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Effects of Store Atmosphere On Shopping Behavior

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Honors Projects Business Administration


Effects of Store Atmosphere on Shopping Behavior

Wendy L. Billings '90
Illinois Wesleyan University

Recommended Citation
Billings '90, Wendy L., "Effects of Store Atmosphere on Shopping Behavior" (1990). Honors Projects. Paper 16.

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Wendy L. Billings
Department of Business Administration

Senior Honors Research Project

Illinois Wesleyan University
April 27, 1990



I would like to express gratitude to Illinois Wesleyan University for providing the opportunity to undertake this study. Special gratitude is expressed to Dr. Mona J. Gardner for her guidance and encouragement during the course of this work. Special thanks are expressed to Dr. Robert Leekley for his assistance with the statistical analysis of this study. Appreciation is also expressed to Dr. Fred Hoyt and Dr. Jim sikora for their suggestions and support during the

writing of this paper.

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Mehrabian-Russell Model

Response Taxonomy . . Intervening Variables . .. .

.......... ...

stimulus Taxonomy . . . . . . Summary of the Mehrabian-Russell Model


.. . . . .

Method . overview Sample Procedure Measures



Analysis and Results . . . . . . . .


Factor Analysis Results . . . . . . . . . . . Regression Analysis Results . . . . .

Conclusions, Managerial Implications, and

suggestions for Further Research . . .


It has long been recognized that consumers respond to more than just the core product or service being offered when making purchase decisions; they respond to the total product. One of the most important features of the total product can be the place where it is bought or consumed. In some

instances, the place, or to be more specific, the atmosphere of the place, is more influential than the product itself in the purchase decision (Kotler 1973). Although today there is

an increasing emphasis on store design, interior design, and overall environmental programming by retail merchandisers, many retailers still tend to underestimate the potential of using atmosphere as a marketing tool Narayana 1976). (Markin, Lillis, and

In many cases, merchandisers are still more

concerned with the tangible product, focusing their interest on practical and functional dimensions, while neglecting the aesthetic factor in purchase behavior. Interior designers, architects, and landscapers, however, have acknowledged the extensive influence of the environment on behavior for years. Recently, psychologists have studied

environment-behavior relationships, resulting in the swiftly growing psychological discipline known as "environmental This discipline


(Donovan and Rossiter 1982).

attempts to predict the collective effect of stimuli in a particular environment upon different peoples'

feelings and









environmental psychology may be summarized as "(1) the direct impact of physical stimuli on human emotions and (2) the

effect of the physical stimuli on a variety of behaviors, such as work performance or social Russell 1974, p. 4). until recently, environmental psychology has rarely been applied to the retail store environment. Previous studies interaction" (Mehrabian and

have, however, suggested using atmospherics as an important part of the overall 1976). merchandising strategy (Kotler 1973;

Markin, et ale

Kotler defines atmospherics as "the to produce specific purchase Narayana

effort to design buying environments emotional effects


in the buyer that enhance his






acknowledge that space affects customer behavior and that design and atmosphere may be used to shape and modify the behavior of shoppers. However, these studies generally consider the atmosphere to be a component of store "image." Therefore, atmosphere is

viewed simply as being one factor influencing store patronage decisions. For instance, Kotler 1973 suggests using

atmospherics as a competitive tool in an attempt to attract and maintain a specific target market, especially where

product and/or price differences are nominal. et al., propose that,

Also, Markin,

Via design features, attitudes and images are created; that is, store personalities

are created and shaped, and these personalities friendly, upper-class, aloof, high quality, low priced, convenient, warm, inviting, cool, haughty, etc. - are in turn meant to affect customer attitudes and images and hence to shape behavior these attitudes and images affect questions of store choice and store loyalty (p. 51). There effects of is little sound documentation on shopping for the actual Some

store atmosphere


retailers have claimed that they have influenced customers' buying behavior by manipulating store atmosphere via layout, color, lighting, and music (wysocki 1979; Stevens 1980).

However, this evidence is solely anecdotal.

Researchers have

been unable to document strong effects of store atmosphere for a variety of reasons. First, the effects evoked by store

atmosphere are primarily emotional states that are difficult to verbalize. These emotions are temporary and therefore In addition, they influence rather than more easily to

difficult to recall accurately. behaviors within the store such as






patronize (Donovan and Rossiter 1982).

Previous retail image

studies have used structured questionnaire surveys which ask respondents to rate various researcher-specified attributes according to their importance for patronage. However, this

method clearly does not capture the consumer's true emotional responses to the store's atmosphere; it simply lists

atmosphere as one component of store image. In addition, the majority of previous store-atmosphere

measurement, which was usually done in the context of store image research, has been conducted outside of the store This for

environment, long after the actual shopping experience. method is not very reliable, since it is difficult

respondents to recall accurately their emotional responses to a particular atmosphere while in a different setting. Thus, if store atmosphere can actually affect shopping behavior within the store, it is necessary to develop a

framework with which to study such effects.

This study will

attempt to apply the Mehrabian-Russell model, an environmental psychology framework, to explore environmental variables in retail settings.


Environmental psychology focuses on two maj or topics: (1) the emotional impact of physical stimuli and of physical stimuli on a variety of (2) the



(Mehrabian and Russell 1974).

Thus, this discipline would

appear to have valuable applications to store environments. The theoretical model developed in work by environmental

psychologists Mehrabian and Russell 1974; Mehrabian 1980; and Russell and Pratt 1980, appears to be particularly valuable in studying the effects of store atmosphere on shopping

behavior. "centers

As defined by Mehrabian and Russell, the approach on the use of human emotional responses to


environments as intervening variables linking the environment to the variety of behaviors it elicits" (p. xi). The purpose

of this paper is to adapt the Mehrabian-Russell model to the retail setting and to test predictions from this model.

Figure 1
The Mehrabian-Russell Model

Environmental stimuli

Emotional states

Behavioral Responses

The Mehrabian-Russell approach uses a Stimulus-Organism Response model (See Figure 1). Thus, it requires a stimulus

taxonomy, a set of intervening variables, and a taxonomy of responses. There should be a clear relationship between the

stimuli and responses by way of the intervening variables. Environmental psychologists assume that individuals'

feelings and emotions ultimately determine their behavior. They also assume that environments can evoke various feelings which cause certain behaviors. Mehrabian (1976) states that





amenable and


precise statistical

description, analysis.



Environmental psychologists working under this assumption have provided a sound descriptive framework for emotions .

(which) forms one of the crucial elements of the system that has been developed in order to evaluate whole environments and people's reactions to them" (p.9). that a particular in an environment This framework suggests certain turn, emotional cause the

causes in




individual to approach or avoid the environment to a greater or lesser degree (Mehrabian 1976). The Mehrabian-Russell model clearly defines the mediating variables and the response taxonomy. However, the selection

of useful environmental descriptors, or stimulus variables, is very difficult. Previous environmental studies use a

number of alternative sets of stimulus categories (Craik 1970; Ittelson, Rivlin, and Proshansky 1970). The most common

procedure is to describe an environment in terms of various obj ects in it and the relations among these obj ects. example, a park may be described as a lake with For


flowers, and picnic tables around it.

However, this list of

descriptors could continue forever; therefore, one list does not form a complete description of the setting. the items are too vaguely defined. analyze behavioral changes In addition,

Thus, it is impossible to from changes in


environments described in this fashion (Mehrabian and Russell

1974). Another possible set of environment descriptors is the emotional reactions to variables which stimulate the senses, such as those for color, sound, temperature, and texture

(Crane and Levy 1962; Schaie 1961; Bedford 1961; Middleton, Fay, Kerr, and Amft 1944). is also quite long and However, this list of descriptors awkward since most environments

simultaneously include stimulation in all the sense modes, as well as along numerous stimulus dimensions within each

modality (for instance, a color may be a certain hue and of a certain brightness). These descriptors also vary in time

a park may be bright and sunny one moment and cloudy the next. To account for the overall effect of the various stimuli in a given environment, theory. Mehrabian and Russell apply the concept (1974) of use




information rate to characterize complex spatial and temporal arrangements of stimuli within and across settings. concept will be more fUlly discussed later. This

First, the task

of establishing the validity of the link between the set of mediating addressed. variables and the response taxonomy will be

Response Taxonomy

Mehrabian and Russell propose that individuals' reactions to all environments may be categorized as either approach or

avoidance behaviors, (1) a



four basic dimensions: (approach) or to leave

desire to remain physically

(avoid) the environment;

(2) a desire to explore (approach)

the environment as opposed to a tendency to remain inanimate in (avoid) the environment; (3) a desire to communicate with (approach) others in the environment versus a tendency to

avoid interacting with others; (4) enhancement (approach) of performance and satisfaction of task performances or hindrance (avoidance) of task performances. Donovan and Ross iter (1982)

propose that these aspects may easily be applied to shopping behaviors in a retail environment, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2
Approach and Avoidance Responses in a Retail Environment

Behavioral Dimension Physical Exploratory

Approach Behavior Patronize store Browse through merchandise Interact with sales personnel Repeat shopping in store frequently

Avoid store Look at minimum number of items Avoid inter action with personnel Do not return to store


Performance & satisfaction

Intervening Variables

An adequate model requires intervening variables that are basic, immediate, and measurable reactions to all types of In addition, these variables must

environmental stimulation.

relate directly to the stimulus variables and also account for variations in other behaviors of concern (Mehrabian and

Russell 1974). emotional

Mehrabian and Russell assert that three basic act as and mediating variables between




approach-avoidance and

behaviors: dominance

pleasure-displeasure, submissiveness. two.


Each dimension is independent of the other

The model proposes that every emotional state in an

individual may be described as a combination of these three dimensions. which an Pleasure-displeasure refers to the degree to individual feels happy, joyful, to contented, one's level or of




activity, excitement, stimulation, or alertness. submissiveness refers to the extent to which

Dominance one feels

unrestricted and in control of the situation. Mehrabian and Russell present ample supporting evidence for the selection of three emotional states as the three intervening variables. individuals' They state that in order to understand it is

interactions with various environments,

essential to identify those responses that are the immediate result of stimulation and that occur in varying degrees in all



Environmental psychology requires

an exact

description of such responses.

Standard perceptual responses

do not yield a complete list since it is necessary to consider numerous dimensions of response within each sense modality. Thus, in an attempt to identify responses common to all types of stimuli, regardless of the sense modality stimulated,

Mehrabian and Russell turn to the study of intermodality. Resul ts of intermodality studies show that emotional reactions represent the common core of human response to all types of environments (Mehrabian and Russell 1974). Mehrabian and Russell propose that pleasure, arousal, and dominance are the three basic emotional environments. demonstrated reactions to all

They point to physiological studies that have that there is a well-defined physiological

mechanism associated with the experience of pleasure-pain. Electrical stimulation of areas of the hypothalamus sensation, and and

certain midbrain nuclei

causes a


stimulation of lower parts of the midline system causes pain (Heath 1954; 1963; 1964a; 1964b; Olds 1956). is common to the all exact the sensory of modalities. the This mechanism Furthermore, arousal




response is unknown, support is given to the notion of basic cross-modal i ty responding (Lacey 1967) . Thus, the

physiological mechanisms support the idea that pleasure and arousal are two dimensions which cut across sense modality distinctions. Therefore, they are responses common to all

11 types of stimuli. Further support is given by semantic differential studies (Osgood, Suci, and Tannenbaum 1957). These studies have shown

that human jUdgments of complex samples of stimuli can be characterized in terms of three dimensions: evaluation,

activity, and potency.

The judgmental response of evaluation

corresponds to the emotional response of pleasure; activity corresponds to arousal; and potency corresponds to an

emotional reaction of dominance.

Thus, according to Mehrabian

and Russell, pleasure, arousal, and dominance constitute the common core of human emotional responses to all environmental stimuli. However, Russell and Pratt 1980 suggest that the

dominance dimension should be deleted from the Mehrabian Russell model. dominance Russell argues in his later work that since a knowledgeable interpretation by the


individual, it is not purely applicable in situations calling for emotional responses. Russell and Pratt (1980) claim that

the two dimensions of pleasure and arousal are sufficient to represent individuals' situations. affective responses to all types of

They point out that evidence for the suitability on the other hand, is quite

of the dominance dimension, tenuous.

Nonetheless, in this study, I will retain Mehrabian

and Russell's original tridimensional model and test to find out if, in fact, the dominance dimension is significant or



Although the three basic emotional states are orthogonal (that is, none causes the other and they are completely


the Mehrabian-Russell model does hypothesize

that there is a conditional interaction between pleasure and arousal in determining approach-avoidance behaviors. In a

neutral environment (i.e., one that is neither pleasing nor displeasing), mild arousal tends to enhance approach

behaviors, while extremely high or extremely low arousal tends to cause avoidance behaviors. higher the level of In a pleasant environment, the the greater the approach



in an unpleasant environment,

the greater the Thus, Mehrabian

arousal, the greater the avoidance behavior.

and Russell argue that these emotional dimensions do interact under these conditions, as shown in Figure 3 on the following page.

stimulus Taxonomy As previously noted, the selection of appropriate

stimulus factors is extremely difficult because of the complex and changing combinations of stimuli encountered in any

environmental setting.

Future research must be conducted

using in-store experimentation to learn which particular types of in-store stimulus variables (such as store layouts, color arrangements, 1 ighting, noise levels, and in-store promotions) cause which types of emotional responses, thereby resulting in approach or avoidance behaviors (Donovan and Rossiter







Moderate AROUSAL


14 1982) . Environmental psychologists have, however, developed a The core of

general system to describe various environments.

this descriptive system is the concept of "information rate," or the amount of information contained or perceived in the environment per unit of time (Mehrabian 1976). be described as the "load" This rate may The more

of an environment.

information in the form of stimuli that an observer must process, the higher the load of the environment. Mehrabian

and Russell (1974) refer to the load of any environment as a combination of its novelty and complexity. The novelty of an

environment has to do with the degree of unfamiliarity and uncertainty. Complexity refers to the number of elements, When the a reI iable

features, or changes in an environmental setting. factors of novelty and complexity are summed,

measure for any environment is obtained:

its load.

Mehrabian and Russell assume that environmental load is a direct correlate of the emotional response of arousal. higher the load, the higher a person's arousal The



an environment that

is unfamiliar,


crowded, and complex will cause a person to become stimUlated, excited, jittery, and alert. Conversely, an environment that

is common, probable, usual, and expected will cause feelings of relaxation, calmness, and sluggishness. However, a person's individual method of responding to external information must be taken into consideration when


measuring one's arousal response to the environmental load. Mehrabian (1976) suggests that one's degree of arousal may be related to the extent to which that person screens or filters incoming stimuli, referred only out to to less as "stimulus screening." They of the

"Screeners" unconsciously environment,

respond screen thereby

selective important

stimuli. aspects its




"Nonscreeners," on the other hand, are less selective in what they respond to. They tend to sense more stimuli in all

environments and are more sensitive to stimulus changes than are screeners. Therefore, nonscreeners experience settings

as being more complex and more loaded, resulting in higher arousal levels. stimulus screening can be used to draw

implications for the environmental preferences of individuals. Since nonscreeners become more aroused in high-load


they exhibit more extreme approach-avoidance compared to

behaviors to pleasant and unpleasant settings:

screeners, they are more likely to approach high-load and pleasant places and to avoid high-load and unpleasant ones (Mehrabian 1976). Thus, Mehrabian and Russell's model

specifies how individual differences are expected to relate to the other variables in their system.

summary of the Mehrabian-Russell Model










categorized Approach





avoidance moving

behavior. toward,




exploring, communicating, and performing in an environment, as well as returning to that environment. Avoidance behaviors

include a desire to leave, disinterest, lack of interaction, and poor performance in an environment, returning to that environment. as well as never

These behaviors are caused

by an individual's emotional states evoked by the environment. Mehrabian and Russell's model posits that three basic

emotional states - pleasure, arousal, and dominance - form the palette from which all feelings are created. dimension is independent of the other two. and arousal are hypothesized to interact: Each emotional

However, pleasure the higher the

arousal level, the greater the approach behavior in pleasant environments, and the greater the avoidance behavior iR

unpleasant settings. The concept of information rate, or load, is used as the stimulus taxonomy of an environment that arouses the various emotional states. The degree of arousal caused by an

environment may be directly correlated with the information load of the setting. An individual's characteristic way of

responding to external stimulation also modifies his or her arousal response to the environmental load. A given load

evokes less arousal in those who tend to screen out irrelevant stimulation than versa. in those who are nonscreeners, and vice


The complete Mehrabian-Russell model Figure 4 on the following page.

is summarized in

In applying the Mehrabian

Russell model to the retail setting, it may be predicted that customers will spend more time and perhaps make more purchases in those retail atmospheres which evoke feelings of pleasure and a moderate to high degree of arousal. In this study, unlike previous studies, I will also

compare and contrast the intended shopping behavior of college students with various educational backgrounds. Results may

help predict whether majors have an effect on the degree of approach-avoidance setting. behavior students exhibit in a retail

For example, does the fact that business majors are

more knowledgeable of marketing tactics cause them to behave any differently in a retail store than individuals with other maj ors might? The answer to such questions may be of

importance to retailers who wish to use atmospherics as a marketing tool when their products are aimed at distinct psychographic segments. I will also compare and contrast the intended shopping behavior of males and females. Results may suggest that one

gender is more highly affected by the store environment than the other. For example, it may be that retail atmospheres This would

evoke stronger emotions in females that in males.

suggest that females may exhibit more approach behavior in pleasant environments than would males. Therefore, it may be

advantageous for stores to emphasize specific environmental


Figure 4

The Mehrabian-Russell Model

THE ENVIRONMENT Sense modality variables

(e.g., color
and temperature)
Information rate (Characterizing the spatial and temporal relationships among the stimulus components of an environment) BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES PRIMARY EMOTIONAL RESPONSES Pleasure Arousal Dominance

Approach-avoidance (Which includes phys ical approach, exploration, affiliation, per formance, or other verbal and non verbal communica tions of preference)

emotions asso
ciated with

(Mehrabian and Russell 1974, p. 8)

19 variables in departments frequented by women to enhance approach behavior of female shoppers.



The empirical portion of this study uses the Mehrabian Russell model states evoked to establish a in a retail relationship between emotional environment and statements of

behavioral intention in that environmental setting.


Fifty-five Illinois Wesleyan University students served as SUbjects, including 28 with business majors and 27 with social science maj ors. The sample included 35 males and 20 femal,es. Each person in the

All subjects were between the ages of 19 and 22. was randomly assigned to two retail


Bloomington-Normal, Illinois area. Bergner's,

The selected stores included


Penney, Sears, Target, Von Maur, and Woolworths.

To ensure various shopping times, respondents were instructed to visit each retail store on a different day and at a different time of day.






and moved




location within the store; in multilevel stores, this was on the first floor. Then, while in the store, they completed the

questionnaire ratings (See Appendices A,B,C).


The questionnaire consisted of three sections.

The first

section evaluated sUbjects' emotional states while in the store environment, differential using Mehrabian of and Russell's state (1974) semantic




Appendix A).

Several of the original dominance scales (in control-cared for, autonomous-guided, important-awed) were replaced by more

context-appropriate items (restricted-free, crowded-overcrowded, important-insignificant) 1982. Mehrabian and Russell devised this self-report measure of the three emotional dimensions over the course of three separate studies. In the first study, based on intuitive grounds, they as suggested by Donovan and Rossiter

devised a tentative set of descriptors for the three emotional factors. most They proceeded directly to construct scales that would and uniquely as noted measure earlier, pleasure, their arousal, review of and the




applicable literature had shown that various combinations of these three factors may to and sUfficiently environments Russell also represent (Mehrabian wrote the and diverse Russell verbally

emotional 1974) .

reactions Mehrabian




situations to provide a

wide variety

of physical

environments which would elicit many diverse emotional states. One hundred thirty-four sUbjects were given a random selection of eight situations and asked to describe how they would feel in each one by using the twenty-eight adjective pairs (which were the descriptors for the three emotional dimensions). The resulting correlation matrix was factor analyzed, These

yielding three factors with eigenvalues greater than one.

factors were labeled pleasure, arousal, and dominance; the six highest loading items in each factor were then viewed as

adequate measures for that factor (Mehrabian and Russell 1974). A second study was performed again, there to improve three the emotional with and

descriptors. eigenvalues dominance.



factors arousal,

exceeding one,

measuring pleasure,

A third study was executed to cross-validate the findings from the second study and determine the six best items for each emotional dimension. Thus, the semantic differential measures in this study all the three six of

of emotional state used (but slightly modified) (Appendix Mehrabian A) and are based on the results and from





descriptive adjective pairs for each of the three emotional factors. To compute factor scores for a respondent who rates

his or her emotions in a store environment, his or her responses to items loading highest on each factor are simply added. The second section of the questionnaire used in this study

22 contained Mehrabian and Russell's (1974) General Measure of

Information Rate, which measured the environmental load factor (See Appendix B). The first step Mehrabian and Russell took in

developing this measure of information rate was to devise a set of adjective pairs which may be used to characterize


Examples of these adjectives are simple-complex, familiar-novel, and sparse-dense. with the


use of these adjective pairs, Mehrabian and Russell (1974) were attempting (1) to provide preliminary validation and, (2) for their

conceptualization of information rate,

to develop a

more adequate verbal scale of information rate by eliminating those items in the original set that were related more to

objective judgment than to emotions. In their study, to read Mehrabian a set of and six Russell situations asked from 214 those


devised for the measures of emotional state study.

Each sUbject

then characterized his emotional reaction to each situation, after which he or she rated the same situation on the adjective pairs used to measure information rate. were interested in determining were how Thus, the researchers emotional in states and

environmental situations.




The reSUlting matrix of intercorrelations among the

items was factor analyzed, and a principal component solution was obtained. than one. There were five factors with eigenvalues greater These factors accounted for 60% of the total


Two of the factors appeared to be heavily biased by


evaluative jUdgments.


to determine the extent of this

bias, the respondent's emotional reactions of pleasure, arousal, and dominance to each situation were computed. Next, regression

equations were written to express each adjective pair in terms of these emotional reactions. By using the information rate-arousal hypothesis, this study validated Mehrabian and Russell's assertion that their set of adjective pairs formed measures of information rate. The

coefficients in the regression equations showed that arousal was a significant component in all but two cases. In addition, the

regression equations provided useful information for selecting a subset of the adjective pairs to be used as a verbal measure of information rate. The two factors that appeared to be

evaluatively biased in the beginning were eliminated, because the regression equations of showed that these that two factors affected





pleasure rather than arousal. Thus, the final scale in Appendix B includes the remaining fourteen adjective pairs which may be used to describe an

environment's information rate.

Total scores for this measure

are computed by reversing the signs of sUbjects' responses to the negatively signed items (which are those adjective pairs in which the adjective rate, referring to an environment novel, of higher was


e. g.,




placed on the left) and then by using an algebraic sum over all items. Thus, the higher the sum, the higher the sUbject rated

24 the information load of the environment. The third section of the questionnaire used in this study measured subjects' Append ix C). intentions of behavior in the store (See

Questions originally devised by Mehrabian and (1982) to fit

Russell were modified by Donovan and Rossiter retail shopping intentions.

Mehrabian and Russell conducted three experiments to test their hypothesis that preference, exploration, work performance, and affiliation are intercorrelated aspects of response to a situation and can all be subsumed under the generic concept of approach-avoidance (These four dimensions were described and These studies showed that

illustrated earlier in Exhibit 2).

all the behaviors that were assumed to be part of an approachavoidance reaction to As a situations result, were indeed significantly (1974)


Mehrabian and Russell

concluded that the following verbal attempts to measure approach (+) - avoidance (-) were accurate (p. 221):

Desire to stay in the situation

(+) 1. (-) 2.

How much time would you like to spend in this situation? How much would you try to leave or get out of this situation?

Desire to Explore the situation

(+) 3.

Once in this situation, how much would you enjoy exploring around? How much would you try to avoid

(-) 4.


any looking around or exploration of this situation? (0 = no avoidance)

Desire to Work in the situation


To what extent is this situation a good opportunity to think out some difficult task you have been working on? How much would you dislike
having to work in this
situation? (0 = no dislike)

(-) 6.

Desire to Affiliate in the situation



To what extent is this a situation in which you would feel friendly and talkative to a stranger who happens to be near you? Is this a situation in which you might try to avoid other people, avoid having to talk to them? (0 = no avoidance)

(-) 8.

In their study,

Mehrabian and Russell presented the eight

questions in this list in a random order, without the category name (e.g., "Desire to stay in the Situation ll ) . The of the

respondent answered each question by circl ing one al ternatives similar to those found in Appendix C. scores on each of the four dimensions,

To compute

first the numerical

responses to the negatively signed items are assigned minus signs. Next, the scores for each pair are summed. the resulting score, the greater the sUbj ect I s The higher approach


behavior. In all three of Mehrabian and Russell's experiments,

desire for affiliation was identified as a separate factor. In addition, there was evidence suggesting that desire to work should be treated as a separate dependent measure. Therefore,

Mehrabian and Russell suggest that the four approach-avoidance factors be analyzed separately when detailed information is needed on how the particular environment influences each of these factors.


The primary objective of this analysis is to determine the extent to which respondents' approach-avoidance responses may be predicted from their reported emotional states while in the various retail environments.

Factor Analysis Results Separate factor analyses (principal components, varimax rotation of factors with eigenvalues greater than or equal to 1.0) were carried out on the 18 emotional measures, responses, and the 14 the 8

approach-avoidance items.


Results of these respective factor analyses appear in Reliability estimates (coefficient alpha) The

Tables 1, 2, and 3.

for the various factor-based indices appear in Table 4.

27 coefficient alpha is based on the internal consistency of a test. Thus, it is based on the average correlation of item It ranges from 0 to 1. The higher

pairs within each factor.

alpha is, the more reliable the scale. Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance. The three factors resulting

from the 18 emotional measures are clearly identifiable as pleasure, arousal, and dominance (See Table 1 on the following page). Pleasure is by far the strongest factor. The relative

insignificance of the dominance dimension is consistent with Russell's Overall, more recent the findings (Russell and Pratt and 1980).





dimensions that were developed by Mehrabian and Russell in the laboratory situation retained their nature and factorial

independence in actual retail environments. For later analysis, I computed pleasure, arousal, and

dominance scores for each sUbject by computing the average of the six highest loading items on factor 1, the five highest loading items on factor 2, and the three highest loading items on factor 3 (Table 1). These scores were then designated as Reliability Pleasure

a respondent's Pleasure, Arousal, and Dominance. coefficients (alpha) are high for all measures:

(.92), Arousal (.87), and Dominance (.72) (Table 4, page 33).

28 Table 1
Factor Analysis Results for the 18 P1easure-Arousa1-Dominance Measures!

FACTOR LOADINGS 2 MEASURE Factor 1 (Pleasure) .74164 .86851 .87761 .85958 .72792 .67311 .64739 .44487 Factor 2 (Arousal) .32290 Factor 3 (Dominance)

Happy-Unhappy Pleased-Annoyed Satisfied-Unsatisfied Contented-Depressed Hopeful-Despairing Relaxed-Bored Important-Insignificant Free-Restricted stimulated-Relaxed Excited-Calm Jittery-Dull Interested-Disinterested Frenzied-Sluggish Overcrowded-Uncrowded Wideawake-Sleepy Controlling-Controlled Dominant-Submissive Influential-Influenced Variance

.36020 .69880 .81573 .75177 .41538 .70380 .34820 .77889 .81405 .84010 .68499

.75211 .32249


12.4% 1. 0 accounted for

10.0% 61. 7

IThree factors with eigenvalues percent of the variance.


Loadings < .3 not shown.

Approach-Avoidance Responses.

The factor analysis of the

eight dependent measures originally yielded two factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.0, which is inconsistent with the findings of Mehrabian and Russell (1974). Mehrabian and

Russell found that the affiliative responses in their scale

29 ("friendly to strangers" and "avoid talking to people") were generally quite independent of the other approach-avoidance responses. However, in this study, one of these items loaded Thus, they

on factor 1, while the other loaded on factor 2. were not independent of the other responses.

In addition, the

second factor in this study had an eigenvalue of only 1.05. Therefore, I am using a unidimensional scale to represent (See Table 2 on the following

approach-avoidance responses page) . For later analysis, I

computed an approach-avoidance

score for each sUbject by computing the average of the five highest loading items on factor 1. The reliability

coefficient for Approach-Avoidance (.91) (Table 4, page 33). Information Rate.

is acceptably high

Theoretically, the information rate in However,

an environment should be a unidimensional variable. Mehrabian and Russell their 14 measures. (common-rare, "complexity" (1974)

found three dimensions among

They labeled these dimensions as "novelty" familiar-novel, ordinary-surprising) ; homogeneous-


heterogeneous, sYmmetrical-asYmmetrical, similar-contrasting, patterned-random, redundant-varied) ; and "spaciousness" (small scale-large scale, simple-complex, sparse-dense, uncrowded crowded, distant-immediate). Donovan and Rossiter (1982)

found five factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.0, which they labeled "novelty," "variety," "irregularity," "density,"


Table 2

Factor Analysis Results for the Approach-Avoidance (and spendinq) Responses!

MEASURE Do you like the environment? Would you enjoy shopping in this store? Would you avoid returning?
(reverse scoring) Would you feel friendly to a stranger? Would you avoid other people?
(reverse scoring) Would you spend more than you set out to? How much time would you spend browsing? Would you avoid exploring?
(reverse scoring) Variance

Factor 1

IFactor 1 accounted for 58.9 percent of the variance.

31 and "size." The present study also yielded five factors with However, since the fifth factor 1.00033 and represented I no

eigenvalues greater than 1.0. had a eigenvalue of only

distinguishable dimension of information rate, factor analysis down to four factors.

forced my

The four factors are

labeled identically to those of Donovan and Rossiter with the omission of the "size" factor (See Table 3 on the following page) . For measures: later analysis, I defined of four information-rate ordinary




surprising, common-rare); variety (average of simple-complex, similar-contrasting, homogeneous-heterogeneous) ; density

(average of sparse-dense, intermittent-continuous, immediate distant) and irregularity (average of uncrowded-crowded, The reliability high. (-.12), that The and their as

symmetrical-asymmetrical, patterned-random). coefficient for of novelty the ( .88) is

acceptably density means

unreliability irregularity






relationships with other variables tentative (Table 4, page 33).

should be



Table 3
Factor Analysis Results for the Information-Rate Measures l

FACTOR LOADINGS 2 MEASURE Factor 1 (Novelty) .85649 .89695 .84178 .44341 .39069 .38088 Factor 2 (Variety) Factor 3 (Density) Factor 4 (Irreg. )

Usual-surprising Common-Rare Familiar-Novel Redundant-varied similar-Contrasting simple-Complex HomogeneousHeterogeneous Sparse-Dense continuous Intermittent Distant-Immediate Small scaleLarge scale Patterned-Random Uncrowded-Crowded SYmmetricalASYmmetrical Variance

.50302 .71123 .65508 .71026 .65427 .43682 -.69958 .69745 .44366 .75508 .54596 .54812




11.6% accounted

9.3% for 60.4

IFour factors with eigenvalues percent of the variance.



Loadings < .3 not shown.


Table 4
Reliability Estimates (Coefficient Alpha) for Index Measures

Dependent Measure Approach Avoidance

Information-rate Measures Novelty .88 Variety .63 Density -.12 Irregularity .38

Pleasure-Arousal Dominance Measures Pleasure Arousal Dominance

.92 .87 .72


Regression Analysis Results

Once the large set of candidate measures for Pleasure Arousal-Dominance and Approach-Avoidance had been reduced to single scores for each dimension for each respondent, the

following model was tested using mUltiple regression analysis,:

is Approach-Avoidance behavior, P is Pleasure, A is Arousal, D is Dominance, Sex is the respondent's Sex, Major is the and E is a random error term.

respondent's academic Major,

Since the model deals with nonstandard units of measure (what is an increase of one unit of pleasure?), beta coefficients are used. Therefore, the constant drops out of the equation.

Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance and Approach-Avoidance. Table 5 (on the following page) shows the regression of the independent variables, including the pleasure, arousal, and dominance dimensions and the respondent's major and sex,

34 against behavior. the dependent variable, approach and avoidance

In agreement with Mehrabian and Russell's findings, In this

pleasure is clearly the major predictor of behavior.

study, the respondent's sex is also a significant predictor. The subject's academic background or major, however, does not appear to have any affect on shopping behavior intentions. Likewise, dominance and arousal are insignificant predictors of behavior. The failure of the dominance dimension to

predict approach-avoidance intentions is consistent with the later findings of Russell. Thus, the sex of the sUbject and the perceived

pleasantness of the within-store environment are the major predictors in the equation, with the equation itself

accounting for a substantial 65 percent of the variation in intended approach-avoidance behaviors in the retail stores., Table 5
Beta Coefficients for the Dimensions Used to Predict the Approach-Avoidance Behavior

Dimension Pleasure
Multiple R
R2 (adjusted)

Estimated Coefficients .77230 .08740 -.02977 .23203 -.00695 .81803 .65326

statistics 11.187& 1.259 -.514 3.442& -.103

&Significant at an alpha of .05.


These results suggest that arousal is not significantly related to approach-avoidance behavior. However, as stated

earlier, Mehrabian and Russell hypothesized that there is a conditional interaction between pleasure and avoidance. They

proposed that in a pleasant environment, the higher the level of arousal, the greater the approach behavior; in an

unpleasant environment, the greater the arousal, the greater the avoidance behavior. provided support for Donovan and Rossiter's study in 1982 this pleasure-arousal interaction


This study, however, does not provide support.

I tested Mehrabian and Russell's hypothesis by computing two regressions: one for pleasant environments (pleasure scores

above zero) and another for unpleasant environments (pleasure scores below zero). According to the hypothesis, arousal

should have a high, positive coefficient (and therefore emerge as a significant predictor of approach intentions) in pleasant retail environments, and a negative coefficient in unpleasant environments. cases. In this study, arousal is insignificant in both

Thus, arousal may not be used to predict approach

avoidance behavior of the respondents in the present sample. Of particular interest in this study is the finding that sex is a significant predictor of shopping behavior. To

determine which sex's approach-avoidance behaviors are most affected by variables: store environment, I created two interaction

one for an interaction between sex and pleasure I

and another for an interaction between sex and arousal.

36 then used multiple regression analysis to test the following model: AA

BdSex) + B2 (P) + B (A) + B4 (P

Sex) + BdA


+ E.

Thus, I computed a regression of the pleasure, arousal, and two interaction variables against the dependent

variable, behavior. sex and arousal was

Since the interaction variable between insignificant, variable, I computed in a a second better





equation with a higher adjusted R square (Table 6).

Table 6
Beta Coefficients for the Pleasure, Arousal, Sex, and Sex-Pleasure Interaction Dimensions Used to Predict the Approach-Avoidance Behavior

Dimension Pleasure Arousal Sex Sex-Pleasure Interaction MUltiple R R2 (adjusted)

Estimated Coefficients .96815 .10333 .31450 -.25596 .82987 .67683

statistics 9.585& 1. 538 4.937& -2.625&

&Significant at an alpha of .05.

The effect of the pleasure evoked by the retail environment on male and female shopping behavior is shown in Figure 5 (on the following page). Surprisingly, male college students

37 appear to be more sensitive than female students to the

environment in a retail store.

As the pleasure evoked by the

store environment increases, the rate of approach-avoidance behavior of the males increases at a faster rate than does that of the females. This finding may present interesting Perhaps they should place more

implications to retailers.

emphasis on certain environmental variables in the departments frequented by men to evoke a more pleasurable feeling,

resulting in an increase in approach behavior by the male shoppers.

Figure 5
Effect of Pleasure Evoked by the Retail Environment
on the Approach-Avoidance Behavior of Kales and Females


Males .96815 (P)

Approach Behavior

Females AA = .31450 + .71219(P)


In sum, the pleasure-arousal-dominance emotional states do correlate with approach-avoidance intentions in retail

stores, since the R2 for the original regression was .65326.


The relationship is strongest for pleasure. is not a particularly behavior,

However, arousal approach in

significant predictor of is dominance, as




Russell's more recent studies. In addition, this study found the sex of the respondent to be a major predictor of shopping behavior intentions. Information Rate, Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance, and


Table 7 (on the following page) shows the

regression of the dependent approach-avoidance behavior on the pleasure-arousal-dominance dimensions (and sex and maj or) with the addition of the information-rate measures. R and adjusted R2 are increased only The multiple from the


original regression which did not contain the information-rate measures. Thus, this study, like that of Donovan and Rossiter

(1982) suggests that the information rate is not particularly useful in helping to predict approach-avoidance behavior.

According to the Mehrabian-Russell model, arousal is a direct response to the information rate in the environment. However,

in this study, perceived information rate is not an accurate predictor of an individual's level of arousal. the following page) Table 8 (on

shows an adjusted R2 of only .19862 for

the regression of the information-rate measures on arousal. Only one information-rate measure (novelty) increases arousal, while the others (variety, density, and irregularity) have However, as noted

no significant relationship with arousal.

39 Table 7
Beta Coefficients for pleasure-Arousal-Dominance, Sex, Kajor, and Information-Rate Dimensions Used to Predict Approach-Avoidance Behavior

Dimension Pleasure
MUltiple R
R2 (adjusted)

Estimated Coefficients .67228 .04180 .00893 .01883 .04834 .00021 .01148 .21263 .00021 .83114 .66297

statistics 7.3100& .5800 .1460 .2290 .7260 .0030 .1830 3.5920& .0041

&Significant at an alpha of .05.

Table 8
Beta Coefficients for Information-Rate Dimensions Used to Predict the Arousal Dimension

Information-Rate Dimension Novelty

MUltiple R

Estimated Coefficients .44851 .07748 .03601 .01046 .47752 .19862

Statistics 4.6100& .7870 .3810 .1190

&Significant at an alpha of .05.

40 earlier, all of the information-rate measures but novelty are of questionable reliability. predictive potential. This fact may have reduced their

Thus, though arousal may be to some

extent a function of the information-rate in the environment, it is not a direct response to the information rate as was implied by the Mehrabian-Russell model. Perceived information rate is helpful in predicting an individual's level of pleasure, however. The regression of

the information-rate measures on pleasure in Table 9 shows that both the novelty and irregularity of an environment are significant results predictors that of a one's novel level of pleasure. (one that The is




rare, varied,


and complex)


increase pleasure, while an irregular atmosphere (one that is random, crowded, and asymmetrical) would appear to decrease pleasure. Table 9
Beta Coefficients for Information-Rate Dimensions
Used to Predict the Pleasure Dimension

Information-Rate Dimension Novelty

MUltiple R
R2 (adjusted)

Estimated Coefficients .63053 .07742 .11717 -.27633 .68167 .44427

statistics 7.7830 .9450 1.4910 -3.7680

Significant at an alpha of .05.




Overall, this study suggests that the Mehrabian-Russell model is useful for studying approach-avoidance behaviors However, the study is just a

within retail environments.

starting point since it was strictly correlational rather than experimental, behavioral and it tested rather the than model with only actual with stated


behaviors. the

These points

should be kept

in mind while


following implications. This study implies that store-induced pleasure, the first variable in the Mehrabian-Russell model, is an extremely

powerful determinant of approach-avoidance behaviors within the store. If an environment is perceived as pleasurable, and

hence rewarding, it seems logical that the activities which transpire in that environment would also be pleasurable and rewarding. Thus, consumers would tend to exhibit more

approach behavior in pleasing environments.

They would browse

through the merchandise, interact with the sales personnel, and perhaps spend more money than they had planned. In contrast to the Mehrabian-Russell model and the work of Donovan and Rossiter (1982), results of this study suggest that arousal is not a particularly significant predictor of approach-avoidance behaviors. the students in my sample It is possible that a few of did not fully understand the


meanings or the applicability of some of the terms used in the questionnaire to rate this measure. Dominance, the third emotional measure in the model, also appears to be unrelated to in-store behaviors. This finding

correlates with that of Russell and Pratt (1980), which stated that since dominance requires a knowledgeable interpretation by the individual, it is not purely applicable in situations calling for emotional responses. An interesting finding of this study is the significance of one's sex in predicting approach-avoidance behavior within a retail environment. sex and pleasure, Results suggest an interaction between

in which male college students are more

affected by higher levels of store-induced pleasure than are female students. Thus, it may by predicted that male

consumers would exhibit more approach behavior in a pleasing environment than would female consumers. In summary, the pleasure-arousal-dominance (especially

the pleasure) part of the Mehrabian-Russell model, with the addition of a gender variable, is very useful in predicting in-store behavioral intentions: 65.326 percent. accounted-for variance was is needed to develop a

Further research

stimulus taxonomy for retail environments that relates to the emotional dimensions, but this study, like that of Donovan and Rossiter, confirms that these emotional states are apparently valid mediating variables with considerable predictive power (Donovan and Rossiter 1982).



finding for

presents retail


particularly Because

useful consumer



behavior is so complex and so dynamic, retailers must become more behaviorally sensitive by shifting their analysis from a simple economics and engineering emphasis to include

behavioral data (Markin, et ale 1976). emphasize cognitive influences (such

Often, merchandisers as price, location,

variety, and quality of merchandise), rather than focusing on the influence of emotional affect on consumers. Donovan and

Rossiter (1982) propose that, .. whereas cognitive factors may largely account for store selection and for most of the

planned purchases within the store, the emotional responses induced by the environment within the store are primary

determinants of the extent to which the individual spends beyond his or her original expectations." Retailers may want

to pay particular attention to departments frequented by men, since this study suggests that males are more affected by store-induced pleasure than are females. In addition,

merchandisers may benefit by creating an atmosphere which is more surprising, rare, and novel, since novelty seems to Over a period of of pleasure may

increase an individual's level of pleasure. time, an environment provoking feelings

increase sales dramatically! Because this study is just a starting point for analyzing approach-avoidance behaviors within retail environments, there are many suggestions for future research. First, as noted,

44 future researchers must devise a stimulus taxonomy for retail environments. stimulation specifically Second, The measure of information rate was not a good measure in this to study. in-store A taxonomy factors be is that is


needed. in





consideration, since individual reactions to environments may vary considerably. In addition, respondents of various age

groups should be used - both this study and that of Donavan and Rossiter use sUbjects category. Third, in the 20 to 24 year old age

and lastly,

the Mehrabian-Russell model

should be tested with actual purchasing behavior rather than just with consumer-stated intentions.



Instructions to Subjects:

Take a few moments to get into the mood of the situation. Then, using the adjective pairs below, rate your feelings in this setting. Though some of the pairs may seem unusual, you'll probably feel more of one emotion than the other. So, for each pair, place a check mark (Example: { ) closest to the adjective which you believe describes your feelings the best. The more appropriate the adjective, the closer the check mark should be placed to that adjective. Happy Pleased satisfied Contented Hopeful Relaxed Important Free stimulated Excited Jittery Interested Frenzied Overcrowded Wideawake Controlling Dominant Influential Unhappy Annoyed Unsatisfied Depressed Despairing Bored Insignificant Restricted Relaxed Calm Dull Disinterested Sluggish Uncrowded Sleepy Controlled Submissive Influenced



Instructions to Subjects:

Please use the following adjective pairs to describe the environment surrounding you. Each of the following adjective pairs helps define the setting or the relations among the various aspects of the setting. Place a check mark closest to that adjective which best describes the environment. Please consider the environment as a whole - do not focus on specific design features or products. varied Simple Novel Small scale Similar Dense Intermittent ordinary Heterogeneous Uncrowded Asymmetrical Immediate Common Patterned Redundant Complex Familiar Large scale Contrasting Sparse continuous Surprising Homogeneous Crowded symmetrical Distant Rare Random



1) (0) ( 1) (2) (3)

Would you enjoy shopping in this store? Not at all Very slightly Slightly Slightly to moderately
(4) (5) (6) (7)

Moderately Much Very much Extremely


How much time would you like to spend browsing in this store? None A few minutes Half an hour One hour
(4) (5) (6) (7)

(2) (3)

A few hours A day A few days Many, many days

3) (0) ( 1) (2) (3)

Would you avoid ever having to return to this store? Not at all Very slightly Slightly Slightly to moderately
(4) (5) (6) (7)

Moderately Much Very much Extremely


Is this a place in which you would feel friendly and talkative to a stranger who happens to be near you? Not at all Very slightly Slightly Slightly to moderately
(4) (5) (6) (7)

(0) ( 1) (2) (3)

Moderately Much Very much Extremely

5) (0) (1) (2) (3)

Would you want to avoid looking around or exploring this environment? Not at all Very slightly Slightly Slightly to moderately (4) (5) (6)

Moderately Much Very much Extremely


6) (0) (1) (2) (3)

Do you like this store environment? Not at all Very slightly Slightly Slightly to moderately (4) (5) (6) (7) Moderately Much Very much Extremely

7) Is this a place where you might try to avoid other people, and avoid having to talk to them? (0) (1) (2) (3) Not at all Very slightly Slightly Slightly to moderately (4) (5) (6) (7) Moderately Much Very much Extremely

8) Is this the sort of place where you might end up spending more money than you originally set out to spend? (0) (1) (2) (3) Not at all Very slightly more Slightly more Slightly to moderately more (4) (5 ) (6) (7) Moderately more Much more Very much more Very, very much more


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