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Gondwana Research 110 (2022) 114–127

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Towards achieving eco-efficiency in top 10 polluted countries: The role

of green technology and natural resource rents
Fu Chen a,b, Shoaib Ahmad c, Salman Arshad d, Shafaqat Ali e,f,⇑, Muhammad Rizwan g,
Muhammad Hamzah Saleem h, Oana M. Driha i, Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente i,j
School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education for Mine Ecological Restoration, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China
Lyallpur Business School, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Department of Biological Sciences and Technology, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China
Department of Applied Economics, University of Alicante, Spain
Department of Political Economy and Public Finances, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Eco-efficiency has received much attention due to fast economic development and substantial environ-
Received 26 January 2022 mental pollution. Eco-efficiency analysis can be beneficial for benchmarking commodities and industries
Revised 6 June 2022 for sustainability and measuring and monitoring their environmental and economic performance.
Accepted 17 June 2022
Natural resources and green technologies are important influencing elements that substantially influence
Available online 22 June 2022
Handling Editor: A. Sinha
eco-efficiency. This article studies the influence of green technology and natural resource rents on eco-
efficiency using panel data from the top 10 polluted nations from 1990 to 2019. Multiple econometric
approaches were used to assess the empirical data, including the Westerlund cointegration test and
the cross-sectional autoregressive distributive lag model, the fully modified ordinary least square method
Eco-efficiency and the Granger causality test. The long-run results indicate that green technology, natural resource
Economic complexity rents, squared term of economic complexity, and the interaction term of green technology with financial
Financial development development positively influence eco-efficiency. However, eco-efficiency in these countries is negatively
Green technology influenced by financial development. The Dumitrescu and Hurlin causality test results show that financial
Natural resources development has a bidirectional causal relationship with eco-efficiency. However, natural resource rents,
green technology and the interaction term of green technology with financial development show a uni-
directional causal relationship with eco-efficiency. In line with these findings, governments should focus
on improving the environmental quality to promote eco-efficiency. Furthermore, such economies should
convert all their investment programmes toward green strategies. Environmental concerns will be
addressed as eco-efficiency is improved through green technology regulations.
Ó 2022 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction appearing a transition from primary to industrial and tertiary sec-

tors, appearing with more sophisticated and complex processes
During the last decades, both developed and developing coun- (Cherniwchan, 2012), which directly hurts the environment, where
tries have experimented with strong structural transformations, ascending fossil fuel consumption increase significantly carbon
emission levels (Li and Lin, 2015). On the other hand, the business
processes of reallocation and modernization of economic activities
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Environmental Sciences and Engi-
also have positive effects by developing efficient processes of
neering, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
reducing pollution and producing clean energy. Hence, the promo-
E-mail addresses: (F. Chen),
(S. Ahmad), (S. Arshad), tion of green technologies and eco-innovation processes are defini-
(S. Ali), (M. Rizwan), tively geared at lessening the negative impacts of pollution via
cn (M. Hamzah Saleem), (O.M. Driha), composition and technical effects (Alvarez et al., 2017). The eco-
(D. Balsalobre-Lorente).
1342-937X/Ó 2022 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Chen, S. Ahmad, S. Arshad et al. Gondwana Research 110 (2022) 114–127

List of Abbreviations

CO2 Carbon dioxide EKC Environment Kuznets Curve

D-H Dumitrescu and Hurlin GHGs Greenhouse gases
CSD cross-section dependence 3SLS Three-stage least-square
GDP Gross domestic product SEDEA Super-efficiency data envelopment analysis
SBM Slack-based model GMM Generalized method of moments
DEA Data envelopment analysis SDGS Sustainable development goals
LCA Life cycle hypothesis DOLS Dynamic ordinary least-square
FDI Foreign direct investment FMOLS Fully modified ordinary least square
DCCE Dynamic common correlated effects CADF cross-sectional augmented Dickey-Fuller
NRR Natural resource rents
CS-ARDL Cross-sectional auto regressive distributive lag model

innovation processes also include innovations in renewable efficiency, or emission efficiency (Yao et al., 2018; Zhang et al.,
energy, wastewater treatment, or clean and ecological food pro- 2015).
cessing and packaging, which is considered a primary driving fac- Furthermore, determining the effects of numerous measures on
tor for economic growth and sustainable development (Zhao et al., ecological sustainability and efficiency is a hot issue among aca-
2022; Khan et al. 2022a and 2022b). For example, in 2020, the EU demics. Natural resources, for example, may play an essential role
countries adopted the European Green Deal, an agreement for pro- in development and eco-efficiency. Natural resources are abundant
moting green transformation in industrial strategy. This strategy and are integral in contributing to economic growth and environ-
stimulates climate-neutral markets and the circular economy, mental quality (Ahmadov and Borg, 2019; Su et al., 2020). This
modernizing business processes and exploiting opportunities glob- study tackles the subject of natural resources in terms of how nat-
ally. In this context, The European Commission aims to present a ural resources affect eco-efficiency. Forests, crops, fishing grounds,
‘sustainable products’ policy that, among other priorities, will set grazing land, and developed lands help mitigate human-caused
minimum requirements to prevent environmentally harmful prod- destruction of the environment (Network, 2018). However, certain
ucts from being placed on the EU market.1 From the above discus- natural resources, such as conventional fossil fuels, harm the envi-
sion, it becomes clear that structural changes in the economy can ronment’s health (Ahmadov and Borg, 2019). The relationship
affect the environment in several ways. To disentangle the net between natural resources and environmental sustainability has
effect of the process of structural transformation on environmental been studied in many ways. According to (Hailu and Kipgen,
performance, we employ the Economic Complexity Index (ECI), 2017), the quantity of natural resources a nation has is critical
which quantifies the ‘product space’ of countries, i.e., the network for its income per capita, determined by the extraction method
representation of the products traded internationally. and how those resources are used. Human activities have a detri-
Otherwise, the industrialization process has played a critical mental influence on the environment; they diminish production
role in the rise of a new middle class by creating new jobs and capacity and degrade water quality (Balsalobre-Lorente et al.,
training/education opportunities for workers. The industrialization 2018). The countries must improve their financial and natural
process has also resulted in higher levels of pollution (Antoci et al., resource frameworks and increase their use of renewable energy
2014; Nejat et al., 2015). (Usman et al., 2022). Natural resources play a favourable function
Environmental protection is high on the worldwide agenda, and in boosting economic growth and helping to enhance environmen-
governments worldwide are looking for policies that will ensure tal quality in such a scenario (Charfeddine, 2017). There is a need
that environmental protection and economic development balance for technical innovation to increase economic growth and properly
each other (Pata et al., 2022). The increased consumption of natural use a country’s abundant natural resources (Sepehrdoust and
resources has severe consequences for the ecosystem, contributing Shabkhanehb, 2018).
to multidimensional environmental problems and adverse climate Technological innovation is critical for growth and economic
change (Bilgili and Ulucak, 2018; Rudolph and Figge, 2017). As a development (Ganda, 2019; D’Attoma and Leva, 2020). Green tech-
result, long-term socioeconomic development targets are jeopar- nology innovation focuses on environmentally friendly and
dized worldwide (Shahbaz et al., 2017). Despite internationally energy-saving sectors as a vital aspect of technological innovation
agreed-upon initiatives, the situation continues to worsen. These (Chen et al., 2019; Deng et al., 2019). Green technology is defined
universally recognized concerns have piqued experts’ interest in as using technology for energy consumption and production to
future environmental sustainability and sustainable development increase energy efficiency and decrease negative environmental
(Cui et al., 2022). consequences. It might be crucial in bringing the SDGs and eco-
Eco-efficiency, which encompasses economic, resource, envi- nomic competitiveness together, placing them on the road to green
ronmental, and social dimensions, has long been viewed as a useful societies. According to Halder and Sethi (2022), rising economies
indicator of sustainable development effectiveness (Mickwitz et al., may cut emissions by responsibly increasing internet use and asso-
2006). Eco-efficiency, a mix of economic and ecological efficiency, ciated applications. Theoretically, successful green technology
was developed by Schaltegger and Sturm (1989) to reflect an econ- deployment and dissemination might help to ensure the sustain-
omy’s long-term transformation. Eco-efficiency, in general, refers ability of the environment by compensating for scale effects
to the ability to create more products or services with fewer (Sarkodie et al., 2020; Chakraborty and Mazzanti, 2020). Product
resources and minor environmental damage. There is no unified and process innovation and effective management methods are
definition of eco-efficiency because it can be interpreted from the required to use natural resources to ensure environmental integ-
perspectives of product resources. Hence, ecological consequences, rity (Ahmad and Wu, 2022). As a result, green technology is
even though many types of eco-efficiency focus on only one eco- becoming more critical in lowering carbon emissions and
element, have been developed, such as water efficiency, energy transitioning to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly

F. Chen, S. Ahmad, S. Arshad et al. Gondwana Research 110 (2022) 114–127

economy (Hashmi and Alam, 2019). A growing number of publica- various nations are projected to provide governments with accu-
tions argue that enhancing the role of innovation in this transfor- rate references to help them protect the environment while
mation is critical (Ghisetti and Quatraro, 2014). According to increasing technological innovation and human well-being.
them, the development of green technology differs from country The authors argue that, in general terms, the eco-efficiency pro-
to country. As a result, it is critical to investigate the impact of cess can explain environmental performance in selected top 10
green technology in light of unique social and economic situations polluted countries, offering fresh evidence through novel empirical
(Du et al., 2019). evidence that hypotheses a positive effect of green technology, nat-
Economic complexity and financial development are important ural resources rents as well as interaction term of green technology
aspects of ensuring ecological sustainability. Economic complexity, and financial development on the eco-efficiency process. By con-
in particular, is a reliable predictor of the production structure. trast, our study tries to confirm the pernicious effect of fossil
Economic complexity is defined by Hausmann et al. (2014) as the sources on the efficiency process. So, this study contributes to
amount of knowledge concealed in an economy’s production sys- the literature on many fronts, offering innovative results to esti-
tem. According to Romero and Gramkow (2021), the economic mate the eco-efficiency processes, being critical to understanding
complexity index represents more than the production system. green technology promotion as the main driver of this process.
The conditions also comprise the information necessary for clean The following is how the rest of the paper is organized: The
manufacturing technology. It is believed that as the host econ- review of chosen literature on eco-efficiency and its affecting
omy’s economic complexity grows, environmental degradation aspects is briefly described in Section 2. Section 3 summarizes
will diminish. Both emerging and developed nations should adopt the empirical approach, model, estimating methodologies, and
an acceptable CO2 emissions target and maintain a decent balance data. Section 4 describes and illustrates the findings and discus-
between economic complexity and ecological sustainability based sion. Section 5 summarizes the study’s conclusions and policy
on that aim (You et al., 2022). An increase in the economic com- proposals.
plexity leads to enhance R&D activities, and thus, clean technolo-
gies and environmentally friendly production are started (Neagu
and Teodoru, 2019). As a result, they detect the impact of economic 2. Review of literature
complexity in increasing eco-efficiency. Scholars have rerouted the
argument to the role of the financial sector in reducing harmful Academia has already taken notice of research on gauging eco-
effects on the environment in developing countries since the efficiency. According to current studies, researchers have
mid-2000s because it is the financial sector that frequently dis- researched methodologies for measuring eco-efficiency. Several
tributes resources that investors use to produce industrial output, researchers employed the SBM and enhanced DEA (Hu and Fu,
consequently positively boosting economic growth (Ehigiamusoe 2016; Zheng et al., 2018). The DEA approach is the most exten-
and Lean, 2019). An investment plan must also be examined for sively used and is considered a more scientific way of determining
physical and economic hazards by the financial sector. As a result, eco-efficiency. On the other hand, traditional DEA models struggle
environmental experts believe that if the financial sector is well- to rank numerous decision-making units when multiple decision-
developed and organized, it may play a critical role in combating making units are involved, preventing further research. Andersen
industrial pollution. The industry may do this by thoroughly vet- and Petersen (1993) presented a SEDEA methodology to address
ting investment proposals and giving cash solely to ecologically this shortcoming. Li et al. (2013) used the SEDEA model to measure
sustainable ones. Financial development increases short-term pol- the eco-efficiency of 30 Chinese provinces, taking into account
lution while lowering long-term pollution (Mesagan and Olunkwa, unwanted outcomes. The eco-efficiency was measured by
2022). It is thought that all the government needs to do now is Hunkeler and Rebitzer (2005) using the LCA. Some scientists
develop its financial sector, and the challenge of reducing pollution assessed the eco-efficiency of industries and production levels to
caused by fossil industrial energy usage will be quite simple enhance productivity at the meso and micro levels based on stud-
(Destek and Sarkodie, 2019; Raheem et al., 2020). ies on this subject (Junior et al., 2018; Ho et al., 2018).
In light of the preceding debate, it is clear that a study into sus- Other academics have also emphasized the aspects that influ-
tainable development and environmental sustainability is required ence eco-efficiency. According to research, economic expansion,
for the top-10 polluted nations to formulate appropriate energy government regulation, industrial structure, technological pro-
policies and promote clean and green technologies. As a result, this gress, financial development, resource endowment, and population
research aims to describe sustainable growth in these nations in are all key elements impacting eco-efficiency (Yu et al., 2019;
the context of eco-efficiency. However, no one study has looked Charfeddine and Mrabet, 2017). As a result, Li et al. (2013) demon-
at such a crucial part of sustainable development for these coun- strated that technological progress and fiscal decentralization had
tries, indicating a research void in this area. Using data from typically beneficial effects on eco-efficiency. According to Zhang
1990 to 2019, this study explores the impact of green technology et al. (2016), economic growth, industrial structure, innovation,
and natural resource rents on eco-efficiency in the top 10 polluted government regulation, and population density may greatly boost
nations. The top-10 polluted economies are China, the United eco-efficiency, whereas energy intensity significantly lowers eco-
States of America (USA), India, Russia, Japan, Germany, South efficiency. Su et al. (2021) also employed generalized spatial 3SLS
Korea, Canada, Brazil, and Indonesia. One of the main reasons for and simultaneous spatial equations to examine the spatial interac-
choosing these nations is that they are the largest contributors to tion spillovers between financial technology and urban eco-
global GDP and the leading carbon emitters. According to the efficiency using data from 284 Chinese cities between 2008 and
World Bank, these nations contributed about 62% of the global 2018. The findings revealed that financial technology and urban
GDP in 2018 and accounted for nearly 66% of global carbon emis- eco-efficiency complement each other, with the latter taking the
sions (Sun et al., 2021). lead. From 2008 to 2018, Yasmeen et al. (2020) utilized the system
Furthermore, these countries have the greatest levels of tech- GMM technique to investigate the effects of technological innova-
nology and international competitiveness. The findings of this tion, environmental regulations, and urbanization on eco-
study promote effective policies to encourage global sustainable efficiency in 30 Chinese regions. Their findings showed that tech-
development. Meanwhile, this research adds to the growing body nological innovation has a considerably beneficial impact on
of knowledge on eco-efficiency by providing a fresh viewpoint on national and regional eco-efficiency. Later, Wang et al. (2021) used
the subject. As a result, the research findings on eco-efficiency in the GMM model to assess the influence of collaborative innovation
F. Chen, S. Ahmad, S. Arshad et al. Gondwana Research 110 (2022) 114–127

on the eco-efficiency of several Chinese regions. Their findings approach to assess eco-efficiency. The authors used this technique
revealed that technological innovation investment has a negative to measure eco-efficiency using a mathematical formula (economic
‘U’ connection with local eco-efficiency in other places, but human value/environmental effect) (Gancone et al., 2017; Khalid et al.,
resources for scientific and technological innovation had a positive 2021b; Lopes et al., 2017; Vasquez et al., 2018). As a result, this
’U’ association. approach can be employed to measure eco-efficiency. Furthermore,
According to Zhu et al. (2019), energy intensity and technology a review of prior research reveals that no study has taken into
investment negatively affect eco-efficiency, but economic growth account the influence of green technology and natural resource
and population have beneficial consequences. Yao et al. (2021a) rents on eco-efficiency in the context of the world’s top 10 polluted
investigated how urbanization and its inherent structure impact countries. As a result, our research is well suited to fill the existing
eco-efficiency using panel data from China’s 30 provinces from research gap, and we believe it is a pioneer in this field.
2008 to 2017. Their findings revealed that demographic and eco-
logical urbanization had considerable beneficial effects on local
3. Data and methodology
eco-efficiency. By contrast, social and spatial urbanization had a
significant negative impact. Tu et al. (2019) proposed that eco-
This section details the methods taken to achieve the study’s
nomic growth in China might enhance enterprise technical input,
objectives. The fundamental model was built first, defining the
resulting in mutually beneficial ecological and economic efficiency
variables and datasets associated with each variable. Third, cross-
gains. Wang et al. (2020) looked at corruption and resource misal-
sectional dependency testing, unit root testing, panel cointegration
location on eco-efficiency using data from 2006 to 2015. Their find-
testing, the CS-ARDL method, and panel causality testing were
ings revealed that corruption and resource misallocation had
used as econometric estimation approaches.
detrimental consequences on eco-efficiency. Zhang and Liu
(2021) presented high theoretical and scientific value for environ-
mental improvement, recommending that businesses make signif- 3.1. Model specification
icant efforts to increase eco-efficiency. According to Zhong and Hu
(2016), the resource endowments drive ‘‘socially beneficial efforts” Our theoretical approach is based on Dietz and Rosa’s (1994)
as economic demand grows. It will also stifle the advancement of ‘‘Stochastic Impacts via Regression on Population, Affluence, and
eco-efficiency and have a ‘‘ratchet effect” on manufacturing Technology” (STIRPAT) model, which is an enhanced version of
efficiency. the IPAT (Impact = Population, Affluence and Technology) identity
Dong et al. (2020) employed an ecological footprint model to with the addition of a stochastic or random factor. The following is
assess the ecological footprints of 30 Chinese provinces and munic- the mathematical representation for this model:
ipalities using data from 2007 to 2016. Economic growth, environ-
Iit ¼ #0 P#it1 A#it2 T#it3 lit ð1Þ
mental regulation, and technological improvement all have
favourable benefits on ecological performance, but the energy sup- In Eq. (1), I denote environmental effects, P denotes population,
ply has a detrimental impact. Similarly, Liu et al. (2019) used data A denotes affluence, and T denotes technological effects. Further-
from 30 provinces between 2010 and 2015 to determine the effect more, the coefficients to be estimated are #0 , #1 , #2 , #3 ; the random
of green financial development on regional eco-efficiency. The error is denoted by l, and the panel unit is denoted by the sub-
findings showed that China’s GDP, urbanization rate, industry script i, which relates to the top 10 polluted nations in the sample.
structure, and energy efficiency statistically positively impacted To quantify those negative environmental impacts, several pre-
environmental efficiency. On the other hand, green financial devel- vious studies looked at ecological footprint (Khan et al. 2022a and
opment does not significantly impact regional eco-efficiency. Bai 2022b; Shahzad et al., 2022; Usman et al., 2022), CO2 emissions
et al. (2018) examined the urban eco-efficiency of 281 (Halder and Sethi, 2022; Mesagan and Olunkwa, 2022), and other
prefecture-level cities in China from 2006 to 2013. They showed GHGs (Halder and Sethi, 2022; Mesagan and Olunkwa, 2022).
that increasing urban eco-efficiency requires advancements in These, however, cannot be considered complete indicators of the
technology and the establishment of efficient environmental laws. ecological efficiency induced by human activity. As a result, we
Their findings served as essential guidelines for urban ecological use eco-efficiency to quantify ecological sustainability in the model
management and long-term urban development in China. Zhou utilized by Khalid et al. (2021a, 2021b). Since eco-efficiency is the
et al. (2020) applied a panel quantile technique to explore the inverse of intensity, it is simply the smart use of resources. It per-
influence of population, urbanization lag and urbanization on tains to lowering the society’s ecological footprint while increasing
eco-efficiency processes. They concluded that FDI and growth pos- its degree of development and thus demonstrates a mix of effi-
itively impact eco-efficiency, but urbanization, industrial structure, ciency, ecology, and economy (ESCAP, 2009). The intensity of
and population urbanization lag have negative impacts. Khalid resource consumption, environmental repercussions, or both can
et al. (2021a) conducted a recent study examining the influence be used to calculate eco-efficiency. It is calculated as a proportion
of eco-efficiency and carbon footprints on the environment by of environmental costs to economic activity (Vasquex et al., 2018;
combining the production and consumption patterns of resource Gancone et al., 2017).
use of 19 Asia Pacific countries from 1990 to 2018. Their findings Second, most previous studies (Awad and Warsame, 2022; Sun
revealed the association between eco-efficiency, as a fraction of et al., 2022; Xue et al., 2022) measured affluence by GDP to inte-
resource use and urbanization, using FMOLS and DOLS panel coin- grate the environmental effects of economic actions for assessing
tegration approaches. the EKC hypothesis, yielding mixed results on the establishment
of such a linkage. It raised the question of whether economic
2.1. Research gap growth can lead to ecological sustainability. However, some of
them, such as Chu (2021), included economic complexity as an
Most current research focuses on the link between financial affluence element in their theoretical models. In light of the above
development, technologies, urbanization, industry structure, and scenario, we employ economic complexity to assess a country’s
environmental sustainability. Furthermore, previous studies have intrinsic capabilities in terms of the economy’s production struc-
focused on eco-efficiency in a single nation; however, few studies ture. We also included the squared term of economic complexity
look at many countries. We employed the ratio approach to esti- in our model to check the validity of the EKC hypothesis in the
mate eco-efficiency in this study. Several studies have utilized this top ten polluted countries.
F. Chen, S. Ahmad, S. Arshad et al. Gondwana Research 110 (2022) 114–127

Finally, we measure the technological component’s environ- technique to determine the precise impact of each exogenous vari-
mental effect using financial development, natural resource rents, able on the eco-efficiency of the top 10 polluted economies. Finally,
and green technology. On the one hand, financial development the causal relationship between the dependent and independent
may negatively affect eco-efficiency since enterprises’ ability to variables was investigated.
get loans to boost their output level grows as financial growth
improves. On the other hand, financial development may increase 3.3.1. CSD tests
eco-efficiency by giving loans to clean energy-oriented businesses Trade and business have seen enormous expansion both inside
(Yao et al., 2021b). Similarly, green technology has been employed and beyond borders since the beginning of the industrial revolu-
as a new indicator of eco-efficiency by Hao et al. (2020) and Xin tion, notably after 1840. The fundamental reason for this is that
and Zhang (2020) to validate the premise that efficient and unbi- technological breakthroughs and innovation have resulted in new
ased selected indicators can or cannot enhance the environment ways of working and living, transforming society. This shift
quality. However, the interaction term of green technology with resulted in the production and manufacture of more things in a
financial development may lower the negative influence of finan- shorter time. Furthermore, the demand for goods and services from
cial development on environmental quality (Fareed et al., 2022). worldwide populations drives international trade, increasing a
Furthermore, natural resource rents may also positively influ- country’s reliance on other countries. Moreover, countries world-
ence eco-efficiency since nations with plentiful natural resources wide rely on one another to achieve diverse economic, financial,
might fall into the resource curse trap due to the poor quality of and environmental goals. The interconnectedness of countries
their existing institutions and environment. As a result, various indicates that countries may resemble one other in certain ways
socioeconomic situations may emerge, including a fall in the rate while differing in others. As a result, panel data has CSD by default
of growth and ecological sustainability, increasing poverty and (Hoyos and Sarafidis, 2006). Empirical investigations in the context
inequality, and decreased stability (Siakwah, 2017). Natural of CSD may provide erroneous and misleading results. The basic
resource rents may also have a beneficial impact on eco- CSD Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test was provided by Breusch and
efficiency since higher-income nations utilize their resources more Pagan (1980). Pesaran (2004) later proposed a consistent CSD to
effectively. The negative impact of natural resource rents on eco- deal with the large N setting cross-sections. We applied a variety
efficiency, on the other hand, might be attributed to inefficient nat- of CSD tests devised by Pesaran (2004), Friedman (1937), and
ural resource utilization, which leads to increased pollution. Eq. (1) Breusch and Pagan (1980) for the entire panel to address this issue.
adopts the following form given the mentioned theoretical We also checked the CSD for each variable using Bias-corrected
linkages: scaled LM, Pesaran scaled LM, Breusch-Pagan LM, and Pesaran CD.
EEit ¼ #0 ECI#it1 ECI2 it FD#it3 NRR4it GT#it5 GTit  FD#it6 li ð2Þ 3.3.2. Panel units root test
We apply a natural logarithmic transformation to Eq. (2) for After that, we used Pesaran’s (Pesaran, 2007) CADF second-
simplicity of reading, yielding the following expression: generation unit root test on each variable. The test addresses the
CSD while also avoiding erroneous regression. Compared to tradi-
lnEEit ¼ #0 þ #1 ECIit þ #2 ECI2it þ #3 lnFDit þ #4 lnNRRit tional unit root testing, this test has more reliability for diverse
þ #5 lnGTit þ #6 lnGT  lnFDit þ lit ð3Þ groups (Khalid et al., 2021a, 2021b). The conventional unit root
tests, in particular, are unable to address the CSD issue. As a result,
EE represents eco-efficiency, ECI represents economic complex- we used the second-generation unit root test for the stationary.
ity, ECI2 represents the square of economic complexity, FD repre- Panel CADF data are represented in equation form (Eq. (4)) as
sents financial development, GT represents green technology, follows:
NRR represents natural resource rents, and GT  FD represents * *
the interaction term of green technology and financial develop- DXit ¼ ui þ di Xi;t1 þ ci Xt1 þ @i D Xt þ eit ð4Þ
ment. Additionally, ln denotes the natural log while l indicates
When the first lag expression is placed in Eq. (3), the following
the random error, #0 , #1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 , #6 represents the coefficients
Eq. (5) is deduced:
to be estimated, and subscript i denotes the panel unit, which
* Xp *
relates to the world’s top 10 polluted nations. DXit ¼ ui þ di Xi;t1 þ ci Xt1 þ @ij D Xtj
3.2. Data sources and variables þ d DXi;tj þ e
j¼1 ij
This article used panel data for the top 10 polluted countries, Here, Xtj and DXi;tj assumes mean of lagged and first D (differ-
explicitly named; China, United States of America (USA), India, ence) operator across each cross-section.
Russia, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Canada, Brazil and Indonesia.
More specifically, this study applies the following variables in the 3.3.3. Panel cointegration test
empirical analysis: eco-efficiency, financial development, eco- The cointegration test can reveal the long-term link between
nomic complexity, square of economic complexity, natural the series mentioned above. If CSD occurs across cross-sections
resource rents, green technology and the interaction term of green and variables, conventional panel cointegration tests offer inaccu-
technology and financial development. Annual data on variables is rate, misleading, and consequently inefficient information regard-
obtained from various sources, spanning the years 1990 to 2019. ing long-run estimates. As a result, to investigate the long-run
The variables and data sources are detailed in Table 1. In addition, connection between variables, this study uses the Westerlund
Fig. 1 depicts the trend line for each country in the panel. cointegration test devised by Westerlund (2007). Similarly, Eq.
(6) gives the error correction (ECM) based cointegration formula-
3.3. Econometric estimation strategy tion as follows:
DYit ¼ d i dt þ gi Yi;t1  b i xi;t1 þ
The panel’s CSD is tested in this study to begin an empirical g Dyi;tj
j¼1 ij
assessment of the data under discussion. In addition, the study Xpi
looks at the panel of the existence of the unit root’s stationarity þ c Dxi;tj þlit
j¼0 ij
across the time. This will lead us to use an appropriate econometric
F. Chen, S. Ahmad, S. Arshad et al. Gondwana Research 110 (2022) 114–127

Table 1
Data sources, variables and their definitions.

Variables Abbreviations Definition (Measurement) Expected sign Data Source

Eco-efficiency lnEE Natural log of CO2 emissions (Kt)/Gross domestic product in current N/A World Bank
Economic complexity ECI Economic complexity index @lnEE
#1 = @ECI =< 0 Atlas data
2 @lnEE
Squared term of economic complexity ECI Squared term of economic complexity index #2 = => 0 Atlas data
Natural resource rents lnNRR Total Natural Resource rents (% of GDP) #3 =@lnEE
@ECI =< or > 0
World Bank
Financial development lnFD Natural log of Domestic credit to the private sector (% of GDP) #4 = World bank
@ECI =< or > 0
Green technology lnGT Renewable energy (% of total energy)/GDP (US current $) #5 = @lnEE
@ECI => 0
Green technology  financial lnGT  lnFD Multiplication of Green technology and financial development @lnEE
#6 = @GTFD => 0 Knoema/WDI

Fig. 1. Trend of all study’s variables across the panel.

Where dt presents the constant and the deterministic trend for The rejection of Ho means the entire panel is cointegrated.
all individuals with d i , where as gi indicates the speed of adjust-
ment. This test is based on two statistics i.e. group (Gs, Ga) and 3.3.4. CS-ARDL technique
panel (Ps, Pa). The null and alternate hypotheses can be expressed The CS-ARDL model established by Chudik and Pesaran was
as: used to assess both the short-run and long-run coefficients
Ho: di = 0. (2015). The CS-ARDL is a good estimator since it gives reliable
H1: di = d < 0 (for all i). results on whether the data is stationary at the level, first order,
F. Chen, S. Ahmad, S. Arshad et al. Gondwana Research 110 (2022) 114–127

or both, and whether or not the series is cointegrated (Wen et al., 3.3.5. Robustness test
2022). Because this ARDL is part of the DCCE family, which incor- The CS-ARDL estimator has been criticized for imposing a
porates individual estimates using the dependent variable’s lagged homogeneity constraint on long-run coefficients when nations dif-
term and lagged cross-section averages, the CSD has been consid- fer in size and socioeconomic development. To address the poten-
ered (Chudik and Pesaran, 2015). This approach allows for a mean tial difficulties of endogeneity and serial correlation, we used the
group estimate when the slope coefficients are not homogeneous. heterogeneous Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS)
The CS-ARDL model’s mean group version, according to Chudik technique. Phillips and Hansen (1990) developed FMOLS to provide
et al. (2017), is based on augmenting each cross-ARDL section’s optimum estimates of cointegrating regressions. This method uses
assessment with cross-sectional averages that are proxies for a non-parametric approach to tackle potential endogeneity
unobserved common factors and their delays. difficulties.
Furthermore, the CS-ARDL addresses bland homogeneity, which
happens when a lagged dependent variable is included in the
3.3.6. D-H panel causality test
model (Wen et al., 2022). The inventors of the method also claimed
Even though the CS-ARDL and FMOLS results are useful, they do
that using lagged cross-section averages in the model primarily
not reveal the direction of connection between variables, which is
addresses the issue of endogeneity. Also, CS-ARDL presents the
critical for policy proposals. The Dumitrescu and Hurlin (2012)
results in the presence of non-normality and the dataset’s hetero-
technique is used in this study to examine the causal link between
geneity among sample nations. The model produces more reliable 
results than previous techniques since it reports the sampling underlying variables. This method produces two statistics, i.e., Z
probabilities (Tang et al., 2022). Consider the following panel ARDL and W . The Z denotes the standard normal distribution, whereas

model to understand the CS-ARDL estimator better:
W statistics indicate the test averages. The test mentioned above
p X
q  yields efficient estimates when the cross-sections and time series
yi;t ¼ /i þ uil yi;tl þ -il X i;tl þ ei;t ð7Þ are not equal, i.e., T – N.
l¼1 l¼0

If there is a problem with heterogeneity, endogeneity, robust-

4. Empirical findings and their discussion
ness to omitted variables, non-stationarity and CSD, this approach
is appropriate to use. This technique recommends introducing
The analysis begins with descriptive statistics and correlation
cross-section averages of covariates, their lags, and the dependent
analysis. Table 2 summarizes the descriptive statistics of the inves-
variable to the standard ARDL method. The following is the basic
tigated factors and pairwise correlations between the investigated
model for CS-ARDL obtained by transforming Eq. (7):
variables. The mean score for eco-efficiency, for example, is 7.47,
p X
q  X
q  with values ranging from 8.743 to 4.901; however, the median
yi;t ¼ /i þ uil yi;tl þ -il X i;tl þ g0il Z i;tl þ ei;t ð8Þ value is 7.521. Furthermore, the mean and median for green tech-
l¼1 l¼0 l¼0
nology are 7.008 and 7.758, respectively. Natural resource rents
    and economic complexity means are 0.395 and 1.099, respec-
Z t ¼ yt ; X 0t ð9Þ tively. Further, financial development has a mean value of 4.168.
Green technology, followed by natural resource rents, is the most
eit ¼ p0i f t þ uit ð10Þ volatile of the analyzed variables.
In contrast, eco-efficiency, financial development and economic
Eq. (8) is denoted by Z t enclosing the dependent variable yt and complexity are less volatile. In line with previous literature

the cross-sectional averages for the covariates such asX 0t . Addition- (Ahmad et al., 2022), we assume that financial development can
ally, eit shows the error term, lag length for the cross-section aver- contribute to enhancing eco-efficiency processes via green tech-
ages is denoted by q, and f t represents the served common factor nologies. In other words, we find positive externalities from the
that reasons dependency among cross-sectional units. Further, interaction between the financial sector and green technologies,
the pooled mean group (PMG) approach estimates Eq. (8). Follow- furthering the results proposed by Sinha and Shen (2016) or
ing Eq. (11) computes the long-run coefficients given below: Ahmad et al. (2022), who argued that human capital could enhance
the environment. In addition, the Jarque-Bera test is used to deter-
qP _
_ g0 il mine the normality of the researched variables, which indicates
pi ¼ PI¼0
p _
ð11Þ whether or not all of the variables are legitimately normal. There
I¼1 c il
are both significant positive and negative associations between
Likewise, the error correction form of this model (ECM) can be the variables regarding correlations. Green technology and natural
calculated by transforming Eq. (7). Eq. (12) presents the ECM form resource rents positively correlate with eco-efficiency; however,
of the model: economic complexity and financial development negatively
  Xp X
q  correlate.
Dyi;t ¼ /i yi;t1  ϛX it þ uil yi;tl þ -il X i;tl Next, we use Friedman (1937), Pesaran (2004), and Breusch-
l¼1 l¼0 Pagan (1979) CSD tests to look for cross-sectional dependencies
q  in the panel. The null hypothesis of no CSD is rejected by all tests,
þ g il Z i;tl þ ei;t ð12Þ
indicating that our panel has CSD. As shown in Tables 3 and 4, the
CSD results suggest that the cross-sections of the economies stud-
Here, ied are interdependent. This indicates that a shock in one of the
_ _ X
p sample nations gets passed on to the others.
/i ¼ 1  uil ð13Þ To determine the order of stationarity of the variables, we exe-
I¼1 cute a second-generation CADF unit root test. All of the variables
are determined to be level or first-order stationery. Table 5 shows
Pq _0
_ -il the results of the CADF unit root test. The second-generation unit-
ϛi ¼ I¼0
_ ð14Þ root test reveals that all variables are either I (0) or I (1). The
Westerlund (2007) cointegration test examines the long-run coin-
F. Chen, S. Ahmad, S. Arshad et al. Gondwana Research 110 (2022) 114–127

Table 2
Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis.

Descriptive Analysis
Mean 7.347423 1.099523 4.168703 0.395719 7.008135
Median 7.521611 0.856119 4.334424 0.523867 7.758183
Maximum 4.901845 2.624820 5.251759 3.091556 1.660311
Minimum 8.743860 0.151225 1.879362 4.520353 10.25151
Std. Dev. 0.914606 0.805895 0.876675 2.209850 2.372569
Skewness 0.730834 0.349259 2.975860 0.484081 0.727350
Kurtosis 2.693207 1.718388 18.20314 1.874946 2.290804
Jarque-Bera 25.09423 23.87886 2998.782 24.78471 29.46498
Probability 0.000004 0.000007 0.000000 0.000004 0.000000
Correlation analysis
LNEE 1.0000
ECI 0.6220 1.0000
0.0000 ———
LNFD 0.3877 0.5384 1.0000
0.0000 0.0000 ———
LNNRR 0.5832 0.7876 0.4693 1.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ———
LNGT 0.4918 0.8073 0.4267 0.7371 1.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ———

Table 3
Results of CSD tests for the whole panel.

Friedman Pesaran Breusch-Pagan LM

Test stat. p-value Test stat. p-value Test stat. p-value

82.081* 0.000 7.263* 0.000 292.632* 0.000

Note: *denote significance at 1% level.

Table 4
Results of CSD tests according to variables.

Breusch-Pagan LM Pesaran scaled LM Bias-corrected scaled LM Pesaran CD

Variables Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic
(Prob.) (Prob.) (Prob.) (Prob.)
lnEE 942.6642 94.62211 94.44970 30.23082
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000)
ECI 362.6399 33.48219 33.30978 3.386746
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0007)
lnFD 614.7506 60.05699 59.88458 0.384817
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.7004)
lnGT 569.6502 55.30299 55.13058 9.488090
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000)
lnNRR 367.2564 33.96881 33.79639 14.29857
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000)

Table 5 Table 6
Results of CADF unit root test. Results of Westerlund ECM cointegration test.

Variables I(0) I(1) Statistic Value Z-value P-value Robust P-value

t-stat. P-value t-stat. P-value Gt 1.466 4.278 (1.000) (0.000)*
Ga 1.070 4.384 (1.000) (0.000)*
lnEE 2.017 (0.201) 3.195* (0.000)
Pt 4.336 3.152 (0.999) (0.000)*
lnECI 4.958* (0.000) — —
Pa 3.499 3.272 (1.000) (0.000)*
lnGT 2.577* (0.004) — —
lnFD 2.037 (0.183) 3.092* (0.000) Note: *denote significance level at 1%.
lnNRR 0.842 (0.999) 2.596* (0.003)

Note: *, ** represents the rejection of the null hypothesis of CADF unit root at 1 and
5% significance level. study’s variables is possible. The results of our core model estima-
tion are presented in Table 7. As previously mentioned, we use the
CS-ARDL panel estimator to account for CSD in the dataset.
tegration among the selected variables since the variables are at The CS-ARDL findings, shown in Table 7, show that all factors,
first-difference stationary. including the squared term of economic complexity, green technol-
Table 6 shows that the null hypothesis of no cointegration ogy, and natural resource rents, the interaction term of green tech-
between the variables should be rejected based on the significant nology and financial development, contribute considerably to
robust p-values. As a result, long-term equilibrium between our promoting eco-efficiency in the top 10 polluted nations over time.

F. Chen, S. Ahmad, S. Arshad et al. Gondwana Research 110 (2022) 114–127

Table 7
Short and long-run results of CS-ARDL test.

Dependent variable = Eco-efficiency

Variables Coef. Std. Err. T P>|t| (95% Conf. Interval)
Long Run Est.
ECI 0.0350 0.0474 0.74 0.461 0.1280 0.0580
ECI2 0.0125** 0.0060 2.06 0.040 0.0005 0.0244
lnFD 0.1249*** 0.0755 1.65 0.098 0.2731 0.0231
lnGT 0.0362* 0.0131 2.76 0.006 0.0104 0.0620
lnNRR 0.0500* 0.0172 2.91 0.004 0.0163 0.0838
lnGT  lnFD 0.0223** 0.0089 2.50 0.012 0.0048 0.0398
Short Run Est.
ECT(-1) 0.6028* 0.0456 13.19 0.000 0.6923 0.5132
ECI 0.0509 0.0708 0.72 0.472 0.1898 0.0879
ECI2 0.0199** 0.0093 2.14 0.032 0.0017 0.0382
lnGT 0.0601* 0.0233 2.57 0.010 0.0142 0.1059
lnNRR 0.0808* 0.0301 2.68 0.007 0.0217 0.1399
lnFD 0.1856*** 0.1105 1.68 0.093 0.4023 0.0309
lnGT  lnFD 0.0372** 0.0148754 2.51 0.012 0.0081321 0.0664426

Note: *, **, *** represents the rejection of the null hypothesis at 1%, 5% and 10% level of significance.

However, financial development reduces these countries’ eco- eco-efficiency (Usman et al.,2022). However, the interaction effect
efficiency. Initially, the model is estimated in this study to test of green technology with financial development is significantly
for the presence of an EKC relationship using economic complexity positive, which enhances eco-efficiency. This empiric reveals that
and the squared term of economic complexity. According to the green technology reduces the environmental cost of financial
results, ECI has a negligible impact on eco-efficiency. In this regard, development (Ramzan et al., 2022; Haldar and Sethi, 2022).
the negligible elasticity demonstrates that a 1% increase in eco- Surprisingly, NRR has a beneficial influence on environmental
nomic complexity has no long-term effect on eco-efficiency in efficiency, and it means that a 1% rise in natural resource rents
the top 10 polluted nations. This unexpected result is consistent results in a 0.0500% increase in eco-efficiency. Natural resources
with Khezri et al. (2022). However, After a certain point, the coef- have a beneficial influence on environmental quality when sustain-
ficient of the squared term of economic complexity becomes signif- able and management options are coupled with consumption and
icant and positive. In particular, a 1% rise in squared term of production. As a result, the rate of natural resource depletion and
economic complexity enhances eco-efficiency by 0.0125% in the environmental stress decreases, allowing natural resources to
long run, which is consistent with the prior work of Balsalobre- recover. However, transitioning from outmoded technologies to
Lorente et al. (2022). These findings indicate the existence of a advanced technologies incorporating recycling, refining, innova-
U-shaped ecoefficiency-economic complexity EKC relationship in tion, value-added, and artificial resources that replace natural
the top ten polluted nations (see Fig. 4). resources would increase economic development and improve
From Fig. 4, we find that when economic complexity reaches a environmental quality (Bekun, Alola et al., 2019). Natural resource
value of 1.4, the selected panel presents will reach a direct link plenty decreases reliance on fossil fuel imports since natural
between the eco-efficiency process. According to the database, resource abundance is sufficient to supply energy requirements,
the USA, Japan, Germany, and South Korea had reached a turning and as a result, environmental impact is reduced (Ulucak and
point in 2019, appearing to be a direct link between eco- Khan 2020).
efficiency and economic complexity. This situation categorizes Furthermore, this positive association phenomenon may be sta-
eco-efficiency behaviour in terms of economic complexity, where ted in simple terms. The regeneration potential of natural
the scale effect does not present at the beginning of economic resources can increase environmental quality, implying that natu-
growth. After reaching a particular economic level, a growth in ral resources can counter the drawbacks of fossil fuel energy, as
economic complexity would lower the environmental pollution NRR reduces the country’s reliance on imported and polluting tra-
demonstrating the improving eco-efficiency. This result confirms ditional fossil fuels. This result is consistent with Tufail et al. (2021)
the technical and composition effect in the top ten polluting for developed nations and Shittu et al. (2021) for Asia, but it con-
countries. tradicts Usman et al. (2022).
The findings also found that a 1% rise in financial development Furthermore, a novel variable signified by GT has a positive and
resulted in a -0.1249% decrease in eco-efficiency. As a result of this significant influence on eco-efficiency. This means that a 1%
finding, the developed financial sector decreases the eco-efficiency improvement in green technology results in a 0.0362% gain in
in the world’s top 10 polluted countries. As most of these countries eco-efficiency. The current conclusion emphasizes green energy
belong to the high and upper-middle-income groups, their finan- collaboration to establish a more ecologically friendly energy sys-
cial systems spend more resources on small and large-scale indus- tem and green financial support to encourage sustainable growth.
trial units. Financiers raise their finances in this manner to Low energy efficiency is also one of the primary issues that
reimburse small-scale firms for reimbursement (Usman and received specific attention from the panel. As a result, green tech-
Jahanger, 2021). As a corollary, capitalization consequences restrict nology may be a crucial signal that explains the study’s findings for
technological implications and, eventually, growth of the financial the top 10 polluted economies to adopt clean-environment legisla-
system, reducing eco-efficiency in these nations. tion. According to empirical studies, green technology and the
Furthermore, the expansion of the financial sector increases existing energy structure of the sample countries reduce environ-
the purchasing power of consumers by offering cheap borrowing. mental strain. Although energy intensity has decreased signifi-
This process enables customers to acquire valuable and luxurious cantly in recent years, a selected panel of countries must
things like air conditioners, vehicles, and commercial properties, transition from conventional to contemporary energy sources in
all of which significantly strain the environment and diminish their manufacturing process. One of the critical advantages of

F. Chen, S. Ahmad, S. Arshad et al. Gondwana Research 110 (2022) 114–127

green technology is that it reduces the ratio of traditional energy nomic complexity, the findings revealed that all factors of interest
per output. To promote eco-efficiency, policymakers should have a substantial causal relationship with eco-efficiency in the top
expand clean technologies or increase energy efficiency. In this 10 polluted nations. This result also provides persuasive evidence
regard, green technology in the form of renewable energy can be that our estimation findings are not accidental and that the chosen
an option, significantly when the role of traditional energies in explanatory factors affect the explained variable. In particular,
these nations’ energy structures decreases. Green energy laws financial development has a bidirectional causal link with eco-
and regulations are intended to increase the usage of renewable efficiency. Furthermore, there is a unidirectional causal link
energy sources and stimulate energy innovation to mitigate the between natural resource rents and eco-efficiency, green technol-
negative impact of conventional energy sources on the environ- ogy and eco-efficiency, as well as green technology  financial
ment. Aside from authorities in specific economies, assistance for development and eco-efficiency. Fig. 3 depicts the main summary
academics and scientific institutions should be prioritized to of causal relationships and long-run cointegration among the
achieve better energy efficiency levels. In different areas, particu- variables.
larly in the energy industry, the use and encouragement of
energy-efficient and clean technology should be promoted and 5. Conclusion and policy proposals
supported. The findings of Dogan et al. (2020) also support the out-
come of green technology. Eco-efficiency is a critical component for advocating fundamen-
The CS-ARDL, on the other hand, gives brief coefficient esti- tal changes in how societies generate and consume resources and
mates for each exogenous variable. In this aspect, each variable’s monitoring green growth success. Eco-efficiency has gotten much
short-run and long-run effects are said to be identical. However, attention in the literature on sustainable development, which is
in all variables, the impact size is stronger in the short run than not unexpected (Schaltegger and Synnestvedt, 2002). It is crucial
in the long run, with a 1% rise in each, green technology, natural in conveying the efficiency of economic activity in terms of natural
resource rents, green technology  financial development and products and services. This research adds to the current literature
squared term of economic complexity boost eco-efficiency by by including green technology and natural resource rents in the
0.0601%, 0.0808%, 0.0372% and 0.0199%, respectively. A 1% increase eco-efficiency model for the top 10 polluted nations from 1990
in financial development, on the other hand, reduces eco-efficiency to 2019. Furthermore, other variables such as economic complex-
by -0.1856%. The observed results are significant at the 1%, 5%, and ity, financial development, and the interaction term of green tech-
10% significance levels. nology with financial development are considered. We employ
Furthermore, the findings were consistent with the empirical innovative econometric approaches for empirical analysis. The
findings of the previous investigations. The CS-ARDL also includes CSD result indicates that all of these variables are cross-
an error correction term, which is viewed as the speed of adjust- sectionally dependent. Apart from green technology and economic
ment towards the long-run equilibrium position in terms of the complexity, second-generation unit-root tests show that all vari-
effect of each exogenous variable on the eco-efficiency in the short ables are non-stationary at the level but stationary at the first dif-
run. To be more exact, the ECT revealed that the model is ference. On the other hand, economic complexity and green
approaching equilibrium at 60% every year. technology are stationary at a level.
The model is re-estimated using the panel FMOLS estimator to Furthermore, second-generation Westerlund cointegration
test the robustness of the elasticity estimates. Table 8 summarises investigates if the observed variables have a long-term connection.
the findings of the robustness analysis. Although the magnitudes of The CS-ARDL estimator is used to calculate the short and long-run
the elasticity estimates varied, the similarities in their signs indi- elasticities. To check the robustness of outcomes, we employ the
cate the robustness of the elasticity estimations across the regres- FMOLS method. In addition, we used the Granger causality test
sion techniques evaluated in this research. Fig. 2 depicts the
graphical representation of estimated results. To check the multi-
collinearity among the explanatory variables, we utilize the Vari-
ance Inflation Factor (VIF) test of multicollinearity presented in
Table 9. The VIF test results indicate that all the explanatory vari-
ables are free of multicollinearity. After the regression analysis, the
results of the panel D-H causality test are derived.
This study evaluated the causal relationship between the fac-
tors under discussion after experimentally assessing the effect of
each exogenous variable on the eco-efficiency of the top 10 pol-
luted nations using the CS-ARDL estimator. In this regard, the
Dumitrescu and Hurlin (2012) granger panel causality test were
used in this investigation, and the estimated results are shown in
Table 10. Besides economic complexity and squared term of eco- Fig. 2. Graphical representation of estimated long run coefficients.

Table 8
Robustness Analysis.

Dependent variable = Eco-efficiency

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
ECI 0.006508 0.015552 0.418469 (0.6760)
ECI2 0.213618 0.006652 32.11425 (0.0000)*
LNFD 0.129274 0.014889 8.682468 (0.0000)*
LNNRR 0.020141 0.003960 5.086043 (0.0000)*
LNGT 0.291654 0.009216 31.64694 (0.0000)*
LNGT  LNFD 0.023336 0.002215 10.53357 (0.0000)*

Note: * represents the rejection of the null hypothesis at 1% level of significance.

F. Chen, S. Ahmad, S. Arshad et al. Gondwana Research 110 (2022) 114–127

Table 9 squared term of economic complexity have no causal link with

Results of Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) test. eco-efficiency in these nations. These findings show that policies
Variable VIF 1/VIF aimed at any of these variables might considerably impact the
ECI 4.25 0.235176 top 10 polluted economies’ eco-efficiency. Several policy recom-
lnNRR 2.91 0.344011 mendations are based on the factors’ influence on the eco-
lnGT 2.45 0.408871 efficiency of the top 10 polluting nations.
lnFD 1.32 0.757950 Because there is a significant positive association between
Mean VIF 2.73
green technology and eco-efficiency, increasing green technology
increases eco-efficiency by minimizing the ecological impact. It
may be concluded that green technology increases the degree of
Table 10
eco-efficiency in the top 10 polluted economies, and these econo-
Results of Dumitrescu Hurlin Panel Causality Test.
mies are on the right track. Governments should focus on improv-
Null Hypothesis: W-Stat. Zbar-Stat. Prob. ing environmental quality to increase eco-efficiency. Furthermore,
ECI – lnEE 1.77379 1.26669 (0.2053) such economies should convert their investment programmes to
lnEE – ECI 2.43693 2.48396 (0.0130)** green strategies. Environmental concerns will be addressed as
ECI2 – lnEE 1.66377 1.06620 (0.2863)
eco-efficiency is improved through green technology regulation.
lnEE – ECI2 2.38389 2.38900 (0.0169)**
lnFD – lnEE 2.95215 3.43282 (0.0006)* Natural resource rents are critical to the advancement of every
lnEE – lnFD 2.94481 3.41935 (0.0006)* economy. In a panel of the top 10 polluted nations, natural
lnNRR – lnEE 2.84520 3.23637 (0.0012)* resources were positively linked with eco-efficiency. As previously
lnEE – lnNRR 1.44148 0.65787 (0.5106) stated, most of the countries in the selected panel belong to the
lnGT – lnEE 3.12128 3.74351 (0.0002)*
lnEE – lnGT 1.23689 0.28207 (0.7779)
high and upper-middle-income groups. As a result, these countries
lnGT  lnFD – lnEE 3.06713 3.64404 (0.0003)* are already making better use of their natural resources. However,
lnEE – lnGT  lnFD 1.31078 0.41780 (0.6761) the governments of these countries should continue to control the
ECI2 – ECI 4.53281 6.33123 (2.E-10) excessive use of natural resources. It may be able to improve its
ECI – ECI2 5.06285 7.30419 (3.E-13)
residents’ consumption patterns by lowering fishing and deforesta-
lnFD – ECI 2.08844 1.84426 (0.0651)***
ECI – lnFD 1.98321 1.65111 (0.0987)*** tion, saving energy and water resources, utilizing energy-efficient
lnNRR – ECI 1.20455 0.22177 (0.8245) items, and introducing high-quality into their everyday life. In
ECI – lnNRR 2.56378 2.71682 (0.0066)* managing the use of rare resources, the industry should be strictly
lnGT – ECI 2.31891 2.26732 (0.0234)** controlled; the mining industry, especially, should be urged to
ECI – lnGT 2.30537 2.24247 (0.0249)**
lnGT  lnFD – ECI 3.08172 3.66757 (0.0002)*
employ innovative and energy-efficient technology in their opera-
ECI – lnGT  lnFD 1.46164 0.69370 (0.4879) tions. These countries may reach a higher degree of eco-efficiency
lnFD – ECI2 2.35951 2.34421 (0.0191)** this way.
ECI2 – lnFD 1.90350 1.50656 (0.1319) Our findings show that financial development has a long-term
lnNRR – ECI2 1.14320 0.10997 (0.9124)
negative and significant association with eco-efficiency. This evi-
ECI2 – lnNRR 2.31128 2.25562 (0.0241)**
lnGT – ECI2 2.20611 2.06242 (0.0392)** dence indicates that the financial industry contributes to environ-
ECI2 – lnGT 2.85033 3.24580 (0.0012)* mental pollution by giving loans to environmentally polluting
lnGT  lnFD – ECI2 3.20018 3.88843 (0.0001)* initiatives in the chosen panel. Because the existing body of litera-
ECI2 – lnGT  LNFD 2.12423 1.91203 (0.0559)*** ture also incorporates green technology and financial development
lnNRR – lnFD 1.72549 1.17958 (0.2382)
together, this study investigates a new indication of how the com-
lnFD – lnNRR 2.26845 2.17695 (0.0295)**
lnGT – lnFD 3.69534 4.79800 (2.E-06) bination of green technology and financial development might
lnFD – lnGT 1.74126 1.20854 (0.2268) alter the harmful effects of financial development for eco-
lnGT  lnFD – lnFD 3.82875 5.04306 (5.E-07) efficiency. As a result, these countries should gradually boost the
lnFD – lnGT  lnFD 2.23248 2.11087 (0.0348)**
use of green technology solutions in their financial sectors to
lnGT – lnNRR 1.14462 0.11257 (0.9104)
lnNRR – lnGT 2.02342 1.72685 (0.0842)*** improve eco-efficiency. Green technology can help to improve
lnGT  lnFD – lnNRR 1.65482 1.04976 (0.2938) financial activity and increase the availability of financial resources
lnNRR – lnGT  lnFD 1.87097 1.44681 (0.1480) for environmentally friendly projects. As a result, enhancing and
lnGT  lnFD – lnGT 1.30627 0.40950 (0.6822) sustaining the financial sector’s efficiency in these economies
lnGT – lnGT  lnFD 1.65880 1.05708 (0.2905)
may help to raise the degree of eco-efficiency.
Note: *, ** represents the rejection of the null hypothesis at 1%, and 5% level of Consequently, the findings of the economic complexity-based
significance. EKC hypothesis show that governments in these nations should
heavily stimulate exports of energy-efficient items and knowledge
in this study to see if the study variables are useful in anticipating in order to achieve greater eco-efficiency. More incentives should
other variables. be provided to firms who adopt more environmentally friendly
Regarding the specific impact of explanatory variables on eco- energy sources, and a Pigovian tax should be levied on the usage
efficiency, the CS-ARDL approach results show that the squared of traditional energy sources. As a result, the top ten polluted
term of economic complexity, green technology, natural resource nations may boost exports of high-value-added and complex
rents and green technology  financial development are all critical items, which leads to eco-efficiency. Furthermore, because com-
factors that promote eco-efficiency in the top 10 polluted coun- plex items are sophisticated, economic returns can be significant,
tries. On the other hand, financial development has no positive and their productions contribute to eco-efficiency. These countries
impact on these countries’ eco-efficiency. Furthermore, the granger must make efforts to preserve and improve the quality of their out-
panel causality test confirms a bidirectional causal relationship put. Furthermore, efforts should be made to construct educational
between eco-efficiency and financial development. On the other workshops to improve the abilities of these organizations’ staff. All
hand, green technology, natural resource rents and green of the recommended measures will contribute to long-term eco-
technology  financial development have a one-way causal rela- nomic growth and eco-efficiency, assisting in achieving the global
tionship with eco-efficiency. Further, economic complexity and sustainable target of 2030.

F. Chen, S. Ahmad, S. Arshad et al. Gondwana Research 110 (2022) 114–127

Fig. 3. Summary of results.

Fig. 4. U-shaped EKC between Eco-innovation & Economic Complexity.

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