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Are environment-related technologies key to unlock the path towards

sustainable development: An econometric analysis
Amar Rao a, Satish Kumar b,⇑
School of Management, BML Munjal University, Gurugram, Haryana, India
Indian Institute of Management Nagpur, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this study is to investigate the correlation between energy intensity and environment-
Received 8 December 2022 related technology in industrialized countries. By utilizing panel data from 23 countries over a span of
Revised 2 July 2023 32 years (1990–2021), this research aims to contribute to the comprehension of the role of green inno-
Accepted 28 August 2023
vation in sustainable development. The study employs the Stochastic Impacts by Regression on
Available online xxxx
Population, Affluence, and Technology model while controlling for variables including population growth,
gross domestic product in purchasing power parity, Information and Communication Technology capital
deepening, renewable energy consumption, and green innovation represented by research and develop-
Sustainable development
ment expenditure on environment-related technology. The results of the analysis, employing panel unit
Energy intensity root tests, cross-sectional dependence tests, and a Method of Moments quantile regression, reveal that
Quantile regression green innovation has a positive influence on diminishing energy intensity, with a more substantial
impact at higher quantiles. Moreover, ICT capital deepening is determined to have a positive and note-
worthy effect on reducing energy intensity. The findings of this study offer valuable insights for policy-
makers in their endeavours to accomplish sustainable development goals.
Ó 2023 China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Published by Elsevier B.V. on
behalf of China University of Geosciences (Beijing). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction deforestation, and agricultural practices (Schmalensee et al.,

1998). These activities increase the concentration of GHGs in the
The issue of adverse climate events and their subsequent effects atmosphere, resulting in a rise in global temperatures, which, in
on the world stands as one of the most daunting challenges we face turn, increases the frequency of extreme weather events such as
in contemporary times. To achieve a future characterized by sus- floods, droughts, and hurricanes. Climate change is causing severe
tainability and long-term viability, it is vital to comprehend the disruption to the world’s environment and ecosystems. Consider-
effects of climate change on our lives (Fuso Nerini et al., 2019). ing the potential impact of climate change on nearly all areas of
Merely reducing carbon emissions or transitioning to renewable sustainable development, there is an urgent need to comprehend
energy sources is insufficient; we must also seek solutions that how actions taken to combat climate change can either support
enable us to coexist with nature in a way that avoids irreparable or undermine all other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
harm while keeping pace with the rapid rate of technological The objective of sustainable development is to satisfy the cur-
development and innovation. The escalating emissions of green- rent generation’s requirements and desires while safeguarding
house gases (GHGs) pose the most significant peril to the sustain- the capacity of future generations to fulfill their own (Robert
able development of our planet, leading to a decline in et al., 2005). This necessitates a more efficient utilization of
environmental quality (Aye and Edoja, 2017; Khan et al., 2020; resources, a reduction in our dependence on nonrenewable
Omri et al., 2015; Thomakos and Alexopoulos, 2016). Although this sources, and the development of innovative solutions to address
phenomenon has occurred throughout human history, the 20th challenges such as global warming and environmental degrada-
century witnessed its most rapid and profound transformation. tion. To achieve sustainable development, it is essential to consider
Climate change primarily arises from anthropogenic activities, the interconnectedness of various components within our society
including the combustion of non-renewable energy sources, and environment. Given the complexity and interdependence of
these issues, there are no straightforward solutions. Instead, adopt-
⇑ Corresponding author. ing a ‘‘whole-of-systems” approach becomes crucial, wherein all
E-mail address: (S. Kumar).
1674-9871/Ó 2023 China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Geosciences (Beijing).
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: A. Rao and S. Kumar, Are environment-related technologies key to unlock the path towards sustainable development: An econo-
metric analysis, Geoscience Frontiers,
A. Rao and S. Kumar Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

stakeholders — individuals, businesses, government, and civil soci- relatively stable, hovering around 4% throughout the same time-
ety — collaborate to drive transformative change. frame. In contrast, there was a remarkable increase in the share
As the human population continues to grow, there is a corre- of solar power and renewables, with solar power exhibiting the
sponding increase in our demand for energy and other resources highest growth rate among all energy sources. In 1995, solar power
(Khan et al., 2021). Unfortunately, this has led to a rapid depletion and renewables collectively contributed a mere 0.5% to primary
of our planet’s natural resources, and the consequences are now energy consumption, but by 2020, their share had surged to 5%.
being felt globally. Our unsustainable lifestyle has resulted in These trends signify a transition towards a more diversified and
numerous problems that require immediate solutions. It is crucial sustainable energy mix, highlighting an increased focus on renew-
for us to become aware of how we can live in a more sustainable able energy sources for the future.
manner in an energy-conscious world. Energy consumption repre- A multitude of SDGs have been established to address the
sents one of the major obstacles to achieving sustainable develop- urgent need for decreasing energy consumption and promoting
ment. In order to meet our ever-growing energy needs, it is sustainable practices (Filipović et al., 2022). These goals encompass
necessary to find ways to improve energy efficiency and reduce various objectives, including the ambitious target of achieving net-
our reliance on fossil fuels. Therefore, it becomes imperative to zero emissions by 2050, a 40% reduction in carbon emissions from
enhance the utilization of sustainable energy alternatives (Qazi energy production by 2030, and ensuring affordable and accessible
et al., 2019). By adopting measures to increase energy efficiency energy worldwide by 2030. Energy efficiency and conservation are
and transition to sustainable energy sources, we can address the integral components of the SDGs, aiming to reduce global energy-
challenges posed by our current energy consumption patterns related CO2 emissions by 50% relative to 2010 levels by 2030.
and work towards a more sustainable future. The current goals also prioritize enhancing energy efficiency
Fig. 1 illustrates the global primary energy consumption by and decreasing energy usage in important areas like residential
source. The trends in primary energy consumption from 1995 to buildings, transportation, and industrial processes. The decrease
2020 reveal that oil and coal have remained the dominant sources in energy intensity (EI) plays a vital role in mitigating the negative
of energy, albeit with declining shares. During this period, a notice- effects of climate change. EI measures the energy efficiency of an
able shift in the composition of primary energy consumption can economy or sector by quantifying the amount of energy required
be observed. In 1995, oil and coal accounted for a significant share to produce a unit of economic output, such as a unit of gross
of approximately 57%, which gradually decreased to 49% by 2020. domestic product (GDP). Lower EI indicates greater energy effi-
On the other hand, the proportion of nuclear energy remained ciency, as it signifies that less energy is needed to generate the

Fig. 1. Global primary energy consumption by source(Reprinted from Our World in Data based on Vaclav Smil (2017) and BP Statistical Review of World Energy ( under Creative Commons BY license).

A. Rao and S. Kumar Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

same amount of output. Reducing EI is a fundamental concept in of fossil fuels in the energy mix over time. Nuclear power plays a
the sustainability framework, as it contributes to the reduction of significant role in the energy mix of certain OECD countries, partic-
greenhouse gas emissions and enhances energy security. Between ularly in Europe. In 2019, nuclear energy accounted for approxi-
1990 and 2015, global energy efficiency, measured by energy con- mately 18% of electricity production in the OECD, with France
sumption per unit of GDP, declined by approximately 33%. Recog- being the largest consumer, generating nearly 70% of its total elec-
nizing the importance of addressing this issue, authorities from tricity from nuclear power. The use of clean energy sources has
major economies, in collaboration with the International Energy also witnessed substantial growth in OECD countries, particularly
Agency (IEA), have made commitments to increase public sector in recent years. The share of renewable energy in the primary
investments in low-carbon research and development, as well as energy supply of the OECD increased from 8% in 2000 to 12% in
expedite the adoption of low-carbon technologies (Paramati 2019. Different countries have adopted various renewable energy
et al., 2022). However, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic sources based on their specific circumstances. For instance, coun-
resulted in a notable reduction in energy consumption across all tries like Norway and Canada heavily rely on hydropower, while
economic sectors. The transportation and service sectors experi- others like Germany and the United States have experienced signif-
enced the most substantial declines, while the industrial sector icant advancements in wind and solar power.
observed comparatively smaller reductions. As a consequence, EI and research and development (R&D) budgets vary across dif-
the pandemic led to an increase in EI across all sectors of the econ- ferent industrialized countries. In 2019, Canada, Denmark, Finland,
omy, with the industrial sector in the European Union witnessing Germany, Japan, Sweden, and Switzerland had lower energy inten-
the most significant rise (Rokicki et al., 2022). sities compared to the OECD average, while Australia, Greece, Lux-
The research objective of this study is to examine the relation- embourg, and the United States had higher energy intensities.
ship between EI and green innovation (GI) in industrialized coun- Between 2010 and 2019, energy intensity decreased in all coun-
tries. Specifically, the study aims to investigate the impact of GI tries except Luxembourg, which saw a 4% increase. In terms of
on reducing EI and contributing to sustainable development. This R&D budgets, Germany, Japan, and the United States spent the
will be achieved by using panel data from 23 countries over a most in 2019, while Greece, Luxembourg, and Portugal spent the
32-year period from 1990 to 2021 and controlling for factors such least. However, the growth in R&D budgets between 2010 and
as population growth (POP), gross domestic product in purchasing 2019 was highest in Korea, followed by Israel, while Australia,
power parity (GDPPPP), ICT capital deepening (ICT), renewable Canada, and Greece had the lowest growth rates. Overall, these
energy consumption (REN), and GI proxied by research and devel- trends suggest a diverse range of approaches to addressing energy
opment budget on environment-related technology. The study will intensity and the role of R&D in sustainable development among
utilize the STIRPAT model to analyze the data and will employ these industrialized countries.
panel unit root tests, cross-sectional dependence tests, and a In the context of this, the present study seeks to understand our
Method of Moments quantile regression to obtain results. The environmental technologies helpful in reducing energy intensity
expected outcome of this research is to provide insights for policy- and meeting SDG 7[Enhancing energy efficiency plays a pivotal
makers in their efforts to achieve sustainable development goals. role in achieving the global climate objectives. The 2030 target sets
The established targets aimed at reducing EI play a crucial role forth the aim of attaining an annual advancement in energy inten-
in mitigating CO2 emissions and promoting environmental sustain- sity by 2.6 percent, which represents a twofold increase compared
ability (Zhang and Wang, 2022; Zhou et al., 2021). EI, commonly to the rate witnessed between 1990 and 2010. (Source: UN Statis-
used as a metric to measure energy consumption or operational tics Division - Sustainable Development Goals)], specifically SDG
efficiency, serves as an indicator of energy use per unit of output 7.3-Energy Efficiency. The higher the EI, the more energy is
(Bilgili et al., 2017a; Chen et al., 2016; Tan and Lin, 2018). A higher required to produce the same output, which can lead to increased
EI indicates greater energy consumption for a given level of output. environmental impact and costs. Energy efficiency refers to the uti-
Reducing EI has garnered significant attention as a critical measure lization of technology and methods that necessitate less energy to
for fostering green and circular economies (Luan et al., 2020). generate equivalent results. By improving energy efficiency, energy
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development intensity can be reduced, leading to lower environmental impact
(OECD), composed of 38 nations, focuses on promoting economic and costs. This relationship is important for achieving sustainable
growth and international trade. These OECD countries represent development and mitigating climate change, as it can help decou-
some of the most developed and economically advanced nations ple economic growth from energy consumption and emissions.
globally, including the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, The term GI represented by environment-related technologies,
France, the United Kingdom, Australia, and South Korea. Reports pertains to the progression and utilization of technologies and
on energy consumption indicate that OECD countries exhibit inventive solutions that foster sustainability and environmental
higher energy consumption compared to other regions, with fossil preservation (Horbach et al., 2012; Markard et al., 2012). These
fuels, coal, gas, and other natural resources comprising the primary technologies encompass a wide array of domains, including renew-
sources of energy (Bashir et al., 2020). Notably, Sarkodie et al. able energy sources, energy-efficient construction materials and
(2021) documented a fourfold decrease in energy intensity in appliances, waste management and recycling systems, low-
heavily industrialized OECD nations. The energy composition in emission vehicles, and other eco-friendly products and services
OECD countries encompasses a diverse array of sources, including (Diaz Lopez et al., 2019; Rennings et al., 2009). In the context of
fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal, as well as nuclear power and the study, GI, proxied by environment-related technologies, serves
renewable energy sources such as hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, as a measure to evaluate the level of investment and dedication
and biomass (IEA, 2019). The relative contribution of each source dedicated to the advancement and implementation of technologies
varies across nations, influenced by factors such as resource avail- that support sustainable development and mitigate the adverse
ability, energy security considerations, and environmental effects of climate change (Ghisetti et al., 2015;). It indicates the
objectives. extent to which organizations and societies are embracing and
According to the IEA (2019), fossil fuels accounted for approxi- incorporating environmentally friendly practices and solutions
mately 62% of the primary energy supply in the OECD countries in into their operations and daily lives (Hu et al., 2020 ).
2019. However, governments have been actively working towards The present investigation distinguishes itself from prior
decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning towards research by specifically examining the association between EI
cleaner energy alternatives, resulting in a decline in the proportion and GI within industrialized nations. Moreover, it adopts the
A. Rao and S. Kumar Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

STIRPAT model to analyze panel data encompassing a span of measure to compare the energy reliance and efficiency of regional
32 years across 23 countries. The study seeks to contribute to the economic development. Higher EI indicates a greater cost associ-
understanding of the role of GI in sustainable development and ated with converting energy into GDP, while lower EI signifies a
also controls for factors such as POP, GDPPPP, ICT and REN. Also, lower cost (Mahmood, 2021). However, due to the dynamic nature
the current study makes key contributions to the growing litera- of EI across nations, describing a specific effect’s fundamental prin-
ture in energy economics. First, this study highlights the signifi- ciple and economic significance can be challenging. Consequently,
cance of GI (for the demand for energy by selected OECD various approaches have been employed in the literature to assess
countries as the demand for energy well suited for the economies EI. These approaches can be broadly categorized into two types.
of host countries but at the cost of the surrounding environment. The initial classification comprises techniques for decomposition,
The evolving role of green innovation in the energy consumption such as the method of structural decomposition and the method
of developed economies has the potential to offer fresh perspec- of exponential decomposition. These approaches analytically
tives and contribute to the theoretical literature in this domain. examine alterations in EI by breaking them down into contributing
Additionally, this research examines the impact of investments factors, including changes in EI at the sectoral level and variations
in information and communication technology (ICT) equipment, in sectoral output. Conversely, the subsequent classification
known as ICT capital deepening, on energy intensity. On the one encompasses regression models that employ EI as the outcome
hand, ICT utilization in operational processes and integration with variable. These models explore the functions of influential factors
other business activities may influence energy consumption. On of significance (Zhou et al., 2021).
the other hand, ICT has the potential to reduce energy costs by With technological progress as a driving force, a decline in EI
optimizing industrial processes and replacing physical operations. can be achieved (Lin and Du, 2014). The improvement of marginal
As a result, the overall effect of ICT on energy usage remains uncer- productivity of energy through the implementation of advanced
tain. This study concludes with original findings and innovative technology will lead to an indirect enhancement of energy alloca-
recommendations that can contribute to the achievement of SDGs tion efficiency and ultimately result in improved energy utilization
such as universal access to clean energy (SDG-7), sustainable eco- efficiency. This, in turn, contributes to the reduction of EI (Yang
nomic growth (SDG-8), responsible consumption patterns (SDG- et al., 2019; Okushima and Tamura, 2010; Saunders et al., 2020)
12), and environmental quality enhancement (SDG-13). as improvements in efficient use of energy is one of the key drivers
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 dis- in achieving reduced EI (Yuan et al., 2012). The second driver is
cusses the existing literature. Section 3 reports on material and economic growth which can help to achieve the target of reduced
methods. The empirical results and relevant discussion are dis- EI.
cussed in Section 4. The conclusion and policy implications are pre- According to Mahmood and Ahmad (2018), they examined the
sented in Section 5. influence of economic growth on EI for a set of European countries
by using detrended energy intensity and showed that with an
increase in economic growth, there is a reduction in EI.
2. Review of literature Mahmood (2021) found similar results for the panel of South Asian
economies. Research conducted by Hundie and Daksa (2019)
In academia, theories like Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), demonstrated a curvilinear relationship, resembling an inverted
Porter Hypothesis, Eco-Efficient Theory (EET) and Technological U or Environmental Kuznets curve, between economic growth
Change Theory (TCT) have been proposed to address the link and EI. The findings indicate that during the early stage of develop-
between economic growth, environmental degradation, and the ment, characterized by industrialization, economic growth leads to
role of technology. Our research article is focused on TCT, which an increase in EI. However, at later stages of development, a decou-
posits that technological advancements can reduce EI, leading to pling effect occurs, indicating a reduction in EI despite continued
lower GHGs and negative environmental impacts. Environment- economic growth. Duro et al. (2010) showed the relevance of final
related technology can provide cleaner and more efficient ways EI and GDP per capita in explaining the inequality across all OECD
of producing goods and services. The introduction of new and countries in final energy consumption per capita between 1980
improved environment-related technologies can reduce EI, such and 2006 by studying the energy intensity and inequalities in total
as wind and solar power, and energy-efficient building materials. consumption of energy for OECD countries on a per capita basis.
The correlation between environment-related technologies and For the period considered, the final energy consumption per capita
energy sources is crucial to address the negative environmental of OECD countries has increased by 6.1% as a result of a 63.5%
impacts of economic activities. The use of environment-related increase in GDP per capita and a 35.1% decrease in the EI of GDP.
technologies can lead to cleaner and more efficient production of In their study, Kirikkaleli et al. (2023) examined the impact of
goods and services, while renewable energy sources such as wind patents on the ecological footprint (EF) in the USA, while control-
and solar power can significantly reduce the EI of electricity pro- ling for environmental compliance (EC) and gross domestic pro-
duction, which is a major contributor to GHGs. Additionally, duct (GDP). They found that patents associated with
energy-efficient building materials and technologies can also environmental technologies had a significant influence on EF and
reduce the EI of the built environment, which is a significant con- led to a long-term reduction. Pata et al. (2023) analyzed the influ-
tributor to energy consumption and GHGs. Therefore, to achieve ence of financial development, economic growth, and biomass
sustainable economic growth and tackle environmental challenges, energy on environmental quality for the USA during the period of
it is crucial to investigate the link between environment-related 1965–2018 by using Fourier autoregressive distributed lag
technology and energy sources. Furthermore, policies and regula- approach and validated the environmental Kuznets curve for the
tions may be required to encourage the development and adoption USA. Wu et al. (2018) investigated the EI across cities in China by
of new technologies while limiting the use of energy-intensive and taking geographical location, population sizes, and environment-
ecologically damaging technologies. related policies, and the results revealed population influences EI
Energy resources have long been recognized as strategically significantly. Bilgili et al. (2017b) examined the EI by considering
important for any economy, leading to a significant focus on their the population in urban areas for 10 Asian countries from 1990
availability and efficient utilization (Tvaronavičienė et al., 2018). to 2014 and concluded that the population in urban areas nega-
EI, a widely used metric, represents the share of total energy input tively influences the EI in both the short and long run. Chen et al.
to GDP within an economy (Saunders et al., 2020). It serves as a (2016) investigated the relationship between EI and green
A. Rao and S. Kumar Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

technology for 29 provinces in China from 1999 to 2010 and found Building upon the findings of previous studies, our research
a negative but long-run relationship between them. According to aims to develop an econometric model to assess the impact of GI
Owusu and Asumadu-Sarkodie (2016), the decline in EI in OECD on EI. By incorporating relevant variables and employing rigorous
countries was attributed to increased industrial energy efficiency statistical analysis, we seek to estimate the specific role of GI in
rather than the use of environmentally friendly energy sources. influencing EI levels. GI is considered a key regressor. For this
study, we selected the variable because of their endogeneity in
an economy, as it’s possible that EI might be impacted by a multi-
3. Material and methods tude of factors, e.g., increased awareness about technologies,
increased use of efficient equipment, and increase in affluence
3.1. Data specification level of the general population. As OECD countries derive a major
part of their energy from fossil fuels, which in turn increases the
The primary objective of this study is to investigate the influ- environmental degradation, and increased use of natural resources.
ence of green innovation, represented by the budget allocated to In such a complex environment, policymakers might look for
environment-related technology, on EI. To achieve this, the enhanced spending on the development of green innovation to
researchers collected annual data from two primary sources, improve energy intensity. Equation (1) shows the base model for
namely the OECD statistics and World Bank development indica- this study. Equation (1) derived its theoretical base from the field
tors databases. Table 1 presents the selected variables and their of environmental economics, which studies the association
respective sources. From the total of 36 OECD countries, a sample between the environment and economic activities. The key con-
of 23 countries was chosen based on data availability. The sample cept of decoupling explains the ability of a country to achieve eco-
period ranges from 1990 to 2021, determined by the availability of nomic growth without an equivalent increase in the degradation of
data for the variables under consideration. The study utilized EI, the environment. Within this framework, EI is a key component in
measured as total primary energy supply (TPES) per capita, as achieving decoupling since it allows for an increase in output (eco-
the main dependent variable. Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) show the EI for nomic growth) with energy reduction. The variables in the Eq. (1)
the sample of 23 countries. Several independent variables were are all seen as potential key drivers of EI. As an illustration, the
included, namely the percentage of renewable energy consump- intensity of energy consumption can be amplified by the escalation
tion in total final energy consumption (REN), annual population of both population and economic growth due to heightened energy
growth rate (POP), GDP per capita based on purchasing power par- demand. Conversely, EI can be curtailed through the utilization of
ity (GDPPPP) in current international dollars, and ICT capital deep- renewable energy and the advancement of green technology,
ening (ICT). The key independent variable, green innovation (GI) which offers alternative energy sources and more efficient meth-
was proxied by the percentage of the government’s budget allo- ods of energy consumption.
cated to environmentally related research and development
(R&D). It is important to note that EI is often utilized as a proxy EI ¼ f ðPOP; GDPPPP; REN; ICT; GIÞ ð1Þ
for energy efficiency, where higher values indicate greater energy where, EI = Energy Intensity; POP = Population growth;
consumption for a given output unit, and vice versa. This relation- GDPPPP = Economic growth; REN = Renewable energy; ICT = Informa-
ship is supported by existing literature studies (Mavi and Mavi, tion, communication technology; GI = Green innovation.
2019; Paramati et al., 2022). The review of the literature highlights Eq. (2) becomes as after putting all the proxies in the model and
several research gaps in the field of energy intensity. These include modifying it according to panel data.
a lack of studies on sector-specific factors influencing energy inten-
sity, limited research on renewable energy adoption and the role of EIi;t ¼ b0 þ b1 POPi;t þ b2 GDPPPPi;t þ b3 RENi;t þ b4 ICT i;t
external factors, and insufficient exploration of the implications of þ b5 GIi;t þ li;t ð2Þ
energy intensity reduction on economic growth, inequality, and
environmental sustainability. These gaps present opportunities Where, i refers to the country, t for the time period, li;t shows the
for future research to advance our understanding of energy inten- error term.
sity and its impact on economies and the environment.
3.3. Econometric techniques
3.2. Construction of the model
To check for cross-sectional dependence (CSD), we applied the
Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test proposed by Breusch and Pagan
Following the studies by Bashir et al. (2021) and Nurgazina et al.
(1980), the Scaled LM test and CD test developed by Pesaran
(2022) on economic growth, Otsuka and Goto (2018), Rafiq et al.
(2004), and the Bias-adjusted LM test introduced by Pesaran
(2016), Wu et al. (2018), and Sharif et al. (2023) on population,
et al. (2008). In the next step, we tested for slope heterogeneity
Aslan et al. (2021), Ali et al. (2022), and Kartal (2023) on renewable
using the methods proposed by Pesaran and Yamagata (2008)
energy consumption, and Wang and Han (2016) and Dogan and
and Blomquist and Westerlund (2013). To test for unit root in
Pata (2022) on ICT, these factors are identified as key determinants
the panel data, we utilized the approach introduced by Lluís
of EI.
Carrion-i-Silvestre et al. (2005), which accounts for structural
breaks. For this study, our primary methods included panel cointe-
Table 1 gration tests with structural breaks, employing the methodology
A brief of variables. outlined by Westerlund and Edgerton (2008). Additionally, we uti-
Variable Code Source lized Quantile via moments analysis, as described by Machado and
Silva (2019). A concise explanation of both these techniques is pre-
Energy intensity, TPES per capita EI OECD
Renewable energy consumption REN World Bank sented in the subsequent subsections.
(% of total final energy consumption)
Population growth (annual %) POP World Bank 3.3.1. Panel-cointegration test
GDP, PPP (current international $) GDPPPP OECD
Westerlund and Edgerton (2008) proposed panel cointegration
ICT Capital Deepening ICT OECD
Green Innovation (R&D budget of ERT) GI OECD tests considering both structural breaks and cross-sectional depen-
dence in both the intercept and slope. This test also accommodates
A. Rao and S. Kumar Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2a. Panel plot of energy intensity.

Fig. 2b. Panel plot of energy intensity.

heteroskedastic and serially correlated errors, as well as cross- where eit is i.i.d. as before. If qi ¼ 0; li;t is I (1), thus we can say the
unit-specific time trends. Simple panel cointegration tests, such association between yit and zit is spurious. If qi < 0, then they are
as those proposed by McCoskey and Kao (1998), Larsson et al. cointegrated i.e., having a long-term relationship. The statistics for
(2001), Westerlund (2005), and Pedroni (2004), are incapable of the same are calculated as follows Eq. (5):
addressing slope heterogeneity and CSD in addition to structural
breaks. According to Westerlund and Edgerton (2008), the null X
LMtest ¼ N1   ð5Þ
hypothesis does not support long-run carbon emission cointegra-
S:E: q
tion and its drivers, but an alternative hypothesis does.
More precisely, the test developed by Westerlund and Edgerton where q b it ¼ qi l
b i is obtained by fitting the model ui ðLÞD l b it1 þ eit
(2008) is written as follows Eq. (3): b it which is the residual obtained by evaluating the model of yit .
and l
yit ¼ ai þ F 0t hi þ bi t þ zti;t pi þ DMi;t zi;t si þ li;t ð3Þ
3.3.2. Method of moments quantile regression (MMQR)
In Eq. (4), DM i;t ¼ 1ðt > T i ) with T i indicates structural breaks for To address the distributional variations and heterogeneity
cross-section i, and zit follows an I(1) process. Assuming li;t follows across quantiles, we employed a panel quantile regression
the below-mentioned process. approach, as highlighted by Sarkodie and Strezov (2019). The foun-
ui ðLÞDlit ¼ qi lit1 þ eit ð4Þ dation of this method can be attributed to the pioneering work of
Koenker and Bassett (1978). Quantile regressions are valuable tools
A. Rao and S. Kumar Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

for estimating not only the conditional median but also a range of ship between the independent and dependent variables may vary
quantiles for the response variables under specific values of the across subgroups of the population. Other panel regression
exogenous variables. This is in contrast to regular least-squares approaches cannot account for this heterogeneity in the relation-
regressions, which primarily estimate the conditional mean of ship, but MMQR can. MMQR is recommended over other panel
the endogenous variable for specific exogenous values. Quantile regression methods from an econometric standpoint because it is
regressions exhibit greater resilience to outliers during the estima- more resistant to outliers and distributional asymmetries. Panel
tion process and are particularly advantageous where the associa- regression models that rely on assumptions about the data distri-
tion between the conditional means of observed variables is not so bution, such as ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, may per-
strong or nonexistent, as noted by Binder and Coad (2011). For our form poorly when the data is skewed or contains outliers.
analysis, we utilized the Method of Moments Quantile Regression MMQR, on the other hand, does not necessitate any distributional
(MMQR) with fixed effects, following the approach introduced by assumptions and can be utilized even when data contains outliers
Machado and Santos Silva (2019). The MMQR technique is specifi- or is highly skewed. In addition, MMQR is less prone to measure-
cally designed to account for the conditional heterogeneity and ment error and endogeneity issues than other panel regression
covariance effects of energy intensity determinants. It allows indi- techniques. When the independent variable is measured with the
vidual effects to influence the entire distribution, rather than solely error or when there are unobserved variables that are linked to
focusing on the means. This methodology has been demonstrated both the independent and dependent variables, estimates from
by Koenker (2004) and Canay (2011). Moreover, the MMQR tech- panel regression models may be biased. Because it does not require
nique ensures that the regression quantiles estimated do not cross, assumptions about the functional nature of the relationship
thereby providing reliable and interpretable results. between the independent and dependent variables, MMQR is less
The estimation of the conditional quantiles Q Y ðsjX Þ for a model susceptible to these problems. Method of Moment Quantile-
of the location-scale variant represented as follow Eq. (6): Regression is preferred over other panel regression techniques
  because it can model the diverse responses of the dependent vari-
Y it ¼ ai þ X 0it b þ di þ Z 0it Y U it ð6Þ
able to changes in the independent variable and is less sensitive to
  0 outliers, distributional asymmetries, measurement error, and
In Eq. (7), the probability, P di þ Z 0it c > 0 ¼ 1:ða; b0 ; d; c0 Þ are
endogeneity issues.
parameters that we need to estimate. ðai ; di Þ; i ¼ 1;    ; n; shows
the individual i fixed effects, and Z is a k-vector of recognized com-
ponents of X, which are differentiable transformations with element
4. Empirical findings and discussion
l given:

Z l ¼ Z l ðX Þ; l ¼ 1;    ; k ð7Þ The statistical summary of the variables is presented in Table 2.

GDPPPP reported the highest mean value (x = 27.0414), followed
The variable X it in our model represents the independent and iden- by GI (x = 2.3887). Our dependent variable EI reported a mean
tically distributed variable for any fixed i, and it is also independent value (x = 1.4163) with an Std. Dev. of 0.3834, indicating the distri-
across time (t). The variable U it , on the other hand, is independent bution of observations around the mean value is on the higher side.
and identically distributed across individuals (i) and across time The skewness values for REN and ICT are negative. In the case of
(t). These variables are orthogonal to X it and satisfy the moment REN, the value is 0.5520, indicating a moderately skewed distri-
conditions as specified by Machado and Silva (2019). It is important bution, whereas the ICT skewness value is 1.8446 suggesting a
to note that the moment conditions do not require strict exogeneity highly skewed distribution. Kurtosis values for POP and ICT are
in this context. greater, indicating fat tails in the distribution and leptokurtic.
Eq. (8) represents the following: In Table 3, the analysis of the data series confirms the presence
Q Y ðsjX it Þ ¼ ðai þ di qðsÞÞ þ X 0it b þ Z 0it cqðsÞ ð8Þ of cross-sectional dependence, indicating that shocks occurring in
one country have spillover effects that extend to the entire panel
The vector X it in our study represents the independent variables, of countries. The results of the homogeneity tests reveal the exis-
which consist of the natural logarithm of POP (population), tence of heterogeneity in the panel data, indicating that the coeffi-
GDP_PPP (Gross Domestic Product at purchasing power parity), cients of the model vary across countries and suggesting that the
REN (renewable energy consumption), ICT (information and com- slope differs among them. This heterogeneity in the panel data
munication technology), and ERT (environment-related technol- implies that the socioeconomic structure pattern of one country
ogy). The notation Q Y ðsjX it Þ represents the quantile distribution of is not constrained by restrictions imposed by other countries. Fur-
our dependent variable Y it (natural logarithm of energy intensity) thermore, the findings suggest that incorporating homogeneity
conditional on the values of the independent variable X it . The term constraints into the conclusions drawn from the panel data would
ai ðsÞ denotes the scalar coefficient that represents the quantile-s lead to biased estimates. These results align with the study con-
fixed effect for individual i. It is calculated as the sum of the ducted by Ahmad et al. (2020). Next, we performed stationarity
individual-specific fixed effect ai and the product of the quantile- tests with structural breaks. We rejected the null hypothesis of sta-
s fixed effect di and the quantile-specific function qðsÞ: tionarity at the 1% significance level, assuming homogenous and
heterogenous variances suggesting we should make proper adjust-
3.3.3. Choice of MMQR ments to account for the non-stationarity in our panel data.
As a panel regression technique, the Method of Moment In Table 4, we present the results of panel cointegration by
Quantile-Regression (MMQR) is gaining popularity in empirical Westerlund and Edgerton (2008). To ensure the validity of the
research. From an economic and econometric standpoint, this results, we first applied the cointegration test without structural
method is preferred over other panel regression methods for a breakdowns, followed by the level and regime shift tests. The data
number of reasons. Economically, MMQR is favored because it at no break give no evidence of cointegration; however, both statis-
enables the modeling of different responses of the dependent vari- tics support the null hypothesis of cointegration at level breaks in
able to changes in the independent variable. This is significant the panel cointegration test. However, only one of the statistics
because it recognizes that the impact of a specific variable on the supports the null hypothesis of cointegration when regime shift
outcome of interest may vary depending on its position in the dis- is allowed. Since both statistics support the null hypothesis of coin-
tribution of the outcome variable. This suggests that the relation- tegration in the case of a level shift with consistent findings, we
A. Rao and S. Kumar Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Descriptive of the variables.


Mean 1.4163 2.3154 0.6896 27.0414 2.1956 2.3887
Median 1.3981 2.3461 0.5491 26.8297 2.2849 2.3348
Maximum 2.2439 4.1837 6.0170 30.7665 3.4002 17.6578
Minimum 0.4641 0.8174 1.8537 23.1595 2.2569 14.6645
Std. Dev. 0.3834 1.1002 0.6431 1.3854 0.6400 2.3247
Skewness 0.0434 0.5520 1.4497 0.1669 1.8466 0.4305
Kurtosis 2.3041 2.7091 10.2454 2.9364 10.3468 21.7487
Jarque-Bera 15.0806 39.9755 1867.6440 3.5418 2056.6500 10802.5100
p-value 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000 0.1702 0.0000 0.0000

Note: EI = log natural of EI, REN = log natural of REN, POP = log natural of POP, GDPPPP = log natural of GDPPPP, ICT = log natural of ICT, GI = log natural of ERT; ***p < 0.01,
**p < 0.05, p < 0.10.

Table 3
Results of diagnostic tests.

CSD tests Breusch-Pagan LM Pesaran scaled LM Bias-corrected scaled LM Pesaran CD

EI 3424.44*** 140.98*** 140.61*** 49.44***
REN 4374.03*** 182.00*** 181.63*** 54.55***
POP 1236.75*** 43.733*** 43.36*** 5.88***
GDPPPP 7864.27*** 338.36*** 337.99*** 88.66***
ICT 2235.31*** 88.124*** 87.75*** 40.33***
GI 1745.02*** 66.328*** 65.95*** 2.51**

Homogeneity tests P&Y (2018) B&W (2013)

Delta 23.871*** 21.145***
Adjusted Delta 27.038*** 23.950***

Unit root tests Stationarity test with structural Stationarity test with structural
breaks (homogeneous) breaks (heterogeneous)
EI 19.571*** 48.908***
REN 5.614*** 78.344***
POP 11.712*** 14.114***
GDPPPP 8.893*** 14.073***
ICT 5.424*** 8.913***
GI 6.067*** 15.373***

Note: EI = log natural of EI, REN = log natural of REN, POP = log natural of POP, GDPPPP = log natural of GDPPPP, ICT = log natural of ICT, GI = log natural of ERT; ***p < 0.01,
**p < 0.05, *p < 0.10.

Table 4 conclude that the series are cointegrated around a broken inter-
Panel Cointegration Test with a structural break (Westerlund and Edgerton, 2008). cept. After establishing the existence of a long-run cointegrating
LM s LM / relationship, the following step is to estimate the long-run equilib-
No break 0.420 1.05
rium relationship among the variables.
Level break 2.329** 1.623* Table 5 shows the results of the Method of Moments Quantile
Regime shift 1.401* 0.514 Regression (MMQR) with fixed effects, as proposed by Machado
and Silva (2019) and Fig. 3 shows the graphical representation of
***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.10.
Quantiles via Moments’ results According to the results presented
in Table 5, the panel quantile regression estimates reveal that the
relationship between POP and EI is statistically significant and pos-

Table 5
Results of Quantiles via Moments.


0.1 0.0094 0.0555** 0.0198 0.0199 0.0097 0.5334
0.2 0.0496 0.0470** 0.0108 0.0143 0.0034 0.2132
0.3 0.1040** 0.0354** 0.0015 0.0068 0.0052 0.2209
0.4 0.1405*** 0.0277** 0.0097 0.0018 0.0109 0.5115
0.5 0.1592*** 0.0237* 0.0139 0.0008 0.0138* 0.6606*
0.6 0.1982*** 0.0154 0.0226 0.0062 0.0199** 0.9720**
0.7 0.2258*** 0.0096 0.0288* 0.0099 0.0243** 1.1915**
0.8 0.2586*** 0.0026 0.0362** 0.0145* 0.0294** 1.4532**
0.9 0.3029*** 0.0068 0.0461** 0.0206* 0.0364** 1.8066**
Location 0.160*** 0.023* 0.014 0.001 0.140* 0.673*
Scale 0.089*** 0.189* 0.0200* 0.012 0.013** 0.711**

Note: EI = log natural of EI, REN = log natural of REN, POP = log natural of POP, GDPPPP = log natural of GDPPPP, ICT = log natural of ICT, GI = log natural of ERT; ***p < 0.01,
**p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.

A. Rao and S. Kumar Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

Qureshi et al. (2020) revealed that ICT capital deepening has a pos-
itive impact on reducing EI in the United States. Renewable energy
policies in the Economic Community of West African States (ECO-
WAS) member states influence a positive effect on EI (Moustapha
et al., 2022). Renewable energy development has a large and neg-
ative influence on EI at higher levels of GDPPPP, and its marginal
effect increases with economic development (Liu et al., 2022a).
Our key variable, i.e., GI, has its coefficient statistically significant
from mid-quantile (5th) up to 9th Quantile with a negative sign
suggesting that with an increase in support of green innovations/
environment-related technologies from the policymakers, OECD
countries can meet their respective targets of energy intensity.
By considering a stock of green patents, (Wurlod and Noailly,
2018) found GI has contributed to the reduction in EI. Only the
Fig. 3. Graphical representation of Quantiles via Moments’ results. composition effect cannot achieve the reduction in EI at the aggre-
gate level, i.e., a shift to cleaner economic sectors, but rather a
more efficient use of energy by enterprises.
itive in the 4th to 9th quantiles. This suggests that as population Two primary sources of improvements within an industry are
increases, energy intensity tends to increase across these quantiles. input substitution and technological innovation. Input substitution
However, in the 1st to 2nd quantiles, the effect of population on occurs when firms substitute energy with more labor or capital,
energy intensity is found to be insignificant, indicating that there and technological innovation occurs when firms save energy by
is no significant relationship observed in these lower quantiles. employing new energy-efficient production techniques. Zhang
The effect of POP on EI keeps on increasing from lower to higher et al. (2023) emphasized the importance of improving EI through
quantiles. The results validate that with the increase in population, the role of GI. The majority of countries witnessed improvements
there is an increase in energy intensity, in line with the findings of in country-level energy intensity (EI) between 1995 and 2007,
(Rafiq et al., 2016). Regardless of the concerns voiced by numerous which were primarily driven by technological progress. On the
researchers, the global population has continued to rise, putting other hand, structural change had a less significant impact during
greater strain on the consumption of energy. The sustainable solu- this period (Voigt et al., 2014). Table 6 presents the robustness esti-
tion must therefore take population management into account, mation using the method proposed by Driscoll and Kraay (1998). In
with the basic premise being that population growth should paral- Table 7, we showed the results of (Juodis et al., 2021). Bi-
lel the rate of sustainable energy solutions. As population growth directional causality exists between GDPPPP and EI, REN and EI,
momentum may overshoot, sustainable development may necessi- and ICT and EI, whereas uni-directional causality runs from GI to
tate a reduction in the population growth rate. The coefficient of EI. In the case of POP and EI, no casualty was found.
GDP is positive and statistically significant from the 1st to 5th
Quantile, whereas at higher quantiles (6th-9th), the coefficient is
statistically insignificant. This finding suggests that economic Table 6
growth is positively associated with energy intensity in BRICS Results of robustness check using Regression with Driscoll-Kraay standard errors.
nations (Liu et al., 2022b). However, Mahmood and Ahmad
Technique Regression with Driscoll-Kraay standard
(2018) provide a different perspective, suggesting that high- errors
income countries, characterized as wealthy nations, tend to have
EI = dependent variable Fixed-effects Random effects GLS
low energy intensity. They argue that this is due to the implemen-
tation of energy-saving and conservation policies, which result in POP 0.16067* 0.1530*
GDP 0.1335* 0.1459**
slower growth in energy consumption compared to GDP. In con- REN 0.040** 0.020*
trast to that, our research findings suggest that GDPPPP has a pos- ICT 0.0476 0.01292*
itive impact on energy intensity. This aligns with the findings of GI 0.1461* 0.1449
Zhou et al. (2021), who observed that the extent of energy intensity Note: EI = log natural of EI, REN = log natural of REN, POP = log natural of POP,
reduction varies depending on the stages of economic growth, con- GDPPPP = log natural of GDPPPP, ICT = log natural of ICT, GI = log natural of ERT;
sidering key influencing factors such as energy consumption mix, ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.10.
urbanization, industrial structure, and technological advancement.
Furthermore, the relationship between energy intensity and eco-
nomic growth is influenced by the level of national income.
According to Deichmann et al. (2019), their study suggests that Table 7
REN has a positive impact on reducing EI, with a more significant Results of Granger non-causality.

effect observed at higher quantiles. This finding is consistent with Null Hypothesis: Result
several existing studies that have demonstrated a positive relation- POP does not Granger-cause EI ✗
ship between renewable energy consumption and energy effi- EI does not Granger-cause POP ✗
ciency. For instance, a study by Farhani and Shahbaz (2014) GDP does not Granger-cause EI U
found that renewable energy consumption has a significant effect EI does not Granger-cause GDP U
REN does not Granger-cause EI U
on reducing energy intensity in Algeria, while Ahmad and Zhao
EI does not Granger-cause REN U
(2018) demonstrated a similar relationship between renewable ICT does not Granger-cause EI U
energy and energy intensity in China. Furthermore, the study EI does not Granger-cause ICT U
reveals that ICT also has a positive and statistically significant ERT does not Granger-cause EI U
influence on reducing energy intensity. However, the effect is EI does not Granger-cause ERT ✗

found to be more pronounced at higher quantiles. This result is Note: EI = log natural of EI, REN = log natural of REN, POP = log natural of POP,
consistent with earlier studies that have found a positive relation- GDPPPP = log natural of GDPPPP, ICT = log natural of ICT, GI = log natural of ERT;
ship between ICT and energy efficiency. For example, a study by ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.10.

A. Rao and S. Kumar Geoscience Frontiers xxx (xxxx) xxx

5. Conclusion and policy implications between promoting green innovation and other policy objectives,
such as economic growth and job creation, which can have varying
In order to meet SDG 7.3 (By 2030, the objective is to achieve a priorities in different countries. Thirdly, the study primarily
doubling of the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency), focuses on the role of government support for green innovation
policymakers, energy regulators, and energy economists are trying in reducing energy intensity, potentially overlooking the influence
to understand the underlying determinants of how to improve the of other factors such as market competition, consumer behavior,
energy intensity and achieve the SDG 7.3 target. Pal et al. (2022) and international cooperation in driving the adoption of sustain-
conducted a study on aerosol concentrations and temperature able energy technologies.
changes in four Indian megacities during the specified period.
The findings revealed a significant improvement in air quality CRediT authorship contribution statement
and a decrease in temperature. The study attributed the highest
decrease in PM2.5 emissions to restricted vehicular movement. Amar Rao: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis,
These positive results may encourage policymakers to consider Investigation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.
such measures for environmental sustainability. Governments Satish Kumar: Supervision, Methodology, Writing – review &
have to allocate much-needed resources in terms of financial editing.
grants and direct budgetary allocation to the development of green
innovation/environment-friendly technologies. Given all these Declaration of Competing Interest
backdrops, this study was planned to examine the role of green
innovation on energy intensity for a set of 23 OECD countries for The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
a period of 32 years. Our sample consists of data from 1990 to cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
2021 and deployed robust panel econometric techniques like panel to influence the work reported in this paper.
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