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IBM DB2 Information Integrator 

Client Guide for Classic Federation and

Classic Event Publishing
Version 8.2

IBM DB2 Information Integrator 

Client Guide for Classic Federation and

Classic Event Publishing
Version 8.2

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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2004. All rights reserved.
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© CrossAccess Corporation 1993, 2003
Chapter 1. Introduction to the clients for Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Code page support in the DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Federation Windows ODBC driver 33
Federation and Classic Event Publisher . 1
Supported data types . . . . . . . . . . 33

Chapter 2. JDBC client . . . . . . . . 3 Chapter 4. CLI client for UNIX . . . . . 35

Using the JDBC client . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Configuring the CLI client . . . . . . . . . 35
JDBC applications . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Configuration steps . . . . . . . . . . . 35
JDBC client setup . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Minimal URL for the JDBC client . . . . . . 4 for the JDBC client . . . . . 4 Appendix A. Configuration parameters 39
Store and connect to a JNDI database . . . . . 5 Configuration parameter format . . . . . . . 39
Minimal properties for connection objects. . . . 6 Client configuration parameters . . . . . . . 39
Connecting using WebSphere MQ . . . . . . 6 CATALOG NAME . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 CLIENT CODEPAGE . . . . . . . . . . 40
CODEPAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 CLOSE TRACE ON WRITE . . . . . . . . 40
FETCHBUFFERSIZE . . . . . . . . . . . 8 DATASOURCE . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
MESSAGECATALOGNAME . . . . . . . . 9 ENABLE TRACE . . . . . . . . . . . 41
RESPONSETIMEOUT . . . . . . . . . . 9 FETCH BUFFER SIZE . . . . . . . . . . 41
TRACELEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 MESSAGE POOL SIZE . . . . . . . . . 42
JDBC 2.1 optional features supported . . . . . . 10 NL CAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Batch operations . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 OVERWRITE EXISTING LOG . . . . . . . 42
Updatable scrollable ResultSets . . . . . . . 10 RESPONSE TIME OUT . . . . . . . . . 42
Connector API . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 SERVER CODEPAGE . . . . . . . . . . 43
DataSource . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 TRACE FILE NAME . . . . . . . . . . 43
ConnectionPoolDataSource . . . . . . . . 14 TRACE LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
XADataSource . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 USERID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Code page support in the DB2 Information USERPASSWORD . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Integrator Classic Federation JDBC driver . . . . 16
Using the connection object to specify a code Appendix B. WebSphere MQ
page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Using JNDI objects . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Conceptual overview . . . . . . . . . . . 45
The JDBC driver on UNIX System Services . . . 17 Prerequisites to using WebSphere MQ . . . . . 48
Supported data types . . . . . . . . . . 17 Data source configuration . . . . . . . . . 48

Chapter 3. ODBC client for windows . . 19 DB2 Information Integrator

Configuring ODBC data sources . . . . . . . 19 documentation . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Configuration prerequisites . . . . . . . . 19 Accessing DB2 Information Integrator
Microsoft Windows ODBC Data Source documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Documentation about replication function on z/OS 53
Adding and configuring a data source . . . . 20 Documentation about event publishing function for
ODBC 3.51/CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 DB2 Universal Database on z/OS . . . . . . . 54
API reference materials . . . . . . . . . 22 Documentation about event publishing function for
Implemented APIs . . . . . . . . . . . 23 IMS and VSAM on z/OS . . . . . . . . . . 54
Deprecated API functions . . . . . . . . . 24 Documentation about event publishing and
ODBC core level functionality . . . . . . . 25 replication function on Linux, UNIX, and Windows . 55
Differences between ODBC and CLI . . . . . 25 Documentation about federated function on z/OS 56
C datatypes supported in ODBC applications . . 26 Documentation about federated function on Linux,
C datatypes supported in CLI applications . . . 26 UNIX, and Windows . . . . . . . . . . . 56
SQL datatypes supported in ODBC and CLI Documentation about enterprise search function on
applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Linux, UNIX, and Windows . . . . . . . . . 58
SQLBindParam description . . . . . . . . 26 Release notes and installation requirements . . . . 58
SQLCancel considerations . . . . . . . . 27
Stored procedure considerations for CLI
applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Configuring the ODBC/CLI driver . . . . . 28 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 iii

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Product information . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Comments on the documentation . . . . . . . 67
Contacting IBM . . . . . . . . . . . 67

iv DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Chapter 1. Introduction to the clients for IBM DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher
This manual provides an overview of the clients that are provided with IBM®
DB2® Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher. The
clients enable client applications or tools to submit SQL queries to the data server.
JDBC, ODBC, and UNIX® Call Level Interface (CLI) clients are provided.

The clients can be used with IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation to
enable client applications to access data in any of the data sources that are
connected through the data server, such as IMS™ and VSAM. The clients can be
used with IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Event Publisher to access the
metadata catalog on the data server for validation and troubleshooting purposes.

Desktop tools and applications can issue SQL data access requests to a data server
through a JDBC, ODBC, or UNIX Call Level Interface (CLI) client. The JDBC,
ODBC, or UNIX CLI clients provide a single interface between end-user tools and
applications and other IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and
Classic Event Publisher operational components. High performance and
application integrity are provided by the 32-bit, thread-safe JDBC, ODBC, and
UNIX CLI clients. A single client can access all data sources on all platforms.

The client serves as a JDBC, ODBC, and UNIX CLI client and a connection handler
to other platforms, leveraging the underlying TCP/IP or WebSphere® MQ
communications backbone.

The following software components interact to enable data access using IBM DB2
Information Integrator Classic Federation:
v A platform-specific ODBC driver manager that loads clients on behalf of an
application. This component is delivered with the operating system for all
supported Microsoft® Windows platforms (for ODBC only).
v The ODBC, JDBC, or UNIX CLI client that processes function calls, submits SQL
requests to a specific data source, and returns results to the application.
v Data source definitions that consist of the name and location of the data the user
wants to access. The required data source definitions consist of a data source
name and communications parameters (TCP/IP or WebSphere MQ). The data
source name is used to identify a specific data server or enterprise server that
will be used to service data access requests.

The connection handler is used to communicate with a data server or enterprise

server. IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation supplies a connection
handler that supports TCP/IP or WebSphere MQ implementations.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 1

2 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Chapter 2. JDBC client
The JDBC client is a set of communication interfaces that provide access to
database management systems (DBMS). The JDBC client provides access to the
data server for IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic
Event Publisher from Java™ and Java-based tools.

The JDBC client is written in Java and has no platform dependencies or

platform-specific DLL calls. The application protocol used is proprietary.

The JDBC architecture consists of the following components:

v The JDBC application, which performs processing and invokes JDBC methods to
submit SQL statements and retrieve results.
v A Type 4 JDBC driver, which uses a proprietary protocol to communicate with
the server and process JDBC API calls. The JDBC driver processes JDBC method
invocations, submits data requests to a specific data source, and returns results
to the application.

Using the JDBC client

The following sections describe how to use the JDBC client in applications. The
JDBC client is distributed as a JAR (Java archive) file.

JDBC applications
JDBC applications can be in the form of Java applets, Java servlets, and Java

The Java applets that use the JDBC client are subject to the “sandbox” security
restrictions for a Web browser. When you run a two-tier JDBC application that
contains calls from a Java applet to a data server, you must change Web browser
security settings.

Typically, a JDBC application consists of statements that implement business logic

and JDBC method invocations, which submit SQL statements and retrieve results.

JDBC client setup

The JDBC client is compliant with JDBC 2.1 and requires Java Virtual Machine
version 1.3 or later.
Typically, using the JDBC client involved the following steps:
1. Load the driver class,
The following Java code fragment loads the client and its supporting classes:
2. Connect to the data source by using the appropriate connection method.
The following code fragment connects to the data server with the data source
name CACSAMP by using TCP/IP and returns a connection object named

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 3

java.sql.Connection CACConnection =
ip_address and port_num are the IP address and port number for your

Minimal URL for the JDBC client

The minimal URL for the JDBC client is:
jdbc:cac:<DATASOURCENAME>:tcp/<host name>/<port number>

This section describes how to use the JDBC client URL to access the JDBC client.
The name of the remote data source. Valid values are:
v Allowable value type: string
v Representation: string
v Maximum Permitted Value: 18 characters for data source name
v Minimum Permitted Value: 1 character
host name (or IP address)
The server that hosts the data server. This value is used with the port
number or service name to identify the data server that the JDBC client
connects to. If the host server is registered with your network name server,
you can use the host name, otherwise, use the IP_address. The valid host
name values are:
v Allowable value type: alphanumeric
v Representation: string
port number (or service name)
Supplies the host port number (or service name) of the data server. This
value is used with the host name or IP_address to identify the data server
to which the JDBC client connects. If the data server is registered with a
network name server, you can use the data server name; otherwise, you
must use the TCP port number, which is the decimal value of the socket
number. Valid values are:
v Allowable value type: alphanumeric
v Representation: decimal for the JDBC client

The properties for a connection can be specified in either of the following ways:
v Through a properties object passed on the connect call
v Using the URL

Both methods are described in the sections that follow.

Using the properties object

A properties object can be passed to the getConnection method of the client
Manager class, which is passed to the JDBC client. The properties that can be set
on a connection are:

4 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing

These properties are in addition to the standard properties, such as userpassword.

Using a URL
The properties can also be passed through the URL. The format is as follows:

The properties are the same as above for the properties object. No spaces are
allowed in the URL. The properties are not case-sensitive.

Store and connect to a JNDI database

To store a database connection in a JNDI database, and then connect to a
database using the information stored in a JNDI database:
1. Store a DataSource or ConnectionPoolDataSource in a JNDI database.
The following example shows how to store a ConnectionPoolDataSource in a
JNDI database:
try { cpds =
cpds.setDescription("Data source description.");
java.util.Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

//modify the following hash table entries to match the

//JNDI provider you use


//modify the above hash table entries to match the

//JNDI provider you use

javax.naming.Context ctx =
new javax.naming.InitialContext(env);
} catch(javax.naming.NamingException n) { }
Not shown in the above example but available are the
ConnectionPoolDataSource methods setServerName, setUser, and setPassword.
The methods shown in this step are the same for the DataSource and
ConnectionPoolDataSource classes.
2. Connect to the data source.
The following example shows how to connect to the data source in the JNDI
java.util.Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

//modify the following hash table entries to match the

//JNDI provider you use


Chapter 2. JDBC client 5

//modify the above hash table entries to match the
//JNDI provider you use

javax.naming.Context ctx =
new javax.naming.InitialContext(env);
cpds = ("name");
try {
javax.sql.PooledConnection pcon =
try {
java.sql.Connection con = pcon.getConnection();
java.sql.PreparedStatement ps =
con.prepareStatement("select * from dbname.tablename");
java.sql.ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
//parse ResultSet and do something with the data
} catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { }
} catch(javax.naming.NamingException n) { }

JNDI classes
Table 1 lists the JNDI class names that applications require to create the connection
objects to the IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation data server.
Table 1. JNDI classes
JNDI classes JNDI class names

Minimal properties for connection objects

J2EE application servers support minimal properties for using the DataSource,
ConnectionPoolDataSource, and XADataSource objects from J2EE connector
architectures and from connection pool managers. Table 2 lists the minimal
property requirements.
Table 2. Minimal properties for ConnectionPoolDataSource, DataSource, and XADataSource
Property name Property type Property value
Server name java.lang.String Host name or IP address of the
machine on which the server is running
Port java.lang.String Port number
Database java.lang.String Data source name that corresponds to
the service name on the server
Code page (optional) java.lang.String Server code page name

Connecting using WebSphere MQ

Using WebSphere MQ with the JDBC client is similar to using the client with
TCP/IP. The format of the comm string differs for WebSphere MQ. The format is
as follows:
mqi/Source Queue Manager Name/Source Model Queue/Destination Queue Manager Name/
Destination Queue name/Host name of Channel/Channel name

6 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
The following table describes each of these parameters.
Table 3. WebSphere MQ connection parameters
Parameter name Description
mqi Required. This lets the JDBC client and the data server
know that you are using WebSphere MQ.
Source queue manager name Required. The name of the queue manager where a
model queue is defined for use as a dynamic local
queue (the local endpoint).
Source model queue Required. The name of the model queue, defined under
the source queue manager, on which a dynamic queue
will be generated (the local endpoint).
Destination queue manager name Required. The name of the queue manager that owns
the queue on which the data server is listening.
Destination queue name Required. The name of the queue on which the server
is listening.
Host name of the channel Required on Solaris. Optional on all other platforms.
Used in conjunction with Channel name, establishes a
TCP/IP client connection to the source queue, rather
than a locally-bound connection.
Channel names Required on Solaris. Cannot be used on z/OS®.
Optional on all other platforms. Used in conjunction
with host name of the channel, establishes a TCP/IP
client connection to the source queue.

The following is a sample connection string:


The final two parameters in the connection string are optional, unless you are
running Solaris. On Solaris, you must specify the channel parameters. On z/OS,
they cannot be used. But on all other operating systems, they are optional.

If the parameters are absent, WebSphere MQ will attempt to use local bindings
(JNI to MQ routines specific to the platform). If they are present, WebSphere MQ
will use a TCP/IP connection to the specified channel/source queue.

If you do not provide the channel parameters, you must leave the extra slash at
the end of the connection string:

The following is an example of a full URL string:

This section contains descriptions of the properties objects that can be used with
the JDBC clients.

Description: Optional parameter that specifies the code page to use to convert
characters between systems. Java provides code pages to convert characters
between various formats, such as EBCDIC to ASCII.

Chapter 2. JDBC client 7

Warning: Do not enter a code page if you are using the English version of the Java
Runtime Environment. Code page converters are only supported by the
International version of the Java Runtime Environment.

For USS support, the value setting is as follows: CODEPAGE=USS.

v Use CODEPAGE=USS only when the environment is pure USS and the local
code page is EBCDIC.
v If the JVM running on USS is configured to use ASCII, do not use

Description: Optional parameter that specifies the size of the result set buffer that
is returned to a client application. This is specified in the client application’s
configuration file.

Regardless of the size of the fetch buffer specified, IBM DB2 Information Integrator
Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher always returns a complete row of
data in this buffer. Setting the fetch buffer size to 1 causes IBM DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher to return single rows of
data to the client application.

Setting an appropriate FETCHBUFFERSIZE depends upon the average size of the

result set rows that are sent to the client application and the optimum
communication packet size. From a performance standpoint, you will want to pack
as many rows as possible into a fetch buffer. The default FETCHBUFFERSIZE is
generally adequate for most queries.

If the FETCHBUFFERSIZE is set smaller than a single result set row, then the size
of the actual fetch buffer that is transmitted is based on the result set row size. The
size of a single result set row in the fetch buffer depends on the number of
columns in the result set and the size of the data returned for each column.

The following calculations can be used to determine the size of a result set row in
the buffer:
fetchbufferrowsize = (number of data bytes returned) x
(number of columns * 6)

There is also a fixed overhead for each fetch buffer. This can be computed as:
fetchbufferoverhead = 100 + (number of columns *8)

If your applications are routinely retrieving large result sets you will want to
contact your network administrator in order to determine the optimum
communication packet size and set the FETCHBUFFERSIZE to a size that takes this
into account.


Allowable value type: numeric

Representation: decimal

Maximum permitted value: 64000

8 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Minimum permitted value: 1

Default: 64000

Description: Required parameter that specifies the full path name of the language
catalog. The language catalog contains system messages in a specified language
and is pointed to by a file contained within the IBM DB2 Information Integrator
Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher configuration files. System
messages include errors generated in the data server and created on the client side.

The default catalog is engcat, or English Catalog, the only supported catalog in
this version of JDBC.

Allowable value type: string

Representation: string

Description: Optional parameter that specifies the response time-out. This value
specifies the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that this service waits for
an expected response before terminating a connection. The default is 0, wait
forever (do not time out). All other values will ultimately cause a timeout error
and request an end to query processing.


Allowable value type: numeric with alpha modifier

Representation: decimal

Maximum permitted value: 1000MS, 60S, and 60M respectively

Minimum permitted value: 0MS

Default: 0M

Description: Optional parameter that regulates the amount of information placed
into trace log by data server tasks. Any non-zero number turns on the diagnostic
tracing. Trace information is recorded by JDBC in the JDBC system log. Tracing can
be resource intensive and is not recommended unless you need to debug system


Allowable value type: numeric

Representation: decimal

Maximum permitted value: 1

Chapter 2. JDBC client 9

Minimum permitted value: 0

Allowed values and results:

v 1 (generate tracing information) and
v 0 (no trace information generated).

Default: 0

JDBC 2.1 optional features supported

The JDBC client includes support for some optional features outlined in the JDBC
2.1 spec.

Batch operations
SQL Batch Operations are supported. Note the following details:
v For java.sql.Statement, an executeUpdate, executeQuery, or execute(sql) with
an UPDATE/DELETE/INSERT statement will cause the update to be executed
even when Batch operations are pending.
v For java.sql.PreparedStatement, an executeUpdate, executeQuery, or execute()
with an UPDATE/DELETE/INSERT statement will cause the update to be
executed even when the Batch operations are pending, using the parameter
markers set before the first addBatch operation on the statement.
v executeBatch() returns an array of integers that indicate the number of rows
affected. It stops if there is an error in execution of any of the statements, and
will return only the number of integers that were successfully executed. If a
statement returns a ResultSet, the executeBatch treats it as a failure and returns
the array of integers up to that point.

Updatable scrollable ResultSets

Scrollable ResultSets are supported. Note the following details:
v ResultSet.deleteRow(), ResultSet.updateRow(), and ResultSet.insertRow() are
supported with their own changes visible. The changes made by others are not
visible to the application after the ResultSet is created.
v ResultSet.getXXX() methods work after the values are updated in case of an
insertRow being created.
v In case of updateRow , the ResultSet.getXXX() methods return the new values
for the updatedRow after a ResultSet.updateXXX() method. Otherwise they return
the old values.

Supported scroll types

The createStatement, prepareStatement, and prepareCall statements are affected
by this feature. The types and concurrencies supported are:

By default, these statements create a statement that creates a result set that is

10 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Connector API
The following sections detail the classes that you can use to connect to the IBM
DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher JDBC

Use a DataSource object when you manage connection pooling on your own, or
when you do not desire to use connection pooling. If you want connection pooling
and do not want to manage it on your own, use a ConnectionPoolDataSource
object (see “ConnectionPoolDataSource” on page 14).

Input parameters: Two java.lang.String parameters

Return type: java.sql.Connection

Description: Returns a connection to the specified database. The first input

parameter specifies the URL; the second input parameter specifies the connection

If the DataSource object does not have enough information to initiate a connection,
it will throw an SQL connect exception.

See also “getConnection” on page 11, for a version of the method that does not
take input parameters.

Input parameters: None

Return type: java.sql.Connection

Description: Returns a connection to the specified database. If the DataSource

object does not have enough information to initiate a connection, it will throw an
SQL connect exception.

Input parameters: None

Return type: java.lang.String

Description: Returns the name of the database. If the database name has not been
set, it returns null.

Input parameters: None

Return type: java.lang.String

Description: Returns the name of the data source that was set for the object. If the
data source name has not been set, it returns null.

Input parameters: None

Return type: java.lang.String

Chapter 2. JDBC client 11

Description: Returns the description that was set for the object. If the description
has not been set, it returns null.

Input parameters: None

Return type: int

Description: Returns the timeout value for logging into the database.

Input parameters: None

Return type:

Description: Returns the PrintWriter being used to write to the log. If the log
PrintWriter has not been set, it returns null.

Input parameters: None

Return type: java.lang.String

Description: Returns the specified password. If the password has not been
specified, it returns null.

Input parameters: None

Return type: java.lang.String

Description: Returns the port that was set on the object. If the port has not been
set, it returns null.

See “getPort” on page 12.

Input parameters: None

Return type: javax.naming.Reference

Description: Returns the object properties of the data source.

Input parameters: None

Return type: java.lang.String

Description: Returns the name of the server. If the server name has not been
specified, it returns null.

Input parameters: None

Return type: java.lang.String

12 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Description: Returns the connection URL used to provide the object with enough
information to make a connection.

Input parameters: None

Return type: java.lang.String

Description: Returns the user name. If the user name has not been specified, it
returns null.

Input parameters: java.lang.String

Return type: None

Description: Sets the database name equal to the input parameter.

Input parameters: java.lang.String

Return type: None

Description: Sets the description equal to the input parameter.

Input parameters: int

Return type: None

Description: Sets the login timeout equal to the input parameter.

Input parameters:

Return type: None

Description: Sets the log writer equal to the input parameter.

Input parameters: java.lang.String

Return type: None

Description: Sets the password equal to the input parameter.

Input parameters: java.lang.String

Return type: None

Description: Sets the port equal to the input parameter.

See “setPort” on page 13.

Chapter 2. JDBC client 13

Input parameters: java.lang.String

Return type: None

Description: Sets the server name equal to the input parameter.

Input parameters: java.lang.String

Return type: None

Description: Sets the URL for the object. The URL provides all of the required
connection information for the object in a single location. Use this method instead
of the individual setDatabaseName, setServerName, setPort, setPassword, and
setUser methods.

Input parameters: java.lang.String

Return type: None

Description: Sets the user name equal to the input parameter.

Use the ConnectionPoolDataSource class when you want to have IBM DB2
Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher manage
connection pooling for you. If you want to manage connection pooling outside of
IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher, or
do not want to use connection pooling, use a DataSource object instead (see
“DataSource” on page 11). If you will be performing distributed transactions, use a
XADataSource object instead (see “XADataSource” on page 16).

See “getDescription” on page 11.

See “getDatabaseName” on page 11.

See “getLoginTimeout” on page 12.

See “getLogWriter” on page 12.

See “getPassword” on page 12.

Input parameters: None

Return type: javax.sql.PooledConnection

Description: There are two signatures for this method. This first one does not take
any input parameters, and returns a connection from the connection pool. See
“getPooledConnection” on page 15 for the other signature for this method.

14 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Input parameters: Two java.lang.String parameters.

Return type: javax.sql.PooledConnection

Description: There are two signatures for this method. This version takes two
strings as input parameters. The first string specifies the URL; the second string
specifies the connection properties. See “getPooledConnection” on page 14 for the
other signature for the method.

See “getPort” on page 12.

See “getPortNumber” on page 12.

See “getReference” on page 12.

See “getServerName” on page 12.

See “getUrl” on page 12.

See “getUser” on page 13.

See “setDatabaseName” on page 13.

See “setDescription” on page 13.

See “setLoginTimeout” on page 13.

See “setLogWriter” on page 13.

See “setPassword” on page 13.

See “setPort” on page 13.

See “setPort” on page 13.

See “setServerName” on page 14.

See “setUrl” on page 14.

See “setUser” on page 14.

Chapter 2. JDBC client 15

Use an XADataSource object when you are performing distributed transactions.

The XADataSource class extends the ConnectionPoolDataSource class (see

“ConnectionPoolDataSource” on page 14). Only the methods added in the
XADataSource class are included in this section.

Input parameters: Two java.lang.String objects

Return type: javax.sql.XAConnection

Description: Returns an XAConnection object, which you use for distributed

transactions. This method takes two java.lang.String objects as input parameters.
The first string provides the URL; the second string provides the connection
parameters. See “getXAConnection” on page 16 for information on this alternate

If a connection cannot be established with the information provided for the object,
it throws an SQL connect exception.

Input parameters: None

Return type: javax.sql.XAConnection

Description: Returns an XAConnection object, which you use for distributed

transactions. If a connection cannot be established with the information provided
for the object, it throws an SQL connect exception.

Code page support in the DB2 Information Integrator Classic

Federation JDBC driver
The DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation data server supports only
EBCDIC data for different languages on z/OS. Because Java uses Unicode to
represent string and character data, the JDBC driver converts the Unicode strings
into EBCDIC format. The driver uses the codepage property or parameter to do the

You specify code pages for the java.sql.Connection object. When you create objects
for the connection object, these objects inherit the code page properties of that
connection object.

Using the connection object to specify a code page

For applications that use the Driver.getConnection(String URL, String userid, String
password) call to obtain a connection object to the server, you specify the code
page information as part of the URL.

To specify the code page as part of the URL, use the optional codepage parameter.
The codepage parameter default value is Cp500, which is the Unicode to EBCDIC
code page.

In the following example, the codepage parameter indicates to the driver to

convert all string and graphic types to the EBCDIC code page Cp933 by using

16 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing

In the following example, the codepage parameter indicates to the driver to

convert string and graphic types to the EBCDIC code page Cp939 by using
WebSphere MQ as the transport mechanism.

Using JNDI objects

For applications that use JNDI objects, use the codepage property to set the code
page. If the ObjectFactory is created by the application, use the setCodepage(String
codepage) method to set the codepage property. The codepage property and the
setCodepage(String codepage) method are in the javax.sql.DataSource,
javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource and javax.sql.XADataSources objects.

The property name is codepage and the associated method name is public void
setCodepage(String codepage).

The JDBC driver on UNIX System Services

If you run the JDBC driver on UNIX System Services, no code page conversion is
required. A parameter setting of CODEPAGE=USS is required to indicate to the
driver that no code conversion is needed. You must specify the codepage
parameter and value in uppercase.


The following example uses TCP/IP as the transport mechanism to set the
codepage parameter.

The following example uses WebSphere MQ as the transport mechanism to set the
codepage parameter.

Supported data types

Table 4 lists the supported SQL data types and recommended Java types or Java
object types. Graphic types are returned as java.lang.String object types.
Table 4. Supported SQL data types and recommended Java types
Recommended Java data type or Java object
Supported SQL data type type
FLOAT float
DECIMAL double
DOUBLE double
CHAR(254) java.lang.String
VARCHAR(254) java.lang.String
LONG VARCHAR java.lang.String
GRAPHIC(127) java.lang.String
VARGRAPHIC(127) java.lang.String

Chapter 2. JDBC client 17

Table 4. Supported SQL data types and recommended Java types (continued)
Recommended Java data type or Java object
Supported SQL data type type
LONG VARGRAPHIC java.lang.String

18 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Chapter 3. ODBC client for windows
Microsoft’s Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface allows applications to
use Structured Query Language (SQL) to access data in database management

ODBC architecture consists of four components:

v The ODBC-compliant application performs processing and calls the ODBC
functions to submit SQL statements and retrieve results.
v The driver manager loads connectors on behalf of an application.
v The client processes ODBC function calls, submits SQL requests to a specific
data source, and returns results to the application.

The Driver Manager and the client appear to an application as one unit that
processes ODBC function calls.

The ODBC client provides access to data in servers from a Windows platform.

Configuring ODBC data sources

ODBC data sources are registered and configured using the Microsoft ODBC
Administrator. Configuration parameters unique to each data source are
maintained through this utility.

You can define many data sources on a single system. For example, a single IMS
system can have a data source called MARKETING_INFO and a data source called
CUSTOMER_INFO. Each data source name should provide a unique description of
the data.

Configuration prerequisites
The following information must be available before attempting to configure the
ODBC client. If you are missing any of this information, see your system
v Name of the data source to define in the Microsoft ODBC Administrator.
v TCP/IP specific information:
– The IP address for the host system where the server runs.
– The port number assigned to the TCP/IP connection handler in the SERVICE
INFO ENTRY parameter of the server.
v WebSphere MQ specific information:
– The name of the WebSphere MQ Queue Manager that is used to communicate
with the z/OS data or enterprise server.
– The name of the Local/Remote Queue Definition that the z/OS data or
enterprise server listens on for SQL requests from ODBC clients.
– The name of the Model Queue that the ODBC client receives responses on
from the data or enterprise server.

Before configuring the ODBC client, be sure that the Windows client is set up for
the connection handler (CH) you want to use, either TCP/IP or WebSphere MQ.
See “Configuring TCP/IP communications” on page 22, for more information.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 19

Microsoft Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator
The data sources that are defined for all the currently installed ODBC clients are
listed in the Microsoft Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator. Starting from
this window, you can add and configure a data source (see 20).
To open the Microsoft Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator in Windows
2000 or XP:
1. Click the Start menu and choose Control Panel.
2. If you are using Category view, click the Performance and Maintenance icon.
3. Double-click the Administrative Tools icon:

The Administrative Tools window appears.

4. Double-click the Data Sources icon:

The ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box appears.

This dialog box displays a list of data sources and connectors under the User
DSN tab.

Adding and configuring a data source

To add and configure a data source:
1. Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box.

20 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
2. Click Add under the User DSN tab.
The Create New Data Source dialog box appears.
UNIX ODBC CLI Configuration File Server

DATA SOURCE = data-source-name Query Processor

protocol_address SERVICE INFO ENTRY =

SERVICE INFO ENTRY = CACINIT...protocol_address

3. Select IBM DB2 Information Integrator z/OS ODBC Driver from the list.
4. Click Finish.
The Communications Protocol dialog box appears.

Microsoft Windows z/OS

Data Server
ODBC Client
Enterprise Server

WebSphere MQ WebSphere MQ
Transport Module Transport Module

WebSphere MQ WebSphere MQ
Client Server


SQL requests
Local Queue

SQL Responses
Model Queue

5. Select either TCP/IP or WebSphere MQ, to use with the data source that you
are configuring.
6. Click OK.

Chapter 3. ODBC client for windows 21

The DB2 Information Integrator z/OS ODBC Driver Setup dialog box appears.

From the setup dialog boxes, you can enter parameters for new data sources or
modify parameters for existing data sources. Many of the parameters must match
the values specified in the data server configuration. If you do not know the
settings for these parameters, contact the data server administrator.

If you selected TCP/IP, see “Configuring TCP/IP communications”

Configuring TCP/IP communications

Use the DB2 Information Integrator z/OS ODBC Driver Setup dialog box to do the
v Name the data source
v Configure the TCP/IP communications settings
v Indicate the necessary authorizations

The ODBC 3.51/CLI product is a new version of the existing IBM DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher ODBC 2.0 product. This
product includes all the necessary APIs and functionality to conform to the core
level specification of ODBC 3.51.

In addition to running as an ODBC driver in Win32 environments, the base APIs

can be called directly by ISO/IEC and X/Open CAE Call Level Interface (CLI)
applications in non-Windows environments such as UNIX (Solaris, AIX, and

In defining the core-level specification for ODBC 3.x, Microsoft incorporated the
required features defined in the ISO/IEC and X/Open CLI standards. This makes
it possible to provide a single set of APIs that are usable by both ODBC and CLI
applications. A CLI application header file, caccli.h, is provided for CLI
applications running in non-Win32 environments. This header file replaces the
Microsoft ODBC header files sql.h and sqlext.h. The prototypes in caccli.h
include only the CLI subset of the ODBC API function prototypes.

API reference materials

A complete description of the ODBC 3.51 documentation can be found on
Microsoft’s web site at:

It can also be downloaded free as part of the latest version of the Microsoft data
access SDK from:

Because ODBC includes several APIs that are not part of the CLI specification, see
“Implemented APIs” on page 23 for a list of APIs that are available when
developing CLI applications.

This information in this document is intended to cover material not included in the
ODBC help file. For information on using any of the APIs or descriptions of error
states, please refer to the ODBC help file.

22 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Implemented APIs
The following APIs are implemented in the IBM DB2 Information Integrator
Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher ODBC 3.51 CLI product. These APIs
are available to both ODBC and CLI applications unless otherwise specified.
Table 5. API list
ODBC API name Comments
SQLBindParam (CLI only)
SQLBindParameter (ODBC only)
SQLDriverConnect (ODBC only)
SQLFetchScroll Support for scrollable result sets is
limited to SQLFetchScroll support
with a fetch orientation of

Chapter 3. ODBC client for windows 23

Table 5. API list (continued)
ODBC API name Comments
SQLMoreResults (ODBC only)
SQLNativeSql (ODBC only)
SQLNumParams (ODBC only)
SQLProcedureColumns (ODBC only)
SQLProcedures (ODBC only)
SQLTablePrivileges (ODBC only)

Deprecated API functions

The following APIs have been deprecated in the ODBC 3.x specification and are
not included in the IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic
Event Publisher ODBC/CLI driver. These APIs can still be used under the
Windows ODBC 3.x driver manager, as they are automatically remapped by the
driver manager to their newer replacements:
Table 6. Deprecated APIs
Deprecated API ODBC 3.x replacement
SQLColAttributes SQLColAttribute
SQLGetConnectOption SQLGetConnectAttr
SQLGetStmtOption SQLGetStmtAttr
SQLParamOptions SQLSetStmtAttr
SQLSetConnectOption SQLSetConnectAttr

24 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Table 6. Deprecated APIs (continued)
Deprecated API ODBC 3.x replacement
SQLSetParam SQLBindParameter
SQLSetScrollOption SQLSetStmtAttr
SQLSetStmtOption SQLSetStmtAttr
SQLTransact SQLEndTran

ODBC core level functionality

A description of the functionality and APIs necessary for core-level conformance is
available at This conformance description includes all
of the non-optional features defined in the ISO CLI and X/Open CLI specifications.

ODBC Level 1 functionality supported

v In addition to core-level functionality, the following ODBC Level 1 features are
supported: Specifying schema names in object qualification (two-part naming).
v Using Stored Procedures, including querying metadata about stored procedures
with SQLProcedures and SQLProcedureColumns.
v Transaction Support, including the SQLEndTran API for issuing commit and
rollback requests.

ODBC Level 2 functionality supported

In addition to core-level functionality, the following ODBC Level 2 features are
v The use of OUTPUT and INOUT parameters in stored procedure calls.
v Querying metadata information about Table privileges using the
SQLTablePrivileges function.
v The ability to time out login requests and SQL queries.

Differences between ODBC and CLI

While Microsoft defined the ODBC 3.x specification to conform to ISO/CLI and
X/Open CLI, there are still some differences between the specifications. The
primary differences are:
v Binding parameters is done using SQLBindParameter in ODBC applications and
SQLBindParam in CLI applications. See “SQLBindParam description” on page
26, for more information.
v CLI applications cannot use the ODBC-only APIs:
– SQLBindParameter
– SQLDriverConnect
– SQLMoreResults
– SQLNativeSQL
– SQLNumParams
– SQLProcedureColumns
– SQLProcedures
– SQLTablePrivileges
v ODBC applications are, by default, auto-commit enabled. Commits are
automatically issued when an SQLExecute is called for a non-SELECT statement.
CLI applications do not have the ability to set the auto-commit feature, and it is
by default disabled.

Chapter 3. ODBC client for windows 25

v ODBC applications can use ODBC escape sequences in SQL statement text. By
default, all SQL passed by ODBC applications is scanned for escape sequences.
CLI applications have no scanning capability and all SQL is passed on to the
server as-is. The ODBC auto-scan feature can be disabled in ODBC applications
to improve performance.

C datatypes supported in ODBC applications

The following C datatypes can be passed when binding result set columns and
parameters from ODBC Applications.

C datatypes supported in CLI applications

The following datatype values can be passed when binding result set columns and
parameters from CLI Applications.

SQL datatypes supported in ODBC and CLI applications

The following SQL datatype values can be passed when binding result set columns
and parameters from ODBC and CLI Applications.

Win32 Considerations: The ODBC 3.x driver manager is required to use the IBM
DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher ODBC
3.51 driver. This version of the driver manager automatically supports both 3.x
applications and older, pre-3.x applications. Calls to deprecated APIs by older
applications are automatically re-mapped to the new 3.x APIs.

SQLBindParam description
SQLBindParam is a CLI-only API call, and so it is not described in the ODBC help
file. It is essentially the same as the ODBC SQLBindParameter API, with the
omission of the parameter type and buffer length arguments (arguments 3 and 9).
The SQLBindParameter description for the parameters other than InputOutputType

26 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
and BufferLength in the ODBC documentation can be used as reference material
for SQLBindParam. All parameters bound with SQLBindParam are assumed to be

See “Stored procedure considerations for CLI applications” on page 27, for
information on binding OUTPUT and INOUT parameters.

SQLCancel considerations
In the ODBC 2.0 product, SQLCancel disconnected from the server and deleted all
statements on a connection. In the 3.51 product, SQLCancel can cancel a single
query without impacting any other statements allocated to the connection. Because
asynchronous mode is not supported, SQLCancel must be issued in a separate
program thread from the thread actually issuing the query that needs to be

For SQLCancel to succeed, the server INTERLEAVE LEVEL parameter must be set
to a non-0 value to successfully cancel statements. Interleaving permits checking
for additional messages (such as cancel) from clients while processing an SQL
request. See “INTERLEAVE INTERVAL,” the IBM DB2 Information Integrator
Administration Guide and Reference for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
for more information about the parameter.

If a non-SELECT statement such as an UPDATE or DELETE is cancelled, a rollback

is automatically issued by the server to back out any changes that may have taken
place while the UPDATE or DELETE was processing. This rollback will
automatically close any open cursors for other statements allocated to the same
database connection.

Warning: It is usually not a good idea to cancel an update statement unless it is

the only statement allocated for a database connection.

Stored procedure considerations for CLI applications

CLI applications must bind parameters for stored procedure calls using the
SQLBindParam API call. Unlike the ODBC specific SQLBindParameter function,
where the parameter type can be passed, SQLBindParam assumes all parameters
are INPUT type parameters for the stored procedure call.

To bind OUTPUT and INOUT parameters from a CLI application, programs must
retrieve the Implementation Parameter Descriptor after calling SQLBindParam and
modify the descriptors parameter mode field using SQLSetDescField. For example,
to bind an INOUT parameter for a stored procedure call, the application program
might issue the following API calls.
/* Bind an 8 byte character parameter. CLI assumes the parameter */
/* is INPUT, mode must be changed to INOUT after the bind */
sqlrc = SQLBindParam( hStmt, 1, SQL_CHAR, SQL_CHAR,
8, 0, DataPtr, IndPtr );
/* Retrieve the implementation parameter descriptor */
if ( sqlrc == SQL_SUCCESS )
sqlrc = SQLGetStmtAttr( hStmt, SQL_ATTR_IMP_PARAM_DESC,
&hIPD, sizeof(hIPD), NULL );
/* Change the parameter’s mode from the INPUT default to OUTIN */
if ( sqlrc == SQL_SUCCESS )
sqlrc = SQLSetDescField( hIPD, 1, SQL_DESC_PARAMETER_MODE,
sizeof( SQLPOINTER ) );

Chapter 3. ODBC client for windows 27

Descriptor records are new to the ODBC 3.x specification. Basically, decriptors
make previously hidden parameter and bound-column information available to
ODBC and CLI applications. See the ODBC help file for more information on

Configuring the ODBC/CLI driver

The ODBC/CLI driver is configured with a configuration file that contains:
v Environment parameters,
v Information about available data sources, and
v Connection information for each of the data sources.

The configuration file must be referenced by an environment variable named

CAC_CONFIG in non-z/OS environments and a VHSCONF DD statement in

Configuration parameters supported are:


The configuration file is standard text file that contains tokens and values defining
environment parameters and data source information. The following is a sample
datasource = LCLSAMP tcp/lclpc/7110
datasource = MVSSAMP tcp/mvs390/7111
NL = US English
NL CAT = \Program Files\IBM\DB2IIClassic82\ODBC\engcat

The ODBC driver for Microsoft Windows can be configured using the Windows
ODBC Data Source Manager or a DB2 Information Integrator ODBC Administrator,
which saves configuration values in the system registry.

The configuration application supports setting the following configuration


The following dialogs show the DB2 Information Integrator z/OS ODBC Driver
setup dialog (CACCFG32.DLL), which is opened by the Microsoft Windows ODBC

28 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Data Source Administrator.

Chapter 3. ODBC client for windows 29

30 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
The following dialogs show the z/OS ODBC Administrator application
(CACADMIN.EXE). which you can open from the Windows Start menu.

Chapter 3. ODBC client for windows 31

The ODBC/CLI driver automatically logs errors and debugging traces when the
configuration trace level is set to a value less than 8. The amount of tracing varies
with the trace level value, with 0 producing the maximum amount of tracing and 7
logging errors only. In general, tracing should always be set to 8 unless IBM
Technical Support requests diagnostic information.

In Windows 32-bit and UNIX environments, the log file created is named
CACLOG and is placed in the same directory as the ODBC/CLI driver itself. This
file is overwritten each time the ODBC/CLI driver executes.

At this time, there are only two types of information logged by the ODBC/CLI
v Creation of diagnostic messages. Any time an API call results in the creation of a
diagnostic record due to an ERROR or INFO situation, the message is logged. If
the message is an error message, then logging will take place if the TRACE

32 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
LEVEL is less than 8. If the message is an INFO message, then logging will take
place if the TRACE LEVEL is less than 3.
v API call entry and exit with return code. With few exceptions, API calls start
with validation of a passed handle and end with unlocking of the passed
handle. The API called and the return code are logged if trace level is set to 1. In
cases where and invalid handle is passed or an SQL_ERROR is returned, the
logging takes place if TRACE LEVEL is set to any value less than 8.

Logging is not recommended for ODBC applications, because the log file cannot be
shared by multiple application processes and ODBC has a tracing facility which
includes all the functionality built into the IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic
Federation and Classic Event Publisher drivers.

The log file itself is a binary file that must be formatted and printed using the
CACPLOG utility.

Code page support in the DB2 Information Integrator Classic

Federation Windows ODBC driver
DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation supports databases that are enabled
for SBCS and DBCS data. Those databases include DB2, IMS, VSAM, SEQ, and
CA-IDMS. The DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation Windows ODBC
driver translates SBCS and DBCS data by using ICU4C to perform code page

The form of character data that DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation
supports is mixed-mode SBCS data. Mixed-mode character data can be strictly SBCS
data or can include DBCS data. ODBC driver support includes conversion of
graphic data types and bi-directional languages.

You can use the ODBC Data Source Administrator interface to define client and
server code pages when you configure the ODBC data source. “Configuring the
ODBC/CLI driver” on page 28 shows the dialogs where you specify code page
settings. For detailed information about the CCSIDs that DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Federation supports, see IBM DB2 Information Integrator
Administration Guide and Reference for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing.

Supported data types

Table 7 lists the supported SQL data types and recommended ODBC types.
Table 7. Supported SQL data types and recommended Java types
Supported SQL data type Recommended ODBC type

Chapter 3. ODBC client for windows 33

Table 7. Supported SQL data types and recommended Java types (continued)
Supported SQL data type Recommended ODBC type

34 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Chapter 4. CLI client for UNIX
The UNIX Call Level Interface (CLI) client that is provided with DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Federation for z/OS allows applications to use Structured Query
Language (SQL) to access data in both relational and nonrelational database
management systems.

The CLI architecture consists of four components:

v The CLI-compliant application performs processing and calls the CLI functions
to submit SQL statements and retrieve results.
v The operation system-dependent driver manager loads clients on behalf of an
application to process the CLI calls.
v The client processes CLI function calls, submits SQL requests to a specific data
source, and returns results to the application.
v The data source definition identifies the data that the user wants to access.

The data source name is equivalent to the DATASOURCE (field 1) in the IBM DB2
Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher system
configuration file.

Defining a data source consists of defining the service name and communication
parameters (TCP/IP) to determine the data server with which the client is

The driver manager and the CLI client appear to an application as one unit that
processes CLI function calls.

The UNIX CLI client provides access from a UNIX client application or tool to data
in data servers. The CLI clients communicate through a connection handler to
access all databases defined throughout the IBM DB2 Information Integrator
Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher network. Each CLI instance can
service multiple client applications and/or client tools concurrently.

Configuring the CLI client

This section describes step-by-step instructions for configuring the UNIX CLI

Configuring the CLI client consists of editing and customizing client configuration

The configuration files reside in the installation directory


For specific information about the available settings for a configuration parameter,
see Appendix A, “Configuration parameters,” on page 39.

Configuration steps
The following configuration example accesses a DATASOURCE defined as
CACSAMP on the host.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 35

For specific information regarding parameter settings, see Appendix A,
“Configuration parameters,” on page 39.

Note:: Parameters not mentioned in this section should only be changed at the
request of IBM Technical Support.
1. Edit the file odbc.ini in the application’s CLI software directory where the
driver manager resides. Add a new data source for the IBM DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher UNIX CLI client. The
data source name must correspond to a query processor name defined on the
data server and a DATASOURCE name defined in the client configuration.
For example:
[ODBC data sources]
CACSAMP=DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Event Publisher client
You must add a data source definition for each IBM DB2 Information Integrator
Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher DATASOURCE you want to
The IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event
Publisher clients are as follows:
v AIX: cacdrv
v HP-UX:
v Solaris:
2. Go to the IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event
Publisher installation directory (/opt/IBM/DB2IIClassic82/CLI/) and open the
sample configuration file cac.ini.
The file is as follows.
* Sample configuration file *
* messages and codes catalog
NL CAT = /opt/IBM/DB2IIClassic82/CLI/engcat
NL = US English
* user id/pwd needed for catalog security
* default datasource location
* performance and memory parameters
3. Edit the DATASOURCE configuration parameter.
The DATASOURCE configuration parameter identifies the data server and a
data source within the data server that the application must access. If the
application will communicate with multiple data servers or data sources within
a data server, a DATASOURCE configuration parameter must be defined for
each data server or data source to be accessed.
The subparameters on the DATASOURCE parameter identify:
v The data source name
v The type of connection handler service to use to access the data server

36 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
v The name of the listen port that a connection handler service in the data
server users (for TCP/IP only)
The following diagram shows the relationship between the DATASOURCE
parameter and the SERVICE INFO ENTRY parameters in the data server that
are required for IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic
Event Publisher client-to-data server communication.

UNIX ODBC CLI Configuration File Server

DATA SOURCE = data-source-name Query Processor

protocol_address SERVICE INFO ENTRY =

SERVICE INFO ENTRY = CACINIT...protocol_address

Figure 1. DATA SOURCE and SIE parameter relationships

4. Change the communication string for the DATASOURCE as described in the

following steps:

Note: Obtain the communication mode used to communicate with the data
server. TCP/IP can be used to access the data server from the client.
For TCP/IP communication, enter the DATASOURCE as:
DATASOURCE = sourcename tcp/hostname/portnumber
5. Create an environment variable CAC_CONFIG and set it to point to the UNIX CLI
client configuration file cac.ini.
6. Create a library environment variable to include the directories where the IBM
DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher
shared libraries are installed:
7. Execute the CLI application in this environment.
Example for AIX:
export CAC_CONFIG=/opt/IBM/DB2IIClassic82/CLI/cac.ini
export LIBPATH=/lib:/opt/IBM/DB2IIClassic82/CLI

Chapter 4. CLI client for UNIX 37

38 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Appendix A. Configuration parameters
This appendix contains the format, relationships, and descriptions of the IBM DB2
Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher
configuration parameters.

Configuration parameter format

Configuration parameters consist of fixed length 80 byte records containing either a
parameter starting in column 1, or a comment, represented as an asterisk (*), in
column 1. The parameter syntax is shown below.

parameter name = value

In the example:
v Parameter name is one or more keywords beginning in the first column of the
v There must be one blank on either side of the equal sign,
v Value is any number of characters up to the end of the record,
v String values are not surrounded by delimiters, and
v Comments after the value are not allowed.

The maximum parameter length is 255 characters, but you can continue parameters
across 80-byte records by using the backslash (\) as a continuation character. You
cannot use the continuation character until after the equal sign, and it must be the
last non-blank character of the record. The backslash character is discarded, as are
leading blanks on the continued record. Comment lines might be inserted between
the continued records.

The following example contains continuation lines:

* data source name
* protocol address

The result of this continuation line is the same as the following DATASOURCE:

Client configuration parameters

The following configuration parameters apply to the IBM DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher client.

Description: Required parameter that specifies the full path name of the language
catalog. The language catalog contains messages in a specified language and is
pointed to by a file contained within the IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic
Federation and Classic Event Publisher configuration files.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 39

Allowable value type: string

Representation: string

Use: ODBC client configuration

Description: Optional parameter that specifies the client code page value that
ICU4C uses for decoding to this code page from the server code page and
decoding to the server code page from this code page. This parameter corresponds
to the code page converter names for the CCSID that is used on the client and on
the server. ICU4C provides conversion between code pages.


Maximum Permitted Value: 64 bytes

Use: UNIX CLI client configuration


Description: Optional parameter that, when enabled, causes the client to close the
trace log after each message is written.

Use: ODBC client configuration

Description: Required parameter that is used to specify the name of the data
source a client is attempting to connect to. Field 1 is the name of the remote data
source which matches the service name (field 2) of the SERVICE INFO ENTRY
parameter in the data server’s query processor task. Field 2 is the address field by
which this client connects to the named data source. This field consists of three
parts separated by the backslash (/) character and must match the service
information field (field 10) of the SERVICE INFO ENTRY parameter in the data
server’s connection handler task.
v Sample address field for TCP/IP Protocol with data source name, CACSAMP:
The first part of the field must be set to tcp.
The second part of the field is the hostname (string) of the server or the IP
address of the server. If an IP address is specified, it must be defined in dot
notation (123.456.789.10).
The third part of the field is the port number (decimal value), or service name
on which the server is listening for connection requests.
DATASOURCE = CACSAMP tcp/host1/socket#

Allowable value type: string

Representation: string

Maximum Permitted Value: 18 characters for data source name; 64 characters for
address field

Minimum Permitted Value: 1 character

40 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Default: None

Use: UNIX CLI client configuration

Description: Optional parameter that generates an ODBC trace when enabled.

Use: ODBC client configuration


Description: Optional parameter that specifies the size of the result set buffer that
is returned to a client application. This is specified in the client application’s
configuration file.

Regardless of the size of the fetch buffer specified, IBM DB2 Information Integrator
Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher always returns a complete row of
data in this buffer. Setting the fetch buffer size to 1 causes IBM DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher to return single rows of
data to the client application.

Setting an appropriate FETCH BUFFER SIZE depends upon the average size of the
result set rows that are sent to the client application and the optimum
communication packet size. From a performance standpoint, you will want to pack
as many rows as possible into a fetch buffer. The default fetch buffer size is
generally adequate for most queries.

If the FETCH BUFFER SIZE is set smaller than a single result set row, then the size
of the actual fetch buffer that is transmitted is based on the result set row size. The
size of a single result set row in the fetch buffer depends on the number of
columns in the result set and the size of the data returned for each column.

The following calculations can be used to determine the size of a result set row in
the buffer:
fetch buffer row size = (number of data bytes returned) x
(number of columns * 6)

There is also a fixed overhead for each fetch buffer. This can be computed as:
fetch buffer overhead = 100 + (number of columns *8)

If your applications are routinely retrieving large result sets you will want to
contact your network administrator in order to determine the optimum
communication packet size and set the FETCH BUFFER SIZE to a size that takes
this into account.


Allowable value type: numeric

Representation: decimal

Maximum permitted value: 524288

Minimum permitted value: 32768

Appendix A. Configuration parameters 41

Default: 64000

Use: Windows and UNIX CLI client configuration


Description: Required parameter that specifies the size of the memory used for all
memory allocation. The number is specified in bytes. If the value specified is less
than 1MB, 1MB is used. If the amount of storage that can be obtained is less than
the value specified, the maximum amount available is obtained.


Allowable value type: numeric

Representation: decimal

Maximum permitted value: 134217600 (128 MB)

Minimum permitted value: 1048575 (1MB)

Default: 1048575

Use: ODBC and UNIX CLI client configuration

Description: Required parameter that defines the directory where the message
catalogs are installed. The drivers automatically access the message catalogs, based
on the locale.

NL CAT = /opt/IBM/DB2IIClassic82/CLI/engcat

Allowable value type: string

Representation: string

Use: UNIX CLI client configuration

Note: For CLI drivers, the Japanese catalog file is The Japanese
catalogs are distributed in SJIS and eucJP code pages. Rename the code page you
want to use to


Description: Optional parameter that overwrites an existing log trace.

Use: ODBC client configuration


Description: Optional parameter that specifies the response time-out. This value
specifies the maximum amount of time that this service waits for an expected
response before terminating a connection. Valid formats include:
v nMS = number of milliseconds

42 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
v nS = number of seconds
v nM = number of minutes


Allowable value type: numeric with alpha modifier

Representation: decimal

Maximum permitted value: 1000MS, 60S, and 60M respectively

Minimum permitted value: 0MS

Default: 6M

Use: ODBC client configuration

Description: Optional parameter that specifies the server code page value that
ICU4C uses for encoding to this code page from the client code page and encoding
to the client code page from this code page. This parameter corresponds to the
code page converter names for the CCSID that is used on the client and on the
server. ICU4C provides conversion between code pages.


Maximum Permitted Value: 64 bytes

Use: UNIX CLI client configuration


Description: Optional parameter that specifies the name of the trace file.

NOTE: If a directory is not indicated, it will be created under the directory of the
front-end tool used for the query under Program Files.

Use: ODBC client configuration

Description: Optional parameter that regulates the amount of information placed
into trace log by data server tasks.


Allowable value type: numeric

Representation: decimal

Maximum permitted value: 20

Minimum permitted value: 0

Appendix A. Configuration parameters 43

Allowed values and results:
v 20 (no trace information generated)
v 16 (identify fatal error conditions)
v 8 (identify all recoverable error conditions)
v 4 (generate warning messages)
v 3 (generate debugging information)
v 1 (generate function call information)
v 0 (trace all)

Default: 4

Warning: This parameter should only be changed at the request of IBM Technical
Support. Settings lower than 4 will cause response time degradation.

Use: ODBC client configuration

Description: Optional parameter that is the default SQL ID if no ID is present on a
CONNECT statement or if a dynamic CONNECT is issued due to the client
application not issuing a CONNECT statement.


Allowable value type: string

Representation: maximum of 7 characters with no spaces. If more than 7 characters

are specified, only the first 7 are used

Use: UNIX CLI client configuration

Description: Optional parameter that is the default SQL ID password if no
password is present on a CONNECT statement or if a dynamic CONNECT is
issued due to the client application not issuing a CONNECT statement.


Allowable value type: string

Representation: maximum of 8 characters with no spaces

Use: UNIX CLI client configuration

44 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Appendix B. WebSphere MQ configuration
This appendix assumes that you are familiar with WebSphere MQ concepts and
terminology and that you have a working knowledge of how to configure and
operate WebSphere MQ on Microsoft Windows platforms.

Important: IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event
Publisher supports WebSphere MQ on Microsoft Windows platforms only.
Websphere MQ support is not provided on UNIX platforms.

See the IBM DB2 Information Integrator Installation Guide for Classic Federation and
Classic Event Publishing for information about the versions of WebSphere MQ that
are supported.

This appendix describes:

v The use of WebSphere MQ as a transport mechanism for IBM DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher
v WebSphere MQ queue manager definitions that are required for IBM DB2
Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher to use
WebSphere MQ

Conceptual overview
IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher can
use WebSphere MQ as a transport mechanism between Windows clients and data
servers (or enterprise servers). The IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic
Federation and Classic Event Publisher WebSphere MQ implementation is referred
to as a transport layer because IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation
and Classic Event Publisher does not use any advanced WebSphere MQ facilities
such as message persistence or two-phase commit protocols. For Windows clients,
using WebSphere MQ as a transport mechanism still uses TCP/IP as the
underlying transport mechanism between the client and the data server (or
enterprise server).

The advantage of using WebSphere MQ as a transport mechanism is that you use

WebSphere MQ to configure connectivity between the client and server in the same
manner that you configure other applications that use WebSphere MQ.
Additionally, WebSphere MQ provides protocol independence between client and
server. For example, you can use TCP/IP for communications between a Windows
client and Windows WebSphere MQ server. You can also multi-hop over multiple
z/OS WebSphere MQ servers. In all instances, IBM DB2 Information Integrator
Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher are not aware of the underlying
protocols being used.

For IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher
to use WebSphere MQ as a transport vehicle, at a minimum two queue definitions
are required. One of these queue definitions is a local queue on which the data
server or enterprise server listens for requests from clients. The other queue is a
temporary dynamic model queue that is used by clients. The client connects to the
local queue definition and sends messages to that queue for processing by the data
server or enterprise server. The data server or enterprise server puts response
messages on the instance of the temporary dynamic queue (that is created when

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 45

the client opens the temporary dynamic model queue), which the client
subsequently retrieves and processes. Figure 2 on page 46 shows how clients and
servers communicate using WebSphere MQ (formerly called MQ Series).

Microsoft Windows z/OS

Data Server
ODBC Client
Enterprise Server

WebSphere MQ WebSphere MQ
Transport Module Transport Module

WebSphere MQ WebSphere MQ
Client Server


SQL requests
Local Queue

SQL Responses
Model Queue

Figure 2. Basic IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event
PublisherWebSphere MQ architecture

Figure 2 shows the basic WebSphere MQ architecture that is required for a

Windows client to communicate with a z/OS data server or enterprise server using
WebSphere MQ. The diagram shows that two queues are defined to the z/OS
WebSphere MQ queue manager. The queue named CAC.SERVER is the local queue
definition that the CAC WebSphere MQ transport module accesses to receive SQL
requests from Windows clients.

In the diagram, the CAC.CLIENT queue is the temporary dynamic model queue
on which the data server places messages in response to SQL Requests from a
client. During initialization processing, the client opens the CAC.CLIENT
temporary dynamic queue that causes WebSphere MQ to create a unique queue

46 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
name for use by the client. When the client sends a message to the CAC.SERVER
local queue, the MQ message header contains the name of the reply-to queue,
which in this case is the unique name of the CAC.CLIENT queue assigned to the
client by WebSphere MQ. After the data server has finished processing a client
SQL request, the z/OS WebSphere MQ transport module sends a message to the
reply-to queue name identified in the originating message from the client.

Note: You can use any queue name that want for the local and temporary
dynamic queue names. The use of CAC.CLIENT and CAC.SERVER are used
for illustrative purposes only.

Figure 2 on page 46 shows WebSphere MQ clients directly connecting to the z/OS

WebSphere MQ queue manager. Figure 3 on page 47 shows another common
implementation, in which an intermediate queue manager is used.

Microsoft Windows z/OS

Data Server
ODBC Client
Enterprise Server

WebSphere MQ WebSphere MQ
Transport Module Transport Module

Microsoft Windows/UNIX

WebSphere WebSphere WebSphere

MQ Client MQ Server MQ Server


Remote Queue Local Queue


Model Queue

Figure 3. Using two queue managers

The implementation in Figure 3 on page 47 uses an intermediate Windows

WebSphere MQ queue manager. In this diagram, the WebSphere MQ client
connects to the Windows WebSphere MQ queue manager using TCP/IP or a
LAN-based protocol like NetBIOS or SPX. As can be seen in this figure, there are
three queue definitions that are required. Additionally, the temporary dynamic
model queue is now defined to the Windows WebSphere MQ queue manager. In
this implementation, a remote queue definition is also required at the Windows
WebSphere MQ queue manager that references the CAC.SERVER local queue that
is defined on z/OS.

Appendix B. WebSphere MQ configuration 47

Communications between the Windows client and data server is similar to that
shown in Figure 2 on page 46. In this scenario the Windows client is configured to
open and send messages to the CAC.REMOTE queue. This causes messages to be
sent to the CAC.SERVER queue on z/OS where the data or enterprise server can
pick these messages up for processing. The data or enterprise server sends replies
to the SQL requests sent by the client. Using standard WebSphere MQ routing
protocols, the SQL responses are sent to the instance of the temporary dynamic
model queue that was created on Windows when the client opened the

As in the previous diagram, the queue names CAC.CLIENT, CAC.LOCAL, and

CAC.REMOTE are for illustrative purposes only. You can assign any name to these
queue definitions.

Prerequisites to using WebSphere MQ

The previous section discussed two typical configurations that you may use to
establish connectivity between an IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic
Federation and Classic Event Publisher Windows client and z/OS data or
enterprise server using WebSphere MQ. Before you attempt to implement any of
these configurations, IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and
Classic Event Publisher assumes that you have the infrastructure in place to allow
communications between the different WebSphere MQ components.

Specifically, IBM DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event
Publisher assume the following:
v The WebSphere MQ z/OS queue manager has been installed and configured for
communications between any other queue managers that IBM DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher will be using (or
passing through) and/or the WebSphere MQ clients that will be connecting to
the z/OS queue manager.
v The Windows WebSphere MQ client (or a Windows WebSphere MQ server) has
been installed on the Windows workstation where the IBM DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Federation and Classic Event Publisher client is/will be
v You have tested connectivity between all WebSphere MQ components by putting
and getting messages with the WebSphere MQ supplied utility programs.

Note: If you do not have your own queues for test purposes you can put and
get test messages from the local queue that the data or enterprise server
will be using. When the server starts up, it will retrieve the test messages,
determine that a reply-to queue does not exist, and then discard the
message(s) from the local queue.

Data source configuration

To successfully configure the Windows client to use WebSphere MQ, you need
three pieces of information. They are:
v The name of the WebSphere MQ queue manager that the client connects to.
v The name of the local or remote queue definition that the data or enterprise
server is listening on for connection requests. In the WebSphere MQ Data Source
Configuration dialog box, this is referred to as the server queue name.
v The name of the model queue that the Windows client receives SQL responses
on from the data or enterprise server.

48 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
The following tables identify the values that must be supplied depending upon
whether the Windows client will be communicating directly with the z/OS
WebSphere MQ queue manager or going through an intermediate Windows queue
Table 8. Required information for direct z/OS connections
Information Description
Queue manager name The 4-character name of the z/OS WebSphere MQ queue
manager that the data or enterprise server has been
configured to connect to.
Server queue name The name of the local queue that the data or enterprise server
has been configured to listen on for connections requests. In
the example in Figure 2 on page 46, the Model queue name is
Model queue name The name of the Model Queue that has been defined on
z/OS for use by Windows clients. In the example in Figure 2
on page 46, the Model queue name is CAC.CLIENT.

Table 9. Required information when using intermediate queue managers

Information Description
Queue Manager Name The name of the Windows WebSphere MQ queue manager
that the client connects to for communications with the z/OS
MQ queue manager that the data or enterprise server has
been configured to connect to.
Server queue name The name of the remote queue definition configured to
communicate with the z/OS local queue definition that the
data or enterprise server has been configured to listen on for
connection requests. In the example in Figure 3 on page 47,
the server queue name is CAC.REMOTE.
Model queue name The name of the Model Queue definition defined in the
queue manager that the Windows client is connecting to. In
the example in Figure 3 on page 47, the Model queue name is

Appendix B. WebSphere MQ configuration 49

50 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
DB2 Information Integrator documentation
This topic provides information about the documentation that is available for DB2
Information Integrator. The tables in this topic provide the official document title,
form number, and location of each PDF book. To order a printed book, you must
know either the official book title or the document form number. Titles, file names,
and the locations of the DB2 Information Integrator release notes and installation
requirements are also provided in this topic.

This topic contains the following sections:

v Accessing DB2 Information Integrator documentation
v Documentation for replication function on z/OS
v Documentation for event publishing function for DB2 Universal Database on
v Documentation for event publishing function for IMS and VSAM on z/OS
v Documentation for event publishing and replication function on Linux, UNIX,
and Windows
v Documentation for federated function on z/OS
v Documentation for federated function on Linux, UNIX, and Windows
v Documentation for enterprise search on Linux, UNIX, and Windows
v Release notes and installation requirements

Accessing DB2 Information Integrator documentation

All DB2 Information Integrator books and release notes are available in PDF files
from the DB2 Information Integrator Support Web site at

To access the latest DB2 Information Integrator product documentation, from the
DB2 Information Integrator Support Web site, click on the Product Information
link, as shown in Figure 4 on page 52.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 51

Figure 4. Accessing the Product Information link from DB2 Information Integrator Support Web site

You can access the latest DB2 Information Integrator documentation, in all
supported languages, from the Product Information link:
v DB2 Information Integrator product documentation in PDF files
v Fix pack product documentation, including release notes
v Instructions for downloading and installing the DB2 Information Center for
Linux, UNIX, and Windows
v Links to the DB2 Information Center online

Scroll though the list to find the product documentation for the version of DB2
Information Integrator that you are using.

52 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
The DB2 Information Integrator Support Web site also provides support
documentation, IBM Redbooks, white papers, product downloads, links to user
groups, and news about DB2 Information Integrator.

You can also view and print the DB2 Information Integrator PDF books from the
DB2 PDF Documentation CD.

To view or print the PDF documentation:

1. From the root directory of the DB2 PDF Documentation CD, open the index.htm
2. Click the language that you want to use.
3. Click the link for the document that you want to view.

Documentation about replication function on z/OS

Table 10. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about replication function on z/OS
Name number Location
ASNCLP Program Reference for Replication N/A DB2 Information Integrator
and Event Publishing Support Web site
Introduction to Replication and Event GC18-7567 DB2 Information Integrator
Publishing Support Web site
Migrating to SQL Replication N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Replication and Event Publishing Guide and SC18-7568 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Replication Installation and Customization SC18-9127 DB2 Information Integrator
Guide for z/OS Support Web site
SQL Replication Guide and Reference SC27-1121 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Tuning for Replication and Event Publishing N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Performance Support Web site
Tuning for SQL Replication Performance N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A v In the DB2 Information
Integrator Standard Edition, Advanced Edition, Center, Product Overviews >
and Replication for z/OS Information Integration >
DB2 Information Integrator
overview > Problems,
workarounds, and
documentation updates
v DB2 Information Integrator
Installation launchpad
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
v The DB2 Information Integrator
product CD

DB2 Information Integrator documentation 53

Documentation about event publishing function for DB2 Universal
Database on z/OS
Table 11. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about event publishing function for DB2
Universal Database on z/OS
Name number Location
ASNCLP Program Reference for Replication N/A DB2 Information Integrator
and Event Publishing Support Web site
Introduction to Replication and Event GC18-7567 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Replication and Event Publishing Guide and SC18-7568 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Tuning for Replication and Event Publishing N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Performance Support Web site
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A v In the DB2 Information
Integrator Standard Edition, Advanced Edition, Center, Product Overviews >
and Replication for z/OS Information Integration >
DB2 Information Integrator
overview > Problems,
workarounds, and
documentation updates
v DB2 Information Integrator
Installation launchpad
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
v The DB2 Information Integrator
product CD

Documentation about event publishing function for IMS and VSAM on

Table 12. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about event publishing function for IMS
and VSAM on z/OS
Name number Location
Client Guide for Classic Federation and Event SC18-9160 DB2 Information Integrator
Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Data Mapper Guide for Classic Federation and SC18-9163 DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Getting Started with Event Publisher for z/OS GC18-9186 DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Installation Guide for Classic Federation and GC18-9301 DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Operations Guide for Event Publisher for z/OS SC18-9157 DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site

54 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Table 12. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about event publishing function for IMS
and VSAM on z/OS (continued)
Name number Location
Planning Guide for Event Publisher for z/OS SC18-9158 DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Reference for Classic Federation and Event SC18-9156 DB2 Information Integrator
Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
System Messages for Classic Federation and SC18-9162 DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Integrator Event Publisher for IMS for z/OS Support Web site
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Integrator Event Publisher for VSAM for z/OS Support Web site

Documentation about event publishing and replication function on

Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Table 13. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about event publishing and replication
function on Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Name Form number Location
ASNCLP Program Reference for Replication and N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publishing Support Web site
Installation Guide for Linux, UNIX, and GC18-7036 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Introduction to Replication and Event GC18-7567 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Migrating to SQL Replication N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Replication and Event Publishing Guide and SC18-7568 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
SQL Replication Guide and Reference SC27-1121 DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Tuning for Replication and Event Publishing N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Performance Support Web site
Tuning for SQL Replication Performance N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site

DB2 Information Integrator documentation 55

Table 13. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about event publishing and replication
function on Linux, UNIX, and Windows (continued)
Name Form number Location
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A v In the DB2 Information
Integrator Standard Edition, Advanced Edition, Center, Product Overviews
and Replication for z/OS > Information Integration >
DB2 Information Integrator
overview > Problems,
workarounds, and
documentation updates
v DB2 Information Integrator
Installation launchpad
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
v The DB2 Information
Integrator product CD

Documentation about federated function on z/OS

Table 14. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about federated function on z/OS
Name Form number Location
Client Guide for Classic Federation and Event SC18-9160 DB2 Information Integrator
Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Data Mapper Guide for Classic Federation and SC18-9163 DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Getting Started with Classic Federation for z/OS GC18-9155 DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Installation Guide for Classic Federation and GC18-9301 DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Reference for Classic Federation and Event SC18-9156 DB2 Information Integrator
Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
System Messages for Classic Federation and SC18-9162 DB2 Information Integrator
Event Publisher for z/OS Support Web site
Transaction Services Guide for Classic SC18-9161 DB2 Information Integrator
Federation for z/OS Support Web site
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A DB2 Information Integrator
Integrator Classic Federation for z/OS Support Web site

Documentation about federated function on Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Table 15. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about federated function on Linux, UNIX,
and Windows
Name number Location
Application Developer’s Guide SC18-7359 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site

56 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Table 15. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about federated function on Linux, UNIX,
and Windows (continued)
Name number Location
C++ API Reference for Developing Wrappers SC18-9172 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Data Source Configuration Guide N/A v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Federated Systems Guide SC18-7364 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Guide to Configuring the Content Connector for N/A DB2 Information Integrator
VeniceBridge Support Web site
Installation Guide for Linux, UNIX, and GC18-7036 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Java API Reference for Developing Wrappers SC18-9173 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Migration Guide SC18-7360 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Wrapper Developer’s Guide SC18-9174 v DB2 PDF Documentation CD
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
Release Notes for IBM DB2 Information N/A v In the DB2 Information
Integrator Standard Edition, Advanced Edition, Center, Product Overviews
and Replication for z/OS > Information Integration >
DB2 Information Integrator
overview > Problems,
workarounds, and
documentation updates
v DB2 Information Integrator
Installation launchpad
v DB2 Information Integrator
Support Web site
v The DB2 Information
Integrator product CD

DB2 Information Integrator documentation 57

Documentation about enterprise search function on Linux, UNIX, and
Table 16. DB2 Information Integrator documentation about enterprise search function on
Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Name Form number Location
Administering Enterprise Search SC18-9283 DB2 Information
Integrator Support Web
Installation Guide for Enterprise Search GC18-9282 DB2 Information
Integrator Support Web
Programming Guide and API Reference for SC18-9284 DB2 Information
Enterprise Search Integrator Support Web
Release Notes for Enterprise Search N/A DB2 Information
Integrator Support Web

Release notes and installation requirements

Release notes provide information that is specific to the release and fix pack level
for your product and include the latest corrections to the documentation for each

Installation requirements provide information that is specific to the release of your

Table 17. DB2 Information Integrator Release Notes and Installation Requirements
Name File name Location
Installation Requirements for IBM Prereqs v The DB2 Information Integrator
DB2 Information Integrator Event product CD
Publishing Edition, Replication
v DB2 Information Integrator
Edition, Standard Edition, Advanced
Installation Launchpad
Edition, Advanced Edition Unlimited,
Developer Edition, and Replication for
Release Notes for IBM DB2 ReleaseNotes v In the DB2 Information Center,
Information Integrator Standard Product Overviews > Information
Edition, Advanced Edition, and Integration > DB2 Information
Replication for z/OS Integrator overview > Problems,
workarounds, and documentation
v DB2 Information Integrator
Installation launchpad
v DB2 Information Integrator Support
Web site
v The DB2 Information Integrator
product CD
Release Notes for IBM DB2 N/A DB2 Information Integrator Support
Information Integrator Event Web site
Publisher for IMS for z/OS

58 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Table 17. DB2 Information Integrator Release Notes and Installation
Requirements (continued)
Name File name Location
Release Notes for IBM DB2 N/A DB2 Information Integrator Support
Information Integrator Event Web site
Publisher for VSAM for z/OS
Release Notes for IBM DB2 N/A DB2 Information Integrator Support
Information Integrator Classic Web site
Federation for z/OS
Release Notes for Enterprise Search N/A DB2 Information Integrator Support
Web site

To view the installation requirements and release notes that are on the product CD:
v On Windows operating systems, enter:
x is the Windows CD drive letter and %L is the locale of the documentation that
you want to use, for example, en_US.
v On UNIX operating systems, enter:
cdrom refers to the UNIX mount point of the CD and %L is the locale of the
documentation that you want to use, for example, en_US.

DB2 Information Integrator documentation 59

60 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
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names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are
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This information contains sample application programs, in source language, which

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programs conforming to IBM’s application programming interfaces.

62 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
Each copy or any portion of these sample programs or any derivative work must
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© (your company name) (year). Portions of this code are derived from IBM Corp.
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Notices 63
64 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
A (continued)
DataSource (continued)
getServerName 12, 15
getUrl 12, 15
APIs getPort 12 getUser 13, 15
deprecated 24 getPortNumber 12, 15 getXAConnection 16
automatic remapping 26 getReference 12
implemented for CLI 23 getServerName 12
implemented for ODBC 3.51 23 getUrl 12
getUser 13
INOUT parameters
setDatabaseName 13
C setDescription 13
using in stored procedures with
ODBC 3.51 25
caccli.h 22 setLoginTimeout 13
Call Level Interface. setLogWriter 13
See CLI setPassword 13
CATALOG NAME parameter 39 setPort 13 J
CLI 22, 33 setPortNumber 13, 15 4, 7
auto-commit 25 setServerName 14 JDBC
binding parameters 25 setUser 14 batch operations 10
compared to ODBC 3.51 25 16 supported optional 2.1 features 10
configuring the driver 28 Configuration parameters 39 updatable scrollable resultsets 10
implemented APIs 23 ConnectionPoolDataSource object 6 JDBC client
logging 32 createStatement 10 setup 3
ODBC 3.51 escape sequences 25 URL to connect to 4
ODBC 3.51-only APIs 25 JNDI database
SQLBindParam call 26 D storing database connection
information 5
stored procedure considerations 27 Data sources
supported C data types 26 adding 20
supported SQL data types 26 configuration 19
CLIENT CODEPAGE parameter 40 configuring 19, 20 L
parameter 40 for WebSphere MQ 48 ODBC 3.51 and CLI 32
CODEPAGE 7 Database connections storing in a JNDI database 5
getDatabaseName 14
DataSource object 6
DATASOURCE parameter 40
getDescription 14 MESSAGE POOL SIZE parameter 42
getLogWriter 14 Microsoft ODBC Administrator 19
getPassword 14 E
getPooledConnection 14, 15 ENABLE TRACE parameter 41
getPort 15 Escape sequences
ODBC 3.51 25
getReference 15 NL CAT parameter 42
getServerName 15
getUrl 15
getUser 15 F O
setDatabaseName 15 FETCH BUFFER SIZE parameter 41
setDescription 15 ODBC
setLoginTimeout 15 adding data sources 20
setLogWriter 15 ODBC 3.51 22, 33
setPassword 15 auto-commit 25
setPort 15 G automatic remapping of deprecated
setServerName 15 getConnection 11 API calls 26
setUrl 15 getDatabaseName 11, 14 binding parameters 25
setUser 15 getDataSourceName 11 compared to CLI 25
DataSource getDescription 11, 14 configuring the driver 28
getConnection 11 getLoginTimeout 12, 14 escape sequences 25
getDatabaseName 11 getLogWriter 12, 14 implemented APIs 23
getDataSourceName 11 getPassword 12, 14 logging 32
getDescription 11 getPooledConnection 14, 15 OUTPUT and INOUT parameters in
getLoginTimeout 12 getPort 12, 15 stored procedures 25
getLogWriter 12 getPortNumber 12, 15 querying metadata information 25
getPassword 12 getReference 12, 15 specifying schema names 25

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 65

ODBC 3.51 (continued)
compared to ODBC 2.0 27 TCP/IP
supported C data types 26 configuring for ODBC data
supported SQL data types 26 sources 22
timing out login requests 25 TRACE FILE NAME parameter 43
timing out SQL queries 25 TRACE LEVEL parameter 43
transaction support 25 TRACELEVEL 9
using stored procedures 25 Transactions
ODBC Data Source dialog box 20 support in ODBC 3.51 25
ODBC data sources.
See Data sources
ODBC Driver Manager 1 U
OUTPUT parameters UNIX
using in stored procedures with configuration 35
ODBC 3.51 25 USERID parameter 44
parameter 42

WebSphere MQ 45, 48
Platform dependencies 3 connecting to a database 6
prepareCall 10 data source configuration 48
prepareStatement 10 prerequisites 48
for WebSphere MQ 48
Pure Java 3

RESPONSE TIME OUT parameter 42

Schema names
specifying 25
SERVER CODEPAGE parameter 43
setDatabaseName 13, 15
setDescription 13, 15
setLoginTimeout 13, 15
setLogWriter 13, 15
setPassword 13, 15
setPort 13, 15
setPortNumber 13, 15
setServerName 14, 15
setUrl 15
setUser 14, 15
SQL queries
timing out with ODBC 3.51 25
sql.h 22
SQLBindParam call 26
SQLCancel call
ODBC 2.0 vs. 3.51 27
sqlext.h 22
SQLTablePrivileges function 25
Stored procedures
CLI considerations 27
OUTPUT and INOUT parameters
with ODBC 3.51 25
using with ODBC 3.51 25

66 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing
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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2004 67

68 DB2 II Client Guide for Classic Federation and Classic Event Publishing

Printed in USA


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