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DLL Q2 Week 7 Health 6

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Teacher CLAUDINE B. CORNITA Learning Area HEALTH 6
Teaching Dates and Time JANUARY 8-12,,2024/ QUARTER 2/ WEEK 7 School Head MRS. BRENDA U. ADLAWAN
(January 8, 2024) (January 9, 2024) (January 10, 2024) (January 11, 2024) (January 12, 2024)
I. OBJECTIVES At the end of this lesson, the pupils;
Knowledge: 1. Understood the importance of keeping the school and community environments healthy.
Skills: 2. Demonstrated practices for building and maintaining healthy school and community environments.
Attitude 3. Cited good values in segregating proper waste disposal in school,in home and in the community.
A. Content Standards The learner understands the importance of keeping the school and community environments healthy.
B. Performance Standards The learner demonstrates practices for building and maintaining healthy school and community environments.
C. Learning Competencies
with LC code Practices proper waste management at home, in school, and in the community (H6CMH-IIh-8)



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG/CG page 353
2. Learner’s Material pages LAS Module Week 7 pages 1-7
3. Textbook pages Enjoying Life trhough Music, Arts, Physical education and Health 6
4. Additional Materials from
K to 12 basic education curriculum Guide 6, p57 for Health, p. 50 for Arts
learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
Ligaya B. Garcia- Quinitio,, The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION 6, Worktext, pp. 255; Teacher’s Material, pp. 201-202
 Start with the following with a prayer and greetings
 Checking of attendance
 Setting the mood, and classroom standards
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Let the pupils sing the song Let the pupils sing the song Let the pupils sing the Let the pupils sing the song Let the pupils sing the song
presenting the new lesson “Waste Disposal Method” “Waste Disposal Method” with song “Waste Disposal “Waste Disposal Method” “Waste Disposal Method”
with the tune of Are You the tune of Are You Sleeping Method” with the tune of with the tune of Are You with the tune of Are You
Sleeping Ask the students: Are You Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping
Ask the students: 1. What is the waste disposal Ask the students: Ask the students: Ask the students:
1. What is the waste methods mentioned in the song? 1. What is the waste 1. What is the waste 1. What is the waste disposal
disposal methods 2. Which of these methods is disposal methods disposal methods mentioned methods mentioned in the
mentioned in the song? applicable in your place? Why? mentioned in the song? in the song? song?
2. Which of these methods 2. Which of these methods 2. Which of these methods is 2. Which of these methods is
is applicable in your place? is applicable in your place? applicable in your place? applicable in your place?
Why? Why? Why? Why?
B. Establishing a purpose for the 1. Lead the class in 1. Lead the class in searching 1. Lead the class in 1. Lead the class in 1. Lead the class in
lesson searching for for garbage/trash/waste that can searching for searching for searching for
garbage/trash/waste that be found inside the school. garbage/trash/waste that garbage/trash/waste that can garbage/trash/waste that can
can be found inside the 2. Tell the students to list these can be found inside the be found inside the school. be found inside the school.
school. (garbage/trash/waste) down. school. 2. Tell the students to list 2. Tell the students to list
2. Tell the students to list 2. Tell the students to list these (garbage/trash/waste) these (garbage/trash/waste)
these these down. down.
(garbage/trash/waste) (garbage/trash/waste)
down. down.
C. Presenting examples/ Activity:
Instances of the new lesson Guessing Games
The teacher will give clues that
the pupils will answer.
Directions: Guess the
items/wastes using the given
1. Clue: containers of
soft drinks, milk and
fruit cocktails Answer:
Tin cans/ Cans
2. Clue: newspapers
and magazines are
made of it. Answer:
D. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity
practicing new skills #1  Group the pupils into 4.
 Each group must have a
leader and a reporter
 The reporter will explain to the
class the output of the group
 Role card may be used if
appropriate .
Role Cards
Leader Encourager
Leads the Ensure
group in the everyone is
given tasks participating
everyone to
join in
Time Keeper Reporter
Keeps an eye Shares the
to the allotted consolidated
time si that the ideas
assigned tasks generated
wii be finished during the
on or before discussion/
time brainstorming

a. The teacher will

provide a box with
diffferent recyclable
materials inside.
b. Each group will get 2
materials in the box.
c. The group will be given
time to explain how
these things can be
useful again.
E. Continuation of discussion of Ask the pupils:
new concepts leading to Is recycling important?
formative assessment Why?
How can we benefit from
recycling wastes? What
other ways can we do to
lessen our wastes?
F. Developing Mastery Directions: List the
(Leads to formative recyclable items that can
Assessment 3) be found in the picture.

G. Finding practical applications Your mother asks you to

of concepts and skills in daily throw your wastes on the
living trash bin, but you notice that
there are objects that can be
used again, what will you
H. Making generalizations How can you help in
and abstraction about the diminishing waste products
lesson in your school and
I. Evaluating learning Identify the wastes that can
be recycled by putting a
check (/) on the blank and
mark X if not.
___1. Tin cans
___2. Boxes
___3. Plastic bottles
___4. Paper
___5. Harmful chemicals
J. Additional Activities for How do you define recycle?
application or remediation

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lessons.
D. No. Learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by: Checked and reviewed by: Noted by:
Teacher I Master Teacher I P-III/ Schools District In-Charge

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