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Impact of Store Atmospherics On Customer Behavior

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Mishra, Sinha, and Koul


Impact of Store Atmospherics on

Customer Behavior: Influence of
Response Moderators
Hari Govind Mishra
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Piyush Kumar Sinha
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Surabhi Koul
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University

This study aims to explore the theme of creating and managing the store
atmosphere of exclusive stores from a customers point of view. The findings
from the study indicate that store atmospheric factors have a significant
positive correlation with customer approach behaviors, with intangible factors
having the most significant impact among all factors. Store atmospheric
factors influence not only customer emotions, but also customer perceptions
of commodities and services. Price shows a negative correlation with the
customer behavioral response. An important finding of the study reflects
that a customers perceptions and emotional state can affect their behavioral
responses and perceptions. Emotional responses act as a moderator between
store atmosphere and customer behaviors. A very interesting finding of the
study is that the customer behavioral responses are influenced by both social
and intangible factors. So, although social factors are difficult to manage, they
are of considerable importance to the service provider.

Managers of retail and service outlets are increasingly recognizing that the store
environment significantly affects sales (Milliman, 1982; Smith & Curnow, 1966; Stanley
& Sewall, 1976) and customer satisfaction (Bitner, 1990; Harrell, Hutt, & Anderson,
1980). Attitudes towards the store environment have been studied and were found to
sometimes be more important in determining store choice than attitudes toward the
actual merchandise (Darden, Orhan, & Darden, 1983). Past researchers have found
that specific attributes such as product assortment, price, location of the store, and


Journal of Business and Management Vol. 20, No. 1, 2014

store layout have a strong impact on the store's overall image (Bearden, 1977; James,
Durand, & Dreves, 1976). A positive store image and affordable merchandise are
the keys in order for retailers to attain and maintain success in such an increasingly
competitive marketplace (Dodds, Monroe, & Grewal, 1991). Moreover, as stated in
many studies, store image is an important input in the consumer decision-making
process (e.g., Nevin & Houston, 1980). Retailers are working hard to strengthen the
environment in their stores in order to create a store atmosphere that will inspire
consumer loyalty. Kotler (1973) suggested using atmospherics as a competitive tool in an
attempt to attract and maintain a specific target market, especially where product or price
differences were nominal. Some retailers claimed that they influenced customers buying
behavior by manipulating store atmosphere via the stores layout, color, lighting, and music.
The idea that store environmental factors can also influence subjective feelings
experienced by consumers and influence the shopping intentions, satisfaction,
consumption amount, and perceived quality has also been studied (Babin & Attaway,
2000). Since the store atmosphere can affect shopping behavior within the store, it
is necessary to develop a framework with which to study such effects. This study
attempted to apply the Mehrabian-Russell model (M-R model), an environmental
psychology framework, to explore environmental variables in retail settings. The
logic of the M-R model emerged as the dominant concept of explaining atmospherics
effects on emotions and behavior (Havlena & Holbrook, 1986). Holbrook and Gardner
(1993) investigated the relation between the emotional dimensions of pleasure and
arousal and the duration of a consumption experience, which was, in the case of their
study, listening to music.
Mehrabian and Russell (1974) proposed the stimulus organism response model
(S-O-R), which indicated that the external physical environment influenced an
individuals internal state and behavior. Baker, Parasuraman, and Grewal (2002)
described the three categories of environmental cues: design, ambient variables, and
social variables. Many researchers have shown how environmental cues (music, scent,
etc.) affected the emotional state of the consumer, which in turn caused behavioral
changes (Chebat & Michon, 2003). Mattila and Wirtz (2001) added that consumers
perceived service scapes holistically, and that responses to physical environments
depended on a combination of effects. Olney, Holbrook, and Batra (1991) indicated
that emotional dimensions like pleasure and arousal mediated the relationship between
advertising content and attitudinal components.

The retail industry is concerned with how to improve shopping experiences in order
to create a positive impression on customers and increase the length of time they spend
in the store. To increase the overall consumption of the shopper, retail stores need to
provide a shopping environment that attracts shoppers. To find the answer to all these
questions, it is necessary to find the impact of an external shopping environment on
customer shopping behaviors and how the store atmosphere should be managed in order
to satisfy the customers. To fulfill these objectives, this study explored the relationship
between the environment and human behavior in a retail context by using the M-R
model, the emotional states induced, and the approach-avoidance behavior of the
shoppers. The study explored the mechanism of the atmosphere in a retail store and its
influence on a customers perceived values (PERVAL Scale) and emotions (PAD Scale),

Mishra, Sinha, and Koul


and their approach-avoidance behavior. The impact of perceived values and emotions as
a moderator on shopping behaviors was also analyzed in the study.

Literature Review
Recent work has shown that emotions experienced in the store environment
affected the outcome variables of interest to retailers (Donovan & Rossiter, 1982).
According to Bitner (1992), retail environments interconnected the stores image and
customers, they induced emotional reactions (Donovan et al., 1994), influenced the
customers decisive satisfaction with the service, and the amount of money and time
spent in the store by the consumers (Bitner, 1990). Many retailers acknowledged
the importance of store environment as a tool for market differentiation (Levy &
Weitz, 2000).
Environmental Psychology Model

Environmental psychology focuses on two major constructs: the emotional impact
and effects of physical stimuli on a variety of behaviors (Mehrabian & Russell, 1974).
The theoretical model developed in work by environmental psychologists Mehrabian
and Russell (1974) and Russell and Pratt (1980) were the main inputs to the study.
Typically studies looked at the effects of store atmosphere on shopping behavior. In the
S-O-R environmental psychology model proposed by Mehrabian and Russell (1974),
three dimensions were provided that could describe the emotional states: pleasure,
arousal, and dominance. The combination of these three different emotions resulted in
different behavioral consequences that led a person to decide whether to remain in a
specific environment or not (i.e., approach or avoid).

Donovan and Rossiter (1982) were the first to utilize the S-O-R model and studied
retail stores as testing objects. They found the relation between environmental stimulus
and behavioral intention existed in two emotional dimensions: pleasure and arousal.
Eroglu, Machleit, and Davis (2001, 2003) empirically studied a model that proposed
that the atmospheric cues of the online store influenced shoppers emotional and
cognitive states, which then affected their shopping outcomes. They laid the conceptual
foundations for the extension of the S-O-R paradigm to online retailing, and provided
empirical support for the significant effects of site atmospherics on shopper attitudes,
satisfaction, and a variety of approach/avoidance behaviors. The S-O-R psychological
model propositions showed a significant effect of site atmospherics on shopper
attitudes, satisfaction, and various approach/avoidance behaviors as a result of the
emotions experienced during the shopping episode. Marketing articles that have used
the S-O-R framework to explain atmospheric effects include Spangenberg, Crowler,
and Hasty (1996) and Bitner (1992).
Singh (2006) introduced customer experience value on the basis of the S-O-R
model and took the foundation of customer valuations and perceptions to explore
how the environmental perceptions and valuations of customers with different
shopping motives affected their shopping behavior. Jacoby (2002) contradicted the
traditional S-O-R model and emphasized that the traditional model lacked parsimony,
comprehensiveness, coherence, and flexibility. In the modern model provided by


Journal of Business and Management Vol. 20, No. 1, 2014

him, the three stimulus factors stimulus, organism, and response were integrated.
Lindenberg and Steg (2007) analyzed the literature in environment psychology in light
of this goal framing theory.

Baker (1986) considered that the design of a business environment could produce
unique emotional impacts in customers minds and could increase buying possibilities.
He divided environmental factors into three categories: (1) ambient cues, that is, the
ambient conditions that could potentially influence customers, such as temperature,
music, noise and lighting; (2) design cues, referring to those aesthetic feelings that
could be perceived by customers directly, including style, layout and architecture; and
(3) social cues, referring to factors related to people in the environment, including
customers and store employees. The number, type, and behavior of people were
proposed to influence customers perceptions of stores.
Customer Perceived Value
Customer perceived value states that value is the consumer's overall assessment
of the utility of a product based on perceptions of what is received and what is
given (Zeithaml, 1988). If it is true that retail customers are value-driven (Levy,
1999), then managers need to understand what a customers value is and where they
should focus their attention in order to achieve the needed market place advantage
(Woodruff, 1997). In this context, Holbrook (1996) measured three dimensions: (1)
extrinsic value and intrinsic value; (2) self-oriented value and other-oriented value;
and (3) active value and passive value. Mathwick, Malhotra, and Rigdon (2001) took
economy and experience as two measuring dimensions. Though the names used by
the aforementioned scholars were different, their intentions all focused on customer
perception and customer benefit. The shopping value under a retail context
included tangible shopping results and intangible value perceptions as well as customer
emotions. Customers shopping behaviors were considered from the acquisition view
of the overall experience of value. Babin and Darden (1995) thought that experience
value provided two kinds of benefits for customers: external and internal benefits. The
former was to acquire concrete benefits from shopping, for example, the commodity
purchased and the service enjoyed, etc. The latter referred to the preference of the
purchasing experience itself and how the type of preference was related to the results
of the experience (Holbrook, 1994).
Bitners (1992) service scapes model was the earliest theoretical model that
involved the concept of perception in store atmosphere. It considered that in the
store atmosphere, customers would have perceptual, emotional, and psychological
reactions against the environment they were in. These three kinds of reactions would
have varying effects on customer behaviors. Sweeney and Wyber (2002) considered
that customers emotional and perceptual reactions must be considered at the same
time when exploring the impact of store atmosphere stimulus on customers. The
findings showed that the emotional condition and perceptual process could interfere
with the impact of musical stimulus on approach-avoidance behaviors at the same
time. SanchezFernandez, Iniesta-Bonillo, and Holbrook (2009) documented that
deep classification customer perceived value had two constructs. The first defined
customer value as a one-dimensional construct based on price and means end theory.

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In the second, consumer value was a multidimensional construct that entailed several
interrelated dimensions and focused on hedonistic and utilitarian value.
Customer Shopping Emotions

Mood states are a vital set of affective factors that influence consumer behavior in
a number of contexts. Specifically, consumers emotion or mood states are considered
a situational variable that affects ones purchasing behavior (Dawson, Bloch, &
Ridgway, 1990). Dawson et al. (1990) worked upon the transient emotions that
influence shoppers satisfaction and future shopping intensions. Swinyard (1993)
showed interacting effects of in-store mood and the quality of consumers shopping
experiences on future shopping intentions. Mehrabian and Russell (1974) examined
ambient (lighting and music) and social cues (number and friendliness of employees)
on respondents pleasure and arousal, and willingness to buy.
Psychological evidence has shown that emotional states can be represented in
nearly three orthogonal dimensions, and the pleasure-arousal-dominance (PAD)
emotional state model (ESM) provided a sufficient description of emotional states.
In the ESM, emotions were classified into six categories (+/- Pleasure, +/- Arousal,
and +/- Dominance). The M-R model, which explained the relationship between
environments, intervening variables, and behaviors relevant to retail setting using a
Stimulus-Organism-Response paradigm, received the widest usage in order to explain
shopping emotions in consumer research. According to the M-R model, three emotional
responses of pleasure-displeasure, arousal-non arousal, and dominance-submissiveness
mediated peoples approach or avoidance reactions to environments.
Donovan and Rossiter (1982) showed that pleasure and arousal were significant
mediators of intended shopping behaviors including time spent in the store,
interpersonal interaction tendencies, willingness to return, and estimated monetary
expenditures. The relationship was strongest for the pleasure state, whereas arousal
increased the time spent in the store, willingness to interact with sales personnel, and
overspending in pleasant environments. It was found that pleasure resulting from
exposure to the store atmosphere influenced such instore behaviors as spending
levels, amount of time spent in the store, and willingness to visit again. These findings
further specified the nature and range of emotional experiences encountered at the
retail level, the marketing/retail factors that affected them, and their impact on the
outcome measures of interest to retailers. A particular purpose of this study was also to
add to this research stream. Consumers understand that a wide variety of store types
can provide the nature of emotional responses to shopping. Emotions are extensively
discussed in the marketing research. However, shopping emotions are not extensively
described in the marketing literature (Machleit & Eroglu, 2000). The previous research
explored the interaction factor for emotional responses to products and services
(Desmet, 2005).


Journal of Business and Management Vol. 20, No. 1, 2014

Customer Behavior Responses

In Mehrabian and Russells (1974) SOR model, customer behavioral responses
were the customers intentions of approaching or avoiding a certain environment,
referred to as approach-avoidance behaviors. Approach behavior referred to the
approach to certain environments by staying, exploring, interacting, and identifying
with it, having a good impression of the environment and having the intention to return
to that environment again. Avoidance behavior referred to just the opposite; to express
dissatisfaction, boredom with the environment and wanting to leave without any intention
to return. Customers responses depended on the extent initiated by the environment and
could be used to predict customer emotions and their responses to environment.
In a retail context, Donovan and Rossiter (1982) applied the SOR model to
study the impact of emotion on customers presence behaviors. They considered: (1) in
general conditions, appropriate arousal level can promote customers to enact accepting
behaviors, but excessively high or excessively low arousal level will make customers
choose avoidance behaviors; (2) in a pleasant environment, arousal level and customers
acceptance have a positive correlation; (3) in a unpleasant environment, arousal levels
and avoidance behaviors have a positive correlation. Baker (1986) and Baker, Levy,
and Grewal (1992) studied the connection between a physical environment and a
customers psychological status. Baker et al. (1992) considered that an individuals
emotional response to an environment revealed the ability of the environmentregulated emotions; that is, the extent that a customer perceived pleasure and arousal
in the environment. They examined the impact of two kinds of environmental factors
on customers emotional assessments and found that surrounding environment factors
(background music) affected the extent of customer pleasure along with social factors
(store service staff). The extent of arousal that social factors influenced customers
complied with the opinions of the SOR model in their findings in that customer
emotions regarding a store environment had important moderating effects on buying
Conceptual Model
Bitner (1992) first introduced the opinion of cognitive valuation in the SOR
model, and proposed that customers make use of environmental information to infer
and valuate the commodity and service quality, as well as the behaviors they should
perform. Retail stores presented commodity and service information to customers
through the design of a store atmosphere. Customers would sort the retail store into a certain
type according to their perception of the environment and thus form an overall
impression to apply as the standard of purchase decisions. In contrast to research of
emotions, the current study focused on how the environment affected customers
perceptions towards the store. A conceptual model has been framed which is described
in Figure 1. The model explains the individual impact of all three factors of the store
atmosphere (ambient conditions, space, signs) on the customers perceptions and their
emotional response. Moreover, the model is extended to determine the relationship
of store atmosphere, customer perceptions, and emotional responses with behavioral
responses (Avoid and Approach).

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Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Using the study of literature and the conceptual framework developed, this study
intended to explore the relationship among the shopping environment of a retail store,
customer buying perceptions, customer emotional responses, and customer behavioral
responses. Research hypotheses were developed as follows:
H1. Store atmosphere has a positive impact on customer behavioral response.
H2a: Store atmosphere has a positive correlation with emotional state.
H2b: Store atmosphere has a positive correlation with customer perceptions.
H3a1: Product quality is positively correlated to customer behavioral
H3a2: Product price is negatively correlated to customer behavioral response.
H3a3: Product emotions are positively correlated to customer behavioral
H3a4: Social attributes are positively correlated to customer behavioral
H3b1: Pleasure has a positive correlation with shopping behavior.
H3b2: Arousal has a positive correlation with shopping behavior.
H3b3: Dominance has a positive correlation with shopping behavior.
H4a: Customer perceptions will moderate the impact of store atmosphere on
customer shopping behavior.
H4b: Emotional states will moderate the impact of store atmosphere on
customer shopping behavior.


Journal of Business and Management Vol. 20, No. 1, 2014

Research Methodology
Research Designs
The research design of the study involved constructing a survey that measured
parameters of customer perceptions and emotional responses and also studied the
impact on behavioral responses. A structured questionnaire was designed which had
five sections. The first section consisted of basic personal data including gender, age,
qualification, monthly income, etc. The second part of the questionnaire included the
construct of store atmosphere measurement instruments. The third and fourth parts
of the questionnaire showed the items for customer perceptions and emotional states.
Finally, the fifth part of the questionnaire had items that reflected the construct of
behavioral response. This study adopted the convenience sampling method and data
was collected from 15 exclusive apparel stores in Jammu City of the J&K state in India.
The stores were selected at random. The customers who were leaving the store after
shopping or the customers who were shopping at the store were selected at random
and asked to answer a few questions. Some customers denied responding, so a total of
273 customer responses were collected.
Measurement Scales
Store atmosphere factors:

The construct of store atmosphere was measured using the scale provided by Bitner
(1992). He separated physical environment into three categories: ambient conditions
(12 items), spatial layout and functionality (7 items), and signs, symbols, and artifacts
(3 items). A 5point Likert scale was used which had a total of 22 items that were
slightly modified in the context of the present study.
Customer Perceived Value:
Customer perceived value was measured using the scale developed by Sweeney
and Soutar (2001). The PERVAL scale measured the customer perceived value,
consisting of 19 indicators in 4 categories. This scale aimed at evaluating customer
perception of value on a long-term brand level. This kind of measuring method was
used to determine the consumption value that could result in attitude and behaviors
in the retail transaction environment. It formed four independent value dimensions:
emotional, social, quality/performance, and price/value for money. The scale was
measured using a 5point Likert scale.
Emotional state:
Mehrabian and Russells (1974) PAD semantic differential measure approach was
adopted to determine the construct of emotional state. The Mehrabian and Russell
emotional dimensions of pleasure and arousal have become principal to marketing
contexts, and have the ability to capture a wide range of emotional states experienced
in consumption experiences (Dawson et al., 1990). Yet a number of earlier studies
found that the third dimension, dominance, was a poor indicator of purchase behaviors.
Hence, the third dimension of dominance was not included. The twelve scales drawn
from the PAD paradigm were: (Pleasure) happy/unhappy, pleased/annoyed, satisfied/

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unsatisfied, pleasant/unpleasant, contented/depressed, important/unimportant;

(Arousal) frenzied/sluggish, excited/calm, stimulated/relaxed, jittery/dull, wide awake/
sleepy, aroused/not aroused. The order and directions of the scales were randomized,
and each was measured using a 7point scale between bipolar adjectives as in the
semantic differential scale.
Customer Behavioral Response:
The construct of customer behavioral response was taken from Mehrabian
and Russell (1974). Customer behavioral responses were customers intentions of
approaching or avoiding a certain environment. This study used the revised scale
proposed by Sweeney and Wyber (2002) on the basis of Donovan and Rossiter (1982),
expressing the approach behaviors under retail context as seven items that included
customer intentions of visiting, impulse buying and a satisfactory experience, etc. The
scale was purified using factor analysis and finally a 4item scale was generated to be
answered on a 5point Likert scale.

Results and Analysis

Reliability and Validity
Reliability and validity were assessed on the four multi-item constructs of store
atmosphere, customer perceptions, emotional response, and behavioral response. The
process of purification consisted of factor analysis (varimax rotation and elimination
of items below 0.50 loadings), followed by the examination of the levels of internal
consistency. The sample items were first checked for reliability using Cronbachs alpha.
A value of 0.6 or less generally indicated unsatisfactory results. The value of Cronbachs
alpha for the sample selected for the study came out to be 0.845, greater than 0.6. This
implied that the data collected was reliable. The reliability of data collected was tested
on individual scales also. The Cronbachs alpha for the construct of store atmosphere
came out to be 0.883 which suggested that the three broad variables (ambient
conditions, space, and signs) were highly reliable in assessing the store atmosphere
construct. The reliability of variable customer perceptions came out to be 0.798, 0.875
for emotional state and 0.866 for the behavioral response construct which were all
above the desired score of 0.6, also indicating satisfactory reliability. The results can be
analyzed in Table 1.

The process of the purification of the factor started from running a factor analysis
of the statements of impulse buying and then shopping emotions. A separate factor
analysis was carried out on the 18 emotional measure items and individual factor
loadings of pleasure, arousal and dominance were deduced (Billings, 1990). The results
of factor analysis on this study can be analyzed in Table 1 and Table 2. The study made use
of the sample adequacy of KaiserMeyer Olkin (KMO) and Bartletts Test of Sphericity
to measure and examine whether constructs of this study were fit for factor analysis or not.
Individual KMO values of the four constructs were evaluated and the value for store
dimensions, customer perceptions, emotional states and customer behavioral responses
were 0.861, 0.886, 0.821 and 0.855 respectively. Meanwhile Bartletts Test of Sphericity
achieved a significant level, reflecting the data was fit for conducting factor analysis.


Journal of Business and Management Vol. 20, No. 1, 2014

Table 1: Measures, Construct Reliability and Factor Loadings for All Constructs



Loadings Construct

Ambient Conditions
Atmosphere The background music played in the stores is 0.772
The type of music which is played at stores is the
kind of music I usually listen to
The existence of music increases my well-being
and comfort
The lighting in the store makes the merchandise
more attractive
The lighting in the store makes me evaluate the
quality of merchandise
The overall lighting at the store is adequate
The better the lighting, the more comfortable I am
Noise at the store distracts me from selecting the
The cleanliness of the store attracts me towards
the store
The overall ambience in the store increases my
duration at store
The quality of air in the store makes me relaxed
The temperature of the store makes me stay for a
longer time at store


Space and functions

The corridors within the store allow for good
The store has sufficient space to locate my product
Each section of the store is properly managed
The product organization allows me to identify
the location of products easily
The furnishing of the store is very comfortable
Location of each section within the store is
Store displays allow me to see the available
products more easily


Signs and Symbols

The signs used within the store make it easier to 0.938
locate my product
Signs and symbols within the store are important 0.846
Signs and symbols help me recall the brand


Mishra, Sinha, and Koul



Customer Quality
Perceptions Product has consistent quality
Product is well made
Product has an acceptable standard of quality
Product would last for a long time
Product will perform consistently

Loadings Construct

Product is one that I would enjoy
Product would make me want to use it
Product is the one that I would feel relaxed
about using
Product would make me feel good
Product would give me pleasure


Product is reasonably priced
Product offers value for money
Product is a good product for the price

Product would be economical



Product would help me to feel acceptable

Product would improve the way I am perceived
Product would make a good impression on the
other people
Product would give its owner social approval



Unhappy / Happy
Annoyed / Pleased
Unsatisfied / Satisfied
Melancholic / Contented
Despairing / Hopeful
Bored / Relaxed
Relaxed / Stimulated
Calm / Excited
Sluggish / Frenzied
Dull / Jittery
Slept / Wide Awake
Unaroused / Aroused
Controlled / Controlling
Influenced / Influential
Cared For / In Control
Awed / Important
Submissive / Dominant
Guided / Autonomous




I will recommend the product to my friends

I am willing to buy
I will repeat my purchase in the store
Shopping in the store was a nice experience





Journal of Business and Management Vol. 20, No. 1, 2014

After the factor analysis, each of the constructs was further reduced and a smaller
set of constructs was developed. For the first construct, store atmosphere, a factor
analysis was conducted and reduced the data into 7 factors. The attribute value of each
factor dimension was bigger than 1 with a cumulative total variance explained ratio of
91.956%. The dimensions of factor analysis were named as Intangible Factors, Image
of Service Provider, Physical Ambience, In Store Spacing, Store Friendliness, Social
Attribute, and Store Design. A total of 18 items were present in the customer perception
construct which was reduced into 4 factors with a total variance explained of 88.933%.
The dimensions of the factor were named as Sociability with Product, Value for Money,
Acknowledgment with Product, and Perception of Service. For the third construct
of customer behavioral response a factor analysis was run which reduced it into two
factors which were named as Approach and Avoid.
Table 2: Regression Analysis Between Store Atmosphere and Consumer Behavioral Response

A multiple regression analysis was run between the store atmosphere factors and
the behavioral responses. Store atmosphere showed a significant relationship with
consumers behavioral responses with all beta values having a significantly strong
value. The results can be viewed in Table 2 and depict the importance of Intangible
Factors on customer behavioral response with the strongest beta value of .898, which
illustrated the importance music, scent, noise, and room temperature had on consumers
behavior. Consumers enjoyed shopping at those stores where the intangible factors
were maintained by the retailer. Consumer behavioral response was also influenced
by Store Friendliness with the beta value .886 which suggested that the relationship
maintained by the retailer with the customers affected their overall behavior. Although
the lowest beta value but significantly strong value was reported for Social Attribute
at .646. Thus, all the store atmospheric variables significantly affected the customer
behavioral responses, hence supporting H1.

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Table 3: Regression Between Store Atmospherics and Customer Perceived Value

A multiple regression analysis between store atmosphere factors and emotional

states (pleasure, arousal, and dominance) was also run. Pleasure, arousal, and
dominance reported a significant relationship with store atmosphere. In the case of
pleasure, all store atmosphere factors showed a significant B coefficient except in
store spacing. While in the case of arousal, image of the service provider, physical
ambiance, and friendliness showed an insignificant B coefficient. When dominance
was measured, all the factors showed a positive regression coefficient except in store
spacing and friendliness. It can be said that store atmosphere factors were significantly
affected by emotional states (pleasure, arousal, and dominance), which supported H2a.
Table 4: Regression Between Store Atmosphere and Consumer Perception


Journal of Business and Management Vol. 20, No. 1, 2014

Table 4 depicted the result of the regression between store atmospherics and
customer perceptions. Sociability with product showed the highest beta value (.819)
for social attributes, whereas intangible factors revealed the lowest beta value (.684)
for intangible factors. But store design had an insignificant regression coefficient. In the
case of value for money, in store spacing, social attribute, and friendliness showed an
insignificant relationship. The relationship between acknowledgements with product
and intangible factors, and social attributes also showed an insignificant association.
In acknowledgements with product, physical ambience showed the highest beta value
(.812). Hence, it can be deduced that store atmosphere had a significant relationship
with customer perceptions. Emotional states and customer perceptions both had a
significant relationship with store atmosphere so H2 was supported.
Table 5: Logistic Regression Between Customer Perception and Customer Behavioral Response

A logistic regression was run to find out the probability of behavioral response as a
function of emotional states and customer perceptions. These 7 independent variables
in logistic regression produced the likelihood ratio chi-square of 29.101 (p=0.002). In
case of Customer Perception, all four factors came out to be significant. For product
quality, Exp (B), came out to be .953 and the regression coefficient was significant
(p=.000), thereby supporting H3a1. Emotions and Social attributes were also significant
with Exp (B) as .873 and .716 respectively. This supported hypothesis H3a3 and
H3a4. But the product price showed a negative relation with the customer behavioral
response. The B value came out to be -.786 but it was significant with p=.000. So the
hypothesis H3a2 is supported. Similarly when we evaluated the Exp (B) for pleasure
and arousal it came out to be .743 and .818 respectively with the regression coefficient
as significant (p=.000). The results show that pleasure and arousal were important
factors towards the behavioral responses of customers. This supported hypothesis
H3b1 and H3b2. The logistic regression run on dominance showed opposite results.
Although the Exp (B) came out to be .687, the regression coefficient was insignificant
(p=.213). This showed dominance had no impact on customer behavioral response.
It can be concluded from the aforementioned analyses that the results received
from efforts on store atmosphere management and the promotion of positive emotions
were much better than reducing the effects of negative emotions. Meanwhile, product
quality, emotions, and social attribute had a positive correlation with customer approach
behaviors, indicating commodity and service perception influenced their sense of
satisfaction, impulse consumption behaviors, and intention of repeated presence.

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Table 6: Moderating Effect of Customer Perceived Value on Behavioral Responses

Another important aim of the study was to investigate the moderating effect
of customer perceptions on behavioral responses. The data were analyzed using a
hierarchical moderated regression. The moderated regression results are summarized in
Table 6 above. Entering the independent variables, the moderator, and the interaction
terms in the multiple regression generated an R-square of .839 (F =11.387, p = 002). It
was hypothesized that customer perceptions would moderate the relationship between
store atmospheric factors and customer behavioral responses but as represented in Table
6, the interaction term of quality and behavioral responses in Step 3 was statistically
significant (t = 5.988, p = .002) and emotions also played a strong role with t= 3.765
(with p =.000). But price was seen to have a negative relation with the behavioral
responses with B= -.491, although the value was significant where p =.004 Thus, the
hypothesis H4a was supported because customer perceptions acted as a moderator
between store atmosphere and behavioral responses. The significant value of store
atmosphere and behavioral response signified that both had a strong correlation (t =
4.856, p =.000). Overall, findings from the moderated regression analysis demonstrated
that customer perceptions have a moderating role in quality, price, and emotions.


Journal of Business and Management Vol. 20, No. 1, 2014

Table 7: Moderated Regression Between Emotional States and Behavioral Response

Another important aim of the study was to investigate the moderating effect
of emotional states on behavioral response. The moderated regression results were
summarized in Table 7. Entering the independent variables, the moderator, and the
interaction terms in the multiple regression generated an R-square of .839 (F = 10.410,
p = 000). It was hypothesized that emotional state would moderate the relationship
between store atmosphere and behavioral response. As represented in Table 7, the
interaction term of pleasure and buying impulsiveness traits in Step 3 was statistically
significant (t = 4.775, p = .001) and arousal and dominance also played a strong role
with t = 3.765, and t = 3.705 respectively, with p = .000. Thus, the hypothesis was
supported as store atmosphere was found to affect the pleasure, arousal, and dominance
with behavioral response. Store atmosphere was found to be significantly associated
with behavioral response. Overall, findings from the moderated regression analysis
demonstrated that emotional states had a substantial moderating role in pleasure,
arousal and dominance.

Store Atmosphere Factors Will Impact Customer Behavioral Response Significantly (S-R)
All store atmospheric factors had a significant impact on customer behaviors.
In order from highest to lowest according to the extent of impact, the factors were
intangible factors, image of service provider, social attribute, physical ambience,
store friendliness, design, and spacing. This revealed that the intangible factors of
a store were the biggest environmental factors that impacted customer behavioral

Mishra, Sinha, and Koul


response. Its power of influence and interpretation were significantly higher than
other factors. Customers paid special attention to the design of a store including
whether the layout and overall structure was reasonable, how the interior decoration
was, whether the signs were clear, and whether the display of commodities in corridor
space, commodity information and classification was complete and convenient. All
the aforementioned factors have a significant positive correlation with customer
approach behaviors, indicating that customer behaviors in an exclusive store were
mainly affected by the environmental factors that had the biggest relevance with
commodity. The image of a service provider and social attribute, that is, the clothing
and attitude of service personnel, were also considered by customers as critical
factors that influenced their behaviors.
Store Atmospheric Factors Will Impact Customer Perceived Value (S-O)
This study added cognitive valuation as an important driving factor of customer
perceived environment on the basis of the S-O-R model to explore how customer
perceptions and emotional states influenced customers environment perceptions and
their shopping behavior responses. Therefore, the effective management of service
provided significantly promoted customer perceptions of commodity value. Secondly,
the factors that influenced customer perceptions are sociability with the product and
acknowledgement with product. When the emotional states of pleasure, arousal and
dominance were discussed, all three factors showed significant importance towards the
store atmospheric factors.
Customer Perceived Value Will Affect Customer Approach Behavior Significantly (O-R)
It can be concluded from the aforementioned analyses that the results received
from efforts on store atmosphere management and promotion of positive emotions
were much better than reducing the effects of negative emotions. Meanwhile, factors
of customer perceptions, quality, emotions, and social attributes had a significant
positive correlation with customer approach behaviors. Only price showed a negative
correlation with the behavioral response.
Customer perceptions and emotional states showed a moderating effect between
store atmospherics and customer behavioral responses. Customer perceptions acted
as an interface between the store atmospherics and behavioral responses. Similarly,
emotional state responses showed a moderating effect between store atmospherics and
behavioral responses. The interface effect was not very obvious, which indicated that
store atmospheric factors influenced customer behavioral responses through channels.

Managerial Implications
According to analytical conclusions, this study proposed the following
suggestions that can be taken as references when enterprises in the industry make
marketing strategies.


Journal of Business and Management Vol. 20, No. 1, 2014

Management of Retail Environments Design Factors

Empirical studies showed store design factors were significantly correlated with
their impact on customer perception and customer behavioral response. According
to the conclusion that design factors significantly affected customer perceived value,
exclusive stores should pay attention to highlight the functional value of design factors
and promote customers perceptions of commodity value with a reasonable display
and information presentation of commodities. Other than the common application of
promotional commodities in decorated carts and large-size promotional signs, other
alternatives of comparing similar commodities include putting main commodities
with high profits and those with a high price side-by-side to increase the chances of
a customer selecting them. All these methods can promote a customers perception of
commodity value effectively. Secondly, based on the conclusion that design factors had
a significant impact on customers positive emotions, exclusive stores should design
the overall layout of the store environment based on a shopping customers mood when
managing design factors in order to make customers feel relaxed and at ease without
any anxiety and promote positive emotions. Clear and explicit signs navigating the
customer throughout the store should also be installed as well as the locations of other
functional facilities so that customers can see them clearly when entering the store. In
addition, a special atmosphere created for customers to promote their enjoyment in
shopping can increase the frequency of their visits and the duration of each visit. Both
can be quite effective in increasing sales volume.
Management of Retail Environments Social Factors
A retail environments social factors mainly affected customers perception
evaluation and behavioral responses. Social factors were factors that were difficult
to control by retail enterprises. But they could influence social environmental
factors through the appropriate management measures and marketing strategies.
For example, enterprises could improve the service staffs clothing and behavioral
management through the regulation of services. They could also reduce the crowds in
stores through a reasonable route design in the store so as to enable it with a favorable
socially interactive atmosphere. Research outcomes showed that the service behaviors
and emotional expressions of service staff were key factors that influenced a customers
consumption, emotion, satisfaction, and desire for repurchase. If the service staff were
concerned about customer benefits, knowing the customers demands and providing
them with prompt services would enable customers not only to experience the perfect
shopping environment, but also to perceive the amicability, honesty, and concerns of the
staff. They would definitely leave the customers with an unforgettable impression and
thus promote customer trust and satisfaction in the store and increase the likelihood
they would return.

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