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GRADE 10 English Q1 Week2 DLL 2023

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Teaching Dates and SEPTEMBER 4-8, 2023 QUARTER 1
Time 8:00-12:00 - 1:00-5:00
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use
strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive
and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance Standards The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.

C. Learning Use information from news reports, speeches, Use information from news reports, speeches,
Write the LC code for each I/C Reading informative talks, panel discussions, etc. in everyday informative talks, panel discussions, etc. in
Learning Comprehensio conversations and exchanges everyday conversations and exchanges
Pre-test n Test (EN10LC-Ia-11.1) (EN10LC-Ia-11.1)
Subtask 1 of 2: Use information from news reports and speeches in Subtask 2 of 2: Use information from informative talks and
everyday conversations and exchanges panel discussions in everyday conversations and exchanges.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages K-to-12 MELCS with CG codes p.142, English Curriculum Guide K-to-12 MELCS with CG codes p.142, English Curriculum
p. 223 Guide p. 223
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources DepEd Oro RBI SLMs 2021-2022 English 10 Q1 Episode 1; DepEd Oro RBI SLMs 2021-2022 English 10 Q1 Episode 2;
DepEd-SOCCSKSARGEN English 10 Quarter 1 – Module 1 DepEd-SOCCSKSARGEN English 10 Quarter 1 – Module 1
Learning Episode 1:
1. Presentation Today, we will learn how to use information from news reports and Today, we will learn how to use information from informative
speeches in everyday conversations and exchanges. talks and panel discussions in everyday conversations and
2. Importance It is important to learn to use information from news reports and It is important to learn to use information from informative
speeches in everyday conversations and exchanges in order to talks and panel discussions in everyday conversations and
produce valuable arguments and a healthy discourse. Otherwise, exchanges in order to produce valuable arguments and a
formulating arguments without due evidences and sources will healthy discourse. Otherwise, formulating arguments without
compromise your quality as a speaker. due evidences and sources will compromise your quality as a
3. Formative After our lesson, you will express how you will use information After our lesson, you will express how you will use
from news reports and speeches in everyday conversations and information from informative talks and panel discussions in
exchanges. everyday conversations and exchanges.
1. Review /Drill What are the questions that you can ask yourself when taking
information from news reports and speeches?

1. What is the information all about?
2. Who are involved?
3. How did it happen?
4. Why is the information important to me?
5. What lesson have I learned from it?
6. How can I use the information in everyday
conversations and exchanges?

These are the same questions that you can ask when taking
What does the picture imply?
information from informative talks and panel discussions.
What do we call the people whose job is as the surveillance camera
in the present world?
What type of information do we get from them? Is it reliable?
Do we easily agree on information presented to us?
What type of information should we share to other people?
2. Pre-requisite These are some questions that you can ask yourself when taking What is an informative talk?
information from news reports and speeches:
An informative talk/speech gives information to an
INFORMATION RACK audience using verbal descriptions and, sometimes,
7. What is the information all about? accompanying visuals or demonstrations. Many companies
8. Who are involved? and organizations use informative speeches to describe
9. How did it happen? decisions they've made, provide information about valuable
10. Why is the information important to me? discoveries and educate people on significant topics.
11. What lesson have I learned from it?
12. How can I use the information in everyday What is a panel discussion?
conversations and exchanges?
A panel discussion, or simply a panel, involves a group
of people gathered to discuss a topic in front of an audience,
typically at scientific, business, or academic conferences, fan
conventions, and on television shows.
Learning Episode 2:
A. Modelling I DO/WE DO: DO/WE DO:
I will present an excerpt of a speech delivered by Manny Pacquiao. I will present an excerpt of an informative talk which I will
I will examine the content of the speech and express how I will use examine and express how to use in everyday conversations
it in everyday conversations and exchanges using an information and exchanges using an information rack.
(an excerpt) When you register to Stay Safe, we DO NOT ask for any
It is a matter of record that I only had traditional formal personal information like name, age, gender, contact number,
schooling until Secondary School, Grade 12. It was only recently photo, address, and/or email address. Location and GPS are
that I reached University level through the alternative education likewise NOT enabled and captured. Stay Safe only uses
program. We were dirt poor. I had to work since the age of five; to Bluetooth for exposure notification when enabled. Exposure
help my mother feed my three siblings and me. Many days, I was notification is designed to notify you if you have been
lucky to have one full meal. On days when we had no food, I would exposed to another users who later reports themselves to have
drink lots of water just to fill my stomach. But my mind and spirit tested positive for Covid19.
were never hungry. I read anything I could get my hands on. Stay Safe Exposure notification relies on the sharing and
I even read the newspaper that my lunch or dinner came collection of random IDs. These IDs are random string of
wrapped in. I read signs everywhere, even on moving vehicles. I numbers that will NOT IDENTIFY you to another user, and
learned measurements and weights by constantly reading the rates automatically change from to time to protect your privacy.
and tariffs at the warehouses where I worked as a stevedore, a You may opt to TURN OFF these notifications at any
docker in your parlance… time. You may also voluntarily declare in the app that you
And for me, the morning did come. Warm, bright, and simply tested positive for Covid19 and submit your case number in
amazing - a lesson in what can be achieved if you have order to help notify others who may have been in close contact
determination … if you ignore the odds against you …and as you with you. This will prompt those who have been exposed to
are taught here at this magnificent institution never, ever quit. monitor their condition for possible signs and symptoms. The
Think of David and Goliath. Look at me. I am not big, and I never verification of the validity of these case numbers are
had five smooth stones to throw at any obstacle, but determination determined through the integration with COVID Document
is a power tool. I won a lot of fights. Repository System (CDRS) controlled by The Department of
Health (DOH).
1. What is the information all about? It is all about the INFORMATION RACK
struggles of Manny Pacquiao to success. 1. What is the information all about? It is all about
2. Who are involved? The person involved is the speaker the Stay Safe tracking system.
himself, Manny Pacquiao. 2. Who are involved? Everyone affected by Covid-
3. How did it happen? The events are a sequence of when 19 should be involved.
he used to be dirt poor – working on warehouses and 3. How did it happen? Stay Safe is a system
docks, until he gained success initially through developed at the emergence of Covid-19 to trace
professional boxing. when we come in contact with those that have
4. Why is the information important to me? It is important tested positive through e-connection.
to me because sometimes it is hard to hold on to big 4. Why is the information important to me? It is
dreams, and Pacquaio’s story is a reminder that no important to me because contracting the virus is
dream is too big and that anything is possible through detrimental not only to me as an individual, but
hardwork and determination. also to everyone I come in contact with including
5. What lesson have I learned from it? The lesson I my loved ones.
learned from it is to never quit because success is at the 5. What lesson have I learned from it? I learned a
future waiting for me. way to stay vigilant in this time of pandemic for
6. How can I use the information in my everyday my own and everyone’s safety.
conversations and exchanges? I can use this speech by 6. How can I use the information in my everyday
Manny Pacquiao in everyday conversations and conversations and exchanges? I can use this
exchanges by quoting him should I come across a topic information in everyday conversations and
on dealing with life and the process of achieving exchanges for when I come across a topic on
dreams. This is significant and will create valuable Covid-19, especially in the event when reports
arguments and a healthy discourse such that Manny say that positive cases are rising again. This is
Pacquiao is known by most Filipinos, and his success significant as Stay Safe has been an existing,
went through a process that is nothing done by magic. circulating tracking system like the S-Pass.


South Cotabato environmentalists blow whistle on San Miguel’s Social Network
coal mining operations MODERATOR Question: Can you tell us about an example
(excerpt) of a crime or crimes (maybe) that is present on social
Rommel Rebollido networking sites?

Environmentalists warned against plans by a subsidiary of PANEL 5 Answer: One example that I can cite is cyber
San Miguel Corporation (SMC) to undertake large-scale coal bullying. In definition, cyberbullying is the use of social
mining operations in South Cotabato. networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to harass,
Lawyer Noel Ben, director of the Marist Hope Center for threaten or intimidate someone. According to a research by
Justice and Good Governance, said the San Miguel Energy Patchin & Hinduja in 2020, one in five (20.9%) tweens (9 to
Corporation has been acquiring and clearing vast tracts of land, 12 years old) has been cyberbullied, cyberbullied others, or
particularly in the Daguma mountain range that straddles the seen cyberbullying. This is one common occurrence among
provinces of South Cotabato and Sultan Kudarat, in preparation for teens on Facebook and if it goes far enough it can lead to a
the project. serious depression among the victims of this. In the same
The company is a subsidiary of SMC Global Power Holdings research, the tweens who were cyberbullied shared that it
Corporation, one of the largest power firms in the country. negatively impacted their feelings about themselves (69.1%),
The problem, according to the environmentalists, is that San their friendships (31.9%), their physical health (13.1%), and
Miguel would use the open-pit mining method, which has been their schoolwork (6.5%)
banned by South Cotabato’s 2010 environment code and which the
local Catholic diocese and many residents oppose. MODERATOR Question: Thanks for sharing that example.
The code had been amended by the provincial board to lift the That’s why we need to be careful about our conduct online.
open-pit mining ban right after the May elections, resulting in street We may think what we do online is anonymous, but it’s not.
demonstrations that prompted South Cotabato Governor Reynaldo What should we do to handle cyberbullying?
Tamayo Jr. to issue a veto.
Ben said he and other environmentalists were apprehensive PANEL 1: According to a research by Patchin & Hinduja in
because local officials were silent about San Miguel’s ongoing 2020, Tweens reported using a variety of strategies to stop the
clearing operations, which include cutting trees in areas being bullying including blocking the person bullying them (60.2%),
prepared for the planned coal mining operations. telling a parent (50.8%), ignoring the person (42.8%),
“It is important that people know what is happening in that reporting it to the website or app (29.8%), and taking a break
place because there are watersheds and elements of the ecosystem from the device (29.6%). If you or someone you know is the
that must be considered. The destruction could adversely affect victim of cyberbullying, put those ideas in consideration.
However, “Ignore” and “never respond” -Responding will
people in nearby areas, especially in the lowlands,” Ben said. only make the situation worse and provoking a reaction from
Source: you is exactly what the cyber bullies want, so don't give them the satisfaction. It's also very important that you don't seek
plans-san-miguel-coal-mining-operations-south-cotabato/ revenge on a cyber bully by becoming a cyberbully yourself.
Again, it will only make the problem worse and could result in
serious legal consequences for you. If you wouldn't say it in
person, don't say it online. Instead, respond to cyberbullying
by: Telling your parents about it so that they can help you
make an action to it, or Preventing communication from the
cyberbully, just block the bully from sending future
communications. All email and instant messaging programs
make it easy to block a sender.

MODERATOR: Thank you all for sharing your ideas. I’m

happy to discuss all of this with you and I really appreciate all
of your comments tonight on cyberbullying and I hope that
this discussion continues out into your schools and into your
family and friends. Thank you, guys, for being here this

Learning Episode 3:
A. Guided Practice Peer Activity Peer Activity
Read and express how you will use the information from the news Read and express how you will use the information from the
article in everyday conversations and exchanges. Use the panel discussion in everyday conversations and exchanges.
information rack for your output. Use the information rack for your output.

Doggie dementia risk rises each year after age 10, study finds. Panel discussion on climate change and the right to health
By Sandee LaMotte, CNN
Just like people, dogs can get dementia as they age. The spry Climate change directly and indirectly impacts the full
speedster that used to zoom out the door may one day amble and effective enjoyment of a range of human rights, including
unsteadily to the closet to be let out. the right to the highest attainable standard of health. The
It's an unfortunate reality many dog owners might have to Human Rights Council has recognized the threat posed by
face, especially if their dog's breed lives 10 years or more. A new climate change in numerous resolutions on human rights and
study that is part of the Dog Aging Project found the risk of climate change and called for human rights to guide and
developing cognitive issues rises by 52% each year after age 10 in inform all climate action. Resolution 29/15 recognizes that a
many dogs. broad range of human rights are affected by climate change
But there's no reason to despair if your furry best friend is and calls for a specific focus on impacts on the right to health.
showing signs of canine cognitive decline, or CCD, said
veterinarian Dr. Dana Varble, chief veterinary officer for the North This discussion takes place against the backdrop of the
American Veterinary Community. recent adoption of the first universal legally binding
"Too often, pet owners think their dogs are just 'slowing agreement on climate change in Paris in December 2015. The
down' and don't realize there are things they can do to ease, slow or Preamble to the Paris Agreement states that “parties should,
even stave off cognitive decline as dogs age," Varble said. when taking action to address climate change, respect,
"Studies show that mental activity and exercise are important promote and consider their respective obligations on human
for a dog's mental well-being just as it is in humans. Stimulating the rights, the right to health, the rights of indigenous peoples,
brain is important and this can be done easily with food puzzles for local communities, migrants, children, persons with
example," she said. disabilities and people in vulnerable situations and the right to
Food puzzles are toys in which owners hide treats, and it's up development, as well as gender equality, empowerment of
to the dog to push, jiggle or jog the treats out of them. Such women and intergenerational equity”. Inclusion of this
activities help keep both dogs' and cats' brains engaged, experts say. language in the Paris Agreement reflects growing recognition
In addition, "nutritional supplements have been shown to of the connections between climate change and the enjoyment
improve signs and slow the decline of CCD. There are also special of human rights, including specifically the human right to
foods for aging dogs," Varble said. health.
dementia-wellness/index.html The World Health Organization (WHO) has found that
the overall health effects of climate change are negative and
climate change has strong impacts on the social and
environmental determinants of health like clean air, safe
drinking water, sufficient food and secure shelter. The 2015
Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change found that
climate change threatens to undermine the last half century of
gains in development and global health. Effects of climate
change include increased heat stress, floods, drought, and
greater frequency of extreme weather events, which directly
and indirectly impact health through changes in air pollution,
water availability, food insecurity, nutrition, displacement,
mental health, and the spread of tropical and vector borne
diseases. Such effects are felt most acutely by persons, groups
and peoples in vulnerable situations owing to factors such as
geography, poverty, gender, age, indigenous and minority
status and disability.

In this context, engaging with and addressing climate

change-related impacts on health is vital. Approaches based
on human rights obligations, standards and principles are
critical to understand and address the threat that climate
change poses to human health and well-being

Source: ClimateChange.doc (

B. Independent Read and express how you will use the information from the speech Read and express how you will use the information from the
in everyday conversations and exchanges. Use the information rack informative talk in everyday conversations and exchanges.
for your output. Use the information rack for your output.
Mental Health Awareness Week Speech
“As we honor our National Heroes today, may we not only Pansy Wong
look back with admiration at their profound sense of patriotism but Over the past decade, attitudes in New Zealand have
also look at the future of our country and its unrelenting longing for changed about the way we view mental illness. It is no longer
the same profound sense of patriotism from us...The blood of our seen as something that doesn't affect us, but rather as
National Heroes is the same blood of bravery, selflessness, and love something that affects our friends, family, neighbours and
of country and fellowmen that continues to flow across the nation communities.
today — now permeating into the minds and hearts of many This has come about largely as the result of highly
Filipinos who have committed to the cause of rebuilding the nation effective campaigns, including the ‘Like Minds like Mine'
from the rubbles caused by disunity, hatred, misunderstanding, and programme launched by Hon Bill English back when he was
acts of hostilities perpetuated by anti-people, anti-government, and Minister of Health in 1997.
local terror groups that hostaged the progress of the country for a The ‘Like Minds Like Mine' campaign was set up to
long time.” – VP Sara counter the stigma and discrimination that is often associated
Source: with mental illnesses and has featured iconic New Zealanders, including former All Black John Kirwin and Kiwi music
sara-lessons-of-the-past-should-be-used-to-awaken-heroes-in- legend Mike Chunn.
youth-s-hearts/story/ This campaign continues to improve the lives of
hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders and it is important
that we continue to build on it to ensure that those suffering
from mental illness do not have to suffer alone.
Because by building greater understanding across all
cultures and communities, we can ensure that every New
Zealander can discover a "Winning Way to Wellbeing".
I am sure you will agree that Mental Health Awareness
Week is vitally important in raising awareness of the
continuing need to make mental health a priority for all
Learning Episode 4:
A. Evaluation Use information from the given speech in Use information from the given informative talk in
contextualized examples of everyday conversations and contextualized examples of everyday conversations
exchanges. and exchanges.
These are the contexts. Choose one: These are the contexts. Choose one:
1. Your friend is questioning his/her self-worth. Give some 1. You are in a conversation regarding terminal illness.
advice. 2. You hear about intentionally medically killing
2. You are sharing to someone about your identity, of what it animals.
is like to be you. 3. You are in a conversation about mental health.
3. You are in a conversation that talks about how cruel the
world has become. Euthanasia
Laura Henderson
“Overcoming Personal Challenges” Assisted suicide, also known as euthanasia, is a hot-
Eden Grace C. Yungco, 2020 button issue that was brought into the light by Dr. Jack
It is our pause from time to time that we will be refreshed of Kevorkian. Dr. Kevorkian was a controversial activist who
something new, something better, a fresh start, a clean state, and a tried to legalize assisted suicide under the argument that
new journey to begin again. We can choose differently! Remember, everyone deserves a humane death. There had been much
what matters most is not how others see you, but how you truly see debate on the issue, and our legislatures have explored what
yourself. Who are you when you are all alone? When no one is the practice entails and the moral implications of assisted
watching? How do you see yourself determines how you allow suicide. However, it is still illegal in all of the United States.
people to treat you? How you see yourself dictates what you expect But Physician Aid in Dying or PAD is legal in Washington,
from others, from life, from God. Oregon, and Montana. The difference is that euthanasia
Choose today to be the greatest version of yourself. Do not involves a third party to administer the dose, whereas PAD
forget to wear the best make-up SMILE, and the world will smile at leaves it up to the patient to take it.
you. The concept of choosing a time to die with the help of a
physician was first medically explored by Dr. Jack Kevorkian.
Criteria 5 4 3 Born in Royal Oak, Michigan, he attended the University of
Usage of Able to Able to Isn’t able to Michigan. There, he saw patients suffering. Especially in
information support idea support idea support idea cases where there was no cure available, he wanted to end
from the text in 4 or more in 1-3 their suffering in a humane way. In his own words Dr.
sentences sentences Kevorkian stated, “I’m going to do it right.” That was
Writing Has no error Has 1-3 Has 4 or more published in the New York Times in 2007. According to a
Mechanics in sentence errors in errors in 2011 New York Times article, in 1990 Kevorkian helped 130
construction, sentence sentence people die using his machine titled the Thanatron, which is
grammar, and construction, construction, Greek for “death machine.” A 2011 Washington Post article
spelling grammar, and grammar, and described his infamous death machine, which is said to have
spelling spelling been made from scraps for just $30.

Criteria 5 4 3
Usage of Able to Able to Isn’t able to
informatio support idea support idea support
n from the in 4 or more in 1-3 idea
text sentences sentences
Writing Has no error Has 1-3 errors Has 4 or
Mechanic in sentence in sentence more errors
s construction, construction, in sentence
grammar, and grammar, and constructio
spelling spelling n,

B. Assignment/
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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