use of water treatment chemicals.

The first step in managing the risk associated with the use of drinking water treatment chemicals is
to ensure that the chemicals supplied meet a minimum standard, as established by the relevant State
or Territory regulatory agency. For example, water authorities may formally specify the strength of
active ingredient and acceptable contaminant levels in each drinking water treatment chemical (see
Section 8.6.3). However, this in itself will not adequately control the risk. The contractual requirement
should be supported by batch-testing data provided by the supplier from an independent NATA (National

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 8–7

Chapter 8 Drinking water treatment chemicals

Association of Testing Authorities) accredited laboratory, and random testing carried out by the water
authority itself. Chemicals should not be accepted for delivery unless a batch analysis certificate has been
obtained and checked by the water authority.

Formal accreditation of the manufacturing facility by an independent accreditation agency (e.g. the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or NSF International) provides a further level of risk
management. Such accreditation should include random site visits to the manufacturing facilities by the
relevant regulatory agency and, if warranted, the water authority.

Chemical suppliers should be evaluated and selected on their ability to supply products in accordance
with required specifications. Documented procedures for the control of chemicals, including purchasing,
verification, handling, storage and maintenance should be established to assure the quality of the
chemical at the point of application (see Section 3.10.1). Responsibilities for testing and quality assurance
of chemicals (supplier, purchaser or both) should be clearly defined in purchase contracts.

An important step in a quality assurance system for chemical addition to drinking water is to ensure that
the required chemical is of the specified quality, and specified strength, and is delivered into the correct
storage vessel, at the correct site at the correct time. This is necessary to:
• ensure that the correct chemical at the required concentration is used in drinking water treatment
• ensure that cross contamination of storages does not occur
• ensure inappropriate and unsafe mixing of chemicals does not occur
• help to ensure the health and well being of staff and contractors during the delivery and dosing

Broadly, the objective of the water treatment chemical quality assurance system is to manage all the
factors associated with the specification, contract management, supply, storage, use and handling of
water treatment chemicals that could adversely impact upon the health and wellbeing of staff, contractors
and consumers. Box 8.1 outlines the components that make up an effective quality assurance system for
drinking water treatment chemicals.

Box 8.1 Desirable components of a quality assurance system

The desirable components of a quality assurance system for chemicals used in the production of drinking water may include:
• Selection of chemical suppliers based on capability to meet specified requirements for supply and delivery, monitoring and
analytical testing of contaminants.
• Selection of suppliers with a quality management system that is certified by an independent accreditation agency.
• An appropriate monitoring program to ensure compliance of chemicals with specifications.
• An audit process for the supplier’s manufacturing, storage and delivery processes.
• A formal checklist for the dispatch and delivery process.
• A delivery driver induction system for each site, with each driver inducted onto each site and appropriate record keeping
• The provision of details of the delivery site (site photographs may be useful).
• An identity check directly linking the delivery driver to the chemical company.
• The clear identification and labelling of chemical storage vessels, filling points and delivery pipe work at all sites (locks on filling
points are desirable).
• A requirement that chemicals should only be delivered when an appropriate water authority staff member is present to check
documentation including batch analysis certification and ensure unloading to the correct storage vessel.
• A standard operating procedure for the delivery and receipt of chemicals at each delivery site including a documented acceptance
criteria system to assist site operations staff in assessing whether to accept or reject the delivery of a chemical.
• A gross visual check of the chemical and, where appropriate, simple physical testing by the water authority representative at the
delivery site before unloading.
• A check by both parties that the delivery vessel is being connected to the correct storage vessel.
• A check that appropriate personal protective equipment is being worn, and that relevant health and safety requirements are
being addressed.
• Appropriate recording and storage of relevant documentation.
• A system to ensure that any spillage associated with the delivery process is contained and does not escape to the environment.
• An emergency procedure in the event of possible systems failure or human error.

8–8 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking water treatment chemicals Chapter 8

The combination of a chemical quality assurance system and a delivery and storage quality assurance
system such as those outlined in Box 8.1 can significantly reduce risks to all stakeholders. The combined
system should include formal quality audits (see Section 3.11).


The preparation of specifications for a chemical supply contract can be a time consuming and difficult
task. Documents should be prepared in conjunction with a risk assessment and controls recommended
in Sections 8.5.1 and 8.5.2.

To simplify the process for water authority staff preparing their own specifications, an example
specification for the supply and delivery of liquid aluminium sulfate (Al2SO4) to a water authority is
provided in Box 8.2.

The specification includes details on the required content of aluminium which is often, but not always,
expressed as equivalent aluminium oxide (Al2O3), product clarity, solids content and pH as well as
specific impurity limits. The specification also details some delivery and acceptance criteria. Product
strengths and basic characteristics of the chemicals can be obtained from the Drinking Water Chemical
Fact Sheets in Section V. The water authority may customise these specifications to suit their particular
situations and risks.

The Specification should also clearly define the arrangements and responsibilities for ensuring the
treatment chemical is not contaminated during transport or storage prior to transport.

Box 8.2 Example specification for the supply and delivery of liquid alum to a water authority


This specification is for the supply and delivery of liquid aluminium sulfate (Al2(SO4)3.14H2O)to [Name of water authority] Sites. This
specification is based on the NHMRC Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (2004), the American Water Works Association Standard
for Aluminium sulfate – liquid, ground or lump (ANSI/AWWA B403-93) and the Water Chemicals Codex (NRC, 1982).
Liquid aluminium sulfate is not currently listed as Dangerous Goods.


Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

The successful Tenderer must supply a current MSDS with a review date not exceeding five (5) years. The MSDS must, as a
minimum, comply with the requirements of the National Occupational Health and Safety Council (NOHSC) MSDS Guidelines.
Whilst the NOHSC-MSDS format is preferred, alternative formats exceeding the level of information required by NOHSC-MSDS
Guidelines are acceptable.

Liquid aluminium sulfate clarity

Liquid aluminium sulfate shall be of such clarity as to permit the reading of flow measuring devices without difficulty.

Content of aluminium
The water soluble aluminium content of liquid aluminium sulfate is expected to be greater than or equal to 4.23% of Al, or to fall
within the range of 7.5 to 8.0 % as Al2(SO4)3.

Suspended Solids
In liquid aluminium sulfate, it is expected that the level of suspended solids is below 0.2%.

The pH of liquid aluminium sulfate is expected to fall within the range of 2.3 to 2.8 pH units.

Specific Impurity Limits

It is expected that the total water-soluble iron (expressed as Fe2O3) content of liquid aluminium sulfate shall be no more than 0.35%.
The level of contamination of the liquid aluminium sulfate shall be such that compliance with the recommended maximum impurity
content (RMIC) values from Table 8.4 in the NHMRC Australian Drinking Water Guidelines is achieved. The RMICs, in mg/kg, for
Al2(SO4)3 are:

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 8–9

Chapter 8 Drinking water treatment chemicals

Box 8.2 Example specification for the supply and delivery of liquid alum to a water authority (continued)

Impurity Dose: 20 mg/L Dose: 60 mg/L Dose: 120 mg/L

Arsenic 16.5 5.5 2.7
Cadmium 4.7 1.6 0.8
Chromium 117.5 39.2 19.6
Lead 23.5 7.8 3.9
Mercury 2.4 0.8 0.4
Selenium 23.5 7.8 3.9
Silver 235 78 39


Quality Assurance
The supplier is expected to possess a Quality System that facilitates the tracking of product from raw material to delivery.
[Name of water authority] may audit this Quality System to verify the correctness of information relating to the purchased
product. In addition, [Name of water authority] may sample the purchased product at the point of destination to verify the
quality of the supplied product.

Liquid Alum Samples

If [Name of water authority] elects to sample the product at the point of destination, the sampling procedure outlined in the
American Water Works Association Standard for Aluminium Sulfate – Liquid, Ground, or Lump (ANSI/AWWA B403-93)
will apply.

Nonconforming Product
If [Name of water authority] discovers that the aluminium sulfate delivered does not meet the requirements of this specification,
a notice of nonconformance will be issued to the supplier through the [Name of water authority]’s Quality System, within ten
working days of the receipt of the goods.
A nonconformance will also be issued if deficiencies are detected during any audit of the supplier’s Quality System.


Marking, packaging and shipping of aluminium sulfate shall comply with AS 3780-1994 The Storage and handling of corrosive substances,
and current federal, State, Territory, and local regulations.
The carrying vessel shall be in a suitable condition for hauling liquid aluminium sulfate and shall not contain any substances that might
affect the use or usefulness of the liquid aluminium sulfate in treating potable water or in treating wastewater.

Bulk or semi-bulk containers shall be carefully inspected prior to loading of the chemical by the supplier to ensure no contaminating
material exists.
The supplier must have a system in place to ensure that liquid aluminium sulfate is not contaminated by any other product. This
may involve implementing a specific cleaning regime between loads or the dedication of tankers or containers to only one type of

Certificate of Weight
[Name of water authority] may require that weight certificates accompany bulk shipments from a certified weigher or [Name of water
authority] may check the weights on delivery.

Affidavit of Compliance
[Name of water authority] requires an affidavit from the manufacturer or supplier that the aluminium sulfate furnished according
to [Name of water authority]’s order complies with all applicable requirements of this specification. [Name of water authority] also
requires that the supplier provide a certified analysis of the aluminium sulfate. [Name of water authority] may also elect to use in-
house analytical equipment to analyse the product to ensure compliance with this specification.
A copy of the order, the delivery docket, and the affidavit of compliance and/or the record of certified analysis will accompany the
delivery of aluminium sulfate. This documentation shall be left in an appropriate location at the delivery point.
Further, a copy of the delivery docket is to accompany the invoice (with references to the delivery docket number), and forwarded
to [Name of water authority]’s Accounts Department to facilitate timely payment of accounts.

8–10 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking water treatment chemicals Chapter 8

8.7 Monitoring and analytical requirements

A quality-controlled system for management of drinking water treatment chemicals should be supported
by appropriate testing and monitoring.

All chemicals used in water treatment should be tested, to check both the concentration of the active
ingredients and the presence of contaminants relative to a specification. This is to ensure that the
effectiveness of the treatment process, the quality of the water and the integrity of the assets are not

Requirements for testing by the manufacturer should be clearly defined in the specification, including
testing methods. The amount, type of testing and whether NATA certified results from an external
laboratory are required may need to be negotiated to achieve a solution that is both effective and
affordable. Clear statements as to the testing methods should be included in the specification. The
specification should require test results to be available prior to the chemical delivery being unloaded at
the water authority’s plant to allow operational staff on site to reject delivery if specified requirements are
not met.

Various physical characteristics can also be examined as part of the quality assurance program. Table 8.3
lists simple suggested acceptance criteria for some water treatment chemicals that could be applied by
operational staff on site at the treatment plant. These criteria rely on human senses or simple equipment.

Table 8.3 Acceptance criteria for some water treatment chemicals

Chemical Tests Acceptance criteria

Aluminium chlorohydrates Visual Clear, colourless liquid
Specific gravity 1.32–1.35 at 25oC
pH 3.5–4.5
Aluminium sulfate (alum) Visual Clear colourless to pale brown (free of solids)
Specific gravity 1.28–1.34 at 20oC
pH 2.3–2.8
Ammonia Visual Colourless gas or liquid
Specific gravity 0.8 as a liquid
Ammonium sulfate Visual Off-white crystal
Specific gravity 1.77 at 20oC
Calcium hydroxide (hydrate lime) Visual Soft, white crystalline powder
Solubility 0.165g/100g of saturated solution at 20oC
Bulk density 450–560 kg/m3
Calcium hypochlorite Visual White crystalline solid, practically clear in water solution
Specific gravity 2.35 in liquid
Calcium oxide (quick lime) Visual Grey-white solid (sometimes yellowish to brown)
Specific gravity 3.2 – 3.4 as calcium hydroxide
Bulk density 1030 kg/m3 (pebble); 1050 kg/m3 (powder)
Carbon, powder activated, granular activated Visual Black solid (PAC 20-50 µm; GAC 0.7 – 1.2 mm)
(PAC/GAC) Density 250–600 kg/m3
Copper sulfate Visual Blue crystal, crystalline granule or powder
Ferric chloride Visual Brownish-yellow or orange crystalline form
Specific gravity 42% solution: 1.45 at 20oC
pH 42% solution: 1–2
Ferric sulfates Visual Yellow crystal or greyish-white powder, or a red-brown liquid
Specific gravity Liquid solution: 1.5–1.6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 8–11

Chapter 8 Drinking water treatment chemicals

Table 8.3 Acceptance criteria for some water treatment chemicals (continued)

Hydrochloric acid Visual Clear colourless to clear yellow (free of solids)

Specific gravity 28% solution: 1.14 at 20oC
Hydrofluorosilicic acid (fluorosilicic acid) Visual Colourless to pale yellow liquid
Specific gravity 22% solution: 1.18 at 20oC
Hydrogen peroxid Visual Colourless syrupy liquid (concentrations from 20% to 60%)
Specific gravity 1.07–1.24 at 20oC
pH 1–4
Hydroxylated ferric sulfate Visual Translucent, dark red (free of solids)
Specific gravity 1.45–1.6 at 25oC
pH <2
Polyacrylamides Visual White crystalline solid, supplied as a powder or aqueous
solution, dispersed in light mineral oil
Polyaluminium chlorides (10%) Visual Pale yellow, slightly cloudy liquid
Specific gravity 1.18–1.22 at 20oC
pH 10% solution: 2.2–2.8
Polyaluminium silica sulfates Visual Slightly cloudy liquid, clear to yellow (free of solids)
Specific gravity 1.32–1.36 at 25oC
pH 2.8–3.6
Potassium permanganate Visual Odourless, dark purple crystal with blue metallic sheen
Sodium aluminates Visual White powder, or clear colourless to pale amber liquid
Specific gravity Liquid solution: 1.4–1.6
pH Liquid solution: 14
Sodium bicarbonate Visual White powder or crystalline lumps, soluble in water (60 g/L at
Specific gravity 2.159 at 20oC
Solubility 96 g/L at 20oC
Bulk density 1000 kg/m3
pH 10 g/L solution: 8.4
Sodium carbonate (soda ash) Visual Greyish-white powder
Bulk density 1000 kg/m3 (dense); 500 kg/m3 (light)
Sodium fluoride Visual White, odourless powder (or crystal), easily soluble in water
Specific gravity 2.78 at 20oC
Bulk density 1040 – 1440 kg/m3
pH 1% solution - 6.5
4% solution - 7.6
Sodium fluorosilicate Visual White or yellowish white, odourless, crystalline powder
Bulk density 880 – 1150 kg/m3
Sodium hexametaphosphate Visual White granular powder
Bulk density 800–1500 kg/m3
Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) Visual White, deliquescent solid)
Specific gravity 30% solution: 1.33
46% solution: 1.48
Sodium hypochlorite Visual Pale yellow green
Sodium silicate Visual Lumps of greenish glass, white powders of varying degrees of
solubility, or cloudy or clear liquids of varying viscosity
Sodium tripolyphosphate Visual White powder or granular solid
pH 9.8 (aqueous solution) to 10.5 (slurry)
Sulfuric acid Visual Dense, oily, colourless to dark brown liquid.
Specific gravity 1.2–1.85 at 20oC
Zinc orthophosphate Visual Clear odourless liquid

8–12 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking water treatment chemicals Chapter 8

8.8 Contaminants in drinking water treatment chemicals

All chemicals used in the treatment of drinking water should be evaluated for potential contaminants
and limits should be included in the specification. The fact sheets for the individual treatment chemicals
(see Section V) identify potential contaminants for each chemical. Additional information may also
be available from suppliers’ specifications or from certification analyses that have been performed for
overseas accreditation systems.

The determination of contaminants in drinking water treatment chemicals should be carried out by
an independent laboratory accredited to undertake the necessary assays. An appropriate laboratory
approved by National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) should be identified, in consultation
with the relevant State or Territory regulatory authority. A list of NATA-approved laboratories is available

In developing appropriate specification limits for contaminants a more detailed systematic assessment
of potential contaminants using a Recommended Maximum Impurity Concentration (RMIC) approach
is recommended. The initial approach uses the principle that no contaminant in a particular chemical
should add more than 10% of that allowable by the NHMRC Australian Drinking Water Guidelines health
value. For each contaminant, this involves:
• calculating from the health guideline value the maximum concentration allowable in the treated
water as a result of being dosed with the bulk chemical. In some situations a stricter value than
the health guideline may be warranted if the contaminant is known to cause aesthetic problems or
the water authority wishes to carry a lower risk level.
• Based on the expected maximum dose of chemical and its strength, calculate the RMIC for each
contaminant (mg/kg of solution).

A sample calculation for determining the RMIC of lead in Alum is provided in Box 8.3.

Box 8.3 Sample calculation for determining the lead recommended maximum impurity concentration in Alum

The following is a sample calculation for the derivation of a Recommended Maximum Impurity Concentration (RMIC) for lead in
Alum and is based on the NHMRC guideline value for lead in drinking water of 0.01 mg/L. The maximum amount of lead (in mg/L)
that may be added to drinking water through the use of alum is determined through the following three steps:
(1) Derivation of the maximum amount of lead that can be added to drinking water through Alum:
= 0.001 mg /L
• 0.01 mg is the NHMRC guideline value for lead; and
• 10 is the percentage of the guideline value considered an acceptable source of contamination in the drinking water (a safety
factor of 10 is considered a reasonable contribution by a given impurity in a water treatment chemical).
(2) Derivation of the amount of Alum that will contain 0.001 mg lead:
In the case of the maximum Alum dose of 80 mg/L(1), with a solution strength of 43 % w/w [Al2(SO4)3.14H2O];
80 mg/L
= 186 mg
• 80 mg/L is the dose of the drinking water treatment chemical (e.g. Alum); and
• 0.43 is the solution strength of the drinking water treatment chemical (e.g. Alum – 43%)
(3) Derivation of the RMIC for Alum at the plant:
x 0.001 mg/L = 5.4 mg. lead / kg of Alum solution
186 mg
• 1 x 106 is the number of milligrams in a kilogram;
• 186 mg is the amount of Alum solution that will contain 0.001 mg of lead
• 0.001mg/L is the maximum amount of lead per litre that can be added through the Alum dose
(1) The dose of 80 mg/L alum is based on the water treatment plant being designed to regularly treat dirty water events under an enhanced
coagulation mode. If the plant was designed to treat low turbidity water for particle removal only, the maximum alum dose may be as
low as 10 mg/L which would give an RMIC of 43.2 mg/kg for lead at this plant.


Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 8–13

Chapter 8 Drinking water treatment chemicals

RMICs calculated by the water authority should be used as the minimum basis for chemical specifications.
Water authorities are encouraged to use tighter specification values where these can be easily achieved
cost effectively. These calculated RMICs should never be seen as a license to degrade the purity of the
drinking water treatment chemical.

To assist water authorities in this process, Table 8.4 contains RMICs for a selected number of
contaminants which have NHMRC health guideline values. RMICs have been calculated for some of
the more common treatment chemicals, typical maximum dose rates and chemical bulk concentrations.
RMICs have not been determined for contaminants which have not been identified in the fact sheet for
an individual treatment chemical. Aluminium sulfate has been used to illustrate the principle of applying
different maximum doses to determine RMIC.

Some treatment chemicals may also contain known contaminants for which there are only aesthetic
NHMRC guideline values. RMICs approach can also be used to calculate these contaminants where

Where there is no NHMRC Drinking Water Guideline health value for an identified contaminant, water
authorities may be able to determine a RMIC based on a review of overseas drinking water guidelines
(eg. WHO, US EPA, EEC, the Chemical CODEX etc). If no RMIC can be calculated from a recognised
drinking water guideline value then the principle of due diligence would encourage a water authority
to maintain concentrations as low as practicable.

Where suppliers are unable to meet the RMIC, then the water authority should examine what levels of
the contaminant are reaching consumers to determine if a higher concentration can be tolerated in the
treatment chemical without significantly changing the risk of not meeting the NHMRC Drinking Water
Guideline value. This analysis should attempt to identify other significant sources of the contaminant,
its variability over time and all expected operational conditions. If a higher contaminant level in the
bulk chemical is acceptable (i.e. contributes more than 10% of the guideline value) then water authorities
should consider whether there is a need for additional controls specifically for that contaminant in the
chemical specification, contractual procurement arrangements, treatment plant operations, and monitoring
through to consumers taps.

8–14 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines






NHMRC Health
0.003 0.007 0.7 0.002 0.05 2 0.08 1.5 0.01 0.001 0.02 0.01 0.1
Guideline Value
Example doses
Treatment Chemical Chemical
Aluminium chlorohydrate 23 100 (as Al2O3) 0.7 1.6 161 0.5 11.5 460 345 2.3 0.2 4.6 2.3 23
Aluminium sulfate (Alum) 47 20 (as Al2(SO4)3) 7.1 16.5 1645 4.7 117.5 4700 3525 23.5 2.4 47 23.5 235
Aluminium sulfate (Alum) 47 60 (as Al2(SO4)3) 2.4 5.5 548 1.6 39.2 1567 1175 7.8 0.8 15.7 7.8 78
Aluminium sulfate (Alum) 47 120 (as Al2(SO4)3) 1.2 2.7 274 0.8 19.6 783 588 3.9 0.4 7.8 3.9 39
Calcium hydroxide 99 30 (as Ca(OH)2) 23.1 2310 6.6 165 4950 33 3.3 66 33 330
Calcium hypochlorite 65 3 (as Cl2) 151.7 15167 43.3 1083.3 32500 216.7 21.7 433.3 216.7 2167
Calcium oxide 10 500 (as CaO) 0.1 14 0.04 1 30 0.2 0.02 0.4 0.2 2
Chlorine 100 3 (as Cl2) 233.3 333.3 33.3
Copper sulfate 25.5 1 (as CuSO4.5H2O) 178.5 255 510
Ferric chloride 42 120 (as FeCl3) 1.1 2.5 0.7 17.5 700 28 3.5 0.4 7 3.5 35
Ferric sulfate 20 100 (as Fe2(SO4)3) 0.6 1.4 0.4 1 400 16 2 0.2 4 2 20
Hydrochloric acid 33 5 (as HCl) 19.8 13.2 330 66 132
Hydrofluorosilicic acid 16 1.5 (as F) 74.7 21.3 106.7
Hydroxylated ferric sulfate 12.5 100 0.4 0.9 0.3 6.3 250 10 1.3 0.1 2.5 1.3 13
Polyaluminium chloride 10 100 (as Al2O3) 0.3 0.7 70 0.2 5 200 150 1 0.1 2.0 1 10
Potassium permanganate 99 1 (as KMnO4) 198 4950 99
Sodium fluoride 45 1.5 (as F) 90 60 300
Table 8.4 Example – some recommended maximum impurity concentrations for some drinking water treatment chemicals

Sodium Fluorosilicate 60 1.5 (as F) 120 80

Sodium hydroxide 50 10 (as NaOH) 15 10 250 50 5 100
Drinking water treatment chemicals

Sodium hypochlorite 12 3 (as Cl2) 8 4 80

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Sulfuric acid 98 5 (as H2SO4 ) 58.8 137.2 13720 39.2 980 39200 29400 196 19.6 196

Chapter 8
Chapter 8 Drinking water treatment chemicals

8.9 Useful contacts


National Health and Medical Research Council Tel: (02) 6289 9191
GPO Box 9848 E-mail:
CANBERRA ACT 2601 Internet:

Australian Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC) Tel: (02) 6121 6000
GPO Box 9879 E-mail:
Canberra ACT 2601 Internet:

National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Tel: (02) 8577 8800

Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) E-mail:
GPO Box 58 Internet:
Sydney NSW 2001

Office of Chemical Safety Tel: 1800 020 653 (freecall) or (02) 6232 8444
Therapeutic Goods Administration E-mail:
PO Box 100 nternet:
Woden ACT 2606


Health Protection Services Tel: (02) 6205 1700

ACT Health E-mail:
Locked Bag 5 Internet:
Weston Creek ACT 2611

Environment ACT Tel: (02) 6207 9777

PO Box 144 E-mail:
Lyneham ACT 2602 Internet:

ACT Workcover Tel: (02) 6205 0200

PO Box 224 E-mail:
CIVIC SQUARE ACT 2608 Internet:


Water Unit Tel: (02) 9816 0589

NSW Department of Health E-mail:
Locked Mail Bag 961 Internet:

Department of Environment and Conservation Tel: (02) 9995 5000

PO Box A290 Email:
Sydney South NSW 1232 Internet:

Workcover NSW Tel: 02 4321 5000

Locked Bag 2906, Email:
LISAROW NSW 2252 Internet:


Department of Health and Community Services Tel: (08) 8999 2400

PO Box 40596 Email:
CASUARINA NT 0811 Internet: Department of
8–16 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
Drinking water treatment chemicals Chapter 8

NT Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Tel: (08) 8999 5511

Environment Internet:
GPO Box 1680

NT Worksafe Tel: (08) 8999 5010

GPO Box 4821 E-mail:
DARWIN NT 0801 Internet:


Environmental Health Unit Tel: (07) 3234 0938

Queensland Health E-mail:
GPO Box 48 Internet:

Environmental Protection Agency Tel: (07) 3227 8185 - EPA Hotline: 1300 230 372
PO Box 15155 Email:
CITY EAST QLD 4002 Internet:

Workplace Health and Safety Tel: (07) 3225 2000

Department of Industrial Relations WHS Hotline: 1300 369 915
GPO Box 69 Internet:


Environmental Health Service Tel: (08) 8226 7100

Department of Health E-mail:
PO Box 6 Rundle Mall Internet:

Environment Protection Authority (SA) Tel: (08) 8204 2000

GPO Box 2607 E-mail:
ADELAIDE SA 5000 Internet:

WorkCover Corporation Tel: 13 18 55

GPO Box 2668 E-mail:
ADELAIDE SA 5001 Internet:


Public and Environmental Health Tel: (03) 6222 7737

Department of Health and Human Services E-mail:
GPO Box 125 Internet:
Hobart TAS 7001 cprh/pubenviron.php

Department of Primary Industries, Tel: 03 6233 2758 or 1300 368 550

Water and Environment E-mail:
GPO Box 44 Internet:

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 8–17

Chapter 8 Drinking water treatment chemicals

Workplace Standards Tasmania Tel: 1300 135 513 or (03) 6233 3185
PO Box 56 E-mail:
ROSNY PARK TAS 7018 Internet:


Public Health Group Tel: (03) 9637 4697 or 1300 761 874
Department of Human Services E-mail:
GPO Box 4057 Internet:

Environment Protection Authority Tel: (03) 9695 2700

GPO Box 4395QQ Internet:

Victorian Workcover Authority Tel: (03) 9641 1555 or 1800 136 089
Ground Floor E-mail:
222 Exhibition Street Internet:


Population Health Tel: (08) 9222 4222

Department of Health E-mail:
PO Box 8172 Internet:
Perth Business Centre


Australian Water Association (AWA) Tel: (02) 9413 1288 or 1300 361 426
PO Box 388 E-mail:
ARTARMON NSW 1570 Internet:

Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Water Tel: (08) 8259 0240
Quality and Treatment E-mail:
Private Mail Bag 3 Internet:

National Association of Testing Authorities, Tel: (02) 9736 8222

Australia (NATA) Email:
7 Leeds Street Internet:

Standards Australia Limited Tel: (02) 8206 6000 or 1300 65 46 46

GPO Box 476 E-mail:
SYDNEY NSW 2001 Internet:

Water Services Association Australia (WSAA) Tel: (03) 9606 0678

PO Box 13172 E-mail:
Law Courts Post Office Internet:

8–18 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking water treatment chemicals Chapter 8


American Water Works Association (AWWA) Internet:

6666 W. Quincy Ave
Denver, CO 80235

Codex Alimentarius Commission Internet:

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Internet:

1, rue de Varembé, Case postale 56 frontpage
CH-1211 Geneva 20

NSF International Tel: (+ 1) 734-769-8010

P.O. Box 130140 E-mail:
789 N. Dixboro Road Internet:
Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0140, USA

World Health Organization Tel: (+ 41 22) 791 21 11

Water, Sanitation and Health Programme Internet:
Avenue Appia 20 health/en/
1211 Geneva 27

8.10 Acknowledgments
The NHMRC acknowledges the support and contributions from Gippsland Water and the Cooperative
Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment in the preparation of this Chapter.

8.11 References
JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications. FAO
Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Rome, Italy Available at <

KIWA (1994) Guideline quality of materials and chemicals for drinking water supplies, Inspectorate of
Public Health and Environmental Planning, Publication 94-01. The Netherlands

NRC (National Research Council) (1982). Water Chemicals Codex, Committee on Water Treatment
Chemicals, Food and Nutrition Board, Assembly of Life Sciences, NRC.

NWQMS (National Water Quality Management Strategy ) (2000). Australian and New Zealand
Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality, NWQMS, Australian and New Zealand Environment and
Conservation Council, Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand,

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 8–19

Chapter 8 Drinking water treatment chemicals

8.12 Further reading

AWWA (American Water Works Association) and ASCE (American Association of Civil Engineers) (1997).
Water Treatment Plant Design, 3rd edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, USA.

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC

Faust SD and Aly OM (1998). Chemistry of Water Treatment, 2nd edition. Ann Arbor Press, Michigan.

IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer ) (1984). Monographs on the Evaluation of the
Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. World Health Organization, Geneva.

IPCS (International Programme on Chemical Safety) (2000). Environmental Health Criteria No 216.
Disinfectants and Disinfectant Byproducts. World Health Organization, ICPS, Geneva, 1–26, 370–380.

Letterman RD (ed). Water Quality and Treatment, A Handbook of Community Water Supplies, American
Water Works Association, 5th edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, New York.

McEwen JB (ed). American Water Works Association (AWWA) Research Foundation/International Water
Supply Association (IWSA), Denver, Colorado, 73–122.

National Registration Authority for Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (1996). The Requirements
Manual for Agricultural Chemicals. National Registration Authority, Canberra.


In 1988, the NHMRC endorsed the “Guidelines for Clearance of Water Treatment Chemicals and
Processes”. These guidelines outlined the data requirements for drinking water treatment chemicals
assessment, and provided a standardised approach to the assessment of their safety and efficacy.
However, they were not regulatory requirements and relatively few chemicals were evaluated under the
guidelines. Since the mid 1990s there has not been a practical mechanism for the national assessment
and approval of drinking water treatment chemicals in Australia.

In order to initiate a national approach, in 2000 the NHMRC’s Health Advisory Committee established the
Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Working Party. The primary aim of the Working Party was firstly, to
protect public health and the aesthetic quality of drinking water by ensuring chemicals used to produce
potable water are safe and appropriate for the purpose, and secondly, to provide the water industry with
guidance on drinking water treatment chemicals. The Working Party’s remit was to develop guidelines
for the assessment of chemicals used in drinking water treatment processes, to use these guidelines
to assess drinking water treatment chemicals, and make recommendations to the NHMRC concerning
acceptability of chemicals for treating drinking water.


Prof Michael Moore (Chair) National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology
Dr Peter Di Marco Health Department of Western Australia
Mary Drikas South Australian Water Corporation
Dr Jim Fitzgerald Department of Human Services, South Australia
Dr Peter Mosse Gippsland Water
Colin Nicholson Sydney Water Corporation
Phil Callan (Secretary) National Health and Medical Research Council

8–20 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking water treatment chemicals Chapter 8


The NHMRC Working Party on Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals, reporting to the NHMRC/ARMCANZ
Drinking Water Review Coordinating Group will:
1. Develop Australian Guidelines for the Assessment of New and Existing Drinking Water treatment
chemicals, taking into consideration the NHMRC “Guidelines for Clearance of Water Treatment
Chemicals and Processes” (NHMRC 1988) and other national and international guidelines;
2. Develop and recommend ways to implement procedures for the continued assessment and
approval of new and existing drinking water treatment chemicals through the NHMRC, including
mechanisms for a fee-for-service schedule for new chemicals;
3. Undertake a systematic rolling-revision of toxicology and public health aspects of water treatment
chemicals in the existing NHMRC list of approved chemicals, taking into consideration chemical
mixtures, aesthetics and chemical by-products;
4. Undertake extensive public consultation to ensure broad community acceptance of a national
assessment and approval process; and
5. Develop a dissemination and implementation strategy for the adoption of the approved list of
drinking water treatment chemicals.

In order to develop chapter 8 to the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, the Working Party required
an understanding and assessment of existing international policies, regulations and guidelines relevant to
drinking water treatment chemicals. The Working Party prepared a comprehensive assessment report of
a systematic comparative analysis of existing national and international practices, including toxicological
assessment reports on a range of drinking water treatment chemicals. The report summarises the
regulatory frameworks under which drinking water treatment chemicals are assessed, and describes and
compares the policies and procedures used by various national and international organisations for:
• evaluating the public safety of chemicals used to treat drinking water; and
• approving the use of such chemicals.

A copy of the report, Overview of National and International Guidelines and Recommendations on
the Assessment and Approval of Chemicals Used in the Treatment of Drinking Water is available at

This report was used by the Working Party as the basis for the development of Chapter 8.


Consultation on Chapter 8 included a call for submissions on the draft guidelines in February 2005.
The call for submissions was publicised in the Commonwealth Notices Gazette, The Weekend Australian,
and invitations were forwarded to known interested parties through the enHealth Council, the Australian
Water Association and Water Services Association of Australia.

All submissions received during the consultation were taken into consideration in finalising these
Guidelines. Comments were considered by the relevant working party and the NHMRC Drinking
Water Treatment Chemical Working Party.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 8–21

Chapter 8 Drinking water treatment chemicals

Submissions were received from the following individuals/organisations:

Mr Tony Griggs
Mr N. F. McLeod
Mr G. S. R. Walker
Mr Eddy Ostarcevic
Mr Peter L Rome
Mr David McRae Water Quality Australia (Barwon Southwest Chapter)
Dr Roscoe Taylor Dept Health and Human Services, Hoba
Mrs Patricia Wheeldon
Mr Ken Scifleet
Mrs Lyn C James
Mr G. S. Smith
Mr Philip Robertson
Mr J. T. Webber Safe Water Association of NSW
Glenn Collins Melbourne Water
Mr Rodney Hearne
Mr Victor di Paolo Dept Human Services (Victoria)
Ms Anne Woolley Dept Natural Resources and Mines (QLD)
Tim Nightingale Hardman Australia
Mr P Dharmabalan
Mr Colin Nicholson Sydney Water
Diana Buckland MCS-Global

8–22 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 9 Overview of Monitoring

Chapter 9
Overview of Monitoring Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Overview of monitoring

9.1 Introduction
The Framework approach to drinking water quality management outlined in Chapters 2–4 is based on a
preventive strategy which focuses attention on total system management. A key aspect of this approach
is monitoring programs to verify that the barriers and the system as a whole are working effectively to
deliver safe water. Monitoring includes:
• Operational monitoring, which is used to check that the processes and equipment that have been
put in place to protect and enhance water quality are working properly. The data are used, if
necessary, as a trigger for immediate short-term corrective action to improve water quality, but they
are generally not used for assessing conformance with the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
(ADWG) or compliance with agreed levels of service. Further information on operational monitoring
is provided in Section 3.4.2.
• Drinking water quality monitoring, which is a wide-ranging verification of the quality of water in
the distribution system and as supplied to the consumer. The data are used for assessing
conformance with the ADWG or compliance with agreed levels of service and/or regulations and,
if necessary, as a trigger for corrective action to improve water quality. Background information on
drinking water quality monitoring is provided in Section 3.5.1.
• Monitoring of consumer satisfaction, which is an assessment of consumer comments and
complaints. It can provide valuable information on potential problems that may not have been
identified by performance monitoring of the water supply system. Background information on
monitoring of consumer satisfaction is provided in Section 3.5.2.
• Investigative and research monitoring, which includes strategic programs designed to increase
understanding of a water supply system, to identify and characterise potential hazards, and to
fill gaps in knowledge. It includes baseline and emergency response monitoring. Background
information on investigative and research monitoring is provided in Section 3.9.1.

The requirements for each of these types of monitoring differ in terms of water quality characteristics to
be measured, sampling location and frequency of sampling. For example, operational monitoring will
be frequent and undertaken immediately after water has been treated. Monitoring for investigative and
research purposes would be less frequent. Further information on monitoring, including QA/QC and
occupational health and safety considerations is also available in the NWQMS Australian Guidelines
for Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting (2000).

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 9–1

Chapter 9 Overview of Monitoring

9.2 Developing a monitoring program

Monitoring programs should be developed, detailing the strategies and procedures to follow for
monitoring the various aspects of the water supply system. The monitoring plans should be designed by
personnel experienced in the assessment of water quality, and should be fully documented. The plans
should include the following information:
• parameters to be monitored
• sampling location and frequency
• sampling methods and equipment
• schedules for sampling
• methods for quality assurance and validation of sampling results
• requirements for checking and interpreting results
• responsibilities and necessary qualifications of staff
• requirements for documentation and management of records, including how monitoring results will
be recorded and stored
• requirements for reporting and communication of results.

Programs should be designed to cover both random and regular variations in water quality, and to give
information representative of the quality of water supplied to consumers. For example, water quality
is usually tested by taking samples of water from points in the system and analysing them either in an
analytical laboratory or on site. It is important that the results of these tests are representative of all the
water throughout the system, including the water that is there between sampling events. Also, sampling
must be frequent enough to enable the program to provide meaningful information. Box 3.4 (see Section
3.5.1) details what is needed to ensure that monitoring is representative, reliable and fully validated.

Monitoring programs and the key characteristics to be monitored should be reviewed periodically, and
altered where necessary.

9.3 Surrogates and indicators

Some of the more common water quality characteristics can sometimes serve as surrogates or indicators
for characteristics that are less common or for which testing is more difficult and expensive. For example,
conductivity is a widely used surrogate for total dissolved solids (TDS). Similarly, trihalomethanes
(THMs), which are the most common disinfection byproducts and occur in the highest concentrations,
serve effectively as a surrogate for a range of related byproducts. Table 9.1 shows a number of indicators,
both physical and microbial, that can be incorporated as part of the risk management approach outlined
in Chapters 2–4.

9–2 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Overview of Monitoring Chapter 9

Table 9.1 Examples of water quality indicators

Hazard or hazardous events Indicator

Faecal contamination of source water • Sanitary survey

• Turbidity
• Escherichia coli (or thermotolerant coliforms)

Treatment failure • Turbidity/particle size distribution

• Free chlorine
• Total coliforms
• Heterotrophic plate count (HPC)
• Escherichia coli (or thermotolerant coliforms)

Faecal contamination from ingress • Ammonia

• Enterococci
• Escherichia coli (or thermotolerant coliforms)
• Sudden change in dissolved oxygen, free chlorine or pressure

Water stagnation • Loss of disinfectant residual

• Dissolved oxygen
• Heterotrophic plate count (HPC)
• Total coliforms

Disinfection byproducts • Trihalomethanes

Baseline and trend assessment monitoring should be used to establish and affirm such associations.
Where surrogate monitoring is possible, control of the surrogate to low levels increases the assurance
that objectionable characteristics associated with it are either absent or reduced.

9.4 Collection and analysis of samples

If the data collected are to be meaningful, it is vital that samples are collected from appropriate locations
(as discussed above), by trained personnel working to a predetermined plan, and that procedures
employed in the collection, preservation and transport of samples to the laboratory are chosen with
regard to the characteristic being measured.

It is important that the results obtained in analyses are valid. In some cases, different methods of analysis
can give different results. For each of the characteristics listed in the ADWG, a suggested method of
analysis is given that will ensure consistent results are obtained. Other methods may be used, but they
must be fully documented and validated, preferably through comprehensive inter-laboratory comparison
programs, and must give results consistent with other standard methods being used.

Specific details regarding preservation of samples are given in the procedures in Part IV (Information
Sheet 2.1 Sampling procedures).

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 9–3

Chapter 9 Overview of Monitoring

Field testing

It is possible to acquire, at reasonable cost, robust basic chemical test kits for the common physical
and chemical characteristics, including pH, colour, iron, manganese, turbidity, chlorine and fluoride.
These test procedures are well within the capabilities of well-trained treatment plant operators. The
test results will not have the standing of those produced by National Association of Testing Authorities
(NATA) registered laboratories, but they do permit regular and frequent monitoring, and what the tests
sometimes lack in precision and reliability is more than compensated for by the increased frequency of
monitoring. Furthermore, such kits enable many tests to be performed in the field, thus avoiding the
need to preserve and transport samples to a laboratory. Their use is encouraged, but should be regarded
as complementary to, not a replacement for, more reliable laboratory tests.

Some tests, including those for dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, free chlorine and combined chlorine,
need to be done in the field. It is essential that those doing field testing are appropriately trained, and
that a quality assurance program be in place to monitor testing performance.

Sampling procedures

Procedures for sampling physical and chemical characteristics, heavy metals, organic chemicals, pesticides
and microbial characteristics are provided in Information Sheet 2.1 Sampling information – handling
requirements and preservation.

9.5 Operational monitoring


The characteristics selected as parameters for operational monitoring should:

• reflect the operational effectiveness of each process or activity
• provide an timely indication of performance
• be able to be readily measured and rapidly responded to.

To comply with these requirements, surrogates are often used as operational parameters, as described
in Section 9.3. Examples of some of the parameters commonly used for operational monitoring are
given in Table 9.2.

9–4 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Overview of Monitoring Chapter 9

Table 9.2 Examples of operational parameters

Treatment step/process

Distribution system

Raw water

Operational parameter
pH ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Turbidity (or particle count) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Temperature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Dissolved oxygen ✓
Stream or river flow ✓
Rainfall ✓
E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) ✓ ✓ ✓
Total coliforms ✓ ✓
Heterotrophic plate count (HPC) ✓ ✓
Colour ✓
Conductivity (total dissolved solids) ✓
Alkalinity ✓ ✓ ✓
Organic carbon ✓ ✓
Algae, algal toxins and metabolites ✓ ✓
Chemical dosage ✓ ✓
Flow rate ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Net charge ✓
Streaming current value ✓
Headloss ✓
C.t ✓
Disinfectant residual ✓ ✓
Disinfection byproducts ✓ ✓
Hydraulic pressure ✓

C.t = a measure of disinfection concentration (C) and contact time (t)


Operational parameters should be monitored often enough to reveal any failures in a timely fashion.
Online and continuous monitoring should be used wherever possible, particularly at critical control
points (see Section 3.3.2). For example, where filtration is used, continuous monitoring of turbidity (or
particle count) from each individual filter and from the product water outlet of the plant are important
to ensure that treatment is effective. For operational parameters that are deemed less critical or that are
more stable, ‘grab’ samples may be sufficient.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 9–5

Chapter 9 Overview of Monitoring

9.6 Drinking water quality monitoring


As it is neither physically nor economically feasible to test on an ongoing basis for all substances or
organisms that may be present in water, monitoring effort and resources should be directed at significant
or ‘key’ characteristics – that is, those characteristics that require frequent monitoring. Each water
supply system will have its own key characteristics, and these need to be identified by evaluating the
significance of all water quality characteristics within a water supply system. Key characteristics will also
be different for each of the main component parts of the system, that is:
• raw water entering the supply system from a catchment, storage or bore field
• treated water leaving the plant
• distributed water in the reticulation system in major mains, service reservoir storages and reticulation
• water supplied to the consumer.

An initial survey to determine key characteristics should include chemicals used or present in the
catchment, together with sufficient data to establish likely variations in concentration. Key characteristics
should be measured as close to the water or contamination source as possible (as this is simpler to do
and hence a more efficient use of resources), provided that the concentration does not change further
down the system.

Key characteristics related to health will include:

• microbial indicator organisms
• any chemicals used in treatment processes and any byproducts that may result from their use
• any characteristic that can be reasonably expected to exceed the guideline value, even if only
• potential contaminants identified in catchment surveys
• pollutants likely to be present but not listed in the ADWG.

Key characteristics that are not related to health include characteristics with significant aesthetic impacts.


Large, complex reticulation systems should be divided into discrete zones or basins for the purposes
of monitoring and reporting. Problem areas should be clearly identified. Although the following is not
intended to be prescriptive, zones could be:
• divided in relation to their discreteness within the system (i.e. mainly serviced by a single main,
water source or water treatment plant)
• identified as discrete geographical areas that can be recognised by supply operators and the
• large enough so that the sampling frequency will yield sufficient results to provide reasonable
confidence that water is of satisfactory quality (See Chapter 10).


From the water supplier’s perspective, some characteristics such as microbial parameters may need
to be monitored within the distribution system or at the boundary of the consumer’s property.
Many physical and chemical characteristics, however, do not change, or change only slowly, within
the distribution system, and it is more efficient to analyse for these characteristics closer to the water
source. The monitoring sites for each physical and chemical characteristic proposed in the ADWG have
therefore been chosen on the basis that it is unlikely that the characteristic will change further into
the distribution system.

9–6 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Overview of Monitoring Chapter 9

In reticulated water supplies, physical and chemical water quality characteristics can be divided into
different types for monitoring purposes, as shown in Table 9.3.

Table 9.3 Monitoring required for different types of physical and chemical characteristics
Characteristic Examples Type of monitoring required
Substances for which the concentration Arsenic, cyanide, fluoride (where Generally sufficient to sample either
depends mainly on the concentration fluoridation is not practised), hardness, the raw water or the water going
in the water entering the supply and is pesticides, sodium, selenium, sulfate into the supply a
unlikely to vary in the distribution system and total dissolved solids

Substances that change in concentration Aluminium, disinfection residuals and Requires sampling the raw water and/or
within the distribution system byproducts, iron, manganese, colour, water in the distribution system
turbidity, taste, odour and pH

Substances for which the distribution Corrosion products such as cadmium, Requires sampling from the
system provides the main source chromium, lead, zinc and copper distribution system

a – here two or more waters with different concentrations of the characteristics feed the same distribution system, additional
sampling may be required within the distribution system.

Tables in Chapter 10 (Tables 10.7) provide a guide on what to measure, and where to measure it, for
both operational and system performance purposes. Emphasis should be placed on monitoring those
characteristics identified as key characteristics for a water supply system.

Choosing sampling locations

Sampling points must provide data that are representative of the water in that particular component
of the system. To establish such points, short-term investigative monitoring programs may be needed.
Samples should be included from:
• the raw (source) water
• the treatment plant (for process control, not performance assessment)
• the treated (finished) water
• the headworks of the distribution system
• service reservoirs
• representative fixed and/or random sample points within the distribution system
• points representative of the quality of water supplied to consumers
• consumers’ taps for specific investigations (e.g. investigation of corrosion products or to verify
distribution sampling points)
• points where previous samples have revealed unsatisfactory water quality.

Routine distribution samples may be taken from either fixed or random sample points. For trend
assessment, water from a series of fixed points (to overcome spatial variability) should be tested
at regular intervals, and this should be complemented by random samples.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 9–7

Chapter 9 Overview of Monitoring

When selecting sample points within the distribution system, the following factors should be considered:
• The distribution of sample points throughout the system, including the extremities, must reflect the
numbers of people supplied by the different parts of the system, especially for systems drawing on
surface water. For instance, if five per cent of consumers are serviced by distribution loops, then
five per cent of samples should be taken from distribution loops.
• Water quality in a given pressure zone can be affected by the specific conditions in that zone;
therefore, each pressure zone must be adequately monitored.
• When a system has more than one water source, the location of sample points must be in relative
proportion to the number of people served by each source, and sample points must be located at
the entry points to the system for the different sources. Similarly, systems with one source and
more than one treatment plant must be sampled at the entry point from each plant to the system.
Any areas where supply is likely to alternate between different sources should be sampled, as such
changes may be noticeable to the consumer and be a source of complaint.
• If a service reservoir has no sampling tap, a sample point should be located sufficiently close
to the reservoir to represent the water quality within the reservoir.

The system in Figure 9.1 is representative of a town with a population of approximately 5000 people
with one source of water. A similar approach should be used by larger authorities to determine sampling
points within supply districts of larger schemes. The selected sample points used in this example would
satisfy the requirement to sample as close as practicable to the point of use, and to sample over the
whole water supply system.

Figure 9.1 Example of a water distribution system for 5000 people

• Point A is representative of the quality of raw water.
• Point B is representative of the quality of water leaving the treatment plant.
• Point C is representative of the water quality within the elevated service reservoir.
• Points D and G are representative of water quality in a distribution loop such as in a sub-development.
• Points E and H are representative of the water quality in a branch line or a branch line dead end.
• Point F is representative of water in the main line.
• Points D to H are representative of the quality of water supplied to consumers.

x x
Loop Main Water Line Elevated Service

x x
F C xB

Loop Water Treatment Plant

H x xA

Branch Catchment/Source

9–8 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Overview of Monitoring Chapter 9


How often a key characteristic should be sampled will depend on its variability, and whether it is
of aesthetic or health significance. Sampling and analysis are required most frequently for microbial
constituents, and less often for health-related organic and inorganic compounds. A thorough appraisal
should be made when a new water source is used and immediately following any major change in
treatment processes.

For both the initial baseline survey and the ongoing monitoring program, sufficient samples must be
collected over a representative period to enable the data for each characteristic to be statistically evaluated,
significant trends or changes identified, and performance against the ADWG assessed. The number
of samples required depends on the desired level of precision with a known degree of confidence.
Generally the closer the mean value of a characteristic is to the guideline value, and the greater its
variability, the greater the number of samples required to assess performance (see Information Sheet 3.3).

For small supplies it may take several years to accumulate sufficient data for statistical evaluation.

Minimum sampling frequencies are given in the monitoring tables included in Chapter 10. The frequencies
are suggested minimums only; local knowledge and experience based on the variability of different
characteristics and the size of the water supply scheme may dictate different frequencies. Individual water
supplies need to work out their own monitoring needs; however, the minimum sampling frequency
recommended for most key physical and chemical characteristics is monthly when the population
serviced is greater than 5000, and six-monthly for smaller populations.

Consideration should be given to the use of cost-effective surrogate characteristics as indicators

of overall water quality, as discussed above (see Section 9.3).

9.7 Monitoring of consumer satisfaction

The performance of a water supply system over time is an important issue for consumers. System
performance is often judged by the degree of consumer satisfaction with the quality of the supply,
together with the results of analytical tests for a variety of water quality characteristics.

Consumer satisfaction is a significant consideration and will be determined by a number of factors,

• the consumer’s own assessment of water quality, based on taste, odour and appearance
• information provided by water and health authorities
• confidence in the existing processes for providing information and dealing with water quality issues.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 9–9

Chapter 9 Overview of Monitoring

Consumer satisfaction with the quality of water is largely based on people’s judgment that the physical
quality of water at their tap is ‘good’ - that it is colourless and free from unpleasant taste and odour. From
the consumer’s point of view, changes from the norm are particularly noticeable. At present there are
no guidelines for consumers’ overall impressions or perceptions of physical water quality. It is important
to realise that consumer satisfaction may have a regional or even local context, and that it needs to be
negotiated at this level.

Experience from major water suppliers indicates that consumer satisfaction has the following
• Consumer complaints and concerns about ‘healthiness’ are driven more by sudden noticeable
changes in quality, particularly in taste, odour, colour and turbidity, than by the long-term average.
• Taste and odour associated with disinfectants are tolerated up to a point because they are associated
with the protection of public health, although concerns sometimes arise about the health effects
of added chemicals.
• It is unrealistic to expect to achieve complete satisfaction. It is unlikely that more than 90 per cent
of consumers will give a ‘good to excellent’ rating on taste and odour.
• The bulk of consumer complaints relate to taste and odour, discolouration and stained washing,
many of which stem from household plumbing or are very localised. It is the unusual complaints
such as the fishy smell generated by the presence of certain algae in the water, or blue
discolouration due to corrosion of the consumer’s copper service pipes, which may have much
wider implications for the water supply system, and these require immediate attention.

The physical characteristics of water quality are largely surrogate descriptors, in that no single
characteristic really measures what the consumer perceives. It may therefore be appropriate to negotiate
levels of service or set internally a more direct measure of consumer acceptance, such as complaint rates
for taste, odour and appearance based on local circumstances. Some examples of objectives that could
be used are:
• to achieve fewer than four water quality complaints per thousand households per year for unfiltered
(but disinfected) supplies, and fewer than two water quality complaints for filtered supplies
• to obtain a ‘good to excellent’ score for water quality at the tap from more than 80 per cent of

9.8 Investigative and research monitoring

Investigative and research monitoring can be used to increase understanding of a water supply system,
identify and characterise potential hazards, and fill gaps in knowledge. By improving understanding
of the factors affecting water quality characteristics, such monitoring allows suppliers to anticipate periods
of poor water quality and respond to them effectively.


Baseline monitoring of all new water supplies and of potential water supplies under consideration
is imperative in order to:
• define the key characteristics that should be measured routinely
• identify major water quality problems
• provide an indication of the need for water treatment
• establish a base for assessing long-term trends and variability in water quality
• compare and select source waters for future supply.

9–10 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Overview of Monitoring Chapter 9

In the absence of other data or information, baseline monitoring should be carried out for all health-
related characteristics listed in the ADWG. Exceptions may be some chemicals not reasonably expected
to be present or for which sampling is not practicable.

Initial baseline monitoring should be carried out for new water supplies as a basis for ongoing
monitoring. Baseline monitoring of new water supplies and those not previously sampled should include
sampling to characterise the radiological quality of the water supply. The extent of sampling and the
timeframe required to make a baseline assessment will depend on land use in the catchment, levels of
pollution found and variability or trends in water quality.

An initial land-use survey of the catchment should be undertaken to:

• identify existing and planned developments
• assess potential continuous, intermittent or seasonal pollution patterns
• assess geological features likely to affect water quality
• identify chemicals used in catchments
• locate existing or abandoned waste-disposal or mining sites.

Where catchments and supplies are beyond the water supplier’s jurisdiction, exchange of information
and collaborative assessment of the quality of source waters is strongly advocated.

Initial investigative monitoring has a number of limitations:

• not all potential water quality problems may be recognised and long-term trends or variability
in water quality may be difficult to anticipate
• the comprehensiveness of baseline and follow-up monitoring may be limited by the available
human or laboratory resources
• the impacts for harvesting, storage, treatment and distribution of water may not be fully appreciated.

Nevertheless, it is essential that an attempt be made to characterise source waters before they are used
for water supply. If sampling is initiated only when the supply is commissioned, major water quality
problems that might otherwise have been anticipated could result in long-term operational problems.

An existing sampling database makes a good starting point for establishing a baseline. The baseline,
however, will change as land use changes, and new characteristics may need to be monitored.
Follow-up sampling regimes are required to assess significant changes in water quality arising from:
• impacts of water abstraction (this is particularly important for water from unconfined aquifer
• changed land-use practices
• longer term natural variability in water quality that may not have been evident from initial
baseline monitoring.


The frequency of monitoring should be increased in response to any emergency or incident.

Emergency incident plans need to take into consideration the capability and availability of water
and laboratory personnel.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 9–11

Chapter 9 Overview of Monitoring

9.9 References
ANZECC/ARMCANZ (2000) Australian Guidelines for Monitoring and Reporting, National Water Quality
Management Strategy Paper no. 7. Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council /
Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand.

APHA Method 1010B (1992). General introduction: statistics, standard methods for the examination of
water and wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington DC, United States.

APHA Method 1060 (1992). General introduction: collection and preservation of samples, standard
methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association,
Washington DC, United States.

APHA Method 9060 (1992). Microbiological examination: samples, standard methods for the examination
of water and wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington DC, United

United States Environmental Protection Agency (1990). Test methods for evaluating solid waste.
Physical/Chemical Methods, SW846.

9–12 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Chapter 10 Monitoring for specific characteristics
in drinking water

Chapter 10
Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Monitoring for specific characteristics in drinking water

10.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses monitoring for specific characteristics or specific situations. It covers microbial
indicators (Section 10.2), physical and chemical characteristics (Section 10.3), radiological characteristics
(Section 10.4) and small water supplies (Section 10.5). The chapter also provides a summary of guideline
values for monitoring and sampling frequency (Section 10.6), evaluating results (Section 10.7) and a series
of summary tables (Section 10.8).

10.2 Microbial monitoring

Routine monitoring for specific pathogens is not recommended. Monitoring of specific bacterial, viral
and protozoan pathogens is usually complex, expensive and time consuming, and may fail to detect
their presence. It may take days-weeks to determine whether a sample contains a particular pathogen.
For these reasons results cannot generally be used to support day-to-day management of water quality.
Microbial monitoring under the risk management approach is used for operational purposes and as a
final check to verify water quality. Monitoring for microbial indicator organisms, which is relatively simple
and inexpensive, is used for this purpose. E.coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) is the recommended
indicator for faecal contamination while total coliforms and heterotrophic plate counts can be used for
operational monitoring. Other parameters can also be used to provide assurance of microbiological
quality including C.t (for disinfected supplies) and turbidity (for filtered supplies).

Tests for the presence of specific pathogens are appropriate for investigative and research monitoring, or
in outbreaks of waterborne disease.

Table 10.1 Specific pathogens

Microorganism Comments
Aeromonas Has been isolated in Australian drinking water but the relationship of isolates to disease is not clear.
Burkholderia Causes Melioidosis, found in soil and muddy water in tropical regions. Limited evidence for the
pseudomallei involvement of drinking water in its transmission in Australia.
Campylobactera Causes gastroenteritis, can be transmitted in water or food. Has been detected
in Australian drinking water.
Klebsiellaa Widespread environmental organism, spread by handling, especially in hospitals. Has been detected
in Australian drinking water but there is no evidence of disease caused through this route.
Legionella Frequently occurs in natural water but of no health concern unless numbers are amplified at specific
sites and conditions (usually thermal enrichment); may then be spread by aerosols and inhaled, causing
legionellosis and pontiac fever.
Mycobacterium Some species associated with opportunistic infections in a minority of susceptible people.
Pseudomonas Common in faeces, soil, water and sewage. Opportunistic pathogen causing wound and respiratory
aeruginosa infections often in hospitals, though not usually through drinking water. Has been detected in Australian
drinking water.
Salmonellaa May enter water through faecal contamination. Has been found in various Australian source waters
and occasionally in reticulated waters. Can cause outbreaks of gastroenteritis. Occasionally present
in the absence of microbial indicators.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–1

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

Table 10.1 Specific pathogens (continued)

Microorganism Comments
Shigellaa Causes bacillary dysentery; highly infective. Presence in water indicates recent faecal
contamination. Australia has a low incidence of infection with no conclusive evidence
of transmission by drinking water.
Vibrioa V. cholerae 01 causes cholera and is associated with waterborne epidemics. Vibrio spp have
been found in source waters in Australia but not in reticulated supplies.
Yersiniaa Some strains can cause gastroenteritis if ingested.

Acanthamoeba Free-living amoeba common in soil and water; some species can cause encephalitis, particularly
in immunocompromised people, or corneal infection amongst contact lens wearers. Significance in
drinking water unknown; of most concern in water for use in hospitals, renal dialysis and eyewash
stations. Resistant to normal disinfection.
Cryptosporidiuma Enteric pathogen; may contaminate water from pasture runoff and human wastes. Causes diarrhoeal
illness. Extremely resistant to disinfection. If detected in source waters, appropriate treatment may
be warranted to stop entry to distribution system. If in distribution system, seek detailed advice
from the relevant health authority.
Giardiaa May cause diarrhoeal illness, though symptomless infection is common. Drinking water may play a role
in transmission. If detected in source waters, appropriate treatment may be warranted to stop entry
to distribution system. If in distribution system, seek detailed advice from the relevant health authority.
Naegleria fowleri Free-living organism. Bathing or swimming in contaminated water can cause rare but fatal
meningoencephalitis. Significance in drinking water not known. Water continually > 25°C
or seasonally > 30°C can support growth. Action is indicated if the organism is detected
(minimum sample size 500 mL).

Adenovirusa Causes pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis. Spread by inhalation, ingestion, direct contact.
May contaminate water through sewage.
Enterovirusa May enter water via faecal contamination or sewage. Can cause gastroenteritis and other diseases, often
symptomless. Can probably be spread by drinking water.
Hepatitis virusesa A and E viruses can be spread in drinking water contaminated with faecal material or sewage effluent.
Norwalk virus Causes gastroenteritis, can be spread in drinking water, bathing, food (especially shellfish) contaminated
with sewage/faecal material.
Rotaviruses, Widespread in environment; can cause serious gastroenteritis in children, the elderly, and hospital
pararotaviruses patients. May enter water through faecal material/sewage contamination.
and reoviruses
(Reoviridae) a

Toxic cyanobacteria
Cyanobacteria Occur in all natural waters; of no concern in small numbers. Health risks can arise from ingestion
(blue-green algae) of cyanobacterial toxins or from direct contact of the skin and eyes with toxic or non-toxic species For
storages with history of algal blooms, inspect twice weekly during danger period.
> 500 cells/mL – increase monitoring;
>2000 cells/mL – consider need for toxicity testing (seek expert advice)
>6500 cells/mL – seek advice from health authority.

a – May be present if microbial indicators are detected. See Section 10.2.1.

Note: if any of these organisms is detected, advice should be sought from the relevant health authority.

10–2 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10


An ideal indicator organism for inferring the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in drinking
water should:
• always be present when pathogens of like origin are present
• be present in relatively large numbers so that they can be detected after considerable dilution
• not be present in the absence of contamination
• be easy and quick to detect
• survive in water as long as waterborne pathogens
• be of similar sensitivity to disinfection as pathogens.

No single organism has all these inherent qualities.

Escherichia coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) is recommended as the most suitable indicator organism
for the possible presence of pathogens arising from faecal contamination. Monitoring drinking water for
E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) as a verification measure is a useful tool within a risk management
approach to water quality.

• Total coliforms have, in the past, been used as indicators for pathogens; they are no longer
recommended for this purpose. Total coliforms are now recognised as being a poor parameter
for measuring the potential for faecal contamination in water because they are present as normal
inhabitants of soil and water, and can grow in water distribution systems in the absence of faecal

However, total coliforms can be used (together with other parameters) as indicator organisms for
operational monitoring.

When indicators provide evidence of faecal pollution in a drinking water supply, an increased health
risk to consumers is implied. Whether this will manifest in clinical cases of disease will depend
(as discussed in Section 5.5) on whether pathogens are actually present, the immunity of the
community served, and how the water is being used. Even if there are no clinical cases of disease,
the risk to human health may still be significant.

Some enteric pathogens can occur in the absence of bacterial indicators. For example, Giardia cysts,
oocysts of Cryptosporidium and some viruses are relatively resistant to chlorination and may survive
disinfection that kills the indicator organisms.

The occasional failure of indicators to predict health risk underlines the importance of maintaining
effective barriers to prevent faecal material entering the water supply. Tests of microbial quality are
a valuable adjunct to assessing source water protection, treatment, and the integrity of the barriers
through to the consumer’s tap.


Escherichia coli (or thermotolerant coliforms)

The ADWG recommend testing for E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) to indicate the presence
of faecal contamination. Thermotolerant coliforms have been, inaccurately associated with faecal
contamination. Tests for thermotolerant coliforms can be simpler, but E. coli is a better indicator because
some environmental coliforms (e.g. some Klebsiella, Citrobacter and Enterobacter) are thermotolerant.
E. coli is the most common thermotolerant coliform present in faeces (typically greater than 90 per cent)
(Edberg et al 2000) and is regarded as the most specific indicator of recent faecal contamination.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–3

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

E. coli and thermotolerant coliforms come from the family of bacteria known as Enterobacteriaceae
(meaning ‘family of bacteria living in the intestine’). E. coli is nearly always present in the gut of humans
and other warm-blooded animals. It is usually present in high numbers, and is found in fresh faecal
matter at densities of more than 109 organisms per gram (Brenner et al 1982).

The presence of E. coli in drinking water indicates recent faecal contamination because the organism
does not generally multiply in drinking water systems. It is not possible to readily determine if E. coli in
water samples is of human origin, but as animals and birds can harbour human intestinal pathogens, the
presence of any E. coli indicates that there may be a health risk.

E. coli and thermotolerant coliforms are gram-negative facultative anaerobic bacilli that can ferment
lactose at 44.5±0.2°C with the production of acid in 24 hours, in media containing bile salts (naturally
found in the gut). E. coli are thermotolerant coliforms that produce indole from tryptophan at 44.5±0.2°C.

There are a number of laboratory methods that directly measure the fermentation of lactose using
selective media. Alternatively, E. coli can be detected by the presence of the enzymes ß-galactosidase
and ß-glucuronidase. ß-galactosidase is responsible for the first step fermentation of lactose.

Only a few strains of E. coli may themselves be pathogenic; however, this is irrelevant to the use
of E. coli as an indicator organism. Both pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains are equally significant
as indicators of faecal contamination.

See also Fact Sheet on Escherichia coli and thermotolerant coliforms in Part V.

Other indicators of faecal contamination

Enterococci are gram-positive cocci found in the faeces of humans and other animals. Despite being
approximately an order of magnitude less numerous than E. coli and thermotolerant coliforms in
human faeces (Feacham et al 1983), they can still be detected after significant dilution. Enterococci
occur regularly in faeces, but not in such numbers or so invariably as E. coli ; also, certain species of
Enterococcus are not reliably associated with the gut. Enterococci survive longer in water than E. coli ,
and have been suggested as a better indicator of the presence of certain pathogens that are persistent
and die off slowly (e.g. viruses) (McFeters et al 1974).

Clostridium perfringens is a spore former and is thus highly persistent, but it can frequently be
found in environmental material not specifically associated with faeces. As an indicator, it has only
limited application.

There are a number of other alternative indicators, including Bacteriodes fragilis, Bifidobacteria,
bacteriophages and non-microbial indicators such as faecal sterols and turbidity. None of these alternatives
is sufficiently widely accepted at present to recommend it as an indicator of faecal contamination.

Further information on indicators is provided in the NHMRC Review of Coliforms As Microbial Indicators
of Drinking Water Quality (NHMRC 2004).


Microbial indicators that may be useful for verifying the effectiveness of treatment and disinfection,
and for assessing system cleanliness, include total coliforms, heterotrophic bacteria.

Coliforms (total coliforms)

Total coliforms include E. coli, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Klebsiella and other related enterobacteria.
Coliform bacteria other than E. coli are capable of multiplying in water to high numbers, given the
right conditions.

10–4 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10

Coliform bacteria other than E. coli form a small component of the normal intestinal population
in humans and animals, and many have an environmental origin and are inhabitants of soil and water.

Coliforms can be present in drinking water as a result of:

• faecal contamination
• the presence of biofilms on pipes and fixtures
• contact with soil as a result of leaks, fractures or repair works.

Due to their widespread occurrence in soil and water environments, total coliforms (in the absence
of E. coli ) are not regarded as a specific indicator of faecal contamination.

The relative abundance of coliforms makes them useful in monitoring the efficiency of water
treatment and disinfection processes. They should generally not be detected in water sampled
immediately after disinfection.

If used for operational monitoring system specific targets should be established for water within
distribution systems. An understanding of system characteristics together with an analysis of historical
results should be used in setting such targets.

See also Fact Sheet on Coliforms in Part V.

Heterotrophic plate count

HPC can be a useful indicator of operational performance. This test reflects the number of heterotrophic
microorganisms in the water supply that are able to grow and produce colonies on the growth medium
used for the test under specified conditions (e.g. incubation time, temperature). Not all microorganisms
in water will grow under these test conditions.

HPC are usually determined after incubation at 20–22˚C or at 35–37˚C. Plate counts of bacteria able
to grow at 20–22˚C or at 35–37˚C in a standard nutrient medium may be relevant to the nutrient status
of the water, but not to faecal pollution.

The count at 20–22˚C will favour many environmental organisms; the count at 35–37˚C will include some
environmental organisms and possibly some from faecal material. HPC has little sanitary value, but may
be useful in assessing the efficacy of water treatment – specifically the processes of coagulation, filtration
and disinfection, each of which reduces bacterial numbers. It may be used to assess the cleanliness and
integrity of the distribution system and the suitability of water for manufacturing food and drink, where
high counts may lead to spoilage. A significant increase in counts may be an early sign of contamination.


Samples that are representative of the quality of water supplied to consumers should be collected and
analysed for E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) at the minimum frequency shown in Table 10.2.

Table 10.2 Guidelines for microbial quality - frequency

Samples that are representative of the quality of water supplied to consumers should be collected and analysed for E. coli
(or thermotolerant coliforms) at the following minimum frequency:
Population serviced Minimum number of samples
> 100 000 Six samples per week, plus one additional sample per month for each 10 000 above 100 000.
5000–100 000 One sample per week plus one additional sample per month for each 5000 above 5000.
1000–5000 One sample per week (52 samples per year).
< 1000 See advice for small communities (Section 10.5).
Sampling frequency should be increased at times of flooding or emergency operations and following repair work or interruptions
of supply. With small water supply systems, periodic sanitary surveys are likely to yield more information than infrequent sampling.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–5

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

Sampling frequency needs to take account of the fact that any sample of water analysed represents only a
single point on a probability curve, which could be on a tail that underestimates the numbers of indicator
bacteria actually present. The recommended number of samples to be tested for bacterial contamination,
shown in Table 10.3, is based on World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations. For populations
below 5000, the minimum number of samples has been set at one per week. The statistical basis for this
is discussed in the statistics Information sheets (Information Sheet 3.3 Number of samples required) but
in reality, contamination can occur quite rapidly, and fewer samples than this would mean that there
would be substantial periods when the supply was not being monitored, leaving a good chance that the
monitoring program would fail to detect the contamination. From a statistical viewpoint, if the water is
sampled less than once a week, then even if all samples are free of contamination, there is only a low
degree of confidence that the supply is free of contamination.

The frequency of sampling should be increased at times of flooding or emergency operations, or

following interruptions of supply or repair work. With systems serving small communities, periodic
sanitary surveys are likely to yield more information than infrequent sampling (see Chapter 4).

Investigative surveys should include samples taken throughout the distribution system, including:
• fixed points, such as pumping stations and tanks
• random locations throughout the distribution system
• near the extremities of distribution systems
• taps representing the quality of water supplied to consumers.

10.3 Physical and chemical monitoring


If analysis of water supplies is to be useful, it must yield consistent results; however, different methods
of analysis can in some cases give different results on the same water sample. To ensure consistency,
a method of analysis is suggested in the fact sheet for each chemical and physical characteristic.

Where possible, the recommended method is well documented, has undergone extensive evaluation
(preferably through comprehensive inter-laboratory comparison programs), is readily available and
is widely used by the larger water suppliers.

Other methods can be used; however, it is important that they also meet these criteria, and give results
that are consistent with standard methods. Even minor variations to documented methods can lead
to inappropriate measurements.

The guideline values must be measurable by existing analytical techniques. The limit of determination
for each suggested method has therefore been quoted as a guide.


For some chemicals, the guideline value has been set at the limit of determination. It is recognised,
however, that there are many experimental uncertainties in measuring extremely low concentrations.
The value has therefore been chosen so that, if the chemical is present in the water sample at the
guideline value, there is a high probability that it will be detected, and, conversely, if a positive result
is obtained, there is a high probability that this means that the chemical is present in the water sample
(i.e. that the result is not due to ‘noise’ in the measurement process).

10–6 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10

From a more rigorous analytical viewpoint, the limit of determination is the point at which measurements
become quantitatively meaningful. This should not be confused with the detection limit, which is often
taken as three times the standard deviation determined from replicate measurements on blank samples.

The limit of determination is often five times the detection limit, and is usually verified by inter-laboratory
tests on prepared samples.


Chapter 9 gives general information and advice on the design and implementation of a monitoring
program. Some more specific advice is offered here in relation to the physical and chemical
characteristics of drinking water quality. Further information on monitoring is also available in the
NWQMS Australian Guidelines for Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting (2000).

The importance of understanding the water supply system cannot be over emphasised. Such
understanding entails appreciating the impact that activities in catchments can have on the quality of
source waters, and the changes in water quality that can occur in storage reservoirs, service reservoirs,
the treatment process and distribution networks. In particular, in relation to organic compounds, it entails
understanding the effect of disinfectants such as chlorine on naturally occurring material derived from
humus. These factors (which are discussed individually in Chapter 6) must be taken into account in
developing a monitoring program.

In any monitoring program for physical and chemical characteristics, the minimum requirement is to
routinely collect representative samples from a location towards the end of a supply system. Using a fixed
sampling point (or points) allows meaningful comparisons to be made over time. It may be necessary
to conduct a more intensive investigation for a short period to establish that water quality at the chosen
sampling point is representative of the water quality in the system.

If complaints are received, more frequent sampling should be carried out to determine the cause.
Once the problem has been remedied, routine sampling can be resumed.

In addition to the fixed point sampling program, including random samples from locations representing
the quality of water supplied to consumers is encouraged.

Sampling locations and frequency are discussed in Section 9.6.

Monitoring for organic compounds

No single method of analysis is suitable for all the organic compounds that may be present in water.
Each compound, or perhaps group of compounds, has specific analytical requirements, so monitoring
for all of them would be extremely costly, time consuming, and probably unjustified.

Disinfection byproducts

When chlorine is used for disinfection, the byproducts produced in the highest concentrations will
normally be trihalomethanes (THMs). A monitoring program based on the analysis of THMs is the
minimum requirement. If the concentration of THMs is above the guideline value, then other byproducts
may also be present in significant concentrations and should be analysed specifically.

Water samples should be taken at representative sampling points at or near the consumer’s tap towards
the extremities of a distribution system. This will allow the maximum amount of time for THM formation,
and should be representative of the water supplied to consumers. As a minimum, a monthly sample from
each distribution system should provide a reliable estimate of variations in the system. More frequent
samples should be taken if the chlorine disinfection dose is increased substantially, if THM values exceed
the guideline value or if the source of supply is changed.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–7

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

Other organic compounds

Most of the organic compounds listed in this document are unlikely to be present in Australian drinking
water. Source waters in this country are generally relatively free of contamination by organic compounds,
particularly those associated with industrial, chemical or manufacturing industries. Most major cities are
located on the coast, and they generally lack heavy concentrations of industry. There is little industrial
use of rivers and streams upstream of drinking water intakes, accidental spills into major rivers are
uncommon and catchment areas are usually fairly well protected. There may be agricultural activities
within some catchments, but industrial and chemical industries are generally absent. Thus, regular
monitoring for organic compounds may not be justified. However, there may be instances where local
knowledge or accidental spillage justifies an increased level of surveillance.

Contaminated groundwater, water from unprotected or partially protected catchments, and water that
may be contaminated with industrial discharges or effluent should be monitored more frequently than
water from protected catchments. The type of analyses needed will be determined by knowledge of the
types of contaminants likely to be present in the water.

For persistent contaminants, monitoring must be based on knowledge of the individual system. A detailed
initial monitoring program should be carried out to determine the optimum sampling frequency. The
minimum frequency should be one sample per month from each supply; however, conditions, and
therefore sampling frequency, can vary with local circumstances. (See Section 9.6 for a discussion of
sampling locations and frequency, and Information Sheet 3.3 for a discussion of their statistical basis.)

Monitoring for inorganic and physical characteristics

Water drawn from a large storage reservoir or ground supply

In large storage reservoirs, many water quality characteristics remain relatively stable over long periods.
Nevertheless, it is possible for rapid changes to occur, particularly during periods when a large amount
of water flows into the system. Factors such as algal growth and temperature stratification can also
produce rapid change.

Obviously, any treatment process will change the quality of the water. Once water passes into the
distribution system, microbial and slime growths, corrosion and disturbance of pipe sediments due
to flow variations can affect the physical characteristics and the concentrations of some inorganic
chemicals (see Section 5.6).

Tables 10.3 and 10.4 provide a guide to frequency of monitoring that takes account of these variables,
based on wide experience with a number of large distribution systems in different parts of Australia.
This information should not be regarded as a substitute for a detailed assessment of individual systems:
local knowledge and experience may dictate a different monitoring program. (See Section
9.6 for a discussion of sampling locations and frequency, and Information Sheet 3.3 for a discussion
of their statistical basis.)

Water drawn from a small storage reservoir or a river

The physical characteristics and the inorganic constituents of water drawn from small storage reservoirs
or rivers can vary rapidly.

Monitoring requirements will depend on whether the water passes through a water treatment plant
before entering the distribution system. If the water is fully treated, then the monitoring frequency
given in Tables 10.3 and 10.4 can be used. If the water passes directly into the distribution system, the
frequency of monitoring should be based on the rate at which the quality of the supply can change. This
should be determined by an intensive initial monitoring program, and then scaled back once variations
have been assessed (see Section 9.8.1 and Section 10.7).

10–8 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10

Monitoring for pesticides

Although guideline values have been provided for a large number of pesticides, most are unlikely to be
present in Australian drinking water supplies. Monitoring should be undertaken for those pesticides that
have been detected in the source water, or where local usage suggests that they might be detected. Inlets
to storage reservoirs or other water sources should be sampled monthly for relevant pesticide residues.

To help in establishing monitoring programs, the Table 10.11 identifies pesticides that have been detected
from time to time in Australian drinking water sources or whose likely use would indicate that they might
occasionally be detected.

Table 10.3 A guide to the monitoring frequency for inorganic compounds in a distribution system when water is drawn
from a large storage reservoir or ground supply
Frequency Characteristic Comments
Weekly Aluminium, chlorine, Concentrations can change relatively quickly within a distribution system,
chloramines, chlorine and may have important public health or aesthetic significance. Particular
dioxide, fluoride, bromate disinfectants (and byproducts) will only require monitoring if they are used.
Fluoride and aluminium may not require frequent monitoring if fluoridation
is not carried out, or if alum-based coagulants are not used for clarification.
Fortnightly Iron, manganese Iron and manganese can cause taste and staining problems. Concentrations in
a distribution system can change as a result of microbial growths in pipes and
chemical changes in distribution systems. Changes in the water quality of deep
storages can also occur due to temperature stratification.
Monthly Ammonia, copper, hydrogen Concentrations can change within distribution systems, but only relatively
sulfide, nitrate/nitrate, slowly. The quality of consumers’ plumbing can affect concentrations of some
lead, zinc constituents markedly. Use of copper-based algicides can cause short-term
variations in copper concentrations in a distribution system.
Quarterly Antimony, arsenic, barium, While some change is possible within a distribution system, this is likely to be
boron, cadmium, chloride, very slow. Concentrations are generally stable and are determined by conditions
chromium, mercury, in the water storage or catchment (for example, elevated concentrations
molybdenum, nickel, of boron may result from irrigation return water).
selenium, sodium, sulfate
Annually Asbestos, tin, beryllium, It would be unusual to detect these constituents in most Australian drinking water
(if at all) cyanide, iodine, silver supplies. If rarely or never detected, monitoring is probably unnecessary. Local
information may indicate that more frequent monitoring is required.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–9

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

Table 10.4 A guide to the monitoring frequency for physical characteristics in a distribution system when water is drawn
from a large storage reservoir or ground supply
Frequency Characteristic Comments
Weekly Temperature Varies slowly with season; however, rapid changes can occur occasionally,
and may cause consumer complaints. Normally measured in conjunction
with microbial sampling.
Fortnightly pH pH can change quite rapidly within a distribution system and cause problems
for consumers.
Monthly Turbidity, colour, May be affected by changes in flow, which disturb sediments in pipes. Usually,
dissolved oxygen however, change is relatively slow in response to conditions in the storage, or
to water treatment. More rapid change can follow sudden storms, and sampling
should be more frequent after such events.
Quarterly Total dissolved solids Generally change is determined by conditions in the water storage or catchment
and is very slow.
Hardness Generally change is determined by conditions in the catchment and is very slow.
Annually Taste and odour Large consumer surveys need to be well planned and organised. More frequent
surveys may be logistically difficult and expensive. Consumer complaints may
necessitate more frequent monitoring or investigation.

10.4 Radiological monitoring and assessment of compliance


The process of identifying individual radioactive species and determining their concentration requires
sophisticated and expensive analysis, which is normally not justified because concentrations in most
circumstances are very low. A more practical approach is to use a screening procedure, where the total
radioactivity present in the form of alpha and beta radiation is determined without regard to the identity
of specific radionuclides.

The ‘screening’ levels that are recommended for both gross alpha and gross beta activity are 0.5
becquerels per litre (Bq/L). The gross beta measurement includes a contribution from potassium-40, a
natural beta emitter, which occurs naturally in a fixed ratio to stable potassium. Potassium is an essential
element for humans, and is absorbed mainly from ingested food. Potassium-40 does not accumulate in
the body but is maintained at a constant level independent of intake. The contribution of potassium-40
to beta activity is therefore subtracted following a separate determination of total potassium. The specific
activity of potassium-40 is 30.7 becquerels per gram of potassium. However, not all the radiation from
potassium-40 appears as beta activity. The beta activity of potassium-40 is 27.6 becquerels per gram of
stable potassium, which is the factor that should be used to calculate the beta activity due to potassium-
40. Although potassium-40 can make a significant contribution to the gross beta activity of drinking water
(in Bq/L), this translates into a trivial dose in mSv. For example, assuming potassium-40 activity was at
the 0.5 Bq/L screening level for total beta activity, the dose would only be 0.003 mSv per year, based
on the calculation given in Section 7.6.3 and using the ICRP (1996) ‘dose per unit intake’ value for
potassium-40 of 6.2 x 10-6 mSv/Bq.

If the ‘screening’ levels are not exceeded there is no need for further assessment. The recommended
screening levels provide a good margin of safety against the dose-based guideline values. The likely
worst case leading to the highest exposure is where these gross activities are due entirely to radium-226
(an alpha emitter) and radium-228 (a beta emitter). The total dose corresponding to total alpha and
total beta activities just within the respective screening level of 0.5 Bq/L, will be approximately
0.35 millisieverts (mSv) per year with 0.1 mSv from radium-226 and 0.25 mSv from radium-228. Water
that meets the screening guideline will result, at worst, in an annual dose of approximately one-third
of the minimum dose at which intervention should be considered (see Table 10.5).

10–10 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10

If either or both screening levels are exceeded, further investigation is necessary to identify the nature
of the radioactivity. It should be emphasised that the screening level is intended only as a practical means
to ascertain if further consideration of the radiological quality of the water supply is needed. It should
never be regarded as a guideline value, or even as an indicative water quality target.


If the screening level for gross alpha or gross beta activity is exceeded, specific radionuclides should be
identified and their activity concentrations determined. This may involve taking a resample if the volume
of the original sample is inadequate to allow specific radionuclide analysis. Activity concentrations for
the most common sources of emissions, radium-226 and radium-228, should be evaluated at this stage.
If radium does not account for all the gross alpha and beta emissions, then additional radionuclides will
need to be identified. In accounting for all gross alpha and beta activity, the analytical service provider
needs to provide information on counting and other errors associated with the determinations.

The annual dose rate from each radionuclide can be calculated using the method described in Section

If the sum of the annual doses from all radionuclides is less than 0.5 mSv, no further action is required
and routine monitoring can continue. If the sum of the annual doses from all radionuclides exceeds
0.5 mSv, it is not appropriate to rely on a single analysis to determine annual exposure. In this case,
radionuclides should be sampled quarterly to obtain a profile of radiological water quality, as some water
supplies show seasonal variations.

The quarterly results should be reviewed as they become available to ensure that there are no immediate
problems. Otherwise, a final assessment of annual dose can be made when at least four results are
available and the average concentration of each radionuclide can be used to calculate the annual doses.


The operational response will depend on the estimated annual dose determined by the sum of the
contribution from each radionuclide present in the water.

If the total annual dose is less than 0.5 mSv, the guideline level for intervention has not been exceeded
and routine monitoring can be maintained.

If the total annual dose lies between 0.5 and 1.0 mSv, the guideline value for intervention has not been
exceeded. In this instance, however, discussions should be held with the relevant health authority to
determine the frequency of ongoing sampling.

If the total annual dose exceeds 1.0 mSv, the guideline exposure for considering intervention has been
exceeded. The water service provider and the relevant health authority should assess the results and
examine options to reduce the levels of exposure. Water supply providers should consider operational
changes that can be implemented at minimal cost to reduce annual exposures. For example, water could
be preferentially taken from bores with the lowest radionuclide concentrations wherever possible.

A total annual dose that exceeds 10 mSv is unacceptable for drinking water and immediate action
should be taken to reduce the dose below guideline levels.

Recommendations on the response process are presented in Table 10.5. The monitoring and assessment
process is further illustrated in Figure 10.1.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–11

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

Table 10.5 Summary of operational responses

Dose level Response
(mSv per year)
< 0.5 1. Continue routine monitoring.
0.5-1 1. Consult with relevant health authority.
2. Review frequency of ongoing sampling.
3. Evaluate operational options to reduce exposure.
>1-10 1. Consult with relevant health authorities.
2. Assess in detail possible remedial actions, taking into account potential health impacts and
cost effectiveness of actions.
3. Implement appropriate remedial action on the basis of the cost-benefit evaluation.
> 10 1. Water not suitable for consumption on the basis of radioactivity levels.
2. Consult with relevant health authorities.
3. Immediate intervention is expected and remedial action must be taken to reduce doses
to below the guideline value of 1.0 mSv.

Figure 10.1 Flowchart showing how to determine whether the radiological quality of drinking water complies
with the Guidelines
Step Activity Process flow Guidance note
1 Determine gross alpha and
Activity Level
[gross beta excluding – K40].
<0.5 Bq/L
2 Retest for gross alpha and Activity Level
<0.5 Bq/L
[gross beta excluding – K40]
and determine Ra-226 and
Ra-228 activity levels.
3 Are all gross alpha and gross Yes
beta accounted for?
4 Determine the activity levels
of additional radionuclides.

5 Calculate annual exposure.

Annual Exposure
<0.5 Bq/L
6 Complies with Guidelines.
Annual Exposure
Continue routine monitoring.
>0.5 mSv Monitoring includes
steps 2 to 4.
7 Commence quarterly monitoring.

8 Calculate annual exposure based

on quarterly monitoring.
Annual Exposure
9 Complies with ADWG. Continue <0.5–1.0 mSv
monitoring at frequency agreed Annual Exposure
with health department. >1.0 mSv

10 Exceeds guideline.
Consider intervention.

10–12 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10


Gross alpha and beta activity concentration

For analysis of drinking water for gross alpha and beta activity, the most common approach is to
evaporate a known volume of the sample to dryness and measure the activity of the residue. As alpha
radiation is easily absorbed within a thin layer of solid material, the reliability and sensitivity of the
method for alpha determination may be degraded in samples with a high content of total dissolved solids

Where possible, standard methods should be used to determine concentrations of gross alpha and beta
activities. Table 10.6 lists the three procedures that are recommended.

Table 10.6 Recommended methods for the analysis of gross alpha and beta activities in potable water
Method reference Technique Detection limit Application
ISO 9695 and ISO 9696 (1991) Evaporation 0.02-0.1 Bq/L Groundwater with TDS greater than 0.1 g/L
AS 2531 (1982) Evaporation 0.02 Bq/L Surface water and groundwater with TDS 0.1 g/L
APHA, AWWA, WEF(1998) Coprecipitation 0.02 Bq/L Surface and groundwater (low Fe) (TDS not a factor)

AS = Australian Standard (of Standards Australia); AWWA = American Water Works Association;
APHA = American Public Health Association; Bq = becquerel; ISO = International Organization for Standardization;
TDS = total dissolved solids; WEF = Water Environment Federation.

The determination of gross beta activity using either of the evaporation methods in Table 10.6 includes
the contribution from potassium-40. An additional analysis of total potassium is therefore required.

The coprecipitation technique shown in Table 10.6 excludes the contribution due to potassium-40, so
determination of total potassium is not necessary. This method is not suitable for assessment of water
samples containing fission products such as caesium-137. However, under normal circumstances,
concentrations of fission products in Australian drinking water supplies are so low that they cannot be

Analytical methods for specific radionuclides

Generally, Australian standard or international standard methods are not available for key natural
radionuclides such as radium-226 and radium-228; however, suitable methods have been published
in the literature. Suggested methods for specific radionuclides are included the relevant Fact Sheets.

Sample handling and pretreatment

Water samples should be pretreated to prevent significant losses of radionuclides from solution following
collection and in transit to a laboratory.

Details of appropriate procedures for the handling of water samples, including suitable containers
and pretreatment methods are described in the relevant Australian/New Zealand Standards
(AS/NZS 1998a and 1998b).

Analytical methods for potassium-40

It is impractical to use a radioactive measurement technique to determine the concentration of

potassium-40 in a water sample. This is because gamma ray analysis is not very sensitive and it is
difficult to chemically isolate the radionuclide from solution. Because the ratio of potassium-40 to stable
potassium is fixed, chemical analysis for potassium is recommended. A measurement sensitivity of 1 mg/L

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–13

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

for potassium-40 is adequate for monitoring purposes; this can readily be achieved by atomic absorption
spectrophotometry or specific ion analysis. The activity due to potassium-40 can then be calculated
using a factor of 0.0276 Bq of beta activity per milligram of potassium.

Sampling frequency

New water supplies and those not previously sampled should be sampled often enough to characterise
the radiological quality of the water supply and to assess any seasonal variation in radionuclide
concentrations. This should include analysis for radon. Quarterly sampling should provide sufficient data.

Once the radiological quality of a supply has been established, sampling can be less frequent – every
two years for groundwater supplies, every five years for surface water supplies.

Reporting of results

The analytical results for each sample should contain the following information:
• sample identifying code or information
• reference date and time for the reported results (e.g. sample collection date)
• identification of the standard analytical method used or a brief description of any
non-standard method used
• identification of any radionuclides or type of total radioactivity determined
• calculated concentration or activity value using the appropriate blank for each radionuclide
• estimates of the counting uncertainty and total propagated uncertainty
• decision level (in units consistent with the counting uncertainty) and nominal minimum
detectable concentration for each radionuclide or parameter analysed.

The estimate of total propagated uncertainty of the reported result should include the
contributions from all the parameters within the analytical method (i.e. counting and other
random and systematic uncertainties).

10.5 Small water supplies monitoring

Monitoring of small water supplies should be based on the principle that it is much more effective to
test for a narrow range of key characteristics as frequently as possible, supplementing this with sanitary
inspection, than to conduct comprehensive but lengthy (and possibly largely irrelevant) analyses less
often. In addition to health-related characteristics, small communities need to include other analyses
relevant to the operation and maintenance of water treatment and distribution systems.

As a minimum, small community supplies should be monitored for the four characteristics that best
establish the hygienic state of the water and the potential for other problems to occur:
• indicator microorganisms
• disinfectant residual
• pH
• turbidity.

10–14 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10

Except for the indicator microorganisms (see Section 10.2.1), these characteristics can be determined
on site using relatively unsophisticated testing equipment. It is essential to determine disinfectant residual
at the site at the time of sampling. It is also important to do this for the other characteristics where
laboratory support is lacking or where transportation problems would render conventional sampling and
analysis difficult or impossible. There are test kits for rapid microbial examination of water; the results
obtained, however, may be variable and require careful interpretation. Some jurisdictions have given
in-principle approval for test kits, and field trials are proceeding. Further pursuit of this approach is

Health authorities and water authorities should also be aware of other specific regional or local sources
of contamination, such as chemical or radiological contamination, and monitoring should be undertaken
for the relevant characteristics.

10.6 Guide to monitoring and sampling frequency

Table 10.7 provides guidance for operational and drinking water quality monitoring by location.
Operational monitoring is used to check that the processes and equipment that have been put in place
to protect and enhance water quality are working properly, whereas drinking water quality monitoring
is a wide-ranging assessment of the quality of water in the distribution system and as supplied to the

The table is based on experience from a number of water authorities throughout Australia and is
intended to provide a guide to monitoring frequency. The table does not preclude the need to carry
out a comprehensive survey to determine the monitoring requirements of an individual system, but can
be used as a starting point for this process.

Individual water authorities should work out their own cost-effective monitoring programs in consultation
with personnel experienced in water quality assessment. The emphasis should be on identified key
characteristics, local knowledge and experience based on the identified key characteristics and their
variability. The size of the water supply scheme may dictate a different sampling program from that
suggested here.

Table 10.7 should be used in conjunction with the more detailed information on monitoring provided
in relevant sections of the ADWG.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–15

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

Table 10.7 Drinking Water Guidelines and operational monitoring by location

Drinking water quality monitoring

Location Characteristic Sampling frequency
Raw water Pesticides Monthly for specific pesticides and/or event-related
(storage, stream – (One sample per month should be analysed for
or bore) those pesticides previously detected in the source
water, or where their likely use would indicate that
they might be detected.)

Organics other than disinfection byproducts Monthly if persistent, otherwise event-related

(benzene, chlorobenzene, dichlorobenzenes,
dichloroethanes, dichloroethenes,
ethylbenzene, ethylenediamine tetraacetic
acid, hexachlorobutadiene, nitrilotriacetic
acid, organotins, styrene, tetrachloroethene,
trichlorobenzene (total), 1,1,1-trichlorothane,
trichloroethylene, vinyl chloride

Arsenic, selenium, mercury, molybdenum, Quarterly or event-related

boron, barium

Tin, silver, beryllium, iodide, Annually (if at all)

Radionuclides Every 5 years for surface water, every 2 years

for groundwater, more often if guideline value
exceeded. (Radiological quality should be assessed
when a new supply is brought into service, and
then every two years for groundwater supplies,
and every five years for surface water supplies.)

Operational monitoring
Characteristic Sampling frequency
Water treatment-related colour, turbidity, pH, Weekly/monthly (depends on variability
alkalinity, iron, manganese, hardness, fluoride in water quality)

E.coli, total coliforms and HPC Weekly/monthly

Disinfection byproduct precursors Monthly/quarterly

(e.g. total organic halogen)

Dissolved oxygen Monthly/quarterly

Taste/odour and toxin-producing organisms Weekly/monthly

and characteristics affecting their growth

10–16 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10

Table 10.7 Drinking Water Guidelines and operational monitoring by location (continued)

Drinking water quality monitoring

Location Characteristic Sampling frequency
Treated water Fluoride If fluoridation carried out, continuous to weekly;
(water entering otherwise quarterly
distribution system
Hardness Monthly if water is treated for hardness,
after clarification
otherwise quarterly
or disinfection)
Total dissolved solids, sodium, chloride, sulfate Quarterly (more often if significantly affected
by water treatment)

Organic contaminants from water treatment Quarterly

chemicals (acrylamide, carbon tetrachloride)
Operational monitoring
Characteristic Sampling frequency
Epichlorohydrin Annually (if at all)

Disinfectant residuals Daily/weekly

Treatment-related characteristics: colour, turbidity, Daily/weekly

pH, aluminium, iron, manganese

E.coli, total coliforms and HPC Weekly for surface water; fortnightly
for groundwater

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–17

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

Table 10.7 Drinking Water Guidelines and operational monitoring by location (continued)

Drinking water quality monitoring

Location Characteristic Sampling frequency
Distribution system Aluminium Weekly if aluminium salts used
(at points well into in flocculation
the system)
Chlorine residual Continuous to weekly. Frequency depending
on size of system

pH, manganese Fortnightly

Organic byproducts of disinfection Monthly if disinfection practised

(As a minimum, monitoring should be carried out
for trihalomethanes (THMs). If concentrations
exceed the guideline value, other byproducts should
be analysed specifically. Monthly samples should be
taken from each distribution system,
with more samples if:
• the chlorine disinfection dose is increased
• THM concentrations exceed the guideline value
• the source of supply is changed.

Dissolved oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, nitrite, nitrate, Monthly


Colour, turbidity Monthly

Chromium Quarterly or event related

Asbestos, cyanide Annually (if at all)

Organic materials used in water Annually (if at all)

systems (pipe/fitting/adhesive
toluene, xylene)

Operational monitoring
Characteristic Sampling frequency
Disinfectant residuals Weekly

Total coliforms and HPC Weekly/monthly

10–18 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10

Table 10.7 Drinking Water Guidelines and operational monitoring by location (continued)

Drinking water quality monitoring

Location Characteristic Sampling frequency
Supply to Disinfectant residuals (bromate, Weekly
consumer chlorine, chlorine dioxide, iodine,
(samples should monochloramine)
be taken from
E. coli (thermotolerant coliforms) At least weekly
points representing
temperature (depending on population)
the quality of
water supplied Corrosion products:
to consumers)
Iron Fortnightly
(or weekly if used as coagulant)

Copper, lead, zinc Monthly/special investigations

Cadmium, nickel, antimony Quarterly

Taste/odour Annually/complaints

Benzo(a)pyrene, plasticisers Annually (if bitumen-based products in

contact with water)

(1) The frequencies and locations shown are intended only as a guide to assist in establishing monitoring programs.
They are based on the experience of water authorities throughout Australia, but are not a substitute for a detailed assessment
of individual systems.
(2) Water supplied to consumers should occasionally be monitored for all characteristics. Monitoring by the water authority would
normally be undertaken outside the consumer’s property from a service pipeline directly off a main selected to represent the
quality of water supplied to a consumer. Some specific investigations (e.g. leaching of metals by corrosive water), will require
sampling from consumers’ taps.
(3) In large storages or groundwater, many water quality characteristics remain relatively stable over long periods. Rapid changes
may occur during periods of large water inflow, and in the case of storages, through other factors such as thermal stratification/
destratification, algal growth. In streams and small storages the concentration of water quality characteristics can vary rapidly.
Sampling frequencies shown are based on the rate of change in the supply, and are provided as a guide only. More frequent
monitoring may be required depending on local conditions and circumstances.
(4) Unless otherwise stated:
• ‘raw water’ is water in a storage reservoir, river, stream or underground source
• ‘treated water’ is water entering a distribution system after disinfection or clarification
• ‘distribution system’ refers to water in the distribution system, but at points well into the distribution system where
off-take to consumers has occurred
• ‘supply to consumer’ means water representative of that supplied to consumers and is normally monitored by the water
authority outside the consumer’s property from a service pipeline directly off the main selected to represent the quality
of water supplied to the consumer. Some specific investigations (e.g. leaching of metals by corrosive water) will require
sampling from consumer’s taps
• ‘consumer’s tap’ refers to the point of use within the consumer’s property (e.g. the kitchen tap).

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–19

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

10.7 Guide to evaluating results

Results from both operational monitoring and drinking water quality monitoring should be evaluated
in the short and long term. Results should be documented appropriately and a system of regular
reporting of results to relevant staff, departments and external stakeholders such as regulators should be
implemented. Results should be reviewed frequently to assess performance against target criteria and
critical limits, as well as against guidelines or agreed levels of service. Where results show that critical
limits have been exceeded or deviated from, control of the process has been lost, and corrective actions
should be undertaken immediately. However, the purpose of this section is not to consider such incidents
in isolation or offer advice on the immediate action to take if a guideline value is exceeded. Its aim is
provide water suppliers with a means of using the results of a planned monitoring program to assess the
performance of the water supply system over a given period (typically the preceding 12 months).

The performance of a water supply system over time is an important issue both for consumers, and for
the managers and operators of water systems. Such an assessment may be of use, for example, in an
annual report. From a capital works viewpoint, comparisons of performance can be used to evaluate the
need to upgrade supplies and to set priorities to achieve these improvements in a rational and systematic



The information provided here applies to the physical, inorganic, organic and radiological characteristics
of water quality.

Data for key characteristics should be displayed in a ‘control chart’ format (see Information Sheet 3.4).

For all health-related characteristics, a reasonable objective is to be confident that the 95th percentile
of results over the preceding 12 months is less than the guideline value. This means that the upper bound
of the 95% confidence interval for the percentile should be less than the guideline value.

Water quality characteristics that are not health related should be the subject of community service
agreements. Where these agreements involve meeting certain aesthetic guideline values, a reasonable
objective is to be confident that the mean value (or average) of results over the preceding 12 months
is less than the guideline value. This means that the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval for
the mean should be less than the guideline value.

The minimum sampling frequency should be determined from a statistical assessment of the data.

10–20 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10


The assessment of long-term performance for microbial quality requires a different approach, and this
is summarised in Table 10.8.

Table 10.8 Guidelines for microbial quality – assessing system performance

For samples representative of the quality of water supplied to consumers, performance can be regarded as satisfactory
if over the preceding 12 months:
• at least the minimum number of routine samples has been tested for E. coli (or thermotolerant) (see Table 10.2)
• at least 98% of scheduled samples (as distinct from repeat or special purpose samples) contain no E. coli
(or thermotolerant coliforms)
NOTE: It is the number of samples with positive results that should be used to assess performance; the number of organisms found
for each positive result is irrelevant for this purpose. Each positive result requires action as detailed in the monitoring section above.

It is unrealistic, both from a statistical viewpoint and practically, to expect a water supply system to have
zero indicator bacteria at all times. There may be instances where E.coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) are
detected and when this occurs it is important that action is taken to rectify the problem. It is not possible
to be certain that disinfection is 100% effective under all circumstances, or even that contamination of the
sample container never occurs. It would be unreasonable to equate these occurrences with unsatisfactory
or poor performance. Allowance has therefore been made in the assessment of performance for an
occasional failure.

What then, can be regarded as acceptable performance, or more specifically, what should be regarded
as an ‘acceptable’ failure?. There is no unequivocal answer. The guideline for E.coli (or thermotolerant
coliforms) allows one failure in 50 samples (or 98% of samples having zero isolations), for the following
• no reasonable sampling program can achieve zero E.coli (or thermotolerant) bacteria all of the time
• one isolation of E.coli (or thermotolerant) bacteria per year is the next best alternative, and still
provides a high degree of protection for public health
• one failure in 50 samples (i.e. one failure per year at the minimum recommended sampling
frequency) means that 98% of samples are free from contamination
• this requirement can be met with a high degree of confidence by a well-operated system and a
realistic and practical monitoring program.

It is essential that data used to assess long-term system performance are from independent samples, and
so the criteria for evaluating performance deliberately exclude repeat and special purpose samples.
Repeat samples are taken when contamination has been detected, and hence can not be regarded as
independent of the first sample. Special purpose samples are also unlikely to be independent samples;
they might, for example, be part of an investigative survey to assess problem areas in a supply. If such
samples were included in performance assessment requirements, this could discourage water suppliers
from conducting investigative and research monitoring, which are, on the contrary, to be encouraged as a
means of identifying sources of contamination.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–21

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

10.8 Summary of guideline values

Table 10.9 Guidelines for microbial quality - monitoring of E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms)
Guideline No sample of drinking water should contain any E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) (minimum sample 100 mL).
Action If E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) are detected, then irrespective of the number of organisms,
both the following steps should be taken immediately:
1) Another sample (a repeat sample) should be taken from the same site and from the immediate upstream
treated sources of supply and tested for the presence of E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms).
– If the additional samples are negative for E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms), then routine sampling
can resume, but only after step 2 (below) has been completed.
– If any additional sample is positive for E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms), then increased disinfection
and a full sanitary survey should be implemented immediately. The sanitary survey should include
a review of the integrity of the system.
2) Disinfection should be increased and/or an investigation undertaken to determine possible sources
of contamination. These might include a breakdown in disinfection, a mains break, interruption to the supply,
surges in supply, or deliberate or accidental contamination of the system. The investigation may include
a visual inspection of the system and associated service reservoirs by trained personnel. When found, the
source of contamination should be eliminated.

Table 10.10 Guideline values for physical and chemical characteristics

Characteristic Guideline values* Comments
Health Aesthetic
Acrylamide 0.0002 Minor impurity of polyacrylamide, used sometimes as a flocculant aid.
Aluminium 0.2 Guideline value based on post-flocculation problems;
(acid-soluble) < 0.1 mg/L desirable. Lower levels needed for renal dialysis.
No health-based guideline value can be established currently.
Ammonia 0.5 Presence may indicate sewage contamination and/or microbial activity.
(as NH3) High levels may corrode copper pipes and fittings.
Antimony 0.003 Exposure may rise with increasing use of antimony-tin solder.
Arsenic 0.007 From natural sources and mining/industrial/agricultural wastes.
Asbestos From dissolution of minerals/industrial waste, deterioration
of asbestos-cement pipes in distribution systems. No evidence
of cancer when ingested (unlike inhaled asbestos).
Barium 0.7 Primarily from natural sources.
Benzene 0.001 Could occur in drinking water from atmospheric deposition (motor
vehicle emissions) and chemical plant effluent. Human carcinogen.
Beryllium From weathering of rocks, atmospheric deposition (burning of fossil
fuels) discharges.
Boron 4 From natural leaching of minerals and contamination. < 1 mg/L
in uncontaminated sources; higher levels may be associated with
seawater intrusion.
Bromate 0.02 Possible byproduct of disinfection using ozone, otherwise unlikely
to be found in drinking water.
Cadmium 0.002 Indicates industrial or agricultural contamination; from impurities
in galvanised (zinc) fittings, solders and brasses.
Carbon 0.003 Sometimes occurs as impurity in chlorine used for disinfection
tetrachloride (it is not a disinfection byproduct).

10–22 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10

Table 10.10 Guideline values for physical and chemical characteristics (Continued)
Characteristic Guideline values* Comments
Health Aesthetica
Chloramine – see
Chlorate Byproduct of chlorine dioxide disinfection.
Chloride 250 From natural mineral salts, effluent contamination. High concentrations
more common in groundwater and certain catchments.
Chlorinated Byproduct of Chlorination.
furanones (MX)
Chlorine 5 0.6 Widely used to disinfect water, and this can produce (free) chlorinated
organic byproducts. Odour threshold generally 0.6 mg/L, but 0.2 mg/L for
a few people. In some supplies it may be necessary to exceed the aesthetic
guideline in order to maintain an effective disinfectant residual throughout
the system.
Chlorine dioxide 1 0.4 Oxidising agent and disinfectant in water treatment.
Chlorite 0.3 Byproduct of chlorine dioxide disinfection.
Chloroacetic acids Byproduct of chlorination.
chloroacetic acid 0.15
dichloroacetic acid 0.1
trichloroacetic acid 0.1
Chlorobenzene 0.3 0.01 Could occur in drinking water from spills or discharges. Taste/odour
threshold (0.01 mg/L) is well below health level.
Chloroketones Byproduct of chlorination.
Chlorophenols Byproduct of chlorination of water containing phenol or related chemicals.
2-chlorophenol 0.3 0.0001
2,4-dichlorophenol 0.2 0.0003
2,4,6-trichlorophenol 0.02 0.002
Chloropicrin Byproduct of chlorination.
Chromium (as Cr(VI)) 0.05 From industrial/agricultural contamination of raw water or corrosion
of materials in distribution system/plumbing. If guideline value exceeded,
analyse for hexavalent chromium.
Copper 2 1 From corrosion of pipes/fittings by salt, low pH water. Tast threshold
3mg/L. High concentrations colour water blue/green. >1mg/L may stain
fittings. >2mg/l can cause ill effects in some poeple.
Cyanide 0.08 From industrial waste and some plants and bacteria.
Cyanogen chloride 0.08 Byproduct of chloramination.
(as cyanide)
1,2-dichlorobenzene 1.5 0.001 Could occur in drinking water from spills, discharges, atmospheric
1,3-dichlorobenzene c
0.02 deposition, leaching from contaminated soils. Health levels are well
above offensive taste/odour thresholds.
1,4-dichlorobenzene 0.04 0.003
1,1-dichloroethane Could occur in drinking water from industrial effluents, spills, discharges.
1,2-dichloroethane 0.003

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–23

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

Table 10.10 Guideline values for physical and chemical characteristics (Continued)
Characteristic Guideline values* Comments
Health Aesthetic
Dichloroethenes Rarely found in drinking water; found occasionally in groundwater
1,1-dichloroethene 0.03 from wells heavily contaminated by solvents.

1,2-dichloroethene 0.06
Dichloromethane 0.004 Widely used solvent, commonly found in ground and surface waters
(methylene chloride) overseas.Volatilises from surface waters and biodegrades in the atmosphere.
Dissolved oxygen Not > 85% Low concentrations allow growth of nuisance microorganisms (iron/
necessary manganese/sulfate/nitrate-reducing bacteria) causing taste and odour
problems, staining, corrosion. Low oxygen concentrations are normal
in groundwater supplies and the guideline value may not be achievable.
Epichlorohydrin 0.0005d Used in manufacture of some resins used in water treatment.
Ethylbenzene 0.3 0.003 Natural component of petrol and petroleum products.
Ethylenediamine 0.25 Metal-complexing agent widely used in industry and agriculture, and
tetraacetic acid (EDTA) as a drug in chelation therapy.
Fluoride 1.5 Occurs naturally in some water from fluoride-containing rocks.
Often added at up to 1 mg/L to protect against dental caries.
> 1.5 mg/L can cause dental fluorosis.
> 4 mg/L can cause skeletal fluorosis.
Formaldehyde 0.5 Byproduct of ozonation.
Haloacetonitriles Byproduct of chlorination.
Hardness (as CaCO3) Not 200 Caused by calcium and magnesium salts. Hard water is difficult to lather.
necessary < 60 mg/L CaCO3 soft but possibly corrosive.
60-200 mg/L CaCO3 good quality.
200-500 mg/L CaCO3 increasing scaling problems.
> 500 mg/L CaCO3 severe scaling.
Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0007 Industrial solvent.
Hydrogen sulfide 0.05 Formed in water by sulfate-reducing microorganisms or hydrolysis of
soluble sulfide under anoxic conditions. Obnoxious ‘rotten egg’ odour,
threshold 0.05 mg/L.
Iodine Can be used as an emergency water disinfectant.
Taste threshold 0.15 mg/L.
Iodide 0.1 From mineral and salt deposits.
Iron 0.3 Occurs naturally in water, usually at < 1 mg/L, but up to 100 mg/L
in oxygen-depleted groundwater. Taste threshold 0.3 mg/L. High
concentrations stain laundry and fittings. Iron bacteria cause blockages,
taste/odour, corrosion.
Lead 0.01 Occurs in water via dissolution from natural sources or household
plumbing containing lead (e.g. pipes, solder).
Manganese 0.5 0.1 Occurs naturally in water; low in surface water, higher in oxygen-depleted
water (e.g. groundwater at bottom of deep storages).
> 0.1 mg/L causes taste, staining.
< 0.05 mg/L desirable.
Mercury 0.001 From industrial emissions/spills.Very low concentrations occur naturally.
Organic forms most toxic, but these are associated with biota, not water.

10–24 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10

Table 10.10 Guideline values for physical and chemical characteristics (Continued)
Characteristic Guideline values* Comments
Health Aesthetic
Molybdenum 0.05 Concentrations usually < 0.01 mg/L; higher concentrations from mining,
agriculture, or fly-ash deposits from coal-fuelled power stations.
Monochloramine 3 0.5 Used as water disinfectant. Odour threshold 0.5 mg/L.
Nickel 0.02 Concentrations usually very low; but up to 0.5 mg/L reported after
prolonged contact of water with nickel-plated fittings.
Nitrate (as nitrate) 50 Occurs naturally. Increasing in some waters (particularly groundwater)
from intensive farming and sewage effluent. Guideline value will
protect bottle-fed infants under 3 months from methaemoglobinaemia.
Adults and children over 3 months can safely drink water with up
to 100 mg/L nitrate.
Nitrite (as nitrite) 3 Rapidly oxidised to nitrate (see above).
Nitrilotriacetic acid 0.2 Chelating agent in laundry detergents (replacing phosphate).
May enter water through sewage contamination.
tributyltin oxide 0.001 Stabilisers in plastics, may leach from new poly vinyl chloride (PVC)
pipes for a short time. Tributyltins are biocides used as antifouling agents
on boats and in boiler waters.
Ozone As ozone used for disinfection leaves no residual, no guideline value has
been established.
pH pH 6.5-8.5 While extreme pH values (< 4 and > 11) may adversely affect health, there
are insufficient data to set a health guideline value.
< 6.5 may be corrosive.
> 8 progressively decreases efficiency of chlorination.
> 8.5 may cause scale and taste problems.
New concrete tanks and cement-mortar lined pipes can significantly
increase pH and a value up to 9.2 may be tolerated provided monitoring
indicates no deterioration in microbial quality.
di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 0.01 Used in all flexible PVC products, and may leach from these over a long
c time. Could also occur in drinking water from spills.
di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate
Polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Benzo-(a)-pyrene 0.00001 Widespread. Contamination can occur through atmospheric deposition,
(10 ng/L) or leaching from bituminous linings in distribution systems.
Selenium 0.01 Generally very low concentrations in natural water.
Silver 0.1 Concentrations generally very low. Silver and silver salts occasionally
used for disinfection.
Sodium 180 Natural component of water. Guideline value is taste threshold.
Styrene (vinylbenzene) 0.03 0.004 Could occur in drinking water from industrial contamination.
Sulfate 500 250 Natural component of water, and may be added via treatment chemicals.
Guideline value is taste threshold.
> 500 mg/L can have purgative effects.
Taste and odour Not Acceptable May indicate undesirable contaminants, but usually indicate
necessary to most problems such as algal or biofilm growths.
Temperature Not No value Generally impractical to control; rapid changes can bring complaints.
necessary set

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–25

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

Table 10.10 Guideline values for physical and chemical characteristics (Continued)
Characteristic Guideline values* Comments
Health Aesthetic
Tetrachloroethene 0.05 Dry-cleaning solvent and metal degreaser. Could occur in drinking
water from contamination or spills.
Tin Concentrations in water very low; one of the least toxic metals.
Toluene 0.8 0.025 Occurs naturally in petrol and natural gas, forest-fire emissions.
Could occur in drinking water from atmospheric deposition, industrial
contamination, leaching from protective coatings in storage tanks.
Total dissolved solids Not 500 < 500 mg/L is regarded as good quality drinking water based on taste.
necessary 500-1000 mg/L is acceptable based on taste.
> 1000 mg/L may be associated with excessive scaling, corrosion,
and unsatisfactory taste.
Trichloroacetaldehyde 0.02 Byproduct of chlorination.
(chloral hydrate)
Trichlorobenzenes (total) 0.03 0.005 Industrial chemical.
1,1,1-Trichloroethane Could occur in drinking water from contamination/spills.
Trichloroethylene Industrial solvent, cleaning fluid, metal degreaser. Could occur
in drinking water from direct contamination or via atmospheric
contamination of rainwater.
Trihalomethanes 0.25 Byproduct of chlorination and chloramination
(THMs) (Total)
True Colour Not 15 HU 15 HU just noticeable in a glass.
necessary Up to 25 HU is acceptable if turbidity is low.
If colour is high at time of disinfection, then the water should
be checked for disinfection byproducts such as THMs.
Turbidity 5 NTU 5 NTU just noticeable in a glass.
>1 NTU may shield some microorganisms from disinfection.
<1 NTU desirable for effective disinfection.
Uranium 0.02 Occurs naturally, or from release from mine tailings, combustion
of coal and phosphate fertilizers.
Vinyl chloride 0.0003 From chemical spills. Used in making PVC pipes. Human carcinogen.
Xylene 0.6 0.02 Could occur in drinking water as a pollutant, or from solvent used
for bonding plastic fittings.
Zinc 3 Usually from corrosion of galvanised pipes/fittings and brasses.
Natural concentrations generally < 0.01 mg/L.

Taste problems > 3 mg/L.

* All values mg/L unless otherwise stated

HU = Hazen units; NTU = nephelometric turbidity units; THMs = trihalomethanes.
a– Aesthetic values are not listed if the compound does not cause aesthetic problems, or if the value determined from health
considerations is the same or lower.
b– If present at all in Australian drinking waters, concentrations of all organic compounds other than disinfection byproducts
are likely to be very low relative to the guideline value.
c– Insufficient data to set a guideline value based on health considerations.
d– The guideline value is below the limit of determination. Improved analytical procedures are required for this compound.
e– No health-based guideline value is considered necessary.
Note: All values are as ‘total’ unless otherwise stated.
Note: Routine monitoring for these compounds is not required unless there is potential for contamination of water supplies
(e.g. accidental spillage).
Note: The concentration of all chlorination byproducts can be minimised by removing naturally occurring organic matter from the
source water, reducing the amount of chlorine added, or using an alternative disinfectant (which may produce other byproducts).
Action to reduce trihalomethanes and other byproducts is encouraged, but must not compromise disinfection.

10–26 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10

Table 10.11 Guideline values for pesticides

Pesticide Guideline Health Pesticide Guideline Health
valuea (mg/L) valueb (mg/L) valuea (mg/L) valueb (mg/L)
Acephate 0.01 Diuronc 0.03
Aldicarb 0.001 0.001 DPA (2,2-DPA) 0.5
Aldrin (and dieldrin) 0.00001 0.0003 EDB 0.001 0.001
Ametryn 0.005 0.05 Endosulfan 0.00005 0.03
Amitrole 0.001 0.01 Endothal 0.01 0.1
Asulam 0.05 EPTC 0.001 0.03
Atrazinec 0.0001 0.04 Ethion 0.003
Azinphos-methyl 0.002 0.003 Ethoprophos 0.001 0.001
Benomyl 0.1 Etridiazole 0.0001 0.1
Bentazone 0.03 Fenamiphos 0.0003
Bioresmethrin 0.1 Fenarimol 0.001 0.03
Bromacil 0.01 0.3 Fenchlorphos 0.03
Bromophos-ethyl 0.01 Fenitrothion 0.01
Bromoxynil 0.03 Fenoprop 0.01
Carbaryl 0.005 0.03 Fensulfothion 0.01 0.01
Carbendazim 0.1 Fenvalerate 0.05
Carbofuran 0.005 0.01 Flamprop-methyl 0.003
Carbophenothion 0.0005 Fluometuron 0.05
Carboxin 0.002 0.3 Formothion 0.05
Chlordanec 0.00001 0.001 Fosaminec 0.03
Chlorfenvinphos 0.005 Glyphosate 0.01 1
Chlorothalonil 0.0001 0.03 Heptachlor 0.00005 0.0003
Chloroxuron 0.01 (including its epoxide)
Chlorpyrifos 0.01 Hexaflurate 0.03
Chlorsulfuron 0.1 Hexazinonec 0.002 0.3
Clopyralidc 1 1 Lindanec 0.00005 0.02
2,4-D 0.0001 0.03 Maldison 0.05
DDT 0.00006 0.02 Methidathion 0.03
Diazinon 0.001 0.003 Methiocarb 0.005 0.005
Dicamba 0.1 Methomyl 0.005 0.03
Dichlobenil 0.01 Methoxychlor 0.0002 0.3
Dichlorvos 0.001 0.001 Metolachlor 0.002 0.3
Diclofop-methyl 0.005 Metribuzin 0.001 0.05
Dicofol 0.003 Metsulfuron-methyl 0.03
Dieldrin (see aldrin) 0.00001 0.0003 Mevinphos 0.005 0.005
Difenzoquat 0.1 Molinate 0.0005 0.005
Dimethoate 0.05 Monocrotophos 0.001
Diphenamid 0.002 0.3 Napropamide 0.001 1
Diquat 0.0005 0.005 Nitralin 0.5
Disulfoton 0.001 0.003 Norflurazon 0.002 0.05

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–27

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

Table 10.11 Guideline values for pesticides

Pesticide Guideline Health Pesticide Guideline Health
valuea (mg/L) valueb (mg/L) valuea (mg/L) valueb (mg/L)
Oryzalin 0.3 Propyzamide 0.002 0.3
Oxamyl 0.005 0.1 Pyrazophos 0.03
Paraquat 0.001 0.03 Quintozene 0.03
Parathion 0.01 Simazine 0.0005 0.02
Parathion methyl 0.0003 0.1 Sulprofos 0.01
Pebulate 0.0005 0.03 Silvex (see Fenoprop)
Pendimethalin 0.3 2,4,5-T 0.00005 0.1
Pentachlorophenol 0.00001 0.01 Temephosc 0.3 0.3
Permethrin 0.001 0.1 Terbacil 0.01 0.03
Picloram 0.3 Terbufos 0.0005 0.0005
Piperonyl butoxide 0.1 Terbutryn 0.001 0.3
Pirimicarb 0.005 Tetrachlorvinphos 0.002 0.1
Pirimiphos-ethyl 0.0005 Thiobencarb 0.03
Pirimiphos-methyl 0.05 Thiometon 0.003
Profenofos 0.0003 Thiophanate 0.005
Promecarb 0.03 Thiram 0.003
Propachlor 0.001 0.05 Triadimefon 0.1 0.002
Propanil 0.0001 0.5 Trichlorfon 0.005
Propargite 0.05 Triclopyrc 0.01
Propazine 0.0005 0.05 Trifluralin 0.0001 0.05
Propiconazole 0.0001 0.1 Vernolate 0.0005 0.03

a– These are generally based on the analytical limit of determination (the level at which the pesticide can be reliably detected using
practicable, readily available and validated analytical methods). If a pesticide is detected at or above this value the source should
be identified and action taken to prevent further contamination.
b– Based on 10% of acceptable daily intake (ADI).
c– These pesticides have either been detected on occasions in Australian drinking water or their likely use would indicate that they
may occasionally be detected.
Note: Routine monitoring for pesticides is not required unless potential exists for contamination of water supplies.
See also Section 6.3.3

10–28 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water Chapter 10

Table 10.12 Guideline values for radiological quality of drinking water

Guideline value
The total estimated dose per year from all radionuclides in drinking water, excluding the dose from potassium-40, should
not exceed 1.0 mSv.
If this guideline value is exceeded, the water provider, in conjunction with the relevant health authority, should evaluate
possible remedial actions on a cost-benefit basis to assess what action can be justified to reduce the annual exposure.

Screening of water supplies

Compliance with the guideline for radiological quality of drinking water should be assessed, initially, by screening for gross
alpha and gross beta activity concentrations. The recommended screening level for gross alpha activity is 0.5 Bq/L. The recommended
screening level for gross beta activity is 0.5 Bq/L after subtraction of the contribution from potassium-40.
If either of these activity concentrations is exceeded, specific radionuclides should be identified and their activity concentrations
determined. The concentration of both radium-226 and radium-228 should always be determined, as these are the most significant
naturally occurring radionuclides in Australian water supplies. Other radionuclides should be identified if necessary to ensure
all gross alpha and beta activity is accounted for, after taking into account the counting and other analytical uncertainties involved
in the determination.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 10–29

Chapter 10 Monitoring for Specific Characteristics in Drinking Water

10.9 References
ANZECC/ARMCANZ (2000) Australian Guidelines for Monitoring and Reporting, National Water Quality
Management Strategy Paper no. 7. Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council /
Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand.

AS/NZS (1998a). Australia and New Zealand Standards. AS/NZS 5667.1:1998 Water quality – Sampling
– Guidance on the design of sampling programs, sampling techniques and the preservation and handling
of samples.

AS/NZS (1998b). Australia and New Zealand Standards AS/NZS 5667.5:1998 Water quality – Sampling
– Guidance on sampling of drinking water and water used for food and beverage processing.

Brenner DJ, David BR and Steigerwalt AG (1982). Atypical biogroups of Escherichia coli found in clinical
specimens and description of Escherichia hermanii sp. nov. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 15:703–713.

Edberg SC, Rice EW, Karlin RJ and Allen MJ (2000). Escherichia coli: the best biological drinking water
indicator for public health protection. Journal of Applied Microbiology – Symposium Supplement,

Feacham RG, Bradley DJ, Gavelick H and Mara DD (1983). Sanitation and Disease: Health Aspects
of Excreta and Wastewater Management. Wiley, Chichester.

Jochimsen EM, Carmichael WW, An J, Cardo DM, Cookson ST, Holmes CEM, Antunes BdeC, De Melo
Filho DA, Lyra TM, Barreto VST, Azevedo SMFO, and Jarvis WR (1998). Liver failure and death after
exposure to microcystins at a hemodialysis center in Brazil. New England Journal of Medicine, 338 (13),

McFeters, G.A., Bissonnette, G.K. and Jezeski, J.J. (1974). Comparative survival of indicator bacteria and
enteric pathogens in well water. Applied Microbiology, 27:823–829.

NHMRC/NRMMC (2004). Review of Coliforms As Microbial Indicators of Drinking Water Quality. National
Health and Medical Research Council, Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, Canberra.

10–30 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Disinfection

Disinfection of drinking water


Disinfection is the single process that has the greatest impact on drinking water safety, resulting
in substantial decreases in waterborne disease. Disinfection is generally accomplished either alone
or as the final step following clarification of water in a water treatment plant.

Agents and processes used to disinfect water include chlorine, chloramines, chlorine dioxide, ozone,
ultraviolet (UV) and ionising radiation, bromine, bromine chloride, iodine, silver and silver compounds,
filtration and changes to physical and chemical properties. Information Sheets 1.2–1.7 describe the
commonly used processes used for disinfection.

The information given here should be read in conjunction with Section 6.3.2 on the chemical byproducts
of disinfection.


An ideal disinfectant should:

• effectively remove pathogens over a range of physical and chemical conditions
• produce a disinfectant residual that is stable and easily measured
• produce no unacceptable byproducts
• be easily generated, safe to handle and suitable for widespread use
• be cost effective.

No disinfectant currently in use meets all of these criteria. The choice of disinfectant will depend on the
quality of the source water, the origin of the contaminating microorganisms, the length and complexity
of the system and the size of the population served.


The physical quality (particularly turbidity and pH) of the water should be improved before disinfection
to decrease the likelihood that disease-causing organisms or pollutants will be harboured in suspended
matter, and to increase the efficiency of disinfection. Generally, turbidity of less than one nephelometric
turbidity unit is required for effective disinfection.


The effectiveness of disinfection depends on:

• the nature and concentration of the disinfecting agent
• the type of microorganisms present
• contact time (the length of time the disinfectant is available for inactivation)
• satisfactory mixing of disinfectant and target microorganisms
• the degree to which the microorganisms are protected by
– adsorption to, or inclusion in, solid particles
– attachment to surfaces of pipes or fittings
• the level of competing inorganic and organic reactants
• turbidity, temperature and pH.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Disinfection Information Sheets

Turbidity, the concentration of the disinfectant, contact time and pH can all be monitored continuously,
and can provide a useful indication of microbial quality control.


Disinfection is of paramount importance in controlling microbial quality. Particular attention should

be paid to the following points:
• Operational factors affecting microbial quality (e.g. pH, disinfectant residual and turbidity) should
be monitored frequently (daily or preferably continuously).
• No animal or plant material should be directly visible.
• A minimum total chlorine residual should be present (0.5 mg/L after 30 minutes) if chlorination is
• Turbidity should be low (preferably < 1 nephelometric turbidity unit).
• The pH should be optimised to suit the disinfectant used (subject to the need to minimise
• If the water temperature is more than 30˚C, the water should be monitored for amoebae.
• The reticulation system should be adequately maintained.
• The levels of disinfectant residual in the distribution system should be monitored frequently.


The C.t concept describes the relative effectiveness of a specific disinfectant against different
microorganisms under specified conditions. It is determined by multiplying the concentration of residual
disinfectant (in mg/L) by the contact time (in minutes). The C.t concept is expressed mathematically as:

k = Cn.t

where: C = concentration of residual disinfectant

n = constant (also called the coefficient of dilution)
t = contact time required for a fixed per cent of inactivation
k = constant for a specific microorganism exposed under set conditions.

Several disinfection experiments are required to determine the time to achieve a 99% kill of a test
microorganism using different concentrations of the disinfectant under specific conditions. Log-log
plots of the results generally result in a straight line with slope n. If the specific conditions such as the
pH or temperature during chlorination are varied, then several lines result, which still follow the general
C.t equation. Reported values for n range from 0.5 to 1.8 for most aqueous disinfectants. Generally,
however, n approximates 1, and the equation is simplified to k = C.t.

C.t values for specific organisms exposed to particular disinfectants can be calculated from the graphs.
A low C.t value indicates a strong primary disinfectant. Comparative disinfection efficiencies, based
on the C.t concept, of four major disinfectants for Escherichia coli, two viruses, bacteriophage f2 and
protozoan cysts are summarised in table IS1.1.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Disinfection

Microorganisms are generally very susceptible to ozone, chlorine dioxide and chlorine, but less so
to monochloramine. The relative speed of action of disinfectants, from most to least effective, is ozone,
chlorine dioxide, hypochlorous acid, hypochlorite ion, dichloramine and monochloramine. Increased
speed of action means a shorter contact time is required, increasing the flexibility of the system.

Caution should be used in applying C.t values to disinfection practice in the field because:
• disinfection data do not always follow exponential rates
• different isolates of the same species may have different disinfection rates, and rates also vary
between different species and types of organisms
• no consideration is given to the state of growth, protection and adsorption of microorganisms,
mixing, variation in disinfectant concentration, and inactivation rates
• laboratory data obtained under ideal conditions do not always relate to field conditions.

Table IS1.1 Summary of C.t value ranges for 99% inactivation of various microorganisms by disinfectants at 5˚C
Microorganisms Free chlorine Preformed Chlorine dioxide Ozone
pH 6–7 chloramine pH 8–9 pH 6–7 pH 6–7
Escherichia coli 0.034–0.05 95–180 0.4–0.75 0.02
Polio 1 1.1–2.5 768–3740 0.2–6.7 0.1–0.2
Rotavirus 0.01–0.05 3806–6470 0.2–2.2 0.006–0.6
Phage f2 0.08–0.18 – – –
Giardia intestinalis cysts 47– >150 – – 0.5–0.6
Giardia muris cysts 30–630 – 7.2–18.5 1.8–2.0

Source: Hoff JC (1986) Inactivation of Microbial Agents by Chemical Disinfectants, Report EPA/600/2–86, Water Engineering Research
Laboratory, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Disinfection

Choice of disinfectant


Each of the various ways of disinfecting drinking water has advantages and disadvantages. The
most appropriate disinfectant will depend on local conditions and the choice will generally involve
a compromise. The most commonly used disinfectants are chlorine, chloramine and ozone, followed
by chlorine dioxide and UV irradiation (see Information Sheets 1.2–1.7). The applicability of these
commonly used disinfectants is summarised in the table below.

Table IS1.2 Applicability of disinfection techniques to different situations

Consideration Chlorine Chloramination Ozone Chlorine dioxide Ultraviolet
Size of plant All sizes All sizes Medium to large Small to medium Small to medium
Equipment reliability Good Good Fair to good Good Fair to good
Relative complexity Simple Simple Complex Moderate Simple
of technology to moderate to moderate to moderate
Safety concerns Yes Yes Moderate Yes Minimal
Bactericidal Good Good Good Good Good
Virucidal Moderate Poor Good Good Good
Byproducts of possible Yes Fewer Significance Yes No
health concern unresolved
Persistent residual Moderate Long None Moderate None
Contact time Moderate Moderate Short Moderate Short
pH dependent Yes Yes Slight Slight No
Process control Well developed Well developed Developing Developing Developing

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Disinfection




Chlorine was introduced as a water disinfectant early in the 20th century and still remains the
major chemical in use for this purpose around the world. It is a strong disinfectant with excellent
bactericidal properties, and is effective at short contact times. It is also a strong oxidising agent that
can bleach colour compounds in water, oxidise iron and manganese, and remove the tastes and
odours produced by some algae.

In water, chlorine reacts to form hypochlorous acid (HOCl), a very effective disinfectant. The
hypochlorous acid dissociates to form hypochlorite ion (OCl-) which is estimated to be 150 to 300 times
less effective as a disinfectant than hypochlorous acid. (See also Section V – Fact Sheet – Chlorine).


Chlorine is suitable for all sizes of plant and is easy to apply either as a gas or as the hypochlorite
(calcium hypochlorite powder or sodium hypochlorite liquid).


Chlorine is highly effective against bacteria, moderately so against most viruses and is effective against
the protozoan parasite Giardia. The concentrations of chlorine that can safely be used in disinfecting
drinking water are ineffective against Cryptosporidium.


Reliable equipment is available for chlorination, the technology involved is simple to moderate and
controls for the process are well developed. Natural water contains inorganic and organic compounds
that react with chlorine. Sufficient disinfectant must be used to satisfy this demand and still provide
the required dose for disinfection.


Turbidity should be less than one nephelometric turbidity unit. Chlorination requires a pH of less than
8 because the relative proportions of HOCl and OCl- in solution depend on pH and, to a lesser extent,
on temperature. Lower pH and temperature result in higher proportions of HOCl:
• at 0ºC and pH 7, 83% exists as HOCl
• at 0ºC and pH 8.5, 14% exists as HOCl.

Decreasing the pH at the point of disinfection increases the efficiency of chlorine disinfection
(by increasing the proportion of HOCL relative to OCl-), but also increases the corrosion potential
of the water.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Disinfection Information Sheets


In clean water, a combined available residual chlorine level of 0.5 mg/L after a contact time of 30 minutes
should be sufficient to ensure microbial control, given a clean distribution system and no significant

Maintaining a persistent chlorine residual throughout the distribution system can be difficult, particularly
in long distribution systems. However, in a number of treated water supply systems in Europe where
treatment (including disinfection) produces a biologically stable water that will not support microbial
growth, chlorine residuals can be maintained within the distribution system. In such systems, the loss
of a chlorine residual can highlight an area of contamination and the need for remedial action. The
extensive water treatment practised and the minimal chlorine doses used also minimise levels
of disinfection byproducts.


Reactions with naturally occurring organic matter produce chlorinated byproducts, particularly the
trihalomethanes. Chlorine may also react with compounds such as phenols to impart a taste and odour
to water.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Disinfection




Chloramines (principally monochloramine) are formed when chlorine and ammonia are added to water:
NH3 + HOCl NH2Cl + H2O

NH2Cl + HOCl NHCl2 + H2O


NHCl2 + HOCl NCl3 + H2O

nitrogen trichloride (trichloramine)

Dichloramine is a stronger disinfectant than monochloramine, but is less stable and has a distinct
disagreeable odour. Nitrogen trichloride has an extremely offensive odour, but is readily destroyed
by sunlight.

Chloramines are weaker oxidising agents than chlorine; therefore, they are less likely to cause
undesirable tastes and odours by oxidation of natural organics, but are also less likely to reduce
tastes and odours produced by algae.


Chloramination is suitable for all sizes of plant. Field results from most Australian systems that
use chloramine indicate satisfactory primary disinfection capability and continued protection
in reticulation systems. Chloraminated water is unsuitable for use in renal dialysis; the chloramine
must first be removed by activated carbon filters.


The biocidal activity of chloramines is slower than that of free chlorine. Chloramine is effective
against bacteria but its activity against viruses is poor.


Reliable equipment is available for chloramination, the technology involved is simple to moderate
and controls for the process are well developed. To ensure that monochloramine is the major species
formed at normal pH levels (7.5–8.0), the ratio of chlorine to ammonia is controlled at levels of 3:1 to 5:1.

Problems have occurred with open online storages where nitrification and the loss of chloramine
residuals result in high levels of nitrite nitrogen at the ends of systems. Nitrification also accelerates
the loss of chloramine, and often requires chlorination of infected storages to eliminate nitrifying
bacteria and re-establish the chloramine residual.


Turbidity should be less than one nephelometric turbidity unit. Chloramination requires
a pH of 8–9 because low pH (together with a high ratio of chlorine to ammonia) favours the
formation of the less stable chloramines.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Disinfection Information Sheets


Monochloramine is a weak disinfectant; it requires a contact time of many hours and a residual
of 1.5 mg/L to be effective. However, chloramine persists in distribution systems and continues
to disinfect in the extremities of long systems. The high stability of chloramines can be a disadvantage
in some instances. Low levels of chloramines are acutely toxic to a variety of aquatic organisms and
this must be considered when introducing chloramines to storages and aquariums.


Provided that chloramines are formed by pre-ammoniation, chloramination produces considerably

lower concentrations of trihalomethanes and other chlorinated byproducts than chlorination.
Chloramination produces higher concentrations of cyanogen chloride than does chlorination,
but the concentrations detected are still considerably lower than the guideline value for this
compound (See also Section V – Fact Sheet – Cyanogen chlorine). No additional byproducts
have been identified as a result of chloramination.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Disinfection

Chlorine dioxide



Chlorine dioxide is a reactive gas that cannot be easily stored or transported, and must be generated
on site. In Europe this is usually done by acid treatment of sodium chlorite, which generates the gas
with little or no chlorine contamination and so avoids the formation of chlorinated byproducts during

Chlorine dioxide is a more effective disinfectant than chlorine, although the overall kinetics of bacterial
destruction appear to be similar. It has excellent oxidising ability, which reduces taste, minimises colour
and oxidises iron and manganese complexes.


Chlorine dioxide is a suitable disinfectant for a small to medium sized water treatment plant. It has been
used mainly as a preoxidant (rather than as a primary disinfectant) to control taste and odour, remove
iron and manganese, and more recently, remove trihalomethane and total organic halogen (TOX)
precursors. In some supplies chlorine dioxide has been used in combination with chloramination.


Chlorine dioxide has excellent biocidal activity; it is effective against bacteria and viruses.


Reliable equipment is available for disinfection with chlorine dioxide, the technology involved
is moderately complex and controls for the process are developing. In raw water, chlorine dioxide
is rapidly consumed and volatilised, and this is a major disadvantage.


Turbidity should be less than one nephelometric turbidity unit. Disinfection with chlorine dioxide
requires a pH of less than 8. Its effectiveness increases about three-fold between pH 6 and 9.


The dose of chlorine dioxide required is 1–2.5 mg/L or slightly higher, with residuals of 0.3 mg/L
or less, for a contact time of 30 minutes. Chlorine dioxide provides a moderately persistent residual.


End products from the use of chlorine dioxide include chloride ions, chlorite ions, chlorate ions
and residual chlorine dioxide. The oxidative end products have been found to be a health hazard.
(See also Section V – Fact Sheet – Chlorine dioxide)

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Disinfection




Ozone is generated on site by passing an electric discharge through clean dry air or oxygen. The
resultant ozone is a very strong biocide and oxidising agent and is effective in reducing colour, iron,
manganese, taste and odour.


Ozone can be used in medium to large treatment plants although it has not been used in Australia to
date for the disinfection of sizeable potable water supplies. It reacts with natural organics to produce
lower molecular weight compounds, which are more biodegradable and promote the growth of bacteria
in distribution systems. This can be used to advantage in biological filtration processes. Ozonation can
break up high molecular weight organics before filtration through a bed of granular activated carbon, and
the resulting low molecular weight compounds can be used by bacteria that grow on the carbon, thereby
reducing organic concentrations in the water. In Europe, ozone has a long history of use for disinfection
and for the control of taste, odour and colour. Ozone is more expensive than chlorine and has low
solubility in water.


Ozone is effective against bacteria and viruses.


The equipment used for ozonisation is fairly reliable but the technology involved is complex and
process controls are developing. Ozone is highly sensitive to turbidity.


Turbidity should be less than one nephelometric turbidity unit. The pH should be less than 8 for
effective disinfection because ozone is unstable above pH 8 (at pH 8, half of the ozone is lost in less
than 30 minutes).


Due to its low solubility in water and instability above pH 8, an ozone residual cannot be maintained
in a distribution system, particularly as temperature increases.


Ozone is a powerful oxidant and can convert naturally occurring bromide to bromine, and this can lead
to the formation of brominated trihalomethanes (THMs). However, the brominated THMs produced in
ozonation usually occur in lower concentrations, and constitute less of a problem, than chlorinated THMs
produced by chlorination. Interest in ozonation has increased significantly in the United States in recent
years since the adoption of stringent limits for trihalomethanes and because of the need for a strong
oxidant and primary disinfectant to replace chlorine for pretreatment.

Low molecular weight aldehydes such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde have also been detected
as byproducts of ozonation.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Disinfection

Ultraviolet light



Ultraviolet light (UV) is generated by low-pressure mercury lamps. UV irradiation disrupts the chemical
bond of many organic molecules and hence is a potent disinfectant.

UV irradiation has a minimal effect on the chemical composition or taste of the water. Overdosing
presents no danger and is sometimes contrived as a safety factor.


UV irradiation is applicable to small or medium sized treatment plants. Internationally, UV irradiation

has found numerous applications in situations where lack of a disinfection residual is not important,
such as point-of-use disinfection in hospitals.


UV irradiation is effective against bacteria and viruses. It causes specific deleterious changes in the
nucleic acid of cells, resulting in death or mutation such that the cell is no longer capable of division.
Microorganisms may, however, become viable again in the presence of visible light (photoreactivation) if
UV disinfection is inadequate. Varying intensities of UV irradiation are required for removal of different
microorganisms, with the recommended dose being of the order of 16–46 mW–sec/cm2; the higher
dose is roughly equivalent to chlorine in instantaneous disinfection efficiency.


The equipment required for UV irradiation is fairly reliable, the technology required is relatively simple
and controls for the process are being developed. High colour and turbidity and the presence of metals
and organic matter reduce the amount of UV radiation reaching microorganisms and necessitate higher
doses of applied radiation for effective disinfection. Units require regular cleaning and maintenance
to remain effective.


Turbidity should be less than one nephelometric turbidity unit. UV irradiation is not pH dependent.


UV requires only a short contact time, but has a disadvantage in that it leaves no residual disinfectant.


Few data are available on the byproducts of UV disinfection; however, the potential to produce
organic byproducts is minor because the intensities required for UV disinfection are less than those
needed to cause photochemical effects.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Disinfection

Other disinfectants



Bromine has been widely used to disinfect swimming pools through the addition of solid bromine-
releasing agents such as N-bromo-N-chloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin or dibromocyanuric acid. Bromine
chloride (BrCl) is under investigation for large-scale use, such as control of biofouling in cooling towers
or wastewater disinfection, as it is much less corrosive than liquid bromine and has sufficient vapour
pressure to enable it to be metered in equipment similar to that used for chlorine.


Iodine has been used as a disinfectant for small drinking water supplies; however, like bromine, it is
costly to use on a municipal scale. It is not recommended for regular use as a disinfectant due to possible
health effects associated with long-term consumption. It can, however, be used for emergency water
disinfection. (See also Section V – Fact Sheet – Iodine).


Potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide are effective disinfectants that are not used in large-
scale plants, but may be used in small-scale or emergency applications. Recently, hydrogen peroxide has
been used in conjunction with ozone (peroxone) to provide a more effective oxidising agent, particularly
to remove taste and odour metabolites. Peroxone and ozone are equally effective for disinfection.


Heat is the traditional emergency disinfectant, and boiling water under normal conditions will kill most


Silver is a weak biocide that has been used occasionally for disinfection, particularly with point-of-use
devices. (See also Section V – Fact Sheet – Silver).


Ultrasonics can disintegrate microorganisms and ultrafiltration of waters can remove microorganisms:
these methods are used for special applications.


Altering the pH to greater than 12 or less than 2 will kill microorganisms; however, this is not
recommended for permanent water supplies as it causes adverse health effects, and also affects
distribution system pipework. As with many of the alternative disinfectants listed here, such an option
is relatively expensive and is only considered for small-scale, emergency, or specialist applications.
(See also Section V – Fact Sheet – pH).

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Sampling

Sampling Information – handling requirements and preservation


This sheet gives information of general handling requirements for heavy metals, filterable metals,
organic compounds and pesticides and microbial characteristics, and a summary of the special handling
requirements for sampling for physical, chemical and radiological characteristics.


Treatment of the sample with acid at the time of collection places the metals in solution and prevents
adsorption or deposition on the container walls. 1.5 mL of concentrated nitric acid per litre of sample
is usually sufficient for short-term preservation. The sample should be stored at approximately 4ºC.
It will be stable for up to 28 days.

Some laboratories will supply acid-washed bottles with the acid preservative. When such bottles
are not available, samples should be collected in acid-washed bottles, and preserved immediately
by acidifying with concentrated nitric acid to pH < 2. The advice of the analyst should be sought
prior to taking a sample.

Mercury and chromium have special requirements. An analyst should be consulted before collection
of samples.

Procedure for acid washing:

1. Wash bottle and cap with a metal-free, nonionic detergent and tap water.
2. Rinse thoroughly with tap water.
3. Rinse with one part distilled water, one part concentrated nitric acid.
4. Drain and fill with one part concentrated nitric acid, fourteen parts water.
5. Cap and store until required, but for at least a week.
6. Empty before use, rinse with metal-free water such as distilled water.

Metals can be divided into various fractions as determined by the analytical Information:
• Filterable metals (soluble or dissolved metals) – those constituents of an unacidified sample
that pass a 0.45 µm membrane filter.
• Suspended metals – those constituents of an unacidified sample that are retained on
a 0.45 µm membrane filter.
• Total metals – the concentration of metals determined on an unfiltered sample after vigorous
digestion, or the sum of the concentrations of metals in both the filterable and suspended fractions.
Total metals include all metals inorganically and organically bound, both filterable and particulate.
• Acid-extractable metals – the concentration of metals in solution after treatment of an unfiltered
sample with hot mineral acid.
• Readily acid-soluble aluminium (see Section V – Fact Sheet – Aluminium).

The fraction(s) to be analysed will determine the requirements for sample handling and preservation.
It is generally advisable to collect two samples, one for total metals and one for dissolved metals.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Sampling Information Sheets


The membrane filter and filter device should be preconditioned by rinsing with deionised or distilled
water, or soaking the membrane filter and filter device in approximately one part distilled water, one
part nitric acid, and rinsing with deionised or distilled water before use.
• Before use, a blank consisting of deionised or distilled water should be filtered to ensure freedom
from contamination.
• The sample should be filtered as soon as possible after collection, discarding the first 50 mL
of filtrate, and the filtrate should be acidified with nitric acid to below pH 2.
• If suspended metals are to be determined, the filter should be retained for digestion.

Care must be taken to avoid introducing contaminating metals from containers, lids, distilled
or deionised water, acid preservative, or membrane filters; or from airborne contaminants in the
form of smoke, dust, soot or aerosols.


Because organic compounds and pesticides, if present at all, are likely to occur only in very low
concentrations, considerable care is needed in choosing and preparing sample containers. Bottles
supplied by the analyst should be used, and the analyst’s instructions for sample handling and
preservation followed. These instructions will vary with the compound being analysed and the
methods of analysis used by the laboratory.


• Sufficient sodium thiosulfate should be added to the sample bottle to neutralise all residual
• A chelating agent should be used in bottles receiving water containing copper, zinc or other
heavy metals.
• Drinking water samples should be taken directly from a service pipe, not from an intermediate tank
or cistern.
• The bottle should not be filled to the top (leave an air space of at least 2.5 cm).
• An ice-filled cooler should be used to transport samples to the laboratory.

The sample should, ideally, be analysed within 6 hours. Under exceptional circumstances the elapsed
time may exceed 6 hours, but should not exceed 24 hours. If 6 hours is exceeded, the time interval
should be reported with the results.2

1 – APHA Method 9060, (1992), Microbiological Examination: Samples, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.
18th Edition, American Public Health Assoc., Wahington, United States
2 – AS 2031.2, (1987), Selection of containers and preservation of water samples for chemical and microbiological analysis.
Part 2: Microbiological, Standards Association of Australia

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Sampling

Table IS2.1 Special handling requirements for sampling for chemical, physical and radiological characteristics3
Characteristic Container Minimum Preservation procedure Maximum Comments
sample size holding
(mL) period
Aluminium P(A), G(A) 100 Add HNO3 to pH < 2 28 days
Arsenic P(A), G(A) 500 Add HNO3 to pH < 2 28 days
Boron P 500 None required 28 days
Cadmium P(A), P(G) 500 Add HNO3 to pH < 2 28 days
Chloride P, G 100 None required 6 months
Chlorine residual P, G 200 Analyse immediately 5 minutes Keep sample out of
direct sunlight
Chromium (total) P(A), G(A) 500 Add HNO3 to pH < 2 28 days
Chromium (VI) P(A), G(A) 1000 Refrigerate 24 hours Avoid adding reagents
Colour P, G 100 Refrigerate 24 hours
Copper P(A), G(A) 500 Add HNO3 to pH < 2 28 days
Cyanide (total) P, G 500 Add NaOH to pH > 12, 24 hours Remove sulfide
refrigerate in the dark
Fluoride P 500 None required 28 days
Hardness P, G 200 7 days
Iron P(A), G(A) 100 Add HNO3 to pH < 2 28 days
Lead P(A), G(A) 500 Add HNO3 to pH < 2 28 days
Manganese P(A), G(A) 500 Add HNO3 to pH < 2 28 days
Mercury G(B), (A) 500 Add HNO3 to unfiltered Consult analyst for
sample to pH < 1. further instruction
Add K2Cr2O3
Metals (general) P(A), G(A) Add HNO3 to pH < 2 28 days
Metals (filterable) P(A), G(A) Filter immediately, 28 days 0.45 µm filter
add HNO3 to pH < 2
Nitrate P, G 500 1. Refrigerate or 6 hours Consult analyst
– depends on analytical
2. Freeze immediately or 7 days
3. Add H2SO4 to pH < 2 7 days
and refrigerate
Odour G 500 Analyse as soon as possible; 6 hours
Oxygen, dissolved G(A) 300 1. Electrode: analyse In situ Consult with analyst.
immediately on site 24 hours Store in dark
2. Winkler: titration may be
delayed after acidification
1. Organo-phosphates G(S) 2000 No reference available No reference Consult with analyst
2. Others G(S) 4000 Solvent-extract on-site with 24 hours If residual chlorine
appropriate solvent; refrigerate present , add 1000 mg/L
ascorbic acid. Consult
with analyst

3 – Data complied from AS 2031.1–1986, Selection of Containers and Preservation of Water Samples for Chemical and Microbiological
Analysis, Part 1–Chemical, APHA Method 1060 (1992).

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Sampling Information Sheets

Table IS2.1 Special handling requirements for sampling for chemical, physical and radiological characteristics3 (Continued)
Characteristic Container Minimum Preservation procedure Maximum Comments
sample size holding
(mL) period
pH P, G(B) 100 Analyse immediately; 6 hours
determine on site or in situ
Polycyclic aromatic G(S) 2000 1. Add 1000 mL of methanol 7 days
hydrocarbons (PAH) to container before adding an
equal volume of sample; or
2. Add extracting solvent 24 hours
on site
Radioactivity gross P(A), G(A) 1000 Add HNO3to pH < 2 28 days Consult with analyst
alpha and beta activity
Selenium P(A), G(A) 1000 Add HNO3 to pH < 2 28 days
Sodium P 100 None required 28 days
Sulfate P(A) 200 Refrigerate 7 days
Taste G 500 Analyse as soon as possible, 24 hours
Temperature – – Analyse immediately No storage Determine in situ
allowed allowed
Total dissolved solids P, G 500 Refrigerate 28 days
Trihalomethanes G(S) 100 Add 2 mL of 5% ascorbic acid 21 days
solution. Fill bottle to brim.
Turbidity P, G 100 Analyse same day, store in 24 hours Preferably determine
dark, refrigerate on–site or in situ
Zinc P(A), G(A) 500 Add HNO3 to pH < 2 28 days

Container P = Plastic (polyethylene or equivalent)

G = Glass
G(B) = Glass, borosilicate
P(A), G(A) = Rinsed with 50% HNO3
G(S) = Glass, rinsed with organic solvent
Preservation Refrigerate = Store between 1 and 4ºC in the dark, do not freeze
HNO3 = Nitric acid (hydrochloric acid may be used in this context but nitric acid is preferred)
NaOH = Sodium hydroxide solution (40% w/v)
H2SO4 = Sulfuric acid
K2Cr2O3 = Potassium dichromate

3 – Data complied from AS 2031.1–1986, Selection of Containers and Preservation of Water Samples for Chemical and Microbiological
Analysis, Part 1–Chemical, APHA Method 1060 (1992).

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Statistics

Statistics – assessing performance



In deciding how the performance of a water supply system should be assessed, it is necessary to
• the statistical implications of the assessment mechanism
• possible health implications of using different statistical measures
• community perceptions of what constitutes good quality water.

Three commonly used procedures measure performance against a maximum value, a mean or a


Using this approach, performance is measured by quoting the percentage of scheduled samples tested
that are below the guideline value. Although the approach is used often and is superficially easy to
comprehend, it has a number of serious deficiencies:
• While measurements will show how a system is performing at the time of sampling, there is no way
of determining what the water quality is like between sampling events. Statistical procedures cannot
be used to indicate whether or not the measurements are representative of the quality at other
times. (Other methods of assessing performance, however, can provide this information.)
• There is no way of reliably estimating what the true maximum value is, as this may well occur
between samples. Any sampling program can only provide a biased estimate of the true maximum
value, which it will invariably underestimate. There is always the possibility that the next sample
analysed may have a higher value.
• The approach can create a real disincentive to rational planning of monitoring programs, as it may
persuade water authorities to take a minimum number of samples in order to reduce the possibility
of poor performance.


Performance is assessed by comparing the mean value of measurements with the guideline value over
a period (usually 12 months). Such an approach has a number of attractions:
• For characteristics not related to health, the guideline values are generally midpoints in a range of
acceptability rather than maximum values, and thus it can be argued that it is the mean or average
value that is significant. In many cases it is sudden large increases in a value that can bring an
increased number of consumer complaints.
• Simple and well-proven statistical procedures can be used to provide statistically unbiased estimates
of the mean with a known degree of confidence. The degree of confidence (or the confidence
interval) will determine how well the mean represents the quality between sampling events.
• Use of a mean value encourages rational planning of monitoring programs. Water that fails to meet
the guideline will encourage more sampling, and good quality water less sampling. These are
positive incentives to the water manager to ‘get it right’.

The disadvantage of this approach is that a few high values can be offset by a number of low values.
This is less of a problem if confidence intervals are applied to the estimate of the mean.

4 – Data complied from AS 2031.1–1986, Selection of Containers and Preservation of Water Samples for Chemical and Microbiological
Analysis, Part 1–Chemical, APHA Method 1060 (1992).

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Statistics Information Sheets


Using this approach, performance is satisfactory if a large percentage of results (although not necessarily
all) are less than the guideline value. Like the use of a mean, this approach has a number of attractions:
• For health-related characteristics, performance could not be regarded as satisfactory if the guideline
values were exceeded on more than the rare occasion. This is consistent with using a high
percentile such as a 95th percentile (higher values could be used if required).
• Although this approach is slightly less satisfactory than requiring all the results to be less than
the guideline value, it avoids the difficulties associated with a ‘maximum value’ approach. Most
importantly, it is possible, using statistical procedures, to estimate with a known degree of
confidence how well the results of sampling represent the quality of water at other times.
• Using a percentile to assess performance against the guideline is consistent with the requirement
that the upper control limit of the control chart be equal to or less than the guideline value. Say, for
example, that the 95th percentile is used. If the control limits are placed at 1.64 times the standard
deviation on either side of the mean then, as discussed above, they will encompass about 90% of
the data, and of the remaining 10%, about 5% will be above the upper control limit and 5% below
the lower (provided the data are not skewed). This means that if the upper control limit is the same
as or less than the guideline value, then 95% or more of the data should be below the guideline
• Poor quality water will encourage more sampling, while good quality water will encourage less
• More samples need to be analysed to assess performance against a percentile than are needed for
a mean. This is reasonable for health-related characteristics, as exceeding the guideline may have
significant health effects in some cases. More sampling provides a greater degree of protection.

The main disadvantage of this approach is that estimates of percentiles are inherently more uncertain
than estimates of means.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Statistics

Statistics – statistical principles


Statistical advice should be sought in devising a sampling program; however, this sheet sets out some
general principles and considerations.

When a mean or the 95th percentile is calculated or estimated from a given number of samples, the
question arises, how accurately does the figure represent the true mean or 95th percentile? In order
to answer this question, some basic statistical principles must be understood.


A set of results is no more than a series of snapshots of some process over the period of sampling. A
statistic calculated from these results, such as a percentile, a mean, or a standard deviation, can never
exactly coincide with the true statistic, except by chance. The true statistic could only be determined
by continuous error-free measurement of every drop of water – an impossibility in water quality analysis.

Values determined experimentally from a set of measurements are, thus, often referred to as estimates
of the true statistic. These estimates may be too high or too low – there is no way of knowing. This
uncertainty is known as the measurement error (although the term ‘error’ is unfortunate as it really means
‘small departures from the true result’, not mistakes made in analysis), and quantification of this error
is the central purpose of statistical methods.


When analysing chemical or physical data, particularly large data sets, it is common to find that
measurements are fairly evenly distributed about the mean, with most measurements very close to the
mean (slightly below, slightly above, or at the mean), and progressively fewer measurements as one
moves away from the mean. This type of distribution is called a normal distribution and, when plotted
as a frequency distribution, forms a characteristic bell-shaped curve. The normal distribution has special
significance in statistics, with a number of useful properties. It is symmetric about the mean, and is
defined by only two parameters – the mean and the standard deviation. As a result, a number of simple
statistical procedures have been developed to deal with data that follow a normal distribution.

If the data set is skewed, a higher proportion of the data will be on one side of the mean than the other,
giving rise to an asymmetric distribution. From a statistical point of view, it is more difficult to deal with
a skewed distribution. Fortunately, if the data set is large enough, it will usually approximate a normal

There are statistical tests that can be used to determine whether a set of data is approximately normal5
and if in doubt, these tests should be applied. A simple check, however, is to compare the mean and the
median (the median is the midpoint in the data, such that half the data are greater in magnitude than the
median, and half are less). If the two are close, then the data are likely to be evenly distributed about
the mean and probably follow a normal distribution. Transforming highly skewed data (e.g. by taking
logarithms) can often be used to generate a pseudonormal data set that can then be analysed as if it
were normal. If data are transformed prior to analysis then the reverse transformation must be applied
to the calculated statistics.

5 – Sokal RR and Rohlf FJ (1969). Biometry. WH Freeman and Company, San Francisco.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Statistics Information Sheets


The uncertainty in the estimated percentile or mean can be measured by the confidence interval. The
confidence interval specifies upper and lower limits, so that within a known probability, the interval
covers the true percentile or true mean.

The confidence interval for a normal distribution can be calculated from the number of samples, the
mean, and the standard deviation. A confidence interval for the mean, or the 95th percentile, is {z-D,
z+D}, where z is the mean or the 95th percentile, and the term D is derived from the standard deviation
and the number of results (D is known as the precision, and is equal to half the width of the confidence

The formula used to calculate D is:

D = t(a) x s x h

where: h = an uncertainty factor in estimating percentiles: for the 95th percentile it is equal to 1.64;
for the mean it is equal to 1
t(a) = Student’s t statistic with (n–1) degrees of freedom corresponding to a single tail probability
of a (or a confidence of 100 ( (1–2a)%)
n = number of independent random samples

t(a), known as the Student’s t statistic, is a mathematical function that is commonly used in statistics. If
more than 20 results are available, it is common to use t(a) = 2 at the 95% confidence level. More precise
values for the Student’s t-statistic for different values of n, and for different degrees of confidence, are
given in statistical tables.

For example, suppose that:

mean = 10
standard deviation = 5
number of results = 25

D = 2x5 = 0.7

Hence, in this example, the 95% confidence interval for the mean is {10–2, 10+2} or {8, 12}. Another way
of expressing this is to say that there is a 95% chance that the interval {8, 12} contains the true mean.

The 95th percentile can be estimated using the mean and the standard deviation (s):
95th percentile = mean + 1.64 x s

The confidence interval for the 95th percentile is calculated in the same way as given above.

It is important to note that, for a given probability (or degree of confidence), the confidence interval
becomes narrower as the number of results increases (i.e. the more sample results available, the greater
the confidence in the estimate of the mean or percentile). This is a function of the Student’s t statistic
(or the t(a) value), which becomes smaller as the number of results increases, and of the √n term in the
denominator in the above equation.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Statistics

Box IS3.1 – Assessment of turbidity data

Turbidity is a non-health related characteristic and consequently performance can be assessed using the mean value of results for
the last 12 months. For the monthly data given below (turbidity in nephelometric turbidity units, or NTU):

1.8, 3.2, 1.4, 2.8, 2.6, 1.2, 1.5, 5.2, 3.2, 3.4, 3.4, 2.8
Mean = 2.7
Standard deviation = 1.1
t(a) = 2.2 for 12 results (which equals 11 degrees of freedom, i.e. n – 1)

2.2 x 1.1
D = 3.46 = 0.7
Therefore for the above data, performance can be quoted as follows:

Guideline value = 5 NTU

Mean = 2.7 ± 0.7 (with 95% confidence)

It could therefore be concluded that performance is satisfactory as the upper bound of the confidence interval
(2.7 + 0.7 = 3.6) is below the guideline value.

Box IS3.2 – Assessment of trihalomethane data

Trihalomethanes (THMs) are health-related, and consequently performance can be assessed using the 95th percentile
of results for the last 12 months. For the monthly data given below (THMs in mg/L):

0.295, 0.250, 0.209, 0.222, 0.214, 0.211, 0.138, 0.143, 0.087, 0.093, 0.090, 0.200
Mean = 0.180
Standard deviation = 0.068
95th percentile = mean + 1.64 x s
= 0.180 + 1.64 ( 0.068 = 0.290
t(a) = 2.2 for 12 results (which equals 11 degrees of freedom, i.e. n – 1)

2.2 x 0.068 x 1.64

D = 3.46 = 0.07

Therefore for the THM data, performance can be quoted as follows:

Guideline value = 0.25 mg/L

95th percentile = 0.29 ± 0.07 (with 95% confidence)

It could therefore be concluded that performance is unsatisfactory as the upper bound of the confidence interval
(0.29 + 0.07 = 0.36) is above the guideline value.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Statistics Information Sheets


Two persistent problems cause difficulties in the use of the mean in assessing water quality data. These
• Outliers; that is, numbers that appear to be extreme when compared with other data in the data set.
These are not numbers generated by some malfunction of measuring equipment or transcription errors,
which clearly ought to be discarded. They are numbers that seem anomalous, although there is no
obvious explanation and they cannot be discarded on technical grounds.
• Values that are recorded as less than the limit of detection.

As an example, consider the following set of data:

< 0.5, < 0.5, 1.2, 1.4, 1.45, 2.1, 21.3

The first problem is what to do about the less-than values. Should they be ignored, replaced by 0.25,
replaced by 0 or should the < symbol be ignored? There is no clear answer except that it can be shown
that using L/2, where L is the limit of detection, is effectively a worst-case method and not the even-
handed approach it appears to be at first sight.6 If the values below the limit of detection are critical in
determining how a supply performs against the guidelines, then steps should be taken to reduce the limit
of detection. Statistical treatment of values below the detection limit is possible but is complex and not
entirely satisfactory.

The second problem is the very high 21.3 value. Is it genuine, or an analytical error? If it is genuine, is
it valid to include it in the calculation of the mean (and hence the 95th percentile) when it will clearly
have a marked effect on the result? The answer is that it must be included in the calculation as it may
have an impact on the health of people receiving the water. To remove it would have the same effect
as censoring the data set. Only those data points that have been clearly shown to be in error should be

6 – Ellis JC (1989). Handbook on the Design and Interpretation of Monitoring Programmes, Water Research Centre, Medmenham,
United Kingdom, Technical Report NS29

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Statistics

Number of samples required



It is intuitively obvious that poor quality water supplies should be more frequently monitored than good
quality water supplies; this is supported by statistical arguments as shown below.

Provided the data are distributed normally, the minimum number of samples required to achieve a
desired level of precision with a known degree of confidence can be determined using the following
n = {t(a)x h x s}2

t(a) = Student’s t statistic with infinite degrees of freedom corresponding to a single tail probability
of a: at the 95% confidence level this value is 1.96
h = an uncertainty factor in estimating percentiles: for the 95th percentile the value is 1.64
(at the 95% confidence level): for means the value is 1.0
s = standard deviation
D = precision in measurement
n = number of samples required.

If the data are skewed then it is still possible to calculate the number of samples required but the
calculation is more complex.7

Box IS3.3 – Samples required to meet a guideline based on a 95th percentile

Suppose that in the past a characteristic has been running with a mean of 20 mg/L with a standard deviation of 20 mg/L,
and that for this characteristic the guideline value is 100 mg/L. The 95th percentile can be estimated as follows:

95th percentile = mean + 1.64 x s = 20 + 1.64 x 20 = 52

This is well below the guideline value. It would be possible to take fewer samples and still be confident that the guideline
has been met.
To estimate the minimum number of samples necessary, the first step is to calculate the necessary precision (calculated
as D in Information Sheet 3.2) by halving the difference between the 95th percentile and the guideline value:

2 = 24 mg/L

The lower limit of the confidence interval is the estimated 95th percentile, and the upper limit is the guideline value.
The number of samples required to achieve this can then be calculated as follows:

{1.96 x 1.64 x 20}2

n = 2 = 8 with rounding up

Thus, a precision of 24 mg/L can be achieved (with 95% confidence) by taking 8 samples over the year. Alternatively,
8 samples per year will be sufficient to be sure (with 95% confidence), that the 95th percentile is less than the guideline value.

7 – Ellis JC (1989). Handbook on the Design and Interpretation of Monitoring Programmes, Water Research Centre, Medmenham,
United Kingdom, Technical Report NS29

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Statistics Information Sheets

Box IS3.4 – Samples required to meet guidelines based on 95th percentile, with a different mean
Suppose that after taking these 8 samples it is found that the mean has drifted up to 40 mg/L but the standard deviation
remains the same at 20 mg/L. The 95th percentile is now:

95th percentile = mean + 1.64 x s = 40 + 1.64 x 20 = 72

The precision now required is 14 mg/L (as 100–72/2=14 mg/L). This is a smaller value and hence the number of samples
required to achieve it with the same degree of confidence will increase. In fact:

{1.96 x 1.64 x 20}

n = 14 = 22

Thus, the sampling frequency would have to be increased to 22 per year, or about 1 per fortnight, to meet this change
in precision.

Box IS3.5 – Number of samples based on meeting a mean

Using the same data given in Example 2 above, the precision required can be calculated by halving the difference between
the mean and the guideline value, i.e. (100–40)/2 = 30 mg/L. (The lower limit of the confidence interval in this example is the
mean, and the upper limit is the guideline value). The number of samples required is then:

{1.96 x 20}2
n = 30 = 2 with rounding up

Thus, 2 samples per year would be sufficient to be sure (with 95% confidence) that the mean is less than the guideline value.
Using a mean instead of a 95th percentile can make a substantial difference to the number of samples required.


One of the aims in any sampling program, particularly microbiological sampling, is to have a high
degree of confidence that the water quality as measured in the laboratory is representative of that
actually used by the consumer, not just at the time of sampling, but all the time. Unless all water
is sampled, it is not possible to be 100% confident that this condition is met. A properly designed
sampling program, testing only a very small percentage of the total amount of water in a system,
can give a high degree of confidence about the overall water quality. The degree of confidence
is related to the number of samples analysed. (This assumes, of course, that the sampling locations
selected are representative of the water supplied to the consumer.)

Even if all samples tested are free of bacterial indicators, no sampling program can guarantee that
all the water in a system is free of indicator organisms. In fact it can be shown that for any reasonable
sampling program, the degree of confidence in achieving a situation where 100% of the water
in a system is free of bacterial contamination is close to zero (Ellis 1989).

It is far better to have a high degree of confidence that a large proportion of the water is free of
contamination, than to have no confidence that all the water is uncontaminated. Realistic monitoring
programs can give a high degree of confidence that 98% of all the water in a system is free of bacterial

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Statistics

This does not mean that the other 2% of water is contaminated. All it indicates is that the sampling
program is statistically unable to show a high degree of confidence that more than 98% of all the water
in the system is free of contamination.

Even if all samples tested are uncontaminated it does not follow that there is necessarily a high degree
of confidence that the water is free from contamination. The number of samples required to meet the
98% compliance requirement, and the degree of confidence that this confers when all samples are free
of contamination is shown in Figure 1 (Ellis 1989).

For example, if 50 samples are tested per year and all are free of contamination, then there is only
65% confidence that 98% of the water in the system is free of contamination. It would be necessary
to take 150 samples, each free of contamination, before the degree of confidence reached 95%. Fewer
than 50 samples per year, even if each sample was free of contamination, give a low degree of
confidence that the water system as a whole is 98% free of contamination.

If one or more samples taken over a year are positive, then the degree of confidence that 98% of water
in the system is free of contamination is reduced. This is shown in Figure 2 (Ellis 1989). Suppose,
for example, that 150 samples were collected in a year but some of those samples showed faecal
contamination. The degree of confidence that 98% of the water in the system is free of contamination
drops from 95% with a positive result to 80% with one positive result, and 60% with two positive results.

The plateau shown in Figure 2 at the 50% confidence level is an artefact of the difficult computation
procedure used to derive these graphs. The graphs should only be regarded as an approximate guide,
but they nevertheless provide a highly informative summary.


Ellis JC (1989) Handbook on the design and interpretation of monitoring programmes.

Water Research Centre, Medmenham, UK, Report NS No 29.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Statistics Information Sheets

Figure 1
The curve shows the level of confidence that 98% of water in a supply is free of faecal contamination for different
numbers of samples when all samples tested are free of faecal contamination (from Ellis 1989, reprinted with permission
of the Water Research Centre, Medmenham).




% Confidence







50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Number of samples (n)

Figure 2
The curves shows the level of confidence that 98% of the water in a supply is free of faecal contamination for different
numbers of samples when 1, 2, 3 or 4 samples give positive results (from Ellis; 1989, reprinted with permission of the
Water Research Centre, Medmenham).




1 2 3 4
% Confidence


50 Observed
number of
40 positives




50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Number of samples (n)

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Information Sheets Statistics

Statistics – control charts



A control chart displays monitoring data for a given characteristic against either time or sample sequence
number.8 It has the following important features clearly marked:
• the guideline value
• each measured data point
• the mean value of the measurements
• control limits.


Control limits are based on long-term monitoring data (including data from the reporting period). They
are horizontal lines parallel to the mean but shifted from it by a number of standard deviations (at least
1.64), and they are calculated from the long-term standard deviation. They thus define the area within
which most of the long-term data fall. Provided that the system is ‘in control’, most of the data for the
reporting period will also lie between these limits.

Control charts can also be used to assess performance on an ongoing basis (rather than for a given
reporting period), in which case the control limits and mean should be calculated from all the available
data over previous years, and recalculated periodically (see figure 3).


There are a number of advantages in using control charts to assess performance:

• It is easy to see if data exceed the guideline value, and by what amount. A number of small
excursions above the guideline value spaced well apart in time may be of less concern than one
very high value or a number of closely spaced excursions.
• The difference between the mean and the guideline value can be easily seen. For some
characteristics, what is critical is the total amount accumulated over a lifetime. Where the mean
value for such characteristics is well below the guideline value, there may be no cause for concern,
even if some individual measurements are well above the guideline. Such a pattern is clearly visible
on a control chart.
• The variability in the data can be quickly determined. Characteristics with a low variability may
be of less concern than those that vary markedly. Trends in the data may also be significant.
• The difference between the upper control limit, the guideline value and the mean provide a useful
guide as to the likelihood that the guideline value will be exceeded at some time. If the upper
control limit is well below the guideline value and close to the mean, it is unlikely that the guideline
value will be exceeded. If, on the other hand, the upper control limit is close to the guideline value
and distant from the mean, the guideline value is more likely to be exceeded. This can be a useful
way of determining the key characteristics for monitoring.

8 – APHA Method 1010B (1992). General Introduction: Statistics, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th
Edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, United states

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Statistics Information Sheets


A decision must be made on where to place the control limits; that is, on the percentage of the long-term
measured data that they will contain (see table below). The greater this percentage, and the further the
upper control limit is below the guideline value, the greater the confidence that the guideline value will
not be exceeded in the periods between measurements, and that the quality of the water will be regarded
as good. It is suggested that the control limits should be not less than 1.64 times the long-term standard
deviation: this will encompass approximately 90% of the long-term data and, provided the system
remains in control, approximately 90% of the data for the reporting period. The distances for other
percentages of the data are shown below. These figures are constants for any normal distribution curve,
and can be determined from cumulative normal probability tables given in most statistical textbooks.

Table IS3.1 Relationship between control limits and multiples of the standard deviation9
Standard deviations(s) % of data expected to fall within the bounds
1.64 x s 90.00
1.96 x s 95.00
3.00 x s 99.85


In order to establish control limits, it is necessary to determine a reliable mean and long-term standard
deviation. To obtain initial estimates of these statistics, no less than 7 and preferably 15 or more
measurements are required from independent representative samples. It is clearly unsatisfactory
to bias the results by selecting sampling times or locations that are favourable (or unfavourable).

Figure 3
An example of a control chart for trihalomethane data using 12 monthly measurements. The control limits have been placed
at two standard deviations away from the mean.



250 Guideline value

Upper control limit

Estimated mean

Lower control limit
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Sample sequence number

9 – Taylor JK (1987). Quality assurance of chemical measurements, Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, Michigan

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Microorganisms · Bacteria

Microorganisms · Bacteria
Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria



No guideline value has been set for Aeromonas in drinking water. The absence of Escherichia
coli (or alternatively thermotolerant coliforms) does not indicate the absence of Aeromonas.


Aeromonas spp are gram-negative, rod-shaped, nonsporing bacteria which are presently classified in
the family Vibrionaceae, although they also bear many similarities to the Enterobacteriaceae. They are
isolated from certain patients with diarrhoea and may cause septicaemia.

The genus Aeromonas is divided into two groups. The group of psychrophilic nonmotile aeromonads
consists of one species A. salmonicida, an obligate fish pathogen that will not be considered further
here. The group of mesophilic motile aeromonads consists of three biochemically distinguishable groups:
A. hydrophila, A. sobria and A. caviae. Each of these three species consists of at least three different
DNA-hybridisation groups.

Aeromonas is a normal inhabitant of fresh water, and occurs in water, soil and food, particularly meat,
fish and milk.


Aeromonas spp have been isolated from several drinking waters in Australia but the relationship
between the isolates and clinical disease is not clear.


Free available chlorine residuals of 0.2–0.5 mg/L are generally sufficient to control Aeromonas
in distribution systems.


The numbers of Aeromonas in drinking water can be quantified using membrane filtration and
anaerobic incubation (Cunliffe and Adcock 1989).


Mesophilic aeromonads have long been known to be pathogenic for cold-blooded animals such as fish
and amphibians. In humans, three types of infections are described: systemic infections, usually in people
who are seriously immunocompromised; wound infections (mainly surface contact); and diarrhoea (Jana
et al 1988). They have given rise to serious cases of septicaemia, often in people with underlying disease;
and they have been linked with gastroenteritis in children (Gracey et al 1982), although no causative
role has been established, and their significance as an enteropathogenic organism is not clear. In animal
test models, such as the suckling mouse test and the rabbit ileal loop test, pure cultures of Aeromonas
have been found to cause marked fluid accumulation. This can partially be ascribed to the production
of extracellular cytotoxins; however, despite the strong toxin production by Aeromonas strains in vitro,
it has not been possible to induce diarrhoea in test animals or human volunteers.

It is assumed that Aeromonas strains are only poorly able to colonise the gastrointestinal tract. Little
information is available on adhesion factors of Aeromonas or their interaction with receptors in the
gastrointestinal tract.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Bacteria Microorganisms – Fact Sheets

Epidemiological investigations on the significance of Aeromonas as an enteropathogenic organism have

been contradictory. In some studies the occurrence of Aeromonas in faeces of patients with diarrhoea
was higher than in control groups, whereas other studies showed no difference. Sometimes the bacterium
was even found more often in control groups. Aeromonads have sometimes been associated with acute
self-limiting gastroenteritis.


No specific guideline value can be established for Aeromonas because of difficulties in determining
the pathogenicity of an isolate and its relevance to human health. Further work in the area is currently
under way in Australia. Water must be tested directly for Aeromonas if their presence is suspected.


Cunliffe DA and Adcock P (1989). Isolation of Aeromonas spp. from water by using anaerobic incubation.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 55, 2138–2140.

Gracey M, Burke V and Robinson J (1982). Aeromonas-associated gastroenteritis. Lancet, ii, 1304–1306.

Jana JM and Duffy PS (1988). Mesophilic aeromonads in human disease: current taxonomy, laboratory
identification, and infectious disease spectrum. Reviews of Infectious Diseases, 10, 980.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria



Escherichia coli (or alternatively thermotolerant coliforms) can be used to indicate the
possible presence of pathogenic Campylobacter. If explicitly sought, Campylobacter spp
should not be detected. If detected, advice should be sought from the relevant health authority.


Thermophilic Campylobacter spp are transmitted by the oral route, and cause gastrointestinal illness.
Wild birds and poultry are the most important reservoirs of Campylobacter. Other domestic animals,
such as pigs, cattle, dogs and cats, are also reservoirs of thermophilic Campylobacter organisms, and so
meat, and particularly poultry products and unpasteurised milk, are important sources of Campylobacter
infection. Milk may be contaminated with faeces or by secretion of organisms into the milk of cows with
mastitis. Recent studies have shown that raw sewage frequently contains from 10 to 105 thermophilic
Campylobacter organisms per 100 mL; high counts can be reduced by wastewater treatment processes.
Thermophilic campylobacters have been found in crude sewage sludge, but were not detectable in
digested conditioned sludge or filter effluent. Their occurrence in surface waters is dependent on rainfall,
water temperature and the presence of water fowl.

Several waterborne outbreaks caused by Campylobacter spp have been reported in the past decade
worldwide. The number of people involved ranged from a few to several thousand. Water was implicated
in the only two of these outbreaks where Campylobacter was isolated from patients the main sources
were found to be unchlorinated surface water and faecal contamination of water storage reservoirs
by wild birds. Communities are at risk of outbreaks of campylobacteriosis from the consumption of
unchlorinated or inadequately chlorinated surface waters. Contamination of drinking water reservoirs
by excrement of water fowl should be controlled, particularly if Campylobacter contamination
is suspected. Hygienic precautions should be improved in case the water is distributed without
disinfection, or disinfection is interrupted.

Campylobacter spp, like other bacterial pathogens, survive well at low temperatures, and can survive
for several weeks in cold groundwater or unchlorinated tap water.

The presence of thermophilic Campylobacter organisms in piped water supplies, whether treated
or untreated, suggests a serious fault in the design or management of the system.

Two closely related genera, Helicobacter and Archobactor, include species previously identified in the
Campylobacter genus. Helicobacter pylori may be differentiated from Campylobacter spp by a strong
urease activity. It is a cause of gastritis in humans.


Campylobacter have been identified in some Australian water supplies, but there have been no reports
of infections from drinking water in Australia. No information is available on Helicobacter spp
in Australian water supplies.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Bacteria Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Provided the water has low turbidity, standard disinfection procedures are sufficient to prevent
the spread of Campylobacter in distribution systems.


Campylobacter are gram-negative, slender, comma-shaped rods which show a characteristic corkscrew-
like motion which can be easily seen by phase contrast microscopy. They also appear S-shaped and gull-
winged when in pairs. They are microaerophilic, requiring a low oxygen tension (3–6%) for growth.

There is no endorsed Australian standard method for the detection of Campylobacter in waters. However
an Australian method for the isolation of these organisms from food may be applicable to waters
(AS1766.2.13 1991). Other methods of detection are available (APHA Method 9260G 1992).


Some of the 14 described species are pathogens for humans and animals (for example C. jejuni, C. coli,
C. fetus), while others are considered to be nonpathogenic (for example C. sputorum, C. concisus)
(Penner 1988). Most the members of the thermophilic group (growing at 42°C) of campylobacters
cause enteritis in humans. In Australia, Campylobacter are very important bacterial causes of acute

Several major outbreaks of Campylobacter enteritis have been linked to the ingestion of contaminated
food, milk or water.


Campylobacter in drinking water can cause acute gastroenteritis. As it is not possible, at this stage,
to determine an infectious dose, Campylobacter should be absent from drinking water supplies.


APHA Method 9260G, (1992). Detection of pathogenic bacteria: Campylobacter jejuni. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington DC.

AS 1766.2.13, (1991). Food microbiology: examination for specific organisms – Campylobacter.

Australian Standard, Standards Association of Australia, Sydney, NSW.

Penner JL (1988). The genus Campylobacter: A decade of progress. Clinical Reviews in Microbiology,
1, 157–172.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria

(Revised 2002)


Due to the lack of direct health significance, no guideline value is proposed for coliforms
(excluding Escherichia coli).


Coliforms are a diverse group of bacteria including Escherichia coli and other thermotolerant coliforms
(see also Fact Sheet on Escherichia coli and thermotolerant coliforms). Faecal material contains large
numbers of coliform bacteria but there are many species that occur naturally in the environment.
Coliforms are gram-negative nonsporing rod-shaped bacteria, capable of aerobic and facultative
anaerobic growth in the presence of bile salts or other surface-active agents with similar growth-inhibiting
properties. They are able to ferment lactose with the production of acid within 48 hours at 35–37°C.
Fermentation by these organisms begins with the cleavage of lactose into galactose and glucose by the
enzyme ß-galactosidase. Coliforms are oxidase-negative.

It should be noted that the above characteristics are not taxonomic criteria, but practical working
definitions used for water examination purposes.

Some test methods may identify aeromonads, which can also produce acid from lactose, as presumptive
coliform organisms unless excluded by subsequent confirmatory tests. Aeromonads are oxidase positive.


Treatment by chlorination or other acceptable forms of disinfection inactivates these microorganisms

in water, provided the turbidity is low.


Total coliforms can be quantified in water by using membrane filtration (MF) for concentration of the
organisms from water, followed by growth in enrichment/selective media or multiple tube dilution (most
probable number – MPN) procedures (AS 4276.4 and 4276.5 1995). Specific secondary tests are used
with both MF and MPN procedures to confirm the identification of coliform organisms.

Alternatively, the presence of coliform bacteria can be detected by testing for the production of the
enzyme ß-galactosidase (APHA method 9223 1998). Enzyme substrate tests incorporate chromogenic
substrates such as ortho-nitrophenyl-ß-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG) or chlorophenol red-ß-D-
galactopyranoside (CPRG). When the substrates are hydrolysed, a colour change is produced. Test
methods may also include a substrate such as 4-methylumbelliferyl-ß-D-glucuronide (MUG), which is
hydrolysed by the enzyme ß-glucuronidase, produced by most E. coli, to form the fluorogenic metabolite
4-methylumbelliferyl. It has been reported that more coliform bacteria may be detected using enzyme
substrate based methodology in comparison to MF based methodology (Adcock and Saint 1997).


Total coliforms (excluding E. coli) are not considered useful as indicators of the presence of faecal
contamination and enteric pathogens. There are many environmental coliforms that are not of faecal
origin. The presence of these coliforms may represent release from pipe or sediment biofilms or ingress
of soils as a result of faults or repairs, or disinfection failure.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Bacteria Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Coliforms can be used in operational monitoring to indicate inadequate treatment, breakdowns in

system integrity or the presence of biofilms. No guideline value is established, if used, numbers should
be established on a system specific basis, taking into consideration relevant historical data and an
understanding of the characteristics of the system.


Adcock PW and Saint C (1997). Trials of Colilert System. Water, 24(2), 22–25.

APHA Method 9223 (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,
20th Edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

AS 4276.4 (1995). Coliforms – Estimation of most probable number (MPN). Australian Standards,
Standards Association of Australia, Sydney, NSW.

AS 4276.5 (1995). Coliforms – Membrane filtration method. Australian Standards, Standards Association
of Australia, Sydney, NSW.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria

Escherichia coli and thermotolerant coliforms

(revised 2002)


Escherichia coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) should not be detected in a minimum 100 mL
sample of drinking water. If detected, immediate action should be taken (see summary table
of microbiological guidelines).

Coliforms are gram-negative, nonsporing rod-shaped bacteria capable of aerobic and facultative
anaerobic growth in the presence of bile salts or other surface active agents with similar growth-inhibiting
properties. They are found in large numbers in the faeces of humans and other warm-blooded animals.
Thermotolerant coliforms are more specific indicators of faecal contamination than total coliforms.
Either thermotolerant coliforms as a group, or Escherichia coli, can be used to indicate the presence of
contamination. Tests for thermotolerant coliforms can be simpler but E. coli is a better indicator because
some environmental coliforms are thermotolerant (Klebsiella, Citrobacter and Enterobacter). E. coli is the
most common thermotolerant coliform present in faeces and is regarded as the most specific indicator
of recent faecal contamination.
Thermotolerant coliforms, including E. coli, can ferment lactose (or mannitol) at 44.5± 0.2°C with the
production of acid within 24 hours. Thermotolerant coliforms that produce indole from tryptophan at
44.5± 0.2°C are regarded as being E. coli. E. coli also give a positive result in the methyl-red test and a
negative Voges-Proskauer test and cannot use citrate as the sole source of carbon. Also, most E. coli
produce the enzyme ß-glucuronidase.

E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms ) are used as specific indicators of faecal contamination and hence the
safety of water for drinking. However, some waters can support survival or regrowth of environmental
thermotolerant coliforms. Where this is suspected, E. coli, should be used.


Treatment by chlorination or other acceptable forms of disinfection inactivates E. coli, (or thermotolerant
coliforms ) in water, provided the turbidity is low.


E. coli, (or thermotolerant coliforms) numbers can be determined using membrane filtration (MF)
for concentration of the organisms from water, followed by growth in enrichment/selective media
or multiple tube dilution (most probable number – MPN) procedures (AS 4276.6 and 4276.7 1995).
Specific secondary tests are used with both MF and MPN procedures to confirm the identification
of thermotolerant coliforms.
Alternatively, the presence of E. coli, can be detected by testing for the production of the enzyme
ß-glucuronidase (APHA method 9223 1998). Test methods include the enzyme substrates such as
4-methylumbelliferyl-ß-D-glucuronide (MUG) which is hydrolysed by ß-glucuronidase to produce the
fluorogenic metabolite 4-methylumbelliferyl. Both enumeration and presence/absence tests are available.
As the detection of any E. coli, in 100 mL of drinking water requires further action, either form of test
is acceptable.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Bacteria Microorganisms – Fact Sheets

Thermotolerant coliforms are normal inhabitants of the intestine, are always present in high numbers
in human and animal faeces, and are generally regarded as specific indicators of faecal contamination.
However, environmental thermotolerant coliforms, which can occur in some waters, are of lesser
significance. E. coli, is the most specific indicator for faecal contamination. While most thermotolerant
coliforms are nonpathogenic there are some pathogenic subtypes of E. coli, that can cause enteric illness
including enteropathogenic, enteroinvasive, enterotoxigenic and enterohaemorrhagic strains (Bopp 1999).
Enteropathogenic E. coli, have been associated with outbreaks of infantile gastroenteritis but experiments
in adult volunteers have shown that they also cause disease in adults. The pathogenic mechanisms
employed by these organisms are not fully understood.
Enteroinvasive E. coli, (EIEC) produce dysentery by a mechanism similar to Shigella spp. These organisms
invade the colonic mucosa and cause bloody diarrhoea. This property seems to be restricted to a few
O sero-groups.
Epidemiological evidence suggests that enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) are responsible for most episodes
of E. coli diarrhoea, particularly in developing countries. ETEC strains can cause a cholera-like syndrome
in infants, children and adults, producing a heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) related to cholera enterotoxin
and/or a heat-stable enterotoxin (ST). The action of LT is the same as the cholera toxin. The ability of
ETEC to cause disease depends not only on the production of enterotoxin but also upon the ability
of these organisms to colonise the small intestine. Various colonising factors or adhesins have been
Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), including serogroups such as O111 and O157 are relatively rare
strains that produce large quantities of shiga-like (or vero) toxins that can cause illness ranging from mild
diarrhoea to haemorrhagic colitis. The latter is characterised by blood-stained diarrhoea accompanied
by abdominal pain. In addition, EHEC strains can cause haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS), which is
characterised by acute renal failure and haemolytic anaemia. The infectious dose may be very low.
Standard E. coli identification methods cannot be used to detect EHEC strains. E. coli 0157:H7 does not
grow above 41ºC on selective media and it does not produce ß-glucuronidase. However, specific testing
is not recommended unless presence is suspected.

E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) should not be present in a minimum 100 mL sample of drinking
water. The presence of these organisms is indicative of faecal contamination and suggests a potentially
serious fault in the integrity of the water supply system.
The effect on the community of noncompliance with the guideline will depend on the E. coli strain
involved, whether faecal pathogens are also present, the number of organisms and the presence
of susceptible individuals.

APHA Method 9223 (1998). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater,
20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.
AS 4276.6 (1995). Thermotolerant coliforms and Escherichia coli – Estimation of most probable
number (MPN). Australian Standards, Standards Association of Australia, Sydney, NSW.
AS 4276.7 (1995). Thermotolerant coliforms and Escherichia coli – Membrane filtration method.
Australian Standards, Standards Association of Australia, Sydney, NSW.
Bopp CA, Brenner FW, Wells JG and Strockbine NA (1999). Escherichia, Shigella and Salmonella. In:
Murray PR, Baron EJ, Pfaller MA, Tenover FC and Volken RH (eds), Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 7th
edition. ASM Press, Washington DC, pp 459–474.
NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria



Coliforms detected in a water supply may include Klebsiella spp.


Klebsiella spp are inherently environmental organisms that survive and sometimes multiply in suitable
waters. They are associated with roots of plants and can grow to high levels on the leaves of vegetables.
They are frequently present in raw waters, and can increase to high levels in waters containing pulp
mill wastes.

They are also found in the faeces of a significant proportion of healthy people.

K. pneumoniae and K. oxytoca are significant opportunistic pathogens in hospitals, but the relationship
between infections and drinking water is at best dubious, given the wide distribution of members of this
genus in the environment.

The genus is heterogenous and has been difficult to classify. Four species are now included:
K. pneumoniae, K. oxytoca, K. planticola, and K. terrigena. A fifth species, K. mobilis, has been proposed,
but it remains controversial whether this should be classified in this genus or that of Enterobacter
(Grimont et al 1991).

As the organisms have similar sensitivity to disinfection to E. coli and some bacterial enteric pathogens,
their presence in drinking water indicates that disinfection has been inadequate.


Klebsiella spp have been detected in Australian drinking water, but there is no evidence that they
have caused disease.


Klebsiella spp are gram-negative nonsporing oxidase-negative rod-shaped bacteria, capable of aerobic
and facultatively anaerobic growth in the presence of bile salts or other surface active agents with similar
growth-inhibiting properties. They are able to ferment lactose, with the production of acid and gas within
48 hours at 35–37°C.

Most Klebsiella spp can be quantified in water by either multiple tube dilution, or membrane filtration
methods (AS1095.4.1), which are followed by suitable tests for identification of the genus.


Klebsiella may colonise patients in hospital, being spread mainly by the frequent handling which
occurs in intensive care units. Those most at risk are people with impaired defence mechanisms,
such as the elderly or the very young, people with burns or excessive wounding, those undergoing
immunosuppressive therapy, or those with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). From
colonisation, invasive infections may occur. On rare occasions Klebsiella may cause infections, including
destructive pneumonia, in apparently healthy people. These problems appear to be associated with
K. pneumoniae and K. oxytoca.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Bacteria Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


No guideline value is established, if used for operational monitoring, numbers should be established
on a system specific basis, taking into consideration relevant historical data and an understanding of the
characteristics of the system. Klebsiella spp form a significant proportion of the organisms identified
as coliforms in standard tests for indicator bacteria, and these organisms are thus covered by the
guideline for coliforms.


AS1095.4.1 (1981). Microbiological examination of water for dairy purposes. Microbiological methods
for the dairy industry. Australian Standard, Standards Association of Australia, Sydney, NSW.

Grimont F, Grimont PAD and Richard C (1991). The genus Klebsiella. In: Balows A, Truper HG, Dworkin
M, Harder W and Schleifer KH, The prokaryotes. Springer-Verlag Publishers, 2nd edition, New York,
United States, pp 1217–1224 and 1249–1261.

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Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria



No guideline value has been set for Legionella in drinking water.


The family Legionellaceae contains a single genus, Legionella, with 26 currently reported species, of
which L. pneumophila serogroup 1 is most frequently associated with human disease. Other serogroups
of L. pneumophila and occasionally other Legionellae have also been reported to cause disease.

Legionella organisms are widespread in natural sources of freshwater and may also be found in soils.
They occur commonly in man-made water systems, particularly in hot water and cooling water systems.

Legionella spp appear to infect humans by inhalation, and their presence in drinking water per se seems
irrelevant until they are amplified by growing in specific sites under specific conditions (usually thermal
enrichment), from which infective aerosols, and droplet nuclei, may be created.

Conditions in cooling towers, spas, warm water systems in buildings, hot water systems operated below
60°C, or ‘dead legs’ of hot water systems operated at higher temperatures, may favour the growth of
Legionella organisms. Spraying water in cooling towers or water agitated in spas may then produce
aerosols; water from hot water systems can also form aerosols in showers, through nozzle heads,
or by splashing in sinks, baths etc.

Legionella organisms can be ingested by the trophozoites of certain amoebae (Acanthamoeba,

Hartmanella, Valkampfia and Naegleria) and then grow intracellularly and become incorporated
in their cysts. This may explain the difficulty in eradicating Legionella organisms from water systems,
and it could be a factor in the aetiology of Pontiac fever.


Legionella spp have been found in cooling tower waters in many parts of Australia. However, very
few Legionella organisms have been isolated from drinking waters. No published reports are available
on the presence of L. pneumophila in drinking waters.


Treatment of water with chlorine or chloramines will eliminate these organisms.


Legionella spp are gram-negative, rod-shaped, nonsporing bacteria that require L-cysteine for growth
and primary isolation. Cellular fatty acids in Legionella organisms are unique for gram-negative bacilli
in that they contain primarily branched chains.

An Australian Standard has been developed for the detection of Legionella organisms in water
(AS3896 1991).

Isolation of Legionella spp from environmental samples may require pre-concentration if numbers are
low. Immunofluorescence techniques may also be used to detect Legionella spp in the environment.

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Bacteria Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Legionella spp are not known to cause disease by the ingestion of drinking water.

Legionella infections can lead to two types of disease: legionellosis and Pontiac fever. The epidemic
form of legionellosis associated with a common infection source is also known as Legionnaires’ disease.
This is a form of pneumonia with an incubation period usually of 3 to 6 days. Males are more frequently
affected than females, and most cases occur in the 40 to 70 year age group. Risk factors include smoking,
alcoholism, cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory or kidney disease, and severe immunosuppression, as in
transplant recipients. Ten per cent or more of cases are fatal, even though Legionnaires’ disease can be
treated effectively by antibiotics such as erythromycin and rifampicin.

Pontiac fever is a milder disease with a high attack rate. The incubation period is 5 hours to 3 days,
and symptoms are similar to those of influenza: fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, aching muscles and
coughing. No fatal cases have been reported and few outbreaks have been recognised, possibly because
the nonspecific nature of the symptoms of the disease hinders its detection.

Infection through human-made water systems such as cooling towers and hot water supplies proceeds
through inhalation of aerosols which are small enough to penetrate lungs and be retained by the alveoli
– the degree of risk depending on four factors: the density of the bacteria in their source, the extent
of aerosol generation, the number of inhaled bacteria, and the susceptibility of the exposed individual.

The number of inhaled bacteria depends on the size of the aerosol generated (<5 µm being most
dangerous), the dispersal of the aerosol in the air, and the duration of the exposure. Host defence is
important in determining whether exposure to Legionella organisms will lead to clinical disease, and
differences in susceptibility largely explain the fact that in some cases, high counts of L. pneumophila
in water systems have been reported in the absence of disease, whereas in other cases similar or lower
counts have been associated with epidemics. It is also likely, although not yet adequately proven, that
differences in virulence between strains account partly for these observations.


It is not necessary to monitor water systems for Legionella spp routinely or to disinfect all environmental
sites where Legionellae are detected. The following are generally accepted indications for disinfection:
• sites which are implicated in an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease or Pontiac fever
• hospital wards housing high-risk patients, such as organ transplant units
• buildings in which the water system has not been used for some time and where high numbers are
likely to be found.

Vulnerable systems should be designed and maintained in such a way that colonisation by Legionella spp
is prevented or minimised. The main points to consider are:
• preventing the accumulation of sludge, scale, rust, algae and slime and removing such deposits
• maintaining hot water temperatures permanently above 60°C or at intervals above 70°C, and keeping
cold water supplies below 20°C
• selecting materials in contact with water which do not release nutrients that support the growth
of Legionella spp.

These measures are preferable to, and more effective than, the use of biocides to control Legionella
organisms in water supplies within buildings; however, biocides are essential to prevent the build-up

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Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria

of microbial slimes in airconditioning systems that use wet evaporative cooling towers. Such systems
should be kept clean and well maintained. They should be inspected weekly for fouling and accumulated
slime, scale and corrosion, and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected twice yearly. Biocides are best used
intermittently in clean systems.


No specific guideline value can be established for Legionella spp. The absence of test mechanisms
does not guarantee the total absence of the organism. Warm-water handling systems should always be
regarded as being at risk of contamination by Legionella spp.


AS 3896, (1991). Waters – Examination for legionellae. Australian Standard, Standards Association
of Australia, Sydney, NSW.

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Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria



No guideline value has been set for Mycobacterium in drinking water.


Tap water has long been known to harbour saprophytic Mycobacterium (Collins et al 1984); in fact
one of the most commonly occurring species, M. gordonae, is also known as the ‘tap water bacillus’.
Opportunistic pathogenic species have also been isolated from tap water. Mycobacterium spp may
accidentally contaminate clinical material during and after collection, or during processing in the
laboratory, which may give a false indication of mycobacterial infection in patients under investigation.

A link between the occurrence of Mycobacterium in drinking water and disease has been suggested in
specific incidents. In an investigation of endemic M. kansasii infections in Czechoslovakia from 1968,
a peak incidence was shown in a small, densely populated district with workers engaged in mining and
heavy or power industry. The organism could also be isolated from shower outlets in collieries, and it
was shown later that the drinking water system in the whole region was contaminated. It was suggested
that spread of Mycobacterium from drinking water occurred via aerosols. In Rotterdam, the Netherlands,
the frequent isolation of M. kansasii from clinical specimens prompted an investigation of the water
supply system. The organisms were frequently isolated from tap water and exhibited the same phage
type and weak nitratase activity as clinical strains. The increase in number of isolations of the M. avium
complex in Massachusetts, United States, has also been attributed to their incidence in drinking water.

In all these cases there is only circumstantial evidence of a causal relationship between the occurrence
of bacteria in drinking water and human disease. The low infectivity of environmental Mycobacterium
does not warrant standards or eradication programs.

The ecology of opportunistic Mycobacterium spp in water supplies is poorly understood. The bacteria
have been isolated infrequently from treated water or mains water but appear to multiply within the
plumbing system in buildings as well as in taps. Increased isolation frequencies have been associated
with higher temperatures (hot water systems or cold water pipes in the vicinity of central heating).
Older buildings appear to be more frequently colonised than new ones and transport of drinking
water over long distances also seems to increase the numbers of Mycobacterium spp.


It has been suggested that cases of M. kansasii infection in Portland, Victoria, were associated with
the presence of the organism on cooling structures in the town’s water supply.


Free available chlorine residuals of 0.5–1 mg/L are sufficient to control mycobacterial densities
in the distribution system.

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Bacteria Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Mycobacterium spp are rod-shaped bacteria with a high lipid content in cell walls, which enables them
to retain specific dyes in staining procedures that employ an acid wash. They are therefore often referred
to as acid-fast bacteria. All Mycobacterium spp are characterised by slow growth (generation times under
optimum circumstances 2 to 20 hours), but within this range they are divided into ‘slow’ and ‘rapid’
growers. Analytical procedures have not been developed specifically for drinking water, although clinical
methods can be used (Balows et al 1991).


Evidence from some localities suggests that the presence of certain environmental Mycobacterium in
drinking water may be associated with opportunistic infection in a minority of susceptible people.

Most pathogenic species of Mycobacterium are found among the slow growers. These comprise the
pathogenic species M. tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. africanum and M. leprae, which are not transmitted by
water and have only human or animal reservoirs. Other Mycobacterium spp, which have been referred
to as ‘atypical’ Mycobacterium spp, have environmental reservoirs. Although many are considered
nonpathogenic, several species are opportunistic pathogens for humans. The most important species
are the slow growers M. kansasii, M. marinum, M. avium, M. intracellulare, M. scrofulaceum and
M. xenopi, and the rapid growers M. chelonae and M. fortuitum.

Strictly pathogenic Mycobacterium spp are associated with classic diseases such as tuberculosis and
leprosy. The environmental Mycobacterium spp may cause a range of diseases including tuberculous
lung disease and disseminated infections which may also involve the skeleton (M. kansasii, M. avium
complex), infections of lymph nodes (MAIS complex), and infections of the skin and soft tissues (M.
marinum, M. fortuitum complex). Diseases caused by opportunistic pathogenic Mycobacterium are
not normally transmitted from person to person but are usually the result of environmental exposure
in combination with predisposing factors such as dust retained in the lungs, surgical wounds, or
immunosuppression by medication (e.g. transplantation patients) or underlying disease (e.g. AIDS,
malignancies). Mycobacterium spp are generally resistant to many antimicrobial agents; hence, effective
treatment may be difficult.


There are insufficient data to establish a guideline value for Mycobacterium in water.

When epidemiological associations between the presence of Mycobacterium spp in drinking water and
infections in the community can be demonstrated, an investigation into the source of the contamination,
and its removal, should be carried out.


Balows A, Truper HG, Dworkin M, Harder W and Schleifer KH (1991). The prokaryotes. Springer-Verlag
Publishers, 2nd edition, New York, United States, pp 1217–1224 and 1249–1261.

Collins CH, Grange JM and Yates MD (1984). Mycobacteria in water. Journal of Applied Bacteriology,
57, 193–211.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria

Pseudomonas aeruginosa


No guideline value has been established for Pseudomonas aeruginosa in drinking water.


Pseudomonas aeruginosa is commonly found in faeces, soil, water and sewage. It cannot be used as an
indicator of faecal contamination, as it is not universally present in faeces and sewage, and it may also
multiply in an enriched aquatic environment and on the surface of suitable organic materials in contact
with water. Its presence, however, can be used to assess the general cleanliness of water distribution
systems and the quality of bottled waters.

P. aeruginosa has also been found in various foods.


Though P. aeruginosa occurs in Australian drinking water supplies, it has only been associated with
cases of folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles) in health-spa whirlpools.


Free available chlorine residuals of 0.2–0.5 mg/L are generally sufficient to control P. aeruginosa in water.


P. aeruginosa is a member of the family Pseudomonadaceae and is a polarly-flagellated, gram-negative

rod. When grown in suitable media it is capable of producing pigments, the most significant of which
are the nonfluorescent phenazine pigments, pyocyanin and fluorescin. Pigment may not be produced by
strains of P. aeruginosa recovered from clinical specimens and the ability to produce pigment may be
lost on subculture. Like other fluorescent pseudomonads in natural waters, P. aeruginosa strains produce
catalase and oxidase, produce ammonia from arginine, use citrate as the sole source of carbon, and are

P. aeruginosa can grow at 41–42°C (AS 1095.4.1.13 1981). The blue-green pigment produced differs from
the fluorescent pale green pigment (fluorescin) produced by other species of fluorescent pseudomonads
found in water. The organism can also grow anaerobically in stab cultures of nitrate agar.


P. aeruginosa is a classical opportunistic pathogen. It rarely becomes established in, and even more
rarely infects, the intact host but colonises damaged systems, for example burn wounds, the respiratory
tract of people with underlying disease, physically damaged eyes etc. From these it may invade the
body, causing destructive lesions or septicaemia. Immunosuppressed people, particularly those with low
polymorph counts, are at risk. Contaminated ‘irrigation’ fluids or pharmaceutical agents (e.g. eye drops)
delivered to damaged areas have caused severe infection.

While it is clearly undesirable for water supplies to hospitals to have high counts of this organism
(or other opportunistic pathogens), a direct association of hospital infections with drinking water
sources is yet to be established.

High counts of this organism in spa and swimming pool water have been linked with rashes and
superficial infections of the outer ear canal (Calderon and Mood 1982, Jones and Bartlett 1985).
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Bacteria Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Owing to the widespread occurrence of the organism and its opportunistic pathogenicity, it is difficult
to set a guideline for drinking water. However, the presence of the organism in drinking water may
indicate a serious deterioration in bacteriological quality, often accompanied by taste, odour and
turbidity complaints associated with low rates of flow and increased water temperatures.


AS 1095.4.1.13, (1981). Examination of water for Pseudomonas aeruginosa by membrane filtration.

Australian Standard, Microbiological methods for the dairy industry. Standards Association of Australia,
Sydney, NSW.

Calderon R and Mood EW (1982). An epidemiological assessment of water quality and ‘swimmer’s ear’.
Archives of Environmental Health, 73, 300–305.

Jones F and Bartlett CLR (1985). Infections associated with whirlpools and spas. Journal of Applied
Microbiology (symposium supplement, microbial aspects of water management), 61s–66s.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria

Burkholderia pseudomallei
(Added and endorsed 2001)

No guideline value has been established for Burkholderia pseudomallei in drinking water.

Burkholderia pseudomallei, which causes the disease melioidosis, is a motile gram-negative bacillus
commonly found in soil and muddy water in tropical regions. B. pseudomallei can survive in water
for prolonged periods in the absence of nutrients, and is acid tolerant (Wuthiekanun et al 1995).
Melioidosis is most common in northern Australia and South-East Asia. Infection usually results
from contact with soil or surface-accumulated water (muddy water). Exposure to environmental
B. pseudomallei after heavy rainfall presents the greatest risk. Most infection appears to be through
skin cuts or abrasions; however, infection may also occur via other routes, particularly through inhalation
or ingestion. The relative importance of these routes of infection is not known.

Melioidosis is an endemic disease in northern Australia and although generally a tropical illness it has
been detected in the southwest of Western Australia (Golledge et al 1992). The first human case was
diagnosed in Australia in 1950. Melioidosis is reported with increasing frequency in the Top End of
the Northern Territory and B. pseudomallei is the most common organism isolated in fatal community-
acquired pneumonia. Cases appear throughout the year but peak during the rainy season (Currie 2000).
Two outbreaks of melioidosis have been reported in Australia: in 1990–91 in the Northern Territory
and in 1997 in Western Australia (Inglis et al 1999). In the latter outbreak, indistinguishable isolates
of B. pseudomallei were cultured from cases and the potable water supply (Inglis et al 1999, 2000).

Standard disinfection procedures should be sufficient to eliminate B. pseudomallei from water supplies.


Selective culture techniques have been described (Brook et al 1997). Confirmation of identity has
traditionally been done by biochemical tests (Inglis et al 1998) but polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
based methods may be more accurate. Genetic typing can be performed by several methods, including
ribotyping and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (Haase et al 1995; Inglis et al 2000).

Melioidosis is a potentially fatal disease. Pneumonia is the most common presentation. Many patients
present with milder forms of pneumonia, which respond well to appropriate antibiotics, but some
may present with a severe septicaemic pneumonia. Other symptoms include skin abscesses or ulcers,
abscesses in internal organs and unusual neurological illnesses such as brainstem encephalitis and
acute paraplegia. Individuals without symptoms or known history of disease may also be positive on
serological testing. Late onset disease, including acute septicaemia, can occur months or years after initial

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Bacteria Microorganisms – Fact Sheets

Although melioidosis can occur in healthy children and adults, it mainly occurs in people whose
defences against infection are impaired, due either to an underlying condition (e.g. diabetes, chronic
renal or lung disease, or alcoholic liver disease), or to poor general health associated with poor nutrition
or living conditions.


No guideline is proposed for B. pseudomallei because there is limited evidence for the involvement
of drinking water in its transmission in Australia. The numbers of organisms that would be significant
for human health are unknown.

If a water supply is implicated as a possible source of melioidosis, investigations should be undertaken

to assess whether the supply has been well managed and continually disinfected. The supply should
be tested for the presence of the organisms.


Brook MD, Currie B and Desmarchelier PM (1997). Isolation and identification of Burkholderia
pseudomallei from soil using selective culture techniques and the polymerase chain reaction.
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 82, 589–596.

Currie BJ (2000). The epidemiology of melioidosis in Australia and Papua New Guinea.
Acta Tropica, 74, 121–127.

Haase A, Smith-Vaughan H, Melder A, Wood Y, Janmaat A, Gilfedder J, Kemp D and Currie B (1995).
Subdivision of Burkholderia pseudomallei ribotypes into multiple types by RAPD analysis provides
new insights into its epidemiology. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 33, 1687–1690.

Inglis TJJ, Garrow SC, Adams C, Henderson M, Mayo M and Currie BJ (1999). Acute melioidosis outbreak
in Western Australia. Epidemiology and Infection, 123, 437–443.

Inglis TJJ, Garrow SC, Henderson M, Clair A, Sampson J, O’Reilly L and Cameron B (2000). Outbreak
strain of Burkholderia pseudomallei traced to water treatment plant. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 6,

Inglis TJJ, Chiang D, Lee GSH and Lim CK (1998). Potential misidentification of Burkholderia
pseudomallei by API 20NE. Pathology, 30, 62–64.

Golledge CL, Chin WS, Tribe AE, Condon RJ and Ashdown LR (1992), A case of human meliodosis
originating in south west Western Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 157, 332–334.

Wuthiekanun V, Smith MD and White NJ (1995). Survival of Burkholderia pseudomallei in the absence
of nutrients. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 89, 491.

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Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria



Escherichia coli (or alternatively thermotolerant coliforms) are used to indicate the possible
presence of Salmonella spp. If explicitly sought, Salmonella spp should not be detected. If
detected, advice should be sought from the relevant health authority.


Salmonella spp are widely distributed in the environment and gain entry into water systems though faecal
contamination from livestock, native animals, drainage waters and incompletely treated waste discharges.

Faecal contamination of water which is inadequately treated or inadequately disinfected is the main cause
of waterborne outbreaks of salmonellosis.


Salmonella has been isolated from a number of source waters in Australia and occasionally from
reticulated waters. However, published associations between the isolation of Salmonella from drinking
water and health effects in the community are mainly anecdotal.

Most illnesses resulting from Salmonella infection are derived from contaminated foodstuffs, e.g. poultry
and livestock. Waterborne Salmonella spp play only a minor role in causing disease.


Treatment by disinfection using chlorine is usually effective against Salmonella spp, provided the water
has low turbidity.


The numbers of Salmonella in water can be determined by concentration followed by enrichment,

isolation and confirmation (AS 1095.4.1.9 1981).


Salmonella spp, with the exception of those that cause enteric fever in humans (Lloyd 1983), are
pathogens of animals, which provide important reservoirs for the infection of humans.

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, however, is a specific human pathogen. In particular, S. enterica
serovar Typhi, S. enterica serovar Paratyphi A, and S. enterica serovar Paratyphi B are able to invade
tissues and cause a septicaemia with high temperature rather than diarrhoea. This is known as enteric
fever. In humans, most of the other serovars cause a transient intestinal infection which results in acute
gastroenteritis with diarrhoea. Certain serovars are highly pathogenic for humans, while others appear
nonpathogenic. Many Salmonella infections are symptomless.

Epidemiological and volunteer studies show that the infective dose of Salmonella varies considerably.
Method of intake, individual host susceptibility, and virulence of the particular strain are important in
determining the dose required to produce an infection.

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Bacteria Microorganisms – Fact Sheets

Waterborne outbreaks due to substantial contamination are usually characterised by rapid onset. The
majority of cases develop over a period of a few days, and these may be followed by secondary cases.
The spatial distribution of infections in major outbreaks is often strongly correlated with the water supply


The presence of faecal indicator bacteria is useful to determine the possible presence of Salmonella spp.
However, as with many other pathogens, Salmonella spp may occasionally be present when indicators
are absent, particularly where a supply may have been subject to faecal contamination by amphibians
(frogs) and reptiles. It is also important, therefore, to test directly for Salmonellae if contamination is

The direct effect on the community of noncompliance with the guideline will depend on the Salmonella
species involved. The numbers of Salmonella may be amplified through contamination of foodstuffs.


AS 1095.4.1.9, (1981). Examination of water for Salmonellae. Australian Standard, Microbiological methods
for the dairy industry. Standards Association of Australia, Sydney, NSW.

Lloyd B (1983). Salmonella, enteric fever and salmonelloses. In: Feachem RG, Bradley DJ et al (editors).
Health aspects of excreta and wastewater management. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, pp 251–286.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria



Escherichia coli (or alternatively thermotolerant coliforms) are used to indicate the presence
of pathogenic Shigella spp. If explicitly sought, pathogenic Shigella spp should not be
detected. If detected, advice should be sought from the relevant health authority.


Bacteria of the genus Shigella cause bacillary dysentery. Although shigella infection is not often
waterborne, major outbreaks resulting from waterborne transmission have been described. The isolation
of Shigella spp from drinking water indicates recent human faecal contamination, but this occurs only
rarely. This possibly indicates the limitations of the method rather than absence of the organisms, as there
is no useful enrichment or selective medium for isolation of these bacteria. Techniques used have been
designed for isolation of Salmonella spp and are not optimal for Shigella spp.


No conclusive evidence for the transmission of shigellosis through water supplies in Australia has
been reported. The incidence of infection by Shigella in Australia is low except in central Australia,
and among travellers returning from abroad.


Standard disinfection procedures eliminate Shigella spp from water, provided that turbidity is low.


Shigella spp are gram-negative, nonsporing, nonmotile rods, growing both aerobically and anaerobically.
Metabolism is both respiratory and fermentative; acid, but usually not gas, is produced from glucose but
lactose is seldom fermented. Catalase is usually produced, except by Shigella dysenteriae type 1, while
oxidase is produced by one serotype only. Nitrates are reduced to nitrites (APHA method 9260 E 1992).

Shigella spp are serotyped on the basis of their somatic O antigens. Both group and type antigens are
distinguished, group antigenic determinants being common to a number of related types. Serological
typing is adequate for all species except S. sonnei.


Shigella spp have a low infective dose and are highly pathogenic for humans. Characteristic bloody
diarrhoea results from the invasion of the colonic mucosa by the bacterium; the process is probably
highly species-specific. Shigella spp have no natural hosts other than the higher primates, and effectively,
humans are the only source of infection in the community. Among the enteric bacterial pathogens,
Shigellae seem to be the best adapted to cause human disease. Transmission occurs directly between
susceptible individuals, and the infectious dose is lower than for other bacteria.

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Bacteria Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


The isolation of Shigella spp from drinking water indicates recent human faecal contamination and,
in view of the extreme virulence of the organisms, is of crucial public health significance.

The effect on the community of noncompliance with the guideline will depend on the Shigella
strain involved, the numbers, and the susceptibility of the population. Cases of shigellosis will almost
certainly result.


APHA Method 9260E, (1992). Detection of pathogenic bacteria: Shigella. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington DC.

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Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria



Escherichia coli (or alternatively thermotolerant coliforms) are used to indicate the presence
of pathogenic Vibrio spp. If explicitly sought, pathogenic Vibrio spp should not be detected.
If detected, advice should be sought from the relevant health authority.


Vibrio species may be waterborne. Cholera (V. cholerae 01), for example, is usually a water-associated
disease and numerous such outbreaks have been documented. Food-borne outbreaks, however, are also
common and person-to-person transmission may occur under conditions of extreme crowding and poor
hygiene. The transmission of cholera has been extensively reviewed, and although water is undoubtedly
an important vehicle for transmission, many aspects of the epidemiology of cholera remain open to
debate (Miller et al 1985). There is evidence to suggest that in some circumstances, V. cholerae, including
serotype 01, may occur naturally in some surface waters.


Vibrio spp have been isolated from a number of source waters in Queensland, but not from reticulated
waters. There are no published associations between the isolation of Vibrios from source water and
health effects in the community.


Standard disinfection procedures eliminate V. cholerae 01 (the source of the classic cholera epidemics)
from reticulated water, provided turbidity is low.


Vibrio spp are nonsporing, slightly curved gram-negative rods, motile by a single polar flagellum. Their
metabolism is both respiratory and fermentative without the production of gas, while their growth
is aerobic and facultatively anaerobic. Both catalase and oxidase are formed and nitrates are reduced
to nitrites (APHA method 9260H 1992).


Vibrio cholerae is a well-defined species frequently found in source waters. While cases of diarrhoea are
caused by other types, only the serovar 01 is associated with the classical cholera symptoms in which
a proportion of cases suffer fulminating and severe watery diarrhoea. The 01 serovar has been further
divided into ‘classical’ and ‘El Tor’ biotypes, the latter distinguished by (inter alia) the ability to produce
a dialysable, heat-labile haemolysin, active against sheep and goat red blood cells.

When present in large numbers in the intestinal mucosa, V. cholerae 01 produces an enterotoxin
(cholera toxin) that alters the ionic fluxes across the mucosa with resulting catastrophic loss of water
and electrolytes in liquid stools.

Almost all the organisms that are known to cause epidemic cholera are members of the serogroup
01, though the very similar V. mimicus (sucrose nonfermenter) has been isolated from cases
of clinical cholera.

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The isolation of V. cholerae 01 from water used for drinking is of major public health importance.
However, other serogroups of V. cholerae are part of the normal flora of some waters. V. cholerae
and other pathogenic Vibrio spp should be absent from drinking water supplies.


APHA Method 9260H, (1992). Detection of pathogenic bacteria: Vibrio cholerae. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington DC.

Miller CJ, Drasar BJ and Feachem RG (1985). Cholera epidemiology in developed and developing
countries: New thoughts on transmission, seasonality and control. Lancet, i, 261–263.

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Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Bacteria



Escherichia coli (or alternatively thermotolerant coliforms) are used to indicate the presence
of Yersinia. If explicitly sought, pathogenic Yersinia spp should not be detected. If they are
detected, advice should be sought from the relevant health authority.


The genus Yersinia is currently placed in the family Enterobacteriaceae and comprises seven species.
Strains of Y. enterocolitica can cause gastrointestinal disease if ingested.

A special feature of Y. enterocolitica and Y. enterocolitica-like organisms is their ability to grow

at temperatures as low as 4°C. Accordingly, long survival of these organisms in water habitats can
be demonstrated. For example, Y. enterocolitica was detected in distilled water for over 18 months
at 4°C. Such long survival makes it difficult to find the origin of contamination.

Many domestic and wild animals are considered to be possible reservoirs of Y. enterocolitica, due to the
high isolation rates of the organism from such sources. Wild animals, particularly hares and foxes, are
probably a source of the bacteria, and swine have been implicated as a source of serotypes involved in
human infections. The major vehicle of transmission is probably food, especially meat and meat products,
milk and dairy products (Lloyd 1983). While Y. enterocolitica has also been isolated from a variety
of environmental samples, especially from water, the isolated serotypes differ from those associated
with human disease.

Ingestion of contaminated food and water is probably the most likely route of transmission of
Y. enterocolitica Direct transmission from person to person and from animals to people also occurs,
but its relative importance has not been clarified. Further research is needed to define the
epidemiological importance of ‘environmental’ strains of Y. enterocolitica.


The prevalence of notified cases of Yersinia infection varies between states. There has been
a marked increase in the number of cases recorded in South Australia in recent years.


Standard disinfection procedures are sufficient to avoid transmission of Yersinia, provided the water has
a low turbidity when treated. Free chlorine in the range required for water disinfection (0.2–0.5 mg/L)
for 10 minutes at pH 7 completely eradicates the bacterium. Ozone eradicates the organism after contact
with 0.05 mg/L for 1 minute, regardless of pH.


Y. enterocolitica is a gram-negative rod, motile at 25°C but nonmotile in cultures grown at 37°C
(APHA Method 9260K 1992).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Bacteria Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Some serovars of Y. enterocolitica are human pathogens. Atypical strains within Y. enterocolitica, isolated
most frequently from environmental samples, are separated as Y. enterocolitica-like organisms. They are
not pathogenic for humans and can be subdivided into Y. intermedia, Y. fredereksenii, Y. kristensenii, and
Y. aldovae by biochemical means.

Yersiniosis generally presents as an acute gastroenteritis with diarrhoea, but other human diseases caused
by Y. enterocolitica are also known. Y. enterocolitica may be waterborne.


Water samples yielding Y. enterocolitica often show only light coliform contamination. One study
indicated that 25% of Y. enterocolitica-positive samples were negative for both total and thermotolerant
coliforms. Other studies showed a close relation between faecal pollution and Y. enterocolitica isolation
rates. As it is not possible, at this stage, to determine an infectious dose, Y. enterocolitica should be
absent from drinking water supplies.


APHA Method 9260K, (1992). Detection of pathogenic bacteria: Yersinia enterocolitica. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington DC.

Lloyd B (1983). Yersinia and yersiniosis. In: Feachem RG, Bradley DJ et al (eds). Sanitation and disease:
Health aspects of wastewater management. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, pp 327–330.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Microorganisms · Protozoa

Microorganisms · Protoza
Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Protozoa



No guideline value is set for Acanthamoeba species in drinking water.


Acanthamoeba spp are small free-living amoebae that are common in aquatic environments and are
among the predominant protozoa in soil. Several of approximately 20 known species are virulent,
causing the cerebral infection granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE), or the corneal infection
amoebic keratitis, or both. One or both diseases have occurred in most temperate and tropical regions of
the world. Acanthamoeba spp may also be significant as host cells for the proliferation and dispersal of
Legionella species.

The relative importance of water as a source of infection is unknown. The wide distribution of
Acanthamoeba in the natural environment makes soil, airborne dust and water all likely sources. Delays
in the diagnosis of GAE and keratitis cases have made it difficult to investigate possible sources of
infection, while the lack of a stable classification of Acanthamoeba inhibits identification of individual
isolates, including the matching of amoebae from infections with organisms from the environment.

Regular monitoring for Acanthamoeba is not appropriate, but these organisms need to be considered
when planning the maintenance of eyewash stations that use mains water.


Amoebic keratitis has been recorded in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and
Western Australia (e.g. Roussel et al 1985). Currently, four cases of GAE have been diagnosed in Australia
(Victoria and Western Australia, e.g. Harwood et al 1988). Data have also been collected on the diversity
and density of Acanthamoeba species in water and sediments, mainly in South Australia; the organisms
are likely to proliferate over a wide temperature range in water where organic carbon levels promote
significant bacterial production. Contamination of environments that may become sources of infection
(swimming and spa pools, cooling towers etc) cannot be assumed to originate with organisms from
the water supply, given the wide distribution of Acanthamoeba in the natural environment.


Acanthamoeba species are usually less numerous in surface source waters than Naegleria species,
but often contaminate piped water supplies at a low level, even when chlorine is present. Their cysts
are among the most resistant of protozoan cells to oxidative disinfectants, making removal difficult
at the levels of disinfectant generally used for drinking water. In any case, control of Acanthamoeba
may be most important in specialised uses of water: distribution in hospitals, renal dialysis or industrial
eye-wash stations.


Detection of amoebae, concentrated from water samples, requires relatively simple growth media and
standard laboratory incubation facilities. Identification of Acanthamoeba species is more specialised.
These amoebae are most likely to be significant in specific investigations of sources of infection,
when comparison with reference strains would be essential to their identification.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Protozoa Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Acanthamoeba species are opportunistic pathogens. GAE usually occurs in immunocompromised

patients, secondary to infection of another organ (often lungs or subcutaneous tissue). Most cases have
been recognised at post-mortem after protracted illness, making any investigation of the circumstances
of infection difficult. Amoebic keratitis occurs in two groups of people: those who sustain a corneal
lesion before or at the time of infection and who often have outdoor occupations (Roussel et al 1985);
and people who wear contact lenses. A specific source of infection has rarely been confirmed, but
circumstances suggest that the first group are often infected by cysts from airborne dust or soil, while
tap water, used incorrectly to wash lenses, may often be the source for the second group.


No guideline value is proposed for Acanthamoeba species, given the uncertainty about sources
of infection, but water authorities should be aware of the direct health significance of these organisms
and their possible role in the ecology of Legionella.


Harwood CR, Rich GE, McAleer R and Cherian G (1988). Isolation of Acanthamoeba from a cerebral
abscess. Medical Journal of Australia, 148, 47–49.

Roussel TJ, Badenoch PR, Chandraratnam E and Coster DJ (1985). Acanthamoebic keratitis in a healthy
Australian man. Medical Journal of Australia, 143, 615–617.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Protozoa

(Revised and endorsed 2000)


The implementation of a multiple barrier approach operating from catchment to tap to

minimise the risk of Cryptosporidium contamination is recommended; with protection
of catchments from human and animal wastes a priority. No guideline value is set for
Cryptosporidium due principally to the lack of a method to identify human infectious strains
in drinking water. Routine monitoring of distribution systems is not recommended; however,
investigative testing may be required in response to events that could increase the risk of
contamination by Cryptosporidium. Such events could include heavy rainfall leading to a
marked increase in turbidity and numbers of Cryptosporidium in source water, sub-optimal
operation of treatment processes or treatment plant failures. Investigative and event-based
testing of source waters is recommended.

If detected in drinking water the relevant health authority should be advised immediately.
All necessary measures to assess and minimise public health risks should be implemented as
soon as possible. These could include: further sampling to confirm the presence and source
of the organisms, testing for the presence of viable organisms and the specific presence of
Cryptosporidium parvum, the issuing of advice (including boil-water notices) to the public
and enhanced surveillance to detect possible increases in cryptosporidiosis in the community.


In recent years, Cryptosporidium has come to be regarded as the most important waterborne human
pathogen in developed countries. Over 30 outbreaks associated with drinking water have been reported
in North America and Britain, with the largest infecting an estimated 403 000 people (Mackenzie et al
1994). Although the importance of this organism has been established, there are large gaps in knowledge,
particularly in association with testing water for the presence of human infectious species.

Cryptosporidium is an obligate parasite with a complex life cycle involving intracellular development in
the gut wall, with sexual and asexual reproduction. Thick-walled oocysts, shed in faeces, are responsible
for transmission. Concentrations of oocysts as high as 14 000 per litre in raw sewage and 5800 per litre
in surface water have been reported (Madore et al 1987). Oocysts are robust and can survive for weeks
to months in fresh water.

There are a number of species of Cryptosporidium with C. parvum identified as the cause of disease
(cryptosporidiosis) in humans. C. parvum infections have been identified in a wide range of mammals
but transmission to humans has only been shown to occur from a few host species. There are currently
no established methods to identify human infectious organisms in water. Cattle and sheep, particularly
young animals, and human waste have been identified as important sources of human infections. It has
been reported that infected calves can excrete up to 10 billion oocysts in one day. Waterborne outbreaks
of cryptosporidiosis have been attributed to inadequate or faulty treatment and contamination by human
or livestock (particularly cattle) waste.

Consumption of contaminated drinking water is only one of several mechanisms by which transmission
(faecal-oral) can occur. Recreational waters, including swimming pools, are also emerging as an important
source of cryptosporidiosis but, excluding outbreaks, direct contact with a human carrier is a likely route
of transmission. Transmission of Cryptosporidium can also occur by contact with infected farm animals,
possibly domestic pets and occasionally through contaminated food.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Protozoa Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


The most publicised incident of drinking water contamination in Australia occurred in July-September
1998 in Sydney. High numbers of Cryptosporidium and Giardia (see Fact Sheet) were reported for
treated water, and boil-water notices were issued for 3 million residents. No increase in illness was
detected in association with the contamination despite increased epidemiological surveillance. The
incident highlighted the lack of a method to determine whether detected organisms are infective for

Cryptosporidiosis is a notifiable condition in several states and territories. Sporadic cases are generally
believed to be caused by person to person contact, but in the summer of 1997–98 there were outbreaks
of illness attributed to contaminated swimming pools in the Australian Capital Territory, Queensland,
New South Wales and Victoria. In South Australia, a relatively large number of illnesses were recorded
in 1990–91 but no source was identified (Weinstein et al 1993). The only known outbreak of illness
associated with drinking water occurred in Victoria, when a mixture of infections due to Cryptosporidium
and Giardia followed contamination of a private water supply by overflow from a septic tank
(Lester 1992).


A multiple barrier approach operating from catchment to tap should be implemented to minimise
the risk of contamination by Cryptosporidium. Protection of water catchments from contamination
by human and animal wastes should be a priority. Water from unprotected catchments is likely to
be subject to contamination by Cryptosporidium and treatment including effective filtration will
be required to remove these organisms to ensure a safe supply. The lower the quality of source water,
the greater the reliance on water treatment processes.

Sanitary surveys of water catchments for potential contamination sources should be undertaken, together
with investigative and event-based testing of source water for Cryptosporidium to assess risk factors for
contamination, to provide a basis for catchment management to reduce these risks and to determine the
level of water treatment required. It has been reported that increases in turbidity associated with rainfall
events may signal increased numbers of Cryptosporidium (Atherholt et al 1998).

Groundwater from confined aquifers or from depth should be free from contamination by
Cryptosporidium. However, bores need to be well maintained and protected from intrusion
of surface and subsurface contamination. Integrity should be monitored using traditional indicators
of faecal contamination.

Cryptosporidium oocysts are extremely resistant to chlorine and will not be killed by concentrations
that can be practically used in drinking water. Other disinfectants such as ozone are more effective
(Bouchier 1998). Recent developments have suggested that particular types of ultraviolet light disinfection
may be effective against Cryptosporidium when assessed using animal models of infectivity. However,
the scientific evidence is incomplete and further investigations are required before clear guidance can
be provided on the applicability of the identified technologies to water supplies.

Due to their small size, Cryptosporidium oocysts (4–6 µm) can challenge removal by granular media-
based filtration processes. However, well designed and operated systems can provide a high level of
removal. Membrane filtration processes that provide a direct physical barrier can represent a viable
alternative for the effective removal of Cryptosporidium. The design and operation of water treatment
plants should be carefully examined where Cryptosporidium oocysts are suspected or known to be
present in the raw water, to ensure that required performance is achieved and maintained. For granular

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Protozoa

media-based systems, particular attention should be paid to ensuring optimum coagulation/flocculation,

monitoring of turbidity from all filters, appropriate handling of backwash water, minimising turbidity
increases during filter start ups and operation of filters to avoid sudden flow surges (see Badenoch 1995;
Bouchier 1998).

The performance of filtration plants should be monitored continuously and treated water of a constant
quality should be produced irrespective of the quality of raw water.

Filtration plants should be operated by trained and skilled personnel. Failure of water treatment
processes, including failure to meet specified targets for turbidity (or particle counts), should be regarded
as representing a potential risk of oocyst contamination of the drinking water supply.

The integrity of distribution systems should be maintained. The use of unroofed treated water storages
within distribution systems should be avoided as these could allow the entry of contamination from birds
and small animals. Backflow prevention policies should be applied and faults and burst mains should
be repaired in a manner that will prevent ingress of contamination.


Although advances continue to be made, the most pressing need is for a reliable and efficient method
to recover and identify viable human infectious C. parvum. Many quantification methods suffer from poor
recovery efficiencies. Tests for viability require validation and methods for identification of C. parvum are
in development. There are currently no established methods to identify human infectious organisms
in water. It is likely to be some time before these issues are all resolved.

At this time, there is insufficient information to prescribe a standard method for testing water for the
presence of Cryptosporidium. Most quantitative methods involve concentration of relatively large
volumes of water and fluorescent staining of the concentrated material. The use of any method should
incorporate exacting quality control procedures and include determination of recovery efficiencies.
Where practicable, it is preferable to use methods that can also give an indication of the likelihood
of viability (e.g. by detection of intracellular structures or membrane integrity) and the presence
of C. parvum (e.g. by detection of RNA sequences).


Infection of normally healthy people by Cryptosporidium can result in self-limiting diarrhoea that
usually resolves within a week but can last for a month or more. Illness varies according to age and
immune status, and infections in severely immunocompromised people can be life threatening
(Bouchier 1998; CDR 1999).


No guideline value is proposed for Cryptosporidium and routine monitoring of distribution systems
including outlets from water treatment plants is not recommended because of the lack of a reliable and
efficient method for the identification of human infectious C. parvum. In addition, current risk assessment
models suggest that impractically large volumes of water would need to be tested to provide meaningful
indications of health risk (Haas et al 1996).

Investigative testing of drinking water may be required if Cryptosporidium contamination is suspected.

This could occur in association with a major rainfall event leading to a marked decrease in water quality
and a marked increase in the numbers of Cryptosporidium in source water, sub-optimal operation of
treatment processes, a breakdown in treatment plant operations or a fault within the distribution system.
Monitoring may also be required in response to suspected waterborne cryptosporidiosis.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Protozoa Microorganisms – Fact Sheets

Any incident of concern that leads to the testing of distribution systems for Cryptosporidium should
be notified immediately to the relevant health authority. If Cryptosporidium is detected in finished water,
the relevant health authority should again be notified immediately.

Comprehensive protocols should be developed by water and health agencies to deal with
Cryptosporidium in drinking water and should describe approaches for interpreting the health and
operational significance of oocyst detections. In responding to incidents or detection, the health authority
may choose to do so in consultation with the water authority and/or an expert panel. Credible public
communication is essential. Responses could include: further sampling to confirm the presence and
source of the organisms; testing for the presence of viable organisms and the specific presence of C.
parvum; the issuing of advice, including boil-water notices, to the public; and enhanced surveillance to
detect possible increases in community cryptosporidiosis.


Atherholt TB, LeChevallier MW, Norton WD, Rosen JS (1998). Effect of rainfall on Giardia and Crypto.
Journal of the American Waterworks Association, 90(9), 66–80.

Badenoch J (1995). Cryptosporidium in water supplies. Second Report of the Group of Experts.
Department of the Environment, Department of Health. HMSO.

Bouchier I (1998). Cryptosporidium in water supplies. Third Report of the Group of Experts.
Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions, Department of Health. HMSO.

CDR (1999). Cryptosporidium in water and the immunocompromised, Communicable Disease

Report Weekly 9 (33), 289.

Haas CN, Crockett C, Rose JB, Gerba CP, Fazil A (1996). Risk assessment of Cryptosporidium parvum
oocysts in drinking water. Journal of the American Waterworks Association, 88 (9), 131–136.

Lester R, (1992). A mixed outbreak of cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis Update 1, 14–15. A Quarterly
Bulletin of Infectious Diseases, Health Department Victoria.

MacKenzie WR, Hoxie NJ, Proctor ME, Gradus MS, Blair KA, Paterson DE, Kazmicrczak JJ, Addiss DG,
Fox KR, Rose JB, Davis JP (1994). A massive outbreak in Milwaukee of cryptosporidium infection
transmitted through the public water supply. New England Journal of Medicine, 331, 161–167.

Madore MS, Rose JB, Gerba CP, Arrowood MJ, Sterling CR. (1987). Occurrence of Cryptosporidium
oocysts in sewage effluents and selected surface waters. Journal of Parasitology, 73, 702–5.

Weinstein P, Macaitis M, Walker C, Cameron S (1993). Cryptosporidial diarrhoea in South Australia: an

exploratory case-control study of risk factors for transmission. Medical Journal of Australia, 158, 117–119.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Protozoa

(Revised and endorsed 2000)


The implementation of a multiple barrier approach operating from catchment to tap to

minimise the risk of Giardia contamination is recommended; with protection of catchments
from human and animal wastes a priority. No guideline value is set for Giardia due
principally to the lack of a method to identify human infectious strains in drinking water.
Routine monitoring of distribution systems is not recommended; however, investigative
testing may be required in response to events that could increase the risk of contamination
by Giardia. Such events could include heavy rainfall leading to a marked increase in turbidity
and numbers of Giardia in source water, sub-optimal operation of treatment processes
or treatment plant failures. Investigative and event-based testing of source waters
is recommended.

If detected in drinking water the relevant health authority should be advised immediately.
All necessary measures to assess and minimise public health risks should be implemented as
soon as possible. These could include further sampling to confirm the presence and source
of the organisms, testing for the presence of viable organisms, increased disinfection, the
issuing of advice (including boil-water notices) to the public and enhanced surveillance
to detect possible increases in giardiasis in the community.


Although known as a human parasite for 200 years, Giardia has only been regarded seriously as an
agent of disease since the 1960s and has been identified as an important waterborne pathogen. Giardia
has been associated with many outbreaks of illness associated with drinking water, particularly in
North America. Although the importance of this organism has been established there are large gaps in
knowledge, particularly in association with testing water for the presence of human infectious species.

Giardia has a relatively simple life cycle involving two stages: a flagellate that multiplies in the
intestine, and an infective thick-walled cyst that is shed intermittently but in large numbers in faeces.
Concentrations of cysts as high as 88 000 per litre in raw sewage and 240 per litre in surface water have
been reported (Wallis et al 1996). Cysts are robust and can survive for weeks to months in fresh water.

There are a number of species of Giardia but human infections (giardiasis) are usually assigned to one,
Giardia intestinalis (= Giardia lamblia and Giardia duodenalis). G. intestinalis infections have been
reported from domestic and wild animals but the host range of human infectious species is uncertain.
Although substantial advances have been made in the sampling and counting of cysts, there are currently
no established methods to identify human infectious organisms in water. Waterborne outbreaks of
giardiasis have generally been linked to consumption of untreated or unfiltered surface water and
contamination with human waste.

Consumption of contaminated drinking water is only one of several mechanisms by which transmission
(faecal-oral) can occur. Recreational waters, including swimming pools, are also emerging as an important
source of giardiasis. However, excluding outbreaks the most likely route of transmission is by direct
contact with a human carrier. Transmission of Giardia can also occur by contact with infected animals
and occasionally through contaminated food.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Protozoa Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Outbreaks of giardiasis in Australia often involve close communal groups. In day-care centres, for
instance, as many as 20% of children may carry Giardia without symptoms (Grimmond et al 1988).
Infection is endemic and is significant among children and adults in the wider community, and sources of
this infection are difficult to identify. Giardiasis is notifiable in some states and territories.

The most publicised incident of drinking water contamination in Australia occurred in July-September
1998 in Sydney. High numbers of Cryptosporidium (see Fact Sheet) and Giardia were reported for
treated water, and boil-water notices were issued for 3 million residents. No increase in illness was
detected in association with the contamination despite increased epidemiological surveillance. An
epidemiological study in Queensland showed no correlation between infection and source of drinking
water, point-of-use treatment (boiling or filtration) or recreational contact with water (Boreham and
Phillips 1986). Another study identified contact with septic tank waste or contaminated soil as a possible
mechanism of infection (Boreham et al 1981). An outbreak of illness associated with drinking water was
reported in Victoria when mixed infections due to Cryptosporidium and Giardia followed contamination
of a private water supply by overflow from a septic tank (Lester 1992).


A multiple barrier approach operating from catchment to tap should be implemented to minimise the risk
of contamination by Giardia. Protection of water catchments from contamination by human and animal
wastes should be a priority, particularly for those supplies that cannot provide adequate disinfection
to kill Giardia. Water from unprotected catchments is likely to be subject to contamination by Giardia
and treatment including effective filtration or enhanced disinfection will be required to remove these
organisms, to ensure a safe supply. The lower the quality of source water, the greater the reliance on
water treatment processes.

Sanitary surveys of water catchments for potential contamination sources should be undertaken,
together with investigative and event-based testing of source water for Giardia to assess risk factors for
contamination, to provide a basis for catchment management to reduce these risks and to determine the
level of water treatment required. It has been reported that increases in turbidity associated with rainfall
events may signal increased numbers of Giardia (Atherholt et al 1998).

Groundwater from confined aquifers or from depth should be free from contamination by Giardia.
However, bores need to be well maintained and protected from intrusion of surface and subsurface
contamination. Integrity should be monitored using traditional indicators of faecal contamination.

Giardia cysts are more resistant than enteric bacteria to chlorine but they are not as resistant as
Cryptosporidium. The time required for a 90% (1 log10) kill at 1 mg/L free chlorine is of the order of
25–35 minutes. Other disinfectants such as ozone are more effective. The United States Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA) has published C.t tables specifying chlorine concentrations (C) and contact
times (t) required to inactivate Giardia cysts over a range of conditions (see USEPA 1999). In addition,
C.t tables were provided for chloramines, ozone and chlorine dioxide. Ensuring that disinfectant
concentrations and contact times are at all times greater than the values specified in the C.t tables
provides a practical means of ensuring that Giardia cysts are inactivated and are not a threat to public

The USEPA National Primary Drinking Water Standards prescribe comprehensive treatment (including
filtration and disinfection) of most surface waters to protect drinking water from contamination by
Giardia. Operational procedures in water treatment plants should be carefully examined where Giardia
cysts are suspected or known to be present in the raw water, to ensure that optimum removal is achieved
and maintained. Filtration plants should be operated by trained and skilled personnel.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Protozoa

The integrity of distribution systems should be maintained. The use of unroofed treated water storages
within distribution systems should be avoided as these could allow the entry of contamination from
birds and small animals. Backflow prevention policies should be applied and faults and burst mains
should be repaired in a manner that will prevent ingress of contamination.


Although advances continue to be made, the most pressing needs are for reliable and efficient
methods to recover and identify viable human infectious Giardia. Many quantification methods
suffer from poor recovery efficiencies, and tests for viability require validation. There are currently
no established methods to identify human infectious organisms in water. It is likely to be some time
before these issues are all resolved.

At this time, there is insufficient information to prescribe a standard method for testing water for the
presence of Giardia. Most methods in use involve concentration of relatively large volumes of water
and fluorescent staining of the concentrated material. The use of any method should incorporate
exacting quality control procedures and include determination of recovery efficiencies. Where
practicable, it is preferable to use a method that can also give an indication of the likelihood of viability
(e.g. by detection of intracellular structures or membrane integrity).


Infection by Giardia may reduce absorption of nutrients and cause diarrhoea. In most cases, illness
is self limiting but in some cases chronic infection with intermittent diarrhoea can occur. Specific
treatments are available.


No guideline value is proposed for Giardia, and routine monitoring of distribution systems including
outlets from water treatment plants is not recommended because of the lack of a reliable and efficient
method for the identification of human infectious organisms. In addition, current risk assessment
models suggest that inordinately large volumes of water would need to be tested to provide meaningful
indications of health risk.

Investigative testing of drinking water may be required if Giardia contamination is suspected. This
could occur in association with a major rainfall event leading to a marked decrease in water quality
and a marked increase in the numbers of Giardia in source water, sub-optimal operation of treatment
processes, a breakdown in treatment plant operations or a fault within the distribution system. Monitoring
may also be required in response to suspected waterborne giardiasis.

Any incident of concern that leads to the testing of distribution systems for Giardia should be notified
immediately to the relevant health authority. If Giardia is detected in finished water, the relevant health
authority should again be notified immediately.

Comprehensive protocols should be developed by water and health agencies to deal with Giardia in
drinking water and should describe approaches for interpreting the health and operational significance
of cyst detections. In responding to incidents or detection, the health authority may choose to do so in
consultation with the water authority and/or an expert panel. Credible public communication is essential.
Responses could include further sampling to confirm the presence and source of the organisms; testing
for the presence of viable organisms; increased disinfection; the issuing of advice, including boil-water
notices, to the public; and enhanced surveillance to detect possible increases in community giardiasis.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Protozoa Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Atherholt TB, LeChevallier MW, Norton WD, Rosen JS (1998). Effect of rainfall on Giardia and Crypto.
Journal of the American Waterworks Association, 90(9), 66–80.

Boreham PFL and Phillips RE (1986). Giardiasis in Mount Isa, north west Queensland. Medical Journal
of Australia, 144, 524–528.

Boreham PFL, Dondey J and Walker R (1981). Giardiasis among children in the city of Logan,
South East Queensland. Australian Paediatric Journal, 17, 209–212.

Grimmond TR, Radford AJ, Brownridge T, et al (1988). Giardia carriage in aboriginal and non-aboriginal
children attending urban day-care centres in South Australia. Australian Paediatric Journal, 24, 304–305.

Lester R (1992). A mixed outbreak of cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis. Update 1, 14–15. A Quarterly
Bulletin of Infectious Diseases, Health Department, Victoria.

United States Environmental Protection Agency (1999). Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking
Guidance Manual, EPA 815-R-99–013.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Protozoa

Naegleria fowleri


No guideline value is set for Naegleria fowleri in drinking water, but an ‘action level’ is
recommended for water supplies likely to be contaminated. If the organism is detected, advice
should be sought from the relevant health authority.


Naegleria fowleri is a free-living, thermophilic amoeboflagellate which causes the waterborne disease
primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). This rare but fatal condition has followed use of water for
swimming, or domestic bathing. The organism occurs naturally in freshwater of suitable temperature,
feeding on bacteria. Its occurrence is only indirectly related to human activity, inasmuch as such activity
may modify temperatures or promote bacterial production. PAM has been reported from many countries,
usually associated with thermally polluted environments, geothermal water or heated swimming pools.
N. fowleri is almost exclusively aquatic, and water is the only known source of infection. Numerous
nonvirulent Naegleria species are known in Australia.


PAM cases have been recorded from South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland and New South
Wales; Naegleria fowleri has been detected in water in each of these states and in the Northern Territory.
Australia is the only country where N. fowleri has been detected in public water supplies (Dorsch et al
1983). Most of the available data on the density of N. fowleri in water relates to water supplies in South
Australia (including the highest reported densities). In temperate Australia, significant seasonal cycles of
density occur, from below one organism per litre to hundreds or thousands per litre in poorly disinfected
water (Robinson and Christy 1984). N. fowleri detected at water temperatures below 18°C is likely
to be present as cysts, which are not infectious, but which may seed a suitable environment.


Free chlorine or chloramines at 0.5 mg/L or higher will control N. fowleri, provided that the disinfectant
persists throughout the water supply system. Chloramination is the preferred process in extensive rural
water supplies, owing to its stability (Robinson and Christy 1984).


Detection of amoebae, concentrated from water samples, requires relatively simple growth media and
standard laboratory incubation facilities. Identification of Naegleria species, particularly recognition
of N. fowleri, is more specialised. In routine or investigative analyses, presence of any thermophilic
amoebae (able to grow at 42°C or above) is evidence that conditions are suitable for N. fowleri should
it be introduced. If samples include any Naegleria, remedial action should be taken immediately
without waiting for specific identification.

Prospective studies directed at water supplies that are susceptible to colonisation by N. fowleri can
be valuable since the mortality rate of infection is so high, but universal monitoring is not appropriate.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Protozoa Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


N. fowleri is apparently an accidental pathogen. Its unusual route of infection (intranasal) means that
PAM is associated with bathing rather than with ingesting water. Treatment is rarely effective, even
in cases diagnosed early, and PAM is almost invariably fatal. Most Australian victims have been children
(Dorsch et al 1983).

Recreational bathing presents the greatest risk of infection by N. fowleri, owing to the nature and duration
of exposure, but domestic bathing can also lead to infection (Dorsch et al 1983). Public water supplies
can therefore be important as sources of contamination of public or private swimming pools, or as direct
sources of infection. The infectious dose is unknown, but the frequency of infections has been low,
even in populations that seem to have been widely and repeatedly exposed. A density of around 100
organisms per litre may present an immediate risk of infection but rapid density changes of this free-
living organism can occur (Robinson and Christy 1984).


No guideline value is proposed for N. fowleri, given its irregular distribution in Australia and its
dependence on relatively high water temperatures. However, any water supply that seasonally exceeds
30°C or that continually exceeds 25°C can support the growth of N. fowleri. In such cases, a periodic
prospective study would be valuable, but regular monitoring is not warranted unless N. fowleri is
detected. A density of 2 organisms per litre (or detection in a 500 mL sample) is an appropriate threshold
for action, given the rapid density changes that can occur. Other thermophilic Naegleria can be useful
‘proxy’ organisms for N. fowleri, allowing early remedial action.


Dorsch MM, Cameron AS and Robinson BS (1983). The epidemiology and control of primary amoebic
meningoencephalitis with particular reference to South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society
of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 77, 372–377.

Robinson BS and Christy PE (1984). Disinfection of water for control of amoebae. Water, 11, 21–24.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Microorganisms · Toxic Algae
Microorganisms · Toxic Algae
Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Toxic Algae

(Added and endorsed 2001)


Due to the lack of adequate data, no guideline value is set for concentrations of
cylindrospermopsin. However, given the known toxicity of cylindrospermopsin, the relevant
health authority should be advised immediately if blooms of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii
or Aphanizomenon ovalisporum are detected in sources of drinking water.


Cylindrospermopsin is a cyclic guanidine alkaloid cytotoxin with a molecular weight of 415, produced by
the freshwater cyanobacteria Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Aphanizomenon ovalisporum and Umezakia
natans. It was first characterised and named from an Australian isolate of C. raciborskii (Ohtani et al
1992). Subsequently, cylindrospermopsin has been detected in two other cyanobacteria; Umezakia
natans in Japan (Harada et al 1994; Terao et al 1994); and Aphanizomenon ovalisporum in Israel
(Banker et al 1997) and Australia (Shaw et al 1999). In pure form, cylindrospermopsin is predominantly
a hepatotoxin, although extracts of C. raciborskii administered to mice induce pathological symptoms
in the kidneys, spleen, thymus, heart and eye. Other structural variants of cylindrospermopsin have
been isolated from C. raciborskii , including a deoxycylindrospermopsin (Norris et al 1999).

The production of toxins and therefore the presence of toxicity in individual populations of some
cyanobacterial species is known to be variable (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 3). In the case
of C. raciborskii however, the majority of the strains tested so far in Australia appear to produce
cylindrospermopsin. It is therefore likely that most blooms of C. raciborskii encountered will have
some degree of toxicity. The limited data on the natural breakdown of cylindrospermopsin in natural
waters indicated that the half-life was 11 and 15 days for two dams in Queensland, respectively
(Chiswell et al 1999).


Cylindrospermopsin is believed to have been the causative agent in the Palm Island ‘mystery disease’
poisoning incident in Queensland in 1979, in which 148 people were hospitalised (Byth 1980).
It was subsequently shown that water from Solomon Dam on Palm Island contained blooms of
toxic Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Hawkins et al 1985). C. raciborskii has been found in many
water supply reservoirs in northern, central and southern Queensland. Although C. raciborskii and
A. ovalisporum are both considered to be predominantly tropical/subtropical in terms of habitat, with
most Australian blooms occurring in Queensland, C. raciborskii also occurs in the Murray-Darling River
system (Baker and Humpage 1994). C. raciborskii is not a scum-forming organism, but forms dense
bands below the water surface in stratified lakes, while A. ovalisporum may form thick brown surface
scums (Shaw et al 1999). Although no reports of human poisoning attributable to cylindrospermopsin
have appeared since the Palm Island incident, recent cattle deaths in Queensland are attributed to this
toxin (Saker et al 1999).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Toxic Algae Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


The first line of defence against cyanobacteria is catchment management to minimise nutrient inputs to
source waters. Source water management techniques for control of cyanobacterial growth include flow
maintenance in regulated rivers; water mixing techniques for both the elimination of stratification and
the reduction of nutrient release from sediments in reservoirs; and the use of algicides in dedicated water
supply storages. Destratification has been used to attempt to reduce bloom intensities of C. raciborskii
in reservoirs in Queensland; however, it has not yet been possible to critically determine the efficacy of
this treatment method. It should be noted that algicides will disrupt cells and liberate intracellular toxins.
Algicide use should be in accordance with local environment and chemical registration regulations. In
situations where multiple offtakes are available, the selective withdrawal of water from different depths
can minimise the intake of localised high cell densities at a particular depth.

Water treatment techniques can be highly effective for removal of both cyanobacterial cells and
cylindrospermopsin with the combination of the appropriate technology. In contrast to other cyanotoxins,
a high proportion of cylindrospermopsin in actively growing C. raciborskii blooms may be found free
in the water, (i.e. not cell-bound) (Chiswell et al 1999). Depending upon the circumstances then, only
the proportion of cylindrospermopsin that is cell-bound can be removed by coagulation and filtration in
a conventional treatment plant (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 9). It should be noted that treatment
of water containing cyanobacterial cells with oxidants such as chlorine or ozone, while killing cells,
will result in the release of free toxin. Therefore, the practice of prechlorination or preozonation is not
recommended without a subsequent step to remove dissolved toxins. Cylindrospermopsin is readily
oxidised by a range of oxidants including ozone and chlorine. Adequate contact time and pH control
need to be achieved to ensure optimum removal of these compounds, and this will be more difficult
to achieve in the presence of whole cells (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 9). Cylindrospermopsin
is also adsorbed from solution by both granular activated carbon and powdered activated carbon.
Boiling is not effective for the destruction of cylindrospermopsin. Based on current knowledge, the
recommended best-practice treatment scheme for removal of cylindrospermopsin would include
conventional treatment (coagulation/filtration) followed by an adsorption or oxidation step.


Animal bioassays (mouse tests) have been used to determine the toxicity of C. raciborskii (Falconer
et al1999; Seawright et al 1999). These tests provide a definitive indication of toxicity, although they
cannot be used for precise quantification of compounds in water. Instrumental analytical techniques
are available for determining the presence of cylindrospermopsin in water including high performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet detection (Harada et al 1994), and HPLC-mass
spectrometry (MS) MS/MS (Eaglesham et al 1999).

Cyanobacteria are detected by light microscopy, identified using morphological characteristics and
counted per standard volume of water (Hotzel and Croome 1999). Standard protocols for sampling and
monitoring cyanobacteria are given by Jones et al (in press), and practical keys for the identification
are provided in Baker and Fabbro (1999).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Toxic Algae


The major pathological effects of cylindrospermopsin are liver and kidney damage, together with injury
to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels (Falconer et al 1999; Seawright et al 1999).
Cylindrospermopsin is a slow-acting toxin, commonly requiring between 5 and 7 days to produce
maximum toxic effect in experimental animals. The 24-hour intraperitoneal (ip) LD50 for mice
is 2 mg/kg, while the 5-day ip LD50 is 0.2 mg/kg (Terao 1994). The 5-day LD50 for mice by oral
administration is approximately 6 mg/kg (Seawright et al 1999).


There are currently insufficient animal toxicity data to establish a guideline value for cylindrospermopsin.


It is recommended that a notification procedure be developed by water and health authorities

for blooms of C. raciborskii or A. ovalisporum.


Baker PD and Fabbro LD (1999). A Guide to the Identification of Common Blue-Green Algae
(Cyanoprokaryotes) in Australian Freshwaters. CRCFE Identification Guide No. 25, Cooperative
Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Albury.

Baker P and Humpage AR (1994). Toxicity associated with commonly occurring cyanobacteria
in surface waters of the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater
Research, 45, 773–786.

Banker R, Carmeli S, Hadas O, Teltsch B, Porat R and Sukenik A (1997). Identification

of cylindrospermopsin in the cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon ovalisporum (Cyanophyceae)
isolated from Lake Kinneret, Israel. Journal of Phycology, 33, 613–616.

Byth S (1980). Palm Island Mystery Disease. Medical Journal of Australia, 2, 40–42.

Chiswell RK, Shaw GR, Eaglesham GK, Smith MJ, Norris RL, Seawright AA and Moore MR (1999).
Stability of cylindrospermopsin, the toxin from the cyanobacterium, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii: Effect
of pH, temperature and sunlight on decomposition. Environmental Toxicology, 14, 155–161.

Chorus I and Bartram J (eds) (1999). Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water. A Guide to their Public Health
Consequences, Monitoring and Management. E&FN Spon, London.

Eaglesham GK, Norris RL, Shaw GR, Smith MJ, Chiswell RK, Davis BD, Neville GR, Seawright AA and
Moore MR (1999). Use of HPLC-MS/MS to monitor cylindrospermopsin, a blue-green algal toxin
for public health purposes. Environmental Toxicology, 14, 151–154.

Falconer IR, Hardy SJ, Humpage AR, Froscio SM, Toizer GJ and Hawkins PR (1999). Hepatic and renal
toxicity of the blue-green alga (cyanobacterium) Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in male Swiss albino
mice. Environmental Toxicology, 14, 143–150.

Harada K, Ikuko O, Iwamoto K, Suzuki M, Watanabe M, Watanabe M and Terao K (1994). Isolation
of cylindrospermopsin from a cyanobacterium Umezakia natans and its screening method.
Toxicon, 32, 73–84.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Toxic Algae Microorganisms – Fact Sheets

Hawkins PR, Runnegar MTC, Jackson ARB and Falconer IR (1985). Severe hepatotoxicity caused
by the tropical cyanobacterium (blue-green alga), Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska)
Seenaya and Subba Raju isolated from a domestic water supply reservoir. Applied Environmental
Microbiology, 50, 1292–1295.

Hotzel G and Croome R (1999). A Phytoplankton Methods Manual for Australian Freshwaters.
LWRRDC Occasional Paper 22/99 Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation
(LWRRDC), Canberra.

Jones GJ, Baker PD and Burch MD (in press). National Protocol for the Monitoring of Cyanobacteria
in Surface Waters. Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand
Occasional Paper.

Norris RL, Eaglesham GK, Pierens G, Shaw GR, Smith MJ, Chiswell RK, Seawright AA and Moore MR
(1999). Deoxycylindrospermopsin, an analog of cylindrospermopsin from Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii.
Environmental Toxicology, 14, 163–165.

Ohtani I, Moore RE and Runnegar MTC (1992). Cylindrospermopsin: A potent hepatotoxin from the blue-
green alga Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. Journal of the American Chemistry Society, 114, 7941–7942.

Saker ML, Thomas AD and Norton JH (1999). Cattle mortality attributed to the toxic cyanobacterium
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in an outback region of North Queensland. Environmental Toxicology, 14,

Seawright AA, Nolan CC, Shaw GR, Chiswell RK, Norris RL, Moore MR and Smith MJ (1999). The
oral toxicity for mice of the tropical cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska).
Environmental Toxicology, 14, 135–142.

Shaw GR, Sukenik A, Livne A, Chiswell RK, Smith MJ, Seawright AA, Norris RL, Eaglesham GK and Moore
MR (1999). Blooms of the cylindrospermopsin containing cyanobacterium, Aphanizomenon ovalisporum
(Forti) in newly constructed lakes, Queensland, Australia. Environmental Toxicology, 14, 167–177.

Terao K, Ohmori S, Igarashi K, Ohtani I, Watanabe MG, Harada K-I, Ito E and Watanabe M (1994).
Electron microscopic studies on experimental poisoning in mice induced by cylindrospermopsin isolated
from blue-green alga Umezakia natans. Toxicon, 32, 833–843.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Toxic Algae

(Added and endorsed 2001)


Based on health considerations, the concentration of total microcystins in drinking water

should not exceed 1.3 µg/L expressed as microcystin-LR toxicity equivalents (TE).


Microcystins are a large group of hepatotoxic peptides that are produced by a range of cyanobacteria.
This group of cyanotoxins includes in excess of 60 different structural variants of cyclic heptapeptides
(consisting of seven amino acids in a ring structure), with molecular weights in the range 800–1100
(Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 3). The best characterised and one of the most toxic variants of
microcystin is microcystin-LR. Most of the structural variants of microcystin are highly toxic within
a narrow range, although some nontoxic variants have been identified (Chorus and Bartram 1999
Chapter 3).

Microcystins are most commonly produced by species of the genus Microcystis, from which the toxins
originally derived their name. However, these toxins have now been shown to be produced by species
of the planktonic genera Anabaena, Microcystis, Planktothrix (Oscillatoria), Nostoc, and Anabaenopsis,
and also by a terrestrial (soil) species Haphalosiphon hibernicus, indicating the potential for widespread
occurrence in the environment. The majority of human and animal microcystin-related poisonings
worldwide are nevertheless associated with the presence of Microcystis.

The toxicity of individual populations of M. aeruginosa is known to be variable, and one extensive
survey of the toxicity across the Murray-Darling Basin indicated that 56% of field samples tested were
hepatotoxic (Baker and Humpage 1994). A natural population may consist of a mixture of toxic and
nontoxic strains, and this is believed to be the reason why population toxicity may vary over time and
between samples (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 3).

These cyanotoxins are largely water-soluble and are therefore, with a few exceptions, unable to easily
penetrate biological membranes. Microcystins are considered to enter the bloodstream of mammals from
the intestine predominantly through the bile acid transport system. Subsequently, the absorbed toxins
are concentrated into liver cells, and cause hepatoenteritis. The half-lives for breakdown of microcystins
in natural water have been shown to vary from 5 to 20 days (Jones et al 1994).


Microcystins are the most significant drinking water quality issue in relation to cyanobacterial blooms
in southeastern Australia. Microcystins are produced predominantly by M. aeruginosa in Australia. They
can occasionally be produced by Anabaena spp, but this appears to be rare in Australia.

The conditions that favour the growth of cyanobacteria and lead to blooms are usually a combination
of nutrient enrichment (largely phosphorus but also nitrogen), warm temperatures and calm stable water
conditions, such as those occurring in slow-flowing rivers and thermally stratified lakes. The water supply
problems associated with cyanobacteria include offensive tastes and odours, and the production of

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Toxic Algae Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


The first line of defence against cyanobacteria is catchment management to minimise nutrient inputs
to source waters. Source water management techniques for control of cyanobacterial growth include
flow maintenance in regulated rivers; water mixing techniques for both the elimination of stratification
and the reduction of nutrient release from sediments in reservoirs; and the use of algicides in dedicated
water supply storages. It should be noted that algicides will disrupt cells and liberate intracellular toxins.
Algicide use should be in accordance with local environment and chemical registration regulations. In
situations where multiple offtakes are available, the selective withdrawal of water from different depths
can minimise the intake of high surface accumulations of cyanobacterial cells.

Water treatment techniques can be highly effective for removal of both cyanobacterial cells and
microcystins with the combination of the appropriate technology. As with other cyanotoxins, a high
proportion of microcystins remain intracellular unless cells are lysed or damaged, and can therefore
be removed by coagulation and filtration in a conventional treatment plant (Chorus and Bartram
1999 Chapter 9). It should be noted that treatment of water containing cyanobacterial cells with
oxidants such as chlorine or ozone, while killing cells, will result in the release of free toxin. Therefore,
the practice of prechlorination or preozonation is not recommended without a subsequent step
to remove dissolved toxins.

Microcystins are readily oxidised by a range of oxidants including ozone and chlorine. Adequate contact
time and pH control need to be achieved to ensure optimum removal of these compounds, and this
will be more difficult to achieve in the presence of whole cells (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 9).
Microcystins are also adsorbed from solution by both granular activated carbon and less efficiently by
powdered activated carbon. (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 9). Boiling is not effective for destruction
of microcystins. If treatment is instituted in response to the presence of toxin-producing cyanobacteria,
the effectiveness of the process will need to be confirmed by testing for toxin in the product water.


Animal bioassays (mouse tests) have traditionally been used for detecting the presence of the entire range
of cyanotoxins including microcystins. These tests provide a definitive indication of toxicity, although
they cannot be used for precise quantification of compounds in water or for determining compliance
with the guideline value. A number of techniques are available for determining microcystins in water
(Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 13). It is necessary to select an analytical technique that provides
for quantitative comparison to the guideline value in terms of toxicity equivalents. The technique most
suitable in this regard is high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) when quantitative standards
are available. The use of HPLC may still involve estimation of the concentration and therefore toxicity of
some microcystins in a sample against microcystin-LR as the analytical standard, and in this case a slight
overestimate of total microcystins (as microcystin-LR, toxicity equivalents) may result.

Cyanobacteria are detected by light microscopy; identified using morphological characteristics and
counted per standard volume of water (Hotzel and Croome 1999). Standard protocols for sampling and
monitoring cyanobacteria are given by Jones et al (in press), and practical keys for the identification
are provided in Baker and Fabbro (1999).


The mechanism of toxicity for microcystins involves inhibition of protein phosphatase enzymes in
eucaryotic cells. Within the liver, this biochemical effect leads to disruption of hepatocyte (liver cell)
skeletal structure and cell integrity. This can lead to more widespread disintegration of liver integrity
and haemorrhage in the case of acute toxicity from exposure to a high dose.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Toxic Algae

There is a significant body of reports describing animal poisonings from ingesting water that contains
Microcystis, with some examples confirming hepatotoxicity and the associated presence of microcystins
(NHMRC 1994). Significant human illness has been strongly associated with exposure to microcystins
in recreational waters (Turner et al 1990). Recently, in a major incident in Brazil, over 70 deaths were
ascribed to accidental intravenous exposure of kidney dialysis patients to microcystins in dialysis water
(Jochimsen et al 1998).

In experimental animal studies, microcystin-LR can produce extreme acute toxicity. In mice the LD50 for
the intraperitoneal route is in the range of 0.025 to 0.15 mg/kg bodyweight, with the commonly accepted
value of 0.05 mg/kg, and 5 and 10.9 mg/kg bodyweight for oral administration for two different strains
of mice. Even higher values have been demonstrated in rats (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 4).

Microcystins promote the growth of tumours in experimental animals (Falconer 1991; Nishiwaki-
Matsushima et al 1992). The significance of this for humans, who may be subject to chronic exposure via
drinking water, is unclear. Microcystins have been implicated as causing liver damage in an Australian
population exposed via reticulated town water supply where the source water contained blooms of
Microcystis (Falconer et al 1983). Overall, the evidence for carcinogenicity of microcystins is considered
inadequate in humans and limited in animals (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 4). Microcystins are
currently regarded as nongenotoxic.

1.3 µg/L = 40 µg/kg bodyweight per day x 70 kg x 0.9
2 L/day x 1000

• 40 µg/kg body weight per day is the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) from a 13-week
ingestion study with microcystin-LR in mice, based on liver histopathology and serum enzyme
level changes (Fawell et al 1994)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.9 is the proportion of total daily intake attributed to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 1000 is the safety factor derived from extrapolation of an animal study to humans (10 for
interspecies variability, 10 for intraspecies variability and 10 for limitations in the database, related
particularly to the lack of data on chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity).

The guideline is derived for total microcystins and expressed as microcystin-LR toxicity equivalents
(TE). This is because the total microcystin concentration should be considered in relation to potential
health impacts.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Toxic Algae Microorganisms – Fact Sheets

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently undertaken an evaluation of the health-related
information for cyanobacterial toxins (Gupta 1998; WHO 1998; Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 5).
It was concluded that there are insufficient data to allow a guideline value to be derived for any
cyanobacterial toxins other than microcystin-LR. The guideline recommended by the WHO for drinking
water is 1 µg/L (rounded figure) for total microcystin-LR (free plus cell-bound), based on the Fawell et
al (1994) subchronic study. This guideline value for microcystin-LR is provisional because the database
is regarded as limited (WHO 1998).The approach being taken for guideline derivation here is essentially
similar to that used by WHO (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 5). The same ingestion study in mice
was used to calculate the NOAEL. The Australian guideline of 1.3 µg/L total microcystin (as microcystin-
LR (TE)) differs from the WHO provisional guideline of 1 µg/L microcystin-LR, due to the incorporation
of a different average body weight for an adult (70 kg versus 60 kg) and to a difference with regard to
the proportion of the daily intake of microcystin being attributed to the consumption of drinking water.
The proportion for the Australian situation is regarded to be 0.9, which is higher than the value of 0.8
selected by WHO. This is due to lower potential exposure in Australia from other environmental sources,
such as contaminated bathing water, and via dietary supplements potentially containing microcystins.

In situations where M. aeruginosa occurs in drinking water supplies and toxin monitoring data are
unavailable, cell numbers can be used to provide a preliminary orientation to the potential hazard
to public health. As an indication, for a highly toxic population of M. aeruginosa (toxin cell quota of
0.2 pg total microcystins/cell), a cell density of approximately 6500 cells/mL is equivalent to the guideline
of 1.3 µg/L microcystin-LR (TE), if the toxin were fully released into the water. This number is indicative
only, and for health risk assessment, toxin determination is required. There are insufficient data to give
guidance for the equivalent indicative cell numbers of microcystin containing Anabaena spp in
Australian waters.


It is recommended that a notification procedure should be developed by water and health authorities.
A tiered alert levels framework, as suggested by Chorus and Bartram (1999 Chapter 6), should be

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Toxic Algae


Baker PD and Fabbro LD (1999). A Guide to the Identification of Common Blue-Green Algae
(Cyanoprokaryotes) in Australian Freshwaters. CRCFE Identification Guide No. 25, Cooperative
Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Albury.

Baker P and Humpage AR (1994). Toxicity associated with commonly occurring cyanobacteria
in surface waters of the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. Australian Journal of Marine and
Freshwater Research, 45, 773–786.

Chorus I and Bartram J (eds) (1999). Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water. A Guide to their Public Health
Consequences, Monitoring and Management. E&FN Spon, London.

Falconer IR (1991).Tumour promotion and liver injury caused by oral consumption of cyanobacteria.
Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality, 6, 177–184.

Falconer IR, Beresford AM and Runnegar MTC (1983). Evidence of liver damage by toxin from a bloom
of the blue-green alga, Microcystis aeruginosa.Medical Journal of Australia, 1, 511–514.

Fawell JK, James CP and James HA (1994). Toxins from Blue-Green Algae: Toxicological
Assessment of Microcystin-LR and a Method for its Determination in Water, 1–46. Water Research
Centre, Medmenham, UK.

Gupta S (1998). Cyanobacterial Toxins: Microcystin-LR in Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality.
2nd Edition. Addendum to Volume 2. Health Criteria and Other Supporting Information, 95–110.
World Health Organization, Geneva.

Hotzel G and Croome R (1999). A Phytoplankton Methods Manual for Australian Freshwaters.
LWRRDC Occasional Paper 22/99 Land and Water Resources Research and Development
Corporation (LWRRDC), Canberra.

Jochimsen EM, Carmichael WW, An J, Cardo DM, Cookson ST, Holmes CEM, Antunes BdeC,
De Melo Filho DA, Lyra TM, Barreto VST, Azevedo SMFO, and Jarvis WR (1998). Liver failure
and death after exposure to microcystins at a hemodialysis center in Brazil. New England Journal
of Medicine, 338 (13), 873–878.

Jones GJ, Baker PD and Burch MD (in press). National Protocol for the Monitoring of Cyanobacteria
in Surface Waters. Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand
Occasional Paper.

Jones GJ, Bourne DG, Blakeley RL and Doelle H (1994). Degradation of the cyanobacterial
hepatotoxin microcystin by aquatic bacteria. Natural Toxins, 2, 228–235.

Nishiwaki-Matsushima R, Ohta T, Nishiwaki S, Suganuma M, Kohyama K, Ishikawa T,

Carmichael WW and Fujiki H (1992). Liver tumor promotion by the cyanobacterial cyclic peptide
toxin microcystin-LR. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 118, 420–424.

NHMRC (1994). Health Effects of Toxic Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae). National Health
and Medical Research Council, Canberra.

Turner PC, Gammie AJ, Hollinrake K and Codd GA (1990). Pneumonia associated with contact
with cyanobacteria. British Medical Journal, 300, 1440–1441.

WHO (1998). Cyanobacterial Toxins: Microcystin-LR. Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality.
2nd Edition. Addendum to Volume 1. Recommendations, 13–14. World Health Organization, Geneva.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Toxic Algae

(Added and endorsed 2001)


Due to the lack of adequate data, no guideline value is set for concentrations of nodularin.
However, given the known toxicity of nodularin, the relevant health authority should
be advised immediately if blooms of Nodularia spumigena are detected in sources
of drinking water.


Nodularin is a cyclic pentapeptide hepatotoxin produced by the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena.

Nodularin is structurally similar to microcystins and exerts similar toxicity to microcystin-LR at its main
target site in the liver.

Nodularin is found only in the cyanobacterium N. spumigena and although a few variants of nodularin
occur (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 3), these are likely to be either rare or nontoxic, and are
therefore not considered here. The production of toxins and therefore the presence of toxicity in
individual populations of some cyanobacterial species is known to be variable (Chorus and Bartram
1999 Chapter 3). In the case of N. spumigena however, the majority of the strains tested so far in Australia
appear to produce nodularin. It is therefore likely that most blooms of N. spumigena encountered will
have some degree of toxicity.


The cyanobacterium N. spumigena is primarily regarded as a brackish water species and forms blooms
in estuarine lakes in Australia, New Zealand and Europe. It can also occur in brackish inland lakes in
Australia (Wood 1975). In addition to these saline environments, there are also frequent blooms of toxic
N. spumigena in freshwater lakes of the lower River Murray, South Australia (Baker and Humpage 1994).
This is a relatively unique circumstance where N. spumigena blooms in freshwater, and is of particular
importance as the water is used for potable supplies, irrigation and stock watering. Lake Alexandrina
in South Australia was the site of the first scientifically documented animal poisoning by N. spumigena,
and indeed by any cyanobacterium (Francis 1878). It is likely that these poisonings and the toxic effects
described by Francis were due to nodularin. Low numbers of N. spumigena have also been recorded in
the other (freshwater) river systems of the Murray-Darling Basin. The limited geographic scope for
blooms of this organism in freshwater in Australia makes the occurrence of nodularin a relatively minor
public health threat with respect to drinking water.


The first line of defence against cyanobacteria is catchment management to minimise nutrient inputs
to source waters. Source water management techniques for control of cyanobacterial growth include
flow maintenance in regulated rivers; water mixing techniques for both the elimination of stratification
and the reduction of nutrient release from sediments in reservoirs; and the use of algicides in dedicated
water supply storages. It should be noted that algicides will disrupt cells and liberate intracellular toxins.
Algicide use should be in accordance with local environment and chemical registration regulations. In
situations where multiple offtakes are available, the selective withdrawal of water from different depths
can minimise the intake of high surface accumulations of cyanobacterial cells.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Toxic Algae Microorganisms – Fact Sheets

Water treatment techniques can be highly effective for removal of both cyanobacterial cells and nodularin
with the combination of the appropriate technology. As with other cyanotoxins, a high proportion of
nodularin remains intracellular unless cells are lysed or damaged, and can therefore be removed by
coagulation and filtration in a conventional treatment plant (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 9). It
should be noted that treatment of water containing cyanobacterial cells with oxidants such as chlorine
or ozone, while killing cells, will result in the release of free toxin. Boiling is not effective for destruction
of nodularin. Therefore, the practice of prechlorination or preozonation is not recommended without
a subsequent step to remove dissolved toxins.

Nodularin is readily oxidised by chlorine, but has not been evaluated with ozone. Adequate contact time
and pH control need to be achieved to ensure optimum removal of these compounds, and this will be
more difficult to achieve in the presence of whole cells (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 9). Nodularin
is also adsorbed from solution by powdered activated carbon. If treatment is instituted in response to the
presence of toxin-producing cyanobacteria, the effectiveness of the process will need to be confirmed
by testing for toxin in the product water.


Animal bioassays (mouse tests) have traditionally been used for detecting the presence of the entire range
of cyanotoxins including nodularin. These tests provide a definitive indication of toxicity, although they
cannot be used for precise quantification of compounds in water. A number of techniques are available
for determining nodularin in water (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 13). These include screening
techniques based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), protein phosphatase inhibition assays,
and quantitative techniques such as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The analytical
techniques based on liquid chromatography (HPLC, liquid chromatography mass spectroscopy) offer
good quantitative information on toxin concentrations, especially as chemical standards for nodularin
are commercially available.

Cyanobacteria are detected by light microscopy, identified using morphological characteristics and
counted per standard volume of water (Hotzel and Croome 1999). Standard protocols for sampling and
monitoring cyanobacteria are given by Jones et al (in press), and practical keys for their identification
are provided in Baker and Fabbro (1999).


There are no reports of human health effects from consumption of water containing nodularin and/or
N. spumigena. In addition, there are no human or animal studies of toxicity by oral exposure to
nodularin. Nodularin is at least as hepatotoxic as microcystin for intraperitoneal exposure in experimental
animals and, given its identical mode of action, can be regarded as presenting at least the same risk to
human health as microcystin if ingested in drinking water. Nodularin is also known to accumulate in
mussels in estuaries, and the consumption of contaminated shellfish therefore represents a potential
alternative route of human exposure (Falconer et al 1992).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Toxic Algae


There are insufficient animal toxicity data to establish a guideline value for nodularin.

As there are some similarities between the toxicity of nodularin and microcystins, the guideline
for microcystins could be used to derive cell numbers of N. spumigena that represent a preliminary
indication of the potential hazard. The only available monitoring data for nodularin in freshwater
indicated that the upper range for cell numbers of N. spumigena was 50 000–80 000 cells/mL, and this
correlated with nodularin levels of 1.0–1.7 µg/L (Heresztyn and Nicholson 1997). Based on this limited
data, nodularin levels of around 1.3 µg/L would be associated with cell densities of 40 000–100 000
cells/mL. It is recommended that notification and further assessment occur where cell numbers of N.
spumigena exceed 40 000 cells/mL.


It is recommended that a notification procedure should be developed by water and health authorities.
A tiered alert levels framework, as suggested by Chorus and Bartram (1999 Chapter 6), should be


Baker PD and Fabbro LD (1999). A Guide to the Identification of Common Blue-Green Algae
(Cyanoprokaryotes) in Australian Freshwaters. CRCFE Identification Guide No. 25, Cooperative
Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Albury.

Baker P and Humpage AR (1994). Toxicity associated with commonly occurring cyanobacteria in
surface waters of the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater
Research, 45, 773–786.

Chorus I and Bartram J (eds) (1999). Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water. A Guide to their Public Health
Consequences, Monitoring and Management. E&FN Spon, London.

Falconer IR, Choice A and Hosja W (1992). Toxicity of the edible mussel (Mytilus edulis) growing
naturally in an estuary during a water-bloom of the blue-green alga Nodularia spumigena.
Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality, 7, 119–123.

Francis G (1878). Poisonous Australian lake. Nature, 18, 11–12.

Heresztyn T and Nicholson BC (1997). Nodularin concentrations in Lakes Alexandrina and Albert,
South Australia, during a bloom of the cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) Nodularia spumigena
and degradation of the toxin. Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality, 12, 273–282.

Hotzel G and Croome R (1999). A Phytoplankton Methods Manual for Australian Freshwaters.
LWRRDC Occasional Paper 22/99 Land and Water Resources Research and Development
Corporation (LWRRDC), Canberra.

Jones GJ, Baker PD and Burch MD (in press). National Protocol for the Monitoring of
Cyanobacteria in Surface Waters. Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia
and New Zealand Occasional Paper.

Wood GW (1975). An Assessment of Eutrophication in Australian Inland Waters. Australian Water

Resources Council Technical Paper No.15. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Toxic Algae

(Added and endorsed 2001)


Due to the lack of adequate data, no guideline value is set for concentrations of saxitoxins.
However, given the known toxicity of saxitoxins, the relevant health authority should be
advised immediately if blooms of Anabaena circinalis are detected in sources of drinking water.


There are three types of cyanobacterial neurotoxins, anatoxin a, anatoxin a-s and the saxitoxins.
The saxitoxins include saxitoxin, neosaxitoxin, C-toxins and gonyautoxins (Chorus and Bartram
1999 Chapter 3). The anatoxins seem unique to cyanobacteria, while saxitoxins are also produced
by various dinoflagellates under the name of paralytic shellfish poisons (PSPs). A number of
cyanobacterial genera can produce neurotoxins, including Anabaena, Oscillatoria, Cylindrospermopsis,
Cylindrospermum, Lyngbya and Aphanizomenon, but to date in Australia, neurotoxin production
has only been detected from Anabaena circinalis, and the Australian isolates appear to produce only
saxitoxins (Velzeboer et al 1998). As with most toxic cyanobacteria, A. circinalis tends to proliferate in
calm stable waters, particularly in summer when thermal stratification reduces mixing.

The toxicity of individual populations of A. circinalis is known to be variable, and one extensive survey
of the toxicity across the Murray-Darling Basin indicated that 54% of field samples tested were neurotoxic
(Baker and Humpage 1994). A natural population may consist of a mixture of toxic and nontoxic strains
and this is believed to be the reason why population toxicity may vary over time and between samples
(Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 3).

The saxitoxins are a group of carbamoyl and decarbamoyl alkaloids that are either nonsulfated
(saxitoxins), singly-sulfated (gonyautoxins) or doubly-sulfated (C-toxins). The various types of toxins
vary in potency, with saxitoxin having the highest toxicity. The prevalent toxins in Australian blooms
of A. circinalis are the C-toxins. These can convert in the environment or by acidification or boiling
to more potent toxins (Negri et al 1997; Ravn et al 1995). The half-lives for breakdown of a range
of different saxitoxins in natural water have been shown to vary from 9 to 28 days, and gonyautoxins
may persist in the environment for more than 3 months (Jones and Negri 1997).


Blooms of A. circinalis have been recorded in many rivers, lakes, reservoirs and dams throughout
Australia, and A. circinalis is the most common organism in riverine blooms in the Murray-Darling Basin
(Baker and Humpage 1994). In temperate parts of Australia, blooms typically occur from late spring to
early autumn. The first reported neurotoxic bloom of A. circinalis in Australia occurred in 1972 (May
and McBarron 1973). The most publicised bloom occurred in late 1991 and extended over 1000 km of
the Darling-Barwon River system in New South Wales (NSWBGATF 1992). A state of emergency was
declared, with a focus on providing safe drinking water to towns, communities and landholders. Stock
deaths were associated with the occurrence of the bloom but there was little evidence of human health
impacts. A bloom of A. circinalis in a dam in New South Wales was shown to have caused sheep deaths
(Negri et al 1995).

Relatively low numbers of A. circinalis (below 2000 cells/mL) can produce offensive tastes and odours
in drinking water due to the production of odourous compounds such as geosmin.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Toxic Algae Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


The first line of defence against cyanobacteria is catchment management to minimise nutrient inputs
to source waters. Source water management techniques for control of cyanobacterial growth include
flow maintenance in regulated rivers; water mixing techniques for both the elimination of stratification
and the reduction of nutrient release from sediments in reservoirs; and the use of algicides in dedicated
water supply storages. It should be noted that algicides will disrupt cells and liberate intracellular toxins.
Algicide use should be in accordance with local environment and chemical registration regulations. In
situations where multiple offtakes are available, the selective withdrawal of water from different depths
can minimise the intake of high surface accumulations of cyanobacterial cells.

Water treatment techniques can be highly effective for removal of both cyanobacterial cells and saxitoxins
with the combination of the appropriate technology. As with other cyanotoxins, a high proportion of
saxitoxins remain intracellular unless cells are lysed or damaged, and can therefore be removed by
coagulation and filtration in a conventional treatment plant (Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 9). It
should be noted that treatment of water containing cyanobacterial cells with oxidants such as chlorine or
ozone, while killing cells, will result in the release of free toxin. Therefore the practice of prechlorination
or preozonation is not recommended without a subsequent step to remove dissolved toxins.

Both powdered activated carbon (PAC) and granular activated carbon (GAC) can be effective for
removal of saxitoxins, dependent upon the selection of the correct carbon type. Ozone and normal
doses of chlorine may not be entirely effective for the destruction of saxitoxins. Boiling is not effective
for destruction of saxitoxins. If treatment is instituted in response to the presence of toxin-producing
cyanobacteria, the effectiveness of the process will need to be confirmed by testing for toxin in the
product water.


The established method for measuring toxicity due to the presence of saxitoxins/PSPs is the mouse
bioassay (Hollingworth and Wekell 1990), which provides a result in terms of equivalence to g saxitoxin
activity (STX-eq). This is the standard method used in association with the shellfish industry and
recognised by Food Standards Australia New Zealand. The analytical technique of high performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC) with postcolumn derivatisation can be used to quantify a range of
saxitoxins in both water and cell material where appropriate standards are available (Rositano et al 1998;
Chorus and Bartram 1999 Chapter 13). This information can then be used to derive an estimate of total
toxins in terms of saxitoxin equivalents using a conversion based on specific mouse toxicities given by
Oshima (1995) (see Rositano et al 1998).

Cyanobacteria are detected by light microscopy; identified using morphological characteristics and
counted per standard volume of water (Hotzel and Croome 1999). Standard protocols for sampling and
monitoring cyanobacteria are given by Jones et al (in press), and practical keys for the identification
are provided in Baker and Fabbro (1999).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Toxic Algae


There is no evidence of human health effects caused directly by consuming water containing saxitoxin-
producing cyanobacteria or PSP-producing dinoflagellates. There are however, numerous reports of
human toxicity associated with consumption of shellfish containing relatively high concentrations of PSPs
(Kao 1993). Paralytic shellfish poisoning is an acute disorder that can lead to paraesthesia of the mouth
and throat progressing to the neck and extremities, dizziness, weakness, ataxia and muscular paralysis
with associated symptoms including nausea, vomiting, thirst and tachycardia. Symptoms can occur within
5 minutes and in fatal cases death occurs within 2–12 hours. In nonfatal cases intoxication generally
resolves within 1–6 days. The toxin is rapidly cleared by urinary excretion. There are no known chronic
effects but long-term animal studies are lacking.

In addition, it has been shown that saxitoxins can accumulate in the Australian freshwater mussel
Alathyria condola by filter feeding on A. circinalis (Negri and Jones 1995), and the consumption
of contaminated shellfish from water affected by A. circinalis blooms therefore represents a potential
alternative route of human exposure.


There are insufficient animal toxicity data to establish a guideline value. An analysis of data from reported
events of paralytic shellfish poisoning found that most cases of illness were associated with consumption
of in excess of 200 µg STX-eq. per person. A health alert value of 3 µg STX-eq/L of drinking water
was calculated for acute exposure associated with occurrence of intermittent blooms of cyanobacteria
(Fitzgerald et al 1999). Based on Australian monitoring data this would require cell densities exceeding
20 000 cells/mL. Water associated with cell densities of this magnitude would normally be malodorous
and unpalatable, with the threshold for offtastes in water being 1000–2000 cells/mL.


It is recommended that a notification procedure should be developed by water and health

authorities. A tiered alert levels framework, as suggested by Chorus and Bartram (1999 Chapter 6),
should be considered.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Toxic Algae Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Baker PD and Fabbro LD (1999). A Guide to the Identification of Common Blue-Green Algae
(Cyanoprokaryotes) in Australian Freshwaters. CRCFE Identification Guide No. 25, Cooperative
Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Albury.

Baker P and Humpage AR (1994). Toxicity associated with commonly occurring cyanobacteria
in surface waters of the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. Australian Journal of Marine and
Freshwater Research, 45, 773–786.

Chorus I and Bartram J (eds) (1999). Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water. A Guide to their Public Health
Consequences, Monitoring and Management. E&FN Spon, London.

Fitzgerald DJ, Cunliffe DA and Burch MD (1999). Development of health alerts for cyanobacteria
and related toxins in drinking water in South Australia. Environmental Toxicology, 14(1), 203–207.

Hollingworth T and Wekell MM (1990). In Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of

Official Analytical Chemists, 15th Edition, 881–882. Association of the Official Analytical Chemists,
Washington DC.

Hotzel G and Croome R (1999). A Phytoplankton Methods Manual for Australian Freshwaters.
LWRRDC Occasional Paper 22/99 Land and Water Resources Research and Development
Corporation (LWRRDC), Canberra.

Jones GJ, Baker PD and Burch MD (in press). National Protocol for the Monitoring of
Cyanobacteria in Surface Waters. Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia
and New Zealand Occasional Paper.

Jones GJ and Negri AP (1997). Persistence and degradation of cyanobacterial paralytic shellfish
poisons (PSPs) in freshwaters, Water Research, 31, 525–533.

Kao CY (1993). “Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning” Algal Toxins in Seafood and Drinking Water.
I Falconer (ed), 75–86. Academic Press, London.

May V and McBarron EJ (1973). Occurrence of the blue-green alga, Anabaena circinalis Rabenh.
in New South Wales and toxicity to mice and honey bees. Journal of the Australian Institute
of Agricultural Science, 39, 264–266.

Negri AP and Jones GJ (1995). Bioaccumulation of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins from the
cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis by the freshwater mussel Alathyria condola. Toxicon, 33, 667–678.

Negri AP, Jones GJ and Hindmarsh M (1995). Sheep mortality associated with paralytic shellfish
poisoning toxins from the cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis. Toxicon 33, 1321–1329.

Negri AP, Jones GJ, Blackburn SI, Oshima Y and Onodera H (1997). Effect of culture and bloom
development and of sample storage on paralytic shellfish poisons in the cyanobacterium Anabaena
circinalis. Journal of Phycology, 33, 26–35.

NSWBGATF (1992). Blue-Green Algae. Final Report of the New South Wales Blue-Green Algal Taskforce
(NSWBGATF). New South Wales Department of Water Resources, Parramatta, Australia.

Oshima Y (1995). Postcolumn derivatization liquid chromatography method for paralytic shellfish
poisons. Journal of AOAC International, 78, 528–532.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Toxic Algae

Ravn H, Anthoni U, Christophersen C, Nielsen PH and Oshima Y (1995). Standardized extraction

method for paralytic shellfish toxins in phytoplankton. Journal of Applied Phycology, 7, 589–594.

Rositano J, Nicholson B, Heresztyn T and Velzeboer R (1998). Characterisation and Determination

of PSP Toxins in Neurotoxic Cyanobacteria and Methods for Their Removal from Water. UWRAA
Research Report No. 148. Urban Water Research Association of Australia (UWRAA), Melbourne.

Velzeboer RMA, Baker PD and Rositano J (1998). Characterisation of Saxitoxins Produced by

the Cyanobacterial Genus Anabaena in Australia. UWRAA Research Report No. 135. Urban Water
Research Association of Australia (UWRAA), Melbourne.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Microorganisms · Viruses
Microorganisms · Viruses
Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Viruses



No guideline value has been set for adenovirus in drinking water. If adenovirus
is specifically sought, it should not be detected. If detected, advice should be sought
from the relevant health authority.


Adenoviruses generally infect conjunctival, respiratory and intestinal epithelium in addition to regional
lymphoid tissue. Prolonged excretion of viruses from both the pharynx and the intestinal tract has
been described and several serovars have been isolated from sewage, rivers, lakes, groundwater and
water used for drinking and swimming. Waterborne transmission occurs by the faecal-to-oral route,
by inhalation of adenovirus aerosols into the lower respiratory tract, and by eye contact when the
conjunctival surface is mildly irritated.

Some of these viruses are endemic and exist as latent infections of the tonsils and adenoids. Others
are usually associated with epidemics of acute respiratory and ocular disease in closed communities
such as boarding schools and military camps. Whereas the relevance of adenoviruses to disease was
initially determined by the isolation of serovars in cell cultures, later investigations with electron
microscopy discovered specific serovars of adenoviruses that could not be cultivated. These include
the only types (40 and 41) that have been associated with gastroenteritis. For all practical purposes,
they remain uncultivable.


Adenovirus has not been detected in Australian drinking water. This may be because of the difficulties
associated with detection and the limited number of studies carried out in this country.


The number of adenoviruses in treated water is likely to be low and detection involves concentration of
the viruses from large volumes of water, often exceeding 1000 litres. The final volume of the concentrate
should be as small as possible. This is then inoculated into cell cultures. The infected cells form plaques
and from the numbers of these, the number of virus particles in the original sample can be calculated.

The presence of the virus in faeces or other samples may also be detected by electronmicroscopy.


Conventional water treatment should result in a water that is essentially virus-free, except where the
intake water has a high virus load. This would occur where the intake water receives partially treated
or untreated sewage. In such cases, other processes, such as some of the membrane technologies,
may have to be used to ensure removal of the viruses.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Viruses Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Some species of adenovirus cause pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, or pharyngoconjunctival fever. Several

large outbreaks of pharyngoconjunctival fever have been associated with swimming pools (Foy et al
1968, Cabelli 1978, Di Angelo et al 1979). Outbreaks of infection are probably more likely to occur in
enclosed or indoor pools, with children being more susceptible. The presence of the viruses in
swimming pools is due to poor operation, maintenance and cleaning.

Adenoviruses are among the viral agents associated with acute nonbacterial infectious gastroenteritis.
Serovars 40 and 41, which are not readily cultivable, are the varieties responsible. These fastidious
adenoviruses have been found in many parts of the world and are probably the second most important
cause of gastroenteritis (after rotavirus) in young children. They tend to be endemic rather than
epidemic, although outbreaks have occurred. Cytopathogenic adenovirus can easily be detected
in all kinds of water. Therefore, waterborne transmission has also been suspected for the fastidious
varieties (Bitton et al 1986).


The infectious dose for many viruses may be as low as one particle. Many tentative guidelines give
figures of one particle per 1000 litres of water, but testing for viruses is difficult and results can be
variable. Although no guideline value has been established, E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) is
generally used as an indicator.


Bitton G et al (1986). Survey of virus isolation data from environmental samples. United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Contract report 68-03-3196.

Cabelli VJ (1978). Swimming associated disease outbreaks. Journal Water Pollution Control
Federation, 50, 1374–1377.

Di Angelo LJ et al (1979). Pharyngoconjunctivial fever caused by adenovirus type 4: report of a swimming

pool outbreak with recovery of virus from pool water. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 140, 42–47.

Foy HM, Cooney MK and Hatlen JB (1968). Adenovirus type 3 epidemic associated with intermittent
chlorination of a swimming pool. Archives on Environmental Health, 17, 795–802.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Viruses



No guideline value has been set for enteroviruses in drinking water. If enteroviruses
are specifically sought, they should not be detected. If detected, advice should be sought
from the relevant health authority.


Enteroviruses have a worldwide distribution. Within temperate climates most major epidemics occur
during the later summer months, whereas in the tropics, disease can occur throughout the year.

The viruses shed in the faeces of infected individuals are spread by the faecal-oral route. They occur
in water either through faecal contamination or by discharge of sewage effluents (Dahling 1989).

While waterborne transmission is probable, it has not been proven. The part played by low-level
transmission has also been suspected but not proven. There is a suggestion that small numbers of viruses
present intermittently or continuously in drinking water cause symptomless infections, and that these
are spread by person-to-person contact to cause outbreaks of disease that have no apparent connection
with water.

The virus can also be spread on unwashed foods, particularly in areas where raw sewage is used as
fertiliser, or it may be transmitted on the feet of vectors such as houseflies. Infants, with their faeces
contained in diapers, also provide a major route of dissemination, particularly in day-care centres.


Enteroviruses have not been detected in Australian drinking water. This may be because of the difficulties
associated with detection and the limited number of studies carried out in this country. They have been
detected in drinking water in many other countries, both developed and developing.


The number of enteroviruses in treated water is likely to be low and detection involves concentration
of the virus from large volumes of water, often exceeding 1000 litres. The final volume of the concentrate
should be as small as possible; this is then inoculated into cell cultures. The infected cells form plaques
and from the number of these, the number of virus particles in the original sample can be calculated.

The presence of the viruses in faeces or other samples may be detected using electronmicroscopy.


Conventional water treatment should result in water that is essentially virus-free except where the
intake water has a high virus load. This would occur where the intake water receives partially treated
or untreated sewage. In such cases, other processes, such as some of the membrane technologies, may
have to be used to ensure removal of the viruses.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Viruses Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Enterovirus infections may be manifested by sore throat, rashes, aseptic meningitis, gastrointestinal
symptoms, paralysis, cardiac symptoms, and conjunctivitis (Bitton 1986, Rao 1986). Most infections,
however, are mild or even symptomless. Serious or clinical disease occurs in between 1 in 100 and
1 in 1000 infections.


The infectious dose for many viruses may be as low as one particle. Many tentative guidelines give
figures of one particle per 1000 litres of water, but testing for viruses is difficult and the results can be
variable. Although no guideline value has been established, E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) has
generally been used as an indicator of water quality. The vaccine strains of poliovirus and some of the
bacteriophages have been proposed as indicators, but are not widely used.


Bitton G et al (1986). Survey of virus isolation data from environmental samples. US Environmental
Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Contract report 68-03-3196.

Dahling DR, Safferman RS and Wright BA (1989). Isolation of enterovirus and reovirus from sewage
and treated effluent in selected Puerto Rican communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
55, 503–506.

Rao VC and Melnick JL (1986). Environmental virology. Aspects of Microbiology, 13, 10–17. Wokingham,
Van Nostrand Reinhold (UK) Co Ltd.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Viruses

Hepatitis viruses


No guideline value has been set for hepatitis viruses in drinking water. If hepatitis viruses are
specifically sought, they should not be detected. If detected, advice should be sought from the
relevant health authority.


There are several viruses which can cause hepatitis. The most important in relation to water and
wastewater are Hepatitis A (a picornavirus) and Hepatitis E (a calcivirus).

Hepatitis A and hepatitis E viruses are shed in the faeces of infected individuals, and occur in water
either by faecal contamination or by discharge of sewage effluent. Although there are some unexplained
features about hepatitis E, the viruses are spread by the faecal-oral route, and waterborne transmission
has been proven (Belabbes et al 1985, Gerba et al 1985).

Epidemics can usually be traced to contaminated water or food (hepatitis A). Hepatitis A has been
detected in polluted rivers and in drinking water (Nedachin et al 1989). Several very large outbreaks of
drinking water transmitted hepatitis have been recognised in India, China, Morocco, the Soviet Union,
and Algeria.

Hepatitis B, C and D are spread by contact with body fluids of infected individuals, and waterborne
transmission would not be expected.


Hepatitis viruses have not been detected in Australian drinking water. This may be because of the
difficulties associated with detection and the limited number of studies carried out in this country.


The number of hepatitis viruses in treated water is likely to be low and detection would require
concentration of the virus from large volumes of water, often exceeding 1000 litres. The final volume
of the concentrate would have to be as small as possible. Detection by PCR techniques is possible
but still only available in specialised laboratories. The implication that water supplies may be involved
in outbreaks of hepatitis A or hepatitis E infection depends on epidemiological evidence.

The presence of the viruses in faeces or other samples may be detected using electronmicroscopy.


Conventional water treatment should result in water that is essentially virus free except where the
intake water has a high virus load. This would occur where the intake water receives partially treated
or untreated sewage. In such cases other processes, such as some of the membrane technologies, may
have to be used to ensure their removal.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Viruses Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Hepatitis A virus and enterically transmitted hepatitis E (also known as HEV) cause infections of the liver
with a typical illness consisting of lassitude, anorexia, weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal
discomfort, fever, dark urine, and jaundice. Hepatitis, if mild, may require only rest and restricted
activities for a week or two, but severe cases can be much more debilitating. In the case of hepatitis
A, fatal cases are exceptional and chronic liver disease has not been shown to occur. HEV infection in
pregnant women has a high mortality rate.


The infectious dose for many viruses may be as low as 1 particle. Many tentative guidelines give figures
of one particle per 1000 litres of water, but testing for viruses is difficult and results can be variable.
Although no guideline has been established, E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) is generally used as an
indicator of water quality. The vaccine strains of poliovirus and some of the bacteriophages have been
proposed as indicators but are not widely used.


Belabbes EH, Bouquermouh A and Benatallah A (1985). Epidemic non-A non-B hepatitis in Algeria:
strong evidence for its spreading by water. Journal of Medical Virology, 16, 257–263.

Gerba CP, Rose JB and Singh SN (1985). Waterborne gastroenteritis and viral hepatitis. Critical Reviews
in Environmental Control, 15(3), 213–235.

Nedachin AE, Dimitrieva R and Doskina TV (1989). Viral contaminations of water objects and
the morbidity of the population with hepatitis A. Proceedings, Second International Symposium,
‘Contamination of the environment by viruses and methods of control’, Vienna, 4–7 September.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Viruses

Norwalk virus


No guideline value has been set for Norwalk virus in drinking water. If specifically sought,
Norwalk virus should not be detected. If detected, advice should be sought from the relevant
health authority.


Electronmicroscopy has shown that faecal specimens from people with nonbacterial gastroenteritis may
contain many ‘small round viruses’ ranging in size from 20 to 40 nm. The first to be described was the
Norwalk agent, detected in volunteers fed filtered faecal suspension from an outbreak of winter vomiting
disease. Morphologically similar viruses known as Hawaii, Wollan, Ditchling, Parramatta, Snow Mountain
and Montgomery County agents were subsequently found. Definitive classification has been delayed
by failure to culture these viruses.

A prospective epidemiological study among city dwellers receiving a bacteriologically satisfactory

drinking water showed that the group receiving conventionally treated water had 25% more
gastrointestinal symptoms than those receiving water treated by reverse osmosis (Payment et al 1991).
The observed symptoms were compatible with infection caused by the Norwalk-type viruses, which
were probably incompletely removed from the sewage-contaminated river water used as the source.


Norwalk virus has not been detected in Australian drinking water. This may be because of the difficulties
associated with detection and the limited number of studies carried out in this country.

Outbreaks of disease caused by Norwalk virus have been linked to oysters, and have occurred when
oyster beds have been contaminated by sewage.


The presence of the virus in faeces or other samples may be detected using electronmicroscopy.


Conventional water treatment should result in water that is essentially virus-free except where the
intake water has a high virus load. This would occur where the intake water receives partially treated
or untreated sewage. In such cases other processes, such as some of the membrane technologies, may
have to be used to ensure removal of the viruses.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Viruses Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Norwalk virus infects the villi of the jejunum. Viruses are shed in stools during the first 72 hours after
the onset of illness and are transmitted by the faecal-to-oral route. Water has been responsible for about
40 per cent of all Norwalk-related outbreaks; this has included drinking water supplies, recreational
bathing water, and water used for growing shellfish (Goodman et al 1982).

The Norwalk virus usually causes rapid, self-limiting epidemics of gastroenteritis which last 24–48 hours
(Baron et al 1982, Kaplan et al 1982). The epidemics tend to be community-wide and involve school-
age children, family contacts and adults. Roughly one third of such outbreaks can be attributed to the
Norwalk virus. Infections result in delayed gastric emptying, nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramps.
About half of infected persons have associated diarrhoea; some have fever and chills. A transient
lymphopenia also has also been observed.


The infectious dose for many viruses may be as low as one particle. Many tentative guidelines give
figures of one particle per 1000 litres of water, but testing for viruses is difficult and the result can be
variable. Although no guideline value has been established, E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) has
generally been used as an indicator of water quality. The vaccine strains of poliovirus and some of the
bacteriophages have been proposed as indicators but are not widely used.


Baron RC et al (1982). Norwalk gastroenteritis illness. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2, 163–172.

Goodman RA et al (1982). Norwalk gastroenteritis associated with a water system in a rural Georgia
community. Archives of Environmental Health, 37, 358–360.

Kaplan JE et al (1982). Epidemiology of Norwalk gastroenteritis and the role of Norwalk virus
in outbreaks in acute non-bacterial gastroenteritis. Annuals of Internal Medicine, 96, 756–761.

Payment P et al (1991). A prospective epidemiological study of drinking water related gastrointestinal

illness. Water Science and Technology, 24(2), 27–28.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets – Microorganisms Viruses

Rotavirus, para-rotaviruses and reovirus (Reoviridae)


No guideline value has been set for Reoviridae in drinking water. If specifically sought,
Reoviridae should not be detected. If detected, advice should be sought from the relevant
health authority.


The family Reoviridae contains two important genera, reovirus and rotavirus. These are among the
most widespread of all viruses in nature. They are passed in the faeces of infected individuals and may
find their way into water by faecal contamination or by discharge of sewage effluent (Bates et al 1984,
Basch et al 1988, Dahling et al 1989).

Rotaviruses and orthoreoviruses have been detected in sewage, rivers and lakes, and treated drinking
water. Transmission occurs via the faecal-to-oral route. Cases of infection tend to be sporadic but
several large waterborne outbreaks have been reported. The rotaviruses have considerable public
health significance as a common cause of acute diarrhoea, particularly in young children. They infect
and multiply in mature or differentiated enterocytes located on the villi of the duodenum and small
intestine. They are excreted in large numbers with as many as 1010 virus particles per gram of faeces for
approximately 8 days after onset of symptoms.


Reoviridae have not been detected in Australian drinking water. This may be because of the difficulties
associated with detection and the limited number of studies carried out in this country.


The number of viruses in treated water is likely to be low and detection requires concentration of the
viruses from large volumes of water, often exceeding 1000 litres. The final volume of the concentrate
should be as small as possible; this is then inoculated into cell cultures. The infected cells form plaques
and from the number of these, the number of virus particles in the original sample can be calculated.

The presence of the virus in faeces or other samples may be detected using electronmicroscopy.


Conventional water treatment should result in water that is essentially virus-free except where the
intake water has a high virus load. This would occur where the intake water receives partially treated
or untreated sewage. In such cases other processes, such as some of the membrane technologies, may
have to be used to ensure removal of the viruses (Gerba et al 1984).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Viruses Microorganisms – Fact Sheets


Reoviruses have not been proved to cause any disease in humans, although they have been isolated from
cases of respiratory infections and gastroenteritis.

Rotaviruses are responsible for a large proportion of severe episodes of diarrhoea in small children and
infants, and they also cause gastroenteritis in the elderly. They are responsible for as much as 50% of
the gastroenteritis in hospitalised paediatric patients during the cooler months of the year in temperate
climates. Acute infection is characterised by the abrupt onset of severe watery diarrhoea with fever and
vomiting; dehydration and metabolic acidosis may develop, resulting in death if untreated. Children aged
6 to 24 months old are the most severely affected. The para-rotaviruses have been responsible for major
outbreaks in adults in China.


The infectious dose for many viruses may be as low as 1 particle. Many tentative guidelines give figures
of one particle per 1000 litres of water, but testing for viruses is difficult and results can be variable.
Although no guideline has been established, the E. coli (or thermotoerant coliforms) is generally used as
an indicator of water quality. The vaccine strains of poliovirus and some of the bacteriophages have been
proposed as indicators but are not widely used.


Basch A et al (1988). Detection of human rotavirus in sewage through two concentration procedures.
Water Research, 22, 343–348.

Bates J, Goddard MR and Butler M (1984). The detection of rotaviruses in products of wastewater
treatment. Journal of Hygiene, Cambridge, 93, 639–643.

Dahling DR, Safferman RS and Wright BA (1989). Isolation of enterovirus and reovirus from sewage
and treated effluent in selected Puerto Rican communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
55, 503–506.

Gerba CP et al (1984). Virus removal during conventional drinking water treatment. United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Project Report Grant No. 809-331010.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 5

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemical Characteristics

Physical and Chemical

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of acrylamide in drinking water should

not exceed 0.0002 mg/L.


Acrylamide occurs as a minor impurity in polyacrylamide. It may be present in drinking water through
the use of polyacrylamides as flocculant aids in water treatment, and through the use of grouting agents
containing polyacrylamide. Overseas studies have reported concentrations of up to a few micrograms
per litre in drinking water.

When nonionic or anionic polyacrylamides are used in water treatment at a typical dose level of 1 mg/L,
the maximum theoretical concentration of acrylamide has been estimated at 0.0005 mg/L, with practical
concentrations 2–3 times lower. Residual levels of acrylamide from the use of cationic polyacrylamides
may be higher.

Concern over the health effects of acrylamide has led some countries to introduce tight restrictions
on its use for water treatment.

Polyacrylamide is used in food processing and exposure to acrylamide may also occur from this source.


Acrylamide has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally in drinking water
supplies overseas.


Acrylamide can be removed from drinking water by adsorption onto granular activated carbon.
It is not removed effectively by conventional water treatment or with powdered activated carbon.


Acrylamide can be analysed using high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection
(Brown and Rhead 1979). The sample is brominated to form 2,3-dibromopropionamide, which is
extracted with ethyl acetate and analysed. The limit of determination is 0.0002 mg/L.


Acrylamide is readily absorbed following ingestion or inhalation, or through the skin, and it forms a
number of metabolites. It can accumulate in nervous system tissues and blood. The results of animal
studies indicate that it is largely excreted as metabolites in urine and bile. It can cross the placenta.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for acrylamide is available
(IPCS 1985).

Humans exposed for a short time to well water contaminated with up to 400 mg/L of acrylamide showed
effects including confusion, disorientation, memory disturbances and hallucinations. They recovered fully
within 4 months. Long-term occupational exposure has resulted in skin irritation, fatigue, foot weakness
and sensory changes.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

In animals, acrylamide is well established as a neurotoxicant. Short- and long-term effects are similar, with
exposure causing paralysis in the hind limbs of cats, dogs and rats at doses from 5 mg/kg body weight
per day. The animals recovered completely when short-term exposure stopped. Acrylamide can also
impair reproductive organs in rats, cats and dogs at the same dose.

Animal studies indicate that acrylamide is a carcinogen. Male rats receiving low oral doses (0.5 mg/kg
body weight per day) for 2 years had increased incidence of scrotal, thyroid and adrenal tumours. Female
rats exposed for 18 months had increased tumours of the mammary glands, central nervous system,
thyroid and uterus. Mice exposed to higher doses for 8 weeks showed an increased incidence of lung

Several studies have reported that acrylamide is not mutagenic in bacteria, but induces gene mutations
and chromosomal aberrations in mammalian cells both in vitro and in vivo.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has concluded that acrylamide is probably
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A, inadequate evidence in humans, sufficient evidence in experimental
animals, and supporting mechanistic evidence) (IARC 1994).


The guideline value for acrylamide of 0.0002 mg/L is based on a consideration of health effects in relation
to the limit of determination for analysis using commonly available techniques.

Health based derivations can be determined as follows:

i) 0.0007 mg/L = 0.2 mg/kg body weight per day × 70 kg × 0.1
2 L/day ×1000

• 0.2 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level from a 93-day drinking water study using rats
(Burek et al 1980). Longer-term studies only identify lowest effect levels, which are significantly
higher than the no effect level used in the calculation.
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult.
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water.
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 for a less than lifetime study). An
additional factor of 10 for carcinogenicity was not applied as tumours occur at doses above those
that cause neurotoxic effects. The use of this safety factor was recommended by the NHMRC
Standing Committee on Toxicity.

ii) On the basis of a drinking water study using rats (Johnson et al 1986), the excess cancer risk of
lifetime consumption of water with an acrylamide concentration of 0.00005 mg/L (50 ng/L) was
conservatively estimated by the WHO, using a linear multistage model, at one additional cancer per
million people.

The guideline value was set at the limit of determination because this is within the values derived from
health considerations, and provides an adequate degree of protection. This is consistent with the general
approach adopted for compounds that are known genotoxic carcinogens (see Section 6.3.4). The higher
WHO guideline value of 0.0005 mg/L is based on an estimated lifetime risk of one additional cancer
per 100 000 people.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


Brown L and Rhead MM (1979). Liquid chromatographic determination of acrylamide monomer in natural
and polluted aqueous environments. Analyst, 104, 391-399.

Burek JD, Albee RR, Beyer JE, Bell TJ, Carreon RM, Morden DC, Wade CE, Hermann EA and Gorzinski SJ
(1980). Subchronic toxicity of acrylamide administered to rats in the drinking water followed by up
to 144 days of recovery. Journal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology, 4, 157-182.

IARC (1994). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Some Industrial
Chemicals. World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 60, Lyon.

IPCS (1985). Acrylamide. Environmental Health Criteria, 49. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

Johnson KA, Gorzinski SJ, Bodner KM, Campbell RA, Wolf CH, Friedman MA and Mast RW (1986).
Chronic toxicity and oncogenicity study on acrylamide incorporated in the drinking water of Fischer 344
rats. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 85, 154-168.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Aldrin and dieldrin


Aldrin and dieldrin should not be detected in drinking water. If present in drinking water,
aldrin and dieldrin would not be a health concern unless their combined concentration
exceeded 0.0003 mg/L (300 ng/L).

If they are detected, remedial action should be taken to stop contamination. The limit
of determination is 0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L).


Aldrin and dieldrin were widely used in agriculture until their use began to be restricted in the 1970s.
They remain highly effective insecticides for soil-dwelling pests and for the protection of wood
structures against termites and wood borers. Although their manufacture has now ceased and they
are no longer registered for use in Australia, they may be detected occasionally because of their
persistence in the environment.

In soil, aldrin is oxidised slowly to dieldrin. In temperate climates, approximately 75% of aldrin is
oxidised within a year, with more rapid oxidation occurring in tropical climates. Dieldrin breaks down
only very slowly, with a half-life in soil of about 5 years.

Aldrin and dieldrin have occasionally been detected in water supplies overseas, but concentrations
are normally less than 0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L). In Europe and the United States, dieldrin has been
detected in some foods, including human milk.

From the 1970s, the Australian Market Basket Surveys have shown a progressive decline in the amounts
of aldrin and dieldrin detected in food. There has been a corresponding decline in contamination of
human milk and adipose tissue since that period (NHMRC 1992). The 1990 Australian Market Basket
Survey reported very small amounts of dieldrin residue in only one food product tested, and none
was detected in human milk (NHMRC and NFA 1991).


Aldrin and dieldrin have occasionally been detected in large water storages. The maximum concentration
reported is less than 0.001 mg/L, but the frequency of detection has dropped markedly since 1980.


Aldrin and dieldrin can be removed from drinking water using granular activated carbon.


Aldrin and dieldrin can be analysed by extraction with a nonpolar solvent such as pentane followed
by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (APHA Method 6630 Part B 1992). The limit
of determination is about 0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L).


Aldrin and dieldrin are absorbed by the oral, inhalation and dermal routes. They accumulate in fatty
tissue, from which they can be mobilised into blood with potential toxic effects. Dieldrin is metabolised
in the liver and excreted in faeces.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Extensive reviews and summaries of the human and animal toxicology of aldrin and dieldrin are available
(JMPR 1977, IARC 1987, IPCS 1989, NHMRC 1992).

The principal public health concern regarding aldrin and dieldrin arises from their ability to
bioaccumulate. Environmental, mainly dietary, exposure leads to the presence of dieldrin in low
concentrations in the human body. The results of extensive clinical and epidemiological studies indicate
that these body burdens do not present a health hazard to humans (IPCS 1989). Aldrin and dieldrin
are neurotoxic in humans at high doses. The threshold concentration of dieldrin in blood giving rise
to neurotoxic effects is approximately 0.15-0.2 mg/L.

In long-term studies with animals, dogs have been reported to be more sensitive to aldrin and dieldrin
than rats. Female beagle dogs fed dieldrin for 2 years had an increased liver-to-body-weight ratio at doses
of 0.05 mg/kg body weight per day. Aldrin and dieldrin are hepatotoxic in rodents.

A number of long-term studies have shown that aldrin and dieldrin can produce malignant and/or benign
tumours in mice, but not in rats or hamsters. These compounds are not teratogenic but do increase
neonatal mortality when fed to pregnant rats and mice (NHMRC 1992).

Aldrin and dieldrin were not mutagenic in a majority of test systems.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that aldrin and dieldrin are not
classifiable as to their carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3, inadequate evidence in humans, limited
evidence in animals) (IARC 1987).


The health-based guideline value of 0.0003 mg/L for aldrin and dieldrin was determined as follows:
0.0003 mg/L = 0.0001 mg/kg body weight per day ×70 kg × 0.1
2 L/day

• 0.0001 mg/kg body weight per day is the maximum ADI based on a no effect level from long-term
studies with rats and dogs of 0.025 mg/kg body weight per day (JMPR 1977)
• 70 kg is the weight of an adult
• 0.1 gives a guideline value based on 10% of the ADI
• 2 L/day is the amount of water consumed by an adult.

The maximum ADI value includes adequate safety factors. No additional safety factors are necessary.

The guideline value applies to the total concentration of aldrin and dieldrin.

The WHO guideline value of 0.00003 mg/L (30 ng/L) was determined using 1% of the ADI to allow for
increased exposure from other sources. Such a low percentage of the ADI was considered inappropriate
for Australia, where the use of these pesticides has been severely restricted.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


APHA Method 6630 Part B (1992). Organochlorine pesticides: Liquid–liquid extraction, gas
chromatographic method I. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,
18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volume 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1989). Aldrin and dieldrin. Environmental Health Criteria, 91. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety.

JMPR (1977). Pesticide Residues in Food–1977. Report of the 1976 Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel
of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide
Residues. FAO Plant Production and Protection Series No 8, WHO Technical Report Series No 612.

NHMRC (1992). Cyclodiene Insecticide Use in Australia. National Health and Medical Research Council,
AGPS, Canberra.

NHMRC and NFA (1991). The 1990 Australian Market Basket Survey. National Health and Medical
Research Council and the National Food Authority, AGPS, Canberra.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

(Revised and endorsed 2001)


Based on aesthetic problems caused by post-flocculation, the concentration of acid-soluble

aluminium in drinking water should not exceed 0.2 mg/L. Water authorities are strongly
encouraged to keep acid-soluble aluminium concentrations as low as possible, preferably
below 0.1 mg/L.

No health-based guideline is set for aluminium at this time but this issue will be kept
under review.


Aluminium may be present in water through natural leaching from soil and rock, or from the use
of aluminium salts as coagulants in water treatment.

Aluminium is used in many industrial and domestic products including antacids, antiperspirants and food
additives, and in vaccines. It is commonly used by the food industry for food containers and packaging,
and many cooking utensils are made from aluminium.

Surveys in the United States and the United Kingdom have reported aluminium concentrations in natural
water sources of 0.014–1.2 mg/L. Concentrations in some Australian water sources can be considerably
higher due to the presence of clay minerals (aluminosilicates); for example, up to 18 mg/L in the Murray
River. Residual aluminium concentrations in treated water depend on the concentration in the water
source, the alum dose used, the pH, and the filtration efficiency.

Where alum is used as a coagulant in water treatment, post-flocculation effects can occur if the soluble
aluminium concentration in the treated water exceeds 0.2 mg/L. Depending on pH, a whitish gelatinous
precipitate of aluminium hydroxide can be formed in the distribution system which may result in
customer complaints about ‘milky coloured’ water. Aluminosilicates in source water are very insoluble
and do not cause post-flocculation problems.


In major Australian reticulated supplies, the concentration of aluminium varies from 0.01 mg/L to
0.9 mg/L, with typical concentrations of approximately 0.1 mg/L for fully treated supplies.


Aluminium concentrations in drinking water can be reduced using the conventional water treatment
practices of flocculation and filtration. A well-operated water filtration plant (even using aluminium
as a flocculant) can achieve aluminium concentrations in the finished water of less than 0.1 mg/L.


The term ‘soluble’ should be taken to mean truly soluble, not ‘filterable through a 0.45 µm pore size
filter’. Finely suspended aluminosilicate clay particles can pass through a 0.45 µm filter but are not truly
soluble and will not cause post-flocculation problems.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Acid-soluble aluminium is determined after acidifying the sample to pH 1.5–2, followed by filtration
through a 0.45 µm membrane filter. If analysis of the filtrate by the normal method (e.g. graphite furnace
atomic absorption spectroscopy, APHA Method 3500-Al Part B 1992) gives a result above the guideline
value, the filtrate should be re-analysed using the catechol violet colorimetric method (APHA Method
3500-Al Part E 1992), which provides a better estimate of the reactive aluminium component.
The limit of determination for the latter method is approximately 0.01 mg/L.

Based on experience with their water supplies, authorities may choose to monitor total aluminium
concentration and perform specific assays for acid-soluble aluminium only if total aluminium
concentration exceeds 0.1 mg/L.


It has been estimated that for Australian adults, the intake of aluminium from food and beverages
is approximately 5–7 mg/day. Drinking water contributes less than 2% of the total daily intake, and
only 0.3–0.4% of the aluminium in water is absorbed by the body. Recent studies have shown that
the bioavailability (i.e. uptake into the bloodstream) of aluminium in drinking water is similar to that
of food (Stauber et al 1999).

The metabolism of aluminium in humans is poorly understood. Studies indicate that less than 1% of
dietary aluminium is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, with the remainder excreted in faeces. The
small amount absorbed passes into the blood stream. Some aluminium accumulates in bone, liver and
brain tissue but most is removed from the blood stream by the kidneys and excreted. In healthy adults,
the total accumulated body load of aluminium has been estimated at about 35 mg. Whether this remains
constant with age has not been determined.

There is considerable evidence that aluminium is neurotoxic. Kidney dialysis patients, in whom the gut
barrier is bypassed, can accumulate aluminium in their blood resulting in an encephalopathy known as
dialysis dementia. Investigations have established a correlation between the concentration of aluminium
in water used to prepare dialysis fluid and the incidence of dialysis dementia. If this condition is not too
far advanced it responds to chelation therapy. It appears that dialysis patients are much more susceptible
to aluminium in dialysis fluid than from other sources such as food and antacids. Aluminium has also
been linked to other conditions associated with the use of dialysis units including osteomalacia (a
softening of the bones) and anaemia. Reverse osmosis or deionisation units are now used to treat dialysis
water before use, and aluminium concentrations are kept below 0.01 mg/L.

Aluminium has been associated with two severe neurodegenerative diseases: Parkinsonism dementia
(PD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Both conditions have a high incidence amongst the
Chamorro people of Guam, an area where aluminium is naturally present in food and drinking water.
ALS is common in the Pacific, Western New Guinea and the Kii peninsula of Japan. Both PD and
ALS are characterised by loss of motor function and the presence of neurofibrillary tangles in the
brain. One hypothesis suggests that chronic nutritional deficiencies of calcium and magnesium lead
to increased absorption of aluminium, resulting in its deposition in neurons of the brain (Garruto and
Yase 1986; Garruto et al 1990). There was an appreciable decrease in the incidence of these conditions
when the areas became westernised, with associated changes in dietary habits, importing of food and
improvements to the water supply.

Elevated concentrations of aluminium have been found in the autopsied brains of people who had
suffered Alzheimer’s disease, in regions of the brain containing large numbers of the neurofibrillary
tangles which are characteristic of the disease, and aluminium has been proposed as one of a number of
causal agents (Perl and Brody 1980). There have been a number of epidemiological studies to determine

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

if aluminium in drinking water plays a role in Alzheimer’s disease. Although some studies indicated that
a tentative link may exist, more recent evidence (Martyn et al 1997) suggests that aluminium in drinking
water is not associated with increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

A number of animal studies of aluminium toxicity have been undertaken although there has been very
little research done using aged animals. Most studies have used rats fed or injected with large amounts
of aluminium and have reported only minor changes to bodyweight, with some behavioural changes
and locomotor effects. Elevated concentrations of aluminium have been reported in the brain, liver
and kidneys. The studies are not adequate to set a reliable no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL).

Aluminium is not generally thought to be mutagenic or genotoxic, although aluminium has been shown
to bind to DNA of a number of animal species and has displayed mutagenic activity in some, but not all,
tests using bacteria. Ingestion of aluminium is not known to cause cancer in humans or animals.

The NHMRC Standing Committee on Toxicity has reviewed the toxicological data for aluminium
and concluded that there are insufficient data to set a NOAEL.


Post-flocculation problems (described above) associated with the use of alum as a coagulant may occur
if acid-soluble aluminium exceeds 0.2 mg/L. As the alum floc is soluble in dilute acid (pH 1.5–2),
post-flocculation problems will generally be avoided if the acid-soluble concentration of aluminium
is below 0.2 mg/L. Water authorities are strongly encouraged to keep acid-soluble aluminium
concentrations as low as possible, preferably below 0.1 mg/L. Well operated water filtration plants,
even those using aluminium salts as flocculants, should have little difficulty in achieving this.

A guideline value lower than 0.2 mg/L may need to be adopted by some water authorities,
depending on the amount of naturally occurring organic material in the water.

Although data are insufficient to set a guideline value based on health considerations, there is public
concern over the possible health effects of aluminium. This issue should be reviewed when further
studies are undertaken.


APHA Method 3500-Al Part B (1992). Aluminium: Atomic Absorption Spectrometric method.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public
Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Al Part E (1992). Aluminium: Automated Pyrocatechol violet method.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public
Health Association, Washington.

Garruto RM and Yase Y (1986). Neurodegenerative disorders of the Western Pacific: the search
for mechanisms of pathogenesis. Trends in Neurosciences, 9, 368–374.

Garruto RM, Yanagihara R and Gajdusek DC (1990). Models of environmentally induced neurological
disease: epidemiology and etiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and parkinsonism-dementia in the
Western Pacific. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 12, 137–151.

Martyn CN, Osmond C, Edwardson JA, Barker DJP, Harris EC and Lacey RF (1989). Geographical relation
between Alzheimer’s disease and aluminium in drinking water. Lancet (January), 59–62.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Perl DP and Brody AR (1980). Alzheimer’s disease: X-ray spectrometric evidence of aluminium
accumulation in neurofibrillary tangle-bearing neurons. Science, 208, 297–299.

Stauber JL, Florence TM, Davies CM, Adams MS and Buchanan SJ (1999). Bioavailability of aluminium
in alum-treated drinking water. Journal American Water Works Association, 91, 84–93.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on aesthetic considerations (corrosion of copper pipes and fittings), the concentration
of ammonia (measured as ammonia) in drinking water should not exceed 0.5 mg/L.

No health-based guideline value is set for ammonia.


Ammonia dissolves rapidly in water to form an equilibrium mixture of free ammonia and the ammonium
cation. It may be present in unchlorinated drinking water due to contamination of source water or
through microbial metabolism. Ammonia is used in conjunction with chlorine to form chloramines
to disinfect water supplies. Some residual will be present in the water, particularly if the chlorinator
is not operating properly.

Ammonia is used commercially in animal feeds and fertilisers, and in the manufacture of fibres, plastics
and explosives. Ammonia products are widely used as cleaning agents and food additives.

Most uncontaminated source waters have ammonia concentrations below 0.2 mg/L. High concentrations
(greater than 10 mg/L) have been reported where water is contaminated with animal waste. Ammonia
is unlikely to be detected in chlorinated supplies as it reacts quickly with free chlorine.

Ammonia in water can result in the corrosion of copper pipes and fittings, causing copper stains on
sanitary ware. It is also a food source for some microorganisms, and can support nuisance growths
of bacteria and algae, often with a resultant increase in the nitrite concentration.

The odour threshold of ammonia in water is 1.5 mg/L.

Ammonia can be an important indicator of pollution as it can be formed as an intermediate product in

the breakdown of nitrogen-containing organic compounds, or of urea from human or animal excrement.

Food can contain substantial amounts of ammonia/ammonium and is the principal source of intake.


In major Australian reticulated supplies concentrations of ammonia range up to 0.4 mg/L, but are
generally less than 0.02 mg/L.


Ammonia concentrations in drinking water supplies can be reduced by chemical or biological oxidation
of ammonia to nitrate.


The concentration of ammonia in water can be determined by a number of methods including

colorimetric, titrimetric and potentiometric techniques. For determination of low concentrations,
the phenate colorimetric method is commonly used (APHA 4500-NH3 Parts D or H, 1992). The limit
of determination for this method is 0.02 mg/L. Alternatively, the ammonia selective electrode method
can be used (APHA 4500-NH3 Part F, 1992) with a limit of determination of 0.03 mg/L.

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Both of these methods determine the total free ammonia and ammonium ion measured as ammonia


Ammonia is an important metabolite in humans and animals. It is formed in the liver by the deamination
of amino acids, and in the gastrointestinal tract by the breakdown of food by enzymes and bacterial flora.

Only an extremely small proportion of the ammonia absorbed in the intestinal tract originates directly
from food or water. The major part is formed in the gut as a byproduct of the breakdown of food. Almost
all ammonia is absorbed. It is then transported to the liver and used mostly in the urea cycle.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for ammonia is available
(IPCS 1986).

Ammonia has a toxic effect on humans only if the intake becomes higher than the detoxification capacity
of the body. At doses above 32 mg ammonium per kilogram body weight per day (over 1000 mg/L)
ammonium chloride influences the metabolism by shifting acid-base equilibrium, affecting glucose
tolerance and reducing tissue sensitivity to insulin.

In studies with animals, high doses of ammonia (over 100 mg/kg body weight per day) have generally
not produced any significant toxic effects. Ammonium hydroxide did not result in an increase in the
incidence of cancer when given to mice in their drinking water over a lifetime; however, there is some
evidence that ammonia may act with cancer-causing compounds to increase the incidence of tumours.

Ammonia and ammonium chloride have shown mutagenicity in some tests with bacteria and animal cells.


Ammonia concentrations above 0.5 mg/L may attack copper pipes and fittings, or result in nuisance
growths of microorganisms. Concentrations of ammonia that may cause health effects are unlikely
to occur in drinking water supplies; accordingly, no health based guideline is set.


APHA Method 4500-NH3 Part D (1992). Nitrogen (ammonia): Phenate method. Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 4500-NH3 Part F (1992). Nitrogen (ammonia): Ammonia-selective electrode method.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

IPCS (1986). Ammonia. Environmental Health Criteria, 54. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

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Based on health considerations, the concentration of antimony in drinking water should

not exceed the limit of determination of 0.003 mg/L.


Antimony, as the trivalent (Sb(III)) or pentavalent (Sb(V)) salts, has occasionally been detected in natural
source waters. Occurrences are more common in areas near lead or copper smelting operations.
Antimony-tin solder is beginning to replace lead solder and hence exposure to antimony in drinking
water may increase in the future.

Antimony alloys and compounds are used in semiconductors, batteries, anti-friction compounds,
ammunition, cable sheathing, and flame-proofing compounds. Antimony salts are used in glass, and
in the manufacture of ceramics and pottery.

Studies overseas have generally found low concentrations in drinking water, typically less than
0.005 mg/L, but higher concentrations have been reported occasionally.

There are few data available on antimony concentrations in food. The United States Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry has suggested that average daily consumption of antimony in food
is about 0.018 mg.


Australian drinking water supplies have not been routinely monitored for antimony.


There are no published methods for removal of antimony from drinking water.


The concentration of antimony in drinking water can be determined by hydride generation followed by
analysis using atomic absorption spectroscopy. The limit of determination is approximately 0.001 mg/L.
Alternatively, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy can be used with a limit of determination
of 0.003 mg/L (APHA Method 3500-Sb Part B 1992).


Studies using rats have shown that about 15% of antimony is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. It is
distributed mainly to the liver, spleen and heart, and to the thyroid and adrenal glands, and it is excreted
in faeces and urine.

There have been a number of studies on the effects of long-term human exposure to antimony. One
early study of adult male workers in an antimony smelter reported no adverse effects after persistent
exposure over periods from 2 to 13 years. A more recent study where workers were exposed for 9 to
31 years to dust containing antimony trioxide and antimony pentoxide reported respiratory and eye
problems as well as staining of the front tooth surface. A dermatitis condition was observed in more
than half of the exposed workers. Other studies have reported heart irregularities, lung cancer, and
spontaneous abortions among female workers.

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The toxicity of antimony to animals varies considerably depending on the compound used. No adverse
effects have been associated with long-term exposure of rats to antimony trioxide. However, potassium
antimony tartrate reduced the animals’ lifespan, and antimony was found to accumulate in the heart, liver,
kidney and spleen. It also affected blood glucose and cholesterol concentrations.

Animal studies have shown that antimony can cross the placenta. It may cause sterility, fewer offspring,
and fetal damage.

Studies using male and/or female rats have reported that inhalation of concentrates of antimony trioxide
and antimony ore increased the incidence of lung tumours in females. In ingestion studies on rats and
mice, antimony did not appear to cause tumours.

Trivalent and pentavalent antimony salts have demonstrated mutagenic activity in tests with bacteria.
They also induced chromosome aberrations in cultured mammalian cells.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that antimony trioxide is possibly
carcinogenic to humans by the inhalation route (Group 2B, inadequate evidence in humans, sufficient
evidence in animals); and antimony trisulfide is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans
(Group 3, inadequate evidence in humans and limited evidence in animals) (IARC 1989).


The guideline value for antimony in drinking water was derived as follows:
0.003 mg/L = 0.43 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 500

• 0.43 mg/kg body weight per day is the lowest effect level based on decreased lifespan and altered
blood levels of glucose and cholesterol in a lifetime study using rats (Schroeder et al 1970)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 500 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 5 because a lowest effect level
was used instead of a no effect level).

The WHO guideline value of 0.005 mg/L was derived from this calculation but rounded up.


APHA Method 3500-Sb Part B (1992). Antimony: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Method.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

IARC (1989). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: some organic
solvents, resin monomers and related compounds, pigments and occupational exposures in paint
manufacture and painting. World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 47,

Schroeder HA, Mitchener M and Nason AP (1970). Zirconium, niobium, antimony, vanadium and lead
in rats: Lifeterm studies. Journal of Nutrition, 100, 59–68.

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Based on health considerations, the concentration of arsenic in drinking water should

not exceed 0.007 mg/L.


Arsenic is a naturally occurring element which can be introduced into water through the dissolution
of minerals and ores (where it exists mainly in the sulfide form), or from industrial effluent, atmospheric
deposition (through the burning of fossil fuels and waste incineration), drainage from old gold mines,
or the use of some types of sheep dip. Natural sources can make a significant contribution to the arsenic
concentration in drinking water. Pentavalent arsenic (As(V)) is generally the most common form in well-
oxygenated surface waters, but under reducing conditions, such as those found in deep lake sediments
or groundwaters, the trivalent form (As(III)) predominates.

Arsenic compounds have commercial and industrial uses as alloying agents in the manufacture of
transistors, lasers and semiconductors, and in the processing of glass, pigments, textiles, paper, metal
adhesives, ceramics, wood preservatives, ammunition and explosives. They are also used in the hide-
tanning process, and to a limited extent as feed additives, pesticides and pharmaceuticals. Although
inorganic forms of arsenic are the most common, organic arsenic compounds are also used.

In natural waters the concentration of arsenic is generally less than 0.005 mg/L, although some countries
have reported very high concentrations, particularly in groundwater supplies.

Food is a significant source of arsenic intake. The average Australian adult dietary intake of arsenic
is approximately 0.04 mg per day. Arsenic is concentrated by many species of fish and shellfish, and
is present in poultry and livestock. Concentrations in vegetables are usually an order of magnitude less
than those found in fish and meat. It is difficult to make direct comparisons between the arsenic intake
from food and water because the biological availability differs markedly. For example, a major portion
of the arsenic in fish is present as highly complexed forms that are biologically unavailable, or as simple
organic compounds (arsenobetaine and arsenocholine) that are essentially nontoxic.


In major Australian reticulated supplies concentrations of arsenic range up to 0.015 mg/L, with typical
values usually less than 0.005 mg/L.


Arsenic can be removed from drinking water using conventional coagulation processes. It is desirable
to convert trivalent arsenic to the pentavalent form before treatment by oxidation using chlorine or
potassium permanganate. Lime softening can also be effective for removal from hard waters but the
efficiency is dependent on pH and valence state.


The arsenic concentration in drinking water can be determined by hydride generation followed by
atomic absorption spectroscopy. The limit of determination is approximately 0.001 mg/L. Alternatively,
graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy can be used with a limit of determination
of approximately 0.005 mg/L (APHA Method 3500-As Part B 1992).

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The health considerations apply mainly to the inorganic arsenic compounds, as they are more likely
than the organic compounds to be present in drinking water supplies.

Although the results of studies indicate that arsenic may be essential for a number of animal species,
there is no evidence that it is essential for humans.

Soluble arsenic salts are readily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. After absorption inorganic arsenic
binds to haemoglobin, and is deposited in the liver, kidney, lungs, spleen, and skin. Inorganic arsenic
does not appear to cross the blood-brain barrier but can cross the placenta. Approximately 45-85% of
ingested arsenic is excreted in the urine within 1 to 3 days.

Extensive reviews and summaries of the human and animal toxicity data for arsenic are available
(IPCS 1981, WHO 1988).

A number of epidemiological studies have looked at the effects of drinking water with high
concentrations of arsenic (greater than 0.3 mg/L). Effects attributed to consumption of such water
over periods of 5 to 25 years include skin lesions, skin cancer, vascular disease, effects on the nervous
system, and possibly cancer of other organs (USEPA 1988).

The carcinogenicity of arsenic has not been confirmed in animal studies, but arsenic has shown tumour-
promoting activities in animals. It did not exhibit mutagenic activity in tests with bacteria or mammalian
cells, but chromosome damage has been reported.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that arsenic is carcinogenic to humans
(Group 1, sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans) (IARC 1987).


The guideline value was derived as follows:

0.007 mg/L = 0.002 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day

• 0.002 mg/kg body weight per day is the maximum tolerable intake for arsenic by humans from
all sources (WHO 1988)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.

The maximum tolerable daily intake value for arsenic includes adequate safety factors. No additional
safety factors are necessary.

The WHO guideline value of 0.01 mg/L was based on a calculation that estimated an additional lifetime
risk of six skin cancers per 10 000 people. It was recognised that this calculation may overestimate the
actual risk because of confounding factors in the base study used, and because only a small fraction
of skin cancers (1–14%) are fatal. Due to these difficulties, a different approach was used to that of WHO,
resulting in a slightly lower guideline value.

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APHA Method 3500-As Part B, (1992). Arsenic: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric method.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public
Health Association, Washington.

IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1981). Arsenic. Environmental Health Criteria, 18. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

USEPA (1988). Special report on ingested inorganic arsenic. Skin cancer; nutritional essentiality.
United States Environmental Protection Agency, Report EPA-625/3-87/013.

WHO (1988). Toxicological evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants: Arsenic. The
33rd meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, 26, 155–162, Geneva.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Data are insufficient to determine a guideline value for asbestos in drinking water.


Asbestos is a general term for certain fibrous silicate minerals. It can be present in drinking water from
the dissolution of asbestos-containing minerals, industrial effluent, atmospheric deposition, and
deterioration of asbestos cement pipes commonly used in water distribution systems.

The chemical and crystalline structure of asbestos results in products with a high tensile strength,
durability, flexibility, and heat and chemical resistance. Asbestos has been used in construction materials
such as asbestos cement pipes and sheets, electrical and thermal insulation, brake linings and clutch

The extent of asbestos contamination of food has not been well studied because of the lack of a simple
and reliable analytical method. Limited data indicate that the amount in food may be 10 times higher
than that found in drinking water.

Studies in the United States and Canada have reported typical asbestos fibre numbers in drinking water
of less than 1 MFL (million fibres per litre). Severe deterioration of asbestos cement pipes has been
known to produce fibre numbers of up to 2000 MFL.


Australian drinking water supplies have not been routinely monitored for asbestos; however, fibre
numbers are probably similar to those reported overseas.


Asbestos fibre numbers can be reduced by the standard water treatment processes of coagulation
and filtration.


Asbestos can be analysed using transmission electron microscopy with identification of the fibres by
selected-area electron diffraction. This procedure is both costly and time consuming and is not suitable
for routine analysis. The limit of determination is about 0.3 MFL.


The health hazards associated with inhalation of asbestos have been recognised for a long time. They
include asbestosis, cancer of the bronchial tubes, malignant mesothelioma, and possibly cancers of the
gastrointestinal tract and larynx (IPCS 1986).

In contrast, there has been little evidence that ingested asbestos causes cancer. A number of quite
extensive epidemiological studies have been carried out on the effects of asbestos in the water supply.
On the basis of these data there is no demonstrated excess risk of cancer even with high numbers
of asbestos fibres in drinking water.

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It is not clear whether asbestos fibres ingested in drinking water can pass through the walls of the
gastrointestinal tract in sufficient numbers to cause adverse effects. Experiments with laboratory
animals indicate that penetration, if it occurs at all, is extremely limited.

Animal studies on the carcinogenic effects of ingested asbestos have been inconclusive.

Asbestos did not exhibit mutagenic activity in tests with bacteria but has induced chromosomal
aberrations, malignant transformation of mammalian cells in vitro, and various biochemical alterations
associated with tumour promoters.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that asbestos is carcinogenic to humans
by the inhalation route (Group 1, sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans) (IARC 1987).


There are insufficient data to set a guideline value for asbestos in drinking water. It is unlikely, however,
that the numbers of asbestos fibres present in most drinking water supplies would be a health concern.
The weight of evidence indicates that ingested asbestos is not hazardous to health.

The guideline should be reviewed as soon as more toxicological data are available.


IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1986). Asbestos and other natural mineral fibres. Environmental Health Criteria, 53. World Health
Organization, International Programme on Chemical Safety.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

(Revised and endorsed 2001)


Atrazine should not be detected in drinking water. If present in drinking water, atrazine would
not be a health concern unless the concentration exceeded 0.04 mg/L.

If it is detected, then remedial action should be taken to stop contamination. The practical limit
of determination is 0.0001 mg/L.


Atrazine is used as a selective pre- and post-emergent herbicide for the control of weeds in a number
of crops. It is also used in forestry and for nonselective weed control on noncrop areas.

Atrazine can be degraded in surface water by photolysis and the action of microorganisms. Hydrolysis
and microbial degradation also take place in soil, the extent depending mainly on temperature, moisture
and pH. Half-lives of 20–50 days have been reported under laboratory conditions at 20–25°C (IPCS 1996).
Degradation half-lives of atrazine in soil ranged from 12 to 213 days over a wide geographical range of
forestry sites in Australia; degradation rates were primarily dependent upon soil temperature (FHMG

Due to its mobility in soil, atrazine has been found in surface and groundwater in the vicinity of
agricultural areas, and may occur at higher concentrations in agricultural run-off. It has also been found
in some drinking water supplies in a number of countries. There is quite an extensive database on
atrazine levels in soil and water (e.g. IARC 1991).

Atrazine metabolites have been found in plants grown in soil treated with atrazine, and in ground and
surface water, but atrazine has not been found on food crops.

Following best practice when using herbicides should prevent atrazine being present in the drinking
water supply. The 1997 review of atrazine by the National Registration Authority for Agricultural and
Veterinary Chemicals (NRA 1997) imposed significant restrictions on the use of atrazine around water
catchment areas; these restrictions are detailed on product labels.


Atrazine has rarely been found in Australian reticulated supplies. It has been reported in groundwater
supplies at concentrations up to 0.002 mg/L in an area where atrazine was used over a 10-year period
to suppress weed growth in irrigation channels (at application rates of 2–4 kg per hectare per year).

From available monitoring data, it appears that the major metabolites of atrazine (desethylatrazine,
desisopropylatrazine, diaminochlorotriazine, hydroxyatrazine) may constitute approximately 50% of the
total atrazine-derived triazine compounds in some ground and surface water samples (Lerch et al 1998).
This has been taken into account in deriving the guideline value.


Atrazine can be removed from drinking water using activated carbon.

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Atrazine can be extracted from water using a nonpolar solvent (such as pentane) or by solid phase
extraction, and analysed with gas chromatography using nitrogen-phosphorus detection (AOAC Method
991.07 1990). The limit of determination is approximately 0.0001 mg/L.


Studies in humans and animals indicate that orally administered atrazine is well absorbed from the
gastrointestinal tract and that the majority is metabolised in the body and rapidly eliminated in the urine.
Other studies have shown that dermally applied doses of atrazine undergo only limited absorption
through the skin (circa 10%) (IARC 1991; NRA 1997).

No signs or symptoms of poisoning in humans have been reported from ingestion of atrazine. Acute
toxicological studies in laboratory animals suggest that atrazine and its major metabolites are not highly
hazardous substances, and other rodent studies have shown that they are not teratogenic or embryotoxic
(HSDB 1999; IARC 1991; NRA 1997). Atrazine does not have any adverse effects on the reproductive
cycle of rats (NRA 1997).

In regard to cancer studies, a public health assessment of atrazine was performed by the Therapeutic
Goods Administration of the Department of Health and Ageing as part of Australia’s Existing Chemicals
Review Program (ECRP). The study concluded that atrazine was not a genotoxic carcinogen and that an
earlier onset of mammary tumours in the Sprague-Dawley (SD) strain of rats at high doses was due to a
hormonal effect. The pattern of hormone levels (oestrogen) in ageing SD rats differs from that in another
rat strain tested (Fischer-344) and in humans; hence, the atrazine effect in SD rats is unlikely to be an
appropriate surrogate for the assessment of human risk for mammary tumour development (NRA 1997).
Consistent with Australia’s review of atrazine, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
concluded that, despite there being sufficient evidence in animals for the carcinogenicity of atrazine,
there is strong evidence that its mechanism of cancer induction is not relevant to humans (IARC 1999).
Hence, atrazine was reported as not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (IARC Classification
Group 3).


The health-based guideline value of 0.04 mg/L for atrazine was determined as follows:
0. 04 mg/L = 0.005 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.5
2 L/day x 2

• 0.005 mg/kg body weight per day is the acceptable daily intake (ADI) determined by the
Therapeutic Goods Administration (NRA 1997)
• 70 kg is taken as the average weight of an adult
• 0.5 is a proportionality factor based on the conservative assumption that at least 50% of the
ADI will arise from the consumption of drinking water; atrazine has not been detected in the
Australian food supply
• 2 L/day is the estimated amount (maximum) of water consumed by an adult
• 2 is an extra safety factor to take into consideration the likely presence of metabolites of atrazine
which have a similar toxicity profile to parent atrazine and which may constitute about
50% of the total atrazine-derived compounds.

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The ADI value also includes a safety factor of 100 (10 for interspecies variation and 10 for
human variability).

The WHO guideline value of 0.002 mg/L was determined using an additional safety factor
of 10 for potential oncogenicity. The data were not considered adequate to include this factor
in the derivation of the Australian guideline value.

Because of the use pattern of these herbicides (just before or after crop emergence) it was considered
unlikely that residues would be present in food. The 1992 Australian Market Basket Survey (AMBS) (NFA*
1992,) reported assays for atrazine and simazine in meat and cereal foods. No residues of either herbicide
were detected. This finding is in agreement with US data; in over 30 years of use, atrazine has not been
detected in edible portions of plants or livestock nor has it been detected in American market-basket
surveys (NRA, 1997).

Thus it may be concluded that exposure of the population to atrazine in food is very unlikely.

(*Now Food Standards Australia New Zealand, or FSANZ)


AOAC Method 991.07 (1990). Nitrogen and phosphorus containing pesticides in finished drinking water.
Official Methods of Analysis, 15th edition, 2nd supplement. Association of Official Analytical Chemists,
Arlington, Virginia.

FHMG (Forest Herbicide Management Group) (2000). Results from a nation-wide study on the risk of
atrazine contamination to surface water and groundwater resulting from routine application by Australian
forest growers. Draft report to the National Registration Authority for Agricultural and Veterinary
Chemicals by the Forest Herbicide Management Group. April, 2000.

HSDB (Hazardous Substances Data Bank®) (1999). Atrazine. Micromedex Inc, Hazardous Substances Data
Bank®, United States National Library of Medicine.

IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) (1991). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation
of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Occupational Exposures in Insecticide Application, and Some
Pesticides. World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 53, 441–466.

IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) (1999). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of
Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Evaluation or Re-evaluation of Some Agents which target Specific Organs
in Rodent Bioassays. World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 73,

IPCS (International Programme on Chemical Safety) (1998). Guidelines for drinking water quality,
2nd edition, Volume 2: Health Criteria and other supporting information. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety, 608–614.

Lerch RN, Blanchard PE and Thurman EM (1998). Contribution of hydroxylated atrazine degradation
products to the total atrazine load in midwestern streams. Environmental Science and Technology,
32, 40–48.

NFA (National Food Authority) (1992). Australian Market Basket Survey: a total diet survey of pesticides
and contaminants. National Food Authority (Australia), AGPS, Canberra.

NRA (National Registration Authority for Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals) (1997). The NRA Review
of Atrazine. The National Registration Authority for Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals, Canberra,
Australia, November 1997.

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

(Hard copies of the summary review may be obtained from the NRA, or full copies of the review at The toxicology and public health component of this
review was conducted by the Therapeutic Goods Administration of the Department of Health and

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Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of barium in drinking water should not
exceed 0.7 mg/L.


Barium in drinking water is primarily from natural sources. Some barium salts such as the chloride
and nitrate are soluble in water; others, including the carbonate, fluoride, phosphate and sulfate, are

Barium compounds have a wide variety of industrial applications. They are used in the plastics, rubber,
electronics, steel, optical, and textile industries. They are also used in ceramic glazes and enamels, in
glass and paper making, as a lubricant additive, in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, and as a rodenticide.

The concentration of barium in drinking water overseas is usually low, typically less than 0.02 mg/L.

Most foods contain small quantities of barium. The major dietary sources are milk, potatoes and flour.
Some cereal products and nuts can contain large amounts. It has been estimated that average dietary
intake is approximately 1 mg per day, with food contributing more than 80% of total intake.


In major Australian reticulated supplies the concentration of barium ranges up to 0.3 mg/L, with typical
concentrations usually less than 0.005 mg/L.


Conventional water treatment using alum or ferric coagulation is not effective in removing barium from
drinking water. Lime softening can remove more than 90%.


The barium concentration in drinking water can be determined using inductively coupled plasma
emission spectroscopy (APHA Method 3500-Ba Part C 1992), or atomic absorption spectroscopy (APHA
Method 3500-Ba Part B 1992). For both methods the limit of determination is approximately 0.01 mg/L.


The degree of absorption from the gastrointestinal tract depends on the solubility of the barium
compound, and on other factors including age. In a study using rats, barium was absorbed more
effectively in very young rats compared with older rats. After absorption, barium is deposited in bone and
teeth. It can cross the placenta in humans.

At high concentrations, barium causes strong vasoconstriction (constriction of blood vessels),

peristalsis (contractions of the alimentary canal), convulsions and paralysis. Repeated exposures
to contaminated table salt in China are believed to have caused recurrent outbreaks of transient
paralysis known as ‘Pa-Ping’ disease.

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for barium is available
(IPCS 1990).

A number of epidemiological studies have been carried out on the effects of barium in drinking water
on cardiovascular disease. No adverse effects were found with barium concentrations up to 7 mg/L. In a
study using a small number of volunteers, no adverse effects were observed after 8 weeks’ exposure to
drinking water with up to 10 mg/L barium.

Long-term studies with rats have shown that relatively low doses of barium in drinking water can result
in significant and persistent increases in systolic blood pressure. This has significance for humans as
an increase in systolic blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attack.

There is no evidence that barium causes cancer. Barium chloride is not mutagenic in tests with bacteria
and does not damage DNA.


The guideline value of 0.7 mg/L was set after consideration of the following points:
• The most sensitive epidemiological study identified a no adverse effect level of 7.3 mg/
L (Brenniman and Levy 1985). The study was based on 1100 people exposed to barium
concentrations in drinking water from 2 mg/L to 10 mg/L over a lifetime. Applying a safety factor
of 10 for intraspecies variations gives 0.7 mg/L.
• Data from animal studies support the value determined from the epidemiological study.


APHA Method 3500-Ba Part B, (1992). Barium: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric method.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public
Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Ba Part C, (1992). Barium: Inductively Coupled Plasma method. Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

Brenniman GR and Levy PS (1985). Epidemiological study of barium in Illinois drinking water supplies.
Advances in Modern Environmental Toxicology, Princeton Publishing Co., New Jersey, Vol IX, 231–249.

IPCS (1990). Barium. Environmental Health Criteria, 107. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

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Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



No safe concentration for benzene in drinking water can be confidently set. However, for
practical purposes the concentration should be less than 0.001 mg/L, which is the limit
of determination.


Benzene is present in petrol, and motor vehicle emissions constitute the main source of benzene in
the environment. The major sources of benzene in water are atmospheric deposition, chemical plant
effluent and underground petrol storage tank leakage. When released to surface waters, benzene
rapidly volatilises to the air. In overseas studies benzene has been detected in the Rhine in Germany
at approximately 0.0003 mg/L, and occasionally in groundwater supplies in the United States.
Concentrations are usually less than 0.001 mg/L, but concentrations up to 0.18 mg/L have been detected
in chemical plant effluent.

Benzene is made commercially for use by the chemical industry in the production of styrene, phenol
and cyclohexane. Use as a solvent has been greatly reduced in recent years.


Benzene has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally in drinking
water supplies overseas.


Benzene concentrations are not reduced significantly during conventional water treatment processes.
Benzene can be efficiently removed from drinking water using packed tower aeration or by the use
of granular activated carbon.


A purge and trap gas chromatographic procedure can be used for the analysis of benzene (USEPA Draft
Method 503.1 1986). An inert gas is bubbled through the sample and benzene trapped on an adsorbent.
The adsorbent is then heated and benzene analysed using gas chromatography with photoionization
detection. The limit of determination is 0.001 mg/L.


Benzene is rapidly and efficiently absorbed and widely distributed throughout the body. It is metabolised
predominantly into phenol by the liver, and also by bone marrow.

Human health data are mainly from studies where benzene had been inhaled. Exposure to high
concentrations in air can cause death. Lower concentrations can induce toxic effects, with white blood
cells being most sensitive. There is considerable evidence that occupational exposure to low benzene
concentrations for periods as short as 12 months may result in leukaemia.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

In animal studies, benzene caused leukaemia and other cancers when administered orally and by
inhalation to rats and mice. It can also induce chromosome damage and gene mutation in mammalian
cells. It was not found to be mutagenic in tests with bacteria.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that benzene is carcinogenic
to humans (Group 1, sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans) (IARC 1987).


Benzene is a genotoxic human carcinogen, and there is no safe or acceptable concentration for it
in drinking water. The guideline value of 0.001 mg/L is based on a consideration of health effects
in relation to the limit of determination.

The WHO has calculated, using reliable exposure data from an epidemiological study (Rinsky et al 1981)
and an extrapolation model, that a concentration of 0.001 mg/L in drinking water would entail
a maximum lifetime risk of one extra case of leukaemia per million people.

The guideline value was set at the limit of determination because this is the same as the value derived
from health considerations, and provides an adequate degree of protection. This is consistent with
the general approach adopted for compounds which are known genotoxic human carcinogens
(see Section 6.3.4).

The WHO guideline value of 0.01 mg/L was based on a calculation which estimated an additional
lifetime risk of one fatal cancer per 100 000 people, rather than one per million.


IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

Rinsky RA, Young RJ and Smith AB (1981). Leukemia in benzene workers. American Journal
of Industrial Medicine, 2, 217–245.

USEPA Draft Method 503.1 (1986). Volatile organic compounds in water by purge and trap gas
chromatography. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and
Support Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Data are insufficient to set a guideline value for beryllium.


Beryllium can enter source water through the weathering of rocks, atmospheric deposition, and
discharges. The primary source of beryllium in the environment is the burning of fossil fuels. Other
less significant sources are slag and ash dumps.

Beryllium is used in a number of specialised applications including ceramic formulations, electrical

and electronic components, and X-ray tubes. It is also used to stiffen the mantles of gas acetylene lamps.

Beryllium concentrations in drinking water overseas are generally very low, usually less than 0.001 mg/L.

Some foods can contain small amounts of beryllium but total dietary intake has been estimated at less
than 0.015 mg per day. Drinking water probably contributes less than 30% of total beryllium intake.

Atmospheric exposure to beryllium is generally much less than from food or water, but constitutes
a greater hazard. Cigarette smokers can be exposed to higher concentrations than nonsmokers.


Australian drinking water supplies have not been routinely monitored for beryllium.


There are no published methods for the removal of beryllium from drinking water supplies.


The concentration of beryllium in drinking water can be determined by graphite furnace atomic
absorption spectroscopy or inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy (APHA Method 3500-Be
Parts B or C 1992). The limit of determination is approximately 0.002 mg/L.


Beryllium compounds are not readily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract since they tend to
be insoluble at pH values normally found in the gut. A significant proportion of the beryllium that
is absorbed is incorporated into bone and has a biological half-life of more than one year.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for beryllium is available
(IPCS 1990).

There are no data on the human health effects of oral exposure to beryllium. Inhalation is known
to cause serious health effects, with long-term exposure resulting in pulmonary granulomatosis
(a type of lung tumour).

In studies with rats, limited data indicated that long-term exposure to beryllium in drinking water
produces no adverse effects. A slight decrease in body weight was reported at concentrations of 5 mg/L.

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Beryllium compounds induced malignant tumours in laboratory animals when administered either by
injection or inhalation; however, there is no clear evidence that the compounds are carcinogenic when
administered orally. Beryllium was not mutagenic in tests with different strains of bacteria, but caused
chromosomal aberrations and gene mutations in cultured mammalian cells.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer concluded that beryllium and beryllium compounds
are carcinogenic to humans (Group 1, sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and sufficient
evidence in animals) (IARC 1993).

Experiments with laboratory mice have shown that beryllium can cross the placenta and is foetotoxic
(toxic to the fetus).


There are no suitable oral data available for establishing a guideline value for beryllium. The health
effects reported in inhalation studies are localised to the lung, and are not considered to be sufficient
to set a guideline value for drinking water. Feeding studies using animals generally showed no adverse
effects; however, studies differed markedly in the concentrations that may cause minor effects. The data
should be reviewed as soon as adequate toxicological data are available.


APHA Method 3500-Be Part B, (1992). Beryllium: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric method.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public
Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Be Part C, (1992). Beryllium: Inductively Coupled Plasma method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

IARC (1993). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Beryllium,
Cadmium, Mercury, and Exposures in the Glass Manufacturing Industry. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer 58, Lyons.

IPCS (1990). Beryllium. Environmental Health Criteria, 106. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

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Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

(Revised and endorsed 2001)


Considering that boron may be an essential trace element for humans and based on an
acceptable range of oral intake (AROI), a concentration of up to 4 mg/L in water would
not pose a human health risk.


Boron can be present in drinking water through the natural leaching of boron-containing minerals,
or by contamination of water sources. The environmental chemistry of boron is not well understood.
In water, the predominant form is probably boric acid, which does not dissociate readily.

Boron compounds are used in glass manufacture, cleaners, wood and leather preservatives, flame
retardants, cosmetic products, antiseptics, and occasionally food preservatives; and as agricultural
fertilisers, algicides, herbicides and insecticides.

In other countries, concentrations of boron in uncontaminated water sources are usually less than
1 mg/L. Concentrations up to 6.5 mg/L have been reported in ground water supplies, but these higher
concentrations are associated with seawater intrusion.

Boron is present naturally in many food products, with high amounts found in foods of plant origin,
especially fruits, leafy vegetables, nuts and legumes. It has been estimated that intake of boron from food
is about 10 times that from water. The daily consumption of boron is 10–25 mg. This value however,
will vary from country to country depending on population dietary habits, geographical area and soil
geochemistry. In Australia, the estimated dietary intake for boron is 2.2 mg/day (Samman et al 1998).


Boron is not often monitored in Australian drinking water supplies but the limited information available
indicates that boron concentrations are less than 0.1 mg/L.


The concentration of boron in drinking water can be reduced by the use of granular activated carbon,
or by lime softening.


The boron concentration in drinking water can be determined using inductively coupled plasma emission
spectroscopy (APHA Method 4500-B Part D 1992). The limit of determination is approximately 0.05 mg/L.


Boron, as soluble borate (borax) or boric acid, is rapidly and completely absorbed after ingestion. It is
widely distributed throughout the body and up to 90% is excreted in urine as unchanged compound.

There have been a number of reported cases of poisoning following the ingestion of high doses of
boron. Symptoms include gastrointestinal disturbances, skin eruptions, and central nervous system
stimulation and depression. Long-term occupational exposure to boron can lead to similar symptoms.

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Short-term studies with rats and dogs reported testicular atrophy at high doses (5000 mg/kg bodyweight)
of boric acid and borate. This condition was also observed in longer term studies with rats, mice and
dogs over 2 years. Reproductive studies reported that rats became sterile at the highest doses. No increase
in the incidence of tumours was observed in long-term studies using mice.

Tests for mutagenicity using bacteria and mammalian cells have been mostly negative. Neither boric acid
nor borate induced chromosomal aberrations in mammalian cells.

Human studies have shown that boron is potentially an essential trace element that can affect the
metabolism and utilisation of other substances including calcium, copper, magnesium, nitrogen, glucose,
triglycerides, reactive oxygen and oestrogen (Nielson 1996). Boron may be involved in a wide range
of biochemical processes and have a role in the prevention of chronic diseases such as osteoporosis,
arthritis and coronary heart disease.


Using a standard toxicological approach a guideline value for boron in drinking water can be derived
as follows:
0.6 mg/L = 9.6 mg/kg bodyweight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 60

• 9.6 mg/kg bodyweight per day is the no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) from a
developmental toxicity study using Sprague Dawley rats (Price et al 1994)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 60 is the safety factor derived from using toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic data from animal
and human studies (6 for intraspecies variations and 10 for interspecies variations).

However, on the basis that boron is a potential essential trace element, an alternative approach to
calculating a guideline value is proposed. The International Program on Chemical Safety (IPCS) has
recommended that for all essential trace elements there is a zone for safe and adequate exposure termed
the acceptable range of oral intake (AROI) (IPCS 2002). The WHO indicates that the mean minimum
dietary intake for adults to avoid boron deficiency is 1.0 mg/day (WHO 1996), while the maximum
tolerable daily intake calculated from the study of Price et al (1994) is:
11.2 mg/day = 9.6 mg/kg bodyweight per day x 70 kg

On this basis, the AROI for boron is 1.0-11.2 mg/day. Food is the major source of dietary boron and
in Australia it has been determined that the average dietary intake is 2.2 mg/day (Samman et al 1998).
Other oral sources (e.g. from medicinal, cosmetic and consumer products) are considered minimal.
Consumer products have been estimated to contribute to a geometric mean of 0.1 mg/day to total
boron exposure (WHO 1998).

Based on the AROI approach, a guideline value for boron (rounded down) in drinking water was
derived as follows:
4 mg/L = 11.2 mg/day – 2.2 mg/day – 0.1 mg/day
2 L/day

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Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


APHA Method 4500-B Part D (1992). Boron: Inductively Coupled Plasma method. Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

Neilson FH (1996). Evidence for the Nutritional Essentiality of Boron. Journal of Trace Elements in
Experimental Medicine, 9: 215–229.

Price CJ, Marc MC, Myers CB (1994). Determination of the NOAEL for developmental toxicity in Sprague-
Dawley (CD) rats exposed to boric acid on gestational days 0 to 20 and evaluation of postnatal recovery
through postnatal day 21. Report 65C-5657-200. Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC.

Samman S, Naghii MR, Lyons Wall PM and Verus AP (1998). The nutritional and metabolic effects of
boron in humans and animals. Biologic Trace Element, 66,1–9.

IPCS (International Programme on Chemical Safety) (2002). Principles and methods for the assessment
of risk from essential trace elements. Environmental Health Criteria 228. World Health Organisation,
Geneva, Switzerland.

WHO (World Health Organization) (1996). Trace elements in human nutrition and health. Prepared
in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International
Atomic Energy Agency. World Health Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland. Chapter 13, 175-179.

WHO (World Health Organization) (1998). Guidelines for drinking-water quality. Second edition.
Addendum to Volume 2. Health criteria and other supporting information. World Health Organisation,
Geneva, Switzerland.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of bromate in drinking water should

not exceed 0.02 mg/L.


Bromate is not a normal component of water but may be formed from bromide during ozonation.
Concentrations up to 0.09 mg/L have been reported in ozonated drinking water. Bromate is a strong
oxidant and will probably react with organic matter in water, forming bromide as a byproduct.

Bromate is used in home hair permanent-wave neutralising solutions. Although it is used in some
foods overseas, Australian Food Standards do not allow bromate to be used in food in Australia.


It is unlikely that bromate would be present in Australian reticulated drinking water supplies unless
ozonation is used for disinfection.


There are no published methods for the removal of bromate from drinking water supplies.


The concentration of bromate in drinking water can be determined using ion chromatography with
conductivity detection. The limit of determination is about 0.005 mg/L.


Bromate is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract of rats. Although bromate was not
subsequently detected in tissue, bromide concentrations were significantly increased in plasma, red blood
cells, pancreas, kidney, stomach and small intestine.

Most cases of human poisoning from bromate are due to accidental or intentional ingestion of home
permanent-wave solutions, which can contain 2–10% bromate. Toxic effects include nausea, abdominal
pain and diarrhoea, central nervous system depression and pulmonary oedema, most of which are
reversible. Irreversible effects include kidney failure and deafness.

In rats exposed to bromate in drinking water for 15 months, adverse effects included inhibited body-
weight gain, marked kidney damage, and renal adenocarcinoma. Kidney tumours have been reported
in other long-term studies using male and female rats, but not with female mice; male rats also exhibited
peritoneal mesotheliomas. There is evidence that tumours occur only after a minimum total cumulative
dose has been exceeded.

Bromate exhibited mutagenic activity in tests using bacteria, and caused chromosomal aberrations
in cultured mammalian cells. Some evidence of DNA damage has also been reported in rats given
potassium bromate.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that bromate is possibly carcinogenic
to humans (Group 2B, no data in humans but sufficient evidence in animals) (IARC 1986).

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The guideline value for bromate in drinking water was derived as follows:
0.02 mg/L = 30 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.2
2 L/day x 10 000

• 30 mg/kg body weight per day is a lowest effect level from a 15-month drinking water study using
rats (Nakano et al 1989)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.2 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 10 000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations, 10 because a lowest effect level was
used instead of a no effect level and 10 for carcinogenic and mutagenic effects).

The WHO guideline value of 0.025 mg/L was based on a calculation that estimated an additional
lifetime risk of seven fatal cancers per 100 000 people. It was recognised that this approach may not be
appropriate if, as reported, tumours only occur above a dose threshold. The two different approaches,
however, result in essentially the same guideline value.

This guideline should be reviewed when new data are available.


IARC (1986). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans:
some naturally occurring and synthetic food components, furocoumarins, ultraviolet radiation and
potassium bromate. World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 40.

Nakano K, Okada S, Toyokuni S and Midorikawa O (1989). Renal changes induced by chronic oral
administration of potassium bromate or ferric nitrilotriacetate in Wistar rats. (In Japanese). Japanese
Archives of Internal Medicine, 36, 41–47.

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Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of cadmium in drinking water should

not exceed 0.002 mg/L.


Contamination of drinking water by cadmium may occur as a result of impurities in the zinc of galvanised
pipes or in solders used in fittings, water heaters, water coolers and taps. Cadmium can also be released
to the environment in waste water, through contamination of fertilisers, and by metallurgical industries.

Cadmium metal is used as an anticorrosive coating on steel but its use is being phased out. Cadmium
compounds are commonly used as pigments in plastics, in batteries and in some electrical components.

Cadmium concentrations in nonpolluted natural waters overseas are usually lower than 0.001 mg/L.

Food is the main source of cadmium intake. The estimated average Australian adult dietary intake of
cadmium is approximately 0.03 mg per day. Smoking is a significant additional source of cadmium.


In major Australian reticulated supplies concentrations of cadmium are usually less than 0.002 mg/L.


Cadmium can be effectively removed from drinking water by lime softening (98% removal in the
pH range 8.5 to 11.3) and coagulation with ferric chloride (90% removal above pH 8 but less
effective at lower pH).


The cadmium concentration in drinking water can be determined using graphite furnace
atomic absorption spectroscopy (APHA Method 3500-Cd Part B 1992). The limit of determination
is approximately 0.0002 mg/L.


Absorption of cadmium in the gastrointestinal tract depends on a number of factors including the
solubility of the compounds ingested, but a healthy person typically absorbs 3-7% of ingested cadmium.
This figure may be higher in people with iron, calcium and protein deficiency. Cadmium accumulates
in the kidney and is only released very slowly, with a biological half-life in humans of 10 to 15 years.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for cadmium is available
(IPCS 1992).

In humans, long-term exposure can cause kidney dysfunction leading to the excretion of protein in
the urine. This may occur, in a certain proportion of people, if the amount of cadmium exceeds 200
mg/kg renal cortex tissue; about 10% of the population is estimated to possess this sensitivity. Other
effects can include osteomalacia (softening of the bones). Cases of Itai-Itai disease have been reported in
Japan among elderly women exposed to highly contaminated food and water. Symptoms are similar to
osteomalacia accompanied by kidney dysfunction characteristic of cadmium poisoning.

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Epidemiological studies have looked for a connection between lung cancer and workplace cadmium
inhalation, but the results have been inconclusive.

Long-term inhalation studies with rats have reported an increase in the incidence of tumours of the
lung. No increase in the incidence of tumours was found when cadmium salts were administered orally.

There is no clear evidence that cadmium is mutagenic. Many tests have reported negative results but
there have been some reports of gene mutation and chromosome abnormalities in mammalian cells.
The positive results are reported as being weak and only present at high concentrations.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that cadmium is probably
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A, limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and sufficient
evidence in animals) (IARC 1987).


The guideline value for cadmium in drinking water was derived as follows:
0.002 mg/L = 0.0007 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day

• an intake of less than 0.0007 mg/kg body weight per day will ensure that over a 70 year lifetime,
cadmium in the body will be kept below the critical amount of 200 mg/kg renal cortex tissue
(WHO 1989). This figure was based on calculations that take into account an absorption rate
of 5%, a daily excretion rate of 0.005% of body burden, and an adequate safety factor
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.

No additional safety factors are necessary as they have been included in the intake value.

The guideline value takes into account the higher cadmium intake, per kilogram of body weight,
by infants and children.

The WHO guideline value of 0.003 mg/L is slightly different due to rounding in the calculation.
The difference is not significant.


APHA Method 3500-Cd Part B, (1992). Cadmium: Atomic Absorption Spectrometric method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association,

IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of
Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs
volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (International Programme on Chemical Safety) (1992). Cadmium. Environmental Health Criteria,
134. World Health Organization, International Programme on Chemical Safety.

WHO (World Health Organization) (1989). Toxicological evaluation of certain food additives and
contaminants: Cadmium. The 33rd meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives.
World Health Organization Food Additives Series, 24, 163-219, Geneva.

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Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Carbon tetrachloride


Based on health considerations, the concentration of carbon tetrachloride in drinking water

should not exceed 0.003 mg/L.


Carbon tetrachloride is not produced in drinking water as a byproduct of chlorination, but it may be
present in chlorine used for disinfection. It has occasionally been found overseas as a contaminant in
drinking water supplies at concentrations less than 0.003 mg/L.

The major use of carbon tetrachloride is in the commercial production of chlorofluorocarbons which
are used as refrigerants, foam-blowing agents and solvents. It is also used in the manufacture of paint
and plastics.


Preliminary data indicate that concentrations of carbon tetrachloride in major Australian reticulated
supplies are significantly less than 0.001 mg/L.


Carbon tetrachloride can be removed from drinking water by adsorption onto granular activated carbon.


A solvent extraction procedure is suitable for the analysis of carbon tetrachloride (USEPA Draft Method
551 1990). Sodium chloride is added to the sample and carbon tetrachloride extracted using methyl
tert-butyl ether. The extract is then analysed using gas chromatography with an electron capture
detector. The limit of determination is approximately 0.000004 mg/L (4 ng/L).


Carbon tetrachloride is absorbed readily from the gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory tract and the skin.
It is distributed to all major organs, with highest concentrations in fatty tissues. It is metabolised in the
liver to chloroform and other products, and excreted in breath, urine and faeces.

In humans, acute inhalation can result in central nervous system depression, and kidney and liver
toxicity. Occupational exposure to carbon tetrachloride by inhalation has been associated with cancer
of several organs but the evidence is inconclusive. No data are available on the effects of long-term
ingestion of carbon tetrachloride. In animals, the effects of long-term exposure include toxicity to the
liver and kidney. Liver tumours have been reported in studies with mice, rats and hamsters, but at doses
higher than those that cause liver toxicity.

Carbon tetrachloride does not exhibit any evidence of mutagenic activity in tests with bacteria
or cultured liver cells.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that carbon tetrachloride is possibly
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B, inadequate evidence in humans but sufficient evidence in animals)
(IARC 1987).

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The guideline value of 0.003 mg/L for carbon tetrachloride was determined as follows:
0.003 mg/L = 1.2 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1 x 5
2 L/day x 1000 7

• 1.2 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 90-day gavage study using mice
(Condie et al 1986).
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult.
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water.
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 for less than lifetime study).
An additional factor of 10 for carcinogenicity was not applied as tumours occur at doses that have
already resulted in liver toxicity.
• 5/7 is used to convert data based on a 5 day per week gavage study to a 7-day week equivalent.

The WHO guideline value of 0.002 mg/L was based on an adult body weight of 60 kg. The difference
in the guideline values is not significant.


Condie LW, Laurie RD, Mills T, Robinson M and Bercz JP (1986). Effect of gavage vehicle on
hepatotoxicity of carbon tetrachloride in CD-1 mice: Corn oil versus Tween-60 aqueous emulsion.
Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, 7, 199–206.

IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

USEPA Draft Method 551 (1990). Determination of chlorination disinfection byproducts and chlorinated
solvents in drinking water by liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography with electron capture
detection. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support
Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Chlordane should not be detected in drinking water. If present in drinking water,

chlordane would not be a health concern unless the concentration exceeded 0.001 mg/L.

If it is detected, remedial action should be taken to stop contamination. The limit

of determination is 0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L).


Chlordane is a broad spectrum insecticide. Until June 1995, it was used throughout Australia to protect
wooden structures against termites. Its other former uses have been withdrawn.

Chlordane is highly resistant to chemical and biological degradation. Its components are relatively
insoluble in water and are readily adsorbed onto soil particles. Its residues do not move readily through
soil and it is unlikely to be a serious contaminant of deep water storages (IPCS 1984). Once in water,
it is not subject to photodegradation, hydrolysis or biodegradation, but can be removed by adsorption
onto particulate matter and bottom sediments, and by uptake by aquatic organisms.

In the United States, chlordane has rarely been detected in drinking water, and when found,
concentrations were usually below 0.0001 mg/L. Food is probably the major source of exposure,
although the 1990 Australian Market Basket Survey did not find residues in the foods tested (NHMRC and
NFA 1991).


Chlordane has not been detected in major Australian drinking water supplies.


There are no published reports on methods for removal of chlordane from drinking water. Granular
activated carbon would probably be effective.


Chlordane can be extracted from water using a nonpolar solvent such as pentane, and analysed using
gas chromatography with electron capture detection (APHA Method 6630 Part B 1992). The limit
of determination is about 0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L).


In rats and rabbits, up to 30% of orally administered chlordane was absorbed by the gastrointestinal
tract and quickly distributed throughout the body. Highest amounts were measured in fatty tissue.

Extensive reviews and summaries of the human and animal toxicology of chlordane are available
(IPCS 1984, JMPR 1987, IARC 1991, NHMRC 1992).

The principal public health concern regarding chlordane arises from its ability to bioaccumulate.
Chlordane is acutely neurotoxic in animals and humans. It is hepatotoxic in mice at a dose of 0.6 mg/kg
body weight per day and above, but not in humans. Dogs fed chlordane over 2 years showed altered
liver enzyme activity and slightly higher liver weights at high doses (375 mg/kg body weight per day)
(IPCS 1984).

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A dose-related increase in the incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas has been reported in mice
fed chlordane at doses of 6 mg/kg body weight per day and above, but not in rats (IPCS 1984).

Chlordane has not been reported to be genotoxic or teratogenic, but did increase neonatal
mortality when fed to pregnant rodents (NHMRC 1992).

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that chlordane is possibly
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B, inadequate evidence in humans, sufficient evidence in
experimental animals) (IARC 1991).


The health-based guideline value of 0.001 mg/L for chlordane was determined as follows:
0.001 mg/L = 0.0005 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day

• 0.0005 mg/kg body weight per day is the maximum ADI based on a no effect level from
a long-term dietary study on rats at doses of 0.05 mg/kg body weight per day (JMPR 1986)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 gives a guideline value based on 10% of the ADI
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.

The maximum ADI value includes adequate safety factors. No additional safety factors are necessary.

The WHO guideline value of 0.0002 mg/L was determined using 1% of the ADI to allow for increased
exposure from other sources. Such a low percentage of the ADI was considered inappropriate
for Australia, where chlordane has not been detected in foods or drinking water supplies.


APHA Method 6630 Part B (1992). Organochlorine pesticides: Liquid-liquid extraction, gas
chromatographic method I. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,
18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

IARC (1991). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Occupational
Exposures in Insecticide Application, and Some Pesticides. World Health Organization, International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 53.

IPCS (1984). Chlordane. Environmental Health Criteria, 34. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

JMPR (1986). Pesticide Residues in Food–1986. Report of the Joint FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide
Residues in Food and the Environment, and a WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues. Food and
Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 77.

NHMRC (1992). Cyclodiene Insecticide Use in Australia. National Health and Medical Research
Council, AGPS, Canberra.

NMMRC and NFA (1991). The 1990 Australian Market Basket Survey. National Health and Medical
Research Council and the National Food Authority, AGPS, Canberra.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on aesthetic considerations, the chloride concentration in drinking water should

not exceed 250 mg/L.

No health-based guideline value is proposed for chloride.


Chloride is present in natural waters from the dissolution of salt deposits, and contamination from
effluent disposal.

Sodium chloride is widely used in the production of industrial chemicals such as caustic soda, chlorine,
and sodium chlorite and hypochlorite. Potassium chloride is used in the production of fertilisers.

The taste threshold of chloride in water is dependent on the associated cation but is in the range
200–300 mg/L. The chloride content of water can affect corrosion of pipes and fittings. It can also
affect the solubility of metal ions.

In surface water, the concentration of chloride is usually less than 100 mg/L and frequently below
10 mg/L. Groundwater can have higher concentrations, particularly if there is salt water intrusion.

Food is the major source of chloride intake. All plants and animals contain chloride. The addition
of salt during processing or cooking can markedly increase the chloride content.


In major Australian reticulated supplies chloride concentrations range up to 350 mg/L. Typical values
depend to a large extent on local conditions but concentrations of 150 mg/L are not uncommon
in some areas.


Chloride cannot be removed from drinking water by conventional water treatment processes.
It can be removed by distillation or reverse osmosis but these are expensive to operate.


The chloride concentration in drinking water can be determined with titrimetric techniques using
silver nitrate or mercuric nitrate and colorimetric or potentiometric end-point detection (APHA Method
4500-Cl- Parts B or C 1992). The limit of determination is approximately 1 mg/L. Ion chromatography
can also be used (APHA Method 4500-Cl- Part F 1992), with a limit of determination of 0.1 mg/L.


Chloride is essential for humans and animals. It contributes to the osmotic activity of body fluids.
A normal 70 kg human body contains approximately 80 g of chloride.

Chloride is absorbed almost completely by the gastrointestinal tract. Healthy individuals can tolerate
the intake of large quantities of chloride provided there is a corresponding intake of fresh water.

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Little is known about the prolonged intake of large amounts of chloride by humans. Large salt intake has
been reported to increase blood pressure but this is attributed to the sodium content rather than chloride.
Similar results have been reported in studies with animals, although long-term data are not available.

No data are available on carcinogenic or genotoxic effects for chloride.


The guideline value is based on the taste threshold in drinking water of approximately 250 mg/L.

There are no data to suggest that chloride causes health problems; hence, no guideline value based
on health considerations is warranted.


APHA Method 4500-Cl- Part B (1992). Chloride: Argentometric method. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 4500-Cl- Part C (1992). Chloride: Mercuric nitrate method. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 4500-Cl- Part F (1992). Chloride: ion chromatography method. Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

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Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Chlorinated furanones
3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone (MX)


Data are inadequate to set a guideline value for MX in drinking water.


The organic compound known as MX can be formed by the reaction between chlorine and naturally
occurring organic matter in water. It has been identified in chlorinated humic acid solutions, after the
chlorination of pulp mill effluent, and chlorinated drinking water. No other sources of MX are known.

The stability of MX is dependent on pH. Below pH 7 it is relatively stable but above pH 7 it rapidly
breaks down.

Studies in the United States, the United Kingdom and Finland have found extremely low
MX concentrations in drinking water. Concentrations range up to 0.000067 mg/L (67 ng/L).


Preliminary investigations indicate that concentrations of MX in Australian drinking water are likely
to be similar to those found overseas.


The presence of MX in drinking water can be minimised by removing naturally occurring organic
matter from the source water, by reducing the amount of chlorine added, by the use of alternative
disinfectants, or by ensuring that the pH is kept above 7.


MX is extremely difficult to detect because of the very low concentrations and the masking effects of
other substances. Analysis is by extraction on XAD resin, methylation of the concentrate, and detection
on a gas chromatography/mass spectrometer system employing selected ion monitoring techniques.
The procedure is not suitable for routine analysis.


There are no data on the health effects of MX in humans, nor are there any long-term or lifetime toxicity
data for animals.

Studies have shown that MX is an extremely potent mutagen when applied to some strains of bacteria,
and about a third of the mutagenicity of chlorinated drinking water has been attributed to this compound.
Genotoxic activity has also been observed in vitro using cultured mammalian cells, although in vivo
experiments showed no evidence of genotoxic activity. No carcinogenicity data are available for MX.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Chlorine dioxide


Chlorine dioxide: Based on aesthetic considerations, the concentration in drinking water

should not exceed 0.4 mg/L. Chlorine dioxide would not be a health consideration unless
the concentration exceeded 1 mg/L.

Chlorite: Based on health considerations, the concentration in drinking water should not
exceed 0.3 mg/L.

Chlorate: Data are insufficient to set a guideline value in drinking water.


Chlorine dioxide is used as a disinfectant for drinking water supplies. It dissociates into chlorite and,
to a lesser extent, chlorate when added to water. It is usually generated on site due to handling and
transportation difficulties.

Chlorine dioxide is used commercially as a bleaching agent in paper production, paper pulp, and
cleaning and tanning of leather. Chlorite is used in the production of paper, textiles and straw products,
and in the manufacture of waxes, shellacs and varnishes. Chlorates have been used as herbicides and
defoliants, and in the manufacture of dyes, matches, and explosives.

The taste and odour threshold for chlorine dioxide in water is 0.4 mg/L. No data are available for
chlorite and chlorate.


Chlorine dioxide (chlorite) is rarely used as a disinfectant in Australian reticulated supplies. When
used, the chlorite residual is maintained between 0.2 mg/L to 0.4 mg/L. It is particularly effective
in the control of manganese-reducing bacteria.


Chlorine dioxide can be removed from drinking water by the addition of reducing agents such
as sodium bisulfite (although some studies indicate that the chlorate concentration increases as
a result), by exposure to sunlight, or by the use of granular activated carbon.


The concentration of chlorine dioxide in drinking water can be determined by a modification of the
DPD method (APHA Method 4500-ClO2 Part D 1992). The limit of determination is 0.05 mg/L (as Cl2).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Chlorine dioxide, chlorite, and chlorate are all absorbed rapidly by the gastrointestinal tract into
blood plasma and distributed to the major organs. All compounds appear to be rapidly metabolised.

In a study with human volunteers, no adverse effects were observed after drinking water with either
chlorine dioxide or chlorite concentrations up to 5 mg/L for periods of 12 weeks. In the same study,
consumption of high doses of chlorate was associated with a change in serum urea nitrogen and
corpuscular haemoglobin.

In rats exposed before birth, high concentrations of chlorine dioxide may impair brain development.
Significant depression of thyroid hormones has been observed in rats, pigeons and monkeys exposed
to doses of approximately 10 mg/kg body weight per day for long periods . Chlorite can affect red
blood cells resulting in methaemoglobin formation in cats and monkeys. Studies using chlorate have not
identified any dose-related effects associated with long-term exposure.

Chlorine dioxide was not mutagenic in tests with different strains of bacteria. No data are available on
the mutagenic activity of chlorite or chlorate. None of the compounds induced chromosomal aberrations
in tests with mouse bone-marrow cells.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that chlorite is not classifiable as to
its carcinogenicity in humans (Group 3, no human data and inadequate evidence in animals) (IARC


The guideline values were determined as follows:

i) Chlorine dioxide:
1 mg/L = 3 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg
2 L/day x 100

• 3 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level from subchronic studies with rats, pigeons
and monkeys (Bercz et al 1982, Taylor and Pfohl 1984, Orme et al 1985)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 100 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations and 10 for intraspecies variations). A safety factor of 100 is adequate
because of the availability of some human data.

It is assumed that all chlorine dioxide intake is from drinking water.

This health-based value exceeds the taste and odour threshold of 0.4 mg/L.

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Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

The 1993 WHO Guidelines do not have a guideline value for chlorine dioxide because of its rapid
breakdown and because the chlorite guideline value is considered to be adequately protective for
potential toxicity from chlorine dioxide.

ii) Chlorite:
0.3 mg/L = 1 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.8
2 L/day x 100

• 1 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level from a 90-day study using rats (Heffernan
et al 1979)
• 0.8 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water, based on the
occasional use of chlorite in the food industry
• other factors apply as above.

The WHO guideline value of 0.2 mg/L was determined using an adult body weight of 60 kg.
The difference is not significant.

iii) Chlorate:

Data are insufficient to determine a guideline value for chlorate. Further research is needed
to characterise the toxic effects.


APHA Method 4500-ClO2 Part D (1992). Chlorine dioxide: DPD method. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

Bercz JP, Jones L, Garner L, Murray D, Ludwig A and Boston J (1982). Subchronic toxicity of chlorine
dioxide and related compounds in drinking water in the nonhuman primate. Environmental Health
Perspectives, 46, 47–55.

Hefernan WP, Guion C and Bull RJ (1979). Oxidative damage to the erythrocyte induced by sodium
chlorite, in vivo. Journal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology, 2, 1487–1499.

IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) (1991). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation
of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: chlorinated drinking water, chlorination byproducts, some other
halogenated compounds, cobalt and cobalt compounds. World Health Organization, International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 52.

Orme J, Taylor DH, Laurie RD and Bull RJ (1985). Effects of chlorine dioxide on thyroid function
in neonatal rats. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 15, 315–322.

Taylor DH and Pfohl RJ (1984). Effects of chlorine dioxide on the neurobehavioral development of rats.
Water Chlorination: Chemistry, Environmental Impact and Health Effects, 5, 355–364. Proceedings of
5th Conference on Water Chlorination: Environmental Impact and Health Effects, Williamsburg, Virginia,
June 3–8, Lewis Publ.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the guideline value for chlorine in drinking water is 5 mg/L.


Chlorine dissociates in water to form hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion. Chlorine and hypochlorites
are toxic to microorganisms and are used extensively as disinfectants for drinking water supplies.
Chlorine is also used to disinfect sewage and waste water, swimming pool water, in-plant supplies, and
industrial cooling water.

Chlorine has an odour threshold in drinking water of about 0.6 mg/L, but some people are particularly
sensitive and can detect amounts as low as 0.2 mg/L. Water authorities may need to exceed the odour
threshold value of 0.6 mg/L in order to maintain an effective disinfectant residual.

In the food industry, chlorine and hypochlorites are used for general sanitation and for odour control.
Large amounts of chlorine are used in the production of industrial and domestic disinfectants and
bleaches, and it is used in the synthesis of a large range of chemical compounds.


When used as a disinfectant, the free chlorine residual in major Australian reticulated supplies ranges
from 0.1 mg/L to 4 mg/L, with typical concentrations of about 0.2 mg/L.


Chlorine can be removed from drinking water by aeration, by exposure to sunlight, or by the addition
of reducing agents such as sodium bisulfite.


The concentration of chlorine in drinking water can be determined by the DPD ferrous titrimetric
method (APHA Method 4500-Cl Part F 1992). The limit of determination is 0.1 mg/L.


Chlorine, or hypochlorites, are strong oxidising agents that readily react with organic molecules to
produce a wide variety of chlorinated compounds. This reactivity makes it difficult to separate the
effects of chlorine from those of its metabolites. In animal studies using a naturally occurring
nonradioactive chlorine isotope, chlorine was rapidly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, and highest
concentrations of the isotope were found in blood plasma.

It is assumed that the toxicities of aqueous solutions containing chlorine, hypochlorous acid or
hypochlorite are similar since they are in dynamic equilibrium. Chlorine concentrations therefore refer
to free available chlorine.

Very few toxic effects have been associated with drinking water containing high chlorine concentrations.
In one report, 150 people drank water with 50 mg/L during a period of mains disinfection, with no
adverse effects. Several instances have been reported where military personnel drank water with chlorine
concentrations up to 32 mg/L for several months with no ill effects.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Mouth irritation and momentary constriction of the throat were observed when the chlorine concentration
exceeded 90 mg/L. Most people would refuse to drink water with a chlorine concentration over 25 mg/L.

A number of studies have suggested an association between water chlorination byproducts and various
cancers. This association has been most consistent in relation to cancers of the bladder and rectum, but
there are insufficient data to determine concentrations at which chlorination byproducts might cause
increased risk to human health (see Section 6.3.2 for a discussion of disinfection byproducts, and
Section V - Fact Sheets on specific disinfection byproducts).

Long-term animal toxicity studies have shown no specific effects from the ingestion of chlorine.
Chlorine, hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite did not act as carcinogens or tumour initiators.

Assessment of the mutagenicity of chlorine is complicated by the reactivity of chlorine. Hypochlorite

was found to be mutagenic in tests with one strain of bacteria but not with another. Chromosome
aberrations were reported in tests with mammalian cells.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that hypochlorites are not classifiable
as to their carcinogenicity in humans (Group 3, no human data and inadequate evidence in animals)
(IARC 1991).


The guideline value for chlorine in drinking water was determined as follows:
5 mg/L = 15 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg
2 L/day x 100

• 15 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level from a 2-year drinking water study using
rodents (NTP 1992)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 100 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations and 10 for intraspecies variations).

It is assumed that all chlorine intake is from drinking water.


APHA Method 4500-Cl Part F (1992). Chlorine (residual): DPD Ferrous Titrimetric method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association,

IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) (1991). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation
of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: chlorinated drinking water, chlorination byproducts, some other
halogenated compounds, cobalt and cobalt compounds. World Health Organization, International Agency
for Research on Cancer, 52.

NTP (National Toxicology Program) (1992). Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of chlorinated water
and chloraminated water in F344/N and B6C3F1 mice (drinking water studies). National Toxicology
Program, Technical Report No. 392, Publication No. 92-2847. United States Department of Health and
Human Services, National Institute of Health.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Chloroacetic acids
chloroacetic acid
dichloroacetic acid (DCA)
trichloroacetic acid (TCA)


Based on health considerations, the concentrations of chloroacetic acids in drinking water

should not exceed the following values:

chloroacetic acid 0.15 mg/L

dichloroacetic acid 0.1 mg/L

trichloroacetic acid 0.1 mg/L


Chloroacetic acids are produced in drinking water as byproducts of the reaction between chlorine
and naturally occurring humic and fulvic acids. Concentrations reported overseas range up to 0.16 mg/L,
and are typically about half the chloroform concentration.

The chloroacetic acids are used commercially as reagents or intermediates in the preparation of a wide
variety of chemicals. Monochloroacetic acid can be used as a pre-emergent herbicide, dichloroacetic acid
as an ingredient in some pharmaceutical products, and trichloroacetic acid as a herbicide, soil sterilant
and antiseptic.


Based on preliminary data, concentrations of chloroacetic acids in Australian drinking waters range from
0.01 mg/L to 0.1 mg/L for chloroacetic acid, from 0.003 mg/L to 0.05 mg/L for dichloroacetic acid, and
from 0.001 mg/L to 0.1 mg/L for trichloroacetic acid.


The formation of chloroacetic acids in drinking water can be minimised by removing naturally
occurring organic matter from the source water, reducing the amount of chlorine added, or using
alternative disinfectants.


The chloroacetic acids can be analysed by a liquid-liquid extraction procedure (USEPA Draft Method
552 1990). In this method the sample is adjusted to pH 11.5 and extracted with methyl tert-butyl ether
(MTBE) to remove neutral and basic compounds. The sample is then acidified to pH 0.5 and the
chloroacetic acids extracted into MTBE. The dried extracts are methylated, and the esters analysed by gas
chromatography using electron capture detection. Limits of determination are lower than 0.001 mg/L.

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Chloroacetic acids would be expected to be absorbed after ingestion in view of their water solubility,
but there are no data to confirm this assumption. Dichloroacetate is rapidly metabolised to glyoxylate
and oxalate by the liver, but no data are available on how the other chloroacetic acids are metabolised.

Dichloroacetic acid has been used in humans to control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. There are
no studies on the short- or long-term exposure of humans to chloroacetic acid or trichloroacetic acid.

In rats and mice fed chloroacetic acid for two years, survival was decreased in rats at doses of 15-30
mg/kg body weight per day, whereas in mice, survival was affected at 100 mg/kg body weight per day
(males) but not at 50 mg/kg body weight per day. There was no evidence of carcinogenic activity.

Rats given dicholoroacetic acid by gavage at 3 months developed brain lesions and increases in mean
liver, kidney and adrenal weight at doses from 125 mg/kg body weight per day. Similar effects were
observed at 3 months in dogs fed encapsulated dichloroacetate at 50 mg/kg body weight per day. Mice
receiving dichloroacetate in their drinking water for a year had decreased body weight at doses from
410 mg/kg body weight per day, increased liver weight at doses from 77 mg/kg body weight per day,
and an increase in the incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas and adenomas at doses from 295 mg/kg
body weight per day.

Trichloroacetic acid administered in drinking water to rats for 90 days significantly increased liver
peroxisomal activity at a dose of 355 mg/kg body weight per day. A 12-month drinking water study in
mice reported increases in liver weight and hepatocellular carcinomas at doses from 178 mg/kg body
weight per day.

No data are available on the genotoxicity of dichloroacetic acid. Trichloroacetic acid and chloroacetic
acid are not mutagenic in tests using bacteria, but have shown some mutagenic activity in some
mammalian cells.


The guideline values for the chloroacetic acids in drinking water were determined as follows:

i) Chloroacetic acid:
0.15 mg/L = 15 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.2 x 5
2 L/day x 500 7

• 15 mg/kg body weight per day is the lowest effect level based on a 2-year feeding study using
rats (NTP 1992)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.2 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 500 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 5 for use of the low effect level,
which is close to the no effect level).
• 5/7 is used to convert data based on a 5-day week feeding study to a 7-day week equivalent.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

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Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

The 1993 WHO Guidelines do not have a health-based guideline for chloroacetic acid.

ii) Dichloroacetic acid:

0.1 mg/L = 7.6 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.2
2 L/day x 500

• 7.6 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 90-day drinking water study
using mice (DeAngelo et al 1991)
• 500 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 5 for limited evidence
of carcinogenicity)
• other factors are as above.

The 1993 WHO guideline value of 0.05 mg/L includes a factor of 10 for carcinogenicity.
On review this was considered to be excessive and a lower factor was used.

iii) Trichloroacetic acid:

0.1 mg/L = 36 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.2
2 L/day x 2000

• 36 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 90-day drinking water study using
male rats (Mather et al 1990)
• 2000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations, 10 for evidence of carcinogenicity
in animals and 2 because a less than lifetime study was used but chronic studies are available)
• other factors are as above.


DeAngelo AB, Daniel FB, Stober JA and Olsen GR (1991). The carcinogenicity of dichloroacetic acid
in the male B6C3F mouse. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, 16, 337–347.

Mather GC, Exon JH and Koller LD (1990). Subchronic 90 day toxicity of dichloroacetic acid and
trichloroacetic acid in rats. Toxicology, 64, 71–80.

NTP (1992). Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of monochloroacetic acid in F344/N rats and B6C3F1
mice (gavage studies). National Toxicology Program, NTP TR 396, NIH Publication No. 92-2851. United
States Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institute of Health.

USEPA Draft Method 552 (1990). Determination of haloacetic acids in drinking water by liquid-liquid
extraction, derivatization, and gas chromatography with electron capture detection. United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory (EMSL),
Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on aesthetic considerations (taste), the concentration of chlorobenzene in drinking

water should not exceed 0.01 mg/L.

Chlorobenzene would not be a health concern unless the concentration exceeded 0.3 mg/L.


Chlorobenzene is used as a solvent and may be present in drinking water through contamination of
water sources by spills or discharges. It has occasionally been detected in drinking water supplies in
Canada and the United States at concentrations up to 0.005 mg/L. Inhalation from the atmosphere is
believed to be the major route of environmental exposure.

Chlorobenzene has a low taste and odour threshold in water of about 0.01 mg/L.

It is used primarily as a solvent for pesticide formulations, in di-isocyanate manufacture, as a degreasing

agent for mechanical parts, and in the production of nitrochlorobenzene. It is also used in the production
of other halogenated organic compounds.


Chlorobenzene has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally in drinking water
supplies overseas.


Aeration or adsorption onto granular activated carbon will remove chlorobenzene from water.


A purge and trap gas chromatographic procedure can be used for analysis (USEPA Draft Method
502.1 1986). An inert gas is bubbled through the sample and chlorobenzene trapped on an adsorbent.
The adsorbent is then heated and chlorobenzene analysed using gas chromatography with electron
capture detection. The limit of determination is 0.0002 mg/L.


In humans, chlorobenzene is absorbed after ingestion or inhalation, and distributed primarily to adipose
tissue and to the liver and kidney. It is metabolised into 4-chlorocatechol, which is excreted in urine.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for chlorobenzenes
is available (IPCS 1991).

There are few data on the effects of chlorobenzene on humans, and those that are available are of poor
quality. They consist mainly of cases of poisoning and occupational exposure, with the principal effect
being disturbances to the central nervous system.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Studies over 2 years using rats and mice reported adverse effects to the liver, kidneys, and blood-cell
formation at high doses (250 mg/kg body weight per day). There is evidence of an increase of liver
tumours in male rats fed doses of 120 mg/kg body weight per day of monchlorobenzene for 2 years.
No increases were observed in female rats, or in male and female mice. Chlorobenzene was not
mutagenic in tests with bacteria, but may bind to RNA and DNA.


The health-based guideline value for chlorobenzene in drinking water was determined as follows:
0.3 mg/L = 60 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1 x 5
2 L/day x 500 7

• 60 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level from a 2-year gavage study using rats (NTP
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 500 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 5 for limited evidence
of carcinogenicity)
• 5/7 is used to convert data based on a 5 day per week feeding study to a 7-day week equivalent.

This health-based guideline value is greater than the taste and odour threshold of 0.01 mg/L.


IPCS (1991). Chlorobenzenes other than hexachlorobenzene. Environmental Health Criteria, 128.
World Health Organization, International Programme on Chemical Safety.

NTP (1985). Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of chlorobenzene in F344/N rats and B6C3F1
mice (gavage studies). National Toxicology Program, NTR Report No. 261, Publication No. 86-2517.
United States Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health.

USEPA Draft Method 502.1 (1986). Volatile halogenated organic compounds in water by purge and
trap gas chromatography. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring
and Support Laboratory (ESML), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

1,1-dichloropropanone (dichloroacetone)
1,1,1-trichloropropanone (trichloroacetone)


Data are inadequate to set guideline values for chloroketones in drinking water.


The chloroketones are produced in drinking water as byproducts of the reaction between
naturally occurring organic matter and chlorine. No data are available on other sources or uses
for these compounds.

Concentrations of chloroketones in drinking water reported overseas are very low and are estimated
at less than 0.01 mg/L.


In major Australian reticulated supplies 1,1,1-trichloropropanone has been recorded in concentrations

up to 0.02 mg/L, but it is usually below the limit of determination of 0.0005 mg/L. No data are available
for other chloroketones.


The presence of chloroketones in drinking water can be minimised by removing naturally occurring
organic matter from the source water, by reducing the amount of chlorine added, or by the use
of alternative disinfectants.


A solvent extraction procedure is suitable for the analysis of chloroketones (USEPA Draft Method
551 1990). Sodium chloride is added to the sample and the chloroketones extracted using methyl
tert-butyl ether. The extracts are then analysed using gas chromatography with an electron capture
detector. Limits of determination are less than 0.0005 mg/L.


No data are available on absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism or health effects in

Acute oral toxicity studies in mice using 1,1-dichloropropanone and 1,3-dichloropropanone have found
no toxic effects with single doses of 130 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg respectively. No long-term toxicity studies
have been reported.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Both 1,1-dichloropropanone and 1,3-dichloropropanone were direct-acting mutagens in tests with

bacteria. There was some evidence that 1,3-dichloropranone initiated skin tumours in mice when
applied at 50 mg/kg body weight per day for two weeks. There was no evidence that either
1,1-dichloropropanone or 1,1,1-trichloropropanone acted in this way.

The NHMRC Standing Committee on Toxicity reviewed the available data for chloroketones in 1991.
It was concluded that data were insufficient to set no effect levels for these compounds.


USEPA Draft Method 551, (1990). Determination of chlorination disinfection byproducts and chlorinated
solvents in drinking water by liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography with electron capture
detection. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support
Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on aesthetic considerations, the concentration of chlorophenols in drinking

water should not exceed the following values.

Chlorophenols would not be a health concern unless concentrations exceeded the

health values listed.

Health value Aesthetic value (odour and taste)

2-chlorophenol 0.3 mg/L 0.0001 mg/L

2,4-dichlorophenol 0.2 mg/L 0.0003 mg/L
2,4,6-trichlorophenol 0.02 mg/L 0.002 mg/L


Chlorophenols may be present in drinking water as a result of chlorination of water that contains phenol
or lower chlorophenols, or from contamination of water sources. Chlorination of water containing natural
organic compounds can produce very low concentrations of chlorophenols. Degradation of phenoxy
herbicides such as 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D also generates chlorophenols. The limited data available from
overseas studies indicate that concentrations in drinking water are very low.

Chlorophenols have taste and odour thresholds in the range 0.0001 mg/L to 0.002 mg/L, with a
characteristic antiseptic smell.

Chlorophenols are used commercially as preservatives, moth-proofing agents, germicides and

anti-mildew agents. Exposure to chlorophenols via tap water has been estimated to be less than
10% of total dietary exposure.


No data are available on concentrations of chlorophenols in Australian drinking waters. If present

at all, it is likely that concentrations would be extremely low.


In pilot studies, granular activated carbon has successfully removed over 90% of 2-chlorophenol
from water. It would probably be similarly effective in removing the other chlorophenols.


Sensitive and isomer-specific procedures for the analysis of chlorophenols are available (USEPA
Method 604 1986). The chlorophenols are derivatised with pentafluorobenzyl ether, and analysed
using gas chromatography with electron capture detection. Limits of determination are 0.01 mg/L for
monochlorophenol, 0.0005 mg/L for dichlorophenol and 0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L) for trichlorophenol.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Chlorophenols are known to be efficiently absorbed and metabolised when administered orally
to laboratory animals. Highest concentrations occur in the liver, brain and fat.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for chlorophenols is
available (IPCS 1989).

People occupationally exposed to chlorophenols often complain of irritation to the skin, mucous
membranes and respiratory tract as a result of direct airborne contact. In addition, chronic ailments,
skin lesions and ulcerations (particularly chloracne), and clinical indications of liver damage and
neurological effects have also been reported, particularly in association with high exposures.

There have been a number of studies on the toxic effects of chlorophenols in rats and mice. Short-term
exposure to high doses results in an increased respiration rate, motor weakness, tremors, convulsion,
coma and death. Long-term studies over 2 years could not determine any specific dose-related effects
using either 2-chlorophenol or 2,4-dichlorophenol, but 2,4,6-trichlorophenol induced leukaemia and
lymphomas in male rats, and liver cancer in male and female mice.

No information is available on the mutagenic effects of 2-chlorophenol. Mutagenic tests on bacteria

were negative for 2,4-dichlorophenol. Separate tests gave weakly positive and negative results for

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that 2,4,6-trichlorophenol is possibly
carcinogenic to humans (group 2B, sufficient evidence in animals) (IARC 1987).


The guideline values for the chlorophenols in drinking water, based on health considerations,
were determined as follows:

i) 2-chlorophenol:
0.3 mg/L = 7.5 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 100

• 7.5 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 2-year drinking water study
using rats (Exon and Koller 1985)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 100 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations and 10 for intraspecies variations). The use of this safety factor
was recommended by the NHMRC Standing Committee on Toxicity.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

The 1993 WHO Guidelines do not have a health-based guideline for 2-chlorophenol.

ii) 2,4-dichlorophenol:
0.2 mg/L = 4.5 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 100

• 4.5 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 2-year drinking water study using
rats (Exon and Koller 1985). The use of this value was recommended by the NHMRC Standing
Committee on Toxicity following a review of the available toxicity data for the chlorophenols
• other factors are as above.

The 1993 WHO Guidelines do not have a health-based guideline for 2,4-dichlorophenol.

iii) 2,4,6-trichlorophenol:
0.02 mg/L = 4.5 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 1000

• 4.5 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 2-year drinking water study using
rats (Exon and Koller 1985). The use of this value was recommended by the NHMRC Standing
Committee on Toxicity following a review of the available toxicity data for the chlorophenols
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 for carcinogenic effects)
• other factors are as above.

The WHO guideline value of 0.2 mg/L for 2,4,6-trichlorophenol was based on a calculation that
estimated an additional lifetime risk of one fatal cancer per hundred thousand people.

As the guideline values based on health considerations are greater than the taste thresholds
for these compounds, the taste thresholds should be used as the guideline values.


Exon JH and Koller LD (1985). Toxicity of 2-chlorophenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol.

Water Chlorination: Chemistry, Environmental Impact and Health Effects. Proceedings of the
5th Conference on Water Chlorination: Environmental Impact and Health Effects, Williamsburg,
Virginia, June 3-8, 1984. Jolly RL et al (editors), Chelsea, Michigan, Lewis Publisher Inc., 5, 307-330.

IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1989). Chlorophenols other than Pentachlorophenol. Environmental Health Criteria, 93.
World Health Organization, International Programme on Chemical Safety.

USEPA Method 604 (1986). Phenols. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental
Monitoring and Support Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Data are inadequate to set a guideline value for chloropicrin in drinking water.


Chloropicrin is formed in water by the reaction of chlorine with humic acids, amino acids and
nitrophenols. The presence of nitrate will assist in the formation of chloropicrin but reducing agents
will convert it to chloroform (see Fact Sheet on Trihalomethanes). Chloropicrin has been detected
in drinking water supplies overseas at concentrations of less than 0.005 mg/L.

Chloropicrin is used commercially in the manufacture of organic compounds including methyl violet.
It may be used as a grain fumigant and soil sterilant.


No data are available on the concentrations of chloropicrin in Australian drinking waters.


The presence of chloropicrin in drinking water can be minimised by removing naturally occurring
organic matter from the source water, by reducing the amount of chlorine added, or by using
alternative disinfectants.


A solvent extraction procedure is suitable for the analysis of chloropicrin (USEPA Draft Method 551 1990).
Sodium chloride is added to the sample, and the chloropicrin extracted using methyl tert-butyl ether.
The extract is then analysed using gas chromatography with an electron capture detector. The limit
of determination is approximately 0.00002 mg/L (20 ng/L).


Chloropicrin is known to be highly irritant to skin and eyes. No long-term data are available on
health effects in humans.

A study using rats and mice identified a short-term lethal dose of 23 mg/kg body weight per day for
female rats; however, the high mortality rate in the study prevented the establishment of a no effect level.

Chloropicrin exhibited mutagenic activity in some tests with bacteria, and with human lymphocytes
in vitro.

The NHMRC Standing Committee on Toxicity reviewed the available toxicity data for chloropicrin
in 1991. Data were considered to be insufficient to set a no effect level.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


USEPA Draft Method 551, (1990). Determination of chlorination disinfection byproducts and chlorinated
solvents in drinking water by liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography with electron capture
detection. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support
Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) in

drinking water should not exceed 0.05 mg/L. If the concentration of total chromium exceeds
this value then a separate analysis for hexavalent chromium should be undertaken.


Chromium is present in the environment in the trivalent (Cr(III)) and hexavalent (Cr(VI)) states.

Trivalent chromium is the most common naturally occurring state. Most soils and rocks contain small
amounts of chromium oxide, and weathering, oxidation and bacterial action convert this insoluble
compound into soluble Cr(III) salts.

Trivalent chromium salts are used in leather tanning, manufacture of catalysts, paint pigments, fungicides,
and ceramic and glass manufacture.

Trivalent chromium is an essential trace element for humans, with food being the major source of intake.

Hexavalent chromium occurs infrequently in nature. Its presence in water is generally the result of
industrial and domestic chromium waste discharges. Hexavalent chromium compounds are used in
the metallurgical industry for chrome alloy and chrome metal production, and in the chemical industry
as oxidising agents.

Hexavalent chromium is not considered to be an essential nutrient and harmful effects due to chromium
have been attributed to this form.

Total chromium concentrations in drinking water are usually less than 0.005 mg/L although
concentrations between 0.06 mg/L to 0.12 mg/L have been reported overseas.


In major Australian reticulated supplies concentrations of total chromium range up to 0.03 mg/L,
with typical concentrations usually less than 0.005 mg/L.


Chromium can be removed from drinking water sources by coagulation/filtration, ion exchange,
reverse osmosis and lime softening. Trivalent chromium can be oxidised to hexavalent chromium
with disinfectants, particularly chlorine, chlorine dioxide and ozone.


The total chromium concentration in drinking water can be determined by inductively coupled
plasma emission spectroscopy or graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (APHA Method
3500-Cr Parts B or C 1992). The limit of determination is approximately 0.01 mg/L.

Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) can be determined with a colorimetric method using diphenylcarbizide
(APHA Method 3500-Cr part D 1992). The limit of determination is 0.005 mg/L.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


The absorption of chromium after ingestion is low and depends on the valence state. Hexavalent
chromium is more readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract than trivalent compounds. It is able
to penetrate cell membranes, and within cells it is reduced to Cr(III) and forms complexes with proteins
and genetic material.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for chromium is available
(IPCS 1988).

Epidemiological studies have found an association between inhalation of hexavalent chromium

compounds and lung cancer, especially in humans occupationally exposed during chromate production.
There is no evidence that organs other than the lung are affected or that ingestion of hexavalent
chromium compounds can cause cancer.

There are sufficient animal data to indicate that many hexavalent chromium compounds are carcinogenic.
Hexavalent chromium compounds also cause mutations and chromosome aberrations in a variety of test
systems. The mutagenic activity can be decreased or abolished by reducing agents, such as gastric juice.

In animal studies, orally administered trivalent chromium compounds have not been shown to induce
cancer or to induce mutations in genetic material.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that hexavalent chromium is
carcinogenic to humans (Group 1, sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans); and that trivalent
chromium is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3, inadequate evidence in humans
and inadequate evidence in animals) (IARC 1990).


The guideline value for chromium in drinking water is based on a WHO assessment and should be
reviewed when more toxicological data become available. It was adopted after consideration of the
following points:
• The guideline value of 0.05 mg/L has been used in many countries for a number of years with no
known cases of chromium toxicity.
• The value was originally set following a conservative assessment of studies on the toxicity of
hexavalent chromium to rats (Mackenzie et al 1958).
• Trivalent chromium is essential for human health and has no known toxic effects.
• Data are insufficient to determine whether a higher value would be equally safe.

Analysis for the separate valence states of chromium is time consuming and hence the guideline
value applies to total chromium. If concentrations of total chromium exceed the guideline value, it is
recommended that separate analyses for Cr(VI) and Cr(III) be undertaken.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


APHA Method 3500-Cr Part B (1992). Chromium: Atomic Absorption method for total chromium.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public
Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Cr Part C (1992). Chromium: Inductively Coupled Plasma method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Cr Part D (1992). Chromium: Colorimetric method. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) (1990). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation
of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: chromium, nickel and welding. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, 49.

IPCS (International Programme on Chemical Safety) (1988). Chromium. Environmental Health

Criteria, 61. World Health Organization, International Programme on Chemical Safety.

MacKenzie RD, Byerrum RU, Decker CF, Hoppert CA and Langham RF (1958). Chronic toxicity
studies: II. Hexavalent and trivalent chromium administered in drinking water to rats.
American Medical Association Archives of Industrial Health, 18, 232–234.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Colour (True)


Based on aesthetic considerations, true colour in drinking water should not exceed 15 HU.


Two terms are used to describe colour. ‘True colour’ is the colour after particulate matter has been
removed (usually by filtration through a 0.45 micrometer pore size filter). ‘Apparent colour’ is what
one actually sees; it is the colour resulting from the combined effect of true colour and any particulate
matter, or turbidity. In turbid waters, the true colour is substantially less than the apparent colour.

In natural waters, colour is due mainly to the presence of dissolved organic matter including humic and
fulvic acids, which originate from soil and decaying vegetable matter. Surface water can also be coloured
by waste discharges, for example from dyeing operations in the textile industry, and paper manufacture.

The dissolution of metals in pipes and fittings can also discolour drinking water. Badly corroded iron
pipes can produce a brownish colour whereas corrosion of copper pipes can produce a blue-green
colouration on sanitary ware and a faint blue colour in water in extreme cases. The condition of
household pipes can significantly influence water colour.

In bore water, ‘red water’ is a frequent problem, caused by the oxidation of iron. In addition, a
black discolouration in reservoirs and distribution systems can result from the action of bacteria
on dissolved manganese to produce insoluble oxides. Some of these compounds form fine suspensions,
or are only partially dissolved, and so contribute to apparent rather than true colour.
(See Section 5.6)

As a guide, tea has a colour of about 2500 HU (Hazen units, see below). A true colour of 15 HU can
be detected in a glass of water, and a true colour of 5 HU can be seen in larger volumes of water, for
instance in a white bath. Few people can detect a true colour level of 3 HU, and a true colour of up
to 25 HU would probably be accepted by most people provided the turbidity was low. Some examples
of drinking water with differing turbidity and colour are shown in Plate 1.

True colour is preferred analytically, as the measurement is more precise than for apparent colour, and
not as dependent on site or time. If both true colour and turbidity are at the guideline values (i.e. true
colour of 15 HU and turbidity of 5 NTU), the apparent colour could be 20 HU. This is considered to be

Variations in colour are likely to lead to more complaints than a high but consistent colour.


In major Australian reticulated supplies true colour ranges from 1 HU to 25 HU for filtered or fully
treated supplies, and from 1 HU to 85 HU for unfiltered supplies.


Colour can be measured spectrophotometrically or using a visual comparator. In both cases, the standard
unit of measurement is the hazen unit (HU). (True colour is often quoted as True Colour Units, or TCU;
however, the numerical values are identical.) Hazen units are defined in terms of a platinum-cobalt
standard (APHA Method 2120B 1992). This standard was developed for the analysis of colour in natural
waters with a yellow-brown appearance, and is not applicable to waters with different colours.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

It is advisable to record the pH with the colour measurement, as the colour of natural surface waters
increases with pH.

Colour values obtained using a spectrophotometer are dependent on the wavelength used for the
measurement. There is no standard wavelength used in Australia, but values ranging from 395 nm
to 465 nm are generally used. In the absence of a suitable Australian Standard, the British Standard,
which uses 436 nm (BSI Method BS6068 1986), is suitable. An Australian Standard should be developed
as a priority.


Constituents of natural colour derived from humic and fulvic acids can be reduced by coagulation
followed by filtration (AWWA 1990). Oxidation by chlorine or ozone will also reduce colour but may
produce undesirable byproducts.


Colour is generally related to organic content, and while colour derived from natural sources such as
humic and fulvic acids is not a health consideration, chlorination of such water can produce a variety
of chlorinated organic compounds as byproducts (see Section 6.3.2). If the colour is high at the time of
disinfection, then the water should be checked for disinfection byproducts.
It should be noted, however, that low colour at the time of disinfection does not necessarily mean
that the concentration of disinfection byproducts will be low.

Reactions between naturally occurring humic and fulvic material and water disinfectants (such as
chlorine, ozone, chloramines and chlorine dioxide) can also cause difficulties in maintaining an adequate
level of disinfectant, thus creating the opportunity for bacterial reinfection or regrowth.

The solubility of some organic pollutants can also be increased through complex formation
with humic material.

Coloured water may prompt people to seek other, perhaps less safe, sources of drinking water.


The guideline value is based on the colour that is just noticeable in a glass of water. This is generally
accepted as being 15 HU.


The Canadian Guidelines and the 1984 WHO Guidelines both recommend a value of 15 HU. The 1993
WHO Guidelines indicate that a colour above 15 TCU may give rise to consumer complaints.

The United States EPA Secondary Drinking water Regulations have a maximum concentration for
colour of 15 HU.

The European Economic Community Standards for colour are a maximum admissible value
of 20 HU and a guideline value of 1 HU.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


APHA Method 2120B (1992). Colour: Visual comparison method. Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

AWWA (1990). Water Quality and Treatment: A handbook of community water supplies. American
Water Works Association, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Inc.

BSI Method BS6068 (1986). Examination and determination of colour. British Standards Institution,
British Standard for Water Quality, Section 2.22.


1. Colour = 5 HU 2. Colour = 5 HU
Turbidity = 1 NTU Turbidity = 5 NTU

3. Colour = 15 HU 4. Colour = 15 HU
Turbidity = 5 NTU Turbidity = 1 NTU

Turbidity vs Colour

Turbidity (NTU)

3 Australian

5 10 15 20 25
Colour (HU)

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

(Revised and endorsed 2001)


Based on health considerations, the concentration of copper in drinking water should

not exceed 2 mg/L.

Based on aesthetic considerations, the concentration of copper in drinking water should

not exceed 1 mg/L.


Copper is widely distributed in rocks and soils as carbonate and sulfide minerals.

Copper is relatively resistant to corrosion and is used in domestic water supply pipes and fittings. It is
also used in the electroplating and chemical industries, and in many household goods. Copper sulfate
is used extensively to control the growth of algae in water storages.

Copper is present in uncontaminated surface waters at very low concentrations, usually less than
0.01 mg/L. The concentration can rise substantially when water with a low pH and hardness remains
in stagnant contact with copper pipes and fittings. Under these conditions, the concentration of copper
can reach 5 mg/L or higher. In one extreme case overseas, a concentration of 22 mg/L was reported.

The taste threshold for copper is in the range 1-5 mg/L, depending on the water purity. Concentrations
above 1 mg/L may cause blue or green stains on sanitary ware. Such stains may also be due to slowly
leaking taps, where copper corrosion occurs over a long time, and are not necessarily due to high
concentrations of copper in drinking water.

Food is the main source of copper intake. Intake from water would normally be less than 10% of
total intake.


In major Australian reticulated supplies, total copper concentrations range up to 0.8 mg/L, with typical
concentrations of about 0.05 mg/L.


Copper can be removed from drinking water by increasing the pH, and then using the water treatment
processes of coagulation followed by filtration. Aggressive water, which is likely to induce corrosion of
copper pipes, should be stabilised with respect to pH and hardness as part of the treatment process prior
to distribution in order to minimise copper leaching.


The copper concentration can be determined by inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy
(APHA Method 3500-Cu Part C 1992) with an estimated limit of determination of 0.01 mg/L. Alternatively,
flame or graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy can be used (APHA 3500-Cu Part B 1992) with
limits of determination of 0.05 mg/L and 0.005 mg/L respectively.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Copper is an essential trace element for humans. It is estimated that adult requirements are about
2-3 mg per person per day. High doses of copper (above 50 mg/kg bodyweight) can be lethal.

The absorption of copper by the gastrointestinal tract is in the range of 25–60%, depending on a number
of factors, including copper speciation and copper dietary status (Olivares et al 1998). Copper is stored in
the liver, brain and muscle tissue. High concentrations can also be found in the kidneys, heart and hair.
Copper is eliminated from the body mainly in the bile.

Many cases of copper poisoning have been reported, including cases involving the poisoning of children
who had their food prepared in copper or brass pots (Tanner 1998). Copper poisoning has resulted
in cirrhosis of the liver and, in extreme cases, death. Other less severe symptoms associated with the
consumption of water containing 3-5 mg/L copper (but not 1 mg/L) are gastrointestinal symptoms such
as nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting (Pizarro et al 1999). Infants are thought to be most susceptible,
though in one study of 3-month-old infants given water containing 2 mg/L copper over 9 months there
were no acute or chronic adverse consequences (Olivares et al 1998). In the genetic disorders Wilson’s
disease and idiopathic copper toxicosis, sufferers are particularly susceptible to copper (Lönnerdal and
Uauy 1998).

Apart from humans, sheep are the most susceptible animals to the toxic effects of copper, with a daily
intake of 1-2 mg/kg body weight resulting in serious illness and death.

Copper was not found to be carcinogenic in tests with mice and dogs. The results of mutagenicity tests
with different strains of bacteria were generally negative. Tests for mutagenicity using mammalian cells,
both in vitro and in vivo, gave predominantly positive results.


The health-based guideline value of 2 mg/L (rounded up) for copper in drinking water was
derived as follows:
2 mg/L = 0.5 mg/kg bodyweight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day

• 0.5 mg/kg body weight per day is the provisional maximum tolerable daily intake for humans
(WHO 1982)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.

It should be emphasised that in this derivation, which others have also used and which is still endorsed
by the WHO (1998), there is considerable uncertainty (Fitzgerald 1998). Nevertheless, on the basis of
recent copper investigation studies, the derived guideline value appears to be a safe level for infants
and is just below a level where minor symptoms were observed in adults.

In premises with a history of copper corrosion, water that has been in stagnant contact (6 hours or more)
with copper pipes and fittings should not be used in the preparation of food or drink. Copper levels can
be effectively reduced by flushing the taps for 1 minute.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


APHA Method 3500-Cu Part B (1992). Copper: Atomic Absorption Spectrometric method.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public
Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Cu Part C (1992). Copper: Inductively Coupled Plasma method. Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

Fitzgerald DJ (1998). Safety guidelines for copper in water. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
67(suppl), 1098–1102S.

Lönnerdal B and Uauy R (1998). Genetic and environmental determinants of copper metabolism.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67(5S).

Olivares M, Pizarro F, Speisky H, Lönnerdal B and Uauy R (1998). Copper in infant nutrition:
Safety of World Health Organization provisional guideline value for copper content of drinking water.
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 26, 251–257.

Pizarro F, Olivares M, Uauy R, Contreras P, Rebelo A and Gidi V (1999). Acute gastrointestinal effects
of graded levels of copper in drinking water. Environmental Health Perspectives, 107, 117–121.

Tanner MS (1998). Role of copper in Indian childhood cirrhosis. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
67(suppl), 1074–1081S.

WHO (World Health Organization) (1982). Toxicological evaluation of certain food additives: copper.
World Health Organization, Joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/WHO Expert
Committee on Food Additives, 17, 265–296, Geneva, Switzerland.

WHO (World Health Organization) (1998). Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 2nd edition;
Addendum to Volume 1, Recommendations.World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of cyanide in drinking water should

not exceed 0.08 mg/L.


Cyanide can be present in drinking water through the contamination of source water, or through
the natural decomposition of some plants that synthesise cyanoglycosides. Some microorganisms,
such as the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans and the bacterium Chromobacterium violaceum,
produce free cyanide. In uncontaminated water sources, free cyanide concentrations are usually
less than 0.01 mg/L.

Sodium cyanide is used in the extraction of gold and silver from low-grade ores. It is also used
in the electroplating, steel and chemical industries.

Some foods can contain quite high concentrations of cyanide. Green almonds and improperly
treated cassava are of particular concern.


In major Australian reticulated supplies cyanide concentrations range up to 0.05 mg/L, with typical
concentrations usually less than 0.02 mg/L.


There are no published reports on methods for the removal of cyanide from drinking water. Chlorine
gas or hypochlorite will react with cyanide to form cyanate. Ozone is also an effective oxidant.


The cyanide concentration in drinking water can be determined with a colorimetric method using
chloramine-T (APHA Method 4500-CN Part E 1992). The limit of determination is 0.02 mg/L.


Cyanide is highly toxic. It is rapidly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and metabolised to thiocyanate.

In humans, long-term consumption of improperly prepared cassava in the tropics has been linked with
effects on the thyroid gland and particularly the nervous system. Cyanide may deplete vitamin B12 and
result in a deficiency that can cause goitre and cretinism. People most at risk are those with a nutritionally
inadequate diet.

Animal studies indicate that pigs may be more sensitive than rats to the effects of long-term exposure
to cyanide. In a six-month study using pigs, exposure to cyanide was reported to increase ambivalence
(sic) and result in slower response times to stimuli. Behaviour demanding high energy appeared to be
more readily affected by cyanide exposure than low-energy behaviour.

No data are available on the carcinogenic properties of cyanide. Tests for mutagenicity with different
strains of bacteria have been mostly negative.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


The guideline value for cyanide in drinking water was derived as follows:
0.08 mg/L = 1.2 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.2
2 L/day x 100

• 1.2 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level from 6-month feeding studies using pigs
Jackson et al 1986, (Jackson 1988)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.2 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 100 is the safety factor in applying the results of animal studies to humans (10 for interspecies
variations and 10 for intraspecies variations).

The WHO guideline of 0.07 mg/L was based on an adult weight of 60 kg. The difference in guideline
values is not significant.


APHA Method 4500-CN Part E (1992). Cyanide: Colorimetric method. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

Jackson LC, Chandler JP and Jackson RT (1986). Inhibition and adaptation of red cell glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase in vivo to chronic sublethal dietary cyanide in an animal model. Human
Biology, 58, 67–77.

Jackson LC (1988). Behavioural effects of chronic sub-lethal dietary cyanide in an animal model:
Implications for humans consuming cassava (Manihot esculenta). Human Biology, 60, 597–614.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Cyanogen chloride


Based on health considerations, the concentration of total cyanogenic compounds in drinking

water should not exceed 0.08 mg/L.


Cyanogen chloride is a byproduct of chloramination. It can be formed as a byproduct of the

reaction between organic precursors with hypochlorous acid in the presence of the ammonium ion.
Concentrations reported overseas in chloraminated supplies are typically 0.004 mg/L.

Cyanogen chloride may be used commercially in chemical synthesis, and for fumigation.


No data are available on concentrations of cyanogen chloride in Australian drinking waters.


The presence of cyanogen chloride in drinking water can be minimised by removing naturally occurring
organic matter from the source water, by reducing the amount of chloramine added, or by the use of
alternative disinfectants.


A suitable method for analysis involves extraction from water using the purge and trap technique
followed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (USEPA Draft Method 524.2 1986). The limit
of determination is 0.0003 mg/L.


Cyanogen chloride is highly irritant and very poisonous, as it is rapidly metabolised to cyanide
in the body and has similar toxicity.

Effects of ingested cyanogen chloride in humans have not been reported. A concentration
of 1 ppm in air causes irritation on inhalation.

Only acute toxicity data are available on the health effects of cyanogen chloride in animals.

No data are available on the carcinogenicity or mutagenicity of cyanogen chloride.

The NHMRC Standing Committee on Toxicity reviewed available toxicity data for cyanogen
chloride in 1991. It was considered that data were insufficient to set a no effect level.

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


As cyanogen chloride is rapidly converted to cyanide by the body, the guideline value is based
on the cyanide value of 0.08 mg/L (see also Fact Sheet on Cyanide).


USEPA Draft Method 524.2 (1986). Volatile organic compounds in water by purge and trap capillary
column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. United States Environmental Protection Agency,
Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)


2,4-D should not be detected in drinking water. If present in drinking water, 2,4-D would
not be a health concern unless the concentration exceeded 0.03 mg/L.

If it is detected, remedial action should be taken to stop contamination. The limit

of determination is 0.0001 mg/L.


2,4-D is a systemic herbicide used for the control of broadleaf and aquatic weeds.

2,4-D is removed from the environment principally by biodegradation to 2,4-dichlorophenol, and has
a half-life in soil of about 4-7 days. It is rapidly biodegraded in water and does not accumulate in bottom
sediments or aquatic organisms.

2,4-D has been detected in a number of drinking water supplies in a variety of countries. The maximum
concentration reported was 0.03 mg/L, with a mean of 0.0003 mg/L.

No data are available on Australian dietary intake of 2,4-D; however, in 1987 the adult average dietary
intake in the United States was reported to be about 0.000007 mg/day (7 ng/day).


2,4-D has not been detected in major Australian drinking water supplies.


Powdered activated carbon has been found to be effective in decreasing the concentration of the
sodium salt and ester formulations of 2,4-D.


Residues of 2,4-D in water can be measured by extraction, chemical derivatisation and analysis using
gas chromatography with electron capture detection (APHA Method 6640 Part B 1992). The limit of
determination is 0.0001 mg/L.


2,4-D administered orally as the free acid or the salt is absorbed rapidly and almost completely in
humans and excreted in urine. Absorption of the esters is slower. In rats, 2,4-D is distributed widely
throughout the body.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for 2,4-D is available (IPCS

A range of case-control epidemiological studies have dealt with exposure to 2,4-D and other herbicides.
Some have reported an association between herbicides, including 2,4-D, and non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

In a 2-year feeding study using rats, kidney and thyroid weights were increased and some changes
observed in kidney function at doses of about 45 mg/kg body weight per day. Some kidney changes
were also observed at doses of 5mg/kg body weight per day in a 2-year study using mice.

2,4-D did not exhibit any carcinogenic effects in three long-term studies in rats or mice; however,
these studies were considered inadequate for evaluation of carcinogenicity.

2,4-D has been tested for mutagenicity in a variety of systems including mammalian cells. Results have
mostly been negative.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that 2,4-D is possibly carcinogenic
to humans (Group 2B, limited evidence in humans, inadequate evidence in animals) (IARC 1987).


The health-based guideline value of 0.03 mg/L for 2,4-D was determined as follows:
0.03 mg/L = 0.01 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day

• 0.01 mg/kg body weight per day is the ADI determined by the NHMRC Pesticide and Agricultural
Chemicals Standing Committee
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 gives a guideline value based on 10% of the ADI
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.

The ADI includes a safety factor of 100 (10 for interspecies variations 10 for intraspecies variations).
No additional safety factor is necessary.


APHA Method 6640 Part B (1992). Chlorinated phenoxy acid herbicides: Liquid-liquid extraction, gas
chromatographic method. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition.
American Public Health Association, Washington.

IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1984). 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Environmental Health Criteria, 29. World Health
Organization, International Programme on Chemical Safety.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

DDT (1,1,1-trichloro-di-(4-chlorophenyl) ethane) and its derivatives


DDT should not be detected in drinking water. If present in drinking water, DDT would not
be a health concern unless the concentration exceeded 0.02 mg/L.

If it is detected, remedial action should be taken to stop contamination. The practical limit
of determination is 0.00006 mg/L (60 ng/L).


DDT is a nonsystemic contact insecticide with a wide activity. It has been progressively banned in many
countries since the early 1970s, because of ecological considerations. DDT is not registered for use in
Australia. However, it may be detected occasionally because of its persistence in the environment and,
possibly, because of illegal use.

DDT and its metabolites (including DDE) are resistant to degradation by microorganisms. DDT is readily
adsorbed by soils and sediments, which can act as sinks and long-term sources of exposure. Most DDT
present in water supplies is attached to soil or clay particles.

In a study of surface water supplies in the United States between 1964 and 1968, the highest
concentration of DDT recorded was 0.0008 mg/L. In Germany, concentrations were even lower,
averaging 0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L).

Food is probably the major source of intake of DDT. In 1965, it was estimated that in the United States
intake of DDT from food was approximately 0.04 mg/day compared with 0.00004 mg/day (40 ng/L)
from water.

Since the early 1970s, there has been a progressive decline in dietary exposure to DDT in Australia. The
1990 Australian Market Basket Survey found that, if detected at all, DDT and metabolite residues had
decreased in all foods tested compared with the 1987 survey (NHMRC and NFA 1991). A similar situation
occurred for DDE contamination of human milk. This indicates that DDT and its metabolites are gradually
disappearing from the Australian environment.


DDT has not been found in major Australian reticulated supplies, but has occasionally been detected in
streams flowing into water storages. The maximum value detected is 0.004 mg/L but, if detected at all,
values are typically 0.0002 mg/L or less.


As DDT is readily adsorbed onto soil or clay surfaces, coagulation with alum or ferric salts followed by
filtration has been reported to achieve DDT removal of between 30% and 98%. Granular activated carbon
is also effective.


DDT and its metabolites can be extracted from water using nonpolar solvents (such as pentane, hexane
or iso-octane) and analysed using gas chromatography with electron capture detection (APHA Method
6630 Part B 1992). The limit of determination for p,p’-DDT is approximately 0.00006 mg/L (60 ng/L).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


The absorption of DDT from the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated by the presence of fat in food, and
is virtually complete. The compound is stored preferentially in body fat, but uptake into fat is slow. In
humans and most other animals, some DDT is converted to DDE, which is stored even more readily
than DDT.

Extensive reviews and summaries of the human and animal toxicology of DDT are available (IPCS 1979,
JMPR 1984, IARC 1991).

The principal public health concern regarding DDT arises from its ability to bioaccumulate. There
is no evidence that DDT has any reproductive, teratogenic or carcinogenic effects in humans. An
epidemiological study where workers were exposed to an average dose of 0.25 mg/kg body weight
per day of DDT for 25 years reported no adverse effects.

Long-term oral studies have been carried out using rats, mice, hamsters, dogs, and monkeys. DDT
produces an increase in liver tumours in some strains of mice at a dose of 0.3 mg/kg body weight
per day and above, and in some strains of rats at 7.5 mg/kg per body weight and above.

In most studies DDT did not induce genotoxic effects in rodents or human cell systems; nor was
it mutagenic to bacteria.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that DDT is a possible human
carcinogen (Group 2B, inadequate evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in animals) (IARC 1991).


The health-based guideline value of 0.02 mg/L for DDT was determined as follows:
0.02 mg/L = 0.02 mg/kg body weight per day x 13 kg x 0.1
1 L/day

• 0.02 mg/kg body weight per day is the maximum ADI based on no effect levels in humans,
rats and monkeys (JMPR 1984)
• 13 kg is the weight of a young child (the child weight was used because DDT bioaccumulates
and children may be exposed to a greater amount in relation to their body weight than adults
• 0.1 gives a guideline value based on 10% of the ADI
• 1 L/day is the amount of water consumed by a young child.

The ADI includes a safety factor of 500. No additional safety factors are necessary.

The guideline value exceeds the solubility of DDT in water, but is still appropriate because DDT may
be adsorbed on particulate matter present in drinking water.

The WHO guideline value of 0.002 mg/L was based on a child weight of 10 kg, and used 1% of the ADI
to allow for increased exposure from other sources. Such a low percentage of the ADI was considered
inappropriate for Australia, where usage of DDT has declined markedly.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


APHA Method 6630 Part B (1992). Organochlorine pesticides: Liquid-liquid extraction, gas
chromatographic method I. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition.
American Public Health Association, Washington.

IARC (1991). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Occupational
Exposures in Insecticide Application, and Some Pesticides. World Health Organization, International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 53.

IPCS (1979). DDT and its derivatives. Environmental Health Criteria, 9. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety.

JMPR (1984). Pesticide Residues in Food. Report on the Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues. Food
and Agriculture Organization, Plant Production and Protection Paper 62, Rome.

NHMRC and NFA (1991). The 1990 Australian Market Basket Survey. National Health and Medical
Research Council and National Food Authority, AGPS, Canberra.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

1,2-dichlorobenzene (1,2-DCB)
1,3-dichlorobenzene (1,3-DCB)
1,4-dichlorobenzene (1,4-DCB)


Based on aesthetic considerations, the concentrations of dichlorobenzenes in drinking water

should not exceed the values shown below.

Dichlorobenzenes would not be a health concern unless concentrations exceeded the health
values shown below:

Health value Aesthetic value

1,2-dichlorobenzene 1.5 mg/L 0.001 mg/L

1,3-dichlorobenzene inadequate data 0.02 mg/L
1,4-dichlorobenzene 0.04 mg/L 0.0003 mg/L (300 ng/L)


Dichlorobenzenes are widespread in the environment and may be present in drinking water
though spills and discharges, from atmospheric deposition, or by contact with contaminated soils.
Studies in Japan, England, Canada and the United States have reported concentrations in the range
0.0000005 mg/L (0.5 ng/L) to 0.013 mg/L. Most supplies tested are below 0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L),
with 1,2-DCB and 1,4-DCB the most widely detected isomers. Sources of human exposure to
DCBs are mainly food and air.

The dichlorobenzenes impart an offensive taste and odour to water, with thresholds between
0.0003 mg/L and 0.02 mg/L.

1,4-DCB is used in toilet blocks to deodorise air, and as a moth repellent, and is widely diffused in
the environment. 1,3-DCB is a minor fumigant and insecticide and can be formed from incomplete
combustion of waste. 1,2-DCB is used primarily as a chemical intermediate for dyestuffs and pesticides.


DCBs have not been found in Australian drinking waters. They are included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because they have been detected occasionally in drinking
water supplies overseas.


It is unlikely that DCB concentrations are reduced significantly during conventional water treatment
processes. Removal using packed tower aeration or by the use of granular activated carbon is more than
90% effective and it is likely that concentrations below 0.001 mg/L can be achieved using these methods.

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


A purge and trap gas chromatographic procedure can be used for analysis (USEPA Draft Method
502.1 1986). An inert gas is bubbled through the sample and the dichlorobenzenes trapped on an
adsorbent. The adsorbent is then heated and the dichlorobenzenes analysed using gas chromatography
with electron capture detection. The limit of determination is approximately 0.0002 mg/L.


DCBs are absorbed rapidly through the lungs and from the gastrointestinal tract, and then distributed
to tissues, primarily to fat or fatty tissue, and the lungs and kidneys. They are metabolised by the liver
to the respective chlorophenols and eliminated in urine.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for chlorobenzenes is available
(IPCS 1986).

In the various reported cases of human exposure to DCBs, inhalation is the primary route. Toxic effects
include liver damage, blood disorders, and disturbances to the immune system, the central nervous
system or the respiratory tract. Skin pigmentation and allergic dermatitis have followed skin contact.

In rodents, long-term gavage (measured force-feeding) studies showed high doses of 1,2-DCB
(120 mg/kg body weight per day) to affect mainly the liver and kidney, but found no adverse effects
at lower doses. On balance, the available evidence suggests that 1,2-DCB is neither mutagenic in tests
with bacteria nor carcinogenic in rodents.

No data are available on chronic toxicity for 1,3-DCB. No mutagenic activity was seen in tests
with bacteria.

Long-term gavage studies involving 1,4-DCB produced similar results to the 1,2-DCB studies. In
addition, there is evidence that 1,4-DCB increases the incidence of kidney tumours in male rats and
liver tumours in mice after long-term exposure. It did not exhibit mutagenic activity in tests with
bacteria or mammalian cells.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that 1,4-DCB is possibly carcinogenic
to humans (Group 2B, inadequate evidence in humans but sufficient evidence in animals), but that
1,2-DCB is unclassifiable as to its carcinogenicity (Group 3, inadequate evidence in humans and
animals) (IARC 1987).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


The guideline values for dichlorobenzenes in drinking water were determined as follows:

i) 1,2-dichlorobenzene:

The health-based guideline value of 1.5 mg/L was determined as follows:

1.5 mg/L = 60 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1 x 5
2 L/day x 100 7

• 60 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level from a 2-year gavage study using mice (NTP
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 100 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations and 10 for intraspecies variations)
• 5/7 is used to convert data based on a 5 day per week gavage study to a 7-day week equivalent.

This health-based guideline value exceeds the taste and odour threshold of 0.001 mg/L. The WHO
guideline value of 1 mg/L was based on an adult body weight of 60 kg. The difference in the guideline
values is not significant.

ii) 1,3-dichlorobenzene

There are insufficient long-term data to set a guideline value for 1,3-DCB in drinking water based on
health considerations. The maximum concentration guideline of 0.02 mg/L is based on the aesthetic
considerations of taste and odour.

iii) 1,4-dichlorobenzene

The health-based guideline value of 0.04 mg/L was determined as follows:

0.04 mg/L = 150 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1 x 5
2 L/day x 10 000 7

• 150 mg/kg body weight per day is the lowest effect level based on the appearance of kidney
tumours in a 2-year gavage study using rats (NTP 1987)
• 10 000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations, 10 because a lowest effect level
was used instead of a no effect level, and 10 because carcinogenic effects were observed
at the lowest doses used)
• other factors are as above.

This health-based value exceeds the taste and odour threshold of 0.0003 mg/L. The WHO guideline
value of 0.3 mg/L did not include the additional factor of 10 for possible carcinogenic effects.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1991). Chlorobenzenes other than hexachlorobenzene. Environmental Health Criteria, 128.
World Health Organization, International Programme on Chemical Safety.

NTP (1985). Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of 1,2-dichlorobenzene (o-dichlorobenzene)

in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (gavage studies). National Toxicology Program, Technical Report
No. 255, Publication No. 86-2511. United States Department of Health and Human Services,
National Institute of Health.

NTP (1987). Toxicology and carcinogenesis gavage studies of 1,4-dichlorobenzene in F344/N rats and
B6C3F1 mice. National Toxicology Program, Technical Report Series No. 319, Publication No. 87-2575,
National Institute of Health, Bethesda, United States.

USEPA Draft Method 502.1 (1986). Volatile halogenated organic compounds in water by purge and
trap gas chromatography. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring
and Support Laboratory (ESML), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



1,1-dichloroethane: data are inadequate to set a drinking water guideline value.

1,2-dichloroethane: based on health considerations, the concentration in drinking water should

not exceed 0.003 mg/L.


Dichloroethanes are present in some industrial effluent and have occasionally been found in drinking
water supplies in the United States at concentrations below 0.006 mg/L.

The major use for 1,2-dichloroethane is in the production of vinyl chloride. It is also used in the
production of other solvents, and can be used as a lead scavenger in petrol. 1,1-dichloroethane is
used in the commercial production of 1,1,1-trichloroethane, as a solvent in paints, and as a varnish
and finish remover.


Dichloroethanes have not been found in Australian drinking waters. They are included here to provide
guidance in the unlikely event of contamination, and because they have been detected occasionally
in drinking water supplies overseas.


The dichloroethanes can be removed from drinking water using packed tower aeration, or by adsorption
onto granular activated carbon.


The dichloroethanes can be analysed by the purge and trap method (USEPA Method 502.1 1986). In this
method an inert gas is bubbled through the sample and the dichloroethanes trapped on an adsorbent.
The adsorbent is then heated and the dichloroethanes analysed using gas chromatography with electron
capture detection. The limit of determination is approximately 0.0002 mg/L.


1,2-dichloroethane is absorbed through the lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Highest concentrations
occur in the kidney and liver where it is metabolised to 2-chloroethanol. There are few data for
1,1-dichloroethane but it could be absorbed faster as it is more lipophilic (fat soluble).

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for 1,2-dichloroethane
is available (IPCS 1987). A number of cases of poisoning following consumption of high doses of
1,2-dichloroethane have been reported. While not all cases have been fatal, death is attributed to
circulatory and respiratory failure.

1,1-dichloroethane has been used as an anaesthetic. Its use was discontinued because of problems
associated with heart rhythm.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

A 13-week inhalation study with 1,1-dichloroethane reported elevated blood-urea nitrogen concentrations
in cats but not in rats, rabbits or guinea pigs. No other adverse effects were observed. A 78-week feeding
study reported a marginally significant increase in the incidence of tumours of the mammary glands of
female rats. No statistically significant increase in tumours was observed in male rats, or male and female
mice. 1,1-dichloroethane has exhibited mutagenic activity in tests with bacteria and mammalian cells.

A 13-week feeding and drinking water study with 1,2-dichloroethane using rats and mice reported
increased kidney and liver weights at high doses (4000 mg/L). No increase in the incidence of tumours or
lesions was observed in mice or male rats, but female rats exhibited an increase in the incidence of kidney

A significant increase in tumours of the fore-stomach and circulatory system was reported in male
rats fed 1,2-dichloroethane five times per week for 78 weeks. The same study reported tumours of the
mammary glands in female rats. 1,2-dichloroethane has exhibited mutagenic activity in tests with
different strains of bacteria, and metabolites are known to be strongly mutagenic.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that 1,2-dichloroethane is possibly
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B, no data in humans but sufficient evidence in animals) (IARC 1987).


The assessment of the toxicological data of these compounds by the WHO has been used without
review; however, the guideline value has been adjusted to a risk level of one in one million.

i) 1,1-dichloroethane

There are insufficient long-term data to set a health-based guideline value for 1,1-dichloroethane
in drinking water.

ii) 1,2-dichloroethane

The guideline value for 1,2-dichloroethane in drinking water has been set at 0.003 mg/L. The WHO has
conservatively calculated, using an extrapolation model based on a 78 week study in rats (NCI 1978),
that consumption of water containing 0.003 mg/L of 1,2-dichloroethane would pose a lifetime risk
of one additional cancer per million people.

The guideline value should be reviewed when more data are available.

The WHO guideline value of 0.03 mg/L was based on a calculation that estimated an additional
lifetime risk of one fatal cancer per 100 000 people.


IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1987). 1,2-Dichloroethane. Environmental Health Criteria, 62. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety.

NCI (1978). Bioassay of 1,2-dichloroethane for possible carcinogenicity. National Cancer Institute,
Department Health Education and Welfare, Washington DC, Report NCI-CG-TR-55.

USEPA Draft Method 502.1 (1986). Volatile halogenated organic compounds in water by purge and
trap gas chromatography. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring
and Support Laboratory (ESML), Cincinnati, Ohio.
NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE)
1,2-dichloroethene (1,2-DCE)


Based on health considerations, the concentrations of dichloroethenes in drinking water

should not exceed the following values:

1,1-dichloroethene 0.03 mg/L

1,2-dichloroethene 0.06 mg/L


Available data indicate that the dichloroethenes are rarely found in drinking water. Studies in the United
States have very occasionally reported DCEs in groundwater, usually from wells heavily contaminated
with other chlorinated solvents.

1,1-DCE is used as a chemical intermediate in the manufacture of chloroform and polyvinylidene (PVDE)
polymers. 1,2-DCE is also used as an intermediate in the manufacture of chlorinated solvents, and as
a solvent. It can occur as two isomers, the cis and trans forms.


DCEs have not been found in Australian drinking waters. They are included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because they have been detected occasionally in drinking
water supplies overseas.


The DCEs can be removed from drinking water by aeration, or by adsorption onto granular
activated carbon.


A purge and trap gas chromatographic procedure can be used for analysis (USEPA Draft Method
502.1 1986). An inert gas is bubbled through the sample and the dichloroethenes trapped on an
adsorbent. The adsorbent is then heated and the dichloroethenes analysed using gas chromatography
with electron capture detection. The limit of determination is approximately 0.0002 mg/L.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


The DCEs can be readily absorbed through the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract. They are distributed
primarily to the liver and kidneys, and are metabolised to chloroacetic acid, chloroacetyl chloride,
dichloroacetaldehyde and reactive epoxides.

In humans, exposure to high concentrations in air can lead to central nervous system depression.
The DCEs have been used as anaesthetics.

A long-term study where rats were exposed to 1,1-DCE in their drinking water for 2 years reported
minimal swelling to liver cells but no other adverse effects. No changes were observed in tissues taken
from dogs after 97 days of exposure. 1,1-DCE induced tumours in mice in one inhalation study, but was
not carcinogenic in other studies, including one drinking water study. It has exhibited some mutagenic
activity in tests with bacteria but not with cultured mammalian cells.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that 1,1-DCE is not classifiable as to
its carcinogenicity (Group 3, evidence inadequate in humans and limited in animals) (IARC 1987).

No long-term data are available for 1,2-DCE; however, a 90-day immunotoxicity study with mice using
the trans isomer reported increases in glutathione levels and aniline hydroxylase activity. No data
are available on carcinogenicity bioassays with animals. The cis isomer, but not the trans isomer, has
exhibited some mutagenic activity in vivo in tests with bacteria. Neither isomer induced chromosomal
aberrations in hamster lung cells in vitro.


The assessment of the toxicological data of these compounds by the WHO has been used without
review. The guideline values were determined as follows:

i) 1,1-dichloroethene
0.03 mg/L = 9 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 1000

• 9 mg/kg body weight per day is the lowest effect level based on a 2-year drinking water study
using rats (Quast et al 1983)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 because a lowest effect level
was used instead of a no effect level).

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

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ii) 1,2-dichloroethene
0.06 mg/L = 17 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 1000

• 17 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 90-day drinking water study
using mice (Barnes et al 1985)
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 for the less than lifetime study)
• other factors apply as above.

The WHO guideline value of 0.05 mg/L was based on an adult body weight of 60 kg. The difference
in guideline values is not significant.


Barnes DW, Sanders VM, White KL, Shopp GM and Munson AE (1985). Toxicology of
trans-1,2-dichloroethylene in the mouse. Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 8, 373–392.

IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

Quast JF, Humiston CG, Wade CE, Ballard J, Beyer JE, Schwetz RW and Norris JM (1983). A chronic
toxicity and oncogenicity study in rats and subchronic toxicity study in dogs on ingested vinylidene
chloride. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, 3, 55–62.

USEPA Draft Method 502.1 (1986). Volatile halogenated organic compounds in water by purge and
trap gas chromatography. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring
and Support Laboratory (ESML), Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

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Dichloromethane (methylene chloride)


Based on health considerations, the concentration of dichloromethane in drinking water

should not exceed 0.004 mg/L.


Dichloromethane releases into the environment are substantial and widely dispersed. In overseas studies
it has been found in the parts-per-trillion range in air and is a common contaminant of ground and
surface waters, with higher concentrations found in groundwater. In surface waters it can volatilise into
air and will degrade in the atmosphere.

Dichloromethane is a widely used organic solvent. It can be found in paints, insecticides, degreasing
agents, cleaning fluids and paint strippers.


Dichloromethane has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide
guidance in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally
in drinking water supplies overseas.


Dichloromethane concentrations in drinking water can be reduced using aeration, or by adsorption

onto granular activated carbon.


A purge and trap gas chromatographic procedure can be used for analysis (USEPA Draft Method
502.1 1986). An inert gas is bubbled through the sample and dichloromethane trapped on an adsorbent.
The adsorbent is then heated and dichloromethane analysed using gas chromatography with electron
capture detection. The limit of determination is approximately 0.0003 mg/L.


Studies indicate that dichloromethane is completely absorbed after ingestion and distributed primarily
to the liver. It is metabolised to carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and formic acid.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for dichloromethane
is available (IPCS 1984).

Inhalation of high doses has induced narcosis in humans, and acute exposure has caused impairment
of sensory and motor functions.

In animals, a 2-year drinking water study on rats reported some changes to the liver at doses from
52 mg/kg body weight per day. Studies have shown mice to be less sensitive than rats to the toxic
effects of dichloromethane.

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Epidemiological investigations have failed to demonstrate a correlation between dichloromethane

exposure and increased cancer incidence.

Overall, carcinogenicity of dichloromethane given in water to rodents is borderline and not conclusive.
By inhalation there is clear evidence of carcinogenicity in rodents (IARC 1987).

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that dichloromethane is possibly
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B, inadequate evidence in humans but sufficient evidence in animals)
(IARC 1987).


The guideline value for dichloromethane in drinking water of 0.004 mg/L was determined as follows:
0.004 mg/L = 6 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 5000

• 6 mg/kg body weight per day is the lowest effect level based on a 2-year drinking water study
using rats (Serota et al 1986)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 5000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations, 10 for genotoxicity and 5 for lowest
effect level).

The WHO guideline of 0.02 mg/L did not include a safety factor for the use of a lowest effect level.
The need to use this additional factor arose after a statistical evaluation of the data in the referenced
study indicating that the end point was a lowest effect level, not a no effect level.


IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1984). Methylene chloride. Environmental Health Criteria, 32. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety.

Serota DG, Thakur AK, Ulland BM, Kirschman JC, Brown NM, Coots RH and Morgareidge K (1986).
A two-year drinking water study of dichloromethane in rodents: I. Rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology,
24, 951–958.

USEPA Draft Method 502.1 (1986). Volatile halogenated organic compounds in water by purge and
trap gas chromatography. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring
and Support Laboratory (ESML), Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Dissolved oxygen


Based on aesthetic considerations, it is desirable that the dissolved oxygen concentration

in drinking water be greater than 85% saturation.

No health-based guideline value has been set for dissolved oxygen.


Drinking water will generally contain an adequate concentration of dissolved oxygen; however, under
some circumstances the oxygen concentration may be reduced. This may occur, for instance, where
water has been drawn from deep storages, where there is considerable growth of microorganisms
in a distribution system, or following prolonged periods of high water temperature.

Low oxygen concentrations or anoxic conditions enable nuisance anaerobic microorganisms to

grow, producing byproducts that affect the aesthetic quality of the water and increase corrosion
of pipes and fittings.

There are a number of such nuisance microorganisms. Manganese-reducing bacteria produce black
manganese deposits which can slough off pipes and soil laundry. Sulfate-reducing bacteria can produce
hydrogen sulfide, giving drinking water a ‘rotten egg’ smell. Nitrate-reducing bacteria can produce nitrite.
Iron-reducing bacteria can increase the concentration of ferrous ion in solution which will lead to the
deposition of insoluble ferric salts when aeration is increased.

Localised pH changes associated with the growth of nuisance microorganisms can cause rapid corrosion
in metal pipes.

Water from groundwater sources will generally have low oxygen concentrations and while this may
cause no difficulties for most supplies, some supplies may need aeration to improve water quality
(e.g. taste and odour).


In major Australian reticulated supplies the dissolved oxygen concentration is generally greater
than 85% saturation. Ground water supplies may have less dissolved oxygen.


The dissolved oxygen concentration in drinking water can be increased by aeration or ozonation.


The dissolved oxygen content of drinking water can be determined on site using an oxygen-sensitive
membrane electrode (APHA Method 4500-O Part G 1992). Alternatively, the iodometric method
(azide modification) can be used (APHA Method 4500-O Part C 1992).


There have been no direct health effects caused by low oxygen concentrations in drinking water. Indirect
effects may result from the corrosion of fittings, which can give rise to higher concentrations of heavy
metals such as lead, copper and cadmium, and by the anaerobic generation of hydrogen sulfide and

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The guideline value of more than 85% saturation is based on aesthetic considerations for taste, odour
and prevention of corrosion of pipes and fittings. If the concentration is lower than 85%, an investigation
should be carried out to determine the cause.


APHA Method 4500-O Part C (1992). Oxygen: Azide modification. Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 4500-O Part G (1992). Oxygen: Membrane electrode method. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of epichlorohydrin in drinking water should

not exceed 0.0005 mg/L.


Epichlorohydrin is used in the manufacture of glycerine and unmodified epoxy resins, including
resins used in water treatment (polyelectrolytes). The USEPA has proposed that the maximum residual
epichlorohydrin content in flocculating agent shall not exceed 0.01% which, at maximum resin usage
rates of 20 mg/L, would lead to an epichlorohydrin concentration in drinking water of less than
0.002 mg/L. No monitoring of epichlorohydrin concentrations in drinking water has been reported.
Epichlorohydrin hydrolyses in water and this can cause difficulties in detection.


Epichlorohydrin has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide
guidance in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally
in drinking water supplies overseas.


No published reports are available on water treatment procedures for the removal of epichlorohydrin.
Aeration is unlikely to be successful.


Epichlorohydrin can be determined using gas chromatography with electron capture detection
(Pesselman and Feit 1988). The limit of determination is approximately 0.05 mg/L.


In laboratory animals epichlorohydrin is rapidly absorbed after ingestion, inhalation and skin contact,
and is distributed to the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for epichlorohydrin
is available (IPCS 1984).

In humans, skin contact with high concentrations can cause initial redness, itching, or a burning
sensation. The initial effects of inhalation are similar, and can be followed by vomiting and severe
headache. Long-term exposure can cause kidney and liver damage. Epichlorohydrin has been reported to
increase chromosome damage in lymphocytes, and decrease blood cell counts in occupationally exposed

A long-term study where male rats were given epichlorohydrin in their drinking water for 81 weeks
reported a decrease in leucocytes and an increase in the incidence of fore-stomach tumours from
a dose of 39 mg/kg body weight per day and fore-stomach hyperplasia from 18 mg/kg body weight per
day. A 2-year gavage study in rats, using doses of 2 and 10 mg/kg body weight per day, also reported
induction of fore-stomach carcinomas. Inhalation studies in rats have reported the appearance of nasal
cavity carcinomas.

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Epichlorohydrin has been shown to be genotoxic both in vitro and in vivo. It is an alkylating agent and
a direct-acting mutagen.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that epichlorohydrin is probably
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A, insufficient evidence in humans, sufficient evidence in animals,
and other supportive data) (IARC 1987).


The assessment of the toxicological data for epichlorohydrin by the WHO has been used without review.
The guideline value of 0.0005 mg/L was determined as follows:
0.0005 mg/L = 2 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1 x 5
2 L/day x 10 000 7

• 2 mg/kg body weight per day is the lowest effect level based on a 2-year gavage study using rats
(Wester et al 1985)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 10 000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations, 10 because a lowest effect level was
used instead of a no effect level, and 10 for carcinogenic effects)
• 5/7 is used to convert data based on a 5 day per week feeding study to a 7-day week equivalent.

Although epichlorohydrin is a genotoxic carcinogen, the use of a linear multistage model for estimating
cancer risk was considered inappropriate because tumours are seen only at the site of administration
where epichlorohydrin is highly irritating.

The limit of determination is approximately 0.05 mg/L; however, concentrations in drinking water
can be controlled by product specification.

The WHO guideline value of 0.0004 mg/L was based on an adult body weight of 60 kg. The difference
in guideline values is not significant.


IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1984). Epichlorohydrin. Environmental Health Criteria, 33. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

Pesselman RL and Feit MJ (1988). Determination of residual epichlorohydrin and 3-chloropropanediol in

water by gas chromatography with electron capture detection. Journal of Chromatography, 439, 488-542.

Wester PW, Van Der Heijden CA, Bisschop A and Van Esch GJ (1985). Carcinogenicity study with
epichlorohydrin (CEP) by gavage in rats. Toxicology, 36, 325-339.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on aesthetic considerations (taste and odour), the concentration of ethylbenzene

in drinking water should not exceed 0.003 mg/L.

Ethylbenzene would not be a health concern unless the concentration exceeded 0.3 mg/L.


Ethylbenzene occurs naturally as a component of crude oil and is present in petrol, but in small
quantities. It may be present in drinking water following pollution of source water. Overseas
studies have reported concentrations in drinking water ranging from 0.00001 mg/L to 0.0004 mg/L
(10 ng/L to 400 ng/L).

Ethylbenzene is produced commercially by the alkylation of benzene with ethylene, and by fractionation
of petroleum. It is a major component of commercial xylene and is used commercially in paints,
insecticides and blends of petrol. It can also be found as a constituent of asphalt and naphtha.

The taste and odour threshold in water varies from 0.002 mg/L to 0.2 mg/L, depending on individual
sensitivities and water temperature.


Ethylbenzene has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally in drinking
water supplies overseas.


Ethylbenzene can be removed from drinking water by aeration or by adsorption onto granular
activated carbon.


A purge and trap gas chromatographic procedure can be used for the analysis of ethylbenzene (USEPA
Draft Method 503.1 1986). An inert gas is bubbled through the sample and ethylbenzene trapped on
an adsorbent. The adsorbent is then heated and ethylbenzene analysed using gas chromatography
with photoionization detection. The limit of determination is less than 0.001 mg/L.


Ethylbenzene is readily absorbed from the human gastrointestinal tract. It can be stored in fat and is
metabolised to mandelic and phenylglyoxalic acids and excreted in the urine. It can cross the placenta.

No data are available on the health effects in humans after oral exposure, and inhalation data are limited
to short-term studies.

A 6-month gavage study using rats reported enlargement of the liver and kidney at high doses
(400 mg/kg body weight per day). Liver effects were also observed in a number of inhalation studies.
No longer-term studies are available.

Studies on the mutagenic activity of ethylbenzene to bacteria, insects and mammalian cells have
reported negative results.
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The health-based guideline value for ethylbenzene in drinking water was determined as follows:
0.3 mg/L = 136 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1 x 5
2 L/day x 1000 7

• 136 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 6-month gavage study using rats
(Wolf et al 1956)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 for the limited data and short
duration of the study)
• 5/7 is used to convert data based on a 5 day per week gavage study to a 7-day week equivalent.

This health-based value exceeds the taste threshold of 0.003 mg/L for ethylbenzene in water.


USEPA Draft Method 503.1 (1986). Volatile organic compounds in water by purge and trap gas
chromatography. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and
Support Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

Wolf MA, Rowe VK, McCollister DD, Hollingsworth RL and Oyen F (1956). Toxicology studies
of certain alkylated benzenes and benzene: experiments on laboratory animals. AMA Archives
of Industrial Health, 14, 387–398.

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Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA)


Based on health considerations, the concentration of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid

in drinking water (as the free acid) should not exceed 0.25 mg/L.


EDTA is a metal-complexing agent and may act to mobilise some heavy metals in the environment.
It has occasionally been detected in drinking water supplies overseas at concentrations of up to
0.9 mg/L, but usually less than 0.1 mg/L.

EDTA is used widely in industry and agriculture. It is used in laundry detergents, water softening,
electroplating, textile and paper production, as a food additive, and in cosmetics. Most of these uses will
result in the release of EDTA to the aquatic environment. It is also used as a drug in chelation therapy,
particularly in cases involving lead poisoning.


EDTA has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally in drinking
water supplies overseas.


There are no published reports on methods for the removal of EDTA from drinking water, although
it may be oxidised by ozone.


EDTA can be analysed by potentiometric stripping analysis (Fayyad et al 1988). The limit of determination
is 0.001 mg/L.


EDTA is poorly absorbed in the gut and does not form any significant metabolites. It does not accumulate
in the body.

There is considerable clinical experience in the use of EDTA for the treatment of heavy metal poisoning.

Long-term feeding studies with rats and dogs reported no interference to mineral metabolism. Results
from other studies have been affected by the formation of zinc complexes in the gastrointestinal tract,
which prevents the zinc from being absorbed.

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The guideline value for EDTA (as the free acid) in drinking water was determined as follows:
0.25 mg/L = 1.9 mg/kg body weight per day x 13 kg x 0.1
1 L/day x 10

• 1.9 mg/kg body weight per day is the amount of EDTA that can be consumed from all sources
per day without adverse effects (WHO 1974)
• 13 kg is the average weight of a child at 2 years of age (this value was used because of the
possibility of complexation of zinc, an essential element for humans, and the need to protect
the most sensitive group)
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 1 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by a 2-year-old child
• 10 is a safety factor to reflect the fact that the data for EDTA are relatively old
(the WHO assessment was dated 1974), and concern over zinc complexation.

The WHO guideline value of 0.2 mg/L was based on a child body weight of 10 kg.
The difference in guideline values is not significant.


Fayyad M, Tutunji M and Taha Z (1988). Indirect trace determination of EDTA in waters
by potentiometric stripping analysis. Analytical Letters, 21, 1425–1432.

WHO (1974). Toxicological evaluation of some food additives including anti-caking agents,
anti-microbials, anti-oxidants, emulsifiers and thickening agents. World Health Organization
Food Additive Series No 5, WHO, Geneva.

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Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of fluoride in drinking water should

not exceed 1.5 mg/L.


Fluoride occurs naturally in seawater (1.4 mg/L), soil (up to 300 parts per million) and air (from volcanic
gases and industrial pollution). Naturally occurring fluoride concentrations in drinking water depend
on the type of soil and rock through which the water drains. Generally, concentrations in surface water
are relatively low (<0.1-0.5 mg/L), while water from deeper wells may have quite high concentrations
(1-10 mg/L) if the rock formations are fluoride-rich.

Inorganic fluorine compounds are used in aluminium production, as a flux in the steel and glass fibre
industries, and in phosphate fertilisers, bricks, tiles and ceramics.

Virtually all foodstuffs contain traces of fluoride. In particular, high amounts can be found in dried
tea leaves because of natural concentration by the tea plant. Total daily intake from all sources varies
considerably, but has been estimated at 0.46 mg to 5.4 mg, with about 10% coming from unfluoridated
drinking water.

Fluoride is used to protect teeth against dental caries. It is present in most brands of toothpaste, and
it is often added to drinking water supplies.


In unfluoridated supplies, fluoride concentrations are typically less than 0.1 mg/L, but can range from
less than 0.05 mg/L up to 1.5 mg/L, with the higher values reported from groundwater sources.

In fluoridated supplies, the target fluoride concentration is between 0.7 and 1 mg/L, with the lower
concentrations applying where the climate is hot, to allow for a higher average consumption of water.


Fluoride concentrations in drinking water can be reduced by dilution with other sources, or by using
activated alumina or bone char. Conventional coagulation with alum is much less effective.


The fluoride concentration in drinking water can be determined using an ion-specific electrode
(APHA Method 4500-F- Part C 1992). The limit of determination is 0.1 mg/L.


Because fluoride is widely dispersed in the environment, all living organisms are exposed to it and all
tolerate modest amounts. It has been claimed that fluoride is an essential trace element for humans, but
this is difficult to establish conclusively, and no data are available on the minimum amount needed.
Fluoride is absorbed quickly following ingestion. It is not metabolised, but diffuses passively into all body
compartments. About 40% is excreted in urine within 9 hours, and about 50% over 24 hours. Fluoride has
an affinity for mineralising tissues of the body: in young people, bone and teeth; in older people, bone.
Thus excretion is somewhat greater in adults because they have proportionately less mineralising tissue
than children.
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Fluoride has been shown to prevent dental caries very effectively, and knowledge of its anti-caries
effect came from the observed association of low caries prevalences with naturally occurring fluoride
in drinking water (at about 1 mg/L). The NHMRC has extensively reviewed health aspects of fluoride
and its prevention of dental disease. Many health authorities around the world recommend fluoridation
of public water supplies as an important public health measure.

Concentrations above 1.5 mg/L may disturb tooth mineralisation in children up to about 6 to 8 years,
leading to dental fluorosis, a mottling of the teeth which can occasionally occur to an unsightly degree.

Skeletal fluorosis, characterised by hypermineralisation and thus brittle bones, has occurred in association
with high fluoride concentrations in drinking water, and also with occupational exposure to fluoride-
containing dust. It generally occurs after prolonged exposure (several years) and is reversible: if the
exposure is removed, the fluoride levels in bones gradually decline.

Regular consumption of water with fluoride concentrations above about 4 mg/L involves progressively
increasing risks of skeletal fluorosis. The USEPA has set this level as the maximum acceptable for drinking
water: above it, communities are required to lower the fluoride concentration by treatment to remove
it, or by dilution.

People with kidney impairment have a lower margin of safety for fluoride intake. Limited data indicate
that their fluoride retention may be up to three times normal.

There is no substantiated epidemiological evidence that fluoride or fluoridation causes cancer. One
animal study showed an increased incidence of bone tumours in some male rats that were exposed
to very high concentrations of fluoride in water, but female rats and mice were not affected.

Tests for mutagenicity with strains of bacteria have been negative. Chromosome aberrations have
been reported in tests with mammalian cells but only at extremely high fluoride concentrations.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that fluoride is not classifiable as to
its carcinogenicity in humans (Group 3, inadequate evidence in humans and in animals) (IARC 1987).


It was recognised in setting the guideline value of 1.5 mg/L that there is a narrow margin between
concentrations producing beneficial effects to teeth and those producing objectionable fluorosis.

The minimum concentration required for a protective effect against dental caries is about 0.5 mg/L,
and concentrations around 1 mg/L in temperate climates are optimal for caries prevention.
At concentrations between 1.5 and 2 mg/L, mottling of teeth due to dental fluorosis may occur,
sometimes to an objectionable degree.

The guideline value of 1.5 mg/L has been set to protect children from the risk of dental fluorosis. If this
value is exceeded in circumstances where it is not practical to defluoridate, then parents should be advised
to use rainwater or bottled water for children up to about 6 years to limit or prevent dental fluorosis.

The guideline value should not be regarded as a recommended value for fluoridation of water supplies.

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Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


APHA Method 4500-F– Part C (1992). Fluoride: Ion-selective electrode method. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

NHMRC (1991). The effectiveness of water fluoridation. National Health and Medical Research Council,
and Department of Health, Housing and Community Services, Canberra.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of formaldehyde in drinking water

should not exceed 0.5 mg/L.


Formaldehyde may be present in drinking water through ozonation of naturally occurring humic material,
contamination by accidental spills, or deposition from the atmosphere. Typical concentrations in air
are probably in the low parts-per-billion range. Overseas, formaldehyde has been detected in ozonated
drinking water at concentrations up to 0.03 mg/L.

Formaldehyde is used industrially in the wood, paper and textile industries. It is also used in the
production of a number of chemicals and for the preservation of biological material. It is occasionally
used as a disinfectant, sometimes to disinfect water filters. Other sources of exposure include cigarette
smoke and food. Formaldehyde is present in almost all common foods, and adult dietary intake
is estimated at 11 mg/day. Drinking water would contribute less than 10% of total intake.


No data are available on the concentrations of formaldehyde in Australian drinking waters.


There are no published reports on methods for the removal of formaldehyde from drinking water.


Formaldehyde can be determined by formation of the 2,4-dinitro-phenylhydrazone derivative followed

by analysis with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection (Whittle and
Rennie 1988). The limit of determination is 0.006 mg/L.


Formaldehyde is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is rapidly metabolised
to formic acid and subsequently to carbon dioxide and water.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for formaldehyde
is available (IPCS 1989).

Most human health data are from inhalation studies, where formaldehyde causes irritation of the
respiratory tract, and dermal studies, where it causes skin irritation. Formaldehyde has been linked
to outbreaks of haemolytic anaemia in patients using improperly serviced dialysis units, where
formaldehyde was used to disinfect the units and residual amounts remained in the water filter.

A number of epidemiological studies have looked at the effects of inhalation of formaldehyde. No effects
could be directly attributed to long-term occupational exposure, but studies among exposed workers
have reported elevated incidences of a number of cancers including nasal, buccal, nasopharyngeal, skin,
prostate and colon cancers. The available human evidence indicates that formaldehyde does not have
a high carcinogenic potential (IPCS 1989).

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

In a 2-year drinking water study using rats, severe damage to gastric mucosa was reported only at
the highest doses (over 80 mg/kg body weight per day), but no tumours were observed, either in the
stomach or at other sites. Other studies have shown similar pathological changes to the stomach, but
again only at the highest doses.

There was no evidence of tumour-promoting activity when formaldehyde was applied to mouse skin,
but rats inhaling formaldehyde exhibited a markedly increased incidence of cancer of the nasal cavity.
Formaldehyde has demonstrated mutagenic activity when applied to cells in vitro but not when
applied in vivo.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that formaldehyde is probably
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A, limited human evidence, sufficient animal evidence, based
on inhalation studies) (IARC 1987). The weight of evidence indicates that formaldehyde is not
carcinogenic by the oral route.


The guideline value for formaldehyde in drinking water was determined as follows:
0.5 mg/L = 15 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 100

• 15 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 2-year drinking water study
in rats (Til et al 1989)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 100 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations and 10 for intraspecies variations). The use of this safety factor
was recommended by the NHMRC Standing Committee on Toxicity.

The WHO derived a guideline value of 0.9 mg/L based on a 20% allocation of total daily intake
to drinking water. In determining the Australian guideline value, it was felt that sufficient data
were available to indicate that 10% was a more realistic figure.


IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall
Evaluations of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health
Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1989). Formaldehyde. Environmental Health Criteria, 89. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

Til HP, Woutersen RA, Feron VJ, Hollanders VHM, Falke HE and Clary JJ (1989). Two-year drinking water
study of formaldehyde in rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 27, 77–87.

Whittle PJ and Rennie PJ (1988). Determination of formaldehyde in river water by high-performance

liquid chromatography. Analyst, 113, 665–666.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Data are inadequate to set guideline values for haloacetonitriles in drinking water.


Haloacetonitriles are formed from organic precursors during chlorination of drinking water.
Concentrations of dihaloacetonitriles reported overseas range up to 0.04 mg/L but are typically
less than 0.001 mg/L. Concentrations of trichloroacetonitrile are less than 0.001 mg/L.

Trichloroacetonitrile has been used as an insecticide. No data are available on uses for the
other haloacetonitriles.


No data are available on concentrations of haloacetonitriles in Australian drinking waters.


The presence of haloacetonitriles in drinking water can be minimised by removing naturally occurring
organic matter from the source water, by reducing the amount of chlorine added, or by the use
of alternative disinfectants.


A solvent extraction procedure is suitable for the analysis of haloacetonitriles (USEPA Draft Method
551 1990). Sodium chloride is added to the sample and the haloacetonitriles extracted using methyl
tert-butyl ether. The extracts are then analysed using gas chromatography with an electron capture
detector. Limits of determination are less than 0.0001 mg/L.


Haloacetonitriles are rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and metabolised to single carbon
compounds, including cyanide. Insufficient data are available to indicate whether haloacetonitriles can
accumulate in specific organs.

No data are available on the health effects of haloacetonitriles in humans.

Dichloroacetonitrile and dibromoacetonitrile caused decreased body weights in 90-day feeding studies
with rats, but specific target organs were not identified. Dibromoacetonitrile and bromochloroacetonitrile
caused an increase in the incidence of squamous cell carcinomas when applied to the skin of mice
in the presence of agents which promote tumour growth. No significant increase was observed for
dichloroacetonitrile or trichloroacetonitrile.

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Dichloroacetonitrile and bromochloroacetonitrile were direct-acting mutagens in tests on bacteria,

whereas tests with dibromoacetonitrile and trichloroacetonitrile were negative. All four compounds
induced DNA damage (sister chromatid exchange and DNA strand breaks) in mammalian cells.

Studies with rats indicate that dichloroacetonitrile and trichloroacetonitrile can cause fetal deformities.
No data are available for other haloacetonitriles.

The NHMRC Standing Committee on Toxicity reviewed the available data for haloacetonitriles in 1991,
and concluded that data were insufficient to set no effect levels for these compounds.


The WHO has set guideline values for dichloroacetonitrile (0.09 mg/L) and trichloroacetonitrile (0.001
mg/L) based on developmental effects in rats following short-term exposure during gestation. The WHO
guideline value for dibromoacetonitrile (0.1 mg/L) was from a 90-day study using rats in which there
were a large number of accidental animal deaths. The guidelines should be reviewed as soon as long-
term toxicological data are available.

These studies were not considered to be sufficient to set Australian guideline values.


USEPA Draft Method 551 (1990). Determination of chlorination disinfection byproducts and chlorinated
solvents in drinking water by liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography with electron capture
detection. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support
Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Hardness (as Calcium carbonate)


To minimise undesirable build-up of scale in hot water systems, total hardness

(as calcium carbonate) in drinking water should not exceed 200 mg/L.


Hard water requires more soap than soft water to obtain a lather. It can also cause scale to form on hot
water pipes and fittings. Hardness is caused primarily by the presence of calcium and magnesium ions,
although other cations such as strontium, iron, manganese and barium can also contribute.

Total hardness is the sum of the concentrations of calcium and magnesium ions expressed as a calcium
carbonate equivalent. Hardness may also be classified as carbonate (temporary) or noncarbonate
(permanent) hardness. Carbonate hardness is the total alkalinity expressed as calcium carbonate, where
alkalinity is the sum of the carbonate, bicarbonate and hydroxide content. Noncarbonate hardness
is the difference between the total and carbonate hardness.

Degrees of hardness can be described as follows:

<60 mg/L CaCO3 soft but possibly corrosive
60-200 mg/L CaCO3 good quality
200-500 mg/L CaCO3 increasing scaling problems
>500 mg/L CaCO3 severe scaling

Public acceptance of hardness can vary considerably among communities and is generally related to
the hardness that the consumer has come to expect, which in turn is due to the source of the water.

Soft water may lead to greater corrosion of pipes, although this will depend on other factors such as pH,
alkalinity and dissolved oxygen concentration. Total hardness above 200 mg/L may lead to excessive
scaling of pipes and fittings, and cause blockage of safety relief valves in hot water systems.

High total hardness may be a problem for supplies reliant on groundwater. Surface waters can generally
be expected to have acceptable values.


Total hardness in major Australian reticulated supplies ranges between about 5 mg/L and about
380 mg/L.


Hardness can be determined by titration of calcium and magnesium with EDTA (APHA Method 2340C


Carbonate (temporary) hardness can be readily reduced by treatment, for example using lime softening;
however, this is rarely practised for Australian drinking water. Sodium hexametaphosphate has been
used to reduce scale build-up, but does not affect hardness.

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Some epidemiological studies have found that hard water may have a beneficial effect on health,
particularly on some types of cardiovascular disease (NAS 1977), but the data are inadequate to
conclude that the association is causal.

There is some indication that soft water, with a hardness of less than about 75 mg/L, may adversely
affect mineral balance.


The guideline value is based on two considerations:

• difficulty in obtaining a lather with soap
• water with a total hardness (as calcium carbonate) above 200 mg/L can cause a rapid build-up of
undesirable deposits, or scale, in hot water pipes and fittings. Removal of these deposits can be


The 1984 WHO Guideline value for total hardness is 500 mg/L. The 1993 WHO Guidelines do not
provide a specific value for hardness.

The Canadian Guidelines rate over 500 mg/L as unacceptable, over 200 mg/L as poor, and 80-100 mg/L
as acceptable.

The EEC standards do not include a maximum concentration for hardness, but consider a minimum
concentration of at least 60 mg/L to be desirable.


APHA Method 2340C (1992). Hardness: EDTA titrimetric method. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

NAS (1977). Drinking water and health. National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide


Heptachlor should not be detected in drinking water. If present in drinking water,

heptachlor would not be a health concern unless the concentration exceeded 0.0003 mg/L.

If it is detected, remedial action should be taken to stop contamination. The limit

of determination is 0.00005 mg/L (50 ng/L).


Heptachlor is a broad spectrum insecticide used in Australia until September 1994 to protect wooden
structures against termites. Its other former uses were withdrawn in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Heptachlor epoxide, an oxidation product of heptachlor, is not commercially available.

Heptachlor is moderately persistent in soil. It is transformed slowly to the epoxide, which is very
resistant to further chemical or biological degradation.

Heptachlor has been detected at low nanogram per litre concentrations in water supplies in Europe and
the United States. It has been found in a number of foods including human milk. The daily adult intake
for heptachlor and the epoxide in the United States has been estimated at about 0.000007 mg/day
(7 ng/day) and 0.0002 mg/day respectively. The 1990 Australian Market Basket Survey did not find
heptachlor or the epoxide in any of the foods tested (NHMRC and NFA 1991).


Heptachlor has not been detected in major Australian drinking water supplies.


No published reports are available on methods for the removal of heptachlor from drinking water
supplies. Granular activated carbon would probably be effective.


Heptachlor can be extracted from water using a nonpolar solvent such as pentane, and analysed using
gas chromatography with electron capture detection (APHA Method 6630 Part B 1992). The limit
of determination is 0.00005 mg/L (50 ng/L).


Heptachlor is absorbed rapidly from the gastrointestinal tract of rats and distributed throughout
the body. It is metabolised to the epoxide and excreted in faeces.

Extensive reviews and summaries of the human and animal toxicology of heptachlor are available
(IPCS 1984, JMPR 1991, IARC 1991, NHMRC 1992).

Heptachlor is acutely neurotoxic in animals and humans at high doses, and is hepatotoxic in animals.
It caused liver tumours in mice, and in one study, thyroid follicular cell carcinoma in rats. At high
exposure levels, heptachlor can affect the viability of the offspring of rodents and dogs.

Heptachlor has not been reported to be genotoxic or teratogenic in animals.

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that heptachlor is possibly carcinogenic
to humans (Group 2B, inadequate evidence in humans, sufficient evidence in experimental animals)
(IARC 1991).


The health-based guideline value of 0.0003 mg/L for heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide was determined
as follows:
0.0003 mg/L = 0.0001 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day

• 0.0001 mg/kg body weight per day is the maximum ADI based on a no effect level
of 0.025 mg/kg body weight per day from two studies using dogs (JMPR 1991)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 gives a guideline value based on 10% of the ADI
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.

The maximum ADI value includes a safety factor of 200 (10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies
variations and 2 for the inadequacy of the data base). No additional safety factors are necessary.

The WHO guideline value of 0.00003 mg/L (30 ng/L) was determined using 1% of the ADI to allow for
increased exposure from other sources. Such a low percentage of the ADI was considered inappropriate
for Australia.


APHA Method 6630 Part B (1992). Organochlorine pesticides: Liquid-liquid extraction, gas
chromatographic method I. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,
18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

IARC (1991). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Occupational
Exposures in Insecticide Application, and Some Pesticides. World Health Organization, International
Agency for Research on Cancer, 53.

IPCS (1984). Heptachlor. Environmental Health Criteria, 38. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

JMPR (1991). Pesticide Residues in Food - 1991. Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts
on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues.
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, FAO Plant Production and Protection
Paper III, Rome.

NHMRC (1992). Cyclodiene Insecticide Use in Australia. National Health and Medical Research
Council, AGPS, Canberra.

NHMRC and NFA (1991). The 1990 Australian Market Basket Survey. National Health and Medical
Research Council and National Food Authority, AGPS, Canberra.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of hexachlorobutadiene in drinking

water should not exceed 0.0007 mg/L.


Hexachlorobutadiene has occasionally been detected in drinking water supplies in the United
States and some European countries at concentrations less than 0.005 mg/L.

Hexachlorobutadiene is used as a solvent in chlorine gas production, an intermediate in the

manufacture of rubber compounds, a lubricant, a pesticide and a fumigant.


Hexachlorobutadiene has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide
guidance in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally
in drinking water supplies overseas.


Granular activated carbon has proved effective in trials for the removal of hexachlorobutadiene
from drinking water.


A purge and trap gas chromatographic procedure can be used for analysis (USEPA Draft Method
502.1 1986). An inert gas is bubbled through the sample and hexachlorobutadiene trapped on an
adsorbent. The adsorbent is then heated and hexachlorobutadiene analysed using gas chromatography
with electron capture detection. The limit of determination is approximately 0.0004 mg/L.


Experiments in laboratory animals have revealed that approximately 95% of the ingested dose of
hexachlorobutadiene is absorbed. It has been found in the blood, liver, brain, spleen, kidney and
mesentery. Hexachlorobutadiene is metabolised in the gastrointestinal tract and kidney to a number of
water soluble metabolites, and excreted in the urine.

Long-term intermittent human exposure has been reported to cause higher incidences of hypotension,
myocardial dystrophy, nervous system and liver disorders, and respiratory tract lesions.

In studies using rats, hexachlorobutadiene caused multiple toxicologic effects, with the kidney being
the organ most affected. Kidney tumours have been induced at doses of 20 mg/kg body weight per day.

Tests for mutagenicity with different strains of bacteria have reported both positive and negative results.
Some metabolites have given positive results.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that hexachlorobutadiene is not
classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3, no adequate evidence in humans and
limited evidence in animals) (IARC 1987).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


The assessment of the toxicological data for hexachlorobutadiene by the WHO has been used
without review. The guideline value of 0.0007 mg/L was determined as follows:
0.0007 mg/L = 0.2 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 1000

• 0.2 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 2-year feeding study using
rats (Kociba 1977)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 for possible carcinogenic
effects and genotoxicity of some metabolites).

The WHO guideline value of 0.0006 mg/L was based on an adult body weight of 60 kg.
The difference in guideline values is not significant.


IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall
Evaluations of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health
Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

Kociba RJ, Keyes DG, Jersey GC, Ballard JJ, Dittenber DA, Quast JF, Wade CE, Humiston CG and Schwetz
BA (1977). Results of a two-year toxicity study with hexachlorobutadiene in rats. American Industrial
Hygiene Association Journal, 38, 589–602.

USEPA Draft Method 502.1 (1986). Volatile halogenated organic compounds in water by purge and
trap gas chromatography. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring
and Support Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Hydrogen sulfide


Based on aesthetic considerations, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in drinking water

should not exceed 0.05 mg/L.

No health-based guideline value has been set for hydrogen sulfide, or sulfide, as the aesthetic
guideline is considerably below the concentration that would cause health problems.


Hydrogen sulfide is formed in drinking water by the hydrolysis of soluble sulfides, or through the
reduction of sulfate by the action of microorganisms. Both processes require anoxic conditions. In
well-oxygenated water, sulfide will be chemically or biologically oxidised to sulfate or elemental
sulfur, and concentrations are extremely low. Higher concentrations can occur in anoxic water
drawn from deep storages.

In water, hydrogen sulfide will be in equilibrium with the sulfide and hydrosulfide ions. The ratio will
depend on pH, temperature and salinity. At pH 7.4, about a third will be present in undissociated form,
with the remainder present as hydrosulfide. Above pH 10, the sulfide ion will be the dominant form;
below pH 5, undissociated hydrogen sulfide will predominate.

Hydrogen sulfide has an obnoxious ‘rotten egg’ gas odour, with a taste and odour threshold
of 0.05 mg/L. High concentrations in air can have a deceptively sweet smell and cause ‘olfactory
fatigue’ (a deadening of the sense of smell).

Hydrogen sulfide is used industrially in the production of sulfur, sulfuric acid, inorganic sulfides,
thiophenes and other organic compounds. It occurs as a byproduct in a number of processes including
petrol refining, coke ovens, paper mills, iron smelters, food processing and tanneries. It is present
in sewers and is a major component of sewage odour.

Data on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in food are scarce, although a number of foods and
drinks are known to contain sulfides.


Australian drinking water supplies have not been routinely monitored for hydrogen sulfide, or sulfide.


Hydrogen sulfide can be removed from drinking water by keeping the water well oxygenated.


The sulfide concentration of drinking water can be determined using the methylene blue colorimetric
method (APHA Method 4500-S2- Part D 1992). The limit of determination is 0.02 mg/L.

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Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Soluble sulfides are absorbed rapidly from the gastrointestinal tract, although hydrogen sulfide is
absorbed principally by the lung. Animal studies have indicated that after absorption, hydrogen sulfide is
distributed to the brain, liver, kidneys, pancreas and small intestine.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for hydrogen sulfide is available
(IPCS 1981).

There are no data on the human health effects of ingesting water that contains hydrogen sulfide.
Ingestion of sulfides has been known to cause nausea, vomiting and irritation of the mucous membranes.
Inhalation of hydrogen sulfide is known to be extremely toxic to humans, with exposure to amounts as
low as 5 ppm for 30 minutes or more producing headaches, dizziness, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders
and breathing problems. Inhalation of concentrations above 500 ppm can cause cardiac failure and death.

Animal data are mainly from short-term inhalation studies. Effects include neurotoxic activity and
distortions in cardiac rhythm.

No long-term carcinogenicity bioassays have been undertaken on hydrogen sulfide. Sodium sulfide did
not induce cancers in experimental animals. Hydrogen sulfide was not found to be mutagenic in tests
with different strains of bacteria.


The guideline value of 0.05 mg/L is based on the aesthetic considerations of taste and odour. Insufficient
data are available to determine a guideline value based on health considerations. The guideline value
is, however, considerably lower than the concentration likely to have a harmful effect and it is therefore
unlikely that a person would consume a harmful dose.


APHA Method 4500-S2- Part D (1992). Sulphide: Methylene blue method. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

IPCS (1981). Hydrogen Sulfide. Environmental Health Criteria, 19. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Iodide: Based on health considerations, the concentration of iodide in drinking water should
not exceed 0.1 mg/L.

Iodine: No guideline value has been set for molecular iodine.


The element iodine is present naturally in seawater, nitrate minerals and seaweed, mostly in the form
of iodide salts. It may be present in water due to leaching from salt and mineral deposits. Iodide can
be oxidised to molecular iodine with strong disinfectants such as chlorine.

Molecular iodine solutions are used as antiseptics and as sanitising agents in hospitals and laboratories.
Iodine is occasionally used for the emergency disinfection of water for field use but is not used for
disinfecting larger drinking water supplies. Iodide is used in pharmaceutical and photographic materials.

Iodide has been detected in drinking water in the United States at a mean concentration
of 0.004 mg/L, with a maximum of 0.018 mg/L.

Iodine has a taste threshold in water of about 0.15 mg/L.

Iodide occurs in cows’ milk and seafood. Some countries add iodide to table salt to compensate
for iodide-deficient diets.


Australian drinking water supplies have not been routinely monitored for iodine or iodide; however,
it is likely that concentrations are extremely low. Significant amounts would result in the formation
of iodoform byproducts upon chlorination, and these have generally not been detected.


It is unlikely that the concentration of iodine or iodide in drinking water would ever be high enough
to justify water treatment.


The iodine or iodide concentration in drinking water can be determined using the Leuco crystal violet
method (APHA 4500-I-, Part B 1992). The limit of determination is approximately 0.01 mg/L.


Iodine is an essential trace element for humans and is used in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
The recommended dietary intake for adults ranges from 0.03 mg/day to 0.15 mg/day.

Iodine is efficiently absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and deposited in the thyroid gland,
the eye, and muscle tissue. More than 70% is found in the thyroid gland.

High oral doses (more than 30 mg/kg body weight) of iodine can be lethal. Lower doses
(3.3 mg/kg body weight) have been used to treat asthmatic patients without adverse effects.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Chronic exposure to high amounts of iodide in the diet (over 2 mg/day) can result in a condition known
as iodism. Symptoms resemble those of a sinus cold. Long-term consumption of iodinated drinking water
has not been associated with adverse health effects in humans. Prisoners drinking water containing
up to 1 mg/L iodine for five years showed no signs of iodism or hypothyroidism, but some changes
in uptake of iodine by the thyroid gland were observed.

Animal studies using chickens susceptible to autoimmune thyroiditis reported an increase in the
incidence of the disease when they were given high doses of iodide in their drinking water (200 mg/L).
Excessive iodide consumption may increase the incidence of this disease in humans.

Iodide has not been shown to increase the incidence of cancer of the thyroid in laboratory animals.
No data are available on the mutagenic activity of iodine.


The guideline value for iodide in drinking water was derived as follows:
0.1 mg/L = 1 mg/day x 0.2
2 L/day

• 1 mg/day is the maximum tolerable daily intake for humans (WHO 1989) based on the effects of
• 0.2 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.

The maximum tolerable daily intake value includes adequate safety factors. No additional safety factors
are necessary.

Recent data from studies on rats indicate that the effects of molecular iodine in drinking water on thyroid
hormone concentrations in the blood differ from those of iodide. The guideline value therefore applies
only to iodide. No guideline value can be established for molecular iodine.


APHA Method 4500-I- Part B (1992). Iodide: Leuco crystal violet method. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

WHO (1989). Toxicological evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants: Iodine.
World Health Organization Food Additive Series, 24, 267-294. The 33rd meeting of the Joint
FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, Geneva.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on aesthetic considerations (precipitation of iron from solution and taste),

the concentration of iron in drinking water should not exceed 0.3 mg/L.

No health-based guideline value has been set for iron.


Iron occurs commonly in soil and rocks as the oxide, sulfide and carbonate minerals. In water,
it is present in oxidised forms as ferric (Fe(III)) or ferrous (Fe(II)) compounds.

Iron has many domestic and industrial applications, ranging from iron and steel products and pigments
in paints to food colours and preparations for preventing iron deficiency in humans. Iron sulfate
(hydroxylated ferrous sulfate) is used as a flocculant in water treatment.

In aerated surface waters, iron is often complexed with organic matter such as humic material, or
adsorbed onto suspended matter. Iron concentrations in uncontaminated surface waters are usually
less than 1 mg/L; however, water supplied through rusting iron pipes can have concentrations of
5 mg/L or higher.

In oxygen-depleted ground water, iron concentrations of up to 100 mg/L have been recorded.

Iron has a taste threshold of about 0.3 mg/L in water, and becomes objectionable above 3 mg/L.
High iron concentrations give water an undesirable rust-brown appearance and can cause staining
of laundry and plumbing fittings, fouling of ion-exchange softeners, and blockages in irrigation systems.
Growths of iron bacteria, which concentrate iron, may cause taste and odour problems and lead
to pipe restrictions, blockages and corrosion.

Food is the major source of iron intake, and iron is a natural constituent in plants and animals.
Fish, green vegetables and tomatoes have high iron content.


In major Australian reticulated supplies, total iron concentrations range up to 4 mg/L, with typical
concentrations around 0.1 mg/L.


Iron salts can be effectively removed by the standard water treatment processes of coagulation
followed by filtration. Groundwater supplies with a high iron content can be treated to form iron
precipitates using aeration, oxidation with chlorine, pH adjustment or lime softening.


The iron concentration in drinking water can be determined using inductively coupled plasma
emission spectroscopy or graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (APHA Method 3500-Fe
Parts B or C 1992). The limits of determination are 0.01 mg/L and 0.005 mg/L respectively. Alternatively
the phenanthroline colorimetric method (APHA 3500-Fe Part D 1992), which has a limit of determination
of 0.01 mg/L, can be used. Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy is not sufficiently sensitive.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Iron is an essential trace element for humans. Minimum daily requirement varies with age and sex.
For example, women aged 11-50 years need about 14 mg per day but this requirement doubles
for pregnant women, while men require about 7 mg per day. Iron deficiency is common and affects
people throughout the world.

The amount of iron absorbed from food by the gastrointestinal tract varies from 1% to 20%, according
to individual requirements and the source of iron. It is used in the production of haemoglobin,
myoglobin and a number of enzymes, and is stored in the spleen, liver, bone marrow and muscle.

Numerous cases of iron poisoning have been reported, mainly among young children who ingest
medicinal iron supplements formulated for adults. Physiological regulation of iron absorption confers
a high degree of protection against iron toxicity and there are a number of reports of people, particularly
adults, taking high doses of iron with no adverse effects.

Studies with animals over long periods have reported only very mild adverse effects associated with
a high iron intake.

There is no evidence that iron induces cancer in laboratory animals. Most iron salts have been inactive
in tests for mutagenicity and do not induce chromosome aberrations in human cells.


Insufficient data are available to determine a health-based guideline value for iron in drinking water.
The guideline value is based on the taste threshold of 0.3 mg/L, which is similar to the concentration
that would result in iron precipitating out of solution. Sufficient human data exist to indicate that iron
in drinking water would not become a health concern unless the concentration was above 3 mg/L, well
in excess of the concentration that would cause water to taste objectionable, and it is unlikely that such
water would be consumed.


APHA Method 34500-Fe Part B (1992). Iron: Atomic Absorption Spectrometric method. Standard Methods
for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association,

APHA Method 3500-Fe Part C (1992). Iron: Inductively Coupled Plasma method. Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Fe Part D (1992). Iron: Phenanthroline method. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of lead in drinking water should

not exceed 0.01 mg/L.


Lead can be present in drinking water as a result of dissolution from natural sources, or from household
plumbing systems containing lead. These may include lead in pipes, or in solder used to seal joints. The
amount of lead dissolved will depend on a number of factors including pH, water hardness and the
standing time of the water.

Lead is the most common of the heavy metals and is mined widely throughout the world. It is used
in the production of lead acid batteries, solder, alloys, cable sheathing, paint pigments, rust inhibitors,
ammunition, glazes and plastic stabilisers. The organo-lead compounds tetramethyl and tetraethyl lead
are used extensively as anti-knock and lubricating compounds in gasoline.

Drinking water concentrations of lead reported overseas are usually less than 0.002 mg/L, but
concentrations of 0.1 mg/L have been reported in Scotland where lead pipes and soft, acidic water
are contributing factors.

Approximately 80% of the daily intake of lead is from the ingestion of food, dirt and dust. Food contains
small but significant quantities of lead, which can increase when acidic food is stored in lead-glazed
ceramic pottery or lead-soldered cans. The use of lead-free solders is becoming more widespread in
the food processing industry. The average Australian adult dietary intake of lead is approximately
0.1 mg per day.


In major Australian reticulated supplies, total lead concentrations range up to 0.01 mg/L, with
typical concentrations less than 0.005 mg/L.


Lead concentrations in drinking water can be reduced by conventional methods of water treatment
using coagulants or lime softening.


The concentration of lead in drinking water can be determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption
spectroscopy (APHA Method 3500-Pb Part B 1992). The limit of determination is 0.005 mg/L.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Lead can be absorbed by the body through inhalation, ingestion or placental transfer. In adults,
approximately 10% of ingested lead is absorbed but in children this figure can be 4 to 5 times higher.
After absorption, the lead is distributed in soft tissue such as the kidney, liver, and bone marrow where it
has a biological half-life in adults of less than 40 days, and in skeletal bone where it can persist for 20 to
30 years.

In humans, lead is a cumulative poison that can severely affect the central nervous system. Infants,
fetuses and pregnant women are most susceptible. Placental transfer of lead occurs in humans as early as
the 12th week of gestation and continues throughout development.

Many epidemiological studies have been carried out on the effects of lead exposure on the intellectual
development of children. Although there are some conflicting results, on balance the studies demonstrate
that exposure to lead can adversely affect intelligence.

These results are supported by experiments using young primates, where exposure to lead causes
significant behavioural and learning difficulties of the same type as those observed in children.

Other adverse effects associated with exposure to high amounts of lead include kidney damage,
interference with the production of red blood cells, and interference with the metabolism of calcium
needed for bone formation.

Epidemiological studies have found no association between lead and tumour incidence. Kidney tumours,
however, have been reported in rats, mice and hamsters fed lead salts in their diet, but only at doses
above 27 mg/kg body weight per day. Gliomas (brain tumours) have also been reported in rats. In
addition, lead salts given orally to rats have increased the carcinogenic activity of known carcinogens.

Tests for mutagenicity using strains of bacteria have largely been negative. Tests using mammalian
cells have been inconclusive, with some studies reporting negative results and some reporting
chromosome damage.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that lead is possibly carcinogenic
to humans (Group 2B, inadequate human data but sufficient evidence in animals for inorganic lead
compounds) (IARC 1987).


The guideline value for lead in drinking water is based on a WHO assessment and was determined
by the need to protect young children, infants and pregnant women, the groups most at risk. The value
was determined as follows:
0.01 mg/L = 0.0035 mg/kg body weight per day x 13 kg x 0.2
1 L/day

• 0.0035 mg/kg body weight per day is the lead intake which, based on metabolic studies with
infants, does not result in an increase in lead retention (Ziegler et al 1978, Ryu et al 1983)
• 13 kg is the average weight of a child at 2 years of age
• 0.2 is the proportion of total lead intake attributable to water consumption. Sufficient data
are available to indicate that 80% of intake is from food, dirt and dust
• 1 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by a young child.

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Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

The NHMRC in 1993 established guidelines for lead in Australians, which provide the basis for
establishing acceptable levels of lead in air, food, soil and water. Pending an assessment of the impact of
this review on the guideline value for lead, the guideline should be regarded as an interim value.


APHA Method 3500-Pb Part B (1992). Lead: Atomic Absorption Spectrometric method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association,

IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

NHMRC (1993) Revision of Australian Guidelines for Lead in Blood and Lead in Ambient Air,
115th Session, NHMRC,

Ryu JE, Ziegler EE, Nelson SE and Fomon SJ (1983). Dietary intake of lead and blood lead concentration
in early infancy. American Journal of Disease of Children, 137, 886–891.

Zeigler EE, Edwards BB, Jensen RL, Mahaffey KR and Fomon SJ (1978). Absorption and retention
of lead by infants. Pediatric Research, 12, 29–34.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Lindane should not be detected in drinking water. If present in drinking water, lindane
would not be a health concern unless the concentration exceeded 0.02 mg/L.

If it is detected, remedial action should be taken to stop contamination. The limit

of determination is 0.00005 mg/L (50 ng/L).


Lindane is the gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane. It is registered for use in Australia as an

insecticide for seed treatment only, and as a therapeutic substance for the treatment of head lice on

In soil, lindane can be degraded under aerobic conditions, with a half-life from 88 to 1146 days.
The main degradation products are chlorobenzenes, and penta- and tetra-chlorophenols. Anaerobic
degradation is more rapid than aerobic degradation.

Lindane can enter water supplies from direct application for the control of mosquitoes, from use
in agriculture and forestry, and other sources. Overseas, lindane has occasionally been detected
in surface and groundwater supplies.

Daily adult dietary intake of lindane has been estimated in some countries at approximately
0.001 mg/day. No data are available on Australian dietary intakes.


Lindane has been detected on a number of occasions in major Australian storage reservoirs
and source waters. Usually concentrations are very low (less than 0.0002 mg/L).


No published reports are available on methods for the removal of lindane from drinking water.
Granular activated carbon would probably be effective.


Lindane residues can be extracted from water using nonpolar solvents such as pentane, and analysed
using gas chromatography with electron capture detection (APHA Method 6630 Part B 1992).
The limit of determination is 0.00005 mg/L (50 ng/L).


Lindane is efficiently absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and stored in fatty tissue. It can cross the
placenta and can also be present in human milk. Lindane is metabolised to chlorocyclohexenes and

Extensive reviews and summaries of the human and animal toxicology of lindane are available
(IARC 1987, JMPR 1989, IPCS 1991).

Lindane is neurotoxic in humans. Oral administration of 30 mg per person for up to 3 days produced
only nausea in 6 of 15 patients; however, severe toxic symptoms were described in healthy volunteers
after oral intake of 15-17 mg/kg body weight of lindane in a liquid carrier.
NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Occupational poisoning has also been reported. Blood dyscrasias have been reported in people exposed
to lindane or lindane and other chemicals; however, studies conducted over periods of several weeks
to several years have given no indication of a cause-effect relationship.

In some studies, but not in others, lindane produced hyperplastic nodules and/or hepatocellular
adenomas in mice at doses from 24 mg/kg body weight per day. A study in rats using dose levels
up to about 32 mg/kg body weight per day was negative.

Lindane appears not to have mutagenic potential.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that lindane is possibly carcinogenic
to humans (Group 2B, inadequate human data, limited evidence in experimental animals) (IARC 1987).


The health-based guideline value of 0.02 mg/L for lindane was determined as follows:
0.02 mg/L = 0.008 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day

• 0.008 mg/kg body weight per day is the maximum ADI derived from a short-term study
using rats (JMPR 1989)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 gives a guideline value based on 10% of the ADI
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.

The maximum ADI value includes a safety factor of 100 (10 for interspecies variations and 10 for
intraspecies variations). No additional safety factor to account for the tumour-promoting potential
of lindane was included in the calculation of the ADI because effects were seen only at high doses
and the compound has had extensive international review. No additional safety factors are necessary.

The WHO guideline value of 0.002 mg/L was determined using 1% of the ADI to allow for increased
exposure from other sources. Such a low percentage of the ADI was considered inappropriate for
Australia, where lindane has only rarely been detected in food and drinking water supplies.


APHA Method 6630 Part B (1992). Organochlorine pesticides: Liquid-liquid extraction, gas
chromatographic method I. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,
18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall
Evaluations of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health
Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1991). Lindane. Environmental Health Criteria, 124. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

JMPR (1989). Pesticide Residues in Food - 1989. Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide
Residues in Food. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO Plant Production
and Protection Paper 99.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on aesthetic considerations, the concentration of manganese in drinking water

should not exceed 0.1 mg/L.

Manganese would not be a health consideration unless the concentration exceeded 0.5 mg/L.


Manganese is present in the environment in the divalent (Mn(II)), tetravalent (Mn(IV)), and heptavalent
(Mn(VII)) states. Most of the divalent compounds are soluble in water. The most common tetravalent
compound, manganese dioxide, is insoluble; however, the heptavalent permanganate is soluble.

Manganese is principally used in the manufacture of iron, steel and alloys.

Uncontaminated rivers and streams generally have low concentrations of manganese, ranging from
0.001 mg/L to 0.6 mg/L. High concentrations may occur in polluted rivers or under anoxic conditions
such as at the bottom of deep reservoirs or lakes, or in groundwater.

At concentrations exceeding 0.1 mg/L, manganese imparts an undesirable taste to water and stains
plumbing fixtures and laundry. Even at concentrations of 0.02 mg/L, manganese will form a coating on
pipes that can slough off as a black ooze. Some nuisance microorganisms can concentrate manganese
and give rise to taste, odour and turbidity problems in distribution systems.

Manganese interferes with the commonly used DPD method for determining chlorine residual, resulting
in an overestimation of the residual so that chlorine appears to be present when it may not be.

Concentrations of manganese in food can vary considerably. Highest concentrations have been reported
in grains, nuts and vegetables, while tea leaves can have extremely high concentrations of manganese.
It has been estimated that the average dietary intake of manganese is 2-4 mg per day.


In major Australian reticulated supplies, manganese concentrations can range up to 0.25 mg/L, with
typical concentrations usually less than 0.01 mg/L.


Manganese concentrations in drinking water can be reduced by converting soluble forms to insoluble
precipitates, followed by filtration. Chlorine can be used to oxidise some forms of manganese. Lime
softening at high pH may also be effective in removing some forms.


The manganese concentration in drinking water can be determined using inductively coupled plasma
emission spectroscopy or graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (APHA Method 3500-Mn
Parts B or C 1992). The limits of determination are 0.005 mg/L and 0.001 mg/L respectively.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Manganese is an essential element and is required by mammals and birds for normal growth. Manganese
deficiency affects bone, the brain and reproduction in a number of animal species. Although no specific
symptoms have been described in humans, it has been suggested that manganese deficiency may
be associated with anaemia, and in children, with bone disorders.

Owing to the low solubility of manganese in gastric juices, only 3–8% of ingested manganese
is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. After absorption, it is concentrated in the liver and
eventually excreted in faeces. In humans it has a relatively short biological half-life of 13 to 37 days.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for manganese
is available (IPCS 1981).

In humans, manganese toxicity has occurred mainly as a result of inhalation of manganese dust over
long periods. By the oral route, manganese is regarded as one of the least toxic elements.

In one case involving the heavy consumption of highly contaminated well water, symptoms included
lethargy, increased muscle tone, tremor and mental disturbances. Concentrations of manganese were
over 14 mg/L; however, concentrations of other metals were also high and the reported effects may
not be due solely to manganese.

Experiments with laboratory animals have shown no adverse effects other than a change in appetite
and a reduction in the metabolism of iron in haemoglobin synthesis.

There is no firm evidence that manganese is carcinogenic. Some studies indicate that it may, in fact,
have an anticarcinogenic effect. Some in vitro studies using mammalian and bacterial cells have
reported that manganese acts as a mutagen.


The health-based guideline value for manganese in drinking water can be derived as follows:
0.5 mg/L = 10 mg/day x 0.1
2 L/day

• 10 mg/day is the amount of manganese that can be safely consumed from all sources (WHO 1973)
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.

The maximum tolerable daily intake value includes adequate safety factors. No additional safety
factors are necessary.

This value exceeds the concentration at which manganese can cause taste and other problems.
Based on these considerations, the aesthetic guideline value has been set at 0.1 mg/L.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


APHA Method 3500-Mn Part B (1992). Manganese: Atomic Absorption Spectrometric method.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public
Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Mn Part C (1992). Manganese: Inductively Coupled Plasma method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

IPCS (1981). Manganese. Environmental Health Criteria, 17. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety.

WHO (1973). Trace elements in human nutrition: Manganese. Report of the World Health
Organization Expert Committee, Technical Report Service, 532, 34-36, Geneva.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of total mercury in drinking water

should not exceed 0.001 mg/L.


Natural release of mercury into drinking water is extremely low, but contamination can result from
industrial emission or spills. Mercury compounds fall into two categories: inorganic mercury salts, many
of which are very insoluble in water; and organic mercury compounds, the most notable being methyl
mercury. Inorganic mercury can be converted into methyl mercury, possibly by the action of bacteria
in sediments, and can then readily enter the food chain.

Mercury is used widely in electrical components including cells, lamps, arc rectifiers and switches.
It is also used in dental amalgams, fungicides, antiseptics, preservatives and pharmaceuticals.

Concentrations of total mercury in natural water are generally so low that accurate analysis is difficult.
Studies overseas have reported concentrations of less than 0.0005 mg/L, with some sources less than
0.00003 mg/L (30 ng/L). The highest value was 0.0055 mg/L from some wells in Japan.

Food is the main route of exposure, with highest concentrations found in fish and fish products. The
average Australian adult dietary intake of mercury is approximately 0.004 mg per day. Drinking water
is likely to constitute only a small fraction of total intake.


In major Australian reticulated supplies, the concentrations of total mercury range up to 0.001 mg/L,
with typical concentrations usually less than 0.0001 mg/L.


Coagulation is moderately effective in reducing the concentration of inorganic mercury in drinking water.
Granular activated carbon is effective in removing both inorganic and organic mercury from water.


The concentration of total mercury in drinking water can be determined by the cold vapour atomic
absorption method (APHA 3500-Hg Part B 1992). The limit of determination is 0.0001 mg/L.


a) Inorganic mercury

Less than 15% of inorganic mercury in drinking water is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Inorganic
mercury compounds accumulate in the kidney and have a long biological half-life, probably many years.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for inorganic mercury
is available (IPCS 1991).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Many studies have looked at groups of workers occupationally exposed to mercury, and have reported
health effects including tremors, mental disturbances and gingivitis (inflammation of the mucous
membrane surrounding the teeth). The main toxic effects are to the kidney, leading to kidney failure.

In animal studies, the principal target organs of mercury toxicity are the kidney and the central nervous
system. Some disruption to ovulation in female rats has also been reported.

Various reports indicate that inorganic mercury binds to, and damages, mammalian DNA. Some evidence
of carcinogenicity in rats has been reported.

b) Organic mercury

Organic mercury compounds are unlikely to be found in uncontaminated drinking water; however,
the toxic effects are more severe than those of inorganic mercury.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for methyl mercury is
available (IPCS 1990).

Methyl mercury compounds are almost completely absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.
Methyl mercury has greater lipid solubility than inorganic mercury and can cross biological
membranes, especially in the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and placenta.

The main effects of methyl mercury poisoning are severe irreversible neurological disorder
and mental disability.

In Japan, two major epidemics of methyl mercury poisoning, known as Minamata disease, were caused
by the industrial release into Minamata Bay of methyl mercury and other mercury compounds. The
compounds accumulated in fish, which were subsequently eaten by humans. Other countries have
reported cases of poisoning caused by mercury contamination of bread and cereal.

Animal studies with rats, cats, monkeys and squirrels have shown similar results, with the main effects
of long-term exposure being behavioural changes, neurological disturbances and disturbances to the
movement of legs and tails.

Data are insufficient to determine the carcinogenic effects of methyl mercury; however, it is active
in inducing chromosomal aberrations in vivo.


The guideline value for mercury in drinking water was derived as follows:
0.001 mg/L = 0.00047 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day

• 0.00047 mg/kg body weight per day is the maximum tolerable daily intake to ensure that adverse
effects will not occur (WHO 1988)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.

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Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

The maximum tolerable daily intake value includes adequate safety factors. No additional safety factors
are necessary.

The guideline value was set on the basis of the toxicity of methyl mercury, as this is the most toxic
form. It is likely that methyl mercury would be less than 10% of the total mercury concentration.

The guideline value should be sufficient to protect pregnant women and nursing mothers, who are at
greatest risk from the adverse effects of methyl mercury. Data are insufficient to determine a separate
value for this group.


APHA Method 3500-Hg Part B (1992). Mercury: Cold vapor Atomic Absorption method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

IPCS (1990). Methyl Mercury. Environmental Health Criteria, 101. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety.

IPCS (1991). Inorganic Mercury. Environmental Health Criteria, 118. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety.

WHO (1988). Toxicological evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants: Methylmercury.
33rd meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. World Health Organization
Food Additive Series, 24, 296-328.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of molybdenum in drinking water

should not exceed 0.05 mg/L.


Molybdenum is present in ground and surface waters at very low concentrations, generally below
0.01 mg/L. Higher concentrations have been reported in the vicinity of molybdenum mining operations.
Fly ash deposited onto soils from coal-fired power stations can be a significant source of molybdenum.
Application of fertilisers may also increase the concentration of molybdenum in ground and surface

Molybdenum is used in the production of steel, electrical components such as spark plugs, and
nonferrous metal alloys. Molybdenum compounds are used as lubricants in oils and greases,
and in fertilisers to overcome molybdenum deficiency in soils.

Many foods contain significant amounts of molybdenum. Legumes, grains and liver have the highest
concentrations and food is a significant source of intake.


Australian drinking water supplies have not been routinely monitored for molybdenum.


There are no published methods for the removal molybdenum from drinking water.


The concentration of molybdenum in drinking water can be determined by inductively coupled plasma
emission spectroscopy or graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (APHA Method 3500-Mo Parts
B or C 1992). Limits of determination are 0.04 mg/L and 0.005 mg/L respectively.


Molybdenum is an essential trace element for humans and other animals. The estimated requirement
is between 0.15 mg/day and 0.5 mg/day for adults.

Approximately 30–70% of dietary molybdenum is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Highest

concentrations of molybdenum are found in the liver, kidney and bones. There does not appear to
be any significant bioaccumulation of molybdenum in the body. Approximately 90% of ingested
molybdenum is excreted in the urine.

Data are scarce on the long- and short-term toxicity of molybdenum in humans. One study of people
consuming up to 0.2 mg/L of molybdenum in drinking water for 2 years reported no adverse effects.
Another study has linked high intake of molybdenum in food with gout-like symptoms, joint pains of
the legs and hands, and enlargement of the liver.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

A number of long- and short-term animal studies have been undertaken, with considerable variability in
the results depending on the chemical nature of the compound and the animal species. Effects included
changes in skin and fur pigment, enlargement of joints, weight loss, diarrhoea and emaciation. Not all
these effects were observed in each study and effects usually occurred only at high doses.

No relevant data are available on the carcinogenicity of molybdenum. Tests for mutagenicity with
bacteria have been inconclusive.


The guideline value for molybdenum in drinking water was determined as follows:
0.05 mg/L = 0.5 mg/day x 0.2
2 L/day

• 0.5 mg/day is the upper range of the estimated adult requirement for molybdenum
• 0.2 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.

Studies with animals and humans, while unable to establish a no effect level, reported no adverse
effects due to molybdenum in drinking water at concentrations of 0.05 mg/L (Chappell et al 1979).

Adverse human health effects have been reported with molybdenum intakes of 10 mg/day
(Chappell et al 1979). This is a hundred times higher than the guideline value, assuming that
water consumption is 2 litres per day.

The WHO guideline value of 0.07 mg/L was determined using a different approach which, upon
review, was considered to be questionable. The difference between the two values is not significant.


APHA Method 3500-Mo Part B (1992). Molybdenum: Atomic Absorption Spectrometric method.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public
Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Mo Part C (1992). Molybdenum: Inductively Coupled Plasma method.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public
Health Association, Washington.

Chappell WR, Meglen RR, Moure-Eraso R, Solomons CC, Tsangas TS, Walravens PA and Wilson PW
(1979). Human health effects of molybdenum in drinking water. United States Environmental Protection
Agency, EPA-600/1-79-006, Cincinnati, Ohio, 100 pages, NTIS PB-292755.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

(Revised and endorsed 2001)


Based on health considerations, the concentration of monochloramine in drinking water

should not exceed 3 mg/L (equivalent to 4.1 mg Cl as Cl2/L).


Monochloramine is used as a disinfectant for drinking water supplies. Its use as an alternative to chlorine
is becoming more widespread. Although it is less effective than chlorine as an oxidising agent, it persists
for a longer time in lengthy pipelines; contact times with microorganisms are consequently longer and
concentrations of byproducts such as trihalomethanes are reduced. Where monochloramine is used
overseas as a primary disinfectant, concentrations range from 1.5 to 2.5 mg/L.

Monochloramine, dichloramine and trichloramine can be formed when water containing ammonia is
chlorinated. At neutral pH, monochloramine is the main product and is more persistent. Conditions that
favour the formation of dichloramine and trichloramine should be avoided because these compounds
have lower taste and odour thresholds than monochloramine.

Monochloramine has an odour threshold of 0.5 mg/L.


Monochloramine is used as a disinfectant in some Australian reticulated supplies, and concentrations

up to 8 mg/L have been applied (but only in highly turbid supplies where it is difficult to maintain
a residual without using a high initial dose). However, typical residual concentrations are about 0.5 mg/L.


Monochloramine can be removed from drinking water by the use of granular activated carbon,
or by reducing agents such as sodium sulfite or sodium bisulfite.


The concentration of monochloramine in drinking water can be determined by the DPD ferrous
titrimetric method (APHA Method 4500-Cl Part F 1992). The limit of determination is 0.1 mg/L.

This method measures monochloramine in terms of mg Cl as Cl2/L. The guideline value of

3mg/L monochloramine can be converted to mg Cl as Cl2/L based on molecular weights as follows:
3 mg/L monochloramine = 71x 3 = 4.1 mg CL as Cl2/L

• 71 is the molecular weight of chlorine (Cl2)
• 51.5 is the molecular weight of monochloramine (NH2Cl).

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


In studies with rats it has been shown that monochloramine is readily absorbed and does not accumulate
in tissues. It is metabolised rapidly to the chloride ion and excreted in urine In mammals, no specific
toxic effects have been reported for monochloramine from either short or long-term studies. However
monochloramine is toxic to fish.

Carcinogenicity studies have reported a slight increase in the incidence of mononuclear cell leukaemia
in female rats exposed to monochloramine for 2 years, at doses of approximately 10 mg/kg bodyweight
per day. There was no evidence of carcinogenic activity in male rats, or male and female mice.

In humans, short-term exposure to concentrations of up to 24 mg/L of monochloramine in drinking

water did not produce adverse effects. Similarly, volunteers given water containing up to 5 mg/L of
monochloramine for 12 weeks did not exhibit adverse effects.

Acute haemolytic anaemia has been reported in haemodialysis patients when tap water containing
chloramines was used for dialysis.

Monochloramine exhibited weak mutagenic activity in one test using bacteria but was negative
in another test. It did not induce chromosome aberrations in mammalian cells.

No data are available on the health effects of dichloramine or trichloramine in drinking water.


The guideline value for monochloramine in drinking water was derived as follows:
3 mg/L = 9.4 mg/kg bodyweight per day x 70 kg
2 L/day x 100


• 9.4 mg/kg body weight per day is the no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) based on
2-year drinking water study using rats (NTP 1992) - a similar value was obtained from a human
study but this was of a limited duration
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 100 is the safety factor from using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, and 10 for intraspecies variations).

It should be noted that the guideline value is 3 mg/L of monochloramine and as described under
‘Measurement’ this is equivalent to 4.1 mg Cl as Cl2/L as measured by standard DPD ferrous
titrimetric methods.

It is assumed that all monochloramine intake is from drinking-water.


APHA Method 4500-Cl Part F (1992). Chlorine (residual): DPD Ferrous Titrimetric method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

NTP (1992). Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of chlorinated water and chloraminated water in
F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (drinking water studies). National Toxicology Program, Technical Report
No. 392, Publication No. 92-2847. United States Department of Health and Human Services, National
Institute of Health.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of nickel in drinking water should not
exceed 0.02 mg/L.


Drinking water generally contains very low concentrations of nickel. Concentrations reported overseas
are usually less than 0.01 mg/L. Higher concentrations, up to 0.5 mg/L, have been reported where water
has been in prolonged contact with nickel-plated tap and plumbing fittings; however, these higher
concentrations are unusual.

Nickel is used in the electroplating industry and in alloys used in the chemical, marine, nuclear and
aerospace industries. It is used as a catalyst in industrial processes, and in oil refining. Main releases to
the environment are from the burning of fossil fuels and in waste discharges from electroplating

Nickel is present in many foods. Highest concentrations occur in cocoa, soy beans and some cereals.
It has been estimated that the average daily dietary intake is between 0.1 mg/day and 0.3 mg/day.


In major Australian reticulated supplies, concentrations of nickel range up to 0.03 mg/L, with typical
concentrations less than 0.01 mg/L.


Nickel can be co-precipitated with iron and manganese oxides.


The nickel concentration in drinking water can be determined using inductively coupled plasma
emission spectroscopy or graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (APHA Method 3500-Ni
Parts B and C 1992). The limits of determination are approximately 0.02 mg/L and 0.005 mg/L
respectively. Lower concentrations can be determined with pre-concentration using chelation
or solvent extraction techniques.


Intestinal absorption of soluble nickel in drinking water can be as high as 27%, compared with only
0.7% from food. After absorption, nickel appears to be distributed to most organs, with higher amounts
in the kidneys, lung and liver. It can cross the human placenta.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for nickel is available
(IPCS 1991).

In humans, long-term exposure may result in toxic effects to the kidney. Increased beta-microglobulin
concentrations were reported among electroplating workers exposed to high amounts of nickel.

Nickel is known to be a common skin allergen and can cause dermatitis, particularly in younger women.
While skin is sensitised, oral intake of low doses (0.0083 mg/kg body weight per day) may provoke
contact dermatitis in sensitised individuals.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Several epidemiological studies have demonstrated that inhalation of nickel can cause lung, sinus and
nasal cancer. There is no evidence that other organs are affected, or that nickel is carcinogenic when

Animal studies have reported altered body weights, some evidence of liver toxicity and mild kidney
toxicity with high nickel doses (over 100 mg/kg body weight per day). Nickel has also affected the
immune system in laboratory mice.

Some nickel compounds are carcinogenic when injected into laboratory animals but not when
administered orally. Tests for mutagenicity with strains of bacteria have mostly been negative but
gene mutations and chromosome aberrations have been reported in mammalian cells.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that nickel compounds are carcinogenic
to humans (Group 1, sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans) (IARC 1990).


The guideline value for nickel in drinking water was derived as follows:
0.02 mg/L = 5 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 1000

• 5 mg per kg body weight per day is the no effect level for altered organ-to-body-weight ratios
in a 2-year study with rats (Ambrose 1976)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 1000 is the safety factor in applying the results of animal studies to humans (10 for interspecies
variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 to compensate for the lack of adequate studies
on chronic effects and for increased intestinal absorption when taken on an empty stomach).
An additional factor for carcinogenicity was not included as effects only occurred on inhalation
(no effects were observed on ingestion) and were localised to the lung and nasal passages.


Ambrose AM, Larson PS, Borzelleca JG and Hannigar GR Jr (1976). Long term toxicologic assessment
of nickel in rats and dogs. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 13, 181–187.

APHA Method 3500-Ni Part B (1992). Nickel: Atomic Absorption Spectrometric method.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public
Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Ni Part C (1992). Nickel: Inductively Coupled Plasma method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

IARC (1990). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: chromium,
nickel and welding. World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 49.

IPCS (1991). Nickel. Environmental Health Criteria, 108. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Nitrate and nitrite


Nitrate: Based on health considerations, the guideline value of 50 mg-NO3/L (as nitrate)
has been set to protect bottle-fed infants under 3 months of age. Up to 100 mg-NO3/L can
be safely consumed by adults and children over 3 months of age.

Where a water supply has between 50 and 100 mg-NO3/L nitrate, active measures are required
to ensure that those caring for infants are aware of the need to use alternative water sources
in making up bottle feeds for babies under 3 months of age.

Nitrite: Based on health considerations, the concentration of nitrite in drinking water

should not exceed 3 mg-NO2/L (as nitrite).


Nitrate and nitrite ions are naturally occurring oxides of nitrogen that make up part of the nitrogen cycle.

Nitrate is formed from the oxidation of organic wastes such as manure, by the action of nitrogen-fixing
bacteria in soils, or from lightning strikes through air. Nitrates are also manufactured for use in explosives
and inorganic fertilisers.

Intensification of farming practices and sewage effluent disposal to streams have led to increasing
amounts of nitrate in some waters, particularly groundwater.

The nitrite ion is relatively unstable and can be formed by the reduction of nitrate in poorly oxygenated
waters. It is rapidly oxidised to nitrate and is seldom present in well oxygenated or chlorinated supplies.
Chemical and biological processes can result in further reduction to various compounds, including
ammonia, or oxidation back to nitrate.

Food, particularly vegetables and cured meat, is the major source of nitrate intake for humans.


In major Australian reticulated supplies nitrate concentrations range up to 18 mg-NO3/L, with

typical concentrations usually less than 0.15 mg-NO3/L. Nitrite is generally not present in significant
concentrations, although operational difficulties in chloramination can lead to nitrite formation due
to the action of nitrifying bacteria.

Very high nitrate concentrations (200-300 mg-NO3/L) have been recorded in some groundwater
supplies in rural areas.


Conventional water treatment is not effective for nitrate removal. Nitrate reduction facilities are
expensive to operate and involve the use of anion exchange resins.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


The nitrate concentration in drinking water can be determined by a colorimetric procedure following
reduction of nitrate to nitrite using a cadmium column (APHA Method 4500-NO3 Part E 1992). The limit
of determination is 0.01 mg/L. Nitrite can be determined separately using the same procedure but
without the reduction column (APHA Method 4500-NO2 Part B 1992). Alternatively, nitrate and nitrite
can be determined using ion chromatography (APHA Method 4110 Part B 1992).


The toxicity of nitrate to humans is thought to be solely due to its reduction to nitrite. The major
biological effect of nitrite in humans is its involvement in the oxidation of normal haemoglobin
to methaemoglobin, which is unable to transport oxygen to the tissues. This condition is called
methaemoglobinaemia. Young infants are more susceptible to methaemoglobin formation than older
children and adults. Other susceptible groups include pregnant women and people with a deficiency
of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase or methaemoglobin reductase.

In animals, laboratory experiments suggest that neither nitrite nor nitrate acts directly as a carcinogen.
There is concern that nitrite may react with foods rich with secondary amines to form N-nitroso
compounds in the stomach: many of these compounds are known to be carcinogenic in animals. Some
epidemiological evidence suggests a relationship between nitrate and gastric cancer in humans, but
this has not been confirmed in more definitive analytical studies.

Nitrate is not mutagenic in tests with bacteria and mammalian cells in vitro. Chromosome aberrations
have been observed in the bone marrow of rats but may be due to the formation of N-nitroso
compounds. Nitrite is mutagenic in both in vivo and in vitro experiments using mammalian cells.


The guideline value of 50 mg-NO3/L for nitrate is set to protect young infants, the most sensitive group
(USEPA 1990). Up to 100 mg-NO3/L can be used by adults and children over 3 months of age without
significant health effects. The guideline level for nitrite of 3 mg-NO2/L is based on a relative potency
for nitrite and nitrate with respect to methaemoglobin formation.

If the value of 50 mg-NO3/L is exceeded, the local health authority should be informed so that parents
can be advised to use rainwater or bottled water in making up feeds for babies under 3 months of age
in order to prevent methaemoglobinaemia.


APHA Method 4110 Part B (1992). Determination of ions by ion chromatography: ion chromatography
with chemical suppression of eluant conductivity. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 4500-NO3 Part E (1992). Nitrogen (nitrate): Cadmium reduction method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

APHA Method 4500-NO2 Part B (1992). Nitrogen (nitrite): Colorimetric method. Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

USEPA (1990). Drinking water criteria document on Nitrate/Nitrite. Report TR-1242-608 from ICAIR Life
Systems Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Prepared for Criteria and Standards Division Office of Drinking Water,
United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA)


Based on health considerations, the concentration of nitrilotriacetic acid in drinking

water should not exceed 0.2 mg/L.


NTA may be present in drinking water that has been contaminated with sewage, for example by sewage
discharge into a river or stream that is then used for drinking water. It is likely to be present in the form
of metal complexes rather than the free acid. NTA has been detected in water supplies of municipalities
in Canada and the United States at a mean concentration of less than 0.004 mg/L, with a small number
of supplies exceeding 0.01 mg/L.

NTA is a chelating agent and forms soluble metal complexes with a number of metal ions including
calcium and magnesium. It is used in laundry detergents as a replacement for phosphate, particularly
in countries where legislation restricts the use of phosphate-based detergents. It is also used in the
treatment of boiler water to prevent scale formation, and in the photographic, metal plating, textile
manufacturing, and paper and cellulose industries. It is not widely used in Australia.


NTA has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally in drinking
water supplies overseas.


No published reports are available on water treatment procedures to remove NTA from drinking water.


Analysis can be undertaken using gas chromatography with a nitrogen-specific detector after
converting NTA to the tri-n-butyl ester (Aue et al 1972, Malaiyandi et al 1979). The limit of determination
is 0.0002 mg/L.


NTA is poorly absorbed by humans compared to experimental animals. It is rapidly excreted unchanged,
but may be briefly retained in bone, probably due to the formation of complexes with calcium ions.

Data on the health effects in humans are scarce.

A number of long-term toxicity studies with animals have all shown similar results. No adverse effects
are observed with low doses, but higher doses (30 mg/kg body weight per day) can cause some adverse
effects to the kidney and urinary tract. The formation of kidney, urinary tract and bladder tumours has
been reported in rats after prolonged exposure to high doses, but the tumours are believed to be the
result of chelation of metal ions in the urinary tract.

Tests for mutagenic activity using bacteria have been negative; however, the NTA-iron complex
is mutagenic in mammalian cells in vitro.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that NTA is possibly carcinogenic
to humans (Group 2B, no data in humans but sufficient evidence in animals) (IARC 1990).


The assessment of the toxicological data for NTA by the WHO has been used without review.
The guideline value was determined as follows:
0.2 mg/L = 10 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.5
2 L/day x 1000

• 10 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level from a 2-year feeding study using rats
(Nixon et al 1972)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.5 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water, based on
a WHO assessment of distribution
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 for potential carcinogenic


Aue WA, Hastings CR, Gerhardt KO, Pierce JO, Hill HH and Mosman RF (1972). The determination
of part-per-billion levels of citric and nitrilotriacetic acids in tap water and sewage effluents.
Journal of Chromatography, 72, 259–267.

IARC (1990). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Some flame
retardants and textile chemicals, and exposures in the textile manufacturing industry. World Health
Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 48.

Malaiyandi M, Williams DT and O’Grady R (1979). A national survey of nitrilotriacetic acid

in Canadian drinking water. Environmental Science and Technology, 13, 59–62.

Nixon GA, Buehler EV and Niewenhuis RJ (1972). Two-year rat feeding study with trisodium
nitrilotriacetate and its calcium chelate. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 21, 244–252.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

tributyltin oxide


Dialkyltins: Data are inadequate to set a guideline value for drinking water.

Tributyltin oxide: Based on health considerations, the concentration in drinking water

should not exceed 0.001 mg/L.


The group of compounds known as the organotins comprises a large number of compounds with
different properties and applications. Of these the dialkyl and tributyltin compounds have some
application in the water industry and are the ones most likely to be found in drinking water supplies.

The dialkyltins are widely used as stabilisers in plastic, and may leach out of PVC water pipes for a short
time after installation. In one study, dibutyltin sulfide was detected at a concentration of 0.01 mg/L in
water that was in static contact with PVC pipes.

Tributyltins are used as biocides and have occasionally been detected in raw water in Canada, the United
States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland, probably because of their use as antifouling agents on boats.
The use of tributyl-organotin compounds, particularly tributyltin oxide, in antifouling paints has now
been banned in a number of countries because it is extremely toxic to aquatic life. Tributyltin is also used
as a biocide in boiler waters. Other organotins are unlikely to be found in water.


Organotins have not been found in Australian drinking waters. They are included here to provide
guidance in the unlikely event of contamination, and because they have been detected occasionally
in drinking water supplies overseas.


No published reports are available on water treatment procedures that can be used to remove
organotins from drinking water.


The organotins can be analysed using a solvent extraction procedure (Greaves and Unger 1988).
They are extracted using a hexane-tropolone mixture and derivatised to form hexylbutyltins. Analysis
is by gas chromatography with flame photometric detection. Limits of determination are less than
0.000002 mg/L (2 ng/L).


Few data are available on the absorption and distribution of organotins in the body, but animal studies
have reported that some of the compounds are poorly absorbed, and distributed primarily to the liver
and kidney.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for tributyltin compounds
is available (IPCS 1990).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

The dialkyltins have low general toxicity. A study using rats fed dialkyltin for 3 months reported
depressed growth and mild anaemia only at the highest dose used (4mg/kg body weight per day). No
toxic effects were observed at lower doses. Other studies with rats and dogs reported similar results.
Carcinogenicity bioassays with animals have been inconclusive.

No data are available on the ingestion of tributyltin oxide in humans, although occupational information
and dermal exposure are known to cause irritation. A number of long-term animal studies have
been undertaken using tributyltin oxide. A 2-year chronic toxicity study using rats concluded that
doses of 50 mg/kg body weight per day can induce toxicity to some organs including the thyroid
and pituitary glands. A no effect level of 0.5 mg/kg body weight per day was established from this
study (Wester et al 1990). An immunotoxicity study on the suppression of resistance to nematodes
in rats identified a no effect level of 0.025 mg/kg body weight per day (Vos et al 1990). The latter
immunotoxicity study is considered more sensitive but the significance to humans is questionable.
The no effect levels agree to about an order of magnitude.

Tributyltin oxide was not mutagenic with bacteria and yeast but caused a significant increase
in the number of benign tumours of the pituitary gland when fed to rats for 2 years.


The guideline value of 0.001 mg/L for tributyltin oxide in drinking water was determined as follows:
0.001 mg/L = 0.025 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 100

• 0.025 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level from a 18-month immunotoxicity study
using rats (Vos et al 1990)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 100 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations and 10 for intraspecies variations).

The WHO guideline value of 0.002 mg/L was based on 20% of total daily intake coming from drinking
water. The proportion contributed by drinking water to the total Australian intake is probably less.


Greaves J and Unger MA (1988). A selected ion monitoring assay for tributyltin and its degradation
products. Biomedical and Environmental Mass Spectrometry, 15, 565–569.

IPCS (1990). Tributyltin compounds. Environmental Health Criteria, 116. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety.

Vos JG, DeKlerk A, Krajnc EI, VanLoveren H and Rozing J (1990). Immunotoxicity of bis(tri-n-
butyltin)oxide in the rat: Effects of thymus dependent immunity and on nonspecific resistance following
long-term exposure in young versus aged rats. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 105, 144–155.

Wester PW, Krajnc EI, van Leeuwen FXR, Loeber JG, van der Heijden CA, Vaessen HAMG and Helleman
PW (1990). Chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity of bis(tri-n-butyltin)oxide (TBTO) in the rat.
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 28, 179–196.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on the need to reduce corrosion and encrustation in pipes and fittings, the
pH of drinking water should be between 6.5 and 8.5.

New concrete tanks and cement-mortar lined pipes can significantly increase pH and
a value up to 9.2 may be tolerated, provided monitoring indicates no deterioration in
microbiological quality.


pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration of water. It is measured on a logarithmic scale

from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, greater than 7 is alkaline, and less than 7 is acidic.

One of the major objectives in controlling pH is to minimise corrosion and encrustation in pipes and
fittings. Corrosion can be reduced by the formation of a protective layer of calcium carbonate on the
inside of the pipe or fitting, and the formation of this layer is affected by pH, temperature, the availability
of calcium (hardness) and carbon dioxide. If the water is too alkaline (above pH 8.5), the rapid
deposition and build-up of calcium carbonate that can result may eventually block the pipe.

When pH is below 6.5 or above 11, the water may corrode plumbing fittings and pipes. This, however,
will depend on other factors such as the material used, the concentration and type of ions in solution,
the availability of oxygen, and the water temperature. Under some conditions, particularly in the presence
of strong oxidising agents such as chlorine, water with a pH between 6.5 and 7 can be quite corrosive.

Chlorine disinfection efficiency is impaired above pH 8.0, although the optimum pH for monochloramine
disinfectant formation is between 8.0 and 8.4. In chloraminated supplies chlorine can react with ammonia
to form odorous nitrogen trichloride below pH 7.

Chlorination of water supplies can decrease the pH, while it can be significantly raised by lime leached
from new concrete tanks or from pipes lined with asbestos cement or cement mortar. Values of pH
above 9.5 can cause a bitter taste in drinking water, and can irritate skin if the water is used for ablutions.


pH can be determined potentiometrically using a standard glass electrode and reference

(APHA Method 4500-H+ 1992).


In major Australian reticulated supplies pH ranges between 6 and 10.8.


The pH of water can be adjusted by the addition of acid or alkali. Usually lime, soda ash, sodium
hydroxide, or a combination of lime and carbon dioxide are used (AWWA 1990).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


A direct relationship between pH and human health is difficult to determine, as pH is closely associated
with other aspects of water quality. Consumption of food and beverages with quite low or high pH is
common and does not result in adverse health effects. Some carbonated soft drinks, for instance, have
a pH of 2.5, orange fruit juice has a pH of about 3.8, and the pH of milk is 6.7.

In humans, extreme values of pH result in irritation of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Eye
irritation and exacerbation of skin disorders have been associated with pH values above 11.
Gastrointestinal irritation may occur in sensitive individuals at pH values above 10. Below pH 4, redness
and irritation of the eyes have been reported, with the severity increasing with decreasing pH. Below pH
2.5, damage to the epithelium is irreversible and extensive.

pH may have an indirect effect on bacteriological quality through its effects on disinfection processes.
It can affect the solubility of heavy metals, particularly lead and copper from pipes, and the formation
of trihalomethanes (see Section 6.3.2) (USEPA 1989).

In studies using animals, solutions of differing pH have been injected into the abdominal skin of mice,
resulting in irritation at pH 10 after 6 hours. In rabbits, eye irritation was reported at pH 10
but not at pH 4.5.

Chromosome aberrations and gene mutations have been reported in cultured mammalian and
invertebrate cells using different acids between pH 4 and 6.5.

The effect of pH on health will depend on the buffering capacity of the water used. This is related
to the nature and amount of dissolved inorganic and organic material. Water with a low buffering
capacity can change pH rapidly, but water with a high buffering capacity is resistant to pH change.
Extreme values of pH in association with highly buffered water are of greater concern than when the
water has a low buffering capacity.


The guideline value is based on minimising corrosion and encrustation of plumbing fittings and pipes.
Water with a pH between 6.5 and 8.5 should deposit a protective coating of calcium carbonate and
prevent corrosion. High pH can cause scaling and encrustation problems, while lower pH can result
in corrosion.

New concrete tanks and cement-mortar lined pipes can significantly increase pH and a value up to
9.2 may be tolerated, provided microbiological monitoring indicates no deterioration in bacteriological

Insufficient data are available to set a health-based guideline value for pH.


The Canadian Guidelines, United States Regulations, European Economic Community Standards,
and 1984 WHO Guidelines all recommend a pH range of 6.5 to 8.5. The 1993 WHO Guidelines do
not provide a specific range of pH values.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


APHA Method 4500-H+ (1992). pH value: B. Electrometric method. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

AWWA (1990). Water Quality and Treatment: A handbook of community water supplies. American
Water Works Association, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Inc.

USEPA (1989). Health effects of drinking water treatment technologies. United States Environmental
Protection Agency, Lewis Publ. Inc.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)
Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA)


Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate: Based on health considerations, concentrations in drinking

water should not exceed 0.01 mg/L.

Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate: The data are inadequate to determine a guideline value.


DEHP and DEHA are commonly used plasticisers in flexible polyvinyl chloride products. They may be
present in drinking water that has been in contact with these products for long periods of time, or as
the result of industrial spills. Overseas studies have detected DEHP in drinking water on a few occasions
at concentrations from 0.00005 mg/L (50 ng/L) to 0.01 mg/L. DEHA has been detected at concentrations
between 0.000001 mg/L (1 ng/L) to 0.0001 mg/L (100 ng/L) in treated drinking water.

DEHP is the most widely used plasticiser. It is also used as a replacement for polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs) in electrical capacitors. DEHA is used as a lubricant and in hydraulic fluids. Exposure to DEHP
and DEHA is widespread because of the broad range of products using these plasticisers. Food is the
major source of exposure, and it has been estimated that adult daily intake of DEHP and DEHA, as a
result of consumption of food in contact with plastic products, is 0.2 mg to 16 mg.

People receiving kidney dialysis treatment may be exposed to much higher amounts of these plasticisers.
In the United States it has been estimated that each dialysis patient could be receiving up to 90 mg of
DEHP per treatment.


No data are available on DEHP or DEHA concentrations in Australian drinking waters. It is unlikely
that concentrations would exceed those reported overseas.


There are no published reports on methods for the removal of DEHP or DEHA from drinking water.


Measurement can be undertaken using a liquid extraction procedure (USEPA Draft Method 506 1990).
The water sample is extracted with a ternary solvent consisting of methylene chloride, hexane and ethyl
acetate. The extract is concentrated and analysed by gas chromatography with photoionization detection.
The limit of determination is lower than 0.01 mg/L.


In animals, DEHP and DEHA are efficiently absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, although marked
differences in absorption are seen between species. Metabolism also differs markedly between species.
Highest concentrations of metabolites are seen in the liver and adipose tissue.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for DEHP is available
(IPCS 1992).

Human volunteers fed up to 10 g of DEHP have experienced mild gastric disturbances, which occurred
only at the highest dose. Dialysis patients receiving 150 mg per week intravenously showed no liver
changes after one month, but had higher peroxisome numbers after a year. No data exist on the effects
of ingested DEHA in humans.

Exposure to DEHP and DEHA can result in a significant increase in peroxisome proliferation in the liver
cells of rats. An increase in peroxisome proliferation has been linked to the development of liver tumours
in rodents. Humans are regarded as being less sensitive to chemically induced peroxisomal proliferation
than rodents.

Long-term gavage (measured force-feeding) studies in rats using DEHP have reported that doses
of 100 mg/kg body weight increased the activity of peroxisomal-associated enzymes, with higher doses
resulting in depression of growth and enlargement of the liver and kidneys. Very high doses resulted
in increased incidence of liver tumours. Short-term studies have reported increases in liver peroxisomal
activity at lower doses (from 25 mg/kg body weight per day).

DEHP adversely affects reproduction in mice at 140 mg/kg body weight per day, and it is teratogenic
and fetotoxic in mice with a no effect level of 35 mg/kg body weight per day.

A short-term study using DEHA in rats and mice reported peroxisomal proliferation with a no effect
level of 100 mg/kg body weight per day. Longer-term studies are available, but have used much higher
doses. DEHA adversely affects reproduction in rats at doses from 128 mg/kg body weight per day.

Neither DEHP nor DEHA exhibited mutagenic activity when applied to bacteria or to mammalian cells.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that DEHA is not classifiable as to its
carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3, no adequate evidence in humans and limited evidence in animals)
and that DEHP is possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B, no adequate evidence in humans but
sufficient evidence in animals) (IARC 1982).


The guideline values were determined as follows:

0.01 mg/L = 25 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.01
2 L/day x 1000

• 25 mg/kg body weight per day is the lowest effect level based on a 14-day study using rats and
hamsters (IPCS 1992). Although longer-term studies are available, they report no effect levels at
higher doses.
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult.
• 0.01 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water. Sufficient data
are available to indicate that food is by far the major source of exposure, and that drinking water
contributes approximately 1% of total daily intake.
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 because effects were observed
at the lowest dose).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

An additional safety factor for carcinogenic effects was not applied, as rats are by far the most sensitive
species with respect to the sensitive end-point of peroxisomal proliferation.

The WHO guideline value of 0.008 mg/L was based on an adult body weight of 60 kg. The difference
in guideline values is not significant.

ii) DEHA

The WHO has calculated a guideline value of 0.08 mg/L for DEHA based on a short-term
developmental toxicity study (ICI 1988). The data are not considered to be adequate to determine
an Australian guideline value.


IARC (1982). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans:
Some industrial chemicals and dyestuffs. World Health Organization, International Agency for
Research on Cancer, 29.

ICI (1988). Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate: teratogenicity study in the rat. ICI Report No. CTL/P/2119.

IPCS (1992). Diethylhexyl phthalate. Environmental Health Criteria, 131. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety.

USEPA Draft Method 506 (1990). Determination of phthalate and adipate esters in drinking water
by liquid-liquid extraction or liquid-solid extraction and gas chromatography with photoionization
detection. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support
Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)


Based on health considerations, the concentration of benzo(a)pyrene in drinking water should

not exceed 0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L). Data are inadequate to set guideline values
for other PAHs.


The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are a large group of organic compounds with two or more
fused aromatic rings. Several hundred have been identified in air, emitted from various combustion
and pyrolysis sources. The principal PAHs include phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene, anthracene,
benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), benzofluoranthene, chrysene, anthanthrene and naphthalene.

PAHs are widespread throughout the environment. They are formed in forest fires and in the combustion
of fossil fuels, and are present in emissions from coke ovens, aluminium smelters and motor vehicles.
Contamination of drinking water can occur by direct atmospheric deposition and by leaching from
bituminous liners in water distribution systems.

There are very few data on concentrations of PAHs in drinking water supplies. Data, such as exist, are
mainly for BaP. The typical concentration of BaP in drinking water in the United States is estimated
to be 0.00000055 mg/L (0.55 ng/L).

Food is the major source of intake of PAHs. Highest concentrations occur in smoked foods, leafy
vegetables and the burnt fat of meats. Intake from foods is extremely variable but significantly higher (by
at least an order of magnitude) than from drinking water.


PAHs have not been found in Australian drinking waters. They are included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because they have been detected occasionally in drinking
water supplies overseas.


The conventional water treatment processes of coagulation, settling and filtration are capable of
reducing the BaP concentration of raw waters to less than 0.000001 mg/L (1 ng/L), even if the influent
concentration is high. It is likely that other PAHs would be similarly reduced. Granular activated carbon
would also be effective in the removal of these compounds.


Concentrations of BaP and other PAHs in water can be determined by gas chromatography in conjunction
with mass spectrometry. The limit of determination is 0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L). BaP can also be analysed
using liquid chromatography with spectrofluorometric detection (USEPA Draft Method 550 1990). The
limit of determination is 0.00005 mg/L (50 ng/L)


Most of the toxicological literature deals specifically with BaP. Few studies are available for the other
PAHs. Some PAH compounds have been found to be carcinogenic by non-oral routes, but others are
known to have low potential for carcinogenicity.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

BaP is absorbed principally through the gastrointestinal tract and the lungs. The rate of absorption
increases with increased intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids. BaP is rapidly distributed to the organs
and may be stored in mammary and adipose tissue. Metabolism occurs mainly in the liver.

No human health effects have been unequivocally associated with exposure to BaP per se. However,
occupations associated with exposures to PAHs, of which BaP is a component, have been clearly
associated with human cancer.

In experiments with animals, many PAH mixtures have been associated with an increased incidence
of cancer. BaP is one of the most potent carcinogenic compounds, with primary tumours having been
reported in a variety of studies, using different administration techniques, in mice, rats, hamsters, guinea
pigs, rabbits, ducks and monkeys. Tumours have mostly appeared only at the site of administration.

BaP was reported to be mutagenic in tests with a strain of bacteria; however, the diol-epoxide metabolite
was considerably more mutagenic than the parent compound. Mutations have also been reported with
in vitro tests on human lymphoblastoid cells and with in vivo tests using Chinese hamsters (induction
of sister chromatid exchanges).

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that BaP is probably carcinogenic
to humans (Group 2A, no adequate human data, but sufficient evidence in animals) (IARC 1987).


Data are insufficient to set guideline values for PAHs except for BaP. The guideline value for BaP
of 0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L) is based on consideration of health effects in relation to the limit of
determination for analysis using commonly available techniques.

On the basis of a feeding study using mice (Neal and Rigdon 1967) the excess risk of lifetime
consumption of water with a BaP concentration of 0.00007 mg/L (70 ng/L) was conservatively
estimated by WHO, using a linear multistage model, at one additional cancer per million people.

The guideline value has been set at the limit of determination because this is slightly less than the
value derived using a risk assessment calculation, and provides an adequate degree of protection.
This is consistent with the general approach adopted for genotoxic carcinogens (see Section 6.3.4).

The WHO guideline value of 0.0007 mg/L was based on a calculation that estimated an additional
lifetime risk of one fatal cancer per 100 000 people.


IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

Neal J and Rigdon RH (1967). Gastric tumors in mice fed benzo(a)pyrene: a quantitative study.
Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine, 25, 553–557.

USEPA Draft Method 550 (1990). Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in drinking
water by liquid-liquid extraction and HPLC with coupled ultraviolet and fluorescence detection.
United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory
(EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

other beta- and gamma-emitting
(Revised and endorsed 2001)


No specific guideline values are set for beta- or gamma-emitting radionuclides.

Specific beta- or gamma-emitting radionuclides should be identified and determined only

if gross beta radioactivity (after subtracting the contribution of potassium-40) exceeds
0.5 Bq/L (27.6 Bq of beta activity per gram of stable potassium).


Several radionuclides that are classified as beta-particle or gamma-ray emitters may occasionally be
present in drinking water. The significant long-lived nuclides in this group are the naturally occurring
isotopes potassium-40, lead-210 and radium-228, and artificial radionuclides caesium-137 and strontium-
90. Tritium, another nuclide in this group, is present in the environment both from natural sources and as
a result of nuclear fall-out and nuclear power generation.

Levels of strontium-90 and caesium-137 in the Australian environment have decreased substantially since
atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons ceased, and these radionuclides are not detectable in drinking
water. In the absence of a nuclear power industry in Australia, these nuclides are likely to be present in
significant concentrations in drinking water only as a result of transient contamination following an
event such as a nuclear accident.

Potassium-40 occurs naturally in a fixed ratio to stable potassium. Potassium is an essential element for
humans, and is absorbed mainly from ingested food. Potassium-40 does not accumulate in the body but
is maintained at a constant level independent of intake. The average concentration of potassium in an
adult male is about 2 g/kg of bodyweight, which gives an activity mass concentration of potassium-40
of 60 Bq per kg of bodyweight. The corresponding value for females is slightly less.

Lead-210, like radium-226, is a decay product of the uranium-238 series. Food is the most important route
by which lead-210 enters the human body, and the annual intake depends on diet: highest concentrations
are found in fish and other aquatic species. Generally, lead-210 concentrations in drinking water are
considerably less than concentrations of either radium-226 or radium-228.


Concentrations of potassium-40 in Australian drinking water supplies vary widely, from below
0.05 Bq/L in surface water sources to more that 1 Bq/L in some supplies drawn from groundwater.

There are only limited data on concentrations of other beta- or gamma-emitting radionuclides
such as lead-210, strontium-90 and caesium-137 in Australian drinking water supplies. Lead-210
concentrations are probably below 0.05 Bq/L and concentrations of artificial radionuclides are negligible.


Treatment processes involving ion exchange or reverse osmosis will effectively remove radionuclides
such as lead-210, strontium-90 and caesium-137. There is no suitable treatment to remove tritium.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 76

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


For initial screening, gross beta activity is determined by evaporation of the sample and beta
measurement of the residue (AS 2531 1982; ISO 1991). The limit of determination is approximately 0.02
Bq/L, but will vary with the mass of residue.

For potassium-40, the most suitable method is to determine the stable potassium concentration by
atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The beta activity due to potassium-40 is then calculated using
the ratio of 27.6 Bq of beta activity per gram of stable potassium.

Specific determination of lead-210 and strontium-90 in drinking water is carried out by beta counting
after radiochemical isolation of the radionuclide (EML 1990; USEPA 1980). The limit of determination
for each nuclide is approximately 0.02 Bq/L by this method. High-resolution gamma spectrometry
is the most suitable method for the determination of caesium-137.

Tritium is determined by distillation and liquid scintillation counting (ISO 1989).


Lead-210 can concentrate in bone, where it remains for many years. The radiation dose from lead-210
is due mainly to the emission of alpha particles from its progeny, polonium-210.

In principle, lead-210 may increase the risk of bone cancers; however, no link has been demonstrated,
either in animal studies or epidemiological studies.

Much of what is known of the health effects of ingested strontium-90 and caesium-137 comes from
animal studies. Caesium-137, when ingested, is distributed throughout the body, mainly to soft tissues.
The organ most at risk is the liver. Dogs exposed to high concentrations of caesium-137 showed an
increased incidence of liver cancer. The risks of bone cancer have been estimated from extensive
life-span studies of dogs injected intravenously with strontium-90. The studies showed the dose-response
relationship to be non-linear for chronic exposure to strontium-90.

Potassium-40 is not considered to be of significance to health because it is present naturally with

the stable potassium isotope. The average contribution of this nuclide to the annual effective dose
from background radiation is estimated to be 0.18 mSv (UNSCEAR 2000).


The dose from beta or gamma emitting radioisotopes should be estimated using the method described
in Section 7.5.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 76

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


AS 2531 (1982). Australian Standard for Waters – determination of gross alpha and gross beta activities.
Standards Association of Australia, Sydney, New South Wales.

EML (1990). EML Procedures Manual, 27th edition. Environmental Measurements Laboratory,
Department of Energy, New York, United States.

ISO (1989). Water quality– determination of tritium activity concentration - liquid scintillation counting
method. International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Standard ISO 9698:1989(E),
Geneva, Switzerland.

ISO (1991). Water quality - measurement of gross beta activity in non-saline water– Thick source
method. International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Standard ISO 9695, Geneva,

UNSCEAR (2000). Sources, effects and risks of ionising radiation. United Nations Scientific Committee
on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), report ISBN 92-1-142143-8, New York, 1988.

USEPA (1980). Prescribed procedures for measurement of radioactivity in drinking water. United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, EPA-600/4-80-032,
Cincinnati, United States.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 76

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Radium-226 and radium-228

(Revised and endorsed 2001)


Radium-226 and Radium-228 should be determined if the gross alpha radioactivity

in drinking water exceeds 0.5 Bq/L, or the gross beta activity (with the contribution
of potassium-40 subtracted) exceeds 0.5 Bq/L.


Radium isotopes are formed as a result of radioactive decay of uranium-238 and thorium-232, both
of which occur naturally in the environment. The two most significant isotopes in this process, in terms
of radiological health, are radium-226 (uranium series) and radium-228 (thorium series), which have
half-lives of 1620 years and 5.8 years, respectively.

Radium-226 is an alpha emitter. It has been used, separated from its parent uranium, in cancer therapy.

Of the radionuclides that comprise the natural thorium and uranium series, radium-226 and radium-228
are those most likely to be found in drinking water, and this occurs more commonly in supplies derived
from groundwater. Concentrations in surface water are likely to be extremely low. Concentrations of
radium isotopes in groundwater vary according to the type of aquifer minerals and dissolved anions
such as chloride, carbonate, and sulfate anions, which tend to increase the mobility of radium.

Radium is widespread in the environment and trace amounts are found in many foods. The average
dietary intake is estimated to be 15 Bq per year (UNSCEAR 2000).


In supplies derived from groundwater sources, radium-226 and radium-228 concentrations vary
considerably depending on the aquifer, and it is not uncommon in small supplies to find concentrations
up to, or exceeding, 0.5 Bq/L. Radium concentrations in Australian surface water supplies are generally
below 0.02 Bq/L.


Lime softening, reverse osmosis and ion exchange all remove both radium-226 and radium-228
very efficiently from water. Aeration may be effective in certain circumstances.


Generally, analysis for radium isotopes is only required if gross alpha and beta activities exceed
0.5 Bq/L (see Chapter 7).

Radium-226 can be determined by several methods involving radiochemistry, by radon emanation,

or by liquid scintillation counting (USEPA 1980; ASTM 1989; Cooper and Wilks 1981; EML 1990;
APHA 1992). The estimated limit of determination is 5 mBq/L.

Radiochemical techniques are necessary to determine radium-228 (USEPA 1980). The estimated limit
of determination is 20 mBq/L.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 76

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


The metabolic behaviour of radium is similar to that of calcium, and an appreciable fraction of ingested
radium is deposited in bone tissue, where it is retained for a long time.

High levels of exposure to radium have been shown to be carcinogenic. Epidemiological studies of
2000 radium dial painters, and studies of the medical use of the short-lived isotope radium-224, have
both shown an increased incidence of bone sarcomas. Animal experiments have also established
an association between radium exposure and bone sarcoma.

Studies of populations in the United States exposed to radium in drinking water have produced
no conclusive evidence linking cancer with ingestion of radium.

Apart from cancer, the only other health effect resulting from ingestion of radium observed in the
studies of radium dial painters was bone necrosis.


The dose from radium-226 and radium-228 should be estimated using the method described in Section


APHA Method 7500-Ra C (1992). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,
18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

ASTM, Vol. 11.02 (1989). 1989 Annual book of ASTM standards. American Society for Testing and
Materials, Philadelphia, United States.

Cooper, MB and Wilks MJ (1981). An analytical method for radium (226Ra) in environmental samples
by the use of liquid scintillation counting. Australian Radiation Laboratory report, ARL/TR040.

EML (1990). EML Procedures Manual, 27th edition. Environmental Measurements Laboratory, Department
of Energy, New York, United States.

UNSCEAR (1988). Sources, effects and risks of ionising radiation. United Nations Scientific Committee
on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, report ISBN 92-1-142143-8, New York, 1988.

USEPA (1980). Prescribed procedures for measurement of radioactivity in drinking water. United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, EPA-600/4-80-032,
Cincinnati, United States.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 67

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on a consideration of the potential health impact from radon released from tap water to
the air inside a dwelling, the activity concentration of radon-222 in drinking water should not
exceed 100 Bq/L.

The guideline value applies to the concentration of radon at the point of use of the water, not
at the source, because of the significant decrease in concentration which can occur due to
radioactive decay during storage, treatment and reticulation.


Radon-222 is a radioactive gas produced from the decay of radium-226 in soil and minerals. It has a half-
life of 3.8 days.

Elevated concentrations of radon-222 may occur in drinking water derived from groundwater, due to
the release of radon from aquifer rocks and minerals, particularly in granitic areas. In Finland, for
example, the weighted average radon concentration in drinking water is 25 Bq/L.

Radon concentrations in surface water supplies are very low because the gas is rapidly lost
to the atmosphere.

Studies from Canada, Finland and the United States have shown that dissolved radon-222 in drinking
water may be released to air during domestic use and contribute to indoor radon concentrations.


The data on the concentrations of radon-222 in Australian drinking water supplies are limited,
but sufficient to indicate that radon may be significant in some rural supplies.


The most effective way of eliminating dissolved radon-222 from water is by aeration, either actively
by processes such as spraying, or by passive processes such as open-air storage. Radon concentrations
will also decrease by radioactive decay in water stored before use.


The concentration of radon-222 in drinking water can be determined by liquid scintillation counting of
a small volume of water, or by a de-emanation of radon into a Lucas Cell chamber for counting (EPA
1987, EPA 1991). The limits of determination for these methods are around 1-2 Bq/L and 0.1-0.5 Bq/L
respectively. The former method is preferable because because it is quicker and easier to use.


The main health risk from radon arises from inhalation of the gas, particularly when it accumulates
inside dwellings. Radon-222 has several short-lived radioactive progeny that can give rise to an increased
risk of lung cancer.

Epidemiological studies of underground miners in the uranium mining industry overseas have established
a relationship between the incidence of lung cancer and occupational exposure to radon.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 76

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

No link has been demonstrated, however, in either experimental or epidemiological studies, between
ingestion of radon in drinking water and increased cancer rates.


The guideline value was determined following consideration of these points:

• Ingestion of radon in water does not pose a sufficient risk to health to warrant consideration
of this pathway in setting a guideline value (UNSCEAR 1988).
• The main sources of radon in indoor air are the subjacent ground and building materials, with radon
in tap water being normally only a small contributor. The release of radon from tap water into
household air will depend upon the volume and nature of water usage in the dwelling. The overall
radon concentration in air will be influenced by factors such as the construction of the dwelling,
ventilation rates and domestic practices.
• Given the indirect nature of the exposure pathway and the number of assumptions that must be
made to assess the dose to an individual arising from the inhalation of radon released to household
air from tap water, it is not appropriate to use a level of dose as the basis for a guideline value for
radon in drinking water.
• The ratio between the radon concentration in tap water and the concentration in air is commonly
estimated at 10 000 to 1 (UNSCEAR 1988). On this basis, a concentration of radon in tap water of
100 Bq/L would give rise to a concentration in air of 10 Bq/m3, which is 5% of the present NHMRC
action level for radon in air in a dwelling. A guideline value of 100 Bq/L would ensure that radon
in drinking water would not be a significant contributor to indoor radon.


NHMRC (1990). Report of the 109th Session. National Health and Medical Research Council, May 1990.

UNSCEAR (1988). Sources, effects and risks of ionising radiation. United Nations Scientific Committee
on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, report ISBN 92-1-142143-8, New York, 1988.

USEPA (1987). Two test procedures for radon in drinking water, inter-laboratory collaborative study.
United States Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-600/2-87-082, Washington, United States.

NOTE: Important
NOTE: Important general
general information
information isis contained
contained in
II, Chapter
Chapter 67

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of selenium in drinking water should

not exceed 0.01 mg/L.


Selenium and selenium salts are widespread in the environment. Selenium is released from natural
and human-made sources, with the main source being the burning of coal. Selenium is also a byproduct
of the processing of sulfide ores, chiefly in the copper refining industry.

The major use of selenium is in the manufacture of electronic components. It is used in several other
industries, and selenium compounds are used in some insecticides, in hair shampoos as an anti-dandruff
agent, and as a nutritional feed additive for poultry and livestock.

Selenium concentrations in source waters are generally very low and depend on local geochemistry,
pH and the presence of iron salts. Concentrations in drinking water supplies overseas are generally below
0.01 mg/L but groundwater concentrations as high as 6 mg/L have been reported in the United States.

Food is the major source of intake for Australians. Cereal and grain products contribute most to intake,
while fish and liver contain the highest selenium concentrations. Average daily intakes for Australian
adults are between 0.06 mg and 0.13 mg.


In major Australian reticulated supplies, selenium concentrations are less than 0.005 mg/L. Selenium
concentrations in groundwater are not a problem in Australia, as they are in some overseas supplies.


Selenium concentrations in drinking water can be reduced by coagulation with ferric chloride and
by lime softening. Coagulation with alum is much less effective. Activated alumina absorption is the
most effective means of treatment, but only at low pH.


The selenium concentration in drinking water can be determined by hydride generation followed by
atomic absorption spectroscopy (APHA Method 3500-Se Part C 1992). The limit of determination is 0.001


Selenium is an essential element for many species, including humans. Signs of selenium deficiency in
humans are not well established but may include a chronic disorder of the heart muscle, other heart
diseases and cancer. The Australian recommended dietary intake to maintain health is approximately
0.001 mg/kg body weight per day.

Most water-soluble selenium compounds are effectively absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Selenium
is then distributed to most organs, with highest concentrations found in the kidney, liver and spleen.

The toxicity of selenium varies considerably among the different selenium compounds. Selenite
and selenate are much more toxic than selenium sulfide.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for selenium is available
(IPCS 1987).

There have been a number of reports of ill effects attributed to short- and long-term exposure to
selenium; most of these have resulted from occupational exposure or accidental poisoning; acute or
chronic nutritional toxicity is comparatively rare. Intakes above about 1 mg/day over prolonged periods
may produce nail deformities characteristic of selenosis. Other features of excess selenium intake include
nonspecific symptoms such as gastrointestinal disturbances, dermatitis, dizziness, lassitude and a garlic
odour to the breath.

A 2-year study on 140 people with an average selenium intake of 0.24 mg/day reported no effect
associated with the level of selenium intake.

Domestic animals developed a symptom known as ‘blind staggers’ when fed plants that had accumulated
selenium. The animals had impaired vision, depressed appetite and a tendency to wander in circles.
This led to paralysis and death from respiratory failure.

Except for selenium sulfide, experiments with laboratory animals indicate that selenium compounds
are not carcinogenic, with some selenium compounds displaying an anticarcinogenic effect. Results
for selenium sulfide indicate that it causes liver and skin tumours in mice.

Tests for mutagenic activity using bacteria have reported both positive and negative results. Studies
indicate that selenite can cause chromosome damage to mammalian cells.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that selenium is not classifiable as
to its carcinogenicity in humans (Group 3, inadequate evidence in humans and in animals) (IARC 1987).


The guideline value for selenium in drinking water was derived as follows:
0.01 mg/L = 0.24 mg/day x 0.1
2 L/day

• 0.24 mg per day is the acceptable daily intake (Longnecker et al 1991)
• 0.1 is the proportion of daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.


APHA Method 3500-Se Part C (1992). Selenium: Continuous hydride generation/Atomic Absorption
Spectrometric method. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition.
American Public Health Association, Washington.

IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1987). Selenium. Environmental Health Criteria, 58. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

Longnecker MP, Taylor PR, Levander OA, Howe M, Veillon C, McAdam PA, Patterson KY, Holden JM,
Stampfer MJ, Morris JS and Willet WC (1991). Selenium in diet, blood, and toenails in relation to human
health in a seleniferous area. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 53, 1288–94.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of silver in drinking water should

not exceed 0.1 mg/L.


Silver concentrations in natural source waters are generally very low, less than 0.0002 mg/L. In some
countries silver and silver salts are used for disinfection and preservation of water, and this can result
in higher silver concentrations.

Silver is a precious metal and is used in the production of tableware, jewellery and coins. It is also
used in batteries, mirrors, as a chemical catalyst, and as an antiseptic agent.

Traces of silver can be found in most foods. The daily dietary intake has been estimated at between
0.03 mg and 0.09 mg.


Australian drinking water supplies have not been routinely monitored for silver.


Silver can be readily removed from drinking water by conventional coagulation or lime softening.


The concentration of silver in drinking water can be determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption
spectroscopy or inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy (APHA Method 3500-Ag Parts B
or C 1992). The limits of determination are 0.001 mg/L and 0.01 mg/L respectively.


Although silver can be found in many biological substances, it is not considered an essential trace
element for mammals.

It has been estimated that less than 10% of dietary silver is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.
Silver is stored mainly in the liver and skin and is capable of binding to amino acids and proteins.

The best-known clinical condition of silver intoxication is argyria, which results in a bluish-grey metallic
discolouration of the skin, hair, mucous membranes, mouth and eye. Most cases have been associated
with self-administration of silver preparations, or occupational exposure to silver and silver compounds.

Experiments with laboratory rats and mice have reported similar results. Very high concentrations of
silver in drinking water (over 600 mg/L) for a lifetime caused discolouration in the thyroid and adrenal
glands, the choroids of the brain and eye, and the liver and kidney. Some hypoactive behaviour was also

No data are available on the carcinogenicity of silver. Silver salts are not mutagenic in tests with bacteria,
but can induce damage in mammalian DNA.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


The guideline value for silver in drinking water was derived as follows:
0.1 mg/L = 0.4 mg/day x 0.5
2 L/day

• 0.4 mg/day is derived from a human lifetime no effect level of 10 g (Hill and Pillsbury 1939)
• 0.5 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of drinking water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.

No additional safety factors were used, as the calculation was based on a human no effect level.

It is unlikely that silver concentrations in drinking water would ever reach a concentration that could
cause adverse effects. Silver or silver salts should not be used as antimicrobial agents unless no other
disinfectants are available.


APHA Method 3500-Ag Part B (1992). Silver: Atomic Absorption Spectrometric method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Ag Part C (1992). Silver: Inductively Coupled Plasma method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

Hill WR and Pillsbury DM (1939). Argyria, the pharmacology of silver. The Williams and
Wilkins Co., Baltimore, Maryland.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on aesthetic considerations (taste), the concentration of sodium in drinking water

should not exceed 180 mg/L.

No health-based guideline value is proposed for sodium. Medical practitioners treating

people with severe hypertension or congestive heart failure should be aware if the sodium
concentration in the patient’s drinking water exceeds 20 mg/L.


The sodium ion is widespread in water due to the high solubility of sodium salts and the abundance
of mineral deposits. Near coastal areas, windborne sea spray can make an important contribution either
by fallout onto land surfaces where it can drain to drinking water sources, or from washout by rain. Apart
from saline intrusion and natural contamination, water treatment chemicals, domestic water softeners
and sewage effluent can contribute to the sodium content of drinking water.

Sodium salts are used in the paper, glass, soap, pharmaceutical and general chemical industries, and for
a variety of other purposes. Sodium is also used in the food industry and for culinary purposes.
Considerable amounts are excreted by humans and it is a common constituent of domestic sewage.

Sodium, as sodium salts such as sodium chloride or sodium sulfate, has a taste threshold of about
135 mg/L. The taste becomes appreciable when the sodium concentration exceeds 180 mg/L.

In most countries the majority of water supplies contain less than 20 mg/L but concentrations
of up to 250 mg/L have been reported.

Food is the major contributor to sodium intake. In Australia the average dietary sodium intake
has been estimated at about 4 g/day. Low-sodium diets may restrict this to less than 2 g/day.


In major Australian reticulated supplies, sodium concentrations vary from 3 mg/L to 300 mg/L,
with a typical value of 50 mg/L. Concentrations can vary markedly with local conditions.


Sodium salts cannot be easily removed from drinking water; however, any steps to reduce sodium
concentrations are encouraged (such as the use of alternative salts in domestic water softeners).
Processes such as reverse osmosis or distillation can be employed but are costly to operate.


The sodium concentration in drinking water can be determined by flame atomic absorption
spectroscopy, inductively coupled emission spectroscopy or flame emission spectroscopy
(APHA Method 3500-Na Parts B, C or D 1992). The limits of determination are less than 0.1 mg/L.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Whether water is consumed directly or with food or beverages, virtually all of the sodium in it will be
absorbed. Sodium is present in all body tissues and fluids and its concentration is maintained by the
kidney; increases in the sodium concentration in plasma give rise to the sensation of thirst.

Sodium is essential to human life but there is no agreement on the minimum daily amount needed
to maintain health. It has been estimated that a total daily intake of less than 200 mg/person is required
to meet the needs of growing infants and children.

Excessive sodium intake, usually via diet, can severely aggravate chronic congestive heart failure.

While it is clear that reduced sodium intake can reduce the blood pressure of some individuals with
hypertension, it is equally clear that this type of therapy is not effective in all cases. Health authorities
are of the opinion, however, that reduced sodium intake is beneficial.


The guideline value for sodium in drinking water is based on the taste threshold for sodium in water
of 180 mg/L.

While there is evidence linking excess sodium intake with cardiovascular disease, it must be recognised
that sodium intake via the water supply makes only a modest contribution to total intake. Nevertheless,
water authorities are strongly encouraged to keep sodium concentrations as low as possible.

People with severe hypertension or congestive heart failure may need to restrict their overall dietary
intake of sodium further if the concentration in drinking water exceeds 20 mg/L. Medical practitioners
treating people with these conditions should be aware of the sodium concentration in the patient’s
drinking water.


APHA Method 3500-Na Part B (1992). Sodium: Atomic Absorption Spectrometric method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Na Part C (1992). Sodium: Inductively Coupled Plasma method. Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Na Part D (1992). Sodium: Flame emission photometric method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Styrene (vinylbenzene)


Based on aesthetic considerations (odour), the concentration of styrene in drinking

water should not exceed 0.004 mg/L.

Styrene would not be a health concern unless the concentration exceeded 0.03 mg/L.


Styrene may be present in drinking water as a result of contamination from industrial sources.
It has occasionally been detected in water supplies in the United States and the Netherlands
at concentrations of less than 0.001 mg/L.

The taste threshold of styrene in water at 40°C ranges from 0.02 mg/L to 2.6 mg/L, depending
on individual sensitivities. At 60°C the odour threshold in water is 0.004 mg/L.

Styrene is used in the production of plastics and resins. It has been detected in food packaged in
polystyrene containers. However, improvements in the use of polystyrene since 1980 have resulted
in substantial decreases in the release of the monomer. The daily exposure to styrene has been
estimated to be 0.04 mg per person, with smokers receiving a higher dose. Forest fires may
contribute to atmospheric concentrations of styrene.


Styrene has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally in drinking
water supplies overseas.


Styrene can be removed from drinking water by reaction with ozone to form aldehydes,
ketones and benzoic acid. It can also be adsorbed onto granular activated carbon.


A purge and trap gas chromatographic procedure can be used for analysis (USEPA Draft Method
503.1 1986). An inert gas is bubbled through the sample and styrene trapped on an adsorbent. The
adsorbent is then heated and styrene analysed using gas chromatography with photoionisation
detection. The limit of determination is less than 0.0001 mg/L.


Approximately 60-90% of styrene is absorbed following ingestion or inhalation. It is widely distributed

in the body, with a preference for fatty tissues. It is metabolised by a number of tissues and organs
to styrene-7,8-oxide.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for styrene is available
(IPCS 1983).

A number of studies have reported on occupational inhalation of styrene. High doses for long periods
have resulted in irritation of the respiratory system and some neurotoxic effects on both central and
peripheral nervous systems.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes have been associated with high styrene exposures, but
not with low concentrations, among workers in the glass fibre industry.

In a long-term study using rats, female body weights were depressed at high doses (250 mg/kg body
weight per day). No other treatment-related effects were observed.

Most studies using rodents have not found any association between styrene intake and an increased
incidence of tumours. Styrene is mutagenic in a variety of test microorganisms, but only after metabolic
activation. It also induces gene mutations and chromosomal aberrations in mammalian cells. The mutagenic
agent is probably styrene-7,8-oxide, the main metabolic byproduct of styrene and a direct-acting mutagen.
Two long-term gavage studies using rats have also reported that styrene-7,8-oxide significantly increased
the incidence of fore-stomach tumours at a dose of 250 mg/kg body weight per day.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that styrene-7,8-oxide is probably
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A, inadequate evidence in humans, sufficient evidence in experimental
animals, and supporting mechanistic evidence) (IARC 1994).


The assessment of the toxicological data for styrene by the WHO has been used without review.
The health-based guideline value of 0.03 mg/L was determined as follows:
0.03 mg/L = 7.7 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 1000

• 7.7 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 2-year drinking water study using
rats (Beliles et al 1985)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 for carcinogenic and
genotoxic effects).

This health-based value is greater than the odour threshold of 0.004 mg/L.

The WHO guideline value of 0.02 mg/L was based on an adult body weight of 60 kg. The difference
in guideline values is not significant.


Beliles RP, Butala JH, Stack CR and Makris S (1985). Chronic toxicity and three-generation reproduction
study of styrene monomer in the drinking water of rats. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, 5, 855–868.

IARC (1994). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of World Health. Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Some
Industrial Chemicals. World Health Organisation, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 60, Lyons.

IPCS (1983). Styrene. Environmental Health Criteria, 26. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

USEPA Draft Method 503.1 (1986). Volatile organic compounds in water by purge and trap gas
chromatography. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and
Support Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on aesthetic considerations (taste), the concentration of sulfate in drinking

water should not exceed 250 mg/L. Purgative effects may occur if the concentration
exceeds 500 mg/L.


Sulfate occurs naturally in a number of minerals, and is used commercially in the manufacture
of numerous products including chemicals, dyes, glass, paper, soaps, textiles, fungicides and insecticides.
Sulfate, including sulfuric acid, is also used in mining, pulping, and the metal and plating industries.
Barium sulfate is used as a lubricant in drilling rigs for groundwater supply.

In the water industry, aluminium sulfate (alum) is used as a flocculant in water treatment, and copper
sulfate is used for the control of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) in water storages.

The highest concentrations reported in drinking water overseas are from groundwater supplies where
the presence of sulfate is due to natural leaching from rocks. Concentrations have been reported
up to 2200 mg/L. In source waters, concentrations are typically less than 100 mg/L.

The taste threshold for sulfate is in the range 250–500 mg/L.

Under anoxic conditions, the reduction of sulfate to sulfide by sulfate-reducing bacteria can result in
unpleasant taste and odour due to the release of hydrogen sulfide, and can increase corrosion in pipes.

Food is probably the major source of intake of sulfate. In areas where the concentration of sulfate
in water is high, drinking water may constitute the principal source of intake.


In major Australian reticulated supplies, sulfate concentrations range from 1 mg/L to 240 mg/L,
with a typical concentration of 20 mg/L. Sulfate concentrations can vary markedly in different
parts of the country.


Most sulfate salts are very soluble and cannot be removed from drinking water by conventional
water treatment processes. Desalination methods such as reverse osmosis or distillation are required
for sulfate removal.


The sulfate concentration of drinking water can be determined by the methylthymol blue method
(APHA 4500-SO42– Part F 1992) or using ion chromatography (APHA Method 4500-SO42– Part B 1992).
Limits of determination are 0.1 mg/L and 1 mg/L respectively.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Sulfate is rapidly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract but a number of factors, such as the accompanying
cation, can influence the rate of absorption. Low doses are probably absorbed more effectively than high
doses. Sulfate is found in all body tissue but is highest in the metabolically active areas of bone and tooth
formation, and may be important in regulating bone development.

Sulfate is one of the least toxic anions. Ingestion of high doses can result in catharsis (loosening
of the bowels) with dehydration as a possible side effect.

No harmful effects have been reported in studies with animals.

Sulfate can interfere with disinfection efficiency by scavenging residual chlorine. It can also increase
corrosion of mild steel pipes.


The guideline value is based on the taste threshold of sulfate in drinking water of 250 mg/L.


APHA Method 4500-SO42- Part F (1992). Sulphate: Methylthymol blue method. Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 4500-SO42- Part B (1989). Sulphate: Ion Chromatographic method. Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Taste and odour


The taste and odour of drinking water should be acceptable to most people.


Odour and taste are the primary criteria consumers use to judge the quality and acceptability of drinking
water. People’s senses of taste and smell tend to vary, and so the acceptability of the same water can vary
from person to person, and from day to day for the same person. Similarly, one individual within a group
may be more or less sensitive to a particular substance than the group as a whole.


Taste and odour in drinking water can be naturally occurring, or the result of chemical contamination
of water supplies.

Humic and fulvic material resulting from the decay of animal and vegetable matter can result variously
in water which smells ‘earthy’, ‘musty’ or ‘woody’. Compounds most often linked to these tastes
and odours are geosmin and methyl isoborneol, which have an extremely low taste threshold of
0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L). These compounds are also produced by a number of microorganisms including
blue-green algae (cyanobacteria).

Other odours produced by particular algae have been described as sweet, aromatic, cucumber, flowery,
geranium, nasturtium, violets, fishy, earthy, peaty, grassy, musty, mouldy, and vegetable.

Inorganic compounds are generally present in water in substantially higher concentrations than
organic compounds. Taste thresholds for some commonly occurring inorganic ions are about
0.15 mg/L for manganese, 0.3 mg/L for iron, 3 mg/L for copper, 5 mg/L for zinc, 250 mg/L for
chloride, and 250-500 mg/L for sulfate.

A number of organic compounds causing tastes and odours can be produced as byproducts of
disinfection, particularly chlorination. Some chlorinated phenols, for example, have an antiseptic smell
and a very low taste and odour threshold, varying from 0.002 mg/L to 0.0001 mg/L.

Disinfection chemicals can also contribute taste or odour to water. The odour threshold for free chlorine
varies with pH, but is between 0.1 mg/L and 0.4 mg/L. Monochloramine and dichloramine have odour
thresholds of 0.5 mg/L and 0.15 mg/L respectively.

Contamination of water from spills, discharges or leaks of organic compounds can result in unpleasant
taste and odours. Diesel fuel, for example, has a taste and odour threshold of 0.0005 mg/L.


A small panel (5 to 8 people) can be trained to identify specific odours and tastes associated with
common contaminants. These panels are useful for assessing complaints by consumers, identifying
the source of a contaminant, and for the initial assessment of a new or improved purification process.
The Flavour Profile Measurement method (Krasner et al 1985, Bartels et al 1987, Mallevaille et al 1987)
is widely recognised as the appropriate procedure for use with small trained panels when assessing
drinking water. It provides information on both the strength and characteristics of the odour and taste of
the water.

Large panels (over 100 people), generally consisting of consumers, can be used as final assessors of
water from a new or improved process, or to check that a contaminant causing complaint has been
removed or reduced to a concentration that renders water acceptable for drinking.
NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

The Flavour Rating Assessment method (Zoetman et al 1984, APHA Method 2160C 1992) uses a simple
rating scale for acceptance of water.

Individuals have different sensitivities to, and perceptions of, odours and tastes, and complaints may
consequently be lodged when the majority of consumers do not perceive any problem. It is therefore
essential that participants in small panels have sensitivities close to the population norm, to reflect the
majority opinion of the water. The composition of large panels, on the other hand, should reflect the
range of sensitivities found in the community, to ensure that when more than 90% of the large panel
find the water ‘acceptable’, this will agree essentially with community assessment of water at the tap.


Substances producing taste and odour can sometimes be removed by granular activated carbon.
Powdered activated carbon is less effective. Volatile compounds can be removed by aeration. Oxidation
and biological treatment can also reduce tastes and odours.


Odour in potable water may indicate pollution of the water or malfunction during water treatment or
distribution. Odours of a biological origin can indicate increased biological activity, for example by algae.
Some algae can produce toxins and the detection of these algae by taste and odour provides a useful
early warning of potential problems, although taste and odour do not necessarily indicate the presence
of toxins.


It is clearly unsatisfactory for a water authority to be supplying water that is objectionable in taste and
odour to a significant proportion of customers. Alternatives such as rainwater tanks, bores and bottled
water will be heavily used under such conditions.


The 1984 WHO Guidelines require that water not be objectionable to most consumers. The 1993
WHO Guidelines require that taste and odour be acceptable to avoid consumer complaints.

The Canadian Guidelines stipulate that drinking water shall not have an offensive odour.

The European Economic Community Standards and the United States EPA require that the Threshold
Odour Number (TON) not exceed 3. (The Threshold Odour Number method is no longer regarded
as a reliable method for the determination of odours.)


APHA Method 2160C (1992). Flavor rating assessment (FRA). Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

Krasner SW, McGuire MJ and Ferguson VB (1985). Tastes and odours: The flavour profile method.
Journal of the American Water Works Association, 77, March, 34–39.

Mallevaille J and Suffet IH (eds) (1987). Identification and treatment of tastes and odours in
drinking water. American Water Works Association, Research Foundation, Lyonnaise des Eaux,
102-210 and 227–250.

Zoeteman BCJ, DeGreef E, Van Oers et al (1984). Consumer panels monitoring taste of water in
Rotterdam. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 76, June, 75–77.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



No guideline is set due to the impracticality of controlling water temperature.

Drinking water temperatures above 20°C may result in an increase in the number
of complaints.


Temperature is primarily an aesthetic criterion for drinking water. Generally, cool water is more
palatable than warm or cold water.

In general, consumers will react to a change in water temperature. Complaints are most frequent
when the temperature suddenly increases.

The turbidity and colour of filtered water may be indirectly affected by temperature, as low water
temperatures tend to decrease the efficiency of water treatment processes by, for instance, affecting
floc formation rates and sedimentation efficiency.

Chemical reaction rates increase with temperature, and this can lead to greater corrosion of pipes and
fittings in closed systems. Scale formation in hard waters will also be greater at higher temperatures.


Temperature measurements should be made with a good quality, mercury-filled Celsius thermometer
(APHA Method 2550B 1992).


Water temperatures in major Australian reticulated supplies range from 10˚C to 30˚C. In some long,
above-ground pipelines, water temperatures up to 45˚C may be experienced.


Control of water temperature in reticulated supplies is seldom practical or effective. Selective withdrawal
from deep reservoirs can be used but this may introduce other water quality problems. Aeration can also
be used. In some situations it may be possible to place pipes underground to reduce water temperature
fluctuations, or to vary the times water remains in pipes and storage tanks.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


The effectiveness of chlorine as a disinfectant is influenced by the temperature of the water being dosed.
Generally higher temperatures result in more effective disinfection at a particular chlorine dose, but
this may be counterbalanced by a more rapid loss of chlorine to the atmosphere (AWWA 1990).

Chlorine reacts with organic matter in water to produce undesirable chlorinated organic byproducts,
and higher temperatures increase the rate of these reactions.

Temperature can directly affect the growth and survival of microorganisms. In general the survival time
of infectious bacteria and parasites is reduced as the temperature of the contaminated water increases.
Naegleria fowleri, which can cause amoebic meningitis, grows between 18°C and 46°C and is likely to
occur in nondisinfected water supplies that reach 30°C seasonally. Legionella pneumophila (which causes
Legionnaires’ disease) and related bacteria are found in hot and cold water systems, with colonisation
occurring in stagnant water at temperatures between 20°C and 45°C. Increased temperatures can also
promote the growth of taste- and odour-producing organisms in lakes and impoundments,
and in distribution systems.


The European Economic Community Standards have a guideline value of 12˚C and a maximum of 25˚C.

The Canadian Guidelines have a recommended value of 15˚C.

The 1984 WHO Guidelines do not include a value for temperature as control is usually impractical. The
1993 WHO Guidelines require that temperature should be acceptable to avoid consumer complaints.


APHA Method 2550B (1992). Temperature: Laboratory and field methods. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

AWWA (1990). Water Quality and Treatment: A handbook of community water supplies. American
Water Works Association, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Inc.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

(also known as tetrachloroethylene or perchloroethylene)


Based on health considerations, the concentration of tetrachloroethene in drinking water

should not exceed 0.05 mg/L.


Tetrachloroethene is used as a solvent in the dry-cleaning industry. It may be present in drinking water
through contamination of water sources by spills or discharges. In the United Kingdom and the United
States it has occasionally been detected in drinking water at concentrations below 0.001 mg/L. It has
been found at higher concentration in contaminated groundwater.

The odour threshold in water is 0.3 mg/L.

Tetrachloroethene is widespread in the environment through use in dry-cleaning and as a metal-

degreasing fluid. It has been reported in trace amounts in food, water, aquatic organisms and human


Tetrachloroethene has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide
guidance in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally
in drinking water supplies overseas.


Tetrachloroethene can be removed from drinking water by adsorption onto granular activated carbon
or by aeration.


A solvent extraction procedure is suitable for the analysis of tetrachloroethene (USEPA Draft
Method 551 1990). Sodium chloride is added to the sample and tetrachloroethene extracted using
methyl tert-butyl ether. The extract is then analysed using gas chromatography with an electron
capture detector. The limit of determination is approximately 0.000004 mg/L (4 ng/L).


Tetrachloroethene is rapidly absorbed after ingestion or inhalation. It is eliminated primarily

by the lungs. In the body it is slowly metabolised to trichloroacetic acid.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for tetrachloroethene
is available (IPCS 1984).

The most notable acute effect of short-term exposure is depression of the central nervous system.
Short-term studies of up to 3 months using mice and rats reported weight loss, and found some evidence
of liver and kidney toxicity at high doses (400 mg/kg body weight per day).

Inhalation exposure to impure tetrachloroethene at 100 ppm and above in air caused hepatocellular
carcinomas in mice. Exposure at 200 ppm in air increased the incidence of leukaemia in rats.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Mutagenic activity was not observed in most tests with a number of strains of bacteria. No chromosome
aberrations were observed using rat or mouse cells, or human lymphocytes.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that tetrachloroethene is possibly
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B, inadequate human data but sufficient evidence in animals)
(IARC 1987).


The guideline value of 0.05 mg/L for tetrachloroethene in drinking water was determined as follows:
0.05 mg/L = 14 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 1000

• 14 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level from a 90-day drinking water study using
rats and mice (Buben and O’Flaherty 1985, Hayes et al 1986)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 to account for possible
carcinogenicity). An additional factor for the less than lifetime study was not applied as long-term
carcinogenicity bioassays were available.

The WHO guideline value of 0.04 mg/L was based on an adult body weight of 60 kg. The difference
in guideline values is not significant.


Buben JA and O’Flaherty EJ (1985). Delineation of the role of metabolism in the heptatoxicity of
trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene: A dose effect study. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology,
78, 105–122.

Hayes JR, Condie LW and Borzelleca JF (1986). The subchronic toxicity of tetrachloroethylene
(perchloroethylene) administered in the drinking water of rats. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology,
7, 119–125.

IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1984). Tetrachloroethylene. Environmental Health Criteria, 31. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety.

USEPA Draft Method 551 (1990). Determination of chlorination disinfection byproducts and chlorinated
solvents in drinking water by liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography with electron capture
detection. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support
Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



No guideline value is considered necessary for tin in drinking water, as concentrations

are likely to be considerably lower than the level that can cause health effects.


Tin is mainly used for plating. Tin coatings are used in the manufacture of food containers and in food
processing equipment. Tin is also used in alloys such as solders, bronzes and pewters. Inorganic tin
compounds are used as pigments in the ceramic and textile industries. Organic tin compounds are
used as biocides (see Fact Sheet on organotins).

The concentration of inorganic tin compounds in uncontaminated drinking water supplies overseas
is extremely low, usually less than 0.000005 mg/L (5 ng/L). The highest concentration reported
is 0.03 mg/L but concentrations above 0.002 mg/L are exceptional.

Food, and particularly canned food, is the major source of human exposure to tin. Intake from this
source can vary widely and estimates range from 0.1 mg per day up to 100 mg per day, with a median
of 0.2 mg per day.


Australian drinking water supplies have not been routinely monitored for tin. Based on measurements
made overseas, it is likely that concentrations would be extremely low.


Treatment of drinking water to reduce the concentration of inorganic tin is unlikely to be required.


The concentration of tin in drinking water can be determined using graphite furnace atomic absorption
spectroscopy (APHA Method 3500-Sn part B 1992). The limit of determination is 0.01 mg/L.


Tin is thought to be an essential element in animals. It is not known whether it is essential for humans.

Tin, or tin salts, are poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Most studies indicate that less than
5% is absorbed. Highest concentrations of tin occur in the bone, kidney and liver. Biological half-lives
range from 1 to 4 months, and tin is excreted primarily via the kidneys and bile.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for tin is available (IPCS 1980).

There is no evidence of adverse effects in humans associated with long-term exposure to tin. The main
effects, due to consumption of canned food with high tin concentrations (over 150 mg/kg), are gastric
irritation resulting in vomiting, diarrhoea, fatigue and headache.

In animals, long-term ingestion studies over 2 years using rats and mice reported no significant adverse
effects. Most studies reported no increase in the incidence of tumours.

Inorganic tin in the form of stannous chloride was found not to be mutagenic in tests with bacteria;
however, in mammalian cells in vitro inorganic tin has induced DNA and chromosomal aberrations.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


The low toxicity of tin and inorganic tin compounds is due largely to low absorption, low tissue
accumulation and rapid excretion. A guideline value of approximately 0.7 mg/L could be derived from
a 2-year feeding study with rats (WHO 1982) but this value is approximately three orders of magnitude
higher than tin concentrations in drinking water. Therefore, the presence of tin in drinking water
does not represent a hazard to human health and the establishment of a guideline value is not
deemed necessary.


APHA Method 3500-Sn Part B (1992). Tin: Atomic Absorption Spectrometric method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

IPCS (1980). Tin and Organotin Compounds. Environmental Health Criteria, 15. World Health
Organization, International Programme on Chemical Safety.

WHO (1982). Toxicological evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants: Tin.
The 26th meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, 17, 297–319, Geneva.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on aesthetic considerations (taste and odour), the concentration of toluene

in drinking water should not exceed 0.025 mg/L.

Toluene would not be a health concern unless the concentration exceeded 0.8 mg/L.


Toluene occurs naturally as a component of crude oil and is present in petrol. It can enter water sources
through atmospheric deposition, by leaching from synthetic coatings used to protect storage tanks, and
by point-source pollution. In overseas studies the average concentration of toluene in the Rhine River
in the Netherlands is approximately 0.002 mg/L, and approximately 1% of all ground water supplies
in the United States have concentrations greater than 0.0005 mg/L.

Toluene is produced in large quantities during petroleum refining and is a byproduct in the manufacture
of styrene and coke-oven preparations. It also occurs in natural gas and emissions from volcanoes, forest
fires, and cigarettes.

In water, toluene has a taste and odour threshold between 0.025 mg/L to 0.17 mg/L, depending
on individual sensitivities and water temperature.


Toluene has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally in drinking
water supplies overseas.


Toluene can be removed from drinking water by aeration, or adsorption onto granular activated carbon.


A purge and trap gas chromatographic procedure can be used for the analysis of toluene (USEPA Draft
Method 503.1 1986). An inert gas is bubbled through the sample and toluene trapped on an adsorbent.
The adsorbent is then heated and the toluene analysed using gas chromatography with photoionization
detection. The limit of determination is less than 0.001 mg/L.


In humans, toluene is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract after ingestion, and is distributed
preferentially in adipose tissue, then the kidneys, liver and brain. It is rapidly metabolised by the liver
to benzyl alcohol, benzoic acid, and to a lesser extent, phenols.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for toluene is available
(IPCS 1985).

Data on human health effects come mainly from inhalation studies. The predominant effects of acute
exposure were impairment of the central nervous system and irritation of the mucous membranes,
with fatigue and drowsiness being the most obvious symptoms.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Rats exposed to toluene vapour for 2 years exhibited decreased blood haematocrit values at high toluene
concentrations (380 ppm in air). No data are available on long-term oral toxicity; however, a 13-week
gavage study using rats and mice reported increased liver weights at doses from 625 mg/kg body weight
per day (NTP 1990).

Toluene generally did not exhibit genotoxic activity in tests on bacteria, yeast cells, and mammalian
cells in vitro.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that toluene is not classifiable as to
its carcinogenicity in humans (Group 3, inadequate evidence in humans and in animals) (IARC 1989).


The health-based guideline value of 0.8 mg/L for toluene in drinking water was determined as follows:
0.8 mg/L = 312 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1 x 5
2 L/day x 1000 7

• 312 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 13-week oral study using
rats (NTP 1990)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 because a less than lifetime
study was used)
• 5/7 is used to convert data based on a 5 day per week gavage study to a 7-day week equivalent.

This health-based guideline value exceeds the taste threshold of toluene in water of 0.025 mg/L.

The WHO guideline value of 0.7 mg/L was based on an adult body weight of 60 kg. The difference
in guideline values is not significant.


IARC (1989). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: some organic
solvents, resin monomers and related compounds, pigments and occupational exposures in paint
manufacture and painting. World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 47.

IPCS (1985). Toluene. Environmental Health Criteria, 52. World Health Organization, International
Programme on Chemical Safety.

NTP (1990). Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of toluene in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice.
National Toxicology Program, NTP Report No 371. United States Department of Health and Human
Services, NIH Publication No. 90-2826.

USEPA Draft Method 503.1 (1986). Volatile organic compounds in water by purge and trap gas
chromatography. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and
Support Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Total dissolved solids


Based on taste, total dissolved solids in drinking water should not exceed 500 mg/L.
The equivalent figure in electrical conductivity units (EC units) can be roughly determined
by doubling this value.


Total dissolved solids (TDS) consist of inorganic salts and small amounts of organic matter that are
dissolved in water. Clay particles, colloidal iron and manganese oxides, and silica fine enough to pass
through a 0.45 micrometer filter membrane can also contribute to total dissolved solids.

Total dissolved solids comprise sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, sulfate, bicarbonate,
carbonate, silica, organic matter, fluoride, iron, manganese, nitrate (and nitrite) and phosphate.

The palatability of drinking water has been rated according to TDS concentrations as follows
(Bruvold and Daniels 1990):
mg/L quality
<80 excellent
80-500 good
500-800 fair
800-1000 poor
>1000 unacceptable

Water with extremely low TDS may taste flat and insipid.

High TDS values may be associated with excessive scaling in pipes, fittings and household appliances.
Excessive corrosion may also occur with high TDS values.

The electrical conductivity of water, measured in EC units, increases with the concentration of dissolved
solids. Electrical conductivity can be used as a measure of TDS, but the factor used to convert EC into
TDS will depend on the type of dissolved solids present in the water.


In major Australian reticulated supplies TDS values range from about 45 mg/L to 750 mg/L.


Three methods can be used to determine total dissolved solids. The most accurate entails a complete
analysis of the sample and summation of the concentration of all the anions and cations. The most
common and least expensive method is to convert electrical conductivity measurements to TDS values
by multiplication with a factor that varies with the type of water (APHA Method 2510A 1992). Gravimetric
measurements (i.e. by evaporation and weighing) can also be used (APHA Method 2540C 1992).


It is difficult to remove dissolved solids from drinking water. Suitable technologies include reverse
osmosis, ion exchange, and distillation, but all of these require considerable energy input and can be
expensive to operate. Lime softening may also be effective where high TDS is mainly due to hardness.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


No health effects have been associated specifically with high TDS concentrations. The health effects
of individual components of TDS are discussed separately in the discussions on inorganic chemicals
(Section 6.3.1 and relevant Fact Sheets).


Based on taste, water with a total dissolved solids content of less than 500 mg/L is regarded as
good quality water (Bruvold et al 1990), although water with a total dissolved solids content of up
to 1000 mg/L is acceptable to many communities.

In Australian surface water, the major ions contributing to total dissolved solids are sodium and chloride.
Individual guideline values for these ions are consistent with a guideline value for total dissolved solids
of 500 mg/L (see Fact Sheets on Chloride and Sodium); a higher TDS value may result in these other
guideline values being exceeded.


The 1984 WHO guideline value for total dissolved solids is 1000 mg/L. The 1993 WHO Guidelines
indicate that concentrations above 1000 mg/L may give rise to consumer complaints.

The European Economic Community Standards have a guideline for total dry residue of 1500 mg/L
but also state that electrical conductivity of less than 400 EC units is desirable.

Both the Canadian Guidelines and the United States EPA Regulations set a level of 500 mg/L.


APHA Method 2510A (1992). Conductivity: Laboratory method. Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

APHA Method 2540C (1992). Total Dissolved Solids Dried at 180(C. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

Bruvold WH and Daniels JI (1990). Standards for mineral content in drinking water.
Journal of the American Water Works Association, 82, February, 59–65.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Trichloroacetaldehyde (chloral hydrate)


Based on health considerations, the concentration of chloral hydrate in drinking water

should not exceed 0.02 mg/L.


Chloral hydrate may be formed as a byproduct during chlorination of water containing naturally
occurring organic material. Contamination of drinking water due to industrial spills is unlikely in Australia
but has occurred overseas. In the United States chloral hydrate has been detected in a small number of
supplies, with concentrations ranging from 0.00001 mg/L (10 ng/L) to 0.1 mg/L.

Chloral hydrate has been used as a sedative and hypnotic drug in humans at oral doses up to
14 mg/kg body weight.


No data are available on concentrations of chloral hydrate in Australian drinking waters.


The presence of chloral hydrate in drinking water can be minimised by removing naturally occurring
organic matter from the source water, by reducing the amount of chlorine added, or by the use
of alternative disinfectants.


A solvent extraction procedure is suitable for the analysis of chloral hydrate (USEPA Draft
Method 551 1990). Sodium chloride is added to the sample and chloral hydrate extracted using
methyl tert-butyl ether. The extract is then analysed using gas chromatography with an electron
capture detector. The limit of determination is approximately 0.00003 mg/L (30 ng/L).


Chloral hydrate is known to be rapidly absorbed in humans and quickly oxidised to trichloroacetic
acid or reduced to trichloroethanol.

In its wide use as a sedative or hypnotic drug in humans, concentrated solutions have proved quite
irritating to the gastrointestinal tract, and have caused nausea and vomiting. Side effects of the drug have
included central nervous system depression, minor sensitivity reactions, and central nervous system
excitement. Chronic use may result in development of tolerance, physical dependence and addiction.
Addicts have been reported to take as much as 12 grams per day.

There have been a number of animal toxicity studies using rats and mice varying in duration from a few
days to 2 years. In a 90-day drinking water study using mice, some enlargement of the liver was reported
at doses from 16 mg/kg body weight per day. Other studies have reported that higher doses cause some
liver toxicity.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

In a 2-year bioassay study in male mice, chloral hydrate administered in drinking water at 166 mg/kg
body weight per day induced hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas and hyperplastic nodules of the
liver. One study using mice reported an increase in liver tumours after 1–2 years with a single oral dose
of chloral hydrate (10 mg/kg body weight).

Chloral hydrate was mutagenic in tests with some strains of bacteria but did not bind to mouse liver
DNA. It increased the frequency of chromosome aberrations in cultured cells but was negative in mouse
bone-marrow assays.

The NHMRC Standing Committee on Toxicity reviewed the available toxicity data for chloral hydrate
in 1991 and concluded that data were insufficient to set no effect levels.


The guideline value for chloral hydrate in drinking water was determined as follows:
0.02 mg/L = 16 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.2
2 L/day x 5000

• 16 mg/kg body weight per day is the lowest effect level based on a 90-day drinking water study
using mice where liver enlargement was observed at the lowest dose (Sanders et al 1982)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.2 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 5000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations, 5 for the less than lifetime study,
as considerable human health data is available following its use as a therapeutic agent, and
10 for the use of a lowest effect level instead of a no effect level).

The WHO guideline value of 0.01 mg/L included a safety factor of 10 for the less than lifetime animal
study. Given the considerable human exposure to chloral hydrate as a therapeutic drug, it was
considered that an overall safety factor of 5000 was adequate.


Sanders VM, Kauffman BM, White KL, Douglas KA, Barnes DW, Sain LE, Bradshaw TJ, Borzelleca JF and
Munson AE (1982). Toxicology of chloral hydrate in the mouse. Environmental Health Perspectives,
44, 137–146.

USEPA Draft Method 551 (1990). Determination of chlorination disinfection byproducts and chlorinated
solvents in drinking water by liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography with electron capture
detection. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support
Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

1,2,3-trichlorobenzene (1,2,3-TCB)
1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-TCB)
1,3,5-trichlorobenzene (1,3,5-TCB)


Based on aesthetic considerations (taste and odour), the concentration of trichlorobenzenes in

drinking water, either individually or in total, should not exceed 0.005 mg/L.

Trichlorobenzenes would not be a health concern unless the concentration exceeded

0.03 mg/L.


Trichlorobenzenes are present in the environment mainly as a result of a variety of industrial processes.
They have only occasionally been found in drinking water supplies overseas, and rarely above 0.001
mg/L. Food and air are the primary routes of exposure.

Taste and odour thresholds vary from 0.005 mg/L to 0.03 mg/L, depending on individual sensitivities
and water temperature.

Industrial-grade TCB is more than 90% 1,2,4-TCB with the remainder 1,2,3-TCB. The compound has
a wide variety of uses. It is used as a solvent for high-melting products, an electrical coolant, a lubricant
and an insecticide, and in polyester dyeing and termiticide preparations.


TCBs have not been found in Australian drinking waters. They are included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because they have been detected occasionally in drinking
water supplies overseas.


The concentration of TCBs in drinking water can be reduced by adsorption onto granular activated


TCBs can be analysed using a solvent extraction procedure (USEPA Method 612 1984). The TCBs
are extracted using dichloromethane and analysed using gas chromatography with electron capture
detection. The limit of determination for 1,2,4-TCB is 0.00005 mg/L (50 ng/L). The purge and trap
method can also be used (USEPA Draft Method 502.1 1986).


The TCBs are readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and distributed in fat, skin and the liver.
In rats and rabbits the TCBs are metabolised into trichlorophenols and mercapturic acids.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for chlorobenzenes is available
(IPCS 1991).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

There are very few studies on the effects of human exposure. TCBs have caused marked irritation
of the mucous membranes following inhalation over short periods of exposure. No data are available
on the effects of long-term exposure.

Animal studies are of short-term duration. A 13-week study using rats reported that toxic effects of the
three isomers were similar: low doses produced no adverse effects, but higher doses (77 mg/kg body
weight per day) caused changes to the liver and thyroid.

No increase in the incidence of tumours was observed in longer-term animal studies. TCBs did not
exhibit mutagenic activity in tests with bacteria.


As the three TCBs have similar toxic effects, the guideline value can be based on the total concentration
of all the TCBs rather than on the individual compounds. The health-based guideline value for total TCBs
in drinking water was determined as follows:
0.03 mg/L = 7.7 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 1000

• 7.7 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level from a 13-week dietary study using
rats (Côté et al 1988)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 for a less than lifetime study).

This health-based guideline value exceeds the taste and odour threshold of 0.005 mg/L.

The WHO guideline value of 0.02 mg/L was based on an adult body weight of 60 kg. The difference
in guideline values is not significant.


Côté M, Chu I, Villeneuve DC, Secours VE and Valli VE (1988). Trichlorobenzenes: results of a 13 week
feeding study in the rat. Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 11, 11–28.

IPCS (1991). Chlorobenzenes other than hexachlorobenzene. Environmental Health Criteria, 128.
World Health Organization, International Programme on Chemical Safety.

USEPA Method 612 (1984). Guidelines establishing test procedures for the analysis of pollutants
under the Clean Water Act. Federal Register, 40, CFR Part 136, 43234-43442.

USEPA Draft Method 502.1 (1986). Volatile halogenated organic compounds in water by purge and
trap gas chromatography. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring
and Support laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Data are inadequate to set a guideline value for 1,1,1-trichloroethane in drinking water.


1,1,1-trichloroethane may be present in drinking water as a result of contamination from industrial

discharges and spills. In the United States, 1,1,1-trichloroethane has occasionally been found in water
supplies at concentrations ranging from 0.0002 mg/L to 0.02 mg/L.

It is widely used as a cleaning solvent, and is used to clean electrical equipment, motors, electronic
components, printed circuit boards, photographic film, and various metal and plastic parts. It is also
used as a lubricant in metal-cutting oils and as a component in inks, correction fluid and drain cleaners.


1,1,1-trichloroethane has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide
guidance in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally
in drinking water supplies overseas.


1,1,1-trichloroethane can be removed from drinking water by adsorption onto granular activated carbon,
by aeration and by boiling. If aeration is used for removal, consideration should be given to effects
associated with inhalation.


A solvent extraction procedure is suitable for the analysis of 1,1,1-trichloroethane (USEPA Draft Method
551 1990). Sodium chloride is added to the sample and 1,1,1-trichloroethane extracted using methyl
tert-butyl ether. The extract is then analysed using gas chromatography with an electron capture detector.
The limit of determination is approximately 0.000008 mg/L (8 ng/L).


1,1,1-trichloroethane is absorbed rapidly and efficiently from the human gastrointestinal tract and the
lungs. It is metabolised to a very limited extent (probably less than 6%) by both humans and animals.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for 1,1,1-trichloroethane
is available (IPCS 1992).

Inhalation of high concentrations of 1,1,1-trichloroethane has proved fatal, causing acute congestion
of the lungs, fluid build-up and fatty deposits in the liver.

In animals, long-term studies have reported diminished body-weight gains at high doses
(above 350 mg/kg body weight) but data were insufficient to determine no effect levels. Liver
tumours were observed in mice, but not in rats, fed 1,1,1-trichloroethane for 2 years; however,
the study reported a high number of accidental deaths in both the control and study groups, and the
results may not be significant.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Mutagenic activity has been reported in tests with some strains of bacteria, but not others.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that 1,1,1-trichloroethane is not
classifiable as to its carcinogenicity in humans (Group 3, no adequate data in humans, inadequate
evidence in animals) (IARC 1987).


The WHO health-based guideline value of 2 mg/L was based on a short-term inhalation study. The data
were not considered to be sufficient to set an Australian guideline.


IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1992). 1,1,1-Trichloroethane. Environmental Health Criteria, 136. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety.

USEPA Draft Method 551 (1990). Determination of chlorination disinfection byproducts and chlorinated
solvents in drinking water by liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography with electron capture
detection. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support
Laboratory (ESML), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Trichloroethylene (TCE)


Data are inadequate to set a guideline value for trichloroethylene in drinking water.


TCE may be present in drinking water as a result of direct contamination of water sources, or from
atmospheric contamination of rainfall. In the United States, TCE has been detected in the water supplies
of about 20% of cities tested, with mean concentrations of 0.02 mg/L or less.

TCE is used in cleaning fluids, as an industrial solvent and as a degreaser for metal components. The
most significant route of exposure to humans is inhalation, particularly from use as a cleaning fluid.


TCE has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide guidance in the
unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally in drinking water
supplies overseas.


TCE can be removed from drinking water by aeration, or by adsorption onto granular activated carbon.


A solvent extraction procedure is suitable for the analysis of TCE (USEPA Draft Method 551 1990).
Sodium chloride is added to the sample and TCE extracted using methyl tert-butyl ether. The extract
is then analysed using gas chromatography with an electron capture detector. The limit of determination
is approximately 0.000002 mg/L (2 ng/L).


TCE is readily absorbed by all routes of exposure and distributed to all tissues. It is metabolised to
reactive epoxides and the trichloro derivatives of acetaldehyde, ethanol and acetic acid.

An extensive review and summary of the human and animal toxicity data for trichloroethylene is available
(IPCS 1985).

In humans, TCE is a known central nervous system depressant and has been used as a general
anaesthetic. Liver damage has been reported in people occupationally exposed to high concentrations.

There is some evidence that TCE induces liver and lung tumours in various strains of mice. In an
inhalation study, TCE produced a dose-related increase in malignant lymphomas in female mice exposed
to 100 ppm or above in air. TCE is a weakly acting mutagen in bacteria and yeast.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that TCE is not classifiable as to its
carcinogenicity in humans (Group 3, inadequate evidence in humans and limited evidence in animals)
(IARC 1987).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


The WHO health-based guideline value of 0.07 mg/L was based on a 6-week feeding study using
mice which identified a low effect level but not a no effect level. No long-term studies are available
to establish a no effect level. The data were not considered to be sufficient to set an Australian guideline.


IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall
Evaluations of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health
Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

IPCS (1985). Trichloroethylene. Environmental Health Criteria, 50. World Health Organization,
International Programme on Chemical Safety.

USEPA Draft Method 551 (1990). Determination of chlorination disinfection byproducts and chlorinated
solvents in drinking water by liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography with electron capture
detection. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support
Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Trihalomethanes (THMs)
trichloromethane (chloroform)
tribromomethane (bromoform)


Based on health considerations, the concentration of trihalomethanes, either individually

or in total, in drinking water should not exceed 0.25 mg/L.

Trihalomethane concentrations fluctuating occasionally (for a day or two annually) up to

1 mg/L are unlikely to pose a significant health risk.

Action to reduce THMs is encouraged, but must not compromise disinfection, as nondisinfected
water poses significantly greater risk than THMs.


In Australia, trihalomethanes are present in drinking water principally as the result of disinfection using
chlorination or, to a much lesser extent, chloramination. Chlorine, which produces hypochlorous acid
when added to water, can react with naturally occurring organic material, such as humic and fulvic acids,
to produce trihalomethanes. The brominated trihalomethanes are produced by the oxidation of bromide
present in water to form hypobromous acid, which can then react with organic matter in a similar way.

High trihalomethane concentrations may indicate the presence of other chlorination byproducts.

Chloroform is produced commercially and is an important solvent. It is used in the manufacture of

refrigerants, and as an ingredient in pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations. Brominated
trihalomethanes are also produced industrially, but less commonly than chloroform.


In major Australian reticulated supplies concentrations of total trihalomethanes range up to 0.6 mg/L.


The concentration of trihalomethanes can be minimised by removing precursors, by removing

trihalomethanes after formation, or by using alternative disinfectants. Precursors can be removed by
activated carbon, by coagulation followed with filtration, or by oxidation with ozone or potassium
permanganate. Once produced, trihalomethanes can be removed with air stripping or adsorption
onto granular activated carbon. Alternative disinfection agents to chlorine, such as chloramines, ozone
and chlorine dioxide, can substantially reduce trihalomethane concentrations, but may produce other

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


There are a number of methods available for the analysis of trihalomethanes, including head-space
analysis, solvent extraction, purge and trap, and direct collection on resins. The solvent extraction
procedure is relatively simple to use (USEPA Draft Method 551 1990). Sodium chloride is added to
the sample and the trihalomethanes extracted using methyl tert-butyl ether. The extracts are then
analysed using gas chromatography with electron capture detection. Limits of determination are
0.00002 mg/L (20 ng/L) or less.


The trihalomethanes are rapidly and efficiently absorbed following ingestion. They are metabolised
primarily to carbon dioxide and/or carbon monoxide, and rapidly exhaled. They are fat soluble, and
accumulate in tissues with the highest lipid content (such as adipose tissue, brain, kidney and blood).

In animals, the trihalomethanes are central nervous system depressants and liver and kidney toxicants.
Chloroform and bromoform are also known to cause central nervous system depression in humans.

Some epidemiological studies have reported associations between the ingestion of chlorinated drinking
water (which typically contains THMs) and increased cancer mortality rates. The International Agency
for Research on Cancer has concluded that the available data for chlorinated water provide inadequate
evidence of carcinogenicity in humans (Group 3, inadequate evidence in humans and limited evidence
in animals) (IARC 1991).

Long-term carcinogenicity bioassays with animals have shown that trihalomethanes can produce tumours
in rats and mice, but only at doses that are toxic to the animals. Chloroform increased the incidence
of liver tumours in mice when administered in food at doses from 25 mg/kg body weight per day, but
not in drinking water at the same doses, and has induced kidney tumours in male rats at doses from
263 mg/kg body weight per day. Dibromochloromethane, given by gavage 5 days per week, clearly
induced liver tumours in female mice at 100 mg/kg body weight per day, and possibly in male mice,
but not in rats. Bromodichloromethane, given by gavage 5 days per week, induced kidney tumours
in rats at 100 mg/kg body weight, and in male mice at 50 mg/kg body weight; a rare tumour of the large
intestine in male rats at doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg body weight; and liver tumours in female mice at
75 and 150 mg/kg body weight. Bromoform induced a small increase in relatively rare tumours of the
large intestine in rats at a gavage dose of 200 mg/kg body weight per day, but not in mice.

Results of studies on the genotoxicity of trihalomethanes in bacteria have been inconsistent, with
most reporting negative results. Trihalomethanes have, however, induced chromosomal aberrations
in human lymphocyte cells in vitro, and in mouse bone-marrow cells in vivo.

Available studies indicate that THMs can produce maternal and fetal toxicity at high doses, but
not teratogenicity.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that chloroform and
bromodichloromethane are possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B, inadequate evidence in humans
but sufficient evidence in animals); and that bromoform and dibromochloromethane are not classifiable
as to their carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3, inadequate evidence in humans and limited evidence in
animals)(IARC 1991).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


The guideline value for trihalomethanes in drinking water was determined as follows:
0.25 mg/L = 7 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 100

• 7 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 90-day study using rats (Chu et al
1982). The use of this value was recommended by the NHMRC Standing Committee on Toxicity
a review of the available toxicity data for THMs.
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult.
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water. A higher value
was not used because exposure to chloroform from other sources may be significant.
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult.
• 100 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations and 10 for intraspecies variations). An additional safety factor for the
less than lifetime study was not applied as long-term studies have reported the same effects, and no
other forms of toxicity were observed. In addition, the changes observed to the liver at higher doses
were mild in nature and disappeared when exposure stopped. The use of this safety factor
was recommended by the NHMRC Standing Committee on Toxicity.

Separate guideline values were not derived for each compound as the no effect levels were similar
(ranging from 6.5 to 7.8 mg/kg body weight per day), and the compounds are metabolised in the body
in similar ways. The guideline value should therefore apply to the concentration of each compound,
or the sum of any combination of individual THM concentrations.

WHO has derived separate guideline values for each compound, but in doing so recognises that the
compounds have similar toxicological action.

The WHO guideline values for chloroform (0.2 mg/L) and bromodichloromethane (0.06 mg/L) were
based on calculations that estimated additional lifetime risks of one fatal cancer per 100,000 people.
The use of this approach is questionable because there is evidence that tumours do not occur at low

The WHO guideline values for bromoform (0.1 mg/L) and dibromochloromethane (0.1 mg/L) were
based on different studies and safety factors from those recommended by the NHMRC Standing
Committee on Toxicity, although toxicological effects were similar.

It is recommended that future reviews of the guidelines consider the various THMs individually, as data
are emerging that suggest the different THMs have different toxic effects. Data were not sufficient at the
time of this review to justify individual assessments

In view of the safety factors used in the derivation of the guideline value, it is unlikely that short-term
consumption of water containing significantly higher concentrations of trihalomethanes would pose
a health risk.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Chu I, Villeneuve DC, Secours VE, Becking GC and Valli VE (1982). Trihalomethanes: II Reversibility
of toxicological changes produced by chloroform, bromodichloro-methane, chlorodibromomethane
and bromoform in rats. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, B17, 225–240.

IARC (1991). IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans: Chlorinated drinking
water; chlorination byproducts; some other halogenated compounds; cobalt and cobalt compounds.
World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer 52, Lyons.

USEPA Draft Method 551 (1990). Determination of chlorination disinfection byproducts and chlorinated
solvents in drinking water by liquid–liquid extraction and gas chromatography with electron capture
detection. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support
Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on aesthetic considerations, the turbidity should not exceed 5 NTU.

If disinfection is required, then a turbidity of less than 1 NTU is desirable at the time
of disinfection.


Turbidity is caused by the presence in the water of fine suspended matter such as clay, silt, colloidal
particles, plankton and other microscopic organisms. High turbidity can result in a water sample having
a ‘muddy’ or ‘milky’ appearance. Turbidity is a measurement of the light scattering property of water,
and the degree of scattering is dependent on the amount, size and composition of the suspended matter.
Turbidity is sometimes used as a surrogate characteristic for suspended solids. It is not possible to
establish a general relationship between the two, as natural waters usually contain heterogeneous
mixtures of suspended material of variable composition; however, specific relationships can be
developed for particular water bodies.

As a guide, water with a turbidity of 5 NTU would appear slightly muddy or milky in a glass. It would
not be possible to see through the glass if the turbidity was over 60 NTU. ‘Crystal’ clear water usually
has a turbidity of less than 1 NTU.

Disinfection is discussed in Information Sheet 1 Disinfection of drinking water.


In major Australian reticulated supplies turbidity ranges between 5 NTU and less than 1 NTU where
supplies are filtered, and between 1 NTU and 65 NTU for unfiltered supplies.


The ratio-recording nephelometric turbidimeter is the preferred method for turbidity measurement,
as it can compensate for the effect of dissolved colour. Results are expressed in nephelometric turbidity
units (NTU) and are calibrated against a prepared formazin standard (APHA 2130B 1992). The detection
limit is about 0.1 NTU.


Turbidity can be reduced by selective withdrawal from a water source during periods of low turbidity,
by small home water filtration systems, and by the use of complex and expensive multistage water
filtration plants (AWWA 1990). Coagulation followed by filtration through granular media is widely used
to reduce turbidity to below 1 NTU. Turbidities as low as 0.1 NTU are achievable by this means.

Catchment management practices can have a marked impact on turbidity. Water coming from undisturbed
or protected areas will generally have lower turbidity than from areas under intensive cultivation (Donner
and Kirner 1985).

Storage can significantly reduce turbidity as the suspended matter settles out over time.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Consumption of highly turbid waters is not necessarily a health hazard, but may constitute a health risk if
the suspended particles harbour microorganisms capable of causing disease in humans, or if the particles
have adsorbed toxic organic or inorganic compounds.

Turbidity can have a significant effect on the microbiological quality of drinking water. High turbidity can
both interfere with the detection of bacteria and viruses, by adsorbing them onto the particulate matter
and thus shielding them, and promote bacterial growth through the nutrients which are also adsorbed.
High turbidity has also been shown to protect microorganisms from the action of disinfectants (Katz
1986). Low turbidity, however, is no guarantee that water is free from pathogenic microorganisms.

It may be more difficult to maintain adequate disinfection in a water supply if the turbidity exceeds 1
NTU. This does not mean that effective disinfection cannot be achieved if the turbidity exceeds 1 NTU.
Effective disinfection is dependent on a number of factors including the nature of the material causing
the turbidity, the source of the water, the potential for recontamination or regrowth, the amount of
organic matter, and length of the distribution system. Additional information, such as from more frequent
bacteriological testing, may be needed if the turbidity exceeds 1 NTU.

In water with high turbidity, heavy metals and pesticides can be adsorbed and so concentrate on the
surface of some suspended particles. In addition, the higher demand for chlorine can lead to increased
formation of chlorination byproducts, some of which can have undesirable health effects (see Section


The guideline value is based on the aesthetic consideration that a turbidity of 5 NTU is just
noticeable in a glass of water. Lower turbidity may be required for effective disinfection
(see Information Sheet 1 Disinfection of drinking water).


The Canadian Guidelines set a maxiumum value for turbidity of 5 NTU, but state that treatment
technology is generally available to produce drinking waters with turbidities below 1 NTU.

The 1984 WHO Guideline value for turbidity is 5 NTU, but turbidity of less than 1 NTU is recommended
where disinfection is practised. The 1993 WHO Guidelines indicate that a turbidity above 5 NTU may
give rise to consumer complaints.

The United States EPA regulations require turbidity to be less than 5 NTU, and less than 1 NTU for more
than 95% of the time in filtered supplies.

The European Economic Community Standards maximum admissible level for turbidity is 4 NTU.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


APHA Method 2130B (1992). Turbidity: Nephelometric Method. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

AWWA (1990). Water Quality and Treatment: A handbook of community water supplies,
4th edition. American Water Works Association, McGraw-Hill Inc.

Donner RG and Kirner JC (1985). Managing an unfiltered water supply. Journal of American Water
Works Association, 77, November, 33–37.

Katz EL (1986). The stability of turbidity in raw water and its relationship to chlorine demand. Journal
of the American Water Works Association, 78, February, 72–75.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on health considerations, the concentration of uranium in drinking water should

not exceed 0.02 mg/L.


Uranium may be present in the environment as a result of leaching from natural deposits, release in mill
tailings, combustion of coal and other fuels, and use of phosphate fertilisers (which can contain as much
as 150 mg/kg uranium). Naturally occurring uranium is a mixture of three radionuclides, U-238, U-234,
and U-235. U-238 and U-234 decay solely by alpha particle emission, whereas U-235 emits both gamma
rays and alpha particles. In terms of mass, natural uranium consists almost entirely of the U-238 isotope,
the other isotopes being less than 1% abundant. Uranium is used primarily as a fuel in nuclear power

Studies overseas have reported uranium concentrations in drinking water of generally less than
0.001 mg/L; however, concentrations as high as 0.7 mg/L have been reported in some private water
supplies in Canada.

Food is the major source of uranium intake and highest concentrations are found in shellfish. Dietary
intake of uranium is estimated at 0.0014 mg/day. Drinking water contributes less than one tenth of this.


No data are available on concentrations of uranium in Australian drinking water.


Conventional treatment processes are not effective in removing uranium from water supplies.


The concentration of uranium in water can be determined using solid fluorimetry with laser excitation
(Blanchard et al 1985), or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (Boomer et al 1987). The limit
of determination is about 0.0001 mg/L.

The isotopes of uranium can be determined by radiochemical techniques using high resolution alpha
spectrometry to measure their activity (EML 1990; USEPA 1980). The limit of determination is about
0.005 Bq/L (equivalent to approximately 0.0005 mg/L uranium).


a) Chemical toxic effects

Absorption of dietary uranium by the gastrointestinal tract has been estimated at less than 1%. Highest
uranium concentrations occur in the kidney and bone, with little in the liver. The overall biological
half-life has been estimated at 6–12 months.

In humans, the main toxic effect of short-term exposure to high concentrations of uranium is inflammation
of the kidney. Little information is available on the effects of long-term exposure. One study, where 324
people drank contaminated water from wells with uranium concentrations up to 0.7 mg/L, reported no
increase in the incidence of kidney disease or any other symptomatic complaint (Moss et al 1983).

NOTE: Important
NOTE: Important general
general information
information isis contained
contained in
II, Chapter
Chapter 66 and 7

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

In a number of studies carried out in rats, rabbits and dogs, although there are significant differences
between species, most report that uranium has an effect on the kidney.

No data are available on chemically induced mutagenic effects in relation to uranium.

b) Radiological effects

Studies have shown high specific activity uranium isotopes to be carcinogenic in animals, causing
malignant tumours in mice and bone sarcomas in rats. Similar studies using natural uranium (uranium-
238) have not shown similar effects, possibly due to the lower radiation doses involved. Epidemiological
data are inadequate to show whether exposure to uranium in drinking water will lead to an increased
risk of cancer.


The guideline value for uranium in drinking water of 0.02 mg/L was set after consideration
of the following points:

i) From chemical toxicity data:

0.02 mg/L = 0.057 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 10

• 0.057 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on the absence of kidney lesions
in a 90-day study using rats (Gilman 1980)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed per day by an adult
• 10 is the safety factor in applying the results of animal studies to humans. No allowance is made
either for interspecies variations, as there are sufficient data to indicate that humans are less sensitive
to uranium than rats, or for a less than lifetime study, as the lesions were reversible.

ii) From radiological data:

3.8 Bq/L = 0.1 mSv /year
730 L/year x 3.6 x 10-5 mSv/Bq

• 0.1 mSv/year is the committed effective dose limit for an individual radionuclide; this is set at
approximately a twentieth of the average background radiation dose from all sources (UNSCEAR
• 730 L/year is the annual consumption of drinking water (2 L/day x 365 days) for an adult
• 3.6 x 10-5 mSv/Bq is the committed effective dose received per unit intake of uranium-238 activity
(Bq) (NRPB 1991).

iii) Comparing the chemical and radiological data:

An activity concentration of 3.8 Bq/L is equivalent to a chemical concentration of uranium of 0.3 mg/L.
This is considerably greater than the guideline of 0.02 mg/L derived from the chemical toxicity data. The
guideline value derived from chemical toxicity data is therefore also protective of radiological effects.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics


Blanchard RL, Hahne RMA, Kahn B et al (1985). Radiological sampling and analytical methods
for national primary drinking water regulations. Health Physics, 48, 587–600.

Boomer DW and Powell MJ (1987). Determination of uranium in environmental samples using

inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 59, 2810–2813.

EML (1990). EML Procedures Manual, 27th edition. Environmental Measurements Laboratory,
Department of Energy, New York, United States.

Gilman A (1980). Unpublished results of Uranium studies 80-18 and 80-19: 90-day study in Sprague-
Dawley rats. Environmental Health Directorate, Health Protection Branch, Department of National Health
and Welfare, Ottawa, Canada.

Moss MA, McCurdy RF et al (1983). Uranium in drinking water – report on clinical studies in Nova
Scotia. In: Brown SS and Savory J (eds), Chemical Toxicology and Clinical Chemistry of Metals,
London, Academic Press, pp 149–152.

USEPA (1980). Prescribed procedures for measurement of radioactivity in drinking water. United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, EPA-600/4-80-032,
Cincinnati, United States.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics

Vinyl chloride


No safe concentration for vinyl chloride in drinking water can be confidently set. However,
for practical purposes, the concentration should be less than 0.0003 mg/L, which is the limit
of determination.


Vinyl chloride is used industrially in the production of poly vinyl chloride (PVC), which has wide
application in the plastics, rubber, paper and glass industries.

Vinyl chloride may be present in drinking water through pollution of water sources by chemical spills.
Water bottled and stored for long periods in PVC containers may contain very low concentrations of
vinyl chloride. It has occasionally been detected in drinking water supplies that use PVC pipes in the
United States and Germany, with a maximum reported concentration of 0.01 mg/L. In Australia there
are stringent requirements on the maximum permissible residual vinyl chloride concentrations in PVC
pipes and fittings.


Vinyl chloride has not been found in Australian drinking waters. It is included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because it has been detected occasionally in drinking water
supplies overseas.


There are no published reports on methods for the removal of vinyl chloride from drinking water.


A purge and trap gas chromatographic procedure can be used for the analysis of vinyl chloride (USEPA
Draft Method 502.1 1986). An inert gas is bubbled through the sample and vinyl chloride trapped
on an adsorbent. The adsorbent is then heated and vinyl chloride analysed using gas chromatography
with electron capture detection. The limit of determination is 0.0003 mg/L.


Vinyl chloride is readily absorbed following ingestion. It is metabolised to chloroethylene oxide, which
can rearrange spontaneously to chloroacetaldehyde. Both substances are highly reactive and mutagenic.

In humans, vinyl chloride is a narcotic agent, and occupational exposure to high doses causes a number
of symptoms including Raynaud’s phenomenon, a painful disorder of the hands. This is not a concern
for environmental exposure.

Vinyl chloride is a well-documented human carcinogen, with inhalation of high concentrations causing
tumours in the liver, particularly angiosarcoma. Tumours in the brain and lung and malignancies of
the lymphatic and haematopoietic tissues have also been reported.

No data are available on oral exposure in humans. Vinyl chloride is also carcinogenic to animals. When
administered by inhalation at doses above 100 ppm in air, it induced tumours of the liver and of some
other organs in rats, mice and hamsters.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets

Oral administration resulted in dose-related tumours of the liver at a dose of 14 mg/kg body weight
per day. Some tumours were also observed in other organs, including the lungs and mammary glands.

Vinyl chloride has exhibited mutagenic activity in a variety of tests on bacteria and mammalian cells.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that vinyl chloride is carcinogenic
to humans (Group 1, sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans) (IARC 1987).


Vinyl chloride is a genotoxic human carcinogen, and there is no safe or acceptable concentration for
vinyl chloride in drinking water. The guideline of less than 0.0003 mg/L is based on a consideration
of health effects in relation to the limit of determination.

i) The excess risk of lifetime consumption of drinking water with a vinyl chloride concentration
of 0.0005 mg/L was conservatively estimated by the WHO, using a linear multistage model, at one
additional cancer per million people.

ii) A value of 0.0005 mg/L can also be derived as follows:

0.0005 mg/L = 0.13 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1
2 L/day x 1000

• 0.13 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level from lifetime studies using rats
(Feron et al 1981, Til et al 1991). Tumours were reported at higher doses.
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult.
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water.
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 for evidence of carcinogenicity).

The limit of determination is slightly less than the values derived from health considerations, and
provides an adequate degree of protection. This is consistent with the general approach adopted
for genotoxic human carcinogens (see Section 6.3.4).

The WHO guideline value of 0.005 mg/L was based on a calculation that estimated an additional lifetime
risk of one fatal cancer per 100 000 people.


Feron VJ, Hendriksen CFM, Speek AJ, Til HP and Spit BJ (1981). Lifespan oral toxicity study of vinyl
chloride in rats. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology, 19, 317–333.

IARC (1987). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Overall Evaluations
of Carcinogenicity. An updating of IARC monographs volumes 1 to 42. World Health Organization,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Supplement 7.

Til HP, Feron VJ and Immel HR (1991). Lifetime (149-week) oral carcinogenicity study of vinyl chloride
in rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 29, 713–718.

USEPA Draft Method 502.1 (1986). Volatile halogenated organic compounds in water by purge and
trap gas chromatography. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring
and Support Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on aesthetic considerations (taste and odour), the concentration of xylenes

in drinking water should not exceed 0.02 mg/L.

Xylenes would not be a health concern unless the concentration exceeded 0.6 mg/L.


Xylenes occur naturally as a component of crude oil and are present in petrol, but in small quantities.
They can enter water from accidental spills and from solvents used in adhesives for bonding plastic
drinking water fittings. Studies overseas have reported drinking water concentrations in the range
0.0001 mg/L to 0.01 mg/L.

Xylenes are produced in the petroleum refining process and are used in the manufacture of insecticides,
pharmaceuticals, detergents, paints, adhesives and other products.

They are readily biodegraded in surface waters and they volatilise to air very quickly.

The taste and odour threshold in water varies from 0.02 mg/L to 1.8 mg/L.


Xylenes have not been found in Australian drinking waters. They are included here to provide guidance
in the unlikely event of contamination, and because they have been detected occasionally in drinking
water supplies overseas.


Xylenes can be removed from drinking water by aeration or by adsorption onto granular activated carbon.


A purge and trap gas chromatographic procedure can be used for the analysis of xylenes (USEPA
Draft Method 503.1 1986). An inert gas is bubbled through the sample and the xylenes trapped on
an adsorbent. The adsorbent is then heated and the xylenes analysed using gas chromatography with
photoionization detection. The limit of determination is less than 0.001 mg/L.


Xylenes are readily absorbed after inhalation and metabolised almost completely to methyl benzoic acid.
They can cross the placenta.

No data are available on human absorption after ingestion, or on health effects of oral exposure in humans.

A 2-year gavage study using rats and mice reported decreased growth at high doses (500 mg/kg body
weight per day) but no xylene-related lesions (NTP 1986).

There was no evidence of carcinogenicity in oral and skin administration studies using
rats and mice, and xylenes were not mutagenic in tests using bacteria and mammalian cells.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has concluded that xylenes are not classifiable as
to their carcinogenicity in humans (Group 3, inadequate evidence in humans and in animals) (IARC 1989).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


The health-based guideline value for xylenes in drinking water was determined as follows:
0.6 mg/L = 250 mg/kg body weight per day x 70 kg x 0.1 x 5
2 L/day x 1000 7

• 250 mg/kg body weight per day is the no effect level based on a 2-year gavage study using
rats (NTP 1986)
• 70 kg is the average weight of an adult
• 0.1 is the proportion of total daily intake attributable to the consumption of water
• 2 L/day is the average amount of water consumed by an adult
• 1000 is the safety factor in using the results of an animal study as a basis for human exposure
(10 for interspecies variations, 10 for intraspecies variations and 10 for the limited toxicological
end point)
• 5/7 is used to convert data based on a 5 day per week feeding study to a 7-day week equivalent.

This health-based guideline value exceeds the taste threshold of xylenes in water of 0.02 mg/L.
The WHO guideline value of 0.5 mg/L was based on an adult body weight of 60 kg. The difference
in guideline values is not significant.


IARC (1989). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: some organic
solvents, resin monomers and related compounds, pigments and occupational exposures in paint
manufacture and painting. World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 47.

NTP (1986). Toxicology and carcinogenesis gavage studies of xylenes (mixed) in F344/N rats and
B6C3F1 mice. National Toxicology Program, NTP Report No. 327, United States Department of Health
and Human Services.

USEPA Draft Method 503.1 (1986). Volatile organic compounds in water by purge and trap gas
chromatography. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring
and Support Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Physical and Chemical Characterisitics



Based on aesthetic considerations (taste), the concentration of zinc in drinking water

should be less than 3 mg/L.

No health-based guideline value is proposed for zinc.


Zinc is widely distributed and occurs in small amounts in almost all rocks, commonly as the sulfide.

It is used as a coating to prevent corrosion of iron and steel products, and in the manufacture of brass.
Zinc oxide is an important component in the manufacture of paint and rubber products, including tyres.

In surface and ground waters, the concentration of zinc from natural leaching is usually less than
0.01 mg/L. Tap water can contain much higher concentrations as a result of corrosion of zinc-coated
pipes and fittings. Zinc concentrations in galvanised iron rainwater tanks are typically 2 mg/L to
4 mg/L but have been reported as high as 11 mg/L.

Taste problems can occur if the zinc concentration in drinking water exceeds 3 mg/L. Water with
a zinc concentration above 5 mg/L tends to be opalescent, develops a greasy film when boiled, and
has an undesirable dry ‘metallic’ taste.

Zinc is present in plant and animal tissues, and food is the major source of zinc intake. Drinking
water usually makes a negligible contribution to total intake.


In major Australian reticulated supplies, the concentration of zinc ranges up to 0.26 mg/L, with
a typical concentration of 0.05 mg/L.


Zinc concentrations in drinking water can be reduced by alum coagulation at pH 6.5 to pH 7

(30% removal) or by lime softening at pH 9.5 to pH 10 (60% removal).


The concentration of zinc in drinking water can be determined by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy
or inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy (APHA Method 3500-Zn Parts B or C 1992). The
limits of determination are approximately 0.02 mg/L.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Physical and Chemcial Characterisitics Fact Sheets


Zinc is an essential element for humans. The recommended intake for adults is 12 mg per day. Nutritional
zinc deficiency results in retarded growth, anorexia, mental lethargy, skin changes and night blindness.

Approximately 20-30% of dietary zinc is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Highest concentrations
are found in the liver, kidney, bone, retina, prostate and muscle.

In humans, consumption of very high amounts of zinc can result in nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and
abdominal cramps. The major effects of long-term exposure to zinc are copper deficiency, anaemia
and gastric erosion.

In animal studies, zinc has been reported to reduce the toxic effects of nickel and cadmium.
High doses over long periods may, however, be toxic to nerve cells of mammals.

There is no evidence that occupational exposure to zinc increases the risk of cancer.

Zinc has been shown to induce chromosomal aberrations in mammalian cells, but is inactive
in bacterial mutation tests.


The guideline value for zinc in drinking water has been based on the taste threshold of 3 mg/L. Higher
zinc concentrations can impart an undesirable taste and a cloudy appearance. Zinc concentrations
over 0.5 mg/L may indicate corrosion problems.


APHA Method 3500-Zn Part B (1992). Zinc: Atomic Absorption Spectrometric method. Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health
Association, Washington.

APHA Method 3500-Zn Part C (1992). Zinc: Inductively Coupled Plasma method. Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 6

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Drinking Water Treatment

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Aluminium chlorohydrate
Drinking water treatment chemical
Aluminium chlorohydrate is used as a primary coagulant in the treatment of drinking water. It
is effective over a range of pH values and forms strong floc. It is particularly effective in some
low alkalinity waters.


Aluminium chlorohydrate, Al2(OH)5Cl (also known as ACH, polyaluminium chlorohydrate or aluminium

chlorhydroxide), solution is a clear colourless, odourless liquid. It has a specific gravity of 1.32–1.35 at
25°C, a pH of 3.5–4.5, and is completely soluble in water.

ACH is of the polyaluminium chloride family, with a high aluminium oxide content and high basicity.
It is supplied with an aluminium content of 12.2 to 12.7% (23–24% as equivalent alumina) and a basicity
of 83–84%. The chemical coagulates over a wide pH range (pH 6–9) and does not usually require
alkalinity adjustment.

The formula Al2(OH)5Cl is simply a representation of the proportions of aluminium, hydroxide and
chloride in the solution and it does not imply the predominant aluminium species is dimeric
(see below). A generic formula for the ACH species may be given as Aln(OH)mCl(3n-m) where
the m/n ration exceeds 1.05.

ACH can be stored in fibreglass-reinforced plastic, polyethylene, polypropylene or phenol formaldehyde,

but can be corrosive to metals.


ACH is manufactured from aluminium metal, which is reacted with either hydrochloric acid or aluminium
chloride solution under controlled conditions.

ACH solution is a complex, dynamic mixture of positively charged polynuclear aluminium species, with
no single species predominating and with molecular weights exceeding 1000. When applied to water,
these species interact with and destabilises negatively charged colloidal matter, such as inorganic particles
and the high molecular weight organic compounds that largely constitute natural organic matter. The
polynuclear species also hydrolyse to form dense flocs of aluminium hydroxides that further act to entrap
particles and remove some organic. An example of one of the many polynuclear species that may be
present in ACH solution is the so called Al-13 ion that has the formula [AlO4.Al12(OH)24(H2O)12]13+.

The hydrolysis of ACH produces far less acid than the hydrolysis of aluminium sulfate owing to the very
high degree of hydroxylation of the aluminium. As a result, ACH requires little of no pH correction with
alkali when applied to water and results in only marginal increase in the concentration of dissolved salt.
The hydrolysis reaction proceeds as follows:

Al2(OH)5.Cl + H2O ⇔ 2Al(OH)3 + H+ + Cl–

As the hydrolysis reactions proceed, mononuclear hydroxide products can form polynuclear species. The
reactions are complex and the species formed are quite variable. Examples of the species formed are:

• mononuclear: Al OH2+, Al(OH)2+, Al(OH)3 (solid precipitate), Al(OH)4–

• polynuclear: Al8(OH)204+, Al13O4(OH)247+.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


In drinking water treatment, ACH is used as a primary coagulant. It is effective in cold temperatures
and is particularly suited for use in low alkalinity raw water. It is commonly used for coagulation before
membrane filtration, because this appears to reduce membrane fouling and prolong the life of the filter.
The concentration of coagulant used depends on the properties of the raw water, including factors such
as turbidity, dissolved organic carbon, temperature and alkalinity.

Typical ACH doses (with 23% Al2O3 content) are 3–100 mg/L. The actual concentration required should
be determined by laboratory trials; higher doses may be required with particularly dirty water.


The contaminants that may be present in ACH are:

• antimony • magnesium
• arsenic • manganese
• barium • mercury
• beryllium • nickel
• cadmium • phosphorus
• chromium • selenium
• copper • silver
• fluoride • thallium
• iron • zinc
• lead


When employed in drinking water treatment, ACH should be used in such a way that any contaminant
or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the Australian
Drinking Water Guidelines.

Most of the aluminium ions resulting from the use of ACH as a coagulant are removed by conventional
water treatment processes. Residual chloride is usually at low levels that do not adversely affect drinking
water quality.


ACH was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 2005.


Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Fitzgerald JJ and Rosenberg AH (1999). Chemistry of aluminium chlorohydrate and activated aluminium
chlorohydrates. In Cosmetic Science and Technology Series, 20. Antiperspirants and deodorants, second
edition, Laden K (ed). Marcel Dekker Inc, 83–136.

Rosenberg AH, Hodges RD and Harper TL (1995). Chemical characterisation of polyaluminium chlorides
and TOC removal. American Water Works Association Water Quality Technology Conference.

Ruehl KE (1998). Effective coagulation for variable source water: a coagulant comparison by bench and
full sale evaluations. American Water Works Association Water Quality Technology Conference.
NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Aluminium sulfate (alum)

Drinking water treatment chemical
Aluminium sulfate (alum) is a general purpose coagulant that is used in water treatment to
remove turbidity, natural organic matter (NOM) (including colour), microorganisms and
many inorganic chemicals. Removal of NOM reduces the formation of disinfection byproducts,
because it removes the organic precursors of the byproducts.


For use in water treatment, aluminium sulfate (alum) is generally supplied as a bulk liquid, but it can also
be supplied in granular form. The concentration of the supplied liquid solution varies, and users should
establish the concentration with the supplier. Typically, alum solutions contain 7.5–8.4% Al2O3 w/w (i.e.
43–50% w/w Al2(SO4)3·14H2O), and have a specific gravity of 1.28–1.34 at 20°C. Solutions at the upper
end of the available strengths may become unstable at low temperatures.

Alum is also available as a crystalline solid with varying degrees of hydration (14–18 H2O). It has a pH of
1.2–3.0 and can be stored in rubber-lined containers or in fibreglass, stainless steel (type 316) or plastic.


Alum is produced by the reaction of sulfuric acid with an aluminium-rich ore such as refined bauxite.

In water, the aluminium ion reacts with natural alkalinity (hydroxyl or bicarbonate) or added alkalinity
(lime, caustic soda or soda ash) to form aluminium hydroxide species. The hydrolysis proceeds as

Al2(SO4)3.6H2O ⇔ 2Al(OH)3 + 6H+ + 3SO42–

As the hydrolysis reactions proceed, mononuclear products can form polynuclear species. The reactions
are complex and the species formed are quite variable. Examples of the species formed are:

• mononuclear: Al OH2+, Al(OH)2+, Al(OH)3 (solid precipitate), Al(OH)4–

• polynuclear: Al8(OH)204+, Al13O4(OH)247+

The generally positively charged Al species are available to interact with negatively charged colloidal
matter in water. Such matter includes inorganic turbidity particles and the high molecular weight fraction
of organic compounds present in NOM. The interaction destabilises the repulsive forces between the
negatively charged particles, allowing them to collide and agglomerate to form microfloc (a process
referred to as adsorption–destabilisation).

At higher concentrations of alum, metal hydroxides precipitate and can enmesh any colloidal particles in
a process known as ‘sweep coagulation’, which renders water suitable for clarification.

Alum has an optimum pH for coagulation of 5.5–7.5, with the lower end of the range (pH 5.5–6.2) being
used for organics removal and enhanced coagulation (see below), and the higher end (pH 6.5–7.5) being
used for sweep coagulation. Adsorption–destabilisation to form small floc, which can be removed by
contact and direct filtration, typically occurs in the pH range 6–7.

‘Enhanced coagulation’ refers to coagulation at low pH with high doses of alum, and is used to remove
NOM. The pH and alum dose need to be optimised, to maximise the removal of dissolved organic
carbon (DOC).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


The dose of alum used depends on the properties of the raw water, including (but not limited to) the
turbidity, DOC, temperature and alkalinity. Waters of low turbidity often need higher doses of alum to
bring about coagulation than more turbid waters. Indeed, waters of low turbidity and high colour are
the most difficult to treat.

Typical alum doses (expressed as mg/L Al2(SO4)3·14H2O) range from 5 to 200 mg/L and may even be
as high as 500 mg/L if the water is particularly dirty.

The dose rate for alum is expressed in different units throughout Australia, and it is important to take
this into account when comparing rates.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. In Australia, alum is produced by reacting aluminium trihydroxide or refined
bauxite with sulfuric acid, and most of the impurities in the alum are derived from these raw materials.

The following chemical contaminants may be present in alum (NRC 1982):

• antimony • magnesium
• arsenic • manganese
• barium • mercury
• beryllium • nickel
• cadmium • phosphorus
• chromium • selenium
• copper • silver
• fluoride • thallium
• iron • zinc
• Lead


When employed in drinking water treatment, alum should be used in such a way that any contaminant
or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the Australian
Drinking Water Guidelines.

Aluminium residuals after filtration can cause floc to form in the distribution system, which can cause
customer complaints. To minimise residual levels of aluminium, alum should be used at pH and dosage
conditions that exceed the solubility of aluminium. At 25°C, aluminium is least soluble at a pH near 6.
At colder temperatures, the pH of minimum solubility increases. For example, at 4°C, aluminium is least
soluble at pH 6.5–7. Hence, if water is treated at pH 6 throughout the year, levels of residual dissolved
aluminium will be higher in winter. Poor dosage selection or inadequate mixing also leads to elevated
aluminium residuals.


Aluminium sulfate was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 1983.
The 2003 revision did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of drinking water.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals


Amirtharajah A and Mills KM (1982). Rapid Mix Design for Mechanisms of Alum Coagulation. Journal
of the American Water and Wastewater Association 74(4):210–216.

ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B403-98. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Letterman RD, Amirtharajah A and O’Melia CR (1999). Coagulation and Flocculation. In: Water Quality
and Treatment, A Handbook of Community Water Supplies, Letterman RD (ed), American Water Works
Association, 5th edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, New York, 6.1–6.66.

NRC (National Research Council) (1982). Water Chemicals Codex. Committee on Water Treatment
Chemicals, Food and Nutrition Board, Assembly of Life Sciences, NRC, Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Drinking water treatment chemical
Ammonia, NH3, is added to drinking water to react with chlorine to form chloramine
disinfectants. Chloramination is not as powerful as chlorination but provides a longer lasting
residual in the water distribution system.


Ammonia, NH3, is a colourless gas or liquid, with a sharp, intensely irritating odour. It is lighter than air
and easily liquefied by pressure. Ammonia has a boiling point of –33.5°C, a freezing point of
–77.7°C, and a specific gravity of 0.8 as a liquid. Ammonia gas is combustible and is very soluble in
water. When hydrated, ammonia can attack copper, zinc and alloys containing these metals. Ammonia
can be supplied as a compressed liquid (anhydrous ammonia), dissolved in water (aqueous ammonia) or
as solutions of ammonium salts (e.g. ammonium sulphate).

Gaseous ammonia is compatible with some steels, stainless steel (type 316), neoprene and monel.
Aqueous ammonia can be stored in iron, steel, stainless steel, fibreglass-reinforced plastic or rubber-lined


Ammonia is prepared commercially in vast quantities, mostly using the Haber process to combine
nitrogen directly with hydrogen. It can also be made using the cyanamide process, and is produced
as a byproduct of the destructive distillation of coal. Most of the ammonia produced is used to make

The reactions between ammonia and chlorine are complex, but the simplified equations shown below
are often used. The chloramines produced are monochloramine (NH2Cl — equation 1), dichloramine
(NHCl2 — equation 2) and trichloramine or nitrogen trichloride (NCl3 — equation 3).

NH3+ + HOCl → NH2Cl + H2O (1)

NH2Cl + HOCl → NHCl2 + H2O (2)
NHCl2 + HOCl → NCl3 + H2O (3)

Other products are also formed, such as nitrogen (N2) and nitrate (NO3–).

The sum of the concentrations of the three chloramine species is referred to as ‘combined chlorine’ and
is often expressed as Cl2, in the units of mg/L. The sum of the combined chlorine concentration and the
free chlorine concentration (i.e. hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion) is referred to as ‘total chlorine’.
The relative amounts of the three species of chloramine formed depend on the ratio of chlorine to
ammonia, the pH and the temperature. Monochloramines are preferred because they do not cause the
taste and odour problems that can arise with dichloramines and trichloramines. Users should refer to
available data on how pH and the ratio of chlorine to ammonia affect the distribution of chloramines
(see discussion in the following section), and should be aware of the breakpoint phenomenon (whereby
chlorine applied in sufficient doses will oxidise ammonia and eliminate chloramines, forming a free
chlorine residual).


In drinking-water treatment, ammonia is added with chlorine (at a fixed ratio of ammonia to chlorine)
to produce chloramine disinfectants. Chloramines react with bacteria and oxidisable material more
slowly than free chlorine, but last longer than free chlorine. Depending on the order and process used
NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

trihalomethanes (THMs) may form. Chloramines thus tend to be used as a secondary disinfectant to
provide a disinfectant residual in the distribution system, but may also be used as a primary disinfectant
if an appropriate contact time is allowed. Chloramines are particularly suited to providing disinfectant
residuals in long distribution systems, where it is difficult to maintain a residual using chlorine.

To produce monochloramine, the pH should be between 8 and 9, and the chlorine to ammonia ratio
should be between 3:1 and 4:1. A ratio above 4:1 may produce chlorinous odours. Ammonia may be
added before or after chlorine. In primary disinfection, chlorine is usually added first, because it kills
bacteria, viruses and spores much more efficiently than does monochloramine, provided that sufficient
contact time is allowed for disinfection before the ammonia is added. Ammonia and chlorine can be
added together, provided that contact time is sufficient to ensure disinfection.

Chloramines present in water are harmful to people on kidney dialysis and to animal species in aquaria;
therefore, it is important for water utilities using chloramination to inform consumers at risk.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. Ammonia is generally supplied at 99.9 % purity or better, but the product may
include a very small amount of oil (hydrocarbons), heavy metals and water.


When employed in drinking water treatment, ammonia should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Free ammonia liberated in the distribution system may contribute
to nitrification problems or biological growth.

Chloramines may form some halogenated organic byproducts. THMs may also be produced, but to a
much lesser extent than with chlorination. More information on chloramines can be obtained from the
Chloramine Fact Sheet in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.


Aqueous ammonia was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical
in 1983.The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment
of drinking water.


Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Connell GF (1996). The Chlorination/Chloramination Handbook. Water Disinfection Series, American

Water Works Association. Denver, Colorado.

Hass CN (1999). Disinfection. In Water Quality and Treatment, A Handbook of Community Water
Supplies, Letterman RD (ed). American Water Works Association, 5th edition. McGraw-Hill Professional,
New York, 14.1–14.60.

Lewis RJ (1993). Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 12th edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York.

White GC (1992). Handbook of chlorination and alternative disinfectants, 3rd edition. Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Ammonium sulfate
Drinking water treatment chemical
Ammonium sulfate is used as a source of ammonia to react with chlorine in drinking water
treatment, to form chloramines. Chloramination is not as powerful as chlorination but
provides a longer lasting residual in the water distribution system.


Ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4, is an off-white crystal which is soluble in water (up to a concentration
of 10 g/L). It has a specific gravity of 1.77 (at 20ºC), and is available in several grades as 60–100 %
effective product.

Ammonium sulfate can be stored in rubber-lined vessels or in containers made from stainless steel
(type 316), neoprene, monel, fibreglass-reinforced plastic, polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. If the
ammonium sulfate is dry, cast iron can also be used.


Ammonium sulfate is byproduct of the manufacture of caprolactam (a nylon-base material), coal gas and
coke. It can also be prepared by the reaction of ammonia with sulfuric acid. It dissolves in water to form
ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH — equation 1), which then releases ammonia gas (NH3 — equation 2):

(NH4)2 + 2H2O → 2NH4OH +H2SO4 (1)

NH4OH ⇔ NH3 +H2O (2)

Solutions of ammonium salts or aqueous ammonia (ammonia dissolved in water) have an alkaline
pH. The actual pH depends on the concentration and the temperature. It is important to vent facilities
storing ammonium salt solutions, because of the formation of ammonia gas. Ammonium salt solutions
and aqueous ammonia have the same characteristics; therefore, the same care should be taken during


Ammonium sulfate is used as a source of ammonia for disinfection (see ammonia fact sheet for further

The amount of ammonium sulfate to be added can be determined by multiplying the required ammonia
level by the molecular ratio of 7.77 (i.e. (NH4)2SO4 = 7.77 x NH3). The ammonia fact sheet includes
information on levels needed for chloramination.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. Ammonium sulfate may contain moisture and insoluble material as well as the
following chemical contaminants (JECFA, NRC 1982):

• aluminium • pyridine
• arsenic • selenium
• chloride • iron
• lead

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


When employed in drinking water treatment, ammonium sulfate should be used in such a way that
any contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in
the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Excessive dosage can lead to biological growth in distribution system (see ammonia fact sheet for
further details).


Ammonium sulfate was originally endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment
chemical in 1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the
treatment of drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B302-00. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Connell GF (1996). The Chlorination/ Chloramination Handbook. Water Disinfection Series, American
Water Works Association, Denver, Colorado.

Hass CN (1999). Disinfection. In Water Quality and Treatment, A Handbook of Community Water
Supplies, Letterman RD (ed). American Water Works Association, 5th edition. McGraw-Hill Professional,
New York, 14.1–14.60.

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications. FAO
Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

Lewis RJ (1993). Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 12th edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York.

NRC (National Research Council) (1982). Water Chemicals Codex. Committee on Water
Treatment Chemicals, Food and Nutrition Board, Assembly of Life Sciences, NRC.
White GC (1992). Handbook of chlorination and alternative disinfectants, 3rd edition. Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Calcium hydroxide
Drinking water treatment chemical
Calcium hydroxide (hydrated lime) is used to raise pH and adjust alkalinity for coagulation
optimisation, corrosion control and water softening. It can also be used to dewater sludge.


Calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 (also known as lime or hydrated lime), adds hydroxide ions to water,
thereby increasing its pH and alkalinity. It is a soft, white, crystalline powder.

The hydrated lime available commercially is a powder that contains mainly calcium hydroxide, or a
mixture of calcium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. Pure hydrated lime has a specific gravity
of 2.3–2.4. The bulk density of commercial lime varies from 450 to 560 kg/m3, and it usually contains
80–96% calcium hydroxide. Its solubility at 20ºC is 0.165% (or 0.165 g/100 g of saturated solution).

Hydrated lime can be stored in rubber-lined containers or in fibreglass-reinforced plastic, polyethylene,

polyvinyl chloride, cast iron or steel.


Calcium hydroxide is obtained by hydrating quicklime with sufficient water to satisfy its chemical affinity
for water. Quicklime is the product of the calcination of limestone, and consists mainly of the oxides of
calcium (CaO) and magnesium (MgO). Calcium hydroxide is added to water to provide hydroxide ions
to raise pH and alkalinity, and to neutralise free carbon dioxide or carbonic acid. It reacts with carbon
dioxide to form calcium bicarbonate.

Ca(OH) 2 +2CO2 → Ca(HCO3)2

To remove carbonate hardness, hydroxide ions are used to raise the pH of water. This causes
precipitation, as bicarbonate ions are converted to the carbonate (pH > 10), precipitating calcium

H2CO3 + Ca(OH) 2 → CaCO3 (s) + 2H2O


In production of drinking water, calcium hydroxide is used:

• at the start of the water treatment process, to adjust pH and boost alkalinity, to assist coagulation
• at the end of the treatment process, to adjust final pH and alkalinity, and to minimise corrosion
• to soften hard waters by raising the pH, and thus precipitating calcium carbonate
• with carbon dioxide, to increase soft water’s resistance to pH changes during distribution and to
decrease its corrosivity
• to reduce the moisture content of sludge — if the concentration of calcium hydroxide is sufficiently
high it will collapse the sludge structure, helping to reduce the water content of the sludge.

Lime is usually made up as a solution or as a slurry of up to 10% concentration; a slurry with a

concentration of 1–5% is most commonly employed.

Typical lime concentrations used in drinking water treatment depend on the quality of the water to
be treated and the purpose of the treatment (water softening, pH adjustment, alkalinity increase). Lime
concentrations can vary from 5 to 500 mg/L, and the appropriate concentration should be determined
by laboratory trials.
NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

Poor mixing, poor pipe design, lime scaling and impurities often lead to blockages in lime dosing
systems. To overcome such problems, the design of the system should minimise areas of solids
accumulation, and the dosing system should be flushed each time it is turned off with water, chlorinated
water or weak acid. Regular cleaning of the batch and dosing tanks using a solution of weak acid is
also recommended.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in calcium hydroxide,
depending on the source of the raw materials (JECFA, KIWA 1994, NRC 1982):

• aluminium • magnesium
• arsenic • manganese
• barium • mercury
• cadmium • nickel
• chromium • selenium
• fluoride • silica
• iron • silver
• lead


When employed in drinking water treatment, calcium hydroxide should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Adding lime to water can significantly raise the turbidity. It can also increase the concentrations of iron,
aluminium and manganese. Thus, it is often best to add lime at the start of the water treatment process,
so that any impurities added with the lime can be removed during the treatment process.

The sludge resulting from water softening consists mainly of calcium carbonate, or a mixture of calcium
carbonate and magnesium hydroxide. This sludge is generally dense, stable and inert; dries well; has a
solids content of about 5% from the clarifier (although it can range from 2 to 30%); and has a pH greater
than 10.5.


Calcium hydroxide was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 1983.
The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of drinking


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B202-02. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). APHA Method 2340B, C, Hardness. In: Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition., American Public Health Association,
Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications.
FAO Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

KIWA (1994) Guideline quality of materials and chemicals for drinking water supplies. Inspectorate
of Public Health and Environmental Planning, Publication 94-01. Rijswijk, The Netherlands.

National Lime Association (1992). Chemical Lime Facts, 6th edition. National Lime Association,
Washington, DC.

National Lime Association (1995). Lime: Handling, Application and Storage, 7th edition. National Lime
Association, Arlington, Virginia.

NRC (National Research Council) (1982). Water Chemicals Codex. Committee on Water Treatment
Chemicals, Food and Nutrition Board, Assembly of Life Sciences, National Research Council.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Calcium hypochlorite
Drinking water treatment chemical
Calcium hypochlorite is a drinking water disinfectant used only for small systems.


Calcium hypochlorite, Ca(OCl)2, is a white crystalline solid. It has a specific gravity of 2.35, decomposes
in water and alcohol, is not hygroscopic and is practically clear in a water solution. The chemical is a
highly active oxidiser and is relatively stable. The oxidising capability of 1 g calcium hypochlorite (65%
strength) is equivalent to the oxidising capability of 0.65 g chlorine gas.

Calcium hypochlorite is available commercially as a dry solid, with a strength of up to 74% available
chlorine. In this form, it loses about 0.013% of its strength per day under normal storage conditions,
although the rate can be higher if the chemical is in contact with water or is exposed to the atmosphere.
It is also available in a tablet form for use in automatic feed equipment at low-flow treatment plants or
for dosing of in-system reservoirs.

Appropriate handling materials for calcium hypochlorite include glass, ceramics, fibreglass-reinforced
plastic, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride. Rubber-lined containers can also be used.


Calcium hypochlorite is formed by the addition of chlorine to a slurry of ‘milk of lime’ (calcium
Calcium hypochlorite granules dissolve in water to form hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which partially
dissociates to the hypochlorite ion (OCl−).

Ca(OCl)2 + 2H2O → 2HOCl + Ca(OH)2

Ca(OCl)2 → Ca2+ + 2 OCl−
OCl−+ H2O ⇔ HOCl + OH−
As with the addition of chlorine gas, the relative distribution of hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion
resulting from the addition of calcium hypochlorite to water will depend on pH and temperature.

Calcium hypochlorite is a base and therefore raises the pH of water, whereas chlorine gas produces an
acidic reaction that lowers the pH of the solution. The extent of the pH change depends on the alkalinity
of the water.


Calcium hypochlorite is generally used as a disinfectant in smaller water treatment plants or in new water
mains or in-system reservoirs.

As a disinfectant in water systems, calcium hypochlorite must be dissolved in water before it is added to
the main supply. Doses usually range from 1 to 5 mg/L (as available chlorine), with 2–3 mg/L typical.
Selection of the appropriate chlorine dose should take into account the Ct (disinfectant concentration
× contact time) and chlorine residual required, and the levels of disinfection byproducts likely to
be formed. A free chlorine residual of ≥ 0.2 mg/L throughout the distribution system is preferred.
Superchlorination (doses of 10 to 50 mg/L) may be used to disinfect or clean tanks and pipelines.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. Chemical contaminants that may be present in calcium hypochlorite include:

• aluminium • magnesium
• arsenic • manganese
• barium • mercury
• cadmium • nickel
• chromium • selenium
• fluoride • silica
• iron • silver
• lead


When employed in drinking water treatment, calcium hypochlorite should be used in such a way that
any contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in
the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

The use of calcium hypochlorite as a disinfectant results in the formation of free chlorine, combined
chlorine residuals and disinfection byproducts. The byproducts formed include trihalomethanes (THMs),
haloacetic acids (HAAs), haloacetonitriles (HANs), haloketones, chloral hydrate and chloropicrin.
Although many specific chlorine disinfection byproducts have been identified, many of the total organic
halogens are as yet unidentified.

Among the many factors affecting the species formed as disinfection byproducts are pH,
temperature and levels of total organic carbon (TOC), bromide and chlorine. THMs (e.g. chloroform,
bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane and bromoform) are the most widely known
chlorination byproducts. Chlorinated THM, HAA and HAN species are generally found at higher levels
than brominated species; however, brominated species predominate in waters containing high levels
of bromides.

The disinfection byproducts most likely to occur and to be of concern to health are total THMs and
THM species, total HAAs and HAA species.


Calcium hypochlorite was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in
1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of
drinking water.

ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B300-99. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Details at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th Edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Connell GF (1996). The Chlorination/ Chloramination Handbook. Water Disinfection Series, American
Water Works Association, Denver.

White GC (1992). Handbook of chlorination and alternative disinfectants, 3rd edition. Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York.
NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Calcium oxide
Drinking water treatment chemical
Calcium oxide is used (after hydrating to produce ‘slaked lime’) to correct pH and adjust
alkalinity, for coagulation optimisation, corrosion control and water softening. It can also be
used to assist in the dewatering of sludge.


Calcium oxide, CaO, is also known as calx, quicklime, unslaked lime and burnt lime. It is a grey-white,
hard, odourless solid, which sometimes has a yellowish or brownish tint due to the presence of iron.
It crumbles on exposure to moist air and is soluble in acid. Calcium oxide reacts with water to form
calcium hydroxide (slaked lime), releasing heat as it does so.

Calcium oxide is available in several grades, and is the least expensive way of obtaining calcium
hydroxide. Quicklime has a specific gravity of 3.2–3.4. Its bulk density is 1030 kg/m3 for pebble
quicklime or 1050 kg/m3 for powder quicklime; it usually contains approximately 94% calcium oxide.

Appropriate handling materials for calcium oxide include fibreglass-reinforced plastic, polyethylene,
polyvinyl chloride, cast iron and steel. Rubber-lined containers can also be used.


Calcium oxide is formed by calcination of limestone, and it can also contain magnesium oxide, MgO.
Before being used in drinking water treatment, calcium oxide must be hydrated or ‘slaked’ to calcium
hydroxide or slaked lime:
CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2

Slaked lime is added to water to provide hydroxide ions to raise pH and alkalinity, and to neutralise free
carbon dioxide or carbonic acid. It reacts with carbon dioxide to form calcium bicarbonate:

Ca(OH) 2 +2CO2→ Ca(HCO3)2

To remove carbonate hardness, hydroxide ions are used to raise the pH of water. This causes
precipitation, as bicarbonate ions are converted to the carbonate (at pH > 10), precipitating calcium
H2CO3 + Ca(OH) 2 → CaCO3 (s) + 2H2O


In production of drinking water, slaked lime is used:

• at the start of the water treatment process, to adjust pH and boost alkalinity in order to assist
• at the end of the treatment process, to adjust final pH and alkalinity, and to minimise corrosion
• to soften hard waters by raising the pH, thus precipitating calcium carbonate;
• with carbon dioxide, to increase soft water’s resistance to pH changes during distribution and to
decrease its corrosivity
• to reduce the moisture content of sludge — if the concentration of calcium hydroxide is sufficiently
high it will collapse the sludge structure, helping to reduce the water content of the sludge.

Slaked lime is usually made up as a solution or a slurry of up to 10% concentration; a slurry with a
concentration of 1–5% is most commonly employed.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

Typical slaked lime concentrations used in drinking water treatment depend on the quality of the
water to be treated and the purpose of the treatment (e.g. water softening, pH adjustment or alkalinity
increase). Slaked lime concentrations can vary from 5 to 500 mg/L, and the appropriate concentration
should be determined by laboratory trials.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
source of the raw materials and on the manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants
may be present in calcium oxide (JECFA, KIWA 1994, NRC 1982):

• aluminium • magnesium
• arsenic • manganese
• barium • mercury
• cadmium • nickel
• chromium • selenium
• fluoride • silica
• iron • silver
• lead


When employed in drinking water treatment, calcium oxide should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Adding slaked lime to water can significantly raise the turbidity and the concentrations of iron, aluminium
and manganese. Thus, it is often best to add slaked lime at the start of the water treatment process, if
possible, so that any impurities added with it can be removed during the treatment process.


Calcium oxide was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 1983.
The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of
drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B202-02. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications.
FAO Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

KIWA (1994) Guideline quality of materials and chemicals for drinking water supplies. Inspectorate of
Public Health and Environmental Planning, Publication 94-01. Rijswijk, The Netherlands.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

National Lime Association (1992). Chemical Lime Facts, 6th edition. National Lime Association,
Washington, DC.

National Lime Association (1995). Lime: Handling, Application and Storage, 7th edition. National Lime
Association, Arlington, Virginia.

NRC (National Research Council) (1982). Water Chemicals Codex. Committee on Water Treatment
Chemicals, Food and Nutrition Board, Assembly of Life Sciences, NRC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Carbon, granulated activated

Drinking water treatment chemical
Granular activated carbon is used in drinking water treatment to adsorb or biologically
degrade dissolved organic matter, pesticides, algal toxins and compounds causing taste or
odour problems. Use of activated carbon used before disinfection reduces the formation of
disinfection byproducts, by reducing the amount and reactivity of organic precursors of these


Granular activated carbon (GAC) is a black, solid, extremely porous material that can adsorb impurities
and contaminants from air and water. It has a complex, porous internal structure, with internal surface
areas averaging about 900 m2/g and a bulk density of 250–600 kg/m3. Activated carbon is insoluble in
water and organic solvents.

The properties of activated carbon depend on its degree of activation and the raw material from which
it is produced. Coal, wood and coconut-based activated carbons each have different pore structures and
different characteristics.

GAC may act as a biological carrier by housing bacteria in its internal honeycomb structure. When GAC
filters are used in an enhanced biological mode, they are referred to as biological activated carbon (BAC)
filters. BAC filters work through two mechanisms: biodegradation of contaminants (e.g. taste and odour
compounds, and organics) and biological regeneration of the carbon’s adsorption sites.

Dry activated carbon can be stored in cast iron or steel silos. Wet activated carbon can be stored in
plastic, rubber or silicon-lined containers, or in stainless steel (type 316), monel or bronze.


Carbon is ‘activated’ by heating carbonaceous material such as wood, coal or coconut husks to high
temperatures in a controlled atmosphere of steam, or at moderate temperatures in the presence of
chemicals such as acid.

The adsorptive properties of GAC vary with pore size, pore-size distribution, internal surface area of the
pores and surface properties. The properties of the GAC available in the market are variable. In selecting
an activated carbon product, it is important to consider factors such as the adsorptive capacity of the
activated carbon, the desired application, abrasion resistance during backwashing and cost. The quality of
the activated carbon can be determined by its ability to remove contaminants such as 2-methylisoborneol
(MIB), geosmin, toxins and pesticides, and by a number of other factors that are listed below, together
with typical ranges (actual values will depend on the raw material and the activation processes):

• iodine number: 900–1300 mg/g carbon

• apparent density: 0.2-0.6 g/cc
• moisture content: 3-8%
• abrasion resistance: 75-99%
• particle size distribution: 5% maximum on upper sieve

90% minimum between sieves

5% maximum through lower sieve

• ash content: 3–15%

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

The adsorptive capacity of activated carbon can be inferred from the iodine number, methylene blue
number or molasses number.

Effective sizes of GAC are typically 0.7–1.2 mm, with a uniformity coefficient (UC) generally specified
to be less than 1.8. The GAC is installed over supporting layers of sand and gravel.

After installation in the filter bed, the GAC is carefully wetted over several hours. In some carbons,
significant flotation of the carbon may occur in the wetting phase, and the floating portion of GAC is
removed and disposed of. The floatable component of the GAC may vary between 0 and 30%.


In water treatment, activated carbon is used to control taste and odour-causing compounds, and to
remove contaminants such as nitrates, pesticides, algal toxins, disinfection byproducts, organic carbon
and other trace organic chemicals.

GAC is generally used as a filter medium in beds or tanks, with the water being treated as it passes
through the filter. Contaminants are removed through adsorption and biological degradation. Many taste
and odour compounds (e.g. 2-methylisoborneol (MIB), geosmin and 20–50% of natural organics) can be
biologically degraded, and GAC filters used in this way can operate for 10–15 years. If the contaminant is
not biodegradable, the GAC medium can be used continuously until its adsorption capacity is exhausted;
and can then be reactivated using a thermal process (currently not available in the Australian drinking
water industry). In adsorption mode, a GAC bed is effective for about 1 month to 2 years, depending on
the concentration of contaminants in the water.

GAC beds can be used either before or after conventional treatment (i.e. pre-filtration or post-filtration).
GAC can also be used for a combination of filtration and adsorption, either as a full GAC bed, or as a
layer of sand topped with a layer of GAC medium. The process can be preceded by ozonation, which
encourages biological activity on the filter (creating a BAC filter), thus prolonging the life of the filter.
Ozonation generally produces water that is more biologically stable and has a lower chlorine demand.

GAC and BAC filters are designed for a specific empty bed contact time (EBCT), which typically ranges
from 5 to 25 minutes. The most economic EBCT can be determined by analysing particular contaminants
of concern, at either laboratory or pilot scale.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in the ash that may be
found in activated carbon:

• aluminium • manganese
• arsenic • mercury
• chromium • phosphorus
• iron • silver
• lead • zinc


When employed in drinking water treatment, activated carbon should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Degraded GAC can pass through a water treatment plant, causing black specks and deposits in the
distribution system, although it is unlikely that significant quantities of carbon residues will be present in
finished water.


Activated carbon was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 1983.
The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of drinking


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard B604-96. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Gosselin RE, Smith, RP and Hodge HC (1984). Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, 5th edition.
Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, II-94.

IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer ) (1984). Monographs on the Evaluation of the
Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. World Health Organization, Geneva.

NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) (1984). Method 5000, Carbon Black
(issued 2-15-84). In: NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods. Methods A-Z & Supplements, 4th edition.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control,
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. U.S. Government Printing Office ,Washington, DC.

Snoeyink VL and Summers RS (1999). Adsorption of Organic Compounds. In: Water Quality and
Treatment, A Handbook of Community Water Supplies, Letterman RD (ed). American Water Works
Association, 5th edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, New York, 13.1–13.76.

Urfer D, Huck PM, Booth SDJ, and Coffey BM (1997) Biological Filtration for BOM and particle removal:
a critical review. AWWA Journal 89(12) 83-98

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Carbon, powdered activated

Drinking water treatment chemical
Powdered activated carbon is used in drinking water treatment to adsorb dissolved organic
matter, pesticides, algal toxins and compounds causing taste or odour problems. Adding
activated carbon before disinfection reduces the formation of disinfection byproducts, by
reducing the amount and reactivity of organic precursors of these byproducts.


Powdered activated carbon (PAC) is a black, solid, extremely porous material that can adsorb impurities
and contaminants from air and water. It has a complex, porous internal structure, with internal surface
areas averaging about 900 m2/g and a bulk density of 250–600 kg/m3. Activated carbon is insoluble in
water and organic solvents.

The properties of activated carbon depend on its degree of activation and the raw material from which
it is produced. Coal, wood and coconut-based activated carbons each have different pore structures and
different characteristics.

Dry activated carbon can be stored in cast iron or steel silos. Wet activated carbon can be stored in
plastic, rubber, or silicon-lined containers, or in stainless steel (type 316), monel or bronze.


Carbon is ‘activated’ by heating carbonaceous material such as wood, coal or coconut husks to high
temperatures in a controlled atmosphere of steam, or at moderate temperatures in the presence of
chemicals such as acid.

The adsorptive properties of PAC vary with particle size, pore size, pore-size distribution, internal
surface area of the pores and surface properties. The properties of the PAC available in the market are
variable. In selecting an activated carbon product, it is important to take into account factors such as
the adsorptive capacity of the activated carbon, the desired application and the cost. The quality of the
activated carbon can be determined by its ability to remove contaminants such as 2-methylisoborneol
(MIB), geosmin, toxins and pesticides, and by a number of other factors that are listed below, together
with typical ranges (actual values will depend on the raw material and the activation processes):

• iodine number: 800–1400 mg/g carbon

• apparent density: 0.2-0.6 g/cc
• moisture content: 3-8%
• particle size distribution: 90% minimum through 100 µm mesh

95% minimum through 200 µm mesh

• ash content: 3–15%

The adsorptive capacity of activated carbon can be inferred from the iodine number, methylene blue
number or molasses number. The quality can also

Effective sizes of PAC are typically 20–50 µm.


In drinking water treatment, PAC can be added as a powder by dry-feed equipment; for higher dosing,
it can be added as a slurry by metering pumps or feeders. It is important to add PAC early in the
treatment process, before addition of chemicals such as chlorine, to ensure sufficient contact time and to
NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

avoid chemicals being adsorbed onto the carbon. For intermittent or low dosing, Ideally, PAC is added
30 minutes before coagulation; often near the raw water source. Care should be taken to avoid areas
where PAC may build up (e.g. low-velocity pipes). The carbon is mixed for a short time before being
removed by settling or filtration.

If PAC is added in the coagulation zone, additional PAC may be required, because the carbon can
become bound in flocs, diminishing its effectiveness. Jar testing reflecting the operating conditions can
determine the effective dose rate and contact time for optimal performance of PAC.

Occasionally, PAC is dosed immediately before filtration, where it reacts with organics above and within
the filter bed. Care should be taken to avoid breakthrough of PAC caused by normal sludge removal
processes (e.g. clarifier sludge blowdowns, flotation or filter backwashing).

The amount of PAC required will depend on the type and concentration of organics in the water.
Typical values range from 2 to 60 mg/L, but can be as high as 100 mg/L. A contact time of 10–30
minutes between the PAC and the water generally removes most taste and odour compounds, but a
longer time may be needed for removal of MIB and geosmin (the compounds most often linked with
tastes and odours — see the fact sheet on taste and odour).


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in the ash that may be
found in activated carbon:

• aluminium • lead
• arsenic • manganese
• chromium • mercury
• copper • phosphorus
• iron • zinc


When employed in drinking water treatment, PAC should be used in such a way that any contaminant
or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the Australian
Drinking Water Guidelines.

Powdered carbon slurry applied to raw water is easily removed by other water treatment processes
(e.g. by settled sludge, floated sludge or filtration). PAC can pass through a water treatment plant,
causing black specks and deposits in the distribution system, although it is unlikely that significant
quantities of carbon residues will be present in finished water.


Activated carbon was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 1983.
The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of drinking

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals


AWWA (American Water Works Association) / ANSI (American National Standards Institute) (1997).
Standard B604-96. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Gosselin RE, Smith, RP and Hodge HC (1984). Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, 5th edition.
Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, II-94.

IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer ) (1984). Monographs on the Evaluation of the
Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. World Health Organization, Geneva.

NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) (1984). Method 5000, Carbon Black
(issued 2-15-84). In: NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods. Methods A-Z & Supplements, 4th edition. U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. U.S. Government Printing Office ,Washington, DC.

Snoeyink VL and Summers RS (1999). Adsorption of Organic Compounds. In: Water Quality and
Treatment, A Handbook of Community Water Supplies, Letterman RD (ed). American Water Works
Association, 5th edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, New York, 13.1–13.76.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Drinking water treatment chemical
Chlorine is widely used as a primary disinfectant in the treatment of drinking water and
to provide secondary disinfection in reticulation. It is also used to oxidise metals, to break
down organics and to minimise biofouling. Chlorine produces potentially harmful disinfection
byproducts with some organics.


Chlorine, Cl2, is a dense, greenish-yellow, diatomic gas with a pungent and irritating odour. It is
noncombustible, but supports combustion as an oxidizing agent. The liquefaction pressure of chlorine
is 7.86 atm (25°C).

Chlorine is relatively inexpensive and easy to use, although the risks associated with its transportation,
storage and handling must be managed. Liquefied chlorine gas is supplied in pressurised containers of
varying sizes, typically 70 kg and 990 kg. Free chlorine can also be generated on-site from electrolysis
of sodium chloride solutions (brine).

Appropriate materials for handling chlorine gas include steel, copper and black iron. Aqueous chlorine
can be stored in fibreglass-reinforced plastic or polyvinyl chloride.


Chlorine is manufactured by the electrolytic dissociation of salt (sodium chloride), using mercury,
diaphragm or membrane cells.

The dissolution of chlorine gas in water results in rapid hydrolysis, forming chloride ion (Cl−), and
hypochlorous acid (HOCl). Being a weak acid, HOCl is partially dissociated to hypochlorite ion (OCl−).
The degree of dissociation in equation 2 varies with temperature and pH. An increase in pH will shift the
equilibrium to the right.

Cl2 + H2O → HOCl + H+ + Cl– (1)

HOCl ⇔ H+ + OCl–
The sum of the three species (i.e. Cl2, HOCl and OCl−) is referred to as ‘free available chlorine’ (FAC).
The concentrations of the individual species and their sum are expressed as Cl2, in units of mg/L.

At 25°C, hypochlorous acid is the predominant species between pH 1 and pH 7.5, and hypochlorite ion
predominates at pH values greater than 7.5. Oxidation reactions and disinfecting properties of chlorine
tend to be more effective at low pH values, because of the predominance of hypochlorous acid, which
is a stronger oxidant.

The pH of water dosed with chlorine is affected by the amount used and the alkalinity in the water.
In water with low alkalinity, the pH will drop after addition of gaseous chlorine, although it will rise
if sodium hypochlorite is added.


Chlorine is employed as a strong oxidant or disinfectant, and also to provide a disinfectant residual in
water distribution systems.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

Chlorine can be added at various points of the treatment process:

• for oxidation of organics or metals
• for disinfection purposes
• to maintain a chlorine residual in the distribution system (pre-coagulation, intermediate or post-
filtration chlorination).

Doses are usually 1–5 mg/L, although 2–3 mg/L is typical. The selection of the appropriate chlorine
dose should take into account the amount of disinfection byproducts formed and the required Ct
value (concentration × contact time) and chlorine residual; the WHO recommendation is 0.5 mg/L for
30 minutes. A free chlorine residual of ≥ 0.2 mg/L throughout the distribution system is preferred. In
some systems, rechlorination is employed within the distribution system, where chlorine is added after
water has left the treatment plant, to boost chlorine residuals.

Superchlorination (10–50 mg/L) may be used to disinfect or clean tanks or pipelines, or to temporarily
treat tastes and odours associated with high ammonia levels. This process is usually followed by
dechlorination, to chemically remove excess chlorine. Knowledge of the breakpoint phenomenon
(whereby chlorine applied in sufficient doses will oxidise ammonia and eliminate chloramines, resulting
in the formation of a free chlorine residual) is also necessary when dealing with water containing

The fact sheet on ammonia discusses the use of chorine with ammonia to produce chloramines.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in chlorine (NRC 1982,

• arsenic • manganese
• carbon tetrachloride • mercury
• lead • trihalomethanes


When employed in drinking water treatment, chlorine should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

The use of a disinfectant such as chlorine results in the formation of free chlorine and combined
chlorine residuals and disinfection byproducts, including trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids
(HAAs), haloacetonitriles (HANs), haloketones, chloral hydrate and chloropicrine. Although many
specific chlorine disinfection byproducts have been identified, several of the total organic halogens
have yet to be identified.

Factors affecting the distribution of disinfection byproduct species include pH, temperature and the levels
of total organic carbon (TOC), bromide and chlorine. THMs (e.g. chloroform, bromodichloromethane,
dibromochloromethane and bromoform) are the best known chlorination byproducts. Chlorinated THM,
HAA and HAN species generally dominate over brominated species. However, brominated species
predominate in high-bromide waters.


Chlorine was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 1983. The

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B301-99. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Connell GF (1996). The Chlorination/ Chloramination Handbook. Water Disinfection Series, American
Water Works Association, Denver, Colorado.

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications.
FAO Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

NRC (National Research Council) (1982). Water Chemicals Codex. Committee on Water
Treatment Chemicals, Food and Nutrition Board, Assembly of Life Sciences, NRC,
Washington, DC.
White GC (1992). Handbook of chlorination and alternative disinfectants, 3rd edition.
Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Copper sulfate
Drinking water treatment chemical
Copper sulfate is an active constituent in registered algicide products used in drinking water
reservoirs. There are different State and Territory environment protection regulations on the
use of copper sulfate in reservoirs. Further information should be sought form the relevant
State or Territory agency.


Copper sulfate, CuSO4, is a blue crystal, or blue crystalline granule or powder, but is white when
dehydrated. The chemical has a nauseous metallic taste and is poisonous. The anhydrous form contains
nearly 50% copper; the commonly used pentahydrate form (CuSO4·5H2O) contains 25.5% copper.

Appropriate handling materials for copper sulfate include fibreglass-reinforced plastic, polyethylene,
polyvinyl chloride, cast iron and stainless steel. Rubber-lined and silicon-lined containers can also be


Copper sulfate is the product of the reaction of sulfuric acid with copper metal, cupric oxide or basic
copper salts.


Copper sulfate is an algicide, and is used to treat toxic or odorous algal blooms in water reservoirs and
other water supply storages. Copper sulfate may kill aquatic plants, insects, invertebrates and fish. Copper
sulfate is subject to registration and labelling requirements of the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary
Medicines Authority. Copper sulfate is not registered for general use as an algicide in all jurisdictions
therefore, before copper sulfate is used in a water storage system, the State or Territory environment
protection authority must be advised. In some States and Territories, a licence must be obtained for its
use. The Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (2002) contain
information on the effect of copper sulfate on various ecosystems. There is a range of alternative water
treatment and storage management methods for controlling the risks of toxic algal bloom including
reducing the amounts of nutrient inflow to water reservoirs.

The application of copper sulfate products to storages should be in accordance with the registered
chemical label. Copper sulfate can be applied by:
• dissolving crystals of the chemical into the water using porous bags pulled by a boat
• applying the crystals directly using a hopper feeder
• spraying dissolved copper sulfate on the water surface.

To determine the appropriate dose rate and ensure efficient application, knowledge of algal habitat and
distribution is needed. Experience with the use of copper sulfate to treat cyanobacteria indicates that it
is best to start applying the chemical early in the morning, and to apply it during calm conditions. This
is because cyanobacteria tend to be most buoyant at this time, and are likely to be near the surface.
For a stratified reservoir, calculation of the total amount of algicide to be added is based on the amount
needed to treat the surface of the water body, because this is where most cyanobacteria will be located.
Treatment of algae should be concentrated in areas of algae scum.

The amount of copper sulfate required will depend on various factors, such as pH, alkalinity and water
temperature (algae are more likely to bloom in warm water).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

Copper sulfate is most effective at pH values of around 8, and alkalinity less than 50 mg/L. In conditions
of high alkalinity or pH, addition of an acid (e.g. citric acid) may also be needed for the copper sulfate
to be effective. The concentrations of copper sulfate added are typically in the range 0.2–1 mg Cu/L,
depending on the specific type of organism being controlled.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. Chemical contaminants that may be present in copper sulfate include (JECFA):

• arsenic • lead
• chloride • nickel
• iron


When employed in drinking water treatment, copper sulfate should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A limit of 2 mg/L based on health considerations and of 1 mg/L
for aesthetic considerations has been established for copper residues resulting from the use of copper

Copper sulfate breaks down algae, resulting in the release of algal toxins and odorous substances
that decay over time. Hence, a withholding period is needed after copper sulfate has been used as
an algicide, and it may be necessary to monitor copper residues, toxins and odours during a
follow-up period.

Copper sulfate products should not be used to treat more than half of a lake or pond at one time, in
order to avoid depletion of oxygen caused by decaying vegetation. One to two weeks should be
allowed between copper sulfate treatments to allow water oxygen levels to recover.

Copper entering a water treatment plant may be removed to some degree through coagulation with
clarification/filtration. Elevated pH assists in copper removal.


Copper sulfate was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 1983.
The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of
drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B602-02. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

ANZECC (Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council) / ARMCANZ (Agriculture
and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand) (2002). Australian and New Zealand
Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality. National Water Quality Management Strategy, ANZECC /
ARMCANZ, Canberra.

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th Edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications. FAO
Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

Lewis RJ (1993). Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 12th edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York, 315.

National Registration Authority for Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (1996). The Requirements
Manual for Agricultural Chemicals. National Registration Authority, Canberra.

Ramadan T (2000). Algae control solves aesthetic problems. Opflow 26(8): 1–4.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Ferric chloride
Drinking water treatment chemical
Ferric chloride is used as a primary coagulant in the treatment of drinking water, particularly
when a broad coagulation pH range is required It is used to remove turbidity, natural organic
matter (NOM) (including colour), microorganisms and many inorganic chemicals. Removal
of NOM reduces the formation of disinfection byproducts, because it removes the organic
precursors of the byproducts.


Ferric chloride, FeCl3 (anhydrous) or FeCl3·6H2O (crystalline), has a brownish-yellow or orange

colouration when in crystalline form and is very hygroscopic. In solution, it has the appearance of a
dark-brown syrup. Solutions of ferric chloride are acidic and corrosive to most metals. The typical pH
range of a 1% solution of ferric chloride is 3–4. The chemical is significantly more soluble in hot water
(535.7 g/100 mL at 100 °C) than in cold water (74.4 g/100 mL at 0°C), and is very soluble in alcohol,
ether and methanol.

Ferric chloride is available as a powder and in solution at 30–42%. A 42% solution of ferric chloride has a
specific gravity of 1.45 at 20oC, contains 14.5% iron and has a pH of 1–2.

Ferric chloride is highly corrosive to most metals, including stainless steel; however, it can be stored or
transported in fibreglass, rubber-lined carbon steel, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene or polypropylene.
Polytetrafluoroethylene and polyvinylidene difluoride are also suitable as lining materials.


Ferric chloride is obtained from ores containing iron and titanium oxides. It is also produced through the
reaction of chlorine gas with iron, ferrous sulfate or ferrous chloride.

The positively charged Fe species are available to interact with negatively charged colloidal matter in
water. Such matter includes inorganic turbidity particles and the high molecular weight fraction of organic
compounds present in natural organic matter (NOM). Fe cations interact with the natural alkalinity to
form hydroxides that then act in a charge neutralisation fashion similar to that for aluminium. Charge
neutralisation destabilises the repulsive forces between the negatively charged particles, allowing them
to approach closely, collide and agglomerate. Metal hydroxides precipitate and can enmesh any colloidal
particles. Iron floc is generally large and settles rapidly though it may be weaker than alum floc. As for
aluminium, sweep coagulation can also occur at higher doses.

The stoichiometry of the precipitation of iron hydroxide is described as follows:

FeCl3 (s) → Fe+3 + 3Cl−

Fe+3 + 3OH− →Fe (OH)3(s)

Ferric chloride is an effective coagulant at a pH between 4 and 11. When added to water, ferric chloride
consumes more alkalinity than does alum.


Ferric chloride is used as a primary coagulant, especially when a broader coagulation pH range is

The amount of ferric chloride added depends on the properties of the raw water, including factors such
as turbidity, NOM, temperature and alkalinity.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

Typical ferric chloride doses are 2–100 mg/L FeCl3·6H2O, although higher doses may be required if water
is particularly dirty. At high doses, product water should be tested to ensure that maximum contaminant
levels have not been exceeded.

The dose rate for ferric chloride may refer to crystalline or anhydrous ferric chloride, supplied as liquid
or as iron. Care should be taken when interpreting dose rates to ensure that comparisons are relevant.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in this product (KIWA 1994,
NRC 1982:

• antimony • mercury
• arsenic • nickel
• cadmium • phosphorus
• chromium • selenium
• cobalt • silver
• copper • titanium
• cyanide • vanadium
• lead • zinc
• manganese

Manganese concentrations in ferric chloride may be high enough to affect the treated water.


When employed in drinking water treatment, ferric chloride should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Conventional water treatment processes, if optimised, remove almost all of the ferric ions produced
when ferric chloride is used for coagulation. Residual chloride is usually at low levels, which do not
adversely affect drinking water quality.

The presence of any ferrous iron in the product reduces its effectiveness in water treatment and increases
the possibility of soluble iron carry over. This could cause post precipitation of ferric hydroxide (red
water) in the distribution system.


Ferric chloride was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 1983.
The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of
drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B407-98. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

KIWA (1994) Guideline quality of materials and chemicals for drinking water supplies. Inspectorate
of Public Health and Environmental Planning, Publication 94-01. Rijswijk, The Netherlands.

NRC (National Research Council) (1982). Water Chemicals Codex. Committee on Water
Treatment Chemicals, Food and Nutrition Board, Assembly of Life Sciences, NRC,
Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Ferric sulfate
Drinking water treatment chemical
Ferric sulfate is used as a primary coagulant in the treatment of drinking water, particularly
when a broad coagulation pH range is required. It is used to remove turbidity, natural organic
matter (NOM) (including colour), microorganisms and many inorganic chemicals. Removal
of NOM reduces the formation of disinfection byproducts, because it removes the organic
precursors of the byproducts.


Ferric sulfate, Fe2(SO4)3, is a yellow crystal or greyish-white powder that is soluble in water. In water
treatment, it is usually supplied as an aqueous solution of 39–45% w/w ferric sulfate (11–12.5% Fe). The
liquid solution has a specific gravity of 1.5–1.6 and is red-brown in colour. A 1% solution of ferric sulfate
is acidic (pH 3–4).

Ferric sulfate is also available in granular form with an iron content of 18.5–20% and a pH of less than 1.
It is not as corrosive as ferric chloride. Ferric sulfate can be stored or transported in stainless steels, lead,
fibreglass, rubber-lined carbon steel, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene or polypropylene.

Ferric sulfate can be used in a system built for alum dosing, whereas ferric chloride cannot.


Ferric sulfate is produced by the oxidation of ferrous sulfate or by dissolving ferric oxide in sulfuric acid.

In water, the ferric (iron III) ion hydrolyses and precipitates, to an extent that depends on pH and
dosage. Iron precipitates formed are goethite, HFeO2, and iron hydroxide, Fe(OH)3, which are less
soluble than aluminium precipitates. At equilibrium, the concentration of the soluble species is very low.
Fe cations interact with the natural alkalinity to form hydroxides that then act in a charge neutralisation
fashion similar to that for aluminium. Charge neutralisation destabilises the repulsive forces between
the negatively charged particles, allowing them to approach closely, collide and agglomerate. Metal
hydroxides precipitate and can enmesh any colloidal particles. Iron floc is generally large and settles
rapidly though it may be weaker than alum floc. As for aluminium, sweep coagulation can also occur at
higher doses.

The stoichiometry of the precipitation of iron hydroxides is described as follows:

Fe2 (SO4)3 → 2Fe+3 + 3SO42−

Fe+3 + 3OH− → Fe (OH)3 (s)

Ferric sulphate is an effective coagulant at pH values between 4 and 11.


Ferric sulfate is used as a primary coagulant in the treatment of drinking water, particularly when a broad
coagulation pH range is required.

The dose of ferric sulfate used depends on the properties of the raw water, including factors such as
turbidity, natural organic matter (NOM), temperature and alkalinity.

Typical ferric sulfate doses, expressed as mg/L Fe2(SO4)3, range from 2 mg/L to 100 mg/L although higher
doses may be required if the raw water is excessively dirty. At high doses, product water should be tested
to ensure that maximum contaminant levels have not been exceeded.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

The dose rate of ferric sulfate may be expressed as crystalline ferric sulphate, as supplied liquid or
as iron. Care should be taken when interpreting dose rates to ensure that any comparisons made are


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies depending on the
manufacturing process. Chemical contaminants that may be present in ferric sulfate are (JECFA, KIWA
1994, NRC 1982):

• antimony • mercury
• arsenic • nickel
• cadmium • phosphorus
• chromium • selenium
• cobalt • silver
• copper • titanium
• cyanide • vanadium
• lead • zinc
• manganese

In some products, manganese concentrations may be high enough to affect the treated water.


When employed in drinking water treatment, ferric sulfate should be used in such a way that
any contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline
values in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
Almost all of the ferric ions used for coagulation are removed by optimised conventional water
treatment processes. Residual sulfate is usually at low levels which do not adversely affect
drinking water quality.
The presence of any ferrous iron in the product reduces its effectiveness in water treatment
and increases the possibility of soluble iron carry over. Iron residuals after filtration can cause
floc to form in the distribution system, which can give rise to customer complaints. To minimise
residual levels of iron, pH and dosage conditions should exceed the solubility of iron. Poor
dosage selection or inadequate mixing also leads to elevated iron residuals.


Ferric sulfate was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 1983. The
revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of drinking water.


LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B406-97. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Details at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications.
FAO Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

KIWA (1994) Guideline quality of materials and chemicals for drinking water supplies. Inspectorate
of Public Health and Environmental Planning, Publication 94-01. Rijswijk, The Netherlands.

NRC (National Research Council) (1982). Water Chemicals Codex. Committee on Water
Treatment Chemicals, Food and Nutrition Board, Assembly of Life Sciences, NRC,
Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Hydrochloric acid
Drinking water treatment chemical
Hydrochloric acid is used to correct pH, regenerate deionisers and generate chlorine dioxide
on site.


Hydrochloric acid, HCl, also known as spirits of salts, is a colourless or slightly yellow, fuming, pungent
liquid. This strong and highly corrosive acid should be handled with extreme caution (particularly when
adding the concentrated acid to water), as it can cause severe burns and eye damage. Hydrochloric acid
is generally available as a 25–42% solution. A 28% solution has a specific gravity of 1.14 at 20°C. The acid
is soluble in water and benzene, and is noncombustible.

Hydrochloric acid is highly corrosive to most metals or alloys, liberating extremely flammable hydrogen
gas. Chlorine gas may also be liberated in reactions with oxidants or sodium hypochlorite. Hydrochloric
acid may be stored and piped in rubber-lined carbon steel, fibreglass-reinforced plastic with acid-resistant
resins, plastic liners and pipes (u-polyvinyl chloride, polythene and polypropylene).


Hydrochloric acid is manufactured by the combustion of chlorine gas in hydrogen to produce hydrogen
chloride gas, which is then dissolved in water.

Hydrochloric acid disassociates in water to produce a strong acid:

HCl ⇔ H+ + Cl–
To reduce fuming, the acid should be diluted (by adding acid to water) to about 20% HCl.


In drinking water treatment, hydrochloric acid is used to correct pH (for softening, corrosion control,
coagulation, prevention of post-precipitation), regenerate deionisers and generate the disinfectant
chlorine dioxide on site.

Doses of hydrochloric acid required vary widely, depending on the application and conditions.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on
the manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in this product
(JECFA, KIWA 1994):

• arsenic • methylene chloride

• chlorine • nickel
• chromium • sulfate
• iron • sulphur dioxide
• lead

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


When employed in drinking water treatment, hydrochloric acid should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.


Hydrochloric acid was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 2005.


Clesceri Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications.
FAO Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

KIWA (1994) Guideline quality of materials and chemicals for drinking water supplies. Inspectorate of
Public Health and Environmental Planning, Publication 94-01. Rijswijk, The Netherlands.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Hydrofluorosilicic acid
Drinking water treatment chemical
Hydrofluorosilicic acid is used to artificially fluoridate water, to reduce the occurrence of
dental caries. When dissolved in water, hydrofluorosilicic acid forms the fluoride ion–.


Hydrofluorosilicic acid, H2SiF6 (also known as fluorosilicic acid, hexafluorosilicic acid), is a colourless to
pale yellow liquid, poisonous and corrosive, with a pungent odour and irritating fumes. It can etch glass.
It has a specific gravity of 1.18 at 20 ºC at 22% strength.

The acid is usually delivered by road tanker but can be supplied in drums. It is incompatible with glass
and stoneware but can be stored in polythene drums, rubber-lined mild steel or polyvinyl chloride-lined
plastic tanks.


Hydrofluorosilicic acid is a byproduct of the preparation of chemical fertilisers from phosphate rock.
The rock is ground up and treated with sulphuric acid, forming a gas byproduct, which then reacts
with water to produce a weak acid. This hydrofluorosilicic acid solution is subsequently concentrated
to strengths of up to 30%. Manufacture of hydrofluorosilicic acid is limited, but because the acid is a
byproduct of the agricultural industry, it is generally readily available in Australia.

The dissolution of hydrofluorosilicic acid in water forms the fluoride ion (F–) as follows:

H2SiF6⇔ 2H+ + SiF62–

SiF62– ⇔ SiF4 + 2F–
SiF4 + 2H2O ⇔ SiO2 + 4F– + 4H+


Hydrofluorosilicic acid is used to fluoridate drinking water, to reduce the occurrence of dental caries. In
each State and Territory, except for South Australia, the fluoridation of drinking water is regulated by an
Act of Parliament; New South Wales and Queensland also have regulations in force.

In adding hydrofluorosilicic acid to drinking water, it is good practice to add the chemical after the
water has been treated, because fluoride ions may be adsorbed onto the surfaces of suspended matter
in water. In water that has been treated and disinfected, fluoridation is usually accomplished with a 20%
hydrofluorosilicic acid stock solution. The acid solution, despite its pH of 1.2, has little effect on the
pH of highly alkaline water, because relatively low amounts are used. However, the pH effect can be
significant with water of low alkalinity.

The target levels of fluoride in fluoridated water in Australia vary between 0.7 and 1.0 mg/L. The lower
concentrations apply in warmer climates, where more water is consumed. For an acid solution of 20%
strength (15.8% F–), this range translates to a dose of hydrofluorosilicic acid of 4.4–6.3 mg/L.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


Chemical contaminants that may occur in hydrofluorosilicic acid solutions include inorganic and organic
substances, and the following chemicals:

• arsenic • lead

The concentrations of contaminants depend on the purity of the raw materials used in fertiliser
production. Hydrofluorosilicic acid solutions also contain free hydrofluoric acid, which prevents the
precipitation of solid silica when the acid is diluted in water.


When employed in drinking water treatment, hydrofluorosilicic acid should be used in such a way that
any contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in
the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Fluoride forms precipitates with many metals and other elements, but is notably insoluble with calcium;
thus, scaling can occur when concentrated lime solution and concentrated fluoride solution come into
contact. Points for adding these solutions should be separated, to avoid this situation.


Hydrofluorosilicic acid was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in
1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of
drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B703-00. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Details at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Department of Health, South Africa (2003). Water fluoridation, a manual for water plant operators.
Available at <>

NSW Health (1957). Code of Practice for the fluoridation of public water supplies. NSW Fluoridation
of Water Supplies Act 1957, NSW Government Gazette No. 135.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Hydrogen peroxide
Drinking water treatment chemical
Hydrogen peroxide is used as an oxidant in the treatment of drinking water (often in
conjunction with ozone) to oxidise metals or organics, reduce tastes and odours, or act as an
algicide, disinfectant or biocide. It can also be used to destroy ozone residual.


Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, is a colourless syrupy liquid that is available in concentrations ranging from 20
to 60%, with a specific gravity between 1.07 and 1.24 at 20°C and pH 1–4.

There are strict handling and storage requirements that must be adhered to for hydrogen peroxide,
which is especially dangerous at concentrations over 52%, because it is a strong oxidant and extremely
corrosive. Materials suitable for handling and storing hydrogen peroxide include passivated aluminium or
stainless steel (types 304L and 316L). Plastic piping (polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene) is only suitable
for short-term use.


Hydrogen peroxide is manufactured by electrolytic or organic auto-oxidation processes. A common

example is the auto-oxidation of alkylated anthraquinones through hydrogenation with oxidation in the
presence of a catalyst.

Used with ozone, hydrogen peroxide produces the powerful hydroxyl radical:

2H2O2 + 2O3 = 4OH• + 3O2

For the destruction of ozone in water, this reaction proceeds to water and oxygen.

Hydrogen sulfide, a common taste and odour compound, is oxidised to sulfate by hydrogen peroxide as
follows, or to colloidal sulfur.

4H2O2 + H2S ⇔ SO42– + 4H2O + 2 H+ pH >8

H2O2 + H2S ⇔ S + 2H2O pH 7

Hydrogen peroxide also oxidises iron and manganese, which are then precipitated.


In water treatment, hydrogen peroxide is used with ozone to produce the hydroxyl radical, which is a
powerful oxidant. The combination of hydrogen peroxide and ozone is used to:
• oxidise iron, manganese, sulfide and hazardous synthetic organic compounds such as
trichloroethylene and atrazine
• remove taste and odour-causing substances, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) which is commonly
found in groundwater
• reduce colour and natural organic matter
• improve the performance of coagulants, or reduce the required amount of coagulants.

Hydrogen peroxide is a biocide, and can be used before treatment to control the growth of aquatic
organisms such as algae in the pretreatment basin. It may also be used as a primary disinfectant to meet
the Ct (disinfectant concentration × contact time) requirements. Alternatively, hydrogen peroxide can be
used after the ozonation stage to destroy ozone residual and minimise its release to the atmosphere.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

Hydrogen peroxide is often added at the head of a treatment plant, before or at the rapid mix basin.
However, it can also be added after clarification and before filtration, when a substantial portion of
the oxidant demand has been removed.

To determine the optimum hydrogen peroxide concentration for a particular application, it is best to
undertake pilot-plant and jar-testing trials. For use with ozone, the hydrogen peroxide to ozone ratio
is typically 0.4–0.5; whereas, for destroying ozone residual, a concentration of 1.4 mg/L of H2O2 (50%
strength) would be required for each mg/L of ozone.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in hydrogen peroxide

• acetanilide • iron
• acetophenetidin • sulfuric acid
• arsenic • tin
• copper


Hydrogen peroxide decomposes to oxygen and water.

When employed in drinking water treatment, hydrogen peroxide should be used in such a way that
any contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values
in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.


Hydrogen peroxide was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical
in 1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment
of drinking water.


IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) (1999). Monographs on the Evaluation of the
Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. World Health Organization, Geneva, 71: 683.

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications.
FAO Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

Rueff J et al (1993). DNA strand breaks and chromosomal aberrations induced by H2O2 and 60Co
gamma-radiation. Mutation Research 289 (2): 197–204.

White GC (1992). Handbook of chlorination and alternative disinfectants, 3rd edition. Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York.]

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Hydroxylated ferric sulfate

Drinking water treatment chemical
Hydroxylated ferric sulfate is used as a coagulant for the treatment of drinking water. It is
effective over a broad pH range and generally produces a stronger floc than other ferric salts.


Hydroxylated ferric sulfate (HFS), Fex(SO4)y(OH), also known as polymerised ferric sulphate, is one of
several hydroxylated iron coagulants produced from ferrous sulfate. It is a translucent, dark reddish
liquid, with no odour. It is available in various ferric iron and basicity concentrations, but typically
contains 12.5 % Fe.

HFS has a pH of less than 2 and a specific gravity of 1.45–1.6 at 25oC. It is corrosive, but can be stored in
fibreglass, rubber-lined steel, stainless steel, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride or polytetrafluoroethylene.

For commercial coagulant solutions, the basicity varies from about 5 to 15% for prehydrolysed iron
salts. As the basicity exceeds 15%, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the metal hydroxide
precipitate from forming in the product solution during shipping and extended storage. The typical
basicity for HFS is 10 %.


HFS is produced by oxidising ferrous sulfate. It can also be produced by dissolving ferrous oxide in
sulfuric acid under controlled conditions. The chemical is similar to ferric sulfate, but its small polymeric
chains provide additional coagulation properties, so it may be preferable to ferric sulfate for water that is
difficult to treat.

In water, ferric (iron III) ion hydrolyses and precipitates, to an extent that depends on pH and dosage.
Iron precipitates formed are goethite (HFeO2) and iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)3), which are less soluble
than aluminium precipitates. At equilibrium, the concentration of the soluble species is very low. The
stoichiometry of the precipitation of iron hydroxide is described as follows:

Fe+3 + 3OH− → Fe (OH)3 (s)


HFS coagulates relatively quickly over a wide pH range (pH 4–11). It forms a dense floc and does not
cause significant variation in pH. The floc produced is usually similar in characteristics to alum floc, but
has less impact on pH and alkalinity. HFS generally produces a more robust floc than other iron salts.
It is often preferred over conventional coagulants for low alkalinity waters containing colour because
it does not consume as much alkalinity as other coagulants; thus, the need to add alkali in addition to
coagulant is reduced.

The dose of HFS used depends on the properties of the raw water, including factors such as turbidity,
natural organic matter, temperature and alkalinity. As with other coagulants, higher doses are required as
turbidity and colour increase, and colder temperatures slow down reaction times.

Typical HFS doses (expressed as supplied HFS in mg/L) are 5–100 mg/L, although higher doses may be
required if the water is particularly dirty. At high doses, product water should be tested to ensure that
maximum contaminant levels have not been exceeded.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

The dose rate of HFS may be expressed as ferric sulfate, supplied HFS liquid or iron. Care should
be taken when interpreting dose rates to ensure that relevant comparisons are made. Because of its
reactivity, HFS should be used neat if possible, or not pre-diluted such that is hydrolyses before contact
with the water to be treated.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in HFS:

• antimony • mercury
• arsenic • nickel
• cadmium • phosphorus
• chromium • selenium
• cobalt • silver
• copper • titanium
• cyanide • vanadium
• lead • zinc
• manganese

In some products, manganese concentrations may be significant.


When employed in drinking water treatment, HFS should be used in such a way that any contaminant
or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the Australian
Drinking Water Guidelines.

Almost all ferric ions used for coagulation are removed by conventional water treatment processes.
Residual sulfate is usually at low levels that do not adversely affect drinking water quality.


HFS was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 2005.


Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Drinking water treatment chemical
Ozone is used as an oxidant and disinfectant in the treatment of drinking water. It can oxidise
metals and organic compounds, including algal toxins, tastes and odours. Ozonation does not
produce a residual so cannot be used to maintain a disinfection residual in the distribution


Ozone (O3) is an unstable blue or colourless gas with a pungent odour. It can be liquefied at –12°C,
and has a boiling point of –112°C and a freezing point of –192°C. It is more soluble in water than
oxygen. As a strong oxidant and disinfectant, ozone effectively inactivates bacteria, viruses and protozoa
(Cryptosporidium and Giardia), controls tastes and odours, and breaks down organic contaminants
and algal toxins. Ozone also aids in coagulation and flocculation, by breaking down organic chains and
starting microflocculation. Ozone does not produce halogenated disinfection byproducts, except
in bromide-rich waters where bromate ion is generated.

Disadvantages of ozone are that it is relatively costly and does not produce a persistent disinfectant
residual (and therefore cannot be used to maintain a disinfection residual in the distribution system).
Also, ozone produces biodegradable organic material that increases biofouling problems in the water
distribution system. This biodegradable material can be achieved by using biologically activated carbon
(BAC) filters after ozone treatment.

Ozone in water is highly corrosive; therefore, only it can only be used with certain materials, such as
316 and 305 stainless steel, glass and Teflon. Ozone is produced on site using electrical discharges in
the presence of oxygen. The maximum concentration of ozone generated is 50 g/m3 and the maximum
practical solubility of ozone in water is approximately 40 mg/L.


Ozone is produced on site, as described above, and is highly unstable in the gaseous phase. Ozone has
a half-life of 20–100 hours in clean vessels, at room temperature.

Two types of reactions occur when ozone is added to water:

• direct oxidation (a slow and extremely selective reaction favoured by low pH conditions)
• autodecomposition to the hydroxyl radical (a reaction catalysed by hydroxyl radicals, organic
radicals, hydrogen peroxide, ultraviolet light or high concentrations of hydroxide ion; and favoured
by high pH conditions or high concentrations of organic matter).

Ozone breaks down more slowly in water that has a high concentration of bicarbonate or carbonate.
Therefore, an ozone residual will last longer in highly buffered water with low pH.

The reaction of ozone with contaminants in the water requires a sufficient contact time and a high
transfer efficiency coefficient, which can be provided by well-designed ozone contactors and mixing
devices. The gas vented from the contactors contains ozone, which has to be destroyed or reinjected
before the air is released to the atmosphere.


Ozone is a very strong oxidant that is moderately soluble in water. Typical concentrations used in
drinking water are 0.5–5 mg (O3)/L, depending on the organic content of the water. The required dose
should be determined through bench-scale ozone demand tests or pilot-plant testing, using available

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

Ct (concentration × contact time) data for the inactivation of various microorganisms. The contact time
required for ozone inactivation of microorganisms varies from seconds to minutes (the longer time being
required for inactivation of protozoan cysts) and is temperature dependent; it is significantly shorter than
the contact time required for chlorine or chloramines.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process and impurities in the air or oxygen used to generate the ozone. The following
chemicals may be present in ozone:

• acetylene • carbon monoxide

• argon • hydrocarbons
• carbon dioxide • nitrous oxide


When employed in drinking water treatment, ozone should be used in such a way that any contaminant
or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the Australian
Drinking Water Guidelines.

Ozone can react with bromide to form brominated ozone, which includes bromate ion (BrO3−).
If natural organic material is present, nonhalogenated organic disinfection byproducts are formed.
These include aldehydes (formaldehyde being dominant), ketoacids and carboxylic acids. If both
natural organic material and bromide are present, hypobromous acid is formed, together with
brominated organohalogen compounds.


Ozone was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 2005.


APHA (1998). APHA 4500-O3, Ozone (residual), in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th Edition, American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Water Treatment Plant Design (1990). American Water Works Association, 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Drinking water treatment chemical
Polyacrylamide is used in water treatment as an aid to coagulation, flocculation, clarification,
filtration or handling of sludge.


Polyacrylamide, (CH2CHCONH2)n, is a white crystalline solid. It is hydrophilic, with molecular weights

of 1–30 million daltons, and chain lengths of 1.4 × 104 to 4.2 × 105 monomer units. Polyacrylamide
is available in anionic, cationic or non-ionic forms, and in a variety of molecular weights and charge
densities, to suit the particular characteristics of the water to be treated. It may be supplied as a powder,
as an aqueous solution, dispersed in a light mineral oil or bound up in a solid cake that slowly dissolves
when immersed.

Appropriate handling materials for polyacrylamide include fibreglass-reinforced plastic, polyethylene,

polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, stainless steel and coated steel.


Polyacrylamide is usually manufactured by the polymerisation of the acrylamide monomer (AM) to

form a non-ionic polymer, polymerisation of AM with acrylic acid salts to form an anionic polymer,
or polymerisation of AM with cationic monomer to form a cationic polymer.


In drinking water treatment, polyacrylamide may be added:

• as a coagulation aid, immediately after coagulation, to strengthen the precipitate formed
• as a flocculation aid, at the start of flocculation, to increase the agglomeration of the floc
• as a clarification aid, before clarification, to help settle floc, bind dissolved air bubbles to floc
(in dissolved air flotation, DAF) or bind floc to microsand
• as a filtration aid, before filtration, to minimise floc shearing and to improve adsorption of floc
onto the filter medium
• to backwash water, to minimise filter ripening periods
• to sludge for thickening or dewatering, to improve performance.

As a coagulation, flocculation or clarification aid, polyacrylamide is typically used at concentrations of

0.05–0.3 mg/L. As a filter aid, it is usually applied in lower doses (0.01–0.1 mg/L). For sludge handling,
typical doses of polyacrylamide are 0.5–2 kg per tonne of dry solids for thickening, and 1–4 kg for

High doses of polyacrylamide can cause clogging and blockages, particularly in filter beds. Therefore,
where high doses of polymers are used in water treatment, it is best to clean filters by both air scouring
and water washing. Even with relatively low doses of polyacrylamide, filter beds should be inspected
regularly for signs of polymer build-up. Regular measurement of the headloss accumulation rate in a filter
is also useful.

Care should be taken in making up polymer solutions to minimise the formation of lumps of undissolved
polymer (referred to as ‘fish eyes’). The polymer should be mixed with the water using a well designed
eductor, so that each grain of polymer is separately introduced to the water.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

The polymer solution should also be suitably aged before dosing to obtain best performance. Aging
requires gentle mixing of the polymer solution for 1–4 hours (refer to manufacturer for specific polymer
aging times).

While most polymers are at least chlorine resistant, making up polymer solutions with chlorinated
water can reduce their effectiveness.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in this product, depending
on the raw materials used:

• acetamide • hydroquinone
• acetone • methacrylamide
• acrylamide • methyl ether hydroquinone
• acrylic acid • peroxide
• acrylonitrile • propanamide
• copper • sulfate


Polyacrylamides contain varying residual amounts of unreacted acrylamide monomer.

When employed in drinking water treatment, polyacrylamide should be used in such a way that any
contaminants or byproducts formed by the use of the chemical do not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.


Polyacrylamide, acrylic acid polymers and copolymers were endorsed by the NHMRC as drinking water
treatment chemicals in 1977 and 1979. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not result in any change to
the status of this chemical for the treatment of drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater
Association)Standard no B453-01. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Brown L and Rhead MM (1979). Liquid chromatographic determination of acrylamide monomer in

natural and polluted aqueous environments. Analyst 104:391–399.

Letterman RD and Pero (1990). Contaminants in Polyelectrolyets used in Water Treatment. American
Water Works Association 82(11): 87–97.

NICNAS (National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme) (2002). Priority Existing
Chemical Assessment No 23: Acrylamide, NICNAS, Canberra.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Polyaluminium chloride
Drinking water treatment chemical
Polyaluminium chloride is used as a primary coagulant in the treatment of drinking water. It
is effective over a range of pH values. It is particularly effective on some waters and usually
requires a lower dose than alum.


Polyaluminium chloride (PACl), Al2(OH)3Cl3, is also known as aluminium hydroxy chloride or basic
aluminium chloride. In solution, PACl is colourless to pale yellow, clear to slightly cloudy liquid. It is
usually supplied with a minimum of 10% Al2O3 content, a pH of 2.2–2.8 and a basicity of about 50%
(w/w). PACl solution has a specific gravity of 1.18–1.22 at 20°C and is completely soluble in water. Its
use requires less alkalinity adjustment than most coagulants because of its basicity.

The formula Al2(OH)3Cl3, is simply a representation of the proportions of aluminium, hydroxide and
chloride in the solution. A generic formula for the PACl species may be given as Al2(OH)mCl(6-m) where
the value of m typically ranges from 2.5 to 3.5.

PACl can be stored in fibreglass or plastics (polyethylene, polypropylene or polyfluorene), but is

corrosive to most materials, including stainless steel (although 316 stainless steel can be used).


PACl is manufactured by the reaction of hydrochloric acid with aluminium-containing raw materials
such as aluminium metal, alumina trihydrate, aluminium chloride or aluminium sulfate.

PACl solution is a complex, dynamic mixture of positively charged polynuclear aluminium species,
with no single species predominating. When applied to water, these species interact with and destablise
negatively charged colloidal matter, such as inorganic particles and the high molecular weight organic
compounds that largely constitute natural organic matter. The polynuclear species also hydrolyse to
form dense flocs of aluminium hydroxides that further act to entrap particles and remove some organic.
An example of one of the many polynuclear species that may be present in PACl solution is the so called
Al-13 ion that has the formula [AlO4.Al12(OH)24(H2O)12]13+.

The hydrolysis of PACl produces less acid than the hydrolysis of aluminium sulfate owing to the high
degree of hydroxylation of the aluminium. As a result, PACl generally requires less pH correction with
alkali than if alum were the coagulant.


PACl is used as a primary coagulant to reduce turbidity, metals, colour and natural organic matter.

The amount of PACl added as a coagulant depends on the properties of the raw water, including factors
such as turbidity, dissolved organic carbon, temperature and alkalinity.

Typical PACl doses (with 10% Al2O3 content) are 5–100 mg/L, although higher doses can be required if
the water is particularly dirty. Doses should be determined by laboratory trials.

PACl is the next most commonly used aluminium salt after alum. Compared to alum, it produces a
relatively robust floc, generally requires lower doses and is effective over a wider pH range.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


PACl solution is usually low in trace metals, because it is made from clean raw materials. However, the
following chemical contaminants may be present in this product:

• antimony • magnesium
• arsenic • manganese
• barium • mercury
• beryllium • nickel
• cadmium • phosphorus
• chromium • selenium
• copper • silver
• fluoride • thallium
• iron • zinc
• lead


When employed in drinking water treatment, PACl should be used in such a way that any contaminant
or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the Australian
Drinking Water Guidelines.

Most of the aluminium ions resulting from the use of PACl as a coagulant are removed by conventional
water treatment processes. Residual chloride will be present, but at low levels that do not adversely affect
drinking water quality.


Polyaluminum chloride was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical
in 1979. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment
of drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B408-98. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th Edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Polyaluminium silica sulfates

Drinking water treatment chemical
Polyaluminium silica sulfates are a relatively new group of coagulants in the treatment of
drinking water. They are effective for removal of metals, colour and turbidity, and readily
forms floc even in clean water.


Polyaluminium silicate sulfate, AlA(OH)B(SO4)C(SiOx)D·E(H2O) (also known as aluminium hydroxide

silicate sulfate) are pale yellow in colour and appears slightly cloudy to clear. It is usually supplied with
a minimum of 9.8% Al2O3, a basicity of about 54% and a specific gravity of 1.32–1.36 (at 25°C). It has a
pH of 2.8–3.6. It can be stored in fibreglass, plastics and stainless steel.


Polyaluminium silicate sulfate is manufactured from alum, soda ash, sodium silicate and sodium

Polyaluminium silicate sulfate solution is a polymerised coagulant solution containing aluminium in

short chains. The high basicity of polyaluminium silicate sulfate assists in flocculation, because the
coagulant does not require alkalinity to form the initial floc. The charge on colloidal particles and
dissolved organics is neutralised by adsorption onto the very small flocs that form initially. Silicate
compounds in PASS help to form larger flocs faster than with many other coagulants.


Polyaluminium silicate sulfate is used as a coagulant in the treatment of water and wastewater and to
assist sludge blanket formation at start up. Polyaluminium silicate sulfate forms floc rapidly, even in cold
water. It tends to form floc even with clean dilution water; therefore, it should be added as supplied (i.e.

Typical concentrations of polyaluminium silicate sulfate used in drinking water treatment depend on
the quality of the water to be treated and the purpose of the treatment. Polyaluminium silicate sulfate
doses are typically 5–100 mg/L, but may be higher if the water is particularly dirty. The appropriate
concentration should be determined by laboratory trials. Polyaluminium silicate sulfate must be used
undiluted in jar tests.


The following contaminants may be present depending on the manufacturing process:

• antimony • magnesium
• arsenic • manganese
• barium • mercury
• beryllium • nickel
• cadmium • phosphorus
• chromium • selenium
• copper • silver
• fluoride • thallium
• iron • zinc
• lead
NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


When employed in drinking water treatment, polyaluminium silicate sulfate should be used in such a
way that any contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline
values in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.


Polyaluminium silicate sulfate was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment
chemical in 2005.


Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Clifford DA (1999). Ion Exchange and Inorganic Adsorption. In: Water Quality and Treatment,
A Handbook of Community Water Supplies, Letterman RD (ed), American Water Works Association,
5th edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, New York, 9.1–9.91.

Lewis RJ Sr (1993). Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 12th edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York.

McGregor S (2002) Pass for P.A.S.S. on OHS and treatment. WaterWorks, December pp 12-15.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride
Drinking water treatment chemical
Polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (polyDADMAC) is used in the treatment of drinking
water as a primary coagulant or, together with an inorganic coagulant, as a coagulation aid.
PolyDADMAC reduces the quantities of floc and sludge produced.


Polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (C8H16N·Cl)n, (also known as polyDADMAC), is a cationic

polyelectrolyte with a medium molecular weight range of 105–106 and a high charge density (50–100%).
The chemical is available as a powder or aqueous solution (10–60%). PolyDADMAC is not pH sensitive
and is chlorine resistant.

Appropriate handling materials for polyDADMAC include fibreglass-reinforced plastic, polyethylene,

polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, stainless steel and coated steel.


PolyDADMAC is produced from the diallyldimethylammonium chloride (DADMAC) monomer, which is

made from allyl chloride and dimethylamine.


PolyDADMAC can be used in a conventional treatment process as a primary coagulant for neutralisation
and precipitation, in place of metal salts. The positively charged polyDADMAC reacts with turbidity
particles and humic substances, which are generally negatively charged. The reaction eliminates the
charge, allowing the particles to agglomerate. PolyDADMAC is usually most effective with particulate
material; it may be less useful than aluminium and iron salts for treating dilute inorganic suspensions and
water with significant amounts of colour.

PolyDADMAC can also be used as a secondary coagulant, to partially replace inorganic salts. A small
dose of polyDADMAC may significantly reduce the amount of inorganic salt required (thus reducing
floc volume and improving filter run times); often, it also improves treated water quality. PolyDADMAC
is used particularly in direct and contact filtration processes, where the objective of coagulation is to
produce small, high-density aggregates.

In treatment of drinking water, typical concentrations of polyDADMAC are 0.2–6 mg/L (as 100%
polyDADMAC). When polyDADMAC is used, together with an inorganic salt, as a secondary coagulant,
concentrations are usually lower (0.2–1 mg/L). The amount of polyDADMAC required should be
determined through jar testing. The chemical can be added at concentrations of up to 10 mg/L, provided
that the residual concentration of the monomer (DADMAC) does not exceed 2% of the polymer, and that
the concentration of the residual monomer does not exceed 0.2 mg/L in the clarified water.

At concentrations above 40%, polyDADMAC is difficult to pump, because of its relatively high viscosity.
Excessive polymer concentrations can adversely affect coagulation and filtration by redispersing the

Being highly charged, polyDADMAC should be diluted before it is added to the main water stream, so
that it mixes more easily.

PolyDADMAC is usually supplied as a liquid. If supplied as a solid, individuals should seek advice from
the supplier of the polymer as how to best prepare it.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in this product:

• 5-hexenal • diallyl ether

• allyl chloride • dimethylamine
• DAD monomers


When employed in drinking water treatment, polyDADMAC should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Diallyldimethylammonium chloride residues are present in polyDADMAC.


PolyDADMAC was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 1982.
The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of
drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B451-98. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Bolto, B. (August, 1994). Polymeric Flocculants in Water Purification. Water Chemistry Supplement in
Water Journal 21(4): 431-433.

Letterman RD and Pero (1990). Contaminants in Polyelectrolytes used in Water Treatment. American
Water Works Association 82(11): 87–97.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Potassium permanganate
Drinking water treatment chemical
Potassium permanganate is mainly used for the oxidation and removal of iron and manganese;
it can also be used as a disinfectant, or to control tastes and odours.


Potassium permanganate, KMnO4, is a dark purple crystal with a blue metallic sheen. It has a sweetish,
astringent taste, is odourless and is an oxidant. The chemical is commercially available in crystalline form.
Potassium permanganate is highly soluble in water, but heating is usually needed to prepare solutions
with concentrations of more than 2.5%.

Appropriate handling materials include iron, steel, stainless steel, fibreglass-reinforced plastic,
polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride.


Potassium permanganate is produced by fusing manganese dioxide with potassium hydroxide to

form potassium manganate; a solution of the manganate is then electrolysed at about 60°C using iron

Under most treatment applications, permanganate (MnO4–) is reduced to insoluble manganese dioxide
(MnO2 (s)).

Divalent manganese (Mn2+) is removed from water by the oxidation to insoluble manganese dioxide
(MnO2). As the oxidant, the permanganate ion MnO4- is itself reduced to manganese dioxide. The
reaction proceeds as follows:

3Mn2+ + 2MnO4- + 4OH → 5MnO2 + 2H2O

The stoichiometric ratio of KMnO4 to soluble Mn2+ is 1.92:1; however, reactions with organics usually
require significantly higher ratios. The alkalinity consumed is 1.2 mg of CaCO3 per milligram of Mn2+, and
the sludge produced (based on MnO2 as the precipitate) is 2.6 kg/kg Mn2+.

Potassium permanganate can also be used to oxidise iron and organics. The stoichiometric ratio of
KMnO4 to soluble Fe2+ is 0.94:1; however, reactions with organics usually require higher ratios. The
alkalinity consumed is 1.5 mg per mg of Fe2+ and the sludge produced (based on Fe(OH)3 as the
precipitate) is 2.4 kg/kg Mn2+.

Manganese dioxide resulting from permanganate reduction is an effective adsorbent for ferrous iron
(Fe2+), manganous manganese (Mn2+), radium (Ra2+) and other trace inorganic cationic species. These
contaminants can be removed by permanganate treatment.

Manganese dioxide also adsorbs natural organic materials that serve as precursors for disinfection
byproducts. This characteristic of manganese dioxide is particularly pronounced in hard waters,
presumably because of the bridging action of calcium and manganese.


In drinking water treatment, potassium permanganate can be fed into solution directly using a dry
chemical feeder or as a liquid bulk supply using dosing pumps. Alternatively, a concentrated solution can
be prepared on site, from which the desired concentration is added to the water.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

Permanganate is often added at the head of the treatment plant, as close to the intake as possible.
This allows sufficient time for the permanganate to perform its oxidative function and to be reduced
completely to solid manganese dioxide before filtration. In some cases, an alkali (usually lime) is added
before, or soon after, addition of potassium permanganate, to assist in the oxidation process. Potassium
permanganate can be effective over a range of pH values, but is most effective at pH 8.5 or higher.

The adsorptive property of MnO2(s) is the principle underlying the historical manganese greensand
process, in which the filter medium is coated with manganese dioxide, which subsequently serves as
an adsorbent for Fe2+, Mn2+ and other metals in the filter influent. Filter media can be coated with
manganese oxide by applying a potassium permanganate solution to the filter bed and oxidising it
(through chlorination or aeration). Low doses of chlorine or permanganate are applied to the filter
influent to catalyse the oxidation of the adsorbed metals, thereby creating additional adsorption sites.
Alternatively, the filter backwash water may be treated with chlorine or permanganate.

Concentrations of potassium permanganate used in drinking water treatment depend on the

concentrations of metals and organics, but are usually 0.3–5 mg/L. Overdosing of the chemical should
be avoided because of the pink colour of unreacted permanganate. The potassium permanganate levels
required should be determined by jar testing.

Advantages of potassium permanganate include its ease of use and the fact that it is effective for the
oxidation of both iron and manganese and for certain types of taste and odour. As a disinfectant, it
produces no halogenated disinfection byproducts, but has only a limited disinfection capability.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in this product (NRC 1982):

• cadmium • mercury
• chloride • sulfate
• chromium


When employed in drinking water treatment, potassium permanganate should be used in such a way
that any contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values
in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

The manganese dioxide produced is a black precipitate that can be removed by a conventional
clarification or filtration process. If manganese dioxide is not properly removed, the precipitates will
create particulate deposits in the distribution system and on household plumbing fixtures. At manganese
concentrations above 0.02 mg/L, an increase in consumer complaints is common.


Potassium permanganate was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical
in 1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of
drinking water.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B603-98. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

NRC (National Research Council) (1982). Water Chemicals Codex. Committee on Water Treatment
Chemicals, Food and Nutrition Board, Assembly of Life Sciences, NRC, Washington, DC.

White GC (1992). Handbook of chlorination and alternative disinfectants, 3rd edition. Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Sodium aluminate
Drinking water treatment chemical
Sodium aluminate is used as a primary coagulant in drinking water treatment, especially in
water with low alkalinity; it can also be used in combination with alum to control alkalinity
and pH.


Sodium aluminate, Na2Al2O4, is a white powder that is hygroscopic, soluble in water and strongly
alkaline. The aqueous solution is a clear, colourless to pale amber liquid, with a pH of 14.

Sodium aluminate can be supplied as a powder or as a solution. The solid product contains 70–90%
Na2Al2O4, whereas the liquid form contains 29–35% Na2Al2O4. The liquid solution has a specific gravity
of 1.4–1.6, with an excess alkali (as sodium hydroxide, NaOH) of 8–13% and Al2O3 equivalent of 18–21%.

Appropriate handling materials for sodium aluminate include iron, fibreglass-reinforced plastic,
polyethylene, rubber, steel, stainless steel and concrete.


Sodium aluminate is produced by combining aluminium oxide with excess caustic soda.

The aluminium ion neutralises the negative charges on turbidity particles and also forms insoluble metal
hydroxides that agglomerate the neutralised particles:

Na2Al2O4 + 4H2O → 2Na+ + 2Al+3 + 8OH−

Al2O3 + 3H2O ⇔ 2Al(OH)3(s)

1 mg/L of Na2Al2O4 (88%) increases the alkalinity of the water by 0.54 mg/L and reduces carbon dioxide,
CO2, by 0.47 mg/L.


In drinking water treatment, sodium aluminate is used as a primary coagulant, especially in water with
low alkalinity. It can also be used in combination with alum to control alkalinity and pH. An advantage
of sodium aluminate is that the chemical provides both aluminium and alkali. However, its use as a
coagulant in water treatment is limited by cost and by its chemical properties, which make it more
difficult to handle than alum or other metal salts.

Because sodium aluminate contains a high percentage of aluminium, a concentration of 1 mg/L of

Na2Al2O4 is equivalent to 3.5 mg/L of alum (on a dry weight basis).

Typical concentrations used are 2–60 mg/L (as Na2Al2O4). The appropriate level should be determined by
jar testing.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in this product:

• arsenic • lead
• cadmium • mercury
• chromium • selenium
• iron • silver
NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


When employed in drinking water treatment, sodium aluminate should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Aluminium residuals remaining after filtration can cause floc to form in the distribution system, which
can lead to customer complaints.


Sodium aluminate was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical
in 1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment
of drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B405-00. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Sodium bicarbonate
Drinking water treatment chemical
Sodium bicarbonate is used to correct pH, control corrosion, soften water for coagulation and
prevent post-precipitation.


Sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3 (also known as baking soda, bicarbonate of soda, sodium acid carbonate
or sodium hydrogen carbonate), is in the form of a white powder or crystalline lumps, and has a slightly
alkaline taste. It is soluble in water (96 g/L at 20ºC) and stable in dry air, but slowly decomposes in moist
air. Its specific gravity is 2.159 at 20ºC, with a bulk density of 1000 kg/m3. Sodium bicarbonate is available
in several grades, but is usually supplied as > 99% sodium bicarbonate. A 10 g/L solution has a pH of 8.4.
The chemical decomposes with heat (> 50ºC) and reacts with acid to release carbon dioxide.

Suitable storage materials for sodium bicarbonate include rubber linings and stainless steel.


Sodium bicarbonate is most economically produced by bubbling carbon dioxide gas through a solution
of purified sodium carbonate; the bicarbonate precipitates out and can be collected and dried. Sodium
bicarbonate is also an intermediate product in the Solvay process for making sodium carbonate.

Sodium bicarbonate provides bicarbonate alkalinity without significantly changing the pH of the water:

NaHCO3 ⇔ Na+ + HCO3–

It can further break down to carbon dioxide in the presence of acid:

HCO3– + H+ ⇔ CO2 + H2O


In drinking water treatment, sodium bicarbonate is used to correct pH, control corrosion, soften water for
coagulation and prevent post-precipitation. It is used as a source of alkalinity for the treatment of waters
with low alkalinity, but is more expensive than soda ash or lime. When it is used to improve coagulation,
additional alkalinity or pH adjustment is often required.

The concentration of sodium bicarbonate required depends on the alkalinity and pH of the raw water
and the targets for the treated water. Jar testing should be used to determine requirements.

Sodium bicarbonate can increase alkalinity with little increase in pH. It imparts a change of 0.60 g/L
CaCO3 alkalinity per mg/L as NaHCO3.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water will vary depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in this product (JECFA):

• ammonium • chloride
• arsenic • iron

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


When employed in drinking water treatment, sodium bicarbonate should be used in such a way that
any contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in
the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Sodium, alkalinity, carbonate and carbon dioxide are the only significant residues that are expected to
occur from sodium bicarbonate, but none of these is likely to become a problem at normal doses.


Sodium bicarbonate was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in
1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of
drinking water.


Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications.
FAO Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

Singer PC and Reckhow DA (1999). Chemical oxidation. In: Water Quality and Treatment, A Handbook
of Community Water Supplies, Letterman RD (ed), American Water Works Association, 5th edition.
McGraw-Hill Professional, New York, 12.1–12.51.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Sodium carbonate
Drinking water treatment chemical
Sodium carbonate is used to correct pH, control corrosion, soften water for coagulation and
prevent post-precipitation.


Sodium carbonate, Na2CO3 (also known as soda ash), is a hygroscopic, greyish-white powder. It is
supplied in the form of crystalline granules containing more than 99% sodium carbonate. It is soluble in
water (to 250 g/L) and noncombustible. The chemical is available in different grades. Dense soda ash
(specific gravity 2.15, bulk density 1000 kg/m3) is most commonly employed in the water industry, but
light soda ash (specific gravity 2.53, bulk density 500 kg/m3) may also be used. Liquid soda ash is also
available as a solution of various concentrations. Liquid soda ash is typically supplied as a 10 % w/v
solution that has a specific gravity of 1.1(25oC) and a pH of up to 12.5. A 1% solution has a pH of 11.3.

Appropriate materials for handling sodium carbonate include rubber linings, iron, steel, fibreglass
reinforced plastic and polyethylene.


Sodium carbonate is found in natural deposits and is mined. It is also recovered, with other chemicals,
from lake brines. However, most is produced through the Solvay process, in which ammonia and
carbon dioxide are passed into a saturated sodium chloride solution, forming first ammonium hydrogen
carbonate, then soluble ammonium chloride and a precipitate of sodium hydrogen carbonate (sodium
bicarbonate). The precipitate is filtered off and heated to produce sodium carbonate.

Sodium carbonate produces hydroxide and bicarbonate ions in water:

Na2CO3 + H2O ⇔ 2Na+ +HCO3– + OH–

Sodium carbonate is used together with lime to remove noncarbonate hardness (that portion of calcium
and magnesium present as noncarbonate salts) as shown below:

MgSO4 + Ca(OH)2 ⇔ Mg(OH)2 + CaSO4

CaSO4 + Na2CO3 ⇔ CaCO3 + Na2SO4

The solubility of magnesium hydroxide varies with pH. A pH of 11–11.3 is usually needed to remove
magnesium effectively; this will require a concentration of lime higher than the stoichiometric

The quantity of sodium carbonate needed to remove noncarbonate hardness can be estimated using the
following equation:

Na2(CO)3 (mg/L) = 1.05 x (noncarbonate hardness removed (mg/L))

Noncarbonate hardness is expressed as CaCO3.


In drinking water treatment, sodium carbonate is used mainly as a source of alkalinity and pH
adjustment. It is more expensive than lime but is generally easier to handle, because of its higher
solubility. If hard water is used for making up or diluting a solution of sodium carbonate, calcium
carbonate may precipitate. This reduces the strength of the solution and can produce scale in the delivery

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

pipelines. In this situation, the service water supplied to the soda ash system needs to be softened.

Sodium carbonate is usually made up as a solution of up to 20% concentration. Concentrations of sodium

carbonate used in drinking water treatment depend on the quality of the water to be treated and the
purpose of the treatment (water softening, pH adjustment or alkalinity increase). Based on stoichiometry,
1 mg/L of sodium carbonate provides alkalinity equivalent to about 0.7 mg/L of hydrated lime. Typical
sodium carbonate concentrations used can vary from 5 to more than 500 mg/L, and the appropriate
concentration should be determined by laboratory trials.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in sodium carbonate
(JECFA, KIWA 1994, NRC 1982):

• arsenic • lead
• cadmium • magnesium
• calcium • mercury
• chloride • nickel
• chromium • sulfate
• iron


When employed in drinking water treatment, sodium carbonate should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Sodium residue derived from using sodium carbonate in water
softening is 30–300 mg/L.


Sodium carbonate was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in
1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment
of drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B201-98. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Benefield LD and Morgan JM (1999) Chemical Precipitation. In: Water Quality and Treatment,
A Handbook of Community Water Supplies, Letterman RD (ed), American Water Works Association,
5th edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, 10.1–10.60.

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications.
FAO Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

KIWA (1994) Guideline quality of materials and chemicals for drinking water supplies. Inspectorate

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

of Public Health and Environmental Planning, Publication 94-01. Rijswijk, The Netherlands.

Lewis RJ (1993). Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 12th edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York.

NRC (National Research Council) (1982). Water Chemicals Codex. Committee on Water Treatment
Chemicals, Food and Nutrition Board, Assembly of Life Sciences, NRC, Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Sodium fluoride
Drinking water treatment chemical
Sodium fluoride is used to artificially fluoridate water, to reduce the occurrence of dental
caries. Use of sodium fluoride is more common in small fluoridation facilities.


Sodium fluoride, NaF, is a white, odourless powder (or crystals), supplied in 25 kg bags. It is easily
soluble in water, and the solubility varies little with temperature. It has a specific gravity of 2.78 at
20°C. The typical commercial grade of sodium fluoride is 97% purity, with about 44% fluorine. It has a
bulk density of 1040–1440 kg/m3. The pH of a 1% solution is 6.5; that of a 4% solution is 7.6. Suitable
materials for handling sodium fluoride include iron, steel, fibreglass-reinforced plastic and polyethylene.


Sodium fluoride is produced by neutralising hydrofluoric acid with either sodium carbonate or sodium

The dissolution of sodium fluoride in water forms fluoride ions (F–) and sodium ions (Na+) as follows:

NaF ⇔ Na+ + F–


Sodium fluoride is used to artificially fluoridate water, to reduce the occurrence of dental caries. In each
State and Territory, except for South Australia, the fluoridation of drinking water is regulated by an Act
of Parliament; New South Wales and Queensland also have regulations in force.

Sodium fluoride can be used in solution feed systems at a strength of 1–2%, or in a saturator system
where water is passed through a bed of sodium fluoride crystals, thus producing a saturated solution.
The water used for dissolving sodium fluoride should not have a hardness greater than 75 mg/L (as
calcium carbonate, CaCO3), because the presence of calcium and magnesium causes the formation of
insoluble fluorides which may cause clogging problems.

When using sodium fluoride, it is good practice to add the chemical after drinking water has been
treated, because fluoride ions may be adsorbed onto the surfaces of suspended matter in water.

The target levels of fluoride in fluoridated water in Australia vary between 0.7 and 1.0 mg/L. The lower
concentrations apply in warmer climates, where more water is consumed.

For sodium fluoride of 97% strength (44% F–), this range translates to a dose of sodium fluoride of
1.6–2.3 mg/L.


Sodium fluoride can contain traces of free acid or alkali, and also:

• arsenic • silicate
• lead • sulfate

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


When employed in drinking water treatment, sodium fluoride should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Fluoride forms precipitates with many metals and other elements, but is notably insoluble with calcium;
thus, scaling can occur when concentrated lime solution and concentrated fluoride solution come into
contact. Locations for adding concentrated lime and fluoride solutions should be separated, to avoid
this situation.


Sodium fluoride was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in
1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment
of drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B701-99. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Department of Health, South Africa (2003). Water fluoridation, A manual for water plant operators.
Available at <>

NSW Health (1957). Code of Practice for the fluoridation of public water supplies. NSW Fluoridation
of Water Supplies Act 1957, NSW Government Gazette No. 135.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Sodium fluorosilicate
Drinking water treatment chemical
Sodium fluorosilicate, Na2SiF6, is used to artificially fluoridate water, to reduce the occurrence
of dental caries.


Sodium fluorosilicate (Na2SiF6, also known as sodium silicofluoride, sodium hexafluorosilicate and
disodium hexafluorosilicate) is a white or yellowish white, odourless, crystalline powder with a specific
gravity of 2.7. Sodium fluorosilicate has very low solubility in water. The chemical is usually supplied at
98.5% purity (59.5% F–) in 25 kg bags. It has a bulk density of 880–1150 kg/m3. Suitable handling material
includes cast iron, rubber linings, steel and stainless steel, fibreglass-reinforced plastic, polyethylene and
polyvinyl chloride.


Sodium fluorosilicate is produced by neutralising hydrofluorosilicic acid with sodium carbonate or

sodium hydroxide, and then evaporating the solution.

The dissolution of sodium fluorosilicate in water forms the fluoride ion (F–), as follows:

Na2SiF6 ⇔ 2Na+ + SiF62–

SiF62– ⇔ SiF4 + 2F–
SiF4 + 2H2O ⇔ SiO2 + 4F– + 4H+


Sodium fluorosilicate is used to fluoridate drinking water, to reduce the occurrence of dental caries. In
each State and Territory, except for South Australia, the fluoridation of drinking water is regulated by an
Act of Parliament; New South Wales and Queensland also have regulations in force.

It is good practice to add sodium fluorosilicate after drinking water has been treated, because fluoride
ions may be adsorbed onto the surfaces of suspended matter in water. In water that has been treated and
disinfected, sodium fluorosilicate is usually added at a concentration of 0.2%. A good mixing system is
required because sodium fluorosilicate has low solubility in water.

The targeted levels of fluoride in fluoridated water in Australia vary between 0.7 and 1.0 mg/L. The lower
concentrations apply in warmer climates, where more water is consumed. For sodium fluorosilicate of
98.5% strength (59.5% F–), this range translates to a dose of sodium fluorosilicate of 1.2–1.7 mg/L.


Sodium fluorosilicate may contain traces of free acid and moisture, and also:

• arsenic • iron
• cadmium • phosphorus


When employed in drinking water treatment, sodium fluorosilicate should be used in such a way that
any contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in
the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

Fluoride forms precipitates with many metals and other elements, but is notably insoluble with calcium;
thus, scaling can occur when concentrated lime solution and concentrated fluoride solution come into
contact. Points for adding concentrated lime and fluoride solutions should be separated, to avoid this


Sodium fluorosilicate was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in
1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of
drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B702-99. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Department of Health, South Africa (2003). Water fluoridation, A manual for water plant operators.
Available at <>

NSW Health (1957). Code of Practice for the fluoridation of public water supplies. NSW Fluoridation
of Water Supplies Act 1957, NSW Government Gazette No. 135.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Sodium hexametaphosphate
Drinking water treatment chemical
Sodium hexametaphosphate can be used for control of corrosion, prevention of scale
formation, and sequestration of unwanted precipitants.


Sodium hexametaphosphate, Na(PO3)6 (also known as SHMP, glassy phosphate or vitreous phosphate)
is a white granular powder with a bulk density of 800–1500 kg/m3. It is highly soluble in water.

Sodium hexametaphosphate can be stored in rubber-lined containers, or in plastics, fibreglass-reinforced

plastic, or stainless steel (type 316).


Sodium hexametaphosphate is produced by treating soda ash or caustic soda with phosphoric acid.

Polyphosphates keep metal ions in solution for a period of time, thus preventing deposition.

With time, sodium hexametaphosphate naturally reverts to orthophosphate, and thus loses its
sequestering capability. This reversion can be accelerated by low pH, high temperature and the
presence of oxides of certain materials (e.g. iron, calcium, copper and zinc). The reversion can occur
in hot water systems or in reverse osmosis (RO) membranes, where it can cause fouling.


In water treatment plants, a thin layer of sodium hexametaphosphate formed on metal surfaces is used
to control corrosion. The chemical is also used as a sequestering agent, to prevent unwanted precipitates
or scales (e.g. iron, manganese, calcium or magnesium) from depositing.

Control of ferrous iron through sequestering is only effective up to concentrations of 3 mg/L ferrous
iron. In water treatment, the amount of sodium hexametaphosphate should be controlled to ensure that
concentrations do not exceed levels that would complex manganese or iron by more than 10%. Control
of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) scale rarely requires more than 1 mg/L of polyphosphate.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in this product (JECFA):

• arsenic • fluoride
• iron • lead


When employed in drinking water treatment, sodium hexametaphosphate should be used in such a way
that any contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values
in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Sodium and orthophosphate residues are present in finished water. Sodium hexametaphosphate naturally
reverts to orthophosphate over time. Residual orthophosphate encourages biological growth.

The use of sodium hexametaphosphate in the water supply adds to the phosphorous load at the sewage
treatment plant. Its use should therefore be considered in consultation with the manager of the sewage
treatment plant.
NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


Sodium hexametaphosphate was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment
chemical in 1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the
treatment of drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B502-01. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Gosselin RE, Smith RP and Hodge HC (1984). Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, 5th edition.
Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, II-121.

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications.
FAO Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

Lewis RJ (1993). Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 12th edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York.

NRC (National Research Council) (1981). Drinking Water & Health, Volume 4. National Academy
Press, Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Sodium hydroxide
Drinking water treatment chemical
Sodium hydroxide is a commonly used alkali suitable for pH adjustment, water softening and
corrosion control. It requires only a simple dosing system but needs care in handling.


Sodium hydroxide, NaOH (also known as caustic soda), is a white, deliquescent solid. It absorbs water
and carbon dioxide from the air. The chemical is supplied as flake or pearl solids, or liquid (usually
30% or 46–50%). It has a specific gravity of 1.33 (at 30%) and 1.48 (at 46%). Liquid solutions of sodium
hydroxide can freeze in cold climates, depending on concentration. Climate considerations are relevant
for any caustic soda concentrations above 30%, because such solutions can freeze at temperatures above

Appropriate handling materials for sodium hydroxide include rubber linings and steel, stainless steel,
polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, fibreglass-reinforced plastic.


Sodium hydroxide is commonly produced by the electrolytic dissociation of sodium chloride, with
chlorine gas as a byproduct.

For pH and alkalinity adjustment, caustic soda simply produces hydroxide ions in water:

NaOH ⇔ Na+ +OH–

The chemical reactions of sodium hydroxide–soda softening are as follows:

CO2 + 2NaOH ⇔ Na2CO3 + H2O (1)

Ca(HCO3)2 + 2NaOH ⇔ CaCO3 + Na2CO3 + 2H2O (2)
Mg(HCO3)2 + 4NaOH ⇔ Mg(OH)2 + 2Na2CO3 + 2H2O (3)
MgSO4 + 2NaOH ⇔ Mg(OH)2 + Na2SO4 (4)
CaSO4 + Na2CO3 ⇔ CaCO3 + Na2SO4 (5)

Sodium carbonate produced from equation (1) precipitates calcium noncarbonate hardness, as shown
in equation (5). Sodium hydroxide can be used in combination with lime, depending on the amount of
calcium noncarbonate to be removed.


In drinking water treatment, sodium hydroxide is often used instead of powdered alkalis such as lime
or soda ash, because the systems for adding sodium hydroxide are less complicated and require less
maintenance. The chemical can also be used in place of lime to soften water by removing carbonate
and noncarbonate hardness. Sodium hydroxide can also partially or fully substitute for the soda ash

Sodium hydroxide is used to raise pH and to convert excess carbon dioxide to alkaline species. Typical
concentrations used are 2–100 mg/L (as caustic soda), but higher concentrations may be required with
waters of poor quality.

Sodium hydroxide imparts a change of 1.55 mg/L calcium carbonate (CaCO3) alkalinity per mg/L as
NaOH. Control of pH is difficult when sodium hydroxide is added to poorly buffered water.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

For concentrations up to about 30%, caustic soda freezes at below 0°C. At 40% concentration, caustic
soda will freeze at 15°C, dropping back to around 5°C at 46%. Concentrations above 50% freeze at 12°C
or higher. In cold climates it may be necessary to dilute caustic solutions or heat caustic storage and
delivery facilities. Softened water should be used for dilution to minimise scaling.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in this product (JECFA,
KIWA 1994, NRC 1982):

• arsenic • chloride
• iron • mercury
• cadmium • chromium
• lead • nickel


When employed in drinking water treatment, sodium hydroxide should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

The amount of sodium added to water when sodium hydroxide is used to adjust pH is generally


Sodium hydroxide was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in
1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of
drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B501-98. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Benefield LD and Morgan JM (1999). Chemical Precipitation. In: Water Quality and Treatment,
A Handbook of Community Water Supplies, Letterman RD (ed), American Water Works Association,
5th edtion. McGraw-Hill Professional, New York, 10.1–10.60.

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications.
FAO Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

KIWA (1994) Guideline quality of materials and chemicals for drinking water supplies. Inspectorate
of Public Health and Environmental Planning, Publication 94-01. Rijswijk, The Netherlands.

Lewis RJ (1993). Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 12th edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York.

NRC (National Research Council) (1982). Water Chemicals Codex. Committee on Water Treatment
Chemicals, Food and Nutrition Board, Assembly of Life Sciences, NRC, Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Sodium hypochlorite
Drinking water treatment chemical
Sodium hypochlorite is used as a disinfectant and oxidant in the treatment of drinking water.
It provides available chlorine in a liquid form, with less risk than storing and handling
chlorine gas.


Sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl, or liquid bleach, is a strong oxidising agent that is usually stored and
used in solution. It has a disagreeable, sweetish odour and a pale greenish colour. Sodium hypochlorite
solution releases vapours that cause corrosion in the presence of moisture.

Sodium hypochlorite is usually supplied as 10–13% w/v available chlorine. More concentrated solutions
are not practical because of the instability of sodium hypochlorite, which forms chlorate and chlorite
(both of which are of potential concern to health) as solution strength increases. Other factors that affect
the stability of sodium hypochlorite are temperature, period of storage, impurities and exposure to light.
The oxidising capability of 1 L of sodium hypochlorite (12.5% strength) is equivalent to the oxidising
capability of 125 g of chlorine gas. Sodium hypochlorite is generated by combining chlorine and sodium

Suitable materials for storing and handling sodium hypochlorite include ceramics, glass, fibreglass-
reinforced plastic, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride, and rubber or plastic linings.


Sodium hypochlorite is generated by combining chlorine and sodium hydroxide.

Sodium hypochlorite hydrolyses in water forming hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which partially dissociates
to hypochlorite ion (OCl–):

NaOCl → Na+ + 2 OCl−

OCl−+ H2O ⇔ HOCl + OH−
The relative distribution of hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion resulting from these reactions
depends on pH and temperature. At 25°C, hypochlorous acid is the predominant species between pH
1 and pH 7.5, and hypochlorite ion predominates at pH values greater than 7.5. Oxidation reactions
and the disinfecting properties of chlorine tend to be more effective at low pH values, because of the
predominance of hypochlorous acid, which is a stronger oxidant.

Sodium hypochlorite is a base, which will raise the pH of water, whereas chlorine gas produces an
acidic reaction that lowers the pH of the solution. The extent of the pH change will depend on the
alkalinity of the water.


In drinking water treatment, sodium hypochlorite is used as a disinfectant. Sodium hypochlorite solution
is more expensive than chlorine, but its use is becoming more widespread, because of concerns about
the safe transport and handling of hazardous gaseous chlorine in pressurised tanks.

Sodium hypochlorite can be added at various points of the treatment process:

• for oxidation of organics or metals
• for disinfection purposes
• to maintain a chlorine residual in the distribution system (pre-coagulation, intermediate or post-
filtration chlorination).

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

Concentrations can range from 1 to 5 mg/L (as available chlorine), although 2–3 mg/L is typical.
The selection of the appropriate chlorine dose should take into account the amount of disinfection
byproducts formed, and the required Ct (concentration × contact time) and chlorine residual; the World
Health Organization (WHO) recommends 0.5 mg/L for 30 minutes. A free chlorine residual of more than
0.2 mg/L throughout the distribution system is preferred. In some systems, rechlorination is employed
within the distribution system, with chlorine added after water has left the treatment plant, to boost
chlorine residuals.

Superchlorination (10–50 mg/L as available chlorine) may be used to disinfect or clean tanks or pipelines.
It can also be used to temporarily treat taste and odour issues caused by high ammonia levels. The
process is usually followed by dechlorination, to chemically remove excess chlorine.

Knowledge of the breakpoint phenomenon (whereby chlorine applied in sufficient doses will oxidise
ammonia and eliminate chloramines, resulting in the formation of a free chlorine residual) is necessary
when dealing with water containing ammonia.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in sodium hypochlorite:

• chlorate • mercury
• iron • nickel
• manganese


When employed in drinking water treatment, sodium hypochlorite should be used in such a way that
any contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values
in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

The use of a disinfectant such as chlorine results in the formation of free chlorine and combined
chlorine residuals and disinfection byproducts. Byproducts include trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic
acids (HAAs), haloacetonitriles (HANs), haloketones, chloral hydrate and chloropicrine. Although many
specific chlorine disinfection byproducts have been identified, a significant percentage of the total organic
halogens have yet to be identified.

Many factors affect the distribution of disinfection byproduct species, including pH, temperature
and levels of total organic carbon (TOC), bromide and chlorine. The THMs (chloroform,
bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, bromoform) are the best known chlorination
byproducts,. Chlorinated THM, HAA and HAN species are generally present in higher concentrations
|than brominated species; however, brominated species predominate in high-bromide waters.


Sodium hypochlorite was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in
1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of
drinking water.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B300-99. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Connell GF (1996). The Chlorination/Chloramination Handbook. Water Disinfection Series, American

Water Works Association. Denver, Colorado.

White GC (1992). Handbook of chlorination and alternative disinfectants, 3rd edition. Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Sodium silicate
Drinking water treatment chemical
Sodium silicate, in the form of ‘activated silica,’ is used as a coagulant or a flocculation aid in
the treatment of drinking water, in conjunction with a primary coagulant (e.g. alum). Soluble
silicates (waterglass) can also be used to inhibit corrosion or sequester metals, and sodium
silicate solution can be used to adjust pH in small water systems.


Sodium silicate, Na2O·xSiO2, can be in the form of lumps of greenish glass (soluble in steam), white
powders of varying degrees of solubility, or as cloudy or clear solutions of varying viscosity.

Soluble silicates can be differentiated by their ratio of silica to sodium oxide (SiO2:Na2O). This ratio,
which ranges from 1.6 to 3.3 by weight, determines the physical and chemical properties of the product.
Liquid silicates with a ratio of 1.6 have a pH of 13.2; whereas, at a ratio of 3.3 the pH is 11.0. The
specific gravity of these solutions ranges between 1.4 and 1.6. The colloidal and polymeric properties
of liquid silicates increase as the SiO2:Na2O ratio increases.

Appropriate materials for handling sodium silicate include cast iron, steel, fibreglass-reinforced plastic
and polyethylene, and rubber linings.


Sodium silicate is produced by fusing high purity silica sand with sodium carbonate or potassium
carbonate at 1000–1500°C. This results in an amorphous glass, which can be dissolved in water to form
silicate solutions or ‘waterglass’.

In solution, silica is present in equilibrium between monomeric anionic species. The proportion of silica
and alkali in a sodium silicate is usually expressed as the weight ratio of SiO2 to Na2O.

In drinking water treatment, solutions of activated or colloidal silica can be used for coagulation. Such
solutions can be generated on site by partial or complete neutralisation of a dilute solution of sodium
silicate by a mineral acid, an acid salt or chlorine. The activated silica solution obtained can be slightly
alkaline or neutral, and is aged for a short time (1–2 hours) before use. The solution is then further
diluted with 2–2.5 volumes of water. The activated silica solution has a shelf life of 1–2 days.


At one time, activated silica was commonly used as a coagulant aid (after a primary coagulant such as
alum or ferric chloride), because it forms heavy, tough flocs that settle fast. However, polyacrylamide
polymers have now largely replaced activated silica in most water treatment plants.

Soluble silicates are also used to protect metals from the corrosive effects of water by depositing a thin
molecular film of silica (SiO2) on metal surfaces. Silicate treatment is effective for corrosion control of
concrete and a variety of metals: lead, copper, cast iron, ferrous metals, steel, galvanised steel, bronze,
red and yellow brass, and nickel alloys. The pH and alkalinity of the water determine which silicate is
suitable for this application.

Sodium silicate can also be used to sequester iron and manganese. Following metal oxidation, sodium
silicate is added to hold oxidised metals in a colloidal suspension.

Concentrations of activated silica used in drinking water treatment can range from 1 to10 mg/L (as SiO2),
and the concentration required varies with water quality, depending on factors such as pH, turbidity,
colour, temperature and contaminant level.
NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

The effectiveness of sodium silicate as a corrosion inhibitor depends on water quantities such as pH and
bicarbonate concentration. The chemical is more effective under high-velocity flow conditions. Silicate is
effective at high pH, and at a dosage over 15–20 mg/L (as SiO2).

Silicate with a high ratio of Na2O to SiO2 will raise pH in weakly buffered waters. For corrosion control,
relatively high concentrations (up to 24 mg/L) are required during the first 30–60 days of treatment,
to form the initial protective coating. Thereafter, the silicate dosage is reduced incrementally in 30-day
periods, until it reaches maintenance doses (4–8 mg/L).

As a metal sequestrant, sodium silicate (as SiO2) should be added at up to 4–5 times the level of iron
or manganese in the water.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on
the manufacturing process. More than 20 elements are present as trace impurities in sodium silicate,

• aluminium • iron
• cadmium • magnesium
• calcium • manganese
• chloride • sulfate


Sodium and silicate residues are present in finished water. When employed in drinking water treatment,
sodium silicate should be used in such a way that any contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of
the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.


Sodium silicate was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in
1983. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment
of drinking water.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B404-98. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Sodium tripolyphosphate
Drinking water treatment chemical
Sodium tripolyphosphate is used in drinking water treatment to control corrosion and soften
water; it is also used as a sequestering and descaling agent, and to stabilise or disperse
calcium and iron in the water distribution system.


Sodium tripolyphosphate, Na5P3O10, is a white powder or granular solid, and is odourless. A 1% aqueous
solution of sodium tripolyphosphate has a pH of 9.8; the pH of a concentrated solution (slurry) is about

Appropriate handling materials for sodium tripolyphosphate include cast iron, steel, fibreglass-reinforced
plastic, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride; rubber-lined containers can also be used.


Sodium tripolyphosphate is manufactured by combining soda ash or caustic soda with phosphoric acid.
The product is then heated to form crystalline solids.

Low concentrations of polyphosphate inhibit the precipitation of calcium salts, and therefore inhibit scale
formation. If phosphate concentrations are increased, then calcium phosphate precipitates. A further
increase in concentration results in the sequestration phenomenon, whereby calcium is sequestered,
inhibiting scale formation. Sequestering is affected by pH, with a neutral to alkaline pH being more

Sodium tripolyphosphate can be used as a corrosion inhibitor in combination with divalent cations such
as calcium (Ca2+). Positively charged colloidal complexes form, migrate to the cathode and create an
amorphous polymeric film. This inhibition is most effective at a pH of 6.5–7.


The chemical is used in drinking water treatment to control corrosion and soften water; it is also used
as a sequestering and descaling agent, and to stabilise or disperse calcium and iron in the water
distribution system.

Polyphosphates can change the characteristics of corrosion, making it more uniform rather than a
pitting type of corrosion. Polyphosphates have also been used to control oxidation of ferrous iron
dissolved from pipes, and to reduce the formation of ‘red water’ (caused by contamination with hydrated
iron oxide). When mixed with orthophosphate, polyphosphates may assist in the formation of an
orthophosphate film, by complexing calcium or manganese in hard waters that might otherwise cause
unwanted orthophosphate precipitates.

Typical doses for protection against scale, corrosion and prevention of ‘red water’ range from 0.5 to
20 mg/L, although doses of up to 50 mg/L may be used during mains cleaning.

For corrosion control in a cast-iron distribution system, an initial feed of 5–10 mg/L may be applied
for several weeks, followed by a maintenance dosage of 1–2 mg/L; or a continuous dosage of
1–5 mg/L may be used.

For sequestration applications, a ratio of 3.4–5 parts sodium tripolyphosphate per water hardness
(as CaCO3) is recommended by manufacturers.

Control of post-precipitation in softened water typically requires a dosage of 0.5–2 mg/L.

Laboratory or pilot trials should be undertaken to determine the appropriate doses.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in this product (JECFA):

• arsenic • lead
• fluoride • phosphates
• iron


When employed in drinking water treatment, sodium tripolyphosphate should be used in such a way
that any contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values
in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Sodium and orthophosphates are present in finished water and can cause problems. For example,
phosphates increase biological activity in the distribution system, and polyphosphates both reduce the
deposition of protective calcium-containing films and increase the solubility of metals, interfering with
the formation of passivating films. Polyphosphates also soften asbestos-cement pipe by accelerating the
depletion of calcium and inhibiting the formation of fibre-binding iron or manganese deposits. Similar
effects can occur in cement-lined or concrete pipes.

The use of sodium tripolyphosphate in the water supply adds to the phosphorous load at the sewage
treatment plant. Its use should therefore be considered in consultation with the manager of the plant.


Sodium tripolyphosphate was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical
in 2005.


ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / AWWA (American Water and Wastewater Association)
Standard no B503-01. AWWA CD-ROM (April 2003). Available at <>

Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications.
FAO Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

Lewis RJ (1993). Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 12th edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Sulfuric acid
Drinking water treatment chemical
Sulfuric acid is used to correct pH in coagulation, water softening, corrosion control,
prevention of post-precipitation and activation of silica.


Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is a strongly corrosive, dense, oily liquid. It is colourless to dark brown, depending
on purity, and is miscible with water. Sulfuric acid is generally available in concentrations of 28.5–98.5%,
with corresponding specific gravity of 1.2–1.85 at 20°C. The acid is very reactive and dissolves most
metals; the concentrated acid oxidises, dehydrates or sulfonates most organic compounds, often causing

Sulfuric acid is highly corrosive to most metals and alloys, and is corrosive to mild steel at concentrations
below 90%. It can be stored in fibreglass-reinforced plastic with acid resistant resins, polyethylene,
porcelain, glass and rubber linings.


Sulfuric acid is usually produced using the Contact process: sulphur dioxide is catalytically converted to
sulphur trioxide, which is then dissolved in sulfuric acid and water.

Sulfuric acid disassociates in water to produce a strong acid:

H2SO4 ⇔ 2H+ + SO42–

Sulfuric acid is added to lime–soda softened waters to prevent post-precipitation of calcium carbonate
and magnesium hydroxides in filters or in water distribution systems. These water usually have pH values
of approximately 10.4, and are supersaturated with calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and magnesium hydroxide
(Mg(OH)2). Sulfuric acid is therefore used to reduce excessive pH values and alkalinities as follows:

H2SO4 + 2CaCO3(s) ⇔ Ca (HCO3) 2 + CaSO4

H2SO4 +Ca(OH) 2 ⇔ CaSO4 + 2H2O

Sulfuric acid is used to fortify hydrolysing metal salts (aluminium and iron). The typical acid-fortified alum
product, also called acidulated alum or acid alum, contains 5–20% (weight basis) of sulfuric acid. For a
given amount of metal ion added to the water, strong acid-fortified products react with more alkalinity
and depress the pH to a greater extent than nonfortified metal salt solutions.


In drinking water treatment, sulfuric acid is used to correct pH in coagulation, water softening, corrosion
control, prevention of post-precipitation and activation of silica.

Handling and adding concentrated sulfuric acid to water requires extreme caution, because it can cause
severe burns and eye damage. Also, sulfuric acid has an exothermic reaction with water that may cause
violent splattering. Careful design is required in dilution systems for sulfuric acid, because the significant
heating that may occur could damage pipework.

Concentrations of sulfuric acid required vary widely, depending on the alkalinity of the water and the
pH required. Low concentrations (1–30 mg/L) are usually adequate to adjust pH for coagulation; higher
doses may be required for water softening.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets

The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in this product (JECFA):

• antimony • lead
• arsenic • manganese
• cadmium • mercury
• chloride • selenium
• chromium • sulfate
• copper • sulfur dioxide
• fluoride • zinc
• iron


When employed in drinking water treatment, sulfuric acid should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.


Sulfuric acid was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in 1983.
The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of
drinking water.


Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

JECFA (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/World Health Organization
(WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives). Compendium of Food Additive Specifications.
FAO Food and Nutrition Papers 52 (two volumes). Available at <

Lewis RJ (1993). Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 12th edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York.

Schock MR (1999). Internal Corrosion and Deposition Control. In: A Handbook of Community Water
Supplies, Letterman RD (ed), American Water Works Association, 5th edition. McGraw-Hill Professional,

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Fact Sheets Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals

Zinc orthophosphate
Drinking water treatment chemical
Zinc orthophosphate is used to inhibit corrosion of lead, copper and iron, and to prevent the
release of asbestos or cement from water pipes.


Zinc orthophosphate, Zn3(PO4)2, solution is a clear odourless liquid that is soluble in water; it is available
in various ratios of phosphate to zinc.

Appropriate materials for handling zinc orthophosphate include cast iron, steel, fibreglass-reinforced
plastic, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride; rubber-lined containers can also be used.


Zinc orthophosphate is manufactured using zinc salts (chloride or sulfate) and orthophosphate.

Zinc orthophosphate limits the release of lead, copper and iron from metal surfaces by forming a
microscopic protective film on these surfaces, and by electrochemical passivation. Water with a high
pH (> 8.1) should not be treated with zinc orthophosphate because of zinc hydroxide precipitation.
Reactions between orthophosphate and lead in water result in the formation of several solids that are
less soluble than basic lead carbonate over a wide range of pH values. The most likely solid phase
formed is hydroxypyromorphite (Pb5(PO4)3OH). Tertiary lead orthophosphate (Pb3 (PO4)2) is another
solid formed. The formation of lead orthophosphate films depends on the concentration of dissolved
inorganic carbon (DIC; e.g. carbonates), acidity, temperature and orthophosphate content. These
phosphate films may not form as rapidly as the basic lead carbonate solids. Carbonate competes with
orthophosphate for control of lead solubility. Hence, lead orthophosphate films can be formed in water
with low levels of carbonate or DIC (these two characteristics are often found together), in which case
the effectiveness of a phosphate control program may need to be evaluated over a longer time.


In drinking water treatment, zinc orthophosphate is used to inhibit corrosion. It is particularly effective
at inhibiting lead corrosion, because it reduces lead solubility in waters with both low and high alkalinity.
The chemical is used to treat waters that are soft and corrosive. Zinc orthophosphate suppresses
corrosion of carbon steel, and the release of asbestos fibres from asbestos–cement (A–C) pipe. It also
inhibits corrosion of cast iron, and mildly inhibits corrosion of copper.

A few milligrams per litre of orthophosphate are sufficient at pH values in the 7–9 range.


The purity of chemicals used in Australia for the treatment of drinking water varies, depending on the
manufacturing process. The following chemical contaminants may be present in this product:

• chloride • sulfate


When employed in drinking water treatment, zinc orthophosphate should be used in such a way that any
contaminant or byproduct formed by the use of the chemical does not exceed guideline values in the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals Fact Sheets


Zinc orthophosphate was endorsed by the NHMRC for use as a drinking water treatment chemical in
1987. The revision undertaken in 2003 did not change the status of this chemical for the treatment of
drinking water.


Clesceri LS, Greenberg AE and Eaton AD (eds) (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater, 20th edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Gosselin RE, Smith RP, Hodge HC (1984). Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, 5th edition.
Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, II-121.

Lewis RJ (1993). Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 12th edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York.

NRC (National Research Council) (1981). Drinking Water & Health, Volume 4. National Academy Press,
Washington, DC.

Schock MR (1999). Internal Corrosion and Deposition Control. In: Water Quality and Treatment,
A Handbook of Community Water Supplies, Letterman RD (ed), American Water Works Association,
5th edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, 17.1–17.109.

Shibata H, Morioka T (1982). Antibacterial action of condensed phosphates on the bacterium

Streptococcus mutans and experimental caries in the hamster. Archives of Oral Biology 27(10): 809–16.

NOTE: Important general information is contained in PART II, Chapter 8

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines



Appendix: Additional guidance on elements 2 and 3

of the Framework for management of drinking water quality
This appendix provides additional guidance on Assessment of the drinking water supply system
(element 2) and Preventive measures for drinking water quality management (element 3) of the
Framework for management of drinking water quality (the Framework). This appendix should be read
in conjunction with Chapter 3, which provides a more comprehensive overview of these elements.

Users are also encouraged to draw on the numerous sources providing detailed technical guidance,
a number of which have been listed in Section A9.

A1 Introduction
Effective management of drinking water quality requires appropriate attention to system analysis
and system management. The objectives are to increase understanding of:
• the entire water supply system from catchment to consumer
• the hazards, sources and events that can compromise drinking water quality
• the preventive measures needed to effectively control hazards, including the application of multiple
barriers and the establishment of critical control points to reduce exposure to hazards.

Figure A1 provides a suggested roadmap to assist in the application of these aspects of the Framework.
Further guidance on implementing these aspects is offered in the following text.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–1


Figure A1 Application of Framework elements 2 and 3

Assessment Water system analysis Catchments — streams and rivers, land use, urban development,
of the drinking (produce a flow mines, industry, sewage treatment works
water system diagram from On-stream storages and reservoirs
catchment Treatment plants — coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, filtered
to consumer) water storages
Disinfection plants (primary and secondary), post-disinfection
Distribution system — major mains, service reservoirs and tanks
Consumers — numbers and distribution, seasonal water demands

Assessment of water Key characteristics — chemicals above health-related guidelines,

quality data (historical) physical features (turbidity, colour), cyanobacterial blooms, impacts
of rain, levels of enteric pathogens, organic matter

Hazard identification Identify hazards, sources of hazards and hazardous events including
extreme and infrequent events that could have a magnifying effect
(e.g. heavy rain, temperature extremes, drought)
Physical, microbiological (enteric pathogens), chemical and
radiological hazards
Sewage treatment plants and septics (enteric pathogens, nutrients);
livestock (enteric pathogens, nutrients, turbidity, colour); horticulture
(pesticides, fertiliser nutrients, turbidity); forestry (pesticides,
turbidity, colour); industry (heavy metals, organic chemicals); urban
stormwater (contaminated run off)
Chemical spills, cyanobacterial blooms in reservoirs, power failures,
failure of treatment processes, mains bursts, cross-connections etc.

Risk assessment Likelihood of hazard (e.g. almost certain, likely, possible, unlikely, rare)
Levels of hazards
(e.g. numbers of Cryptosporidium, concentrations of chemicals)
Measure of impact (insignificant, minor, moderate, major, severe)
Consider rare events and uncertainty
Determine maximum risk and residual risk
Identify priorities for application of preventive strategies

Preventive Assess existing Source selection

measures preventive measures Catchment protection — limit access and activities, limit wastewater
(multiple barrier discharges, control livestock impacts, use buffer zones
Water extraction and reservoirs — control timing of water intakes
to reservoirs, protect reservoirs from access, local stormwater, spills,
Water treatment — coagulation, sedimentation, filtration
Disinfection (treated water storage)
Distribution system — enclosed and roofed system,
cross-connection and backflow prevention, repair and
maintenance procedures

Evaluate alternative Cost–benefit analysis

preventive measures

Select critical Establish critical limits, monitoring program and corrective actions
control points (e.g. groundwater abstraction, catchment water diversion, reservoir
destratification, filtration, disinfection, distribution system)

A–2 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


A2 Water supply system analysis

Assessment of the drinking water system provides an important information base and is a prerequisite
for subsequent steps in which strategies for prevention and control of hazards are planned and
implemented. The purpose of this element is to develop a broad overview and basic understanding
of the water supply system. It is not intended to be an extensive data collection exercise; rather, it
is the characterisation of the system at an appropriate level of detail to provide a useful information
base from which to make effective decisions.

Summary of actions
• Assemble a team with appropriate knowledge and expertise.
• Construct a flow diagram of the water supply system from catchment to consumer.
• Assemble pertinent information and document key characteristics of the water supply system
to be considered (see Table A1).
• Periodically review the water supply system analysis.

Characterisation of the water supply system should be fully documented and should be a collaborative
effort between relevant agencies. Characterisations will be specific for each system but should include,
where appropriate, consideration of the catchment area, source water, groundwater system, reservoirs
and raw water transport, treatment systems, distribution system and consumers.

Table A1 provides examples of some key characteristics to be considered in assessing drinking water
supply systems from catchment to consumer. Seasonal characteristics, as well as extreme and infrequent
events such as droughts or floods, should also be considered.

Much of the necessary information may be available in existing documentation from studies carried
out previously or from external agencies. Sources of useful information can include:
• land use surveys and catchment maps
• s anitary surveys
• surveys of major streams and rivers
• research and investigative monitoring
• inspections and field audits
• employee knowledge
• records from local authorities (e.g. locations of septic tanks, animal feedlots, sewage treatment
• community surveys
• public and consumer complaints.

Geographic information systems (GIS) can provide a useful means of displaying, cataloguing and
interpreting data.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–3


Table A1 Key characteristics of the drinking water supply system

• Geology and soils • Nature and intensity of development and land-use activities:
• Topography and drainage patterns (hydrology) – agricultural, dairy and animal husbandry
– land clearing
• Streams and rivers
– forestry
• Meteorology and weather patterns – mining
(climatic and seasonal variations) – industrial
• Riparian conditions – rural and urban development / residential
• Vegetative cover – sewage treatment works and septic tanks
– recreational activity
• General catchment and river health
• Intermittent or seasonal use practices
• Wildlife (e.g. native and feral animals)
• Future planning activities
• Historical contaminated sites
• Development and planning restrictions
• Competing water uses
• Land irrigation practices

Source water
• Surface water (river, reservoir, dam) • General and unique constituents
• Groundwater (physical, chemical, microbial):
– major ions and pH
• Flow and reliability of source water
– salinity, hardness
• Seasonal and event changes (including infrequent events such – turbidity
as droughts or floods) – bacteria, viruses and protozoa
• Spatial variations – naturally occurring organics
– volatile and nonvolatile synthetic organics
– metals and radionuclides

Groundwater systems
• Geology, homogeneity • Dilution characteristics
• Confined or unconfined aquifer • Recharge area
• Depth to water table • Well-head protection
• Flow rate and direction • Depth of casing

Storage reservoirs and intakes

• Detention times • Treatment efficiencies (microbial removal)

• Reservoir design: • Protection (e.g. covers, enclosures, access)
– size • Recreational or human activity
– materials
• Intake location and operation
– storage capacity
– depth of storage • Bulk transport:
– pipeline material
• Seasonal variations:
– length
– stratification
– flow rate and changes in flow rate
– algal blooms
– cleaning systems

A–4 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


Table A1 Key characteristics of the drinking water supply system (Continued)

Treatment Systems
• Treatment processes (including optional processes) • Water treatment chemicals used:
• Treatment configuration – flocculant/coagulant
– filtration aids
• Equipment design:
– fluoride
– size
– powdered activated carbon
– materials
– disinfectant
– peak flow rates
• Treatment efficiencies
– process change control
– backup systems • Disinfection log removals of pathogens

• Monitoring equipment and automation • Disinfection residual and contact period

Service reservoirs and distribution systems

• Reservoir design: • Distribution system design:
– size – size
– materials – network
– storage capacity – pipe materials
– depth of storage – pipe age
• Detention times • Hydraulic conditions (e.g. detention times, flows)
• Seasonal variations: • Backflow protection
– stratification • Secondary disinfection practices
• Protection (e.g. covers, enclosures, access) • Disinfectant residuals
• Disinfection byproducts


• Consumer distribution (industry, bodies corporate, • Water demand and patterns of drinking water consumption
general community) (diurnal and seasonal variations)
• Vulnerable groups (hospitals, nursing homes) • Internal plumbing

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–5


A3 Assessment of water quality data

A review of historical data from source waters, treatment plants and finished water supplied to consumers
can assist in understanding drinking water system characteristics and the identification of hazards.

Summary of actions
• Assemble historical data from source waters, treatment plants and finished water supplied to
consumers (over time and following specific events).
• Assess data using tools such as control charts and trends analysis to identify trends and potential

Water quality data should be reviewed both over time and following specific events (e.g. heavy rainfall)
to identify those aspects of the system that require improvement. Water quality parameters that can
provide useful information include:
• turbidity or particle counts
• microbial quality
• chemical quality
• algal counts
• naturally occurring organic matter
• colour
• pH
• disinfectant residuals
• disinfection byproducts.

Tools that may be useful in assessing data include control charts and modelling methods
(e.g. using temporal overlays of water quality records and climatic information). In some cases,
awareness of potential problems or hazards can be difficult because events occur gradually or result
from cumulative effects. Trends analysis can be a valuable tool for recognising the accumulation
of gradual changes and for predicting where things may be going wrong.

A–6 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


A4 Hazard identification
Adoption of a risk-based approach that includes the identification of hazards from catchment to
consumer and the assessment of the potential impact on drinking water quality and human health
(i.e. risk) is essential to effective system management. Hazard identification and risk assessment are
useful for understanding the vulnerability of a drinking water supply and planning effective risk
management strategies to assure drinking water quality and safety.

The purpose of this element is to identify and document all potential hazards and the hazardous
events and sources that might give rise to the presence of these hazards.

Summary of actions
• Define the approach and methodology to be used for hazard identification. Devise an evaluation
team with appropriate representatives.
• Review hazardous agents in drinking water and ensure that their link to public health is understood
(see Section V – Fact Sheets).
• Identify and document hazards, sources and hazardous events for each component of the water
supply system (see Tables A2 and A3).
• Periodically review and update the hazard identification to incorporate any new hazards.

A structured approach is important to ensure that significant issues are not overlooked and that areas
of greatest risk are identified. There is no single right way to perform these activities; however, the
process should involve a structured and comprehensive evaluation of the water supply system.

For each component of the water supply system, all hazards and hazardous events and sources that
might affect drinking water quality and safety (what can happen and how) should be identified and
documented. Table A2 provides examples of various pollution sources and the potential hazards they

All potential hazards, hazardous events and sources should be included in the assessment, regardless
of whether or not they are under the direct control of the drinking water supplier. Continuous,
intermittent or seasonal pollution patterns should also be considered as well as extreme and infrequent
events such as droughts or floods. Table A3 provides examples of potential sources and hazardous
events, from catchment to consumer, to be considered.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–7


Table A2 Examples of sources and potential hazardsa

Potential sources Potential hazard
Septic tanks Pathogens,b nitrates/nitrites
Sewage treatment plants Pathogens, nutrientsc
Animal husbandry Pathogens, nutrientsc, turbidityc, colourc
Horticulture Pesticides, fertiliser nutrientsc, turbidityc, colourc
Rural stormwater Pathogens, turbidityc, colourc
Forestry Pesticides, turbidityc, colourc
Industry Heavy metals, organic chemicals including halogenated organics; specific industries can be
associated with specific types of contaminants (e.g. arsenic and copper associated with wood
preserving, cadmium and chromium with electroplating and chromium with leather tanning)
Mining Acid mine wastes from pyrites tailings can release and transport metals such as aluminium,
iron and manganese; other naturally occurring metals such as cadmium and copper can
also be leached; arsenic can be associated with old goldfield areas
Urban stormwater Lead and zinc from roads, turbidityc, colourc, petrol/oil products, microorganisms from pets
(lower range of pathogens than from humans or livestock waste)
Stormwater/sewer overflows Pathogens, nutrientsc, turbidityc, colourc

a – Human and animal waste represent the largest sources of potential hazards in drinking water. Both can include high numbers
of enteric pathogens and large amounts of nutrients. Due to the scale of primary production in Australia, the total amount
of livestock waste would greatly exceed the amount of human waste.
b – The potential range of pathogens present will vary according to the type of waste involved. Many enteric pathogens, and
in particular viruses and protozoa, infect only one species. In general, human enteric viruses are only carried and excreted
by humans. Human infectious Cryptosporidium parvum can be carried by humans and livestock, but the current state
of knowledge suggests that the species of Cryptosporidium that infect birds do not infect humans.
c – Potential indirect hazards.

Table A3 Examples of hazardous events and their potential sources

Catchments and groundwater systems
• Rapid variations in raw water quality • Poorly vegetated riparian zones, failure of sediment
• Sewage and septic system discharges traps and soil erosion

• Industrial discharges • Stormwater flows and discharges

• Chemical use in catchment areas • Existing or historical waste-disposal or mining sites /

(e.g. use of fertilisers and agricultural pesticides) contaminated sites and hazardous wastes

• Major spills and accidental spillage • Unconfined and shallow aquifers

• Public roads • Groundwater under direct influence of surface water

• Human access (recreational activity) • Inadequate well-head protection and unhygienic practices

• Wildlife (native and feral) • Uncased or inadequately cased bores

• Unrestricted livestock • Saline intrusion of coastal aquifers

• Inadequate buffer zones • Contaminated aquifers

• Surrounding land use (e.g. animal husbandry, agriculture, • Climatic and seasonal variations (e.g. heavy rainfalls, droughts)
forestry, industrial area, waste disposal, mining) • Bushfires, natural disasters, sabotage
• Changes in surrounding land use

A–8 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


Table A3 Examples of hazardous events and their potential sources (Continued)

Storage reservoirs and intakes
• Open reservoirs and aqueducts, uncovered storages • Stratification
• Human access / absence of exclusion areas around shorelines • Soil erosion
• Animal access including birds and vermin • Inadequate buffer zones and vegetation
• Short-circuiting of reservoir • Climatic and seasonal variations (e.g. heavy rainfalls, droughts)
• Depletion of reservoir storage • Public roads / accidental spillage
• No selective withdrawal • Failure of alarms and monitoring equipment
• No alternative water sources • Bushfires and natural disasters
• Unsuitable intake location • Sabotage
• Cyanobacterial blooms

Treatment systems
• Significant flow variations through water treatment system • Failure of dosing equipment
• Incapable equipment or unit processes • Inadequate filter operation and backwash recycling
• Inadequate backup • Ineffective disinfection
• Inappropriate treatment processes • Equipment malfunctions
• Process control incapability or operational inflexibility • Poor reliability of processes
• Use of unapproved or contaminated water treatment • Failure of alarms and monitoring equipment
chemicals and materials • Power failures
• Chemical dosing failures • Sabotage and natural disasters
• Inadequate mixing • Formation of disinfection byproducts

Service reservoirs and distribution systems

• Open reservoirs and aqueducts / uncovered storages and • Biofilms, sloughing and resuspension, regrowth
unprotected pipe system • Pipe bursts or leaks
• Human access, absence of exclusion areas around shorelines • Inadequate repair and maintenance, inadequate system flushing
• Animal access including birds and vermin and reservoir cleaning
• Short-circuiting of reservoir, stagnation zones • Commissioning new mains
• Buildup of sediments and slimes • Inadequate disinfection after construction, repairs
• Inappropriate materials and coatings or material failure • Flow variability, inadequate pressures
• Aged pipes, infrastructure • Treatment dosing failure
• Corrosion of reservoirs and pipe system • Inadequate maintenance of chlorine residual
• Mixing of different source waters • Formation of disinfection byproducts
• Infiltration and ingress of contamination from cross- • Failure of alarms and monitoring equipment
connections, backflow (soil and groundwater) • Sabotage and natural disasters

• Potential consumer misuse • Inappropriate plumbing and construction materials
• Leaching of metals

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–9


A5 Risk assessment
The objective of risk assessment is to distinguish between very high and low risks so that priorities
for risk management can be established.

Once potential hazards and their sources and events have been identified, the level of risk associated
with each hazard or event needs to be estimated. Not all hazards will require the same degree of
attention, and risk estimation assists in directing attention and resources to those hazards that are most

In some instances, an initial screening-level risk assessment may be useful to identify broad issues and
show where to focus efforts for a more detailed assessment.

Summary of actions
• Define a consistent approach to be used for risk assessment.
• Evaluate the major sources of uncertainty associated with each hazard and hazardous event
and consider actions to reduce uncertainty.
• Determine significant risks and establish and document priorities for risk management
(based on assessment of maximum and residual risk).
• Periodically review and update the risk assessment.

An example of an approach to estimating the level of risk is provided in Tables A4, A5 and A6. These
tables have been adapted from AS/NZS 4360:1999 Risk Management and can be modified to meet
the needs of an organisation.

Using these tables to guide a risk assessment will quickly reveal the need to define the level of detail
required and format to be used for classifying events. Events may arise along a continuum from
commonly recurring incidents of minor consequence to rarer incidents with more serious consequences.
In some cases, variations of the same type of event can appear at both ends of the spectrum. For
example, ‘loss of disinfectant residual in the distribution system’ can have distinctly different meanings.
A slight reduction or a loss in parts of a system may be fairly common and have limited health
consequences; a total loss of disinfection should be rare but could have potentially severe consequences.
There is no set of rules to be followed in using these tables; rather, they are offered as a general guide
for the development of a consistent methodology that will be relevant for the water system under study.

Table A4 Qualitative measures of likelihood

Level Descriptor Example description
A Almost certain Is expected to occur in most circumstances
B Likely Will probably occur in most circumstances
C Possible Might occur or should occur at some time
D Unlikely Could occur at some time
E Rare May occur only in exceptional circumstances

A–10 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


Table A5 Qualitative measures of consequence or impact

Level Descriptor Example description
1 Insignificant Insignificant impact, little disruption to normal operation,
low increase in normal operation costs
2 Minor Minor impact for small population, some manageable operation disruption, some increase
in operating costs
3 Moderate Minor impact for large population, significant modification to normal operation but manageable, operation
costs increased, increased monitoring
4 Major Major impact for small population, systems significantly compromised and abnormal
operation if at all, high level of monitoring required
5 Catastrophic Major impact for large population, complete failure of systems

Table A6 Qualitative risk analysis matrix – level of risk

Likelihood Consequences
1. Insignificant 2. Minor 3. Moderate 4. Major 5. Catastrophic
A (almost certain) Moderate High Very high Very high Very high
B (likely) Moderate High High Very high Very high
C (possible) Low Moderate High Very high Very high
D (unlikely) Low Low Moderate High Very high
E (rare) Low Low Moderate High High

Based on the assessment of risk, priorities for risk management should be determined. Maximum risk in
the absence of preventive measures should first be determined to identify high-priority risks and provide
an indication of worst-case scenarios in the event of failures. Residual risk, determined in conjunction
with evaluation of existing preventive measures, should also be assessed to provide information on the
effectiveness of existing strategies and the need for improvements.


The outcome of hazard identification and risk assessment will depend on the level of uncertainty
associated with each parameter. Evaluating the major sources and types of uncertainty associated with
the hazards can assist in understanding the limitations of the hazard identification and risk assessment
as well as how these limitations can be reduced.

Hazard identification and risk assessment need to explicitly consider the sources and types of uncertainty.

Uncertainty can be broadly classified into two types: variability and knowledge uncertainty. By
documenting the major sources of variability and knowledge uncertainty that arise for all risks, insights
can be gained into the appropriate actions for reducing the role of uncertainty.

Variability represents the true differences that can occur in the specific values of parameters that
contribute to a risk – for example, contaminant concentrations over time and space, flows and number of
people exposed. Variability contributes to uncertainty because it usually cannot be described completely,
due to incomplete or insufficient monitoring data, and there is no single correct answer that will cover all
circumstances. For example, the mean temperature over a defined period of time will not represent the
high and low extremes and these may be more important depending on what we are seeking to know.
Because there is variability in temperature, a decision will need to be made on which value or values
to use from the available data, and this choice will carry with it some uncertainty.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–11


Knowledge uncertainty represents an inadequate state of knowledge that exists in the values of
parameters measured. Knowledge uncertainty may be reflected in a lack of assurance that methods
are accurately measuring what is intended or in a lack of understanding of how a process works. For
example, in using methods to count Cryptosporidium oocysts, there may be a degree of uncertainty
that the particles being counted are truly Cryptosporidium oocysts. Alternatively, while there may be
confidence that the method for counting oocysts is accurate, further uncertainty exists about what the
measurement means because it is not known if the oocysts are viable and, if viable, whether they are

There is value in being able to distinguish the relative impacts of variability and knowledge uncertainty.
Variability cannot be reduced by more accurate measurement. However, by characterising variability
more fully, the nature of a hazard (and thereby the dimensions of the risk) can be better understood.
Understanding how variability contributes to uncertainty may lead to actions to change a system to
reduce its variability (e.g. increasing reservoir storage times to minimise fluctuations in water quality).

In contrast to variability, knowledge uncertainty can be reduced by better measurement and research.
The increased understanding from reducing knowledge uncertainty can provide greater assurance
that the preventive measures being considered will achieve their intended purpose. This requirement
supports the need for a research capability within the water industry.

A6 Preventive measures and multiple barriers

The identification, evaluation and planning of preventive measures should always be based on system-
specific hazard identification and risk assessment. The level of protection used to control a hazard should
be proportional to the associated risk.

The multiple barrier principle should be employed and preventive measures should be comprehensive
from catchment to consumer. Wherever possible, the focus of these measures should be to prevent
contamination in the catchment rather than to rely on downstream control. Box A1 provides further
information on catchment management and source water protection.

Summary of actions
• Identify existing preventive measures from catchment to consumer for each significant hazard
and event.
• Determine the residual risk.
• Evaluate alternative and additional preventive measures where improvement is required.
• Document the preventive measures and strategies addressing each significant risk into a plan.
• Establish mechanisms to ensure cooperation and development of action plans with external

Examples of preventive measures and management strategies from catchment to consumer are provided
in Table A7. An indication of removals of enteric pathogens using the multiple barrier approach is
provided in Table A8. Table A9, in the following section, also provides examples of preventive measures
for Giardia from catchment to consumer for a river system.

Once preventive measures addressing each significant risk have been identified, the strategies should
be documented into a plan. Any new preventive measures to be implemented over the longer term, such
as covering water storages or the introduction of filtration, should be incorporated into an improvement
plan (see Section 3.12.2).

Where responsibility for preventive measures lies outside the direct control of the drinking water supplier
(i.e. with external agencies), mechanisms for communication to ensure cooperation and development
of action plans should be established (see Section 3.1.3).
A–12 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Box A1 Catchment management and source water protection

Catchment management and source water protection provide the first barrier for the protection of water quality. Catchment
management usually involves a coordinated approach to develop short-term and long-term plans to enhance water quality
and eliminate or control any potential sources of pollution.
Whether water is drawn from surface catchments or underground sources, it is important that the local catchment or
aquifer is understood, and that the activities that could lead to water pollution are identified and managed. Effective catchment
management and source water protection include development of a catchment management plan with the commitment
of land use planning authorities to prevent inappropriate development and to enforce relevant planning regulations.

Catchment management plans

A comprehensive catchment management plan should be developed and implemented to mitigate any existing and potential future
risks, and where practical, aim to improve the quality of water harvested over time. The plan should include, where appropriate,
the following elements:
• a policy statement identifying the protection of water quality as an explicit objective of local legislation
• preparation and review of land use planning controls jointly with the planning authority
• establishment of agreed processes and criteria for managing development applications
• a clear statement of responsibilities of different agencies and agreed coordination processes
• identification of water quality hazards, estimation of risks and planning of relevant management strategies
• a monitoring program to identify pollution sources, maintain quality control, and collect long-term data to determine trends
• regular documented inspections to monitor catchment conditions and land use changes
• a community awareness program, including strategies for working with landowners to support the catchment
management plan
• agreed and tested emergency response plans with relevant emergency services for responding to major pollution
events such as spillages or contamination.

The extent to which catchment pollution can be controlled or remediated is often limited in practical terms wherever there
are competing water uses and pressure for increased development in the catchment. In devising catchment management plans,
it may be necessary or useful to divide large catchments into smaller, more manageable units (e.g. subcatchments). Where this
is done, it is important to ensure that, in combination, the various plans provide an integrated approach across the entire
catchment. For large river systems protection may be possible only over limited reaches in the vicinity of the raw water
off-take or reservoir inlet.

Planning controls
Well-designed planning regulations are a critical component of sound catchment management and protection of water
quality. Where possible, protection of water resources should be included as a principal objective in planning policies.
Planning regulations should address management and control of high-risk development in catchments and aquifer intake areas
(e.g. intensive animal feedlots) and should also address the issue of long-term incremental development. Urban development,
agroindustry and general industry should be carefully scrutinised to ensure that they will not impact on water resources.
On site waste treatment and disposal systems should be permitted only where sites are suitable and there is minimal risk
to the water supply. Such systems should be designed, installed and maintained correctly, and inspected regularly. Defects
should be reported and rectified.
Responsibility for the development and implementation of planning strategies and regulations is generally shared between
state and local government agencies. It is important that drinking water suppliers and environment and health authorities establish
strong links with planning agencies and take an active role in:
• the development or amendment of these planning strategies and regulations
• the evaluation of individual development proposals with respect to potential impacts on water quality or quantity.

Where appropriate, formal agreements should be required to ensure approval conditions are complied with and recorded
on land titles to alert potential purchasers of the obligations associated with the property.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–13


Box A1 Catchment management and source water protection (Continued)

Community awareness
Community awareness programs should be developed to promote the protection of water quality. Support for local landcare
and watercare groups is a relatively low-cost opportunity to develop community awareness and reduce pollution risks.
Diffuse sources of pollution arising from agricultural and animal husbandry activities are difficult to manage but their effect
on water quality can be minimised by the use of best practice management such as fencing of streams, management of riparian
zones and off-stream watering of stock. Landowners can be encouraged to protect stream banks and provide
buffer strips through community awareness programs and by subsidising tree planting and fencing works.
Cooperation with landowners and close collaboration with agricultural agencies are essential for the management of point
sources such as dairy effluent and stockyard runoff. Demonstration projects that aim to show the benefits of collecting
and using this material are useful.

Table A7 Examples of preventive measures from catchment to consumer

Source water and catchments
• Use of an appropriate source water • Regular inspections of catchment areas
• Ownership and control of catchment area • Protection of waterways (fencing out livestock,
• Designated and limited uses buffer zones, management of riparian zones)

• Registration of chemicals used in catchments • Runoff interception

• Control of human activities within catchment boundaries • Use of planning and environmental regulations to regulate
potential water polluting developments
• Control of wastewater effluents
• Use of industry codes of practice and best
• Involvement in land use planning procedures
practice management
• Participation of community and landowners within
the catchment area

Water extraction and storage systems

• Control of water extraction • Prevention of unauthorised access
• Alternate selection of water source • Destratification of water storage
• Use of available water storage for periods of heavy rainfall • Diversion of stormwater downstream from intake
• Appropriate location and protection of intake • Roofed storages and reservoirs with appropriate
• Proper well construction including casing, sealing and stormwater collection and drainage
well-head security • Securing tanks from access by animals
• Proper location of wells in aquifer • System maintenance
• Water storage systems to maximise detention times – reservoir cleaning or scouring
– pipeline flushing
• Infiltration wells
– fittings maintenance
• Enclosed water storages

A–14 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


Table A7 Examples of preventive measures from catchment to consumer (Continued)

Water treatment system

• Coagulation or flocculation and sedimentation • Availability of backup systems

• Alternative treatment • Water treatment process optimisation, including
• Use of approved water treatment chemicals and materials – chemical dosing
– filter backwashing
• Control of water treatment chemicals
– flow rate
• Regular assessment of hazards and risks – minor infrastructure modifications
• Use of skilled and trained operators • Use of tank storage in periods of poor-quality raw water
• Process controllability of equipment

Distribution systems
• Distribution system maintenance • Fully enclosed distribution system and storages
• Availability of backup systems (power supply) • Secondary disinfection
• Maintaining an adequate disinfectant residual • Appropriate repair procedures, including subsequent
• Cross-connection and backflow prevention devices disinfection of water mains
implemented • Maintaining adequate system pressure

• Quality assurance and validation procedures for sampling • Calibration and maintenance of equipment
and testing

• Information dissemination:
– responsibilities relating to drinking water quality
– plumbing and appliances
– backflow prevention
– point of use devices

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–15

Table A8 Estimated removals of enteric pathogens using multiple barriers


Estimated reduction in numbers of enteric pathogens Estimated overall removalb

Watershed protection Reservoir detention Filtration Disinfectiona
Bacteria 0.5–1 log removal ~ 1 log removal per 10 days 0.5–1 log removal Complete inactivation can be Complete removal achievable
storage achieved by a range of disinfectants
Retention for over 60 days including chlorine, chloramines and
will provide almost UV, provided doses and contact
complete removal. times are sufficient.

Viruses Complete removal of human 1–2 log removal Conventional: 2 log removal Chlorine, UV light, ozone and Removal of 5 log achievable

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

enteric viruses if human Long-term detention Direct: 1 log removal chlorine dioxide: 3 log removal
waste excluded.
(1–6 months) Membranec: > 4 log removal

Giardia 0.5–1 log removal 1.5–2.5 log removal Conventional: 2.5 log removal Chlorine: 1–2 log removal Removal of 5.5–8 log achievable
Long-term detention Direct: 2 log removal Ozone and chlorine dioxide:
(1–6 months) Membranec: > 4 log removal 2 log removal

Cryptosporidium 0.5–1 log removal 1–2 log removal Conventional: 2 log removal Ozone: 0.5–2 log removal Removal of 3.5–7 log achievable
Long-term detention DAFF: 2 log removal Chlorine dioxide: 0.5–1 log removal
(1–6 months) Direct filtration: 2 log removal UV light: 3 log removal
Membranec: > 4 log removal Chlorine and chloramines: ineffective

DAFF = dissolved air flotation and filtration

a – Log removals based on standard doses and minimum contact times of 30 minutes
b – Using standard technology (catchment control, detention, conventional filtration, chlorination)
c – Depending on pore size

A7 Critical control points

Appropriate selection of critical control points is an important consideration, as increased focus in
process control (monitoring and documentation) for a water supply system will be directed toward these
activities and processes. The identity and number of critical control points is system specific and will be
determined by the range and magnitude of potential hazards and associated risks. Identification of critical
control points may be aided by the use of a decision tree, as shown in Figure A2.

Critical control points have several operational requirements, including establishing an appropriate
monitoring regime specifying specific parameters and critical limits to ensure the process or activity
operates effectively. Failure to meet a critical limit represents loss of control of the process and an
unacceptable health risk, either directly, through the supply of unsafe water, or indirectly, where multiple
critical control points exist, by exceeding the capacity of subsequent processes. Corrective actions
must also be available to re-establish process control when criteria have not been met.

If there is a deviation from a critical limit corrective actions also must be available to reduce the health
risk from hazards present in the system.

Summary of actions
• Assess preventive measures from catchment to consumer to identify critical control points.
• Establish mechanisms for operational control
(see Section 3.4 Operational procedures and process control).
• Document the critical control points and criteria.

Table A9 provides examples of potential sources of Giardia, preventive measures and potential critical
control points from catchment to consumer for a river system. Table A10 provides further detail
on potential critical control points and operational criteria.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–17


Figure A2 Critical cpntrol point decision tree

For each hazard identified in element 2 as representing a high risk and requiring elimination
or reduction to aasure supply of safe drinking water.

Do existing preventative measures reduce the hazard/risk to an acceptable

level (element 2)?a

Yes No Plan improvements

Assess the preventative measures sequentially from catchment to consumer to identify critical control pointsb

Does a preventative measure in this barrier substantially reduce

or eliminate the hazard?c

Yes No Not a critical control point

Can operation of the preventative measure be monitored

and corrective actions be applied in a timely fashion?d

Yes No Not a critical control point

Would failure of the preventative measure lead to immediate

notification of the health regulator?e

Yes Critical control point No Not a critical control point

Proceed to next barrier

Repeat questions 2–4

A–18 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


a – Preventive measures should be applied from catchment to consumer in accordance with the multiple barrier approach.
Overall, when considered together, these preventive measures should prevent or reduce the hazard to an acceptable level.
b – Drinking water systems generally include numerous preventive measures and strategies that all contribute to assuring the
safety of water supplied to consumers; however, only a limited number are amenable to selection as critical control points.
The identification of critical control points is system specific and involves making judgments based on knowledge of the potential
hazards and associated risks, and the preventive measures. Each significant hazard identified should have a critical control
point. However, there may be more than one critical control point to address the same hazard, and more than one hazard may
be prevented or reduced by a specific critical control point. Appropriate selection of critical control points is an important
consideration because the focus in process control (monitoring and documentation) will increasingly be directed toward these
processes and activities. Too many critical control points may make the system unwieldy and too few may fail to provide adequate
assurance of drinking water quality.
c – Important considerations are that the preventive measure is essential for significantly reducing the given hazard and that
the effectiveness of the measure has been validated.
d – Operational control must be provided for the preventive measure to assure its ongoing effectiveness. This includes establishing a
monitoring regime to ensure the process or activity operates to requirements. Practicalities of monitoring should be considered.
Operational parameters and criteria must be monitored with sufficient frequency to guarantee the critical control point is
providing protection against targeted hazards and to reveal any failures in a timely fashion. Corrective actions must
be available to regain control immediately when criteria have been exceeded or deviated from.
e – Failure means deviation from a critical limit not from a target criterion (see Section 3.3.2 and 3.4.2). The significance of critical
control points is that failure of the process or activity represents an out-of-control hazard. A practical consideration is whether
failure of the process or activity (i.e. loss of control) will result in a (potentially) unacceptable health risk and require immediate
notification of the health regulator.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–19

Table A9 Example preventive measures and potential critical control points for Giardia – river system

Potential sources of Giardia Preventive measures Potential critical control pointsa

Septic tank effluent Installation, design and maintenance standards

Setback distances
Livestock waste Riparian zones
Stocking rate controls
Stream fences

Flow diversion from reservoir of highly contaminated Flow diversion

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

first-flush water following heavy rainfall
Human or livestock access Restrict access
Interception drains
Treatment plant Sedimentation
Filtration Filtration
Disinfection, automatic dosing and monitoring Disinfection
Disinfection station

Cross-connections / backflows Booster chlorination

Mains breaks / new mains Cross-connection control (one or more of the preventive measures)
Distribution system
Positive pressure
Maintenance and repair protocols and procedures

a – Determined using the critical control point decision tree

Table A10 Example – potential critical control points and operational criteria
Activity/process Hazard(s) Critical limit Monitoring Corrective action

Groundwater abstraction Enteric bacteria, viruses and Physical surety of bore and radius Weekly inspection and testing Repair fault in bore
protozoa from septic and livestock of protection zone. Absence for presence of E. coli. 6–monthly Enforce protection zone
waste; nitrates of E. coli. NO3 50 mg/L (as nitrate) monitoring of nitrate
Catchment water reception at take off Higher levels of enteric bacteria, Set flow rate and turbidity limits Continuous stream Divert flow away from
weir prior to reservoir viruses and protozoa from septic at location upstream of weir monitoring station reservoir intake
and livestock waste following
heavy rainfall
Reservoir mixing/ destratification Cyanotoxins 6500 cells/mL Continuous monitoring of Dose reservoir with copper sulfate
Target value: 1000 cells/mL temperature and dissolved oxygen Improve efficiency of mixing
through the water column
Take reservoir out of service
Regular sampling; increase frequency
following detection of cyanobacteria
or in summer
Filtration Enteric bacteria, viruses and protozoa Combined filtered water turbidity Continuous online monitoring Identify problem and take action
< 0.5 NTU 95% of time e.g. repair faulty operation
Maximum 5 NTU Increase coagulant dose
Target value: < 0.3 NTU at all times Filter backwash
Primary disinfection and storage Enteric bacteria, viruses and Giardia Free chlorine residual > 1 mg/L Continuous online monitoring and Increase chlorine dose
Detention >x (to set minimum C.t)a alarms with automatic feedback Decrease flows to increase
to chlorine dosing detention time
Flow not to exceed x ML per hr Stop supply
Secondary disinfection Enteric and free-living bacteria Free chlorine residual >1 mg/L Continuous online monitoring and Increase chlorine dose
alarms with automatic feedback Stop supply
to chlorine dosing
Distribution of treated water Enteric bacteria, viruses and protozoa Minimum free chlorine residual Continuous online monitoring Increase chlorine dose
Chemical contaminants of 0.2 mg/L at specified locations Hydraulic pressure Identify and repair source
Positive pressure at specified of pressure loss

C.t = contact time; E. coli = Escherichia coli; NTU = nephelometric turbidity unit

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

a – see Section A8 Chlorination as an example of a critical control point


A8 Chlorination as an example of a critical control point

Disinfection is designed to kill pathogenic microorganisms, thereby preventing waterborne diseases.
Chlorination is the most commonly used process for disinfection; it is effective in killing bacteria and
can be reasonably effective in inactivating viruses (depending on type) and most protozoa, including
Giardia. Cryptosporidium is not inactivated by the concentrations of chlorine that can be safely used
in drinking water.

Although the microbial quality of drinking water is of primary importance and must never be
compromised, chlorine levels and the formation of chlorination byproducts should be controlled to
prevent any adverse health effects that may eventually be found to be attributable to disinfection

The effectiveness of chlorination depends on several factors, including:

• chlorine dose
• contact time between chlorine and the water
• chlorine demand
• pH
• temperature
• turbidity.

Chlorine demand is important because it is the chlorine residual in the water and not the chlorine dose
that determines the efficacy of chlorination. Natural water contains inorganic and organic compounds that
react with chlorine. Reactions with naturally occurring organic matter produce chlorination byproducts,
the most well known being the trihalomethanes. Chlorine may also react with compounds such as
phenols to impart a taste and odour to water.

A sufficient chlorine dose must therefore be added to the water to allow for the chlorine demand
reactions to occur, and to ensure that there is an adequate free chlorine residual available to disinfect the
water effectively. Turbidity should be reduced as much as possible before the addition of the disinfectant
in order to decrease the chlorine demand, limit shielding of microorganisms in particles and reduce the
formation potential of chlorination byproducts.

Chlorination fulfils the requirements of a critical control point. The effectiveness of eliminating potentially
harmful microorganisms is validated by extensive research and technical literature (e.g. see USEPA 1999).
In addition, process control measures are readily available. Chlorination must be functional and effective
at all times, as even short periods of sub-optimal performance can represent a serious risk to public

Table A11 and the following text provide a summary of the chlorination process as a critical control

A–22 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


Table A11 Chlorination as a critical control point

Enteric bacteria, viruses and Giardia
Process controls
• Chlorine dosing system • Chlorine cylinder changeover
• Plant flow rate / operation of clear well storage • Backup power / duplicate facilities
• pH adjustment
Operational monitoring
Parameter Target criteria Critical limits Monitoring methods
Chlorine residual > 0.5 mg/L Specific low chlorine residual Online, continuous chlorine
pH pH 6.5–7.5 set to achieve a minimum C.t residual analyser, flow and
requirement based on maximum pH 24-hour monitored alarms
Flow rate Set to achieve minimum flow and minimum storage on residual monitoring,
contact time times. Time is an important pH and chlorine dosing
Chlorine dose Set points ± x% factor in determining the critical equipment. Regular turbidity and
limit e.g. if there is a filtered temperature monitoring, and
water storage prior to supply chlorine demand calculations.
Turbidity < 1.0 NTU to customers an interruption to Increase frequency on changing
chlorination water quality.
of up to several hours may not Appropriate electronic or
result in the C.t value falling hard copy monitoring records.
Temperature below the minimum limit.

Corrective action
Any breach in critical limits or target criteria should result in any of the following operating procedures as necessary:
• inspect and calibrate equipment
• adjust flow rate
• adjust chlorine dose or feed point
• carry out additional monitoring, increase sampling and testing
• recalculate C.t values
• implement unplanned maintenance procedure
• secondary or booster disinfection
• use alternative supply or divert water
• engage backup equipment
• plant automatic shutdown
• implement emergency response
• record actions to be taken and report (internally or externally as required).
• Calibration and maintenance of equipment
• Drinking water quality monitoring
• Consumer satisfaction
• Evaluation and audit

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–23



Effective operation of chlorination requires consideration of several associated process control measures.
These include:
• Chlorine dosing system, ideally with flow-proportional automatic dosing and feedback loops
to achieve target chlorine residual and provide rapid responses to any changes in flow and water
quality. Flow meters and alarms should be provided on the chlorine feed system to warn of
disinfectant loss.
• Plant flow-rate control and the design and operation of the clear-well or post-treatment reservoir
(whichever is used to provide an adequate contact time). The infrastructure for chlorination should
be of sufficient capacity to handle maximum flow rates and should not be hydraulically overloaded
or subjected to rapid changes in hydraulic loading, as these conditions will compromise its
• pH adjustment for supplies where sudden large changes of pH are known to occur
(e.g. due to problems arising from chemical dosing with lime, permanganate, caustic soda etc).
• Provision of an alarm system on the chlorine supply, to indicate when the supply is running low,
and of a spare or surplus chlorine supply. Chemical suppliers should be evaluated and selected
on their ability to supply product in accordance with required specifications.
• Inspection, calibration and maintenance of equipment to ensure continuing process capability
and accuracy of monitoring results.
• Emergency measures such as backup generators, alarms and duplicate facilities (e.g. chlorinator,
disinfectant feed system, pumps, monitoring equipment etc) to avoid loss of disinfection
if failure occurs.


Operational parameters

It is essential to monitor residual chlorine concentration, flow rate (contact time), chlorine dose, pH,
temperature and turbidity to determine whether water is being disinfected properly. Total coliforms
and heterotrophic bacteria can also be used.

For processes such as disinfection, where failure can result in a rapid change in water quality and pose
a significant health risk, monitoring should be online and continuous to provide an immediate indication
of performance. Flow measurement and chlorine residual can be monitored online and continuously
with feedback loops to ensure correct conditions are met. For supplies where sudden changes of pH are
known to occur, continuous monitoring of this parameter should also be considered. Alarm systems that
are monitored 24 hours a day should be installed to indicate when operational criteria have not been

Critical limits and target criteria

Operational criteria for chlorination are normally determined by calculating the C.t values required
to attain target levels of pathogen inactivation at specified temperatures and pH. C.t is the product
of residual chlorine concentration in mg/L and the contact time in minutes.

Free chlorine residuals and C.t values should be validated for individual water supplies.Tables
of C.t values for various temperatures and pHs for the inactivation of Giardia and viruses by free
chlorine and other disinfectants have been published by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency (e.g. see Table A12 and USEPA 1999).

Ongoing compliance with minimum C.t values should be confirmed.

A–24 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


Table A12 C.t values for inactivation by free chlorine (mg.min/L)

99% (2 log) inactivation 99.9% (3 log) inactivation
pH 10°C 20°C 10°C 20°C
Giardia 7.0 75 37 112 56
8.0 108 41 162 81
Viruses 6.0–9.0 3 1 4 2

Source: USEPA (1999). Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking Guidance Manual, EPA 815-R-99-013.
a – At a free chlorine residual of 1 mg/L

Corrective action

Corrective action taken in response to target criteria or critical limits not being met could include:
• examination of the chlorination process (investigate equipment)
• adjustment of flow rate to increase detention time
• adjustment of pH
• recalculation of C.t values
• adjustment of disinfectant dose rates
• variation of the disinfection application point
• verification of chlorine dose solution
• increased sampling, verification of operational monitoring
• inspection and calibration of equipment
• engagement of backup chlorination equipment
• secondary disinfection, spot dose or booster disinfection
• water diversion or reliance on alternate supply (storage)
• shutdown of plant, automatic immediate shutdown
• implementation of an emergency response plan (e.g. issuing advice to boil water).


The chlorination process should be verified by supplementing with:

• regular calibration and maintenance of the chlorine dose and monitoring equipment to
ensure continuing process capability and accuracy of monitoring results. Procedures, schedules,
responsibilities and records (maintenance logs) for the calibration and maintenance of equipment
should be documented
• routine sampling and testing of E. coli (or thermotolerant coliforms) in the distribution system
and as supplied to consumers
• monitoring of consumer comments and complaints regarding chlorine taste and odour
• performance evaluation and operational audit to confirm that objectives are being met. This
entails the periodic review of operational monitoring, drinking water quality monitoring data and
consumer satisfaction, logbook records of planned and unplanned maintenance and calibration,
and operating procedures.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–25


A9 Further sources of information on drinking water

quality management


Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand/Australian and
New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (1994). National water quality management
strategy: water quality management – an outline of policies.
Available at:

Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand/Australian

and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (1994). National water quality
management strategy: policies and principles – a reference document.

Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand/Australian

and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (1998). National water quality
management strategy: implementation guidelines.
Available at:

American Water Works Association (1999). Water quality and treatment: A handbook
of community water supplies. 5th edition. Ed. Letterman RD. McGraw-Hill.

American Water Works Association Research Foundation/International Water Supply Association (1998).
Treatment process selection for particle removal. Ed. Brock McEwen J. AWWARF/IWSA.

Bannister R, O’Connor N and Stivers C (2000). Managing water quality risks from catchment to tap.
Water, March/April: 46–50.

Clancy JL (2000). Sydney’s 1998 water quality crisis. Journal of the American Water Works
Association, 92(3): 55–66.

Clancy JL (2001). Lessons from the 1998 Sydney water crisis. Water, 28(1): 33–36.

Davison A and Deere D (1999). Safety on tap. Microbiology Australia,May: 28–31.

Deere D and Davison A (1998). Safe drinking water: are food guidelines the answer.
Water, November/December: 21–24.

Deere D and Davison A (1999). Assuring Water Quality. Water, July/August:8–9.

Government of British Columbia. Drinking water protection plan – a discussion document.

Available at:

Government of Western Australia (2000). State water quality management strategy.

Available at:

Hrudey SE (2001). Drinking water quality: a risk management approach. Water, 28(1): 29–32.

MacKenzie WR, Hoxie NJ, Proctor ME et al (1994). A massive outbreak in Milwaukee

of cryptosporidium infection transmitted through the public water supply. New England
Journal of Medicine, 331(3): 161–167.

Nadebaum PR, Adlem LM, Baker AJ, Chapman MR and Rizak S. (2000). Improved management
of drinking water quality. Water, July/August: 12–16.

National Health and Medical Research Council/Agriculture and Resource Management Council
of Australia and New Zealand. (1996). Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. NHMRC/ARMCANZ.
Available at:

A–26 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


National Water Quality Management Strategy.

Information available at:

New Zealand Ministry of Health (2000). Drinking water standards for New Zealand 2000.
Available at:

New Zealand Ministry of Health (1995). Guidelines for drinking water quality management
for New Zealand.

Taylor MEU (2000). Drinking water management in New Zealand. Water, 27(6): 36–40.

Walkerton, Canada inquiry, available at:

World Health Organization (1993). Guidelines for Drinking water Quality. WHO.

World Health Organization (1999). Toxic cyanobacteria in water: a guide to their public
health consequences, monitoring and management. Eds. Chorus I, Bartram E and Spon FN.


Australian Water and Wastewater Association (1999). Catchment Management Workshop

Proceedings. Adelaide.

National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality;

Natural Heritage Trust;

Source water protection. Further references available at: and

United States Environmental Protection Authority (1999). Protecting sources of drinking water: selected
case studies in watershed management. USEPA, Washington DC. Available at:

United States Environmental Protection Authority. Source Water Assessment Program.

Information available at:

United States Environmental Protection Authority (1999). Guidance manual for conducting sanitary
surveys of public water supply systems; surface water and groundwater under the direct influence
(GWUDI). Available at:


Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand/Australian and
New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (1995). National Water Quality Management
Strategy: Guidelines for Groundwater Protection in Australia.


AS/NZS 3931 (Australian Standard/New Zealand Standard) (1998). Risk analysis of technological
systems – application guide. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand.

AS/NZS 4360 (Australian Standard / New Zealand Standard) (1999). Risk management.
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand.

AS/NZS ISO 14001 (Australian Standard/New Zealand Standard, International Organization

for Standardization) (1996). Environmental management systems – specification with guidance
for use. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–27


AS/NZS ISO 14004 (Australian Standard/New Zealand Standard, International Organization for
Standardization) (1996). Environmental management systems – general guidelines on principles, systems
and supporting techniques. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand.

Bannister R, O’Connor N and Stivers C (2000). Managing water quality risks from catchment to tap.
Water, March/April: 46–50.

enHealth Council (2000). Environmental health risk assessment: Guidelines for assessing human health
risks from environmental hazards. Available at:

Hrudey S (2001). Drinking water quality: a risk management approach. Water, 28(1): 29–32.

New Zealand Ministry of Health (2000). Draft model public health risk management plans
for drinking water supplies. Available at:–Index.

United States Environmental Protection Authority (1999). Guidance manual for conducting sanitary
surveys of public water supply systems; surface water and groundwater under the direct influence
(GWUDI). Available at:


American Water Works Association (1999). Water quality and treatment: a handbook
of community water supplies. 5th edition. Ed. Letterman RD. McGraw-Hill.

American Water Works Association Research Foundation/International Water Supply Association (1998).
Treatment process selection for particle removal. Ed. Brock McEwen J. American Water Works Association
Research Foundation /IWSA.

Clancy J, Hargy T, Marshall M and Dyksen J (1998). UV light inactivation of Cryptosporidium oocysts.
Journal of the American Water Works Association, September: 92–102.

Cleasby JL, Dharmarajah AH, Sindt GL and Baumann ER (1989). Design and operation guidelines
for optimization of the high-rate filtration process: plant survey results. American Water Works
Association Research Foundation/American Water Works Association.

Cleasby JL, Sindt GL, Watson DA and Baumann ER (1992). Design and operation guidelines
for optimization of the high-rate filtration process: plant demonstration studies. American Water
Works Association Research Foundation/American Water Works Association.

Cleasby JL, Williamson MM and Baumann ER (1963). Effect of filtration rate changes on quality.
Journal of the American Water Works Association, 55(7): 869–878.

Cohen YK. (1999). Water quality program defines operations. Opflow, 25(10): 1,4–5.
American Water Works Association.

Colwell M and Mosse PRL (2000). Optimisation of filter function using particle counting.
Water, November/December: 33–35.

Cornwell DA and Lee RG (1993). Recycle stream effects on water treatment.

American Water Works Association Research Foundation/American Water Works Association.

Cromwell J, Owen D, Dysken J and Means E (1997). Managerial assessment of water quality and system
reliability. American Water Works Association Research Foundation/American Water Works Association.

Department of Land and Water Conservation, New South Wales (1999). The management of Giardia
and Cryptosporidium in town water supplies: protocols for local government councils.

A–28 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


Health and Welfare Canada (1993). Water treatment principles and applications: a manual
for the production of drinking water. (Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality).

Hudson HE and Singley JE (1974). Jar testing and utilization of jar testing data. In Upgrading
existing water treatment plant. American Water Works Association Seminar Proceedings. AWWA.

Murray BA (1995). Particle counting in water treatment. Water, 22(2).

Partnership for Safe Water Program. American Water Works Association. Information available at: www. and

Peterson T (2000). Process optimization and the OandM Manual. Opflow, June: 17–19.

Pizzi N (1996). Optimizing your plant’s filter performance. Opflow, 22(5): 1,4,5.

Renner RC and Hegg BA (1997). Self-assessment guide for surface water treatment plant optimization.
American Water Works Association Research Foundation/American Water Works Association.

Renner RC, Hegg BA, Bender JH and Bissonette EM (1993). Composite correction program optimizes
performance at water plants. Journal of the American Water Works Association, June: 67–74.

Trussell RR (1999). Safeguarding distribution system integrity. Journal of the American Water
Works Association, January: 46–54.

United States Environmental Protection Authority (1989). Guidance manual for compliance
with the filtration and disinfection requirements for public water systems using surface water
sources. USEPA, Washington DC.

United States Environmental Protection Authority (1999). Guidance manual for conducting sanitary
surveys of public water supply systems; surface water and groundwater under the direct influence
(GWUDI). Available at:

United States Environmental Protection Authority (1999). Alternative disinfectants and oxidants guidance
manual. Available at:

World Health Organization (1999). Toxic Cyanobacteria in water: a guide to their public
health consequences, monitoring and management. Eds. Chorus I, Bartram E and Spon FN.


Allen MJ, Clancy JL and Rice EW (2000). The plain hard truth about pathogen monitoring.
Journal of the American Water Works Association, 92(9): 64–76.

Clancy JL (2000). Sydney’s 1998 water quality crisis. Journal of the American Water Works
Association, 92(3): 55–66.

Clancy JL (2001). Lessons from the 1998 Sydney water crisis. Water, 28(1): 33–36.

Davison A and Deere D (1999). Safety on tap. Microbiology Australia, May: 28–31.

Deere D and Davison A (1998). Safe drinking water: are food guidelines the answer.
Water, November/December: 21–24.

Deere D and Davison A (1999). Assuring water quality. Water 21, July/August: 8–9.

Fairley CK, Sinclair MI and Rizak S (1999). Monitoring drinking water: the receding zero.
Medical Journal of Australia, 171: 397–398.

Fairley CK, Sinclair MI and Rizak S (1999). Monitoring not the answer to cryptosporidium
in water. The Lancet, 354(9183): 967–969.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–29


Murray BA (1995). Particle counting in water treatment. Water, 22(2).

New Zealand Ministry of Health (2000). Drinking water standards for New Zealand 2000. Available at:


AS/NZS 4020 ((Australian Standard/New Zealand Standard) (1999). Products for use in contact with
drinking water. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand.

Mosse PRL and Colwell M (2001). Chemical quality assurance – Gippsland water’s journey: getting the
right chemical in the right place at the right time. Water, 28(3): 45–46.

SAA HB131 (1999). Guidelines for applying and interpreting AS/NZS 4020: Products for use in contact
with drinking water. Standards Australia.


American Water Works Association (2001). Emergency planning for water utilities. manual of water supply
practices. M19. 4th Edition. American Water Works Association, Denver.

Clancy JL (2000). Sydney’s 1998 water quality crisis. Journal of the American Water Works Association,
92(3): 55–66.

Clancy JL (2001). Lessons from the 1998 Sydney water crisis. Water, 28(1): 33–36.


DeNileon GP (2000). Certification ensures system integrity, process control. Opflow, 26(3): 7,8,14.

Truss Jr. CL (2000). The future of operator training. Journal of the American Water Works Association,
92(1): 80–81.


Hudson HE and Singley JE (1974). Jar testing and utilization of jar testing data. In Upgrading existing
water treatment plant. American Water Works Association Seminar Proceedings. AWWA.


AS/NZS ISO 10013 (Australian Standard/New Zealand Standard, International Organization for
Standardization) (1996). Guidelines for developing quality manuals. Standards Australia/Standards New

Cohen YK (1999). Water quality program defines operations. Opflow, 25(10): 1,4–5. American Water
Works Association.

Jordan CG (1998). Water quality reports boost consumer confidence. Journal of the American Water
Works Association, 90(1): 40–43.

Peterson T (2000). Process optimization and the OandM Manual. Opflow, June: 17–19.


Jordan CG (1998). Water quality reports boost consumer confidence. Journal of the American Water
Works Association, 90(1): 40–43.

A–30 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


Krestensen C (1990). Common Pitfalls and Oversights in Government Consultation with Consumer
Groups. Consumers’ Health Forum of Australia, Canberra.

Maywald S (1989). Consulting with your Community: A guide to effective and equitable community
consultation techniques for local government and associated organisations. Local Government
Community Services Association.

South Australian Health and Social Welfare Councils (1991). Consultation principles and consultation

Whately R. Community communication programs – a seven step guide. Major Urban Water Authorities of


Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) (1997). Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP)
systems and guidelines for its application. Annex to CAC/RCP 1–1969, Rev 3. Available at: ftp://ftp.fao.

Davison A and Deere D (1999). Safety on tap. Microbiology Australia, May: 28–31.

Deere D and Davison A (1998). Safe drinking water: are food guidelines the answer. Water, November/
December: 21–24.

Deere D and Davison A (1999). Assuring water quality. Water 21, July/August: 8–9.

Dickinson G (1997). HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point): A Food Safety Plan. Royal
Melbourne Institute of Technology, Department of Applied and Environmental Sciences.

Gray R and Morain M (2000). HACCP application to Brisbane Water. Water, January/February: 41–42.

Havelaar AH (1994). Application of HACCP to drinking water. Food Control, 5(3): 145–152.

HB 90.5 (2000). Correlation Between ISO 9001:2000 and the HACCP Principles. Standards Australia.

Jay JM (2000). The HACCP system and food safety. In Modern Food Microbiology, 6th edition, chapter 21:
407–422. Aspen Publishers.

Nadebaum P, Chapman M, Baker A and Rizak, S (2001). Application of HACCP to drinking water
supply systems. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Australian Water Association, Canberra,
1–5 April.

National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (1992). Hazard analysis and critical
control point system. NACMCF, Washington DC.

National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (1997). Hazard analysis and critical
control point principles and application guidelines. Washington DC.

Tompkin RB (1992). Corrective action procedures for deviations from the critical control point critical
limits. In HACCP – principles and applications, eds. Pierson MD and Corlett Jr DA: 72–82. Chapman and

World Health Organization (1997). HACCP – Introducing the hazard analysis and critical control point
system (WHO/FSF/FOS/97.2). Available at:

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–31



Anon (1999). Getting it together: integrated management systems. Waste Management and Environment,
10(5): 19–20.

AS/NZS 4581 (1999). Management system integration – guidance to business, government and community
organizations. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand.

AS/NZS 8402 (1994). Quality management and quality assurance – vocabulary. Standards Australia/
Standards New Zealand.

AS/NZS ISO 9000.2 (1998). Quality management and quality assurance standards. Part 2: Generic
Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003. Standards Australia/Standards New

AS/NZS ISO 9001 (2000). Quality management systems – requirements. Standards Australia/Standards
New Zealand.

AS/NZS ISO 9004 (2000). Quality management systems – guidelines for performance improvement.
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand.

AS/NZS ISO 10013 (1996). Guidelines for developing quality manuals. Standards Australia/Standards New

AS/NZS ISO 14001 (1996). Environmental management systems – specification with guidance for use.
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand.

AS/NZS ISO 14004 (1996). Environmental management systems – general guidelines on principles, systems
and supporting techniques. Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand.

HB 90.5–2000. Correlation between ISO 9001:2000 and the HACCP principles. Standards Australia.

Hill M, Deere D and Hansen G (2000). Excellence through continuous improvement: connectaflow.
Water, January/February: 43–44.

Nestel G, et al (1997). Guidance for self-assessment and peer review for the AWWA Qualserve
program. American Water Works Association Research Foundation/American Water Works Association.

Pearson TR (2000). Embracing total quality management. Journal of the American Water Works
Association, 92(1): 52–53.

Responsible Care report. Available at:


American Water Works Association
Australian Water Association
AWWA Research Foundation
Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment .......................
EPA Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water
International Water Association.............................................................................................
National Health and Medical Research Council ................................................................
Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council
New Zealand Ministry of Health ..........................................................................................
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

A–32 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


Water and Rivers Commission (Western Australia)

Water Environment Federation.....................................................................................................

Water Services Association of Australia ................................................................................

World Health Organization

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–33


A10 National Water Quality Management Strategy

The Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council (NRMMC) is continuing the development of the
National Water Quality Management Strategy (NWQMS). The National Health and Medical Research
Council (NHMRC) is involved in aspects of the NWQMS which affect public health.

The NWQMS has three major elements: policies, process and guidelines.


The main objective of the NWQMS is set out in the NWQMS Paper No. 2, Policies and Principles - a
reference document (ANZECC & ARMCANZ 1994) and is;

- to achieve sustainable use of the nation’s water resources by protecting and enhancing their
quality while maintaining economic and social development.

This objective is being pursued through a strategy based on high-status national guidelines with local

Policies and Principles - a reference document emphasises the importance of:

• Ecologically sustainable development;
• Integrated (or total) catchment management;
• Best management practices, including the use of acceptable modern technology and waste
minimisation and utilisation; and
• The role of economic measures, including ‘user-pays’ and ‘polluter-pays’ approaches.


The process for water quality management starts with the community working in concert with
government to develop a management plan for each catchment, aquifer, estuary, coastal water or other
water body. The plan should take account of all existing and proposed activities and developments; it
should contain feasible management options that aim to achieve the environmental values that have
been agreed for that waterbody. The process is outlined in the NWQMS Paper No. 3, Implementation
Guidelines (ANZECC & ARMCANZ 1998) and is schematically represented in figure A10.1. The NWQMS
envisages use of both regulatory and market-based approaches.

Management of water resources is mainly a state and territory responsibility, but the NWQMS will be
implemented in the context of:

• The NWQMS guidelines;

• State and territory water policies;

• Community preferences on the use and values of local waters;

• The current water quality of local waters; and

• The economic and social impacts of maintaining current water quality or of meeting new local water
quality goals.

Implementation of the NWQMS should include:

• Catchment, groundwater and coastal water quality management plans;

• An appropriate level of water and sewerage services provided by authorities; and

• Further development of regulatory and market frameworks.

A–34 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


Community views from a crucial part of the NWQMS and public comment is sought during both the
development and implementation of the strategy.

Environmental values and water quality (NWQMS) guidelines are described in the Australian and New
Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000).


The national guidelines are technical papers providing guidance on many aspects of the water cycle
including ambient and drinking water quality, monitoring, groundwater, rural land and water, urban
stormwater, sewerage systems and effluent management for specific industries. The full list of NWQMS
documents, with their current status is in table A10.1. The list, together with other information, is also
available on the NWQMS web site at

Figure A10 Natiional Water Quality Management Strategy

To achieve sustainable use of the PROCESS
nation's water resources by
protecting and enhancing their
Water Resources
quality while maintaining IMPLEMENTATION AT STATE,
economic and social development REGIONAL AND LOCAL LEVEL

State water Current water

quality policies quality

National Policies
and Principles
Community Monitor and
National Water Quality desires for review the
Management Strategy particular effects of action
water body plans
National Review
Guidelines Designate the

Evaluate the social,

economic and
environmental impacts Impacts not

Set state, regional Inplement action

and local goals and plans
develop action plans

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A–35


Table A10.1 The technical papers of the National Water Quality Management Strategy, by category

Policies and Process for Water Quality Management

Paper no.1 Water Quality Management - an outline of the policies
Paper no.2 Policies and Principles - a reference document
Paper no.3 Implementation Guidelines
Water Quality Benchmarks
Paper no.4 Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality
Paper no.4a An Introduction to the Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine WaterS
Paper no.5 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines - Summary (withdrawn)
Paper no.6 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
Paper no.7 Australian Guidelines for Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting
Groundwater Management
Paper no.8 Guidelines for Groundwater Protection
Guidelines for Diffuse and Point Sources*
Paper no.9 Rural Land Uses and Water Quality - a community resource document
Paper no.10 Guidelines for Urban Stormwater Management
Paper no.11 Guidelines for Sewerage Systems - Effluent Management
Paper no.12 Guidelines for Sewerage Systems - Acceptance of Trade Waste (Industrial)
Paper no.13 Guidelines for Sewerage Systems - Sludge (Biosolids) Management#
Paper no.14 Guidelines for Sewerage Systems - Use of Reclaimed Water
Paper no.15 Guidelines for Sewerage Systems - Sewerage System Overflow#
Paper no.16a Effluent Management Guidelines for Dairy Sheds
Paper no.16b Effluent Management Guidelines for Dairy Processing Plants
Paper no.17 Effluent Management Guidelines for Intensive Piggeries
Paper no.18 Effluent Management Guidelines for Aqueous Wool Scouring and Carbonising
Paper no.19 Effluent Management Guidelines for Tanning and Related Industries in Australia
Paper no.20 Effluent Management Guidelines for Australian Wineries and Distilleries

* the guidelines for diffuse and point sources are national guidelines that aim to ensure high levels of environmental protection that
are broadly consistent across Australia
Not yet released in final form
this document is available with its main document, but not as a separate item.

A–36 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines



ADWG: Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, published by the National Health
and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

biofilm: microbial populations that grow on the inside of pipes and other surfaces.

Campylobacter: a group of bacteria that is a major cause of diarrhoeal illness.

catchment: area of land that collects rainfall and contributes to surface water (streams,
rivers, wetlands) or to groundwater.

chlorination: use of chlorine as a means of disinfection.

chloramination: use of chloramines (compounds formed by the reaction of hypochlorous

acid or aqueous chlorine with ammonia) as a means of disinfection.

chlorine demand: the difference between the amount of chlorine added to water and the amount
of residual chlorine remaining after a given contact time. Chlorine demand may
change with dosage, time, temperature, pH, and the nature and amount of any
impurities in the water.

coagulation: clumping together of very fine particles into larger particles using chemicals
(coagulants) that neutralise the electrical charges of the fine particles and
destabilise the particles.

Codex Alimentarius: a food quality and safety code developed by the Codex Alimentarius
Commission of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
and the World Health Organization.

coliform bacteria: group of bacteria whose presence in drinking water can be used as an
indicator for operational monitoring.

consumer: an individual or organisation that uses drinking water.

corrective action: procedures to be followed when monitoring results indicate a deviation

occurs from acceptable criteria (adapted from Codex Alimentarius).

critical control point: a point, step or procedure at which control can be applied and which is
essential to prevent or eliminate a hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level
(adapted from Codex Alimentarius).

critical limit: a prescribed tolerance that must be met to ensure that a critical control
point effectively controls a potential health hazard; a criterion that separates
acceptability from unacceptability (adapted from Codex Alimentarius).

Cryptosporidium: microorganism commonly found in lakes and rivers that is highly resistant
to disinfection. Cryptosporidium has caused several large outbreaks of
gastrointestinal illness, with symptoms that include diarrhoea, nausea and
stomach cramps. People with severely weakened immune systems (i.e.
severely immunocompromised people) are likely to have more severe and
more persistent symptoms than healthy individuals (adapted from United States
Environmental Protection Agency).

C.t: the product of residual disinfectant concentration (C) in milligrams per litre
determined before or at taps providing water for human consumption, and
the corresponding disinfectant contact time (t) in minutes.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


cyanobacteria: bacteria containing chlorophyll and phycobilins, commonly known

as ‘blue-green algae’.

destratification: agitation of water body to break up and mix otherwise stable layers of water.

disinfectant: an oxidising agent (e.g. chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chloramines and ozone)
that is added to water in any part of the treatment or distribution process and
is intended to kill or inactivate pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms.

disinfectant residual: the amount of free and/or available disinfectant remaining after a given contact
time under specified conditions.

disinfection: the process designed to kill most microorganisms in water, including essentially
all pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria. There are several ways to disinfect,
with chlorine being most frequently used in water treatment.

disinfection products of reactions between disinfectants, particularly chlorine, and naturally

byproduct: occurring organic material.

distribution system: a network of pipes leading from a treatment plant to customers’

plumbing systems.

dose-response: the quantitative relationship between the dose of an agent and an effect
caused by the agent.

drinking water: water intended primarily for human consumption (but excluding bottled water,
for the purposes of these guidelines).

drinking water quality the systematic and documented evaluation of activities and processes
management audit: to confirm that objectives are being met, and which includes an assessment
of management system implementation and capability.

drinking water the wide-ranging assessment of the quality of water in the distribution system
quality monitoring: and as supplied to the consumer, which includes the regular sampling and
testing performed for assessing conformance with guideline values and
compliance with regulatory requirements and agreed levels of service.

drinking water an organisation, agency or company that has responsibility and authority
supplier: for treating and/or supplying drinking water.

drinking water all aspects from the point of collection of water to the consumer (can include
supply system (water catchments, groundwater systems, source waters, storage reservoirs and
supply system): intakes, treatment systems, service reservoirs and distribution systems,
and consumers).

enteric pathogen: pathogen found in the gut.

epidemiology: the study of the distribution and determinants of health/disease states

in human populations.

Escherichia coli: bacterium found in the gut, used as an indicator of faecal contamination
of water.

eucaryote: organism with a defined nucleus (animals, plants and fungi, but not bacteria
or cyanobacteria).

eutrophication: degradation of water quality due to enrichment by nutrients such as nitrogen

and phosphorus, resulting in excessive algal growth and decay and often low
dissolved oxygen in the water.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


exposure: contact of a chemical, physical or biological agent with the outer boundary
of an organism (e.g. through inhalation, ingestion or dermal contact).

exposure assessment: the estimation (qualitative or quantitative) of the magnitude, frequency,

duration, route and extent of exposure to one or more contaminated media.

filtration: process in which particulate matter in water is removed by passage through

porous media.

flocculation: process in which small particles are agglomerated into larger particles
(which can settle more easily) through gentle stirring by hydraulic
or mechanical means.

Giardia lamblia: A protozoan frequently found in rivers and lakes. If water containing infectious
cysts of Giardia is ingested, the protozoan can cause a severe gastrointestinal
disease called giardiasis.

grab sample: single sample collected at a particular time and place that represents the
composition of the water only at that time and place.

groundwater: water contained in rocks or subsoil.

guideline value: the concentration or measure of a water quality characteristic that, based on
present knowledge, either does not result in any significant risk to the health
of the consumer (health-related guideline value), or is associated with good
quality water (aesthetic guideline value).

hazard: a biological, chemical, physical or radiological agent that has the potential to
cause harm.

hazard analysis a systematic methodology to control safety hazards in a process by applying

critical control point a two-part technique: first, an analysis that identifies hazards and their severity
(HACCP) system: and likelihood of occurrence; and second, identification of critical control
points and their monitoring criteria to establish controls that will reduce,
prevent, or eliminate the identified hazards.

hazard control: the application or implementation of preventive measures that can be used to
control identified hazards.

hazard identification: the process of recognising that a hazard exists and defining its characteristics
(AS/NZS 3931:1998).

hazardous event: an incident or situation that can lead to the presence of a hazard (what can
happen and how).

helminth: a worm-like invertebrate of the order Helminthes.

heterotrophic bacteria: bacteria that use organic matter synthesised by other organisms for energy
and growth.

heterotrophic plate the number of colonies of heterotrophic bacteria grown on selected

count (HPC): solid media at a given temperature and incubation period, usually expressed
in number of bacteria per millilitre of sample.

integrated catchment the coordinated planning, use and management of water, land, vegetation
management: and other natural resources on a river or groundwater catchment, based on
cooperation between community groups and government agencies to consider
all aspects of catchment management.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


ISO 9001:2000 an international accredited standard that provides a generic framework for
(Quality Management): quality management systems. Designed to assure conformance to specified
requirements by a supplier at all stages during the design, development,
production, installation, and servicing of a product, it sets out the requirements
needed to achieve an organisation’s aims with respect to guaranteeing
a consistent end product.

ISO 14001:1996 an international accredited standard that provides a generic framework

(Environmental for guidance on the development and implementation of an environmental
Management Systems): management system to minimise the impacts of business operations on the
environment and to foster environmental sustainability.

indicator: a specific contaminant, group of contaminants or constituent that signals

the presence of something else (e.g. Escherichia coli indicate the presence
of pathogenic bacteria).

indicator organisms: microorganisms whose presence is indicative of pollution or of more harmful


jar test: a laboratory procedure used to estimate the minimum or ideal coagulant dose
required to achieve certain water quality goals. A jar test simulates a water
treatment plant’s coagulation and flocculation units with differing chemical
doses, and mixing and settling times.

log removal: used in reference to the physical-chemical treatment of water to remove,

kill, or inactivate microorganisms such as bacteria, protozoa and viruses
(1-log removal = 90 per cent reduction in density of the target organism,
2-log removal = 99 per cent reduction, 3-log removal = 99.9 per cent
reduction, etc).

maximum risk: risk in the absence of preventive measures.

microorganism: organism too small to be visible to the naked eye. Bacteria, viruses, protozoa,
and some fungi and algae are microorganisms.

multiple barriers: use of more than one preventive measure as a barrier against hazards.

Naegleria fowleri: an amoeba that causes a form of meningitis.

nephelometric a measure of turbidity.

turbidity unit (NTU):

operational the planned sequence of measurements and observations used to assess

monitoring: and confirm that individual barriers and preventive strategies for controlling
hazards are functioning properly and effectively.

particle count: the results of a microscopic examination of treated water with a ‘particle
counter’ – an instrument that classifies suspended particles by number and

pathogen: a disease-causing organism (e.g. bacteria, viruses and protozoa).

pH: an expression of the intensity of the basic or acid condition of a liquid. Natural
waters usually have a pH between 6.5 and 8.5.

point-of-use a treatment device applied to a single tap used for the purpose of reducing
treatment device: contaminants in drinking water at that one tap.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


preventive measure: any planned action, activity or process that is used to prevent hazards from
occurring or reduce them to acceptable levels.

procaryote: organism whose nucleus is not clearly defined (bacteria and cyanobacteria
but not animals, plants or fungi).

protozoa: a phylum of single-celled animals.

quality: the totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated
and implied needs; the term ‘quality’ should not be used to express a degree
of excellence (AS/NZS ISO 8402:1994).

quality assurance: all the planned and systematic activities implemented within the quality system,
and demonstrated as needed, to provide adequate confidence that an entity
will fulfil requirements for quality (AS/NZS ISO 8402:1994).

quality control: operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfil requirements for
quality (AS/NZS ISO 8402:1994).

quality management: includes both quality control and quality assurance, as well as additional
concepts of quality policy, quality planning and quality improvement. Quality
management operates throughout the quality system (AS/NZS ISO 8402:1994).

quality system: organisational structure, procedures, processes and resources needed to

implement quality management (AS/NZS ISO 8402:1994).

radionuclide: an isotope of an element that is unstable and undergoes radioactive decay.

raw water: water in its natural state, prior to any treatment; or the water entering the
first treatment process of a water treatment plant.

representative sample: a portion of material or water that is as nearly identical in content and
consistency as possible to that in the larger body of material or water
being sampled.

reservoir: any natural or artificial holding area used to store, regulate or control water.

residual risk: the risk remaining after consideration of existing preventive measures.

risk: the likelihood of a hazard causing harm in exposed populations in a specified

time frame, including the magnitude of that harm.

risk assessment: the overall process of using available information to predict how often
hazards or specified events may occur (likelihood) and the magnitude of their
consequences (adapted from AS/NZS 4360:1999).

risk management: the systematic evaluation of the water supply system, the identification of
hazards and hazardous events, the assessment of risks, and the development
and implementation of preventive strategies to manage the risks.

sanitary survey: a review of the water sources, facilities, equipment, operation and maintenance
of a public water system to evaluate its adequacy for producing and
distributing safe drinking water.

service reservoir/tank: a storage for drinking water, generally within the distribution system, used
to meet fluctuating demands, accommodate emergency requirements and/or
equalise operating pressures.

source water: water in its natural state, before any treatment to make it suitable for drinking.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


storage reservoir: a natural or artificial impoundment used to hold water before its treatment
and/or distribution.

stratification: the formation of separate layers (of temperature, plant or animal life) in a lake
or reservoir. Each layer has similar characteristics (e.g. all water in the layer
has the same temperature).

surface water: all water naturally open to the atmosphere (e.g. rivers, streams, lakes and

surrogate: see indicator.

symbiont: an organism that lives in a mutually beneficial close association with another

target criteria: quantitative or qualitative parameters established for preventive measures

to indicate performance; performance goals.

thermotolerant see coliform bacteria.


total coliforms: see coliform bacteria.

total quality adds to the concepts of quality management a long-term global management
management: strategy and the participation of all members of the organisation for the benefit
of the organisation itself, its members, its customers and society as a whole
(AS/NZS ISO 8402:1994).

toxicology: study of poisons, their effects, antidotes and detection.

turbidity: the cloudiness of water caused by the presence of fine suspended matter.

validation the substantiation by scientific evidence (investigative or experimental

of processes: studies) of existing or new processes and the operational criteria to ensure
capability to effectively control hazards.

verification of an assessment of the overall performance of the water supply system and
drinking water quality: the ultimate quality of drinking water being supplied to consumers;
incorporates both drinking water quality monitoring and monitoring
of consumer satisfaction.

virus: molecules of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) that can enter cells and replicate
in them.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


Index of Information sheets and fact sheets


Chloramines .......................................................................................................................Information sheet 1.3
Chlorine dioxide................................................................................................................Information sheet 1.4
Chlorine .............................................................................................................................Information sheet 1.2
Choice of disinfectant .......................................................................................................Information sheet 1.1
Disinfection of drinking water ........................................................................................... Information sheet 1
Other disinfectants ............................................................................................................Information sheet 1.7
Ozonation ..........................................................................................................................Information sheet 1.5
Sampling procedures – handling requirements and preservation ................................Information sheet 2.1
Statistics – assessing performance....................................................................................Information sheet 3.1
Statistics – control charts...................................................................................................Information sheet 3.4
Statistics – number of samples required ..........................................................................Information sheet 3.3
Statistics – statistical principles .........................................................................................Information sheet 3.2
Ultraviolet irradiation ........................................................................................................Information sheet 1.6


Acanthamoeba ............................................................................................................. (see Protozoa Section)
Adenovirus .......................................................................................................................... (see Virus Section)
Aeromonas ..................................................................................................................... (see Bacteria Section)
Burkholderia pseudomallei ........................................................................................... (see Bacteria Section)
Campylobacter ............................................................................................................... (see Bacteria Section)
Coliforms ........................................................................................................................ (see Bacteria Section)
Cryptosporidium species ............................................................................................. (see Protozoa Section)
Cylindrospermopsin ...................................................................................................(see Toxic Algae Section)
Enteroviruses ....................................................................................................................... (see Virus Section)
Escherichia coli .............................................................................................................. (see Bacteria Section)
Giardia ......................................................................................................................... (see Protozoa Section)
Hepatitis viruses .................................................................................................................. (see Virus Section)
Klebsiella ......................................................................................................................... (see Bacteria Section)
Legionella ........................................................................................................................ (see Bacteria Section)
Microcystins .............................................................................................................. (see Toxic Algae Section)
Mycobacterium ............................................................................................................... (see Bacteria Section)
Naegleria fowleri .............................................................................................................(see Protozoa Section)
Nodularin .................................................................................................................. (see Toxic Algae Section)

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


Norwalk virus ...................................................................................................................... (see Virus Section)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa ............................................................................................. (see Bacteria Section)
Rotavirus, para-rotaviruses and reovirus (reoviridae) ...................................................... (see Virus Section)
Salmonella ...................................................................................................................... (see Bacteria Section)
Saxitoxins .................................................................................................................. (see Toxic Algae Section)
Shigella ........................................................................................................................... (see Bacteria Section)
Thermotolerant coliforms ................................................................................................ (see Bacteria Section)
Vibrio .............................................................................................................................. (see Bacteria Section)
Yersinia ........................................................................................................................... (see Bacteria Section)

Physical and Chemical

Bromochloroacetonitrile (see Haloacetonitriles)
Bromodichloromethane (see Trihalomethanes)
Calcium carbonate (see Hardness)
Carbon tetrachloride
Chloral hydrate (see Trichloroacetaldehyde)
Chlorate (see Chlorine dioxide)
Chlorinated furanones
Chlorine dioxide
Chlorite (see Chlorine dioxide)
Chloroacetic acids
Chloroacetic acid (see Chloroacetic acids)
Chloroform (see Trihalomethanes)

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


2-chlorophenol (see Chlorophenols )
Cyanogen chloride
(DCA) (see Chloroacetic acids)
(1,2-DCB)(see Dichlorobenzenes)
(1,3-DCB)(see Dichlorobenzenes)
(1,4-DCB)(see Dichlorobenzenes)
(1,2-DCE)(see Dichloroethenes)
(1,1-DCE)(see Dichloroethenes)
DEHA (see Plasticisers)
DEHP (see Plasticisers)
2,4-dichlorophenol (see Chlorophenols)
2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)
DDT (1,1,1-trichloro-di-(4-chlorophenyl) ethane) and its derivatives
Dialkytons (see Organotins)
Dibromoacetonitrile (see Haloacetonitriles)
Dibromochloromethane (see Trihalomethanes)
Dichloroacetic acid (see Chloroacetic acids)
Dichloroacetone (see Chloroketones)
Dichloroacetonitrile (see Haloacetonitriles)
1,2-dichlorobenzene (see Dichlorobenzenes)
1,3-dichlorobenzene (see Dichlorobenzenes)
1,4-dichlorobenzene (see Dichlorobenzenes)
1,1-dichloroethane (see Dichloroethanes)
1,2-dichloroethane (see Dichloroethanes)
1,1-dichloroethenes (see Dichloroethenes)
1,2-dichloroethenes (see Dichloroethenes)
1,1-dichloropropanone (see Chloroketones )
1,3-dichloropropanone (see Chloroketones)
Dieldrin (see Aldrin)
Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (see Plasticisers)
Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (see Plasticisers)

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


Dissolved oxygen
EDTA (see Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid)
Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid
Heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide
Hydrogen sulfide
Iodide (see Iodine)
Methylene chloride (see Dichloromethane)
Nitrilotriacetic acid
Nitrite (see Nitrate)
NTA (see Nitrilotriacetic acid)
Other beta- and gamma-emitting radioisotopes
PAHs (see Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)
Perchloroethylene (see Tetrachloroethene)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Radium-226 and radium-228
Sulfide (see Hydrogen sulfide)
Taste and odour

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines


TCA (see Chloroacetic acids)

1,2,3-TCB (see Trichlorobenzenes)
1,2,4-TCB (see Trichlorobenzenes)
1,3,5-TCB (see Trichlorobenzenes)
TCE (see Trichloroethylene)
Tetrachloroethylene (See Tetrachloroethene)
Total dissolved solids
Tribromomethane (see Trihalomethanes)
Tributyltin oxide (see Organotins)
Trichloroacetic acid (see Chloroacetic acids)
Trichloroacetone (see Chloroketones)
Trichloroacetonitrile (see Haloacetonitriles)
1,2,3-trichlorobenzene (see Trichlorobenzenes)
1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (see Trichlorobenzenes)
1,3,5-trichlorobenzene (see Trichlorobenzenes)
1,1,1-trichloropropanone (see Chloroketones
1,1,3-trichloropropanone (see Chloroketones )
Trihalomethane (see Trihalomethanes)
2,4,6-trichlorophenol (see Chlorophenols)
True colour (see Colour)
Vinylbenzene (see Styrene)
Vinyl chloride

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

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